Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Ibises
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Ibises
White Ibis
Glossy Ibis
White-faced Ibis
[Glossy Ibis X White-faced Ibis]
[Plegadis ibis]
Roseate Spoonbill

White-faced Ibis(Plegadis chihi)
1971Spring2 reports Nobles Co., 3 photographed by Jim Brandenberg; 5-10 to 5-15 Heron Lake, Jackson Co., Ross Wagner; perhaps this species Is returning to Its former nesting range in Minn.?
1971Fall8-29 Sulem Slough. Watonwan Co., 1 photographed by L. ltnpp; 9-2!; Travf> rse Co. 16 mi. e. of Browns Valley), KE (seeNotes of Interest in December Loon).
1972Summer7-11 immature seen flying, Ramsev Co.. R. L. Huber.
1975Spring 2 reports of this casual: 5-2 to 5-4 Lincoln (1) Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Davis; 5-5 and 5-13 Wabasha (2) (1) WDM, KG, BDC.
1976Fall 9-14 Big Stone (2) TS.
1978Spring 5-5, 6 Rice (1) OR, RBJ. IBIS SP. 5-20 Cook M. Kilen, D. Zentner.
1981Spring 5-3 Cottonwood LAF, m. obs., 5-30 Wilkin JPI AM.
1984Fall 10/4-12 Dakota m. obs. ( The Loon 57:59)
1986Spring 4/26 Martin RJ, RG (The Loon 58:138); 4/27-28 Lac qui Parle et al. (The Loon 58:138).
1988Spring 4/23 Lac qui Parle Co. KE et al. (The Loon 60:137). 
1990Spring 4/23-29 Dakota and Hennepin mob (The Loon 62:154-156); 5/8-12 Brown JS (The Loon 62:159-160). 
1990Summer Three birds seen near Fairmont, Martin Co., 6/9 KH, DO; in past ten years, only one other ibis record in summer (1986). Thndra Swan Two reports: 6/16 Pennington RJ, 6/9 Polk (four) DJ.
1991Spring Reported 5/8-25 Jackson mob, 5/20 Rice WS (The Loon 63:206). 
1996Spring All reports: 5/11–13 Lake Augusta, Cottonwood Co. (2) ED et al. (The Loon 68:179), 5/12–15 Big Stone N.W.R., Lac qui Parle Co. (1–2) SSt, WM.
1997Fall Only report: 9/25 Murray (two at Haberman WMA) JaH, RG.
1998Spring Only report: 5/7–8 Meeker RE, mob.
1999Spring Only report: 5/5–8 Dakota (2) mob. Although seen by dozens of observers, the only documentation for this Casual species was photographic (AH).
2000Spring Adult in alternate plumage reported 5/3–18 Le Sueur (Washington Twp.) WS, †PC, mob. Two unidentified Plegadis seen 5/14 Swift (Appleton Twp.) †WM were most likely this species.
2000Fall Adult or subadult bird with red irides carefully identified at Carrigan L. (west of Montrose) 8/19–21 Wright DDM, BJM, †AXH, †PHS et al.
2001Spring First documented county record 4/26 Scott (adult at Spring Lake Twp.) †FTM, †KG.
2001Summer First summer record since 1990 (there have been three summer Plegadis sp. reports during the interim). Single bird photographed 6/19 Mower (about 20 miles east of Austin) JEM, †RNS et al.
2002Spring All reports: 4/17 Olmsted (3 at East Landfill Reservoir, Rochester) JWH, †RLE, †PWP, 4/23–29 Waseca (Mott L.) †RBJ, JEB, DDM, MJF, 5/5 Big Stone (Thielke Lake) m.ob., †JPE, 5/7+ Murray (5 at Hiram Southwick W.M.A.) JJS, †PCC, †PHS, m.ob.
2002Summer Two discovered 7/12 (both seen through 7/15, one still present 7/17) near Cedar Mills in Meeker Co. SPS, †DMF, †PHS, m.obs. Holdovers from May (please see spring report) observed 6/2 Murray (4 at Hiram Southwick W.M.A.) MSS.
2002Fall Two seen in flight 9/11 Traverse (Mud L.) †KJB. Also see undocumented reports.
2003Spring Accepted record 5/17–19 Lyon (6 at Cottonwood) †PHS et al. Also see undocumented reports.
2003Summer Documented 6/1 Rock (5 adults at Luverne) RMD, †KRE et al. and 6/15 Big Stone (2 in Toqua Twp.) †PCC.
2004Spring Documented 4/16 Dakota (L. Byllesby, second earliest) †CBr, †RMD, ph. JPM et al., 4/19–21 Otter Tail (Scott-Cray W.P.A., earliest north) †EJE, †DTT, ph. †SMT, †RHO, 4/25–28 Douglas (west of L. Osakis, second county record) ph. †PWP, †BWF, 5/2 Sherburne (Haven Twp.) †HHD, ph. CAM, 5/13–14 Carver (Mayer W.T.P.) †RMD, m.obs., 5/24–25 Meeker (Corvuso) BK, †DMF.
2005Spring Accepted records of single birds 4/19 Rock (Hills W.T.P.) †DBz, 5/1 Rock (same location with no intervening sightings; presumably different bird) †RMD et al., 5/13–15 Douglas (Osakis W.T.P.) †JPE.
2006Spring Accepted records of single adults 4/21–22 Lac qui Parle ph. BJU, 4/22 Anoka (Carlos Avery W.M.A.) JMc, ph. †AXH, 5/1–2 Otter Tail (Copeland W.M.A.) ph. †DTT, SMT, m.ob.
2007Spring1 Flock of 20 adults with Glossy Ibis and two Plegadis ibis sp. 4/29–5/1 Lac qui Parle (two miles southwest of Madison) †JPE, ph. DAC, ph. †KRE, v.t. PN, †BJU, m.ob.
2008Spring1 Only report: 5/24–25 Steele (Straight River Marsh) AEB, ph. LA, ph. RLE, NFT.
2010Spring5 All reports: 4/23 Lac qui Parle (3 with 12 Plegadis sp., near Big Stone N.W.R. headquarters) †SMC, 4/30 Dakota (Lake Byllesby) †CMB, †ADS, †LEC, ph. DAC, m.ob., 5/1 Nicollet (1 with 1 Plegadis sp., Nicollet W.M.A.) ph. RMD, 5/7 Lac qui Parle (4, near Big Stone N.W.R.) ph. †BJU, 5/23 Blue Earth (Perch Lake W.P.A.) ChH, ph. RMD, Lac qui Parle (Arena Twp.) †BJU, 5/24 Sherburne (Santiago Twp.) †PLJ.
2011Spring18 All reports: 4/17 Grant (2, North Ottawa Twp.) †DFN, PEJ, 4/24 Lac qui Parle (3, Florida Creek W.M.A.) ph. †BJU, 4/28 Martin (2 near Clayton Lake, no details) CRM, 4/29 Lyon (2, Tracy, no details) RJS, 4/30 Nicollet (near Nicollet) ph. RMD, 5/11 Chippewa (Kragero Twp.) ph. †BJU, Swift (Lubenow W.P.A.) ph. †BJU, 5/13–18 Lyon (3, Black Rush Lake W.P.A.) WCM, 5/16 Nobles (near East Graham Lake) MDu.
2011Summer1Reported 6/8 Goodhue (near Treasure Island Casino complex) ph. GMi.
2011Fall1 Only report 8/20 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) ph. BJU.
2012Spring15 All reports: 4/15–16 Dakota/Goodhue (7, Lake Byllesby) ph. †SHF, †BAF, †RPR, m.ob, 4/15–21 Hennepin (max. 3, Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) ph. †BAF, ph. †CMB, ph. †ACr, ph. †BeH, ph. RTe, m.ob., 4/22 Lac qui Parle (30 at Cory Lake accompanied by 20 Plegadis sp., another one in Walter Twp, and two more in Yellow Bank Twp.) †PCC, 5/4 Dodge (west of Dodge Center) †RBW, m.ob., 5/6–8 Dakota (180th Street Marsh) †BAF, 5/20 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) DBM, REH. Note: apparent hybrids among Glossy and White-faced Ibis are increasing. When reporting these taxa, please comment on how individual Plegadis are identified at the species level.
2013Spring917 A remarkable total of 43 records comprising 157 birds for the season! All reports were south and west of a line from Winona to Meeker to Marshall counties. Early south (median 4/28) 4/16 Lyon DaB. Early north 4/19 Becker ASM, 4/20 Clay (2) TCL. Many first county records: 4/20 Freeborn (Myre-Big Island S.P.) HHD, 4/24–5/1 Kittson (max. 7 at C.R. 4 and 370th Ave.) TrB, 5/4 McLeod (along Meeker McLeod Avenue about 1/4 mile north of C.R. 14) ph. MiO, 5/3–6 Pennington (2, west side of Thief River Falls) PJo, ph. JMJ, 4/27 Stevens (2, Alberta) DLP. Freeborn, Kittson and Stevens also had subsequent records this season. High counts were 30 on 5/1 in Stevens (near Donnelly) DO, and 17 on 5/5 in Wilkin (Manston Marsh, with 5 additional Plegadis) RAE. See summer report for late spring migrants, north and south, and The Loon 85:199–212. for a more complete summary of this season's influx.
2013Summer22 Seen 6/1 Blue Earth †DWK, 6/6, 6/7 Clay (8) †RMD, 6/8 Big Stone DLP, 7/4 Roseau (5, Roseau River W.M.A.) †MaG. Also see The Loon 85:199–212.
2013Fall No reports.
2014Spring19All south reports: 4/26 Lac Qui Parle (Salt Lake) ph. JPR, m.ob., 4/26 Yellow Medicine SGa, 5/2–13 Lyon (max. 5, Black Rush Lake W.P.A.) ph. RJS, ph. JWd, m.ob., 5/5–6 Winona (Bartlet Lake Rd.) ph. †DBz, ANy, 5/9–14 Sherburne (Sherburne N.W.R.) BAB, ph. ALD, ph. †DWK, ph. AWi, m.ob., 5/11–23 Wabasha DBz, m.ob., 5/14 Carver (Laketown Twp.) WCM, 5/14 Cottonwood (7, near Westbrook) DHr, 5/26 Lincoln (3) RAE. One north report 5/3–30 Grant (max. 3, North Ottawa Impoundment) DFN, PEJ, m.ob. High count 5/16 Wabasha (20, flooded field along C.R. 24 near Kellogg) BWF.
2014Summer11Reported 6/1 Grant (at least 4, continuing from spring at North Ottawa Impoundment) PSP, JPR, 6/2 Dakota ADS.
2014Fall1 Only report 10/2 Lac qui Parle (2, Big Stone N.W.R.) RBJ.
2015Spring17 All south reports: 4/17 McLeod (2, Eagle Lake) †PRH, 4/18–19 Nicollet (1, north of Nicollet) WCM, ph. JRg, ph. JWZ, m.ob., 4/27 Big Stone (6) DLP, 5/3–9 Yellow Medicine (max. 9, Miedd Lake) ph. JWd, ph. GWe, 5/8 Faribault (1) WAF, †ClN, 5/22 Carver (1, Wahibo Marsh) MJa, BaS, Jackson (1, Heron Lake) KJB, 5/26–27 Carver (1, Chevalle Ponds) JCy, m.ob. One north report: 5/3 St. Louis (1, Park Point) DiG, BMu, ph. †TRK, ph. †KRE, ph. †PHS, ph. ClN.
2015Fall1 One report 8/3 Lac qui Parle (11, Big Stone N.W.R.) DLP.
2016Spring210 Most reports were southwest of a line from Wilkin to Martin. Early south (median 4/26) 4/12 Lincoln (32) TAT, 4/16–18 Lac qui Parle (max. 4, Lac qui Parle W.M.A.) DOr, ALw, ph. KeM, 4/18 Hennepin (2, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Bass Ponds) SLC, BAF, m.ob. All north 5/20 Wilkin (Brown W.P.A.) BWF, 5/31 Grant (2, Mud Lake W.P.A.) CoM. High count 4/21 Yellow Medicine (44, Miedd and Spellman lakes) GWe. Late south 5/23 Kandiyohi (C.R. 27 wetland east of C.R. 1) ph. JWd, 5/30 Big Stone (2, Artichoke Lake W.P.A.) GWe, Hennepin (3, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Bass Ponds) ph. DyP, DGn, ph. AmS. A total of 96 individuals reported.
2016Summer1 Found 6/4 Lac qui Parle (Salt L.) JWH, RZi, BWF.
2016Fall13 All reports: 9/10–23 Yellow Medicine (Miedd Lake; initial flock of 3 grew to 24 by 9/16, 8 still present on the last day) GWe, m.ob.; 10/2 Lyon (1, Lone Tree Lake) GWe; two in Stearns at the Albany W.T.P. were initially identified on 10/14 only to genus (DOr, †PCC, AaL), but they remained through 10/16 and were subsequently seen better and confirmed as this species (ph. ABm, ph. LiH); 10/15 (record late north, North Ottawa Impoundment) Grant ph. WPl.
2017Spring37 Many near-record early reports. Apart from 5/2 Scott (Marsh W.M.A.) CCx, m.ob., all reports were from the western third of the state. Early south (median 4/24) 4/9–11 Yellow Medicine (4, Miedd Lake) GWe, 4/11 Jackson (7, Heron Lake W.M.A.) DAk, 4/13 Lyon GWe. Late south 5/11–17 Lyon (max. 9, Lone Tree Lake) GW, m.ob., 5/24 Lac qui Parle (8, 155th AVe.) KeM, 5/26 Lac qui Parle (5) DOr. North reports from Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) 4/15 KRE, m.ob., 4/21 (2) JPR, 5/19 (2) JyF, 5/24 (2) WPl; also 4/29–5/1 Marshall/Polk (2, Agassiz Valley Impoundment) SAu, ph. HHu.
2017Summer1 Found 6/16–20 Grant (2 or 3, North Ottawa Impoundment and nearby) RAE, ASu, LiH, DFe, HeH, ShG, LGl.
2017Fall25 Reports north from North Ottawa Impoundment in Grant: 8/11 LiH, KnM, 8/12 (3) JDv, 9/17 (5) WPl, 10/10 (1) WPl, 10/24–25 (3) WPl, CRa, 11/2 WPl, 11/5 NaH, CNn. Away from Grant only north report 9/7 Traverse (12 among a large ibis flock were identifiable to species; Murphy Ponds) KnM. All south 9/3 Lac qui Parle (7) SMC, 9/4 Yellow Medicine (2, Lyon/Yellow Medicine Conservation Easement) GWe, 9/20 Lyon (7, Coon Creek W.M.A.) GWe, 10/13 Kandiyohi (1 with several Plegadis sp., Pennock) DOr, 10/17–22 Olmsted (east of Viola.) JmP, m.ob.
2018Spring39 Early south (median 4/24) 4/20 Big Stone (11) DOr, 4/22–25 Lac qui Parle (max. 11) ebd, DLP, RAE, 4/28 Jackson JJu, Lac qui Parle (2, Bellingham) JST, KeL, KSz. Late south 5/21 Lyon (2) NMe, GWe, Watonwan (max. 9) BTS, m.ob., 5/23 Jackson †KEm. All north 4/26 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) fide JMJ, 4/29 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) ASu, LiH, 5/3 Clay (Ulen Twp.) HeH, ShG. High count 5/9 Big Stone (19) FGo.
2018Summer15 First county records 6/23 Pope (C.R. 13 dogleg) †MJB, 6/17 Redwood (Hwy. 68 west of Wabasso) ph. MNv. High count 6/29–39 Waseca (11) †CRM, m.ob. Also found in Big Stone, Traverse (3), Yellow Medicine.
2018Fall13 All north 9/8 Grant (Niemackl Lake Park) DFe, MO, and then only from North Ottawa Impoundment in Grant: 9/14 (14) RCl, 9/25 (max. 117, all were presumed to be P. chihi) HHD, EzH, 9/26 (11) REn, 9/28 (max. 5) RAE, m.ob., 9/30 (max. 6) ph. TBo, CRa. All south 8/14–15 Lyon (Balaton) GWe, DFe, 9/6 Rice TFB, 9/11 Lyon (Island Lake) GWe, 9/18 Lyon (Sham Lake) GWe, 10/31 Steele (Armstrong Project) ph. GHo.
2019Summer1 Seen 6/7–9 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) †JyM, †MO, ph. WPl.
 Rare migrant mostly west and south. Two breeding records (1894, 1895). There are additional records of Plegadis sp.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.