Whooping Crane(Grus americana) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1974 | Spring | | | An individual of this accidental species was possibly seen on and around 5-13 in the Afton, Washington Co. area, observers were Mrs. N. Kordell, Mr. J. Dahlby and Mr. & Mrs. M. A. Cournoyer (see last issue of LOON, Vol. 46, No. 3 for details). |
1990 | Fall | | | 10/11 Marshall MH, 10/21-10/28 Polk DSV mob (The Loon 62:177-181). |
2006 | Spring | | | One adult wearing satellite telemetry equipment wandered away from the experimental flock at Necedah N.W.R., Wisconsin 4/7–12 Todd (Molly Creek) ph. JMo, BWF, RPU fide RPR. |
2006 | Fall | | | Two birds known to have wandered from the experimental flock at Necedah N.W.R., Wisconsin, were tracked by satellite to Minnesota 9/12–13 Benton/Morrison RPU fide RPR. Three more were tracked by satellite to Winnebago County, Iowa and then were visually confirmed at Reno Bottoms 9/13 Houston fide RPR. Also see undocumented reports. |
2007 | Spring | 2 | | Furnishing the first accepted record in Minnesota since October 1990 (The Loon 62:177–181) were five adults 4/9 Polk (Pembina Trail Preserve) †RH, RAF (The Loon 79:240–241). One adult east of this species' usual migration corridor and later than its usual migration period may have wandered away from the experimental flock at Necedah N.W.R., Wisconsin; there was no satellite evidence confirming this possibility, so it was accepted with an “o” subscript, indicating about an equal chance of captive/wild origin 5/6 Crow Wing (Ironton W.T.P.) †JSB, †WEN. |
2008 | Spring | | 1 | Two banded birds seen 3/14 Houston (Houston Twp.) †KAK. |
2008 | Summer | | 2 | Observed 6/1 Freeborn (2 released birds south of Albert Lea) ph. RPR, 7/5 Cottonwood (4 released birds seen by Gary Anderson southeast of Windom) fide RPR. |
2008 | Fall | | 4 | Five reports, all of captive birds from the Wisconsin flock: 8/5 Jackson (4, east of Bergen, present since 8/1) RPR, 8/11 Pope (4, near Lake Emily) RPR, 9/2 Isanti (3) CAM, 10/5 and 10/7 Lincoln (4, Limestone Twp.) RJS, BJU. |
2009 | Fall | | 1 | Two banded birds from the Wisconsin flock observed 11/10–13 Steele m.ob. |
2010 | Spring | 1 | | One unbanded bird, presumably of the wild Wood Buffalo N.P./Aransas N.W.R. population, seen 5/21–23 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) †GAK, ph. †PHS, †JMJ, SAS. Possibly the same individual was photographed twenty miles away near Newfolden 5/30 ph. JaK. |
2010 | Fall | | 1 | One in Goodhue on 9/13 NBr, presumably from the Necedah N.W.R. flock. |
2011 | Spring | | 1 | Two juvenile males from the Wisconsin experimental flock present 5/21–25 Rice (Dennison) m.ob. |
2011 | Fall | | 1 | Two banded birds from the experimental Wisconsin flock observed 9/9–12 Rice (west of Northfield) m.ob. |
2015 | Spring | | 1 | A potential first county record 5/13 Dakota (Mississippi wetlands south of Hastings) based on high resolution satellite tracking data (fide RPR) is pending a decision for review by MOURC. |
2019 | Summer | 1 | 1 | Adult from experimental flock 6/21 Mille Lacs (near Santiago) ph. ebd, 7/1–2 Sherburne (female #W7–17, Sherburne N.W.R.) ph. ebd, †PLJ. |
  | Former summer resident west. Ten records since 1900: five spring, four fall, and one undated. Recorded in one (2010) of the last ten years. Federal designation: Endangered. |