Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - New World Vultures
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: New World Vultures
Black Vulture
Turkey Vulture

Turkey Vulture(Cathartes aura)
1933Summer Willioru Cunnins reports two-thirds-grown young of this species near Red Wing on July 9th.
1937SummerThree soaring young were observed by D. Struthers at Sand Point Lake, July 16.
1961Springwas seen 19 April near Northfield by Dr. Rysgaard, two were seen near Frontenac on 29 April by the Huber brothers; several were seen in Winona County on 13 May by members of the Avifauna! Club; and William Pieper saw them near Reno, Houston County, on 30 May. 
1961SummerSeveral seen on 10 June and 1 July near Reno, Houston County, by the Huber Brothers.
1961FallLast seen 7 Oct. when Gordon Gullion saw 12 at Cloquet Forest Research Station, Carlton County.
1962SpringApril 9 Duluth, John G. Hale; May 5 near Red Wing, Goodhue Co., and again near Hastings, Dakota Co., by Bob Janssen and Brother Theodore.
1962SummerJune 30, Freeburg, Houston Co., Avifauna! Club; seen almost daily along Fernberg Road near St. Louis-Lake Co. line during July by Janet C. Green.
1962FallSept. 6, Duluth, K. Hankins; Sept. 14, Duluth, 16 seen by Janet C. Green; Oct. 9, Duluth total of 7 seen by P. B. Hofslund andj or Janet C. Green; last report, Oct. 18, Duluth, Janet C. Green.
1963SpringApril 2, Washington County, D. Honetschlager; April 6, Cass Lake, the Mathisens; April 7, Waskish, Beltrami County, Avifauna! Club;
1963Falllatest Sept. 14, Nimrod, Wadena Co., R. Oehlenschlager; Sept. 28, Washington Co., A. C. Rosen· winkel.
1963WinterJan 5, Whitewater Refuge, Winona Co., 2 seen, John Feehan. Very few winter records for Min nesota.
1964Spring4-11, Duluth 17, PBH; 4-11 Swan Lake. RG; 4-16 Itasca Co, JAM; 4-16 Wadena Co, RO; 4-19 Wabasha Co, JPF; 4-19 Warroad, JR; 4-19 Houston Co, GD; 4-25 Hennepin Co, ACR; 4-27 Collegeville, EAH; 5-2 Cass Lake, JAM; 5-28 Lake Co, JGH.
1964Summer7-14 and 8-15, Wabas ha Co, FN, RBJ; all summer, Lake Co, JCG.
1964Fall9-12 Goodhue Co, RBJ; 9-14 Lake Co, RAG; 9-14 Cass Co, JAM; 9-10 Duluth, PBH; 9-27 Stearns Co, RPR; 9-27 Duluth, peak, 60, PBH, JCG; 10-5 Duluth, PBH.
1965Springearliest 4-10 Wabasha Co, RBJ, Dakota Co, ACR, St. Cloud, NH, Rice Co, CE, PE, JB and Hastings, MIG.
1965Falllatest 10-5 Hennepin Co, RDT and 10-11 Two Harbors, RK.
1966Springearliest 3-16 Hennepin Co, FN/ MAS; 3-20 Winona Co, GD, GG, FV; 4-2 Stearns Co, NMH.
1966Summerreported from Dakota, Marshall, Wabasha, St. Louis, Goodhue, Beltrami, Lake, Itasca Co's.
1966FallLatest 10-4 Stearns Co., RPR; 10-9 Winona Co., MIG; 10-28 Kanabec Co., RHJ.
1966Winter12-21 Whitewater State Park, Winona Co., 1 or 2 on Xmas Count, DGM; very few winter records for state.
1967Springearly 3-31 Wright Co., 1, EC; 4-1 St. Louis Co., LTM; 4-8 Traverse Co., JAH; 4-9 Goodhue Co., RBJ.
1967Summerreported from Beltrami, Winona, Houston, Itasca Co's.
1967Fall latest 10-8 Hennepin Co., EWJ; 10-11 Becker Co., JAH; 10-14 Duluth, PBH; 10-20 Winona Co., MIG.
1968Spring early 4-11 Duluth, 8, David Dewitt fide JCG; 4-19 Anoka Co., WHL; 4-20 Carver Co., RTH; 4-22 Stearns Co., KE.
1968Summer reported from Itasca, Carlton, Cass, St. Louis, Lake, Winona Co's.
1968Fall9-26 Duluth 658 MC; 10-2 Carver MHM; 10-4 St. Louis JCG.
1969Spring3-25 (6) Rice Co., OAR; 4-6 Winona Co., BT; 4-19 Kanabec Co., MHM.
1969Summerreported from Beltrami, Winona, Houston, Cass, Goodhue, and St. Louis Co's.
1969Fall10-8 Duluth 108 PBH; 10-9 Duluth 44 MC; 9-7 MC and PBH; 9-15 Duluth LSR; 9-25 Wabasha DGM.
1970Springearly south 3-17 Goodhue HW; 4-5 Wright EH; 4-8 Washington WHL; peak 4-24 Duluth {29) MMC; early north 4-8 Duluth MMC, JG;4-13 Morrison LR.
1970Summerreported from Cass (2 areas), Beltrami (Bemidji), St. Louis (Lake Vermillion), and Winona Co's. Gosh a wk: reported from Agassiz NWR, Marshall Co.
1971Springearly south 4-2 Winona, Liz Campbell; 4-10 Hennepin DB; 4-10 Wabasha TV; earlynorth 4-6 Crow Wing JB; 4-9 Duluth MMC; 4-10 Duluth KE, JG; peak 4-11 Duluth (25), D. Engstrom.
1971Summerreported from Cook, Itasca, Crow Wing, Mille Lacs, Beltrami, Houston, Carver, Wabasha and Hennepin; more reports than usual, especially in the south.
1971Falllate south 10-10 Carver; 10-13 Winona; 10-31 Hennepin; late north 10-13 Duluth; 11-6 Grant; peak 10-4 Duluth (60) JG.
1972Summerseen in Lake, St. Louis, Mille Lacs 16-8, three, Ml), Clearwater, Mahnomen (EW; JM), Winona, Houston.
1973Summer Seen in Aitkin, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Goodhue, Wabasha, & Houston.
1973Fall Reported from 11 counties. Late north 10-15 Lake (25) R. Kohlbry 10/6 St. Louis (4) (JCG). Peak 10-14 St. Louis (54) (JCG).
1974Spring Early south 4-6 Sibley HCK; 4-7 Winona DR; 3 reports on 4-14; early north 4-8 Becker TRS; 4-9 St. Louis MMC; 4-11 St. Louis MK.
1974Summer Many more reports than usual, especially in southern and western Minnesota; reported from Beltrami, Itasca St. Louis, ~ake, Cook, Cleawater, Wa~ b~sha, Wmona, Houston, Fillmore, Mille Lacs, Clay (6-26, PH), Chippewa (7-6, CH).
1974Fall Late south 9-30 Wabasha WDM; 10/3 Olmsted JF; late north 9-28 Morrisson LR; 10-12 Crow Wing EC.
1974Winter Reported on the Winona Christmas Count, (needs details).
1975Spring Early south 3-31 Winona VH; 4-4 Mower RK; 4-5 Olmsted JF; early north 3-23 Hubbard HJF; 4-6 Clay LCF; 4-18 Mille Lacs MI.
1975Summer Reported from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Cass, Clearwater, Mille Lacs, Goodhue, Wabasha, Winona, Houston (8) and Renville (6-28, PE).
1975Falllate north 10-28 Duluth Hawk Ridge; 11-9 Hubbard DM; late south 11-1 Stearns NMH; 1025 Goodhue PF; peak 10-1 Duluth (116) Hawk Ridge.
1976Spring Early south 3-19 Hennepin PCHS; 3-20 Wright BH; 3-28 Winona: VH; early north 4-5 to 4-10 St. Louis Tom Davis, PD, NJH.
1976Summernested in Clearwater (Itasca St. Pk.); also reported from Cass, Mahnomen, Crow Wing, Itasca, St. Louis, Cook, Goodhue, Olmsted, Winona and Houston.
1976Fall Late north 10-3 Kanabec, 10-22 St. Louis, 10-25 Duluth; late south 10-4 Anoka, 10-11 Dakota, 10-24 Wabasha; peak 10-5 Duluth (72).
1977Spring Early south 3-26 & 3-31 Goodhue BL, RJ; early north 3-29 St. Louis HPD; 4-8 Crow Wing JB; 4-9 Cass AES.
1977Summer Reported from 13 counties including Renville (7-3, PE).
1977Fall Late north 10-18 Duluth (HR); season total HR (472).
1978Spring Early north 4-1 Cass HF.
1978Summer Seen in Fillmore, Houston, Winona, Wabasha, Goodhue, Hennepin, Stearns, Renville, Lac qui Parle, Becker, Marshall (Agassiz NWR), Beltrami, Cass, American Crow Wing, Aitkin, Carlton and St. Louis.
1978Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge total 487, peak Sept-Oct; late south 11-13 Wabasha EDM.
1978Winter One probably seen on the Rochester CBC (VH) (Needs details).
1979Spring Early south 3-26 Goodhue LH, 4-7 Goodhue JD, 4-8 Carver DGW; early north 4-8 Cass HH, 4-10 Marshall ANWR, 4-11 St. Louis KE.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Aitkin; also seen in Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Beltrami, Lake of the Woods, Hubbard, Becker, Clay, Lac qui Parle, Nicollet, Wabasha, Olmsted, Winona, Houston, Fillmore.
1979Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge total 492, peak Sept. Late north 9-16 Carlton LJF, Cook CMB, 10-7 St. Louis JG; late south 10-14 Fillmore RRK, 10-19 Nicollet JCF, 10-20 Anoka KL.
1980Spring Early south 3-24 Houston EMF, 3-30 Olmsted JB, 4-5 Dakota JD, Fillmore RRK, Goodhue KG; early north 4-12 Itasca TOS, Lake SW, St. Louis SNF.
1980Summer Breeding reported from Wabasha, Clearwater; also seen throughout the Southeast, Northeast and North Central Regions plus Becker, Otter Tail, Wright (6-8, Pelican Lake).
1980Fall Hawk Ridge total 243 (last year 492); late north 9-28 Cass TCS, 10-2 Morrison EC, 11-2 St. Louis LLH; late south 10-7 Mower RRK, 10-8 Houston EMF, 10-18 Blue Earth JCF.
1981Spring Early south 3-27 Fillmore GBE, 3-28 Anoka KL, Benton RJ, Wabasha JSD Wright DCF; early north 4-5 St. Loui~ KE, 4-6 Lake of the Woods TA, 4-8 Becker TNWR.
1981Summer Seen throughout the Southeast, North Central plus Mahnomen, Becker, Kandiyohi (6-10 Sibley SP, EB-K).
1981Fall Hawk Ridge total 384 (1980:243); late north 10-25 Hawk Ridge, 11-3 Lake SWI MS, 11-8 Mille Lacs RBA; late south 10-6 Hennepin SC, 10-7 Wabasha WDM, 10-12 Houston EMF.
1982Spring 3-26 Goodhue AB, DGW, 3-27 Lac qui Parle HK, 3-31 Goodhue BL; early north 4-4 St. Louis D. Green, 4-7 Beltrami JC, 4-11 Crow Wing TS.
1982Summer Seen eastward of a diagonal bounded by Fillmore, Morrison and eastern Polk; also on 6/7 Rock (J. Schladweiler).
1982Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 402 (1982: 384). Late north 10/9 Beltrami JP, 10/16 Hawk Ridge, 10/27 Lake SWIMS; late south 10/17 Cottonwood WH, 10/25 Martin EBIK, 10/3 1 Jackson LAF.
1983Spring Early south 3/3 Washington WL, 3/27 Goodhue JD, 4/1 Houston FL; early north 4/12 Mille Lacs MLWMA, 4/16 Aitkin WN, Beltrami AS, Carlton AB.
1983Summer Seen in 17 counties in the northern and eastern regions plus Mille Lacs, Renville, Nicollet and Murray.
1983Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count 1446, a new record high (1982:402); late north 10/6 Lake KMH 10/26 Hawk Ridge; late south 10/8 Olmsted BE, 11/30 Houston FL.
1984Spring Early south, 3/29 Houston EMF, 4/1 Mower RRK, 41I4 Blue Earth RJ (4); early north 3/30 St. Louis fide KE, 4/3 Otter Tail GMO, 4/14 Beltrami AB.
1984Summernested in Beltrami, Lake and Olmsted; also seen in 20 other counties including Lyon.
1984Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 978 ( 1983 record 1446); late north 10/21 Lake SW/ MS, 10/23 Cook KMH, 10/30_ Hawk Ridge; late south I0/26 Nicollet JCF, I0/ 27 Scott ES, 11/8 Le Sueur HC.
1985Spring Early south 3/19 Houston EMF, Ramsey KB, 3/22 Dakota JD; early north 4/6 Mille Lacs KL, St. Louis SWIMS, 4/7 Aitkin WN, Hubbard AB.
1985Summer Probable nesting in Wabasha. Seen in 23 other counties eastward of a diagonal connecting Marshall, Sherburne, Fillmore, plus Blue Earth and Brown.
1985Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 780 (1984: 978) down nearly 50% from 1983. Late north 9/29 Otter Tail SDM, 10/3 Cook KMH, 10/19 Hawk Ridge; late south 10/10 Ramsey KB, 10/11 Goodhue JD, I0/26 Hennepin OJ.
1986Spring Early south 3/19 Dakota JD, 3/22 Houston BL, 3/25 Fillmore AMP, Olmsted JEB; early north 3/29 St. Louis KE, 3/31 Carlton LW, 4/13 Aitkin WN.
1986Summer Seen in 18 counties in the northern and eastern regions plus OtterTail, Wright, Scott, Nicollet, Lyon (7/24,HK).
1986Winter The unusually warm weather undoubtedly accounts for the first winter records for this species with not one but three separate reports. The earliest was 11/7 along TH 60 in Blue Earth Co., see The Loon 59:105. The second report was near Eitzen in Houston · with four individuals seen on 2/7 (JM). The third report was of an individual near Rushford, Fillmore Co. on 2/9 (AP); see The Loon 59:56-57.
1987SpringEarly south 3/6 Steams NH , 3/16 Mower RRK, 3/20 Wabasha AP; north 4/9 Duluth KE,4/18 Clay LCF, Cook KMH, Aitkin WN.
1987SummerSeen in 18 counties in the northern and eastern regions plus Otter Tail , Wright , Scott, Nicollet, Lyon (7/24,HK).
1987FallDuluth Hawk Ridge count: 249 (1985:780) ; late north 10/11 Aitkin SC, 10/14 Cook KMH , 11/16 Duluth ; late south 10/1 Olmsted BE , 10/8 Houston EMF, 10/14 Fillmore AP.
1987WinterThe unusually warm weather undoubtedly accounts for the first winter records for this species with not one but three separate reports. The earliest was 11/7 along TH 60 in Blue Earth Co., see The Loon 59:105. The second report was near Eitzen in Houston ·with four individuals seen on 2/7 (JM). The third report was of an individual near Rushford, Fillmore Co. on 2/9 (AP); see TheLoon 59:56-57 .
1988SpringEarly south 3/5 Dakota JD, 3/8 Fillmore AP, 3/17 Mower JM; early north 3/29 Duluth SK, 4/2 Becker BK and Beltrami AB.
1988SummerMore reports than recent years, although no nesting records. Seen in 30 counties east of a diagonal through Marshall, Becker, Todd, Scott, Steele; plus Le Sueur, Nicollet, Brown.
1988FallHawk Ridge count: 666; late north 10/4 Cook SOL, 10/9 Hubbard HJF, 10/15 Duluth HR; late south 10/2 Goodhue DZ and Olmsted BSE, 10/3 Houston EMF, 10/11 Fillmore NAO.
1989SpringEarly south 3/22 Anoka JH, Fillmore NAO, 3/24 Rice OR , FKS; early north 4/2 Wilkin SDM, 4/6 Becker BK , Marshall SKS .
1989SummerNested in St. Louis SS. Seen in 19 other counties as far west as a line from Koochiching to Mahnomen to Fillmore; plus Nicollet , Brown , Blue Earth, Martin, Cottonwood, Yellow Medicine 
1989FallHawk Ridge count: 869; late north 10/7 Lake DPV, 10/11 Cook OSL, 10/19 Duluth HR ; late south 10/9 Olmsted AP, 10/13 Freeborn AP, 10/14 Wabasha BL.
1989WinterEarly migrants (?) reported from Winona 2/18 GS and Fillmore 2/21 (4), fide AP.
1991SpringEarly south 3/21 Houston EMF, 3/25 Goodhue BL, Washington WL; early north 4/2 Pope SDM , 4/3 Cass HJF, St. Louis TW
1991Summer Many reports; numbers apparently increasing. Probable breeding in Aitkin; seen in 32 other counties in all regions of state.
1991Fall Hawk Ridge count: 1,175; late north 9/24 Cook KMH, 9/28 Becker MO, 10/6 Aitkin WN; late south 10/9 Houston EMF, 10/11 Ramsey KB, 10/23 Winona CS.
1992Spring Early south 3/10 Houston EMF, 3/16 Nicollet MF, 3/22 Goodhue KB; early north 4/5 Otter Tail CS/KC, 4/6 St. Louis TW, 4/8 Hubbard MCBS.
1992Summer Many reports, for fifth consecutive year; seen in 32 counties in all regions of the state. Observations suggest this species is becoming more common statewide.
1992Fall Hawk Ridge count: 777. Late north 10/4 Aitkin WN and Itasca AB, 10/12 Beltrami DJ, 11/4 Becker BBe; late south 10/5 Houston EMF and Kandiyohi CJ, 10/9 Wabasha RG, 10/11 Olmsted JB.
1992Winter One individual reported on the Grand Marais CBC, 12/19 Cook fide KMH, providing one of the state's few winter records, and the first in the north.
1993Spring Early south 3/24 Winona AM, 3/29 Fillmore GMD, 3/30 Houston EMF. Early north 4/9 Wadena AB, 4/11 Pine DS, 4/13 Becker BBe.
1993Summer Many reports, similar to previous three years. Probable nesting in Houston; seen in 33 additional counties in all regions.
1993Fall Hawk Ridge count: 1,740, a new high. Late north 10/11 Lake PB, 10/12 Hawk Ridge, 10/21 Cook PS. Late south 10/7 Olmsted JB, 10/22 Goodhue PBu, 10/23 Houston EMF.
1993Winter Reported 2/26 Pope fide PBa (second earliest arrival date for MN).
1994Spring Early south 3/20 Olmsted JSt, 3/21 Winona JPo, 3/23 Goodhue DSm; early north 3/30 St. Louis PS, TW, 4/3 Kanabec CM, 4/5 Aitkin WN.
1994Summer Reported in 38 counties (a record high) from all regions; this species appears to have established itself virtually statewide.
1994Fall Hawk Ridge count: 841, about 50% of 1993 record. Late north 9/25 Becker BK, 10/2 Kanabec CM, 11/22 and 11/26 Duluth FN (The Loon 67:2118). Late south 10/9 Hennepin SC, 10/16 Brown JS, 10/21 Houston JD, FL.
1995Spring Early south 3/16 Hennepin AB, 3/18 Goodhue PJ, 3/21 Lyon HK; early north 4/2 Carlton LW, 4/3 St. Louis TW, 4/7 Becker BBe.
1995Summer Most reports ever; seen in 40 counties statewide.
1995Fall Reported from 16 north and 18 south counties; peak south 9/12 Chisago (60) RG, 10/6 Mower (60) RRK. Hawk Ridge total 955.
1996Spring Reported from 56 counties. Early south 3/4 Nicollett LF, 3/10 Sibley WM, 3/13 Goodhue ABo. Early north 4/4 Todd JSK, SDu, 4/7 Carlton LW and Wilkin SDM. Note: Please report all spring Mississippi River Valley migration counts of vultures and other raptors, as there are little data available.
1996Summer Number of reports continues to increase, following trend of previous three years. Nested in Ramsey SKi (The Loon 68:176–177); seen in 43 additional counties statewide.
1996Fall Reported in 49 counties. Late north 10/24 St. Louis TW, 10/28 Todd RJ, 11/9 St. Louis fide KE. Late south 10/7 Houston EMF, 10/9 Fillmore NO, 10/26 Winona CS. Unusual report 10/5 Goodhue (64 in one kettle) BL. Record high daily count on 9/29 HRNR, St. Louis (799) FN.
1997Spring Reported from a total of 49 counties. Early north 3/27 St. Louis TW, 3/31 Carlton, 4/1 Becker (2) BBe (ten-year median early date 4/2).
1997Summer Reported in 41 counties in all regions except west central.
1997Fall Reported from 38 counties. Late north 10/26 St. Louis (HRNR) FN et al. Late south 11/11 Washington DS.
1998Spring Reported from 54 counties. Early north 4/5 St. Louis SS (twelve-year median early date 4/2). Peak count 4/13 Duluth (158) FN.
1998Summer Reported in 44 counties statewide.
1998Fall Peak count 10/3 Hennepin (500+) RJ. Reported from 34 counties statewide. Late north 10/20 Cook PS, 10/27 HRNR FN. Late south 10/28 Stearns SWi/MV and Washington SL. Hawk Ridge total 1,357.
1999Spring Arrived south two weeks later than usual, except for 3/7 Houston FL (recent median south arrival date 3/10). Early north 3/28 Aitkin WN, 4/3 Otter Tail KKW, 4/4 Carlton LW.
1999Summer Most reports ever for this species; seen in 50 counties statewide. New nesting record in Lincoln (on the ground in an alfalfa field!) fide CHe.
1999Fall Late north 10/2 Lake and St. Louis JSt, 10/9 Kanabec BA, 10/31 St. Louis (HRNR) FN. Late south 10/10 Rice SWe, 10/23 Blue Earth SL, 10/31 Winona NWi.
1999Winter Early south 2/26 Goodhue †ABo et al., 2/27 Freeborn †RGo, †CNe, †JaW.
2000Spring Reported from 32 south and 17 north counties. See winter report for early south migrants! Early north 3/4 Otter Tail SDM, 3/5 Kanabec BA, 3/10 St. Louis FN, 3/18 Wadena PBi. These were record early — the previous earliest north date was 3/19!
2000Summer Record high number of reports, following trend of recent years; observed in 54 counties statewide.
2000Fall Reported throughout the state in all regions. Late north 11/4 St. Louis JRN, 11/26 (ties second latest north) Otter Tail SDM. Late south 10/28 Hennepin PEB, 11/2 Houston KAK.
2000Winter Picked up injured 12/1 near Forestville S.P., Fillmore County fide KAK.
2001Spring Reported from 39 south and 24 north counties. Unlike last spring's record early migration, arrived later than recent medians south (3/9) and north (4/2). Early south 3/17 Olmsted CRG, 3/20 Mower RRK. Early north 4/3 Otter Tail SPM, 4/4 Aitkin CLB, WEN.
2001Summer Observed in 46 counties statewide; new nesting record in Lyon RJS.
2001Fall Reported from 14 north and 32 south counties, and in all regions. Late north 11/2, 11/4, 11/8 St. Louis (H.R.N.R. in Duluth) FJN et al. Late south 10/16 Houston MHF.
2002Spring Reported from 37 south and 22 north counties. Early south 3/22 Freeborn AEB, 3/24 Blue Earth MJF, peak migration 4/1–9 (13 south counties). Early north 3/30 Grant SPM, DKM, 4/4 Pine CAM and St. Louis JRN.
2002Summer Reported in 50 counties statewide.
2002Fall Reported from 22 north and 30 south counties. Late north 10/26 Morrison and Todd MRN, 11/1 St. Louis (H.R.N.R., Duluth) FJN et al. Late south 10/22 Stearns RPR, 10/28 Wabasha CRM. Also see Table 1.
2003Spring Reported from 37 south and 23 north counties. Early south (median 3/13) 3/1 Blue Earth ChH, then 3/17–18 in four counties. Early north (median 4/2) 3/23 St. Louis (W.S.H.C., Duluth) FJN, DSC, 3/26 Douglas SWi. Peak counts 3/23 Dakota (67 at H.P.B.C.) KJB, 4/14 St. Louis (174 at W.S.H.C.) FJN, DSC. Also see Table 1.
2003Summer Reported in 49 counties statewide.
2003Fall Seen in 18 north and 27 south counties. Record-high season at H.R.N.R., Duluth (2243) DSC, FJN, TSm. Late north (median 10/27) 11/1 St. Louis (H.R.N.R.) FJN, then none until 11/27 Otter Tail CRM, 11/29 (second latest north date) Cook JGW. Late south 10/18 Winona PWP and Wabasha BRL, 10/21 Olmsted PWP.
2003Winter Early south 2/29 Houston (Caledonia) SPM.
2004Spring Seen in 36 south and 22 north counties. Please see winter report for early south migrants. Early north (median 4/2) 3/14 Polk fide JMJ, then none until 4/1 Carlton LAW and St. Louis JWL. Peak count 4/28 St. Louis (171 at W.S.H.C. in Duluth) FJN, DSC. Also see Table 1.
2004Summer Reported from 41 counties statewide.
2004Fall Seen in 23 north and 28 south counties. See Table 1 for high count. Late north 10/25 St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) FJN, DSC, 11/6 Polk EEF. Late south 10/16 Rice DAB, 10/18 Olmsted PWP.
2005Spring Seen in 46 south and 26 north counties. Early south 3/7 Houston FZL, 3/17 Nicollet RMD (median 3/9). Early north 3/19 Otter Tail ARo, 3/22 St. Louis (W.S.H.C., Duluth) FJN, DSC (median 4/1). Peak count 4/21 St. Louis (93 at W.S.H.C., Duluth) FJN, DSC. Also see Table 1.
2005Summer Record high number of reports: seen in 64 counties statewide.
2005Fall Seen in 28 north and 29 south counties. Late north 10/29 Lake AXH, 11/10 St. Louis (H.R.B.O., Duluth) FJN, RSB. High count 10/6 St. Louis (264 at H.R.B.O., Duluth) FJN, RSB. Late south 10/14 Lac qui Parle BJU and Steele NFT, 10/15 Fillmore NBO and Ramsey REH.
2006Spring Reported from 45 south and 29 north counties. Early south 3/17 Rice DAB, TFB, 3/18 Dakota KRV (median 3/9). Early north 3/25 Pine DFN, 3/26 Mille Lacs ASc and St. Louis (W.S.H.C., Duluth) DSC (median 4/1). Peak count 4/15 St. Louis (272 at W.S.H.C., Duluth) DSC. Also see Table 1.
2006Summer Seen in 71 counties throughout state. New nesting record for Lac qui Parle BJU.
2006Fall Seen in 22 north and 42 south counties. Peak count 9/30 St. Louis (261 at Duluth) H.R.B.O. Late north 10/14 Cook PHS, 10/23 Lake JWL and St. Louis (Duluth) H.R.B.O. Late south 10/14 Mower RBJ, 10/21 Lac qui Parle BJU.
2007Spring2952 Early south 3/12 Lac qui Parle BJU and Rice TFB, 3/14 Blue Earth ChH (median 3/9). Early north 3/23 St. Louis DSC, 3/24 Cass BAW (median 3/30).
2007Summer2946 Seen throughout state. High count 7/26 Pope (22, at Lake Linka) TNe. First county breeding record for Dakota ADS.
2007Fall2243 Peak count 10/4 St. Louis (188 at H.R.B.O.) EMG, KJB. Late north 10/10 Lake JWL, 10/24 St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) EMG, KJB. Late south 10/21 Chisago MHe and Fillmore NBO, 11/10 Swift BJU, but also see winter report.
2007Winter1 Late fall migrant 12/2 Cottonwood (Windom) †BRB.
2008Spring3047 Early south (median 3/10) 3/15 Rice DAB, 3/18 Blue Earth ChH, 3/24–27 in 12 counties. Early north (median 3/30) 3/26 Cass BAW, Clearwater KLa, St. Louis NAJ, 3/28 Crow Wing JSB.
2008Summer2441 Seen statewide.
2008Fall2842 Peak counts 10/1 St. Louis (181 at H.R.B.O.) KJB, 9/18 Fillmore (100 at Preston) NBO. Late north 10/11 Mille Lacs ASc, 10/28 St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) KJB (median 11/1). Late south 10/12 Sibley WCM, 10/14 Fillmore NBO, Meeker DPG, Swift DMF (median 10/21).
2008Winter1 Early south migrant 2/25 Hennepin (soaring over Ft. Snelling) PEB.
2009Spring3251 Early south (median 3/11) 3/15 Washington LS, 3/16 Carver JCy, Nobles DHr, Rice DAB. Early north (median 3/30) 3/17 St. Louis (W.S.H.C.) KJB, 3/18 Cass DAY, then no reports until 3/29 Todd MSK. High count 4/17 St. Louis (162, W.S.H.C.) KJB. Also see Table 1.
2009Summer2939 Found in all regions except Southwest. First county breeding record for Cook fide BBA. High count 7/28 Hennepin (21) CMB.
2009Fall2445 High counts 10/8 St. Louis (256 at H.R.B.O.) KJB, 9/28 Blue Earth (82) ChH. Late north 11/2 Cook KRE, DBM, 11/7 St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) KJB (median 10/30). Late south 10/17 Meeker PRH, Renville RBW, 10/18 Blue Earth, Waseca DAB, JWH, 11/1 Mower DAB (median 10/21).
2010Spring3052 Early south (median 3/11) 3/13 Wabasha PEJ, 3/14 Rice DAB, 3/18 Houston, Winona PEJ. Early north (median 3/30) 3/21 Carlton RPe, 3/28 St. Louis (W.S.H.C.) KJB, 3/30 Mille Lacs RBJ. High count 4/11 St. Louis (379, W.S.H.C.) KJB. Also see Table 1.
2010Summer3045 Seen statewide. First county breeding records from Marshall fide JMJ, Morrison MRN.
2010Fall2947 High counts 10/2 St. Louis (176 at H.R.B.O.) KJB, 9/18 Rice (106) DAB. Late north 10/20 Marshall fide JMJ, 10/31 St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) KJB (median 10/30). Late south 10/20 Hennepin CMB, 11/6 Kandiyohi JSr (median 10/21).
2010Winter No reports (see Undocumented Reports).
2011Spring3253 Early south (median 3/11) 3/16 Goodhue PEJ, GMi, Nicollet RMD, Olmsted LAV, Wabasha PEJ, 3/17 Fillmore NBO, Hennepin SLP. Early north (median 3/30) 3/24 Cass BAW, 3/26 St. Louis DED, 3/31 Aitkin RBJ, DAC, Hubbard MAW. High counts 4/7 St. Louis (145, W.S.H.C.) EBr, 4/5 Washington (100) BRL.
2011Summer3150Found statewide. First county breeding record from Washington CTr.
2011Fall2650 High counts 10/14 St. Louis (138 at H.R.B.O.) KJB, 10/13 Blue Earth (85) ChH. Late north 10/22 Crow Wing ABi, 10/26 St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) KJB (median 10/30). Late south 11/3 Fillmore RTP, 11/4 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 10/21).
2012Spring3251 Early south (median 3/11) 3/6 Goodhue JLO, 3/7 Big Stone BJU, Fillmore CWG, Rice JLO, 3/8 Wabasha RBJ. Early north (median 3/30) 3/17 St. Louis (W.S.H.C.) DSC, PHS, 3/24 Douglas FGo, Mille Lacs ASc, 3/27 Cass DAY, Todd JeM. High counts 3/23 Wabasha (40) ANy, 4/22 Fillmore (40) CWG.
2012Summer3250 Found in all but five counties. High count 7/4 Nicollet (129, coming into roost in North Mankato) ChH. First county breeding records for Itasca SC, Kandiyohi JoS, Wright CTr.
2012Fall2948 High count 9/23 St. Louis (195, H.R.N.R.) KJB. Late north 10/31 St. Louis KJB, ABL (median 10/30). Late south 10/27 Goodhue BRL, 11/9 Freeborn DBz (median 10/21).
2013Spring3351 Early south (median 3/11) 3/8 Winona ANy, 3/14 Rice TFB, 3/19 Goodhue GJM, Wright HCT. Early north (median 3/30) 4/2 Otter Tail GO, 4/3 Cass MRN, Otter Tail DST, Polk SAu, St. Louis MSS, 4/4 Mille Lacs ToL. High counts 4/9 Washington (168, Afton) BRL, 4/22 St. Louis (93, W.S.H.C.) EBr.
2013Summer3251 Found in every county except Dodge, Mahnomen, Nobles, Traverse. High count 7/13 Rock (40, Blue Mounds S.P.) TNo. First county breeding record for Redwood fide BBA.
2013Fall3051 High counts 9/21 St. Louis (208, H.R.N.R.) KJB, 10/7 St. Louis (184, H.R.N.R.) KJB, 10/1 and 10/7 Blue Earth (95) BHW. Late north 10/26 Lake (Two Harbors) ANy, JWH, St. Louis (4, H.R.N.R.) KJB, m.ob., 10/28 Otter Tail JsS (median 10/30). Late south 10/23 Dakota DwS, 10/25 Chippewa JEB, Le Sueur RZi, Wright JEB (median 10/21).
2014Spring3452Early south (median 3/11) 3/17 Wabasha DBz, 3/18 Goodhue †GJM, Scott RMD, 3/20 Rock JTh, Washington JHh, Winona ANy. Early north (median 3/30) 3/21 Otter Tail (28) WVE, JVE, 3/31 Morrison MEm, 4/2 Cass (3) KeM. High count 4/20 St. Louis (677, W.S.H.C., Thompson Hill) FJN.
2014Summer3250Found in all but five counties. Notable summer high counts 7/5 Nicollet (180, North Mankato, including 170 roosting on radio tower) ChH, 6/29 Steele (70, Steele County Landfill) PSu, 6/30 Fillmore (70, on communication tower at Magelssen Bluff Park) JDv.
2014Fall3251 High count 10/5 St. Louis (372, H.R.B.O.) KJB. Notable high counts away from Duluth: 9/29 Blue Earth (222) BHW, 9/30 Blue Earth (151) BHW. Late north 10/20 St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) KJB, 10/26 Cook WCM, RZi (median 10/30). Late south 10/21 Carver JTe, Washington MJM, 10/30 Sherburne (4) MSc, 10/31 Blue Earth (2) BHW (median 10/21).
2015Spring3253 Early south (median 3/11) 3/7 Fillmore NBO, 3/11 Nicollet KMa, 3/12 Olmsted LAV. Early north (median 3/30) 3/14 Wadena PJB, 3/22 Pine MLo, 3/28 Hubbard DAY. High count 4/1 Blue Earth (123) BHW.
2015Summer3453 Observed in every county. High counts 7/15 Olmsted (80, seen from Apache Mall, Rochester) MiD, 7/11 Fillmore (75, Preston, roosting on cell phone tower and in the air above) DSt. First county breeding record for Anoka DPG.
2015Fall3253 High count 10/6 Blue Earth (361) B.H.W.
2015Winter3 Early spring migrants from three south counties: 2/26 Wabasha DBz, 2/27 Houston SHo, Olmsted †MiD, Wabasha (2, Weaver Dunes) †CBv, 2/29 Olmsted JWH. These are the first February records since 2009.
2016Spring3453 Seen in every county. Numerous south arrivals during February. Early north (median 3/26) 3/7 Pine KrM, 3/13 Itasca SC, 3/20 Crow Wing ToL. High count 4/5 St. Louis (67, W.S.H.C., Thompson Hill) FJN.
2016Summer3053 Observed in all counties except Grant, Mahnomen, Pennington, Wilkin. High count 7/27 Dakota (51, Mississippi River Lock and Dam #2 roost) KDS, JWr.
2016Fall3453 High counts 9/26 Blue Earth (394) B.H.W., 10/6 Blue Earth (356) B.H.W. All north reports after mid October from the North Shore, chiefly from St. Louis, where last reported 10/24, 10/26 and 11/5 — all attributable to H.R.B.O., m.ob. (median 10/31). Late south 10/23 Anoka DPG, 10/30 Goodhue (4) THl, VDo, 11/1 Blue Earth B.H.W. (median 10/26).
2016Winter15 . Influx of early spring migrants starting 2/19 from seven counties, totaling about 10 or more individuals, and including one north report: 2/21 Becker (west Tower Road) ShG, ph. HeH. All south reports: 2/19 Washington †EzH, JHh, 2/21 Washington (2) †GJa, 2/23 Rice DAB, Washington †MJM, 2/25 Scott JEB, 2/26 Scott BHe, Houston †BRe, 2/27 Blue Earth ChH, Scott JEB, 2/28 Dakota KDS. There have been February records in only two of the previous ten winters.
2017Spring3453 Early south (median 3/7) 3/3 Hennepin BeH, 3/4 Washington KDS, 3/6 Mower SWm. Early north (median 3/24) 3/19 Crow Wing MEm, SEm, 3/22 Morrison DOr. High counts 4/12 St. Louis (58, W.S.H.C.) ClN, 4/14 St. Louis (47, W.S.H.C.) JPR.
2017Summer3352 Observed in every county except Pennington, Sibley. High count 7/18 Olmsted (50, Rochester) JPr. First county breeding record 8/3 Isanti JSa.
2017Fall3453 Peak migration at the end of September, when highest counts were tallied: 9/28 Blue Earth (523) BHW, 9/30 Blue Earth (323) BHW, 9/27 Blue Earth (316) BHW, 9/29 St. Louis (303) H.R.B.O. Late north 10/29 Lake KnM, SBE, followed only by H.R.B.O. reports in St. Louis: 10/30 (4), 11/8 (1), 11/18 (1). (median 10/31). Late south 10/22 Fillmore NBO, Hennepin (2) KnM, SKe, Ramsey WRe, MRe, 10/25 Fillmore RTP, 11/5 Hennepin (Wood Lake N.C.) SLC (median 10/28).
2018Spring3453 Early south (median 3/7) 3/3 Fillmore SPS, Mower SPS, 3/4 Freeborn DBz. Early north (median 3/24) 3/26 Pine KrM, 3/27 St. Louis FJN. Peak movement north in late April, as documented by high counts 4/23 St. Louis (343, W.S.H.C.) FJN, JPR, 4/20 St. Louis (300, W.S.H.C.) FJN, JPR, 4/21 St. Louis (272, W.S.H.C.) FJN, JPR.
2018Summer3353 Observed in all counties except Red Lake. High count 7/14 Goodhue (65, Prairie Is.) KDS, CTS.
2018Fall3353 High counts 9/30 St. Louis (426) H.R.B.O., 9/28 St. Louis (385) H.R.B.O., 10/6 St. Louis (287) H.R.B.O. Late north 10/24 Carlton ebd, Cook ASu, followed by reports by H.R.B.O. in St. Louis 10/24, 11/10, 11/12 (median 11/1). Late south 11/12 Rice ph. BHW, 11/23 Lac qui Parle DLP, 11/30 Rice TFB (median 10/28).
2018Winter1 First December report since 2007: 12/15 Ramsey (Snelling Ave. and C.R. C) †RMD.
2019Summer3353 Observed in every county except Pennington. High counts 6/27 Dakota (182, roosting on transmission towers along S.R. 13, Burnsville) ebd, 6/15 Fillmore (81, Rushford) EzH, LiH.
 Breeds throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.