Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Gray Partridge
Ring-necked Pheasant
Ruffed Grouse
Spruce Grouse
Willow Ptarmigan
Rock Ptarmigan
Sharp-tailed Grouse
Greater Prairie-Chicken
[Sharp-tailed Grouse X Greater Prairie-Chicken]
Wild Turkey

Ruffed Grouse(Bonasa umbellus)
1930SummerNo nest found but famil7 groups vere seen by Alden Risser at Frontenac, June 21st. by Gustav Swanson near Deer River, June 13th, and by the writer at Pigeon River, June 16th, at the Brule River, June 17th, and at Devils Track Lake, June 20th. Tl)e Flie1ter, 1930 -2:1
1931SummerA nest with 13 eggs on May 25th, and a brood of newly hatched young on the same date. Both reported by Jerome Stoudt fr~ north of Stillwater.
1932Summer2 nests of this.noble game bird were found; one by John Huseby at Center City, June 5. This nest contained 11 eggs. The other one had 12 eggs, lll'ld was found by Robert Nicol at Brainerd, May 22. 1-hny broods of young Grouse wore seentas many as 10 in one day along the Gunflint \'rail (Swedonborg) •
1933Summer Three nests o.nd many broods of young reported. Tho first W!I.S reported by Hiemenz, the nest being found near St. Cloud on AprU 29th, when it held 5 eggs of tho owner and 3 Pheasant eggs. On May 1at tho nest contained 6 grouse oggs nnct 4 Jlhca.sant eggs. A nest with 6 eggs ws found near Ely on June 11th by Hanson, who also found another on the 12th which containoel 9, eggs..
1934Summer On the 16th of May, Morse found 2 nests of this species near Cloquet. One held 4 eggs and the other, 6, The latest nest contained 12 eggs when seen by Feeney on July 21st at Itasca Park. Hoi·Te'lfer, the nest was"desertod Ju~y 22nd and eggs were found to be infertile.11 \
1936Summer Arnold Erickson observed a female' and •te~ small chicks in Pine County on june 7th. On June ·13th an adult with' one chick was seen by Zaleznikar; on Juno ·29th he saw another b;rood of ten near the town of Aurora. Milton Thompson nushed a covey or ton young .31 -The Fl.Lke;r., ·t936 at Eveleth.. On July 26th Dr. :4ahle saw six young able to fly at Burntside Lake.
1937SummerOn June 18 visited by Rysgaard, Risser and Pittelkow eight young about ten days old were seen near Cloquet by Marius Morse. Arnold Erickson· flushed seven fledged young on August 24, in the St. Croix National Park.
1938SummerThe first nest of this species was found by N. L. Huff and A B. Erickson at Lake Itasca on May 28. Although deserted, it contained 8 addled eggs. The first young, 2 tiny chicks, were seen by W. ]. Breckenridge on June 7 at Cedar Creek Bog in Anoka County. On July 26 at Gull Lake, E. D. Swedenborg saw 2 families of small young. Finally, on July 20 in the Northwest Angle at Lake of the Woods G. Swanson observed a brood of 9 small young.
1940SummerG. Rysgaard saw 8 young that were about 2 days old on June I2, and 9 young on July 3, at Sturgeon Lake. John C. Andrews flushed a female with 8-Io young on Honeymoon Trail, Poplar River, Cook Co. on July I4­
1944Summer3. July 4, two broods about five-weeks old, 11 young near Tower, seven young near Ely, El­len and Arnold Erickson. Another found by Mrs. Olin and Katherine Lieske.
1945WinterPresent throughout the year.
1946Summer12 young, June 7, St. Louis Co., Bro. Hubert. Brother Hubert has stated that the parent with this brood was so tame that it allowed itself to be petted.
1947Summer10 eggs, June 7, Isanti Co., Barrett; 10 young, July 21, St. Louis Co., Lakela.
1961Springwere heard drumming at the Dorer Pools, Wabasha County, on 13 May by members of the Avifauna! Club. Seen on 11 May near Vasa, Goodhue County by R. Janssen. 
1961SummerAn adult with ten young was seen by the Huber brothers on 1 July near Freeburg, Houston County. Dean Honetschlager saw a hen with four young on 9 August near Star Island.
1962SummerJune 23, Itasca Park, 5 young, Avifauna! Club; July 8, Cook Co., 1 young, Dr. A. E. Allin; July 21, Fernberg Road, Lake Co., 2 young, Janet C. Green.
1963SummerAnoka Co., Aug. 10, 2y, R. B. Janssen. Clearwater Co., Itasca Park, June 28, ad, 4y, R Grant. St. Louis Co., Hibbing, July 4, ad, 8y, H. Micensky. Lake Co., Drummond line, June 16, ad, 6y, Ruth Kuchta.
1964Summerbreeding in Washing ton (ELC), Itasca (JAM), Beltranfi (JAM), St. Louis (NJH), Lake (JCG) and Roseau (PEB) Counties.
1964WinterScarce, reported in small flocks of 1 to 4 from St Louis (JCG, VFB), Lake (BL, MIG), Cook (LS, MOP), Beltrami (MG), Ramsey (BL), Anoka (XC) and Winona (XC) Counties.
1966Springone report in March, Itasca Co, ACR; five reports in April from Goodhue, Olmsted, St. Louis, Aitkin and Kanabec Co's; nine reports in September, 1966 May from Dakota, Wabasha, Stearns, Winona, Cook and St. Louis Co's.
1966Summernested in Marshall, Cook and Lake Co's; also reported from Roseau, Morrison, Itasca and Winona Co's.
1966FallAll reports north and east of Duluth except the following: 9-3 Anoka Co., ACR; 10-2 Crow Wing Co., 2, MIG; 10-8 Ogilvie, 18, DB.
1966Winterpicking up again after decline in recent years; reported by 19 of our observers from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Beltrami, Aitkin, Clearwater, Morrison, Stearns, Anoka and Winona Co's.
1967Summernested in Washington, Cook, Lake Co's; also reported from Morrison, St. Louis, Aitkin Co's.
1967Fall reported from Beltrami, Becker, Ottertail, Norman (EGA), Kanabec, Goodhue, St. Louis, Stearns, Morrison, Lake, Cook, Wabasha, Itasca, Ramsey and Washington Co's.; numbers increasing steadily.
1967Winter reported by 2 7 observers from 15 counties: Lake, Roseau, Cook, Fillmore, Stearns, St. Louis (32 on Duluth Xmas count!!), Goodhue, Chisago, Itasca, Marshall, Aitkin, Crow Wing, Morrison, Beltrami, Kanabec Co's.
1968Spring reported by 14 observers from Washington, Cook, Anoka, Stearns, Becker, Marshall, St. Louis, Morrison, Beltrami, Lake-of-the-Woods Co.'s and Fargo-Moorhead.
1968Summer nested in Anoka, Washington, Cook, Lake, Isanti, Clearwater, Mille Lacs Co's; also reported from Carlton, Crow Wing, Morrison, Pine, Itasca Co's.
1968WinterReported from Chisago, St. Louis, Anoka, Lake, Aitkin, Cook, Morrison, Roseau, Wabasha, Olmsted, Fillmore, Mille Lacs, and Washington Counties.
1969SpringSeen in Wabasha, AnoKa, Kanabec, Morrison, Carver, St. Louis, Isanti, Mille Lacs, and Cook Counties.
1969Summernested in Cook, Pine, Beltrami, and Cass. Also reported from St. Louis, Mille Lacs, Crow Wing, Clearwater, Morrison, Red Lake, and Winona.
1969FallReported from Cass, Chisago, Cook, Crow Wing, Lake; Marshall, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Pine, St. Louis, Sherburne, and Winona counties.
1969WinterReported from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Mille Lacs, Aitkin, Marshall, Chisago, Stearns, Goodhue, Wabasha, Fillmore, Winona, Morrison, Clearwater.
1970Springreported from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Clearwater, Beltrami, Mahnomen, Pine, Mille Lacs, Chisago, Sherburne, Morrison, Washington and Goodhue.
1970Summernested in Mille Lacs, Anoka, Washington, St. Louis, Aitkin, and one rather westerly report (6-13 Brooten, Stearns Co; BAH). -- Beltrami, Winona, and Cook Co's. Apparently at the peak of their cycle in most sections of Minnesota.
1970Fallreported from Winona, Wabasha, Mille Lacs, Clearwater, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis, Lake, and Cook; fewer reports than usual.
1971Springreported from Cook, St. Louis, Cass, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Clearwater, Marshall, Clay, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Stearns, Sherburne (pP.ak 5-14 (16) RLDl. Pine. Washington, Dakota, Goodhue, Wabasha, and Winona. Greater Prarie Chicken: 4 reports all from Rothsay, Wilkin Co.,: 4-9 (38) DB; 4-15 LW; 4-17 (68) KJG; 5-1 (12) KH.
1971Summernested in Pine, St. Louis and Benton; also reported from 12 other counties.
1971Fallreported from Crow Wing, Duluth, Mille Lacs, Carlton. Cook, Lake, Ottertail. Morrison. Lake of the Woods, Pine, Dakota, Stearns, Sherburne, Chisago, Wabasha, Anoka and Clay.
1971WinterNorth reported by 18 people in 12 counties; South reported by 6 people in Washington, Chisago, Sherburne, Hennepin, Car ver, Benton.
1972Summernested in St. Louis, Lake, Cass, Sherburne, Isanti, (Itasca), (Hubbard), (Becker), (Clearwater), (Beltrami), (Mille Lacs), (Crow Wing), (Anoka), (Isanti); seen also in Cook.
1972WinterNORTH Reported by 15 observers from 11 counties. SOUTH Reported from Anoka, Goodhue, Sherburne, Stearns, Washington and Winona.
1973Summer Nested in Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Hubbard, Cass, Aitkin, Mille Lacs, Grant, Sherburne, Anoka, Washington, & Dakota.
1973Fall Reported from 12 counties.
1973Winter Reported from 24 counties.
1974Spring Reported from St. Louis, Hubbard, Morrison, Cass, Becker, Mille Lacs, Lake, Goodhue, Dakota, Washington, Anoka, Mahnomen, Sherburne and Houston.
1974Summer Nested in Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Stearns, Washington, Wabasha, Hennepin; also reported from Clearwater, Aitkin, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Chisago, Goodhue, Olmsted, Houston.
1974Fall Reported from Marshall, St. Louis, Lake, Mille Lacs, Becker, Itasca, Hubbard, Kanabec, Benton, Morrison, Cook, Lake of the Woods, Koochiching, Pine Counties.
1974Winter Reported from 17 counties; appeared to be down in numbers.
1975Spring Reported from Wabasha, Anoka, Sherburne, Winona, Wright, Washington, Houston, Stearns, Goodhue, Olmsted (5-9, KG, 1 heard, westward range extension), Lake, Otter Tail, St. Louis, Cook, Todd, Itasca, Marshall, Mille Lacs, Cass, Crow Wing, Morrison, Aitkin Co's.
1975Summer Nested in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Cass, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Mille Lacs and Hennepin (first county record in 25 years); also reported from Hubbard, Aitkin, Chisago, Wadena, Goodhue, Wabasha and Olmsted.
1975Fallreported from Hubbard, Mille Lacs, Pine, Lake, Becker, St. Louis, Kanabec, Carlton, Cook, Kittson, Marshall, Morrison, Itasca, Ottertail, Winona, Wabasha, Washing ton and Dodge.
1975Winterreported from 26 counties including Fillmore, Olmstead, Ramsey and Polk (Crookston Christ mas Count) Co's.
1976Spring Reported from 25 counties.
1976Summernested in Hubbard, Cass, Itasca, Pine, Carlton, St. Louis, Lake, Marshall, Anoka, Hennepin (Elm Creek Co. Pk.) and Houston; also reported from Aitkin, Crow Wing, Cook, Ramsey, Washington and Olmsted.
1976Fall Reported from 18 counties.
1976Winter Reported from 23 counties west to Marshall, Polk, Otter Tail and Kandiyohi Co's.
1977Spring Reported from 19 counties.
1977Summer Nested in Marshall, Lake of the Woods, Cass, Aitkin, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Anoka and Olmsted (Kalmar Twp., 12 young on 6-1, JF); also reported from Otter Tail, Crow Wing, Carlton, Pine, Wright, Washington, Winona and Houston.
1977Winter Reported from 25 counties.
1978Summer Permanent resident; reported from 17 counties.
1978Fall Permanent resident; reported from 17 counties.
1978Winter Reported from 23 counties.
1979Spring Permanent resident. Reported from 23 counties.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Cook, Lake, Itasca, Crow Wing, Marshall, Otter Tail, Pope, Stearns, Sherburne, Anoka, Goodhue, Olmsted (Marion, JF); also seen in St. Louis, Cass, Beltrami, Clearwater, Roseau, Kittson, Becker, Pine, Rice, Houston.
1979Fall Permanent resident; reported from 17 counties.
1979Winter Reported from 17 counties.
1980Spring Permanent resident; reported from 28 counties.
1980Summer Breeding reported in ten counties and seen in 17 other counties; all observations from Olmsted, Stearns, Clay (Bluestem Prairie, SNA staff) eastward.
1980Fall Reported (no date) from Clay TL. Also reported from 22 additional counties.
1980Winter Reported from 25 counties west to Fillmore, Olmsted, Hennepin, Stearns, Otter Tail, Becker and Marshall.
1981Spring Permanent resident; reported from 30 counties.
1981Summer Breeding data from Cook, Lake, Itasca, Cleanvater, Pine, Stearns, Sherburne, Anoka, Houston. Seen throughout range.
1981Fall Permanent resident; reported from 22 counties.
1981Winter Reported from 18 counties throughout its range. Numbers reported down in Itasca (MS) and up in Winona and Houston (FL).
1982Spring Permanent resident; reported from 12 counties north, 14 south.
1982Summer Breeding data from Cook, Lake, Beltrami, Hubbard, Wabasha. Seen throughout range but none in the Northwest.
1982Fall Permanent resident, reported from 14 counties north, eight south.
1982Winter Reported from 18 counties north and east of a line from Olmsted to Otter Tail to Polk. Numerous reports of reduced numbers.
1983Spring Permanent resident, reported from I 0 countie south, 16 north. Many observers reported numbers down.
1983Summer Breeding data from Cook, Lake, Aitkin. Seen throughout range but scarce.
1983Fall Permanent resident, reported from II north and eight south counties.
1983Winter Reported from 20 counties in the three eastern and the north central regions. A statewide CBC total of 49 with a peak of 16 on the St. Paul N.E. count. One south central report from the Owatonna CBC.
1984Spring Permanent resident, reported from 14 north and ten south counties.
1984Summernested in Lake, Lake of the Woods, Clearwater and Stearns; also seen in Cook, Itasca, Aitkin, Anoka, Washington, Sherburne, Olmsted and Houston.
1984Fall Permanent resident, reported from 13 north and five south counties.
1984Winter The reports from 27 counties with a CBC total of 74 are up slightly from last year's data.
1985Spring Permanent resident, reported from 15 north and 12 south counties.
1985Summer Nested in Cook, Lake, Kanabec (SSt), Ramsey ; probable nesting in St. Louis, Houston. Also seen in Aitkin, Itasca, Clearwater, Roseau, Marshall, Polk, Morrison, Sherburne, Anoka.
1985Fall Permanent resident, reported from 12 north and 11 south counties.
1985Winter Reported from 20 counties in the northern and eastern regions. A statewide CBC count of 54 (74 L.y).
1986Spring Permanent resident, reported from 14 north and 15 south counties.
1986Summer Nested in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Koochiching (FS), Hennepin; probable nesting in Aitkin, Dakota, Houston. Also seen in Agassiz NWR, Hubbard, Cass, Mille Lacs, Ramsey, Washington, Olmsted, Fillmore.
1986Fall Reported from 16 north and six south counties .
1986Winter Reports from 27 counties northeast of a line from Freeborn to Clay. The statewide CBC count was 121 (54 L.Y.) with a high count of 35 at Duluth.
1987Spring Reported from 13 north and 13 south counties .
1987Summer Nested in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Cass; probable nesting in Beltrami, Anoka. Also seen in 11 other counties east of a diagonal from Agassiz NWR to Ramsey, Fillmore.
1987Fall Reported from 15 north and seven south counties.
1987Winter Reported from 26 counties (27 L. Y.) northeast of a line from Fillmore to OtterTail counties. A statewide CBC total of 201 (121 L.Y.) with a high countof33 (35 L.Y.) at Duluth.
1988Spring Reported from 15 north and ten south counties .
1988Summer Nested in Clearwater, Becker, Cass, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Washington, Fillmore (NAO); probable nesting in Roseau, Todd. Seen in 11 other counties throughout usual range.
1988Fall Reported from 18 north and nine south counties.
1988Winter Reported from 23 counties in its normal range; CBC total of 141 (201 l.y.).
1989Spring Reported from 20 north and 14 south counties.
1989Summer Nested in Lake, Aitkin, Fillmore; probable nesting in St. Louis, Hubbard. Seen in 16 other counties east of a line through Kittson, Becker, Todd, Rice, Fillmore.
1989Fall Reported from 18 north and six south counties.
1989Winter Increasing numbers. Reported from 34 counties with a statewide CBC total of 239 (141 l.y.). Out of normal range reports from Mower 1/20 AP, 2/17 (2) AP, RJ; and the Barnesville WMA, Clay Co. 1/7 LCF.
1990Spring Reported from 15 north and 12 south counties.
1990Summer Nested in Beltrami, Lake, Aitkin, Mille Lacs; probable nesting in five other counties. Seen in nine additional counties within range.
1990Fall Reported from 20 north and 11 south counties.
1990Winter Scarce in southeast. Reported only from Houston, Fillmore, and Olmsted. Good numbers reported in northeast with 52 found on the Duluth CBC, a record high. Found in 20 counties statewide (34 last year) with a CBC total of 152 (239 l.y.).
1991Spring Reported from 15 north and 12 south counties.
1991Summer Nested in Roseau KB, Koochiching; probable nesting in Clearwater, Washington. Seen in 17 other counties south to a line through Becker, Dakota, Fillmore.
1991Fall Reported from 14 north and eight south counties.
1991Winter Reported from 29 counties (20 l.y.) in all regions except southwest, mostly in the north and in the southeast along the Mississippi River south to Houston. Statewide CBC total of 149 (152 l.y.).
1992Spring Reported from 18 north and 14 south counties.
1992Summer Many reports, despite population being at or near low point of ten year cycle. Nested in Pennington, Lake, Cook; probable breeding in Otter Tail. Seen in 18 other counties as far south and west as a line through Marshall, Kandiyohi, Rice, Houston.
1992Fall Reports were down; reported from 10 north and 6 south counties.
1992Winter Numbers down substantially. Reported from 24 counties (29 l.y.) east of a line from Roseau and Becker to Stearns and Houston. CBC total 49 (149 l.y.).
1993Spring Reported from 17 north and nine south counties.
1993Summer Fewest reports since mid-1980s. Nested in Wabasha, probable nesting in Cook, Aitkin, Crow Wing, Winona. Also reported in Becker, Wadena, Itasca, Koochiching, St. Louis, Lake, Kandiyohi, Anoka, Sibley, Rice, Houston.
1993Fall Reported from 12 north and four south counties.
1993Winter Reported from only 14 counties in range.
1994Spring Reported from 14 north and eight south counties.
1994Summer Number of reports still relatively low (as expected at this stage of cycle). Nested in Winona HVA, JPo; probable nesting in Cass, Kandiyohi. Seen in nine additional northern counties plus Hennepin, Anoka, Washington.
1994Fall Reported from 14 north and five counties in the south.
1994Winter Relatively scarce. Reported from 22 counties in range. CBC total a below average 55 individuals.
1995Spring Reported from 11 south and 20 north counties.
1995Summer Nested in Hubbard, Itasca, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Anoka, Winona; probable nesting in Becker, St. Louis, Washington. Seen in 13 additional counties as far southwest as a line through Polk, Otter Tail, Houston.
1995Fall Reported from 14 north and 4 south counties. Many observers reported increased sightings from last year.
1995Winter Reported from 27 counties in the north and east. CBC total a very low 46 (55 l.y.).
1996Spring Reported from 10 south and 19 north counties.
1996Summer MDNR reports drumming counts up 17% statewide. Probable breeding in Becker, Cass, Aitkin, St. Louis. Observed in 11 additional northern counties plus Anoka, Wabasha, Winona, Fillmore, Houston.
1996Fall Reported from 11 north and 7 south counties.
1996Winter Reported from 28 counties in range. CBC total 1881 (46 l.y.).
1997Spring Reported from 7 south and 17 north counties.
1997Summer MDNR reports drumming counts up 1/4% in the northeast, 28% in the north central, and 12% in the central hardwoods — but down 17% in the northwest and 20% in the southeast. Observed in 20 counties within range. New nesting record in Wadena PBi; probable breeding in Becker, Pine, Olmsted.
1997Fall Reported from 12 north and 6 south counties.
1997Winter Reported from 30 counties in range. CBC total 244 (118 l.y., incorrectly published as 1,881).
1998Spring Reported from 9 in the south and 19 north counties.
1998Summer Nested in nine counties including Todd JSK; probable nesting in Beltrami, Kanabec. Also observed in Wadena, St. Louis, Cook, Stearns, Fillmore, Houston.
1998Fall Reported from 16 north and 4 south counties.
1998Winter Reported from 31 counties in range. CBC total 179. The report of drumming on 12/2 Fillmore NO, AO seemed unusual.
1999Spring Reported from 10 south and 20 north counties.
1999Summer Spring drumming counts down about 6% statewide from previous year. With the northwest zone showing a 35% increase, the north central zone a 35% decline, and other zones nearly stable, it is not clear which way the cycle is headed (MDNR). Anecdotal evidence suggests that poor reproduction may be due to wet weather. Reported in 20 counties as far west and south as Roseau, Becker, Stearns, Anoka; plus Fillmore.
1999Fall Reported from 14 north and 5 south counties.
1999Winter Reported from 30 counties in range. Heard drumming 2/29 Todd JSK.
2000Spring Reported from 10 south and 18 north counties within range.
2000Summer Seen in 21 counties as far west and south as a line through Roseau, Otter Tail, Stearns, Fillmore. MDNR statewide drumming counts about 8% below those in 1999. A greater drop was expected — a third straight mild winter may have delayed the species' natural decline during this part of the ten-year population cycle.
2000Fall Reported from 14 north and 6 south counties.
2000Winter Reported from 29 counties in range.
2001Spring Reported from 12 south and 22 north counties, including the periphery of its normal range 4/14 McLeod DDM, BJM.
2001Summer Significant population decline of ten-year cycle has begun; MDNR reports spring drumming counts down 40% statewide. Observed in 19 counties as far west and south as a line through Marshall, Douglas, Fillmore.
2001Fall Reported from 15 north but only 4 south counties.
2001Winter Reported from 29 counties in range.
2002Spring Seen in 24 counties including 5/18 Dakota (Miesville Ravine) ADS, TAT.
2002Summer D.N.R. reports numbers declined for third consecutive year (as expected); statewide drumming counts were down 11 percent. Seen in 23 counties as far west and south as a line through Polk, Becker, Meeker, Fillmore.
2002Fall Observed in 14 north and 4 south counties within usual range.
2002Winter Reported from 26 counties in range.
2003Spring Seen in 27 counties within range, including Dakota (Miesville Ravine) JPM.
2003Summer Minnesota D.N.R. drumming counts up 13% statewide. Observed in 22 counties as far west and south as a line through Kittson, Polk, Otter Tail, Anoka; plus Fillmore, Houston.
2003Fall Observed in 18 north and 4 south counties within usual range.
2003Winter Reported from 29 counties in range.
2004Spring Seen in 28 counties within range, including Dakota/Goodue (Miesville Ravine) BBB, JPM.
2004Summer Reported from 22 counties as far west and south as a line through Polk, Todd, Fillmore. New nesting record in Kittson KLP, SSP.
2004Fall Observed in 14 north and 5 south counties, including 10/31 Goodhue LBF.
2004Winter Reported from 20 counties statewide. Only reports south: 12/10 Stearns DST, MAJ, 12/17 Fillmore (drumming) NBO.
2005Spring Seen in 32 counties within range including Dakota (Miesville Ravine) JPM.
2005Summer Fewer reports than usual, reflecting a low-point in this species' ten-year cycle: observed in 15 counties north and east of a line through Otter Tail, Fillmore.
2005Fall Reported from 18 north and 3 south counties, including 10/1–28 Fillmore (2) NBO.
2005Winter Reported north from just 13 counties, reflecting continued lows in population cycle. CBC total of 60 on 26 counts. Only report south: 1/20 Fillmore NBO.
2006Spring Seen in 30 counties within range, including Dakota (Miesville Ravine) JPM, Fillmore NBO, Goodhue and Houston DFN.
2006Summer Found in 12 counties in North-central and Northeast plus Pine, Todd, Sherburne, Kandiyohi.
2006Fall Reported from 21 north and 4 south counties, including 8/27 Dakota (Miesville Ravine) DDo, 10/10 Wabasha LBF, 11/12 Fillmore NBO.
2006Winter165 According to the Minnesota DNR, mean counts of Ruffed Grouse drums throughout the forested regions of Minnesota were 1.0 drums/stop. That was significantly greater than the 0.8 drums/stop observed during 2005 and similar to data from 2001. Unusual report of a single bird 1/8 Dakota (Jens A. Casperson Landing, Fort Snelling S.P.) CMB.
2007Spring238 Found throughout normal range, including Dakota (Miesville Ravine) JPM, Fillmore NBO, Winona m.ob., and Houston FZL. High count 4/17 St. Louis (11 north of Virginia) SLF.
2007Summer153 Reported north and east of a line from Polk to Fillmore.
2007Fall188 All southeast reports: 9/5, 10/15 Fillmore NBO, 8/26 Goodhue (Miesville Ravine) SWe, 9/12 Wabasha JWH, 11/24 Winona HHD.
2007Winter165 For the second year in a row, numbers are on the upswing following several years of low populations. For example, 167 birds recorded on 31 CBC counts compared to only 60 birds on 26 counts in 2005.
2008Spring289 Found throughout normal range, including Anoka RBW, SMC, Dakota (Miesville Ravine) m.ob., Fillmore m.ob., Wabasha RBW. High counts 5/22 Beltrami (6) LBF, 5/31 Koochiching (6) AXH.
2008Summer156 Detected in central and eastern regions except South-central, plus Becker.
2008Fall186 All southeast reports: 10/8–12 Fillmore NBO, 8/11 Houston MJB.
2008Winter143 Third consecutive year of cyclic increases statewide. No reports received from Southeast.
2009Spring2811 Found throughout normal range, including Anoka PEB, Dakota (Miesville Ravine) m.ob., Fillmore NBO, Houston DFN, PEJ. High count 4/27 Lake (20 detected along 25 miles of CR 2, CR 15, and Stony River Forest Road) JWL. Drumming counts up 43% from 2008 in the forested regions (MN DNR).
2009Summer203 Found in all northern regions plus Central and East-central. First county breeding record for Mahnomen RMD.
2009Fall173 Only Southeast report: 11/1 Fillmore NBO.
2009Winter207 Increased number of reports over recent years reflects upswing in numbers statewide. High count 1/8 St. Louis (31, CR 133, counted along roadside at dusk) KJB.
2010Spring2610 Found throughout normal range, including Anoka DPG, Dakota (Miesville Ravine) m.ob., Fillmore NBO, Goodhue m.ob., Houston DFN. High count 4/27 Lake (15 detected along 13 miles of C.R. 3 and East Alger Grade) JWL. Drumming counts down 31% from 2009 in the forested regions (MN DNR).
2010Summer204 Found in all northern and central regions plus Goodhue. High count of 27 reported 6/20 Cook (Gunflint Trail) SCo.
2010Fall227 Only southeast reports: 8/28 Wabasha DPG, 10/20–11/20 Fillmore NBO, DCr, 11/26 Olmsted RMa.
2010Winter182 Reported from fewer counties both north and south than last year. Only two south reports: 12/18 Sherburne CBC, 12/31 Hastings-Etter CBC. CBC high counts 12/18 Duluth (14), 12/19 Virginia (14), 1/3 Hibbing (14), 12/19 Two Harbors (11), 12/19 Fredenberg (10).
2011Spring2913 Found throughout normal range, including Anoka DvS, Dakota (Miesville Ravine) m.ob., Fillmore NBO, Goodhue m.ob., Olmsted ShK, Wabasha CAB, JWH, Washington ARW, DFN, Winona NBO. Drumming counts essentially unchanged from 2010 in the forested regions (MN DNR).
2011Summer222Reported from all northern and central regions as well as Goodhue and Houston.
2011Fall194 All south reports 8/8/ Anoka (Oak Grove) DvS, 8/25 Dakota RZi, 10/10–11/30 Fillmore NBO, DCr, 10/29 Isanti JCC.
2011Winter2010Reported from more south counties than in any of the previous five years, including Chisago, Dakota, Fillmore, Goodhue, Houston, Ramsey, Sherburne, Stearns, Wabasha, Winona. CBC high counts 12/18 Itasca S.P. (20), Virginia (19), 12/23 Ely (16).
2012Spring2912 Found throughout normal range, including Anoka CAB, Dakota (Miesville Ravine) KSm, Fillmore NBO, Goodhue, Wabasha, Winona m.ob., Washington DFN. Drumming counts down nearly 50% from 2011 in the forested regions (Minnesota DNR).
2012Summer257 Found in all regions except Southwest. New county record: 7/7 Freeborn (2, White Woods C.P., male and female flushed from trailside) BBu.
2012Fall215 All south reports 8/26 Dakota RaM, 9/26–10/7 Chisago RMa, LS, 10/14–11/21 Sherburne PJM, PLJ, PRH, 10/26 Winona ANy, 11/10 Fillmore DCr.
2012Winter197 Reports from Twin Cities south include Ramsey, Dakota, Wabasha, Winona. No reports from South-central, Southwest, or West-central. CBC high counts 12/27 Crosby (17), 12/16 Carlton-Cloquet (15), 12/15 Duluth (11).
2013Spring2813 Found throughout normal range, essentially northeast of a line from Norman to Mower, and including Anoka ABo, Dakota (Miesville Ravine), Fillmore, Goodhue, Houston, Mower, Wabasha, Winona, Washington. Drumming counts down 10% from 2012 in the forested regions (Minnesota DNR).
2013Summer258 Reported from all regions except West-central, Southwest, and South-central.
2013Fall196 All reports east of a line from Lake of the Woods to Becker to Houston. All southeast reports 10/10 Houston (Beaver Creek Valley S.P.) LLa, 11/9 Wabasha (Cook Valley) GJM.
2013Winter214 Reported from most north counties excluding far western border counties (other than Marshall). High counts 1/16 Aitkin (12) CRM, 2/2 St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog) DnD. South reports only from Fillmore, Isanti, Sherburne, Winona, all of 1–2 individuals. CBC high counts 12/15 Virginia (15), 12/29 Beltrami Island (14).
2014Spring259Found throughout normal range, essentially northeast of a line from Norman to Fillmore. Spring drumming counts were up 34% in parts of the northern range and remained stable in southern range (MN DNR).
2014Summer174Reported from all northern regions plus Anoka, Goodhue, Houston, Kanabec, Pine, Sherburne.
2014Fall203 Aside from one Southeast record 11/10 Wabasha (Cook Valley) GJM, all reports were northeast of a line from Marshall to Douglas to Chisago.
2014Winter227 Reported from most north counties excluding far west border counties (other than Marshall), with high counts 1/16 St. Louis (13, Sax-Zim Bog) m.ob., 12/29 Pine (10) m.ob. South reports from Chisago, Dakota, Isanti, Ramsey, Sherburne, Wabasha, Winona, all of three or fewer individuals. No reports from South-central, Southwest, or West-central. CBC high counts 12/14 Carlton-Cloquet (21), 12/20 Duluth (21), 12/14 Itasca State Park (19).
2015Spring2912 Found throughout normal range, essentially northeast of a line from Norman to Fillmore. Spring drumming counts were statistically unchanged in 2015 from previous year throughout range (MN DNR).
2015Summer194 Found in all northern and central regions plus Houston.
2015Fall214 All south reports 9/7 Isanti DLC, 9/9–11/24 Sherburne ABm, m.ob., 9/27 Chisago REH, 10/1 Wabasha JHn. All north reports east of a line from Roseau to Otter Tail to Chisago.
2015Winter207 Reported from about the same number of counties statewide as in recent previous winter seasons. North high counts include 1/14 St. Louis (11) KWi, GPe, JLz, 1/8 St. Louis (8) SRo, JRo. South reports from Anoka, Chisago, Dakota, Goodhue, Sherburne, Wabasha, Washington (2, St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) CBC), all of 4 or fewer individuals. CBC high counts 12/20 Carlton-Cloquet (19), 12/26 Cook Area (14), 12/20 Virginia (13).
2016Spring2813 Found throughout normal range, essentially northeast of a line from Clay to Fillmore. Spring drumming counts were up 18% statewide in 2016 (MN DNR).
2016Summer213 Found in all regions in northern half of state plus Dakota, Fillmore, Goodhue.
2016Fall236 All south reports 8/22 Stearns AaL, 9/28 Sherburne (2) FHo, 10/8 Wabasha RAE, 10/15 Chisago MJB, 10/17 Dakota TEB, 11/4 Chisago JCC, 11/7 Isanti MHe. All north reports east of a line from Kittson to Todd.
2016Winter248 Reported from a few more north counties than in the previous five winter seasons, with high count 1/16 St. Louis (25, Sax-Zim Bog) RiC. South county reports were all 6 or fewer birds. Reports from Twin Cities south included only Dakota, Fillmore, Wabasha. CBC high counts 12/17 Duluth (31), 12/19 Sax-Zim (25), 12/30 Carlton-Cloquet (18).
2017Spring3012 Found throughout normal range, essentially northeast of a line from Norman to Fillmore. Spring drumming counts were up 57% statewide in 2017 (MN DNR).
2017Summer208 Found in every region except Southwest, South-central. Most abundant in North-central, Northeast.
2017Fall249 All south reports: 8/16, 10/8, 11/22 Washington ELi, PAl; 8/20, 9/18 Benton LKo, HHD; 8/26 Dakota IVa; 8/27 – 10/16 Sherburne (max. 2, Blue Hill Trail) JuW, m.ob.; 9/4 – 10/22 Chisago (max. 4, Wild River S.P.) MJB, m.ob.; 9/21 Isanti 9/21 JSa; 9/22 Anoka ebd; 10/1 Wabasha CBv; 11/16, 11/30 Goodhue (max. 5) KCo, GAn. Reported from every north county east of a line from Roseau to Douglas, except Lake of the Woods.
2017Winter246 Reported from the same number of north counties as last year, with high counts 2/10 St. Louis (23, Sax-Zim Bog) ebd, 12/9 Roseau (15) AaL, LKo. Few south reports (all 1–2 individuals), from Benton, Chisago, Houston, Sherburne, Washington, Winona. CBC high counts 12/16 St. Louis (30), 12/30 Fredenberg (21).
2018Spring2912 Found throughout normal range, essentially northeast of a line from Polk to Fillmore. Spring drumming counts were down 29% in 2018 (MN DNR).
2018Summer249 Found north and east of a line from Clay and Otter Tail to Olmsted and Houston.
2018Fall2610 All south reports 9/6–10 Anoka JST, m.ob., 10/16 Benton MJB, 10/11–27 Chisago KrM, BDo, 9/27–28 Dakota (Miesville Ravine P.R.) ebd, KDS, 9/23–11/21 Isanti SPS, m.ob., 9/13–30, 11/29 Olmsted LAV, DBz, m.ob., 8/15–9/29, 11/17 Sherburne ebd, m.ob., 11/27 Stearns JOs, 11/24 Washington BDo, 10/27 Wright (Lake Maria S.P.) IVa. Reported from every north county east of a line from Roseau to Douglas.
2018Winter2213 Reported from about the same number of north counties as the previous five winters, with high counts 12/17 Clearwater (18) CoC, 12/15 St. Louis (9, Duluth) FJN. Reported from more south counties (13) than in at least the past 15 winters. All were along and east of a line from Benton to Rice to Fillmore; all reports were of 1–2 individuals. CBC high counts 12/15 Duluth (37), 12/17 Itasca State Park (18), 12/16 Two Harbors (14).
2019Summer236 Reported from every region except Southwest, South-central. Unusual report 6/2 Scott (Murphy-Hanrehan P.R., drumming) DgM. First county breeding record: 5/31 Polk JCJ.
 Permanent resident north and east.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.