Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Rails, Gallinules, Coots
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Yellow Rail
Black Rail
King Rail
Virginia Rail
Purple Gallinule
Common Gallinule
[Common Moorhen]
American Coot

Yellow Rail(Coturnicops noveboracensis)
1961SummerSeen by Avifauna! Club members on 17 June on Becker-Mahnomen County line, just south of Waubun. Heard again in same area on July 4. This was the first time we recorded their presence in the month of July.
1961FallKarl Hankins found one, alive, in the Silver Bay Taconite Plant, Lake County. No date given as yet. He took it to the U. of M., Duluth, where the specimen was put up as a museum skin. 
1962SpringOne captured and banded on May 30 in Becker Co., just south of Waubun, Mahnomen Co. Six others heard ticking in sedge meadow. Avifauna! Club.
1962SummerJune 9, several heard, 3 seen along Becker-Mahnomen Co. line, south of Waubun, Mahnomen Co., Avifauna! Club; June 23, same area, several heard, one collected, Avifauna! Club; on same day, we found nest with eggshell fragments, easily identifiable by reddish-brown caps on larger ends of eggs, second Minnesota nest; July 30, north of Gonvick, Clearwater Co., one heard in partially mown June-grass field, R. Oehlenschlager and R. Huber.
1963SummerBecker-Mahnomen Co. line, south of Waubun, present all summer and presumed breeding although no nests located. R. Grant, Avi· faunal Club.
1963FallSept. 21, Watonwan Co., T.V. Tower kill, 2 specimens found, Avifauna! Club. Ptu-ple Gallinule: Nov 11, one imm found dead, 18 mi SE of Hibbing St. Louis Co., by a hunter. The specimen was sent to the Museum of Natural History on Minneapolis campus. Although this species is listed on the hypothetical list for our state, all previous records are completely unsubstantiated. Amplifying details will appear in a future issue of The Flicker.
1964Spring5-23 Becker Co, south of Waubun, none seen or heard at usual spot, but their presence was detected by a fresh nest with eggs, which was unfortunately destroyed underfoot, RLH.
1964Summer5-23, Becker Co, nest and eggs destroyed under foot, RLH; 6-14, Mahnomen Co, one heard, Mr. Joseph Hagar.
1966Spring5-21 usual spot south of Waubun on the Becker/ Mahnomen Co line, BL, RG.
1966Summer6-12, G. Stuart Keith of the American Museum of Natural History accompanied RG, ELC, and RLH to the usual spot on the Becker-Mahnomen county line south of Waubun. We found the rails to be more numerous than at any time since we found them first in 1959. Probably at the peak of their cycle after several years of pronounced paucity. Mr. Keith secured several excellent tape-recordings of sustained call-note performances. Still abundant on 8-1, DP, WRP.
1966Fall10-26 Grass Lake, Minneapolis, 1, VL, good description but exceptionally late date.
1967Summer6-18 Becker-Mahnomen Co. line, 4 mi. S. of Waubun, 4 heard calling at usual spot, BC, LC, RLH.
1967Fall 9-8 Lutsen, Cook Co., 1, JNG; 10-3 Duluth, 1 found injured fide JCG.
1968Summer 6-3 Becker Co, at usual spot 4 mi. S. Waubun, 1 seen, several heard, ' ' EHH; 6-8 Becker/Mahnomen Co Line,just W. of usual spot, 3 heard, Dr. Jean Piatt.
1969Spring5-24 (2) Mahnomen Co., KP, DB.
1969Summer6-10 Waubun, usual spot, 1 seen, 3+ heard FL; 6-12 Waubun 2-3 JJG; 6-11 Felton, CLAY Co., call heard (EA).
1970Fall10-16 Agassiz Refuge, Marshall Co. (1) MMC; details do not preclude immature Sora.
1971Springreported In the greatest numbers ever at the Waubun marsh location; Unlv. of Minn. students conducting a study of this speciescaptured at least 10 with the aid of a dog, and heard at least 20 more.
1971Summer6-12, usual spot near Waubun, 1 seen and several heard, RBJ.
1972Summer-8 (EW). 7-31 (KRE) Mahnomen.
1973Summer Aitkin (6-13 OJ) (7-6 RBJ). See Note of Interest (TS).
1973Fall Three reports: 8-4 Aitkin (2) (RBJ); 8-28 (1), 8-30 (2), Crow Wing (TS).
1974Spring 4-28 Aitkin (11 + calling) TS; 5-18 Aitkin (several heard) KE; 5-25 Benton (1) NMH; May (calling in over 20 different marshes) Aitkin TS.
1974Summer Again reported from Aitkin Co. where 20-30 were h~ard calling in 8-10 marshes (TS); no reports from the Waubun marsh.
1975Spring Early April Aitkin Co. TS.
1975Summer Heard 6-7 near McGregor, Aitkin Co. (ES); also heard in a new location at Hook Lake, St. Louis Co. (DoM); second summer in a row with no report from Waubun. Common Gamnule Nested in Houston; also reported from Goodhue (6-18 and 7-9; CF, RJ).
1976Spring Early May Aitkin TS; 5-22 Aitkin RBJ, KE, TS (2 heard).
1976Summerpresent early in the summer in the Aitkin Co. marshes (T. Savaloja), but later on the drought dried up these marshes and some were being hayed and plowed! -also no report for the third summer in a row from the Waubun marsh; the only bright spot for this species was a stray found on 6-10 at North Oaks, Ramsey Co. (good details, J. Fitzpatrick).
1977Spring 5-18 Aitkin (1) TS; 5-21 Aitkin, Rice Lake NWR (2 heard) RJ, KE, TS.
1977Summer Again reported in Aitkin Co. at Rice Lake N.W.R. (until early June) and McGregor (all summer) by JB and T. Savaloja.
1978Spring 5-11 (10), 5-13 Aitkin TS, JB; 5-20 Aitkin KE.
1978Summer Heard in Beltrami (Waskish, Common Loon 50:205), Aitkin and Mahnomen.
1978Fall 9-21 Aitkin TS and Kevin Wassen.
1979Spring 5-18 Aitkin KE, 5-20 Pennington SS, last week of May Aitkin TS (15+).
1979Summer Seen in Mahnomen, Hubbard, Cass, Aitkin.
1979Fall 8-25 Anoka KL, 10-7 Itasca TL; only reports.
1980Spring 5-20 and 5-23 Lake of the Woods JHMN; only reports.
1980Summer Seen in Aitkin, Wilkin (Akron Twp.), Pennington (Bray Twp.), Beltrami (Waskish).
1981Spring Reported 5-16 Anoka KL, 5-23 Wilkin KE, SM and 5-30 Aitkin KE.
1981Summer Seen in Aitkin, Cass (JB), Wilkin (Anna Gronseth Prairie, Town Hall Prairie).
1981Fall 8-6 Norman, Lee Pfannmueller, only report.
1982Spring 4-30 to 5-2 Houston JPI AM, FL.
1982Summer Seen in Marshall, Polk (three locations), Cass (Swamp Lake; RBJ), Aitkin.
1983Spring 20 + reported 5/29 Aitkin TS.
1983Summer Seen in Aitkin, Marshall.
1983Fall 8/29 Norman KL, 9/29 Nicollet (hit by car, specimen obtained) MF.
1984Spring 5/17 Marshall (3) ANWR, 5/21 Aitkin JB, WN, 5/25 Waubun marsh, Mahnomen Co. and Agassiz N.W.R., Marshall Co. KE -all reports.
1984Summerseen in Pennington and Aitkin.
1984Fall 8/12 Aitkin (2) WN, 9/17 Marshall (I) ANWR.
1985Spring 5/14 Marshall ANWR, 5/23 Waubun Marsh, Mahnomen Co. (# up) KE all reports.
1985Summer Seen in Marshall, Mahnomen.
1986Spring All reports: 5/25 Kittson RG, 5/27 Holt, Marshall Co. KE, 5/27 Hayes Lake S.P., Roseau Co. KE.
1986Summer Seen in Aitkin, Agassiz NWR, Wilkin.
1986Fall 8/2 Aitkin WN.
1987Spring All reports: 4/25-26 Lac qui Parle KE, 5/1-5114 Aitkin (max. 2) TK, KE, WN, 5/11 Marshall (many) RG, RJ.
1987Summer Seen in Aitkin, Agassiz NWR, Mahnomen.
1987Fall 9/10 Wood Lake Nature Center, Hennepin Co. DB; only report.
1988Spring All reports: 5/21-28 MarshaliANWR, KE.
1988Summer Seen at McGregor marsh, Aitkin Co. (6/9, m.ob.) and Waubun marsh, Becker Co. (KE); numbers down.
1989Summer Apparently numbers still down; only reports from Aitkin.
1989Fall One found dead at Murphy-Hanrehan Park, Scott County on 10/3 (The Loon 61 :204).
1990Spring Only report: 5/7-5131 Aitkin mob, maximum 24 calling 5/20.
1990Summer More numerous than in past two years. Nested in Aitkin WN; also heard near Bemidji, Beltrami Co. DJ.
1991Spring All reports: 4/27-28 WabashaTSa, AP, PS, 5/4-7 Hennepin GSw, SC, 5/14 Aitkin WN, 5/19 Kittson KB, 5/21 Roseau KB.
1991Summer More reports than in recent years. Observed at many locations in Roseau and Kittson KB, MH/AJ; at least ten heard at Swamp Lake, Cass Co. DH; also reported in Clearwater, Aitkin.
1992Spring All reports: 5/10 Marshall MCBS, 5/15 Pennington MCBS, 5/18 Aitkin (12) WN, 5/19 Morrison MCBS.
1992Summer Discovered in many areas within the northwestern counties of Roseau, Pennington, and Marshall by MCBS personnel; also found at several sites within Morrison MCBS, and reported at usual McGregor Marsh area in Aitkin.
1993Spring All reports: 5/4–5/15 Aitkin WN, 5/25 Otter Tail (2) PS, 5/29 Lake of the Woods (1) PS, 5/30 Cook (2) KE et al.
1993Summer Seen at usual McGregor Marsh area in Aitkin. As many as 14 individuals heard throughout most of summer in the Sax-Zim bog area, St. Louis Co.; plus three or four calling birds located in July just south of Hwy 70 in Pine Co. (KR et al. The Loon 65:196–199). In addition, two migrants(?) first discovered in May lingered into early June near Grand Marais, Cook Co. (KE et al.).
1993Fall One report from Zim area 8/9 St. Louis KR.
1994Spring All reports: 5/21–28 St. Louis mob, 5/24 Aitkin WN.
1994Summer Observed at traditional McGregor Marsh area in Aitkin Co.; also present at same Sax-Zim bog site in St. Louis Co as last year (see The Loon 65:196–199), and at sites discovered in 1992 within Morrison Co. (The Loon 66:117–126).
1994Fall Only report: 8/27 Cass SK.
1995Spring More reports than last year; reported from Aitkin, Becker, Cass, Clay, Clearwater, Lake of the Woods, Mahnomen, Polk, Roseau, and St. Louis counties north; also reported 5/7–20 Kandiyohi (max. four on 5/10) RF/JC.
1995Summer Many reports, in part due to MCBS work in northwest. No fewer than 40 occurrences at 14 sites in Polk Co. (MCBS, PS); at least three birds at Waubun Marsh in both Mahnomen and Becker Co. (MCBS, CF); recorded at Sandhill R. and at Neal WMA in Norman Co. MCBS; at least two birds discovered near Swamp L. in Cass PS; plus reports from Roseau Co. PS and the traditional McGregor marsh site in Aitkin Co.
1996Spring All reports: 5/18 St. Louis mob, 5/25 Aitkin (4) WN, 5/25 Kittson (12) PS.
1996Summer At least 20 individuals found on 7/20 at various locations in Roseau PS; also recorded at McGregor marsh site in Aitkin.
1996Fall All reports: 8/3 Kittson (2) PS, 8/24 Roseau (1) PS.
1997Spring All reports: 5/17–24 Aitkin (max. 3) WN, 5/25 Roseau (3) mob, 5/31 St. Louis (1) mob.
1997Summer Recorded in Marshall, Cass, Aitkin, Morrison. Overly wet conditions greatly reduced the presence (or vocalization) of this species in the northwest.
1997Fall No reports.
1998Spring No reports.
1998Summer All reports: Kittson, Marshall, Aitkin.
1998Fall No reports.
1999Spring All reports: 4/27–5/15 Kandiyohi (max. 3) RE, RJF, 4/29 Morrison WB, 5/18 Roseau (4) AH, PS, 5/20 and 5/27 Aitkin (max. 5) WN, 5/22 St. Louis (west of Sax) MSt.
1999Summer Heard of seen in Kittson, Roseau, Cass, Aitkin, and St. Louis.
1999Fall All north reports: 8/13 St. Louis (Sax-Zim) PWe, 10/6 Cook (Spruce Creek) KMH (unusual location and second latest north date). All south reports: 9/22 Jackson (Cotton-Jack WMA) †BBo, 10/10 Hennepin (Crow-Hassan Park) †SC.
2000Spring All reports: 5/16+ Aitkin (McGregor) WN, 5/20 St. Louis (CR 3/9 in Sax-Zim bog) PBu et al.
2000Summer Only reported in Roseau, Polk, Aitkin.
2000Fall Only report was a second county record 9/28 Jackson †BRB (The Loon 73:127).
2001Spring Reported 5/19+ Roseau (Roseau River W.M.A.) AXH, PHS, 5/30+ Aitkin (McGregor) MCBS.
2001Summer Seen or heard in Kittson, Roseau, Aitkin.
2001Fall Third county record 9/24 Jackson (Toe W.M.A.) †BRB.
2002Spring All reports: 5/3 Anoka (Carlos Avery W.M.A.) KJB, 5/26 Roseau (4 at Roseau River W.M.A.) AXH, PHS.
2002Summer Only reports from Roseau, Polk, Aitkin.
2002Fall Only report: one seen skulking in grass surrounding a small pond 10/22 Cook (Grand Marais, record-late north date) AXH, PHS.
2003Spring All south reports: earliest dates on record 4/18 Anoka (heard only, near Carlos Avery W.M.A. headquarters) †TAN, JH, 4/22 Jackson (Toe W.M.A.) †BRB; also reported 5/7 Anoka (pool #4 at Carlos Avery W.M.A.) KJB. Early north 5/11 Aitkin CLB, 5/17 St. Louis (county road 3/9) KWR et al. High count 5/23 Norman (min. 51 along a one mile stretch of county road 39 at Neal W.M.A.) AXH, PHS.
2003Summer Reported in Norman, Mahnomen, Aitkin.
2003Fall Only report: 10/3 Jackson (Timber Lake W.M.A.) †BRB.
2004Spring Marsh bird surveys at Rice Lake N.W.R. turned up 24 individuals 5/4 Aitkin WEN. Also heard at McGregor Marsh, Aitkin County beginning in early May, 5/19–22+ St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog) AXH, PHS et al., 5/28 Kittson (three locations) AXH, PHS.
2004Summer All reports: 6/3 Pine RPR, 6/19–7/6 Aitkin KTP, KRE, DAB, BWF, 6/20–29 Roseau (12+ along county road 123) PHS, KLP, SSP, 6/26 Red Lake PHS.
2004Fall All reports: 9/22 or 9/23 Swift (tower kill near Appleton) DSo fide CH, 9/24 Hennepin (Crow-Hassan Park) †SLC, 9/24 Mille Lacs (Four Brooks W.M.A.) †BH, 10/5 Cottonwood (Expandere W.M.A.) BRB, 10/7 Jackson (Timber Lake W.M.A.) BRB.
2005Spring One captured in downtown St. Paul was turned in for rehabilitation 4/8 (record-early date) Ramsey fide AXH. Also reported 5/4 Aitkin (total of 7 during survey at Rice Lake N.W.R.) MMc, WEN, 5/6+ Cass (Swamp L.) BJU, RPR, 5/16 Polk (Tilden Twp.) NGE, 5/21 St. Louis (4, Sax-Zim Bog area) m.obs., 5/29 Lake of the Woods (along CR 80) MHK, 5/30 Polk (Dugdale W.M.A.) fide KRE, 5/31 Aitkin (8 near McGregor) ChM, KO.
2005Summer Most reports ever: 6/4 Morrison BWF, 6/6–7/3 Polk BWF, SAS, NGE, JMJ, JEB, MAW, 6/9 Marshall MA, 6/18 Aitkin KWR, 6/19 Aitkin ASc, 6/25 Pennington PHS, 6/25 Beltrami JMJ, 6/26 Kittson and Roseau JMJ, PHS.
2005Fall First county record 9/12 Brown (near Bashaw W.M.A.) †BRB.
2006Spring All south reports: heard 4/23–27 Anoka (2 or 3 at Carlos Avery W.M.A.) WCM, SBM and 4/27 Lac qui Parle (Louisburg Road) BJU; one seen 5/16 Lac qui Parle (Augusta Twp.) †BJU. Early north 5/2 Aitkin KCR, 5/9 Polk RPR; also reported from Clay, Lake of the Woods.
2006Summer All reports: 6/2 Kittson RRz, 6/8 Hubbard (Badoura Twp.) DAY fide BAW, 6/27, 7/1, 7/2 Cass (Swamp L.) BAW, HHD, CRM, and throughout the season in Aitkin (McGregor) m.ob.
2006Fall Only report: 9/20 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) MA.
2007Spring32 All south reports: 4/30 Anoka (Carlos Avery W.M.A.) JHu, TAN, 5/12–13 Hennepin (Baker P.R.) PEB, DWK, HCT, m.ob. All north reports: 5/9 Polk (Pembina Trail Preserve) NGE, 5/12 Mille Lacs (Milaca W.T.P.) NSc, 5/27 Aitkin (12) CAM.
2007Summer2 All reports: 6/1 Cass BAW, 6/9 Aitkin fide JWL, Cass JLO, JCC, 6/10 Aitkin LS.
2007Fall No reports.
2008Spring51 First reported north 5/5 Aitkin (2, McGregor Marsh) KRE. Only south report: 5/17 Anoka (2, Carlos Avery W.M.A.) JWH.
2008Summer3 Reported 6/8, 6/27, 6/29 Cass BAW, MaH, RBW, 6/9 Aitkin (3) ph. KRE, 6/16, 6/23, 6/26, 6/30, 7/1 Itasca MCBS.
2008Fall1 Only report: 9/13 Pope FGo, MJB.
2009Spring33 All south reports: 5/2 Meeker (vocalizing birds) DBM, 5/17 Stearns (vocalizing bird) BWF, DRB, RMD, 5/17–18 Swift (vocalizing bird) WCM. All north reports: 5/6 Polk (Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) NGE, 5/27 Aitkin (6, McGregor Marsh) CMB, 5/28 Cass (2, Swamp Lake Marsh) BAW.
2009Summer7 All reports: Kittson, Marshall, Red Lake, Polk, Mahnomen, Cass (Swamp L.), Aitkin (McGregor Marsh). All counts but one were of fewer than four individuals.
2010Spring32 Only south reports with details: 4/17 Winona (audio-taped) KAK, 5/22 Chisago (Fish Lake Twp.) PEB, DWK. Early north (median 5/11) 5/3 Marshall (2) JFr, 5/8 Morrison FGo. Also reported north 5/30 Cass (4, Swamp Lake Marsh) BAW, LEC, LS.
2010Summer4 Found all June through 6/25 in Aitkin (all reports from McGregor Marsh?) m.ob., with high count of 15 on 6/23 CMB. Additional reports: 6/5 Cass (4, Swamp Lake Marsh) BAW, 6/15 Roseau (4) JDr, 7/7 Roseau BCS, 7/9 Wilkin (2, Manston Marsh) BJU.
2010Fall2 First county records: 10/2 Dakota (Lakeville) †MAO, 10/10 McLeod (Schaefer Prairie Preserve) †DWK. Both observations were of birds flushed from grasses.
2011Spring32 South reports 4/22 Carver (MN Landscape Arboretum) JCy, 4/28 Lac qui Parle (voice-recorded pre-dawn at Plover Prairie) still present 5/6 BJU. Two other south reports lacked convincing details. All north reports (early median 5/11) 5/9 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) MA, 5/11 Cass (Battleground S.F.) ABi, 5/23 Aitkin (McGregor marsh) SLo.
2011Summer2Reported from Aitkin and Roseau.
2011Fall12 Only north report 8/22 Aitkin KCR. Two south reports: 9/10 Hennepin †TAT, 9/20 Lac qui Parle (Walter Twp.) BJU.
2012Spring2 Early north 4/23 Aitkin KCR was well before recent median 5/11. Only other reports: 5/10 Aitkin (2, McGregor Marsh) KCR and Hubbard MAW, 5/17 Aitkin ASc.
2012Summer3 Reported from usual Aitkin locations, plus 6/2 Cass (Swamp Lake) DWK, SBM, 6/21, 7/7 Becker (Hellikson Prairie W.P.A.) DBM.
2012Fall No reports.
2013Spring1 Only report: 5/16 Hubbard (Shingobee Lake) MAW.
2013Summer2 Reported from Aitkin (McGregor Marsh) and Clearwater.
2013Fall No reports.
2014Spring2An early migrant on 5/1 in Norman fide JMJ, followed only by 5/21 Cass ANy, SC, DBz, 5/24 Cass ABi.
2014Summer1Only report 7/16 Aitkin KCR.
2014Fall1 Only report 8/4 Roseau DPG.
2015Spring21 All south 5/4 Stearns (St. Wendel Twp.) MJB, m.ob. Early north 5/9 Hubbard (Akeley Twp.) MAW, 5/22 Aitkin (McGregor Marsh) JCr. High count 5/23 Aitkin (8, McGregor Marsh) DWK, PEB, HCT.
2015Summer4 Reported from Aitkin, Beltrami, Lake of the Woods, Marshall.
2015Fall No reports.
2016Spring3 All north 5/10 Todd (Hartford W.M.A.) SEm, 5/21 Roseau (Roseau Lake bed, likely several dozen birds heard calling, but could not distinguish one from another) PEB, DWK, SBM, HCT, 5/27–29 Aitkin (max. 3, McGregor Marsh) BBa, m.ob.
2016Summer5 Reported from Aitkin, Cass, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Roseau.
2016Fall1 One south report: 9/30 Brown (Cottonwood River S.N.A) BRB.
2017Spring22 All south 4/17 Rice TFB, 5/15–16 Meeker (2, 180th St. wetland) BAb, BNn, PKF. All north 5/12 Kittson (Sanctuary Road) JEe, DvM, 5/27 Aitkin (2, McGregor Marsh) ToL, CEl, ASu.
2017Summer4 Found in Aitkin, Kittson, Roseau, and 6/15 Douglas (Roger M. Holmes W.M.A.) LKo.
2017Fall12 One north report 8/26 Aitkin (McGregor Marsh) ebd. Three south reports 9/34 Lyon (Sham Lake) GWe, 9/27 Freeborn (Bhagyam W.P.A.) KEm, 10/17 Lyon (Glynn Prairie S.N.A.) BRB.
2018Spring33 All south 4/26 Rice TFB, 5/2 Redwood (flushed during a prescribed burn) BRB, 5/28 Yellow Medicine (Fortier Twp.) ASu. All north 5/7 Wilken (Rothsay) SKS, 5/24–28 Aitkin (high count 3, McGregor Marsh) ASu, KiH, JmP, 5/25 Roseau (Roseau River W.M.A.) CAs.
2018Summer2 Found in Aitkin, Roseau.
2018Fall  No reports.
2019Summer41 North reports from Aitkin, Hubbard, Marshall, Pine. Probable late spring migrant 6/4 Lac qui Parle †RMD.
 Breeds northwest and north-central. Rare migrant throughout. State designation: Special Concern.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.