Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Wrens
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Wrens
Rock Wren
House Wren
Winter Wren
Sedge Wren
Marsh Wren
[Cistothorus wren]
Carolina Wren
Bewick's Wren

Winter Wren(Troglodytes hiemalis)
1930SummerGustav Swanson saw a young bird of this species, out of the nest• being fed, near Deer River on Juno 1st.
1932SummerFour ¥oung out of the ne:st were seen' June 17th at Eric:Sburg (SJtiOllson)j Another 'J?rood of young was being 11 fed at Onamin, July 31st, before the eyes of E.D. Swedenborg. ~e The Flicker, 1932 latter is more southernly than any pOsitive breeding record given in Dr. Robertt s, Birds of J:>1innesota.
1935Summer Carlander did not sec a Winter vlren 1 s nest whcm he was at West Bearskin Lake Juno but he feels certajn that he found one. He so.w an adult bird carry food under the roots of a largo tree at the bank of a st:;.·eam. Therefore, our good Bird Club member searched among the roots: diligently for an hour; and though he heard the cries of tho young, he failed to see them.
1945WinterOne along Purgatory Creek, near Minneapolis, January 7, 1945, (Swedenborg).
1961SpringSeen 14 April at Duluth by Jan Green. Seen 15 April at Northfield by Dr. Rysgaard and 7 May by A. C. Rosenwinkel in the Twin City area.
1961FallJ. S. Futcher reported one in Minneapolis on 1 Oct. A. C. Rosenwinkel saw one in St. Paul, 24 Sep. Jane Olyphant saw one in Washington County, at Lake Olson, on 14 Oct.
1962SpringMarch 31 Hennepin Co., Bob Janssen; April 2 Washington Co., Dean Honetschlager; April 17 Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel; April 19 Cloquet Forest Research Station, Gordon Gullion; May 26 Duluth, P. B. Hofslund.
1962FallOct. 5, Duluth, Janet C. Green; Dec. 1, Dunroven, Washington Co., Brother Theodore. Reck Wren: Oct. 28, near Dalton, Ottertail Co., one clearly seen at close range by Bob Janssen. Third Minne· sota record. (See Notes of Interest) MIMIC THRUSHES
1962WinterOne seen on Jan. 1, Purgatory Creek, Eden Prairie, Hennepin Co., R. Janssen.
1963SpringApril 4, Minneapolis, R. Janssen; May 2, Minneapolis, R. Jan ssen.
1963FallSept. 22, Hennepin Co., Rachel Tryon; Oct. 2, Hennepin Co., R. B. Janssen; Oct. 2-16, Fargo-Moorhead area fide Elizabeth Anderson ; Oct. 6, Wadena Co., R. Oehlenschlager; Oct. 13, Hennepin Co., W. R. Pieper; Oct. 14, Houston Co., R. Oehlenschlager; Oct. 22, Wright Co., Erma Christopher.
1963WinterFeb 8, Eden Prairie, Hennepin Co., Avifauna! Club.
1964Spring4-22 Duluth, 1 heard, RLH, JCG; 5-3 Hennepin Co, RBJ.
1964Summer6-10, Duluth, JCG; 6-20, Canyon, St. Louis Co, JCG; 7-18, Kelsey, St. Louis Co, DM; July, 8 localities in Lake Co, JCG.
1964Fall9-19 Duluth, JCG; 10-13 Fargo-Moorhead, EGA; 10-19 Olmsted Co, JPF; 11-10 Mpls, RG.
1965Springearliest 4-7 Shotley, Beltrami Co, MG.
1965Fall10-8 Rochester, JPF; 10-10 St. Paul, banded, MIG; 10-24 Minneapolis, TKS.
1966Spring3-24 Washington Co, JO; 4-3 Washington Co, DH; 4-6 Goodhue Co, ACR, BL.
1966Summer7-3 (JCG, NJH) and 7-11 (RBJ) St. Louis Co.
1966FallLatest 10-8, Duluth, HFH and Ogilvie, DB; 10-12 Washington Co., WWL; 10-13 Wright Co., EC; 11-11 Nobles Co., HSH.
1966Winter12-21 Wabasha Co., 1, DGM.
1967Springearly 3-31 Hennepin Co., 1, VL; 4-4 Hennepin Co., FN/ MAS; 4-15 St. Louis Co., NJH; late in south 5-13 Hennepin Co., EMB; 5-21 Benton Co., JAH; unusual westerly record, 4-21, 5-10 Stevens Co., JAH.
1967Summer6-10 Cook Co. 6, JCG; 6-14 Lake Co., JCG.
1967Fall 9-19 St. Paul, MIG; 9-21 Lake Co., RK; 10-1 Stearns Co., KE and Fargo-Moorhead, EGA; 10-7 Kanabec Co., DB; 10-11 Fargo-Moorhead, EGA and Minneapolis, VL.
1968Spring early 3-30 Fillmore Co., AFR; 4-7 Cook Co., RLG; 4-16 Minneapolis, VL; 4-28 Washington Co., JO; late in south 5-14 Goodhue Co., FN/ MAS; 5-20 Minneapolis, EMB.
1968Summer reported from Lake, Cook, Carlton (GWG), Clearwater (TCD) Co's.
1968Fall9-18 Duluth FN/ MAS; 9-22 Duluth JCG; 9-28 Ramsey MIG.
1969Spring4-10 (2) Mpls., EWJ, FN, VL, and Duluth, JCG; 4-11 Hennepin Co., EIS; 4-26 St. Louis Co., NJH; 5-12 St. Paul, MIG; 5-15 Goodhue Co., WKE.
1969Summerreported from St. Louis and Cook Co's. Long-billed Marfll Wren: reported from Watonwan, Meeker, Nicollet, Hennepin, Ramsey, Sibley, Carver, Wright, Freeborn, Crow Wing, Cook, Mahnomen, Marshall, Pennington, Winona, Wabasha and Polk Co's.
1969Fall9-1 Duluth MC; 10-5 Duluth KS· 11-4 Hennepin ETS; 11-4 Carver VL; 11-10 Hennepin RGL.
1969Winter12-6 Fillmore AFR; 12-7 Hennepin KRE.
1970Springearly south 4-5 Hennepin CH; 4-9 Hennepin RG ; 4-12 Houston FL; early north 4-25 St. Louis NH; 5-2 Duluth jG; late south 5-14 Blue Earth HT; 5-16 Stearns KE, PE.
1970Falllate north 9-27 Duluth jG; 9-29 Morrison LR; late south 10-14 Ramsey EC; 10-16 Wabasha DB; 10-27 Hennepin PF.
1970Winter12-25 Winona AFR.
1971Springearly south 4-3 Hennepin BH; 4-11 Hennepin DB; 4-13 Hennepin WKE; early north 4-10 Duluth JG;_ 4-25 St. Louis NJH; late south 5-11 Hennepin,;S; 5-13 Goodhue FN.
1971Summernested in Crow Wing; also reported from St. Louis, Cook, Aitkin and Lake of the Woods.
1971Falllate south 10-18 Washington; 10-19 Hennepin; late north 10-5 Koochiching; 10-6 Duluth.
1972Summerseen in S. & N. St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1973Summer Nested in Aitkin (TS); seen in Isanti (SC), Chisago (RBJ), St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1973Fall Seen only in Hennepin, Anoka, Aitkin, St. Louis. Also 11-20 Cottonwood (LAF).
1973Winter Seen on the Excelsior Christmas Count and on 12-8 in Rock Co. (KE).
1974Spring Early south 3-4 Mower DS; 3 reports 4-2; early north 4-21 St. Louis GJN NJH; 4-23 St. Louis JG; late south 5-26 to 5-27 Houston (1 singing) FL.
1974Summer Reported from Marshall, Lake of the Woods, Clearwater, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1974Fall Early south 9-21 Hennepin BH; 9-30 Rock KE, Washington EC; late north 10-12 Clay JB; 10-22 Duluth JG; late south 10-20 Jackson LR; 10-22 Hennepin VL; 10-26 Rock KE.
1974Winter Seen on 1-6 (RG) and 2-1 (BJ) in Hennepin Co.
1975Summer Reported from Marshall, Itasca, Carlton, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Goodhue (6-14, Vasa, RJ) and Dakota (7-13, South St. Paul; KE, PE)-farthest south summer reports on record. Lon3-billed Marsh Wren Nested in Hennepin; also reported from 18 other counties.
1975Falllate north 10-2 Hubbard HF; 10-22 Duluth DS; early south 9-13 Faribault RJ; 9-23 Wabasha DWM; late south 11-11 Rock KE; 11-24 Cottonwood LR.
1975Winterreported in Hennepin Co. on the Excelsior Christmas Count and on 2-22 (ETS).
1976Spring Early south 3-7 Hennepin ETS (wintering?); 3-28 Olmsted JF; 3-31 Mower RJK; 4-4 Rock KE; early north 4-6 St. Louis JCG; 4-10 Lake ME; 4-12 Cook JH.
1976Summernested in St. Louis and Chisago (6-16, Franconia, BB); also reported from Roseau, Marshall, Itasca, Lake, Cook, Washington (J. Fitzpatrick), Olmsted (7-25, JF) and Houston (6-9 and 6-26, Beaver Creek Valley St. Pk., F. Lesher, KE); unusual reports from the south for the second summer in a row.
1976Fall Late north 10-8 Cook, 1 0-25 Otter Tail BE; early south 9-16 Washington DMB, 9-23 Rock; late south 10-14 Cottonwood, 10-23 Anoka, 10-31 Rock.
1977Spring Early south 3-27 Jackson LR; 3 reports on 4-9; early north 4-13 St. Louis HPD; 4-18 Lake and St. Louis CNS; 4-27 Itasca MS.
1977Summer Reported from Lake of the Woods, Cass, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook and Chisago (6-19 and 7-6, Franconia; DGW, RJ). Long-billed Manh Wren Nested in Roseau; also reported from 28 other counties throughout the state; more reports than usual.
1977Fall Early south 8-20 Cottonwood (RG), 8-24 Hennepin (VL).
1978Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Beltrami, and Clearwater (Itasca SP).
1978Fall Early south 9-21 Ramsey EC; late north 10-3 Babbitt TH, 10-7 Crow Wing JB; late south 10-25 Houston EMF, 11-10 Cottonwood LF.
1978Winter 12-31 Houston (EMF); only report.
1979Spring Early south 4-7 Anoka SC, 4-14 Rice RJ; early north 4-17 St. Louis DA, 4-29 Cook KE.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Lake; also seen in Cook, St. Louis, Itasca, Cass, Beltrami, Clearwater. Long-billed Ma1rsh Wren Breeding reported from Duluth (Am>. Birds, Jan. 1980); also seen in 25 other counties throughout the state except the Northeast and Southeast.
1979Fall Early south 10-2 Anoka REA, 10-15 Anoka JH; late north 10-7 Itasca DB, St. Louis KMH; late south 10-25 Hennepin ES, 11-3 Winona JSD.
1980Spring Early south 3-17 Winona D. Palmquist, 4-2 Hennepin GP, SC, 4-4 Olmsted JSD; early north 4-15 St. Louis SNF, 4-16 DA, 4-17 KMH. Long-billed Manh Wren Early south 4-28 Ramsey RH, 5-10 Washington DS, 5-13 Hennepin OJ; early north 5-18 Pennington RJ, 5-20 Marshall ANWR, 5-21 Otter Tail GMO.
1980Summer Breeding reported from Cook; also seen in Lake, St. Louis, Carlton, Itasca, Beltrami, Clearwater.
1980Fall Early south 9-21 Houston EMF, 9-22 Hennepin ES, 9-23 VL; late north 10-8 St. Louis JG, 10-18 WN, 10-13 Lake LW; late south 10-24 Nicollet JCF, 1025 Sibley RJ, 11-25 Redwood LJF.
1981Spring Early south 3-15 Dakota JD, 3-29 Olmsted JF, 3-30 Hennepin SC; early north 4-9 Cook KMH, 4-13 Crow Wing JB, 4-15 Beltrami SY; late south 4-20 Olmsted JEB, 4-21 Houston EMF.
1981Summer Seen within range plus Becker (Tamarac NWR, JCG), Fillmore (pr., Forestville SP, JCG).
1981Fall Early south 8-29, 9-2,22 Hennepin SC; late north 10-12 Cook KMH, 10-14 Lake SW / MS, 10-19 DB, 10-22 St. Louis TL; late south 10-20 Anoka KL, 10-21 Hennepin KL, 11-16 Houston EMF.
1982Spring Early south 4-3 Olmsted JEB, 4-6 Hennepin VL, SC, 4-9 Anoka BH, 4-10 Washington BL, Lyon HK, Rice KJ; early north 3-30 Otter Tail GMO, 4-1 Clay LCF, 4-2 Hubbard BM, 4-9 Beltrami AS; late south 4-17 Kandiyohi RJ, 4-21 Hennepin AB.
1982Summer Seelf in Cook, Lake, Koochiching, Beltrami, Pennington, Aitkin, Mille Lacs (Mille Lacs WMA; four fledged young; CF).
1982Fall Early south 8/17 Cottonwood LAF, 9/10 WH, 9/17 Hennepin ES; late north 10/13 Traverse RJ, 10/14 Cook KMH, 10/18 Lake SWIMS, 10/24 Otter Tail SDM; late south I0115 Hennepin SC, 10/17 Brown JSp, 10/29 Nicollet JCF, I 1/25 Houston EMF, JPIAM.
1983Spring Early south 3/26 Houston FL, 4/13 Olmsted JEB, 4/16 Brown JSp, 4/17 Olmsted RE; early north 4/12 Mille Lacs MLWMA, 4/21 Cook KMH, 4/22 Lake SWIMS, 4/23 Aitkin WN. Late south 5/2 Brown JSp, 5/14 Cottonwood WH.
1983Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Clearwater, Mille Lacs.
1983Fall Early south 9/18 Goodhue DZ/MC, 10/2 Brown JSp, Lincoln RJ; late north 10/6 Lake SWIMS, 10/17 Cook KMH, 10/18 St. Louis SS; late south 10/20 Houston EMF, 10/22 Lyon RG, 10/27 Hennepin SC, 11/2 Brown JSp.
1984Spring Early south 5/8 Hennepin SC, 4-9 Brown JSp, Hennepin ES, 4/10 Hennepin RJ; early north 4/18 MLWMA, 4/21 St. Louis MH, 4/22 Beltrami AB, Cook EH, St. Louis SNP, 4/25 Cook KMH, Lake SS; late south 5/10 Hennepin SC, 5/13 Washington DGW, 5/19 Pope RJ.
1984Summerseen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis and Carlton.
1984Fall Early south 9/10 Hennepin SC, 9/22 Goodhue BL, DZ, 9/23 Olmsted RE, Hennepin IT; late north 10/20 St. Louis KC, IT, Aitkin BL, 11/20 Cook KMH; late south 10/23 Anoka SC, 10/29 Houston EMF, 10/30 Martin EBIK.
1985Spring Early south 3/29 Brown JSp, 3/30 Houston FL, 4/4 Ramsey KB, 4/6 Olmsted ·JEB; early north 3/30 Kanabec SSt, 4/16 Cook KMH, St. Louis SWIMS, 4/21 St. Louis KC, 4/23 Lake SS; late south 4/24 Houston EMF, 5/9 Olmsted JEB.
1985Summer Probable nesting in Cook. Also seen in Lake, St. Louis, Clearwater, Marshall (Agassiz NWR), Pine.
1985Fall Early south 8/29 Hennepin ES; late north 10/4 St. Louis JN, MH/JS, 10/5 Itasca AB, 10/16 Cook KMH; late south 10/9 Benton RJ, Hennepin ES, 10/11 Washington WL, 10/20 Mower RRK.
1985Winter Reported in Houston on 1/1 (FL) and during the Faribault count week period.
1986Spring Early south 3/26 Freeborn RJ, 3/29 Olmsted BE, 3/30 Anoka JH, 4/1 Hennepin AB; early north 4/2 St. Louis MH/JS, 4/4 Cook WP; late south 4/20 Houston EMF, 4/24 Olmsted RE, 4/29 Brown JS.
1986Summer Nested in Cook, Lake, Cass (GR). Also seen in St. Louis, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, Agassiz NWR, Clearwater, Itasca.
1986Fall Early south 9/6 Anoka GP, 9/13 Brown RG, 9/15 Fillmore AP; late north 10/12 Clay LCF, 10/18 Duluth TM, 10/26 Wadena DB; late south 10/25 Ramsey KB and Anoka GP, 11/24 Brown JS.
1986Winter Reported at Reno, Houston County on Ill (FL).
1987Spring Early south 3/20 Mower RRK, 3/21 Hennepin TT, 3/22 AB, 3/24 Olmsted PP and Brown JS ; early north 4/10 Cook KMH, 4/11 St. Louis MH/JS, SS, 4/13 Lake SWIMS; late south 5/24 Dakota SC, Scott TT.
1987Summer Probable nesting in Cook, Cass. Also seen in Lake, St. Louis, Agassiz NWR, Clearwater, Itasca, Aitkin.
1987Fall Early south 9/8 Freeborn NHO, 9/13 Anoka SC, GP; late north 10/8 Lake DB, 10/14 Cook KMH, SOL, 10/25 Kanabec AB, DB; late south 10/22 Brown JS, 10/24 Murray RG, 10/31 Houston m.ob.
1987Winter One on the Lamberton CBC and another report from Washington, 1/9, (TBB).
1988Spring Early south 3/27 SteeleAB, 3/31 Hennepin SC, TT, 4/5 Le Sueur EK; early north 4/5 Cook KMH, 4/7 St. Louis MHIJS, 4/9 Clay LCF; late south 5/14 Fillmore NAO, 5/17 Wabasha WDM.
1988Summer Only reports (fewer than in recent years): Itasca, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1988Fall Early south 9/5 Hennepin SC; late north 10/5 Lake SWIMS, 10/6 Itasca AB, Cook KMH; late south 10/14 Goodhue AP, 10/16 Fillmore NAO, 10/18 Hennepin SC.
1988Winter Two reports: Hennepin, at the Bass Ponds 12/11 MBR and Houston at Beaver Creek Valley State Park on 2/18 FL.
1989Spring Early south 3/25 Fillmore NAO, 3/29 Ramsey KB, 4/1 Rice OR; early north 3/27 (earliest date on record) Duluth KE, 4/5 Cook KMH, 4/9 Clay LCF; late south 5/6 Hennepin DC and Houston EMF, 5/13 Olmsted BSE.
1989Summer Seen in Beltrami, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Pine.
1989Fall Early south 9/23 Hennepin SC; late north 10/3 Cook KMH, 10/20 St. Louis TW; late south Ill I Hennepin SC, 11/20 Houston EMF.
1990Spring Early south 3/27 Fillmore NAO, 4/9 Brown JSp, 4/11 Olmsted BSE; early north 4/7 Cook KMH, 4/20 Becker MO and Lake SWIMS, 4/23 St. Louis AE; late south 5/1 Hennepin AB, 5/5 Rice RJ.
1990Summer Nested in Itasca AB; also seen in Clearwater, Hubbard, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1990Fall Early south 9/16 Hennepin SC and Ramsey KB, 9/23 Anoka GP; late north 10/20 St. Louis KB, 10/23 Cook KMH; late south 10/18 Anoka GP, 10/22 Hennepin SC.
1991Spring Early south 3/29 Hennepin SC, 4/3 Brown JS, 4/5 Le Sueur RG; early north 3/31 Pine DZ, 4/6 Cook KMH and Lake DPV, 4/7 Becker MO; late south 5/4 Hennepin SC and Winona AB, 5/9 Rice TB.
1991Summer Probable nesting in Cook; seen in seven other northern counties plus Washington.
1991Fall Early south 9/4 Blue Earth LF, 9/13 Anoka JH; late north 10/6 Itasca AB, 10/11 Cook KMH and Lake DPV; late south 11/2 Hennepin TT, 11/11 Houston DZ.
1992Spring Early south 3/31 Washington DS, 4/2 Olmsted JB; early north 4/12 Lake KR, 4/14 St. Louis SS, 4/18 Cook KMH; late south 4/29 Hennepin DZ, 5/8 Olmsted BSE.
1992Summer Probable breeding in Beltrami and Cook counties; also seen in Roseau, Marshall, Clearwater, Hubbard, St. Louis, Lake, Carlton.
1992Fall Early south 9/2 Pope RG, 9/14 Ramsey KB; late north 10/10 Aitkin WN, 10/13 Lake DPV, 10/22 Cook KMH; late south 10/16 Brown JS, 10/18 Hennepin SC.
1992Winter Reported overwintering in Hennepin DM et. al (originally found on Excelsior CBC), and Washington TEB (no details), plus 12/20–23 Otter Tail SDM (The Loon 65:98–99) , 12/16 Houston fide PB (no details), and the La Crosse (Minnesota portion) CBC.
1993Spring Early south 3/2 (overwintered) Hennepin SC, 3/3 (overwintered) Washington TEB, 3/24 Rice TB. Early north 4/15 St. Louis SW/MS,4/16 Itasca JB/TS, 4/19 Cook KMH. Late south 5/20 Rice TB, 5/21 Hennepin SC.
1993Summer Probable breeding in Cook, Winona (singing male with three fledged young near John Latsch S.P. on 6/24; MCBS). Also observed 6/19–7/5 Scott mob (Murphy-Hanrahan S.P.), 6/21 Hennepin BL; plus eight other counties within breeding range.
1993Fall Early south 9/16 Ramsey KB, 9/17 Hennepin DB, SC and Washington WL. Late north 10/6 Lake DPV, 10/17 Aitkin WN, 10/21 Cook KMH. Late south 10/22 Houston JD, 10/24 Anoka CF and Goodhue KB.
1993Winter Reported 12/7 Martin BBo.
1994Spring Early south 3/20 Hennepin CF, 3/24 Houston EMF; early north 4/11 Cook KMH and St. Louis MH, 4/13 Itasca JB/TS; late south 5/6 Goodhue DZ, 5/13 Hennepin RH.
1994Summer Nested in Aitkin, probable nesting in Cook; seen in seven other north central and northeast counties plus Becker, Anoka.
1994Fall Early south 9/17 Anoka KB, 9/21 Hennepin SC. Late north 10/16 Clay CF, 10/18 St. Louis TBr, 10/25 Cook KMH. Late south 10/28 Winona CS, 10/31 Hennepin SC.
1994Winter Only report through 12/24 at the Old Cedar Avenue Bridge, Hennepin Co. SC.
1995Spring Early south 3/24 Rock WM, 3/29 Lincoln RG, RJ; early north 4/13 St. Louis SW/MS, TS/JB, 4/16 Itasca TS/JB, 4/19 Clay CF; late south 5/11 Hennepin SC, DZ and Ramsey KB, 5/20 Winona CS.
1995Summer Recorded in 11 northern counties plus Anoka; also observed at two locations throughout period in Winona CS.
1995Fall Early south 9/1 (third earliest south) Ramsey RH, 9/9 Winona AM. Late north 10/14 Carlton LW, 10/21 St. Louis JSt, 10/28 Cook SOL. Late south 10/25 Winona CS, 11/10 Hennepin RB.
1995Winter Reported 12/21–1/12 Washington TEB.
1996Spring Early south 4/2 Brown JSp, Hennepin CG and Winona CS. Early north 4/18 Carlton LW, 4/19 Becker BBe, 5/4 Aitkin WN. Late south 5/12 Hennepin DJe, 5/14 Rice JL, 5/15 Jackson JCBC.
1996Summer Nested in Cass; probable nesting at Flandrau State Park in Brown Co. JSp (The Loon 68:178–179). Also observed in Roseau, Becker, Koochiching, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Carlton; plus Fillmore (no date) CS.
1996Fall Early south 8/25 (reported as a summering bird) Brown JSp, 9/11 Ramsey KB, 9/12 Mower RRK. Late north 10/7 Carlton LW, 10/18 Beltrami DJo, 10/24 Beltrami DJo. Late south 10/15 Hennepin DBo, 10/16 Brown JSp, and 10/20 Hennepin SC.
1996Winter Overwintered at the Bass Ponds, Hennepin Co. mob. Also reported 12/6 Rice TBo and 12/11 Winona CS.
1997Spring Early south 3/27 Fillmore NO, 4/1 Rice TBo, 4/3 Brown JSp. Early north 4/1 Cook OSL, 4/2 Crow Wing PP, 4/4 Aitkin WN.
1997Summer Probable nesting in Anoka. Also reported in Marshall, Beltrami, Koochiching, St. Louis, Lake, Cass, Aitkin, Carlton; plus Houston (Beaver Creek Valley S.P.) mob, 6/9 Rice (Cannon River Wilderness Park) TBo, 6/27 Rice (Nerstrand Woods S.P.) TBo.
1997Fall Late north 10/24 St. Louis TW, 10/27 St. Louis JBe, JN, 10/29 Lake DV. Late south 11/21 Hennepin TT, 11/28–29 Hennepin (max. two at Cedar Lake) SC.
1997Winter At least four individuals reported: 12/2–17 Hennepin (Cedar Lake) SC, through 1/19 Hennepin (Bass Ponds) TT, mob, 1/1 Scott (Shakopee) KB, JDa, and on the Excelsior (2) CBC.
1998Spring Early south 3/1 (probably overwintered) Hennepin DZ, 3/22 (possibly overwintered) Hennepin TT, 3/28 Rice TBo and Olmsted AK, 4/1 Brown JSp. Early north 4/5 Aitkin WN, 4/6 Todd JSK, 4/8 Norman RJ.
1998Summer Most reports ever for this species. Observed in 14 counties as far south and west as a line through Marshall, Becker, Anoka, Washington; plus 6/7 and 7/20 Houston (Beaver Creek S. P.) AH, PS. Probable nesting in Cook.
1998Fall Early south 8/31 McLeod RbS, 9/4 Hennepin LE, 9/12 Brown JSp. Late north 10/17 Lake BSe, 10/19 Carlton LW, 10/20 St. Louis JN. Late south 10/25 Brown JSp, 11/9 Hennepin TT, 11/19 Hennepin SC.
1998Winter Reported 12/1 Hennepin (Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) SC, and 12/13–1/18 Hennepin (Bass Ponds) SC et al.
1999Spring Arrived on time south and north. Early south 3/28 Anoka JH, plus 3/30 in three counties. Early north 4/2 Grant SDM, 4/5 St. Louis (peak of 23 in Duluth) JN. Most interesting were the number of late south reports (recent median south departure date 5/13). These included singing birds 5/14 Goodhue (Sand Point) DZ, 5/19 Hennepin (Wolsfeld Woods) SC, 5/26 Hennepin (Cedar L.) SC, 5/29 Houston (Beaver Creek Valley S. P.) FL.
1999Summer Many reports, similar to previous year. Seen in nine north central and northeast counties, plus Marshall, Becker, and Pine. Southern records include 6/4 Good-hue KB; 6/13,26 Houston (male singing at Beaver Creek Valley S.P.) KK, PC; 6/26 Washington (Falls Creek SNA) KB; and new nesting record in Hennepin (Old Cedar Avenue bridge) BBa, TBo. This represents the most southerly nesting record in the state; there is growing evidence that this species may breed sparingly into the southeast region.
1999Fall Early south 9/10 Fillmore NO, 9/14 Hennepin SC. Late north 10/20 Cook KMH, 10/24 Lake LW. Many south reports through mid-October, then 10/18 Brown JSp, 10/29 Mower RRK, 11/5 Fillmore NO, 11/7 Olmsted fide AH. This was the earliest south departure since 1993.
1999Winter Reported 12/5–9 Hennepin (Bloomington) SC, 12/12 Fillmore NO, 12/15 Rice (2) TBo and 2/2 Renville KB.
2000Spring Arrived on time south and north. Reported from total of 14 south counties beginning 3/23 Rice TBo, and 8 north counties beginning 4/4 Grant SDM. No reports from northwest region and only Cottonwood (4/24, ED) in the southwest. Late south 5/12 Faribault PS.
2000Summer Only half the number of reports as last year and fewest since 1990. Observed in Beltrami, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Aitkin, and Pine; plus Washington (Falls Creek SNA) KJB et al.
2000Fall Early south 9/7 Stearns MAJ, DCT, 9/14 Anoka (Carlos Avery WMA — probable migrant) KJB. Late north 10/16 Cook PHS, 10/31 Clay RHO. Late south 11/1 Brown JSS, 11/15 Houston FZL, 11/30 Rice TFB.
2000Winter All reports: 12/1 Hennepin (Old Cedar Avenue) BBB, 12/6–10 Hennepin (Mound Springs) SLC, 12/4 & 12/11 Rice TFB, and 12/9 Fillmore NBO.
2001Spring Reported from 12 south and 10 north counties. No reports from Southwest or West-central. Scarce and moved quickly through Anoka KJB. Early south 3/16 Hennepin TAT, 3/26 Freeborn AEB. Early north 4/10 Clay RHO, 4/13 St. Louis SES. Late south (median departure 5/13) 4/22 Brown JSS, 5/2 Ramsey REH.
2001Summer Reported in nine North-central and Northeast counties plus Pine.
2001Fall All north reports were October in Northeast. Late north 10/14 Cook PHS, 10/18 St. Louis HHD. Early south (away from known breeding areas) 9/13 Rice TFB, 9/14 Dakota TAT. Eight south reports during October; last seen 10/29 Freeborn RBJ, 10/30 Hennepin SLC, but also see winter report.
2001Winter Only reports: 12/11 Houston FZL, 1/8 Rice TFB.
2002Spring Seen in 11 south and 9 north counties. Early south 3/28 Rice TFB, 3/29 Anoka SLC and Rice DAB. Early north 4/6 Cass SWS, 4/13 Cook DWK and St. Louis ALE. Late south 5/4 Hennepin OLJ, only May report south.
2002Summer Observed in ten North-central and Northeast counties plus Otter Tail, Pine.
2002Fall Only north reports from Aitkin, Lake and St. Louis; last reported 10/19 St. Louis JWL. Early south 8/20 (ties earliest south date) McLeod RWS, then none until 9/15 Anoka KJB, Hennepin SLC (median 9/7). See winter report for late south migrants and overwintering. Only west reports from Jackson in early October
2002Winter Record-high ten individuals in six southeastern counties, with overwintering in Hennepin SLC and Houston m.ob. Also reported 12/14 Crosby CBC, only the second ever winter report in the north.
2003Spring Overwintered through 3/2 Hennepin (Mounds Spring Park) SLC. Early south 3/21 Rice TFB, 4/1 Olmsted PWP, 4/2 Dakota ADS (median 3/27). Early north 4/11 Lake of the Woods GMM, JMF, 4/14 Pine RBJ (median 4/6).
2003Summer Observed in nine North-central and Northeast counties plus Pine.
2003Fall Reported from six north counties including Marshall and Pennington in Northwest. Late north (median 10/24) 10/17 Cook JWL. Only 14 reports from 6 south counties. Early south 9/13 Lac qui Parle BJU, 9/17 Hennepin PEB. Please see winter report for late south data.
2003Winter All reports: 12/1 Houston (Reno) FZL, 12/5 Goodhue (Frontenac) KJB, 12/22–1/25 Hennepin (Mound Springs; 2 seen 12/27 & 12/29) SLC, 1/10 Houston (Beaver Creek Valley S.P.) FZL, 1/10 Rice DAB, TCF.
2004Spring Reported from all regions, though only one observation from the Southwest. Early south 3/28 Rice DAB, 3/29 Freeborn AEB, Rice TFB, Swift JEB, RBJ (median 3/26). Early north 4/4 Carlton MSS, 4/10 Lake JWL (median 4/4). Late south 5/2 Mower JEM, 5/5 Lac qui Parle BJU.
2004Summer Reported from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Aitkin, Cass, Beltrami, Hubbard, Clearwater, Lake of the Woods, Roseau.
2004Fall Early south 9/19 Fillmore NBO, 9/21 Hennepin TAT (median 9/7). Late north 10/14 Beltrami JEB, 10/28 St. Louis SLF. Two November south reports: 11/13 Hennepin SLC, 11/19 Houston KTP.
2004Winter All Hennepin reports: 12/6 & 1/8 (Minnehaha Creek) JPS, 12/18 Excelsior CBC fide HCT, 1/3 (location?) TAT, 1/3–2/28 (stream near Old Cedar Avenue) SLC.
2005Spring Not reported from the western third of the state. Early south 3/29 Rice TFB, 3/30 Hennepin DCZ, 3/31 Scott JEB. Early north 4/6 Clay RHO, 4/7 Hubbard MAW. High count 20 in St. Louis (4/17 Normanna and Lakewood Twps.) TPW. Only May reports south were 5/10 Dakota ADS and Hennepin JOt.
2005Summer Observed in Clearwater, Beltrami, Cass, Itasca, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
2005Fall No reports from West-central region and only one in Southwest (Jackson). High count 10/6 Fillmore (6) NBO. Late north 10/18 St. Louis LAW, 10/28 Cook JWH, 10/30 Pine (3) JMP. Late south 10/16 Olmsted JWH, 10/17 Fillmore NBO and Jackson DWK.
2005Winter Only report: 12/5 Rice TFB.
2006Spring None were reported from the western regions last spring; found in nine western counties this year. Early south 3/24 Rice TFB, 3/29 Olmsted JWH, 4/1 Lac qui Parle, Steele, and Watonwan. Early north 4/3 St. Louis SLF, 4/6 St. Louis JRN, 4/7 Marshall and Pine. All south reports in May: 5/1 Hennepin MCA, 5/6 Rice DAB, 5/13 Redwood PBB. High count 4/24 in St. Louis (10) TPW.
2006Summer Seen in Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Koochiching, Itasca, Cass, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, and Carlton.
2006Fall Reported from 4 north and 25 south counties. Early south 8/15 Rice TFB, 9/9 Chippewa BJU and Hennepin RBJ (median 9/7). High counts 10/9 Fillmore (8) NBO, 10/3 Hennepin (8) RBJ. Late north 10/7 Beltrami DPJ, 10/9 Lake JWL, 10/22 St. Louis SLF (median 10/24). Late south 10/20 Sherburne ADB, 11/4 Carver BAF and Hennepin DWK (median 12/13).
2006Winter2 All reports: 12/3 Lac qui Parle (Lac qui Parle W.M.A.) BJU, 12/24 Hennepin (Bass Ponds) DWK, 1/23 Hennepin (Bass Ponds) CMB.
2007Spring920 Early south 3/28 Olmsted (3) JWH, 4/1 Hennepin DWK, HCT, MPi and Rice TFB (median 3/27). Early north 4/14 Mille Lacs ASc, NSc, 4/16 St. Louis SLF, 4/20 Lake DAG (median 4/6). Late south (but see summer report) 5/9 Sherburne PLJ, RBJ, 5/13 Dakota RPR (median 5/12).
2007Summer111 Found throughout the North-central and Northeast regions. Unusual was 6/22 Washington RBJ.
2007Fall524 Early south (median 9/7) 8/25 Sherburne ASc, 9/8 Lac qui Parle BJU, 9/12 Washington LMS. Late north 10/17 St. Louis (2) SLF, 10/19 Mille Lacs ASc, 10/22 St. Louis LAW (median 10/4). Late south 10/20 Scott BAF, Wright RBW, 10/21 Dakota BAF, Fillmore NBO, 11/24 Hennepin JCC (median 12/13).
2007Winter1 Only report 1/27 Hennepin (2 at Mound Springs Park, Bloomington) DWK.
2008Spring1324 First reports 3/4, 3/9 Fillmore NBO likely an overwintering bird. Early south migrants (median 3/27) 3/25 Rice TFB, 3/30 Faribault WAF, 4/3 Olmsted JWH, Rice DAT. Early north (median 4/6) 4/9 Mille Lacs RBJ, 4/12 Morrison HHD, 4/18 St. Louis fide JWL. Late south 5/10 Stearns HHD, 5/11 Winona DBz, JWH, 5/13 Anoka CAB, Lac qui Parle BJU (median 5/13).
2008Summer10 Observed in Becker, Clearwater, Beltrami, Hubbard, Cass, Itasca, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
2008Fall923 Early south (median 9/7) 9/14 Anoka DWK, 9/15 Goodhue LEC, 9/21 Scott (2) BAF. High count 10/1 Hennepin (6) CMB. Late north 10/2 Beltrami and Itasca JEB, 10/14 St. Louis SLF, 10/18 Mille Lacs NSc (median 10/24). Late south 10/23 Lac qui Parle BJU, 11/2 Hennepin DDo, 11/30 Hennepin DWK, but see winter report (median 12/13).
2008Winter2 A total of four birds for the season: one reported from the Minnesota River Valley below Pond Dakota Mission Park, Bloomington, Hennepin 12/13–20 DWK, †MAO, DAC; another was in Winona 12/14 DBz; two were found along Rice Creek in Fridley 12/20 SSC.
2009Spring1223 Early south (median 3/27) 3/23 Rice TFB, 3/24 Dakota ADS, Rice DAT. Early north (median 4/6) 4/13 Cass BAW, 4/18 Lake JWL, Morrison DBM. High count 4/13 Hennepin (8, T.S. Roberts Bird Sanctuary) CMB. Late south 5/4 Martin EBK, 5/7 Hennepin ABL (median 5/13).
2009Summer11 Only report from Northwest: 7/18 Becker HHD. All other reports from North-central and Northeast as far west as Lake of the Woods, Clearwater, Hubbard, and as far south as Cass, Aitkin, Carlton.
2009Fall617 Early south (median 9/6) 8/23 Fillmore ARW, 8/24 Sherburne PLJ, 9/6 Hennepin PRH. High counts 9/26 Sherburne (5, Sherburne N.W.R., Blue Hill Trail) BAF, 10/24 Blue Earth (4) RMD. Late north 10/19 Mille Lacs ASc, 10/28 Kanabec CAM, 11/17 Hubbard DCH (median 10/23). Late south 10/26 Blue Earth (2) ChH, 10/28 Rice DAT, 10/31 Carver (3) DWK, 11/30 Hennepin SLC.
2010Spring717 Early south (median 3/27) 3/16 Rice TFB, 3/29 Olmsted JWH, 3/31 Hennepin CAs, Martin DBM. Early north (median 4/6) 3/31 St. Louis (2, Sax-Zim Bog) AXH, 4/12 St. Louis FKB, 4/14 Cass BAW, ABi, 4/16 Wadena JEB. Late south 5/8 Mower ARW 5/22 Houston (2) AXH (median 5/13).
2010Summer111 Observed north and east of a line from Roseau to Sherburne, plus Douglas.
2010Fall820 Early south (median 9/7) 9/4 Big Stone BJU, 9/5 Hennepin TAT. New fall high count 9/28 St. Louis (33, H.R.N.R. hiking trails) KJB. Late north 10/8 Red Lake HHD, 10/10 St. Louis (13) PHS well before the 10/23 median. Late south 10/16 Carver JCy, Lac qui Parle WCM, followed by November Hennepin reports (Pond-Dakota Mission Park): 11/14, 11/21 DWK, 11/26 SLC (median 12/13).
2010Winter2 All south 12/10+ Hennepin (overwintered, Pond Dakota Mission Park) SLC, 12/18 Hennepin (same location) †MAO, RBJ, DAC, approx. 12/18 Henderson CBC (perished in a mouse trap) ph. ABS.
2011Spring1828 Overwintering bird reported 3/7 Hennepin (Pond Dakota Mission Park) SLC. Early south migrants (median 3/27) 3/30 Freeborn RBW, 4/1 Freeborn HHD, RAE, 4/3 Olmsted (2) JWH. Early north (median 4/6) 4/9 Cass BAW, Traverse BJU, 4/12 Kanabec RAE. High count: 5/2 Hennepin (3) PEB. Late south 5/10 Hennepin CMB, 5/14 Carver JCy, 5/17 Freeborn RoJ, Hennepin LMo (median 5/13).
2011Summer131Reported from all northern regions, East-central, Central, plus Fillmore. First county breeding record from Pine APa. High count 6/15 Cook (10, Echo Trail) AJo, BWi.
2011Fall421 Early south (median 9/7) 8/20 Ramsey REH, 8/31 Sherburne PLJ. High count 9/28 Hennepin (6) CMB. Late north 10/19 Carlton LAW, St. Louis (Hartley N.C.) DYo 11/4 St. Louis (Page Pond) JLK. (median 10/23). Late south 11/19 Hennepin (Bass Ponds) DWK, 11/26 Hennepin (Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) SLC, but see winter report (median 12/13).
2011Winter4More reports than any of the previous 5 years. Reported from Hennepin 12/11 (Pond Dakota Mission) DWK, 12/12 (Mound Springs Park area) DWK, 12/17 Bloomington CBC, 1/10 (2) CMB. Additional south reports 12/12 Steele (Saco Farm Woods & Fields) PSu, 1/9–13, 2/21 Rice TFB, 1/15 Houston (Beaver Creek S.P.) DBz.
2012Spring1620 Early south arrivals well before 3/26 median: 3/16 Hennepin RTe, 3/17 Olmsted JWH, 3/19 Scott MJM. North arrivals very early as well: 3/17 St. Louis (several heard near Grand Lake and south of Hoyt Lakes) fide JWL, 3/21 Hubbard (Itasca S.P.) CoC, 3/24 Itasca SC. Late south 4/27 Renville RAE, 4/29 Isanti DBM, 4/30 Hennepin RDa, well ahead of 5/13 median. Several late May reports of possible breeding birds from Washington (Falls Creek S.N.A.).
2012Summer141 Found north and east of a line from Marshall to Morrison to Chisago. High count 6/15 Cook (6, Lima Mountain Rd.) HdG.
2012Fall616 Early south (median 9/7) 8/12 Ramsey MJM, 9/9 Hennepin CMB, 9/12 Hennepin CMB, TAT. High count 9/21 Hennepin (6) CMB. Late north 10/12 Itasca SC, 10/13 Lake RDC, 10/17 St. Louis JLK (median 10/23). Late south 11/21 Rice TFB, 11/24 Ramsey ADe, 11/25 Hennepin CAs (median 12/13).
2012Winter4 Same high number of reporting counties as last year. All reports: 12/1 Rice TFB, 12/2, 12/4, 12/5 Houston (Pool 8, Upper Mississippi River N.W.F.R.) KJB, 12/7 Fillmore (Camp Creek) MJM, 12/8 Houston JWH, ANy (same bird as KJB?), 12/24 Rice TFB, 2/3, 2/9 Winona (Trout Run Trail) DBz, ANy, JWH.
2013Spring1530 Early south (median 3/27) 3/8 Houston (overwintered?) SHo, 3/30, 3/31 Dakota ADS, 3/31 Carver JCy, Hennepin TAT, CMB, Rice TFB. In contrast to 2012, early north arrivals were well after the 4/6 median: 4/25 Itasca, St. Louis SC, 4/26 Lake NLM. All late south reports from Houston (Beaver Creek Valley S.P.): 5/18 HHD, DSt, 5/25 RZi, KRE, CRM, 5/29 JEB (median 5/13).
2013Summer131 Found in North-central and Northeast, plus Pine and Steele (6/12, Saco Farm Woods, v.t. PSu).
2013Fall923 Early south (median 9/7) 9/3 Meeker PRH, 9/8 Hennepin HCT, 9/15 Stevens RAE. High count 10/9 Hennepin (8) CMB. Late north 10/23 Morrison KEm, 10/24 St. Louis JLK (median 10/23). Late south 10/31 Carver (2) JCy, 11/5 Hennepin TAT, 11/19 Houston ANy, but see winter report (median 12/13).
2013Winter3 All reports: 12/14 La Crosse-La Crescent CBC, 12/21 Mankato CBC, 1/1 Hennepin (Bass Ponds) DWK, 1/4 Houston (Reno S.F.) SHo, 1/10 Houston (Beaver Creek Valley S.P.) DBz, SC, ANy, 1/26 Hennepin (Pond Dakota Mission Park) DWK.
2014Spring1527Early south (median 3/27) 3/31 Rice TFB, 4/2 Hennepin KvB, 4/4 Anoka MPa. Early north (median 4/11) 4/11 Crow Wing JPR, 4/14 Polk m.ob., 4/19 Cass ABi. High count 4/16 Hennepin (5) CMB. Late south 5/20 Sherburne TSh, Stearns TJd (median 5/13).
2014Summer11Reported from all northern regions plus Pine.
2014Fall816 Early south (median 9/7) 8/26 Sherburne TSh, 9/2 Sherburne PMJ, 9/12 Stearns DPG. High count 10/4 Hennepin (8) CMB. Late north 10/11, 10/13 St. Louis JLK (median 10/23). Late south 11/9 Hennepin BRo, 11/12, 11/13 Washington (2) REh, but see winter report (median 12/13).
2014Winter1 Reported from fewest number of counties in past four years with all reports from Hennepin including 12/7 (Nine Mile Creek) DWK, 12/16–2/21 (Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) †BAF, m.ob.
2015Spring1028 Possible overwintering bird reported 3/7 Hennepin CRM. Early south (median 3/27) 3/13 Hennepin GrS, 3/22 Hennepin AGu, 4/1 Freeborn PEJ, Olmsted MHm, Rice TFB. Early north (median 4/6) 4/13 St. Louis (near Echo Trail; reported from additional nearby locations almost daily afterwards) BHo, 4/16 Cass SC, 4/17 Lake SES. High counts 4/17, 5/1 St. Louis (6) BHo. Late south 5/15 Hennepin CMB (median 5/13).
2015Summer102 Reported from North-central, Northeast, plus Becker, Isanti, Pine.
2015Fall1421 Early south arrivals well ahead of the 9/3 median, 8/21 Sherburne PLJ, 8/23 Hennepin RSA, 8/28 Hennepin MRe, WRe. High count 10/6 Hennepin (10) CMB. Late north 10/30 Crow Wing DAB, 10/31 St. Louis RDC (median 10/23). See winter report for late migrants and overwintering birds.
2015Winter3 All reports south of single individuals: 12/5–2/23 Hennepin (Bass Ponds, overwintered) DFe, m.ob., 12/1 Winona (Lake Winona) MSd, 12/21 Houston SHo, 2/19 Houston (Beaver Creek Valley S.P.) CRM, BMu.
2016Spring1427 Likely overwintering birds 3/7 Dakota (Miesville Ravine) AlF, 3/9 Hennepin OGo, 3/17 Hennepin DWK, 3/19 Hennepin DGu. Early south migrants (median 3/27) 3/19 Rice TFB, 3/22 Olmsted JHB, 3/26 Murray GWe. Early north (median 4/9) 3/27 St. Louis ph. JMa, 3/29 Crow Wing EGa, 3/31 St. Louis BHo. High count 4/16 St. Louis (6) BHo. Late south 5/1 Benton HHD, Big Stone DLP, Hennepin CMB, 5/6 Hennepin JAn, CMB, 5/11 Brown BTS (median 5/13).
2016Summer91 Reported from North-central, Northeast, plus Becker, Roseau, Winona. High count 7/5 Cook (10, Old Gunflint Trail) JTk, PTk.
2016Fall1326 Early south (median 9/2) 8/25 Redwood DPG, 9/3 Olmsted EYo, 9/5 Watonwan RBJ. High counts 10/12 Lake (8, Gooseberry Falls S.P.) HlB, MrB, 9/30, 10/2, 10/3, 10/19 Hennepin (7) CMB. Late north 10/21 St. Louis (2) BSu, 10/23 Lake JWL (median 10/24). Late south 11/19 Hennepin DWK, 11/21 Houston SHo, 11/28 Houston SHo, but see winter report (median 12/10).
2016Winter5 At least seven individuals reported, the most in winter since 2002. Unusual reports: 1/1 Fillmore JWH, 2/21 Chicago (Wild River S.P.) MTe. Only report of an overwintering bird: 1/6–29 Hennepin (Minnehaha Creek, Minneapolis) BAF, SHF, m.ob.
2017Spring1731 Early south (median 3/24) 3/3 Dakota MJM, Meeker BNn, 3/4 Houston SHo. Early north (median 4/9) 4/2 St. Louis BHo, 4/3 Itasca SC, Lake NLM. High count 4/25 Lake (9) OGo. Late south 5/25 Dakota BRL, 5/25–29 Ramsey (Reservoir Woods) KnM, CEl, m.ob., 5/26 Fillmore (Forestville / Mystery Cave S.P.) KRE, CRM, m.ob. (median 5/15). The Ramsey and Fillmore County birds each continued into the summer season.
2017Summer144 Reported from northeastern third of state plus Fillmore (Mystery Cave S.P.), Olmsted (Whitewater W.M.A.), 6/8, 6/9, 6/24 Ramsey (Roseville, Reservoir Woods), Washington (Crystal Springs S.N.A.). High count 6/13 Cook (10, Lima Mtn. Rd. “triangle”) ebd.
2017Fall1429 Early south (median 8/31) 9/1 Olmsted JJS, 9/9 Hennepin IVa, SRG, 9/10 Stearns HHD. High counts 10/8 Carver (8, Minnesota Landscape Arboretum) JCy, 10/8 Hennepin (8) CMB. Late north 10/22 in Cook, Lake, and St. Louis (3 locations), then 10/23 St. Louis (H.R.N.R.) AVa, ALx, (Park Point) JLK (median 10/23). Late south 11/23 Hennepin IVa, 11/25 Houston SHo, but see winter report (median 12/17).
2017Winter3 All reports south of single individuals: 12/23 Goodhue Iva, 12/16–1/27 Rice TFB (likely overwintering), and in Houston (Reno S.F.) 2/18, SHo, 2/25 ASu, LiH.
2018Spring1530 Likely overwintering birds 3/5 Hennepin IVa, 3/10 Houston SHo, 3/19 Rice TFB. Early south (median 3/24) 3/25 Washington GJa, 3/28 Carver JCy, Wright IsH. Early north (median 4/9) 4/15 Todd TLu, 4/24 Lake JlB, ABm, 4/25 Beltrami KCo, Cook ebd, St. Louis KSz. High count 5/16 St. Louis (6, Sax-Zim Bog, Welcome Center Bog) JPR. Late south 5/13 Cottonwood BTS, Hennepin (Bass Ponds) GUn, 5/16 Hennepin (Normandale Lake) DGu (median 5/15)
2018Summer13 Reported from northeastern third of state. High count 7/21 Lake (20, Snowbank Lake Rd.) RHe.
2018Fall2225 Early south (median 9/1) 8/11 Rice RBW, 8/25 Sherburne PLJ, 9/1 Hennepin ebd. High count 10/14 Ramsey (16, Grove Park) NMr. Late north 10/21 Lake KRE, JWL, SLL, St. Louis JPR, JLK, 10/23 Lake MO, 11/4 Pine TJo (median 10/23). Late south 11/15 Hennepin ebd, 11/26 Olmsted ebd, 11/30 Washington ERH, but see winter report (median 12/15).
2018Winter11 Found in an unprecedented number of south counties (11); the previous high in 2016 was five counties. New season record 12/13 Murray DAk. Other unusual reports: 12/16 Blue Earth ebd, 1/19 Fillmore KEm. Numerous midwinter reports from Blue Earth, Dakota, Fillmore, Hennepin, Houston, Winona and Washington. All reports of single birds.
2019Summer14 Found in all northern regions plus Pine. High count 7/1 Aitkin (13, Hedbom Logging Trail Rd.) ASu.
 Breeds mostly north. Migrant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.