Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Towhees, Sparrows
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Towhees, Sparrows
Cassin's Sparrow
Grasshopper Sparrow
Black-throated Sparrow
Lark Sparrow
Lark Bunting
Chipping Sparrow
Clay-colored Sparrow
Field Sparrow
Brewer's Sparrow
Fox Sparrow
American Tree Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
[Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored)]
[Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)]
[Dark-eyed Junco (Pink-sided)]
[Dark-eyed Junco (White-winged)]
[Dark-eyed Junco (Gray-headed)]
White-crowned Sparrow
[White-crowned Sparrow (Eastern)]
[White-crowned Sparrow (Gambel's)]
Golden-crowned Sparrow
Harris's Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Vesper Sparrow
LeConte's Sparrow
Nelson's Sparrow
Baird's Sparrow
Henslow's Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Lincoln's Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
Green-tailed Towhee
Spotted Towhee
Eastern Towhee
[Spotted Towhee X Eastern Towhee]
[Pipilo towhee]

Savannah Sparrow(Passerculus sandwichensis)
1931SummerA nest containing four eggs on June.3rd was reported by Hr. Swedenborg.
1932Summer4 nest~ of this bird were found, the first one with 4 eggs on May 21 (Swedenborg). The last nest was found by the w.rite:r in Polk County, June 20, when it harbored 5 eggs, 2 of which had been deposited by Brown-headed Cowbirds. ·
1933Summer Fourteen nests reported. The first was found by Swedenborg near ~~cnpolis on May 27th and contained 4 eggs. A nest with 2 fresh eggs was found by Grimes in Pennington County on June 2oth. Swedenborg relates that "a nest of this species was raided by a garter snake near Minneapolis on August 12th. Two young about 4 days old were found, one in the mouth of tho snruro.
1934Summer 1-1r. and :rrs. Swodonborg found t.ho earliest Savrumc.h' s nest on Nay 25th~ when it held 4 eggs. The latest occupied nests·were found on June 2oth in Pennington County by Du~~oit and Upson. Of 2 nests located, one contained 4 eggs nnd tho other, 4 young.
1935Summer No one reported a nest earlier than Upson's record of 4 eggs on May 30th. Swedenborg saw a nest ~ith 4 eggs June 7th,· and on June 15th, Carlander found young out of the nest at Linwood. T\.ro observers have June 27th records -Mrs. Peter$on saw young sitting on a fence at Madison and Swanson saw 5 oggs in a nest at Thief Lake on that date.
1936Summer Marius Morse found a nest of three eggs at Cloquet May 26th. Two nests were found on June 7th by Risser and Rysgaard. One contained three young; the other four young.
1937SummerTwo katy­dids and two grasshoppers were fed to the five young in a nest found by Erickson on July 12, in the St. Croix National Park. On June 19 Pittelkow and Rysgaard found a nest with two young near Warren.
1938SummerAdults, carrying food to 3 small young in the nest, w-;;re noted on June I I in Anoka County by G. N. Rysgaard. Near Warren a nest of 6 eggs was found by Dr. Donald Mahle on June 25.
1943SummerMay 25, 4 egg>s, Mpls. F. S. Davidson.
1946Summer3 eggs, July 4, Hennepin Co., Breckenridge and Harvey Gunderson. Reported for two of the six years.
1961SummerOn 4 August R. Huber banded three young in nest near Nimrod, Wadena County.
1963SummerClay Co., near Felton, June 15, 5 eggs, R. Huber. St. Louis Co., Duluth, June 14, 3 nestlings, D Meyer.
1963Falllatest, Nov. 2, Swan Lake, Nicollet Co., many seen, Avifauna! Club. We believe these may be the first November records for the state.
1964Spring4-24 Stearns Co, RPR; 5-5 Wright Co, EC; 4-22 Duluth, JG; 4-28 Ramsey Co, ACR; 4-18 Salt Lake, RG, RLH.
1964Summerbreeding St. Louis (JCG) and Anoka (MAS) Counties.
1964Fall10-24 Ramsey Co, ACR; 10-25 Duluth, 6, PBH; 10-25 Grant Co, RBJ; 10-30 Fargo-Moorhead, E'lA; 11-11 Nicollet Co, WRP, RG.
1965Springearliest 4-6 Cook Co, HH (early that far north; details?); next record 4-12 Moorhead, LWJ and 4-13 Rice Co, CE, PE, JB.
1965Falllatest 10-2 Dakota Co, BL, ACR and 10-3 Duluth, JCG.
1966Summerreported from Goodhue, Carver, Lac qui Parle, Dakota, Pope, St. Louis, Sherburne, Nobles, Stearns, Lake, Hubbard, Mille Lacs and Cass Co's.
1966FallLatest 10-8 Lyon Co., PE; 10-18 Fargo, MGA; 10-29 Lake Co., HFH, BL, EMB, RG.
1967Springearly 4-9 Nobles Co., HSH; 4-14 Stearns Co., RPR; 4-15 Nobles Co., DB; 4-18 Lac qui Parle Co., JAH.
1967Summerreported from Clay, St. Louis, Anoka, Washington, Ramsey, McLeod, Houston, Nobles, Roseau Co's.
1967Fall latest 10-22 Grant Co., JAH and Stearns Co., KE; 10-23 St. Louis Co., FN/ MAS; 10-28 Lyon Co., PE.
1968Spring early 3-30 Rothsay, Wilkin Co., DB, EHH; 4-12 Sibley Co., FN/MAS; 4-13 Carver Co., MHM; 4-15 Big Stone Co., JAH.
1968Summer nested in Becker, Washington, Lac qui Parle Co's; also reported from Lake, Stearns, Clay, Carver, Norman, Mahnomen, Hubbard, Pine, Nobles, Anoka, Roseau, Dakota, Mille Lacs, Winona Co's.
1968Fall8-31 Watonwan DMF; 9-7 Duluth RBJ; 9-25 and 10-2 Hennepin VL; 9-28 Rice 10 JAH; 929 Cottonwood LAF.
1969Spring4-9 Winona Co., BT; 4-10 Carver Co., RBJ; 4-12 (10) Winona Co., BT; 4-21 Cook Co., OP; 4-29 Duluth, RL, and Lake Co., RK.
1969Summerreported by numerous observers throughout the state.
1969Fall9-6 Duluth 25 TH; 9-16 Mille Lacs 28 MI; 10-3 Morrison LSR; 11-1 Lac qui Parle RBJ and
1970Springearly south 4-15 Dakota RG · 4-18 Lyon PE; 4-25 Nobles HH and Car~er TH; early north 4-24 Mille Lacs Ml; 4-26 Aitkin KE, PE.
1970Summernested in Mille Lacs and Carver Co's.
1970Falllate north 10-5 Mille Lacs Ml; 10-10 Duluth ]G; late south 10-14 Hennepin VL; 10-17 Hennepin FN; 10-2001msted DB.
1971Springearly south 4-5 Lyon HK; 4-22 Washington WL; early north 4-17 Wilkin KJG; 4-21 Mille Lals MI; 4-23 Crow Wing JB.
1971Summerno nests found but reportedfrom 14 counties throughout the state, north to Kittson and Cook, south to Nobles and Winona.
1971Falllate south 10-10 Winona; 10-19 Dakota; 10-30 Hennepin; late north 10-8 Duluth; 10-10 Crow Wing.
1972Summernested in Becker, (Mille Lacs); seen in 15 other counties.
1973Summer Nesting reports from St. Louis Aitkin; seen in 22 other counties. '
1973Fall Seen in seven counties. Peak 9-3 Lyon (100) (EKB).
1974Spring Early south 4-15 Cottonwood RBD; 4-18 Murray AD; 5 reports on 4-20; early north 4-21 Mille Lacs Ml; 4-21 Aitkin TS; 4-21 St. Louis GJN. The loon
1974Summer Reported from 30 counties; more reports than usual.
1974Fall Late north 10-8 Duluth JG; 10-16 Clay KBZ; late south 10-12 Hennepin CCS; 10-13 Olmsted JF.
1975Spring Early south 4-19 Dakota BDC and Lyon HCK; 4-20 Cottonwood LAF; early north 4-21 Crow Wing JB, TS; 4-25 Marshall SV; 5-5 St. Louis GJN. Gra·sshopper Sparrow Early south 4-23 Hennepin JC, DY; 5-3 Rice OAR, RBJ; 5-10 Cottonwood RAG; reports north 5-3 Otter Tail GLO; 5-15 Clay F. Cassel.
1975Summer Nested in St. Louis and Mille Lacs; also reported from 24 other counties.
1975Falllate north 10-26 Ottertail DGW, St. Louis JG; late south 10-22 Lyon NH; 10-26 Goodhue CF.
1976Spring Early south 3 reports on 4-2; early north 4-16 Aitkin JB; 4-21 Mille Lacs Ml; 4-24 Becker MS.
1976Summernested in Polk; also reported from 30 other counties.
1976Fall Late north 10-9 Wilkin, 10-29 Duluth; late south 10-10 Olmsted, 10-16 Rock, 10-17 Hennepin.
1977Spring Early south 3-26 Lac qui Parle RJ; 4-8 Lyon HK; 4-10 Nobles KE; early north 4-10 Wilkin GO; 4-11 Wilkin SM; 4-16 Aitkin JB.
1977Summer Nested in Olmsted; also reported from 31 other counties throughout the state.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Beltrami.; also seen throughout the state.
1978Fall Late north 11-3 St. Louis KE; late south 10-7 Washington DMB and Renville RJ, 10-8 Hennepin OJ.
1979Spring Early south 4-18 Olmsted JF, 4-19 Anoka KL; early north 4-22 Clay LCF, Otter Tail GMO, Wilkin SM.
1979Summer Breeding reported from St. Louis; also seen throughout the state.
1979Fall Late north 10-21 Clay LCF and St. Louis JG, 10-23 St. Louis DA; late south 10-13 Freeborn RJ and Lac qui Parle OE, 10-18 Hennepin OJ.
1980Spring Early south 4-18 Lac qui Parle SC, 4-19 Chisago RJ; early north 5-19 Otter Tail GMO, 5-20 Pennington TSS.
1980Summer Breeding reported from Lake of the Woods, Clay; seen also throughout the state.
1980Fall Late north 10-8 St. Louis KE, 10-12 Clay LCF; late south 10-17 Nicollet JCF, 10-18 Hennepin OJ.
1981Summer Seen throughout the state.
1981Fall Late north 10-24 Cook KMH, 10-26 St. Louis KE; late south 10-29 Hennepin ES, 10-31 Watonwan RJ.
1982Spring Early south 4-10 Goodhue BDC, 4-15 Houston EMF, 4-23 Lyon HK, Washington DGW; early north 4-20 Cook MKH, 4-23 Marshall ANWR, 4-24 Otter Tail SDM.
1982Summer Breeding data from Lake, Polk, Ottertail, Douglas, Kandiyohi. Seen throughout the state.
1982Fall Late north 10/17 Clay LCF, 10/23 St. Louis KE, LE, 11/6 Cook BL; late south 10/28 Hennepin VL, 10/30 Cottonwood WH, 10/31 Brown JSp.
1983Spring Early south 4/17 Anoka KL, 4/22 Anoka RJ, Goodhue BL, 4/23 Lac qui Parle AB, DB, 10, OJ, MH, DEW; early north 4/23 Aitkin WN, 4/28 Otter Tail SDM, 4/29 Lake SWIMS.
1983Summer Breeding data from Lake. Seen throughout the state.
1983Fall Late north 10/20 Cook KMH, 10/22 Aitkin DB, 10/23 Clay LCF; late south 10/22 Hennepin OJ, 10/29 Olmsted JEB, II II Winona RJ.
1984Spring Early south 4/12 Lyon HK, 4/19 Hennepin SC, 4/24 Dakota JD, Rock SWIMS; early north 4/21 Polk AB. 4/23 St. Louis fide KE, MH, 4/25 Red Lake KSS, Wilkin SDM.
1984Summernested in Lake; also seen in 38 other counties.
1984Fall Late north 10/23 Cook SWIMS, 11/4 Cook GNS, 11/6 Cook KMH, St. Louis KE; late south 10/30 Lyon HK, 11/12 Dakota DZ, Ill15 Lac qui Parle FE.
1985Spring Early south 3/30 Yellow Medicine KL, 4/11 Nicollet ND, Olmsted AP, 4/14 Lac qui Parle FE; early north 4/19 Otter Tail NJ, St. Louis KE, 4/20 Otter Tail SDM, 4/21 Roseau AJ, St. Louis KC.
1985Summer Probable nesting in Murray. Seen in 36 other counties throughout the state.
1985Fall Late north 10/2 St. Louis SWIMS, 10/20 Aitkin WN, 10/20 Clay LCF, 11/3 Cook KMH; late south 10/20 Watonwan RJ, 10/26 Rice FKS, 10/30 Nicollet JCF.
1986Spring Early south 3/31 Fillmore AMP, 4/9 Fillmore RE, 4/10 Hennepin DB, Olmsted JEB, PP, Ramsey KB; early north 4/15 Hubbard JL, 4/19 Cook KMH, 4/20 Cook EH.
1986Summer Seen in 55 counties throughout the state.
1986Fall Late north 10/19 Clay LCFand Cook KMH and Duluth TM, 10/25 Grant AB, 11/5 Otter Tail SDM·Iate south 10/21 FillmoreAP, 10/26 Hennepin' ES, 10/28 Ramsey KB.
1987Spring Early south 3/26 Murray ND, 4/7 Olmsted RSE 4/14 Lyon HK; early north 4/17 Wilkin SC, 4/18 Duluth fide KE, 4/24 Aitkin KR.
1987Summer Seen in 52 counties throughout the state.
1987Fall Late north 10/19 Cook KMH, 10/24 Lake RJ, ll/8 St. Louis fide KE; late south 10/17 Dakota IT, Hennepin GP, 10/22 Dodge AP, 11/1 Fillmore AB, 11/17 Olmsted JEB.
1988Spring Early south 4/1 Steele KV, 4/6 Fillmore RJ, AP, 4/7 Dakota JD; early north 4/20 Marshall ANWR, 4/23 Aitkin WN, 4/28 St. Louis AE.
1988Summer Seen in 52 counties statewide.
1988Fall Late north 10/14 Wilkin SC, 10/21 Douglas BSE, 10/23 Clay LCF; late south 10/20 Hennepin OJ, 10/27 Mower AP, 10/30 Houston RJ.
1989Spring . Early south 4/13 Yellow Medicine SC, 4/15 Fillmore GMD, Olmsted BSE, 4/16 Mower JM; early north 4/18 Aitkin WN, 4/21 Becker DJ, 4/23 Clay LCF.
1989Summer Nested in Wilkin JH, KB, CookWP; seen in 56 other counties statewide.
1989Fall Late north 10/6 Cook KMH, 10/14 Kittson Roseau RJ, AP, 10/22 Clay LCF; late south 10/23 Hennepin DC, 10/28 Hennepin SC, 10/31 Winona CS.
1990Spring Early south 4/19 Olmsted BSE, 4/20 Brown JSp, 4/21 Hennepin SC, GP, Lyon AB, Murray ND, Steele KV, Wabasha WDM; early north 4/20 St. Louis PS, 4/21 Aitkin RJ, WN, Beltrami DJ, Norman MO.
1990Summer Nested in Clay, probable nesting in Stearns; seen in 45 other counties statewide.
1990Fall Late north 10/18 Lake DPV, 10/19 Cook KMH, 10/21 Wilkin MO; late south 10/18 Lac qui Parle AB, 10/21 Winona CS, 10/25 Winona AP.
1991Spring Early south 3/23 Kandiyohi CJ, 4/ II Hennepin SC, Olmsted AP, 4/14 Rock NO; early north 4/20 Aitkin WN, Carlton AB, OtterTail MO, Roseau KSS.
1991Summer Fewer reports than in previous five years. Nested in KB, St. Louis; seen in 39 other counties statewide.
1991Fall Late north 10/13 Clay LCF, 11/9 Cook KMH, RJ, BL, SDM; late south 11/6 Sherburne PS, 11/18 Hennepin SC.
1992Spring Early south 4/6 Brown JS, 4/9 Lyon RJ; early north 4/17 Marshall MCBS, Wilkin DN.
1992Summer Nested in Marshall MCBS, Red Lake MCBS; seen in 42 additional counties statewide.
1992Fall Late north 10/17 Lake PB, 10/18 Lake of the Woods RJ; late south 10/24 Hennepin JF, 11/3 Hennepin SC.
1992Winter A tail-less individual at Rice Co. feeder 1/18–2/1 OR et al. provided the state's first winter record (The Loon 65:95–96).
1993Spring Early south 4/16 Rock PS, 4/18 Big Stone DN, Rice TB and Yellow Medicine KB. Early north 4/20 Otter Tail SDM, 4/22 Cook KMH.
1993Summer Nested in Dakota RHf, Winona JPo; probable nesting in Stevens, Pope. Seen in 42 additional counties statewide.
1993Fall Late north 10/23 Cook BL, 10/25 Polk RJ. Late south 10/31 Hennepin TT, 11/11 Sibley KB.
1994Spring Early south 4/13 Winona JPo, 4/14 Hennepin SC; early north 4/18 Kanabec CM, 4/20 Red Lake KSS.
1994Summer Fewest reports since 1985. Nested in Winona; seen in 36 additional counties statewide.
1994Fall Late north 10/15 Wilkin TBr, 10/19 Cook KMH. Late south 10/22 Hennepin OJ, 10/30 Dakota TT.
1995Spring Early south 3/21 (ties earliest date on record) Cottonwood ED, 4/6 Rice TB and Rock RJ; early north 4/17 Wilkin SDM, 4/22 Aitkin WN, Clay RO and Kanabec CM.
1995Summer Nested in Rice JL, Polk, Clay, Becker; seen in 37 other counties statewide.
1995Fall Late north 10/17 Todd JSK, 10/21 Lake PBu, 11/15 (latest north date) Cook DBe. Late south 10/22 McLeod KB, 10/26 Winona CS, 11/5 Hennepin TT.
1995Winter Overwintered at a feeder in Hennepin OJ, mob. Same individual reported on the Minneapolis (north) CBC. Second winter record for Minnesota (The Loon 68:128), and the first to overwinter.
1996Spring Overwintered through 3/1 Hennepin OJ (The Loon 68:128). Early south 3/30 Rice FKS, 4/13 Waseca JZ. Early north 4/21 Wilkin WM, 4/27 Wadena PBi, 5/2 Otter Tail SDM and St. Louis AE.
1996Summer Reported in 50 counties statewide.
1996Fall Late north 10/19 St. Louis TW, 10/26 Todd JSK, 10/27 Cook WM. Late south 11/23 McLeod RbS, 11/25 Winona CS.
1997Spring Early south 4/5 Hennepin TT, 4/8 Brown JSp, 4/13 Washington DS. Early north 4/14 Kanabec CM, 4/20 Todd JSK/SDu, 4/24 Pennington DJo and St. Louis AE.
1997Summer Reported in 50 counties statewide; probable nesting in Big Stone, Olmsted.
1997Fall Late north 10/15 Cook KMH, 10/23 Lake CMa, 11/1 Pine RJ. Late south 10/27 Lyon RgS, 11/8 Hennepin SC, TT.
1998Spring Early south 3/22 (second earliest date in the state) Olmsted DA/BE, 3/26 Freeborn ABa, 3/28 Dakota TT. Early north 4/13 St. Louis LW, 4/18 Aitkin SC and Wadena PBi.
1998Summer Observed in 39 counties statewide.
1998Fall Late north 10/13 Clay PS, 10/22 Cook KMH, 10/24 Wilkin WM, NWi. Late south 11/1 Faribault JDa and Hennepin SC.
1999Spring Arrived on time south and north. Early south 4/2 Houston FL, then 4/7 Lac qui Parle FE. Early north 4/14 and 4/18 Douglas RgS, SWa, 4/20 Red Lake RJ.
1999Summer Seen in 38 counties statewide.
1999Fall Only north reports after September: 10/16 Aitkin WN and Wilkin CN, 10/30 Cook KMH. In contrast, many south reports through the end of October. Late south 10/25 Jackson CMa, 10/28 Hennepin SC, 10/30 Faribault JSt.
1999Winter Reported 12/18 on the Cottonwood CBC (†PE). Only the third winter record.
2000Spring Seen in 25 south and 19 north counties. Arrived two to three days earlier than recent medians south and north. Early south 3/31 Meeker DF, 4/4 in two counties. Early north 4/15 Aitkin WN, 4/21 in three counties.
2000Summer Most reports since 1989; observed in 51 counties statewide.
2000Fall Record high count of 183 on 9/15 in Wilkin KJB. Also notable considering the date were 40 on 11/2 in Steele RBJ. Late north 11/9 Cook JJS, 11/11 (second latest north) Crow Wing BRL, TAT. Last reported south 11/12 Hennepin TAT, 11/25 Dakota SWe.
2000Winter One banded 2/9 Washington (Carpenter N.C.) †TEB; also observed several days prior to identification and banding, but not subsequently.
2001Spring Seen in 34 south and 23 north counties. Record early south date 3/19 Olmsted CRM, then no reports until 4/5 Murray NED and Meeker DMF. Early north 4/20 Wilkin CRM and Lake JWL, 4/21–27 in eight counties.
2001Summer Fewest reports in 18+ years; seen in 35 counties statewide.
2001Fall High count 9/11 Polk (43) EEF. Late north 10/26 in three North Shore counties, 10/27 Cook PHS. Late south 10/31 Hennepin SLC, 11/4 Lyon RJS.
2001Winter Fifth winter record 1/29 Wilkin (Lawndale) †SPM.
2002Spring Reported from 27 south and 21 north counties. Early south (recent median 3/31) 4/13 Meeker DMF, 4/14 Dakota TAT and Hennepin SLC. Early north 4/13 Todd JSK, 4/19 Lake JWL and Wilkin KJB.
2002Summer Reported in 51 counties statewide.
2002Fall Late north 10/28 Clay RHO, 11/2 Lake CRM, 11/3 Cook CRM. Late south 10/22 Stearns RPR, 10/25–26 Dakota (same bird?) ADS, TAT.
2003Spring Reported from 25 south and 17 north counties. Early south 4/6 Freeborn AEB, 4/7 Jackson KJB. Early north 4/18 Wilkin PCC, 4/21 Todd JSK, SID.
2003Summer Seen in 48 counties throughout state; new nesting record in Pine JMP.
2003Fall Observed in all regions. Late north 11/6 Todd JSK, SID, 11/7 Lake JWL, 11/11 Cook CRM (median 10/27). Many south reports through October, then only 11/4 McLeod PRH, 11/6 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 11/4).
2004Spring Reported from 34 south and 25 north counties. Early south 3/21 (ties second earliest) Lac qui Parle BJU, 3/27 Sibley LBF. Early north 4/17 Polk JMJ and Todd JSK, SID, 4/25 in five counties. Highest reported count 4/18 Lac qui Parle (490+ in Augusta Twp.) BJU.
2004Summer Observed in 47 counties throughout state; new nesting records in Lac qui Parle BJU, Todd JSK.
2004Fall Reported from all regions. Second highest fall count 9/16 Polk (116) EEF. Late north 10/20 Clay JEB, 10/24 Lake ADS, then, tying the record latest north date, 11/15 Cook LS. Late south 10/22 Cottonwood LBF, 10/23 Dodge RBJ.
2005Spring Reported from 41 south and 29 north counties. Early south 4/6 Meeker DMF and Sherburne ASc, 4/7 Brown BTS and Rice TFB. Early north 4/9 Clay GLS and Traverse SPM.
2005Summer Most reports since 1986: observed in 55 counties statewide.
2005Fall Reported from all regions. High count 9/23 Olmsted (50 at South Landfill Reservoir) JWH. Late north 10/31 Lake JWL and Cook SLF, 11/2 Itasca JEB. Late south 10/29 Blue Earth RMD, 10/30 Renville DWK, 11/1 Olmsted JWH.
2006Spring Reported from 46 south and 30 north counties. Record-early 3/18 Nicollet RMD; then no reports until 4/1 Freeborn AEB and Lac qui Parle BJU, 4/4 Meeker DMF. Early north 4/9 Pine JMP, 4/11 Kanabec JMP and Mille Lacs ASc, 4/15 Otter Tail MCA. Recent median arrivals: south 4/1, north 4/18.
2006Summer Record-high number of reports. Found in all counties except Ramsey, Watonwan, Martin.
2006Fall Reported from 22 north and 35 south counties. High count 10/8 Cottonwood (75 along two miles of gravel road near Red Rock Prairie) BRB. Late north 10/30 Traverse BJU, 11/4 St. Louis SLF. Late south 11/3 Lac qui Parle BJU, 11/5 Winona JWH. These dates are in line with average median departure date of 11/1 for both north and south.
2007Spring2548 Early south 3/26 Hennepin DDo and Rice TFB (median 4/1). Early north 4/5 Mille Lacs ASc, 4/20 Pine JMP and Polk NGE fide JMJ (median 4/17).
2007Summer3048 Observed statewide.
2007Fall2332 Late north 10/27 Cook JWL, 10/29 Cook SLF, 11/10 Lake PEB (median 11/2). Late south 10/30 Lac qui Parle BJU, 11/3 Scott BAF, 11/4 Cottonwood BTS, Olmsted JWH (median 11/3). Reports of this species basically ceased after the end of October.
2007Winter1 One report 12/9 McLeod (2) †JCC was the fifth state winter record, with the last such observation in 2002.
2008Spring2941 Early south (median 3/31) 4/5 Meeker DMF, 4/8 Lac qui Parle BJU, 4/11 Faribault WAF, 4/16 Rice TFB. Early north (median 4/17) 4/15 Mille Lacs ASc, 4/17 Hubbard MAW, 4/19 Douglas JPE. Noteworthy high counts 4/27 Cass (50) BAW, 4/27 Scott (25) JCC.
2008Summer2233 Found statewide.
2008Fall2934 Late north 10/4 Mille Lacs ASc, 10/9 Morrison RBJ, 10/19 Crow Wing HHD, LS (median 11/2). Late south 10/27 Dakota ADS, 11/2 Carver JCy, 11/12 Cottonwood BRB (median 11/3). Season high count 8/24 Pennington (40) PHS.
2009Spring3240 Early south (median 3/31) 3/30 Fillmore RTP, 4/11 Carver JCy, Meeker DMF, 4/12 Dakota JLO. Early north (median 4/17) 4/12 Pine JWL, 4/14 Mille Lacs ASc, 4/18 Clay MO, Itasca EEO, Polk NGE, Red Lake JMJ. Season high count 4/25 Dakota (15) BAF.
2009Summer2836 Observed statewide. First county breeding records from Chisago AXH, Wright DPG.
2009Fall2032 Late north 10/17 Cook MHe, HHD, Wadena JEB, 10/18 St. Louis SCZ, 10/19 Cook DBM, St. Louis PHS, 11/12 Roseau TFo (median 11/2). Late south 10/17 Jackson JEB, Swift DPG, LS, 10/18 Lac qui Parle LS, 10/28 Hennepin SLC (median 11/5). Season high count 8/8 Marshall (43) PHS.
2009Winter1 One report: 12/5 Stevens HHD. This is only the seventh winter season record for the state.
2010Spring2844 Early south (median 4/1) 4/2 Big Stone BJU, Wright JMo, 4/3 Sherburne JMo, 4/4 Lac qui Parle BJU. Early north (median 4/17) 4/2 Cass TBe, 4/8 Traverse BJU, 4/14 Cass ABi, 4/17 Douglas HHD, 4/18 Wadena PJB. Season high counts 5/12–13 Polk (60) MAh, CMe.
2010Summer3240 Reported statewide. First county breeding records for Benton MRN, Carver JCy, Stearns MRN, Washington fide BBA.
2010Fall2844 Reported statewide through late October. Season high counts 9/24 Lake (100) KRE, 9/26 Lake (34) RTe, 10/9 Dakota (24) RTe. Late north 10/30 Douglas JPE, 10/31 Cook WCM, 11/1 Cook RPR, 11/6 Lake KRE (median 11/2). Late south 10/31 Blue Earth ChH, Dakota BAF, 11/1 Nicollet RMD, 11/6 Carver JCy (median 11/5).
2010Winter1 Only report 1/9–15 Kandiyohi RJF, DBM.
2011Spring2947 Early south (median 4/1) 4/3 Brown BTS, 4/9 Big Stone BJU, Lac qui Parle HHD, Nobles BTS, Stearns DPG. Early north (median 4/17) 4/14 Morrison FGo, 4/20 Kittson TrB, 4/23 Wadena PJB.
2011Summer3349Found throughout state. First county breeding records for Cass MRN, Norman CCa, Rock ANy. High count 6/10 Polk (26, 350th Ave NW) DWi.
2011Fall2542 Late north 10/23 Otter Tail GLa, LS, 10/24 Kittson TrB, 10/30 Morrison DLP (median 11/2). Late south 10/29 Washington PNi, Wright RAE, 10/31 Hennepin SLC, 11/4 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 11/5).
2011Winter1Only report 1/23–24 Lac qui Parle (Walter Twp.) ph. v.t. BJU.
2012Spring3346 One apparently overwintered in Lac qui Parle and was seen 3/2–5 BJU. Another report 3/7 Lac qui Parle (Plover Prairie East Unit) BJU may also have been overwintering. Early south 3/21 Watonwan AnK, 3/25 Lac qui Parle BJU, McLeod PRH. Early north (median 4/17) 4/2 Polk (5, Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) AFo, 4/12 Pine RBW, 4/14 Kanabec ANy, SC, 4/19 Clay (Bluestem Prairie S.N.A.) DaP.
2012Summer3448 Seen throughout state. High counts 6/3 Red Lake (53, CRP fields north of C.R. 49, east of MN 32) RMD, 6/17 Polk (30, Tympanuchus W.M.A.) ErH. First county breeding records for Blue Earth ChH, Carlton fide BBA, Crow Wing fide BBA, Goodhue JFR, Kittson fide BBA, Koochiching fide BBA, Morrison PSP.
2012Fall2849 High counts 9/29 Dakota (est. 60) JFR, 9/1 Winona (50, Lewiston W.T.P.) MGo. Late north 10/19 Grant RBJ, 10/26 Pine ANy, JWH, 10/28 Cass (3, Longville W.T.P.) BAW (median 11/2). Late south 10/26 Faribault (2) MGo, SBM, McLeod CRM, ALo, 10/27 Blue Earth ChH, 10/31 Goodhue DVe, 11/4 Dakota CAs (median 11/5.
2012Winter1 Fourth winter in a row for this species rarely found in this season: 12/15 Kandiyohi (2, Willmar Twp.) †RAE, ADT.
2013Spring3349 Early south (median 4/1) 4/13 Blue Earth ChH, Wabasha DAC, RBJ, 4/14 Dakota TAT, and three other counties on 4/16. Early north (median 4/17) 4/23 Mille Lacs ToL, 4/26 Traverse DBM, 4/27 Beltrami SVo, Grant DPG, Marshall JMJ, Otter Tail ALo, Pine JMP, St. Louis JLK, Wilkin RZi, ALo. High count 5/16 Polk (55, Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) VLa.
2013Summer3450 Reported from all counties except Martin, Nobles, Rock. First county breeding records from Freeborn EHl, Kanabec DPG, Pennington DKb.
2013Fall2739 Reported statewide through late October. High counts 9/14 Clay (36) DPa, 10/7 Dakota (34) TAT. Late north 10/25 Mille Lacs ANy, DBz, 10/26 Lake ANy, WCM, BWF, JWH, 11/10 Itasca TCL (median 11/2). Late south 10/27 Dakota MDu, Stevens DLP, 11/17 Murray GWe (median 11/5).
2013Winter11 Fifth winter in a row for this species rarely seen in winter. All reports: 12/7 (record late north) Aitkin ph. JPR, 12/21 (second latest south) Olmsted (2, Quarry Hill N.C.) WmH.
2014Spring3149Early south (median 4/1) 4/8 Lac qui Parle BJU, 4/12 Blue Earth SSe, Dakota LEC, TJo, Dodge DAB, RMD, Winona DBz. Early north (median 4/17) 4/18 Pine ELC, 4/19 Todd SC, DAB, JWH, 4/20 Clay PBB, Otter Tail LS, Polk SAu.
2014Summer3144Reported throughout state. First county breeding record from Steele PSu.
2014Fall2537 High counts 10/10 Dakota (25, Great Western Industrial Park) ADS, 10/24 Sherburne (18, Sherburne N.W.R.) JlB, 8/14 Red Lake (15) CRM. Late north 10/25 Cass BJq, 11/1 St. Louis JLK, 11/15 St. Louis MJB (median 11/2). Late south 11/2 Lyon GWe, Murray GWe, 11/5 Faribault WAF (median 11/5).
2015Spring3145 Early south (median 4/1) 3/27 Mower HHD, RAE, 4/1 Sherburne JlB, 4/4 Dakota ANy, JWZ, ToL, Lyon GWe, Murray GWe. Early north (median 4/17) 4/11 Crow Wing JPR, 4/12 Clay RHO, Polk AlH. High counts 5/11 Lyon (41, Sham Lake) RJS, 5/12 Lyon (38, Cottonwood W.T.P.) GWe.
2015Summer3446 Found in all regions.
2015Fall3043 Reported statewide. High count 10/12 Lake (34, Two Harbors) SMC. Late north 11/9 Lake DWK, m.ob., 11/25 Hubbard (Akeley Twp.) MAW (median 11/2). Late south 11/11 Olmsted JLk, 11/20 Lyon (Cottonwood W.T.P.) GWe (median 11/5).
2015Winter14 Most winter records ever; previous high count was two counties. All reports 12/20 Lake DOK, ClN, ph. JPR, 12/27 Fillmore BMu, 12/27 Goodhue JFR, 1/2 Wright JFR, 1/18 Carver ph. JWZ.
2016Spring3350 Early south (median 4/2) 3/12 Dakota (Great Western Industrial Park) ASu, BDo, 3/13–14 Dakota (Miesville Ravine P.R.) AlF, KDS, 3/14 Lyon (Black Rush W.P.A.) GWe, JtH, 3/25 Olmsted DoH. Early north (median 4/15) 4/13 Becker ASM, 4/16 Aitkin SNe, Cass DAY, Clay PBB, Marshall MSp. High counts 4/23 Lac qui Parle (30) SEm, KEm, MEm, 5/3 Wilkin (22) LSl.
2016Summer3446 Found throughout the state. High counts 6/9 St. Louis (63) SGW, 6/11 Clay (25, Felton Prairie) TDb.
2016Fall2950 High counts 10/13 Jackson (97, Heron Lake W.M.A.) DAk, 10/5 Jackson (56, Heron Lake W.M.A.) DAk. Late north 10/30 Cook JWL, 10/31 Cass SCo (median 11/3). Late south 11/14 Hennepin HHD, 11/19 Lyon GWe, 11/22 Lyon (Cottonwood W.T.P.) GWe (median 11/5).
2016Winter1 Only report: 12/31 Houston ph. ABL.
2017Spring3452 Early south (median 4/2) 3/30 Houston BRe, 3/31 Meeker BNn, 4/1 Dakota DFN, 4/2 Carver ToL, CEl. Early north (median 4/15) 4/8 Grant CNn, then also in Aitkin, Otter Tail, Polk, St. Louis on 4/15. High counts 5/12 Polk (52, Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) DvM, BWa, 5/14 Dakota (46, Great Western Industrial Park) CTS, 4/29 Wilkin (30, Manston W.M.A.) LSl.
2017Summer3447 Found statewide. High count 6/25 Polk (36, Agassiz Valley Impoundment) HHu.
2017Fall3048 High counts 9/29 Grant (400, North Ottawa Impoundment) MO, 9/30 Kandiyohi (70) SBM, 9/24 Clay (60) CMK, 10/4 Cottonwood (60, Rock Ridge Prairie S.N.A.) KnM. Late north 11/2 Cook ABi, St. Louis m.ob., 11/4 St. Louis AFo, 11/5 Mahnomen KnM (median 11/3). Late south 11/8 Rice NiR, 11/12 Dakota DFN, Yellow Medicine KnM, 11/13 Lyon GWe (median 11/6).
2018Spring3251 Early south (median 3/31) 3/31 Washington GJa, 4/1 Jackson ASu, LiH, 4/5 Ramsey JZj, 4/7 Houston SHo, RAE. Early north (median 4/14) 4/20–22 Grant m.ob., Traverse HHD, 4/23 Cass REn, Crow Wing PSP, Polk SAu. High counts 5/12 Grant (50, North Ottawa Impoindment) WPl, 5/16 Stearns (40, Albany W.T.P.) MtS, 5/27 St. Louis (40, Hoyt Lakes) NLM.
2018Summer3451 Reported from every county except Le Sueur, Mower. High count 6/14 St. Louis (76, 67 heard/seen same grassland SE of Embarrass 7/14) SGW.
2018Fall3346 High counts 9/8 Grant (50, North Ottawa Impoundment) MO, 9/16 Dakota (36) MwT, 9/30 Lake (33, Castle Danger W.T.P.) JWL. Late north 11/1 St. Louis H.R.B.O., 11/5 Grant LiH, ASu, 11/10 Lake DFe, AaL, JfD, ClN (median 11/3). Late south 11/17 Cottonwood KEm, JWH, 11/21 Hennepin ebd, 11/22 Yellow Medicine GWe, 11/23 Lyon RJS (median 11/6).
2018Winter1 First winter report since 2015: 12/9 Dodge (Bud Jensen W.M.A.) ClB, LiH.
2019Summer3451 Found in all counties except Brown, Freeborn. High count 7/13 Polk (47, C.R. 46 near Crookston) SAu, JCJ.
 Breeds throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.