Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
American Bittern
Least Bittern
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret
Snowy Egret
Little Blue Heron
Tricolored Heron
Cattle Egret
Green Heron
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron

Snowy Egret(Egretta thula)
1963SpringOne adult, non-breeding plumage seen on June 8 at Swan Lake, Nicollet County, by R. Huber and W. R. Pieper. A Note of Interest will appear in a future issue.
1964SpringSee Notes of Interest.
1966Summer7-4 and 7-15 Agassiz Refuge, Marshall Co, 1, DLO, good details. This would probably be fifth Minnesota record. (See Notes of Interest).
1967Springwhat with the occurrence of the other unusual herons here, it seemed noteworthy to mention a record of this species on 5-25 from Valley City, North Dakota, seen by Leo Grim.
1970Spring5-10 Cottonwood, Lyon Co., PE, see Notes of Interest.
1971Spring2 reports, the 8th and 9th state records: 5-14 Marshall, Lyon Co. (photographed), Liz and Rex Campbell; 6-1 Lake Vadnais, RamseyCo., Alice Johnson.
1971Summersee account under Little Blue Heron.
1971Fall8-14 Pope (1 ad.) BH, see account under Little Blue Heron.
1975Spring One report of this casual species, 521 Houston Co. (Reno) W. Smith.
1976Spring 2 reports: 4-17 Murray (Currant Lake) BL, R. Glassel, H. Huber, R. Rhume; 5-14 Goodhue (1) DGW.
1976Summer2 reports Shakotan, Lincoln Co. (H. Kyllingstad); from 6-28 on, Agassiz N. W. R., Marshall Co. (SV).
1976Fall Only report: one bird seen until 9-9 Marshall SV.
1977Spring 1 report: 5~12 Big Stone Co. Big Stone NWR (1) Bradley D. Ehlers, see Loon 49:185.
1977Summer First confirmed nesting for the state at Big Stone N.W.R. (10 nests found, B. Ehlers; 6 pr. with 7 young on 7-19 and 7-24, CMB); also seen twice in July near Pelican L., Grant Co. (GO, S. Millard).
1977Fall 8-10 Big Stone (CMB).
1978Spring 5-22, 23 Otter Tail (1) GO, L. Woolson; 5-29 Lac qui Parle (2) CMB.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Lac qui Parle (12 nests, Big Stone NWR, CMB); also seen in the same county at Salt Lake.
1978Fall Summer resident Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge; reported 8-2 Lac qui Parle CMB, 8-12 Lac qui Parle (3) CMB, KE, 8-26 Big Stone (15) DB, OJ, 9-2 Lac qui Parle (11) CMB, 9-9 Lac qui Parle (14) RJ, 10-12 Lac qui Parle (2) CMB.
1979Spring 5-9 Lac qui Parle (2), 5-29 Nicollet JCF.
1979Summer Seen in Nicollet (5-28 to 6-5), Lac qui Parle (Big Stone NWR, up to 6), Grant (7-15, Ashby).
1979Fall 8-14 Jackson RJ and 9-25 Lac qui Parle CMB; only reports
1980Summer Single bird seen at Big Stone NWR Lac qui Parle Co., June and July. '
1981Spring 4-10 Anoka (Carlos Avery) KL.
1981Summer Seen at Big Stone NWR, Lac qui Parle Co. (6-8, one; 7-21, two; C&MB).
1981Fall 9-17 Lac qui Parle CMB; only report.
1982Spring 4-24 Lac qui Parle HK, 4-25 Big Stone BL.
1982Summer Single birds on 6/25 Kuester Slough, Nicollet Co. (JCF), 7/31, Crow Hassan Park, Hennepin Co. (RBJ).
1982Fall 8/1 Hennepin AB, 8/3 Hennepin RA, 8/22 Traverse (2) SDM.
1983Spring 4/26 Cottonwood WH, 5/18 Marshall ANWR.
1984Spring 5/18 LeSueur JEB, 5/21 through 25 Marshall ANWR.
1984Summer6/3 Agassiz NWR, Marshall Co. (3 -JM); 6/24 Long L., Kandiyohi Co. (2 -SC); 6/1-2 Carlos Avery WMA, Anoka Co. (KL).
1984Fall 8/13 Grant (Pelican Lake) KL.
1985Spring 4/21 Otter Tail SDM, 4/22 St. Louis KE (first county record, The Loon 57: 141-142), 5/3 Marshall ANWR, 5/7 Lyon HK, 5/9 Olmsted JEB.
1985Summer Single birds at Agassiz NWR, Marshall Co. (6/29, 7/2, JM) and Stacy, Chisago Co. (6/2-3 m.ob.).
1985Fall Reported 81l4 Sibley DB, OJ, 9/22-25 Otter Tail SDM.
1986Spring 5/10 Marshall ANWR; only report, later nested.
1986Summer Nested at Agassiz NWR, Marshall Co. (JM, The Loon 58 :134; second county in state with nesting record).
1987Spring 5/13 Marshall ANWR; only report.
1987Summer Seen at Agassiz NWR (JM et a!.), Grant, Washington (6/17 and 23, DSo).
1987Fall Reported 8/4-16 Grant AB, BSE,RG, 8/8 Brown RG,RJ,AP, 8/14 Murray RJ,AP, 8/24 Big Stone EL, 8/25 Lyon HK.
1988Spring 4/17 Lincoln AB, IT, 5/6 Hennepin SC, 5/8 Lyon HK, 5/10 Wright SC, ES.
1988Summer Seen at Black Dog L., Dakota Co. (7 /1314, AB, TT); Eden Prairie, Hennepin Co. (6/8, SC, ES); four birds at Pelican L., Grant Co. (7/23, KE).
1989Spring Only reports: 4/22 Ramsey DC, 5/9 HoustonAP (The Loon61 :91) and Mower RRK.
1990Spring All reports 4/28 Lac qui Parle mob, 5/7 Rock PG, 5/11 Yellow Medicine RJ.
1990Fall Reported 8/7 Marshall PS, 8/18 Carver RG.
1991Spring Reported 4/27 Big Stone PB, KR, 4/28 Swift EL, 5/4 Traverse FKS, 5/8 Kandiyohi JR.
1991Summer After two-year summer absence, single birds seen 6/29 Rock RJ, 7/2 Kandiyohi SE, 7/9 Grant PS.
1991Fall Reported 8/1 Lyon HK, 8/14 Traverse DB.
1992Spring Reported 4/25–26 Lac qui Parle EL, KR, 5/6 Rice GS, 5/15 Marshall KSS, 5/23 Houston mob.
1992Summer Only report: one bird on 7/12 in Pelican L. area, Grant Co. PB.
1992Fall Reported 8/28 Sherburne RG, 9/9 Lac qui Parle FE.
1993Spring Reported 4/24 Lac qui Parle mob, 4/24 Yellow Medicine JH.
1993Summer Two reports: one bird discovered on 6/23 and present for about two weeks near Willmar, Kandiyohi Co. SE; three birds observed on 7/30 near Bellingham, Lac qui Parle Co. FE.
1993Fall Reported 8/21 Cottonwood fide ED.
1994Spring Reported 5/1 Lac qui Parle mob, 5/12 Carver DBM.
1994Fall Reported 10/23 (latest date on record) Winona JW.
1995Spring Only report 5/6 Big Stone KB.
1995Summer Two birds discovered at Pigs Eye L. in Ramsey Co. on 7/9 (TT, mob.) and remaining into September; same birds (presumably) seen on 7/11 at nearby location in Washington Co.
1995Fall Two found in the summer at Pigs Eye Lake, Ramsey Co. TT, stayed through 9/4 BL.
1996Spring All reports: 4/25 Renville RJ, 4/27 Lac qui Parle (4) mob, 5/4–15 Kandiyohi RE, RJF, PP, 5/11 Big Stone N.W.R., Lac qui Parle County (2) PJ, DN, and 5/12 Washington DS.
1996Summer All reports: 6/9 Roseau AE, 7/28 Big Stone LE, 7/13–? Ramsey fide CS.
1996Fall Only report: 9/10 Red Rock Lake, Ramsey Co. (1) BL.
1997Spring Only report: 5/1 Hennepin DBM.
1997Summer Only record: 7/3 Kandiyohi RJF.
1997Fall No reports.
1998Spring All reports: 4/19 Jackson (Heron Lake) KE, DBM, 4/24 Lac qui Parle (Co. Rd. 5/24) ChM, 4/24 Big Stone (Lyseng Lake) KR, 5/10 Lac qui Parle WM, 5/18 Kittson (Lake Bronson) AH, PS.
1998Summer Only report: 6/10 Marshall (Agassiz NWR) BK, BBe.
1998Fall No reports.
1999Spring All reports: 5/2–9 Kandiyohi (3–4) RJF, 5/2 Anoka (Carlos Avery WMA) KL, AH, 5/7–30 Ramsey (max. 3, Pigs Eye L.) PA, TN et al., 5/8 Waseca (near Janesville) RG, 5/15 Dakota (190th/Biscayne Ave.) TT.
1999Summer Two reports: 6/8 Dakota (Schmitt L.) AH, 6/14 Hennepin (E. Minneapolis) AH.
1999Fall All reports: 9/23 Stevens (near Morris) fide AH, 10/1–3 (third latest south) Lac qui Parle WM.
2000Spring Unprecedented influx (12 records) beginning 4/22 Ramsey †TN. Others documented 5/8–20 St. Louis (max. 4 at 40th Avenue West in Duluth) KE, †PS, †TW, 5/17+ Otter Tail (max. 4 at L. Alice) †SDM. First county records 5/12 Stearns (Roscoe WMA) HD, 5/14 Scott (New Market Twp.) CMa et al.
2000Summer Holdover from spring (The Loon 72:206) reported 6/14, 6/21 Otter Tail SDM et al.; one seen 6/7–13 Dakota (Farquhar L.) †RJS et al.
2000Fall All reports: 9/24 Jackson (Heron L.) RHy, 10/1 Lac qui Parle (Walter Twp.) WCM, 10/3 Lyon (Amiret Twp.) RJS.
2001Spring Total of six birds in five counties: 5/5 Hennepin (Maple Grove) †SLC, 5/8 Kandiyohi RAE, 5/11 Otter Tail SPM, 5/12 Yellow Medicine (2) RJS, 5/25 Stearns (near St. Joseph) †MAJ, †DCT.
2001Summer Single report: 6/13 Meeker (L. Koronis) DMF.
2001Fall Immature seen 8/7–8 Houston (near Reno) FZL, RZ et al.
2002Spring Eight records involving at least 13 birds. Most reports since the Spring 1999 influx (The Loon 73:3–7). All south reports: 4/13 Le Sueur (near St. Peter) DPS, 5/4 Lac qui Parle (3 in Cerro Gordo Twp.) BRL, 5/7 Yellow Medicine (Spielmann L.) PME, 5/9 Kandiyohi (Swan L.) RPR, 5/15 Murray (Slayton) DFJ, 5/15 Rice (Dennison) TFB. All north reports: 4/23+ Otter Tail (max. 4 at L. Alice) SPM, DKM, m.ob., 5/15 Douglas (L. Christina) DDM.
2002Summer Only report: 6/11 Kandiyohi (6 miles north of Pennock) fide AXH.
2002Fall All reports: 8/24 Douglas (3 in Evansville Twp.) †JPE, 10/8 Otter Tail (Rush Lake W.P.A., record-late north date) EJE.
2003Spring All reports: 4/19 Swift (near Benson) †MAD, 5/10 Meeker (Greenleaf Twp.) DMF.
2003Summer Two reports in adjacent counties: 6/11–12 Pope (2) RPR, BWF and 7/21–26 Douglas (adult) DDM, BJM et al.
2003Fall All reports: 8/30 Douglas (adult) PLJ, 8/30 Big Stone (immature in Odessa Twp.) PCC, 9/27 Big Stone (immature in Otrey Twp., possibly same bird) PCC, 10/5–11 Otter Tail (latest north date, Rush L.) KRE, CRM et al.
2004Spring Sixteen records of 36 birds in 10 counties, the most ever, and far exceeding the Spring 1999 influx of 24–28 individuals (The Loon 73:3–7). Early south 4/19 Steele (Spindler's Pond) ph. RLE, 4/20 Big Stone (3 at Thielke L.) BJU; six additional birds seen at three locations in Big Stone. Also reported in Hennepin, two locations in Lac qui Parle, Kandiyohi (2), Meeker, and Rice. All north reports: 14 birds at three locations in Otter Tail, including 8 at Mavis W.P.A. on 5/14 (EJE); also reported in Douglas (max. 4) and two locations in Grant.
2004Summer More reports than usual, following record-high numbers in spring (The Loon 76:193). All reports: 6/2–3 Douglas/Grant (2 at Bah Lakes W.M.A.) BWF, CBr et al., 6/3 Lac qui Parle (Walter Twp.) BJU, 6/24 Big Stone (Odessa Twp.) BJU, 6/25 Chippewa (Lac qui Parle L.) BJU, 7/9 Lincoln (East Twin L.) and Yellow Medicine (Bohemian W.M.A.) BJU, 7/19 Lac qui Parle (Hantho Twp.) BJU, 7/25 Swift (3 at Shible L., 1 at Holloway W.T.P.) BJU, 7/28 Otter Tail (near Spitzer L.) †JMP.
2004Fall All reports: 8/14 Grant (two in Pelican Lake Twp.) KRE, 8/27 Traverse (Bois de Sioux R.) fide AXH, 8/28 Lac qui Parle (Manfred Twp.) BRL, 8/31 Murray (Lake Sarah Twp.) RJS, 9/1 Lyon (Sham L.) SMo, 9/21 Lyon (Island L.) RJS.
2005Spring Statewide total of 10 birds (36 last spring). Early south 5/6 Winona (Mud L.) JJS, 5/14 Murray (L. Wilson) NED. Singles also reported in Big Stone (Otrey Twp.), Kandiyohi (Nest L.), Meeker (L. Hanson), Brown (New Ulm), Steele (Rice Lake S.P.), Wright (Howard L.), and Olmsted (near Rochester). Only north report: 4/24 Otter Tail (1) SPM.
2005Summer Seen 6/5 Grant (2) BJM, DDM, 6/8 Lyon RJS, 6/18 Lac qui Parle BJU.
2005Fall All reports: 8/28 Wilkin (flyby at Breckenridge W.T.P.) BJU, 10/10 Houston (Wildcat Creek) ph. FZL.
2006Spring Statewide total of 26 individuals (10 last spring). Early south 4/9 (record early) Big Stone (Otrey Twp.) PCC, 4/13 Olmsted (Rochester) CCB. Also seen in Big Stone (4 at Kleges W.M.A., 5/7 DWK), Carver (2 in Laketown Twp.), Dakota (singles at 180th St., L. Byllesby, and Cliff Rd.), Kandiyohi (3 at Swan L.), Lac qui Parle (2 at Big Stone N.W.R. and one at Madison W.M.A.), Lincoln/Yellow Medicine (CR 15), McLeod (Clear L.) Meeker (Schoolhouse L.), Nicollet (Swan L.), Rice (near Cedar L.), Rock (Hills lagoons), Scott (Shakopee), Steele (near Rice L.), and Swift (L. Hassel). No north reports.
2006Summer Unusual location 6/1–3 St. Louis (40th Ave. West, Duluth) LWM, SLF. Also reported 6/6 Lac qui Parle BJU, 6/12 Carver WRa, 6/16 Le Sueur BJU, 7/15 Douglas JPE.
2006Fall All reports: 8/9 Swift (Marsh L.) ph. BJU, 8/30 Big Stone (Toqua Twp.) BJU, 9/3 Big Stone (imm. at Big Stone N.W.R.) DWK, 9/4–17 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, MM, 9/21–10/1 Big Stone (3 near Ortonville) ph. BJU, PHS, PCC, 10/4 Anoka DPG.
2007Spring25 All south reports: 3/25–26 (record early) Dakota (L. Byllesby) †CMB, m.ob., 4/20, 5/20 Lac qui Parle (near Louisburg) BJU, 4/29 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R. at Hwy 75 dam) WCM, 4/29 Big Stone (2, Horseshoe L.) PCC, HJF, 4/29–30 Dakota (L. Byllesby) JLO, m.ob., 5/5 Meeker (Stella L.) DMF, 5/25–29 Carver (Chaska L.) ph. RMD, m.ob., 5/31 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU. All north reports: 5/6 Traverse (Arthur Twp.) DFN, PEJ, 5/27 St. Louis (40th Ave. W.) MSS, JLR.
2007Summer13 New county record 6/1 Clay ABi. Also 6/20–22 Carver (Chaska Lake, possibly the same bird as reported in late May) RMD, JLO, DWK; 7/7, 7/15 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) PCC, BJU; 7/30 Big Stone (Otrey Lake) BJU.
2007Fall3 All reports: 8/17–20 Lac qui Parle (Lac qui Parle W.M.A.) BJU, 8/27 Benton and Stearns (Mississippi R. in Sartell) HHD, 9/16 Lac qui Parle (2 at Big Stone N.W.R.) PCC, 10/11 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU.
2008Spring17 All south reports: 4/23 Big Stone (Peterson Lake) SVa, 4/24 Stevens (Scott Twp.) DBM, 4/27 Hennepin (Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) BBB, m.ob., 5/8 Lac qui Parle (Hantho Twp.) BJU, 5/9 Brown (New Ulm) BRB, 5/10 Meeker (Pidgeon Lake) DMF, 5/15 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU. Only north report: 5/28 Hubbard (channel off Fish Hook L.) MAW.
2008Summer1 Only report: 6/8 Douglas BWF.
2008Fall2 Only report: 8/26–10/3 Lac qui Parle/Big Stone (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, †PHS, m.ob.
2009Spring14 All reports: 4/21 Pope (2, Gilchrist Twp.) DPG, 4/25 Lyon (Coon Creek W.M.A.) ph. RJS, 4/26 Lac qui Parle (Caerulean W.M.A.) fide BJU, 5/10 Grant (3, Pelican Lake) BWF, 5/13 Lac qui Parle (Marsh Lake) BJU, ASc, 5/21 Olmsted (South Landfill Reservoir) JWH.
2009Summer1 All reports: 6/11–7/31 Hennepin (max. 2 at Purgatory Creek Wetlands, Eden Prairie) ph. †DWK, †PEB, m.ob.
2009Fall11 Only north report 9/7 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) †KRE, m.ob. South reports all from Purgatory Creek in Eden Prairie, Hennepin, where one or more had been present since June: 8/1–21 †DWK, SLC, m.ob., 9/9 WCM.
2010Spring4 All reports: 5/7 Hennepin (Purgatory Creek) WCM, Lac qui Parle (Marsh Lake) BJU, 5/13 Rice TFB, 5/15 Lac qui Parle (Florida Creek W.M.A.) BJU, Watonwan ph. †ChH.
2010Summer3 Reported 6/10 Big Stone BJU, 6/12 Lac qui Parle BJU, 6/16 Hennepin JMo.
2010Fall1 Only report: 9/4 Big Stone (Otrey Twp.) BJU.
2011Spring27 All south reports: 4/24 Jackson (near Little Spirit Lake) †DPG, 4/30–5/1 Lac qui Parle (3, Salt Lake) ph. ANy, m.ob., 5/6 Big Stone (Thielke Lake) BJU, 5/15 Faribault WAF, 5/16 Blue Earth (Minnesota Lake) ph. RMD, AnK, ph. †ChH, m.ob., Murray (Buffalo Lake) WCM, Ramsey LMS. All north reports: 4/17 Grant (2 near Thorstad Lake) †DFN, PEJ, 4/26 Grant (Pelican Lake) RAE, 5/8 Otter Tail (Tumuli Twp.) CAM.
2011Summer2Observed 6/11 Kandiyohi (Keller Ranch W.M.A.) †MJB, 6/12 Lac qui Parle (Lac qui Parle W.M.A. near Plover Prairie) ph. BJU.
2011Fall23 All north reports 8/20–24 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) ph. BJU, RBW, 10/22 Douglas (latest north date, no details) JPE. All south reports 9/19 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) ph. BJU, 10/9 Le Sueur (Waterville Fish Hatchery) RBW, 10/17 Chippewa (near Watson) †DAB, JWH, JEB.
2012Spring3 All reports: All south 4/15 Lac qui Parle (Cory Lake) DBM, 5/3 Lac qui Parle (Mehurin Twp.) BJU, 5/9 Swift CWG, 5/20 Hennepin (Veterans Memorial Park) JEg, TPB, †CMB, †BAF, †MDu, ph. LMS, m.ob.
2012Summer11 Observed 6/7 Stearns (Paynesville W.T.P.) RPR, SBM, 6/10, 7/21 Grant SBM, DWK.
2012Fall1 All reports: 8/11–26 Grant (Mud Lake and Ash Lake) where as many as 4 individuals were present on 8/19 PCC and 8/24 KRE, m.ob., 9/1 Becker (north of Frazee) BDS.
2013Spring14 All south 4/26–27 Houston (2, Root River) †MPn, †DSt, †MyH, m.ob., 5/7 Blue Earth (Lake Ida) ph. fide ChH, 5/10 Rock (Blue Mounds S.P.) †CRM, 5/15 Houston ANy, DBz, MGo, JWH, 5/22 Big Stone (2, Long Lake) DLP. All north 5/3–5 Marshall (Agassiz Valley Watershed Impoundment) WHB, ph. †SAu, PEB, DAC, RBJ.
2013Summer1 Seen 6/4 Big Stone (5) DLP.
2013Fall No reports.
2014Spring39All south reports 4/19 Hennepin (Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) †MPi, Lac qui Parle (2) LGl, (4, Salt Lake) PEJ, m.ob., 4/20 Stevens (Clear Lake) DLP, 4/25 Wright (Albion Twp.) †PLJ, 4/26 Lac qui Parle (Bailey Slough) †DWK, †SBM, Yellow Medicine SGa, 5/4 Fillmore †JWH, ph. CWG, 5/8 Olmsted (East Landfill Reservoir) JWH, JJS, m.ob., 5/14 Cottonwood (near Westbrook) †DHr, 5/18 Wabasha (C.R. 24 and C.R. 30) JMs, DBz, †DWK, RBW, †JmP. All north reports 5/26 Marshall/Polk (Agassiz Valley Watershed Impoundment) KRE, m.ob., 5/29 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) RAE.
2014Summer12Observed 6/6 Pope (C.R.15 and S.R. 55) ALD, CRM, 6/8 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) DWK, ph. SBM, 6/18 Swift (C.R. 22 east of Clontarf) RMD, HHD, RAE.
2014Fall13 All reports: 8/6 Washington (in flight near Downs Lake) JLO, 9/2 Hennepin (Long Meadow Lake) JHh, 9/7–9 Mille Lacs (Hwy 169 & C.R. 13) JCC, †HCT, ph. PKa, m.ob., 9/7 Yellow Medicine (Spellman Lake) GWe.
2015Spring2 Two south reports: 5/19 Hennepin (1, Long Meadow Lake) PEJ, 5/30 Rice TFB.
2015Summer1 Only report: 6/2 Marshall (Agassiz Valley Impoundment) JPr, GHo, KDS, ph. SAu.
2015Fall21 All reports: 8/11–22 Swift (Appleton Twp.) GHO, KDS, m.ob., 8/21–30 Grant (max. 2, North Ottawa Impoundment) KRE, m.ob., 8/21 Traverse (1, flew across road from Grant County) RZi.
2016Spring7 All south 4/23 Big Stone (six miles south of Thielke Lake) DLP, 4/24 Big Stone (Thielke Lake) KvM, DGu, 4/25 Renville (Bird Island W.T.P.) SBE, LiH, 4/29 Lyon (375th St. marsh near Runholt's Slough) ph. GWe, 5/1 Freeborn (Bear Lake) PEJ, 5/13 Rock (Blue Mounds S.P.) ph. †DAB, 5/16 Dakota (2, Lake Byllesby) ph. JBu, 5/20 Olmsted (South Landfill Reservoir) RLE, m.ob.
2016Summer2 Observed 6/7 Lac qui Parle (3, Madison W.M.A.) DPG, 7/27 Yellow Medicine (2, Oshkosh) GWe.
2016Fall14 All north 9/5–6 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) †DWK, †HCT, †SAu, †SBM, m.ob. All south 8/6 Lac qui Parle (Salt Lake) ph. JPR, 8/13–15 Sibley (Gaylord W.T.P.) WCM, ph. †DWK, ph. †JWd, †HCT, †BAb, m.ob., 8/24 Lyon (Island Lake) GWe, 9/13 Pipestone (Osborne Twp.) ph. †KEm, 9/20 Lyon (3, Island Lake) GWe, 10/3 Lyon (Island Lake, presumably one of the 9/20 birds) GWe.
2017Spring111 All south 4/15 Anoka (Lino Lakes) †JCr, Le Sueur (Eggert Lake) BHe, m.ob., 4/26 Hennepin KyR, 4/28–29 Scott (C.R. 12 and C.R. 17) ph. BAb, m.ob., 4/29 Lincoln (Twin Lakes) DWK, SBM, 5/3 Martin (Fairmont) ph. RMD, 5/11 Dakota GLa, 5/12 Swift (Henry X W.M.A.) ph. KeM, 5/14 Stevens (slough east of US 59 along C.R. 4) ph. DWK, HCT, PEB, SBM, 5/21 Scott (Haas Lake) BHe, 5/24 Blue Earth (C.R. 14 north of Minnesota Lake) ph. JFz, TPu, 5/26 Washington (Forest Lake) ph. BRL, m.ob. All north 4/15–17 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) †DWK, KRE, m.ob., 4/20 Grant (4, season high count, Doughty Lake ) CRM.
2017Summer12 Found in Grant, Kandiyohi, Lac qui Parle (3 in 2 locations).
2017Fall3 All south 8/24–26 Big Stone (2, Marsh Lake, near Correll Public Access) DLP, 9/27 Lyon (Lone Tree Lake) GWe, 9/28 Brown (Somsen W.M.A.) STa, BTS, MiO.
2018Spring210 All south 4/28–29 Lac qui Parle (Louisburg) BrT, m.ob., 5/1 Big Stone (3, Otrey Twp.) DLP, Hennepin (2, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) DGu, Watonwan, (Fieldon Twp.) ph. BTS, 5/3–23 Big Stone (south of Ortonville; max. 14, season high count, on 5/9–10 FGo, DLP) CRM, m.ob., 5/8 Meeker (2, Grove City) JWd, m.ob., Redwood (2, Westline W.M.A.) WCM, 5/10–11 Lac qui Parle (Dawson) PRH, m.ob., 5/19 Nicollet (C.R. 21) RBW, m.ob., 5/25 Lyon (Lone Tree Lake) GWe, 5/26 Big Stone (Hillman North W.P.A.) ASu, DLP, 5/28 Stearns (Albany W.T.P.) PCC, m.ob., 5/30 Pope (Blue Mounds W.P.A.) ASu. All north 4/22 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) WPl, m.ob., 4/25 Otter Tail (2) LYg, 5/25 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) MO.
2018Summer14 Seen 6/4, 7/31 Stevens ASu, 6/9, 7/3–9 Big Stone ASu, GWe, 6/19 Lyon NMe, GWe, 7/3 Lac qui Parle GWe, 7/16 Grant ASu. First county breeding record 9/9 Grant AXH.
2018Fall24 All north 8/16–9/28 Grant (max. 13  on 8/20, season high count, North Ottawa Impoundment) DBi, m.ob., 8/18 Otter Tail ph. LYg (median 9/6). All south 8/3–4, 9/15 Lincoln (Twin Lake) GWe, m.ob., 8/14–15, 28 Lyon (max. 3, Balaton) GWe, m.ob., 8/16 Lyon (Green Valley W.M.A.) GWe, 8/25 Nobles (Leota Twp.) AaL, 9/18 Lac qui Parle (near Milan) RAE.
2019Summer11 Found 6/15 Big Stone KRE, ph. CRM, m.ob., 6/24 – 7/3 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) AxB, REn, RAE, m.ob.
 Rare migrant mostly south and west. Rare breeder.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.