Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Blackbirds, Orioles
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Blackbirds, Orioles
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Eastern Meadowlark
Western Meadowlark
[Sturnella meadowlark]
Orchard Oriole
Bullock's Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
Scott's Oriole
Red-winged Blackbird
Brown-headed Cowbird
Rusty Blackbird
Brewer's Blackbird
Common Grackle
Great-tailed Grackle
[Quiscalus grackle]

Brown-headed Cowbird(Molothrus ater)
1930SummerAlden Rieser found both the earliest (May 16th) and the latest (July 24th)Brown-headed Cowbird1s eggs reported. Eggs ct the Brown-headed Cowbird were found in nests of the following speo~es Red- winged Blackbird, Chipping Sparrow, Field Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Northern Cardinal• Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting, Red...eyed Vireo, Yellow Harbler, Ovenbird, Redstart, and Wood Thrush, and young Brown-headed Cowbirds were seen being ted b7 a Yellow-rumped Warbler (near Bemidji) and a Mary'lsnd Common Yellowthroat.
1931SummerEggs of the cowbird were found between June 6th and June 21st in nests of the follo\odng species: yellow throated vireo, red-eyed vireo, vireo, yellow warbler, Haryland yellol-rthroat, wood thrush, veery, swamp sparrow, indigo bunting, and dickcissel.
1932SummerCm.rbird eggs were found in nests of the Eastern Phoebe, Hermit Thrush, Red-eyed Vireo, Yellow Warbler, American Redstart, Eaetern Meadowlark, Eastern Towhee, Savannah Sparrow:, Grasshopper Sparrow, Chipping Sparrow, Clny-colorec1 Sparrow, and Song Sparrowo A young Brown-headed Cowbird was found in an Ovcm-bird' s 'n~st, " and young Brown-headed Cowbirds were seen being fed by Black-throated \ Green, Ihackburnian', and Mourning ~~arblers. The first Brown-headed Cowbird egg was seiim.May ~6 (Swedenborg), and thp one August 11 (:Hrs~o Wilson). f
1933Summer Eggs or young of' this all too common bird were found in nests of the following species: Alder Flycatcher, Cedru;' Waxwing, Red-eyed Vireo, Yellow Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, American Redstart, Bobolink, Redwing, Baltimore Oriole, Scarlet Tanager, Rose-breasted Grosbj;')ak, Indigo Bunting, Diokcissel, a.pd Snvmmo.h, VospE~r, Chipping, Olaycolored, Swamp and Song Sparrows. The oarlies1~ egg. was found by Hienenz in a nest of the Song Sparrow on May 1tth., The latest egg was also reported by Hiemcnz, and was also found in a Song Sparrowt s nest, which wo.s seen on July 11th.
1934Summer A Brown-headed Cowbird's egg in o. Killdeer's nest was the queerest record reported this season. It was seen by Risser atsturgoon Lake on July 13th. (See KILLDEE..ll for det..1.ils) The most astonishing record concerning this post was turned in by Mo~so, who found a Veery's nest with 2 eggs and 8 Qo,vbird eggs on July 8th at Mille ' Lacs Lll.ko. (For details see WILLOVJ TERU$H). A good example of heavy infestation is Prosser's record of a "dozen o:r uore" Red-eyed Vireo nests found at Linwood, every one holding at. least one Brown-headed Cowbird egg. The reports by Hio::nenz and Ronson incl.ud.e, some intor._ esting Brown-headed Cowbirds notes. They found 2 nests (Redstn~t and Least Flycatcher) each of which contained nothing but 2 Brown-headed Cowbird eggs, which wore being incubated. On June 1st., Hicmcnz fotmd a Song Sparrow's nest with ".3 young about a weell: old ·(IJld 2 aJ.most-fretili Brown-headed Cowbird's egg." This indicates that tho Cpwbirc1 probably laid an egg in a nest containing young birds. A second Sc·nts· Sparrow's nest found by the srune o1)se:rver on Juno 1st hold ~: er;rss and 4 :,.. ·,: Brown-headed Cowbird eggs. Tho latter vere of two types, indic:ating that 2 '.::.. Brown-headed Cowbirds must have used the nest, if that is a reliable way to judge. · Tho earliest Brown-headed Cowbird egg was found May 11th in a Song Sparrow's nest by Hiemenz and tho latest date was July 13th, when
1935Summer Below arc records of Brown-headed Cowbird parasitism of 11 species: Brossor, Linwood, Juno 12th, 3 Ovenbird G~GS ~~d 1 Brown-headed Cowbird ccg; Prosser, Coon Crock, June 8th, 1 Brown-headed Cowbird egg c.nd 3 Lark Sparrow eggs; Swodonborg, Onamia, June 1st, 4 Chipping Sparrow eggs and 1 Brown-headed Cowbird egg; Rysga~rd, Minneapolis, June 15th, 2 young Chipping Sparrows and 1 young Brown-headed Cowbird; Thompson, Warren, July 1st, 1 Chipping Sparrow egg and 1 Brown-headed Cowbird egg; Swanson Anoka County, June 12th, 3 Clay-colored Sparrow eg£s and 1 Brown-headed Cowbird egg; Evans, University of Minnesota crunpus, Mcy 14th, 1 Eastern Phoebe egg and 1 CoW...~ bird e£m; Carlander, Linwood Lake, June 15th, 2 Northern Common Yellowthroat eggs and 1 Brown-headed Cowbird eggs; Carlander, Linwood Lake, Juno 15th, 3 Indigo Buntine eggs and 1 Brown-headed Cowbird egG; Erickson, Frontenac, May 12th, 1 Field Sparrow egg ru1d 1 Brown-headed Cowbird egg; Mahle, Frontenac, May 26th, J younc Field Sparrows nnd 2 Brown-headed Cowbird eggs; Turner, Frcntenac, May 25th, 3 Sonc Sparrow ccgs and 3 Brown-headed Cowbird eggs; Paul and Mahon, Frontenac, Nay 12th, 2 Tovrhce om;s and 5 Brown-headed Cowbird eggs; Breckenridge, Minneapolis, May 28th, 4 Swamp Sparrow om:~s and 1 Brown-headed Cowbird egg.
1936Summer Twenty reports for the nesting of the Brown-headed Cowbird showed a parasitism of fifteen species. The earliest date was May 24th; a Field Sparrow's nest containing t\.ro Brown-headed Cowbird 1 s eggs was found at Frontenac by Risser, Don and Mrso Mab.le, Erickson and G. Rysgaard. The latest date was June 3oth when Rysgaard found a Chipping Sparrow's nest with one Brown-headed Cowbird eggo A list of the species parasitized is as follows; B::m.m Thrasher, Wood Thrush, Yellowtl: 1roated Vireo, Red-eyed Vireo, Yellow Warbler, Louisiana Water Thrush, Northern Yellow-throat, American Redstart, E. Meadowlark, Redwinged Blackbird, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting, Chipping Sparrow, Field Sparrow and Song Sparro'"•
1937SummerThe following birds were reported victimized this year: RED-EYED VIREO-June 2o--4 eggs in nest. (Swed­enborg). YELLOW WARBLER-May 31-1 egg in nest. (Struthers), July r8­Young left nest (Rysgaard). Common Yellowthroat-June 29­r egg in nest. Sturgeon Lake (Rysgaard). CANADA WARBLER-July I8-I. small young in nest. Finland (Sweden­borg). RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD-May 27-1 egg in nest (Upson). May 31 -I egg in redwing's nest (Struthers). SCARLET TANAGER-June 19-4 ta­nager's eggs, I cowbird's egg (Sweden­borg). FIELD SPARROW-June 2r­feeding young brown-headed blackbird. Savage. (E. D. Swedenborg). SONG SPARROW-June 23-feeding young cowbird awing (Upson).
1938SummerMay I2. (Hastings) 2 eggs in Field Sparrow's nest. (Upson and Breckenridge). May 20, 2 eggs in Rose-breasted Grosbeak's nest and 2 eggs in Field Sparrow's nest (Upson). May 26, 5 eggs in Red-winged Blackbird's nest (Upson). May 28, egg m Song Sparrow's nest (Swedenborg). May 3 I, 3 eggs in Swamp Sparrow's nest (Up­son). June 5-Io, (Lake Vermillion) eggs in Yellow Warbler's, Magnolia Warbler's and Blue-headed Vireo's nests (Dr. Prosser and E. D. Swedenborg). August 6, young being fed by Wood Thrush (Swedenborg) at Minneapolis. · 
1943SummerJuly 26, 1 egg in Balti­more ·oriole's nest. Cass Lake. K. Car­lrunder. St. Louis County, July 27, in chipping,sparr.ow's nest. 0. Lakela.
1944SummerForty-five nests of sixteen species were parasitized. They are: Brown Thrasher, 4; Eastern Bluebird, 4; Wood Thrush, 2; Yellow Warbler, 4; Yellow-rumped Warbler, 1; Common Yellowthroat, American Redstart, 1; Brewer's Blackbird, 5; Red-winged Blackbird, 6; Northern Cardinal, 1; Rose-breasted Grosbeak, 1; Indigo Bunting, 1; American Goldfinch, 1; Chipping Sparrow, 9; Song Sparrow, 3; Gray Catbird, 1.
1945SummerThe following species were hosts to the cowbird: chipping sparrow 7, veery, yellow-headed blackbird, red-winged blackbird, brewer's blackbird 3, rose-breasted grosbeak, cardinal, yellow warbler 2,
1945WinterBrown-headed Cowbirds have also wintered with the blackbirds at Nicols the past few years; thirteen seen, Jan- · uary 11, 1942; ten on January 7, 1945, ( Swedenborg); one at Weaver, Minnesota, December 21, 1941, (Dr. F. L. Keating).
1946SummerEggs or young were noted with six species as follows:
1947Summer1 young, fed by chipping sparrow, July 6, Duluth, Adams; young fed by song sparrow, July 24, Duluth, Lake Ia.
1961SummerSee Least Flycatcher, American Redstart, Red-eyed Vireo.
1962SummerSee Blue-winged Warbler.
1963SummerSt. Louis Co., Duluth, Aug. 9, 2 y being fed by Song Sparrow D. Meyer. See Chipping Sparrow.
1964SummerSee Eastern Phoebe, Yellow-throated Vireo, Redeyed Vireo, Yellow Warbler, Chestnutsided Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Rosebreasted Grosbeak, Chipping Sparrow and Song Sparrow.
1964WinterScarcest in 6 years; 1-8, Pickwick, Winona Co, 1, PW.
1965Springearliest 4-3 Hastings, FL, RBJ.
1966Springearliest 3-13 Minneapolis, EMB; 3-19 Dakota Co, BL; 3-23 Rice C0, OAR.
1966SummerGoodhue Co, hosted by American Redstart, MIG; Hennepin Co, hosted by Rose-breasted Grosbeak, MHM; reported from many other counties all around the state; most unusual report was from EC in Wright Co who said she knocked down 3 Cowbird nests; since the Cowbird apparently only builds nests under experimental conditions, she must have meant hostnests?
1966FallLatest 11-7 Wabasha Co., DGM; 11-17 Wright Co., EC; 11-25 Pope Co., JAH.
1966Winter12-18 Big Stone Co., JAH; 1-2 Winona Co., fide GD.
1967Springearly 3-28 Goodhue Co., ACR; 3-31 Washington Co., JO; 4-2 Dakota Co., EMB; 4-3 Hennepin Co., RBJ.
1967Fall latest 9-24 Fargo- Moorhead, EGA; 10-17 Stevens Co., JAH; 11-11 Stearns Co., KE.
1968Spring early 3-18 Rice Co., OAR; 3-23 Dakota Co., DB; 3-29 Hennepin Co., GES; 3-30 Fillmore Co., AFR and Aitkin Co., CEP.
1968Summer parasitized Redwinged Blackbird, Chipping Sparrow and Song Sparrow in Mille Lacs Co (MIV); Chipping Sparrow in Hennepin Co, (VL); Cardinal and Rose-breasted Grosbeak in Hennepin Co (MEH); also reported from Stearns, Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Beltrami, Crow Wing, Blue Earth, Lyon, Wabasha, Clearwater, Pine, Hubbard, Morrison, Sherburne, Carlton, Wright, Rice, Washington, Nobles, Anoka, Winona Co's.
1968Fall10-10 Kanabec RHJ; 11-10 Watonwan DMF.
1969Spring3-21 Cottonwood Co., LAF, and Hennepin Co., VL; 4-10 Duluth, KS, MMC; 4-11 Duluth, JGH; 4-12 (20) Washington Co., WWL; 4-24 (300) Lake Co., RK.
1969Summernested in Hennepin (parasitized Tree Swallow, House Sparrow, Redwinged Blackbird, and Song Sparrow); also reported by numerous observers throughout the state.
1969Fall8-7 Wabasha DGM; 9-27 Duluth JCG; 9-30 Hennepin VL; 11-1 Lac qui Parle RBJ.
1969Winter1-1 (8) Winona RG, BTV.
1970Springearly south 3-22 Wabasha KE, PE ; 4-8 Wabasha WDM; 4-10 Winona TV and Chisago EL; peak 4-30 Lake (1,000) JG; early north 4-9 Lake RK; 4-13 Duluth MMC.
1970Summerparasitized nests of Catbird, Canada and Chestnut-sided Warblers, Rose· breasted Grosbeak, and Red-winged Blackbird, and Grasshopper Sparrow.
1970Fallonly 5 reports. Only report after August was 10-11 Winona TV.
1970Winter12-19 (3) Houston FZL.
1971Springearly south 4-2 Washington BL; 4-3 Winona TV; 4-5 Murray AD; early north 4-10 Duluth KS; 4-10 Itasca MS; peak 5-2 Duluth (400) KE, RR. Sc,arlet Tana!ler. early south 5-8 Wabasha 1-IW; 5-11 Winona TV and Freeborn RHJ; early north 5-18 Crow Wing JB; 5-20 Cook JP.
1971Summernested in Wright (parasitized Red-eyed Vireo, Red-winged Blackbird, Robin, Song Sparrow), Rice (Indigo Bunting), Wabasha (Baltimore Oriole), Swift (Chipping Sparrow), Carver (Song Sparrow), Crow Wing (Redeyed Vireo, Yellow and Myrtle Warblers, Chipping Sparrow), St. Louis (Evening Grosbeak), Hennepin (Song Sparrow, Rose-breasted Grosbeak) and Mille Lacs (Red-winged Blackbird); also reported from 21 other counties.
1971Falllate south 10-20 Dakota; 10-~1 Hennepin; late north 10-9 Wilkin and Clay; 11-30 Into Dec. Clearwater RD. Sr.arlet Tanaaer: late south 9-20 Washlnl!ton; 9-27 Sh<>rbnrne: J0-1 Hennepin; late north 9-30 Duluth; 11·26 Grant KE (latest date on record).
1972Summerparasitism noted in Stearns, Pope, (Hubbard), (Mille Lacs); seen in 27 other counties.
1972Winter1-8 Lac qui Parle AFE.
1973Summer Reported from 31 counties.
1973Fall Seen in seven counties. Scarlet Tananger Seen in Anoka, Hennepin, St. Louis, Morrison (fewer reports than usual).
1973Winter Seen on the Marshall, Excelsior, Winona and La Crosse (13) Christmas Counts; also 12-2 Washington (JB), 12-27 to 1-9 Cottonwood (LF), 2-2 to 2-10 Winona (25 peak, B. Bilder), and 2-21 Olmsted (JF).
1974Spring Early south 3-13 Mower DS; 3-18 Murray AD; 3-24 Hennepin OJ; early north 4-10 Crow Wing TS; 4-13 Mille Lacs MI; 4-16 Aitkin JB.
1974Summer Nested in Aitkin (parasitized Tennessee Warbler), St. Louis (Chipping Sparrow), Lake (Black-throated Green Warbler), Stearns (Eastern Phoebe, Yellow Warbler, Western Meadowlark, Chipping Sparrow), Sherburne (Northern Cardinal), Hennepin (Northern Cardinal), Washington (Mourning Warbler), Cottonwood (Common Grackle), Rock (Orchard Oriole); also reported from 31 other counties.
1974Fall Late north 11-6 Polk KBZ; late south 10-5 Hennepin CCS; 10-19 Big Stone RBJ; 10-20 Ramsey GC.
1974Winter Reported on the Big Stone and Winona (10) Christmas Counts; also 12-24 Rice (BJ), 1-22 Winona (25, A. Buggs), and 2-5 Houston (15, FL).
1975Spring Early south 3-19 Olmsted FKS; 3-29 Blue Earth VR and Olmsted JF; early north 4-14 St. Louis JCG and Marshall SV; 4-19 Aitkin GJN.
1975Summer Nested in Lake (parasitized Song Sparrow), Marshall (Least Flycatcher, Veery, Red-winged Blackbird), Cottonwood (Common Grackle) and Pipestone (Orchard Oriole); also reported from 31 other counties.
1975Falllate north 10-28 Duluth JG; late south 11-11 Rock KE; 11-20 Dakota JD; 11-22 Cottonwood LF.
1975Winterreported from Ramsey, Dakota, Steele, Wabasha, Olmsted, Fillmore (until 2-7, GE), Winona (74 on the Winona Christmas Count) and Houston (214 on La Crosse Christmas Count) Co's; unprecedented numbers.
1976Spring Early south 3-1 Olmsted JF; 3-3 Fillmore GE; 3-9 Cottonwood ED; early nortb 4-4 St. Louis GN; 4-6 Crow Wing JB; 4-9 St. Louis JCG.
1976Summernested in Marshall (parasitized Empidonax, sp.), Hubbard (warbler, sp.) and Rock (Blue Grosbeak; see below); also reported from 35 other counties.
1976Fall Late north 10-25 Otter Tail; late south 10-21 Hennepin, 11-27 Washington, 12-9 Lincoln.
1976Winter Reported on the Marshall, Mt. LakeWindom, St. Paul N.E., Rochester and La Crosse-La Crescent Christmas Counts; also seen 12-2 Winona (BJ) and 12-19 Wilkin (SM).
1977Spring Early south 3-25 Lyon HK; 3-26 Pipestone KE; 3-27 Rice BE; early north 3-31 Aitkin TS; 4-10 Wilkin GO and Cass AES.
1977Summer Nested in Hubbard (parasitized Evening Grosbeak and Chipping Sparrow), Rock (Orchard Oriole) and Anoka (Ovenbird and Common Yellowthroat); also reported from 35 other counties throughout the state.
1977Winter Dec. migrants seen in Big Stone, Hennepin, Washington, Dakota, Wabasha and Fillmore; early migrants 2-18 Sibley (RJ).
1978Summer Breeding reported from Stearns and Beltrami; also seen throughout the state.
1978Fall Two reports north: 8-3 Otter Tail GO and 8-5 Marshall SV; late south 11-25 Houston OJ, RJ, FL and Lac qui Parle OE.
1978Winter Reported on the Albert Lea, Winona and St. Paul N. E. CBCs, and from 2-2 on Lyon (HK).
1979Spring Early south 3-18 Olmsted JB, 3-19 Hennepin RE; early north 3-14 Marshall ANWR, 3-15 St. Louis KE.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Polk, St. Louis, Morrison, Stearns, Anoka, Cottonwood, R<;>ck; also seen throughout the state.
1979Fall Late north 10-2 St. Louis DA; late south 11-4 Redwood LJF, 11-11 Lyon HK. .Scarlet Tanager Late north 9-15 Carlton DGW, 9-21 St. Louis KMH; late south 9-27 Hennepin KWE, 9-28 Nicollet JCF, 9-29 Ramsey BL.
1979Winter Reported from Redwood 2-14 on (LJF).
1980Spring Early south 3-8 Redwood LJF, 3-12 Houston FL; early north 4-2 St. Louis KE, 4-12 Aitkin WN.
1980Summer Breeding reported from nine counties; also seen throughout the state.
1980Fall Late north 10-5 St. Louis LW, 10-13 Itasca JC; late south 11-21 Nicollet JCF, 11-22 Redwood LJF. Scarlet Ta·nager Late north 9-2 St. Louis KE, 9-14 Lake SW; late south 9-30 Anoka KL, Mower RRK, 10-27 Hennepin RBA.
1980Winter Late migrants in Dakota, until 12-30 (MW), Nicollet, from 1-30 on (JCF), early migrants in Redwood 2-24 (LGF) and Pipestone 2-28 (BJ).
1981Spring Early south 3-1 Pipestone RJ, 3-4 Houston EMF, 3-6 Nicollet JCF; early north 4-3 St. Louis D. Green, 4-4 St. Louis KE, 4-7 Cook KMH.
1981Summer Breeding data from Lake of the Woods, Koochiching, Stearns, Big Stone, Houston. Seen throughout the state. Scarrlet Tanager Breeding data from Stearns, Olmsted. Seen throughout the eastern and central regions plus Mahnomen, Becker, Swift in the western regions.
1981Fall Late north 10-18 St. Louis KE, 10-23 Itasca TL; late south 10-17 Treverse RJ, 11-20 Nicollet JCF.
1981Winter December reports from Dakota and Blue Earth. February reports from Redwood, Murray and Houston.
1982Spring Early south 3-6 Redwood WF, 3-17 Blue Earth JCF, 3-20 Washington Winter 1982 DMB; early north 4-4 St. Louis KE, 4/5 St. Louis TL, 4-16 Aitkin WN, Cook SL, St. Louis JG.
1982Fall Late north 9/17 St. Louis DB, 10/16 Aitkin WN; late south 10/12 Cottonwood WH, 11/22 Nicollet JCF, 11/25 Hennepin VL.
1982Winter South reports from Lac qui Parle, Cottonwood, Nicollet, Blue Earth and Dakota.
1983Spring Early south 3/4 Nicollet JCF (wintering bird?) 3/19 Fillmore RJ, 3/31 LeSueur EK; early north 4/12 Aitkin WN, 4/18 Cook KMH, 4/20 Cook SL, Otter Tail SDM.
1983Summer Breeding data from 12 counties. Seen throughout the state.
1983Fall One report north 10/9 St. Louis HRNR, late south II/5 Hennepin OJ, II/19 Pope RJ.
1983Winter Reported on the Faribault, Owatonna, Albert Lea, Rochester and Winona CBC's. Also reported from Blue Earth until 1-2 (MJF) (RJB) and Mower, 2-23 (RS). BRAMBUNG First state record. Details in The Loon 56:79-80.
1984Spring Early south 3/1 Wabasha WDM, 3/9 Lac qui Parle FAE, 3/11 Steele KE; early north 4/5 St. Louis KE, SNP, 4/9 Cook KMH, 4/11 Aitkin WN, Otter Tail GMO.
1984Summerparasitized nests in Koochiching, Clay, Big Stone, Stearns, Anoka, Sherburne, Brown and Dakota; also seen in 37 other counties.
1984Fall Late north 9/29 St. Louis HR, 9/30 Aitkin WN, 10/26 Mille Lacs MLWMA; late south 11/9 Nicollet JCF, 11/10 Fillmore RJ.
1984Winter Overwintered in Dakota (2) (TT) and Nicollet (20) (JCF). Also reported on the St. Paul NE, Owatonna, Albert Lea, Rochester, Austin and La Crosse-La Crescent CBCs.
1985Spring Early south 3/8 Nicollet JCF, 3/11 Houston EMF, 3/16 Mower RRK; early north 4/13 St. Louis KE, 4/15 Cook KMH, 4/16 Aitkin WN.
1985Summer Nested in Lake, Itasca, Big Stone, Pope, Stearns, Morrison, Sherburne, Anoka, Fillmore (JS), Blue Earth (MF); probable nesting in Cook, Crow Wing, Ramsey, Brown. Also seen in 33 other counties throughout the state.
1985Fall Late north 10/5 St. Louis SS, 10/29 Clay NH; late south 11/9 Dakota TTu, 11/10 Houston EMF, 11/11 Cottonwood LAF, 11/13 Rice FKS.
1985Winter Reported in Hennepin, Dakota and Le Sueur Counties and on the Mountain Lake Windom, Mankato, Owatonna, Austin and Rochester CBCs. CBC total of 16 (31 L.y.).
1986Spring Early south 3/16 Winona KE, 3/21 Fillmore AMP, 3/22 Lyon HK, Nicollet JCF; early north 3/30 Clay LCF, 3/31 Aitkin WN, St. Louis KE, 4/1 Otter Tail SDM.
1986Summer Parasitized nests in Big Stone, Pope, Stearns, Sherburne, Anoka, Hennepin, Ramsey (KB,NH), Brown, Jackson (NH), Olmsted (JB); probable in Clearwater. Most commonly parasitized hosts were Red-eyed Vireos, Red-winged Blackbirds and Yellow Warblers. Also seen in 5 I other counties throughout the state.
1986Fall Late south 10/26 Olmsted RE, 10/31 Nicollet JF, 11/23 Dakota TI.
1986Winter Reported only in Rock 1/2 (2, MK).
1987Spring Early south 3/6 Brown JS, 3/8 Cottonwood RJ and Yellow Medicine KE, 3/10 Houston AP, Murray ND; early north 4/7 Duluth KE, 4/11 Cook KMH, 4/17 Wadena AB.
1987Summer Parasitized nests of 17 different species in ten counties including Becker(BK), Nicollet (JSp), Le Sueur (EK); probable nesting in Clay. Also seen in 50 other counties throughout the state.
1987Fall Late north 9/19 St. Louis RSE; late south IIIII Blue Earth JF, 11/14 Waseca AP.
1987Winter Reported on the Marshall and Winona CBC's, Dakota 12/18 (IT), Houston 2/27 (AP).
1988Spring Early south 3/6 Olmsted JEB, 3/12 Washington WL, 3/19 Blue Earth JF; early north 4/3 Duluth KE, 4/4 Becker BK, 4/7 Cook OSL.
1988Summer Breeding reported in 12 counties including Lac qui Parle (BHa), Murray (NMD), Cottonwood (BF); probable breeding in Todd, Freeborn, Fillmore. Seen in 46 other counties statewide.
1988Fall Late north 8/8 Itasca AB, 8/16 Clay LCF 8/20 Clay AP; late south 10/22 Faribault RJ, 10/23 Steele andWasecaAP, 10/26 Swift DO.
1988Winter Reported on the Bloomington, Faribault, Rochester, Winona, and La Crosse-La Crescent CBCs.
1989Spring Early south 3/24 Nicollet JCF, 3/25 Blue Earth AB, 3/26 Hennepin JF.
1989Summer Breeding in seven counties including Todd PH; probable nesting in Fillmore. Seen in 54 other counties statewide.
1989Fall Late north 9!17 Aitkin WN, 10/13 Norman RJ, 10/16 Duluth KE; late south 10/25 Hennepin JF, 11/6 Dakota JD, 11/14 FillmoreAP.
1989Winter Reported from seven south region counties . Probable early migrants in Jackson 2/3 RJ and Wilkin 2/10 RJ.
1990Spring Early south Blue Earth JCF, 3/13 Fillmore NAO, Hennepin OJ, 3/16 Houston EMF; early north 4/6 St. Louis KE, TW, 4/7 Otter Tail SDM, MO, Todd PH, 4/13 Aitkin WN, Clearwater AB.
1990Summer Breeding reported in Isanti JH, Anoka, Hennepin, Washington, Dakota, Brown; probable breeding in Marshall. Parasitized species included Red-eyed Vireo, Yellow Warbler, Ovenbird, Common Yellowthroat, Northern Northern Cardinal, Indigo Bunting, Chipping and Clay-colored Sparrow, Red-winged Blackbird. Seen in 45 other counties statewide.
1990Fall Late north 9/1 Aitkin WN, 9/22 Becker BK; late south 10/26 LeSueur AP, 11/18 Martin BB.
1990Winter Found on the Rochester and Winona CBCs, only reports.
1991Spring Early south 3/17 Goodhue PS, 3/24 Lyon HK, Mower RRK, 3/25 Murray ND, Washington WL; early north 3/31 Aitkin W, 4/7 Becker MO, Clay LCF, Cook MH, Grant SDM, St. Louis SS, 4/10 Koochiching GM.
1991Summer Breeding reported in Anoka, Brown, Winona HVA; probable breeding in Clearwater, Crow Wing, Hennepin. Parasitized species included Eastern Phoebe, American Robin, Scarlet Tanager, Northern Cardinal; plus Chipping, Field, Lark, and Song Sparrow. Seen in 44 additional counties statewide.
1991Fall Late north 9/7 Aitkin WN, 10/10 Otter Tail MO; late south 11/2 Brown JS, 11/12 Cottonwood ED, Winona CS.
1991Winter Reported in Ramsey (photographed) 2/2 PS, Le Sueur 1/5 AB and Dakota 1/4 TT. Reported without details on at least seven CBC's; the species is only casual in winter and all winter reports should be documented.
1992Spring Early south 3/2 Rice OR, 3/6 Martin BBo; early north 4/9 Aitkin WN, 4/16 Otter Tail MO, Pennington KSS and St. Louis TW.
1992Summer Bred in eight counties including Kittson and Pennington and Red Lake MCBS; probable breeding in five. Parasitized species included Least Flycatcher, Veery, Gray Catbird, Red-eyed Vireo, Yellow Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler, American Redstart, Scarlet Tanager, Indigo Bunting, Eastern Towhee, Field Sparrow, Song Sparrow. Seen in 40 additional counties statewide.
1992Fall Late north 8/22 Clay MO, 9/2 Lake DPV; late south 11/8 Martin BBo, 11/18 Rice FKS.
1992Winter Only reports with details were on the La Crosse (Minnesota portion) CBC (2), 1/26 Rice FKS, and 1/29 Dakota MO.
1993Spring Early south 3/27 Lincoln KB, 3/28 Nicollet LF. Early north 4/5 Aitkin WN, 4/12 Kanabec CM.
1993Summer Breeding reported in six counties, probable breeding in an additional five other counties; observed in 37 other counties statewide. Parasitized species included Sedge Wren, Golden-winged Warbler, Yellow Warbler, Scarlet Tanager, Northern Cardinal, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Chipping Sparrow, Clay-colored Sparrow, Field Sparrow, Grasshopper Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Bobolink, Red-winged Blackbird and Orchard Oriole.
1993Fall Late north 8/14 WN. Late south 11/3 Rock ND, 11/25 Murray ND.
1993Winter Only report 12/18 Dakota TT.
1994Spring Early south 3/17 Nicollet LF, 3/20 Nobles AB; early north 4/11 Aitkin WN, 4/14 Douglas SWa.
1994Summer Fewest reports in more than ten years. Breeding confirmed in Douglas SWa, Crow Wing, Ramsey, Winona; probable breeding in Anoka, Brown, Nicollet. Observed in 30 other counties statewide. Parasitized species included Eastern Phoebe, Red-eyed Vireo, Yellow Warbler, American Redstart, Common Yellowthroat, Northern Cardinal, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting, Chipping Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Swamp Sparrow, Red-winged Blackbird, and Baltimore Oriole.
1994Fall Late north 11/4 Becker BBe. Late south 10/8 Rock ND, 10/29 Goodhue BL.
1994Winter Three reports, none with details: three birds overwintered in Kandiyohi County RF, and individuals were counted on the Mountain Lake and Albert Lea CBCs.
1995Spring Early south 3/12 Dakota KB and Scott AB; early north 3/31 Kanabec CM, 4/15 Douglas SW, 4/17 Clay CF.
1995Summer Breeding confirmed in Anoka, Ramsey, and Dakota counties; probable breeding in six additional counties. Seen in 39 other counties throughout the state. Parasitized species included Eastern Wood-Pewee, Red-eyed Vireo, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, American Redstart, Northern Waterthrush, Common Yellowthroat, Northern Cardinal, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Chipping Sparrow, Song Sparrow, and Red-winged Blackbird.
1995Fall Late north 11/5 Lutsen, Cook Co. KE. Late south 9/23 Rice JL, 10/14 Washington RJ.
1995Winter Noted 1/25 Winona CS and on the Albert Lea (1) and Austin (10) CBCs.
1996Spring Early south 3/16 Rice JLa, 3/17 Dakota TT, 3/23 Houston CS. Early north 4/12 Aitkin WN, 4/14 Grant SDM and St. Louis SW/MS.
1996Summer Breeding confirmed in five counties, probable breeding in six; seen in 50 other counties throughout state. Parasitized species included Red-eyed Vireo, Nashville Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler, American Redstart, Prothonotary Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Indigo Bunting, Chipping Sparrow, Field Sparrow, and Song Sparrow.
1996Fall Late north 9/1 Wadena PBi, 9/7 Aitkin WN, 9/30 Morrison MJ/DT. Late south 11/23 Hennepin SC, 11/26 Lyon RgS. All but five reports were before 10/1.
1996Winter Reported 12/1 Freeborn ABa, 1/3 Houston CS, Dodge DA (no date), and on the Hastings, LaCrosse and Winona CBCs. Only the LaCrosse report included a description.
1997Spring Early south 3/16 Lac qui Parle FE, 3/21 Dakota KB, 3/26 Rock ND. Early north 4/2 Becker BBe, 4/4 Aitkin WN and St. Louis SL, 4/19 Becker BK.
1997Summer Observed in 59 counties statewide. Breeding record in Murray ND; probable breeding in St. Louis and Nicollet. Parasitized species included Eastern Wood-Pewee, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Veery, Wood Thrush, Prothonotary Warbler, Hooded Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Northern Cardinal, Chipping Sparrow, Field Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow, and Red-winged Blackbird.
1997Fall Late north 8/22 Beltrami DJo, 9/7 Aitkin WN. Late south 10/10 Cottonwood RJ, 11/8 Dakota PBu.
1997Winter No reports.
1998Spring Early south 3/18 Lac qui Parle FE, 3/20 Lyon RgS, 3/26 Hennepin SC. Early north 4/5 Wadena PBi, 4/6 Aitkin WN, 4/10 St. Louis TW.
1998Summer Observed in 55 counties throughout state; probable breeding in Crow Wing, Ramsey, Freeborn. Parasitized species included Red-eyed Vireo, Tree Swallow, Ovenbird, Chipping Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Northern Cardinal, and House Finch.
1998Fall Late north 8/22 Aitkin WN, 8/30 St. Louis ABo. All south reports after August: 9/29 Lyon (88) RgS, 10/2 Dakota DBS, 10/18 Hennepin TT, 10/20 Hennepin SC, 10/24 Lyon RgS.
1998Winter Reported 1/9 Freeborn (Hayward) ABa, 2/14 Goodhue SWe, and on several CBCs, but none of these reports had details.
1999Spring Early south 3/7 Dakota DBS, TT, 3/20 Meeker DF and Olmsted CH, then 3/21 and 3/22. Early north 4/2 Otter Tail DST, 4/3 Kanabec CM, 4/8 Aitkin WN.
1999Summer Reported in 60 counties throughout state; new breeding records in Cass MRN, McLeod RbS. Parasitized species included Eastern Phoebe, Tree Swallow (The Loon: 71:167), Yellow Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler, American Redstart, Chipping Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Swamp Sparrow, Northern Cardinal, and Red-winged Blackbird.
1999Fall Only north reports after August: 9/23 Morrison MJ/DT, 10/10 Wadena PBi, 11/30 Aitkin WN. Late south 11/19 Murray ND, 11/21 Big Stone KB, but see winter report for additional south occurrences.
1999Winter Large flock overwintered at Pine Bend, Dakota Co. where peak of 185 noted 1/10 †KB. Also reported 12/18–24 Martin (max. 30) †EBK, †BBo et al., 12/18 Morris CBC (5), 12/18 Crosby CBC (1), and 1/1–16 Aitkin WN. Potential early migrants 2/26 Olmsted †JSt et al., 2/29 Yellow Medicine (6) †RgS.
2000Spring Seen in 51 counties throughout the state. See winter report for overwintering birds and early south migrants. Early north 4/7 St. Louis AE, 4/8 Aitkin WN.
2000Summer Reported in 62 counties statewide; new breeding record in Otter Tail DST. Parasitized species included Eastern Phoebe, Yellow Warbler, American Redstart, Hooded Warbler, Scarlet Tanager, Lark Sparrow, Song Sparrow, and Red-winged Blackbird.
2000Fall Few north reports, where last seen 8/26 Becker JJS, CRM. Numerous south reports through end of season, including 11/23 Ramsey DFJ, 11/24 Dakota (5) TAT, 11/24 Houston PEJ, DFN. Also see winter report.
2000Winter All reports: 12/27 Dakota (8) TAT, 1/12 Dakota (10) DBS, 1/1 Olmsted JJS, and the Rochester (6) and Owatonna (1) CBCs.
2001Spring Observed in 74 counties. Daily arrivals south in late March beginning 3/23 Martin RBJ, but see winter report. Early north 4/13 Otter Tail DTT, SMT, 4/14 in two counties.
2001Summer Observed in 53 counties throughout the state; new breeding record in Kanabec CAM. Parasitized species included Eastern Phoebe, Yellow-throated Vireo, Golden-winged Warbler, Yellow Warbler, Ovenbird, Common Yellowthroat, Hooded Warbler, Chipping Sparrow, and Red-winged Blackbird.
2001Fall Late north 9/2 Wadena PJB, 10/13 Wilkin CMN. Late south 11/9 Dakota ADS, 11/24 Meeker DMF, also see winter report.
2001Winter Flock of 14–25+ seen 12/4–1/5 Dakota TAT, ADS. Also reported 12/15 †Mankato CBC (10), 12/15 Owatonna CBC (1), 2/24 Waseca (3) †JPS, and Austin CBC (count week).
2002Spring Observed throughout the state. Early south (but see winter report) 3/12 Dakota TAT, 3/23 Le Sueur CRG. Early north 4/9–12 St. Louis m.ob., 4/13–14 in five counties.
2002Summer Record-high number of reports; seen in 68 counties throughout state. Peak count 7/18 Traverse (370) KJB; parasitized species included Eastern Phoebe, Red-eyed Vireo, Yellow Warbler, Eastern Towhee, Chipping Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Red-winged Blackbird, and House Finch.
2002Fall Late north 9/13 St. Louis MJF, 10/18 Traverse (150) RBJ (median 9/26). Late south 11/18 Le Sueur CRM, 11/25 Dakota (5) TAT, but also see winter report.
2002Winter Reported 12/14 Bloomington †CBC (5) and 12/28 Hastings †CBC (8) with numerous additional reports from Dakota where probably overwintered. Also reported 2/21–22 Rice TFB, CAS.
2003Spring Reported from 54 counties statewide. Early south (median 3/15, but see winter report) 3/16 Dakota SWe, Freeborn AEB and Murray NED. Early north (median 4/6) 4/12 Aitkin WEN, 4/14–15 in four counties.
2003Summer Observed in 59 counties throughout state; parasitized species included Eastern Phoebe, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Chipping Sparrow, and Northern Cardinal.
2003Fall All north reports: 8/4 Todd JSK, SID, 8/9 Pine JMP, 8/23 Red Lake PHS, 9/14 Wadena PJB. High count 10/26 Hennepin (79) TAT. Late south (but also see winter report) 11/3 Lac qui Parle BJU, 11/29 Dakota (21) ADS and Goodhue (8) ADS.
2003Winter Female seen at feeder near Vermilion, 1/2–2/21 Dakota ADS, TAT. Report of 200 from 1/1 Mountain Lake-Windom CBC did not have convincing details.
2004Spring Reported from 54 counties statewide. Early south (but see winter report) 3/1 Freeborn AEB, Lac qui Parle BJU and Olmsted JJS; many reports beginning 3/26. Early north 4/6 Becker BRK, 4/7 Pine JMP.
2004Summer Repored from 55 counties in all regions of state; new nesting records for Pine JMP, Scott BAF.
2004Fall North reports from Clay, Wadena, Hubbard and Todd, including (late north) 8/13 Wadena PJB. All October reports south: 10/19 Lyon, 10/20 Pipestone and 10/21 Nobles LBF, 10/29 Dakota (14) ADS.
2004Winter Only report: 1/1 Dakota (one on Hastings-Etter CBC) ADS.
2005Spring Reported from 67 counties. Early south (but see winter report) 3/9 Winona JJS, 3/24 Olmstead DMA. Early north 4/4 Mille Lacs ASc, 4/5 Otter Tail LS and Pine JMP. Highest reported count 5/14 Big Stone (100) and Lac qui Parle (100) JMJ.
2005Summer Observed in 66 counties statewide.
2005Fall Reported from all regions. Late north 10/15 St. Louis MTA, 10/16 Grant BJU, 10/30 Itasca BJU. Late south (but see winter report) 11/15 Freeborn AEB, 11/19 Rice DAB.
2005Winter CBC total of 43 birds on 3 counts, including 38 on the Hastings-Etter CBC. All non-CBC reports: 1/1 Rice (6) DAB, 1/7 Dakota MCA, 1/21 Rice (8) FVS, 1/21, 2/4 Dakota (2) ADS, 2/5 Rice (14) DAB.
2006Spring Found in 48 south and 29 north counties. Early south (but see February reports in Dakota, Rice) 3/8 Big Stone and Lac qui Parle BJU, 3/9–10 Le Sueur ChH, CMB, peak migration 4/4–9 in 21 counties. Early north 4/4 St. Louis SLF, 4/5 Mille Lacs ASc, peak migration 4/21–25 in 10 counties.
2006Summer Found in 80 counties statewide.
2006Fall Very few north reports. Late north 9/10 Wadena PJB. Reported in all south regions through Oct. Late south (but also see winter report) 11/3 Lac qui Parle BJU.
2006Winter4 All reports from Brown, Nicollet and Le Sueur counties, plus Lac qui Parle in the west. High count 12/12 Nicollet (12) RMD.
2007Spring3052 Early south 3/7 Lac qui Parle (probably overwintered) BJU, 3/12 Meeker DMF, 3/15 Dodge KRV (median 3/13). Early north 4/2 Mille Lacs ASc, 4/3 Otter Tail fide JMJ, 4/5 Todd JSK (median 4/6).
2007Summer2948 Observed throughout the state.
2007Fall1423 Late north 9/15 Cass ALB, 9/29 Morrison DPG, 10/22 Beltrami BJU, 11/10 Lake PEB (median 9/22). Late south (but see winter report for additional south sightings) 11/3 Rice DAB, 11/17 Winona BAF.
2007Winter5 High count 1/17–1/21 Scott (54) SMi. All other reports: 1/17 Steele (15) NFT; 1/19 (2), 2/8 (19) and 2/24 Hennepin (Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) DWK, CMB, and BAF, respectively; and 1/19 (38) and 2/16 LeSueur RMD. Both February reports probably indicate overwintering birds and not early migrants.
2008Spring3352 Early south (median 3/12) 3/14 Waseca RBW, 3/15 Le Sueur RMD, 3/20 Fillmore RBW, 3/26 Dakota JPM, Mower RBW. Early north (median 4/6) 4/9 Mille Lacs RBJ, ASc, 4/11 Otter Tail DST, 4/12 Itasca BLu.
2008Summer2843 Reported statewide. Parasitized species include Red-eyed Vireo, Hooded Warbler, Northern Cardinal, Eastern Towhee, and Chipping Sparrow.
2008Fall1926 Late north 9/24 Carlton, Kanabec, Pine DMF, 9/25 St. Louis DMF, 10/24 Clay and Otter Tail RBJ, DAC (median 9/22). Late south 11/1 Anoka CKB, 11/2 Carver JCy, 11/10 Goodhue JWH, 11/15 Dakota ADS. Season high counts 9/19 Dakota (100) ADS, 8/1 Big Stone (77) PHS.
2008Winter4 All reports: 12/14 (4), 2/24 (2) Dakota (Hampton feedlot, probably over-wintered) ADS, JPM, 12/20 Hennepin (21 including 19 at a Richfield feeder) JCC, 12/29 – 1/29 Hennepin (up to ten — 8 males, 2 females — at Minnesota Valley N.W.R. headquarters feeders) JPM, ALD.
2009Spring3252 Presumed early south migrants (median 3/12) 3/2 Hennepin CMB, 3/14 Jackson JCC, 3/15 Dakota SWe. Early north (median 4/6), 4/4 Otter Tail fide JMJ, 4/10 Douglas JPE, Mille Lacs RBJ, DAC. Season high counts 4/27 Benton (300) MJB, 4/19 Wright (120, Pelican Lake W.P.A.) DWK.
2009Summer3443 Observed statewide. First county breeding records from Chisago AEK, Norman ADS, Roseau fide BBA, Goodhue WOS. Parasitized species include Red-eyed Vireo, Gray Catbird, Cedar Waxwing, Yellow Warbler, Ovenbird, Common Yellowthroat, Hooded Warbler, Chipping Sparrow, Clay-colored Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Northern Cardinal, Bobolink, Red-winged Blackbird, American Goldfinch.
2009Fall727 Late north 9/5 Roseau JCC, LS, 9/7 Wadena PJB, 9/12 Otter Tail DST, 10/5 Traverse CRM (median 9/30). Late south 10/17 Chippewa LS, Chisago RBJ, 11/1 Freeborn DAB, JWH, Steele DAB, JWH, 11/25 Blue Earth ChH.
2009Winter7 Reported from more counties than in any of the previous five years. All reports were from December and early January except 2/7 Nicollet ChH, RMD. High counts 1/1 Hennepin (20) CMB, 1/2 Dakota (6) DWK (Hampton feed lot). CBC high count 12/17 Morris (15).
2010Spring3353 See winter report for some potential early migrants. Presumed first spring migrants south (median 3/13) 3/2 Hennepin CMB, 3/14 Olmsted DMA, 3/19 Freeborn DMA. Record early north (median 4/6) 3/23 Otter Tail DST, 4/1 Mille Lacs ASc, 4/5 Cass BAW, 4/6 Cass ABi, St. Louis ALo.
2010Summer2848 Found throughout state. First county breeding records for Benton MRN, Stevens MKu, Yellow Medicine SWe.
2010Fall1021 Late north 9/18 Wadena PJB, 9/20 Cass LBF, 11/30 Polk SAu (median 9/30). Late south 10/24 Blue Earth ChH, Hennepin DWK, 10/25 Lac qui Parle BJU, 11/6 Lac qui Parle BJU, 11/20 Big Stone HHD (median 1/1).
2010Winter16 One north report: 12/1–2 Polk (female at feeder, East Grand Forks) SAu. All south reports after CBC period include 1/13–15 Hennepin (up to 4, Minnesota Valley N.W.R. Headquarters) YK, DWK, 1/15 Freeborn (3) HHD, RAE, 1/30 Dakota SWe, 2/1 Hennepin SLC, 2/9 Dakota (7) KSm. High count 12/31 Dakota (74 at feed lot near Hastings) ADS.
2011Spring3353 See winter report for overwintering records. Early south (median 3/13) 3/4 Dakota KeS, 3/13 Murray HHD, RAE, 3/16 Dakota KeS, 3/17 Carver JCy. Early north (median 4/6) 4/2 Otter Tail GO, ARo, 4/7 Crow Wing SC, Polk SAu, Todd SC. Season high counts 4/23 Cass (500) DAY, 4/21 Dakota (135) KeS.
2011Summer3252Found in all counties except Norman, Pipestone, Red Lake. First county breeding record from Dodge fide BBA. High count 6/10 Stearns (50 in 3.5 acre cattle pasture) RHi. Parasitized species included Eastern Phoebe, Red-eyed Vireo, Eastern Bluebird, Veery, Hooded Warbler, Chipping Sparrow, Clay-colored Sparrow, Lark Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Scarlet Tanager, Northern Cardinal, Brewer’s Blackbird, House Finch.
2011Fall734 High count 8/12 Martin (200) RBJ, DAC. All north reports after September: 10/12 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) DDK, 11/2 Polk (6) HHu. Late south 11/7 Lac qui Parle BJU, 11/11 Dakota (10) JFR, 11/20 Watonwan RAE.
2011Winter9Reported from more counties than any of the previous five years. . Only reports from western half of the state: 12/17 Jackson (5, Sioux Valley area) KSm, 12/28 Lac qui Parle (Walter Twp., female) ph. BJU. All other reports from the southeastern portion of the state. Several birds were noted 12/17–2/5 Dakota m.ob., at the feedlot in Hampton, a consistent location where overwintering has occurred in the past. Individual high count 2/29 Winona (120, Prairie Island Road) ANy. CBC high count 12/18 Austin (10).
2012Spring3351 See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Many very early north reports where none found during the winter (median 4/6; prior record early 3/23): 3/11 Lake of the Woods (Graceton) JRs, 3/18 Douglas HHD, 3/19 Hubbard MAW, 3/21 Mille Lacs RAE, 3/22 Polk SAu, 3/30 Douglas JPE. High count 3/31 Dakota (~150, Great Western Industrial Park, more than 90% males) BAF, SHF.
2012Summer3253 Observed in every county except Cook, Grant. High counts 7/17 Hennepin (35, Coon Rapids Dam R.P.) TLo, 6/10 Clay (30, Bluestem Prairie) RHO. First county breeding records for Carlton fide BBA, Martin JSc, Meeker JoS, Renville PRH. Parasitized species include Eastern Phoebe, Wood Thrush, Common Yellowthroat, Chipping Sparrow, Lark Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Swamp Sparrow, Dickcissel, Common Grackle, Orchard Oriole, and House Sparrow.
2012Fall836 Late north 8/28 Traverse BJU, then only 10/12 Cass JKe. Late south 11/18 Dakota JFR, 11/22 Freeborn BBu, Murray (4) GWe, 11/25 Dakota TAT, (2) ADS (median 1/1).
2012Winter9 Reported from the same number of counties as last year. All reports were from the Twin Cities area and McLeod, southeast to Mower and Winona, including the following reports after the CBC period: 1/14 and 2/4 Hennepin (Minnesota Valley N.W.R., overwintering?) SKS and RBW, respectively; 2/3 Hennepin (different location) ABL; 1/1, 1/19 Dakota (Hampton feedlot, where overwintering has occurred previously) KDS; 1/6 and 1/23 Le Sueur DAB, DBz, ANy, JWH, and CRM, respectively. CBC high count 12/16 Austin (30).
2013Spring3453 Found in all counties. See winter reports for overwintering birds. Presumed first migrants south (median 3/13) 3/8 Nicollet GLa, CRM, ALo, 3/21 Rock CRM, 3/24 Rice JLn, 3/30 Dakota TAT. Early north (median 4/6) 3/27 Becker KBl, 4/11 Douglas JTa, 4/16 Marshall CCr.
2013Summer3353 Reported from every county except Pennington. First county breeding records from Freeborn EHl, Mower CHa. Parasitized species included Red-eyed Vireo, American Robin, Gray Catbird, Yellow Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Chipping Sparrow, Clay-colored Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Common Grackle, and Red-winged Blackbird.
2013Fall1241 High count 10/2 Dakota (100, Great Western Industrial Park) JHl, DAT. Late north 9/19 Pine DAC, RBJ, ToL, 9/26 St. Louis JAn, 10/28 Morrison KEm (median 9/30). Late south 10/25 Dakota JBt, TEB, 10/31 Carver JCy, 11/2 Olmsted JWH, 11/3 Lyon GWe (median 1/1). See winter report for lingering reports south.
2013Winter3 Fewer reporting counties than in the five previous winters. All reports: 12/14–1/17 Dakota m.ob., 12/20 Faribault (10, S.R. 109) CoN, and 12/22–1/1 Freeborn AEB. CBC high count 12/28 Hastings-Etter (11).
2014Spring3353See winter report for overwintering birds. Early south (median 3/13) 3/20 Lac qui Parle ToL, LHl, 3/21 Lac qui Parle BJU, Le Sueur DFe, CRM, KMS. Early north (median 4/6) 4/5 Morrison KEm, 4/6 Aitkin JPR, Crow Wing JPR, St. Louis AM. High counts 4/13 Faribault (300) ClN, 4/14 Lyon (275) GWe, 4/12 Chisago (200) JSa.
2014Summer3251Observed in every county except Clearwater, Hubbard, Waseca, Watonwan. Parasitized species include Great-crested Flycatcher, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Eastern Bluebird, Chipping Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Northern Cardinal, Dickcissel. First county breeding record from Steele PSu.
2014Fall1038 High counts 8/16 Stevens (100) MHo, 11/4 Dakota (70) BAF, 8/17 St. Louis (62) TRK. Late north 9/13 St. Louis CFr, 9/30 Todd JLK, 10/23 Marshall ANy (median 9/30). Late south 11/5 Hennepin ADr, 11/10 Lac qui Parle FAE, 11/22 Dakota DVe (median 1/1). See winter report for lingering reports south.
2014Winter17 Only north report: 2/16 St. Louis (Canal Park) DSr. High counts 1/1 Winona (50, Wilson) DBz, 1/18 Dakota (50, Randolph) ph. MHo, GHo.
2015Spring3153 See winter report for overwintering birds. Presumed first migrants south (median 3/13) 3/12 Lyon GWe, Nobles PEJ, 3/13 Rice DAB. Early north (median 4/6) 4/2 Clay PBB, 4/4 Douglas JPE, 4/9 Clay ClN.
2015Summer3453 Found in all counties. Parasitized species included Great Crested Flycatcher, Red-eyed Vireo, American Robin, Brown Thrasher, Hooded Warbler, Yellow Warbler, Yellow-breasted Chat, Clay-colored Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Red-winged Blackbird.
2015Fall1236 High counts all from Cottonwood (Wolf Lake W.P.A.): 8/27 (200) KEm, 9/17 (150) KEm; also 9/5 Sherburne (100, Sherburne N.W.R.) ToL. Late north 9/6 Wadena PJB, 9/8 St. Louis LME, 10/17 Becker JMJ (median 10/13). Late south 11/5 Lyon GWe, JtH, 11/10 Freeborn TAT, 11/13 Dakota ADS.
2015Winter113 Reported from highest number of counties in ten years. High counts 12/19 Olmsted (163) LAV, 2/28 Fillmore (6, early migrants?) JWH, 1/14 Dakota (5, Hampton) ADS.
2016Spring3453 Found in all counties. See winter report for overwintering birds. Presumed first migrants south (median 3/13) 3/2 Pipestone LVD, 3/7 Carver JCy, Pope RAE, 3/8 Watonwan JPr, 3/9 Anoka RBW. Early north (median 4/5) 3/21 St. Louis LEC, 3/25 Becker HeH, 4/3 Wadena PJB, 4/4 Polk SAu. High counts 4/4 Dakota (100) BAF, 4/9 Yellow Medicine (100) JBu, 5/5 Washington (100) KvM, 4/17 Olmsted (80) JPr, 5/14 Rice (80) DAT.
2016Summer3253 Found in every county except Cook, Kittson. High count 7/27 Lyon (700, 260th Ave. grasslands) GWe.
2016Fall1538 High counts 10/29 Dodge (220) AJF, 11/7 Cottonwood (100, Wolf Lake W.P.A.) KEm. Late north 9/6 Pine ABL, 9/13 Morrison FGo (median 10/15). Late south 11/13 Meeker BNn, 11/27 Hennepin TAT (median 1/2). See winter report for lingering south reports.
2016Winter113 Reported from 14 counties, tying season-high record of last year. Only north report 2/22 Becker ShG, HeH. High counts 2/25 Lyon (100, Amiret W.M.A.) GWe, 1/18 Scott (20) LyM, 1/18 Olmsted (13) LAV. CBC high count 12/15 Cottonwood (8).
2017Spring3453 Found in all counties. See winter report for overwintering birds. Presumed first migrants south (median 3/12) 3/5 Dakota SHF, BAF, Washington PNi, KIs, GJa, 3/6 Lincoln ANy, Pipestone ANy, SC. Early north (median 4/4) 3/20–28 Morrison FGo, 3/31 Pine KrM, St. Louis JPR. High counts 3/25 Nobles (200) SBE, 4/12 Sherburne (143, Sherburne N.W.R.) JlB, 4/15 Dakota (100) CMB, 5/13 Goodhue (100, Frontenac S.P.) AVa.
2017Summer3453 Observed in every county. Parasitized species included Mourning Dove (rare non-passerine host; first record of this host in Minnesota), Eastern Phoebe, Red-eyed Vireo, House Finch, Chipping Sparrow, Clay-colored Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow, Louisiana Waterthrush, American Redstart, Yellow Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler, and Indigo Bunting.
2017Fall1839 High counts 8/20 Grant (300, North Ottawa Impoundment) ClN, 10/11 Rock (150) KnM. Late north 10/3 Crow Wing DMz 10/8 Clay ShG, HeH, 10/24 Otter Tail ALu (median 10/18). Late south 11/18 Lyon GWe, 11/19 Faribault WAF, 11/22 Lyon GWe (median 12/25).
2017Winter8 Reported from eight counties in southern third of state, the same as the 10-year average. Unusual reports: 12/1 Faribault WAF, 12/18 Yellow Medicine GWe, 2/10 Renville GWe, 2/28 Martin ebd. All reports of three or fewer individuals.
2018Spring3453 Found in all counties. See winter report for overwintering south birds. Presumed first migrants south (median 3/12) 3/3 Olmsted SHo, 3/7 Chisago MTe, 3/9 Winona DBz, 3/11 Houston LiH, ASu. Early north (median 4/4) 3/29 Douglas RBJ, RBW, 4/15 Todd TLu, 4/19 Douglas JsS, Otter Tail REn, Polk ebd. High counts 5/5 Watonwan (280, Sulem Lake) DAk, 5/1 Washington (150, 100th Street Marsh) KIs, 5/1 Lake (105, Two Harbors) JWL.
2018Summer3453 Reported from all counties. Parasitized species included Eastern Phoebe, Warbling Vireo, American Robin, House Finch, Chipping Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Northern Cardinal. High count 7/31 Stevens (300) ASu.
2018Fall2545  High counts 8/11 Lyon (313, single flock near Vesta) GWe, 8/5 Redwood (200) LiH, ASu. Late north 10/8 Morrison ASu, Roseau LiH, KnM, 10/16 Douglas (Lake Osakis) CNn, 11/3 Douglas BAb, BWF (median 10/18). Late south 11/22 Dakota KDS, Lyon GWe, 11/23 Ramsey KRo (median 1/1). See winter report for lingering south reports.
2018Winter8 Observed in eight south counties, identical to prior year and to the ten-year average. Overwintering birds in Blue Earth, Dakota, and Hennepin. High counts 12/22 Goodhue (86) GHo, AJF, KDS, 1/13 Dakota (72) KDS. CBC high counts 12/22 Red Wing (86), 12/14 Morris (41), 12/29 Hastings-Etter (31).
2019Summer3453 Observed in every county. Parasitized species included Chipping Sparrow, Clay-colored Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Orchard Oriole, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow Warbler, Northern Cardinal, Rose-breasted Grosbeak. High count 7/13 Dakota (est. 500, 180th St. Marsh) EzH.
 Breeds throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.