Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Blackbirds, Orioles
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Blackbirds, Orioles
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Eastern Meadowlark
Western Meadowlark
[Sturnella meadowlark]
Orchard Oriole
Bullock's Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
Scott's Oriole
Red-winged Blackbird
Brown-headed Cowbird
Rusty Blackbird
Brewer's Blackbird
Common Grackle
Great-tailed Grackle
[Quiscalus grackle]

Common Grackle(Quiscalus quiscula)
1930SummerMarius Morse found the first nests o£ the grackle on April 28th, near Robbinsdale, two, with three and four eggs respectively. At Frontenac, on June 21 st, Alden Risser found the latest nest, one containing three fresh eggs. Gustav Swanson saw a nest at Madison which contained six eggs on May 18th.
1931SummerA nest with two eggs was found by Alfen Risser on April 22nd. Xhe last nest reported l·18.S by i'Jarius Morse. It contained three young and three eggs on !11.:: 27th.
1932SummerThe first completed nest contnined 3 eggs on April.30 (Powney & Eisele). The latest record in 4.volves another inte::.esting nesting site, a hollow stub in ,which young birds wpre being fed.. This was :seen,.at Ericsburg, June 23, also by Swans' on.
1933Summer Twenty-seven nest dates contributed. Two nost13 found at St. Cloud on April 28th by Hicoenz contained 2 or ~~ eggs respectively• The last nest was found by Mrs~ Peterson at Madison on May 2oth, when it held 4 eggs. Hiemenz observed young out of the IISt being , fed on Nay.31st. /
1934Summer One nest of the "American Crow Balekbird11, w1th two egg.s, and several others, "unfinished or recently completed, were found by Hioraenz at St. Cloud on May 1st. Tho latest occupied nest wns found by Mr. and Mrs. Swodenborg and Dr. Prosser at Caribou La.l~.e on Juno 22nd1 when it held 4 eggs. l'h-s. t.filson found grackles f'oecling young just out of the nest on July 10th at Montevideo.
1935Summer Bcrthol was watching a American Crow at t>Thite Bear Lake 3 P.M. May 25th when suddenly it snatched a half-grown Grackle from a nest 40 feet above r,round in a red oak. At Caribou Lake Prosser and Swodonborg smr a nest with largo young June 24th, and on June 27th they saw tho young bcinr, fed out of the nest.
1936Summer On May 22nd Robert Upson saw a female leave a nest constructed in a vine in the yard of a resident at Benson. He didn't investigate. On May 27th Thompson at Aurora saw adults feeding young. Robert Upson saw adults feeding large young a-wing on June 19th. 43 • Ihe Flicker, 1936
1937SummerOn April 29 Upson found a nest that held one egg. On June 22 two young awing were seen by G. N. Rysgaard, Dr. A. Risser, L. Pit­ telkow, and A. Evanson. Ely, Minnesota.
1938SummerA nest or large young was seen near Lake V::r­million on June 7 by Swedenborg and Prosser.
1940SummerSeveral rec­ords were sent in by C. Hero from Ren­ville for the month of May. The T. S. Roberts Club, 2 nests for June I7. R. M. Berthel found an egg that had. been laid in a banding trap.
1943SummerMay 9, nest under Lake Street Bridge, Mpls. K. Carlander.
1944Summer26. April 22, several building, Minneapolis, Eastman. May 1, six with eggs, St. Paul, Cum­mings. May 20, six with eggs and young, Brown County, Hofstead. Others by Aler and Hofstead.
1945Summer2 nests Ramsey Co., April 29, May 6, Russell Hofstead; nest with 4 eggs, Washington Co., May 12, Brother Hubert; 2 nests with eggs, 14 miles N. of Duluth, May 29, Bruce Hanson, Elmo Magnuson; 2 nests with young, May 25, Ramsey Co., William Longley; nest with 5 eggs, Hennepin Co., Fred Blanch, Larry Flahavan.
1945WinterA few grackles also winter with the blackbirds in the vicnity of Nicols; four at Duluth, last week in December, 1945, (members of the Lakeview Branch of the Duluth Bird Club).
1947Summer1 egg, May 1, Lac qui Parle Co., Willis; 6 eggs, May 8, Lac qui Parle Co., Willis; 4 eggs, May 10, Hennepin Co., Pratt; nesting, June 8, St. Cloud, Lehrke; 4 young on ground, July 11; 9 light brown young on power line, July 31, Duluth, Moore.
1961Spring Evening Grosbeak.............. 1 1 5 2 3 1 1 5 1 2 2 1 9 8 6 4 7 6 7
1961SummerForest Strnad found 14 nests on 29 and 31 May near Kasson. Reported by H. Huber on 6 May at Lac qui Parle County, 6 May at Stevens County and 3 June in Hennepin County.
1961WinterOn January 2, A. C. Rosenwinkel saw six in Washington County. One was seen in Duluth on December 31 by Edna Fox.
1962SummerGoodview, no date given, 5 eggs, Grace Gordon.
1963SummerNumerous nestings reported from Winona, Ramsev, Traverse, Lake and St. Louis Counties.
1964Summerbreeding Beltrami (JAM), Lake (JCG), Hennepin (RLH, MEH) and Washington (ACR) Counties.
1964WinterScarce this winter. 1-2, Dakota Co, 2, ACR; 1-1, Mpls, 1, MEH; 1-2, Hibbing, 4, XC; 1-3, Winona, 4, XC; 1-10, Hennepin Co, 1, EWJ; 1-19, Winona Co, 1, GD; Goodhue Co, 10, TEM; 2-23, Wabasha Co, DGM; 2-26, Dakota Co, 1, BL; 2-27, Watonwan Co, 1, RLH; 2-27, Washington Co, 1, ACR; three records for feeders all winter: Cottonwood Co, 1, MMM; Olmsted Co, 1, to 3, JPF; Crow Wing Co, 1, Dale Saunders.
1965Springearliest 3-7 Willmar, DG; 3-14 Cook Co, AEA (early up there); 3-21 Virginia, NJH.
1966Springearliest 3-2 Minneapolis, MHM; 3-6 Hennepin Co, FN/MAS; 3-6 Nobles Co, HSH; 3-10 Wabasha Co, DGM.
1966Summernested in Washington, Wright and Stearns Co's; also reported from 16 other counties.
1966Winterreported from Hennepin, Dakota, Blue Earth, Washington, Goodhue, Stevens, Lac qui Parle, St. Louis, Wabasha, Rice, Lyon, Olmsted and Winona Co's; one northerly record, Norris Camp, Lake-of-the-Woods Co. until 12-22 (DP).
1967Springearly 3-1 Dakota Co., EMB; 3-8 Stevens Co., JAH; by 3-24 hundreds were reported by many observers.
1967Summernested Washington, Hubbard, Stevens, Cook Co's; also reported from Hennepin, Wabasha, Beltrami, Cottonwood, Aitkin, Morrison, Nobles, Pope, Lake, Clearwater, Lac qui Parle, Big Stone, Traverse, Crow Wing Co's. Brown-beaded Cowbird: parasitized Rosebreasted Grosbeak in Hennepin, Ramsey Co's; Robin in Hennepin Co.; Chipping Sparrow and Yellow Warbler at FargoMoorhead; "warbler nest" in Cottonwood Co.; also reported from Wabasha, Beltrami, Morrison, Nobles, Martin, Cook, Pope, Clearwater, Washington, Hubbard, Stevens, Traverse, Lac qui Parle, Big Stone, Crow Wing, St. Louis Co's.
1967Fall latest 11-26 Lyon Co., PE and Traverse Co., JAH; 11-29 Chisago Co., WHL; 11-30 Stearns Co., KE; 12-1 Anoka Co., ACR.
1967Winter reported from Stearns, Scott, Stevens, Pope, Lyon, Fillmore, Rice, Hennepin, St. Louis, Anoka, Wabasha Olmsted, Houston, Nobles, Cottonwood, Chisago, Ramsey Co's. Mountain Lake, Cottonwood Co. , 1 male, LAF; strangely absent for past few winters.
1968Spring early 3-1 Wabasha Co., DGM; 3-2 Anoka Co., WHL; 3-9 Olmsted Co., HBW; 3-10 Cottonwood Co., LAF, Pope Co., WH, Big Stone Co., JAH and Nobles Co., HSH.
1968Summer nested in Mille Lacs, Rice, Lyon, Hubbard, Stearns Co's; also reported from St. Louis, Lake, Crow Wing, Blue Earth, Hennepin, Pine, Wabasha, Morrison, Stevens, Anoka, Sherburne, Carlton, Beltrami, Washington, Nobles Co's.
1968Fall10-28 Anoka 4,000 WHL; late 11-26 Watonwan DMF; 11-28 Hennepin MEH; 11-29 Cook MOP; 11-30 Cottonwood LAF.
1968WinterStragglers, 1-4, lingered through early Jan. in Freeborn, Swift, Hennepin, Rice, Wabasha, St. Louis, Scott, Goodhue, Ramsey Counties; wintered in Watonwan 10-12, fewer in Feb. DMF; Kanabec 1-22 NAH; Olmsted AFR; Hennepin RZ; Cottonwood 1-30 -2-11 LAF; Cook late Nov.-2-28 fide JP.
1969Spring3-15 Hennepin Co., MHM; 3-19 Goodhue Co., DWM, and (400) Nicollet Co., HBT; 3-21 Duluth, KS; 4-6 (300) Washington Co., WWL, and Mille Lacs Co., MI.
1969Summernested in Washington, Wriglit, and Watonwan; reported by most observers throughout the state.
1969Fall11-9 Cottonwood 800 LAF; 11-15 Washington 200 WHL; 11-30 Mille Lacs MI; 11-30 Cook JP; 11-30 Olmsted ARF; 11-30 Chisago EL; 11-30 Winona BTV.
1969WinterWintered in Lyon, Olmsted, Cook, Stearns, Wabasha, Hennepin, Goodhue, Winona, Clearwater, St. Louis, Mille Lacs.
1970Springearly south 3-1 Olmsted HW an d Wabasha WDM and Rice OR; peak 4-4 (1,000) Rice JAH; early north 3-12 Duluth JG; 3-22 Mille Lacs MI.
1970Summernested in Hennepin, Mille Lacs, Stearns, Wright, and Ramsey Co's.
1970Falllate north 10-25 Beltrami ]G; 11-26 Duluth KS; late south 11-23 Cottonwood LF; 11-30 Lyon PE and Winona TV; peak: BH reported 2 huge concentrations: 20,0000 in Pope, Swift, Stearns. and Wright Cos. on 10-17 and 18, and 500,000 on 10-20 in Brooklyn Park, Hennepin Co.
1970Winterwintered (1 to 4) in Cook, St. Louis, Ramsey, Hennepin, Dakota, Goodhue, Winona, Cottonwood, Olmsted.
1971Springearly south 3-9 Carver KH; 3-14 Dakota VL; 3-15 Lyon 1-IK; early north 3-7 Lake, M.E. Penner; 3-28 Mille Lacs MI.
1971Summernested in Anoka, Wright, Pope, Wabasha, Stearns, Hennepin, Carver, Cottonwood and Dakota; also reported from 17 other counties.
1972Summerbreeding cards from Wright and Stearns, nesting reported in 3 others; seen in 24 other counties.
1972WinterReported by fourteen observers from Cook, Crow Wing, Grant, Otter Tail, St. Louis. Anoka, Big Stone, Carver, Dakota. He nnepin, Houston, Olmsted, Pope, Ramsey and Winona. A maximum of fourteen observed 12-19 Houston FZL.
1973Spring46 REPORTERS REPORTING. EARLY NORTH 3-12 Grant KRE;  3-13 CROW WING TS; 3·14 MORRISON LSR; PEAK 4-19 LYON (2500'S) HCK. 41-nr  LYON
1973Summer Nesting reports from 6 counties; seen in 22 other counties.
1973Fall Seen in 17 counties. Peak 9-21 Swift (3000) (BAH).
1973Winter Reported from 22 counties north to St. Louis, Crow Wing and Otter Tail.
1974Spring Early south 3-2 Hennepin FN; 3-3 Freeborn DG; 3-3 ~ashington REH; 3-3 Rock KE; early north 3-10 Crow Wing JB; 3-15 Mille Lacs MI; 3-23 Morrison LSR.
1974Summer Nested in Itasca, St. Louis, Stearns, Pope, Big Stone, Hennepin, Ramsey, Cottonwood, Pipestone, Rock; also re ported from 31 other counties; more reports than usual.
1974Fall Late north 11-17 Duluth JG; 11-28 Morrison LSR; late south 11-29 Cottonwood LF; 11-30 Wabasha WDM; peak 800,000-1,000,000 Palmer Lake Slough Hennepin OJ.
1974Winter Reported from 23 counties north to St. Louis (12-21, JG; and Hibbing Christmas Count), Lake (1-26 at Beaver Bay and Finland, KE, PZ) and Cook (Grand Marais Christmas Count); peak of 339 on La Crosse Christmas Count.
1975Spring Early south 3-1 Goodhue CF, and Hennepin DY; 3-5 Hennepin PG; early north 3-14 Hubbard HJF; 3-22 Crow Wing TS; 4-1 Mille Lacs MI.
1975Summer Nested in Marshall, Clay, St. Louis, Mille Lacs, Stearns, Pope and Hennepin; also reported from 29 other counties.
1975Falllate north 11-20 Mille Lacs MI; 11-29 Cook JG, RJ, PE; 11-30 Ottertail SM.
1975Winterreported from 30 counties north to Marshall, Otter Tail, Clay, Wilkin, Mille Lacs, Crow Wing, St. Louis and Cook Co's; more than usual.
1976Spring Early south 3-1 Lincoln LK; 3-2 Freeborn DG; 3-5 Anoka WL; early north 3-22 Crow Wing DK; 3 reports on 3-23.
1976Summernested in Clay, Hubbard, Beltrami, Cass, Lac qui Parle, Pope, Wright and Anoka; also reported from 28 other counties.
1976Fall Late north 11-12 St. Louis, 11-13 Clay, 11-15 Otter Tail.
1976Winter Reported from 28 counties north to Wilkin, Marshall, Crow Wing, Duluth and Cook.
1977Spring Early south 3-6 Wabasha DM; 3-8 Lac qui Parle FE; 4 reports on 3-9; early north 3-13 Otter Tail GEW; 3-14 Wilkin SM.
1977Summer Nested in Hubbard, Lac qui Parle, Cottonwood, Anoka and Olmsted; also reported from 33 other counties throughout the state.
1977Winter Reported from 25 counties north to Marshall, Crow Wing, Duluth and Cook.
1978Spring Early north 3-11 Otter Tail GO.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Stearns, Anoka and Beltrami; also seen throughout the state.
1978Fall Late north 11-27 Otter Tail NJ and 11-29 St. Louis KE.
1978Winter Reported from 29 counties north to Polk (Crookston CBC), Crow Wing (Crosby CBC), Aitkin and Duluth (wintered), and Cook (Grand Marais CBC).
1979Spring Early south 3-1 Wright DCF, 3-2 Anoka KL, Rice LB; early north 3-29 Becker GMO, 44 St. Louis KE.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Lake, Morrison, Big Stone, Stearns, Anoka, Hen- The Loon Vol. '52 nepin, Olmsted; also seen throughout the state.
1979Fall Peak of 400,000 10-20 Anoka KL; late north 11-24 Cook KE and JG, 1/24 Otter Tail RJ, 11-30 Itasca MS; late south 11-30 Olmsted JSD.
1979Winter Reported from 22 counties north to Norman, Becker (overwintered) Crow Wing (overwintered), St. Louis' (overwintered) and Lake.
1980Spring Early south 3-7 Nicollet JCF, 3-8 Goodhue OJ; early north 3-6 Pennington KSS, 3-17 Otter Tail GMO.
1980Summer Breeding reported from Clay, Morrison, Stearns, Big Stone, Anoka, Washington, LeSueur; seen also throughout the state.
1980Fall Peak of 100,000 10-26 Anoka KL; late north 11-29 Otter Tail GW, 11-30 Clay LCF.
1980Winter Reported from 21 counties north to Lake 1-25 (mob), Lake of the Woods 12-20, injured (TD), Aitkin (2) until 2-1 (SC), Otter Tail and Clay.
1981Spring Early north 3-12 Otter Tail GW, 3-16 Hubbard HJF, 3-21 Otter Tail SM.
1981Summer Breeding data from Pennington, Clearwater, Pope, Big Stone, Le Sueur, Morrison, Lake, Cook. Seen throughout the state.
1981Fall Late north 11-14 Aitkin WN, Otter Tail GW, 11-23 Cook KMH, 11-24 Becker KSS.
1981Winter Overwintered in Cottonwood and Murray. December and January reports from 16 additional south counties. In the north, an individual remained in Cook until 12-19 (KMH), Otter Tail on 12-27 (SDM) and migrants (?) in Pennington on 2-15, 2-21 (SKS).
1982Spring Early north 3-26 Otter Tail SDM, 3-31 St. Louis fide KE, LW, 4-1 St. Louis JG.
1982Summer Breeding data from Cook, Pennington, Morrison, Pope, Big Stone, LeSueur, Martin. Seen throughout the state. Brown-headed Cowbird Red Crossbill Breeding data from Cook, Itasca, ClearNesting data from Cook. June reports water, Morrison, Big Stone, Steams, Sherfrom Dakota, Washington; July reports burne, Dakota, Houston, Rock. Seen from Pennington, Beltrami, Itasca, Crow throughout the state. Wing, Carlton.
1982Winter Widespread throughout the state with reports from 27 counties north to Lake of the Woods, Koochiching and Cook where three overwintered in Grand MaraiS (KMH). Numerous reports of returning migrants in the south in late Feb.
1983Spring Early north 31 I Aitkin WN (wintering bird?) Cook KMH, 3/21 Otter Tail GMO, 3/24 Otter Tail SDM.
1983Summer Breeding data from Lake of the Woods, Lake, Morrison, Steams, Pope, Big Stone, Cottonwood, Brown, LeSueur. Seen throughout the state.
1983Fall Late north 11//7 Cook KMH, 11/25 Clay RJ, 11/30 Cook SL.
1983Winter Reported from nine north and 23 south counties throughout the state. A statewide CBC total of 133 with a peak of 28 at Excelsior.
1984Spring Early north migrants 3/26 Crow Wing JB, ST. Louis fide KE, 3/29 Hubbard HJF, 3/31 St. Louis KC.
1984Summernested in Lake of the Woods, Pennington, Cass, Clay, Stearns, Lake, Anoka, Brown, Le Sueur, Pope, Big Stone and Olmsted; also seen in 44 other counties.
1984Fall Late north 11/7 Aitkin WN, I I /22 Polk AB, 11/30 Cook KMH.
1984Winter Reported from five north, nine central and 15 south region counties. A statewide CBC count of 2/5 with a peak of 96 at La Crosse-La Crescent.
1985Spring Early north 31 I Cook KMH (wintering bird?), 3/10 Otter Tail SDM, 3/ll Hubbard HJF.
1985Summer Nested in Cook, Clay, Big Stone, Pope, Stearns, Ramsey, Washington, Faribault (KWB), Murray; probable nesting in Chippewa, Dakota, Rice. Seen in 32 other counties throughout the state.
1985Fall Late north 11/3 Marshall RJ, 11/4 Becker WMB, 11/30 Aitkin WN.
1985Winter Reported from six north, I 0 central and 20 south region counties. Statewide CBC count of 101 (215 L.y.).
1986Spring Early north 3/23 Aitkin WN, Otter Tail SDM, 3/26 Carlton LW, 3/27 Becker MBW, St. Louis KE, Wilkin GAM.
1986Summer Nested in Clay, Pope, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, Lyon, Jackson (NH), Washington, Dakota, Olmsted; probable nesting in Cook, Cass, Hennepin, Rice, Cottonwood. Also seen in 49 other counties throughout the state.
1986Fall Late north 11/26 Aitkin SC and Duluth KE, ll /30Aitkin WN and Cook KMH, SL.
1986Winter Reported from 36 counties throughout the state.
1987Spring Overwintered in Aitkin and Lake Counties. Early north 3/7 Otter Tail SDM and Duluth fide KE, 3/8 Mille Lacs SC, 3/13 Norman BK.
1987Summer Nested in Clay, Becker (BK), Big Stone, Ramsey, Washington, Le Sueur, Waseca (TT); probable nesting in St. Louis, Cass. Also seen in 54 other counties throughout the state.
1987Fall Late north 10/24 Lake RJ, 10/27 Clay LCF, I l/30 Aitkin WN, Cook SOL.
1987Winter Reported from 29 counties throughout the state.
1988Spring Early north 3/1 Aitkin WN, 3/9 Duluth KE, 3/10 Todd PH.
1988Summer Nested in eight counties including Todd (PH); probable nesting in St. Louis, Stevens. Seen in 53 other counties statewide.
1988Fall Late north 11/25 Roseau AB, 11/26 Norman AP, RJ, 11/30 Hubbard HJF, Otter Tail SDM.
1988Winter Reported from 27 counties throughout the state (29 l.y.).
1989Spring Early north 3/26 Otter Tail SDM, 3/27 Itasca TS, 3/28 Todd PH.
1989Summer Nested in St. Louis, Cook, Todd, Washington, Le Sueur, Olmsted; seen in 57 other counties statewide.
1989Fall Late north 11/22 Cook OAL, 11/23 St. Louis TW, 11/27 Becker BK.
1989Winter Reported from 36 counties throughout the state (29 l.y.). Overwintered as far north as Otter Tail SDM and Cook KMH.
1990Spring Early north 3/1 Cook KMH, St. Louis AE, 3/10 Pennington KSS, 3/12 Aitkin WN, Otter Tail SDM.
1990Summer Nested in Washington, Le Sueur, Martin; probable nesting in Becker, Olmsted. Seen in 54 other counties statewide.
1990Fall Late north 11/19 Cook SOL, 11/25 Clay MO, Jl/28 Aitkin WP.
1990Winter Reported from 40 counties statewide (36 I. y.). Overwintered as far north as Aitkin WN, Otter Tail SDM, and Pennington (at feeder irregularly, KSS). Early migrants found in Wilkin 2/24 MO and Clay 2/18 (13) MO.
1991Spring Early north 3/8 Otter Tail SDM, 3/12 Pennington KSS, 3/19 Aitkin WN.
1991Summer Fewer reports than in past five years. Nested in four counties, probable nesting in four; seen in 43 additional counties statewide.
1991Fall Late north 11/18 St. Louis KB, 11/30 Aitkin WN.
1991Winter More widely reported than usual on CBC's with a total of 99 individuals. Reported from 31 counties (40 l.y.) throughout the state as far north as St. Louis (2/3 and thereafter, KE), Cook (overwintered KMH, SOL), Lake of the Woods 12/14 PS (3 birds, Angle Inlet), Roseau 2/15 PS, and Pennington 2/16 KSS.
1992Spring Early north 3/1 Koochiching GM, 3/3 Aitkin WN.
1992Summer Nested in four counties, probable nesting in four; seen in 49 other counties statewide.
1992Fall Late north 11/27 Cook KMH, 11/30 Cook SOL.
1992Winter Reported from 31 counties (31 l.y.) statewide as far north as Cook SOL, St. Louis mob, Otter Tail SDM, Becker BBe, and Pennington KSS; overwintering was reported from all these locations except Cook where it remained until 1/1. CBC total 148 (99 l.y.).
1993Spring Overwintered Pennington KSS. Early north 3/1 Norman BK, 3/14 Koochiching GM.
1993Summer Nested in eight counties including Winona JPo; probable nesting in Washington, Cottonwood. Seen in 53 additional counties throughout state.
1993Fall Late north 11/28 Aitkin WN, 11/30 St. Louis ME/SK, NJ.
1993Winter Reported from 20 counties (31 l.y.) statewide including overwintering as far north as St. Louis and Pennington.
1994Spring Early north 3/5 Aitkin WN, 3/18 Otter Tail SDM.
1994Summer Fewest reports since 1985. Nested in Otter Tail CM, Winona; probable nesting in Kandiyohi, Anoka, Dakota, Olmsted. Seen in 38 additional counties statewide.
1994Fall Late north 11/13 Aitkin CMG, 11/30 St. Louis ME.
1994Winter Reported from 27 counties throughout the state. Individuals Overwintered in Cottonwood, Kandiyohi, Lac qui Parle, and Winona counties. The majority of additional reports were in December and early January, but also reported in mid to late January in St. Louis, Faribault, and Freeborn; and reported in February in Cook, Hennepin, Mower, and Aitkin. CBC total 143.
1995Spring Early north 3/12 Mille Lacs AB, 3/14 St. Louis LW, TW.
1995Summer Nested in five counties, probable nesting in two; observed in 44 additional counties statewide.
1995Fall Late north 11/12 Kanabec CM and Pennington SKS, 11/16 Aitkin CMG and St. Louis NJ. Reported from 26 counties south.
1995Winter Reported from 31 counties throughout the state. Only one February report. CBC total 107.
1996Spring Early north 3/15 Douglas SWa, 3/23 Kanabec CM and Roseau PS. Reported from 45 counties south.
1996Summer Nested in six counties including McLeod RbS, Watonwan DBr; probable nesting in five others. Seen in 54 additional counties statewide.
1996Fall Late north 11/9 Aitkin WN, 11/10 Beltrami SCM, 11/22 Becker BK. Observed in 34 south counties.
1996Winter Scarce. Reported from 6 north and 20 south counties. Possible overwintering birds reported after early January in Otter Tail, Cook, Aitkin, McLeod, Hennepin, Olmsted and Dakota. CBC total 80 (107 l.y.).
1997Spring Reported from 42 counties south, including an overwintering individual in Hennepin. Early north 3/8 Aitkin WN, 3/22 St. Louis JN, 3/25 Mille Lacs ABo.
1997Summer Observed in 65 counties statewide. New nesting record in Sibley DBM; probable nesting in Clay, Crow Wing, Washington, Dakota, Freeborn.
1997Fall Late north 11/30 Aitkin WN and Clay MRN. Reported from 17 north and 30 south counties.
1997Winter Reported from 35 counties throughout the state. Many reports of early migrants 2/24–28. Peak 2/28 Dakota TT (300+). CBC total 134 (80 l.y.).
1998Spring Seen throughout the southern counties from the beginning of the period. Overwintered north through 3/11 St. Louis JN. Early migrants north 3/21 Aitkin WN, 3/25 Otter Tail SDM and St. Louis LW.
1998Summer More reports than usual; recorded in 68 counties statewide. Probable breeding in seven counties.
1998Fall Reported throughout the period, north and south.
1998Winter Reported from 22 counties throughout the state. CBC total 85.
1999Spring Reported throughout the state. Early north 3/4 (overwintered?) Otter Tail DST, 3/7 Aitkin WN.
1999Summer Observed in 61 counties statewide; new nesting records in Norman GN, Traverse GN.
1999Fall Reported throughout the state.
1999Winter Reported from 6 north and 30 south counties. Only reports after early January were from Hennepin, Winona, and Freeborn counties. Last reported in north 1/2 Otter Tail SDM and 1/9 Aitkin WN. Returning migrants reported from 13 south counties beginning about 2/25 Houston KK, with a peak 2/29 Waseca (200) JZ.
2000Spring Reported from 52 counties statewide. Early north 3/4 in three counties, 3/5 in three more.
2000Summer Record high number of reports. Observed in 70 counties statewide; new nesting record in Douglas REH.
2000Fall Seen statewide and throughout the season. High counts 9/24 Polk (4500) EEF, 10/23 Hennepin (2000) RBJ.
2000Winter Reported from 22 south and 6 north counties. Overwintered in Otter Tail SPM, DKM, Lac qui Parle FAE, and Ramsey JLH. All other reports after early January: 1/14 Anoka RLR, 1/20 Kandiyohi DMF, and 2/18 Dakota SWe.
2001Spring Reported from 78 counties. Early north 3/14 Lake JWL, 3/15 Becker BRK; also see winter report.
2001Summer Reported in 52 counties statewide.
2001Fall Found north and south throughout the period. High count 10/4 Lyon (4500) RJS.
2001Winter Reported from 6 north and 24 south counties. None were specifically mentioned as overwintering, but reports spanned the winter season. Maximum counts 12/15 Mankato CBC (166), 1/9 LeSueur (80+) RBJ.
2002Spring Seen statewide. Early north 3/27 St. Louis JRN, 3/28 Otter Tail DTT, SMT, but also see winter report. High count 5/4 Polk (1000) EEF.
2002Summer Seen in 71 counties statewide; new nesting record in Sherburne PLJ.
2002Fall High count 10/3 Swift (2000) RBJ, but see Red-winged Blackbird. All November reports north: 11/1 Kanabec BLA, 11/10 Otter Tail DTT, SMT. See winter report for additional stragglers north and south.
2002Winter Reported from 8 north and 20 south counties throughout the state and season.
2003Spring Observed in 51 counties. Migrants indistinguishable from overwintering birds (see winter report). Peak count 4/20 Polk (300) EEF.
2003Summer Seen in 66 counties statewide.
2003Fall High counts of 1000+ reported 9/19-21 Jackson and Rock DCZ, 10/24 Red Lake PHS. Only north report after 10/27 was 11/22 Polk DLT, but see winter report.
2003Winter Reported from 6 north and 14 south counties. Only north reports after 1/3 Hibbing CBC were 2/1 Clay SPM, 2/9 St. Louis (Duluth) JRN, 2/13 St. Louis (Duluth) fide DRB. Overwintered in Hennepin (Mound Springs) SLC. Only additional February south reports: 2/2 Mower RDK, RCK, 2/10 Rice RBJ, 2/28 Lac qui Parle BJU, 2/29 Dakota TAT, the latter dates probably early migrants.
2004Spring Observed in 58 counties. Please see winter report for early south migrants, and February reports from Clay and St. Louis. Early north 3/10 Otter Tail DTT, SMT, 3/16 Todd JSK, SID. Highest reported count 4/20 Polk (200) EEF.
2004Summer Seen in 59 counties throughout state.
2004Fall No significant counts. North reports through October, then 11/11 St. Louis SLF, 11/28 St. Louis JRN. See winter report for late migrants and overwintering birds.
2004Winter Reported from nine north and four south counties. Only January report north 1/24 Morrison RBJ. Overwintered Hennepin (Old Cedar Avenue bridge; max. of 4 on 1/30) SLC.
2005Spring Reported from 78 counties. Early south migrants not distinguished from overwintering birds. Early north 3/11 Otter Tail DTT, SMT. Highest reported count 4/1 Steele (100) NFT.
2005Summer Reported from 68 counties statewide.
2005Fall Reported in all regions throughout the season. Seasonal high count of 1,000 on 11/11 Rice DAB. As always, see winter report for late migrants and overwintering birds.
2005Winter Non-CBC reports from four north and nine south counties, including 12/10 Lake of the Woods (Baudette) RAE, HHD. Highest reported count 1/5 Le Sueur (100) RMD.
2006Spring Found in 82 counties in all regions throughout the season. Early south migrants indistinguishable from overwintering birds. Early north 3/17 St. Louis JWL, 3/18 Grant HHD, 3/26 Otter Tail (25) DTT, SMT. Season high count 4/1 Nicollet (4,000 leaving roost near St. Peter) KJB.
2006Summer Most reports ever. Reported from every county except Kittson, Pennington, Benton, Houston.
2006Fall Reported statewide in all regions. As always, see winter report for late north migrants and overwintering birds.
2006Winter611 Non-CBC reports north included 12/9 Roseau HHD, 12/29 Itasca EEO, 1/30 (7) and 2/06 (20) St. Louis MLH, and 2/10 Aitkin ASc. More numerous south as is typical, with highest reported count 1/3 Lac qui Parle (45) BJU.
2007Spring3352 Presumed early north migrants 3/9 St. Louis RPR, 3/18 Lake JWL and Otter Tail DTT (median 3/10), but see winter report for overwintering records. Season high counts 3/20 Blue Earth (300) ChH, 5/12 Steele (486) NFT.
2007Summer3249 Seen statewide. High count 6/24 Steele (118) NFT.
2007Fall2644 Reported statewide in all regions. As always for this species, see winter report for late migrants and over-wintering birds.
2007Winter423 Only reports north 12/2–23 Otter Tail DTT, and the Baudette, Crookston (2) and Long Prairie CBCs. Scattered reports from throughout the south, but concentrated in the Central region. Flocks of late migrants noted beginning 12/3 Lac qui Parle (160) BJU, dwindling in numbers there through January. Numerous CBC reports with the high count Albert Lea (74). No reports of overwintering birds or early returning migrants. Last report 2/4 Stearns (3) MDN.
2008Spring3552 Presumed early north migrants (median 3/10) 3/9 Kittson HHD, JMJ, 3/26 Kanabec CAM, 3/28 Mille Lacs RBJ. See winter report for overwintering records.
2008Summer2843 Seen statewide. First county breeding records for Crow Wing CKB, Blue Earth ChH, Fillmore NBO.
2008Fall3245 Reported throughout the state in all regions. See winter report for over-wintering records.
2008Winter111 All north reports: 12/23 Beltrami (2) CKB. No reports from Southwest or Southeast counties. No numbers greater than 2 were reported. CBC high count 55 (Mankato).
2009Spring3253 See winter report for over-wintering individuals. Presumed early north migrants (median 3/10) 3/16 Aitkin KCR, Kanabec CAM, Marshall GT, Otter Tail DST, 3/17 Mille Lacs ASc.
2009Summer3146 Found throughout state. First county breeding records from Carver AXH, Roseau fide BBA, Scott JEB.
2009Fall2445 Reported throughout the state in all regions. See winter report for over-wintering records.
2009Winter925 North reports were scattered from far Northwest to the Northeast, with only two after January: 2/13 Roseau HHD, 2/22 St. Louis SCZ. South reports after January included 2/6 Blue Earth (4) ChH, 2/18 Brown JSS, 2/27 Blue Earth (3) ChH. High counts were 4 or fewer. CBC high count 12/19 Henderson (32).
2010Spring3453 See winter report for over-wintering reports. Presumed early migrants north (median 3/9) 3/17 Cass ABi, Mille Lacs ASc, 3/18 Otter Tail DST, 3/21 four more counties. Season high count 4/2 Steele (500) NFT).
2010Summer3252 Reported statewide. First county breeding records for Benton MRN, Dodge fide BBA, Meeker fide BBA, Mower DNO, Nicollet MJF, Steele PSu.
2010Fall2848 Reported throughout the state. See winter report for over-wintering records. Notable high counts 10/24 Sibley (5,000) RBJ, 9/28 Steele (900) PSu, 10/12 Anoka (500, Carlos Avery W.M.A.) MDu.
2010Winter1126 Reported from more counties both north and south than in any of the previous 5 years; most of these were prior to and during the CBC period. All north reports after CBC period included 1/8 Wilkin (Breckenridge) DBM, 1/22 Mahnomen (Tulaby Lake) CSo, 2/17–18 Polk (East Grand Forks) SAu, 2/19 Douglas JPE. All south records after CBC period included 1/16 Swift (4) RAE, JoS, 1/24 Ramsey BNW, 1/31–2/14 Dakota (1–2) KSm. CBC high count 12/18 St. Paul (North) (11).
2011Spring3453 See winter report for overwintering records. Early north (median 3/9) 3/14 Douglas CAn, 3/16 Lake JWL, 3/25 Todd JeM, 3/27 Crow Wing ABi, 3/29 Polk SAu. Season high counts 4/2 Meeker (500) MJB, 3/19 Fillmore (195) RTP.
2011Summer3452Reported from all counties in the state. First county breeding records for Carlton JLK, Freeborn CCa, Nobles ANy.
2011Fall2950 High counts 9/14 Sherburne (1,000) MJB, 11/10 Mille Lacs (1,000, estimate) RBJ, 10/10 St. Louis (957, Hawk Ridge / Lester River Census) KJB. Late north 11/18 Mille Lacs (Isle) RBJ, 11/19 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge / Lester River Census) KJB, 11/25 Becker RAE. Also see winter report.
2011Winter923Scattered throughout the state in all regions, reports were down slightly from last year, but fairly consistent with number of reports over the past three years (37 counties in 2010, and 34 in 2009). All north reports after December: 1/8 Marshall JMJ, 1/13 Douglas PJK, 1/28 Morrison FGo, 2/3 Douglas PJK, 2/25 Cass SC, 2/28 Lake (downtown Two Harbors, overwintered) JWL. CBC high count 12/17 Bloomington CBC (18).
2012Spring3453 Found in every county. See winter report for overwintering birds and early migrants, north and south. Additional early north migrants (median 3/9) 3/11 Todd JeM, 3/12 Clay RHO, BDS, Todd DTM, Traverse BJU.
2012Summer3453 Reported from every county. High counts 7/21 Carver (200) JCy, Redwood (200, Benedict's Slough) PVo. First county breeding records for Isanti fide BBA, Koochiching fide BBA, Red Lake fide BBA, Wilkin CCa.
2012Fall3050 Reported throughout the state in all regions. See winter report for overwintering records.
2012Winter922Widely scattered throughout the state, but missing from the Northeast region. Unusual far north reports 12/31 Baudette CBC (2), 12/31, 1/14, 2/24 Roseau BSi, 2/5 Koochiching ph. AMe. Additional reports north after December: 2/3 Polk (2) RAE, CRM, 2/15, 2/23 Mahnomen (3 different locations in Waubun, presumed to be the same bird each time) HHD,. High count 12/9 Blue Earth (50) ChH. Several reports from Le Sueur beginning 1/1 (7) WCM and continuing until 2/18 m.ob. indicate probable overwintering. CBC high counts 12/16 Austin (20), 12/15 Henderson (19).
2013Spring3353 See winter report for overwintering birds statewide and early migrants south. Early north (median 3/9) 4/2 Otter Tail GO, Traverse DLP, 4/4 Morrison FGo, Otter Tail DST, 4/5 Morrison MRN, Polk SAu, Wadena PJB.
2013Summer3453 Observed in every county. First county breeding records from Kittson DKb, Renville JSc.
2013Fall3149 Reported throughout the state. See winter report for overwintering records. High count of 60,000 on 10/20 Jackson (migrants along Des Moines River near Kilen Woods S.P.; a conservative estimate made by taking sample counts of flock sizes during a 10-minute period) ANy, KRE, DSt.
2013Winter623 Scattered throughout the state. All north reports:12/14 Fergus Falls CBC, 12/15 Grand Forks-East Grand Forks CBC, Virginia CBC, 12/21 Clay (Magnusson W.M.A.) KCo, Bluestem Prairie/Buffalo River S.P. CBC (3), 12/28 Cook Area CBC, 1/1 Hibbing CBC, Long Prairie CBC (18), 1/27 Lake of the Woods MHK. Reported throughout the season south. CBC high counts 12/14 Henderson (134), 12/14 Albert Lea (19).
2014Spring3453Found in every county. See winter report for overwintering birds and early migrants, north and south. Presumed early north migrants (median 3/9) 3/8 Pine SBE, 3/10 Red Lake RBJ, 3/29 Douglas JTa.
2014Summer3353Reported from every county except Lake of the Woods.
2014Fall3251 Reported throughout the state. Notable high counts 11/9 Murray (3,400) GWe, 10/26 Morrison (2,500) JEm, MEm. Reports continued throughout the season and into December both north and south.
2014Winter623 Scattered throughout the state except in far northwest with nearly identical number of reports as last year. High counts 1/15 Faribault (15) ClN, 12/21 Winona (10) KGl. CBC high counts 12/20 Henderson (29), 12/20 St. Paul North (6), 12/20 Wilma (5).
2015Spring3453 Reported from every county. See winter report for overwintering birds and early south migrants. Presumed early north (median 3/9) 3/10 Todd ALu, 3/17 Polk AlH, 3/18 Crow Wing JPR. High counts 3/18, 3/21 Faribault (1,000, Charlotte Hynes W.M.A.) ClN, 3/28 Nicollet (1,000, Linnaeus Arboretum) SHg.
2015Summer3453 Reported from every county.
2015Fall3253 Reported throughout the state. Notable high counts 10/29 Pope (4,000) DaG, 10/27 Otter Tail (2,000) SRo, 10/9 Chippewa (1,500) GWe, 10/11 Ramsey (1,500) JFR. Reports continued throughout the season and into December and January both north and south.
2015Winter727 Scattered reports throughout state and season from typical number of counties. High counts 12/19 Blue Earth (10) ChH, 1/9 Wright (4) BAb. CBC high counts 12/19 Henderson (23), 12/19 Mankato (10), 12/19 Owatonna (8).
2016Spring3453 Reported from every county. See winter report for overwintering birds and presumed early south migrants. Presumed early north (median 3/10) 3/7 Traverse DLP, 3/12 Becker SAu, St. Louis FJN, JWL, Todd ALu, Traverse AaL. High counts 3/14 Lyon (500) GWe, JtH, 3/25 Faribault (500) BAy, 4/19 Pine (500) LEv.
2016Summer3453 Reported from all counties.
2016Fall3453 Reported statewide and throughout the season. High counts 11/2 Yellow Medicine (8,000) GWe, 10/8 Dakota (6,000) AJF, 9/14 Lyon (5,000, Black Rush Lake W.P.A.) JtH. Reports continued into the winter season both north and south.
2016Winter737 Reported statewide from most counties since 2010 when also observed in 44 counties. High counts 2/25 Lyon (450, Amiret W.M.A.) GWe, 2/20 Nobles (200) PEJ, 2/23 Jackson (150, Skunk Creek W.P.A.) KEm. CBC high counts 12/31 New Ulm (53), 12/17 Henderson (16).
2017Spring3353 Reported statewide, except in Roseau. Many early south reports in February. Early north (median 3/10) 3/7 St. Louis JLK, 3/13 Marshall RGr, Otter Tail TJo, 3/17 Marshall RGr. High counts 3/20 Lincoln (2,000) GWe, 3/26 Lincoln (800) KnM, 3/31 Lac qui Parle (795) RCl.
2017Summer3453 Observed in all counties. High count 6/27 Steele (200, coming into roost at Straight River Marsh) PSu.
2017Fall3152 Found statewide. High counts 9/23 Rock (8,000, Blue Mounds S.P.) KnM, 10/13 Cottonwood (3,000, Cottonwood Wet Spot W.M.A.) KnM, 10/29 Becker (3,000) HeH, ShG. All north reports after first week of November: 11/10 Lake SFo, 11/11 Kanabec TLu, AaL, 11/26 Cook JaJ.
2017Winter626 Reported from all regions of the state in typical numbers. Unusual north report: 12/9 Roseau LKo. High counts: 12/3 Lyon (32) GWe, 1/20 Yellow Medicine (26) GWe. CBC high counts 12/16 Jackson (306), 12/16 Northwest McLeod (Hutchinson) (62).
2018Spring3353 Reported in all counties except Roseau. See winter report for overwintering birds and potential early south migrants. Early north (median 3/11) 3/3 Lake ABL, 3/23 Becker ShG, HeH, 3/24 Morrison KnM, LiH, 3/26 Pine KrM, 3/27 Morrison SEm. High counts 4/13 Lyon (1,400, Black Rush Lake W.P.A.) RJS, 4/26 St. Louis (1,000, Park Point R.A.) StK.
2018Summer3453 Found in every county. High count 7/13 Dakota (375, 180th St. Marsh) ebd.
2018Fall3453 As expected, reported statewide and throughout the season. High counts 10/7 Lyon (18,150, Sham Lake) GWe, 9/29 Lyon (7,000, near Lynd) NMe. Reports continued into the winter season both north and south.
2018Winter922 Reported from 31 widely scattered counties in all regions of the state, similar to most winters. Unusual reports: 12/4–2/20 Roseau BSi, 2/9 Norman TCL. High count 1/21 Blue Earth (10) ChH. CBC high count 12/15 Henderson (10).
2019Summer3453 Reported from all counties. High counts 7/13 Dakota (est. 500, 180th St. Marsh) EzH, 6/10 Faribault (200, Wells W.T.P.) EzH.
 Breeds throughout. Overwinters south.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.