Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks
Summer Tanager
Scarlet Tanager
Western Tanager
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Black-headed Grosbeak
[Rose-breasted Grosbeak X Black-headed Grosbeak]
[Pheucticus grosbeak]
Blue Grosbeak
Lazuli Bunting
Indigo Bunting
Painted Bunting

Scarlet Tanager(Piranga olivacea)
1932SummerA nest in the proc<:Jss of construction 'was seen at Bra.Jnerd, May 30 (J:Wans). I
1933Summer Three nests of this strikingly beautiful bird ~seen this yonr. The first was discovered by Dr. Prosser near Ml::lndota on June 3rd. The 3 eggs which 1t contained -vrere viewed with JJ'lterest by several mEmbers of this organization who wore pre~~ent. Two nests were Hiemenz~ One, located near st. Jloud, held '1 egg and 2 Brown-headed Cowbird eggs on June 6th, nnd the othor1 containing 1 nevrly-ha.t~hed young and 1 egg, plus a Brown-headed Cowbird tagg, was found near Backus, Oass County, on J'I.Ule 16th,
1934Summer The e&rliest nest of this beautiful bird had 1 egg when found by vloolsey on June 2nd atVergas. He remarks, "The female was so tame she nearly had to be lifted from the nest in order to ascertain its contents." Prosser and Swanson saw the latest nest at Linwood on July 7th, when the bird was incubating.
1935Summer Risser viritos that at Linwood Juno 15th ho found n nost cf this bixod containing 1 broken egg. Breckenridge, Ca.npbcll, Prosser, and Stone sa.w a. nest with 3 ha.lf-erown ycunc July 9th. This nest likewise, was a.t Linwood.
1936Summer Bert Hawkins found a nest of four eggs on June 14th at Whitefish Lake.
1937SummerA black-wing­ed redbird's nest found near Excelsior on June I9 held four tanager's eggs and one cowbird's egg (Swedenborg).
1938SummerA nest con­taining 2 eggs and one Brown-headed Cowbird's egg was seen on June 3 near Afron by Prosser, Rysgaard, and Breckenridge. On June ~4 Breckenridge found 2 nests at Nine Mile Creek, Minneapolis; one held one Tanager's egg and 3 Brown-headed Cowbird's eggs; the other held 3 Tanager's eggs and 2 Brown-headed Cowbird's eggs. 
1940SummerAn incubat­ing bird was found on a nest which held an undetermined number of eggs, at Sturgeon Lake on June I3, by G. Rys­gaard.
1961SpringA female was seen by this writer at Duluth on 27 May. Seen by A. C. Rosenwinkel at Willow River on 27 May. Fingillidae: Variable in their appearances, but for the most part were seen as usual. The Harris' and Whitecrowned Sparrows managed to elude most observers~ while the Dickcissel is here in moderate numbers this year.
1962SpringMay 12 Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel; May 13 Minneapolis, W. R. Pieper; May 14 Duluth, John Green; May 15 Washington Co., Dean Honetschlager; May 18 Goodhue Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel
1963SpringMay 8, Goodhue Co., Avifauna! Club; May 11, Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel; May 22, Cass Co., the Mathisens; May 22, Virginia, St. Louis Co., Vera F. Barrows; May 25, Shotley, Beltrami Co., Mabel Goranson; Jan Green reports 5 different ob· servations in the Duluth area this spring, more than ever before for that area.
1963SummerRamsev Co., May 17, 3 nestlings, A. C. Rosenwinkel.
1963FallAug. 24, Duluth, one female, Avifauna! Club; latest, Sept. 21, Watonwan Co., TV Tower Kill, Avifauna! Club. movements took place in the state between Sept. 20 and 27, with the Whitethroats and juncos leading the way.
1964Spring5-11 Stearns Co, RPR; 5-19 Hennepin Co, 10, MAS; 5-12 Wright Co, fide EC; 5-19 Ramsey ELC; 5-15 Washington Co, DH; 5-23 Crow Wing Co, TEM; 5-21 Fargo, EGA; 5-3 Winona, FR, DJ.
1964Fall9-14 Duluth, JCG; 9-25 Crow Wing Co, MSB; 9-27 Hennepin Co, fide FN.
1965Springearliest 4-29 Wilmar, LSZ (details?); next 5-1 Hennepin Co, TEM and 5-6 Minneapolis, RBJ and Washington Co, WWL.
1965Falllatest 9-24 White Bear, ELC and 9-25 St. Paul, ACR; one fantastic record, 11-14 Bemidji, Beltrami Co, 1 male, no details, reported by Evan B. Hazard of the ornithology staff at Bemidji State College.
1966Springearliest 5-7 Dakota Co, MRL; 5-10 Goodhue Co, DB; 5-14 Frontenac, MIG.
1966Summerreported from Becker, Itasca, Ramsey, Washington, Goodhue, Stearns, Rice, Morrison, Crow Wing, Dakota and Cook (6-1 Schroeder, MOP) Co's.
1966FallLatest 9-23 Ramsey Co., ACR; 9-25 Hennepin Co., JAJ; 10-6 Hennepin Co., MHM.
1967Springearly 5-7 Blue Earth Co., EDK; 5-15 Goodhue Co., FN/ MAS; 5-15 Cottonwood Co., LAF; 5-19 Lake Co., VF.
1967Summerreported from Isanti, Cottonwood, Washington, Anoka, Car ver, Houston, Morrison, Clearwater, Cook (JCG), Crow Wing, Beltrami (DGF) Co's.
1967Fall latest 9-26 Anoka Co., PE; 9-29 Crow Wing Co., MSB; 9-30 Minneapolis, VL.
1968Spring early 5-l Aitkin Co., CEP; 5-7 Minneapolis, FN/MAS, VL; 5-11 Houston Co., FL; 5-12 Houston Co., DB, Goodhue Co., EMB and Carver Co., RTH.
1968Summer nested in Crow Wing, Hubbard Co's; also reported from Stearns, Lake (JCG), Beltrami (ME), Pine, Clearwater, Morrison, Sherburne, Carlton, Rice, ltasca,Hennepin, Anoka, Mille Lacs Co's.
1968Fall10-1 Hennepin (T. S. Roberts) DB; 10-1 Duluth JCG for Anne K. Arndt.
1969Spring5-4 Winona Co., BT; 5-8 Sibley Co., DMF; 5-16 Morrison Co., LSR, and Cook Co., OP; 5-28 Waseca Co., WF; 6-7 Carver Co., THH.
1969Summerreported from Winona, Ramsey, Hennepin, Rice (Nerstrand Woods, OR) Isanti, Carver, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Crow Wing, Cass, Mahnomen, Beltrami, St. Louis and Cook Co's.
1969Fall9-17 Hennepin WKE; 9-22, 9-25 Duluth 7, 1 MC.
1970Springearly south 5-3 Winona TV; 5-9 Goodhue HW; 5-10 Goodhue EB and Carver KH ; early north 5-9 Morrison LR; 5-10 Clearwater RD.
1970Summernested in Mille Lacs and reported from Beltrami, Winona, Cook, Wright, Hennepin, Crow Wing, and Stearns Co's.
1970Falllate north 9-17 Duluth KS; 9-20 Crow Wing ]B; late south 9-18 Carver KH; 9-27 Hennepin VL, CH; 9-30 Hennepin DB.
1971Summernested in Crow Wing; also reported from 13 other counties.
1972Summernested in Wright, (Crow Wing), (Aitkin), (Washington); seen in 13 other counties.
1973Summer Seen in 22 counties.
1974Spring Early south 4-18 Lyon DR; 5-7 Olmsted JF; 5-10 Lyon HCK; early north 5-14 Pine ML; 5-17 Crow Wing JB; 5-18 Cass HRH; 5-20 Becker TRS.
1974Summer Reported from 22 counties.
1974Fall Late north 9-10 Crow Wing JB; 9-26 Morrison LSR; late south 9-2 Rock KE; 10-9,10 Hennepin WKE.
1975Spring Early south 4-30 Rice RD; 5-2 Hennepin OW; 5-5 Olmsted VH; early north 5-17 St. Louis NJH; 5-22 St. Louis GJN.
1975Summer Nested in Stearns; also reported from 13 other counties including Renville; fewer reports than usual.
1975Falllate north 9-15 Mille Lacs MI; 9·29 Hubbard WL; late south 9-29 Ramsey EC; 10-4 Hennepin ES; 10-7 Washington DGW.
1976Spring Early south 5-12 Olmsted VH and Lyon HK; 3 reports on 5-13; early north 5-13 Crow Wing JB; 5-17 Itasca MS; 5-20 Marshall SV.
1976Summerreported from 17 counties including Mahnomen and Jackson.
1976Fall Late north 8-30 Duluth; late south 9-17 Washington, 9-26 Mower, 10-26 Hennepin GSS.
1977Spring Early south 4-12 Wabasha Clifford & Helda Braatz earliest date on record; 5-7 Goodhue WE; 5-11 Washington RJ; 5-12 Hennepin DB; early north 5-11 Mille Lacs TS; 5-14 Itasca MS; 5-16 Otter Tail GO and St. Louis MH.
1977Summer Nested in Anoka; also reported from 22 other counties southwest to Big Stone and Lac qui Parle.
1978Summer Seen throughout the state.
1978Fall Late north 9-12 Morrison PM; late south 10-11 Switf WDM.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Anoka; also seen throughout the state.
1980Spring Early south 5-9 Washington DR, 5/0 Goodhue FKB; early north 5-13 Marshall SY, 5-16 Crow Wing RH.
1980Summer Breeding reported from Sherburne, Anoka; also seen in all regions except the Southwest, scarce in the West Central and South Central.
1980FallLate north 9-2 St. Louis KE, 9-14 Lake SW; late south 9-30 Anoka KL, Mower RRK, 10-27 Hennepin RBA.
1981Spring Early south 5-4 Anoka KL, 5-6 Sherburne EH, 5-7 Ramsey FKB; early nort~ 5-9 Aitkin TS, Itasca TL, 5-15 Mornson NMH, 5-16 Becker RA.
1981Fall Late north 9-25 Beltrami JP, 10-8 St. Louis KE; late south 10-3 Hennepin SC, 10-14 Hennepin MW.
1982Spring Early south 5-8 Winona FL, 5-9 Olmsted BE, 5-10 Dakota JD; early north 5-15 Beltrami AS, 5-18 Beltrami JSP, St. Louis JG, 5-19 Mille Lacs CF / KB.
1982Summer Seen in 33 counties throughout most of the state but not seen in the Southwest or West Central regions.
1982Fall Late north 9/ II Crow Wing JB, 9/15 Cook KMH; late south 9/18 Anoka SC, 9/24 Houston EMF, 9/26 Cottonwood LAF.
1983Spring Early south 5/7 Houton EMF, Ramsey DZIMC, 5/10 Blue Earth JCF, Hennepin SC, OJ, 5/11 Henepin DB, ES ; early north 5/1 I Becker TNWR, 5/12 Mille Lacs MLWMA, 5/21 St. Louis MH, TL.
1983Summer Breeding data from Anoka. Seen in 34 other counties throughout the state except the Southwest.
1983Fall Late north 9/24 Beltrami JSp, 9/25 St. Louis KC, HRNR, 9/29 Pennington KSS; late south 10/5 Hennepin ES, 10/14 McLeod RG, 10/18 Hennepin SC, ES.
1984Spring Early south 5/10 Mower PP, 5/11 Hennepin SC, 5/13 Washington JPAM; early noth 5/19 Grant RJ, Mille Lacs MLWMA, 5/20 Kanabec SSt, 5/22 Crow Wing JB.
1984Summernested in Anoka, Sherburne, Brown and Renville; also seen in 27 other counties.
1984Fall Late north 10/6 Todd RJ, 10/20 Lake TT, 10/21 Cook KE; late south 9/27 Dakota JD, 9/29 Anoka SC, 9/30 Hen nepin SC.
1985Spring Early south 5/5 Dakota JD, Olmsted JP, Ramsey KB, 5/6 Hennepin DB, 5/7 Dakota TTu; early north 5/9 Morrison NH, 5/11 Clay LCF, St. Louis KC, KE, 5/18 Cook KMH.
1985Summer Nested in Kanabec (SSt), Anoka, Ramsey (KB), Brown; probable nesting in Clearwater, Isanti. Also seen in 19 other counties throughout most of the state but not in the southwest and scarce in the west central and south central regions.
1985Fall Late north 9/1 Beltrami AB, 9/5 Wadena DB, 9/28 Grant RJ; late south 9/26 Mower RRK, JM, 10/3 Hennepin SC, GP, 10/19 Chippewa AB.
1986Spring Early south 4/30 Ramsey KB, 5/4 Hennepin SC, 5/5 Brown JS, Olmsted JEB; early north 5/11 St. Louis fide KE, 5/12 Cook EH, 5/16 Carlton LW, Clay LCF.
1986Summer Nested in Anoka; probable nesting in Carver. Also seen in 28 other counties west to Fillmore, Brown, Pope, Otter Tail, Red Lake and Agassiz NWR.
1986Fall Late north 8/31 Aitkin WN and Clearwater AB, 9/13 Duluth SDM, 9/17 Cook KMH; late south 9/21 Hennepin SC, 9/22 Ramsey KB, 9/24 Houston EMF.
1987Spring Early south 5/2 Mower JM, 5/8 Brown JS and Hennepin ES, 5/9 Scott AB and Ramsey KB; early north 5/12 Norman RJ, 5/14 Wadena DB, 5/16 Clearwater AB and St. Louis fide KE.
1987Summer Probable nesting in Anoka. Also seen in 27 other counties throughout range.
1987Fall Late north 9/7 Aitkin WN, 9/13 Duluth AB, 11/11 Cook KMH; late south 9/12 Fillmore AP, 9/16 Cottonwood BF, 9/20 Hennepin SC.
1988Spring Early south 5/1 Hennepin TI, 5/2 Mower JM, 5/3 Rice LW; early north 5/12 Becker BK, 5/15 Aitkin WN, 5/18 Clay LCF.
1988Summer More reports than usual; seen in 37 counties throughout range west to Clay, Pope, Brown, Wahtonwan.
1988Fall Late north 9/2 St. Louis SS, 9/4 Aitkin WN, 9/18 Clay LCF; late south 9/11 Olmsted BSE, 9/15 Wright ES, 9/20 Hennepin SC.
1989Spring Early south 5/5 Houston EMF, 5/7 Rice OR, 5/11 Olmsted JB, BSE; early north 5/19 Duluth KE, 5/20 Duluth TW, 5/21 Crow Wing WN, Morrison DJ.
1989Summer Probable nesting in Pennington, Anoka. Seen in 21 counties in southeast, east central, and three northern regions; plus Swift, Brown, Mille Lacs, Scott, Rice.
1989Fall Late north 9/l Lake DPV, 9/2 Clearwater AB, 9/16 Kanabec AP, RJ, St. Louis KR; late south 9/21 Hennepin SC, Houston EMF, 9/22 Anoka GP, Brown JS, 9/23 Ramsey RH, 10/7 Dakota JD.
1990Spring Early south 5/10 Hennepin RM, 5/12 Freeborn KV, Goodhue DZ, EL, Olmsted BSE, Scott AB, PS; early north 5/16 Otter Tail SDM, 5/19 Beltrami AB, 5/20 Aitkin WN, Beltrami MO.
1990Summer Probable nesting in Norman; seen in 29 other counties within range plus 7/20 Rock MB.
1990Fall Late north 9/1 Hubbard AB, 9/15 Becker MO, 9/20 Cook KMH; late south 9/25 Brown JS, Houston EMF, 9/27 Hennepin SC, 10/3 Hennepin GP.
1991Spring Early south 5/8 Murray ND, 5/9 Goodhue WP, Hennepin SC; early north 5/1 (earliest date on record) Becker DeB, 5/7 Hubbard JL.
1991Summer Nested in Anoka; seen in 29 other counties in all regions except southwest.
1991Fall Late north 9/10 Becker BB, 9/20 Pine TEB; late south 9/29 Hennepin TT, 10/1 Houston EMF.
1992Spring Early south 5/7 Hennepin DN, 5/9 Goodhue TEB, Hennepin JF and Pipestone ND, JP; early north 5/12 Becker BBe, 5/13 Lake MS.
1992Summer Probable breeding in Marshall, Lake of the Woods, Anoka; seen in 32 additional counties statewide, including 6/7 Rock.
1992Fall Late north 9/18 Lake DPV, 10/4 Otter Tail MO; late south 9/26 Chisago KB, Winona CS, 10/3 Hennepin RB.
1993Spring Early south 5/6 Ramsey AB, DC, 5/8 Anoka PKL, Carver DM, Goodhue HH, DZ, Hennepin Sc, OJ, TT, Ramsey AB, Steele RJ and Winona CS. Early north 5/7 Becker BBe, 5/9 Clay LCF and Douglas KKW.
1993Summer Nested in Anoka; probable nesting in Crow Wing, Isanti, Winona. Seen in 33 additional counties in all regions including Lyon in southwest.
1993Fall Late north 9/12 Beltrami TT, 10/31 Cook KMH. Late south 9/23 Hennepin PBu, Olmsted JB, Rice TB, 9/26 Hennepin SC.
1994Spring Early south 5/5 Houston EMF, 5/6 Goodhue DZ; early north 5/12 Kanabec CM, 5/13 Becker BBe.
1994Summer Nested in Winona JPo; probable nesting in Cass, Crow Wing, Kandiyohi. Seen in 29 additional counties in all regions except southwest.
1994Fall Late north 9/8 Kanabec CM, 9/10 St. Louis SS. Late south 9/25 Hennepin SC, 9/26 Renville RG.
1995Spring Early south 5/8 Ramsey TT, 5/9 Mower JM; early north 5/15 Becker BBe, 5/16 Aitkin CB.
1995Summer Probable nesting in Crow Wing. Seen in 33 additional counties in all regions except southwest (and only Otter Tail in west central).
1995Fall Late north 9/12 Becker BBe, 9/14 St. Louis AE, 9/19 Kanabec CM. Late south 9/26 Anoka KB, 10/1 and Hennepin SC, WM.
1996Spring Early south 5/16 Olmsted JSt and Winona CS, 5/17 Goodhue DN, DZ and Murray ND. Early north 5/16 Pennington and Polk SKS, 5/18 Kanabec BA and Wadena PBi.
1996Summer Probable nesting in Cass, Crow Wing, Anoka; seen in 31 additional counties in all regions of the state except the southwest.
1996Fall Late north 9/15 Carlton LW and Kanabec CM, 9/25 Aitkin WN. Late south 9/26 Anoka KB and Brown JSp, 10/2 Hennepin SC.
1997Spring Early south 5/11 Hennepin TT, 5/15 Olmsted DA, BE, 5/16 Anoka JH. Early north 5/18 Becker BBe, 5/21 Crow Wing PP and Kanabec CM, 5/23 Morrison RJ and Otter Tail GS. Peak numbers 5/25 Hennepin (22) TT.
1997Summer Observed in 32 counties in all regions (including Lyon, Jackson in southwest) except west central. New nesting record in Cass MSc, KD, TR; probable nesting in Crow Wing, Anoka, Scott.
1997Fall Late north 9/14 Carlton LW, 9/21 Aitkin WN, 9/23 Kanabec CM. Late south 9/21 Brown JSp and Rice JL, 9/29 Houston EMF, 10/5 Hennepin TT.
1998Spring Early south 5/10 Washington DN, 5/11 Hennepin TT, 5/12 Rice TBo. Early north 5/13 Cass EP, Kanabec CM, 5/14 Todd JSK.
1998Summer Most reports in 17+ years; seen in 40 counties in all regions. New nesting record in Lake JLi; probable nesting in Todd, Lyon.
1998Fall Late north 9/12 Otter Tail SDM, 9/28 Aitkin CMG, 9/29 Todd (bird with injured wing) JSK/SDu. Late south 9/25 Anoka TBr, 9/26 Hennepin SC, 10/5 Mower (2) RRK.
1999Spring Arrived south and north exactly on the recent median arrival dates. Early south 5/7 in three counties and 5/8 in four counties. Early north 5/12 Otter Tail KKW, 5/15 in three counties.
1999Summer Observed in 36 counties as far west as a line through Roseau, Becker, Todd, Kandiyohi, Brown.
1999Fall Earlier departure than normal; from north about ten days early and from south about one week early. Late north 8/24 Carlton LW and Hubbard PBu, 8/27 Beltrami RJ, 9/11 Cook KMH. Late south 9/20 Houston MFo, 9/23 Hennepin SC, 9/26 Hennepin TT.
2000Spring Observed in 20 south and 17 north counties. Early south (recent median 5/7) 5/1 Dakota SL, 5/4 Freeborn ABa. Early north (recent median 5/12) 5/9 Becker MWy, 5/11 Kanabec CM. Peak migration 5/6–9 south, 5/15–19 north.
2000Summer Many reports, similar to 1998. Observed in 40 counties in all regions (but only Otter Tail in west central and Lyon in southwest).
2000Fall Thirty reports from eastern and central counties. Latest north 9/9 Aitkin WEN, 9/14 Kanabec CM (median 9/20). Late south 9/27 Houston FZL, 10/13 Hennepin TAT (median 10/1).
2001Spring Seen in 32 south and 21 north counties. Early south (recent median 5/7) 4/30 Fillmore NBO and Scott CRM, 5/1 Hennepin KJB, SLC. Early north 5/10 Douglas, Wadena, Crow Wing, and Kanabec. Unusual locale 5/31 Hennepin (downtown Minneapolis) TAT. Migration peaked 5/5–7 south, 5/12–15 north.
2001Summer Most reports in 20+ years; seen in 43 counties in all regions except Southwest (and only Douglas in West-central).
2001Fall Late north 9/23 Pennington JMJ, 9/25 Wilkin BAB. Late south 9/30 Washington BRL and Wright DFJ, 10/2 Houston MHF.
2002Spring Seen in 25 south and 18 north counties. Early south 5/4 Dakota ADS, TAT, Goodhue OWB and Washington DFN, 5/5 Rice TFB and Scott DWK. Early north 5/11 Todd JSK, 5/15 in four counties. Second county occurrence 5/22 Wilkin JJS. High counts 5/23 Anoka (8) KJB, 5/26 Dakota (9) ADS.
2002Summer Observed in 42 counties in all regions, but only Yellow Medicine in Southwest.
2002Fall Late north 9/10 Becker BRK, 9/22 Cook RBJ (median 9/20). Late south 10/1 Dakota ADS, then three reports from Hennepin, ending with 10/6 SLC (median 10/2).
2003Spring Seen in 23 south and 13 north counties, mostly in central and eastern regions — none in the Southwest. Early south 5/2 Steele NFT, 5/5 Fillmore NBO and Hennepin SLC. Early north 5/10 Otter Tail NAMC, 5/14 Wadena PJB.
2003Summer Reported in 40 counties in all regions except Southwest.
2003Fall Late north 9/17 Becker MWy, 9/19 Beltrami DPJ, 10/18 St. Louis (H.R.N.R.) KRE, JWL; also seen in Red Lake, Wadena. Reported from 14 south counties including (late south) 9/30 Carver KTP and Hennepin SLC, 10/16 and 10/23 (same bird?) Ramsey NSp.
2004Spring Reported from 31 south and 21 north counties in all regions. Widespread at feeders beginning mid-May, with 5–8 birds in many locations and up to a dozen at others. Superlatives included “best migration in years” (JLH) and “incredible year” (RBJ). Early south 5/4 Anoka JLH, 5/7 Rice DAB, TFB. Early north 5/11 Hubbard MAW and Otter Tail EJE, 5/12 Otter Tail, St. Louis, Todd. Highest reported count 5/24–25 Crow Wing (two dozen at Ironton W.T.P., plus many local feeder reports) JSB.
2004Summer Reported from 33 counties throughout state.
2004Fall Found in 10 north counties, with scattered reports through 9/25, then third latest 11/8 St. Louis GCK, CMG. South reports through 9/18 in nine counties, then 9/28 Hennepin TAT, SLC.
2005Spring Observed in 26 south and 16 north counties in all regions. Early south 5/6 Wantowan LBF, 5/7 Goodhue PEB, 5/8 Houston FZL and Goodhue JWH. Early north 5/17 Kanabec HHD, 5/18 Wadena PJB and Kanabec CAM. Highest reported count 5/19 Fillmore (6) NBO.
2005Summer Record high number of reports: seen in 44 counties in all regions of state.
2005Fall Late north 9/13 Lake JWL, 9/18 Douglas HHD. Reported from 12 additional north counties including Wilkin. Late south 9/13 Fillmore NBO, 9/17 Nicollet ChH. Observed in four more south counties including Lincoln.
2006Spring Observed in 30 south and 20 north counties in all regions. Early south 5/3 Anoka REH, 5/8 Carver HHD, 5/9 Fillmore, Rice, Scott. Early north 5/9 St. Louis JWL, 5/15 Aitkin KCR. Highest reported count 5/15 Sherburne (10 along Mahnomen Trail, Sherburne N.W.R.) ASc.
2006Summer Found in 55 counties in all regions of state.
2006Fall Reported from 7 north and 15 south counties. Departed well before recent medians north (9/22) and south (10/2). Late north 9/3 in three counties, 9/9 Crow Wing ASc. Late south 9/24 Dakota DWK, 9/25 Olmsted JWH.
2007Spring1440 Early south 5/5 Goodhue SWe and Hennepin HCT, 5/6–8 in eight counties (median 5/5). Early north 5/8 Mille Lacs NSc, 5/9 Mille Lacs RBJ, 5/10 Cass BAW (median 5/12). High count 5/30 Mille Lacs (7) ASc.
2007Summer2333 Reported from all regions of the state.
2007Fall718 Late north 9/2 St. Louis ABL, 9/9 Lake EEO, 9/15 Cass ALB (median 9/21). Late south 9/13 Olmsted JWH, 9/15 Carver WCM, 9/17 Anoka DPG (median 10/2).
2008Spring2034 Early south (median 5/5) 5/2 Winona JOb, 5/6 Hennepin ALD, 5/8–10 Fillmore (eating suet) NBO. Early north 5/12 (median) Crow Wing JSB, 5/14 Kanabec CAM.
2008Summer1728 Reported from all regions of state.
2008Fall617 Late north 9/9 Isanti DPG, 9/12 Mille Lacs MRN, 9/19 Otter Tail SPM (median 9/21). Late south 9/14 Olmsted JWH, 9/19 Fillmore NBO, 9/22 Lac qui Parle FAE (median 10/2).
2009Spring2332 Early south (median 5/5) 5/6 Meeker JRo, Scott CRM, 5/8 Nicollet WCM, 5/9 Anoka DWK, PEB, JPM, Le Sueur JWH, Meeker DMF. Early north (median 5/12) 5/8 Aitkin KCR, 5/13 Crow Wing JSB, 5/16 Morrison, FGo, 5/17 Polk BDF.
2009Summer2330 Observed in all regions except Southwest. First county breeding records for Hennepin RLR, Washington DBM. High counts 6/4 Sherburne (10) ASc, 6/14 Nicollet (5) WCM.
2009Fall817 Late north (median 9/20) 9/3 Wadena DBM, 9/4 Clearwater JCC, 9/13 Carlton LAW, 9/24 St. Louis NAJ. Late south 9/15 Fillmore DBM, 9/22 Dakota ADS, 9/30 Hennepin SLC, 10/3 Hennepin BAF (median 10/1).
2010Spring1635 Early south (median 5/5) 5/8 Carver JCy, Goodhue FKB, 5/9 Carver WCM, Wabasha LS, Winona ANy. Early north (median 5/12), 5/10 Cass BAW, 5/15 Morrison MJB, 5/16 Wadena PJB. Season high counts 5/22 Scott (17, Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) BAF, 5/15 Rice (7) DAB.
2010Summer2731 Found in all regions of the state. First county breeding records from Douglas JPE, St. Louis MTh.
2010Fall1118 Late north 9/12 Douglas JPE, 9/13 Mille Lacs ASc, 9/16 Cass ABi (median 9/20), plus an almost record-late individual without details from Kittson. Late south 9/21 Hennepin SKS, 9/25 Rice TFB, 9/26 Hennepin SLC, followed by record late south 11/20 Stearns (female, St. Augusta) ph. DJD (median 10/1).
2011Spring2042 Early south (median 5/5) 4/23 Stearns ARW, 5/7 Goodhue BNW, Rice JM, 5/8 Martin JCC, Rice BJB. Early north (median 5/12) 5/5 Mahnomen DTh, 5/10 Cass BAW, Todd JeM, 5/14 Becker MMD.
2011Summer2530Reported from all regions of state. High count 7/3 Scott (10, Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) BAF.
2011Fall1322 High count 9/4 Houston (6, Beaver Creek Valley S.P.) ACr. North reports through 9/8, then only 9/19–20 Crow Wing LBF, 9/26 Todd JLK (median 9/20). Late south 9/26 Dakota SLP, Dodge RBW, Hennepin SLC, 9/28 Kandiyohi DBM, 9/30 Lac qui Parle FAE (median 10/1).
2012Spring2234 Early south (median 5/5) 5/2 Goodhue GJM, 5/4 Dakota ASi, Olmsted RAE, Ramsey RMD, Rice TFB, Scott BAF, SHF. Early north (median 5/12) 5/8 Otter Tail BDE, Todd JeM, DTM, 5/10 Traverse DBM, 5/12 Beltrami DPJ, Itasca SC, Kanabec DPG. High count 5/11 Scott (11, Murphy-Hanrehan P.R. north trails; all were singing males except one female.) BAF, SHF.
2012Summer2929 Reported throughout the state. High count 6/24 Dakota (8, Lebanon Hills R.P.) TAT. First county breeding record from Rice KSm.
2012Fall1623 Most reports from the eastern two-thirds of the state. High count 8/21 St. Louis (4, Hartley Park) JLK. Late north 9/22 Cass (Walker) BAW, 9/23 St. Louis (2) JLK, 10/3 Cass (Stony Point) ph. BJL (median 9/20). Late south 9/27 Ramsey TAT, 9/29 Winona CoN, ClN, 10/2 Blue Earth ChH (median 10/1).
2013Spring2540 Early south (median 5/5) 5/8 Rice GHo, 5/9 Freeborn AEB, Hennepin BAb, Olmsted LAV, Rice DAB, 5/10 Dakota ADS, Ramsey LHo. Early north (median 5/12) 5/15 Hubbard MAW, Kanabec CAM, 5/16 Cass MRN, 5/17 Beltrami DPJ, Crow Wing JSB, Polk SAu plus five counties on 5/18. High counts 5/17 Hennepin (11) TAT, 5/17 Hennepin (9) CMB. New county record 5/18 Nobles BWF.
2013Summer2740 Found in all regions of state. First county breeding records from Hubbard MaH, Pine CCa.
2013Fall1223 Majority of reports from the eastern half of the state. Late north 9/14 Clay MO, 9/17 St. Louis KJB, 9/19 Pine DAC, RBJ, m.ob. 10/6 Lake LS, KRE (median 9/20). Late south 9/29 Dakota DVe, 10/5 Hennepin ASi, 10/6 Hennepin AxG, 10/8 Hennepin MaC, 10/12 Ramsey ASi (median 10/1).
2014Spring2931Early south (median 5/5) 5/7 Faribault CoN, Ramsey RZi, PSe, Winona MHa plus six other counties on 5/8. Early north (median 5/12) 5/10 Morrison JFR, PSP, MEm, 5/14 Cass BAW. High counts 5/26 Scott (9, Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) BAF, SHF, 5/21 Sherburne (7) JGb.
2014Summer2431Reported from all regions of state. High count 7/3 Scott (12, Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) BAF.
2014Fall1528 As typical for fall, majority of reports in the eastern half of the state. High counts 8/25 Carver (6, Carver P.R.) PTn, 9/16 Steele (5) PSu, 9/20 Morrison (5) KEm, JEm. Late north 9/20 Itasca SC, Morrison KEm, JeM, 9/26 Crow Wing PSP (median 9/20). Late south 9/27 Anoka BRL, 9/28 Hennepin TAT, 10/1 McLeod BHa (median 10/1).
2015Spring2445 Early south (median 5/5) 5/4 Fillmore RTP, 5/5 Rice TFB, 5/6 Dakota DVe, Hennepin WPe, WBe. Early north (median 5/12) 5/7 Crow Wing ABi, Morrison MJB, Pine SBE. High counts 5/18 St. Louis (27) KJB, 5/28 Scott (8, Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) BAF.
2015Summer2533 Found in all regions. High count 6/5 Scott (8, Murphy-Hanrehan R.P.) BAF.
2015Fall1830 Majority of reports from the eastern two-thirds of the state. High counts from St. Louis, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census, KJB: 21 on 9/1, 6 on 8/30, 5 on 9/2; also 9/2 Anoka (5) JWl. Late north 9/16 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 9/19 Koochiching AMe, 9/27 Becker ADr (median 9/22). Late south 9/28 Faribault DWK, 9/29 Sherburne PMJ, 10/12 Rice DAT, 10/13 Anoka DPG (median 10/2).
2016Spring2243 Early south (median 5/6) 5/7 Dakota DFN, Goodhue TLg, SWl, 5/8 Dakota RBW, Scott TLg. Early north (median 5/11) 5/11 Cass DoH, 5/12 Morrison SEm, 5/13 Otter Tail ANy, DBz. High counts 5/30 Scott (11, Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) EHg, 5/20 Scott (9, Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) WCM.
2016Summer2635 Found in all regions. First county breeding record 7/5 Wabasha KnM.
2016Fall1933 High count 9/10 Stearns (7, St John's Abbey Arboretum) BKe. Late north 9/13 Pine LEv, St. Louis (4, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 9/17 Crow Wing PSP (median 9/23). Late south 9/24 Ramsey JWH, 9/25 Dakota ALw, 9/26 Fillmore DBz (median 10/2).
2017Spring2640 Early south (median 5/6) 5/2 Hennepin SKe, Rice GHo, 5/6 Goodhue MCA, Olmsted LH, 5/7 Dakota AJF, Ramsey OGo. Early north (median 5/10) 5/10 Becker BEs, Crow Wing PSP, 5/13 Aitkin SC, Becker ShG, HeH, Crow Wing JnP, Morrison RPR. High counts 5/21 Scott (9, Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) WCM, 5/13 Scott (8, Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) TSk, 5/22 Le Sueur (8, Sakatah Lake S.P.) KCR, 5/24 Morrison (7) SEm, 5/13 Carver (6, Rapids Lake - Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) JCy, 5/18 Washington (6, Lee & Rose Warner N.C.) PSm.
2017Summer2541 Reported throughout state. High count 7/2 Le Sueur (10, Sakatah Lake S.P.) LiH, ASu.
2017Fall1432 High counts 8/12 Crow Wing (4) JLA, 8/11 Carver (3, Carver P.R.) WCM. Late north 9/21 St. Louis ALx, 9/24 Crow Wing PSP, EGa, 9/30 Hubbard MaH (median 9/24). Late south 10/3 Hennepin DSt, 10/5 Blue Earth WCM, 10/26 Rice TFB (median 10/2).
2018Spring3147 Early south (median 5/5) 5/2 Stearns FGo, 5/5 Hennepin MPi, Rice DAT. Early north (median 5/10) 5/7 Pine KrM, 5/8 St. Louis JLK, 5/10 Douglas ebd, Kanabec ebd. High counts 5/17 Dakota (7, Spring Lake P.R.) DVe, 5/20 Hennepin (7) TAT, 5/21 Goodhue (7, Frontenac S.P.) ebd.
2018Summer3043 Found in all regions. First county breeding records 7/26 Blue Earth REJ, 8/10 Carlton SrS.
2018Fall2641 High counts 8/16 St. Louis (5, Park Point R.A.) JLK, 9/10 Scott (5, Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) ebd. Late north 9/17 St. Louis JLK, 9/20–21 Crow Wing PSP (median 9/24). Late south 10/3 Hennepin CMB, 10/5 Washington BDo, 10/25 Houston KRz (median 10/2).
2019Summer2740 Reported from all regions. First county breeding record: 5/31 Fillmore MJM.
 Breeds throughout, but absent west-central and southwest. Migrant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.