Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Fulvous Whistling-Duck
Snow Goose
Ross's Goose
Greater White-fronted Goose
[Taiga Bean-Goose]
[Brant (Atlantic)]
[Brant (Black)]
Cackling Goose
Canada Goose
[Greater White-fronted Goose X Canada Goose]
Mute Swan
Trumpeter Swan
Tundra Swan
[Cygnus swan]
Wood Duck
Blue-winged Teal
Cinnamon Teal
[Blue-winged Teal x Cinnamon Teal]
Northern Shoveler
Eurasian Wigeon
American Wigeon
[Gadwall X Mallard]
American Black Duck
[Mallard X American Black Duck]
Mottled Duck
Northern Pintail
[Mallard X Northern Pintail]
Green-winged Teal
[Green-winged Teal (Eurasian)]
[Green-winged Teal (American)]
Ring-necked Duck
Tufted Duck
Greater Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Greater Scaup]
Lesser Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Lesser Scaup]
King Eider
Common Eider
[Somateria eider]
Harlequin Duck
Surf Scoter
White-winged Scoter
Black Scoter
Long-tailed Duck
Common Goldeneye
[Bufflehead X Common Goldeneye]
Barrow's Goldeneye
[Common Goldeneye X Barrow's Goldeneye]
Hooded Merganser
Hooded Merganser
[Common Goldeneye X Hooded Merganser]
Common Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser
Ruddy Duck

Barrow's Goldeneye(Bucephala islandica)
1965Spring4-13 Fond du Lac, (south edge of Duluth), JCG, BL, RLH. (See Notes of Interest in previous issue.
1966Springon 3-1 the same adult male (?) seen in January near the Pig's Eye Sewage Disposal Plant in St. Paul was seen again by BL near Navy Island in St. Paul on the Mississippi River. Another report, without details, was received on 3-25 from northeast Minneapolis on the Mississippi River near Hall's Island, in company with the well-known wintering raft of Common Goldeneyes; perhaps also the same bird?
1966Winter12-31 to 49 June 1967 about 3-15, St. Paul, Ramsey Co., 1 ad male seen by many observers, except on 1-31 when RAK and FN observed 2 ad males and what appeared to be a female because of the close association with the two males; this compares very nicely with a report on 2-11 at Blackdog, Dakota Co. (only a few miles from the St. Paul site) when EMB and his brother observed 2 ad males and a closely associated female.
1967Spring3-8 and 3-12 NSP Blackdog Plant, Dakota Co., 1 male, EMB; 4-12 Chisholm, St. Louis Co., 1 male, FVS. (See Notes of Interest)
1967Winter 1-1(VL, DB,RLH,RBJ), 1-3(FN/MAS) Blackdog, Dakota Co.
1968Winter12-27 BL, 2-26 EC Ramsey (St. Paul) male; (seen also by RBJ, RG).
1969Spring3-9 (pair) Hennepin Co., across from Black Dog, VL; 4-6 Lake Vadnais, Ramsey Co., LAF (no details) JJ.
1969Winter12-13- all winter, Dakota EMB.
1972Winter12-16 (1 male) Big Stone DP.
1973Winter A male was seen on 1-6 at Sartell, Stearns Co. (NH) and no less than 3 were reported on the St. Paul Christmas Count; this is a very rare bird in Minnesota and details should be submitted on all sightings; it is unfortun- ate that few if any birders were notified of the birds in St. Paul so that they could be checked out.
1974Spring 5-11 Nine Mile Lake, Lake Co., 2 males observed by H. Tucker.
1974Winter Three reports with good details: one female at Grand Marais, Cook Co. on 12-12 (JG, BJ); one male at Duluth on 2-1 (CF); another at Hovland, Cook Co. on 1-25 (Thunder Bay Field Naturalists).
1977Fall 10-15 Duluth 1 imm. male (KE, PE); 11-20 Mille Lacs 1 female (J. Blanich et al).
1978Spring 4-14 Otter Tail (2) GO.
1979Winter Lilydale, Ramsey Co. 12-30 until 1-4 (B. Litkey).
1980Winter A pair at Black Dog Lake, Dakota County 2-21 (ES) lingered into March (mob). Details in The Loon 53:110-111.
1981Spring 3-4 through 7 Dakota (Black Dog) RA, MW.
1983Fall 11/24, 11/30-12/1 Hennepin SC (The Loon 56:67).
1983Winter Reports of two males at Black Dog, Dakota County from 1-7 till the end of the period (mob). Also reported from Lake Calhoun, Hennepin on 12-1 (SC) and on the Mississippi near Elk River, Sherburne Co. on 2-4, Gary Swanson. Bujjtehead Reported on the Grand Marais and Willmar CBC's. A January report from Two Harbors, Lake Co. on l-1 (SWMS). Spring migrants in the southeast in Houston 2-25, (FL) and Olmsted, 2-25 (KL).
1984Winter One at Black Dog L., Dakota Co. on 12-7; (The Loon 57:61-62).
1985Fall 11/9 Hennepin OJ
1986Spring 4/1-5 J. Kramer et al. (The Loon 58: 141). Olmsted JEB, RE, AMP.
1986Fall 11/29 Lake Calhoun Hennepin SC, GP (The Loon 59:55-56). .Common Goldeneye Early south 10/15 Anoka SC, Hennepin GP, 10/21 Washington TBB. Buffiehead Early north 10/4 Cook SL, Polk DS; early south 10/5 Ramsey KB, 10/15 Faribault NHo; late north 11/19 Cook KMH, 11/21 Duluth KE; late south 11/26 Waseca JF, 11.30 HEnnepin AB, SC, OJ.
1989Spring 5/27 Grand Portage, Cook Co. AB, BL (The Loon 61 :140). Buffiehead Early south 3/10 Cottonwood ED, 3/19 GoodhueAB ; early north 4/1 OtterTail SDM, 4/6 Duluth KE; late south 5/16 Goodhue APr, 5/20 Hennepin DZ.
1989Summer Male found in late May at Grand Portage, Cook Co. (The Loon 61: 140); last reported on 6/4 WP.
1989Winter A well-described female remained at Fergus Falls, Otter Tail Co. Ill to 3/4, SDM (The Loon 62:96-99).
1990Spring 3/29-4113 Sherburne SNWR (The Loon 62:165). Buffiehead Early south 3/4 Cottonwood ED, 3/10 Houston FL, Pipestone ND; early north 3/31 St. Louis DE, 4/1 OtterTail SDM, 4/8 Itasca TS; late south 5/4 Steele BSE, 5/11 Hennepin SC.
1993Winter Imm. male observed on the Mississippi River at Elk River, 2/24–25 Sherburne KB et al.
1994Winter Adult male reported 12/25–1/10 on the Mississippi River, Ramsey Co. AH (The Loon 67:176–177), and 1/20–29 at Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. mob (details provided). Although there were no February reports, this bird apparently overwintered since what was presumably the same bird was reported again at Black Dog Lake in March. An adult female also reported 1/1–2 on the Mississippi River, Ramsey Co. WW et al. (The Loon 67:61-62), 2/26 Lac qui Parle WMA RSc.
1995Spring Reported through 3/13 Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. BF, PJ, AH and through 3/24 Pigs Eye Lake, Ramsey Co. (adult male) KB. This same individual had overwintered in area (The Loon 67:145).
1995Fall One male 11/29 Lilydale, Ramsey Co. KB.
1995Winter Adult male overwintered at Blue Lake treatment plant, Scott Co. CMa, mob (The Loon 68:130–131).
1996Spring Overwintered through 3/24 Scott (male) mob.
1996Fall Reported 11/13+ (overwintered) at Blue Lake lagoons, Scott Co. (male) mob. This was considered the same individual that overwintered in 1995–96.
1996Winter For the second year in a row, an adult male overwintered at the Blue Lake treatment plant, Scott Co. mob.
1997Spring Overwintered through 3/16 Scott (male) mob.
1997Fall Reported 11/19+ Scott (Blue Lake sewage lagoons) mob, overwintering male.
1997Winter For the third year in a row, an adult male overwintered at the Blue Lake treatment plant, Scott Co. mob. The same individual was reported 2/22–23 Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. PJ.
1998Spring Male overwintered through 3/11 Scott mob.
2000Winter Adult male found 2/3 St. Louis (Canal Park, Duluth) HHD remained through end of period.
2001Spring Immature female seen 3/1 Otter Tail (Fergus Falls) †KJB (The Loon 73:180–182). The drake at Canal Park in Duluth since 2/3 was last reported 3/19 St. Louis fide KRE.
2001Fall Adult male photographed 11/17 Houston (Pool #8 near Reno) †PEJ(The Loon 74:118–119).
2002Winter Female reported 1/30–2/28+ Otter Tail (Fergus Falls) †SPM, †PHS et al.
2003Spring Adult male 4/2 Hennepin (Long Meadow L.) †TAT, †PEB, m.ob. Female at Fergus Falls since 1/30 last reported 3/11 SPM et al.
2003Fall Adult male seen 11/11–15 Houston (second earliest south, Pool #8) †PEJ, DFN.
2004Fall Adult male 11/21 Houston (Pool #8) †DFN, †PEJ. Third November record from this location since 2001.
2004Winter Adult male 12/27–1/11 Dakota (seen in both MN and WI from Freedom Park, Prescott, WI) ph. †JPM, †CMB, †PEB, †PHS; also recorded on the Hastings-Etter CBC. Another report of two males on the Afton CBC will be reviewed by MOURC.
2005Fall Adult male 11/20 Houston (Pool #8) †DBz, CHo, JWH. Fourth November record from this location since 2001.
2005Winter Adult male 2/19 Wabasha (Lake Pepin) inadvertently photographed by NyC among large group of Common Goldeneyes and later identified from image posted to MOU-net †JPM, DSM (The Loon 78:178). What was presumably the same bird refound 2/26 Wabasha †PEJ.
2006Winter1 Adult male found 1/19 Dakota (seen from Prescott, WI) KJB was refound 1/21 †JPM and documented through 2/1 †CMB, †PEB, ph. DAC, †PCC.
2007Spring1 Adult male 3/26–4/11 Cass (Kabekona Narrows, Leech L.) ph. †BAW, MMa, DAY, PJR.
2007Fall1 Male in eclipse plumage 10/6–7 St. Louis (Park Point, Duluth) †KRE, ph. JWL, †MLH, ph. †PHS.
2007Winter3 Two alternate males first reported 12/16 Dakota (near Prescott, WI) were present in Dakota and Washington until 12/19; thereafter, one male remained until at least 1/13 †BAF, †PEB, †KJB, ph. †DWK, JPM, ph. DAC. What likely was the other of these males was found downriver 1/5 in Goodhue (Colvill Park, Red Wing) †PDe. An alternate male was also reported 2/2 Wabasha (Lake Pepin, Read's Landing area) †BAF. Subsequently, many observers reported 1 or 2 alternate males in Wabasha through 3/4, though only one was documented (BAF, JWH, m.ob.).
2008Spring1 One of the adult males wintering on the Mississippi River lingered until 3/4 Wabasha (Reads Landing) †BAF, m.ob.
2008Fall12 All documented reports: 11/1+ St. Louis (ad. male at Park Point) ph. †PHS, †MLH, †DAC, †KRE, m.ob., 11/17–19 Meeker (ad. male on Lake Ripley) †DMF, ph. RWS, m.ob., 11/22 Houston (ad. male on Pool 8 of Mississippi R.) †PEJ, DFN.
2008Winter1 Probably the same adult male found 11/1 (Park Point) over-wintered in the Canal Park area of Duluth and was last seen in early March ph. PHS, MLH, KRE, m.ob.
2009Spring2 All reports: 3/1–8 St. Louis (over-wintering adult male, Duluth) †PHS, m.ob., 4/7–9 Itasca (Grand Rapids W.T.P.) KTP, †SC, ph. †EEO, m.ob.
2009Fall1 Adult male seen 11/17+ in St. Louis (between Park Point and 21st Avenue East, Duluth) †PHS, †DDo, ph. EBr, m.ob. may have been the same individual that over-wintered from November 2008 to March 2009.
2009Winter14 Providing the first record for the Duluth CBC and likely the same individual present in late November, an adult male over-wintered 12/8 – 2/28 St. Louis (Duluth) KJB, ph. †PHS m.ob. See also Fall report. Recorded 3 of last 10 years (2001, 2007, 2008) in Duluth area with no reports between the 1970's and 2000 fide PHS. An adult male was present Dakota/Washington (Prescott, WI area). First documented here 1/3 †BAF, and last observed 1/6 JPM. An adult male and 1st-year male were present and well documented 1/16 Wabasha (Camp Lacupolis, Lake Pepin) †BAF, †PEJ, ph. †KJB, m.ob. The adult lingered through 2/14 and was joined by a second adult male 2/6-13 †BAF, DBM. Another adult male was found 2/28 Sherburne (Mississippi River, Elk River) ph. †KJB.
2010Spring1 Only reports: 3/16 St. Louis (over-wintering adult male, Park Point) ph. †KJB, 3/23–27 St. Louis (female, Park Point) †KJB, †PHS.
2010Fall1 Adult male seen 11/12–13 in St. Louis (Duluth) GGa, ph. †PHS, ph. (The Loon 83:91–92). KJB may have been the same individual that overwintered from November to March of 2008–2009 and 2009–2010.
2010Winter12 Only documented report: 2/27+ Wright (adult male, Mississippi River, Monticello) †PEJ, †DFN, †DWK (The Loon 83:141).
2011Spring11 All reports: 3/1–5 Wright (adult male lingered from late February, Monticello) PEJ, m.ob., 4/8 St. Louis (adult male, Park Point R.A.) †PHS.
2011Fall1 Adult male seen 11/19–29+ in St. Louis (Duluth) ph. †PHS, †KRE, †JLK, ph. KJB may have been the same individual seen from November to March of 2008–2009 and 2009–2010, and April 2011.
2011Winter24One north record of an adult male 12/11–2/19 St. Louis (Canal Park and then various other Lake Superior locations in Duluth from 27th Ave. West to 42nd Ave. East) KJB, ph. †PHS, ph. ANy, ph. CyB, m.ob. This is the same male recorded the previous month at Canal Park (11/19–29; see The Loon 84:70) and probably the previous three winters as well (since winter 2008). South reports involve possibly the same adult male found in Goodhue, Wabasha (Lake Pepin) and Winona (near Minneiska) 12/5–1/15 KJB, †PEJ, †DFN, ph. JWH, m.ob., and an adult female 12/26 Wabasha (in same flock with adult male) †PEJ, †DFN. Another adult male seen 12/20 Benton (Mississippi River) †BAB.
2012Spring11 All reports: 3/16 Lac qui Parle (Bolland Slough) †JF, 3/22 St. Louis (overwintering adult male, Park Point) †PHS.
2012Winter1 Adult male overwintered St. Louis (Duluth, mostly Superior Entry) 12/25–2/17+ ph. KJB, ph. †PHS, †DWi, ph. †HCT, ph. †KRE, ph. JLK, ph. BU, ph. SLP, ph. AM, m.ob. Plumage characteristics from photos indicate this is probably the same male that has returned to this area annually since 2008.
2013Spring12 All reports: 3/9–4/8 Anoka/Hennepin (male, Coon Rapids Dam) †CF, †RZi, †HCT, †DWK, 3/25–4/16 St. Louis (overwintering male in Duluth Harbor; female also documented 3/25–26 in the same flock) MFu, †KJB, †PHS, †JLK.
2013Fall1 Adult male on Lake Pepin in Goodhue 11/23 †PEJ, †DFN.
2013Winter12 All reports: 12/12–13 St. Louis (adult female, Duluth, 23rd Ave. East) EBr, ph. †TRK, †KRE, †PHS, †JLK, m.ob., 12/1 Wabasha (adult male, Pool 5) †PEJ, 1/11 Goodhue (adult female, Lock and Dam 3) †PEJ, 1/19 Goodhue (immature female, Lock and Dam 3) †PEJ.
2014Spring1Adult female found 3/22 Winona (Pool #5 near Minneiska) †PEJ.
2014Fall No reports.
2014Winter1 One report with comments: 12/19 Otter Tail †SPM, DST.
2015Spring1 Adult male reported on Brockway Lake (without details) 4/9–10 Cass JWM, DAY.
2015Fall No reports.
2015Winter No reports.
2016Spring No reports.
2016Fall No reports.
2016Winter13 One female was reported 12/24–1/1 Otter Tail (Fergus Falls) MJB, ph. WPl, m.ob., while presumably the same male moved along the Mississippi River as it froze and opened up 1/7–9 Wright (Monticello) ph. CLL, 1/21–2/14 Anoka and Hennepin (Champlin, Mississippi River) ph. ARh, m.ob.
2017Spring No reports.
2017Fall No reports.
2017Winter1 All reports: 1/17 Otter Tail (female, Orwell W.M.A.) ph. WPl, 2/1 Otter Tail (presumably the same female, Fergus Falls, Riverside Waterfowl Sanctuary) JsS, JSw.
2018Spring1 One north report 3/27 Otter Tail (female, Riverside Park, Fergus Falls) ph. WPl.
2018Fall1  Only report 11/9 Cass (drake harvested on Leech Lake) ph. fide AXH.
2018Winter1 Female overwintered Otter Tail (Fergus Falls) 1/10–2/11 ph. WPl, m.ob. Possibly the same female was also reported from this location the previous two winters.
 Rare migrant mostly east. Overwinters locally.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.