Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Fulvous Whistling-Duck
Snow Goose
Ross's Goose
Greater White-fronted Goose
[Taiga Bean-Goose]
[Brant (Atlantic)]
[Brant (Black)]
Cackling Goose
Canada Goose
[Greater White-fronted Goose X Canada Goose]
Mute Swan
Trumpeter Swan
Tundra Swan
[Cygnus swan]
Wood Duck
Blue-winged Teal
Cinnamon Teal
[Blue-winged Teal x Cinnamon Teal]
Northern Shoveler
Eurasian Wigeon
American Wigeon
[Gadwall X Mallard]
American Black Duck
[Mallard X American Black Duck]
Mottled Duck
Northern Pintail
[Mallard X Northern Pintail]
Green-winged Teal
[Green-winged Teal (Eurasian)]
[Green-winged Teal (American)]
Ring-necked Duck
Tufted Duck
Greater Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Greater Scaup]
Lesser Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Lesser Scaup]
King Eider
Common Eider
[Somateria eider]
Harlequin Duck
Surf Scoter
White-winged Scoter
Black Scoter
Long-tailed Duck
Common Goldeneye
[Bufflehead X Common Goldeneye]
Barrow's Goldeneye
[Common Goldeneye X Barrow's Goldeneye]
Hooded Merganser
Hooded Merganser
[Common Goldeneye X Hooded Merganser]
Common Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser
Ruddy Duck

American Black Duck(Anas rubripes)
1936Summer The only report for this species was subuitted by Alden Risser and Olie Fischer. On July 9tp they saw ex brood oJ~ large young on tho Malinge River. Robert Upson saw seven or nine downy youngsters 011 Hay 23rd with an adult female on Lake Traverso. _The,young ~wan about such a groat dea.l and SO rnpidly tha.t h·a could 11ot be S\.lre of the number in the brood. 
1940SummerThe first report of this species in four years came from R. M. Berthel. A hen with 5 half-grown young were seen August Io, on Basswood Lake, St. Louis County.
1961SummerA. C. Rosenwinkel reports a brood of four in Ramsey County on 14 July. Blue-winged Teal: Wabasha County, 10 June, 10 young near Lake City, Huber brothers Hennepin County, 24 June, 11 young, Minneapolis, H. Huber Mahnomen County, 4 July, two broods of five and seven, near Waubun, Huber brothers Ramsey County, 14 July, three broods at Goose Lake, A. C. Rosenwinkel Washington County, 7 July, seven young, Dean Honetschlager
1961WinterJan Green reports 35 at Duluth on December 1. On December 16 she saw them at Two Harbors, Lake County, and on the same date, A. C. Rosenwinkel saw them in Ramsey County.
1962SummerJuly 17, Fall Lake, Winton St. Louis Co., 6 young, Janet C. Green, July 24, Fernberg Road, Lake Co., 8 young, Janet C. Green; Aug. 7, Moose Lake, Lake Co., 5 broods, Janet C. Green.
1963SummerLake Co., total of 13 broods in 7 localities, reported by Jan Green from July 3 thru Aug. 1,.broods from 2-18y, total 83y, average brood about 6-7y.
1964Spring3-22 Duluth, peak on 4-18, 100, JCG; 3-27 Ramsey Co, ACR; 4-2 Ramsey Co, ELC; 4-17 Marshall Co, DLO.
1964WinterA few present with wintering Mallards in Cook (AEA), Winona (DB), Ramsey (BL), Washington (BL), Goodhue (RG, RLH), Anoka (XC) and Hennepin (MHM) Co's.
1965Falllatest 11-30 Washington Co, DH and Mpls, FN.
1965Winter All winter: (2-10), Hennepin, Ramsey, Dakota, Goodhue, Wabasha, Winona, Olmsted, Stearns. 12/7 (6), JCG, and 2/12 (3), W. J. Breckenridge, Grand Marais, Cook Co.
1966Springearliest 3-13 Hennepin Co, EMB; 3-19 Ramsey Co, BL; 3-25 Dakota Co, DB and Wabasha Co, DGM.
1966Summer6-18 Lake Co, pair, JNG; 7-14 Itasca Co, 2 ad, PE; 8-15 Swan Lake, Nicollet Co, 7, probably migrants, PE; also reported present in Ramsey, Cook, and Hubbard Co's.
1966FallLatest 11-26 Ramsey Co., ACR; 11-27 (VL) and 11-30 (FN/MAS) Hennepin Co.
1966Winterreported from Lake, Cook, St. Louis, Ramsey, Wright, Goodhue, Wabasha and Winona Co's.
1967Springearly 3-1 Dakota Co., EMB; 3-5 Goodhue Co., FN/ MAS; 3-19 Olmsted Co., RIC; 3-21 Ramsey Co., ACR; 3-30 Aitkin Co., CEP.
1967Summernested Cook, Lake Co's.; also reported from Ramsey, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lyon Co's.
1967Fall numerous reports until first week of Dec.; difficult to separate late migrants from wintering birds; one westtern record 9-27 Stevens Co., 2, "uncommon migrant here," JAH.
1967Winter reported from Hennepin, St. Louis, Wright, Goodhue, Cook, Wabasha, Anoka and Ramsey Co's.
1968Spring early 3-9 Dakota Co., DB; 3-10 Winona Co., BT; 3-16 Big Stone Co., JAH; 3-18 Wabasha Co., DGM.
1968Summer nested in Cook Co; also reported from Lake, Marshall Co's; early fall migrants, 8-25 Hennepin Co, 4, VL and 8-29 Anoka Co, WHL.
1968FallLatest 11-23 Ramsey (White Bear) MIG; 11-24 Hennepin FN/ MAS; 11-24 Wabasha 100 DGM; 11-30 Hennepin VL, CLH.
1968WinterAll winter; largest groups, 6-20, Cook, Goodhue, Carver, Scott, Olmsted, Winona, Dakota, Hennepin Counties.
1969Spring4-10 Duluth, MMC; 4-12 (4) Aitkin Co., JCG, and Duluth, RL; THE LOON 70 4-15 (10) Duluth, PBH; late S., 4-20 Wabasha Co., DWM.
1969Summernested in Cook Co. Reported from Ramsey Co.
1969Fall11-29 Henepin 25+ CH; 11-30 Carver 16 KH; 11-30 Duluth MC, Wabasha DGM and Winona BTV.
1969WinterWintered South in Anoka, Olmsted, Ramsey, Scott, Carver, Hennepin, Washington, Dakota, Goodhue (50, KRE), Wabasha, Stearns (3, KRE), North in Cook (6, JCG), St. Louis (Virginia, KRE).
1970Springearly south 3-22 Wabasha KE, PE; 4-7 Carver KH; early north 3-20 Duluth MMC; 4-6 Duluth JG; 4-7 Marshall AR; few reports this spring.
1970Summernested in St. Louis Co. (Duluth, I ad 7y, MMC) and RAMSEY Co. (White Bear Lake) 7-18 (1 y) Shiela Cunningham fide EC, southernmost recent nesting record for the state.
1970Fallearly south 8-29 Hennepin CH; late north 10-29 and 11-2 Duluth (100) )G ; 11-1 2 Marshall AR.
1970Winterwintered North in Cook (5), St. Louis (Virginia, I); South in Winona (I 0), Goodhue (25), Dakota (30), Ramsey, Hennepin (up to 6).
1971Springearly south 3-14 Winona KE, PE; 3-20 Winona RBJ and Goodhue KJG; early north 4-5 Duluth KE, MMC; another south nesting record: 5-24 Hugo, Washington Co., 1 ad. with 10 young, Liz Campbell.
1971Summernested in Washington (see Spring Report); also reported from St. Louis, Cook and Marshall.
1971Fallearly south 8-18 Sherburne; 9-15 Hennepin; late north 11-4 Marshall; 11-6 Cook; 11-26 Ottertail; peak 9-16 Marshall (534) AR.
1971WinterNorth 12-18 (2) Brainerd TS, JB; 12·18 (3) Fergus Falls; all winter (20) Grand Marais. SE Quarter all winter where open water, average flock (1-6); largest number: (50) Elba, Winona Co. HLB.
1972Summernested in Aitkin, Washington (Hugo, EC); no other reports.
1972WinterNORTH 1-27 (6) Cook RBJ & DR, Crow Wing (2) TS. Fergus Falls (3) KRE. SOUTH Reported from nine counties in groups up to four. Maximum numbers (30) Winona and (25) Scott.
1973Summer Reports from Aitkin, Lake, Sherburne, Ramsey and Wabasha.
1973Fall Reported from Cook, Wright, Wabasha, Houston. Early 8-18 Sherburne (SWR); 9-8 Mille Lacs (2) (MI). Late north 11-1 Marshall (75) (AWR). Late south 11-24 Hennepin 3) (VL). Peak 10-3 Marshall (390) (AWR).
1973Winter Reported from 11 counties north to Cook and Wright; peak of 60 on the Wabasha Christmas Count.
1974Spring Early south 3-21 Olmsted JF; 3-27 Dakota BDC; 3-30 Wabasha DWM; early north 4-13, 4-17 St. Louis GJN, JCG; 4-18 St. Louis UMD; 4-19 Marshall AR.
1974Summer Nested in Ramsey (Bald Eagle L., 14 young on 7-6, EC); also reported from Marshall, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, and a late migrant 6-6 Lac qui Parle (JG).
1974Fall Early south 8-11 Hennepin FN; 9-25 Ramsey GC; late north 11-17 Duluth MMC.
1974Winter Reported from 11 counties north to Big Stone and Cook.
1975Spring Early south 3-1 Goodhue VRL; 3-5 Hennepin PG; 3-8 Hennepin JC, DY; early north 4-11 St. Louis MMC; 4-13 St. Louis GJN; 4-20 Mille Lacs MI and Aitkin JB.
1975Summer Nested in Cook, Lake and Marshall (1 brood, SV); also reported from Hennepin (6-29, OJ).
1975Falllate north 10·29 Marshall SV.
1975Winterreported from Cook, Lac qui Parle, Anoka, Washington, Ramsey, Hennepin, Dakota, Olmstead, Wabasha (113 on the Wabasha Christmas Count) and Winona Co's.
1976Spring Early south 3-7 Wabasha WM; 3-13 Hennepin PCHS; 3 reports on 3-18; early north 4-4 and 4-10 St. Louis JCG; 4-12 Cook JH; 4-20 St. Louis GN.
1976Summernested in Marshall (SV), Lake, Cook, Hennepin (French L., OJ) and Wabasha (brood seen on 6-17, G. Lint); also reported from St. Louis.
1976Fall Late north 11-24 Duluth.
1976Winter Reported from 15 counties north to Otter Tail, Lake and Cook Co's; more reports than usual in spite of the weather.
1977Spring Early south 3-1 Hennepin GSP; 3-6 Hennepin DGW, BE; 3-8 Wabasha RL; early north 3-11 Otter Tail SM; 3-28 St. Louis DA; 3-29 St. Louis GN.
1977Summer Nested in Lake and Ramsey (7 young on 6-1, Bald Eagle L., EC); also reported from Marshall, Lake of the Woods, Roseau, St. Louis, Cook and Anoka (6-5 to 6-12, KL).
1977Winter Reported from 12 counties north to Duluth and Cook.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Cook, Washington, Wabasha (Lower Sand Prairie); also seen in Lake, St. Louis, American Crow Wing, Beltrami, Otter Tail, Becker, Marshall and Roseau.
1978Fall Late north 11-29 (20) MC, 11-25 Houston OJ, RJ, FL, 11-26 Hennepin VL.
1978Winter Reported from 15 counties north to Crow Wing and Otter Tail (2-10, GO, GW); peak of 500 on the Wabasha CBC.
1979Spring Early south 3-4 Ramsey RH, 3-8 Anoka KL and Olmsted JB; early north 3-24 Cook TS, 4-1 Otter Tail SM, 4-7 St. Louis KE.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Lake; also seen in Cook, St. Louis, Marshall, Becker, Meeker (6-24, one, Litchfield), Hennepin (6-11, OLJ).
1979Fall aLte north 11-3 St. Louis RJ, 11-22 St. Louis DA, 11-26 Cook KMH; late south 11-11 Lac qui Parle CMB, 11-23 Ramsey DGW, 11-24 Wabasha OJ.
1979Winter Reported from eight southeastern counties and Cook and St. Louis in the northeast.
1980Spring Early north 3-1 Sherburne JH, 3-2 Ramsey JD, DGW, Scott KG; early north 4-3 St. Louis KMH, 4-10 Lake SW, 4-13 Otter Tail GMO. Gadwa1ll Early north 3-2 Scott KG, 3-19 Anoka KL, Olmsted JB; early north 3-30 Otter Tail GMO, 4-6 Marshall ANWR, 4-17 Beltrami JM.
1980Summer Breeding in Cook; also seen in Lake, Itasca, Beltrami, Roseau, Marshall, Pennington, Anoka (6-21, KL), Freeborn (DG), Lac qui Parle (6-7, KRE; 7-28, JCG), Traverse (6-10, KRE), Grant (Tenney BBS).
1980Fall Late north 10-4 Cass NH, 10-10 St. Louis JG, 11-14 Cook KMH; late south 11-15 Meeker RJ, 11-29 Dakota MW and Wabasha OJ.
1980Winter Late migrants in ltasca1 on 12-1 (TL) and 12-13, Otter Tail (GMO). An early migrant in Rock on 2-28 (BJ). Also reported from Cook in the northeast and 10 counties in the southeast quarter of the state.
1981Spring Many overwintering reports south; early north 3-6 Otter Tail GMO, 3-28 Itasca TL.
1981Summer Breeding data from Cook, Lake; nesting reported from Becker (Island Lake, DMJ). Only other observations were from Marshall, Duluth, Hennepin (French Lake, OLJ).
1981Fall Late north 11-26 Otter Tail GW, 11-28 St. Louis LW, 11-30 Cook KMH; late south 11-25 Rice HC, 11-26 Mower BJ, 11-29 Wabasha OJ.
1981Winter Two north reports: overwintered in Cook (KMH) and present in Duluth until 12-13 (KE). Also reported from 12 counties in the southeast quarter of the state.
1982Spring South 3-1 Dakota RH and Washington TBB, 3-7 Winona OJ (wintering birds); early north 3-30 Otter Tail SDM, 4-2 Lake SW/ MS, 4-10 Cook MH.
1982Summer Breeding data from Lake; seen in Cook. Late July observations from Roseau, Marshall, Wright, Nicollet.
1982Fall Late north 10/30 Otter Tail DS, 11/20 St. Louis LW, 11/27 Cook DZ/MC; late south 11/30 Hennepin SWIMS, Houston FL, Olmsted RE and Wabasha WDM.
1982Winter Reported from 15 counties south and east of Stearns, plus Cook in the northeast.
1983Spring Early south 3/5 Wabasha DB, Dakota OJ, 3/21 Hennepin RH; early north 3/31 Otter Tail GMO, 4/9 St. Louis TL, 4/12 Marshall ANWR.
1983Summer Breeding data from Cook. Also seen m Lake, Carlton, Marshall, Polk, Clay.
1983Fall Late north 10/19 Lake SW /MS, 10/22 St. Louis KC, 10/29 Cook JSP; late south 11/25 Dakota AB, 11/30 Houston FL, Olmsted BE.
1983Winter Reported from Cook (4) in the NE, Otter Tail (3) in the west central and 13 counties in the SE quarter of the state. A statewide CBC total of 88 individuals.
1984Spring Permanent resident; reported from eight counties south, six counties north.
1984Summernested in Cook and Marshall; also seen in St. Louis, Norman, Polk, Hennepin, Washington, Anoka and Olmsted.
1984Fall Late north II /4 Kittson RJ, Ill12 Hubbard AB, 11/25 Otter Tail SDM ; late south II / 21 Wabasha WDM, 11/29 Mower PP, I I /30 Ramsey DS.
1984Winter Again reported on the Grand Marais CBC. Also reported on the Fergus Falls CBC and from nine Twin Cities and SE region counties. A statewide CBC total of I 00 with a high count of 40 on the Wabasha CBC.
1985Spring Overwintered Cook KMH, Olmsted RE; early south 3/10 Dakota TTu, DZ, 3/11 Ramsey RH ; early north 3/16 Becker RJ, 3/29 Marshall ANWR. Winter 1985 north 3/20 Otter Tail KE, SDM, 3/23 Clay TT, 3/27 Marshall ANWR. Blue-winged Teal
1985Summer Nested in Cook and seen in St. Louis, Carlton and Marshall, a ten year low for number of counties reported from.
1985Winter Reported from 12 counties in the NE, EC and SE regions. Single individuals on the Mankato and Fergus Falls CBCs. A statewide CBC count of 73 (1 00 last year; hereinafter abbreviated L.y.) with a peak of 21 on the Afton CBC.
1986Spring Uncommon permanent resident; late south 4/5 Anoka, Dakota AB, 4/29 Olmsted GS, 5/25 Houston TM.
1986Summer Nested in Lake,St. Louis. Also seen in Cook, Agassiz NWR, Houston (617, EMF). As last year, continued low numbers.
1986Fall Early south 9/11 Mower RRK, 10/5 Olmsted B E, 10/9 Ramsey KB ; peak 9/23 Lake MH (500).
1986Winter The statewide CBC total of 57 is down from last year's 73. Reported in Cook St. Louis (Virginia on 1/27 SWIMS) and twelve counties south and east of the Twin Cities.
1987Spring Early south 3/6 Nicollet JCF, 3/7 Wabasha WDM, 3/9 Yellow Medicine KE; early north 3/24 Marshall ANWR.
1987Summer Nested in Lake of the Woods (SKS). Also seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Agassiz NWR, Hennepin (6/3 Grass Lake; 6/9 French Lake).
1987Fall Late north 9/26 Red Lake RG, 10/16 Pine JMM, 10/18 Duluth AB, 10/24 Cook RJ ; late south 11/23 Stearns NH, 11/30 Hennepin SC and Washington OS.
1987Winter Reported from Cook, St. Louis and 14 counties in the central and south regions. A statewide CBC total of 105 (57 L.Y.).
1988Spring Early south 3/1 Dakota KR, 3/8 Wabasha KR (probably wintering birds), 3/16 Ramsey RH; early north 4/6 Marshall ANWR, 4/9 Aitkin WN, 4/10 St. Louis MH/JS.
1988Summer Seen in Lake, Marshall, Kittson, Roseau, Norman, Todd, St. Louis, Cook, Sherburne. More sightings than previous few years, but no nesting reports.
1988Fall Early south 8/26 Anoka JH, 9/13 Hennepin SC, 10/8 Washington DS; late north 9/30 Todd PH, 10/16 BeckerSDM, 11/26 HubbardAB.
1988Winter Overwintered in Cook and reported from 13 south counties. Statewide CBC total of 62 (105 l.y.).
1989Spring Late south 4/5 Olmsted BSE, 4/7 Anoka JH, 5/9 Hennepin SC.
1989Summer Relatively high number of sightings, similar to previous year. Nested in Lake; seen in six other northern counties including Polk, Norman, Wilkin KB; plus Lac qui Parle CMB, Dakota AP
1989Fall Early south 9/2 Ramsey RH, 9/5 Sherburne SWR, 10/5 Hennepin SC; late north 10/20 St. Louis SS, 11/19 OtterTail SDM, 11/24 Cook WP.
1989Winter Overwintered in Cook and reported from 15 southern counties. Also found in St. Louis on the Duluth CBC, Burntside River 1/15 SS, and at Duluth l /27 RBJ. Statewide CBC Total of 77 (62 l.y.).
1990Spring Late south 4/7 Anoka SC, Kanabec RJ.
1990Summer Seen in Roseau, Marshall, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Chisago AB, Goodhue KB.
1990Fall Late north 9/1 Roseau MO, 10/4 Lake DPV, 11/30 Cook KMH; late south 11/24 Hennepin RH, EL, 11/28 Wabasha DWM, Washington DS.
1990Winter Overwintered in Cook on L. Superior KMH and in St. Louis KE; 12/15 Otter Tail SDM; and reported from 10 Mississippi R. counties from Hennepin to Houston. 13 total counties this year but 17 last year for a species that may be declining. Statewide CBC total of 63 (77 I.y.).
1991Spring Late south 51 II Wabasha DZ, 5/22 Hennepin SC, 5/31 Ramsey DS.
1991Summer Seen in six northern counties plus Sherburne, Anoka, Hennepin.
1991Fall Early south 8/1 Hennepin SC, 8/20 Washington DS, 10/7 Sherburne AB; late north 10/9 Pennington KSS, 11/23 Cook DB.
1991Winter Reported from 12 counties (13 counties l.y. and 17 two years ago). Overwintered in eight southeast and east central region counties mostly along the Mississippi River, plus Cook in the northeast. December reports on Cloquet CBC, and Otter Tail 12/12 & 12/14 (CBC). Early migrants in Rice 2/16, St Louis 2/25. CBC total of 131 (63 l.y. and 77 two years ago).
1992Spring Early south 3/7 Winona DN, 3/17 Hennepin DC, 3/18 Martin BBo; reported north 4/9 Aitkin WN.
1992Summer Nested in Cook; also seen in Marshall, Polk, Pennington, Aitkin, Hennepin.
1992Fall Late north 10/29 Aitkin DN, 11/3 Cook SOL, 11/5 Beltrami DJ; late south 11/27 Goodhue DN, 11/30 Hennepin SC and Ramsey DS.
1992Winter Reported from 21 counties (12 l.y.) mostly along the Mississippi River as far north as Stearns and Benton counties; reports from outside this core area include overwintering birds with other duck concentrations in Cook, Otter Tail and Olmsted counties, plus 12/5 Beltrami DJo, until 12/17 St. Louis (Duluth) KE, Crow Wing PKL (no date), and on the Albert Lea and Mankato CBCs. CBC total 1/0 (131 l.y.).
1993Spring Early south 3/6 Dakota DN, 3/14 Goodhue DZ, 4/2 Hennepin DC. Early north 3/31 St. Louis AE, 3/11 Cook OSL, Koochiching KB and Lake DS.
1993Summer Nested in Cass SKS; probable nesting in Cook. Also observed in Beltrami, St. Louis, Lake, Big Stone, Lyon, Wabasha.
1993Fall Late north 11/9 Mille Lacs WM, St. Louis TW, 11/30 Cook KMH. Late south 11/30 Hennepin AB, KB, SC, Olmsted JB, Winona CS.
1993Winter Reported from only 11 counties (21 l.y.) including Cook, Otter Tail, Rice, Winona, and the greater metro area.
1994Spring Reported 3/1 Dakota RH, 3/2 Cook KMH, 3/4 Anoka CF, 3/5 Hennepin OJ and Rice TB, RJ.
1994Summer Fewer reports than usual; seen in Roseau, Koochiching, St. Louis, Cook.
1994Fall Late north 11/11 Marshall KSS, 11/19 St. Louis SS, 11/30 Cook KMH. Late south 11/19 Winona JD, 11/29 Washington TEB, 11/30 Ramsey DS.
1994Winter Reported from 19 counties mostly in the eastern and central regions. Only report west in Otter Tail. CBC total an average 95 individuals.
1995Spring Overwintered in many areas; early north 3/22 Otter Tail SDM, 3/25 Kanabec CM, 4/19 St. Louis AE.
1995Summer Nested in Koochiching SKS, St. Louis; also seen in Polk, Clearwater and Cook counties
1995Fall Reported from 5 north and 12 south counties.
1995Winter Reported from 13 eastern counties. CBC total 1/0, half (55) of which were on the Grand Marais CBC.
1996Spring Reported from 19 counties. Late south 5/18 Martin BBo.
1996Summer Seen in Marshall, Clearwater, St. Louis, Stearns, Sherburne, Dakota.
1996Fall Reported from four north and eight south counties. Early south 8/14 Ramsey TT. No north reports in November (median 12/16).
1996Winter Reported from 14 eastern counties, plus 12/11 Clay CN in the west. CBC total 1/7.
1997Spring Reported from 19 counties.
1997Summer Seen in Roseau, Polk, Clearwater, Koochiching, St. Louis, Lake; plus 6/6 and 7/23 Chisago RH.
1997Fall Reported from seven north and ten south counties. Early south 8/9 Hennepin SC.
1997Winter Reported from 14 eastern counties. CBC total only 73, the lowest since 1990–91 (117 l.y.).
1998Spring Reported from 17 counties.
1998Summer Reported in Pennington, Koochiching, St. Louis, Lake; plus 6/8 Big Stone (2) RJ.
1998Fall Reported from five north and nine south counties. Unusual report 8/16 Big Stone (Thielke L.) KE et al.
1998Winter Reported from 18 counties as far west as Benton and Blue Earth.
1999Spring Overwintered south and north. Late south 5/15 Carver AH, PH, PS, 5/29 Hennepin SC, 5/31 Dakota SWe.
1999Summer Only records from St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1999Fall Reported from five north counties. See winter report for late and overwintering birds. Reported south from 14 counties including 8/15 Big Stone (Toqua Twp., not far from August 1998 bird at Thielke L.) PC, 8/18 Stearns SWi.
1999Winter Reported from 4 north and 24 south counties. Only western region report was on the Lac qui Parle CBC.
2000Spring Reported from 16 south and 6 north counties, including 5/19 Becker RJ, BK, 5/28 Pennington ABo. None in southwest region and only Grant (3/11 SDM) in west-central. Late south 4/21 Chisago RH, 4/22 Hennepin SC, 5/1 Dakota SL.
2000Summer Reported in Roseau, St. Louis, Cook; plus 6/20, 6/25 Nicollet (Middle L.) CRM, KRE et al.
2000Fall Though not reported there the previous season, one seen 8/26 Becker (KRE et al.) may have oversummered. Also reported north in Aitkin, Cook, Lake, Polk, Todd. Early south 8/27 Hennepin (2) SLC, then none until 10/8 Houston DFN, 10/16 Dakota TAT. Most south reports were from the east-central and southeast regions.
2000Winter Reported from 10 south and 3 north counties, all in the eastern and central regions.
2001Spring Reported from 16 south and 7 north counties, similar to last spring, though none in West-central and only Jackson in Southwest. Late south 5/19–21 Hennepin (Sylvan L.) SLC, KJB.
2001Summer Reported in Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, St. Louis, Cook; plus 6/3 Clay TAT.
2001Fall Possible oversummering bird 8/12 Polk DRu. All other north reports: Aitkin, Beltrami, Cook, Lake, St. Louis. Early south 8/16 Hennepin PEB. Unusual location 11/9–21 Lac qui Parle (2) BEO, PCC. Also seen in Meeker, Stearns, and eight locations in East-central and Southeast.
2001Winter Oberved in 20 counties in eastern and central regions, plus 12/29–2/28 Yellow Medicine and Chippewa (Granite Falls) RJS in the west.
2002Spring Observed in nine south and four north counties. No reports from West-central, Southwest, or Southeast regions. Reported from Marshall in the Northwest (5/4 JMJ, 5/25 MSS) and Cook, Lake, St. Louis in the Northeast. Late south (median 5/23) 5/11 Hennepin (2) SLC, but also see summer report.
2002Summer Observed in Polk, Norman, St. Louis, Lake, Carlton, Pine; plus late migrant seen 6/2 Hennepin SLC.
2002Fall All north reports: Beltrami (8/23, DPJ), Lake, Cook, Otter Tail, St. Louis. Early south 8/24 Dakota JPM, ADS, TAT, 9/19 Freeborn AEB. Also seen in nine additional south counties.
2002Winter Reported from 17 south counties plus Hubbard, St. Louis, Lake and Cook in the north.
2003Spring Observed in 13 south and 7 north counties; none in the Southwest. Late south (median 5/25) 4/13 Carver RMD, 4/21 Lac qui Parle BJU (only West-central report). Only Northwest report: 5/31 Clay RGj.
2003Summer Seen in Roseau, Marshall, Red Lake, St. Louis, Cook; plus 6/1 Clay RHO, 7/1 Lac qui Parle (Perry Twp.) †BJU.
2003Fall All north reports: Aitkin, Cook, Lake, Marshall, Mille Lacs, Polk, St. Louis. Reported from nine south counties, including 8/21 Lac qui Parle (possibly oversummering) BJU. No other south reports until late October.
2003Winter Reported from 20 eastern counties, plus 12/6 Lac qui Parle and 2/28 Chippewa (Lac qui Parle Lake) BJU in the west. Highest reported count 12/20 Duluth CBC (43).
2004Spring Reported from 15 south and 5 north counties, none in the Southwest. Late south (median 5/23) 4/21 Olmsted CWG, PWP, 4/29 Lac qui Parle BJU. Only Northwest report: 5/3 Becker fide JMJ.
2004Summer Reported from St. Louis, as well as 6/18 Cook JEB, 6/19 Lake NRRI, 6/20 Roseau PHS, 7/16 Beltrami BJU.
2004Fall All north reports: Aitkin, Cook, Lake, Marshall, Pennington, Roseau, St. Louis. Early south 8/7 Big Stone (Big Stone Twp.) PCC, 8/21 Freeborn AEB. Reported from five additional south counties, none in the Southwest.
2004Winter Reported from 21 eastern counties plus 2/26 Jackson (2) PEJ. Late north 12/18 Cook (Grand Marais CBC), (count week) Bemidji CBC; overwintered St. Louis (Duluth) PHS. Overwintering south in Dakota (Black Dog L.) JPM and Scott (Shakopee Mill Pond) DWK, PEJ. Highest reported count 12/18 Duluth CBC (21) fide JWL.
2005Spring Observed in 14 south and 6 north counties, none in the Southwest. Late south 5/12 Nicollet ChH. Only west reports: 3/31 Douglas SWi, 4/18 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) DPS.
2005Summer Seen throughout June at Agassiz N.W.R., Marshall BWF, 6/8 St. Louis ALE, 7/14 Pine JMP.
2005Fall North reports from Carlton, Clearwater, Cook, Hubbard, Itasca, Marshall, St. Louis. Early south (median 8/21) 9/5 Sherburne PLJ, 10/4 Rice TFB. Reported from seven additional south counties, none in the Southwest.
2005Winter Reported from four north counties with a high count 12/17 St. Louis (48, Duluth CBC) PHS, AXH. Overwintered north in St. Louis PHS and probably in Cook JWL; also seen 1/25 Otter Tail BJU. Reported from 12 south counties. Again overwintering in Dakota (Black Dog Lake) and Scott (Shakopee Mill Pond) PEJ, DWK, JPM. Also reported 1/1, 2/2 Lac qui Parle BJU. Several apparent American Black Duck X Mallard hybrids also reported.
2006Spring Observed in 12 south and 7 north counties. Late south (but also see summer report) 5/9 Lac qui Parle BJU, 5/19 Dakota DAC. Only other west reports 3/12 Jackson (4) DFN, 5/7 Polk PHS.
2006Summer Reported 6/1, 6/21, 7/2 St. Louis SES, JEB, CAM, 6/2, 6/3, 7/25 Cook RBJ, JEB, KWR, 6/7 Dakota RPR, 6/11 Pine MCA, 6/17 Lac qui Parle (2 individuals) PCC, 6/24, 6/30 Marshall PHS, 7/25 Stearns STW.
2006Fall All north reports: Aitkin, Cass, Cook, Lake, Marshall, Mille Lacs, Pennington, Polk, St. Louis. Early south 9/16 Carver ADB, 9/21 Big Stone BJU (median 8/21). Reported from 12 additional south counties, but only Yellow Medicine in Southwest.
2006Winter321 A few overwintered in St. Louis (Duluth) and four were present 2/17 Cook (Grand Marais) JWL. Numerous reports south including probable overwintering in Dakota, Hennepin, Scott; unusual mid-winter report 1/17 Big Stone (Thielke Lake) BJU. High count 1/28 Dakota (10 feeding in field at Donnelly and 180th) BAF.
2007Spring819 Only south report in May: 5/14+ Lac qui Parle (injured) BJU. Only other west reports: 3/16 Jackson (2) PEJ, 4/1 Lincoln (2) DFN, PEJ.
2007Summer34 Reported 6/1 Lac qui Parle BJU, 6/2 Crow Wing JSB, 6/4 St. Louis LAV, 6/6 Martin MCBS, 6/12 Sherburne ASc, 6/14 Roseau RBJ, Scott PEJ, 6/28 St. Louis PHS.
2007Fall715 All north reports: Cass, Clay, Cook, Hubbard, Lake, Pine, St. Louis. Early south 9/1 Sherburne JBB, 9/17 Lac qui Parle BJU.
2007Winter117 High count of 16 overwintered in St. Louis at the W.L.S.S.D. treatment plant, Duluth (PHS). Also reported in small numbers in usual metro area counties in January and February.
2008Spring921 Late south 5/5 Dakota DKo, 5/11 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 5/17). Other west reports: 3/15 Jackson DFN, PEJ, 4/4 Lyon RBW, 4/6 Rock DBM, 5/22 Polk PHS. High count 4/9 St. Louis (22 in Duluth harbor) PHS.
2008Summer32 Found 6/5, 6/7 Cook RBJ, JEB, JWH, 6/5 Lake SES, 6/22 St. Louis (3) SLF, 6/22 Lac qui Parle PCC, 6/29 Scott DFN, PEJ.
2008Fall614 All north reports: Aitkin, Cass, Cook, Lake, Pennington, St. Louis. Early south (median 8/23) 9/2 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, 9/13 Hennepin (Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) CRM.
2008Winter214 High counts: 12/27 St. Louis (17, Duluth) PHS, 2/25 Scott (13, Mill Pond) PEJ. Also reported north 1/27 Cass (2, Pine River dam) BAW.
2009Spring1313 High count 3/5 St. Louis (42, Canal Park) PHS. Late south 4/25 Lac qui Parle FGo, then two late-May reports: 5/29 Freeborn RTP, 5/31 Scott PEJ (median 5/17).
2009Summer52 Observed in all northern regions and 7/8 Blue Earth ChH, 7/9 Carver (3, Chevalle wetlands, Chaska) JCy.
2009Fall812 All north reports: Aitkin, Beltrami, Cass, Cook, Hubbard, Lake, Mille Lacs, St. Louis. Early south (median 8/25) 8/3 Hennepin CMB, then no reports until 9/27 Scott PEJ, 10/4 Murray DBM.
2009Winter220 High counts 1/10 St. Louis (46, Duluth) KJB, PHS, 2/21 Dakota (11, Black Dog Lake) PEJ, 12/12 Scott (9) PEJ.
2010Spring715 High count 3/5 St. Louis (38, Duluth Harbor) PHS. Late south 5/7 Lac qui Parle BJU, 5/14 Fillmore RTP (median 5/17).
2010Summer6 Found in Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Marshall, St. Louis.
2010Fall1111 All north reports: Aitkin, Becker, Carlton, Cook, Lake, Marshall, Mille Lacs, Pennington, Polk, St. Louis, Todd. Early south (median 8/25) 8/3 Hennepin BeS, 9/8 Freeborn RTP, 9/21 Hennepin SMC, 10/17 Houston JWH.
2010Winter414 High counts 2/3 St. Louis (9) LDa, 12/26 Wabasha (8) PEJ, 1/29 Dakota (8, Black Dog Lake) PEJ. CBC high counts 12/18 Duluth (33), 12/18 St. Paul North (9), 12/18 Dakota Bloomington (8). Numerous January and February records of up to nine birds overwintering St. Louis (Duluth) m.ob. Other post-December north reports included 1/2 and 2/20 Itasca SC, 2/23 Douglas ARW.
2011Spring915 Late south 4/16 Lac qui Parle PEJ, DFN, 4/17 Big Stone PEJ, DFN, Wabasha DBz (median 5/17).
2011Summer54Found in northeast as well as scattered central and southern locations. Unusually far south 6/13 Benton (Graham W.M.A.) RAE, 6/17 Lac qui Parle SWe, RWo, 6/20 Anoka (Carlos Avery W.M.A.) TAT.
2011Fall613 All north reports: Aitkin, Cook, Itasca, Lake, Marshall, St. Louis. Early south (median 8/25) 8/11 Meeker PRH, 8/28 McLeod LS, 9/24 Lac qui Parle GLa.
2011Winter421High count north 2/6 St. Louis (47, Duluth, 27th Ave West / Miller Creek) JLK; numerous other midwinter reports from Duluth. All north reports away from St. Louis: Clay (12/18 PBB, 2/5 DWR), Morrison (12/18 HHD, 12/22 RAE, 1/28 FGo, 2/19 BWF, JWH), Itasca (1/1, 1/6 SC). High counts south 2/20 (32), 12/1 (28), 2/27 (15) all from Wabasha (Pool 5) PEJ; also 1/14 Scott (10, Blue Lake W.T.P.) PEJ. Many other midwinter reports south including Benton, Dakota, Goodhue, Hennepin, Martin, Ramsey, Rice, Washington, Winona.
2012Spring819 High count 3/6 Wabasha (23) PEJ. Late south 5/20 Dakota PEJ, 5/27 Stearns RPR (median 5/17).
2012Summer112 Reported from all northern regions plus 6/9 Grant (Ash Lake) PCC, 6/12 Rice DAT, JHl, 7/27 Stearns (Willow Creek Pond) MJB.
2012Fall614 All north reports: Cook, Itasca, Lake, Marshall, Polk, St. Louis. Early south (median 8/25) 9/16 Ramsey RZi, 9/19 Hennepin ThM, 10/6 Hennepin DFN, PEJ, 10/14 Hennepin (Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) 10/24 Winona MGo.
2012Winter516 Numerous midwinter reports from St. Louis (Duluth), with high counts (27th Ave. West) 1/27 (31) JLK, 2/12 (28) KJB. Other midwinter north reports away from Duluth from Cass, Clay, Itasca, Morrison. South reports mostly from Twin Cities and Southeast counties, with midwinter south high count 2/20 Wabasha (32) PEJ; elsewhere south, midwinter high counts were ten (Scott) or fewer. CBC high count 12/15 Bloomington (4).
2013Spring1121 High counts 3/1, 4/8 St. Louis (24, Hearding Island, Duluth) PHS. Late south 4/29 Anoka REH, 5/8 Hennepin ESe (median 5/17).
2013Summer71 Seen north in Clearwater, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Roseau, St. Louis. Reported south in Lac qui Parle without comments. Please provide details on summer records of this species in the southern half of the state.
2013Fall710 All north reports: Aitkin, Becker, Cook, Itasca, Lake, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis. Early south (median 8/25) 8/11 Hennepin PEJ, 8/21 Hennepin CMB, 8/28 Sherburne (Sherburne N.W.R.) CKl.
2013Winter415 A few individuals overwintered St. Louis (Duluth), with post-December high count 1/4 (4) JLK. North high count 12/14 St. Louis (8, Duluth) TRK. Other north reports after December: 1/1 Itasca SC, 1/28 Cass (Pine River dam) BAW. South reports mostly from Southeast and Twin Cities counties, with midwinter high count 1/12 Wabasha (12, Reads Landing) SOh, 1/10 Scott (4) PEJ. CBC high count 12/14 Duluth (28).
2014Spring1321High count 4/20 St. Louis (9, Park Point) JLK. Late south 5/6 Ramsey (University of Minnesota, St. Paul campus) ASt, 5/18 Brown (Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) ARW, BTS, MiO, JSc (median 5/17).
2014Summer51Seen north in Becker, Cook, Lake, Mahnomen, St. Louis. Reported south in Wright with no details.
2014Fall816 Reported north from Aitkin, Becker, Cass, Cook, Hubbard, Lake, Morrison, St. Louis. Early south (median 8/25) 8/3 Rice TFB, 8/5 Ramsey JEB, 8/7 Lac qui Parle JMs, CRM, ALo. High counts 11/19 St. Louis (29, Port Terminal, Duluth) PHS, 10/31 St. Louis (19, Park Point) ClN.
2014Winter316 North high counts all from St. Louis (Duluth), where multiple individuals overwintered: 12/29 (45) EBr, 1/8 (41) JLK, 1/16 (40) GHo , MHo, KDS, 2/5 (32) JLK. Also reported 1/1 Cass DAY, 2/27 Otter Tail HHD. Many south reports of small numbers throughout the season, primarily from Twin Cities counties and Southeast. No reports from Southwest or South-central (except Rice). South high counts 1/3 Anoka (6) JaM, 1/19 Dakota (6) PEJ. CBC high counts 12/20 Duluth (31), 12/27 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (3), 12/28 Red Wing (3).
2015Spring818 High count 4/10 St. Louis (10, Park Point) JLK. Late south 5/13–17 Hennepin (2, Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) CMB, BAF, RRu, 5/20 Dakota CEr (median 5/17).
2015Summer81 Seen in all northern regions plus 6/5 Yellow Medicine (female with 2 male Mallards) DLP. First county breeding record for Roseau AXH.
2015Fall812 Reported north from Aitkin, Becker, Cook, Koochiching, Lake, St. Louis, Wadena. Early south (median 8/16) 8/26 Hennepin (3) DJa, 9/28 Ramsey (2) JFR. High counts 11/27 Houston (19) PEJ, 9/6 Lake (18) DaE, 11/23 St. Louis (18) JLK.
2015Winter219 Multiple individuals overwintered St. Louis (Duluth) m.ob., with peak January counts 1/2 (30) SPu, 1/17 (25) ClN. Post-December south reports from 15 counties, with high counts 6 or fewer. CBC high counts 12/19 Duluth (40), 12/19 St. Paul (North) (10).
2016Spring1321 High count 3/8 St. Louis (20, Interstate Island W.M.A.) JPR. Late south 5/5 Scott RCu, 5/8 Hennepin BCl, JGo, 5/28–29 Stearns (Albany W.T.P.) PCC, HHD (median 5/16).
2016Summer101 Reported from all northern regions and Lyon (no details). High counts 6/24 Koochiching (6) AXH, 7/4 Becker (6) MHe.
2016Fall916 Reported north from Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Otter Tail, Red Lake, Roseau, St. Louis. Early south (median 8/16) 8/1 Olmsted (5, Silver Lake) DSa, 8/3 Hennepin (3) DJa, 8/4 Wright DWK. High count 11/26 Wabasha (32, Pool #5) PEJ.
2016Winter517 High count 12/19 St. Louis (48, Canal Park) JPR. Multiple individuals overwintered in Duluth, with post-December high count 2/18 (32) JLK. Other north reports after December from Itasca, Morrison, Otter Tail. Post-December south reports from 16 counties, with high counts 6 or fewer. CBC high counts 12/17 Duluth (57, Duluth), 12/31 St. Paul (North) (4).
2017Spring1120 High count 3/20 St. Louis (23, Duluth) JLK. Late south 5/24 Washington HHD, RAE, 5/27–28 Houston KRE, m.ob. 5/28 Hennepin (2) DSh (median 5/20).
2017Summer131 Observed from all northern regions plus Grant, Otter Tail, Stearns (6/4 TAT).
2017Fall1420 Reports from 14 north counties is the highest total in the last six fall seasons. Away from Lake Superior reported north from Aitkin, Crow Wing, Douglas, Grant, Hubbard, Marshall, Pennington, Pine, Polk, Roseau, Traverse. Early south (median 8/16) 8/1 Sherburne (2, Sherburne N.W.R.) ebd , 8/31 Freeborn (Albert Lea) TCz, 9/3 Hennepin (Lake Hiawatha Park) BAF. High counts 9/5 Lake (32, total from four lakes) RCl, 11/10 Wabasha (21) PEJ, 11/22 St. Louis (21, Park Point) JLK.
2017Winter417 Multiple individuals overwintered St. Louis (Duluth) m.ob., with peak post-December count 1/10 (14) AVa. Other north reports after December (singles) from Itasca, Otter Tail. South high count 12/23 Wabasha (28) PEJ. Post-December south reports from 13 counties. CBC high counts 12/16 Duluth (37), Minneapolis (North) (6).
2018Spring821 High count 4/3 St. Louis (23, Park Point) JLK. Late south 5/7 Meeker (2) PKF, 5/9 Freeborn ebd, 5/10 Hennepin (2) ebd, Lyon KRE (median 5/21).
2018Summer132 Reported from northern regions plus new summer records: 6/23 Douglas (Central Lakes Trail and Brophy Lake C.P.) SMl, 6/26 Otter Tail (Prairie Wetlands Learning Center) ebd, 7/16 Rock (Blue Mounds S.P.) ebd, 6/21 Stevens (Lamprecht W.P.A.) ASu, 7/24 Grant (3, North Ottawa Impoundment) LKo.
2018Fall813 Reported north from Carlton, Cook, Crow Wing, Kanabec, Marshall, Lake, Otter Tail, St. Louis. Early south (median 8/16) 8/11 Hennepin ebd. High count 11/23 St. Louis (36, Park Point) JLK.
2018Winter315 Statewide high count 12/11 St. Louis (50, Duluth) KRE. Multiple individuals overwintered St. Louis (Duluth), with peak post-December count 1/9 (23) JLK. Other midwinter north reports from Lake, Otter Tail. South high count 12/3 Wabasha (16, Pool 5) PEJ. South reports after December from 11 counties, with high count 1/28 Goodhue (6, Colville Park) PEJ. CBC high counts 12/15 Duluth (47), Excelsior (2), Willmar (2).
2019Summer9 Seen in Cook, Grant, Itasca, Kittson, Lake, Marshall, Red Lake, St. Louis, Wadena.
 Breeds north-central and northeast. Migrant throughout, but rare southwest. Winter visitant mostly south.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.