Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Gray Partridge
Ring-necked Pheasant
Ruffed Grouse
Spruce Grouse
Willow Ptarmigan
Rock Ptarmigan
Sharp-tailed Grouse
Greater Prairie-Chicken
[Sharp-tailed Grouse X Greater Prairie-Chicken]
Wild Turkey

Sharp-tailed Grouse(Tympanuchus phasianellus)
1932SummerA fe~lo with 8 small downy young was seen at Ericsburg, June 1? (Swanson).
1933Summer On Juno 22nd Grimes locatod a nest of this species in Pennington County. 13 eggs comprised its contents. On the previous '.1 day the srune observer had soon a brood of 12 or 15 chicks barely able to fly.
1936Summer Arnold Erickson spied a covey of eleven small young on Jtu~e 25th in Pino County. On July 15th he saw two coveys of half-grown in Pine Cotmty.
1937SummerArnold Erickson saw ~hree fledged young on August 19 in the St. Croix National Park.
1945WinterPresent throughout the year.
1961Springwere reported by Joe Antonio on 10 April near Emharass, St. Louis County. R. Grant saw one in Becker County on 6 May, just south of Waubun.
1961SummerAdults with young seen at Rice Lake Refuge, Aitkin County on 29 July by Brother Theodore.
1961FallSeveral were seen near East Lake, Aitkin County by Bob Janssen on 21 Oct.
1961WinterSeveral flocks ob· served near Baudette, Lake-of-theWoods County, on December 9 by R. Huber and R. Oehlenschlager.
1962SummerSept. 3, Gonvick, Clearwater Co., two seen by R. Edevold.
1962FallDec. 8, near Washkish, Beltrami Co., Avifauna! Club.
1962WinterDec. 9, Dec. 23, Hibbing, St. Louis Co., Harriet Micen· sky; Jan. 1, Baudette, Lake-of-theWoods Co., Avifauna! Club; Jan. 17, Shotley, Beltrami Co., Mrs. Ben Goranson; Feb. 23, Lancaster, Kittson Co., and Feb. 24, Warroad, Lake-of-the· Woods Co., staff members of Minn. Museum of Natural History.
1963SpringMarch 23, Shotley, Beltrami County, 5 seen, Avifauna! Club; April 16, Shotley, 2 seen, Mabel Goranson; May 26, Cloquet Forest Research Center, Gordon Gullion.
1963SummerClearwater Co., Gonvick, last week in June, ad, 7y, George Herberg.
1963Winterall winter throughout rural Hibbing, St. Louis Co., Harriet Micensky and Mrs. McCracken; Jan 19, near Meadowlands, St. Louis Co., Avifauna! Club; Feb 1, Washkish, Beltrami Co., R. Grant and Tom Jegl:3.; Feb 19, Blackduck, Beltrami Co., Mabel Goranson.
1964Spring5-17 Aitkin Co, 1, PHR
1964Summer6-24, Sax, St. Louis Co, DM.
1964Fall9-21 Roseau Co, JLR, PEB; 10-16 Roseau Co, 15, DB; 10-17 Roseau Co, 43, JLR, PEB; 10-17 Marshall Co, 9, DB; 11-1 (10) and 11-20 (20) Roseau Co, JLR, PEB.
1965Spring3-16 Meadowlands, JWG; 3-18 thence into April, Mountain Iron, NJH; 3-27 Biwabik, VFB; 4-3 Two Harbors, RK; 11 observations throughout period, at Rice Lake refuge, CEP.
1965Fall10-11 Holt, Marshall Co, 3, DLO.
1965WinterSt (2), Hibbing, HM; 2/12 (1), Floodwood, RG. Marshall: daily with greatest number, 16, Az. Staff. Aitkin: occasionally with greatest number, 7, CEP. Northern Bobwhite. 1/15-2/ 16 (9-10), Dakota, EMB, RBJ. Chukar. 1/8 (14), Ely, St. Louis Co., DAB. Gray Partridge. 12/9 (1), Olmsted, FGD; 12/22 (10), Clay, Xmas; Feb., Nobles, HSH; 2/2-28 (8), Dakota, EMB; 2/12 (4), Marshall, Az. Staff; 2/28 (2), Polk, G&SM.
1966Spring3-20 St. Louis Co, 4, LTM; listed as resident in Rice Lake Refuge, 7, CEP.
1966Summerpresent all summer in Roseau Co, PEB.
1966Fall10-8 Mille Lacs Co., 1, RHJ.
1966Winter12-21 Fargo area, fide EGA; 12-26 Aitkin Co., DP; 1-2 St. Louis Co., SM; 1-14 Beltrami Co., DB; all winter, Roseau Co., over 200 trapped and banded, PEB.
1967Spring3-4 (3), 3-8 (6), 3-23 (7) Marshall Co., A WR; 3-25 Lakeof- the Woods Co., BL; occasionally throughout March, Aitkin Co., CEP; 4-9 Beltrami Co., 4, MG· A ril-Ma St. Louis Co., 6, VFB-ate April, Col eg -Mt ~~;~hite: throughout March, Wabas~~.n Co., 1 to 5 birds, DGM; 4-3 Wabasha ttffJL Co., 4, DGM.
1967Summer6-5 St. Louis Co., nr Floodwood, DGF.
1967Fall 11-27 Hibbing, 1 being chased by Snowy Owl, John Micensky.
1967Winter 12-30 Hibbing, St. Louis Co., 2, HM; 2-3 Payne, St. Louis Co., 2, BL; 2-4 Grand Marais, Cook Co., 1, FL (may be only Cook Co. record?); 2-22 Meadowlands, St. Louis Co., 11, DB; 2-26 and throughout winter, Marshall Co., A WR; "resident", Roseau Co., PEB.
1968Spring 3-3 Lake-of-theWoods Co., 1, 3-4 Marshall Co., 1 and 4-20 Koochiching Co., 8, Lake-of-the Woods Co., 19, JAH; 5-18 Carlton Co., 1, JGH.
1968Summer 6-1 Clay Co, 2, DB.
1968Fall10-8 Roseau 15 + DB; 11-2 St. Louis MC, JCG.
1968Winter2-2 Pine (Willow River) 2 EC; also present Roseau common PEB.
1969Spring3-7 (2) Beltrami Co., BL.
1969Summer6-14 Marshall Co. 9, JJG.
1969Fall9-26 Roseau 2 ETS.
1969WinterReported from Rice Lake Refuge, Aitkin So.; Agassiz Refuge, Marshall Co.
1970Spring3-21 Clay EA; 4-4 Aitkin (10} BL, RG; 5-16 Beltrami (1) RD; only reports.
1970Summerreported only from Marshall Co.
1970Fall10-25 Beltrami (3) ]G, only report.
1970Winterreported from Marshall,Carlton (15 Cromwell JGH), Pine.
1971Spring3 reports Woods (11) KE, RR; 5-31 Aitkin (2) JB; no date Beltrami RCD.
1971Summer4 rep01;ts MMC; 6-4 and 7-22 Aitkin (3) TS; 7-15 Beltrami (1) RD; "present" Marshall JBMH.
1971Fall8-17, 9-18. 11-21 Aitkin (11) TS; 10-ln Aitkin (2\ JB, MMC. JG; 11-10 Clear water (25\ RD; 11-13 Koochiching (5} NH.
1971Winterreported from Marshall, Beltrami (10), Aitkin (8), Lake of the Woods (42).
1972Summernested in Aitkin; seen also in Mahnomen (EW; JM).
1972WinterReported from Aitkin, Crow Wing, Marshall and St. Louis.
1973Summer Nested in Aitkin; seen in Cottonwood (7-1 & 3 LAF).
1973Fall Only two reports (four last year): 9/9 (18) Marshall (AWR); 10-13 Aitkin (TS).
1973Winter Reported on the Warren, Hibbing, Sax-Cotton, International Falls and Northwoods Christmas Counts; also 12-22 and 26 Pine (DAB, FN), 1-26 St. Louis (KE), and 2-21 Aitkin (TS).
1974Spring 5 reports all from Aitkin Co.: 4-2 (1), 4-6 (3), 4-17 (7) TS; 4-21 (2) JB; 5-5 (1) GJN.
1974Summer Nested in Marshall and Aitkin; no other reports.
1974Fall Marshall-several October sightings AR; 8-10 Aitkin KE, ES; 11-6 SaxZim JG, MMC.
1974Winter Reported from Marshall Co. (Warren Christmas Count and 5 at Agassiz, SV), Aitkin Co. (17 from 1-4 to 1-18, RG), and St. Louis Co. (1-14, P. Fearing).
1975Spring 3 reports: 4-5 Aitkin (7) RBJ; "present" Marshall AR; 5-3 Aitkin JB.
1975Summer Nested in Marshall (brood seen, SV); also seen 6-21 Aitkin (OJ).
1975Fall9-17 Marshall SV; and 11-1 Aitkin (12) JG.
1975Winterreported from Polk (Crookston Christmas Count per iod), Marshall (2-12 and 13, SV), and Aitkin (12-22 and 1-18, TS, JJ, SS) Co's.
1976Spring 2 reports: 3-4 Aitkin (3) JB; 5-29 Polk (3) GO.
1976Summernested in Marshall (SV); no other reports.
1976Fall 4 reports: 10-20 Aitkin JB, 11-19 Aitkin (16) PH, 9-7 Aitkin (20) RJ, no date Marshall SV.
1976Winter reports: Crookston Christmas Count; 12-29 Beltrami and Lake of the Woods (11; KE, SM); all winter in Marshall Co. (11; SV).
1977Spring 8 reports: 3-22 Roseau, 3-27 Lake of the Woods PH; 4-2 Aitkin (5) TS; 4-23 Itasca (25) LF; 4-26 Aitkin (12) JB; 5-25 Polk (3) RJ; 5-30 Roseau DGW; also reported from Marshall.
1977Summer Reported only from Marshall and Aitkin.
1977Winter Reported on the Crookston and SaxZim CBCs; present all winter in Koochiching (peak of 15, LG) and Agassiz N.W.R. (12, SV); also seen 2-4 Willow River, Pine Co. (DB).
1978Spring Reported from Polk, Roseau, Marshall, Koochiching and Aitkin.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Beltrami; also seen in Aitkin and Marshall.
1978Fall Only report from Marshall ANWR, "winter resident."
1978Winter Reported from Marshall, Beltrami, Aitkin and Carlton.
1979Spring 3-9 Beltrami, 3-31 Aitkin TS, 4-8 Aitkin BB, 4-13 Lake of the Woods JM, 4-30 Aitkin BB, 5-5 Pennington SS.
1979Summer Breeding reported in Lake of the Woods; also seen in Aitkin, Beltrami, Pennington, Kittson.
1979Fall 9-10 Beltrami SL, MV, 10-20 Pine RJ (12), 11-4 Koochiching SM, 11-8 Roseau SM, 11-10 Beltrami SL, MV (20), only reports.
1979Winter Reported from Aitkin, Itasca, Lake of the Woods, Kittson and Clay 2-29 (SY) (Need details). Ring-necked Phea,san:t Reports from 28 counties are down from last year's 42 counties.
1980Spring 3-1 Aitkin WN, 3-25 Lake of the Woods TA,. KE, 3-31 Beltrami MBN, JH, 4-19 Pme BL; also reported, no dates, Marshall ANWR, Pennington KSS.
1980Summer Seen in Roseau, Marshall, Pennington, Beltrami and Aitkin.
1980Fall 8-14 Aitkin WN, 8-22 Aitkin and St. Louis TCS, 10-12 Cass LLH, Itasca DB, 11-25 Carlton TCS.
1980Winter Five reports from Pine, Aitkin, Pennington, Marshall and Lake of the Woods.
1981Spring Permanent resident; reported from Aitkin, Beltrami, Itasca, Lake of the Woods, Marshall and St. Louis counties.
1981Fall Permanent resident; reported 8-8 Aitkin WN, 10-6 Pennington GMO (14), 11-29 Aitkin WN.
1981Winter Five reports from Beltrami, Aitkin and Carlton.
1982Spring Permanent resident; reported 4-17 Marshall JSP, 5-5 Lake of the Woods TW, 5-8 Polk MH, 5-17 Pennington KSS, also Red Lake (no date) KL.
1982Summer Breeding data from Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Polk. Seen in Kittson, Pennington, Aitkin.
1982Fall Reported Aitkin and St. Louis KE, no dates; also 8/14 Aitkin SC, 8/15 Roseau John C. Robinson, 8/21 Aitkin WN. 10/9 Marshall JP, II /13 Aitkin SC.
1982Winter Reports from six counties in the north central and north west regions.
1983Spring Permanent resident, reported 4/16 Aitkin WN, 4/17 Pennington KSS, 4/22 Marshall ANWR, 4/23 Beltrami JP, 5/1 Clearwater AB.
1983Summer Breeding data from Aitkin. Also seen in Kittson, Roseau, Marshall, Polk, Lake of the Woods, Koochiching (Birchdale, TS), Carlton, (KL), Pine (ML).
1983Fall 8/27 Roseau AJ, 10/4 Marshall NH, I01 22 Pine BE, Beltrami JSP, 11/5 Marshall EH, Aitkin (no date) KL-all reports.
1983Winter Reported on the Crookston and Baudette CBC's and from Marshall, Koochiching and Aitkin.
1984Spring Permanent resident, reported 4/1 Aitkin WN, Red Lake KSS, 4/8 Aitkin JB, 4/9 Marshall SDM, 4/11 JP/AM, 4/12 Polk ES, 4/29 Carlton RJ, 5/5 Marshall SNP, SS.
1984Summernested in Aitkin; also seen in Roseau, Marshall and Pennington .
1984Fall 11/l 0 Aitkin (7) Ill17 Pine (7) AB, DB.
1984Winter Reported from Marshall, Lake of the Woods, Koochiching, St. Louis and Aitkin 12-18 (40) (SC).
1985Spring Permanent resident, reported 4/2 Aitkin SWIMS, 4/3 Pennington TT, 4/6 Polk AB, 4/13 Aitkin WN, 4/27 Aitkin, Koochiching RJ, 4/29 Polk RJ, 5/27 Lake of the Woods AB. Also reported from Itasca KL, and Marshall ANWR.
1985Summer Seen in Aitkin, Roseau, Marshall.
1985Fall Permanent resident, reported 8/24 Crow Wing WN, 9/14 Aitkin WN, 11/3 Kittson (50) RJ, Marshall (no date) ANWR.
1985Winter Six on the Crookston CBC and reports from Marshall, Koochiching, Aitkin and St. Louis.
1986Spring Permanent resident, reported 3/8 Aitkin WN, 4/5 Aitkin SC, 5/3 Polk RGJ, MM, 5/25 Clearwater AB, 5/26 Clearwater RG, Marshall (no dates) ANWR.
1986Summer Nested in Aitkin. Also seen in Marshall.
1986Fall Reported from Aitkin, Clearwater, Koochiching, Marshall and St. Louis counties . Wild Thrkey All reports: 8/3- 11/20 Houston (max. ll) EMF, JM, 8/31 Fillmore AP.
1986Winter Reported from Marshall, Lake of the Woods and Aitkin. Wild Thrkey Reported from Winona, Houston and Fillmore.
1987Spring Reported from Aitkin, Clearwater, Crow Wing, Marshall, Roseau and St. Louis counties. Wild Thrkey All reports: 3/3 Winona (10) AP, 3/10-5/31 Houston, (max. 15) EMF, FL, JM, 3/12 Fillmore ( 4) AP, 4/11 Wabasha AP
1987Summer Probable nesting in Aitkin. Also seen m Marshall, Pennington, Beltrami. Wild Thrkey Probable nesting lin Fillmore (36 young, Forestville State Park, fide JMo). Also seen in Houston.
1987Fall Reported from Aitkin, Lake of the Woods, Marshall and St. Louis Counties. Wild Thrkey Reported from Fillmore, Houston, Olmsted and Winona Counties.
1987Winter Reported from Kittson, Roseau, Marshall and Aitkin counties, and on the Hibbing, Baudette and Crookston CBC's.
1988Spring Reported from Aitkin, Clearwater, Marshall, Pennington, Polk, Red Lake and St. Louis Counties. Wild Thrkey Reported from Dodge (wild-?), Fillmore, Houston, Wabasha and Winona Counties.
1988Summer Nested in Aitkin; also seen in Kittson, Marshall, Lake of the Woods, Becker, Carlton.
1988Fall Reported from Aitkin, Kittson, Marshall, Pennington and St. Louis Counties. Wild Thrkey Reported from Fillmore and Houston Counties.
1988Winter Reports from Kittson, Marshall, Lake of the Woods and Aitkin. Wild Thrkey Reported from Wabasha, Olmsted, Winona, Fillmore and Houston.
1989Spring Reported from Aitkin, Kittson, Marshall and St. Louis Counties. Wild Thrkey Reported from Fillmore, Houston, Olmsted, Wabasha and Winona Counties.
1989Summer Seen in Kittson, Koochiching, St. Louis, Aitkin.
1989Fall Reported from Aitkin, Clearwater, Marshall and Red Lake Counties. Wild Thrkey Reported from Fillmore, Houston, Wabasha and Winona Counties.
1989Winter Reported from Aitkin, Kittson, Marshall, and Lake of the Woods. Wild Thrkey Reported from nine counties (5 l.y.) in normal southeast range plus the Wild River CBC in Chisago; Steele; St. Paul NE CBC (established?) . [Northern Bobwhite Reported from Rice OR (wild?).]
1990Spring Reported from Aitkin, Beltrami, Carlton, Clearwater, Pine and Polk Counties. Wild Tinkey Reported from Fillmore, Houston and Olmsted Counties.
1990Summer Nested in Aitkin; also seen in Clearwater, Beltrami, St. Louis.
1990Fall Reported from Aitkin, Carlton and Roseau Counties.
1990Winter Reported from Roseau, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Koochiching, Aitkin, and St. Louis (Aurora CBC). Good numbers reported in Aitkin and Beltrami Cos.
1991Spring Reported from Aitkin, Carlton, Hubbard (needs details), Itasca, Kanabec, Kittson, Koochiching, Marshall, Polk, Roseau and St. Louis Counties. Reported from only three counties last year. Wild Tinkey Reported from Fillmore, Houston, Olmsted, Wabasha and Winona Counties.
1991Summer Nested in Kittson KB, Aitkin; also seen in Roseau, Lake of the Woods, Koochiching, Marshall, Clearwater.
1991Fall Reports were up. Reported from Aitkin, Beltrami, Koochiching, Marshall and St. Louis.
1991Winter Reported from Kittson, Roseau, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Koochiching, Clearwater, St. Louis, Aitkin, and Kanabec 1/20 TT. Statewide CBC total 43.
1992Spring Reported from Aitkin, Kittson, Marshall, Pennington, Polk, Red Lake, Roseau, St. Louis and Clay counties (numbers down KE).
1992Summer Nested in Pennington MCBS; also seen in Marshall, Red Lake, Aitkin.
1992Fall Reported from Aitkin, Beltrami, Lake of the Woods, Pennington, Polk and Roseau counties.
1992Winter Numbers down. Reported from only five counties (nine l.y.): Kittson, Roseau, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami and Aitkin. No CBC reports (43 individuals l.y.).
1993Spring Reported from Aitkin, Becker, Clearwater, Roseau and St. Louis counties.
1993Summer Fewest reports since 1986; observed only in Polk, Aitkin.
1993Fall Reported from Aitkin, Roseau and St. Louis counties.
1993Winter Numbers greatly reduced. Reported only from Aitkin and St. Louis. No reports from the northwest region.
1994Spring Reported from Aitkin, Kanabec, Lake of the Woods, Pennington, Roseau and St. Louis counties.
1994Summer Observed in Roseau, Marshall, Koochiching, Aitkin, St. Louis.
1994Fall Only reports: 10/15 Koochiching AB and Aitkin WN.
1994Winter Numbers still greatly reduced. Only reports were from the Baudette CBC (1), 1/22 Aitkin WN (20), and 12/22 Kanabec PKL (1), the latter location outside normal range.
1995Spring Number of reports up from last year; 18 reports from Aitkin, Kittson, Pine, Polk, Roseau, and St. Louis counties.
1995Summer Nested in Aitkin; also seen in Polk, Beltrami.
1995Fall Only reports: 10/21 and 11/4 Aitkin WN.
1995Winter Reported from eight counties in range (three l.y.). CBC total 52 (only one l.y.). Although number of counties reported is up sharply after three years of decline, this may only be due to increased observer coverage and possibly greater snow cover (forcing birds onto roadsides).
1996Spring Fewer reports than last year. Total of 15 reports from Aitkin, Kittson, Koochiching, Marshall, Roseau and St. Louis. Spring lek counts down 24% from 1995 in northwestern Minnesota (MDNR).
1996Summer MDNR reports this species is still declining statewide, especially in northwest portion of range. Only reports: Koochi-ching, Aitkin, Pine.
1996Fall All reports: 8/3 Kittson (2) PS, 9/7 Roseau (7) KB, PS, 10/2 Beltrami (1) MRN, 10/7 Lake of the Woods (1) PS, 10/16 Wilkin (3) TT, 10/19–20 St. Louis (13) SD, 11/17 Aitkin (20) WN.
1996Winter Reported from Marshall, Beltrami, Aitkin, St. Louis, 2/22 Kanabec CM, and on the Warren and Baudette CBCs. CBC total 14 (52 l.y.).
1997Spring Numbers continue to dwindle: reported only from Aitkin (19), Roseau (3), and St. Louis (two locations).
1997Summer Observed in Kittson, Roseau, Polk, Aitkin.
1997Fall All reports: 10/26 Beltrami DJo, 11/9 Pine (15) CM, 11/22–29 Aitkin (max. 27) WN, CN.
1997Winter Reported from Aitkin, Kanabec, Kittson, Koochiching and St. Louis. Peak 12/7 Aitkin (26) WN. CBC total 14.
1998Spring All reports: 3/7 Aitkin WN, 3/21 Carlton fide AH, 5/9 Carlton PS, 5/18 Kittson and Marshall AH, PS, 5/22 Koochiching RJ, 5/25 St. Louis mob.
1998Summer Probable nesting in Beltrami, Carlton; also observed in Kittson, Roseau, Aitkin, St. Louis.
1998Fall Reported from six north counties: Kittson (~30) PS, Roseau (11) KB, PS, Beltrami (7) DJo, Aitkin (max. 16 on 8/22) WN, CB, Itasca CB, and St. Louis (4) AE.
1998Winter Reported from Aitkin and St. Louis, plus the International Falls (3), Baudette (count week) and Warren (22) CBCs.
1999Spring Reported from Polk, Lake of the Woods (18) MA, Aitkin (max. 18) WN, St. Louis.
1999Summer MDNR reports numbers up for the fourth consecutive year; recent rebound likely due to more prescribed burning, brush shearing, and other brushland management. Observed in Kittson, Marshall, Koochiching, Aitkin.
1999Fall Reported from Marshall, Lake of the Woods, Aitkin (15–17, WN), and St. Louis (21 in Sax-Zim bog, fide KE).
1999Winter Reported from Aitkin (24), Beltrami (18), Kittson (2), Koochiching (1), and 12/22 St. Louis (9 near Biwabik) PS. Also reported on the Baudette (39), Beltrami Island (1), Roseau (1), and Warren (33) CBCs.
2000Spring Seen in Roseau, Polk, Aitkin (max. 26, WN), Carlton, and St. Louis (Sax-Zim bog).
2000Summer All reports: Roseau, Beltrami, St. Louis, Aitkin, Pine.
2000Fall Reported only in Aitkin (CLB), Kittson (fide BAB), Lake of the Woods (18, MK), and St. Louis (7 at Sax-Zim bog, CM).
2000Winter Reported from Aitkin (29), Carlton (24), Kittson, Polk (7), Red Lake (3), and St. Louis counties. Also found on the Aurora (2), Baudette (1), International Falls (1), Sax-Zim (1), Pine County (1), and Warren (1) CBCs.
2001Spring Peak count 4/15 Aitkin (14) CLB. Small numbers seen in Roseau, Marshall, Polk, Kanabec, Carlton, St. Louis (Sax-Zim bog).
2001Summer MDNR lek observations declined sharply, down 43% in the East-central zone and 24% in the Northwest. Reported in Roseau, Polk, Lake of the Woods, Aitkin, and St. Louis counties.
2001Fall Only reports of this declining species: Aitkin (peak 16) m.obs., Kittson (no data) fide BAB, Lake of the Woods (1) MHK.
2001Winter Reported from Aitkin, St. Louis, Kittson, Roseau, Polk, plus the Warren (10), Baudette (12), and International Falls (30) CBCs. Also found 12/8 Carlton TAT.
2002Spring First county record in modern times 3/18 Big Stone †SPM, DKM. All north reports: Aitkin (6), Carlton (no data), Lake of the Woods (2), Polk (1), Roseau (1), St. Louis (6–9 by Meadowlands).
2002Summer Observed in St. Louis, Aitkin, Pine; D.N.R. reported numbers declining slightly in both the northwestern and east-central portions of range.
2002Fall All reports: Aitkin, Kittson, Marshall, Pine (max. 6, JMP).
2002Winter Reported from seven counties in range.
2003Spring All reports: Aitkin (max. 18, WEN), Lake of the Woods (4), Marshall (max. 12, JMJ), Pine (max. 6, JMP), Polk (1), Roseau (6), St. Louis (max. 17 near Meadowlands, CBe).
2003Summer Minnesota D.N.R. reports a 10% increase in East-central range, and 21% increase in Northwest. Observed in Kittson, Roseau, Marshall, Polk, Pennington, Red Lake, Aitkin, Pine.
2003Fall Reported from Kittson, Marshall, Pennington (8), Red Lake (max. 19, JMJ, PHS), and Roseau in the Northwest, plus Lake of the Woods (6), Kanabec (6), Pine (3).
2003Winter Reported from 11 counties in range, plus 1/5 Lac qui Parle (dead, Walter Twp.) ph. †BJU, 2/26 Big Stone (3, Odessa Twp.) †BJU. Maximum reported number 2/1 Polk (34) EEF.
2004Spring All observations: Aitkin (16 in two leks), Becker (one at Hamden Slough), Carlton (4), Itasca (1), Kanabec (3), Kittson (max. 10), Lake of the Woods (12 in three locations), Marshall (max. 30) GT, Pennington (7), Pine (max. 7), Polk (12), Red Lake (1), Roseau (9), St. Louis (max. 10 near Meadowlands), Wilkin (1). Unusual report outside of typical range 3/25 Lac qui Parle (male in Yellowbank Twp) BJU.
2004Summer Reported from Beltrami, Marshall, Polk, and Kanabec; also 6/26 Lac qui Parle (one hen and three chicks, Walter Twp.) BJU. New nesting record in Kanabec JMP.
2004Fall Reported from Aitkin (max. 11, WEN), Kanabec (max. 10, JMP), Lake of the Woods (21 along C.R. 80) MHK, Pine (max. 14, JMP), Polk, Red Lake (2) PHS, Roseau, St. Louis (max. 11 in Sax Zim, RBW).
2004Winter Reported from 12 counties in range. Highest reported count 2/21 Aitkin (25) CLB, KWR.
2005Spring All reports: Aitkin (27 on 4 leks), Clearwater (max. 19), Kanabec (max. 18), Lake of the Woods (8 at 2 locations), Marshall (1), Pennington (1), Polk (max. 26), Red Lake (12), St. Louis (max. 6 near Meadowlands).
2005Summer Seen in Marshall, Aitkin, Lac qui Parle, Kanabec, Pine.
2005Fall Observed in Aitkin (7) KWR, Clearwater (Greenwood Twp.) BJU, Kanabec (3) JMP, Pennington SAS, Pine (3) JMP, Polk, Red Lake (3) SAS, Roseau CRM, St. Louis (6) ALE, NAJ, Wilkin (2 near Tenney) BJU.
2005Winter Reported from 13 north counties in range. Of interest were several reports from four West-central counties (wintering birds from South Dakota?): 12/22 Traverse (2, flying across river from South Dakota), 12/22 Big Stone (one at Beardsley), 2/14 Lac qui Parle (one at Plover Prairie East Unit), 2/23 Lac qui Parle (Walter Twp.), 2/23 Yellow Medicine (Florida Twp.) BJU; possibly related to an early ice storm in northeast South Dakota were the following observations by Minnesota D.N.R. staff in late January: Big Stone N.W.R. (flock of 20), Yellow Medicine (flock of 10, Mounds Spring S.N.A.), and additional sightings at Chippewa Prairie and Lac qui Parle W.M.A. (10–12) fide JSc.
2006Spring All north reports: Aitkin (max. 6 near Tamarack), Beltrami, Carlton, Clearwater, Kanabec, Lake of the Woods (3), Pennington (max. 75 on 3 leks), Pine (max. 7), Red Lake (max. 4), St. Louis. Continuing the trend noted during the winter season were observations outside of typical range in Big Stone (Big Stone N.W.R.) and Lac qui Parle (max. 28 in 6 locations) BJU.
2006Summer Most reports since 1983. Observed in Marshall, Pennington, Polk, Lac qui Parle, Kanabec, Pine, St. Louis, Beltrami, Aitkin.
2006Fall North reports from Aitkin (2) CKR, WEN, Kittson, Lake of the Woods (7 near Baudette) RBW, Marshall (12 at Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS, Pennington SAS, Pine (max. 5) JMP, Red Lake (12 near Clearwater R.) SAS, Roseau (3) HHD, St. Louis (Zim W.M.A.) SLF, Wilkin CMN. Continuing a recent trend were out of range south reports 8/9 Swift (near Shible L.) BJU, 9/14–10/5 Yellow Medicine (10 in two locations) BJU, 9/30–10/30 Lac qui Parle (five locations) BJU, 10/21 Chippewa (near Milan) BJU.
2006Winter121 High counts 2/3 Pennington (38) JMJ, 12/27 Kittson (30) LW. Noteworthy south count of 20 birds 12/3 Lac qui Parle (Section 25, Walter Twp.) fide BJU. Also reported from Lac qui Parle 1/22 (Section 19, Perry Twp.) and 2/5 (near Lac qui Parle County Park) BJU.
2007Spring123 — Leks of 10–20 reported from Aitkin, Kittson, and St. Louis. Additional north reports from Clay, Clearwater, Itasca, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Pennington, Pine, Polk, Red Lake. Unusual south reports outside of typical range in Big Stone ABL, Lac qui Parle (max. 17 in 6 locations) BJU, WCM, and 4/28 Yellow Medicine †RBW.
2007Summer73 Seen in Kittson, Roseau, Marshall, Red Lake, Polk, Aitkin, Pine, Big Stone, Swift, Lac qui Parle. First county breeding record for Big Stone (Big Stone N.W.R.) RPR.
2007Fall62 All north reports: Beltrami (1 at Big Bog S.R.A.) BJU, Kittson (5) RBW, Lake of the Woods (2) BJU, Marshall (1 at Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS, JMJ, Polk (6 at Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) BJU. South reports 8/6 Big Stone BJU, 8/22 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, 9/8 Lac qui Parle (Walter Twp.) BJU.
2007Winter111 According to the Minnesota DNR, the statewide index value was as high as any year since 1980. High counts reflecting this increase: 2/24 Marshall (155) JMJ, 1/27 Kittson (77) LW, 2/4 Polk (50) NGE, 2/3 Pennington (30) SAS, 12/29 Roseau (27, Roseau CBC), 12/28 Aitkin (26, near Tamarack) LS. All south reports were by BJU in Lac qui Parle: 12/2 (Perry Twp.), 12/11 (Garfield Twp.), 2/13, 2/14 (Walter Twp.), 2/24 (6, Perry Twp.).
2008Spring92 High counts 4/1 Red Lake (25) SAS, 4/13 Marshall (15) JMJ, 5/30 Pennington (14) JMJ. Also reported from Aitkin, Norman, Pine, and Polk. Unusual south reports outside their typical range in Lac qui Parle (2 locations) BJU, SWe, Swift CRM.
2008Summer41 Found 6/1 Aitkin LS, JMJ, 6/2 St. Louis KRE, 6/3 Lac qui Parle BJU, 6/14 Pine HHD, LS, CRM, 6/23 Polk fide JMJ.
2008Fall71 All north reports: Aitkin (2) WEN, Beltrami fide JMJ, Carlton KCR, Kittson JMJ, Marshall JMJ, LMS, Red Lake (2) SAS, Roseau (max. 5) HHD, JCC, LS. Only south report 8/26 Lac qui Parle (2 at Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU.
2008Winter101 High count 1/18 Kittson (126) LW. All south reports: 1/29 Lac qui Parle (Louisburg), 2/3 Lac qui Parle (28, Plover Prairie.) BJU.
2009Spring101 High counts 4/21 Lake of the Woods (42) fide JMJ, 3/15 Polk (30) JMJ, 5/28 Lake of the Woods (29) MHK, 5/30 Beltrami (25) JMJ, 4/13 Aitkin (24) fide JWL. Also reported from Carlton, Kittson, Marshall, Pennington, Polk, Roseau, and St. Louis. Unusual south reports outside of typical range in Lac qui Parle (Plover Prairie) BJU, ASc. Total of 2,699 individuals observed on 199 leks; up 9% from 2008 (MN DNR).
2009Summer9 Reported from all northern regions. High count 6/14 Marshall (18–20) CHu.
2009Fall4 All reports: 9/5 Roseau (12) KRE, m.ob., 9/12 Aitkin KCR, 10/24 Polk JMJ, 11/1 Lake of the Woods GMM, 11/12 Roseau TFo, 11/27 Roseau (50) fide JMJ.
2009Winter71 South reports all from Lac qui Parle: 12/2 (near Plover Prairie.), 12/4 (6, Plover Prairie.) 2/1 (Perry Twp.) BJU. High counts 1/17 Red Lake (26) JMJ, 1/3 Lake of the Woods (18) JMJ, 12/12 Aitkin (15, north of Tamarack) fide JWL.
2010Spring131 Unusual south reports outside of typical range in Lac qui Parle (Plover Prairie and Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU. Total of 2,096 individuals observed on 195 dancing grounds; similar to 2009 (MN DNR). North reports from Aitkin, Beltrami, Carlton, Clay, Kanabec, Kittson, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Pennington, Polk, Roseau, and St. Louis. High counts 3/20 Pennington (18) JMJ, 3/6 Aitkin (16, Tamarack) DWK, JLO, 5/27 Kittson (15) LBF.
2010Summer71 Reported from Aitkin, Beltrami, Kittson, Lac qui Parle, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Roseau, St, Louis.
2010Fall103 All north reports: 8/1 Lake of the Woods DWK, RMD, 8/2 Marshall WMu, 8/7 Aitkin KCR, 9/3 Roseau LMS, 9/4 Kittson LMS, 9/5–6 Marshall KRE, m.ob., 9/15–11/27 St. Louis (max 7, Sax-Zim Bog) PLJ, m.ob., 10/7–11/1 Kittson (max. 15, Joe River Road) TBr, 10/23 Polk (15) KRE, m.ob., 10/31 Penington SAu, 11/2 Pine (15, Mission Creek Twp.) LMS, 11/11 Carlton (Moose Lake) BJU, 11/29 Lake of the Woods BSi. All south reports: 8/11 Lac qui Parle (Walter Twp.) BJU, 8/12 Swift (Lac qui Parle W.M.A.) BJU, 11/21 Big Stone (Odessa), Lac qui Parle (10, Plover Prairie) BJU.
2010Winter103 All south reports were of single birds, except as noted: 12/28 Lac qui Parle (one each section 24 Riverside Twp., Big Stone N.W.R.), 1/5 Lac qui Parle (section 35 Perry Twp.), 2/12 Chippewa (1 mile west of Clara City), 2/15 Big Stone (0.5 miles east of Odessa) BJU. North reports from northwest counties plus St. Louis and Aitkin. High count 1/8 Kittson (81, all in one field) TrB. Other individual high counts were 11 or fewer, including 2/24 St. Louis (11, Sax-Zim Bog) LKn. CBC high counts 1/2 Baudette (24), 12/20 St. Sax-Zim (14), 12/29 Aurora (11).
2011Spring135 South reports outside of typical range in Chippewa (Chippewa Prairie) BJU, Lac qui Parle (Plover Prairie and Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, JMN, Swift (Chippewa Prairie North), Yellow Medicine (Florida Twp.) BJU. Total of 2,212 individuals observed on 2/6 dancing grounds; similar to 2010 (MN DNR). North reports from Aitkin, Beltrami, Carlton, Clay, Clearwater, Kittson, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Pennington, Polk, Roseau, St. Louis, 4/9 Traverse (5, Croke Twp.) BJU. High counts 4/7 Kittson (40, county road 1) TrB, 3/19 Marshall (32) JMJ, 5/2 Kittson (25, county road 56) TrB.
2011Summer72Seen in northern regions plus Lac qui Parle, Swift, Yellow Medicine.
2011Fall83 All north reports 8/27–10/26 Marshall (max. 12, near Warren) HHu, 8/28–9/9 Kittson (max. 4, Joe River S.W.A.) TrB, 9/3 Marshall (6, C.R. 12 south of Agassiz N.W.R.) KRE, m.ob., 9/4 Koochiching (2) HHD, RAE, 10/18 Koochiching RBJ, 10/27–11/29 Polk HHu, GT, 11/22 St. Louis (4, Sax-Zim Bog) ZLo, 11/23 Koochiching (west of Loman) AMe, 11/24–26 Pennington JMJ, RAE, 11/27 Red Lake (13) RAE, 11/30 Carlton SC. All south 8/21 Big Stone (2, Browns Valley East Twp.) BJU, 8/29–11/17 Swift (max. 3, Hwy 7) BJU, 10/3–11/22 Lac qui Parle (max. 4, Plover Prairie) BJU.
2011Winter103South reports from Big Stone (12/1, section 7, Odessa Twp.), Lac qui Parle (Plover Prairie including 17 on 2/23), Chippewa (4 on 2/14, 5 on 2/23, Chippewa Prairie) BJU. High counts north 2/6 St. Louis (22, Sax-Zim Bog) KSm, 2/17 St. Louis (22, Sax-Zim Bog) ASt. CBC high counts 12/17 Crookston (12), 12/30 Aurora (9).
2012Spring122 All south reports: 3/12, 5/5 Lac qui Parle (4, Plover Prairie.) BJU, 3/27 Yellow Medicine (2) BRB, 3/31 Lac qui Parle (Hantho Twp.) BJU. High counts 3/10 Polk (18, Wetlands, Pines, and Prairie Audubon Sanctuary) HHu, 3/11 Marshall (16) JMJ, 4/25 St. Louis (13, Sax-Zim Bog) ABi. Additional north reports from Aitkin, Carlton, Clearwater, Kanabec, Kittson, Koochiching, Norman, Pennington, Roseau. Total of 1,404 individuals observed on 154 dancing grounds; down slightly from 2011 (Minnesota DNR).
2012Summer71 Observed in Aitkin, Kittson, Lac qui Parle, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Polk, Roseau, St. Louis.
2012Fall91 All north reports: 8/1–11/25 St. Louis (max. 8, Sax Zim) m.ob., 8/20 Marshall PLJ, 8/31 Lake of the Woods KRE, m.ob., 9/1–03 Roseau KRE, m.ob., 9/13 Pine (C.R. 20) RBJ, 9/25 Polk (Tympanuchus W.M.A.) VLa, 9/30 Pennington JMJ, 10/20 Polk (Glacial Ridge N.W.R.), 10/25 Aitkin FGo, 11/9 Traverse BJU. Only south report 10/10 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU.
2012Winter11 High counts 12/29 Roseau (45) JMJ, 2/17 Marshall (37) ClS. CBC high counts 12/29 Roseau (114), 12/31 Baudette (6). No south reports, and reported from only Aitkin south of a line from Polk to St. Louis.
2013Spring151 Only south report 4/7 Lyon †JCC was well out of range and likely a released bird. High counts 3/30 Pennington (42) KLa, 3/4 Red Lake (32) SAS, 3/2 Polk (30) BJS. Additional north reports from Aitkin, Beltrami, Carlton, Clearwater, Kittson, Koochiching, Marshall, Norman, Pennington, Pine, Roseau, St. Louis.
2013Summer12 Observed in Aitkin, Beltrami, Carlton, Clearwater, Kittson, Koochiching, Marshall, Pine, Polk, Red Lake, Roseau, St. Louis. First county breeding record for Red Lake DKb.
2013Fall7 Reported from Red Lake, Marshall, Roseau (including high count of 16 on 11/9 southeast of Warroad near Swift JWH), Lake of the Woods, Koochiching, St. Louis, and Aitkin.
2013Winter9 North reports only, from Aitkin, Clay, Kittson, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Pennington, Polk, Roseau, St. Louis, with high counts 2/14 Polk (100) EH, 1/16 Marshall (48) CSt. CBC high counts 1/2 Agassiz N.W.R. (143), 12/14 Crookston (120).
2014Spring132Two south reports: 5/11 Yellow Medicine BRB, 5/16 Lac qui Parle (2, Plover Prairie) DLP. High counts 4/1 Polk (30, Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) CrM, m.ob., 5/4 St. Louis (18, Sax-Zim Bog) TPW. Additional north reports from Aitkin, Clay, Clearwater, Kittson, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Norman, Pennington, Red Lake, Roseau.
2014Summer71Found in Aitkin, Carlton, Clay, Lac qui Parle, Marshall, Polk, Roseau, St. Louis.
2014Fall7 Reported from Aitkin, Itasca, Kittson, Pennington (including the high count of 12 on 10/23 GT), Polk, Marshall and Roseau.
2014Winter7 North reports only from Kittson, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Pennington, Polk, Roseau, St. Louis. High counts 1/14 Kittson (20, Karlstad) KuE, 2/15 Marshall (20) CSt, 2/1 Polk (17, Agassiz Valley) SAu. CBC high counts 12/18 Agassiz N.W.R. (73), 1/2 Baudette (73), 1/3 Roseau (48).
2015Spring132 Two south reports: 3/22 Yellow Medicine JSc (Mound Spring Prairie S.N.A.), 5/1 Lac qui Parle DLP (1, Plover Prairie). High counts 3/6 Pennington (25) SAS, 4/17 Aitkin (15, County 18) VJo. Additional north reports from Becker, Beltrami, Clearwater, Kittson, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Polk, Roseau, St. Louis, Wilkin.
2015Summer9 Reported from Beltrami, Kittson, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Pennington, Polk, Roseau, St. Louis. High count 6/1 Lake of the Woods (13) MHK.
2015Fall5 Reported from Aitkin, Kittson, Lake of the Woods, Polk, St. Louis. High counts 10/17 Polk (18, Belgium Twp.) SAu, 8/29 Kittson (10, Skull Lake W.M.A.) LAi.
2015Winter111 High counts 1/3 Beltrami (19) TSp, JLs, MGo, 12/5 Polk (10) SAu. All south reports 12/5, 12/23, 1/3, 1/28 Lac qui Parle (2–5 individuals, Plover Prairie Preserve East Unit) DLP. CBC high counts 12/18 Agassiz N.W.R. (146), 12/19 Crookston (31), 1/2 Roseau (27).
2016Spring11 Reports from Carlton, Kanabec, Kittson, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Pennington, Polk, Red Lake, Roseau, and St. Louis. High counts 4/20 Roseau (25, 290th St.) AxL, 4/13 Kittson (24, Richardville Twp.) AxL.
2016Summer112 Reported from all northern regions plus Lac qui Parle, Yellow Medicine.
2016Fall101 One south report 8/7–8 Yellow Medicine (max. 2, Mound Spring Prairie) KnM, GWe. North reports from Aitkin, Clay, Clearwater, Koochiching, Marshall, Otter Tail, Pennington, Pine, Polk, St. Louis. High counts 11/26 Aitkin (15) ASu, 8/11 St. Louis (9) CBH.
2016Winter13 North reports only, from more counties than in the past 10 winter seasons. High counts 1/29 Beltrami (26) KNg, 12/31 Roseau (24) DBW, 1/28 Polk (21) HHu. CBC high counts 12/17 Agassiz N.W.R. (81), 12/31 Roseau (47).
2017Spring121 One south report: 5/12 Lac qui Parle (1, Plover Prairie) DvM. High counts 4/29 Kittson (21, various places north and west of Lancaster) WCM, 5/3 Lake of the Woods (21) WDC. Additional north reports from Aitkin, Beltrami, Carlton, Koochiching, Marshall, Pennington, Polk, Red Lake, Roseau, St. Louis.
2017Summer81 Reported from Beltrami, Kittson, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Norman, Polk, St. Louis, plus 6/26 Yellow Medicine (near last year's report in Normania Twp.) GWe.
2017Fall41 One south report 10/18 Yellow Medicine (1, Mound Spring Prairie S.N.A.) WCM. North reports from Marshall, Polk, Roseau, St. Louis. High count 11/10 St. Louis (8) TPM.
2017Winter131 North reports from 13 counties, the same as last year; these are the most in the past ten winters. High counts 2/10 Aitkin (26, near Palisade) KCR, 1/9 Marshall (20) JHs. One south report: 2/24 Lac qui Parle (7) DLP.
2018Spring132 Two south reports: 3/26–4/28 Lac qui Parle (max. 5, Big Stone N.W.R.) DLP, m.ob., 4/1–5/28 Yellow Medicine (max. 7, Mound Spring Prairie S.N.A.) WCM, KeL, ASu, LiH, m.ob. High counts 4/1 Polk (50, Euclid) ebd, 3/10 Polk (48, Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) MSS. Additional north reports from Aitkin, Grant (3/24, 12 individuals at the North Ottawa Impoundment, ph. WPl), Kittson, Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Pennington, Red Lake, Roseau, St. Louis, Wilkin.
2018Summer11 Observed in all northern regions plus Grant, Pine.
2018Fall61 South reports 8/11 Yellow Medicine (2, Mound Spring Prairie) WCM, also 10/2 (6, same location) BRB. North reports from Itasca, Kittson (including the high count of 14 on 10/9 KiH, KnM), Koochiching, Pennington, Pine, St. Louis.
2018Winter11 North reports only, with the great majority from St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog). Statewide high counts 12/29 Roseau (39) ebd, 12/21 Polk (22, Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) ebd, 12/7 Kittson (16) SKu, NKu, 12/19 Pennington (12) RAE, 1/13 Polk (12) HHu, 12/29 Roseau (12) ebd. Sax-Zim Bog high count 2/22 (11) ebd. CBC high counts 12/29 Roseau (70), 12/20 Glacial Ridge (60), 12/15 Crookston (13).
2019Summer52 Found in Kittson, Lac qui Parle, Marshall, Polk, Roseau, St. Louis, Yellow Medicine.
 Permanent resident mostly northwest, north-central, and east-central.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.