Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Vireos
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Vireos
White-eyed Vireo
Bell's Vireo
Yellow-throated Vireo
Blue-headed Vireo
Philadelphia Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo

White-eyed Vireo(Vireo griseus)
1965SpringA singing adult male was seen on 5-23 at Wacouta, Goodhue, Co, by Dr. Dwain Warner and his ornithology class. Second Minnesota record. See Notes of Interest elsewhere in this issue.
1977Spring 2 reports of this former hypothetical species: 5-3 (1) Washington Co., Lee & Rose Warner Nature Center, Bonite Heck, Jo Hondlik and Barbara Wojahn (banded & released). See Loon 49:174; 5-25 Wayzata Hennepin Co. PF, DB and many others; see Loon 49:174.
1980Spring 5-23 Olmsted JB (see The Loon, Vol. 52, No. 3).
1982Spring 5-15 through 5-23 Houston EMF, FL, RJ.
1983Summer Two in Ramsey Co.: 6/4 Gramsie Rd., Shoreview (Loon 55:127; BL; D&GW).; 6/5 Roseville Central Park (Loon 55:90--91) -6!6 (KL).
1986Spring 5/9 Ramsey KB (The Loon 58:136).
1987Spring 5/8 Bixby WMA, Steele Co. RG, 5/17 Flandrau SP, Brown Co. JS.
1989Spring 5/13 Isaac Walton Wetlands, Olmsted Co. BSE (The Loon 61 :94); 5/28 Moorhead, Clay Co. LCF (The Loon 61:148-149).
1989Summer One individual discovered at Cannon River Wilderness Area, Rice Co. 6/7-9 (The Loon 61 :142).
1991Spring 4/28 (earliest date on record) Nerstrand Woods State Park, Rice Co. (I) PS (The Loon 63:205-206).
1991Summer Probable nesting record for state near Reno, Houston Co. CSc (The Loon 64:50-52).
1991Fall Birds discovered in July near Reno, Houston Co. present until 8/30 (two adults, one short-tailed juvenile) CS, mob (The Loon 64:50-52).
1992Spring 5/10–23 near Reno, Houston County. (one) FL et al; same location as last year.
1993Spring Reported 5/9 Lake Louise State Park, Mower Co. (one) SDM, 5/9–15 Reno, Houston Co. (one; third consecutive year at this location) BP et al.
1994Spring Reported 5/21 Seven Mile Creek County Park, Nicollet Co. PJ, DN (The Loon 66:154), 5/22 Palmer Creek, Chippewa Co. AB.
1995Spring Two reports, possibly involving the same individual: 5/12–15 Minnesota River Valley N.W.R. Headquarters, Hennepin TT, mob, 5/29 Old Cedar Avenue Bridge, Hennepin SC (The Loon 67:178–179).
1995Summer Fifth summer report since 1983. Singing bird discovered on 6/5 at Whitewater WMA in Winona Co. RO (The Loon 67:175).
1998Spring Reported 5/28 Washington (Afton State Park, heard only) RJ.
1999Spring Three reports: 5/8 Goodhue (Hok-si-la Park) DN (The Loon 71:168–170), 5/13–29 Mower (Hormel Nature Center in Austin) DSm et al., 5/16 Fillmore (Forest-ville S.P.) JSt et al.
1999Summer Vocalizing bird observed 6/21 – 7/4 at Big Cottonwood R. Valley in Brown Co. JSp. In the past two decades, isolated records of this species have occurred once every two to four summers.
2000Spring One seen and heard 5/21 Otter Tail (Glendalough S. P.) CMa (The Loon 72:250). This was only the second occurrence in northern regions. The first was in Clay County on 28 May 1989 (The Loon 61:148–149).
2001Spring Record high number of reports in one season. Second earliest date 4/29 Hennepin (Cedar Lake) †SLC. Providing only the second breeding record for the state, a pair at Rice Lake S.P., 5/6+ Steele †AEB, was copulating and nest-building 5/12 †NSw, †NFT; also see summer report. One seen and heard 5/24 Clay (Buffalo River S.P.) †DPJ et al. (The Loon 73:252), was the second for that county but only the third for northern Minnesota. Others seen 5/12 Hennepin (Hy-land Park) †PEJ, 5/28 Lyon (Camden S.P.) †RJS (The Loon 73:253–254).
2001Summer Nesting pair originally discovered in May (The Loon 74:40–44) observed through 7/1 at Rice Lake S.P. in Steele †AEB, †PHS, mob. This represents the state's second nesting record (4 young observed in nest) AEB.
2001Fall Serendipitous was the discovery of a first-year bird at Lutsen Sea Villas 10/25–28 (latest date in state) Cook †JJS, CAK, †PHS, m.obs (The Loon 74:121–122).
2002Spring All reports: 5/14 Olmsted (Chester Woods C.P.) †JPr et al., 5/15 Hennepin (Old Cedar Ave., Bloomington) †JEP.
2002Summer Individual observed 7/13+ Winona (Great River Bluffs S.P.) CRG, JWH, †CBe †PHS; last reported early August (CBe).
2003Spring One seen and heard 5/16 Goodhue (Old Frontenac) †KJB could not be refound.
2004Summer Banded 6/5 Clay (Buffalo River S.P.) ph. †GEN, JGa. Third county record and 43rd overall.
2006Spring Second record for the Southwest region 5/29 Rock (Blue Mounds S.P.) †RLL, DML.
2007Spring1 One seen and heard at the Bass Ponds 5/7–8 Hennepin JEP, †CMB, ph. DAC.
2007Summer1 New county record: 6/14–18 Pipestone (Pipestone National Monument) ph. KTP.
2008Summer1 New county record 7/19–28+ Scott (Murphy-Hanrehan Park) †BAF, †DAB, ph. DAC, †JPM, m.ob. Audio recordings submitted by BAF.
2008Fall2 Singing male first reported 7/19 continued through 9/7 Scott (Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) †BAF, DBM. A record-late juvenile at Gustavus Adolphus College's Linnaeus Arboretum was first seen 11/14 Nicollet ph. †RMD, and reappeared at the same location 11/17 RMD.
2009Spring1 All south 5/18 Houston (Beaver Creek Valley S.P.) †HHD.
2010Spring1 Only report: 5/2 Winona (Prairie Island Road, Winona) ph. ANy.
2010Fall2 Two very late south reports: 11/3 Hennepin (Pond-Dakota Mission Park) †SLC. A record-late, first county record individual was found 11/20 Lac qui Parle (C.R. 66, Hantho Twp.) †HHD, still present 11/21 ph. BJU.
2011Spring1 One photographed 5/28 Lac qui Parle (Walter Twp.) ph. BJU.
2012Spring No reports.
2013Spring No reports.
2013Summer1 Found 6/19, 6/20 Rice TFB, DBM.
2014Spring1One report, 5/11–13 Carver (Rapids Lake Unit, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) ph. JCy, JMs, WCM, KMS, RZi.
2014Fall1 One was found on 9/7 in Nicollet at Seven Mile Creek C.P. †DWK, SBM.
2015Spring3 Three reports: 5/9 Goodhue (Hok-Si-La Park) ph. †MwS, SBM, 5/20 Mower (Adams) †TAT, 5/22–30 Brown (Flandrau S.P.) RBW, †DWK.
2015Fall11 One north report 11/8 Cook (Artist's Point) represents the second county record, and the latest north date on record, SzS, ph. †KRE, ph. †DMK, ph. †PEB, ph. †SBM, m.ob. Two south individuals reported, both from Hennepin, 10/25 (Sunset Memorial Cemetery) ph. †TBo, and 11/1 – 11/11 (Wood Lake N.C.) †CMB, ph. †EEO, ph. †MwS, m.ob.
2017Spring2 Two south reports: 4/27 Fillmore (Kapper's Ponds) †RAE, HHD, 5/19–22 Steele (Somerset Twp.) ph. †PSu (The Loon 89:87–91).
2018Spring2 All south 5/7 Rice (Carleton College Cowling Arboretum, Upper Arboretum) ph. †NiR, 5/23–24 Carver (Carver P.R., Grimm Farm) †JCy, †EzH, a.t. †IsH, m.ob.
2019Summer1 Found 6/2–6 Houston (Solberg Dr. and C.R. 2) JWn, †DWK, ph.†ToM, m.ob.
 Sixty-five records: 41 spring, 1 spring-summer, 12 summer, 2 summer-fall, and 9 fall. One breeding record (2001). Recorded in seven of the last ten years, most recently 2018.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.