Smith's Longspur(Calcarius pictus) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1961 | Fall | | | One, in buffy fall plumage, seen with 400-500 Lapland Longspurs by W. R. Pieper on 11 Nov., west of Lac qui Parle reservoir. The birds were feeding in a grassy field and Pieper studied the bird for several minutes. Other members of the Avifauna! Club were studying the flock and saw, on several occasions, buffy birds which displayed juncolike outer tail feathers when alighting. The flock would feed for several minutes, and then, in several small groups, arise and re-settle for more feeding. Hence observations were difficult but far better than usual for longspurs. It was felt that there were at least three Smith's Longspurs in the flock, but with only one positive identification. This bird may be a more common migrant through the |
1962 | Fall | | | Nov. 17, Salt Lake, s·ee above species for details. Large flocks of Longspurs in SW Minnesota during late fall and winter deserve -close scrutiny. Since the Smith's Longspur is known to winter as far north as NW Iowa, it seems likely that they could winter in SW Minnesota, and perhaps more than just occasionally. Look for very buffy birds with Longspur call-note, and Junco-like outer tail feathers. |
1963 | Fall | | | Nov. 2, Triumph, Martin Co., one, in molt, with many Lapland Longspurs in a plowed field, R. L. Huber. |
1966 | Spring | | | 4-10 Rock Co, near Luverne, adult male, attaining breeding plumage, collected for Minnesota Museum of Natural History; probably first or second specimen taken in Minnesota. |
1966 | Fall | | | 10-20 Traverse Co., 10 mi E of Wheaton, 2 seen with mixed flock of Lapland Longspurs and Horned Larks, good details, JAR. |
1970 | Spring | | | one possibly se~ 5-8 Lac qui Parle, Robert P. Russell, fide KE; "longspur rattle heard and small white wing patches seen on flying bird within 100 feet-only field marks noted." |
1970 | Fall | | | 10-24 Ghent, Lyon Co. (76) HK; good details, an unusual concentration; see details in June issue. |
1971 | Spring | | | 2 reports of this rare but overlooked species: 3-13 Russell, Lyon Co. (6) 1-IK; 4-10 Lynd, Lyon Co. (4) HK. |
1971 | Fall | | | no less than 3 reporth with good details: 10-13 Duluth JAB (see Notes of Interest, Summer 1971 Loon); 10-9 Wilkin (at least 4) and 11-6 Grant KE (see Notes of Interest, Dec. 1971 Loon); also on 9-25 In Lake Co. 2 were reported with Incomplete details by J. Pratt. ~~~~th~untlng: early 9-18 Lake; 9-26 Cook; 10-9 |
1972 | Spring | | | One Smith's Longspur was found among the 2300 Laplands In Lyon Co. on 3-12 (KM, HK). |
1973 | Fall | | | Seen only in Duluth, where it is rare: 9-16 thru 11-1 St. Louis (JAB), (JCG), (RBJ), (OLJ), (FN), (KBZ). |
1974 | Spring | | | 1 report 4-28 Rock (1) KE. |
1974 | Fall | | | 9-21 Duluth RBJ, PE. |
1975 | Spring | | | 2 reports: 5-10 Cottonwood (4 females, 1 male) RAG, RBJ; 5-17 St. Louis (1 male) KE, HCK, TS. |
1975 | Fall | | | 10-26 Fort Snelling Hennepin county (7) W. Jiracek. |
1976 | Spring | | | 4-13 Wilkin Frank Cassel. |
1976 | Fall | | | 3 reports: 9-25 Duluth DS, 9-27 Aitkin L. Paynter, 10-9 Wilkin (7) GO, GW. |
1977 | Fall | | | 10-15 Wilkin (250) (GW, GO, RJ); 10-23 Wilkin (30) (GO). |
1978 | Spring | | | 4-1 Cottonwood (7) RBJ; 4-23 Lac qui Parle (2) KE, RBJ; 4-26 Wilkin (4) GO. |
1978 | Summer | | | One report north 10-21 Wilkin GO and DGW; one report south 11-15 Lac qui Parle CMB. |
1978 | Fall | | | One report north 10-21 Wilkin GO and DGW; one report south 11-15 Lac qui Parle CMB. |
1979 | Spring | | | Four reports: 4-15 Clay LCF (150), 4-19 Wilkin KE, 4-21 Yellow Medicine KE and RJ. |
1980 | Fall | | | One report: 9-11 St. Louis KE. |
1981 | Spring | | | Two reports: 4-25 Wilkin JPI AM, 4-26 Big Stone KE, 25 birds. |
1981 | Fall | | | One report: 10-29 Stevens GMO. |
1982 | Fall | | | Two reports: 9/26 St. Louis KE, 10/10 Hennepin OJ. See The Loon (55:34-35) |
1983 | Fall | | | Three reports 9/19 St. Louis NH, 10/2 St. Louis OJ, 10/28 Clay KL. |
1984 | Spring | | | One report 5/12 Otter Tail GMO. |
1984 | Fall | | | 9/15 St. Louis BL, DZ. |
1987 | Fall | | | One report 9/19 Cook RG. |
1988 | Spring | | | One report 4/17 Cottonwood AB, TI. |
1988 | Fall | | | 9/23 Duluth KE, 10/14 Rothsay WMA, Wilkin Co. SC; 10/20-26 Jeffers Petroglyphs, Cottonwood Co. m.ob. ; all reports. |
1989 | Fall | | | All reports 10/11 Clay PS, 10/20 Clay PS, 10/21 Clay WN, KR, Wilkin KE, 10/22 WilkinSDM, 10/25WilkinDB, 10/28CiayOJ. |
1990 | Spring | | | All reports 4/28 Lac qui Parle KE, Traverse PS, 4/29 Lac qui Parle mob (The Loon 62:156-158), 4/30 Lac qui Parle CMB. |
1990 | Fall | | | All reports: 10/13 Norman PS, 10/20 Clay MO, 10/21 Wilkin MO. |
1991 | Spring | | | Three reports 4/13 (earliest date on record) Otter Tail KE, 4/14 Wilkin KB, 5/6 Wilkin PB. |
1991 | Fall | | | All reports: 10/3 Cook PS (1), 10/23 Clay KR. |
1992 | Fall | | | Early north 9/29 St. Louis TD, 10/12 Wilkin PS; late north 10/23 Clay fide PB, 10/24 Wilkin KE; one report south 10/21 Swift AB. |
1993 | Spring | | | One report 5/2 Pipestone AB. |
1993 | Fall | | | Reported 9/11 Cook RK, 10/8 Roseau PS. |
1994 | Fall | | | Reported from Wilkin 10/23 mob. |
1995 | Fall | | | No reports. |
1996 | Spring | | | No reports. |
1996 | Fall | | | After no reports last fall, there were surprisingly many this year. One was found 9/29 Kittson (Sec. 9, Norway Twp.) PS. Seven other reports came from Wilkin between 10/2 and 10/27. The largest flocks reported were 40–60 on 10/16 (SDM) and 25 on 10/20 (CF). |
1997 | Spring | | | No reports. |
1997 | Fall | | | No reports. |
1998 | Spring | | | No reports for the fifth consecutive spring. Since this species winters in Oklahoma and Kansas, and is regularly found as far east as eastern Illinois in the spring, why do we see so few in Minnesota in this season? |
1998 | Fall | | | More reports than usual: 9/26–10/2 St. Louis (40th Avenue West) MH, mob, 10/9–10 Cook (Grand Marais) KE, mob, 10/13 Clay (11 at Felton Prairie) KB, PS, 10/23–25 Wilkin (8+ at Rothsay WMA) KE et al., 10/24 Cottonwood (25 at Jefferson Petroglyphs) DA/BE. |
1999 | Spring | | | Only report: 5/23–24 (latest spring date) St. Louis (female at 40th Ave. West in Duluth) WM et al. |
1999 | Fall | | | All north reports: 9/25 Wilkin (3 birds at Rothsay WMA) AH, 10/20 Marshall (3 near Warren lagoons) PS, 10/20 Polk (1 near Crookston lagoons) PS. Only south reports: 9/26–10/25 Cottonwood (near Jeffers Petroglyphs) BBo, mob. |
2000 | Spring | | | No reports. |
2000 | Fall | | | Four North Shore reports! Observed 10/4 Lake (Silver Bay) KWR, 10/6 Cook MH, 10/15 Lake (Beaver Bay) CRM, 10/20 St. Louis (4 at Stoney Point) †PHS. Also reported from expected locales 10/9 Wilkin (Rothsay WMA) PHS, 10/9 Big Stone (Otrey Twp.) †PHS, 10/15 Cottonwood (11) JWH, 10/21–22 Cottonwood (20 at Red Rock Prairie) BRB. |
2001 | Spring | | | Reported 4/28 Lac qui Parle (8 at Plover Prairie) †CRG, JWH. |
2001 | Fall | | | All reports: 10/19 (6 near White Rock Dam) Traverse MO, 10/20–23 Cottonwood (vicinity of Jeffers Petroglyphs) BSe, JJS, †CRM, 10/21 St. Louis (40th Avenue West, Duluth) †PHS. Another report from Cottonwood (Red Rock Preserve) BRB was undated. |
2002 | Spring | | | Only report: 4/14 Clay (Felton Prairie) ph. DAC. |
2002 | Fall | | | Singles reported along the North Shore of L. Superior 10/2 Lake (Silver Bay) KWR, MCA, 10/22 Cook (Grand Marais Campground) AXH. Only south reports: 10/12 Cottonwood (one at Red Rock Prairie) RMD, 10/13 Cottonwood (2 at Jeffers Petroglyphs) †PHS. |
2003 | Spring | | | All reports: 3/27 Martin †JJS, CAK, 4/27 Cottonwood (6 at Red Rock Prairie) CRG et al. |
2003 | Fall | | | Reported along L. Superior's North Shore 9/13–17 St. Louis (40th Ave. West, Duluth) DWT, MH, †PHS, 9/29–30 Lake (Two Harbors) ph. †JWL, †PHS, 10/2 St. Louis (Rose Garden, Duluth) fide DRB, 10/13 St. Louis (40th Ave. West) MH. All other north reports were in western Minnesota: 9/28 Pennington (Thief River Falls W.T.P.) †PHS, 10/12 Wilkin (Rothsay W.M.A.) CRM, JJS, 10/18 Traverse MO, 10/19 Norman (Ada W.T.P.) CAS, 10/19–23 Red Lake (Red Lake Falls W.T.P.) CAS, †PHS. Only south report: 10/18 Cottonwood (up to 75 at Red Rock Prairie) BWF, JJS, RMD. |
2004 | Spring | | | First county occurrence 4/24 Meeker (Kingston South Twp.) †DMF. Also reported 4/17 Cottonwood (4 identified by voice at Red Rock Prairie) BWF, plus additional reports from Lac qui Parle (max. 13, 4/12) through 4/24 BJU. |
2004 | Fall | | | Two north reports: 10/9 Marshall (20) JMJ, 10/16 Lake (4 at Iona's Beach) †PHS. Remainder of reports from Southwest: 10/14 Cottonwood (1) †JPM, 10/16 Cottonwood (~10) BWF, 10/17 Cottonwood BRB, 10/20 Lac qui Parle (7) †PHS. Cottonwood reports were all from Red Rock Prairie. |
2005 | Spring | | | Male reported without details in flock of longspurs 5/7 Kandiyohi (East Lake Lillian Twp.) RSF. |
2005 | Fall | | | Singles documented 9/30 St. Louis (Park Point, Duluth) †PHS, 10/20 St. Louis (Park Point) †MTA, 10/21 Big Stone (Browns Valley W.T.P.) †PHS. High count 10/29 Wilkin (50+ at Rothsay W.M.A.) †JPE. Reported without details from Beltrami (3), Cottonwood, Norman (31). |
2006 | Spring | | | South reports (none with details) 4/17 Big Stone (4) BJU; 4/17 (7), 4/22 (90), 4/28 (106), 5/4 (1) Lac qui Parle BJU, m.ob. Only north report: 5/9 Polk (well-described flock of 60 birds at Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) †RPR et al. |
2006 | Fall | | | Only north report: 10/5–7 Lake (Castle Danger landfill) †JWL, DDM, BJM. South reports (all but one of which lacked details): 10/3–10 Lac qui Parle BJU (max. 60, section 25, Walter Twp.) BJU, 10/5 Yellow Medicine (15, section 6, Omro Twp.) BJU, 10/16 Big Stone (2, section 27, Otrey Twp.) BJU, 10/21 Cottonwood (Red Rock Prairie) CMB, 10/25 Big Stone (2, Browns Valley W.T.P.) †PHS. |
2007 | Spring | 3 | 1 | Early south 4/21 Meeker (8) DMF. All north reports: 5/9 Polk (Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) KRE, RPR, 5/19 Lake (female at Beaver Bay sewage ponds) ph. †JWL, 5/23 Becker (Hamden Slough N.W.R.) fide JMJ. |
2007 | Fall | | 1 | Only report 10/15 Cottonwood (8 at Rock Ridge Prairie S.N.A.) RBJ. |
2008 | Spring | 1 | 1 | Only report 5/4 Clay (8) PBB. |
2008 | Fall | 2 | | All reports: 10/3 St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) KJB, 10/4 St. Louis (Brighton Beach, Duluth) NAJ, 10/26 Cook (Lutsen W.T.P.) BAn, 10/31 Cook (Taconite Harbor) EEO. |
2009 | Spring | | 1 | Only report 4/24 Kandiyohi (7) RSF. |
2009 | Fall | | | Only reports 10/3–4 St. Louis (40th Ave. West, Duluth) PHS, 10/1 St. Louis (Lakeview Cemetery, Duluth Twp.) JCG. |
2010 | Spring | | 2 | All reports: four at Nicollet W.M.A. in Nicollet 4/9–11 ph. †RMD, ph. ChG, ph. †JPM, †PEB, m.ob.; 4/24 Lac qui Parle (Plover Prairie East Unit) ph. BJU. |
2010 | Fall | 1 | 1 | All north 9/25, St. Louis (27th Avenue West, Duluth) ph. MFu, †CRu, m.ob. Median early north 10/2, late 10/22. Only south 10/7 Sherburne (Sherburne N.W.R. wildlife drive) PLJ. Median early south 10/17, late 10/22. No reports from usual west region haunts. |
2011 | Spring | | 5 | Two new county records: 4/10–23 Brown (Mulligan Twp., as many as 30 individuals) †BTS, m.ob, 4/23–24 Wabasha (Weaver Dunes) †DBz. Other reports 4/8 Lac qui Parle (Perry W.M.A.) BJU, 4/12 Nicollet (St. Peter) †RMD, 4/28 Big Stone (30) BJU, 5/4 Lac qui Parle (Yellow Bank Hills S.N.A.) fide RPR. |
2011 | Fall | | 2 | No north reports. All south reports 9/24 (record early) Sibley (3) †RPR, 10/14 Lac qui Parle (30, near Salt Lake) BJU. |
2012 | Spring | | 4 | New county record: 4/22 Nobles (Bloom W.P.A.) †BTS. Early south (median 4/21) 3/31 Lac qui Parle (4, Perry Twp.) BJU, 4/7 Brown (6, Mulligan Twp.) BTS. High count 4/18 Brown (47) BTS. Late south 4/29 Brown (20) ANy, MiO, BTS (median 4/28). |
2012 | Fall | 2 | 4 | More reports than usual. All north 9/27 Pine (2, C.R. 20 and Hwy 48) RBJ, DAC, 10/1 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) DBM, 10/21 Grant (30, Spink W.P.A.) DBM (median early 10/1, late 10/21). All south 10/17 Lac qui Parle BJU, 10/21 Lyon (50+, Russell W.T.P., season high count) KRE, m.ob., 10/23 Yellow Medicine BJU, 10/24 Faribault (10, Wells W.T.P.) RBJ, DAC (median early 10/15, late 10/21). |
2013 | Spring | 2 | 3 | All south 4/28 Lac qui Parle LWh, ph. SvB, 5/5–6 Blue Earth (100, estimated number at Lincoln W.P.A.; one photgraphed) ph. ChH, m.ob., 5/7 Lac qui Parle FGo, 5/15 Kandiyohi JoS (median early 4/19, late 4/28). All north 4/27 Wilkin ALo, KRE, RZi, 5/11–12 Clay KRE, m.ob. (median early 5/7, late 5/8). |
2013 | Fall | | | No documented reports. |
2014 | Spring | | 2 | All south 5/1 Yellow Medicine (4, Echo W.T.P.) PME, 5/2–3 Lyon (36, Cottonwood W.T.P) GWe, BAb, GLa. No north reports. |
2014 | Summer | 1 | | Record late migrant observed 6/2 Cook (Grand Marais, Coast Guard station) KMH. |
2014 | Fall | | 3 | All reports 10/25 Rock (12, Blue Mounds S.P.) RMD, 10/26 Brown/Cottonwood RMD. |
2015 | Spring | | 2 | All reports from the Southwest and included two new county records: 4/4 Lincoln (2, possibly at least 4, Chen Bay W.M.A) BTS, KRE, m.ob., 4/11 Murray (9) GWe. Median early south 4/17, late 5/2. |
2015 | Fall | 1 | | Only reports from Wilkin, 10/17 KRE, m.ob., 10/20 HHD. Median early north 10/1, late 10/21. |
2016 | Spring | | 4 | All reports 4/9 Redwood (near Wahpeton W.M.A.) MJB, BTS, MiO, JWH, 4/23 Cottonwood JCu, Jackson JJu, Yellow Medicine (13) GWe (median 4/23). |
2016 | Fall | 1 | 2 | Only north report 9/27 St. Louis (Park Point R.A.) †PHS. All south reports 9/27 Yellow Medicine GWe, 10/23 Cottonwood (3, Red Rock Prairie S.N.A.) RBW. |
2017 | Spring | 2 | 5 | All south reports 4/11 Jackson (11, Heron Lake W.M.A.) DAk, 4/15 Lyon (2, Lone Tree Lake) GWe, 4/29 Yellow Medicine (1, Mound Spring Prairie S.N.A.) RMD, m.ob., 5/8 Murray (4) GWe and a very late and out-of-range report 5/13 Blue Earth (5, Lincoln W.P.A.) LiH. All north 4/13 Beltrami (north side of Upper Red Lake) DPJ, 5/13 Traverse KnM. |
2017 | Fall | 4 | 5 | All north 9/28–30 Lake (Two Harbors, Paul Van Hoven Park) ph. JWL, m.ob., 10/3–11 St. Louis (Duluth, Old Stella Jones Pier) ALx, m.ob., 10/6 Pennington (32, season’s high count, Thief River Falls W.T.P.) KCo, 10/17 Wilkin (Rothsay W.M.A.) KnM. All south 10/7 Lyon (3, Cottonwood W.T.P.) GWe, 10/13 Cottonwood (Red Rock Prairie) ASu, KnM, 10/18 Yellow Medicine (6, Mound Spring Prairie S.N.A.) BRB, 10/21–24 Redwood (max. 30, Lamberton W.M.A.) BTS, m.ob., 10/25 Lyon (2) NMe, 11/20 Renville (26, Kingman Twp.) RBJ. |
2018 | Spring | | 2 | All reports 4/22 Yellow Medicine (6, Miedd Lake) GWe, 5/7 Yellow Medicine (Lyon/Yellow Medicine Conservation Easement) GWe, 5/10–12 Yellow Medicine (Echo W.T.P.) ph. GWe, m.ob. |
2018 | Fall | 1 | 3 | Only one north report 10/19 Traverse (8) LiH. All south 10/10 Lyon GWe, 10/11 Cottonwood (Jeffers Petroglyphs Historic Site) LHl, 10/19 Yellow Medicine (Miller-Richter W.M.A.) LiH, 10/21–27 Cottonwood (max. 11, Rock Ridge Prairie S.N.A.) JWH, KEm, RAE, MaJ. |
  | Rare migrant mostly west. |