Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Thrushes
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Thrushes
Eastern Bluebird
Mountain Bluebird
Townsend's Solitaire
Gray-cheeked Thrush
Swainson's Thrush
Hermit Thrush
Wood Thrush
American Robin
Varied Thrush

Veery(Catharus fuscescens)
1930SummerThree nests of this delighttul songster were reported !rom widely separated localities. The first, by Ralph Woolsey, at Shakopee, containing four eggs on June 8th; one near Deer River by Gustav Swanson with the same number or eggs; and one by the witer at Island Lake on June 24th, containing one egg and three newly hatehed young. -37 The Flicker, 1930 -
1931SummerA nest just conpleted on June 7th {R. 'Vloolsey) i another nest with cowbird egg and two veery egss on June 14th (Risser}.
1933Summer Three nests of the Veery were foliDd, plus a ne1st in the process of oenstruction which was seen by Cun:nnings on l-1ay 28th in Goodhue County. Hiemenz found a nest near Bakus, Cass County, on June 15th, on which date it contained 2 eggs. Huseby reports a nest found at Lake Mille Lacs on July 1oth. It hold 1 young bird and 1 addled egg. Young just out of tho nest were sean by Risser at Sturgeon Lake on June 26th.
1934Summer The enrliestnest of the Veery \oTas found by Hiemcnz near Clearwater on ~25th. Besides 3 eegs of tho thrush, it held one Brown-headed Cowbird egg. Morse reported a nost remarkable case of Brown-headed Cowbird pnrnsiti&l for this sp~cios. On July 7th nt Mille Lacs Lake he found n Veery's nest \odth 2 thrush eges and 8 Ccwbird eggs. He explains, "This nest was in a very nuch exposed 3-foot spruce tree, not nore than 15 feet fron n winding roa.d through the woods. Apparently 4 different Brown-headed Cowbirds had laid one or nero eggs." A Veery's nest pla.ced ouch a.s one would expect to find that of a Wood Thrush wns found in an elderberry bush about 3 or 4 foot fron the (;Tound by nwbcrs of tho Linwood expedition (see BOBWHITE). Two oggs were in tho nest on June 17th. The la.test Vecry1s nest was seen on July Z5th at Itasca Park by Eisele. It held 2 eggs.
1935Summer Near Cloquet June 3rd Morse discovered a set of 4 Veery eggs in a nest at the base of a Red-osier Dogwood clump. Four days later, June 7th, Prosser saw at Linwood Lake 3 e~gs slightly spoclcled with shades of brown. In tho same locality Prosser found a nest which held 3 eggs June 17th and 4 eggs June 19th. At truce Pokogama, Mahle tells us, a pair of Veeries believing in largo families had 2 eggs and 4 young in their nest June 24th. Prosser's record of o. nest with 2 eggs at Linwood July 19th is.:. latest for this season.
1936Summer The first reported nest was found on June 7th at Excelsior by E. D. Swodenborg; the nest held ·throe eggs. Tho members of tho Mi1111eapolis Bird Club found a nest sheltering three young and one egg on June 14th at Linwood Lake. Kenneth Carlo.nder, :tv';rs. Peterson and George Rysgaard reported nests for late Juno. Tho latest report comes from Carlander who found adults feeding young Brown-headed Cowbirds out of the nest on July 24th.
1937SummerOn July 4 D. Struthers found three young in a nest near Lake Vermil­lion. On July I9 Rysgaard saw newly fledged young awing at Sturgeon Lake.
1938SummerDr. Prosser and Mr. E. D. Swedenborg found a nest of 4 eggs near Lake Vermillion on June 5· In Anoka County W. J. Breckenridge observed young awing on June 28.
1940SummerThe 6 nests reported con­tained cowbird eggs. The early nest of the season was reported from Duluth by C. Hero on June q; the latest nest by G. Rysgaard from Sturgeon Lake on June 28.
1943SummerDuluth, July 22 and July 31, young. 0. Lakela.
1944Summer3. June 3, two eggs and one cowbird egg, Duluth, Donna Swain and Joyce Malmrose. July 11, five large young, Duluth, Cora Clementson. July 21, two young out, Duluth, Dr. E. W. Bohannon.
1946Summer4 eggs, June 5, St. Louis Co., Bro. Hubert; 4 eggs, June 9, St. Louis Co., Joel Bronoel; 3 eggs, June 26, St. Louis Co., Lakela; 5 eggs, June 14, Beltrami Co., Owre.
1962SpringMay 8 Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel; May 11 Duluth, Janet C. Green.
1962Falllast date, Oct. 22, Lake Jane, Washington Co., Jane Olyphant.
1963SpringMay 6, Minneapolis, R. Huber; May 7, Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel; May 8, Rice Co., 0. Rustad; May 9, Kandiyohi Co., George Erickson; May 30, Cass Co., the Mathisens.
1963SummerClearwater Co., Itasca Park, June 1, pair building, R. Grant. St. Louis Co., Lake Vermilion, June 21, 4 nests; 1 empty, 1 unexamined for contents, 1 with 2 eggs, 1 with 3 eggs, V. F. Barrows.
1964Spring5-6 Stearns Co, RPR; 5-12 Hennepin Co, MAS; 5-5 Ramsey Co, ELC; 5-12 Ramsey Co, ACR; 5-11 Duluth, Rosalie Naddy; 5-9 Dakota Co, RLH.
1964Summerbreeding St. Louis Co, VFB.
1964Fall9-7 St. Louis Co, NJH.
1965Springearliest 4-8 Benson, MES (unbelievable! almost certainly a Hermit Thrush); next record 5-7 Bald Eagle, ELC.
1965Falllatest 9-2 Rochester, JPF and 9-25 St. Paul, MIG.
1966Springearliest 5-4 Rochester, JPF; 5-5 St. Louis Co, PBH; 5-7 Hennepin Co, DB and St. Cloud, NMH.
1966Summernested in St. Louis Co; also reported from Crow Wing, Clay, Itasca, Lake, Stearns, Morrison, Cook, Beltrami, Clearwater, Ramsey, Rice and Wabasha Co's.
1966FallLatest 9-13 Duluth, JCG; 9-19 Lake Co., RK; 9-27 Cook Co., MAF.
1967Springearly 5-5 Washington Co., WWL; 5-6 Goodhue Co., MIG; 5-9 Stevens Co., JAR.
1967Summernested in Crow Wing Co.; also reported from Cook, Lake, Pope, Rice, Beltrami, Ramsey, Anoka, Washington, Clearwater, Hubbard, Cass, Aitkin, St. Louis, Morrison Co's.
1967Fall 9-8 Lake Co., RK.
1968Spring 4-24 Duluth, JGH (exceptional); next 5-6 Chisago Co., FVS and FargoMoorhead, fide EGA; 5-7 Minneapolis, FN/ MAS, Duluth, PBH.
1968Summer nested in Cass, Hubbard, Clearwater Co's; also reported from Beltrami, Mille Lacs, Stearns, Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Anoka, Crow Wing, Carlton, Rice, Norman, Becker, Sherburne, Pine, Morrison Co's; southwesterly record, 6-1 Cottonwood Co, LAF, may have been late spring migrant?
1968FallLate north 9-9 Cook MAF; late south 9-2 Hennepin VL.
1969Spring4-29 Rasmey Co., JJ; 5-5 Nicollet Co., BL, Winona Co.; BT and Washington Co., WHL; 5-7 Mille Lacs Co., MI; 5-10 Pine Co., BAP; 5-13 (5) Hennepin Co., EIS; 5-17 (6) St. Louis Co., RL.
1969Summernested in Clearwater, Mille Lacs Co.; also reported from usual forested areas of Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Beltrami, Hubbard, Marshall, Roseau, Polk, Pennington, Mahnomen, Clay, Cass, Crow Wing, Isanti, Morrison, Ramsey, Rice, and Hennepin Co's.
1969Fall8-2 Crow Wing BAH; 8-24 Ram- 8-31 Hennepin CH; 9-5 Ramsey JJ; sey JJ; 8-26 Morrison LSR; 9-1 Duluth 10-3 Morrison LSR; 10-14 Hennepin ~. VL
1970Springearly south 4-28 EJ, 4-29 RG, 5-5 GES, all from Hennepin; early north 5-8 Morrison LR; 5-9 Crow Wing j B.
1970Fallonly 4 reports Morrison LR; 9-28 Cook MA; 9-29 Washington WL.
1971Springearly south 5-6 Washington WL; 5-9 Murray AD; early north 4-27 Ottertail AMB; 5-9 St. Louis NJH and Crow Wing JB.
1971Summerno nests found but reported from 19 counties throughout the state, north to Kittson and Cook, south to Carver and Rice. Winter 1971
1971Falllate south 9-27 Hennepin; late north 9-15 Mille Lacs; 9-18 Lake.
1972Summernested In Cook, (Crow Wingl, (Clearwater), (Mille Lacs); seen in 16 other counties as far west and south as Clay, Pope, Lyon and Rice.
1973Summer Reported from 19 counties, including Lyon.
1973Fall Seen only in Cottonwood and Morrison. Late 9-29 Itasca (MS).
1974Spring Early south 4-21 Hennepin KCS; 5-5 Rock KE; 5-8 Sherburne NMH; early north 5-4 St. Louis DR; 5-8 Crow Wing JB, TS.
1974Summer Reported from 25 counties including Clay (6-26, PH).
1974Fall Late north 9-20 Duluth DB; 9-21 Lake GC; 10-12 Mille Lacs MI; only report south 10-2 Cottonwood LF.
1975Spring Early south 4-12 Freeborn DG; 4-18 Hennepin OLJ, JC, DY; 4-20 Hennepin PVK; early north 5-7 Crow Wing TS; 5-8 St. Louis MMC; 5-9 Morrison LSR.
1975Summer Nested in Marshall; also reported from 16 other counties west of Pope. Ea·stern Bluebird. Nested in Cass, Mille Lacs, Anoka, Hennepin, Le Sueur, Olmsted, Pope, Lyon; also reported from 11 other counties: fewer reports than usual.
1975Falllate north 8-30 Duluth JG; 9·1 Marshall SV; late south 9-17 Blue Earth VR; 10-4 Olmstead JF.
1976Spring Early south 4-29 Anoka HPR; 5-2 Lac qui Parle LH; 3 reports on 5-6; early north 4-28 St. Louis PD; 5-11 St. Louis GN and Mille Lacs MI; 5-13 Itasca MS and Crow Wing DK.
1976Summernested in Cook; also reported from 22 other counties west to Kittson, M;1hnomen and Olmsted.
1976Fall Late north 9-24 Itasca MS, 10-1 Clay LCF; late south 9-11 Washington, 9-26 Hennepin MM, 10-2 Goodhue RJ.
1977Spring Early south 5-3 Fillmore RK and Hennepin VL; 5-5 Olmsted JF and Winter 1977 Lyon HK; early north 4-22 St. Louis HPD earliest date on record; 4-25 Lake CNS; 5-8 Crow Wing JB.
1977Summer Nested in Clearwater, Cass, Morrison and Anoka; also reported from 24 other counties west to Kittson, Marshall, Clay and Otter Tail.
1977Fall Late north 9-25 Cook (DA).
1978Spring Early south 4-24 Lyon HK.
1978Summer Seen in 24 counties in the wooded portion of the state as far west as Olmsted, Rice, Stearns, Otter Tail and Kittson.
1978Fall 8-28 Duluth (40) GS, 10-4 Mille Lacs WL late north.
1979Spring Early south 5-3 Rice OR, LB, 5-5 Hennepin SC, GS; early north 5-8 Duluth MMC, 5-11 Marshall ANWR.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Lake, St. Louis; also seen in 21 other counties in the wooded portion of the state west to Olmsted, Nicollet, Stearns, Otter Tail, Kittson.
1979Fall Five reports 8-6 Anoka KL, 8-24 Anoka BH, 8-29 Beltrami MV & SL, 8-31 St. Louis KMH, 9-20 St. Louis DA.
1980Spring Early south 4-18 Houston EMF, 4-19 Martin EB, 5-11 Hennepin ES, Olmsted JSD; early north 5-8 Beltrami JHMN, 5-10 Clay LCF, 5-13 St. Louis JG.
1980Summer Breeding reported from Lake, St. Louis, Anoka (JLH); seen also throughout the wooded portions of the northern regions including Clay (Bluestem Prairie) plus Otter Tail, Douglas, Lac qui Parle (JCG), Stearns, Benton, Mille Lacs, Pine, Chisago, Rice (OLJ), Olmsted (JF).
1980Fall Late north 9-13 Pennington KSS, 9-17 St. Louis LW, 9-23 LLH; late south 9-1 Winona JP, Olmsted JF, 9-6 Hennepin ES, 9-13 SC.
1981Spring Early south 5-3 Mower RRK, 5-5 Hennepin ES, RH, SC, GP, Olmsted JSD, Stearns MC, 5-6 Sherburne EH, Stearns NMH; early north 5-6 Crow Wing TS, 5-9 St. Louis KE, Clearwater JP, Aitkin JG, 5-10 Itasca TL. 
1981Summer Breeding data from Hubbard; nesting reported from Anoka. Seen throughout the North Central and eastern regions plus Rice, Stearns, Wilkin (Anna Gronseth Prairie), Becker, Marshall.
1981Fall All reports: 8-2 Ramsey KL, &-8 Anoka OJ, 8-9 KL, 8-14 Roseau KL, 8-15 Aitkin RJ, 8-28 Washington DMB, Hennepin SC, 10-14 Houston EMF.
1982Spring Early south Hennepin 5-5 SC, 5-6 AB, DB, 5-7 Lyon HK, Olmsted JEB, 5-8 Anoka JLH; early north 5-8 Clearwater AB, 5-9 St. Louis LW, 5-10 Mille Lacs CF/ KB, 5-13 Lake SWI MS, Todd GS, Crow Wing JB.
1982Summer Breeding data from Lake, Hubbard. Seen throughout the northern regions and south to Pope (Ordway TNC), Kandiyohi (Regal Meadow TN C), Ramsey, Olmsted, Houston. Veery nest and eggs, Lake Vermilion, St. Louis County, June 13, 1979-Photo by J. Halunen
1982Fall Late north 9/11 St. Louis KE, 9/12 LE, 1/16 Cook SL; late south 9/18 Isanti OS, 9/23 Houston EMF, 9/27 Washington OS, 9/30 Olmsted JEB.
1983Spring Early south Hennepin 4/18 RH, 4/26 VL, 5/6 AB, 4/24 Dakota JPIAM, 5/4 Houston EMF, 5/6 Olmsted JF, RE, JEB, Murray HK, Nicollet JCF; early north 5/6 Otter Tail SDM, 5/9 Clay LCF, 5/10 Cook KMH, 5/11 Becker TNWR. Late south 5/31 Stearns NH.
1983Summer Breeding data from Cook, Mille Lacs. Seen throughout range as far west as Clay, Ottertail and Steams (Brooten).
1983Fall Late north 9/6 Lake SWIMS, 9/11 Cook KMH, 9/25 Wadena DB, 9/27 St. Louis AE; late south 10/6 Houston EMF.
1984Spring Early south 4/12 Anoka JH, 4/17 Ramsey RH, 4/29 Lyon HK, 5/8 Olmsted JPI AM; early north 5/8 Otter Tail GMO, 5/12 Polk, Clearwater, Beltrami AB, 5/15 Marshall ANWR, 5/16 Crow Wing JB, St. Louis AE; late south 5/31 Olmsted RE; some migrants into June.
1984Summernested in Cook and Hubbard; also seen in 29 other counties.
1984Fall All reports: 8/14 Duluth HR, 8/27 St. Louis AE, 8/31 Cottonwood LAF, 9/2 Anoka SC, 9/9 Hennepin ES, 9/20 Itasca WL.
1985Spring Early south 5/4 Blue Earth MF, 5/5 Lyon HK, 5/6 Hennepin OBI, Olmsted AP, Sherburne SS/00, 5/7 Ramsey KB, Olmsted JEB; early north 5/6 Lake SWIMS, 5/11 St. Louis KE, 5/12 Polk, Clearwater AB, 5/15 Cook KMH.
1985Summer Nested in Cook, Lake, Clearwater. Also seen in 22 other counties in the northern, central, and east central regions.
1985Fall All reports: 8/25 Ramsey KB, 8/28 Beltrami AB, 9/1-13 Hennepin SC, 9/4 Winona RJ.
1986Spring Early south 4/27 Fillmore AMP, 5/5 Ramsey KB, Olmsted JEB, 5/7 Hennepin AB, Dakota JD, Lyon HK; early north 4/30 Clearwater MMM, 5/10 Polk KSS, Lake SS, Clearwater AB, 5/11 St. Louis SSt, Cook KMH.
1986Summer Probable nesting in Scott. Seen in 30 other counties north and east of a line from Ramsey to Steams and Clay. Also seen in Houston on 6/7 (AP).
1986Fall Late north 9/1 Cook KMH, 9/13 Duluth AB, TBB; late south 9/28 Washington DS, 10/19 Hennepin OJ.
1987Spring Early south 4/20 Dakota JD, 4/24 Olmsted RSE, 5/4 Ramsey KB; early north 5/1 St. Louis MHIJS, 5/9 Pine RJ.
1987Summer Seen in 16 counties in the northeast, north central and east central regions plus Agassiz NWR, Red Lake, Clay, Becker, Steams, Mille Lacs, Scott and Winona.
1987Fall North 8/5 St. Louis DBC, 8/15 Hubbard JL, 9/26 Pine JMM; late south 10/4 Olmsted RSE.
1988Spring Early south 5/1 Ramsey AB, 5/2 Mower RRK and Steele KV, 5/7 Olmsted JEB, BSE; early north 5/11 Marshall RJ, 5/12 Koochiching GM, 5/13 Clay LCF.
1988Summer Seen in 32 counties as far south as a diagonal through Clay, Douglas, Rice; no reports from southeast.
1988Fall All reports: 8/5 Becker BK, 8/11 Cook SOL, 8/28 ScottAB, 8/29 Hennepin SC, 8/31 Fillmore NAO, 9/2 Freeborn NHo, Anoka DS, 9/4 Clearwater AB.
1989Spring Early south 5/1 Olmsted JB, 5/4 Hennepin AB and SC, 5/5 Anoka GP; early north 5/13 Clearwater RJ, AP, 5/14 Clay LCF, 5/16 Duluth TW.
1989Summer Nested in Cook; seen in 29 additional counties south to Wilkin, Pope in west and Scott, Dakota in east.
1989Fall Late north 8/21 Hubbard DZ, 8/25 St. Louis TW, 9/12 Lake DPV; late south 9/2 Anoka SC and Fillmore NAO, 9/21 Ramsey EL.
1990Spring Early south 4/25 Lyon HK, 5/1 Cottonwood ED, 5/7 Mower RRK, JM and Rice OR; early north 5/14 Clay LCF, 5/15 Pennington KSS, 5/17 St. Louis KE.
1990Summer Probable nesting in Anoka, Rice. Seen in 31 other counties throughout north and east; absent in southwest and scarce in central and west central regions.
1990Fall Late north 8/9 St. Louis RJ, 8/18 Clearwater AB, 9/6 Lake DPV; late south 8/29 Ramsey KB, 9/2 Washington WL, 9/17 Hennepin sc.
1991Spring Early south 5/4 Houston AB, Lyon HK, Olmsted BSE and Winona CS, 5/6 Hennepin PS, 5/7 Rice TB; early north 5/9 Clay LCF, 5/10 Beltrami DJ, 5/11 Hubbard JL.
1991Summer Probable nesting in Crow Wing; seen in 24 other counties as far south as a line through Clay, Scott, Houston.
1991Fall Late north 8/6 Lake DPV, 8/19 St. Louis TW, 9/29 Cook SOL; late south 8/17 Anoka RJ, 8/25 Hennepin SC, 9/4 Ramsey KB.
1992Spring Early south 5/1 Winona CS, 5/2 Anoka KB, 5/8 Olmsted JB, BSE; early north 5/7 St. Louis AE, 5/10 Aitkin WN and Becker BBe, 5/12 Cass RJ.
1992Summer Nested in Red Lake MCBS, probable nesting in Crow Wing; seen in 28 additional counties as far south as Otter Tail in west and Nicollet, Rice in east.
1992Fall Late north 8/16 St. Louis SS, 8/21 Cook KMH, 9/6 Hubbard DJ; late south 8/11 Scott DZ, 9/1 Brown JS, 10/6 Hennepin AB.
1993Spring Early south 5/1 Hennepin TBr, TT and Lyon HK, 5/4 Anoka KB and Steele KV, 5/6 Winona CS. Early north 5/4 Clay LCF, 5/8 Cook KMH and Douglas KKR, 5/10 Pine JR.
1993Summer Nested in Cook, probable nesting in Crow Wing. Observed in 30 additional counties as far south as a line from Clay to Winona; plus Carver, Scott, Nicollet.
1993Fall Late north 8/25 Kanabec CM, 9/1 Crow Wing MN/JS, 9/9 Cook KMH. Late south 8/31 Anoka KB, 9/6 Goodhue DZ and Winona CS, 9/13 Hennepin SC.
1994Spring Early south 4/30 Winona AM, 5/3 Washington WL, 5/5 Cottonwood ED; early north 4/30 St. Louis ME/SK, 5/8 Kanabec CM, 5/13 Todd RJ.
1994Summer Nested in Becker RHu, Anoka WM; probable nesting in Cass, Crow Wing. Seen in 28 other counties in all regions except southwest.
1994Fall Late north 8/25 Kanabec CM, 8/26 Clearwater AB, 10/18 (latest date north on record) Cook KMH. Late south 8/31 Brown JS, 9/14 Hennepin SC, 9/24 Winona CS.
1995Spring Early south 5/7 Scott SK, 5/8 Anoka KB, 5/9 Brown JS and Lyon HK; early north 5/10 Carlton LW, 5/13 Beltrami DJ, Marshall SKS and St. Louis NJ, 5/16 Aitkin CB.
1995Summer Nested in Winona HVA, Anoka; probable nesting in Becker, Crow Wing. Seen in 31 additional counties in all regions except southwest.
1995Fall Late north 9/14 Carlton LW, 9/24 Crow Wing DS, 10/4 (third latest north) Todd JSK. Late south 9/9 Anoka KB, Hennepin TT, 9/10 Winona CS.
1996Spring Early south 5/4 Winona CS, and 5/5 Hennepin DZ. Early north 5/8 Carlton ESH, 5/9 Beltrami SCM and Todd JSK, SDu.
1996Summer Nested in Becker, Cass; probable nesting in Crow Wing. Seen in 26 additional counties as far south and west as a line through Clay, Stearns, Nicollet, Fillmore.
1996Fall Late north 8/17 Aitkin WN, 8/23 St. Louis TW, 9/14 Carlton LW. Late south 9/8 Hennepin TT, 9/15 Hennepin SC, 9/19 Anoka KB.
1997Spring Early south 4/28 Ramsey RH, 5/10 Kandiyohi RJF, 5/12 Jackson PS. Early north 5/12 Kanabec CM, 5/14 Clay MRN, 5/17 Aitkin WN.
1997Summer Reported in 32 counties as far south as a line through Wilkin, Kandi-yohi, Nicollet, Rice. Southern nesting record for Dakota BF; probable nesting in Crow Wing, Nicollet.
1997Fall Total of only 11 birds reported from 8/16 to 9/21. Late north 9/17 St. Louis AE, 9/21 Lake DV. Late south 8/31 Hennepin SC, 9/2 Brown JSp, 9/6 Hennepin TT.
1998Spring Early south 5/6 Rice TBo, 5/9 Freeborn ABa, 5/12 Murray ND. Early north 5/11 Becker BBe, 5/13 Kanabec CM, 5/14 Carlton LW and Cass EP. Note: April observations of Veery, Gray-cheeked, and Swainson's Thrushes no longer will be published without documentation due to confusion with the Hermit Thrush.
1998Summer Seen in 33 counties as far south and west as a line through Clay, Douglas, Nicollet, Rice, Houston; probable nesting in Lake, Crow Wing.
1998Fall Late north 9/6 St. Louis (Hoyt Lakes) AE, 9/7 St. Louis (Duluth) KB, 9/12 Wadena PBi. Only representative late south date: 9/14 Hennepin TT. Like last fall, there were only a dozen or so reports of this species.
1999Spring Almost all reports were later than the recent median arrival dates. Early south 5/6 Ramsey TT, 5/7 Hennepin DZ. Early north 5/8 Kanabec CM, 5/9 Wadena PBi. Note: April observations of Veery, Gray-cheeked, and Swainson's Thrushes are not published unless adequately documented, due to confusion with the Hermit Thrush (The Loon 67:44–45).
1999Summer Observed in 35 counties in all regions except west central and southwest; new nesting record in Aitkin WN.
1999Fall Few reports of this species. Earliest north departure since 1988. Late south date comparable to median departure date. Late north 8/27 Clearwater ABo, 9/3 Cook KMH, 9/4 Aitkin WN. Late south 8/18 Stearns SWi, 9/5 Ramsey TT, 9/17 Rice TBo.
2000Spring Observed in 16 south and 16 north counties, though none in southwest and only St. Louis in northeast. Arrived within two days of recent medians south and north. Earliest south 4/29 Meeker DF. Earliest north 5/8 Kanabec CM.
2000Summer Record high number of reports. Observed in 40 counties as far west and south as a line through Clay, Swift, 6/1 Freeborn AEB, 6/28 Redwood RBJ; new nesting record in Crow Wing JS, MN.
2000Fall Two north reports after early September: 9/19 Cook KMH, 9/26 Carlton LAW. Latest south report 9/6 Anoka KJB, 11 days prior to median departure date.
2001Spring Observed in 19 south and 22 north counties, but none in Southwest. Only reports from West-central: Douglas, Pope. Early south 4/25 Freeborn AEB, then 5/5–6 in eight counties. Early north 5/9 Carlton MCBS, then daily 5/10–17.
2001Summer Reported in 36 counties as far west and south as a line through Marshall, Norman, Clay, Pope, Nicollet, Houston.
2001Fall Total of nine reports statewide. Lingered north until 9/11 Carlton LAW, 10/1 St. Louis JRN. Late south 9/9 Dakota TAT, 9/16 Hennepin SLC.
2002Spring Reported from 22 south and 21 north counties in all regions except Southwest. Early south 5/4 Hennepin OLJ and Meeker DMF, 5/6 Anoka KJB and Rice TFB. Daily arrivals north beginning 5/11 Crow Wing CMC, DEC and Polk JMJ. High count 5/10 Anoka (28) KJB.
2002Summer Seen in 36 counties as far south as a line through Clay, Pope, Rice, Houston.
2002Fall Late north 8/31 Marshall CRM, SWe, 9/14 Carlton LAW (median 9/13). Late south 9/15 Anoka KJB, 10/2 Freeborn AEB (median 9/16).
2003Spring Found in all regions except the Southwest. Early south 5/2 Olmsted PWP, 5/7 Anoka KJB and Mower RDK, RCK (median 5/1). Early north 5/7 Pine JMP, 5/10 Todd BWF (median 5/9). A 4/13 sighting in Watonwan submitted without details would have been record early for this species, but in all likelihood was a Hermit Thrush (see The Loon 67:44–45).
2003Summer Observed in 39 counties as far west and south as a line through Clay, Otter Tail, Meeker, Rice, Fillmore.
2003Fall Observed in 12 north counties. Late north 9/23 St. Louis JWL, 9/28 Carlton LAW, 10/23–25 Lake (record-late for state, Two Harbors) †JWL, KRE et al. All south reports: 8/25, 9/12 Hennepin TAT, 9/19–20 Rock DCZ.
2004Spring Found in every region except the Southwest. Early south 4/30 Rice TFB, 5/1 Lac qui Parle BJU, 5/2 Olmsted PWP (median 5/1). Early north 5/5 Hubbard MAW, 5/8 Wadena PJB, 5/12 Pine JMP (median 5/8).
2004Summer Reported 6/8 Big Stone RBJ and 30 additional counties in all regions except Southwest.
2004Fall August north reports from Carlton, Kanabec and Hubbard, then only 9/4 St. Louis ALE, 9/14 Lake JWL, St. Louis SLF. August south reports from Freeborn and Hennepin, then only 9/24 Ramsey NSp.
2005Spring No reports from the Southwest and only Douglas in the West-central; in all other regions, seen in a majority of counties. Early south 5/6 Meeker DMF, 5/7 Olmsted LAV, 5/9 Hennepin OLJ (median 5/1). Early north 5/9 St. Louis MTA, 5/15 Morrison JJS, HHD (median 5/8).
2005Summer Record high number of reports: observed in 41 counties throughout the state.
2005Fall Reports concentrated in the northeastern quarter of the state. Late north 9/26 Cook CJT, 10/3 St. Louis ALE (median 9/14). Late south 9/2 Houston FZL, 10/2 Wright DCZ (median 9/17).
2006Spring Multiple reports from all regions. Early south 4/28 Olmsted LAV, 5/6 Rice DAB (median 5/1). Early north 5/10 St. Louis JWL, 5/11 Carlton and Cook (median 5/8). Undocumented reports 4/7 Hennepin and 4/26 Mille Lacs were more likely Hermit Thurshes (see The Loon 67:44–45).
2006Summer Reported from 46 counties in all regions except Southeast.
2006Fall Reported from 6 north and 11 south counties. Late north 9/10 Pine JMP, 9/11 Aitkin CKR (median 9/14). Excluding three undocumented reports 13–18 days later than the 20-year median (9/17), late south 9/4 Hennepin BAF, MPi, Olmsted LAV and Steele DAB, 9/9 Lac qui Parle BJU. Details requested for all reports of Veery after September; this species' fall migration is relatively early and may be confused by other Catharus spp.
2007Spring2027 Early south 4/28 Benton ADB, REH, 4/30 Meeker DMF, 5/5 Big Stone HHD, LS (median 5/1). New county record: 5/17 Nobles (Lake Bella C.P.) DAB, †BTS. Early north 5/7 Carlton LAW and St. Louis JRN, 5/8 Cass BAW. High count 5/29 St. Louis (20) TPW.
2007Summer3019 Reported from record high number of counties, in all regions except Southwest.
2007Fall139 Late north 9/1 Marshall HHD, 9/15 Aitkin DPG, Lake AXH (median 9/14). Late south 9/1 Scott BAF, 9/3 Anoka DWK, Lac qui Parle BJU, then no further reports until 9/30 Dakota RLW, well after the 9/17 median.
2008Spring2130 Early south (median 5/1) 4/30 Rice TFB, 5/2 Hennepin DWK, 5/3 Dakota JLO. Early north (median 5/8) 5/7 Cass (2) DAY, 5/9 Carlton LAW, 5/10 Clay RHO. High count 5/31 Koochiching (12) AXH.
2008Summer2316 Reported from all regions except Southwest, Southeast.
2008Fall88 Late north 9/8 St. Louis LBF, 9/10 St. Louis SLF, 9/13 Grant HHD (median 9/14). Late south 9/11 Lac qui Parle (Lac qui Parle S.P.) BJU, 9/13 Stevens HHD, 9/27 Stearns MJB.
2009Spring2625 Early south (median 5/1) 5/3 Anoka DWK, 5/4 Hennepin TAT, 5/6 Meeker DMF, JRo, Olmsted OWB, Winona ASM, ANy. Early north (median 5/8) 5/5 Cass (2) DAY, 5/9 Morrison FGo, 5/10 Otter Tail fide JMJ, Wadena PJB.
2009Summer3119 Reported from all regions except Southwest. Only reports from South-central: Nicollet, Rice, Steele. First county breeding record for Todd DPG. High counts 6/13 Pine (26, Banning S.P.) JCy, 6/6 Koochiching (25) AXH.
2009Fall57 All north 8/11 Hubbard DCH, Mille Lacs ASc, 8/29 Marshall JMJ, 9/3 Wadena DBM, 9/11 Carlton LAW (median departure 9/14). Late south 8/28 Stearns (2) MJB, 8/29 Anoka (2) DWK, Hennepin MDu, almost 3 weeks prior to the 9/17 median.
2010Spring2521 Early south (median 5/1) 5/7 Hennepin TAT, Olmsted JWH, Rice TFB. Early north (median 5/8) 5/8 Morrison FGo. High count 5/22 Scott (13, Murphy-Hanrehan P.R., north trails) BAF.
2010Summer2617 Reported from all regions except the Southwest.
2010Fall107 High count 8/25 Anoka (5) DWK. Late north 9/3 Roseau CRM, 9/7, 9/25 Itasca PLe (median 9/14). Late south 9/5 Chisago (Wild River S.P.) JCC, 9/6 Anoka (2) DWK (median 9/17).
2011Spring3031 Early south (median 5/1) 4/21 Carver JCy, 5/1 Hennepin CMB, 5/2 Hennepin PEB, Rice TFB. Early north (median 5/8) 5/8 Cass BAW, 5/10 Aitkin RBJ, DAC, Hubbard MaH, Kanabec RAE, St. Louis NAJ. High count 5/31 Scott (5, Murphy Hanrehan P.R.) ADS.
2011Summer2819Reported from all regions except Southwest. First county breeding records for Kittson BaW, Pine CCa, APa, Stearns MJB, Washington AXH. High count 6/18 Pine (40 in block T41R17A) QYo.
2011Fall1010 Late north 9/1 St. Louis JLK, 9/3 Cook (Pincushion Mountain) CFo, 9/4 Koochiching HHD, RAE (median 9/14). Late south 9/6 Hennepin SLC, 9/9 Hennepin TAT, 9/17 Hennepin CMB (median 9/17).
2012Spring2930 Early south (median 5/1) 5/2 Hennepin CMB, 5/3 Fillmore CWG, Hennepin TAT, JJo. Early north (median 5/8) 4/27 St. Louis (Knowlton Creek) †JLK, 5/2 St. Louis JLK, 5/7 Todd JLK. High count 5/19 Houston (5, Beaver Creek Valley S.P.) WCM.
2012Summer3223 Found in all regions. High count 6/7 Carlton (19, near Esko) JLK. First county breeding records for Beltrami fide BBA, Roseau fide BBA.
2012Fall910 High count 8/21 St. Louis (5, Hartley Park) JLK. Late north 9/9 Itasca PLe, St. Louis SmR, 9/14 Itasca PLe (median 9/14). Late south 9/11 Dakota (2) DVe, 9/20 Hennepin TAT (median 9/17).
2013Spring3032 Early south (median 5/1) 5/4 Houston DBz, Winona DBz, MGo, 5/5 Carver m.ob., Dakota (2) SLP, Hennepin CMB, ThM, Olmsted SHk, MHm, Rice TFB, PDK, DAT, Steele (2) PSu, Winona ClN. Early north (median 5/8) 5/5 Mille Lacs DPG, St. Louis (2) JLK, 5/9 Hubbard MaH. Record high count of 43 in St. Louis (Park Point) during passerine fallout on 5/19 PHS, JLK, MLH.
2013Summer3124 Found in all regions, but less frequently in southwest quarter of state. First county breeding record for Carlton EHl.
2013Fall168 Late north 9/2 Mahnomen JCC, Morrison DLP, 9/3 Cass PRH, 9/7 Todd JLK (median 9/14). Late south 9/5 Hennepin TAT, 9/7 Washington DFN, 9/8 Mower DBz (median 9/17).
2014Spring3033Early south (median 5/1) 5/5 Olmsted PTr, 5/6 Hennepin BeH. Early north (median 5/8) 5/7 Clay PBB, St. Louis TPW, 5/9 Becker HeH, ShG, Crow Wing JPR, ABi, Morrison HCT, St. Louis KJB. High counts 5/19 St. Louis (28, Park Point) KJB, 5/23 Lake of the Woods (15, Zippel Bay S.P.) AFo.
2014Summer3119Found in all northern and central regions plus Houston, Nicollet, Rice. High count 6/18 Pine (26, 12 miles along Head of Rapids Landing Rd, St. Croix S.P.) RMa.
2014Fall209 Record high count 8/14 St. Louis (142, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB; also notable was 8/20 St. Louis (25, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. Late north 9/6 Crow Wing (2) HLa, 9/11 Crow Wing PSP, 9/17 St. Louis LME (median 9/14). Late south 9/6 Anoka SBM, Isanti RAE, 9/15 Sherburne TSh, 9/17 Dakota DVe (median 9/17).
2015Spring2730 Early south (median 5/1) 5/5 Hennepin TAT, DWK, CMB, Rice DAB, TFB, 5/6 Hennepin CMB, 5/7 also in Carver, Houston, Ramsey, and Sherburne. Early north (median 5/8) 5/6 Crow Wing JPR, 5/7 Crow Wing EGa, ABi, 5/9 Clay HeH, ShG, Hubbard MAW, Itasca JLK, St. Louis KeM, Todd ALu. High counts 5/31 St. Louis (13, Hartley Park) JLK, 5/20 Lake (8) JWL, 5/27 St. Louis (8) JLK.
2015Summer3318 Reported from all northern and central regions, plus Houston, Mower, Rice.
2015Fall1615 All high counts from Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census (St. Louis, KJB): 10 on 8/15, 10 on 8/26. Late north 9/14 Beltrami (5) BAr, Itasca (2) PLe, 9/20 Lake of the Woods MHK (median 9/14). Late south 9/8 Hennepin CMB, 9/9 Dakota DVe, 9/14 Ramsey DPG, Stearns HHD (median 9/17).
2016Spring3037 Early south (median 5/2) 5/7 Mower RTP, SWm, Olmsted LyH, 5/8 Goodhue CMz, CEl, Hennepin GAn. Early north (median 5/8) 5/6 St. Louis JCt, 5/9 Beltrami DPJ, 5/11 Pine SC. High counts 5/28 Carlton (33, Jay Cooke S.P.) JEd, DTr, 5/26 Clearwater (17, Itasca S.P.) ASu, 5/17 Lake (14) JWL.
2016Summer3121 Reported along, and north and east of a line from Clay to Grant to Fillmore.
2016Fall1415 High count 8/26 St. Louis (5, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. Late north 9/5 Marshall WCM, DFe, JMJ, 9/5–6 Morrison SEm, 9/6 St. Louis AMs, 9/15 Cook JeB, CLW (median 9/14). Late south 9/7 Hennepin FFa, Olmsted LAV, Washington JoF, 9/14 Ramsey EGB, 9/29 Lincoln JEB (median 9/16).
2017Spring2940 Early south (median 5/2) 4/26 Dodge HHD, RAE, Hennepin ASD, 4/27 Hennepin LGl, 4/28 Ramsey LiH. Early north (median 5/7) 4/27 Todd JLK, 5/6 Otter Tail †LS, 5/8 Cass ABi. High counts 5/19 Carlton (20, Jay Cooke S.P.) MRs, CHb, 5/25 Aitkin (18, Rice Lake N.W.R.) JDz, ASu, LiH.
2017Summer3124 Found in all regions except Southwest. High count 7/13 Aitkin (30, Rice Lake N.W.R.) PNi, ASu.
2017Fall1616 High count 8/22 St. Louis (7, Hartley Park) JLK. Late north 9/11 St. Louis TRd, 9/14 Becker HeH, ShG (median 9/14). Late south 9/14 Hennepin TAT, CWB, 10/10 Ramsey REH (median 9/17).
2018Spring3140 Early south (median 5/2) 5/2 Anoka LBi, Olmsted JHD, Scott RiC, 5/3 Goodhue FKB, Hennepin ebd, Rice FGo. Early north (median 5/7) 5/6 Beltrami DPJ, Pine LEv, 5/7 St. Louis JfD, JDx. High count 5/21 Anoka (17, Carlos Avery W.M.A.) DGu.
2018Summer2922 Found in all regions except Southwest.
2018Fall1922 High counts 9/17 Ramsey (85, count of nocturnal flight call notes during 23 minutes) RMD, 9/18 Lyon (41, Marshall, another count of nocturnal flight calls over 75 minutes) RJS. Late north 9/8 Grant CNn, 9/11 Lake JWL, St. Louis JLK, followed by record-late 10/28 Cook (Grand Marais Campground) JWL, m.ob. (median 9/14). Late south 9/21 Washington EzH, 9/28 Rice DAT, 10/12 Dakota DVe (median 9/17).
2019Summer3226 Found in all regions except Southwest. High counts 7/10 St. Louis (24, Hawk Ridge) JLK, 7/28 St. Louis (22, Hartley Park) JLK.
 Breeds mostly east and north. Migrant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.