Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Cuckoos
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Cuckoos
Groove-billed Ani
[Crotophaga ani]
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Black-billed Cuckoo

Yellow-billed Cuckoo(Coccyzus americanus)
1933Summer A nest of this rather uncor.llilon bird vras found by Hienenz at St. Cloud on June 7th. It held 2 fresh eggs. The findor s~tes that this and two previous nests, found in 1931 and 1932, were located near the same farnhouse and were the only ones found in the vicinity to his knowledge.
1936Summer The only report for the ''Rain American Crow11 was that turned in by George Rysgaard. Near Minneapolis a nest containing three eggs of the Yellow-billed and one of the Black-billed was found on June 7th.
1937SummerBob Up3on and R. Berthel found a nest at Afton on June 23; two eggs were in it.
1938SummerThe only nest reported was found by W. J. Breckenridge IO miles south of Wabasha on June 17. It held several young.
1940SummerA nest contammg 2 eggs was found near St. Cloud on June 18, by the T. S. Roberts Club.
1944Summer2. June 13, two eggs, Fillmore County, Mrs. A. J. Trainor and Julia Grebin. Another reported by Eastman.
1961SummerForest Strnad found a nest with two eggs on 3 July near Kasson, Dodge County. The nest was later destroyed.
1962FallSept. 16, Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel, last report.
1963SpringMay 25, Minneapolis, H. Huber; May 25, Washington County, D. Honetschlager. Black-billed Cukoo: May 11, St. Paul, A. C. Rosenwinkel; May 16, Minneapolis, many observers.
1963SummerRock Co., Manley, Sep. 1, ad, 1y poorly flying, short· tailed, Avifauna! Club.
1963Falllatest, Oct 20, Winona, Grace Gordon.
1964Spring5-6 Hennepin Co, MAS; 5-10 Frontenac, JPF; 5-14 Washington Co, DH; 5-16 Wabasha Co, RBJ, JCG; 5-19 Stearns Co, RPR; 5-20 Wright Co, EC; 6-6 Wadena Co, 1 collected, RO; definitely extending range northwestward.
1964Fall9-24 Duluth, 1, FN; 10-4 Schroeder, Cook Co, MAF.
1965Springearliest 5-25 Washington Co, DH; scarce this spring.
1966Springearliest 5-10 Rochester, JPF; 5-31 Nobles Co, HSH and Winona Co, EHH. September, 1966
1966Summer7-26 Rock Co, 1 ad and 1 short-tailed y, HSH; 7-28 Hennepin Co, 1 ad and 1 y, VL; also reported from Cottonwood, Rice, Ramsey, Wright, Anoka, Winona, Washtington, Stearns Co's; two northerly records: 6-13 FargoMoorhead area, EGA; Douglas Co, MVS (heard, not seen; could have been blackbilled?).
1966FallLatest 8-23 Jackson Co., PE; 9-12 Rochester, JPF.
1967Springearly 5-21 W.ashington Co., DS; 5-27 Hennepin Co., JAJ and Jackson Co., HSH; 5-30 Wabasha Co., DB and Winona Co., FGD.
1967Summerreported from Washington, Hennepin, Houston, Wright, Winona Co's.
1967Fall late 9-6 Morrison Co., LSR; 9-29 Hennepin Co., MHM.
1968Spring early 5-11 Rice Co., OAR; 5-16 Minneapolis, FN/ MAS, EHH; 5-17 Minneapolis, DB.
1968Summer reported from Washington, Rice, Anoka, Wright, Hennepin, Morrison, Lake (JCG), Winona Co's.
1968Fall9-27 Watonwan DMF.
1969Spring5-17 Hennepin Co., VL; 5-20 Hennepin Co., DB, MHM, EIS; 5-28 Lake Co., JJ. THE LOON 74
1969Summerreported from Stearns, Traverse, Rock, Rice, Hennepin, Ramsey and Wabasha Co's. Reported by JJG on 6-13 from Polk, Red Lake, and Marshall Co's.
1970Spring5-21 Hennepin GES; 5-26 Hennepin WL; 5-28 Wabasha KE; 5-29 Hennepin DB; only reports!
1970Summernested in Winona Co; also reported from Freeborn, Aitkin, Washington, Hennepin, Winona, and Wabasha Co's. One NE record: 7·2 Floodwood, St. Louis Co. (2) MMC.
1970Fall8·8 Winona TV; 8-16 and 29 Carver KH; only reports.
1971Springonlly reported from Hennepin: 5-18, 20, 31, many observers.
1971Summerreported from Morrison, Freeborn, Carlton, Clearwater, Hennepin, Wabasha, Winona, Rice and Clay.
1971Fallonly 1 report RHJ.
1972Summerseen in Clearwater (RCD), Clay, Hennepin, Anoka, Washington, Rice.
1973Summer Seen in Clay, Mille Lacs, Stearns, Sherburne, Anoka, Hennepin, Goodhue, Murray, St. Louis (6-24 Duluth BB).
1973Fall Only one report (eight last year). The loon
1974Spring Only report 5-27 Hennepin (1) ETS.
1974Summer Reported from 13 counties north to Duluth (J. Lyons and J. Swain).
1974Fall Late south 8-24 Waseca RBJ; 9-17 LeSueur GR; 9-30 Cottonwood LF.
1975Spring 8 reports, all south: 5-15 Hennepin BDC and 5-27, 5-29 WKE; 5-20 Houston ETS; 5-27 Goodhue CF; 5-31 Yellow Medicine GLO; 5-31 Rock HCK and Goodhue FN.
1975Summer Reported from Lincoln, Lyon, Rock, Pipestone, Murray, Cottonwood, Freeborn, Olmsted, Goodhue and Cass; unusual that most reports from the southwest.
1975Fallonly reports 8·23 Redwood KE, PE; 8-24 Olmstead JF; 8-30 Carver RJ.
1976Spring 5 reports: 5-25 Anoka JBB; 5-26 Hennepin ETS; 5-29 Norman RBJ; 531 Olmsted JF; 5-30 Wabasha Ray F. Bochmen.
1976Summerreported from 15 counties north to Cass (7-2, AS) and Pine (6-28, DA).
1976Fall 4 reports: 8-19 Murray AD, 9-1 Olmsteed WE, 9-11 Winona JF, 9-26 Rock KE, PE, RJ.
1977Spring 5-9 Hennepin ES; 5-11 Washington RJ; 5-16 Ramsey SH; also reported from Houston, Clay, Wabasha, Mower, Lac qui Parle, Houston, Murray, Winona and St. Louis (5-22 and 5-28 DA details?).
1977Summer Reported from 15 counties north to Duluth (6-11, DA) and Lake (6-17, GO).
1977Fall Late north 10-4 St. Louis. (JG).
1978Spring 5-27 St. Louis FL.
1978Summer Seen in 14 counties as far north as Otter Tail (RBJ; GLO), American Crow Wing (OLJ), and Aitkin (NMH) plus in Marshall (6-9 Agassiz NWR, SV).
1978Fall Late north 9-9 Duluth KE; late south 9-3 Anoka KL, 9-11 Houston EMF.
1979Spring Five reports: 5-10 Hennepin BDC, 5-26 Hennepin TD, 5-28 Murray AD, 5-30 Hennepin DB, ES.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Clay, Goodhue and St. Louis (Duluth, K. Hoffman); also seen throughout the South plus Otter Tail, Beltrami (Waskish).
1979Fall Late north 8-7 St. Louis JG, 8-13 Otter Tail GMO; late south 9-22 Renville RJ, BL, 9-30 Houston EMF.
1980Spring Early south 5-21 Winona FL, 5-22 Stearns NH; early north 5-18 Red Lake RJ, 5-24 Otter Tail GMO, 5-28 Marshall ANWR.
1980Summer Breeding reported from Olmsted; also seen in 22 other counties throughout the state except in the Northeast and North Central Regions where it was observed only in the southern part of these regions.
1980Fall 8-1, 9-24 Houston EMF, 8-8 O~msted JF, 8-10 Mower RRK, 9-1 Washmgton RJ, 9-6 Olmsted JEB, 9-12 Nicollet JCF -only reports.
1981Spring Early south 5-14 Blue Earth MF, 5-17 Le Sueur HFC, 5-18 Mower RRK, 5-19 Ramsey FKB; early north 5-23 Otter Tail SM, 5-29 St. Louis RR.
1981Summer Breeding data from Houston. Reported from 14 other counties including Marshall (JP), Carlton (Kettle Lake, RBJ), St. Louis (Stoney Pt., JCG).
1982Spring Houston 5-16 JPI AM, 5-30 FL, 5-18 Lyon HK, 5-19,28 Hennepin ES, 5-22 Olmsted JEB, 5-23 Anoka KL, 5-28 Nicollet JCF -all reports.
1982Summer Breeding data from Wright, Hennepin. Seen in the southern half plus Mille Lacs (CF), Clearwater (AB), Polk (K&SS). Yellow-billed Cuckoo nest, French Lake, Hennepin County -Photo by Don Bolduc Eastern Eastern Screech-Owl Breeding data from Renville, Olmsted. Seen in Cottonwood, LeSueur, Hennepin, Ramsey.
1982Fall 8/1 Hennepin AB, Mower RRK, 8/2 Houston EMF, 8/6 Hennepin OJ, DB, Nicollet JCF, 8/21 Clearwater AB, 8/29 Brown JSp, 8/30 Murray AD -all reports.
1983Spring Only report 5/12 Crow Wing JB, WN.
1983Summer Breeding data from Brown, LeSueur. Seen throughout the South plus Mille Lacs, Aitkin, Carlton, Clearwater.
1983Fall Reported from 14 counties; north 8/1 Hubbard OJ, 8/4 Clearwater AB, 10/3 Grand Marais, Cook Co. (2) KMH (The Loon 55: 178); late south 9/30 Brown JSp, 10/2 Rock RG, RJ, Lyon HK. 10/8 Goodhue JPIAM, 10/9 Houston EMF, Scott SWIMS.
1984Spring 5/18 Hennepin fide SC, 5/22 Nicollet MF, 5/27 Houston KE -all reports. COMMON BARN-OWL 5/11 Wood Lake Nature Center, Hennepin Co. m.ob. (The Loon 56:159-160)
1984Summernested in Brown; also seen in 21 other counties including Aitkin.
1984Fall 8/11 and 8/12 Wright ES, 8/18 Blue Earth JCF, 8/21 Lake SWIMS, 8/25 Mower RRK, Houston FL, 9/4 Brown JSp, 9/8 Olmsted RE, 9/10 Houston EMF, 9/13 Olmsted PP, 9/29 Watonwan RJ, 10/3 Murray AD-all reports.
1985Spring All reports: 5/9 Hennepin fide SC, 5/12 Houston SWIMS, 5/15 Olmsted AP, 5/23 Cottonwood WH, 5/27 Olmsted JEB, Murray NO, Brown JSp.
1985Summer Nested in Brown. Seen in nine other counties in the south plus Beltrami, Polk.
1985Fall All reports: 8/1-8117 Mower JM, RRK, 8/11 to 9/6 Olmsted AP, 8/29-9117 Hennepin TTu, SC, 9/19 Brown J S, 9/25 McLeod RJ.
1986Spring All reports: 5/6 Freeborn NHo, 5/1 1 Mower RRK, 5/17 Nicollet BDC, JCF, Blue Earth ES, 5/19 Olmsted RE, 5/21 JEB, 5/28 RE, 5/20 to 5/31 Fillmore AMP, 5/26 Hennepin OJ, 5/27 ES.
1986Summer Seen in 12 South counties plus Wadena, Clearwater, Beltrami.
1986Fall 9/20-28 Olmsted PP, BE, 9/26 Houston EMF. COMMON BARN-OWL 8/20 Polk: (The Loon 59:47-48).
1987Spring All reports : 5/16 Olmsted PP, RSE, 5!16 Clearwater AB, 5/23 Dakota AB, 5/24 Hennepin OJ and Lyon BL, 5/29 Brown JS.
1987Summer Probable nesting in Brown. Also seen on three Breeding Bird Surveys in Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Cass; plus Mahnomen (county first sighting, AB), Aitkin and II south counties.
1987Fall Late south 9/6 Mower JM, 9/10 Freeborn NHO, 9/11 Fillmore ANO; two north reports 9/5 Duluth KR, 9/27 St. Louis DJ.
1988Spring Early south 5/10 Blue Earth MF, 5/14 Pipestone JP, Rice FKS and Steele KV; two north reports: 5/24 Clearwater AB, 5/27 Marshall KE.
1988Summer Nested in Rice (FKS). Seen in 21 other counties; no reports from northeast or east central but numerous in southern regions. More reports than in recent years.
1988Fall All reports: 8/13 Dodge AP, RJ, 8/17 Brown JS, 8/20 Redwood AB, 8/24-30 Houston EMF, 9/5 Olmsted BSE, 9/7 Hennepin SC, 9/17 Duluth m.ob.
1989Spring Early south 5/13 Lyon TG and Olmsted PP, 5/20 Murray ND, Rice OR and Scott AB, 5/21 Faribault KWB; one north report 5/21 Beltrami DJ.
1989Summer Many reports, similar to previous year. Seen in 15 southern counties plus Clearwater, Crow Wing, Pine.
1989Fall All reports: 8/3-11 Cook OSL, 8/15 Rice OR, 8/29 Sherburne SWR, 10/6 Brown JS.
1990Spring Early south 5/23 Washington DS, 5/26 Winter 1990 Fillmore NAO, 5/27 Goodhue AP and Le Sueur EK; one north report 5/27 Polk AB.
1990Summer Nested in Brown. Seen in 20 other counties as far north as OtterTail, Kanabec; plus Clearwater AB, Itasca DA, 7/1 Lake BBa.
1991Spring Early south 5/14 Blue Earth MF, 5/19 Ramsey AB, 5/20 Lac qui Parle CMB; one north report 5/27 St. Louis (2) PS.
1991Summer Seen in 17 counties as far north as Clay, Crow Wing and Kittson 6/11 RG.
1991Fall All reports: Cottonwood ED, 8/17 Rice TB, 8/29 LeSueur EK, 9/8 Hennepin SC, TT, 9/20 Brown JS.
1992Spring Early south 5/20 Blue Earth LF, 5/22 Brown JS, Dakota JD and Hennepin DB, 5/23 Kandiyohi JR; one north report: 5/25 Otter Tail SDM.
1992Summer Nested in Brown; seen in 13 additional southern counties plus Aitkin and Clear-water.
1992Fall No north reports; late south 9/7 Brown JS, 9/15 Winona CS, 9/17 Houston EMF.
1993Spring All reports: 5/28 Houston FL and Blue Earth LF.
1993Summer Seen in 11 southern counties plus Todd, Becker, Roseau.
1993Fall All reports: 8/1 Cottonwood DSm, 9/7 Winona CS, 9/11 Jackson RJ, 10/11 Houston JD (3rd latest date on record)
1994Spring All reports: 5/15 Hennepin DZ, 5/19 Rice TB, 5/22 Chippewa AB, 5/24 Ramsey TBr, 5/26 Washington DS, 5/26 Mower RRK, 5/29 Clearwater AB, 5/30 Olmsted JSt.
1994Summer Only reported in 11 southern counties (less than half the number reported in 1990).
1994Fall All reports: 8/15 Jackson KE, 8/29 Hennepin SC, CB, 8/30 Winona CS, 9/17 Brown JS and Kandiyohi RF.
1995Spring All reports: 5/18 Scott DZ, 5/29 Olmsted JSt and Houston FL.
1995Summer Most reports since 1990. Observed in 18 southern counties plus Polk, Clearwater, Aitkin.
1995Fall All north reports: 8/5 Beltrami PS, 8/27 Aitkin CB. Late south 8/21 Anoka DJe, 9/4 Goodhue BL, 9/13 Brown JSp, (no date) Kandiyohi RF.
1996Spring All reports: 5/20 Hennepin OJ, 5/25 Cass MN, 5/31 Washington TEB.
1996Summer Reported in ten southern counties plus Todd, Kanabec.
1996Fall Only reports: 8/2 Washington WL, 8/7 Hennepin DN, 8/9 Scott GS, 10/15 Hennepin OJ.
1997Spring No reports.
1997Summer Observed in ten southern counties plus Kanabec, Aitkin, Kittson; also 7/22 Itasca ABo.
1997Fall All reports: 8/10 Dakota TT, 9/14 Washington TEB, 9/15 Brown JSp.
1998Spring Early south 5/16 Olmsted DA/BE, 5/17 Fillmore CK. Only north report 5/25 Douglas SDM.
1998Summer Reported in 13 counties as far north as Aitkin; unusual was only one (Jackson County) record from all western regions.
1998Fall No north reports. All south reports: 8/1 Fillmore (3) FL, 9/16 Houston EMF, 9/18 Houston FL, RJ, and 9/21 Olmsted DA, BE.
1999Spring Early south 5/15 Rice TBo, 5/19 Houston BBr. No north reports.
1999Summer Record high number of reports. Seen in 22 southern counties, plus Todd, Becker, Kittson. One unusual report in St. Louis (no date) JLi.
1999Fall No north reports. Only south report after mid-September was 10/6 Hennepin OJ.
2000Spring First seen 5/11 Houston AH, PS, 5/13 Nicollet SL; also reported from Swift, Kandiyohi, Dakota. No north reports.
2000Summer Many reports, like last year. Observed in 22 counties as far north as Kittson, Roseau in the west and Aitkin, Pine in the east.
2000Fall Only report north: 8/18 Becker ASM. Reported south in nine counties. Only September reports were 9/9 (SLC) and 9/13 (CMM), both in Hennepin.
2001Spring Seen in five south counties starting 5/13 Washington DFN, 5/14 Houston MHF; also reported from Brown, Meeker, Sherburne. Only north report: 5/19 Roseau AXH, PHS.
2001Summer Near record-high number of reports, similar to 1999. Seen in 25 counties in all regions except Northeast and Southwest.
2001Fall Observed 8/13 Otter Tail DTT, SMT, only north report. Reported from eight south counties, all in August except 9/9 Yellow Medicine RJS.
2002Spring Arrived south 5/24 Carver RMD and Dakota TAT; also reported from Meeker, Scott. Only north report: 5/22 Morrison WLB.
2002Summer Seen in 20 counties as far north as Polk in the west and 6/16 St. Louis (Duluth) KRE in the east; new nesting record in Becker BAB.
2002Fall No reports in the north. Seen in seven south counties, none in the Southwest. Late south 9/8 Dakota SWe, 10/2 Freeborn AEB and Hennepin CRG.
2003Spring Early south (median 5/15) 5/18 Anoka CBr, LM and Houston FZL; also reported from Dakota, Fillmore, Goodhue, Lac qui Parle, Sherburne. All north reports: 5/26 Beltrami DPJ and Otter Tail (4 at North Turtle L.) EJE, 5/31 Otter Tail DTT, SMT.
2003Summer Observed in 12 southern counties plus Kittson, Cass, and 7/2 St. Louis (Embarrass) CN.
2003Fall None in the north. Late south 9/12 Rice DAB, also observed in Houston, Lac qui Parle, Olmsted, Waseca.
2004Spring Reported from six south counties beginning 5/13 Big Stone BJU, 5/22 Lac qui Parle BJU; also found in Chippewa, Houston, Murray, Scott. Only north report: 5/21 Douglas SPM.
2004Summer Record low number of reports: seen in three north and seven south counties.
2004Fall Only north report: 9/6 St. Louis (40th Ave. West) MTA. South reports from Big Stone, Brown, Freeborn, and (late south) 9/4 Rice DAB, FVS.
2005Spring Reported from nine south counties beginning 5/21 Hennepin HCT (18-year median 5/15). All north reports: 5/17 Kanabec CFa, 5/30 Lake of the Woods MHK.
2005Summer Record high number of reports: seen in 27 counties in all central and southern regions.
2005Fall More reports than usual. All north reports: first county record 8/28 Wilkin BJU; unusual reports from the North Shore of L. Superior 9/18 Cook (Taconite Harbor) SLL, †JWL, 10/1 Lake (near Two Harbors) JWL. Reported from 15 south counties, including (late south) 10/9 Sibley RMD, BWF, JWH, 10/15 & 10/19 Hennepin (third latest, Wood Lake) †DWK, †CMB.
2006Spring Reported from 13 south counties beginning 5/18 Renville RMD, BJU and Stearns HHD, 5/21 Lac qui Parle BJU. All north reports: 5/28 Pine JMP, 5/31 Morrison DFN and Otter Tail DTT, SMT.
2006Summer Found in 42 counties in all regions except Northeast.
2006Fall No north reports. Observed in 14 south counties; only report later than recent median (9/17): 9/26 Lac qui Parle BJU.
2007Spring420 Early south 5/8 Olmsted JWH, 5/9 Scott BAF and Yellow Medicine JEB, JJS, 5/10 Nicollet and Le Sueur RMD. All north reports: 5/12 (ties earliest north) Todd JSK, 5/17 Cass DAY, 5/30 Mille Lacs ASc, 5/31 St. Louis LS. No significant high counts.
2007Summer829 Reported as far north as Pennington and Cass.
2007Fall26 Only north reports: 9/23 Cook (Schroeder) DSp, 10/27 St.Louis MLH. All south reports: 8/2 Fillmore NBO, 8/15 Lac qui Parle BJU, 8/16 Rice DAB, 8/23 Carver JCC and Lac qui Parle BJU, 8/26 Meeker DMF, 8/28 Hennepin OLJ.
2008Spring117 Early south (median 5/16) 5/12 Carver (Rapids Lake Unit, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) JCy and Swift (Monson Lake S.P.) BJU, 5/14 Sibley RMD. Only north report 5/30 Cass BAW.
2008Summer520 Found in all central and southern regions plus Cass.
2008Fall1 Only report: 8/9 Lac qui Parle BJU.
2009Spring211 Early south (median 5/15) 5/14 Hennepin CMB, 5/16 Blue Earth ChH and Hennepin TAT. Only north reports: 5/27 Mille Lacs ASc, 5/29 Todd DPG (median 5/25).
2009Summer621 Observed in all regions except Southwest, Northeast. All north reports: Red Lake, Clay, Otter Tail, Douglas, Aitkin, Kanabec.
2009Fall5 No north reports. Late south 9/12 Watonwan (Eagle Nest C.P.) RBW, 9/13 Goodhue (Miesville Ravine) LEC (median 9/17).
2010Spring217 Early south 5/15 (median) Sherburne ASc and Steele PSu, 5/17 Rice DAB, TFB and Yellow Medicine (2) WCM. Only north reports: 5/24 Douglas ARW, 5/30 Cass CMB, 5/31 Cass LEC. High count 5/23 Yellow Medicine (4, Upper Sioux Agency S.P.) BJU.
2010Summer515 Found in all central regions plus South-central, Southeast.
2010Fall17 Only north report: 8/7 Otter Tail ChA. Late south 8/25 Yellow Medicine BJU, 9/4 Big Stone (Big Stone Lake) BJU (median 9/17).
2011Spring212 Early south (median 5/15) 5/7 Goodhue JLO, SWe, RTe, 5/8 Sibley (Vale W.M.A.) LS. Only north reports (median 5/25) 5/4 Morrison FGo, 5/28 Grant HHD, RAE.
2011Summer426Found in all central and southern regions plus Aitkin, Cass. High count 6/5 Dakota (5) RTe.
2011Fall16 No north reports. Late south 8/25 Dakota RZi, 9/8 Meeker JEB (median 9/17).
2012Spring315 Early south 5/1 (record early) Goodhue LEC, 5/10 Stevens DBM. All north reports: 5/21 Mille Lacs ASc and Morrison CRM, 5/22 Morrison FGo, 5/25 Pine RBJ, DAC, 5/27 Pine (2) EMH.
2012Summer1122 Reported from all regions except Northeast.
2012Fall213 Only north reports: 9/6 Aitkin KCR, 9/23 Cook REr (late median 9/12). Late south 10/1 Hennepin TAT, 10/10 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 9/17).
2013Spring9 Early south 5/15 Houston (2, mating) ANy, DBz, MGo, JWH, 5/18 Le Sueur RBW, 5/20 Washington CTS, 5/21 Fillmore (3) NBO. First spring with no north reports since 2000.
2013Summer726 Observed in all regions of state. Early north (none reported in spring) 6/6 Cass JyB and Kanabec DPG, 6/7 Becker MO.
2013Fall6 No north sightings. Late south 8/25 Goodhue RZi, 8/29 Carver (Chaska Lake, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) JCy, 8/30 Faribault WAF, 8/31 Hennepin (Westwood Hills N.C.) SOa (median 9/17). This was only the second fall since 1990 with no reports after August.
2014Spring111Early south 5/16 Wright JEB, then none until 5/25 Carver (2) JCy, 5/26 Chisago MJB, Washington DFN. Only north report 5/23 Morrison (Pine Ridge) MGo.
2014Summer624Found along and south of a line from Becker to Pine. Probable spring migrants 6/1 Nobles BTS, 6/5 Lincoln JEB. First county breeding records from Ramsey AXH, Steele PSu.
2014Fall112 One north report 9/19 St. Louis (Beck Road, 1.5 miles south of intersection with I-35) †DCZ. Late south 9/6 Scott BAb, 9/8 Nicollet RBW, 9/25 Olmsted JPr (median 9/17).
2015Spring318 Early south (median 5/15) 5/7–8 Carver JCy, BAb, 5/8 Mower BPl, 5/15 Rice TFB, 5/16 Benton JPr, Nicollet ChH, AnK. Early north 5/16 Becker ShG, HeH, 5/29 Aitkin KMa, 5/31 Otter Tail ShG, HeH.
2015Summer530 Reported from all regions except Northwest, Northeast.
2015Fall19 No counts higher than 2. Only north report 8/5 Becker (Tamarac N.W.R.) CsB. Late south 9/3 Wright KMS, SSc, 9/5 Anoka TSI, MkK, 9/12 Hennepin DBz.
2016Spring423 Early south (median 5/15) 5/10 Steele PSu, 5/11 Washington PNi, 5/11–14 Carver JCy, ANy, DBz. All north reports: 5/21 Todd RSF, 5/23–28 Becker HeH, ShG, 5/28 Carlton JEd, DTr, Douglas FPE. High count 5/31 Goodhue (7, Prairie Island Indian Community survey, 1 seen, 6 heard) JEn.
2016Summer1440 Reported from all regions except Northeast. High counts 6/2 Steele (5, Somerset Twp.) PSu, 6/16 Nicollet (5, Minnesota R. near C.R. 21) ClN.
2016Fall317 No counts higher than 2. Only north reports: 8/12 Aitkin KCR, 8/28 Otter Tail RMi, 9/9 Pine AAz. Late south 9/10 Dakota JBu, 9/14 Le Sueur MiR, 9/22 Fillmore ph. ToM (median 9/16).
2017Spring322 Early south (median 5/15) 5/12 Lyon LSm, 5/14 Nicollet RBW, 5/16 Carver WCM, Steele PSu, Winona BMu. All north 5/13 Morrison FGo, 5/16–28 Douglas (Lake Carlos S.P.) LSm, ToR, LGl, 5/26 Hubbard JEB. High count 5/21 Houston (3, Millstone Landing) KnM, LiH, ASu.
2017Summer1528 Found in every region, including 2 St. Louis locations in Northeast.
2017Fall9 No north sightings. High count only 3. Late south 8/29 Faribault WAF, 9/9 Sherburne TSi, 9/11 Scott ebd (median 9/16).
2018Spring629 Early south (median 5/15) 5/8–15 Ramsey DSh, LiH. 5/13 Washington DSh. All north 5/22 Grant ASu, LiH, 5/24 Morrison SEm, 5/25 Red Lake CRM, m.ob., 5/27 Douglas JPE, 5/28 Becker WPl, 5/31 Itasca RyS. High counts 5/26 Steele (4, Somerset Twp.) PSu, 5/27 Rock (4, Blue Mounds S.P.) LiH.
2018Summer843 Reported from all central and southern regions plus Aitkin, Becker, Clay, Crow Wing, Wadena.
2018Fall36 No north reports. Late south 9/17 Olmsted (2, Chester Woods) LAV, 9/17–23 Washington (max. 2) PNi, LLM, 10/8 Hennepin (1, Wood Lake N.C.) DWK (median 9/14).
2019Summer846 Found in all central and southern regions plus Aitkin, Becker, Clay, Crow Wing, Kittson. First county breeding record: 9/2 Chisago GMd, RSw.
 Breeds mostly south, central, and west.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.