Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Fulvous Whistling-Duck
Snow Goose
Ross's Goose
Greater White-fronted Goose
[Taiga Bean-Goose]
[Brant (Atlantic)]
[Brant (Black)]
Cackling Goose
Canada Goose
[Greater White-fronted Goose X Canada Goose]
Mute Swan
Trumpeter Swan
Tundra Swan
[Cygnus swan]
Wood Duck
Blue-winged Teal
Cinnamon Teal
[Blue-winged Teal x Cinnamon Teal]
Northern Shoveler
Eurasian Wigeon
American Wigeon
[Gadwall X Mallard]
American Black Duck
[Mallard X American Black Duck]
Mottled Duck
Northern Pintail
[Mallard X Northern Pintail]
Green-winged Teal
[Green-winged Teal (Eurasian)]
[Green-winged Teal (American)]
Ring-necked Duck
Tufted Duck
Greater Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Greater Scaup]
Lesser Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Lesser Scaup]
King Eider
Common Eider
[Somateria eider]
Harlequin Duck
Surf Scoter
White-winged Scoter
Black Scoter
Long-tailed Duck
Common Goldeneye
[Bufflehead X Common Goldeneye]
Barrow's Goldeneye
[Common Goldeneye X Barrow's Goldeneye]
Hooded Merganser
Hooded Merganser
[Common Goldeneye X Hooded Merganser]
Common Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser
Ruddy Duck

Common Merganser(Mergus merganser)
1930SummerA female of this species, accompanied by several small young, was seen by the writer at Black Duck Lake, June 24th.
1932SummerThree broods of young Goosanders. "WeJ"e found, all by Mr. Swanson. In all casc:s they were about 3/4ths gown. The first 2, consisting of 15 & 21 young, were seen at Rainy Lake, July 100 Going after bigger and better , broods, he found the thi~d on July 2.3-at Lako of the Woods, consisting of a.(enale with 26 yoting.
1933Summer On June 22nd, Mr. Swedenborg observed a fanily of the Big Saw bill_, consiting of the fenale and 10 sno.ll young, at Northern Lights Lake, Cook County.
1934Summer Our only records fer these two species came from Isle Royale, where Rysgo.ard saw them with young, in July. He stated that the Mergansers were very common.
1935Summer This season it took Prosser and Swedenborg, the Bird Club's crack nost-findir.g conbination, to brj_ng in a record of tho big Sheldrake. They saw a female -vlith 9 snail young on Caribou Lo.ko June 24th.
1936Summer The first reported nest was that submitted by Dr. Ha.gie who lo cated a nest of twelve eggs in a hollow stump at Lake Vermillion on June 14th. E. D. Swedenborg saw a female· with seven VerT~ small on Caribou Lake-on June 25th. Risser and Fischer saw many broods of these fish-eating ducks on Junter1s Island, north of Fay from July 5th to 11th. Don Mahle reported seeing a brood of eleven half-grown young on Burntside Lake on July 24th.
1938SummerA fe­male Sawbill and I8 young were studied by G. Swanson at Lake of the Woods on July 9· On August 2, IO, and I4, Dana Struthers saw full grown young with fe­males at Lake Vermillion.
1940SummerDr. Lakela and others observed 7 young with the female and 8 young with the female on July 5 and 7, and young with the female on July 6 at Sea Gull Lake, Cook County. On August I3, at Grand Portage, Cook Co., R. M. Berthel no­ticed a hen with I2 half-grown young.
1943SummerSeveral families, North Arm Burntside Lake, July 26. A. Chambers.
1944Summer4. Aug. 9, two broods, of six and of seven large young; August 12, August 14, two broods of six large young; all on Lake Superior, Lakela and Mary I. Elwell.
1945Summer10 small young, June 7, Cook Co., Brother Hubert.
1945WinterPresent every winter. RED-BREASTED MERGANSER. Present in the Twin City region almost every winter until the lakes are frozen over.
1946Summer15 young, Aug. 9, Lake Superior, Barrett.
1962SummerAug. 11, Farm Lake, Ely, 7 young, Janet C. Green.
1962WinterA very few wintering along North Shore in "puddles" of open water; largest concentration reported was at Read's Landing, Wabasha Co., on Feb. 23, when 40 were seen by Amy Chambers.
1963SummerSt. Louis Co., Lake Vermilion, June 27, ad, 4y, V. F. Barrows. Lake Co., Triangle Lake, Aug. 1, 8y; Farm Lake, Aug. 30, 8y, Jan Green.
1964Spring3-8 Wabasha Co, JO; 3-14 Dakota Co, RBJ; 3-17 Duluth, JCG; 3-27 Dakota Co, ACR; 4-6 Washington Co, DH; 4-11 Lac qui Parle Refuge, RKO; 4-11 Marshall Co, DLO; 4-19 Stearns Co, RPR.
1964Winter12-5, Hennepin Co, 1, RDT and 12-6, Wabasha Co, 50, WRP, RG, RLH; a few from Duluth to Two Harbors until 2-30, JCG, RK; a few in Cook Co on 2-13, AEA and 2-20 EMB; all winter, Rochester, 1 or 2, JPF; 2-22 Wabasha Co, 4, LT.
1965Fall12-9 Lake CiJy, thousands being harassed by gulls, GD; many of these no doubt lingered on through the winter.
1965WinterLast North: 12/4 Aitkin, CEP. Last, South:' 12/14, Henne: pin, VL. All winter: Lake Superior (112); Wabasha (10-50); Howard Lake Wright Co. (1); Dakota (EMB); Washing: ton (Xmas). 2/5, Birch Lake Dam, Lake Co., RG. Re~-breasted Merganser. Last, Lake Supenor: 12/14, St. Louis, JCG. Only other 1/8, Dakota, EMB.
1966Springearliest 3-3 Rice Co, OAR; 3-12 Nobles Co, HSH; 3-13 Hennepin Co, EMB.
1966Summerseveral nestings reported in Cook and St. Louis Co's.
1966FallLatest 11-20 Crow Wing Co., MSB and Wabasha Co., DGM; 11-25 Washington Co., WHL; 11-30 Hennepin Co., FN/MAS.
1966Winterreported from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Wabasha and Goodhue Co's.
1967Springearly 3-7 Wabasha Co., 8, FN/ MAS; 3-8 Wabasha Co., 36, VL; 3-10 Wabasha Co., 18, DGM; 3-18 Goodhue Co., 35, EMB, Nobles Co., 4, HSH and Hennepin Co., 4, RBJ.
1967Summerreported from Lake, Cook Co's; one unusual record, 6-18 OTTERTAIL Co., 1 mi N. Luce, 4 females or immatures seen, BC, LC, RLH; chestnut head sharply separated from white breast, large size noted next to Mallards; nearest possible nesting area would be Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge, about 15 mi. due N. where Common Goldeneye is also known to spend the summer (and breed?).
1967Fall earliest in south 11-12 Anoka Co., WHL; 11-15 Wabasha Co., DGM; 11-22 Hennepin Co., FN/ MAS; 11-24 Lyon Co., PE.
1967Winter reported from Hennepin Louis, Dakota, Wabasha, Chisago, Goodhue, Houston Co's.; also Fargo-Moorhead.
1968Spring late in south, 4-14 Hennepin Co., MHM; 4-17 Minneapolis, RJC; 4-21 Becker Co., fide EGA; 4-26 Pope Co., WH.
1968Summer 6-4 Maniwaki Lk, Lake Co, 1 male, 2 females,JAH; 6-7 Seagull Lk, Cook Co, NMH; 8-10 Farm Lake, Lake Co, 9y about 3/4 grown, JCG.
1968Fall11-17 Hennepin FN/ MAS; 11-21 Wabasha 50 DGM; 11-23 Wabasha FL.
1969SpringLate, 3-22 (100+) Dakota Co., DB; 3-27 (16) Winona Co., BT.
1969Summernested in St. Louis and Cook Co's.; reported from OTTERTAIL Co. (Lida Lake 6-7, 1, DS).
1969Fall9-14 Winona 16 BTV; 10-26 Hennepin 18 VL; 11-13 Lake JCG; 11-22 Lake MC; 11-29 Olmsted AFR; 11-30 Wabasha DGM.
1969WinterLast migrant flocks, 12-3 (50) Wabasha DGM; 12-13 (20) Winona FZL. All winter South in Dakota (10), Wabasha (6), Sherburne; North in St. Louis (5), Lake, Cook, Pine.
1970Springearly north 4-7 Marshall AR; peak 3-1 Wabasha {150) TV; late south 4-23 Carver KH; 4-25 Wabasha WDM.
1970Summernested in St. Louis Co. (inland); also reported from Cook and Lake Co's.
1970Fallpeak 11-27 Wabasha (4000) TV; no early dates south reported.
1970Winterlast migrants South 12-1 (400, BTV) -12-8 (75, DGM) -12-12 (10, FZL) Wabasha; wintered North on Lake Superior (up to 3); wintered South Dakota (1-1, 30, RBJ; 2-11, 10, K&JG), Goodhue; early migrants North 2-15 (7), 2-18 (13) French River, St. Louis JCG.
1971Springearly north 3-1 Duluth KE; 3-28 Lake JG; 3-30 Marshall AR; late south 4-30 Wabasha WDM; 5-2 Lyon PE; peak 4-16 Marshall (370) AR.
1971Summernested in St. Louis; also reported from Cook and Itasca. Red-brested Merganser: nested in Aitkin and St. Louis; also reported from Hennepin (6-8 OJ); late migrant?
1971WinterNorth all winter, Lake Superior; largest number: 2-5 (6) Duluth JCG. SE Quarter migrants: 12-5 to 12 (75) Wright BAH; 12-6 (200), 12-10 (1000), 1-2 (200) Wabasha DGM; 2-26 (20) Hennepin B&DC; all winter, a few on rivers in Dakota, Goodhue.
1972WinterNORTH Five all winter Lake Superior. 12-25 Gunflint Lake S. Hedman. SOUTH Reported from Big Stone, Da·kota, Wabasha and Winona with a maximum of about 100 Dakota WHL.
1973Summer Nested in Itasca; seen in St. Louis, Lake, Becker (7-22 GN).
1973Fall Fewer reports than usual! Reported from St. Louis, Becker and Aitkin. Late north 11-8 Crow Wing (TS). Late south 11-19 Wabasha (DWM); 1/28 Ramsey (40) (JAB) (Also peak).
1973Winter Reported only from Crow Wing, Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington and Dakota; did not seem as common as in most winters.
1974Spring Early north: 3-6 Crow Wing TS; 4-8 Mille Lacs MI; 4-11 Morrison LSR; late south 4-27 Kandiyohi BH; 4-28 Stearns NMH; 4-28 Swift HH; peak 4-19 Marshall (1270) AR.
1974Summer Nested in St. Louis; also reported from Lake and a late migrant seen on 6-6 in Big Stone Co. (EC, JG).
1974Fall Early south 10-27 Ramsey AC; late north 11-13 Marshall AR; 11-27 Hubbard HS.
1974Winter Reported from Hubbard, St. Louis, Cook, Big Stone, Chippewa, Kandiyohi, Dakota, Goodhue and Wabasha Co's.
1975Spring Early north 4-11 Becker TRS; 4-13 St. Louis GJN; 4-16 Marshall AR; late south 5-3 Pope BAH and Nicollet KG; peak 4-6 Dakota (500) ETS.
1975Summer Nested in Lake and Cook; also reported from St. Louis, Cass, Chisago (3 on 6-15, BB; late migrants?) and Jackson (1 injured male at Heron L. on 7-10, KE).
1975Falllate north 11/6 Hubbard HF; Ottertail LCF; peak 11-25 Goodhue (2000) CF.
1975Winterreported from Cook, St. Louis, Cass, Lac qui Parle, Big Stone, Dakota, Ramsey, Washington, Wabasha and Olmsted Co's; also an early spring migrant on 2-15 in Murray Co. (NH); also. down in numbers on Lake Superior.
1976Spring Early north 3-31 St. Louis JCG; 4-2 Marshall SV, A WR; late south 4-24 Lyon HK; peak 4-15 Marshall (500) AWR.
1976Summernested in Lake; also reported from St. Louis and Cook.
1976Fall Late north 11-2 Hubbard, 11-14 Mille Lacs, 11-20 Otter Tail.
1976Winter Reported from Big Stone, Stearns, Duluth, Lake, Cook, Ramsey, Dakota, Washington, Wabasha and Olmsted Co's.
1977Spring Early north 3-1 St. Louis GN; 3-11 Otter Tail SM and St. Louis DA; late south 4-30 Washington DS; peak 3-20 Dakota (500+ ) DGW.
1977Summer Nested in St. Louis; also reported from Lake.
1977Winter Overwintered in Lake, St. Louis, Koochiching, Big Stone, Stearns, Dakota, Wabasha, Olmsted and Houston; December migrants also seen in Cook, Otter Tail and Hennepin and February migrants in Ramsey and Mower. Red-breasted Mer'g,anser Two L. Superior reports: until 1-21 St. Louis (m.ob.) and 2-6 Knife River, Lake Co. (J. Eaton).
1978Summer Breeding reported from Cook, St. Louis and Beltrami; not seen elsewhere.
1978Fall Late north 11-6 Marshall SV, 11-12 Otter Tail GO, 11-24 Hubbard HF; peak of thousands 11-25 Wabasha OJ, RJ.
1978Winter Reported from 13 counties north to Otter Tail and Beltrami.
1979Spring Early north 3-14 Cass TS, 3-23 St. Louis KE, 3-28 Becker TNWR; late south 4-21 Redwood LJF, Rice LB, 4-28 Pope BS. Peak 4-30 Marshall ANWR (309).
1979Winter 15,000 migrants in Wabasha on 12-3 (KE). Also reported from 16 counties north to Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca and Hubbard.
1980Spring Early north 3-19 St. Louis AE, 3-23 Becker SM, 3-28 Beltrami JM; late south 4-13 Winona GBE, 4-15 Stearns, 5-25 Washington DS.
1980Summer Breeding reported from Lake, St. Louis; also seen in Cass. RedLbreasted Merganser Breeding reported from Cook, Lake, (Lake Superior only).
1980Fall Late north 11-21 Itasca TL, 11-28 Beltrami RJ and St. Louis L W; peak 11-16 Wabasha (5,000) JSD.
1980Winter Overwintered in Crow Wing 1-14 until 2-28 (TS); also present in Otter Tail from 1-7 until 2-6 (GW). Reported from 14 additional counties.
1981Spring Late south 4-12 Olmsted JF, 4-20 Anoka, 4-24 Nicollet JCF, KL, 5-5 Washington DS. Red•breasted Merganser Early south 3-10 Dakota GS, 3-15 Goodhue KE; early north (excluding Lake Superior) 3-28 Morrison DCF 3-29 Otter Tail SM; peak on Lake Su~ perior 4-28. St. Louis JG (900); late south 5-1 Nicollet JCF, 5-13 Wabasha WDM.
1981Summer Breeding data from Cook, Lake. Also seen in St. Louis.
1981Fall Late north 10-22 Todd R.J, 11-7 Beltrami JP, AS, 11-12 Cook KMH.
1981Winter An interesting series of reports from Read's Landing, Wabasha Co.: 12-12 1,000 (WDM); 12-13 35,000 (ETS); 12/4 10,000 (KL); 12-16 200 with the open water area greatly reduced (KL). In the north Dec. migrants reported from Itasca 12-16 fide (TL), Hubbard 12-11 100, 12-14 (2) (HJF), Otter Tail 12-13 (SDM) and Crow Wing 12-2 (RBJ). Overwintered at Duluth (JG). Reported from nine additional south counties. February migrants in Houston 2-28 FL), Lac qui Parle 2-28 (CMB) and Sherburne 2-15 (EH). In the north- east, Feb. migrants(?) in Cook 2-17 (KMH).
1982Spring Late south 4-18 Hennepin OJ, 4-23 Wabasha WDM, 4-26 Ramsey BDC.
1982Summer Breeding data from Cook. Seen in Lake, St. Louis, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods.
1982Fall Late north 11/23 Cook KMH, 11/24 Lake SWIMS, 11/29 Hubbard HJF.
1982Winter Reported from five north and nine south counties. Numerous reports of returning migrants in mid to late February.
1983Spring Late south 4/22 Wabasha WDM, 4/25 Anoka KL, 4/28 Blue Earth MF.
1983Summer Breeding data from Cook, Lake. Also seen in St. Louis, Beltrami, Lake of the Woods.
1983Fall Late north 11/20 Lake SW. MS, 11/21 Beltrami JSP, 11/26 Cass RJ.
1983Winter Reported from six north and 16 south counties in all regions except the northwest and southwest. Numerous reports of returning migrants in mid and late February including 1000 + on the Mississippi in Houston on 2-25 (FL), (KL).
1984Spring Early north 3/3 Otter Tail GMO, 3/14 Koochiching GM, 3/27 Marshall ANWR; late south 4/25 Lincoln SWIMS, 4/26 Dodge JEB, 4/29 Hennepin ES.
1984Summernested in Lake and St. Louis; also seen in Cook and Lake of the Woods.
1984Fall Late north I 1/22 Clearwater AB, I 1/23 Hubbard HJF, 11/26 Cook KMH; early south 11/2 Hennepin SC, Lincoln RJ, II/ 10 Mower RRK.
1984Winter Numbers and reports down substantially this year. Reported only from the three Lake Superior counties and along the Mississippi River south of the Twin Cities.
1985Spring Late south 4/17 Olmsted AP, 4/21 Stearns NH. 4/27 Lac qui Parle AB. OJ.
1985Summer Nested in St. Louis. Also seen in Cook, Lake, Cass, Lake of the Woods.
1985Fall Early south 10/2 Wabasha WDM, 10/30 Hennepin SC, 11/9 Dakota TTu; late north 10/20 St. Louis DS, 11/22 Hubbard HJF, 11/27 Cook KMH.
1985Winter Reported from eight eastern region counties, principally from Lake Superior and the Twin Cities area southeastward. Also reported on the Fergus Falls CBC and again in Otter Tail County on 2/26.
1986Spring Late south 5/2 Lyon FE, 5/12 Hennepin DBI, 5/24 Wabasha WDM.
1986Summer Nested in Cook, Koochiching (FS). Also seen in Lake, St. Louis, Lake of the Woods.
1986Fall Early south 10/30 Ramsey KB, 11/1 Dakota SC, GP, 11/2 Lac qui Parle AB; peak 11/22 Wabasha AP (2000 + ).
1986Winter Reported from 14 east region, five central region and two west region counties.
1987Spring Late south 4/12 Steams NH, 4/14 Pope DR, 4/23 Washington WL.
1987Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Lake of the Woods.
1987Fall Early south 10/24 Washington WL, 11/8 Dakota TT and Goodhue DZ; late north I I /6 Cook SOL, ll/11 Mille Lacs DB, 11/26 Beltrami AB.
1988Spring Late south 4/27 Hennepin SC, 4/30 Yellow Medicine AB, DB, 5/28 Dakota TI.
1988Summer Nested in St. Louis, Lake. Also seen in Cook, Hubbard, Scott (6/8, DC).
1988Fall Early south 9/17 Cottonwood DB, 10/15 Washington TBB, 11/3 Wabasha AP, 11/29 Hennepin OJ, Peak 11/21 Wabasha, 1000 +.
1988Winter Reported from 13 counties (20 l.y.) including Wabasha 12/1 WDM (5,000) and 1/1 KL (600). Statewide CBC total of 177 (2,656 l.y.).
1989Spring Late south 4/18 Cottonwood ED, 5/11 Olmsted BSE, 5/14 Washington TEB.
1989Summer Nested in St. Louis, Lake; probable nesting in Koochiching; also seen in Cook.
1989Fall Early south 10/29 Ramsey EL, 11/2 Sherburne SWR; peak 11/18 Wabasha KE (75,000).
1989Winter Reported from 17 counties (13 l.y.) including Wabasha (7,000) 12/3 RR. Overwintered in Otter Tail (3) SDM, Lake 1/27 RJ, and along the Mississippi in Wabasha. Early February records in Anoka 2/4 GP and Koochiching 2/26 GM may have been early migrants? Statewide CBC total 360 (177 l.y.).
1990Spring Late south 4/20 Hennepin SC, Le Sueur LF, 4/21 Lyon AB.
1990Summer Seen in Koochiching, Beltrami, Cass, Hubbard, Lake, Cook.
1990Fall Early south 10/28 Goodhue KB, Ramsey RH, 11/10 Lincoln RJ.
1990Winter L. Pepin buildup lower than recent years with many birds concentrating further north, i.e. 1,500 Mille Lacs 12/1 PKL; 1,894 on Excelsior CBC; and 325 on the Willmar CBC. 20,000 on L. Pepin 12/2 KB and only 10,000 12/8 RJ. Reported from 23 counties (17 I.y.) including northerly reports from Koochiching 11/1 (2) PKL; Duluth CBC; Virginia, St. Louis 1/11 PKF; Lake 1/21 DPV and Cook 1/10 SOL. Returning birds found in SW in Brown 2/27 JS and Cottonwood 2/12 ED and in SE in Goodhue 2/2 (I 00) PKL; Houston 2/24 EMF and Mower 2/23 RRK.
1991Spring Late south 4/24 Rice TB, 4/28 Washington WL, 5/26 Hennepin SC.
1991Summer Nested in St. Louis; probable nesting in Cook. Also seen in Lake of the Woods, Lake.
1991Fall Early south 11/2 Ramsey KB, 11/3 Hennepin SC, 11/10 Goodhue DZ.
1991Winter Reported from 19 counties (23 l.y.). Overwintered in seven counties along the Mississippi River as far north as Sherburne/Wright, in two counties along the North Shore, plus December migrants in Otter Tail 12/4 SDM and Becker 12/9 BBe. Reported from eight additional south counties during February influx. CBC total only 241 with birds gone at Lake Pepin area by beginning of period due to early freeze-up.
1992Spring Late south 4/27 Olmsted AP, 4/30 Hennepin SC, 5/2 Lincoln SDM.
1992Summer Observed in Lake of the Woods, Hubbard, Koochiching, St. Louis, Lake, Cook; plus 6/6, 7/16 Dakota TT.
1992Fall Early south 10/24 Goodhue AB, 11/2 Ramsey KB, 11/7 Dakota TT and Hennepin DN.
1992Winter Overwintered on Mississippi River and adjacent areas from Winona as far north as Stearns/Benton. Also overwintered in the three North Shore counties, and in Otter Tail. Peak of 53,000 at Lake Pepin, Goodhue and Wabasha counties on 12/4 KB, then reduced to 25,000 at Read's Landing on 12/6 PKL and 10,000 there on 12/7 KB with Lake Pepin entirely frozen. Large numbers lingered elsewhere until mid-Dec. with 2500+ on 12/12 Goodhue KB, 1500 on White Bear Lake, Ramsey Co. 12/1–3 PKL, KB and 1000 at Lake Minnetonka, Hennepin Co. 12/15 KB. These numbers gone by CBCs with total count of only 736. Single reports included 12/1 Hubbard HJF, 12/4 Le Sueur PS, 12/17 Rice TBo, and on the Lac qui Parle and Rochester CBCs (not overwintering?). The report 2/14 Beltrami DJo probably refers to overwintering birds; there was no increase of reports in February.
1993Spring Late south 4/25 Anoka PKL and Hennepin SC, 4/26 Washington DS, 5/27 Winona KB.
1993Summer Nested in Lake of the Woods. Seen in Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook; plus early migrant(?) 7/24 Rice TB.
1993Fall Early south 8/5 Rice TB, 8/26 Dakota DSm, 9/6 Hennepin TBr.
1993Winter Overwintered on Mississippi River and adjacent areas from Wabasha as far north as Stearns/Benton. Also reported from Cook, St. Louis, Aitkin, Otter Tail, Rice, Cottonwood, and Winona, but not overwintering in most of these areas. Peak of 30,000 at Lake Pepin, 12/8 Goodhue/Wabasha KB, then reduced to only 4500 on 12/16 (95% of which were adult males) KB.
1994Spring Late south 4/17 Hennepin DB, OJ, Pope AB and Rice TF, 4/21 Washington WL.
1994Summer Only reports from St. Louis, Lake, and Cook.
1994Fall Early south 9/9 Carver MB, 10/22 Hennepin TBr, 11/9 Rice OR and Washington WL.
1994Winter Reported in a total of 20 counties with overwintering noted from Sherburne/Wright southeastward (mostly along the Mississippi River), and on Lake Superior in St. Louis and Lake. Late concentrations noted on 12/2 at Leech Lake, Cass Co. PKL (3500), and on 12/10 at Lake Pepin, Goodhue and Wabasha counties BF (15,000).
1995Spring Late south 4/26 Anoka PKL and Hennepin OJ, 5/4 Ramsey (peak 3/0) KB, 5/9 Dakota SD.
1995Summer Many reports. Probable nesting in St. Louis, Cass; also observed in Beltrami, Itasca, Lake, Cook, Crow Wing, Mille Lacs.
1995Fall Peak of 70,000 birds on 11/26 at Lake Pepin, Goodhue/Wabasha counties KB; second highest total on record. Also reported from 13 north and 8 south counties.
1995Winter Reported from 23 counties in all regions except the northwest. Reports in the southwest were late February migrants, and reports in the west-central were December migrants. Early influx noted 2/6 Ramsey Co. (300) and 2/9 Dakota Co. (800) KB.
1996Spring Reported from 59 counties. Late south 5/18 Lyon PJ.
1996Summer Nested in Itasca JLa, Cass NRRI; probable nesting in Cook. Also seen in Koochi-ching, St. Louis, Lake, Aitkin.
1996Fall Peak counts 11/22 White Bear Lake, Ramsey Co. (2,200) KB, 11/25 Lake Pepin, Wabasha Co. (11,000) KB. Seen in 25 counties statewide.
1996Winter Reported from 20 eastern counties plus the Fergus Falls CBC and 1/30 Cottonwood ED in the west.
1997Spring Reported from 55 counties. Unusual local concentration 3/23 Dakota (360) KB.
1997Summer Reported in Hubbard, Cass, Itasca, St. Louis; probable breeding in Lake. Early south migrant (?) 7/29 Big Stone (adult male at Marsh L.) KB.
1997Fall Peak count 11/22–25 Wabasha (only 20,000+ on Lake Pepin) KB, mob. Reported from 20 counties statewide.
1997Winter Reported from 23 counties in all regions of the state except the Northwest. Peak 12/1 Lake Pepin, Goodhue and Wabasha counties (32,000; 20,000 of which were in Minnesota) KB. CBC total 1,814.
1998Spring Reported from 53 counties. Peak count 3/1 Goodhue (650) KB.
1998Summer Probable breeding in Aitkin; also observed in Hubbard, St. Louis, Cook.
1998Fall Peak count 11/27 on Lake Pepin (20,000) KB, mob. Reported from 24 counties statewide. Numerous south reports in mid-November, but none earlier than 11/7 Wabasha PBu, 11/11 Carver DN.
1998Winter Reported from 28 counties throughout most of state. Peaks 12/7 Goodhue/Wabasha (15,000 on Lake Pepin) KB (less than normal, probably due to extensive open water farther north), 12/16 Cass (2,000 on Leech Lake) KB, 12/13 Otter Tail (4,000–5,000 on Otter Tail Lake) SDM, plus 5,489 on CBCs including 4,765 at Excelsior.
1999Spring Peak migration during late March in the north-central region. Peak count 3/22 on L. Pepin (448 which includes Wisconsin birds) KB. Late south 5/19 Scott DN.
1999Summer Reported in Lake of the Woods, St. Louis, Itasca, Becker, Hubbard, Cass, Aitkin, Mille Lacs.
1999Fall Reported only from eastern and central parts of the state. Early south 10/24 Hennepin CMa, 11/8 Ramsey SL. Also see winter report.
1999Winter Reported from 35 counties in all regions except the northwest. Peak 12/14 Lake Pepin (8000) KB.
2000Spring Observed in 39 south and 14 north counties, and in all regions, but only Becker in northwest. Unusual high count for southwest region 3/2 Jackson (1105) KB. No south reports during May except in Hennepin, where last seen 5/23 (SC).
2000Summer Reported in Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook; plus late migrant 6/6 Freeborn †AEB.
2000Fall Reported from 10 north and 9 south counties. Away from L. Superior, November reports north in Polk, Otter Tail, and Hubbard (11/23, HJF). South reports began 10/21 Meeker DMF and continued through the end of the period. An estimated 30,000 observed 11/24 Wabasha PEJ.
2000Winter Reported from 25 counties in all regions except the Northwest. Peak 1/21 Dakota (1000 along Mississippi River near Hastings) KJB.
2001Spring Observed in 42 south and 24 north counties throughout the state. Peak count 3/27 Dakota (1032 at Spring L.) KJB. Only May report south: 5/8 Stevens JJS.
2001Summer Observed in Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake; plus 6/3 Chisago (St. Croix R.) FZL.
2001Fall Reported from 12 north and 13 south counties, though none in Northwest or Southwest. Early south 10/27 Meeker DMF. Unusual local concentration 11/30 Beltrami (1000+ on L. Bemidji) DPJ.
2001Winter Reported from 40 counties throughout the state. Exceptional peak of 75,000 lingered at L. Pepin through 12/22 JPM, KJB, with “only” 25,000 present on 12/26 when lake mostly frozen (KJB). Large numbers still lingering 1/6 Dakota (3300 at Black Dog L.) PEJ and 1/15 Winona (1000 from Minneiska to Whitman Dam).
2002Spring Seen in 38 south and 21 north counties. Early north (away from L. Superior) 3/2 Pennington (6 at Thief River Falls) JMJ, 3/17 Cass PSP, Clay GEN and Grant SPM, DKM. Late south 5/29 Ramsey REH, also see summer report. High count 3/26 L. Pepin (1128) KJB.
2002Summer Found in Hubbard, Cass, St. Louis, Lake, Cook; plus possible breeding in Morrison, Mille Lacs, Pine (south of known breeding range). Also reported 6/9 Hennepin (male on Minnesota R.) SLC.
2002Fall Reported from 13 north and 15 south counties; like last fall, none in the Northwest or Southwest. Early south 9/10 Benton HHD, only September report. Local concentrations seen 11/16 Hubbard (300) RCS, 11/23 Otter Tail (300+) SPM.
2002Winter Reported from 6 north and 21 south counties including ovewintering as far northwest as Pennington. Maximum reported number 12/6 Wabasha (3,500 at Read's Landing) FZL.
2003Spring Seen in 31 south and 21 north counties. Early north (away from overwintering locations) 3/15 Traverse SPM, DKM, 3/16 Aitkin WEN and St. Louis SLF. Late south 5/13 Carver RMD, 5/28 Olmsted PWP. Highest count 3/16 (218 at H.P.B.C.) KJB.
2003Summer Observed in Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Itasca, Crow Wing, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
2003Fall Seen in 16 north and 13 south counties. Early south 10/29 Sherburne PLJ. High counts 11/25 Mille Lacs L. (2155) KJB, 11/28 L. Pepin (26,000) KJB.
2003Winter Reported from 27 counties throughout the state. KJB's counts from Lake Pepin, Goodhue and Wabasha counties included 12/2 (43,000), 12/5 (48,200), and 12/11 (20,000+). Still 1700 present 12/17 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) KJB.
2004Spring Seen in 35 south and 20 north counties. Early north (away from overwintering locations) 3/27 Beltrami DPJ and Wadena PJB, 3/30 Marshall GT. Late south 5/8 Winona OWB, 5/29 Dakota ADS. Seasonal total of 2669 at H.P.B.C (371 on 3/22) KJB.
2004Summer Observed in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Hubbard, Beltrami, Lake of the Woods, Mille Lacs. New nesting record in Hubbard RCS.
2004Fall Seen in 13 north and 13 south counties, none in Southwest. Early south 8/23 Carver (2) EEO, then none until 11/13 Anoka REH, Wabasha JLU. High count 11/30 Wabasha (est. 20,000) RPR.
2004Winter Reported from 3 north and 14 south counties. Late north 12/11 Mille Lacs SPS, 1/9 Lake JWL. Early north 2/19 Lake PEB. Many reports south (especially Twin Cities counties) throughout January and February indicated overwintering.
2005Spring Found in 43 south and 16 north counties. Early north (away from overwintering locations) 3/6 Otter Tail DTT, SMT, 3/21 Clay BWF. Late south 5/3 Steele HHD, 5/9 Steele KV (median 5/25). Peak count 3/21 Goodhue (2,200 at L. Pepin, record-high spring count) KJB.
2005Summer Reported from Beltrami, Cass, St. Louis, Lake, and Mille Lacs.
2005Fall Reported from 15 north and 11 south counties, none in Southwest. Early south (median 10/24) 11/5 Meeker DMF, 11/13 Dakota CRM and Houston DFN. High count 11/26 Wabasha (14,000 at L. Pepin) KJB.
2005Winter Reported from 7 north and 15 south counties statewide with a remarkable CBC total of 3,201 on 19 counts. Late north (away from Lake Superior) 2/5 Cass fide JMJ; overwintered Otter Tail SPM. Many reports south indicated overwintering in the Twin Cities metro area and the Southeast. Highest reported count 12/1 Goodhue (11,500 on Lake Pepin, but also see fall report) KJB.
2006Spring Observed in 44 south and 21 north counties. Early north (away from overwintering locations) 3/9 Crow Wing MRN, 3/18 Grant HHD. Late south 5/9 Goodhue CRM, 5/17 Sherburne ADB. Record-high spring count 3/17 Goodhue (3,450 at L. Pepin) KJB.
2006Summer Most reports ever. Observed in nine northern counties plus 6/13, 6/26, 7/4 Hennepin DDo, DAC, DCZ. New nesting record for Crow Wing MRN.
2006Fall Reported from 11 north and 16 south counties, none in Southwest. Early south 11/13 Stearns RBW, 11/17 Sherburne RBJ (median 10/24).
2006Winter515 North reports away from Lake Superior: 12/14 Cass (3, Ten Mile Lake) BAW, 12/17 Morrison HHD, 1/20 Cass HHD, 1/26 Cass (Pillager Dam) BAW, 2/24 Beltrami DPJ. High count south 1/7 Wabasha (12,000 on Lake Pepin) SWe. Present mid-winter at usual locations in the Twin Cities metro area and Lake Pepin. A total of 1,350 was counted 1/17 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) PEB.
2007Spring2248 Early north (away from overwintering locations) 3/4 (median) Beltrami PJR, 3/12 Cass BAW. Late south 5/8 Hennepin PEJ, 5/25 Ramsey BAF (median 5/24). High count 3/16 Lac qui Parle (249) BJU.
2007Summer7 Reported from Beltrami, Cass, Koochiching, St. Louis, Lake, and Cook counties, plus a first county nesting record from Mille Lacs SWe.
2007Fall1416 Early south 10/13 Kandiyohi DPG, 10/29 Sherburne PLJ.
2007Winter317 One north report away from Lake Superior: 12/2 Cass (54, Walker Bay, Leech Lake) BAW. High count 2/2 Wabasha (2,200 on Mississippi River between Camp Lacupolis and Read's Landing) BAF. Also, a total of 1,400 counted 1/1 Ramsey (Hardman/Grand Ave., Mississippi River) BAF.
2008Spring2450 Late south 5/15 Steele DAB, 5/21 Hennepin RLW (median 5/25). High counts 3/1 Ramsey (810 on Mississippi River) BAF, 4/8 St. Louis (374 in Duluth harbor) PHS, 4/18 Cass (1,400 on Sylvan Reservoir) MRN.
2008Summer83 Seen in North-central, Northeast, plus Hennepin, Dakota (injured bird), Chisago.
2008Fall1216 Early south (median 10/24) 11/1 Dakota ADS, Meeker DMF, 11/9 Ramsey DAB, Stearns PCC. High counts 11/16 Wabasha (500 at Lake City) WCM, 11/16 Goodhue (300) LEC.
2008Winter419 Two north reports away from Lake Superior: 1/2 Morrison (Little Falls dam) DPG, 2/3 Cass (Pillager dam) BAW. High counts south 12/28 Goodhue (15,810) SWe, 2/8 Dakota (1,450, Black Dog Lake) PEJ.
2009Spring2547 High counts 3/28 Dakota (700, Lake Byllesby) BAF, 3/17 Washington (150, Point Douglas) EEO. Late south 4/25 Anoka HHD, Carver WCM, Washington HHD, 5/23 Chisago MJB (median 5/24).
2009Summer102 Reported from North-central and Northeast plus Mille Lacs and 6/9 Dakota (adult female at Lake Byllesby) ADS, 6/18 Washington (St. Croix River by William O'Brien S.P.) SLP.
2009Fall1611 Early south (median 10/24) 10/23 Sherburne PLJ, 10/31 Meeker DMF, 11/1 Carver JCy. Peak count 11/28 Wabasha (4,000, Lake Pepin) BAF.
2009Winter1020 High counts 12/5 Wabasha (17,500, Lake Pepin) KJB, 1/22 Wabasha (3,500, Reads Landing) KJB.
2010Spring2650 High count 3/13 Hennepin (249, Bass Ponds) MDu. Late south 5/15 Chisago PEB, 5/26 Scott SPe, 5/30 Ramsey MKi (median 5/24).
2010Summer111 Observed in North-central, Northeast, Central, and East-central regions. First county breeding record from Aitkin MRN.
2010Fall1513 Early south (median 10/24) 10/25 Lac qui Parle BJU, 11/5 Wright DPG. High counts 11/27 Wabasha/Goodhue (15,000, Lake Pepin, includes birds in Wisconsin) BAF.
2010Winter825 High count north: 12/1 Cass (67) BAW. High count south: 12/26 Wabasha (4,000, east end Lake Pepin) PEJ, with several other reports late December to early January of 2,000 from the same location. CBC high counts 12/26 Red Wing (845), 1/1 Afton (327), 12/18 St. Paul (North) (311). There were a number of north reports January to mid-February of presumably overwintering birds in small numbers (up to 29) from St. Louis (Duluth) m.ob. Two January reports away from Lake Superior included 1/2 Pillager CBC (7), 1/25 Beltrami JnS. There were many mid-winter reports south, especially in the Twin Cities Metro area, including 1/22 Dakota (650, near Prescott WI) BAF.
2011Spring2750 High counts 3/20 Wabasha (400, Lake Pepin) RPR, 3/23 Hennepin (200, Bass Ponds) RTe, 4/14 St. Louis (151, Fond du Lac, Duluth) PHS. Late south 5/19 Dakota DaO, 5/20 Hennepin KaN (median 5/24).
2011Summer102Reported from Northeast and North-central plus Mille Lacs, Pine, and first county breeding 6/3 Lac qui Parle JF, 6/26 Ramsey MSM.
2011Fall1220 Early south (median 10/24) 9/24 Lac qui Parle GLa, 10/2 Carver RZi, 10/18 Dakota GLa. High count 11/18 Wabasha (600, Lake Pepin) SHF.
2011Winter1029January north reports away from Lake Superior included 1/1 Pillager CBC (2), 1/22–29 Cass (Sylvan Dam) KEm, 1/28 Morrison FGo. High counts: 12/9 Wabasha (50,000) ANy, 12/5 Wabasha (36,900, Lake Pepin) KJB, 12/17 Wabasha (25,000) PEJ, 12/28 Dakota (3,000, Black Dog Lake) BAF. Midwinter high counts 1/16 Ramsey (1,600, Kaposia Landing) BAF, 2/4 Dakota (1,200, Black Dog Lake) KRo.
2012Spring2847 Early north (away from overwintering locations) 3/9 (median 3/4) Traverse MO, 3/12 Clay BDS, 3/15 Itasca SC, Pine ANy. Late south 5/11 Goodhue GJM, 5/16 Anoka SBM, Kandiyohi JAn (median 5/24).
2012Summer163 Observed north and east of a line from Becker to Douglas to Dakota. First county breeding record from Sherburne PMJ.
2012Fall1821 Early south (median 10/24) 10/22 Goodhue (Prairie Island ) GJM, 10/28 Brown BTS, 11/2 Carver BeS, 11/3 Houston DKa, Ramsey EBa. High count 11/30 Goodhue (est. 50,000, Lake Pepin) RBJ, DAC.
2012Winter1023 Multiple individuals overwintered St. Louis (up to 40, Duluth area) m.ob., Lake (up to 4, Two Harbors) m.ob.; also Cook (1, Grand Marais) m.ob. High counts south 12/3 Wabasha and Goodhue (21,500, Lake Pepin) KJB, 12/16 Goodhue (5,000) PEJ, 12/16 Wabasha (4,500) PEJ, 12/8 Hennepin (3,000, Lake Minnetonka) HCT. High counts north: 12/6 Mille Lacs (931, Lake Mille Lacs) KJB, 12/1 Cass (122, Leech Lake) BAW. Midwinter high counts 1/15, 1/23 Goodhue (2,500, Colville Park) GJM, DVe. CBC high counts 12/15 Excelsior (7,502), 12/15 Bloomington (697), 1/1 Afton (545).
2013Spring2950 High counts 3/3 Dakota (250, Black Dog Lake) BAF, 3/24 Ramsey (130, Pigs Eye Lake) BAF. Late south 5/12 Chisago ANy, BWF, JWH, Ramsey JaJ, 5/20 Isanti WAn (median 5/24).
2013Summer12 Found in the northeastern third of the state. First county breeding record for Morrison RPR.
2013Fall1518 Two south reports in August, 8/6–8 Washington (adult male, Otisville) JoF, JFi, 8/31 Faribault (6, Clark) JPr, then no new reports until 10/3 Hennepin BAb, 10/20 Martin ANy, 10/21 Hennepin (3, Bass Ponds and Old Cedar Avenue) DAd. Peak count 11/29 Hennepin (250) CMB.
2013Winter919 Multiple individuals overwintered St. Louis m.ob., with a high count 2/16 (25, Canal Park) JaL. The only other midwinter reports away from St. Louis were 1/16 Cass (3) KeM, 1/12 Itasca SC. High counts south 12/1 Wabasha (10,000, Lake Pepin) PEJ, 12/17 Goodhue (6,500, Colvill Park) WmH, 12/29 Goodhue (4,950, Red Wing) GJM, 12/1 Wabasha (4,000, Maple Springs) HCT, 12/28 Dakota (1,100, Black Dog Lake) BAF. CBC high counts 12/29 Red Wing (5,037), 12/14 St. Paul (North) (684).
2014Spring2850High counts 3/15 Dakota (2,300, Black Dog Lake) PEJ, 3/21 Goodhue (500, Prairie Island) GJM. Late south 5/22 Carver JSP, Hennepin SMC, 5/31 Stevens DLP (median 5/24), but also see summer report.
2014Summer103Seen in North-central, Northeast, plus Mille Lacs, Olmsted, Pine, Sherburne, Stevens. High count 6/27 Cook (20, YMCA Camp Menogyn) RTr. First county breeding record 7/5 Pine (female with 12 young) EMH.
2014Fall1122 Three south reports prior to October: 8/10 Stevens (female, Clear Lake) DLP, 9/6 Stearns (3) RHi, 9/30 Sherburne (6, Riverside Park) TSh. Additional reports of individuals and small groups beginning mid October, but first double-digit tally not until mid November. High counts 11/18 Wabasha (10,000, Lake Pepin, U.S. Fish & Wildlife waterfowl survey) WPo.
2014Winter824 Small numbers overwintered north in St. Louis (Duluth) m.ob. with peak post-December count 2/3 (14) JLK; in Lake (Two Harbors) m.ob. with peak count 2/8 (10) DTr, JEd; in Crow Wing (Brainerd) with peak count 2/7 (11) EGa; and in Morrison m.ob. with peak 2/13 (10) MJB. Other scattered post-December reports north from Cass, Douglas, Otter Tail. Widespread overwintering south, with high counts south (all from Washington, Point Douglas Park): 12/3 (1,500) LEC, 1/6 (1,000) REh, 12/28 (980) RPR. CBC high counts 12/28 Red Wing (3,424), 12/27 Hastings-Etter (1,352), 1/1 Afton (767).
2015Spring2850 High count 3/27 Wabasha (240) LHl. Late south 5/4 Chisago JFR, 5/9 Ramsey WRe, MHa, Stevens JFl, 5/19–20 Hennepin (Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) BNW, WFe (median 5/24).
2015Summer111 Found in North-central, Northeast, plus Lyon, Mille Lacs, Pennington.
2015Fall1722 Early south (median 10/24) 8/6 Anoka (female, Centerville Lake) ELC, 9/2 Dakota (2) EMH, 10/6 Benton HHD. High count 11/28 Wabasha (4,000, Lake Pepin) BAF.
2015Winter1434 Reported from more counties statewide (48) than in the previous five winters. December–early January reports from 12 north counties, with high counts 12/3 Beltrami (320, Lake Bemidji) DPJ, 1/1 Morrison (51, Camp Ripley) KeM. Small numbers overwintered in St. Louis with high count 1/24 (27, Canal Park) JLK, and Lake with peak count 2/15 (20, Two Harbors) BeB. There were also midwinter north reports (1–7 birds) from Cass, Cook, Crow Wing, Douglas, Itasca, Morrison. Widespread overwintering south, with post-December reports from 30 counties. Season south high counts 12/24 Goodhue (5,000, Lake Pepin) PEJ, 12/25 Hennepin (2,500, Lake Minnetonka) MKj, 2/15 Goodhue (2,000, Lock and Dam 3) GJM. CBC high counts 12/19 Excelsior (13,030), 1/1 Afton (2,414), 12/27 Red Wing (812).
2016Spring3251 High counts 3/13 Houston (155, Brownsville Overlook) KvM, 3/21 Pope (150, Malmedal Lake) BEc, Late south 5/19 Dakota (2) FHa, 5/20 Ramsey (2) VDo, 5/21 Freeborn (Albert Lea Lake) PEJ (median 5/25).
2016Summer144 Reported from North-central, Northeast, Central, East-central. High count 7/19 Crow Wing (40, Mille Lacs Lake) DMu.
2016Fall1722 Early south (median 10/23) 9/20 Houston RAE, 10/3 Sherburne (Lake Fremont) RCl, 10/16 Dakota (4) GRe. High count 11/20 Wabasha (272, Lake Pepin) SBE, LiH.
2016Winter1640 Reported from a season-record 56 counties statewide. North high count 12/12–13 Hubbard (60) REn. Post-December reports from 14 north counties, with high count 2/9 St. Louis (40, Duluth) ToL, CEl. South high counts 12/12 Wabasha (5,000, Lake Pepin) KJB, 12/9 Hennepin (1,500, Smith Bay, Orono) BHe, 12/10 Goodhue (1,100) PEJ. Widespread overwintering south, with midwinter reports from 25 counties and peak count 1/17 Goodhue (560) GHo. CBC high counts 1/1 Afton (883), 1/4 Red Wing (789), 1/1 Wabasha (268).
2017Spring2653 High counts 3/23 Goodhue (500, Gores Pool W.M.A.) GJM, 3/18 Carver (250, Lake Waconia) BHe. Late south 5/21 Sherburne (2, Sherburne N.W.R.) VDo, THl, 5/23 Scott BAb, 5/24 Waseca RZi (median 5/25).
2017Summer133 Found in North-central, Northeast, plus Chisago, Grant, Mille Lacs, Pine, Ramsey, Sherburne. High counts 7/22 Mille Lacs (31, Mille Lacs L.) RBJ, 7/31 Beltrami (28, L. Bemidji) DCZ.
2017Fall1730 Early south (median 10/17) 9/3–10 Sherburne (Sherburne N.W.R.) ASl, VDo 9/7 (2) ElR, 10/3 Rice TFB. High counts 11/13 Wabasha (8,000, Lake City Marina) BHe, 11/20 Wabasha (6,850, Lake Pepin) WCM.
2017Winter1226 Reported from 38 counties statewide, 18 fewer than last winter's record 56. December reports from 11 north counties, with high counts 12/5 Cass (52) REn, 12/12 Douglas (45, Lake Carlos) ToR. Reports after December from 11 north counties, with the highest totals (up to 40) in St. Louis. Widespread overwintering south, with reports after December from 18 counties. Season high counts 12/3 Goodhue (8,000, Lake Pepin), 12/23 Wabasha (7,500, Camp Lacupolis) PEJ. CBC high counts 12/23 Red Wing (2,101), 12/16 St. Paul (North) (124).
2018Spring2653 High count 3/28 Goodhue (362, Lake Byllesby) DnS, MWS. Late south 5/20 Anoka ebd, Faribault BAb, 5/30 Sherburne ebd (median 5/21).
2018Summer135 Observed in all regions except Southwest, Southeast. First county breeding record 4/3 Hennepin CBt.
2018Fall2031  Breeding birds in Sherburne (Sherburne N.W.R.) continued into October. Also notable south were 8/8 Freeborn (Freeborn Lake) PEB, 9/23 Hennepin ABL. Migrants first appeared south (median 10/17) 10/21–22 Meeker RAE, HHD, and 10/23 in Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott. High count 11/17 Wabasha (10,000, estimated on Lake Pepin) PEJ.
2018Winter1327 No reports Northwest or Southwest (except Yellow Medicine). December reports from eight north counties, with high counts 12/8 St. Louis (20, Duluth) JLA, 12/6 Otter Tail (13, Fergus Falls) ASu, LiH. North reports after December from 10 counties, with high count 2/25 St. Louis (40, Duluth) ebd; away from Duluth, counts were 8 or fewer. South high counts were from Lake Pepin: 12/3 Goodhue (9,500), 12/7 Wabasha (8,150) PEJ. After December, high counts 1/2 Wabasha (2,700) PEJ, 1/13 Wabasha (2,600) BAF. CBC high count 12/30 Wabasha (420).
2019Summer172 Observed in North-central, Northeast, plus Kanabec, Mille Lacs, Otter Tail, Pine, Ramsey, Sherburne, Wilkin.
 Breeds mostly north-central and northeast. Migrant throughout. Overwinters locally.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.