Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Fulvous Whistling-Duck
Snow Goose
Ross's Goose
Greater White-fronted Goose
[Taiga Bean-Goose]
[Brant (Atlantic)]
[Brant (Black)]
Cackling Goose
Canada Goose
[Greater White-fronted Goose X Canada Goose]
Mute Swan
Trumpeter Swan
Tundra Swan
[Cygnus swan]
Wood Duck
Blue-winged Teal
Cinnamon Teal
[Blue-winged Teal x Cinnamon Teal]
Northern Shoveler
Eurasian Wigeon
American Wigeon
[Gadwall X Mallard]
American Black Duck
[Mallard X American Black Duck]
Mottled Duck
Northern Pintail
[Mallard X Northern Pintail]
Green-winged Teal
[Green-winged Teal (Eurasian)]
[Green-winged Teal (American)]
Ring-necked Duck
Tufted Duck
Greater Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Greater Scaup]
Lesser Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Lesser Scaup]
King Eider
Common Eider
[Somateria eider]
Harlequin Duck
Surf Scoter
White-winged Scoter
Black Scoter
Long-tailed Duck
Common Goldeneye
[Bufflehead X Common Goldeneye]
Barrow's Goldeneye
[Common Goldeneye X Barrow's Goldeneye]
Hooded Merganser
Hooded Merganser
[Common Goldeneye X Hooded Merganser]
Common Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser
Ruddy Duck

Cackling Goose(Branta hutchinsii)
2004Fall This recent split from the Canada Goose was documented by photograph or audio recordings in 4 north and 4 south counties, and by written details in 13 additional counties, none in the Southeast. Early north 9/21 Cook (Tofte) ph. EEO, 9/21–22 Lake (Fenstad's Resort) ph. EEO, 9/25 Lake (Knife River, gave a one-syllabled, high-pitched, soft “screech” vaguely reminiscent of a grackle and somewhat Snow Goose-like) †KRE et al. Also photographed 9/30–10/2 St. Louis (2 at Stoney Point) KRE, MH, 10/10 St. Louis (6 at Park Point, Duluth) PHS, 10/16 Lake (15–20 at Silver Bay) AXH, PHS, 10/23 Lake (91 at Two Harbors) PCC, PHS, 10/24 Cook (3 at Lutsen) PCC, JWL, PHS. Early south 10/2–3 Rice (vocalized) DAB, FVS, 10/3 Big Stone (2 near Correll) †PHS, 10/9–11 Jackson (6) DDM, BJM, †PHS. Photographed 10/22+ Hennepin (Lakewood Cemetery) ChM, PEB, 11/5 Dakota JPM, 11/23 Anoka (Blaine) CBr. Digital audio recording 11/26 Waseca (Loon L.) JPS. Peak counts 10/13 Polk (650 at Crookston) ph. †PHS, 10/20 Big Stone (335 in Prior Twp.) †PHS. Late north 10/29 Lake (83) ph. JWL, 10/31 Pennington (one at Thief River Falls) †JMJ, 11/4 Clay (one at Moorhead) †DPJ. Late south 11/25 Meeker (3 at L. Ripley) †DMF, 11/29 Dakota (30 at Eagan) †CBr, but also see winter report. Observers are asked to document all sightings with notes, photographs, and/or recordings to improve our understanding of this species in the state.
2004Winter Fargo-Moorhead CBC tallied 134 on 12/18 Clay fide RHO. Reported from 13 south counties including 12/18 Rochester and Faribault CBCs fide RJS; overwintered Hennepin (Coon Rapids Dam) OLJ. None of these had details. Spring arrival dates unknown. Highest reported counts 2/26 Jackson (520), Nobles (525), Cottonwood (312) PEJ.
2005Spring Reported from 31 south and 5 north counties, but documented only in 5 counties. Please see winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north (no details) 3/20 Otter Tail BWF, 3/21 Clay BWF. Peak counts 3/31 Traverse (200 at Mud L.) KJB, 3/22 Murray (178 at L. Wilson) KJB. All documented south reports: 3/19 Dakota (5 in Vermillion Twp.) †ADS, 3/31 Carver †WCM, 4/2 Stearns †RPR, 4/9 Hennepin †CFa, 4/30–5/13 Dakota (4 at L. Byllesby) †ADS. Only documented north reports: 4/3 Polk †JMJ, 5/21 St. Louis (Interstate Island, Duluth) ph. †PHS. Observers are asked to document all sightings with notes, photographs, or recordings to improve our understanding of this species in the state.
2005Fall Documented in 5 of 15 north counties and 7 of 24 south counties. Early north 9/17 St. Louis †PHS, 9/18 Lake †JWL. Early south 9/17 Sibley †RBJ, 9/20 Hennepin †ChM. Highest reported counts 10/1 Clay (329 at Moorhead W.T.P.) BWF, 11/6 Lac qui Parle (654 in Toqua Twp.) †PCC. Late north 11/23 Kanabec †AXH, 11/25 Lake †JWL. Late south 11/23 Yellow Medicine and Lac qui Parle BJU, 11/25 Le Sueur AXH, but also see winter report. Observers are asked to document all sightings with notes, photographs, or recordings to improve our understanding of this species in the state.
2005Winter Winter status of this species remains poorly known and all reports had few or no details. None known to overwinter. No north reports except 12/17 Fargo-Moorhead CBC (2). CBC reports south 12/17 Hutchinson (12), Rochester (count week), 1/1 Hastings-Etter (1). Also late south 12/26 Chippewa/Lac qui Parle (one at Lac qui Parle L.) BJU. Possible early south migrants 2/11 (2), 2/20 (4) Olmsted (Silver L.) JWH, CRM et al., 2/20 Nobles (1) BTS. Significant influx 2/25 Jackson (275), Nobles (124), Cottonwood (80) PEJ.
2006Spring Reported from 22 south and 10 north counties, but documented in only 8 counties. Please see winter report for early south migrants. Early north 3/18 Grant HHD, 3/30 St. Louis MLH. Record-high count 3/25 Cottonwood (3,000 estimated in flock of 10,000 geese) BRB. Other notable counts 4/2–3 Traverse (2,317 carefully identified and counted individually) †KJB, 3/12 Jackson (184) †DFN. All other documented reports: 3/1 Brown (3) †BTS, 3/4 Dakota (5 near Hastings) †ADS, 3/8 Scott (7) †CMB, 3/9–11 Dakota (max. 150, L. Byllesby) †JPM, †DFN, †CMB, 3/10 Meeker †DMF, 3/11 Hennepin (50) †DFN, 3/16 Washington (1) †DFN, 5/16 Lac qui Parle (1) †BJU. Observers are asked to document all sightings with notes, photographs, or recordings to improve our understanding of this species in the state.
2006Fall Documented in five north and six south counties; written details for records not listed were furnished by ALD, BTS, DWK, JWL, PCC, PEB, PHS. Reported without details from 38 additional counties (11 north, 27 south). Some potential first county records not only lacked any descriptive details, but also lacked specific locations and/or count data. Early north 9/5 (record early date, no details) St. Louis BET, 9/16 (second earliest north, no details) Lake of the Woods RJS. Early south 9/19 (second earliest south, no details) Sherburne PLJ, 9/23 Nicollet RMD. Peak counts 10/30 Big Stone (385) and Traverse (270) BJU. Late north 11/17 Mille Lacs ASc, 11/20 Otter Tail fide JMJ. See winter report for late south migrants.
2006Winter13 An increase in reports during the period compared to previous years probably reflects increased awareness, though few were well documented. Reports were distributed throughout the southern counties from east to west. A group of 50–80 spent a few days at Pt. Douglas Park beginning 12/8 Washington DWK, JPM. Attempted overwintering through at least 1/28 Dakota, where as many as 30 were counted 1/23 in a corn field near Vermillion with 10,000–12,000 Canada Geese JPM, †BAF. Also documented 12/10 Waseca (2) †JPS, 12/16 Bloomington CBC ph. PEB, 12/16 Fairmont CBC (total of 18) †BRB, EBK. One seen six times between 1/1 and 2/27 Olmsted (Silver L., Rochester) ph. LAV probably overwintered.
2007Spring823 Documented in only seven counties. Please see winter report for early south migrants. Early north 3/10 Traverse HHD, 3/23 Mille Lacs NSc (median 3/19). High counts 3/16 Jackson (650) PEJ, 3/23 Goodhue (450) PEJ. Late south 5/11 Olmsted JJS, 5/13 Mower HHD, JJS. All documented reports: 3/11–17 Brown †BTS, 3/16 Dakota †BAF, 3/17–22 Meeker †DMF, 4/1 Lac qui Parle †DFN and McLeod †DMF, 4/13 Big Stone (250, Thielke L.) †WCM, 5/5 Ramsey †DPG. Observers are asked to document all sightings with notes, photographs, or recordings to improve our understanding of this species in the state.
2007Fall1920 Documented in three north counties and seven south counties. Early north 9/13 Lake JCG, 9/14 St. Louis ABL; also 10/1 Cass (Walker City Park) ph. BAW. Early south 9/15 Waseca DAB, JJS, JWH, 9/16 McLeod JLO. Peak counts 10/30 Lac qui Parle (640 at Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, 11/27 Blue Earth (500) RMD, 9/28 St. Louis (262 at H.R.B.O.) EMG, KJB, 11/3 Rice (200–300 at Alexander Park) †DAB. Late north 11/12 Wadena JWH, 11/18 St. Louis †PHS. See winter report for late south migrants. New county records: 9/28 Roseau BJS, 11/11 Kittson JWH, 11/12 Wadena JWH. Observers are asked to document all sightings with notes, photographs, or recordings to improve our understanding of this species in the state.
2007Winter5 All reports that included description of small size, short neck, and stubby bill: 12/1 Meeker (15, Lake Ripley) DMF, 12/2 McLeod (20, Hutchinson) DMF, 12/3 Lac qui Parle (1, Lac qui Parle Lake) BJU, Washington CRM, 12/8 Wright ASc.
2008Spring733 Documented in 14 counties. Early south (median 2/19) 3/11 Lac qui Parle BJU, 3/12 Chippewa BJU. Early north (median 3/18) 3/22 Cass BAW, 4/5 Clay JMJ, St. Louis †PHS. Late south 4/21 Mower JEM, 4/26 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 5/13). Late north 5/5 Traverse KRE, 5/15 Clay and Norman HHD (median 4/27). High counts 3/15 Martin (198) DFN, PEJ, 4/13 Freeborn (150 at Bear Lake) DFN. New county records: 4/3 Renville JEB, 4/6 Rock (2 at Blue Mounds S.P.) DBM. Observers are asked to document all sightings with notes, photographs, or recordings to improve our understanding of this species in the state.
2008Summer1 First summer record 6/5 Itasca MCBS, ph. MSS.
2008Fall1432 Documented in four north counties and 13 south counties. Early north (median 9/17) 9/21 Lake †JWL, 9/26 Cass BAW, Traverse PHS. Early south (median 9/19) 9/20 Sherburne PLJ, Sibley RMD, Stevens DBM, 9/23 Ramsey RPR. Peak counts 9/27 St. Louis (1,071 at H.R.B.O.; record-high fall count) KJB, 11/26 Lac qui Parle (620 at Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, 10/2 Traverse (375 at White Rock Dam) †PHS. Late north 11/1 Grant †DPG, 11/2 Lake KRE (median 12/17). See winter report for late south migrants. New county records: 10/23 Fillmore JWH, 10/25 Pope MJB. Observers are asked to document all sightings with notes, photographs, or recordings to improve our understanding of this species in the state.
2008Winter11 Only documented mid-winter (January) reports: 1/2 Dakota (6) and 1/3 Ramsey (26) AXH. Several late February reports probably represent early migrants.
2009Spring538 Documented in only 7 counties. Early south (median 2/26) 3/1 Lincoln, Murray, Pipestone DBM, 3/5 Le Sueur †DPG, 3/6 Brown †BTS, Olmsted HHD, Steele DBM. All north reports: 3/22 Douglas JPE, 3/25 Mille Lacs ASc, 4/10 Douglas JPE, 4/11 Wilkin LS, 4/12 Otter Tail LS, 4/19 Otter Tail †DST, 4/25 Douglas JPE, 5/28 Lake of the Woods DBW, MHK. High counts 3/7 Jackson (474) PEJ, DFN, 3/7 Nobles (140) PEJ, DFN. Late south 5/2 Stearns PCC, 5/10 Watonwan LS (median 5/13). Observers are asked to document all sightings with notes, photographs, or recordings to improve our understanding of this species in the state.
2009Fall1431 Early north (median 9/17) 9/15 St. Louis †PHS, KJB, ABL, 9/21 Hubbard DCH. Early south (median 9/19) 9/23 Hennepin †DDo, 9/24 Pope RBJ, Swift RBJ. High counts 11/28 Freeborn (150, Albert Lea Lake) DAB, JWH, 11/21 Sibley (75, Gaylord W.T.P.) †JCC. Late north 11/28 Douglas, Todd JPE, 11/30 Kanabec CAM (median 11/20). See winter report for late south migrants. New county record: 10/1 Morrison HHD. Observers are asked to document all sightings with notes, photographs, or recordings to improve our understanding of this species in the state.
2009Winter111 Late south 12/5 Chippewa (2) and Stevens HHD, Hennepin (8, Bush Lake) DWK, Le Sueur RMD, Meeker and Stearns DMF. Also reported on the Lac qui Parle (1), Northwest McLeod (15), and Pillager (7) CBCs. None of these reports included details.
2010Spring634 Documented in only 6 counties. Early south (median 2/26) 3/6 Olmsted JWH, 3/12 Steele NFT, 3/13 Fillmore DBM, Rice FVS, Wabasha PEJ. All north reports: 3/18 Mille Lacs ASc, 3/21 Grant HHD, 3/25 Hubbard (4) RJS, 3/26 Mille Lacs (2) RBJ, 3/27 Norman JMJ, 4/9 Hubbard HHD, 4/16 St. Louis FKB, 5/14 Douglas ARW. Late south 4/18 Stearns †PCC, 5/6 Carver JCy, 5/23 Yellow Medicine BJU (median 5/13). Observers are asked to document all sightings with notes, photographs, or recordings to improve our understanding of this species in the state.
2010Fall2637 Early north (median 9/17) 9/13 St. Louis PLJ, 9/24 Lake KRE, m.ob. Early south (median 9/19) 9/14 Blue Earth ChH, 9/26 Wright HHD, 9/30 Stearns †PCC. High counts 10/2 St. Louis (269, Duluth) KJB, CRu, 11/6 Stearns (255, Albany Twp.) †PCC. Late north 11/20 Traverse, Wilkin RBW, 11/25 Hubbard PBB (median 11/20), but also see winter report. New county records: 11/11 Carlton (3, Moose Lake) BJU, 10/8 Red Lake HHD. Observers are asked to document all sightings of this species in the state when encountered in ususual locations, dates, or in unusual numbers.
2010Winter33 All reports: 12/2 Lac qui Parle (16) BJU, 12/5 Washington (1) RTe, Douglas (2) JPE, 12/11 Clay (4) PBB, 1/2 Pillager CBC (6), Cass (7) DAY, 1/19 Ramsey (1) SKS. None of these reports included any descriptive details.
2011Spring939 All north reports: 3/30 Otter Tail JeW, 4/2 Clay RHO, 4/5 Polk (3) SAu, 4/8 Otter Tail m.ob., Wilkin DBz, 4/9–10 Grant m.ob., 4/9–10 Traverse (3,450, high count) BJU, †KRo, m.ob., 4/29 Lake (5, Beaver Bay W.T.P.) RAE, HHD, 5/12 Beltrami MHe. Other high counts 3/27 Jackson (759) PEJ, DFN. Late south 4/16 Swift JOr, 5/8 Rice BJB (median 5/13). Descriptions provided for just a handful of additional records: 3/17 Hennepin †KRo, 3/19 Blue Earth, Renville †DPG, 3/20, 3/21, 3/29 Lac qui Parle (3 different locations) ph. BJU, 4/2 Stearns (11, Grove Twp.) †PCC, Wright †DWK, 4/9 Big Stone ph. BJU.
2011Fall2438 Early north (median 9/17) 9/10 St. Louis (H.R.B.O., Duluth) KJB, 9/15 Lake JWL, St. Louis †PHS. Early south (median 9/19) 9/16 Sherburne RBJ, 9/24–11/4 Itasca SC, ph. †EEO, 9/30 Sherburne PLJ, 10/1 Dakota (25) †BAF, SHF, Hennepin †CMB. High counts 10/22 Stevens (550, between Gorder and Crystal Lake) DWK, 9/15 St. Louis (375, H.R.B.O., Duluth) KJB, 10/18 Polk (315, near Fosston) DBM. Please see winter report for late migrants. New county record 10/18 Koochiching RBJ. Observers are asked to document all sightings of this species in the state when encountered in unusual locations, dates, or in unusual numbers.
2011Winter320All north reports (none included any descriptive details): 12/10 Clay RAE, 12/17 Fergus Falls CBC (7), 12/18 Clay (8, Moorhead) PBB, 12/24 Polk (East Grand Forks) SAu, 2/19 and 2/25 Clay (5, Moorhead) DWR. More south reports than in previous years. Reports with documentation of known or probable overwintering birds include 1 (possibly injured) throughout the season Winona (Lake Winona) †JWH, m.ob., 1/6 (93) and 2/23 (89) Martin, 1/6 (15) and 2/25 (18) Jackson, 1/25 Dakota †PEJ. Other high counts include 12/9 Washington (440, Point Douglas Park) RPR, 12/3 Carver (Lake Waconia, 75 including one identified as possible B. h. taverneri) †PEB, †DWK.
2012Spring1036 See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north (median 3/19) 3/4 Clay DWR, 3/10 Grant DBM. High counts 3/24 Lac qui Parle (~500, Salt Lake) JF, 3/12 Traverse (~420, Tara Twp.) BJU, 3/10 Jackson (351) PEJ, DFN. Late south 5/8 Winona ANy, DBz, 5/9 Lincoln RBJ (median 5/13). Late north 4/20 Roseau SC (median 5/21). Descriptions provided for just a handful of additional records: 3/10 Hennepin †KRo, 3/9–11 Dakota †ADS, †BAF, †ACr, 3/24 Grant †DPG, 3/25 Isanti †DWK, 4/17 Stearns †PCC.
2012Fall2443 Record early north (median 9/17) 8/29 St. Louis FKB, 9/7 St. Louis KJB. Early south (median 9/19) 9/15 Winona DBz, 9/16 Ramsey RZi.Please see winter report for late migrants. Observers are asked to document all sightings with notes, photographs, or recordings to improve our understanding of this species in the state.
2012Winter420 All north (only one with details): 12/1–16 Clay (multiple individuals with peaks of 28 on 12/4, 10 on 12/8) PBB, DWR, 12/17 Otter Tail †DST. Reported from about the same number of south counties as last year, and more than in previous years. High count 12/1 Rice (62) MDu. Numerous December reports through 12/17 included the following that were documented: 12/1 Brown †BTS, 12/7 Olmsted †JWH. No further reports until presumed northbound migrants 2/18–28 Olmsted (5, Zumbro River) †JWH, and then 2/28 Martin (7), Nobles (4) PEJ.
2013Spring1437 See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north (median 3/19) 3/17 Clay RAE, 4/8 Cass MRN, 4/11 Pennington (5) SAS. High counts 3/23 Nobles (3,500, record high, Lake Okabena, Worthington) KRE, BTS. Late south 5/3 Renville RPR, 5/12 Ramsey JoD (median 5/13). Late north 5/4 Grant DAC, RBJ, 5/5 St. Louis JLK, 5/9 Mahnomen RAE (median 5/21). Descriptions provided for just a handful of additional records: 3/15 Jackson, Nobles †PEJ, 3/26 Brown †BTS, 3/29 Nicollet, Sibley †JCC, 4/21 St. Louis †BCM, 4/25 Stearns †PLJ, 4/26 St. Louis †PHS.
2013Summer2 Single individuals found with flocks of Canada Geese 6/4 Pennington (Thief River Falls W.T.P.), Polk (Lake Sarah) †RMD were possibly the same bird. Second summer record.
2013Fall1538 Early north (median 9/17) 9/7 St. Louis KJB, 9/10 Becker ToL, St. Louis (22, Duluth, Bayfront Park) TRK, 9/12 Mahnomen ToL. Early south (median 9/19) 9/18 Washington (2) WmH, 9/21 Hennepin CMB, †KRo, Mower (4) †JCC, 9/22 Sherburne PLJ. High counts 10/18 Steele (100, Morehouse Park) NFT, 10/27 Grant (100, North Ottawa Impoundment) †DPG, 10/22 Traverse (95) MJM. Late north 11/14 Pine RBJ, 11/15 Traverse DLP (median 11/20). See winter report for late south migrants. Observers are asked to document all sightings with notes, photographs, or recordings to improve our understanding of this species in the state.
2013Winter7 All reports (none included descriptive details): 12/1 Kandiyohi JoS, Rice (6) JHl, DAT, 12/6 Washington (2) TAT, 12/17 Rice FSl, SSl, 2/21 Lac qui Parle DLP, 2/25 Wright (2) ToL.
2014Spring1141See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Descriptions provided for only 5 counties. Early north (median 3/19) 3/13 Clay †PBB, 3/14 Traverse DLP, 3/15 Wilkin RAE. High counts 3/16 Jackson (1,680) PEJ, DFN, 3/29 Jackson (330) PEJ, DFN. Late south 4/25 Dakota KDS, 5/2 Stearns MJB, 5/3 McLeod GLa (median 5/13). Late north 5/1 Itasca SC, 5/23 Clearwater CRM, 5/28 Wilkin GLa (median 5/21).
2014Summer1Reported 6/10 Ramsey (Maplewood, one heard flying overhead with flock of Canada Geese) †MJM.
2014Fall1526 Early north (median 9/17) 8/29 Polk JMJ, 9/7 Itasca SC, 9/18 St. Louis (2) KJB. Early south (median 9/19) 9/17 Le Sueur ANy, DBz, 10/5 Kandiyohi (2, near Pennock) RAE, WPe, 10/6 Ramsey (20) ARe. High counts 11/10 Lyon (750, total in Cottonwood area) GWe, 11/1 Lac qui Parle (279, Big Stone N.W.R.) PCC. Late north 11/16 Becker (15) ShG, HeH, 11/19 St. Louis (Port Terminal, Duluth) PHS (median 11/20). See winter report for late south migrants. Observers are asked to document all sightings with notes, photographs, or recordings to improve our understanding of this species in the state.
2014Winter26 Two north reports: 12/14 Polk (American Crystal Sugar lagoons) East Grand Forks CBC, 12/20 Clay (2, Moorhead, American Crystal Sugar lagoons) PBB. South reports include 12/14 Cottonwood CBC (60), 12/20 Jackson County CBC (10), Martin (6, Lake Sisseton) ClN, Rochester CBC (1), 12/22 Lac qui Parle CBC (3), 1/24 Rice (Carleton College Cowling Arboretum, Lower Arboretum) †DAT. Only this last record included descriptive details.
2015Spring1440 Early south (median 2/26) 3/9 Kandiyohi (2) JWd, Lyon (30) GWe, Sherburne (4) JaM, Wright ToL. Early north (median 3/19) 3/14 Clay BPa, Traverse DLP, 3/15 Becker (2) HeH, ShG, Clay (2) PBB. Descriptions provided in varying detail from 15 counties. High counts 3/12 Jackson (200) †PEJ, 4/1 Douglas (100) BEc, 3/11 Lyon (50) GWe. Late south 5/13 Houston DBz, 5/14 Washington SMo, PTr, 5/28 Rock (Blue Mounds S.P.) TKa (median 5/13). Late north 5/3 Marshall (2, Agassiz N.W.R.) CCr, Roseau BSi, 5/5 Crow Wing (Brainerd) JPR, 5/18 Crow Wing (2, Crosby W.T.P.) JPR (median 5/21).
2015Summer1 Seen 6/1 Pope (single bird in flock of Canada Geese) †RMD.
2015Fall1527 Early north (median 9/13) 9/10–9/15 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KGa, m.ob. Early south (median 9/17) 9/19 Hennepin DaG, 9/26 Houston (6, Brownsville Overlook) DSt, 10/11 McLeod (5, Otter Lake) PRH, High counts 11/25 Lyon (400, total in the Cottonwood area) GWe, 11/14 Brown (110, Sleepy Eye) BTS. Late north 11/15 Wadena (3) PJB, 11/20 Mille Lacs (21, Lake Ogechie) RBJ, 11/21 Mille Lacs (6, Milaca W.T.P.) JCC, Wadena PJB (median 12/17). See winter report for late south migrants. Observers are asked to document all sightings with notes, photographs, or recordings to improve our understanding of this species in the state.
2015Winter135 Numerous early winter reports (through 1/2) of small numbers (up to 22) from 17 south counties and one north. No others until late February, when there were many reports of early migrants 2/26–29 from 26 south counties. High counts 2/27 Jackson (757), Nobles (85) †PEJ, 2/26 Big Stone (50) KeM. CBC high counts 12/19 Rochester (22), St. Paul (North) (10).
2016Spring1334 See winter report for early south. Early north (median 3/18) 3/6 Todd MJB, 3/7 Traverse DLP, 3/10 Douglas JPE. Descriptions provided in varying detail from 9 counties. High counts 3/12 Douglas (300, Little Rachel Lake) BEc, 3/6 Lyon (75, Cottonwood W.T.P.) GWe, 3/6 Nobles (75) PEJ, DFN. Late south 5/14 Washington (2) WCM, 5/18 Isanti RMD, 5/31 Hennepin (46) CMB (median 5/13). Late north 4/19 Hubbard (2) REn, AxB, 4/30 Cass (5, Longville W.T.P.) KHe, 5/14 Aitkin TLa, Hubbard (2) REn, AxB (median 5/21).
2016Summer1 Seen 6/3 Lake of the Woods (flying with flock of Canada Geese) RMD, MBS.
2016Fall1732 Early north (median 9/12) 9/3 Marshall DWK, 9/13 Itasca SC, Lake JWL, 9/13 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. Early south (median 9/18) 9/26 Washington (2) PNi, 9/29 Anoka ToL, 10/3 Goodhue (2) GJM. Descriptions provided in varying detail from 11 counties. High counts 11/25 Nobles (200, Okabena Lake) BTS, 9/19 Grant (100, North Ottawa Impoundment) CNn. Late north 11/13 Lake (10, Two Harbors) LiH, Wadena (2) AaL, 11/19 Hubbard (5) REn, 11/24 Otter Tail (Glendalough S.P.) KnM (median 12/17). See winter report for late south migrants. Observers are asked to document all sightings with notes, photographs, or recordings to improve our understanding of this species in the state.
2016Winter435 December reports from 20 south and two north counties, with a high count 12/7 Pipestone (130) DAk; other counts were 10 or fewer. There were a few January and early February reports, but without details. Apparent spring migrants started 2/16 Lyon (1) GWe with many reports through the end of the month from 31 south and two north counties. February high count 2/20 Yellow Medicine (120) GWe.
2017Spring1641 See winter report early south migrants. Early north (median 3/18) 3/5 Douglas (17) BEc, Traverse (50, Mud Lake) KnM, (10, Reservation Dam W.M.A) KnM, 3/7 Douglas (2) JsS. Descriptions provided in varying detail from 19 counties. High counts 3/5, 3/19 Lac qui Parle (200, Big Stone N.W.R.) KnM, 3/26 Lincoln (200) KnM. Late south 5/4 Sherburne (5, Big Lake) JnP, 5/12 Watonwan NaH, 5/26 Ramsey PNi (median 5/13). Late north 5/3 Marshall (2) JSm, 5/18 Otter Tail (2) LSm, 5/20 Becker JNe (median 5/20).
2017Fall1935 Early north (median 9/10) 8/4 Traverse RPR, 9/3 Roseau (3, Greenbush W.T.P.) NWi, CRM, m.ob., 9/5 St. Louis ABL. Early south (median 9/19) 9/6 Ramsey (2, Lake Como) SLo, 10/1 Carver (Cologne W.T.P.) DWK, 10/2 Sherburne (3) PLJ. Descriptions provided in varying detail from 14 counties. High counts 11/12 Lac qui Parle (4,000, Lac qui Parle S.P., percentage estimate of a much larger flock) KnM, ASu, LiH. Late north 11/11 Clay (100, Moorhead W.T.P.) KnM, Kanabec (8) TLu, Wilkin KnM 11/12 Lake (4, Two Harbors) JWH, Otter Tail (6) SDi, 11/30 Hubbard (16, North Twin Lake) AxB (median 12/17). See winter report for late south migrants. Observers are asked to document all sightings with notes, photographs, or recordings to improve our understanding of this species in the state.
2017Winter323 Reported from four north counties through mid December, all of 9 or fewer individuals. Only one other north report: 1/23 Otter Tail ToR. Numerous December south reports from 19 counties, with high count 12/10 (30) Chippewa GWe, JtH. January to mid February reports from five south counties (1–4 individuals). Early spring migrants 2/27 (up to 16) from Jackson, Nobles, Rice. CBC high counts 12/17 Kensington (250), 12/16 Fairmont (106), Willmar (55).
2018Spring1146 See winter report for early south migrants. Early north (median 3/17) 3/18–22 Otter Tail (2) WPl, JsS, 3/23 Morrison (8) ebd, 3/27 Traverse ANy. Descriptions provided in varying detail from 19 counties. High count 3/16 Jackson (1,007) PEJ, 3/17 Chippewa (600, Lac qui Parle S.P.) KnM, ASu, LiH, Nobles (600, Okabena Lake) KnM, ASu. Late south 5/16 Anoka (2) LBi, Cottonwood LHl, 5/19 Nobles (3) ebd, Rice (2, Lyman Lakes) ebd (median 5/13). Late north 4/30–5/2 Beltrami (5) DPJ, 5/21 Crow Wing JPr, 5/22 Clay TCL (median 5/21).
2018Fall2241 Early north (median 9/10) 9/15–18 St. Louis (max. 6, H.R.N.R.) BMu, JPR, m.ob. Early south (median 9/19) 9/21 Ramsey LiH, 9/24 Anoka ToL, 9/28 Dakota MwT. Descriptions provided in varying detail from 14 counties. High counts 11/17 Rice (200, Lyman Lakes) DAT, 10/18 Polk (150, Gully) SDi. Late north 11/7 Mille Lacs FKB, 11/10 Cook (Grand Marais Harbor) ClN, JfD, 11/14 Douglas (max. 5, Lake Carlos) BEc, ToR (median 12/17).
2018Winter211 A few north reports from Otter Tail and Clay through mid December, and one north report after December: 1/5 Otter Tail (2, Fergus Falls) LiH, BDo. December reports from eight south counties, with peak 12/5 Martin (16) PEJ. January south reports include 1/1 Dakota LiH, 1/4 Martin (3) PEJ, 1/16 Goodhue (4) PEJ. One present throughout February Scott (Shakopee Mill Pond) IVa, m.ob. CBC high counts 12/17 Lac qui Parle (5), 12/15 Fairmont (4).
 Migrant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.