Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Fulvous Whistling-Duck
Snow Goose
Ross's Goose
Greater White-fronted Goose
[Taiga Bean-Goose]
[Brant (Atlantic)]
[Brant (Black)]
Cackling Goose
Canada Goose
[Greater White-fronted Goose X Canada Goose]
Mute Swan
Trumpeter Swan
Tundra Swan
[Cygnus swan]
Wood Duck
Blue-winged Teal
Cinnamon Teal
[Blue-winged Teal x Cinnamon Teal]
Northern Shoveler
Eurasian Wigeon
American Wigeon
[Gadwall X Mallard]
American Black Duck
[Mallard X American Black Duck]
Mottled Duck
Northern Pintail
[Mallard X Northern Pintail]
Green-winged Teal
[Green-winged Teal (Eurasian)]
[Green-winged Teal (American)]
Ring-necked Duck
Tufted Duck
Greater Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Greater Scaup]
Lesser Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Lesser Scaup]
King Eider
Common Eider
[Somateria eider]
Harlequin Duck
Surf Scoter
White-winged Scoter
Black Scoter
Long-tailed Duck
Common Goldeneye
[Bufflehead X Common Goldeneye]
Barrow's Goldeneye
[Common Goldeneye X Barrow's Goldeneye]
Hooded Merganser
Hooded Merganser
[Common Goldeneye X Hooded Merganser]
Common Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser
Ruddy Duck

Greater Scaup(Aythya marila)
1961FallAvifauna! Club members saw one with a small flock of Lesser Scaup at Duluth on 28 Oct. Two were seen there on 28 Nov. by Jan Green.
1961WinterOne seen at Duluth on December 8 by Jan Green.
1962SpringMarch 31 Duluth, John G. Hale; April 16 Winona, Hiawatha Valley Bird Club; April 21 Duluth, Jan Green reports 2500. Common Scoter: Janet C. Green saw a pair at Duluth on May 16 at very close range. The birds were on the harbor side of Minnesota Point.
1962FallOct. 29, Duluth, 10-20 seen, Janet C. Green; Nov. 6, Duluth, ab:mt 175 seen, Janet C. Green.
1963SpringMarch 29, Dakota County, A. C. Rosenwinkel; March 30, Lac qui Parle Refuge, 5 seen, Avi· faunal Club.
1963FallNov. 25, Ramsey Co., W. R. Pieper.
1964Spring4-10 Duluth, JCG; 4-11 Sibley Co, RG, RBJ, BT, FL.
1964Summerlast spring date, 6-6, Duluth, St. Louis Co, JCG.
1964Winter12-31, Two Harbors, Lake Co, 1, DP, LJ, good verbal details from DP.
1965Springearliest 4-13 St. Paul fide ACR; latest 5-16 Lake Co, RG, RLH, HFH, and 6-1 Lake Co, DP, WRP, RLH.
1965Fallonly records, 10-10 (25) and 11-6 (150) Anoka Co, DS; 11-13 Wright Co, E. Sorgatz fide ACR; 11-14 Washington Co, 75, DS.
1966Springearliest 3-26 Dakota Co, RBJ; 4-8 Washington Co, DS and 4-12 Washington Co, WWL; latest 4-24 St. Louis Co, PH; 4-30 Cook Co, MAF; 5-10 Dakota Co, DB, EHH.
1966FallOnly records 11-8 Washington Co., DS· 11-20 Hennepin Co., RBJ. '
1967Springearly 4-1 Carver Co., EST; 4-2 Hennepin Co., RBJ; 4-15 Swift Co., JAH; 4-18 Washington Co., DS; late 5-21 Washington Co., DS; 5-23 Stearns Co., RPR; 5-28 Duluth, HFH and Lake Co., RBJ.
1967Fall 10-8(250), 10-23(500), 11-11(200) Anoka Co., DS.
1968Spring 3-17 Wright Co., EHD; 3-25 Olmsted Co., HBW; 4-6 Mille Lacs Co., MIV; 4-28 Washington Co., DS; 5-6 Grant Co., JAH; 5-12 Duluth, KE; only reports.
1968FallOnly reported 11-3 from Lyon, 75 in mixed flock with Lesser Scaup, HCK.
1969Spring3-27 Winona Co., BT; 4-9 Duluth, MMC; 4-11 Washington Co., BL; 4-15 (6) Duluth, PBH; 4-17 (100) Duluth, PBH; Late E., 4-26 Stearns Co., DS; 6-1 Duluth, MMC.
1969Summertwo pairs closely observed by JJG and RBJ at Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge, Marshall Co. on 6-13 are very noteworthy. Nearest breeding area is the shores of Hudson Bay in northern Manitoba and Ontario (Godfrey, The Birds of Canada, Ottawa, 1956). Late migrant recorded at Duluth, 6-1 (JJG).
1970Spring10 reports Lac qui Parle KE, PE; 4-5 Nobles HH; early north 4-8 Duluth MMC, JG; peak 4-29 Duluth (100} JG; late 5-28 Duluth MMC; 6-8 Lake (pair} JG.
1970Summer6-8 Two Harbors, Lake Co. (pr.) JCG, possibly late migrants.
1970Fallonly 1 report )B.
1970Winter12-18 Duluth MMC.
1971Spring11 reports HK; 4-3 Chippewa and Lac qui Parle KE, PE and Washington BL; early north 4-6 Ottertail AMB; 4-9 Duluth KE.
1973Summer St. Louis Co. (Duluth 6-7 JAB).
1973Fall Four reports: 10-27 Cook (RBJ); 1/22 Crow Wing (TS); 11-8 St. Louis (4) and 11-27 Hennepin (JAB).
1974Spring 14 reports: early south 3-19 Freeborn DG; 3-30 Lyon HCK; 4-6 Lyon KE; early north 4-11 Cass HRH; 4-15 Marshall AR; 4-15 Mille Lacs MI; peak 4-21 Aitkin (24) JB, TS.
1974Summer Late migrants noted 6-8 Duluth (RJ).
1974Fall 11-2 St. Louis RBJ; 11-10 Cook ES only reports.
1974Winter A female was reported with good details from Anoka Co. from 1-5 to 1-21 (OJ, PZ, BJ); first winter record.
1975Spring 17 reports: early south 3-30 Hennepin JC, DY; 4-5 Hennepin V_RL; 4-7 Hennepin OLJ; 4-11 H~nnepm ETS; early north 4-11 St. LoUis MMC; 4-1_3 St. Louis GJN; late north 5-28 St. LOUIS GJN; peak 4-25 Lake Superior (300+) GJN.
1975Fallonly reports north 10-25 Duluth RJ; 11-29 Cook RJ, JG.
1975Wintertwo reports Minneapolis (RJ, KE) and 12-14 Cook Co. (JJ, SS); only the 2nd and 3rd winter reports on record.
1976Spring 19 reports: early south 3-22 Goodhue KE; 3-25 Lyon HK; 3-28 Yellow Medicine GO and Hennepin PCHS; early north 3-31 Mille Lacs MI; 4-10 and 5-11 St. Louis JCG; 4-20 St. Louis GN.
1976Fall 6 reports 10-23 Cook DGW, 10-30 Mille Lacs OJ, 10-23 Otter Tail GO, 10-31 Rock KE, 11-13 Wright ES, 1/25 Duluth KE.
1977Spring 25 reports: early south 3-20 Dakota GSP; 4-1 Ramsey RH; 4-2 Houston RJ; early north 3-28 Otter Tail GO; 4-6 St. Louis KE; 4-24 St. Louis PM; peak 4-24 Crow Wing (600?) LF. Winter 1977
1977Summer Late migrant 6-13 at Roseau (KE).
1977Fall Late north 11-13 Otter Tail (DS), 11-16 Mille Lacs (DGW); peak 11-1 Rice (700) (WL).
1978Summer Late migrants 6-2 Duluth (JCG), 6-3 Roseau (DGW).
1978Fall Only reports 10-13 Otter Tail (3) GO, 11-25 Wabasha (2) OJ, RJ.
1978Winter Late migrant 12-16 Wabasha (BJ).
1979Spring Early south 3-11 Scott RA, 3-17 Sherburne JH, Wabasha RJ, Washington BL; early north 4-14 Otter Tail GMO, 4-19 Otter Tail KE; late north 5-29 St. Louis SM; late south 5-31 Lac qui Parle CMB, Blue Earth MF.
1979Fall 11-3 St. Louis RJ, 11-5 Beltrami SM, 11-24 Winona OJ. Only reports.
1980Spring Early south 3-20 Dakota ES, 3-28 Houston FL, 4-1 Washington RJ; early north 4-3 St. Louis KE, 4-17 Beltrami JM, MBH, JH, 4-18 Pennington KSS.
1980Summer Lingering in Roseau, 6-6 (6), D&GW.
1980Fall 10-18 Aitkin WN, 10-19 St. Louis JG, 10-21 Nicollet JCF, 10-25 Houston JP.
1980Winter Stragglers in Waseca 12-31 1-5 (JCF), (BJ) and an early migra'nt in Dakota 2-24 (KG).
1981Spring Early south 3-19 Stearns MC, 3-21 Freeborn RJ, 3-23 Washington DR; early north 3-28 Beltrami JP, AS, 3-29 St. Louis LW, 4-3 Lake of the Woods TA.
1981Fall Late north 10-24 Aitkin WN, 10-27 Cook KMH, 11-22 Beltrami AS; late south 11-7 Wabasha KE, 11-27 Pope RJ, 11-28 Wright ES.
1981Winter Four December reports: Beltrami until 12-6 (AS) and Cook until 12-19 (KMH) in the north and Waseca 12-13 (RBJ) and Houston 12-6 (JPAM) in the south.
1982Spring Early south 3-11 Olmsted BE, 3-26 Dakota AB HK; early north 3-1 Beltarmi SP, 3-10 St. Louis MH, 3-18 Otter Tail SDM.
1982Fall 8/22 St. Louis LE, 8/25 Marshall KSS, 11/21 Lake SWIMS.
1983Spring Early south 3/1 Olmsted RE, 3/27 Anoka KL, Winona AM/JP, early north 3/2 Otter Tail GMO, 4/1 Wadena AB, 4/9 Aitkin WN.
1983Summer One, 6/12 Greenbush, Roseau Co. (D&GW).
1983Fall 9/25 Lake of the Woods KSS, 10/9 Steams NH, 10/27 Mower RRK, 10/28 Beltrami JSP, 11/10 Ramsey EC, RG, 11/26 Houston EMF.
1984Spring Early south 3/17 Anoka KL, 3/24 Dakota SC; early north 4/5 Marshall ANWR, 4/7 Otter Tail AB; late south 4/27 Hennepin ES, 5/1 Ramsey DS; late north 5/9 Cook EH, Roseau AJ.
1984Fall Late north I0/2 Pennington KSS I0/29 Otter Tail DS, 11/10 Cook KMH; late south 11/18 Ramsey RJ, 11/20 Hennepin SC, 11/28 Olmsted PP.
1984Winter Reported in Minneapolis on Lake Harriet 12-1 (OJ) and 12-2 (SC), on the Blue Lake Sewage Ponds 12-2 (AB), and the Excelsior CBC.
1985Spring Early south 3/2 Dakota ES, 3/21 Hennepin SC, 3/13 Olmsted RE, PP; early north 4/5 Grant RJ, 4/6 Polk AB, 4/10 St. Louis KE.
1985Summer Late migrant 6/2 Beltrami (AB).
1985Fall Reported 10/13 Houston JP/AM, 10/16 Morrison RJ, 11/2 Otter Tail DS.
1986Spring Early south 3/11 Olmsted PP, 3/22 Scott RJ, 3/23 Jackson KE; early north 3/20 Fillmore AMP, Dakota TTu, 4/1 Clay MM, Duluth KE, Marshall ANWR.
1986Fall Reported 10/15 Winona AP, 11/18-30 Hennepin SC, RG, GP.
1986Winter One reported from Lake Harriet, Hennepin Co. on 12/5 (DB).
1987Spring Early south 3/6 Dakota TI, 3/8 Brown RJ, Lincoln HK; early north 3/10 Clay MMM, Winter 1987 3/ II Aitkin WN, Beltrami TK 4/6 Marshall ANWR.
1987Fall Reported 11/21 Wabasha AB, 11/26 Beltrami AB, 11/28 Waseca AP, ll/30 Ramsey RG.
1987Winter Reported in Washington 12/2 (RJ) and one apparently ranged between Scott and Dakota Counties throughout January and most of February (m.ob.).
1988Spring Early south 3/9 Dakota SC and Olmsted BSE, 3/20 Freeborn NH and Rice AB; early north 4/4 Clay MMM, 4/5 Aitkin WN, 4/7 Duluth KE and Marshall ANWR.
1988Summer Several reports: a pair at Roseau sewage ponds (6/27, AB); possibly same pair at Karstad Sewage ponds, Kittson (6/29, AB); one bird reported in Scott (6/16, IT).
1988Fall 11/19 Carver RJ, 11/25 Lake of the Woods AB; only reports.
1988Winter Grand Marais and St. Paul CBCs and in Scott AB and 1/7 DZ.
1989Spring Early south 3/19 Scott AB, 3/24 Jackson AP, 3/25 Wabasha SC, WashingtonTEB; early north 4/16 Kanabec AB, 4/17 Duluth MH, 4/21 Beltrami DJ.
1989Summer Single bird seen in Ramsey 7/20 GS, 7/27 RJ; also reported in Kittson no date TR.
1989Fall Late north 11/1 Todd RJ, 11/3 Pine AP, 11/5 Cook AP; late south 11/10 Steele AB, 11/11 LeSueur AP, 11/28 Hennepin SC.
1989Winter Lake migrant on Lake Harriet, Hennepin Co. 12/1-4 and a January bird in Scott 1/7 AB.
1990Spring Early south 3/3 Olmsted BSE, 3/4 Scott AB, 3/11 Murray AP; early north 3/30 Cass PS, 4/19 Koochiching GM, 3/22 Aitkin WN, Pine AB.
1990Fall Late north 11/23 Otter Tail MO, 11/24 ItascaAB, 11/28 Cook KMH; late south 10/II Olmsted AP, 10/26 Chippewa AB, 11/18 Meeker RJ.
1990Winter Reported on the St. Paul CBC-CP; also found in Hennepin 12/20 (4) GP, SC, and an injured bird in Scott Jan.cFeb. mob. (but see below).
1991Spring Early south 3/5 Dakota KB, 3/9 Scott RG, 3/17 Olmsted AB; early north 3/31 Grant AB, 4/2 Mille Lacs JR, 4/6 Beltrami DJ.
1991Summer Late migrant 6/17 Cook MS.
1991Fall Reported 10/26 Beltrami DJ, 10/29 and 28 Cook AB, PB, 11/14 Cook KMH; 11/9,11 Hennepin KB, SC.
1992Spring Early south 3/8 Lyon HK, 3/22 Dakota RB and Houston DN; early north 3/27 Becker BBe and Kanabec CM, 4/10 Beltrami KH.
1992Fall Late north 11/6 Becker DJ, 11/8 Kanabec CM, 11/24 St. Louis KE; late south 11/25 Ramsey KB, 11/27 Carver PB, 11/29 Hennepin DM.
1992Winter Reported 12/19 Hennepin SC and found dead 12/27. Also reported 12/12 Benton RG, RJ.
1993Spring Early south 3/27 Chippewa HK, Lincoln KB and Scott DB. Early north 3/27 Wilkin PS, 4/9 Duluth ME and Mahnomen BK.
1993Summer First summer report since 1989; late migrant 6/1–2 Lake RG.
1993Fall Late north 11/7 Cook KE, 11/21 Crow Wing KB, 11/30 Beltrami DJ. Late south 10/10 Chippewa AB, 10/28 Rice TB, 10/29 Hennepin KB, SC.
1993Winter Reported 12/4 Beltrami DJo, 12/7–8 Hennepin AB, BBo, and 1/7 Benton KB, JF.
1994Spring Early south 3/12 Martin AB and Wabasha DWM, 3/13 Winona AM; early north 4/1 Grant AB, 4/4 St. Louis AE, 4/11 Beltrami DJ.
1994Summer Late migrant(?) male on 6/18 at Thief River Falls sewage ponds, Pennington Co. DJo; female in Duluth on 7/23–24, St. Louis Co. KE, MH.
1994Fall Late north 11/5 Lake MH, 11/11 Marshall KSS, 11/26 Crow Wing AB. Late south 11/13 Renville RJ, 11/18 Hennepin DSM, 11/19 Olmsted JW.
1994Winter Reported 12/5–6 Hennepin AB, RG, 12/8 Winona CS, and 12/19 Dakota DS. The five–six birds at Lake Calhoun, Hennepin Co. were reported as Greaters by some and Lessers by others; reports of Greater Scaup in winter should include details.
1995Spring Early south 3/3 Scott RG, 3/11 Dakota PJ, 3/23 Olmsted CK; early north 4/16 Aitkin CB, 4/17 Marshall SKS, 4/26 St. Louis AE.
1995Fall An early report on 10/16 Pennington SKS; also reported from eight north and four south counties.
1996Spring Reported from 38 counties. Early south 3/12 Wabasha PJ and Dakota RJ. Early north 3/11 St. Louis AE, 4/14 Aitkin WN and Clay CN. Late south 5/14 Isanti DMP.
1996Fall Reported from four north and two south counties. Early north 10/6 Marshall PS, 10/22 Cass KB. No early south or late north reports. Late south (median 12/14) 11/16 Wabasha ABo, 11/19 Chisago RJ, 11/27 Ramsey KB.
1996Winter Subadult male probably overwintered along the Mississippi River in South St. Paul, Ramsey and Dakota counties where observed through 12/19, and then seen again 1/31 KB. The only previous overwintering report was in 1987–88 (The Loon 60:112, but see also 63:173).
1997Spring Reported from 29 counties. Early south 3/1 (overwintered?) Scott ABo, RO, 3/18 Kandiyohi RJF. Early north 4/16 Aitkin CB, 4/17 Beltrami DJo.
1997Fall Reported from five north and three south counties. Late south 11/30 Hennepin SC.
1997Winter Two carefully identified birds were watched 12/4–14 Hennepin KB, PBu, SC.
1998Spring Reported from 28 counties. Early south 3/11 Scott PBu, 4/2 Wilkin KB.
1998Fall Reported from only four north and five south counties. Only representative late north date: 11/23 Beltrami DJo. See winter report for additional migrants.
1998Winter All reports: Late north 12/7 St. Louis (Duluth) KB, 12/16 Crow Wing (20, Mille Lacs Lake) KB. Late south 12/12 Houston RJ, FL, 12/19 Dakota (Bloomington CBC), 12/20 Hennepin (Lake Calhoun) SC, 12/21 Wabasha (Lake Pepin) KB. Unusual reports 1/30–2/28 Dakota (Lake Rebecca) DBS, mob, and 2/13 Goodhue (Red Wing) BL.
1999Spring More reports than usual. See winter report for February reports in Dakota and Goodhue counties, where the first spring migrants apparently arrived 3/13 KB, FSK, and 3/15 KB, respectively. Only north report before April was 3/31 Beltrami DJo; the recent median arrival date north is 3/20. Peak migration 4/14 St. Louis (3,000 off Park Point in Duluth) KB, record high count. Late south 5/15 Carver AH, PH, PS, 5/22 (second latest south date) McLeod TT. Late north 5/29 Cook DN, 5/30 Clearwater ABo; also see summer report.
1999Summer First summer report in five years; late migrants 6/2 St. Louis (2) KB.
1999Fall Two birds were found on Lake Superior well before the median early north date (10/16). Early north 9/18 St. Louis SWe, 9/20 Cook DBM, 10/19 Roseau PS, 11/13 St. Louis JSt. Early south 10/17 Chippewa ABo, 10/25 Meeker DF, then no reports until mid-November, which is when the species is more expected (median south arrivals 11/14). No details were provided for any of these early arrivals. See winter report for late migrants.
1999Winter All reports: Late north 12/7 St. Louis (Duluth) KB. Late south 12/1 Meeker DF, 12/2 Lyon RgS and Wright (15) KB, 12/4 Scott JSt, 12/10 Rice TBo, and 1/1 Goodhue KB. Early south 2/26 Dakota (2) DBS, SWe, Wabasha and Winona JSt; 2/28 Lyon (16) and Yellow Medicine (7) RgS; and 2/29 Lac qui Parle RgS.
2000Spring Reported from 20 south and 10 north counties statewide. See winter seasonal report for early south migrants. Early north 4/1 Clearwater DJo, 4/9 Polk (265) EF. Late south 5/2 Dakota SWe, 5/14 Freeborn JSt. Late north 5/25 St. Louis DN, 5/28 Clearwater ABo.
2000Fall Reported from four north and four south counties. Early north 10/13 St. Louis CRM, 10/14 Cook PHS. High count 10/27 St. Louis (175) PEJ. Late north 11/22 Aitkin (only north report away from L. Superior) CLB. All south reports: 10/21 Lincoln KRE et al. and Meeker DMF, 11/24 Houston DFN, 11/26 Hennepin CRM.
2000Winter Male overwintered in Scott (Blue Lake treatment plant) †AXH, mob. A female seen 2/6 Dakota (South St. Paul) KJB was more likely a wintering bird than an early spring migrant. Late north 12/4 Lake (Knife River) KRE. Late south 12/2 Hennepin PEB, 12/2–24 Washington (Point Douglas) BRL, and 1/3 Washington (Afton) KJB.
2001Spring Reported from 20 south and 18 north counties statewide. See winter report for overwintering south, but migrants found 3/9 Dakota KJB, PEJ, 3/13–14 Hennepin OLJ. Early north 4/4 Lake JWL, 4/9 Kanabec CAM. Numbers up in Northwest (The Loon 73:251–252) including peak count 4/27–28 Roseau (1800+ near Roseau R.) KJB. Only May report south: 5/19 Waseca JPS. Seen in five north counties during late May but none after 5/28–29 St. Louis DMF, CRM.
2001Fall Reported from five north and five south counties. Early north 9/15–18 (record early) St. Louis SWe, TPW, 10/12 Cook JWL. Early south 10/26 Meeker DMF. High count 11/25 Houston (180) PEJ. See winter report for lingering migrants north and south.
2001Winter All reports: Late north 12/15 †Fergus Falls CBC (1), 12/4–12/30 St. Louis (Duluth) †PHS, KJB et al (record late north). Also seen on the Bemidji CBC (count week). Late south 12/5 Winona JEB, 12/9 Meeker DMF, 12/22 Houston (100) KJB, and 12/26 Goodhue/Wabasha (6) KJB.
2002Spring Observed in 16 south and 14 north counties in all regions. Early south 3/16 Washington KJB, 3/17 Freeborn AEB and Washington TAT. Early north (median 4/1) 4/13 Pennington JMJ and Polk EEF. Late south 5/10 Meeker DMF, 5/11 Murray AXH, PHS. Late north 5/23 St. Louis DFN, 5/26 Roseau (2) AXH, PHS. Record high count 4/17 St. Louis (5400 at Park Point, Duluth) PHS.
2002Fall Reported from only five north and four south counties. Early north 10/3 St. Louis JWL. Early south 10/5 Ramsey JJS. See winter report for lingering migrants north and overwintering south.
2002Winter Late north 12/30 St. Louis (Duluth) PHS. Adult female overwintered at Blue Lake wastewater treatment plant, Scott Co. m.ob. Early south 2/21–26 Winona (2 males) JBD. All reports.
2003Spring Observed in 16 south and 7 north counties. See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north (median 4/1) 3/24 Todd BWF, then none until 4/11 Polk EEF. Only May report south: 5/6 Dakota JPM. Late north 5/22 St. Louis KJB, but see summer report. Highest reported count 4/30 St. Louis (1250 at Duluth) PHS, but also note 600 Greaters, 1000 Lessers, and 3200 scaup spp. 4/24 Mille Lacs L. KJB.
2003Summer Unusual late migrants reported 6/3 St. Louis (~10) KJB, 6/8 St. Louis (3) fide DRB.
2003Fall Seen in seven north and four south counties. Early north 9/27 Marshall PHS. Late north 11/16 Lake m.obs., but also see winter report. All south reports: 11/11 Houston DFN, 11/12 Big Stone BJU, 11/24 Ramsey KJB, Hennepin (no date) PEJ.
2003Winter All reports: Late north 12/4, 12/7, 12/23 St. Louis (Duluth) KJB, PHS. Late south 12/11 Wabasha (Lake Pepin) KJB, 12/20 Excelsior CBC.
2004Spring Seen in 22 south and 12 north counties. Early south 3/9 Olmsted JJS, 3/10 Dakota (H.P.B.C.) KJB and Lac qui Parle BJU. Early north 3/29 Lake JWL, 4/4 Cook SWe. Late south 5/2 Lac qui Parle BJU, 5/9 Big Stone PHS. Late north 5/26 St. Louis KRE, 5/28 Kittson AXH, PHS.
2004Fall Found in seven north and two south counties. Early north 9/22 St. Louis JWL. Late north 11/7 Marshall PHS, but also see winter report. All south reports: 11/7–20 Meeker DMF, 11/21–29 Houston m.ob.
2004Winter All reports: Late north 12/17–18 St. Louis (10 at Duluth) PHS. Late south 12/3 Sherburne PLJ, 12/11 Houston (3000 at Pool 8, U.M.R.N.W.F.R.) PEJ. Overwintered Scott (Blue L., Shakopee) PEJ.
2005Spring Reported from 21 south and 12 north counties. Early south 3/6 Jackson DFN, 3/15 Mower RCK (median 3/9). Early north 3/25 Crow Wing RBJ, 3/30 Cass PJR (median 3/31). Late south 5/13 Steele KV, 5/15 Brown BTS. Late north 5/23 Traverse LS, 5/29 Pennington KRE, m.obs. High count 5/10 St. Louis (1,000 at Park Point, Duluth) PHS.
2005Fall Observed in ten north and six south counties. Record-early north (but note female at Duluth 23–24 July 1991) 8/23 St. Louis †JPM, 9/23 Clay BWF. Late north 11/19 Todd (55) BWF, 11/26 St. Louis (10) PHS, but also see winter report. All south reports: 10/14 Lac qui Parle BJU, 10/18 Sherburne PLJ, 10/23–11/3 Dakota (max. 8) JPM, 11/5 Meeker DMF, 11/12 Stearns HHD, 11/19 Brown BTS
2005Winter Three males and two females (carefully studied) 12/17 St. Louis (Duluth CBC) ph. †PHS, AXH subsequently overwintered north through at least 2/28. Reported from eight south counties. Exceptional report of ~50 individuals carefully identified with direct comparison to 10 Lesser Scaup 1/7 Wabasha (Lake Pepin, Camp Lacupolis overlook) †BAF. Overwintered south in Scott (one at Blue Lake W.T.P.) PEJ. Early migrants 2/26 Wabasha (25) BAF.
2006Spring Reported from 27 south and 14 north counties. Early north (away from Duluth where five overwintered) 3/31 Kanabec CAM, 4/3 Clay PBB. Late south 5/13 Steele DAB, KRV, NFT, 5/27 Nobles BTS (median 5/14). Late north 5/13 Marshall JMJ, 5/20 Becker LEC.
2006Fall Reported from six north and nine south counties. Early north 10/7 St. Louis JLO, 10/15 Pennington JMJ. Early south 10/13 Sherburne PLJ, 10/15 Meeker JLO. Late north 11/5 St. Louis (55 at Park Point) DWK, 11/6 Cook DWK, but also see winter report.
2006Winter27 All north reports: 12/9 St. Louis (two males and one female, Duluth) JWL, 1/1 St. Louis (probably two of the three seen 12/9) PHS. All January–February reports: 1/1 Wabasha (2, Lake Pepin) JWH, 1/3 Washington (Pt. Douglas Park) LS, 1/16 Benton (female, Sartell) HHD, 1/25–2/17 Hennepin (female, Bass Ponds, MVNWR) DWK.
2007Spring1829 Early south 3/9 Dakota PEJ, Olmsted JWH and Rice DAB, 3/10 Dakota DFN and Goodhue BRL (median 3/8). Early north 3/26 Traverse BJU, 3/28 Beltrami fide JMJ (median 3/31). Late south 5/17 Pope JJS, 5/19 Steele NFT (median 5/14). Late north 5/17 Cook PEJ, 5/27 St. Louis FKB (median 5/29).
2007Summer1 Seen 6/1 St. Louis (3, Duluth harbor off Park Point) PHS.
2007Fall610 Early north (median 10/5) 8/25 St. Louis (Duluth) KJB, 9/15 Cass ALB. Early south (median 10/21) 8/24 Brown (Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) †BTS, 10/16 Meeker DMF. High count 10/17 St. Louis (263 in Duluth harbor) PHS. Late north 11/11 Pennington JWH, 11/29 Cass RBW, but also see winter report.
2007Winter15 Only north report 12/2 Lake (female at Agate Bay, Two Harbors) JWL. Overwintered south in Scott (3 at Blue Lake W.T.P. and Mill Pond) PEJ. A lingering first-year male was last reported 1/21 Washington/Dakota (across from Prescott, WI) BAF, ADS, DWK. Also, 3 males and 1 female reported 2/11–2/24 Wabasha (Read's Landing) JWH, BAF, BRL, DWK. Also reported on the Excelsior CBC (Hennepin).
2008Spring1741 Early south away from overwintering areas (median 3/9) 3/2 Dakota PEJ, 3/13 Hennepin PEJ, Rice DAB. Early north (median 3/31) 3/22 St. Louis PHS, 3/30 Traverse SPM. Late south 5/9 Rice DAB, 5/11 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 5/15). Late north 5/28 Hubbard JJS, 5/30 St. Louis FKB, PHS (median 5/29). High count 4/29 St. Louis (3,416 in Duluth harbor, with 202 Lessers and 3,917 unidentified scaup) PHS is second highest count for this species in Minnesota (5,400 were counted in the Duluth harbor 4/17/2002 by PHS).
2008Summer2 Reported 6/1 St. Louis SLF, 7/1 Itasca MCBS, ph. KJB, EMG.
2008Fall58 Early north (median 10/5) 8/20 St. Louis (40th Ave West †PHS, 9/28 Lake (Beaver Bay W.T.P.) JWL. Early south (median 10/21) 10/17 Meeker RMD, 10/23 Sherburne PLJ. High count 11/12 St. Louis (52) PHS. Late north 11/2 Cook HHD, 11/30 St. Louis PHS (median 12/4). Please see winter report for late south migrants and overwintering birds.
2008Winter3 Female present 12/13 through 1/11 Dakota/Washington (Prescott area) m.ob. Only other report 2/11 Lac qui Parle (female) BJU.
2009Spring2541 Early south (median 3/8) 3/1 Dakota PEB, 3/4 Hennepin PEJ. Early north (median 3/31) 4/1 St. Louis PHS, 4/3 Marshall JMJ. The highest scaup counts were from Duluth Harbor in St. Louis during the last half of April. On 4/18 PHS counted 1,123 Greaters, 744 Lessers, and an additional 431 scaup sp. On 4/24 he counted 3,245 Greaters, 1,854 Lessers, and an additional 3,420 scaup sp. — 8,519 in all. Another observer (KJB) spent several hours with this same flock and counted 9,200 in total, of which 40% were estimated to be Greater (3,680) and 60% Lesser (5,520).
2009Summer3 Late spring migrants 6/1 Cass BAW, 6/4–6 Cook RBJ, JCG, MHe, 6/6–12 (3), 6/14 (1) St. Louis (Park Point, Duluth) ph. PHS.
2009Fall117 Early north (median 9/30) 10/6 Becker CRM, 10/9 Cook PCC, PHS, 10/17 St. Louis HHD. Early south 10/11 Stearns PCC, 10/16 Meeker DMF. High count 10/20 St. Louis (116, Duluth harbor) PHS. Late north 11/20 Pine DMF, 11/24 Mille Lacs DBM, 11/29 Cass BAW (median 12/3), but also see winter report.
2009Winter39 North reports 12/1 Cass (Walker W.T.P.) BAW, 12/5-10 St. Louis (max. 2, Virginia). SLF, 1–2 birds at Duluth until at least 2/4 m.ob., and 2/1–4 Lake (male, Two Harbors) JWL. South reports (max. 4) were primarily along the Mississippi River south of St. Paul. Additional reports from Blue Earth, Dakota, Meeker and Olmsted in December, and 1/1 Dakota/Washington. Over-wintered in Benton (2 females; HHD, DBM, MJB), Goodhue (1 to 4 reported in February; BAF, DFN, PEJ). Also of interest was 1/24 Scott (3) PEJ.
2010Spring2034 Early south (median 3/8) 3/4 Stearns RBW, 3/6 Dakota PEJ, CMB, 3/7 Hennepin PEJ. Early north (median 3/31) 3/24 Douglas DPG, 3/26 St. Louis PHS, 3/27 Cass BAW, ABi. High count 4/17 St. Louis (1,685, Park Point, Duluth) PHS. Late south 5/14 Freeborn RTP, 5/15 Rice DAB (median 5/14). Late north 5/26 St. Louis PHS, 5/28 Lake DFN (median 5/29).
2010Summer1 Observed 7/8 St. Louis (Minnesota side of Interstate Island W.M.A.) †PHS.
2010Fall810 Early north (median 9/30) 8/4 (record early) St. Louis (Hearding Island, Duluth) KJB (same bird as 7/8 PHS?), 8/16 St. Louis (2) KJB, then no other north reports until 10/8 Pennington HHD, 10/12 Lake SCZ. Early south (median 10/17) 8/24 (ties record early south) Brown BTS, 10/3 Pope HHD, 10/15 Lyon RMD. High counts 10/29 St. Louis (61, Park Point, Duluth) PHS, 11/17 Carver (54) JCy. Late north 11/9 Lake BJU, 11/10 Cook BJU, 11/19 St. Louis KJB (median 12/3. Please see winter report for late south migrants.
2010Winter4 All reports: 12/1 Hennepin (female) †SLC, 12/6, 12/12 Washington (Pt. Douglas) JPM, PEJ, 12/19 Hennepin (female, Bass Ponds) †PEJ, 12/26 Goodhue (2 females) †SWe, 1/1 Scott (female, Blue Lake W.T.P.) PEB.
2011Spring2538 Early south (median 3/8) 3/3 Wright JLO, 3/8 Dakota PEJ, 3/11 Lac qui Parle BJU. Early north (median 3/31) 4/4 Morrison MJB, 4/8 Traverse, Wilkin m.ob. High count 4/25 St. Louis (2,617, Park Point, Duluth, with 750 unidentified scaup) PHS. Late south 5/16 Stearns FGo, 5/18 Big Stone RTP (median 5/14). Late north 5/28 Douglas HHD, RAE, 5/29 Otter Tail LS (median 5/29).
2011Summer1Unusual summer record 6/25 Carlton RAE.
2011Fall1213 Early north (median 9/30) 8/28 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge / Lester River Census) KJB, 9/16 Cass DAY. Early south (median 10/17) 10/21 Sherburne PLJ, 10/24 Isanti RAE, RAE. High count 10/19 St. Louis (23, Hawk Ridge / Lester River Census) KJB. Late north 11/27 Aitkin DBM, 11/29 St. Louis JLK (median 12/3), but also see winter report.
2011Winter312All north: 12/1 Aitkin RAE, 12/3 Aitkin ASc, 12/17 Douglas (2, Alexandria CBC), 1/28 Morrison (Little Falls) BWF, RMD, FGo, DBz. Overwintered Wabasha (east end Lake Pepin) m.ob. including 1/15 (22) and 2/5 (21) PEJ. Other midwinter reports 1/6 Martin (2) PEJ, Le Sueur DAB. High counts 12/4 Houston (470, Pool 8 from Reno dike) KJB, 12/26 Wabasha (70, Reads Landing) PEJ. Possible early migrants 2/11, 2/25 Scott CRM, 2/23 Lac qui Parle ph. BJU.
2012Spring2338 Early south (median 3/8) 3/1 Houston DSt, Rice DAT, 3/6 Goodhue PEJ, GJM, Wabasha, Winona PEJ, 3/7 Dakota PEJ, Lac qui Parle BJU, but also see winter report. Early north (median 3/31) 3/18 St. Louis SSp, 3/24 Douglas MJB, DPG, 3/25 Todd JeM. High counts 4/15 St. Louis (1,625, Duluth Harbor) PHS, 4/3 St. Louis (1,501, Duluth Harbor; also 1,341 unidentified scaup and 550 Aythya sp.) PHS. Late south 5/12 Rice DAB, DAT, GHo, 5/27 Pipestone KRE, LS (median 5/14). Late north 5/28 St. Louis SBM, 5/31 Beltrami, Koochiching RAE (median 5/29), but also see summer report.
2012Summer3 Reported 6/2 Roseau RAE, 6/4 St. Louis ANy, 6/22 Hubbard CRM, GLa, LS.
2012Fall815 Early north (median 9/30) 9/29 St. Louis RPR, 10/14 Cass DAY, 10/16 St. Louis PHS, JLK, EBr, 10/17 Cook SC. Early south (median 10/17) 10/20 Houston DBz, 10/22 Sherburne PLJ, 10/25 Lac qui Parle BJU. No notable high counts. Late north 11/9 Beltrami DPJ, Traverse BJU, 11/12 Beltrami DPJ, 11/13 St. Louis JLK (median 12/3). Please see winter report for late migrants.
2012Winter17 All north: 12/25 St. Louis (4, Superior Entry) KJB, 1/5 St. Louis (female, Superior Entry) KRE, m.ob. Several December reports south from Hennepin, Goodhue, Houston, Wabasha, Winona, with high count 12/23 Wabasha (19) PEJ. One January report: 1/7 Goodhue (6, Lake City) PEJ, may have been late migrants. No further reports until late February (probable early migrants) 2/22 Goodhue and Winona m.ob. CBC high count 12/30 Red Wing (27).
2013Spring2944 Early south (median 3/8) 3/7 Wabasha PEJ, 3/8 Scott PEJ, 3/9 Scott DFN, Winona StD. Early north (median 3/31) 3/31 St. Louis KJB, 4/16 Mille Lacs ToL, 4/19 Itasca SC. Open water in the Duluth Harbor combined with extensive ice cover on surrounding inland waters in late April led to record high counts of many waterbirds at Park Point, including 4/28 St. Louis (11,154 in a massive three-mile long raft along Park Point) KJB, with 7,613 counted there 4/29 PHS. Late south 5/16 Martin DAC, RBJ, 5/24 Freeborn DBz (median 5/14). Late north 5/26 Hubbard ANy, JWH, 5/30 Lake RAE, CRM (median 5/29).
2013Summer3 Late migrants 6/1 Grant DPG, 6/7 Wilkin (Breckenridge W.T.P.) ANy, JWH, 6/16 Carlton (pair, Sand Lake, Blackhook Twp.) JFR. None had details.
2013Fall128 Early north (median 9/30) 9/21 St. Louis TRK, 10/3 St. Louis (29, Park Point) JLK, 10/4 Cass BAW. Early south (median 10/17) 10/17 Faribault DBM, 10/18 Meeker RMa, Sherburne PLJ, 10/27 Big Stone DLP. High count 10/4 St. Louis (38, Park Point) JLK. Late north 11/7 Cass RBJ, Roseau DBM, 11/8 Lake of the Woods DBM, 11/29 St. Louis (10, Park Point) EPe (median 12/3). Please see winter report for late south migrants and overwintering individuals.
2013Winter15 One north report 12/2 Cass (2) BAW. Several overwintered Dakota and Washington (Prescott WI area) m.ob., with 4 on 1/19, 2/8, 2/12 PEJ. Other midwinter reports include 1/11, 1/19 Goodhue, 2/12 Wabasha PEJ, 2/19 Wabasha (2) DBM.
2014Spring2644Early south (median 3/8) 3/7 Wabasha PEJ, 3/10 Chippewa BJU, 3/13 Dakota PEJ. Early north (median 3/31) 4/4–5 Crow Wing ph. †JPR, ABi, 4/7 Morrison JeM, DTM. High counts 5/6 St. Louis (9,728, Duluth) KJB, 5/7 St. Louis (4,150, Brighton Beach; an additonal several thousand scaup and hundreds of Aythya sp. were too far away to identify) MLH, 5/8 St. Louis (2,600, Duluth; total of about 35,000 moved through Duluth this spring 4–13 May) KJB. Late south 5/18 Chisago MJB, 5/19 Pipestone TKa, 5/25 Lac qui Parle KeL (median 5/14). Late north 5/24 Cass ABi, 5/25 Roseau LS, RZi, 5/28 Cook ClN (median 5/29).
2014Summer2Unusual mid-summer reports 6/20 Pine (Pine City W.T.P., swimming with flock of Lesser Scaup) HHD, RZi, BAb, RAE, GLa, JMs, CRM, DFe, 6/29, 7/9, 7/26 St. Louis (Duluth, near Indian Point) ph. JLK.
2014Fall512 Continuing, oversummering individual seen 8/7 St. Louis JLK. Early north migrants (median 9/30) 10/10 St. Louis (small flocks of 6 to 10 at Park Point) KMo, ClN, JLK. Early south (median 10/17) 10/10 Houston RSA, 10/21 Meeker PRH, 10/23 Stevens JFl. High counts 10/17 St. Louis (35, Park Point) ClN, 10/14 St. Louis (28, Park Point) JLK. Late north 11/16 Lake DWK, 11/21 St. Louis (Superior Entry) NAn, 11/29 St. Louis (4, Duluth) JuW (median 12/3). Please see winter report for late south migrants and overwintering birds.
2014Winter22 North reports: 12/13, 12/22 St. Louis (2, Park Point) JLK, and 12/29, 1/10 St. Louis (female, Canal Park) MLI, ph. JLK, 2/2 Cook (male, Paradise Beach) †CLW, LSz. All south: 1/10–19 Dakota and Washington (female, Prescott WI area) ph. BAF, m.ob.
2015Spring2640 Early south (median 3/8) 3/2–11 Hennepin (female, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) ph. RCo, m.ob., 3/10 Brown (2, Clear Lake) BTS, MiO, 3/11 Dakota PEJ. Early north (median 3/31) 3/15 Clay (Moorhead W.T.P.) BPa, 4/1 Douglas (4) BEc, 4/3 Clay (8) PBB. High counts 4/16 Crow Wing (85, Mille Lacs Lake) ABi, 4/19 St. Louis (76, Park Point) JLK. Late south 5/9 Hennepin LS, (2, Lake Lillian) JWd, Lyon (3, Lone Tree Lake) GWe, 5/11 Anoka (Coon Rapids Dam) RRu (median 5/14). Late north 5/26 St. Louis BMu, 5/29 Lake (Castle Danger W.T.P.) ph. JWL, St. Louis SC, ALo, 5/31 Kittson (2) JPr (median 5/29).
2015Summer3 All reports: 6/2 Douglas (pair in flooded farm field with mixed flock) RAE, 6/10 Carlton HHD, RAE, 6/11 St. Louis (male, 37th St., Park Point) CLW.
2015Fall78 Early north (median 9/27) 8/27 Koochiching CRM, 9/2 St. Louis ALx, 9/7 Itasca CRM. All south 10/11 Big Stone DLP, 10/17 Anoka IBa, 10/23 Goodhue CRM, KMS, SSc (median 10/17). High count 9/24 St. Louis (45, Park Point) BAF. Late north 11/10–23 St. Louis (Park Point) BDo, JLK, (median 12/4). Please see winter report for late south migrants and overwintering birds.
2015Winter312 December north reports from Beltrami, St. Louis. All north reports after December: 1/2 Alexandria CBC, 1/4 St. Louis (2, Duluth, Port Terminal) JLK, 1/10 St. Louis (female, Canal Park) KMi, ACa, CoG. Midwinter reports south from Dakota and Washington (1–2, Point Douglas area) m.ob., Goodhue (Colville Park) m.ob. with peak 1/23 (7) PEJ, Scott (Shakopee, 1/13 MwS, 1/19 KvM), Wabasha m.ob. with high count 1/16 (13) PEJ. Presumed early migrants starting very late February from Goodhue (Lake Byllesby and Sturgeon Lake), Rice, Winona. CBC high count 1/2 Wabasha (22).
2016Spring2342 See winter report for early south migrants. Early north (median 3/31) 3/8 Crow Wing PSP, Douglas BEc, 3/12 Traverse AaL. High count 4/16 St. Louis (500, Park Point) BeA. Late south 5/13–15 Lyon GWe, DaB, 5/27 Benton HHD (median 5/17). Late north 5/25–27 St. Louis (all reports from Park Point) BMu, m.ob., 5/28 Douglas DPG (median 6/1).
2016Summer2 Observed 6/10 Lake JSP, 7/10 Roseau (male, Greenbush W.T.P.) RAE.
2016Fall714 Early north (median 9/27) 9/7–10/9 St. Louis SNe, m.ob., 9/26 Lake JWL. Early south (median 10/17) 10/22 Stearns AUm, 10/24 Hennepin BHe, 10/25 Meeker HHD. High counts 11/6 Lincoln (25, Lake Benton) KnM, 11/7 Otter Tail (20, Glendalough S.P.) KnM. Late north 11/7 Otter Tail KnM, 11/12 Lake (Beaver Bay W.T.P.) BMu, m.ob., 11/22 Itasca SC (median 12/7). Please see winter report for late south migrants and overwintering birds.
2016Winter417 North reports include 12/11–1/9 St. Louis (Duluth) m.ob., and 2/22–27 (2–3, Duluth) JLK. Other north 12/21 Lake (2, Two Harbors) LiH, SBE, 2/16 Cass DAY, 2/23 Otter Tail (Orwell W.P.A.) WPl. South December reports from six counties, with peak 12/10 Winona (40, Pool 5) PEJ. One midwinter south report 1/23 Hennepin (Champlin) PRH. Presumed early spring migrants starting 2/19 Lyon (8) GWe to end of month from 14 south counties, with peak 2/27 Winona (25) PEJ.
2017Spring2542 See winter report for early south migrants. Early north (median 3/31) 3/2–10 St. Louis (max.3, Duluth) JPR, 3/20 Mille Lacs KMa, 3/22–23 Beltrami AxB. High count 4/18 St. Louis (1,608, Duluth Harbor) PHS. Late south 5/15 Stearns (7) LKo, Stevens PEB, HCT, DWK, SBM, 5/18 Brown STa, 5/19 Sherburne (2) LKo (median 5/16). Late north 5/26–30 St. Louis (2) JLK, TPM, JPR, 5/26 Roseau CAs, 5/27 Otter Tail LS, 5/31 Cook (4) JyK (median 6/2).
2017Summer2 Observed 6/4 Norman RAE, 6/8 St. Louis (adult male, Voyageurs N.P.) †RCr, †DnR.
2017Fall817 Early south (median 10/17) 10/7 Big Stone DLP, 10/15 Hennepin GAn, 10/17 Sherburne PLJ, Stearns PCC, 10/18 Kandiyohi (2) RAE. High counts 11/21 Beltrami (30, Diamond Point Park) AxB, 10/7 St. Louis (24, Park Point) ASe. Late north 11/21 Beltrami AxB, 11/25 St. Louis BeA, 11/26 Cass HCT (median 12/9). Please see winter report for late migrants and overwintering birds.
2017Winter28 Two north reports: 12/2 Cass (Leech Lake) DAY, 1/20–24 St. Louis (Virginia, Silver Lake) BeA. December reports from five south counties, all of 1–3 birds except 12/3 (52) and 12/23 (22) Wabasha PEJ. Overwintered Goodhue (through 1/20; up to 9, Red Wing to Frontenac S.P.) m.ob., Scott (through 1/21, Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob., Wabasha (up to 7, Lake City, Reads Landing) m.ob.
2018Spring2646 See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north (median 3/30) 3/25 Crow Wing LnH, JhH, PSP, 4/1 St. Louis BEA, 4/5 Otter Tail (2) JTa. High counts 4/23 Lake (100, Gooseberry Falls S.P.) DEd, 5/7 St. Louis (100, Leif Erikson Park) JDx, ClN. Late south 5/15 Stearns (3) ebd, 5/17 Sibley HCT, m.ob., 5/17–21 Rice (Dennison W.T.P.) GHo (median 5/18). Late north 5/26 Beltrami RAE, 5/28 St. Louis (3) JLK, 5/30 Douglas (5) ASu (median 6/2).
2018Summer1 Seen 6/2–8 St. Louis (Park Point, Duluth) ebd, JLK, DnS, MWS, BAF.
2018Fall1415 Early south (median 10/17) 9/27 Sherburne (Sherburne N.W.R.) CRM, JMs, DFe, 10/11 Ramsey (Vadnais Lake) LiH, 10/12 Carver (2, Lake Waconia) FFa. High count 10/5 St. Louis (81, Park Point) KJB. Late north 11/13–15 Beltrami (max. 2) REn, 11/20 Cass HHD, 11/25 St. Louis (2) ebd (median 12/9).
2018Winter27 All north: 12/15–1/20 Cook (2, Grand Marais) m.ob., 12/15–22 St. Louis (female, Duluth, Canal Park) m.ob. Possibly the same individual was seen 2/8 St. Louis (Duluth, mouth of Miller Creek) JLK. December south reports from Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Rice, Wabasha, Washington. Overwintered Goodhue (up to 9, Colville Park) m.ob. Also reported 1/10, 1/16 Wabasha PEJ.
2019Summer2 Observed 6/2, 6/7 St. Louis (2–4, Park Point R.A.) JyM, DnS, MWS, 6/4 Marshall (2, Warren W.T.P.) HHu, 6/11 Marshall (1, Agassiz N.W.R.) CDB, MDB.
 Migrant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.