Yellow-bellied Sapsucker(Sphyrapicus varius) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1930 | Summer | | | A nest of the Sapsucker1 containing eggs, was found by Gustav Swanson, at Frontenac, May 18th. Alden Risser found the only other nests of this species reported; two at the same place, both containing well-developed young, on June 21st. |
1931 | Summer | | | A nest l-dth large young found June 2oth by Risser and s. Fischer; another with four young was found July 1st by D. Fischer and R. Woolsey. |
1932 | Summer | | | On Mny 11th Swanson saw a Sapsucker excavating at Frontenac. The latest nest was seen a.t Gunflint, July 9th, with large young (Swcdenborg). |
1933 | Summer | | | Cunmings reports the only nest of this species. It lolas foudn ncar Red Wing on Juno 20th and contained young birds. |
1934 | Summer | | | Woolsey reported Sapsuckers excavating on April 22nd in Itasca Park. Irene Johnson and the writer found 2 nests with noisy young on June 2.3rd. One of these was a full 30 feet from the ground while the other was only Jt feet high. |
1938 | Summer | | | Five young Sapsuckers were found by D. Struthers at Afton on June 5· Sapsuckers were still nesting on August 10 when G. Swanson found young in a nest at Itasca Park. |
1944 | Summer | | | July 16, young out, Park Rapids, Eastman. |
1945 | Summer | | | 2 young with parent, Itasca Park, July 21, William Longley. |
1961 | Summer | | | Dean Honetschlager saw many immatures on Star Island, Cass Lake, 6 August. FLYCATCHERS AND LARKS: |
1961 | Fall | | | A rather late report for Northern Minnesota was submitted by Edna Fox, who saw one of 29 Oct. at Duluth. |
1962 | Spring | | | March 23 Minnetonka Mills, Hennepin Co., R. Ruber; April 9 Duluth, Robert Ulvang; April 3 Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel; April 10 Washington Co., Dean Honetschlager. |
1962 | Fall | | | last report, Oct. 20, Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel. Black-backed Woodpecker: date? Gull Lake, Brainerd, Cass Co., reported to John Pratt Sept. 15, Encampment Forest, Lake Oo., 1 female, John Pratt Oct. 13, Encampment Forest, Lake Co., 1 male, John Pratt Oct. 31, Murphy City, Lake Co., 1, Bob Janssen Nov., First Wk., Encampment Forest, 1, Myrtle Penner Nov. 5, Knife R., Lake/ St. Louis Co. line, specimen brought to Duluth taxidermist for indentification. Nov. 15, Two Harbors, Lake Co., 1, Mrs. R. A. Kuchta Dec. 3, Beltrami Co., near Washkish, 1 female, R. Huber Although 1-2 reports per year of this |
1963 | Spring | | | March 25, Carver County, R. Huber; March 30, Hennepin County, A. C. Rosenwinkel; April 6, Washington County, D. Honetschlager; April 18, Rice County, 0. Rustad. |
1963 | Summer | | | Lake Co., N. of Two Harbors, June 29, y heard in nest hole, Jan Green. |
1963 | Fall | | | latest, Nov. 24, Fargo-Moorhead area fide Elizabeth Anderson. |
1964 | Spring | | | 2-29, 3-1 Ramsey Co, ACR; 4-8 Encampment Forest, MEP; 4·9 Hennepin Co, MAS; 4-10 Stearns Co, RPR; 4-11 Hennepin Co, MEH; 4-12 Anoka Co, LJ; 4-12 Washington Co, DH; 4-14 Winona Co, GD; 4-15 Cass Co, JAM; 4-16 Warroad, JR; 4-17 Marshall Co, DLO; 4-18 Doug· las Co, MVS; 5-17 Crow Wing Co, MSB. KINGBIRDS, FLYCATCHERS AND |
1964 | Summer | | | breeding Lake (DM) and Goodhue (MAS) Counties. |
1964 | Fall | | | 9-24 through 10-8 Crow Wing Co, MSB; 9-27 Mpls, RBJ; 10-4 Duluth, AKA; 10-11, 10-18 Ramsey Co, ACR. Black-backed Woodpecker: Many observations in N. Minn: 9-3 Kawishiwi River, Lake Co, 2, JNG; 9-15 Ely, St. Louis Co, MWM; 9-22 Virginia, St. Louis Co, Florence Miller; 9-25 Cook Co, HH; 10-4 to 11-6 NE Minn, 19 observations by 12 observers, fide JCG; 11-1 Mille Lacs Co, RBJ; 11-14 Central Lakes, St. Louis Co, C. Stults; 11-15 Ely, MWM; 11-16, 11-25 Mt. Iron, St. Louis Co, WJM; Twin City Area records: 10-27 St. Paul, Ramsey Co, 1 captured, Ida Halper; 10-28 Washington Co, DH; 10-30 Mpls Campus, ad female found dead, D. Higgins; 11-10 Anoka Co, one ad male, EWJ. American American Three-toed Woodpecker: |
1964 | Winter | | | 12-26, Elba, Winona Co, 1, eating Juniper berries, RG, RBJ; all winter, a pair wintering at Pickwick Winona Co, MOF fide GD; very few reliable winter records for Minnesota. |
1966 | Spring | | | earliest 3-22 Washingt.on Co, DH; 3-29 Minneapolis, FN/ MAS. |
1966 | Summer | | | nested in Crow Wing and Hubbard Co's; also reported from Stearns, Clearwater, Goodhue, Winona, Wabasha, Itasca, Roseau and St. Louis Co's. |
1967 | Spring | | | early 3-26 Dakota Co., ACR; 3-29 Stevens Co., good details, JAH; 3-30 Hennepin Co., FN/ MAS; 4-1 Wright Co., EC. Black-backed American Three-toed Woodpecker: 3-8 Sucker River, St. Louis Co., 1 DOR, THE LOON 92 JCG; 3-12 Tofte, Cook Co., 1, MOP; 3-21 Grand Marais, Cook Co., LC; 5-12 St. Louis Co., NJH; 5-23 Itasca Park, Clearwater Co., fide RPR. |
1967 | Summer | | | reported from Clearwater, Cook, Crow Wing, Dakota, Wabasha, Hubbard Co's. and FargoMoorhead. |
1967 | Fall | | | latest in north 10-1 Duluth, JCG; 10-2 Two Harbors, Lake Co., RK; 10-23 Illgen City, Lake Co., FN/MAS; latest in south 10-2 Morrison Co., LSR; 10-3 Anoka Co., WHL; 11-8, 11-20 Minneapolis, VL. |
1967 | Winter | | | 12-7 Minnehaha Creek, south Minneapolis, 1, VL, apparently very late migrant. |
1968 | Spring | | | early 3-25 Stevens Co., JAH; 3-27 Lac qui Parle Co., JAH; 3-31 Minneapolis, EMB; 4-8 Minneapolis, GES. |
1968 | Summer | | | nested in Mille Lacs, Cook, Clearwater Co's; also reported from Lake, Beltrami, Anoka, Rice, Carlton, Crow Wing, Becker, Hubbard, Pine Co's. |
1968 | Fall | | | 10-1 Cook MOP; 10-15 St. Louis HM; 10-19 Cook MAF; 10-20 Aitkin MC; 11-24 Hennepin ETS. |
1969 | Spring | | | 4-7 Mpls., CLH; 4-8 (3) Hennepin Co., EIS, FN/ MAS, VL, and Mille Lacs Co., MI; 4-9 Duluth, MMC; 4-22 (3) Mille Lacs Co., DMF; 5-10 Rice Co., JAJ; 5-18 Cottonwood Co., LAF. Black-backed American Three-toed Woodpecker: 5-24 Itasca Co., HM. |
1969 | Summer | | | nested in St. Louis and HENNEPIN Co's.; also reported from Marshall, Clearwater, Lake, Mille Lacs, Isanti, Cook, Winona, Beltrami, Crow Wing, and Red Lake Co's. in the north and 6-2 Fairbault, Rice Co. OR and 7-22 Goodhue Co. RL and Ramsey Co's. in the south. |
1969 | Fall | | | 9-18 Chisago 5 EL; 9-26 St. Louis 2 JCG; 9-16 Aitkin RBJ; 9-28 St. Louis HM; 10-16 Cook JP; 10-13, 10-14 Hennepin EWJ, DB. |
1969 | Winter | | | 12-1-10 Hennepin VL; 12-20 Stearns KRE, PE; 1-1 Winona BTV, RG; 1-3 Hennepin Mrs. EFH. |
1970 | Spring | | | early south 3-9 Chisago FS (very early-wintered?); next 4-8 Goodhue KE and Hennepin DB, EB and Freeborn RJ; peak 5-2 St. Louis (30) JG; early north 4-6 Morrison LR; 4-10 Crow Wing jB. |
1970 | Fall | | | late north 10-8 Duluth KS; 10-16 Cook JP; late south 9-30 Hennepin VL; 10-9 Hennepin EJ; 10-13 Carver KH. |
1971 | Spring | | | early south 4-2 Hennepin DB; 4-3 Hennepin CH and Washington BL; early north 4-2 Lake, M. E. Penner; 4-10 Crow Wing JB. |
1971 | Summer | | | reported from St. Louis, Cook, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Marshall, Mille Lacs, Clearwater, Wabasha, Pope, Sherburne, and Lake of the woods. |
1971 | Fall | | | late south 10-2 Cottonwood; 10-13 Olmsted; 10-18 Hennepin; late north 10-5 Cook; 10-6 Koochiching. Black-backed 3-toed Woodpecker: 9-20 and 11-28 St. Louis, fide JG; 9-24 and 10-10 Cook MMC; 10·23 Cook KE. PE, JG; 11-2 and 6 Crow Wing JB; 11-27 and 30 Crow Wing TS; an invasion year for this and the following species. NORTHERN 3-TOED WOODPECKER: perhaps the greatest influx ever of this species: 9-10 Ogishkemuncie, St. Louis Co.. J. Wilson; 10-23 and 24 Basswood Lake, Lake Co.. A. Olson: 11-10 Duluth JG, MMC; 11-11 nuluth. K. Sundquist; 11-20 Nimrod. WaNorthern Flicker |
1972 | Summer | | | breeding card from Houston, nesting reported in 4 others; seen in 14 other counties as far SW as Pope, Lyon. |
1972 | Winter | | | 12-5 and 1-4 Duluth K. Sundquist. First winter record North. 12-31 Ro chester JAB. |
1973 | Summer | | | Breeding card from Lake; seen in 16 other counties. |
1973 | Fall | | | Seen in 18 counties. One late report from the north: 11-10 Cook (KRE). |
1973 | Winter | | | Seen on the Marshall and Winona Christmas Counts; also on 12-11 Hennepin (VL). |
1974 | Spring | | | Early south 3-3 Cottonwood RD; 4-1 Mower DS; 4-2 Stearns NMH; early north 4-9 Mille Lacs MI; 4-10 Clay LCF; 4-11 Hubbard HJF. |
1974 | Summer | | | Nested in Lake and Rice; also reported from 14 other counties including Lac qui Parle (JG). |
1974 | Fall | | | Late north 10-7 Hubbard HF; 10-8 Duluth JG; 10-24 Crow Wing EC; late south 10-3 Stevens RBJ; 10-5 Cottonwood LF, Rock KE. |
1974 | Winter | | | Reported on the Moorhead Christmas Count and from 12-31 to 1-27 in Hennepin Co. (VRL). |
1975 | Spring | | | Early south 3-20 Hennepin VRL; 4-6 Mower RK; early north 4-8 Clay SC; 4-9 Mille Lacs Ml; 4-12 Clay LCF. |
1975 | Fall | | | late north 10-5 Marshall SV; 10-10 Itasca MS; late south 10-1 Hennepin RJ; 10-15 Ramsey BS. Black-backed 3-toed Woodpecker: 10-11 Isanti PE, RJ; 10-12 Duluth J_ Swanson; 10-16, 11-7 Crow Wing (2) EC; 11-8 Cook KE; all reports. |
1976 | Spring | | | Early south 3-31 Freeborn DG; 3 reports on 4-3; early north 4-8 Clay LCF and Pine ML; 4-9 St. Louis PD; 4-12 Mille Lacs MI. Hairy Woodpecker. Reported from 35 counties. |
1976 | Summer | | | nested in Cass, St. Louis, Cook, Chisago, Olmsted and Cottonwood (R. Wagner); also reported from 16 other counties including Clay. |
1976 | Fall | | | Late north 10-1 Marshall, 10-18 Dul- uth; late south 10-22 Chisago, 10-25 Olmsted, 10-30 Hennepin. |
1976 | Winter | | | Lingered until 1-19 in Hennepin Co. (ES). |
1977 | Spring | | | Early south 3-24 Olmsted JF; 4-7 Mower RK; 3 reports on 4-9; early north 4-3 Marshall SVA; 4-7 Otter Tail GO; 4-8 & 4-9 Crow Wing TS, DK. |
1977 | Summer | | | Nested in Cass, Otter Tail and Lac qui Parle; also reported from 22 other counties southwest to Rock (6-25, DGW); more reports than usual. |
1977 | Winter | | | Reported on the Itasca St. Pk. CBC. |
1978 | Spring | | | Early south 3-19 Olmsted VH. Black-backed 3-toed Woodpecker 3-2, 5 St. Louis (2) KE; 3-6, 12 St. Louis TH, JS; 5-6 Lake (1) VH; 5-17 Hubbard GO. |
1978 | Summer | | | Breeding reported from Cook and Lake of the Woods; also seen in 22 counties south and west to Nicollet, Cottonwood (Mt. Lake), and Lac qui Parle. |
1978 | Winter | | | Reported without details on the Mt. Lake -Windom and Winona CBCs. |
1979 | Spring | | | Early south 4-7 Blue Earth JCF, Hennepin SC; early north 4-12 Aitkin TS, 4-16 Itasca MS. |
1979 | Summer | | | Breeding reported from Lake. St. Louis, Stearns; also seen in 23 other counties including as far south as Lyon (Camden State Park), Blue Earth (Mankato). |
1979 | Fall | | | Late north 10-4 St. Louis DA, 10-7 Clay LCF, 10-9 St. Louis JG. |
1979 | Winter | | | Reported from Nicollet 12-14 to 1-4 (JCF). |
1980 | Spring | | | Early south 3-29 Ramsey RBA, 4-2 Redwood LJF, Le Sueur, EK; early north 4-7.St. Louis AE, KMH, 4-8 Otter Tail GMO, 4-9 Cook TB, St. Louis KE. |
1980 | Summer | | | Breeding reported from Houston, Stearns, Red Lake, Itasca, Lake, Cook; also seen in 30 other counties throughout the state except south of the Minnesota River Valley in the Southwest and South Central Regions. |
1980 | Fall | | | Late north 10-5 St. Louis LLH, 10-6 KE, 10-18 Otter Tail SM; late south 10-4 Dakota JD, Houston EMF Hennepin OJ. Reported from ten n~rth and 14 south counties. |
1980 | Winter | | | Reported in January from Theodore Wirth Park, Minneapolis (mob). |
1981 | Spring | | | Early south 3-28 Freeborn GS, Olmsted JF, Mower RRK, 3-29 Dakota MW, 3-31 Wabasha JSD, Stearns NMH; early north 4-9 Beltrami SY, 4-10 JP, Crow Wing TS, 4-11 Aitkin WN. |
1981 | Summer | | | Breeding data from Cook, Itasca, Clearwater, Stearns, Kandiyohi. Seen throughout the state but in the South Central and Southwest only in the Minnesota River Valley. |
1981 | Fall | | | Reported from 15 counties. Late north 10-3 Cook KMH, 10-6 Kanabec RJ, 10-15 St. Louis KE; late south 10-13 Cottonwood LAF, Hennepin 10/4 VL, 10-16 SC, 10-16 Houston EMF, 11-25 Hennepin W. Jiracek. |
1982 | Spring | | | Early south 4-1 Martin EBI K, 4-2 Hennepin ES, Nicollet JCF, Anoka BH, 4-3 Mower RRK, Olmsted JEB, Blue Earth MF, Rice KJ; early north St. Louis 4-2 KE, 4-6 LW, 4-3 Aitkin WN, 4-13 Mille Lacs CF I KB. |
1982 | Summer | | | Breeding data from Cook, St. Louis. Seen throughout the state. |
1982 | Fall | | | Reported from 25 counties, late north 10/5 Pine TP, 10/14 St. Louis KE, LE, LW, 10/17 Clay LCF, 10/18 Cook KMH; late south 10/6 Murray AD, 10/8 Steams CM, 10/10 Anoka SC, 10/2 1 Houston EMF. Downy VVoodpecker Permanent resident reported from 16 north and 20 south counties. Hairy VVoodpecker Permanent resident reported from 15 north and 21 south counties. Three-toed VVoodpecker 8/6 Itasca P. Lindquist, I 0/14 St. Louis KE, 10/16 KE, LE, 10/20 KE, 10/21 KE, |
1982 | Winter | | | Reported on the St. Cloud-Collegeville CBC. |
1983 | Spring | | | Early south 4/6 Sherburne EH/SS, 4/12 Mower BJ, RRK, Hennepin VL, ES, Dakota JD, Blue Earth MF, Olmsted JEB, Ramsey EC; early north 3/27 Beltrami AS, 4/15 Otter Tail GMO, 4/16 Cook SL, Otter Tail SDM. |
1983 | Summer | | | Breeding data from Kittson, Roseau, Cook, Lake, Carlton, Brown. Seen throughout the state except the Southwest. |
1983 | Fall | | | Reported from 26 counties. Late north 10/6 St. Louis HRNR, 10/8 Cook KMH, 10/24 SWIMS; late south 10/12 Le Sueur HC, 10/16 Houston EMF, 11/25 Ramsey (5) EC. |
1983 | Winter | | | Reported on the Exclesior and Winona CBC's and a Hennepin Co. report of a juvenile on 1-2 (RBJ). |
1984 | Spring | | | Early south 4/5 Rice KJ, 4/6 Martin EBI K, 4/7 Nicollet JCF, Hennepin PL, Brown JSp, Goodhue, Ramsey DZ; early north 4/7 Clay LCF, Ottertail SDM, GMO, 4/8 St. Louis fide KE, Lake SNP, SWIMS, 4/9 Cook KMH. |
1984 | Summer | | | nested in Cook, Lake, Clay, Lyon (Garvin Co. Pk., and feeding y. -HK) and Brown; also seen in 25 other counties. |
1984 | Winter | | | One at a Roseville feeder on the 1-14 MRBA and two on the Rochester CBC. |
1985 | Spring | | | Early south 4/3 Olmsted AP, 4/4 Fair- Winter 1985 bault FKS, 4/8 Goodhue JD, 4/10 Stearns NH ; early north 4/13 Coo_k KMH, Otter Tail SDM, 4/14 St. LoUis AE, Roseau AJ, Koochiching GM, Cook WP. |
1985 | Summer | | | Nested in Lake, Kanabec (SSt), Ramsey, Wabasha, Brown. Seen in 21 other counties south to Lyon, Blue Earth, Houston. |
1985 | Fall | | | Reported from 17 counties. Late north 9/29 Clay LCF, 9/29 Cook WP, 10/4 St. Louis JN, lOIII Cook KMH; late south 10/5 Olmsted JEB, I 018 Ramsey KB, 10/13 Houston JPIAM. |
1986 | Spring | | | Early south 3/28 Winona RG, 4/1 Hennepin AB, Houston EMF, 4/2 Blue Earth JCF, Ramsey RH, Rice PP, Dakota TTu; early north 5/2 Otter Tail SDM, 5/3 St. Louis MHI JS Cook m.ob., 5/4 Cook SL. |
1986 | Summer | | | Nested in Clay, Ramsey, Brown; probable nesting in Koochiching, Winona. Also seen in 27 other counties, but only Mille Lacs from the central and Brown from the south central regions and none from the southwest. |
1986 | Fall | | | Late north 10/9 Cook KMH, 10/14 Clay LCF, 10/16 Duluth DB, OJ; late south 10/14 Brown JS, 10/15 Anoka SC, GP, 11/30 Freeborn NHo. |
1986 | Winter | | | Reported on the St. Paul CBC. |
1987 | Spring | | | Early south 3/21 Olmsted AP, 4/4 Mower RRK, 4/9 Hennepin ES and Dakota TI; early north 5/10 St. Louis AE, MH/JS, 51 II Aitkin WN, 5/13 Cook KMH and Lake SWIMS. |
1987 | Summer | | | Nested in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Brown; probable nesting in Lac qui Parle, Winona. Also seen in 29 other counties in all regions except the southwest. |
1987 | Fall | | | Late north 10/6 Clay LCF, 10/16 Pine JMM, 10/20 St. Louis SS; late south 10/9 Fillmore ANO, 10/12 Hennepin GP, 11/26 Dakota TT. |
1987 | Winter | | | One in Bloomington, Hennepin County on 2/23, (The Loon 60:90 for details of this third February record for the species). |
1988 | Spring | | | Early south 3/30 Lyon HK, 4/3 Mower RRK, 4/4 Freeborn NH; early north 4/1 St. Louis AE, 4/2 Otter Tail SDM, 4/5 Cook KMH. |
1988 | Summer | | | Nested in Lake, Washington, Brown, Fillmore (NAO); probable nesting in Crow Wing. Seen in 34 other counties statewide although scarce in central and west central regions and only Murray (NMD) in southwest. |
1988 | Fall | | | Late north lOll Marshall AB and Clay LCF, 10/6 St. Louis, 10/7 Cook KMH; late south 10/15 Houston EMF, 11/12 Steams JMa, 11/21 Dakota JD. |
1988 | Winter | | | Reported in Rushford, Fillmore Co. on 2/10 AP, (The Loon 61 :41). |
1989 | Spring | | | Early south 4/2 Mower RRK, 4/10 Washington DS, 4/13 Fillmore NAO and Rice OR; early north 4/5 Cook OSL, 4/8 Duluth DK, 4/18 Itasca TS. |
1989 | Summer | | | Nested in St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Crow Wing JS/MN, Todd PH. Seen in 27 additional counties in all regions except west central; scarce in central and southwest. |
1989 | Fall | | | Late north 9/20 Lake DPV and St. Louis TW, 10/3 Clay LCF, 10/11 Cook KMH; late south 10/4 Winona CS, 10/5 Washington WL, 11/22 Dakota JD. |
1989 | Winter | | | One overwintered in Dakota JD and reported from the Afton CBC (details incomplete). |
1990 | Spring | | | Early south 4/8 Mower RRK, 4/9 Hennepin SC, 4/12 Olmsted JB; early north 4/lS St. Louis AE, 4/17 Cook KMH, 4/19 Koochiching GM and Otter Tail SDM. |
1990 | Summer | | | Nested in St. Louis, Hubbard, Brown, Nicollet JS, Winona CS; probable nesting in Clearwater, Crow Wing. Seen in 25 other counties in all regions except east-central. |
1990 | Fall | | | Late north 10/5 Pine DS, 10/7 Itasca AB, 10/16 Lake DPV; late south 10/5 Winona CS, 10/6 Rice TB, OR, 10/12 Houston EMF. |
1991 | Spring | | | Early south 3/28 Houston EMF, 4/2 Cottonwood ED, Hennepin SC and Olmsted AP; early north 4/1 Aitkin WN, 4/4 Becker DEB, 4/5 Beltrami DJ. |
1991 | Summer | | | Nested in Kittson, Cook, Crow Wing, Brown; probable nesting in Lake of the Woods, Lac qui Parle, Winona. Seen in 25 other counties statewide. |
1991 | Fall | | | Late north 9/29 Itasca AB, 10/4 Lake DPV, 10/6 Cook SOL; late south 10/2 Winona CS, 10/6 Pipestone JP, 10/8 Hennepin SC. |
1991 | Winter | | | Reported from Jackson late Dec, fide GH. |
1992 | Spring | | | Early south 3/7 Carver MB, 3/28 Rock KE, 4/1 Lac qui Parle FE,4/2 Winona AM; early north 4/1 St. Louis DK, 4/7 Beltrami DJ, 4/8 Aitkin WN, Becker BK and Otter Tail SDM. |
1992 | Summer | | | Nested in Red Lake MCBS, Crow Wing, Brown; probable breeding in Marshall, Becker. Seen in 25 additional counties in all regions except east central and southwest. |
1992 | Fall | | | Late north 9/28 Pennington SSt, 10/3 Lake DPV, 10/5 Cook KMH; late south 10/11 Nicollet LF, 10/17 Brown JS, 11/19 Houston EMF. |
1992 | Winter | | | Reported 1/1–5 Hennepin RB (The Loon 65:96–97), one of the latest dates on record. Also three other reports, but none had details for a species that is only casual in early winter, and accidental later in Jan. and Feb. These included overwintering 12/29–2/19 Washington TEB (and recorded on Afton CBC; same bird?), plus the Winona CBC and 1/20 Le Sueur RG. |
1993 | Spring | | | Early south 4/3 Hennepin DZ, CS, 4/4 Kandiyohi JR; early north 4/17 St. Louis SW/MS and 4/17 Aitkin WN. Also reported through 3/13 Brown JS (overwintered). |
1993 | Summer | | | Nested in Cook, Anoka, Washington, Brown, Winona; probable nesting in St. Louis, Crow Wing, Pine, Cottonwood. Seen in 26 additional counties statewide. |
1993 | Fall | | | Late north 9/23 Lake DPV, 9/26 St. Louis TW, 10/4 Kanabec Cm; late south 10/24 Hennepin CR/CD, 11/11 Rock ND, 11/30 Dakota KB. |
1994 | Spring | | | Early south 3/28 Washington TEB, 4/3 Houston EMF, 4/6 Winona AM; early north 4/10 Kanabec CM, 4/11 Pennington KSS, 4/13 Lake DPV. |
1994 | Summer | | | Nested in seven counties including Becker BB, Douglas SWa; probable nesting in Cass, Aitkin, St. Louis. Observed in 20 other counties in all regions except southwest. |
1994 | Fall | | | Late north 10/14 Itasca AB, 10/22 Clay CF, 11/23 St. Louis MH (latest date north on record). Late south 10/12 Houston EMF, 10/20 Winona CS, 11/28 Washington MH. |
1994 | Winter | | | Three to four reports, more than usual. One bird was present at a feeder from November to 1/30 in Bloomington, Hennepin Co. fide SC; a different bird was seen in Richfield, Hennepin Co. on the Bloomington CBC (details provided); another was seen 12/4–7 Washington WL, and possibly the same bird was seen on the St. Paul NE CBC. |
1995 | Spring | | | Early south 3/26 Brown JS, 3/30 Pipestone JP, 4/8 Houston JSt; early north 3/27 Cook OSL, 4/5 St. Louis AE, 4/16 Otter Tail SDM. |
1995 | Summer | | | Nested in St. Louis and Winona counties; probable nesting in five counties. Seen in 23 other counties in all regions except southwest. |
1995 | Fall | | | Late north 10/9 Aitkin CB, 10/14 Lake DV, 10/18 Cook KMH. Late south 10/10 Brown JSp and Winona CS, 11/24 Nicollet LF. |
1995 | Winter | | | Same individual reported 12/17–23 Hennepin SC, TT and on the Bloomington CBC. One also reported on the Winona CBC. |
1996 | Spring | | | Early south 3/23 Waseca JZ, 3/26 Murray ND, 4/9 Houston EMF. Early north 4/7 Wadena PBi, 4/10 Becker BK and Roseau KB. |
1996 | Summer | | | Nested in Cass NRRI, Aitkin WN, Becker, Fillmore; probable nesting in St. Louis, Crow Wing, Hennepin. Seen in 27 additional counties in all regions except southwest. |
1996 | Fall | | | Late north 9/30 Itasca ABo, 10/1 St. Louis TW, 10/3 Cass MRN. Late south 10/6 Anoka JH and Olmsted CH, 10/16 Houston EMF, 11/19 Hennepin SC. |
1997 | Spring | | | Early south 3/30 Mower RSe, 4/1 Ramsey RH, 4/3 Dakota DBS. Early north 3/31 St. Louis JN, 4/5 Wadena PBi, 4/6 Beltrami SCM. |
1997 | Summer | | | Observed in 33 counties in all regions, including Yellow Medicine and Lyon in southwest. New nesting record in McLeod RbS; probable breeding in Aitkin, Big Stone, Olmsted. |
1997 | Fall | | | Late north 10/17 Itasca BN, 10/18 Cook AH, 11/16 St. Louis JN. Reported from 15 south counties. |
1997 | Winter | | | Three reports from Hennepin, including two individuals in Minneapolis last reported approximately 1/8 and 1/25 both fide AH, and one bird seen 1/19 TT. |
1998 | Spring | | | Early south 3/15 Washington DN, 3/25 Fillmore NO, 4/1 Houston FL. Early north 3/28 Aitkin WN, 4/4 Cook KMH, 4/5 Douglas SWa, GrK. |
1998 | Summer | | | Most reports since 1988; seen in 39 counties statewide. New nesting record in Pine JSD; probable nesting in Murray, McLeod, Nicollet, Goodhue, Fillmore. |
1998 | Fall | | | Late north 10/7 Becker BK, 10/10 Wadena PBi, 11/1 Aitkin RgS. Late south 11/1 Hennepin RJ, 11/27 Chisago RH, 11/28 Nicollet LF. |
1998 | Winter | | | As many as six individuals reported in Hennepin and Ramsey, several of which were seen until late January, and one of which overwintered. Also reported 12/5 Fillmore JSt. |
1999 | Spring | | | At least one overwintered in the Twin Cities (see winter report). Probable migrant 3/31 Houston FL, followed by many early April reports south. Early north 3/30 St. Louis SDM, FN, 4/3 Kanabec CM. |
1999 | Summer | | | Reported in 33 counties in all regions except southwest. |
1999 | Fall | | | Peak migration north during September, then four October reports (latest 10/30 Cook AH). Lingering south reports through the end of the period. |
1999 | Winter | | | Reported 12/26 Nicollet LF. |
2000 | Spring | | | Observed in 29 south and 20 north counties in all regions. Arrived on time. Early south 3/31 Meeker DF, then daily arrivals elsewhere 4/6 through 4/16. Early north 4/2 Otter Tail SDM, 4/9 Aitkin WN. |
2000 | Summer | | | Record high number of reports. Observed in 41 counties in all regions (but only Cottonwood in southwest); new nesting record in Dakota TAT. |
2000 | Fall | | | Reported from 10 north and 13 south counties. Late north 10/16 Cook PHS, 10/19 Cook BRL. Only south reports after early October (but see winter report!) 10/27 Hennepin TAT, 11/21 Rice FVS. |
2000 | Winter | | | Reported 12/1 – 1/3 Rice (Faribault) mob including two on the Faribault CBC. Also reported 12/13 – 2/28 Washington TEB, plus the †Excelsior, Le Sueur County, and Marshall CBCs. Almost all lacked details. |
2001 | Spring | | | Observed in 35 south and 23 north counties. Early south 3/28 Rice TFB, only March report (recent median 3/29). Early north 4/10 Morrison WLB, 4/11–14 in five counties. |
2001 | Summer | | | More reports than usual, similar to last year. Seen in 40 counties in all regions except Southwest.
2001 | Fall | | | Reported from 16 north and 21 south counties, but none in Southwest and only Otter Tail in West-central. Five October reports north; last seen 10/13 St. Louis JWL. Late south 11/11 Meeker DMF, only November observation. |
2001 | Winter | | | In spite of the mild winter, no reports. |
2002 | Spring | | | Reported from 32 south and 25 north counties. Early south 3/29 Anoka SLC, 3/30 Meeker DMF, peak migration 4/8–15. Early north 4/12 St. Louis JRN, 4/13 in five counties. |
2002 | Summer | | | Seen in 37 counties in all regions (but only Yellow Medicine in Southwest). |
2002 | Fall | | | Reported from 18 north and 16 south counties. Late north 10/5 Lake JWL, only October report. Six October reports south, including (late south) 10/9 Hennepin DWK. Also see winter report. |
2002 | Winter | | | Overwintered in St. Louis (Keewatin) ph. BR, Houston fide KAK and Lac qui Parle FE. Also reported from Winona County on 12/5 CAS and 2/14 fide CAS, plus 12/14 Rochester †CBC and 12/29 Wabasha †CBC. |
2003 | Spring | | | Observed in 29 south and 19 north counties in all regions. Overwintered south and north (see winter report). Probable early south migrants 3/23 Hennepin (2) DCZ. Probable early north migrant 4/5 Mille Lacs fide MRN. Peak migration 4/7–12 south, 4/13–18 north. |
2003 | Summer | | | Observed in 35 counties in all regions except Southwest. |
2003 | Fall | | | Reported from 14 north and 16 south counties. Late north 10/7 Lake JWL, 10/10 Cass MRN. Seven October reports south, including (late south) 10/21 Stearns MAJ, DCT. Also see winter report. |
2003 | Winter | | | Nine reports: 12/20 Bloomington (ph. BBl), Detroit Lakes (2) †TAF, LaCrosse-LaCrescent, Marshall, St. Paul (North) †RBW, and Winona CBCs; 12/21 Little Falls CBC. Only non-CBC reports: 1/12 Big Stone BJU, 12/3 & 1/31 Dakota SWe. |
2004 | Spring | | | Seen in 32 south and 20 north counties. Early south 3/31 Lac qui Parle BJU and Winona JJS, 4/4 Brown JJS. Early north 4/2 Carlton LAW, 4/10 Otter Tail EJE, DTT, SMT and St. Louis ALE. |
2004 | Summer | | | Observed in 36 counties statewide; new nesting record for Chippewa BJU. |
2004 | Fall | | | Reported from 13 north and 11 south counties. Late north 10/24 Carlton LAW, 10/26 Pine JMP. Five October reports south, including (late south) 10/17 Hennepin SLC, but also see winter report. |
2004 | Winter | | | All reports: juvenile documented at feeder 11/23–1/2 Mower (including Austin CBC) fide RJS, 12/18 Olmsted (male at feeder, Rochester CBC) PWP, 12/20 Hennepin (juvenile) TAT. Three additional CBC reports lacked details. |
2005 | Spring | | | Seen in 36 south and 27 north counties. Early south 3/27 Freeborn AEB, 3/31 Carver RMD and Waseca REH; peak migration 4/4–10 (12 counties). Early north 3/31 Grant SPM, 4/4 Mille Lacs ASc; peak migration 4/9–16 (10 counties). |
2005 | Summer | | | Most reports ever: observed in 48 counties in all regions of state. |
2005 | Fall | | | Reported from 24 north and 20 south counties. Late north 10/15–16 Cook MTA, 10/30 Cook JWL. Late south 11/28 Houston FZL, 11/30+ Fillmore NBO, see winter report. |
2005 | Winter | | | Apparently overwintered Fillmore NBO. All other reports: 12/1 Lac qui Parle FAE, 12/17 Olmsted (feeder, Rochester CBC) †JHD, 12/17 Rice (Faribault CBC) fide GDB, 12/31 Wabasha (Wabasha CBC) fide JPe. Most of these reports lacked details. |
2006 | Spring | | | Seen in 40 south and 27 north counties. Early south (away from Fillmore where one overwintered) 3/16 Lac qui Parle (Boyd) FAE, 3/25 Houston LS and Lac qui Parle BJU; peak migration 4/4–9 (18 counties). Early north 3/30 Otter Tail SPM, 4/6 St. Louis (2) JRN, 4/7 Otter Tail ARo and Pine JWL; peak migration 4/22–29 (12 counties). Peak count 4/24 St. Louis (12) TPW. |
2006 | Summer | | | Found in 59 counties statewide. |
2006 | Fall | | | Found in 21 north and 24 south counties in all regions. Late north 10/20 Lake SMC, 10/29 Cook JWL, 11/18 St. Louis DOK. See winter report for late south migrants. |
2006 | Winter | | 1 | Two well-documented observations: 1/14 Dakota (visiting a feeder in Castle Rock Township, photos reviewed by S. Mlodinow) ph. †MRo, and several weeks through 2/6 Houston (La Crescent, probably overwintered) ph. ASt. Also see undocumented reports. |
2007 | Spring | 27 | 47 | Early south 3/22 Rice DAT, 3/24 Meeker DMF. Early north 4/14 Mille Lacs NSc, ASc and Otter Tail DTT, 4/16 Aitkin KCR and St. Louis (3) SLF. High count 5/12 Koochiching (12) AXH. |
2007 | Summer | 22 | 29 | Reported throughout the state. |
2007 | Fall | 22 | 35 | Late north 10/27–28 Cook JCC, LS. Late south 10/30 Anoka JBB, then 11/28–29 Hennepin (juvenile in Bloomington), but see winter report for possible overwintering birds. High count 10/14 Cook (10) JWH. |
2007 | Winter | 1 | 6 | Only report north, and a new county winter record, 12/15 and 1/1 Pennington (imm.) ph. JMJ. A few scattered reports across the south including 12/8 and 12/17 (Bloomington CBC) Hennepin ph. ESt, 12/30 (and earlier) and 1/20 Waseca ph. LBo, and 2/13 Redwood ph. PBB. The editor and compilers appreciate the efforts from observers to document reports of this species in winter with photographs. Sapsuckers can pose an identification challenge at the species level, and also include the possibility of hybrid individuals. Also see Undocumented Reports. |
2008 | Spring | 31 | 40 | South report 3/4 Lac qui Parle BJU probably refers to overwintering bird. Early south (median 3/28) 3/7 Wabasha KCR, 3/21 Mower JEM. Early north (median 4/5) 4/8 Mille Lacs ASc and St. Louis SZi, 4/9 Kanabec CAM and Mille Lacs RBJ. High counts 5/3 Goodhue (6) BNW, 5/31 Koochiching (6) AXH. |
2008 | Summer | 22 | 26 | Seen in all regions of state. |
2008 | Fall | 23 | 34 | High count 9/25 St. Louis (22, H.R.B.O.) KJB, 9/28 St. Louis (13, Park Point) BAF. Late north 9/29 Otter Tail ARo and St. Louis (5, Park Point) PHS, 10/2 Clay RHO (median 10/18). Reported south throughout the season; late migrants difficult to distinguish from overwintering birds. |
2008 | Winter | 1 | 8 | One north report 1/15 Crow Wing (feeder) JSB. All south reports: 12/7–27 Carver (immature, feeding on suet) JCy, 12/20 Sibley ph. fide RMD, 12/20–23 Rice LEC, 12/23–27 Nicollet RMD, DBM, 12/28 Goodhue SWe, 1/1 Ramsey (2) AXH, 1/4 Mower ARW, 1/14 Wright RLL, 1/17 Rice HHD, 2/5–6 Winona (Winona City) JWH, DBz. Twelve individuals reported on 8 CBCs statewide. Once again, efforts from observers to document this species in winter with photographs and/or detailed notes are much appreciated. Sapsuckers pose an identification challenge at the species level, and also include the possibility of hybrid individuals. |
2009 | Spring | 30 | 43 | Early south (median 3/28) 3/25 Dakota DAC, 3/26 Fillmore NBO. Early north (median 4/5) 4/3 Marshall JMJ, 4/10 Mille Lacs RBJ, DAC, 4/11 Hubbard MAW. |
2009 | Summer | 26 | 30 | Observed in all regions of state. |
2009 | Fall | 20 | 26 | High count 9/23 St. Louis (135, Park Point, Duluth) CRu, PHS represents the highest count for the state, more than tripling the previous record. Late north 10/20 St. Louis MLH, 11/26 Clay RHO (median 10/19). Late south 11/1 Hennepin SLP, LEC, 11/5 Hennepin SLC, 11/11 Washington DFN. Late migrants difficult to distinguish from potentially over-wintering birds. |
2009 | Winter | 1 | 7 | An immature male first seen at a suet feeder in late November continued through 1/29 Clay RHO (see also Fall report). This same bird was recorded 12/19 Fargo-Moorhead CBC. All south: 12/5 Wright (Otsego) KSa, 12/6 Fillmore (at feeder near Preston) NBO, 12/19 Fairmont CBC, Northwest McLeod (Hutchinson) CBC, St. Paul (North) CBC, Owatonna CBC (2), Winona CBC, 12/26 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) CBC, 12/26–28 Anoka (juv. in Bethel) JBO. Efforts from observers to document this species in winter with photographs and detailed notes are appreciated. Sapsuckers pose an identification challenge at the species level, and always include the possibility of hybrid individuals. |
2010 | Spring | 29 | 45 | Early south (median 3/28) 3/25 Hennepin KRo, 3/28 Rice TFB. Early north (median 4/5) 4/1 Itasca EEO, 4/2 Hubbard MAW, 4/3 Carlton DC.R. and Koochiching (2) DGr. High count 4/12 Dakota (27) JPM. |
2010 | Summer | 28 | 36 | Observed throughout state. First county breeding records for Benton MRN, Stevens MKu. |
2010 | Fall | 27 | 30 | Late north 10/10 Beltrami JWH and Lake of the Woods HHD, 10/16 Mille Lacs RZi (median 10/19). Late south 11/27 Hennepin TAT, JJo. Late migrants difficult to distinguish from potential over-wintering birds. |
2010 | Winter | | 4 | All reports: immature found in late November lingered in Minneapolis, Hennepin (4200 block of Wentworth Ave. S.) through 12/19 TAT. Another was in Minneapolis (Powderhorn Park) 12/1–19 JJo. Three others found on CBCs (no details): 12/18 LaCrosse-LaCrescent, Winona, Jackson County. |
2011 | Spring | 33 | 51 | Early south (median 3/28) 3/27 Ramsey RPR then 4/3 in ten counties. Early north (median 4/5) 4/3 Otter Tail ARo, 4/4 Douglas ARW, Mille Lacs ASc, Polk SAu. High count 4/29 Goodhue (13, Frontenac S.P.) DAd. |
2011 | Summer | 31 | 42 | Found throughout state. First county breeding records for Olmsted CHa, Wadena CCa. |
2011 | Fall | 27 | 42 | High count 9/28 St. Louis (15, Hawk Ridge / Lester River Census) KJB. Late north 10/18 St. Louis JLK, 10/27 Cass JWM (median 10/19). Late south 11/17 Hennepin (2, Powderhorn Park) JJo, 11/27 Olmsted REJ. Late migrants difficult to distinguish from potential overwintering birds. |
2011 | Winter | 1 | 6 | Only north report 1/1 Long Prairie CBC. South reports 12/2–3 Hennepin (Lakewood Cemetery) TAT, 12/16 Hennepin (Powderhorn Park) JJo, Winona CBC, 12/17 Rice TFB, 12/30 Red Wing CBC, 1/2 Wabasha CBC, and 1/15 infrequently through 2/12 Olmsted ph. LAV. Efforts from observers to document this species in winter with photographs and detailed notes are appreciated. Sapsuckers pose an identification challenge at the species level, and always include the possibility of hybrid individuals. |
2012 | Spring | 33 | 49 | South reports 3/6 Goodhue JLO, 3/14 Hennepin (Lake Hiawatha) SHF followed by several reports all before recent median 3/28. Early north (median 4/5) 4/1 Todd DTM, 4/3 Hubbard MAW. |
2012 | Summer | 33 | 38 | Reported from all regions of state. First county breeding records for Koochiching fide BBA, Morrison fide BBA, Renville JoS. |
2012 | Fall | 30 | 41 | High count 9/21 St. Louis (18, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. Late north 11/18 Norman RAE, 11/24 Grant RAE, HHD (median 10/20). Late south 10/28 Isanti MHe, 11/22 Freeborn BBu (median 11/30). Late migrants difficult to distinguish from possibly overwintering birds. |
2012 | Winter | | 7 | Only one well-documented record: 12/27–1/6 Winona (Stockton) ph. CBf, †JWH, m.ob. Additional reports: 12/1 Stearns ToJ, 12/15 Owatonna CBC (4), 12/20 Blue Earth ChH, 12/21 sporadically through 2/22 Olmsted (adult male) LAV, 1/5 Wabasha CBC (2), 1/6 Olmsted (male, near Zumbro Lake) SHo, 1/26–27 Ramsey (Lombard Woods, present “for weeks”) †BMz, RWh, 2/16–17 Blue Earth LKu. Efforts from observers to document this species in winter with photographs and detailed notes are appreciated. Sapsuckers pose an identification challenge at the species level, and always include the possibility of hybrid individuals. |
2013 | Spring | 31 | 48 | South reports 3/1 Benton MJB and 3/12 Ramsey BMz probably refer to overwintering birds; all other south reports after recent median 3/28 beginning 3/30 Blue Earth ChH, Hennepin ABL, Rice JLn, Scott GLa. Early north (median 4/5) 4/5 Clay SHe, 4/7 St. Louis JWL. High count 5/12 Clay (10, Buffalo River S.P.) MO. |
2013 | Summer | 32 | 41 | Seen statewide. |
2013 | Fall | 29 | 30 | High count 10/2 St. Louis (15, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. Late north 10/27 Cook WCM, BWF, RZi, 10/28, 11/1 Otter Tail (max. 3) JsS, 11/2 Lake GLa, (Two Harbors) ThM, 11/30 Lake (Two Harbors) JWL (median 10/19). Late south 11/8 Olmsted LAV, Washington RZi, GLa, CRM, 11/19 Rice (Carleton College Cowling Arboretum) DAT, 11/28+ Sherburne JFM. |
2013 | Winter | | 9 | Approximately 12 individuals reported, of which only 2 had marginal documentation: 11/28 through 1/28 Sherburne ph. JFM, 12/30 Goodhue GJM. Efforts from observers to document this species in winter with photographs and detailed notes are appreciated. Sapsuckers pose an identification challenge at the species level, and always include the possibility of hybrid individuals. |
2014 | Spring | 34 | 50 | Early March birds in Hennepin and Rice were likely overwintering. Early south migrants 3/30–31 Mower RTP, 3/31 Dakota ADS, Freeborn DBz, McLeod PRH, Sherburne TSh, Washington (2) GJa. Early north (median 4/5) 4/2 Wadena PJB, 4/6 Crow Wing JPR, 4/7 Cass DoH, Crow Wing (3) ABi, Lake JWL. High counts 5/3 Clay (17, Buffalo River S.P.) MO, 4/22 Morrison (15, Crane Meadows N.W.R.) KEm, MEm. |
2014 | Summer | 29 | 35 | Found statewide. First county breeding record from Steele PSu. |
2014 | Fall | 30 | 40 | High counts 9/28 St. Louis (98, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 9/21 St. Louis (43, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. Late north 10/13–14 Carlton AVa, 10/18 St. Louis (Knowlton Creek) JLK, 10/23 Itasca (Secret Lake) PLe (median 10/19). Late south 11/2 Hennepin TAT, 11/3 Washington DAd, 11/6 Ramsey CMu, 11/11 Goodhue GJM. |
2014 | Winter | 1 | 4 | All south 12/7 Washington (Carpenter N.C.) DBz, 12/20 Winona CBC, 1/3 Wabasha CBC (3), 2/13 Dakota (overwintering in West St. Paul) ph. AJn, 2/15 Washington (south of Lakeview Cemetery) ErB. |
2015 | Spring | 34 | 47 | Earliest report 3/7 Rice TFB may have been an undetected overwintering individual. Likely migrants south began (median 3/28) 3/29 Carver JCy, Dakota ADS, 3/30 Olmsted SHk. Early north (median 4/5) 4/1 Douglas BEc, 4/6 Morrison KEm, JEm, 4/8 Becker ShG, HeH, Cass DMu. High count 4/17 St. Louis (15, estimated) BHo. |
2015 | Summer | 33 | 39 | Reported from all regions. First county breeding record from Mille Lacs RKo. |
2015 | Fall | 30 | 43 | High counts 9/28 St. Louis (437, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 9/22 St. Louis (278, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. Late north 10/17 Lake JWL, 11/9 Becker JCC, 11/13 Lake of the Woods GMM (median 10/25). Late south 11/7 Sherburne PLJ, 11/21 Ramsey ph. AXH, 11/27 Washington (Carpenter N.C.) C.N.C.; also see winter report (median 11/15). |
2015 | Winter | | 12 | Reported from more counties than any of the previous 20 winter seasons. Unusual reports 12/19 Brown BTS, 12/24 Stearns HHD, 12/28 McLeod ph. DBt, 2/29 Wright (early migrant?) †ABn. |
2016 | Spring | 34 | 48 | Early south migrants were difficult to distinguish from overwintering individuals. Early north (median 4/2) 3/29 Pine (Audubon Center of the North Woods) JTy, 3/31 Mille Lacs (2) RBJ, 4/5 Polk SAu. High counts 4/23 Fillmore (12, Magelssen Bluff Park) MHn, 5/8 Goodhue (12, Frontenac S.P.) CEl. |
2016 | Summer | 31 | 38 | Reported from every region. |
2016 | Fall | 33 | 46 | High counts 9/21 St. Louis (77, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 9/20 St. Louis (72, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. Late north 10/26 Morrison FGo, 11/7 Cook JLf, ALx, 11/27 Morrison (Little Falls) DLP (median 10/28). Late south 10/29 Hennepin TAT, 10/30 Ramsey (2) JDv, 11/25 Ramsey PNi. Also see winter report for more north and south reports. |
2016 | Winter | 2 | 7 | Reported from highest number of north counties in the past ten winters: 12/4 Morrison DLP, 12/15 Detroit Lakes CBC. Several January and February south reports including 1/4,1/6 Cottonwood (Mountain Lake) JnH. |
2017 | Spring | 34 | 49 | Early south (median 3/27) 3/11 Cottonwood JnH, 3/24 Washington CNC, 3/30 Ramsey REH. Early north (median 4/2) 4/4 St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog) ClN, 4/5 St. Louis (Park Point) LEv, 4/6 Beltrami DPJ. High count 4/29–30 Lac qui Parle (12, on one farmstead) SMC, SWe. |
2017 | Summer | 31 | 45 | Found throughout state. |
2017 | Fall | 33 | 47 | High count 9/28 St. Louis (238) H.R.B.O. Late north 10/25 Lake JPR, St. Louis (Stoney Point; not migrating) StK, (Park Point, Pine Forest S.N.A.) ebd, 10/28 St. Louis (Stoney Point) WCM, JWL, 11/16 Cass (Evergreen Lodge Resort) ebd (median 10/30). See winter report for late south migrants. |
2017 | Winter | | 7 | No north reports. Reported from average number of south counties 12/2–1/1; no reports after 1/1 Houston ebd. Unusual reports: 12/16 Willmar CBC, 12/26 Fillmore (Pilot Mound Twp.) SHo, 12/29 Wright (Monticello) ph. ABn. |
2018 | Spring | 34 | 52 | Early south (median 3/27) 3/25 Faribault WAF, 4/1 Carver WCM, Hennepin (2) ClB. Early north (median 4/2) 4/12 Grant CRM, m.ob., 4/14 Douglas BEc, 4/15 Cook JaJ, Lake SLL, JWL. High count 4/25 Beltrami (18, Lake Bemidji S.P.) KCo. |
2018 | Summer | 33 | 45 | Observed throughout state. First county breeding record 7/3 Waseca PSu. |
2018 | Fall | 33 | 51 | Â High counts 9/27 St. Louis (43) H.R.B.O., 9/22 St. Louis (41) H.R.B.O. Late north 10/13 St. Louis (Park Point R.A.) ebd, 10/17 St. Louis (H.R.N.R.) ASu (median 11/13). See winter report for late south migrants. |
2018 | Winter | | 12 | Reported from 12 south counties, tied with 2015 for highest number of reporting counties in season. Multiple midwinter reports from Fillmore, Houston, Hennepin and Meeker indicate several overwintering birds. New season record: 2/2 Meeker PKF. No reports of more than two individuals. |
2019 | Summer | 31 | 49 |  Observed throughout state. First county breeding record: 7/21 Chisago DPi. |
  | Breeds throughout. |