Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Fulvous Whistling-Duck
Snow Goose
Ross's Goose
Greater White-fronted Goose
[Taiga Bean-Goose]
[Brant (Atlantic)]
[Brant (Black)]
Cackling Goose
Canada Goose
[Greater White-fronted Goose X Canada Goose]
Mute Swan
Trumpeter Swan
Tundra Swan
[Cygnus swan]
Wood Duck
Blue-winged Teal
Cinnamon Teal
[Blue-winged Teal x Cinnamon Teal]
Northern Shoveler
Eurasian Wigeon
American Wigeon
[Gadwall X Mallard]
American Black Duck
[Mallard X American Black Duck]
Mottled Duck
Northern Pintail
[Mallard X Northern Pintail]
Green-winged Teal
[Green-winged Teal (Eurasian)]
[Green-winged Teal (American)]
Ring-necked Duck
Tufted Duck
Greater Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Greater Scaup]
Lesser Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Lesser Scaup]
King Eider
Common Eider
[Somateria eider]
Harlequin Duck
Surf Scoter
White-winged Scoter
Black Scoter
Long-tailed Duck
Common Goldeneye
[Bufflehead X Common Goldeneye]
Barrow's Goldeneye
[Common Goldeneye X Barrow's Goldeneye]
Hooded Merganser
Hooded Merganser
[Common Goldeneye X Hooded Merganser]
Common Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser
Ruddy Duck

Black Scoter(Melanitta americana)
1961FallBetween 17 Oct. and 5 Nov., Jan Green reports that from two to seven Black Scoters were seen at Duluth. Three were seen at Grand Marais, Cook County on 25 Nov. by the Huber brothers. 
1967Fall 10-8 Stoney Point, St. Louis Co., 1 RK, JCG; 11-13 Mille Lacs Lake, 1 imm shot, fide ELC; 11-25 Duluth, 1, JCG.
1970Summer6-14 Duluth one seen MMC.
1973Fall Fewer reports than usual. Nine individuals were reported from L. Superior from 9-17 through 10-27. One report inland: 11-2 Aitkin (TS).
1974Spring 8 reports from Lake Superior,.4-30 to 5-20, many observers; 4-10 to 4-16 (1) Wabasha Co. DWM.
1974Fall 10-26 Mille Lacs JB (5); 11-2 Cook RBJ; 11-3 Mille Lacs Lake JB (14); 11-8 Beltrami KE; 11-10 Cook ES.
1975Spring 2 reports: 5-16 Cook (4) MMC; 5-17 St. Louis (1) KE, TS, HCK.
1975Fall10·18 Lyon RJ, BL; 10-25 to 11-11 Duluth 3 reports; 10-17 to 11-8 Cook 4 reports with 15 seen on 11-8 by KE, BL.
1976Spring 3 reports: 5-18 St. Louis (1) GN; 5-19 St. Louis (1) JCG; 5-25 Lake (1) JH.
1976Fall 8 reports from Duluth, early 9-27 GN, late 11-25, 5 reports from Cook Co., early 10-7, late 11-27 KE; 10-29, 30 Mille Lacs L. many observers; peak 10-8 Cook (16) KE.
1977Spring 2 reports: 4-26 St. Louis (1) GN; 5-7 Lake (2) KE.
1977Fall Reported from Lake Mille Lacs and Cook Counties, peak 10-26 Cook (55) (KE, JG, RJ).
1978Spring 5-13 to 5-20 St. Louis.
1978Summer Late migrant 6-5 (KRE) thru 6-21 (BDC) Stoney Point, Lake Superior.
1978Fall 10-21 Cook (3) KE, 10-22 Aitkin ES, 10-28 Aitkin TS, Cook (5) DGW, 10-31 and 11-1 Cook (15) KE, 11-1 Cook (3} RJ, 11-18 Mille Lacs (2) JB, Aitkin TS, 11-25 Wabasha OJ, RJ.
1979Spring 5-8 St. Louis KE, 5-10 St. Louis MMC, 5-12 St. Louis KE, BL, 5-21 Lake SW, 5-31 Kittson DNR, St. Louis BB.
1980Spring 5-2 Cook KMH, 5-12 St. Louis KE, 5-17 Cook KE.
1980Fall 9-16 Cook KMH, 10-4 St. Louis LW, 10-15 Duluth KE, JG, RJ, 10-18 St. Louis WN, 10-20 Hennepin RBA, 10-23 Mille Lacs EC, 10-30 Cook KE, 11-1 Crow Wing DB, OJ, 11-4 Cook KMH, 11-28 Lake KE.
1981Spring 5-10 St. Louis JG, only report.
1981Fall 10-16 St. Louis KL, 10-20 Cook KE, 10-23 Itasca TL, 10-24 Lake DGW, 10-25 Anoka KL, 11-7 Houston JPI AM, 11-25 Wabasha KL.
1982Fall 10/9 through I 0131 Mille Lacs Lake JB, TS, 10/21 through 11/2 Cook KE, LE, KMH, DGW, 10/22-24 Beltrami AS, TS, 11/20 Wabasha WDM.
1983Spring 4/30 Cook KMH, 5/26 Cook KL.
1983Fall 10/6--7 Crow Wing KL, 10/17-18 Duluth KE, 10/22, 11/2 Cook many obs, 11/5 Pipestone KL, II/11-21 Beltrami JSP.
1984Fall Many unusul locations: 10/4 Cook KMH, 11/7-18 St. Louis m obs., 11/14 Washington KL, 10/20 Itasca KL, 10/25 Mile Lacs KL, 10/27 Todd KL, 11/7 Otter Tail KL, ll/11 Pine KL, 11/18 Ramsey m obs,
1985Fall 10/20 St. Louis RJ, 11/1 Clay fide NH, 11/2 Lake KE, I l/9 Cook KMH.
1986Fall Reported 10/17- 11/3 Cook m.ob., Mille Lacs 10/21-11115 ES, m.ob., 10/27 Lake Harriet Hennepin m. obs., 10/28 Aitkin SC, 11/2 Grant RG, 11/15 Crow Wing BL, WN.
1987Spring 5/5 Duluth K. Camburn, M. Hendrickson.
1987Fall Reported 10/23 St. Louis BE, PB, 11/7-8 Wabasha AP, 11/8-11 Waseca RG,RJ,AP, Ill 12 St. Louis KC.
1988Spring 5/19-29 Duluth m.ob.; only report. Winter 1988
1988Fall 10/13 Duluth KE, 10/29-30, 11/5-6,24 Cook m.ob., 11/28 Hennepin SC; only reports.
1989Spring Only reports: 4/22-23 Lac qui Parle m.ob. (TheLoon61:149), 5/20,21 Hennepin m.ob.
1989Fall Reported 10/9-18 Duluth KE, PS, 10/13-29 Cook mob, 10/21-22 Winona AP, CS.
1990Fall Reported 9/2-11 /1 1 Cook mob, 10/24 St. Louis BL.
1991Fall Reported 10/8-11/18 Cook KB, PB, MH, 10/19 Kanabec RJ, 10/16-20 Lake PB, KR, PS.
1992Fall Reported 10/9–23 Lake DPV, PB, 10/10 Cook PB, 10/12–14 Wilkin SDM, PS, 11/19 Mille Lacs KB, 11/26 Ramsey KB.
1993Fall Reported north 9/22 Lake fide KE, 10/8 Roseau PS, 10/9–17 Duluth PB, WL, 10/15 Pennington KB, 10/16 Cook mob, 10/23–11/13 Mille Lacs TEB, PKL, Crow Wing 10/24 KE, WN, Otter Tail 10/24 DS. South 10/19 McLeod RG, 10/27–11/9 Rice mob, 11/26 Isanti PRL.
1994Spring Reported 4/22 St. Louis DPV, 5/7–9 Winona CS et al., 5/29 St. Louis WM, TW.
1994Fall Reported 9/21–11/30 Cook mob, 10/4–30 St. Louis mob, 11/12 Mille Lacs (1) AH.
1994Winter Two unusual December reports of late migrants: 12/2 Cook DS and 11/9–12/10 Wabasha BF. These are the latest dates on record; only one previous winter record in January 1972.
1995Fall All reports: 9/28 St. Louis mob, 10/31 Lake Byllesby, Dakota Co. (1) DBS, 11/3 Chisago (1) RG, RJ, 11/12 Aitkin MCG, 11/15 Cook mob.
1996Spring No reports.
1996Fall All reports: 10/20–26 Cook (1–2) mob, 10/24 Anoka fide AH; 10/25 Mille Lacs Lake, Crow Wing Co. (2) KB; 11/4–6 Lake Pepin, Wabasha Co. (1) CS; 11/25 Reads Landing, Wabasha Co. (1) KB.
1997Spring No reports.
1997Fall Seven reports from Lake Superior, from 10/16 Cook (2) BL through 11/17 Lake (5) FKS.
1997Winter Only report: 12/1 Lake Calhoun, Hennepin Co. (3) KB.
1998Spring All reports: 4/6 Cass/Itasca (Lake Winnibigoshish) PS, 5/14 St. Louis fide KE.
1998Fall Record high count 10/20 Aitkin (230 on Mille Lacs L.) AH. Eleven reports from Lake Superior, including early arrivals on 9/24 St. Louis (5) mob. Eight reports away from Lake Superior, including 10/2 (earliest date south) Lyon KE et al., 10/23 Swift (female at Lac qui Parle WMA) ABo, 10/25 Norman (two at Ada lagoons) KE et al., 10/29 Goodhue (female on L. Byllesby) DBS, 11/14 Carver (two on L. Waconia) mob.
1998Winter Reported 12/5 Lake (Two Harbors) JLi and 12/12 Washington (White Bear Lake) KB (record late date).
1999Spring All reports: 5/3 St. Louis (1) JN, 5/21 Koochiching (pair on Nett L.) RJ.
1999Fall Lake Superior reports from Cook 10/16 (AH, PS) through 11/7 (mob). More reports than usual away from Lake Superior: 10/19 Roseau (3 female/immatures at Roseau lagoons) PS, 10/23 Crow Wing (Mille Lacs L.) AH, PS. First county record in Meeker with a female present on Lake Ripley from 10/25–11/2 and an immature male at the same location 11/2–11/5 (†DF). One of these, or perhaps a third bird was at this location 11/18 (†RbS)! The latest report was from the southwest: 11/24 Lyon (Lady Slipper L.) PE.
2000Spring No reports.
2000Fall Numbers down on L. Superior (Table 1). No reports elsewhere!
2001Spring One seen 5/9 St. Louis (Duluth) KJB.
2001Fall Scarce on L. Superior (max. 4 in any location) but more reports than usual from “inland” counties. Early north 10/8 St. Louis CRM et al. All north reports away from L. Superior: 10/22 Mille Lacs (1) CRM et al., 11/4 Mille Lacs (4) PCC, PHS, 11/4–12 Aitkin (max. 4) m.obs., 11/11 Cass (2, L. Winnibigoshish) PHS. All south reports: 10/13 Dakota (Lakeville) ADS et al., 10/27 Meeker (L. Ripley) DMF, 11/3 Wabasha (5, L. Pepin) RLE, 11/10 Dakota SWe, 11/17+ Winona (max. 6 at Prairie Is.) DBz et al., 11/18 Pope (Villard L.) RPR.
2001Winter Reported 12/3–4 St. Louis (max. 2 at Duluth) CRM, PHS et al., 12/1–15 Winona (Winona, also see fall report) DBz, RBJ, JEB et al. (record late south). Only six previous winter records.
2002Spring All reports: one or two birds 5/7–18 St. Louis (Duluth) KJB et al.
2002Fall Scarce on L. Superior for the third consecutive fall (max. 6 in any location). Early north 9/28 St. Louis fide AXH, 10/18+ Cook m.obs. Only reports away from L. Superior: 10/19 Meeker (L. Washington) DMF, 11/22 Hennepin (2 shot at L. Independence) fide JK, 11/30 Meeker (2 at L. Minnie Belle) DMF.
2003Spring Only report: 5/17–20 St. Louis (Stoney Point) †RSc, NAJ, m.ob.
2003Fall Many reports of small numbers of birds on L. Superior between 9/30 St. Louis (Park Point) MH and 11/21 Cook (Grand Marais) KJB, including high count 10/30 St. Louis (6 at Park Point) MH. Unusual number of inland reports: 11/4 Big Stone (immature male near Ortonville) BJU, 11/4 Lac qui Parle (adult male at Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, 11/11 Hennepin (2 at L. Calhoun) †PEB, 11/16–21 Rice (French L.) FVS, DAB, 11/18 Dakota (L. Byllesby) DDM, BJM, 11/29 Winona (2 at Prairie Is.) RMD et al.
2004Spring All south reports: 3/6 Lac qui Parle/Chippewa (male at Lac qui Parle L., record-early) †BJU, 3/25 Houston (female at Reno) †KJB, 4/4 Rice (first-year male at Cannon L.) TFB. Only north report: 5/14 Pennington (Thief River Falls W.T.P.) BJM, DDM.
2004Fall All reports from L. Superior: 10/15–11/10 (max. 8 at Duluth) BWF, PHS, m.ob., 10/16 Lake (one at Silver Bay) PCC, PHS, 10/16–11/14 Cook (reports of 1–4 individuals from several locations) m.ob.
2005Spring All reports: 4/14–15 Dakota (male at Inver Grove Heights) DSc, 5/17–21 (2 at Park Point, Duluth) MSS, m.obs.
2005Fall All reports: 9/12 (second-earliest date) Beltrami (adult male at L. Bemidji) BJU, 10/8–11/23 St. Louis (Duluth harbor) MTA, m.ob., 10/15–11/5 Cook (1–5 individuals in several locations) m.ob., 11/19 Stearns/Benton (2 on Mississippi R. at Sauk Rapids) HHD, 11/23 Big Stone/Lac qui Parle/Swift (flock of 6 flying around Marsh L.) BJU.
2006Spring No reports.
2006Fall All L. Superior reports: 10/5–11/17 St. Louis (max. 3 at Park Point) MLH, m.ob., 11/4–6 Cook (Grand Marais) KRE, m.ob. Three north reports away from L. Superior: 10/24–27 Polk (3 at Crookston W.T.P.) PHS, DOL, 10/24 Pennington (Thief River Falls W.T.P.) JMJ, PHS, 10/30 Beltrami (L. Bemidji) BAW. All south reports: 10/10 (second earliest south date) Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, 10/12–22 Meeker (2 on L. Ripley) DMF, 11/9–14 Dakota (L. Byllesby) †JWH, 11/27 Chippewa (Lac qui Parle L.) BJU.
2006Winter1 Only report: 12/11 Cass (Ten Mile Lake) BAW.
2007Spring11 All reports: 4/9–15 Renville (Allie L.) ph. †RBW, m.ob., 5/19–29 St. Louis (max. 4, Park Point, Duluth) m.ob., 5/19 St. Louis (2, Stoney Point) m.ob.
2007Summer1 Seen 6/1 Cook RBJ.
2007Fall61 All Lake Superior reports: 9/22–11/12 St. Louis (max. 5 at Park Point, Duluth) SLF, KJB, m.ob., 10/5 Cook (1 at Five Mile Rock) JPE, 10/27 Cook (2 at Taconite Harbor) KRE, m.ob., 11/4–6 Cook (1 at Hovland) KRE, m.ob. Four north reports away from Lake Superior: 10/14 Todd (2 on L. Osakis) BWF, 10/20 Cass (1 on Leech L.) BJU, 10/21 Aitkin (58 on Mille Lacs L.) AXH, 11/11–22 Beltrami (1 on L. Bemidji) DPJ. All south reports: 10/27 Meeker (4 on L. Ripley) DMF, 11/3 Meeker (East L. Ripley) DMF, 11/9 Stearns (2 on Pelican L.) MJB, 11/26 Wabasha (3 on L. Pepin) DBz.
2008Spring21 All reports: 4/3 (record early north) to 5/5 St. Louis (Duluth harbor) KRE, PHS, 4/29 Meeker (Lake Ripley) DMF, 5/15 Todd BWF.
2008Fall44 All north reports: 10/4 Cook AXH, SC, 10/18 Lake (Palisade Head) MDu, 10/19–11/9 St. Louis (max. 2 imm./females at Park Point) ALD, m.ob., 10/24–11/8 Cook (max. 3 imm./females at Grand Marais) BAF, m.ob., 10/24–26 Lake (female at Two Harbors) BAF, m.ob., 10/25 Cook (2 females at Paradise Beach) BAF, 10/31–11/13 Cass (max. 4 imm./females on Lake Winnibigoshish) BAW, m.ob. All south reports: 11/1–2 Meeker (female on Lake Ripley) DMF, 11/1 Stearns (imm./female on Grand Lake) PCC, 11/9 Blue Earth (female on Loon Lake) †ChH, 11/16 Carver (imm./female on Lake Waconia) DWK.
2009Spring11 All reports: 4/19 Isanti (Lory Lake) DBM, 4/28 St. Louis KJB.
2009Fall94 All north reports: 10/10 Wilkin (2, Breckenridge W.T.P.) CRM, m.ob., 10/16–11/28 St. Louis (max. 7, Duluth) m.ob., 10/19–11/8 Cook (max. 8, Paradise Beach) DBM, m.ob., 10/22 Becker (2, N. Stakke Lake) BDS, 11/1 Cass (Steamboat Bay, Leech Lake) DCH, 11/7 Mille Lacs (3, Father Hennepin S.P.) DAB, JWH, 11/8 Crow Wing (Garrison) MDu, DAC, 11/14 Pine (2, Grindstone Lake) DMa, 11/16 Todd JLO. All south reports: 10/12–11/3 Meeker (max. 9, Lake Ripley) †DMF, ph. RWS, 11/10–12 Benton (3, Rice W.T.P.) JJS, m.ob., 11/15 Wabasha (3, Camp Lacupolis) JWH, 11/27–29 Freeborn (3, Albert Lea Lake) HHD.
2009Winter2 One from late November lingered through 12/1 Freeborn (Albert Lea Lake) DBM. New county record and second latest south: 12/1921 Olmsted (Silver Creek Reservoir) JPr, RBo, †JWH, CH.
2010Spring No reports.
2010Fall62 All north reports: 9/15 Cook (3, Grand Marias) CE, 10/8–11/8 St. Louis (max. 5, Park Point, Duluth) PHS, 10/14–11/10 Lake (max. 17, Two Harbors) KRE, JWL, m.ob., 10/23 Cook (max. 27 between Five Mile Rock and Hovland) JEB, JWH, m.ob., 10/23 Itasca (Plughat Point, Lake Winnibigoshish) SC, 10/23 St. Louis (6, Stoney Point) JTa, 10/30 Cook (20, Paradise Beach) DRB, Pennington (5, Thief River Falls W.T.P.) JMJ, 11/6–8 Crow Wing (Garrison, Mille Lacs Lake) WCM, BJU, 11/12 Itasca (3, Round Lake) EEO, SC, 11/13–17 St. Louis (adult male, Park Point, Duluth) PHS, m.ob. All south reports: 10/29–11/2 Carver (2, Lake Waconia) JCy, m.ob., 10/30–11/6 Meeker (Lake Ripley) DMF, DBM.
2011Spring No reports.
2011Fall35 All north reports: 10/1 St. Louis (Park Point) KRE, m.ob., 10/23 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge / Lester River Census) KJB, 10/27–11/2 St. Louis (Duluth Harbor) KRE, m.ob., 10/29–11/7 Cook (Taconite Harbor) KRE, m.ob., 11/6 Cook (2, Paradise Beach) KRE, m.ob., 11/10–18 Aitkin (4, Malmo, Mille Lacs Lake) RBJ, 11/12–13 Cook (Grand Marais) JPr, ANy, 11/26–27 Aitkin (Wealthwood, Mille Lacs Lake) ASc, DBM. All south 10/23 Isanti (South Stanchfield Lake) HHD, 11/5 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) ph. BJU, 11/10 Carver (Lake Waconia) WCM, CMB, 11/25 Houston (Pool 8) PEJ, DFN, 11/26 Dakota (Lake Byllesby) ADS, 11/28–29 Houston (2, Reno Bottoms) DBz, ph. ANy.
2011Winter2All reports: 12/2–4 Houston (adult male, Pool 8 from Reno dike) DBM, KJB, 12/5–8 Wabasha (female/immature, Lake Pepin, Lake City) KJB.
2012Spring2 All reports: 4/17–19 St. Louis (5, Park Point) JLK, 5/25–26 Cook (Paradise Beach) DFN.
2012Fall68 All north reports: 10/10–11/27 St. Louis m.ob., 10/14–11/7 Lake (max. 3, Two Harbors and Iona's Beach S.N.A.) JWL, DBM, m.ob., 11/2 Becker (Big Cormorant Lake) MO, 11/4 Cook DPJ, 11/8 Beltrami (Lake Bemidji) DPJ. All south reports: 10/21–26 Faribault (Wells W.T.P.) DBz, m.ob., 10/22–27 Pope (Lake Minnewaska) DBM, MJB, 10/23 Yellow Medicine (Del Clark Lake) ph. BJU, 10/25 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) ph. BJU, 11/5 Winona ANy, 11/9 Mower (Brownsdale W.T.P.) DBz, Traverse (Wheaton W.T.P.) ph. BJU, 11/19 Lincoln (Lake Benton) ph. BJU, 11/26 Wabasha ANy, 11/26 Winona (Minneiska) MGo, 11/29–30 Winona (Lake Winona) ANy, m.ob.
2012Winter1 One record: 12/14–17 Winona (Minneiska) †MGo, DWK, DBM. Also see undocumented records.
2013Spring2 All reports: 5/6–22 St. Louis (max. 11, Park Point) ANy, JLK, m.ob., 5/12–14 Lake (2, Two Harbors) JWL.
2013Fall61 Early north (median 10/7) 10/4 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 10/17 St. Louis (4, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 10/18 Koochiching (Black Bay, Rainy Lake) RAE, HHD, CRM. Only one south report 11/30 Wabasha (female, Maple Springs) BRL. High count 11/1 Cook (5, S.R. 61 from Grand Marais to Paradise Beach) SuB. Late north 11/3 Cook (3, Grand Marais Harbor) DWK, PEB, RZi, ThM, 11/4 Cook (Taconite Harbor) DWK, SC (median 11/15).
2013Winter2 All reports: 12/1 Wabasha (female/immature, Maple Springs, continuing from 11/30) m.ob.; 12/1–7 Washington (female/immature, Pt. Douglas Park) DWK, HCT, m.ob., killed by Bald Eagle 12/7 ASi, PNi.
2014Spring1Only one report: 5/17 St. Louis (2, Hwy 61) JLK.
2014Fall24 All north 10/10–11/3 St. Louis (max. 5, Park Point) ByS, JLK, m.ob., 10/26–11/2 Cook (max. 2) KRE, m.ob. All south 10/21 Stearns (4, juvenile, Paynesville W.T.P.) DPG, 11/3 Big Stone (female, Big Stone Lake) DLP, 11/11–12 Hennepin (female, Lake Harriet) CMB, BAF, 11/12 Dakota (female, Black Dog Lake) ADS, m.ob.
2014Winter1 One report: 12/11 Cook (female plumage, Good Harbor Bay) †KCR, GeH.
2015Spring1 One report: 4/24 St. Louis (female, Duluth) JLK.
2015Fall4 Early north (median 10/4) 10/6–18 St. Louis (max. 2, Lake Superior) JPR, m.ob., 10/24 Cook (2, Taconite Harbor) BWF. High count 11/8 Cook (9, Paradise Beach) SBM, Late north 11/14 Cook ClN, JMr, 11/15–17 Cass (Lake Winnibigoshish) DAY, m.ob., (median 11/19).
2016Spring No reports.
2016Summer1 New county record 7/2 Lake of the Woods (Zippel Bay S.P., swimming and diving about 20 yards out, just east of Zippel Bay channel) ph. SOa.
2016Fall45 Early north (median 10/5) 10/16–21 Lake (max. 8) KRE, PNi, JWZ, 10/17–18 St. Louis (max. 9, Duluth) JLK, JPR. One north report away from Lake Superior 10/23–11/2 Itasca SC, DBz. All south reports 10/24–11/19 Jackson (max. 3, Heron Lake W.M.A.) DAk, KEm, BAb, 10/29 Lincoln (2, Lake Benton) DAk, 11/2–3 Carver (Lake Waconia) WCM, m.ob., 11/2 Faribault (Wells W.T.P.) ClN, 11/2 Hennepin (2, Lake Calhoun) CMB, m.ob. High count 10/22 St. Louis (10, Park Point) AJF. Late north 11/8 Lake (Burlington Bay) HHD, RAE, 11/23–26 Cook (Grand Marias) DLB, m.ob. (median 11/19).
2016Winter4 All reports (6 individuals): 12/1 Carver (Eagle Lake) JWZ, 12/4 Ramsey (2, Lake Johanna) LiH, 12/6–9 Carver (adult male, Lake Waconia) WCM, m.ob., 12/11–13 Hennepin (Lake Calhoun) CMB, 12/11–13 Washington (Point Douglas Park) ph. PNi, MAl, m.ob.
2017Spring2 All reports: 3/7–12 Dakota (female, Black Dog Lake) HHD, m.ob., 3/13–4/25 Hennepin (female, Old Cedar Ave. Bridge, presumably same individual previously seen in Dakota County) BAF, m.ob.
2017Fall84 Early north (median 10/4) 9/28 Hubbard (1, Kabekona Lake) †REn, 10/2–17 St. Louis (max. 4, Lake Superior) TRd, m.ob., 10/23 Cook (1, Grand Marais Harbor) PLJ. Four other north reports away from Lake Superior: 10/2 Kanabec (2, Knife Lake) HHD, MJB, RAE, 11/7 Todd (max. 3, Lake Osakis) BWF, HHD, 11/8 Otter Tail GMO, 11/10 Douglas JPE. All south 10/27 McLeod (4, north of Hutchinson) RPR, 11/11 Scott (2, McMahon Lake) BAb, BHe, 11/12 Carver (4, Lake Waconia) ANy, m.ob., 11/20–21 Chisago (2, Chisago Lake) ELC, RAE. Highest counts only four.
2018Spring1 All reports 5/13–28 St. Louis (max. 2, Duluth) JPR, GJa, JLK.
2018Fall147 The highest number of fall reports in the last ten years. Early north (median 10/4) 10/2 St. Louis (Stoney Point) ebd, 10/4–5 Cook (Grand Marais) DFe, BMu. Eleven north reports away from Lake Superior: Aitkin, Beltrami, 10/20 Carlton (3, Moose Lake W.T.P.) ASu, Crow Wing, Douglas, Hubbard, Itasca, Mille Lacs, Pine. Late north 11/6–11 St. Louis (Park Point) KBg, m.ob., 11/10 Cook TCL, m.ob., 11/1 Mille Lacs (Mille Lacs Lake) KEm, SEm. All south 10/12–21 Ramsey (Pigs Eye Lake) MWS, m.ob., 10/16–11/10 Waseca (max. 5, Clear Lake) RAE, m.ob., 10/18 Goodhue (2, Lake Byllesby) BAF, 10/21 Cottonwood (3, Mountain Lake W.T.P.) JWH, KEm, LHl, 10/23–27 Wright (Sugar Lake) ToL, m.ob., 11/7 Stearns (Albany W.T.P.) HHD, RAE, m.ob., 11/10 Big Stone DLP. High count 10/6 St. Louis (11, Park Point) BDo, ASu.
 Migrant primarily on Lake Superior, rare elsewhere.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.