Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
White-tailed Kite
Swallow-tailed Kite
Golden Eagle
Northern Harrier
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Cooper's Hawk
Northern Goshawk
Bald Eagle
Mississippi Kite
Red-shouldered Hawk
Broad-winged Hawk
Swainson's Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
[Red-tailed Hawk (Eastern)]
[Red-tailed Hawk (Northern)]
[Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan's)]
[Red-tailed Hawk (Krider's)]
Rough-legged Hawk
Ferruginous Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk(Buteo jamaicensis)
1930SummerThe first nest found of this hawk was located by Stanley Stein, near Shakopee on March 30th and held to~ eggs. A nest with one egg was seen by Gustav Swanson, near Stillwater, on May 4th. Peregrine Falcon; Along the North Shore, on May 1oth, Gustav Swanson saw a Duck Ha'tilk 1s nest with four eggs, in which incuba• tion was far advanced.
1931SummerOne nest with tl-ro young Me-.~· 16thth (Stanley Stein); another with young Hay 17th (R. Hoolsey); the earliest nest reported was one with 2 eggs on April 26th (Risser).
1932SummerFive nests of this hawk were found, the first on April 15, with 2 eggs (Stanley Stein),.and the last1 on May 12 by W. J. Breckenridge, also w.ith ~ eggs. Incidentally, the other 3 were also found by_Mr. Breckenridge, all 4 of his nests being within one square nile.
1933Summer Ton nests find their way into the raru{S of the Rod-tail this year. On March 25th Hienenz frund o. nest containing one fresh egg, ncar St. Cloud. A nest with 3 eggs in which incubation wns advnnced was found in Roseau County on Hay 18th by F'ryklund, and on tho followind day tho latest nest reported was found near H~el by Morse and Brnckett. It held 2 eggs. A nest of this species which was found by Stein end th~ writer was also found by a Certain Cooper's Hawk who seened to have taken umbrage at his larger relative's manner cf above to tho extent that he coulc not countenance 'Buteo1 s renaining in the vicinity. In short, when the nest was visited on April 3oth a neatly-punctured egg was found on the ground beneath, bearing era.natic evidence of the aggressor's prowess as an oologist. As a result of this internecine aniooeity the Red-tails ~oved to another looality. The egg, which was intact (save for the hole made by the Cooper's Hawk) despite its fall of about 50 feet, was left where it lay, but it occurs to the writer that a great mistake was made in not having investigated its gastronomic possibilities.
1934Summer The earliest and latest nests of this placid Buteo were report~~ by Hiomenz, from the St. Cloud rceion. On M.:u-ch 28th he discovered a completed but empty nest which, on the second of hpril, contained 2 fresh eegs. A nest with young found by the sane observer on the 2nd of Hny viaS the latest record. Hanson nnd Hior.1enz together reported a nest found near Rockville on April 22nd, containing 2 hatching eggs. They addt "Both birds of this pair l!Ore very lic;ht, pure white below and very light above, the tail showing only faintly red." This is probably the Club's first nesting record for Krider's Hnwk.
1935Summer Mahle, interning a.t Glen Lake, saw a nest with 2 eggs there April 20tho About this same tima BreclrenridgEl saw a nest with 2 eggs on his square-mile study area just; nor·bh of Minneapolis. In.Anoka County, Swanson saw 3 eggs May 5th. Breckenridge and Tt1rner ret.urned to the mile study area May ~ ··. 23rd and found a sterile egg and 1 0-d.ay. old young in a p~~< 1. • viously uninvestigated nest. When Breckenridge climbed to this nest high in an oak, one of the parent birds swooped .with roaring wings 'tdthin half-a-dozen feet of' his head. ( '''
1936Summer On April 26th Robert Upscn discovered n nest with two young clad still in down. W. J. Breckenridge snw on occupied nest on the thirtieth of April in Anoka County. Arnold Erickson reported three occupied nests in Pine County; tho first on Mny 29th held n young in natal down and n partly eaten snowshoe rabbit. In a Norway Pine on Juno 11th he discovered n nest which held triplet young, half-grown. A. Erickson found a nest which hold two three wack o:I:d youngsters on Juno 16th. Charles Du'l'oit saw a nest of unlmo'Wl'l contents on J'ul.y 1st.
1937SummerOn April 18 a nest with one egg was found by D. Mahle at Plainview. The following day, R. Upson found a nest of two eggs at Minneapolis.
1938SummerStruthers and Zimmerman, who specialize in Hawks, found the first Red-tail's nest near Min­neapolis on April I I; it contained 2 eggs. Bob Upson, on April 20, found a nest of 2 eggs at Hastings. On May r at Spring Lake near Hastings, Owre, Mahon, Paul, and Upson saw a nest with one egg.
1943SummerApril 26, a­bove Stillwater. Bros. Le.wis and Pius.
1944SummerApril 22, two eggs, Dakota County, Olson.
1945Summer2 nests, one with young, June 26, one with eggs, May 5, Washington Co., Brother Hubert.
1945WinterOne, Fairmont, December 25, 1940, (Dr. Luedtke); nine, Weaver, December 21, 1941, (Dr. R. R. Keating); several Minneapolis records. KRIDER'S HAWK. One, Root River valley, December 27, 1940, (Minnesota Bird Club members).
1961SummerR. Grant reports an adult incubating one egg on 9 May, Hennepin County.
1961FallOne seen by Avifauna! Club members 4 and 5 Nov. at Fisher Lake, Scott County.
1963SummerWinona Co., Winona, May 18, 2 nestlings, Dr A. E. Allin. Big Stone Co., east shore Big Stone Lake, incubating krideri reported by R. Grant, a competent hawk specialist.
1963WinterFewer numbers than usual this winter. Most interesting report was a melanistic individual with a red tail seen Jan 21 in Anoka Co., by Mrs. Joul. Melanism is virtually unknown in the eastern race, so this individual is probably referable to the western race, Buteo jamaicensis calurus, and is probably the first winter record for our state for that race.
1964Summerlast spring date, 4-4, Traverse Co, RAG, first fall date, 9-3, Dakota Co, RLH.
1964WinterScarce according to most observers. County records: Washington (DH, BL, DS), Ramsey (BL, ACR), Dakota (BL, EWJ, MAS), Wabasha (DGM, LJ), Anoka (ELC, MAS), Hennepin (MEH), Olmsted (JPF), Rice (OAR), Scott (RLH), Winona (XC), Rock (RG, RO, RLH). 1 to 3 birds each.
1965Spring4-10 St. Cloud, NH and 4-24 Alberta, Stevens Co, RAG, (good details). Because of the high incidence of melanism in the western subspecies of the Red-tail, the occurrence of the Harlan's Hawk in Minnesota has aroused some controversy.
1965WinterAll winter: reported by 20 people in Hennepin, Ramsey, Dakota, Washington, Goodhue, Wabasha, Winona, Rice, Olmsted, Migrants?: 2/25 (3), Hennepin Mrs. EWJ. Red-shouldered Hawk. 12/29, Wabasha DGM, Xmas, 1/1, Ramsey, ACR, Xmas; 1/1 Washington?, St. Paul NE. Xmas; 1/2, Winona, Xmas; 2/6, Hennepin, RDT. Rough-legged Hawk. All winter. North: 5 observation by 5 people in Marshall, Cook, Lake, Aitkin, Roseau. Central: 11 observations by 9 people in Stearns, Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington, Dakota. Southeast: 5 observations by 5 people in Olmsted, Rice, Goodhue. Southwest: "every trip," Nobles, HSH; "common," Rock, B. Anderson.
1966Springearliest 3-7 Stearns Co, RPR; 3-7 Rice Co, OAR; 3-10 Carver Co, EWJ; 3-13 Hennepin Co, EMB. HARLAN'S HAWK: 5-1 Colby Lake, Washington Co, HFH; good details; this hawk is difficult to identify and it appears that the forthcoming book on Minnesota birds will recognize only specimens that have been collected.
1966Summernested in Morrison Co, LSR; also reported from Wabasha, Sherburne, Stearns, Beltrami, Aitkin, Rock, Nobles, Anoka, Ramsey, Washington, Olmsted, Winona, Stevens, McLeod, Hennepin, Polk, Crow Wing, Rice, Wright, Lake and Dakota Co's.
1966FallOne unusual record, 924 subspecies krideri (pure white tail, good details) seen by PE, presumably in Cottonwood Co.
1966Winterreported from Dakota, Olmsted, Rice, Goodhue, Wabasha, Winona, Nobles, Hennepin, Washington, Stevens and Ramsey Co's.
1967Springearly 3-1 Dakota Co., EMB; 3-4 Washington Co., DS; 3-5 Rice Co., OAR; 3-8 Washington Co., WWL and Goodhue Co., FN/ MAS.
1967Summernested in Jackson, Swift, Pope, Stevens Co's; also reported Anoka, Carver, Nobles, Hubbard, Beck er, Cook, Wabasha, Hennepin, Morrison, Washington, Winona, Itasca, Beltrami, Houston Co's.
1967Fall latest in north 10-4 Roseau Co., PEB; December, Duluth, JCG. on 5 dates, Tamarac Refuge, Becker Co., JF; 9-15 Washington Co., 1, attacked imm Pileated Woodpecker, WWL; 9-16 Houston Co., FL; 10-1 Stearns Co., 1, KE.
1967Winter reported from Olmsted, Fillmore, Houston, Wabasha, Scott, Carver, Rice, Blue Earth, Watonwan, Anoka, Hennepin, Stearns, Washington, Itasca and St. Louis Co's.
1968Spring early in north, 3-24 Marshall Co., AWR; 3-28 Morrison Co., LSR; 3-29 Becker Co., LJK. - Harlan's Hawk - 3-31 Marshall, Lyon Co., RG, DB, AB, EHH, good details; 4-5 Rosen, Lac qui Parle Co., good details, JAH.
1968Summer nested in Anoka Co; also reported from Pope, Hubbard, Hennepin, Yellow Medicine, Crow Wing, Sherburne, Morrison, Washington, Blue Earth, Lake, Rice, Clearwater, Mille Lacs, Winona Co's.
1968Fall10-7 and 10-30 Watonwan Krider's DMF; 10-23 Duluth 497 MC; late north 11-4 Itasca ACR; 11-30 Duluth MC; late south 11-23 Ramsey ETS; 11-27-11-30 Wabasha DGM; 11-30 Nobles HSH. Harlan's Hawk: 10-10 and 10-12 Lyon PE.
1968WinterMost reported raptor- South: Goodhue, Wabasha, Olmsted, Hennepin, Dakota, Ramsey, Fillmore, Carver, Anoka, Chisago, Winona, Houston, Scott, Watonwan, Rice, and Cottonwood; North: migrants through 12-28 St. Louis (Duluth) JCG; 2-8-11 St. Louis (Duluth) MMC.
1969Spring3-29 Bemidji JAM· 4-3 Waseca Co., WF, and Rose~u Co.: PEE; 4-5 Carver Co., THH; 4-8 Kanabec Co., RHJ; 4-10 (7) Duluth, MMC.
1969Summerreported from 22 counties including Cottonwood, Becker, Norman, Pennington, Wright, Freeborn, Crow Wing, Rice, Morrison, Sherburne, Ramsey, Polk, Marshall, Stearns, Watonwan, Isanti, Carver, Blue Earth, Beltrami, Mahnomen, Mille Lacs, and Nobles.
1969Fall8-8 Duluth 89 MC and PBH; 10-18 Duluth 68 PBH; early north 8-2 PBH; late 11-24, 11-28 Duluth JCG and MC respectively; early south 8-1 Carver KH; late 11-30 Winona Krider's Red-tailed Hawk: 9-13 Hennepin VL; 11-1 and 11-10 Lyon PE.
1969WinterWintered South in Goodhue, Hennepin, Wabasha, Olmsted, Wright, Dakota, Nicollet, Winona, Houston, Rice; North in Lake (1-25, KRE), Cook (1-31, ELC).
1970Springearly north 3-18 Duluth MMC; 3-25 Crown Wing JB ; Krider's reported 5-8 Hennepin G ES.
1970Summernested in Winona (3 nests, 8 y), Wright, and Carver (3 y in nest,KH) Co's. Reported from 11 other cou ntie s throughout the story.
1970Falllate north 11-13 Duluth MMC.
1970Wintermigration to 12-6 (12) Winona BTV; last North 1-3 Duluth Xmas; wintered South in Winona, Wabasha, Goodhue, Rice, Olmsted, Cottonwood, Wright, Washington, Hennepin, Carver, Dakota, Ramsey.
1971Springearly north 3-17 Morrison LR; 3-21 Duluth G. Flaim; 3-23 Ottertail AMB; 2 Krider's reports: 3-6 Scott ES; 5-11 Lac qui Parle BH.
1971Summernested in Sherburne and Carver; also reported from 24 other counties. R~d-shouldered Hawk: reported from Crow Wing, Anoka and Wabasha; though this species Is not getting any more common, it seems to be spreading its range north in recent years.
1971Falllate north 11-7 Clay; 11-9 Du luth; 11-13 Crow Wing. Harlan's Hawk: there were 3 reports of this species, none of which had completely convincing details; see JG's article on this hard-to-Identify species in the March 1967 Loon.
1971WinterNorth reported by 5 people; Dec. in Clearwater, Crow Wing, Ottertail; Jan. thru Feb., 5 birds minimum in Duluth. SE Quarter reported by 16 people in 11 counties. SW Quarter none.
1972WinterReported by ten observers in ten counties. 12-16 (6) Ramsey; 2-24 (4) Wabasha.
1973Summer Nested in Pope, Stearns, Kandiyohi, & Hennepin; seen in 25 other counties including Clay (6-15 Krider's KE).
1973Fall Reported from 26 counties. Late north 11-8 St. Louis (KRE). Peak 10/4 St. Louis (1645) (JCG).
1973Winter Reported from 18 counties north to Chisago, Wright and Cass (Walker Christmas Count).
1974Spring Early north 3-18 Crow Wing TS; 3-26 St. Louis GJN; 3-27 Otter Tail DCF; Harlan's subspecies; 3-30 Rock, dark phase, KE.
1974Summer Nested in Benton and Wright; also reported from 33 other counties; more widespread than usual.
1974Fall Late north 11-6 St. Louis MFC; 11-17 Lake JG; 11-21 St. Louis B. Hojnacki; 10-16 Hennepin OJ (Krider's).
1975Spring Early north 3-15 Becker TRS; 3-20 Itasca MS; 3-31 Crow Wing JB.
1975Summer Nested in Freeborn; also reported from 29 other counties.
1975Falllate north 10-27 Marshall SV; 11-14 St. Louis JG; 11-15 Ottertain SM; peak 10-28 Duluth (1589) Hawk Ridge.
1975Winterreported from 19 counties north to Marshall (Warren Christmas Count) and Duluth (overwintered, DS).
1976Spring Early north 3-15 Crow Wing DK; 3-21 Crow Wing JB; 3-23 Marshall AWR.
1976Summernested in Swift, Sherburne, Olmsted, Houston and Mower; also reported from 31 other counties.
1976Fall Late north 11-22 Duluth; peak 10-13 Duluth (1068).
1976Winter Reported from 18 counties north to Otter Tail and Cook.
1977Spring Early north 3-18 Otter Tail SM and Crow Wing DK; 3-19 Becker GO, GEW; 3-25 St. Louis HPD.
1977Summer Nested in Roseau, Lac qui Parle and Houston; also reported from 32 other counties throughout the state. Red-shouldered Ha.wk Reported from Sherburne, Anoka, Wabasha, Winona and Houston.
1977Winter Overwintered in 29 counties north to Duluth and Lake; fall migrants seen as late as early Jan. in St. Louis, Carlton, Pine, Morrison and Otter Tail; late Feb. migrants also seen in Koochiching and Stearns.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Winona, Olmsted, Wright, Sherburne, Morrison and Lac qui Parle; also seen throughout the state.
1978Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge total 3,957, peak Oct; late North 11-18 Otter Tail NJ.
1978Winter Reported from 22 counties north to Cook (1-20, RMA) and Wilkin (12-26, Harlan's type, BJ).
1979Spring Early north 3-25 Lake SS, 3-29 Clay SM, Otter Tail GMO. Harlan's ssp. noted in Rice, L. Scott Johnson, and in Yellow Medicine, Le Sueur and Renville RJ. Red-shouldered Ha1wk Early south 3-10 Winona DB, OJ; 3-17 Houston, 3-18 Pope BS; early north 3-29 Otter Tail GMO, 4-2 Becker TNWR, 4-19 Crow Wing TS.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Stearns, Sherburne, Wright, Meeker; also seen in 39 other counties throughout the state.
1979Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge total3,176. Late north 11-18 Cass RJ, 11-24 Lake SW, Marshall and Roseau KSS.
1979Winter Reported from 23 counties north to Lake, St. Louis and Itasca. Red-shouldered Ha,wk Reported from Hennepin, Winona and Whitewater State Park.
1980Spring Winter resident south; early north 3-3 St. Louis TH, 3-18 Lake of the Woods TA, 3-29 Otter Tail SM, Marshall KSS.
1980Summer Breeding reported from Big Stone, Stearns, Hubbard; also seen in 47 other counties throughout the state.
1980Fall Hawk Ridge total 3,941 (last year 3,196); also reported from 27 counties.
1980Winter Reported from 29 counties north to Lake, St. Louis and Lake of the Woods.
1981Spring Early north 3-4 Aitkin WN, 3-6 Otter Tail GMO, 3-7 Beltrami AS. Reported from 36 counties.
1981Summer Breeding data from Pennington, Mahnomen, Hubbard. Seen throughout the state.
1981Winter Reported in 27 counties north to Clay, Otter Tail and Duluth.
1982Spring Permanent resident south; early north 3-1 Clay LCF, 3-21 Otter Tail SDM, 3-26 Mille Lacs CF / KB and St. Louis KE. Reported from 13 counties north, 24 south.
1982Summer Breeding data from Becker, Hubbard, Pope, Washington, Winona. Seen throughout the state.
1982Fall Hawk Ridge count: 5410 (1982: 7320). Permanent resident reported from 17 counties north, 22 south.
1982Winter Fewer reports than usual, possibly the result of the record Northern Goshawk influx. Reports from 21 counties north to Duluth, Kanabec and Otter Tail.
1983Spring Early north 3/ I I Becker OJ, 3/13 Otter Tail GMO, SDM, 3/15 Marshall ANWR, permanent resident south.
1983Summer Breeding data from Kittson, Becker, Clearwater, Yellow Medicine, Benton, Sherburne, Anoka, Ramsey, Washington. Seen in 36 other counties throughout the state.
1983Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count 3342 ( 1982: 5410). Permanent resident reported from 17 counties north, 20 south.
1983Winter About 190 individuals were reported. Two overwintered in Duluth; two were on the Walker CBC; one in Otter Tail 2-26 (GMO); one in Murray, 2-25 (RBJ); one in Sherburne on 12-5 (SSEH) and the remainder in the east central, southeast and south central regions with a peak count of 17 on the Wabash a CBC.
1984Spring Permanent resident, reported from 26 counties south, 13 north; early north 3/3 Otter Tail GMO, 3/18 St. Louis AE, 3/30 Mille Lacs MLWMA.
1984Summernested in Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Benton and Olmsted; also seen in 48 other counties.
1984Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count: II,665, a record high (1983: 3,342) with a record one-day high of 2,558 10/28. Permanent resident, reported from 17 counties south; 15 north.
1984Winter About 160 individuals ( 190 last year) reported, primarily from the EC, SC and SE regions. Three overwintered in the Duluth Harbor for the only north record. Peak count of 20 on the Rochester CBC.
1985Spring Overwintered in the south, reported from 28 counties south, 21 north; early north 3/6 Lake SS, 3/13 Aitkin WN, 3/17 Clay LCF, Otter Tail SDM.
1985Summer Nested in Steams, Ramsey; probable nesting in Lake, Washington. Seen in 37 other counties throughout the state.
1985Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 4,259 ( 1984: 11,655) down more than 50%. Permanent resident, reported from 13 counties north, 22 counties south.
1985Winter About 120 individuals (160 L.y.) were reported from 24 counties south and east of a line from Duluth to Rock County. A statewide CBC count of 101 with a peak of 20 on the La Cosse count. Two again overwintered in the Duluth Harbor. Fall1986
1986Spring Permanent resident reported from 35 counties south, 16 north; early north 3/18 Otter Tail SDM, 3/20 Itasca SSt, 3/23 Becker MBW.
1986Summer Nested in Lake (fide SWIMS), Ramsey, Fillmore (AP); probable nesting in Pope, Anoka, Mower. Also seen in 40 other counties throughout the state.
1986Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 2609, lowest since 1972 (1985: 4,259) ; reported from 13 counties north, 21 counties south.
1986Winter Much more numerous than usual. Reports from 38 counties (24 L. Y.) in all but the northwest and west central regions. A statewide CBC total of 2/4 (101 L.Y.). Two again overwintered in Duluth.
1987Spring Reported from 31 counties south, 14 north.
1987Summer Nested in Stearns, Ramsey, Dakota (B. Moldenhauer), Winona, Mower. Also seen in 49 other counties throughout the state.
1987Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 2060 ( 1986: 2667), a record low; reported from II counties north, 29 south.
1987Winter Reported from 29 counties (38 L. Y.) in the eastern and central regions. A statewide CBC total of 240 (205 L. Y.).
1988Spring Reported from 32 counties south, 17 north.
1988Summer Nested in Steams, Carver. Seen in 55 other counties statewide.
1988Winter Reported from Cook and St. Louis in the NE and 28 additional central and south region counties. Most abundant along the Mississippi River in the SE region. Statewide CBC total of 252 (240 l.y.).
1989Spring Reported from 33 counties south, 13 counties north.
1989Summer Nested in Washington; probable nesting in Crow Wing. Seen in 54 other counties statewide.
1989Fall Reported from 12 counties north, 22 counties south.
1989Winter Reported from St. Louis, Beltrami, and Pine in the north and 29 counties in the south. Statewide CBC total of 229 (252 l.y.). Birds reported paired and on territory by 2/3 in Houston and Fillmore.
1990Spring Reported from 33 counties south, 12 counties north.
1990Summer Probable breeding in Washington, Rice; seen in 52 additional counties statewide.
1990Fall Hawk Ridge count: 3397; reported from 13 counties north, 29 south.
1990Winter Reported from St. Louis and Clay in the north. Overwintered in Sherburne and possibly Chisago where seen 1/18 PKL. 2/2 found statewide on CBCs (229 l.y., third straight decline).
1991Spring Reported from 29 counties south, 21 counties north.
1991Summer Fewer reports than previous four years. Nested in Washington, Olmsted, Winona; probable nesting in Crow Wing, Anoka. Seen in 40 additional counties statewide.
1991Fall Hawk Ridge count: 7,486; reported from 29 counties south, 41 north.
1991Winter Reported from 19 counties in the south central, southeast, east central and central regions, plus Aitkin, Lake 1/4 DPV, and the Crosby and Duluth CBC's in the north. Only reports in western regions were Lac qui Parle and Lamberton CBC's, and Rock 2/27. Statewide CBC total of 290, up from 3 years of decline (212 l.y.).
1992Spring Reported from 34 counties south, 21 counties north.
1992Summer Nested in Brown JS, Olmsted, Winona, Marshall; probable breeding in nine counties. Seen in 39 other counties statewide.
1992Fall Hawk Ridge count: 5,875. Reported from 29 counties south, 22 north.
1992Winter Very widespread. Reported from 38 counties mostly in the south and east. Only north reports from Kanabec, Pine, St. Louis (overwintering in Duluth), 1/18 Lake DPV, and the Long Prairie CBC. Absent from the north central and northwest regions, with the only reports in the west from Yellow Medicine, Lyon, and the Lac qui Parle CBC. CBC total 249.
1993Spring Reported from 36 counties south, 16 counties north.
1993Summer Nested in St. Louis KB, Aitkin WN, Washington, Hennepin, Dakota; probable nesting in Pennington, Crow Wing, Anoka, Ramsey. Seen in 45 additional counties statewide.
1993Fall Hawk Ridge count: 8,195. Reported from 18 counties north, 22 south.
1993Winter Reported from 34 counties (38 l.y.). The adult seen 1/14 Lake of the Woods KB, PS was unusually far north for midwinter. No reports in the western regions.
1994Spring Reported from 36 south and 18 north counties.
1994Summer Fewer reports than usual. Nested in Chisago JS/MN, Goodhue JS/MN, Hennepin, Carver; probable nesting in Kandiyohi. Seen in 40 other counties statewide.
1994Fall Hawk Ridge count: 15,448, a new high; peak 10/24 (3,991), a record one-day count for North America. Reported from 14 counties north, 26 counties south.
1994Winter Unusually widespread during mild conditions. Reported from a record 45 counties from throughout the state, including the north and west where infrequently reported in winter. CBC total 536 individuals, probably a record number, with many counts tallying 40–50+ individuals.
1995Spring Reported from 35 south and 21 north counties.
1995Summer Nested in seven counties including Otter Tail SDM; probable nesting in seven others. Seen in 33 additional counties statewide.
1995Fall Peak of 250 on 10/12 Polk SKS; also reported from 24 of the 34 north counties and 30 of the 53 south counties. Hawk Ridge had 7,520.
1995Winter Reported from 35 south counties, plus Kanabec, Todd, Becker and St. Louis in the north. CBC total 408 (record 536 l.y.).
1996Spring Reported from 73 counties, including on nests (4) Rice JL.
1996Summer Nested in Todd JSK, Le Sueur JL, Otter Tail, Rice; probable nesting in five counties. Seen in 57 additional counties statewide.
1996Fall Reported from 63 counties statewide. Interesting notes of a “Harlan's” on 9/25 Wilkin SDM, a total albino 10/27 HRNR, St. Louis Co. SDM, and a “Krider's” on 11/20 Cass TT. Peak count 10/28 HRNR (1472) FN.
1996Winter Reported from 32 south and 6 north counties. CBC total 378.
1997Spring Reported from 66 counties. Early north 3/3 (overwintered?) Morrison WB. At nest 5/24 Todd JSK/SDu. Unusual local concentration 3/31 Otter Tail (332) SDM.
1997Summer Probable nesting in 12 counties; seen in 44 additional counties statewide.
1997Fall Reported from 59 counties. Peak count 10/15 HRNR (1,543). Among the seasonal total of 9,275 at HRNR were several “Harlan's Hawks” and 71 dark-morph Red-taileds.
1997Winter Reported from 36 south and 7 north counties. CBC total 397.
1998Spring Reported from 61 counties. Unusual local concentration 3/28 Anoka (298) KB. Peak 4/10 Duluth (753) FN. Several observers noted large flights in southern Minnesota on 3/30, following a powerful storm. Seven “Harlan's Hawks” were reported 3/27–4/5, three of these from Duluth (FN).
1998Summer Observed in 60 counties statewide. New nesting records in Lincoln RgS, Lyon RgS; probable nesting in McLeod, Goodhue, Freeborn.
1998Fall Reported from 67 counties. Among the total of 8,532 at Hawk Ridge were seventy dark-morphs, one adult “Harlan's Hawk” on 10/20, two adult “Krider's Hawks” and two partial albinos.
1998Winter Reported from a record 48 counties as far north as St. Louis (Duluth), 12/27 Beltrami PS, and the Warren CBC. CBC total a record 600. Two unusual subspecies reported: a dark morph immature (B. j. calarus / harlani) was seen 1/4 Ramsey KB, and an immature Krider's (B. j. krideri) was described 1/17–2/20 Dakota DBS, SWe, TT.
1999Spring Reported throughout the state. Peak counts were both at Enger Tower in Duluth: 4/7 (514) and 4/8 (543) FN, DCa. “Harlan's” Hawks reported late March in Washington (imm.) KB, 3/30 Anoka RH, 4/3 Anoka (ad.) KB.
1999Summer Observed in 59 counties statewide.
1999Fall Reported from 24 north and 46 south counties. One “Krider's” found 10/1 Todd JSK, SDu.
1999Winter Reported from 58 counties throughout the state. Adult dark morph Western race (B. j. calurus) reported in St. Paul, Ramsey Co. on 1/7 †EP and 1/29 †KB. Krider's (B. j. krideri) reported on Long Prairie CBC. Peak 12/18 Winona CBC (92), includes Wisconsin birds.
2000Spring Seen throughout the state. Also see Table 1.
2000Summer Many reports, quite similar to 1996; observed in 65 counties statewide.
2000Fall Reported from 24 north and 44 south counties. Dark-morph “Harlan's” documented 11/11 Sherburne †TAT.
2000Winter Reported from 51 counties, in all regions except Northwest.
2001Spring Seen in 76 counties. Peak migration 4/1 at Hastings-Prescott Bird Count (KJB). Unusual counts 3/30 (238) and 4/1 (198) Mower RDK, RCK. See Table 1 for totals at West Skyline Hawkwatch in Duluth, where noteworthy sightings included a partial albino on 4/4 and no fewer than 51 adult dark/rufous morphs — 19 of these in one day! Total of 19 “Harlan's” Hawks at the Hastings-Prescott Bird Count, including peak of 8 on 4/3 (KJB). Harlan's also reported 3/25 Dakota (adult light) JMa, 4/5 Jackson (two adult dark) and Murray (adult dark) KJB, 4/8 Grant SPM, 4/13 St. Louis (adult dark) FJN, 4/14 Stevens RBJ.
2001Summer Reported in 52 counties statewide.
2001Fall Reported from 22 north and 43 south counties statewide.
2001Winter Reported from 56 counties in all regions. Adult dark morph (B. j. calurus) observed 1/6 Washington (Newport) †KJB, within several miles of dark morph seen last two winters.
2002Spring Seen in 75 counties statewide. Among the total of 7309 at W.S.H.C. (Table 1) were 87 adult and 3 immature dark morphs, 3 adult “Krider's” Hawks, an adult light and 5 adult dark-morph “Harlan's” Hawks, plus intergrades (FJN, DSC). Dark “Harlan's” also reported 3/30 Dakota TAT, 4/6 Carver RMD, plus 8 for the season at H.P.B.C. (7 on 4/6) KJB. Unusual location for “Krider's” Hawk 5/5 Hennepin †PEB.
2002Summer Reported in 58 counties statewide.
2002Fall Reported from 28 north and 42 south counties statewide. Highlights at H.R.N.R., Duluth included 87 dark morphs, 7 partial albinos, 2 total albinos, 2 adult “Krider's” and several intergrades, but no “Harlan's” (FJN, DSC et al.).
2002Winter Reported from 48 counties throughout the state
2003Spring Reported from 66 counties statewide. Peak migration south 3/31 Dakota (445 at H.P.B.C.) KJB. See Table 1 for totals at W.S.H.C. in Duluth, where highlights included 47 dark morphs (10 on 4/9), one adult “Krider's” Hawk, and two adult “Harlan's” Hawks (one dark morph and one light morph) FJN, DSC.
2003Summer Seen in 56 counties statewide; new nesting record in Murray NED.
2003Fall Reported from 64 counties statewide. Seasonal total of 12,897 at H.R.N.R. was highest since 1994 and included one “Harlan's”, a few “Krider's”, and several intergrades (FJN). Peak count 10/29 St. Louis (3934 at H.R.N.R., Duluth) FJN et al. Two reports of “Harlan's” from Wilkin: 10/4 (immature at Rothsay W.M.A.) KRE, 10/12 (no location) SPM.
2003Winter Reported from 43 counties as far north as St. Louis (Duluth) and Polk. Unusually early was the “Harlan's” Hawk 2/27 Winona SPM.
2004Spring Observed in 61 counties statewide. Peak migration 3/20 Dakota (226 at H.P.B.C.) KJB, 4/1 St. Louis (942 at W.S.H.C. in Duluth). Other W.S.H.C. highlights included 65 dark morphs (10 on 4/9), two adult “Krider's” Hawks, and five adult “Harlan's” Hawks (three dark morphs and two light morphs) FJN, DSC.
2004Summer Reported from 56 counties statewide; new nesting record in Cass JWL.
2004Fall Reported from 61 counties statewide. Peak count 10/16 St. Louis (680 at H.R.B.O.) FJN, DSC. Below-average season at H.R.B.O., but the total of 6553 included a number of dark morphs, several “Harlan's”, one “Krider's”, and several intergrades.
2004Winter Reported from 13 north and 29 south counties as far north as Polk and St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog area). Dark morphs reported 1/22 Dakota (Black Dog L.) PEB, 1/27 Scott (Blakely) JEB.
2005Spring Observed in 81 counties statewide. Peak migration 4/2 St. Louis (783 at W.S.H.C. in Duluth) FJN, DSC.
2005Summer Most reports since 1996: observed in 66 counties statewide.
2005Fall Seen in 76 counties statewide. High count 10/15 St. Louis (1,054 at H.R.B.O., Duluth) FJN, RSB.
2005Winter Reported from 50 counties statewide except in Northwest. At least one adult overwintered St. Louis (Duluth, Port Terminal) PHS.
2006Spring Seen in 81 counties statewide. Peak migration 4/5 St. Louis (484 at W.S.H.C., Duluth) DSC. Adult “Krider's” Hawk 3/26 Dakota (H.P.B.C.) KJB, dark-morph “Harlan's” Hawk 3/29 Dakota (H.P.B.C.) KJB.
2006Summer Seen in 80 counties statewide.
2006Fall Seen in 84 counties statewide. Peak count 10/21 St. Louis (1,536 at Duluth) H.R.B.O.
2006Winter1244 Numerous reports from all regions. Krider's subspecies 2/17 Isanti AXH.
2007Spring3052 Peak count 3/24 St. Louis (703, W.S.H.C., Duluth) DSC.
2007Summer2247 Seen throughout state.
2007Fall3351 Peak count 10/13 St. Louis (835 at H.R.B.O.) EMG, KJB.
2007Winter1138 Numerous reports south of a line from East Grand Forks to Duluth. For the fifth consecutive year, presumably the same dark-morph adult was seen 1/12 at SKB Industries west of Hastings. Noteworthy was a dark phase B. j. harlani viewed from Read's Landing 2/24 Wabasha DWK. Also of interest were 41 birds counted 1/23 between Meeker (Litchfield) and Mille Lacs (Princeton) DMF.
2008Spring3151 Reported from 82 counties statewide.
2008Summer2241 Reported throughout state.
2008Fall3347 Peak count 10/20 St. Louis (1,157 at H.R.B.O.) KJB.
2008Winter846 Over-wintering adult in St. Louis (WLSSD W.T.P., Duluth). Numerous reports south of a line from Clearwater County to Duluth.
2009Spring3353 Reported statewide. Seasonal total of 3,516 at W.S.H.C. (peak of 664 on 4/11) KJB, included single Harlan's on 4/5, 4/12 and 4/16. Harlan's also reported 4/6 McLeod †KRE, 5/9 Stearns †PCC.
2009Summer2541 Found throughout state. First county breeding record from Rock RMD.
2009Fall3151 Peak count 10/31 St. Louis (1,134 at H.R.B.O.) KJB. One Krider's reported 10/31 St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) KJB; six Harlan's found in St. Louis near H.R.B.O. 10/18–11/3 fide KJB.
2009Winter1443 Numerous reports statewide. High counts 12/19 Bloomington CBC (76), 12/19 St. Paul (North) CBC (53), 12/19 Rochester CBC (41), 12/27 Red Wing CBC (41). Interesting was a dark-morph adult in Dakota (CR 42 near Spring Lake Park) 1/2 JPM and 1/9 BAF. This may be the same bird that has been present annually along Pine Bend Trail for the past 5–6 years.
2010Spring3252 Reported statewide. Seasonal total of 2,336 at W.S.H.C. (peak of 254 on 4/7) KJB, included single Harlan's on 3/28, 4/6. Krider's reported 3/7 Hennepin DWK, 3/10 Dakota PEJ, 3/22 Jackson ph. JPM. Also see Table 1.
2010Summer3146 Found statewide. First county breeding records for Dodge TEB, Douglas JPE.
2010Fall3353 High count 10/26 St. Louis (960 at H.R.B.O.) KJB. Subspecies harlani in Blue Earth 11/21 ph. †ChH
2010Winter1546 Reported statewide, except for the Northwest. High counts: 12/16 Martin (8) BRB, 2/6 Steele (8) DBM. CBC high counts 12/18 St. Paul (North) (69), Faribault (49), Bloomington (48).
2011Spring3453 Reported statewide. Seasonal total of 1,774 at W.S.H.C. (peak of 581 on 4/7) EBr, included single Harlan's on 4/2. Harlan's also reported 3/21 Lac qui Parle ph. BJU, 3/31 Aitkin DAC, RBJ, 4/17 Traverse †RPR. Krider's reported 3/20 Brown BTS, 4/8 Wilkin JWH, 4/30 Big Stone RPR, m.ob.
2011Summer3350Observed statewide. First county breeding records for Cook JCG, Norman CCa.
2011Fall3151 High count 10/19 St. Louis (686 at H.R.B.O.) KJB. Peak count away from Hawk Ridge: 10/13 Blue Earth (137, includes 1 Krider's) ChH. Krider's also reported 11/13 St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) KJB.
2011Winter1948Reported statewide, including all but 5 south counties. High count north 12/18 Morrison (7) MJB; other north high counts were 3 or fewer. CBC north high counts 12/18 Little Falls (15), 1/1 Long Prairie (10). More numerous south, with high counts 1/21 Houston (22) RTP, 1/21 Houston (19) JWH, 2/5 Dakota (19) ASm, 12/30 Goodhue (14) JFR. CBC south high counts 12/17 St. Paul (North) (50), Rochester (49), Faribault (45), Bloomington (44). Dark-morph Harlan's Hawk (B. j. harlani) reported 12/23 Blue Earth (Land of Memories Park, Mankato) ChH, ph. †AnK.
2012Spring3353 Reported from 86 counties statewide.
2012Summer3453 Found in every county. First county breeding records for Nobles SC, Pipestone SWe.
2012Fall3353 High count 10/14 St. Louis (641, H.R.N.R.) KJB.
2012Winter1747 South reports from all but 6 counties. January–February north reports from 13 counties. High counts 1/19 Houston (32) JPr, 1/19 Winona (32, Wiscoy Valley) MGo. High count north 12/22 Morrison (13) KEm. CBC high counts 12/30 Red Wing (73), 12/15 Rochester (67), 12/15 Bloomington (59), 12/29 Hastings-Etter (51). Several dark-morph individuals reported: 1/1 Chisago (adult) JSa, Dakota and Ramsey (Kaposia Landing) PEB, DWK, 1/2 Goodhue (juvenile, Prairie Island) GJM, 2/27 Goodhue (adult, Prairie Island) GJM. Dark-morph “Harlan's” Hawk (B. j. harlani) photographed 12/22 Dakota (near Black Dog Park, Burnsville) DEn; possibly the same bird was reported in the same area 1/6 (as dark-morph Red-tailed Hawk) RDE, JFR.
2013Spring3353 Reported from 86 counties statewide. High count 4/22 St. Louis (56, W.S.H.C.) EBr.
2013Summer3452 Observed in every county except Rock. First county breeding records from Crow Wing MRN, Faribault JSc.
2013Fall3350 Seen throughout the state all season. High counts all from St. Louis H.R.N.R. by KJB: 1,135 on 10/21, 847 on 10/16.
2013Winter1449 Reported from fewer north counties than the last two winters, with no reports north and west of a line from Wilkin to Koochiching. North high counts were 3 or fewer. South reports from all but 4 counties, with high counts 12/29 Goodhue (14) JFR, 12/28 Dakota (10) DVe, 1/10 Houston (9) ANy. CBC high counts (all south) 12/28 Hastings-Etter (45), 12/14 Rochester (44), 12/29 Red Wing (42). CBC high count north 12/14 Little Falls (8).
2014Spring2953Reported statewide. High count 4/20 St. Louis (1,312, W.S.H.C., including 24 adult dark/rufous, 3 Krider's intergrades, 1 partial albino) FJN. Harlan's reported 3/14 Cottonwood DHr, 3/30 Blue Earth ChH, 4/1 Wright ToL, 4/5 Nobles BTS, m.ob. Krider's reported 3/29 Nobles PEJ, 3/30 Stearns †PCC.
2014Summer3149Seen throughout state.
2014Fall3453 Found in every county of the state. High count 10/25 St. Louis (1,205, H.R.B.O.) KJB.
2014Winter1847 Reported statewide, including all but six south counties. Post-December reports from 14 north counties. North high counts 1/1 Kanabec (5) MJB, 12/27 Pine (3) JSa. South high counts 12/12 Dakota (15) ADS, 1/17 Fillmore (14) MJB. CBC high counts 12/20 St. Paul (North) (55), 12/28 Red Wing (48), 12/20 Fairbault (40), Rochester (39). CBC high count north 1/1 Long Prairie (6). Dark-morph adult 12/27 Dakota (Burnsville landfill) †PEB. Other dark morphs 1/6 Winona DVe, 1/14 Dakota JWZ.
2015Spring3253 Reported from 85 counties statewide. High count 4/1 Blue Earth (43) BHW.
2015Summer3450 Seen in every county except Chippewa, Lincoln, Rock.
2015Fall3453 Reported from every county in the state throughout the season. High counts were 888 on 10/17 and 824 on 10/16, both from St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) KJB.
2015Winter1953 Reported statewide, including all 53 south counties. Post-December reports (all of three or fewer individuals) from 14 north counties. North high count 12/19 Morrison (6) KEm, MEm. North CBC high count: 1/1 Long Prairie (8). South high counts: 1/16 Winona (22) JnD, Goodhue (21) DVe, KDS, AlF, 1/15 Dakota (12) ADS, 12/26 Dakota (11) TAT. CBC high counts 12/19 Bloomington (70), 12/26 Hastings-Etter (63), 12/19 Mankato (57), 12/19 Rochester (56), 12/19 Excelsior (53). Dark-morph Harlan's Hawk (B. j. harlani) reported 1/20, 1/27 Dakota †ADS. Several dark morphs of the western subspecies B. j. calurus were reported including 1/4 Dakota ph. JWZ.
2016Spring3453 Found in all 87 counties. High counts 3/29 St. Louis (271, W.S.H.C., including one adult dark/rufous and an adult Krider's) FJN, 4/5 St. Louis (258, W.S.H.C.) FJN, 3/28 St. Louis (255, W.S.H.C., including 5 adult dark/rufous) FJN.
2016Summer3151 Seen in every county except Brown, Cook, Lake, Mahnomen, Pipestone. High count 7/12 Stearns (10, Wakefield Twp., sec. 6) MJB, DOr.
2016Fall3453 Found in every county. High counts 10/24 St. Louis (1,102) H.R.B.O., 10/20 St. Louis (1,012) H.R.B.O., 10/19 St. Louis (893) H.R.B.O. Five reports of Harlan's all between 10/17 and 10/20, and 14 of Krider's.
2016Winter2350 Reported statewide, including all but three south counties. Post-December north reports from 21 counties, all of 1–4 birds. South high counts 12/6 Blue Earth (16) BHW, 1/21 Goodhue (15) DVe. CBC high counts 12/31 Hastings-Etter (48), 12/18 Rochester (40), 12/17 Bloomington (34). Two records of Harlan's Hawk (B. j. harlani), both Scott (different locations): 1/1 ph. JWZ, LiH, 1/2 ph. BAb.
2017Spring3353 Found in every county except Cook. High counts 4/12 St. Louis (137, W.S.H.C.) ClN, 4/2 St. Louis (93, W.S.H.C.) JLK.
2017Summer3452 Reported from every county except Nobles.
2017Fall3453 Reported from every county in the state. High counts 10/24 St. Louis (1,257) H.R.B.O., 10/23 St. Louis (854, including one dark adult Harlan’s) H.R.B.O..
2017Winter1850 Reported statewide, including all but three south counties. North reports after December from 12 counties, all of 1–5 individuals. Season high count north 12/17 Morrison (9) SEm. North CBC high counts 12/17 Little Falls (19), 1/1 Long Prairie (18). South high counts 2/10 Sherburne (23) JCC, 1/20 Isanti (15) EzH, Goodhue (14) AJF, KDS. CBC high counts 12/16 Rochester (64), Bloomington (63), Excelsior (44), 12/23 Red Wing (40). Harlan's subspecies (B. j. harlani) reported 12/17–2/28 Hennepin (Edina) ph. GAn, m.ob.
2018Spring3453 Found in all 87 counties. High counts 4/11 St. Louis (440, W.S.H.C.) FJN, 4/20 St. Louis (337, W.S.H.C.) JPR, FJN, 4/23 St. Louis (337, W.S.H.C.) FJN, JPR.
2018Summer3353 Seen in every county except Lake.
2018Fall3453 Reported from every county in the state. High counts 10/17 St. Louis (1,377) H.R.B.O., 10/20 St. Louis (750) H.R.B.O.
2018Winter2152 Reported from 21 north counties, more than the 10-year average of 16, although no reports after December north of a line from and including Clay to Cass and Itasca. Season high counts north: 1/5 Kanabec (10) SPS, 1/1 Todd (8) MJB. Reported from all south counties except Rock, with high counts 1/5 Wright (9) ToL, 1/13 Chisago (9) ebd. CBC high counts 12/15 Bloomington (58), 12/15 Rochester (53), 12/30 Wabasha (41). There were no reports of Harlan’s or Krider’s subspecies.
2019Summer3453 Observed in all counties.
 Breeds throughout. Winter visitant mostly south.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.