Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Caracaras, Falcons
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Caracaras, Falcons
Crested Caracara
American Kestrel
[Merlin (Taiga)]
[Merlin (Prairie)]
[Merlin (Black)]
Peregrine Falcon
Prairie Falcon

Gyrfalcon(Falco rusticolus)
1963WinterJan 15, French River, St. Louis Co., a gray-phase bird was seen by Robert Widmeier; perhaps a Note of Interest will appear in a future issue. This is one of the rarest birds ever recorded within the boundaries of the coterminal United States. 
1964Spring4-30 Ely, St. Louis Co, 1 white phase bird, MWM; seen again there 5-2 thru 5-19, sporadically.
1965Spring4-30 Schroeder, Cook Co, MAF (details?).
1966Fall11-5 Tofte dump, Cook Co., 1, DB, RG, EHH; good details, description; photographed by DB.
1966Winter12-7 Warroad, Roseau Co., gray phase female caught in grouse trap, PEB.
1967Winter 2-5 Duluth, St. Louis Co., good details, KE.
1969Spring4-24 St. Louis Co., Paul Stein, fide JCG.
1970Fall1 gray phase female shot in Sherburne Refuge, found injured 11-5, died 11-12.
1970Winter12-23 (gray phase female, specimen in Bell Museum) Millville, Wabasha.
1971Fall2 reports Nobles (1 dark phase), J. Brandenberg. 
1971Winterdark phase birds in Duluth harbor; descriptions of plumag-e indicate perhaps 2 or 3 different birds: 1-18 MMC, 2-9 MMC; 2-26 JCG, RBJ, RG, FN; 3-10 MMC.
1972WinterGray phase bird seen in Duluth Har bor area 2-4 and 2-6 BDC, JCG; 2-6 intermediate phase MMC; 1-28 Aitkin TS; EDK reported injured bird from Martin County sent to Mark Fuller U of M.
1973Winter An individual of the rare white phase was sighted on 12-29 at Marineon- the-St. Croix, Washington Co. (D. Honetschlager).
1974Fall 11-20 Duluth, Hawk Ridge-banded by Dave Evans.
1976Fall 9-19 Duluth MK.
1976Winter (A possible sighting on 12-5 at Orwell W.M.A., Otter Tail Co. by J. Hill.) La,rge falcon, sp. Either a Prairie or Peregrine Falcon was seen on the Marshall Christmas Count on 12-18 (LJF).
1977Spring 1 report: 4-3 Otter Tail (1) GO, latest date for the state.
1977Winter No less than four reports: 12-12 Eden Prairie, Hennepin Co. (VL); 1-23 Sartell, Stearns Co. (NH); 2-6 (found dead with a partly eaten poisoned pigeon in its talons) and 2-8 Duluth (M. Carr).
1978Spring 4-13 Lake (1 white phase) JCG.
1978Summer 11-19 Duluth; one white phase immature banded by Dave Evans.
1978Fall 11-19 Duluth; one white phase immature banded by Dave Evans.
1978Winter Gray-phase individuals reported 124 Duluth (M. Hoffman), and along Hwy. 72 in n. Beltrami Co. a few times between 12-17 and 2-26 (D. Wells, D. Warner).
1979Spring 4-1 Aitkin, one white phase bird reported by Warren Nelson fide TS.
1979Fall One report from Kelsey, St. Louis County fide KE.
1979Winter An immature in Roseau 2-21 (KE), one in Aitkin 12-7 Steve Blanich, and a gray phase immature in Duluth, St. Louis all winter (m.ob.).
1980Spring Two Duluth reports: 3-1 KG, DGW, 3-9 KE, KL; also 3-31 Lake of the Woods JHMN.
1980Fall 10-11 Duluth fide Pat Redig 11-30 St. Louis (Sax-Zim) KE. '
1980Winter Again present in Duluth (mob) and a dark phase individual in Lake 12-24 J. Church, fide (JG).
1981Spring One adult grey phase male reported in Duluth 3-3 KE and 3-7 AS.
1981Fall 9-21 Hawk Ridge, 10-22 Duluth KE, RG, BL, 10-24 Cook DGW, 11-11 Otter Tail SDM, 11-25 Duluth Sam Cooper.
1981Winter One in Wadena 2-21, D. Oehlenschlager; details in the Loon 54:132 and present in Duluth for the fifth year in a row, this time three individuals. Two were banded by Dave Evans on 1-28 with at least one remaining into early March and one was trapped by a falconer in Dec., all fide (KE).
1982Spring Overwintered, last seen 3-21 Duluth M. & D. Evans.
1982Fall Three reported from Hawk Ridge 11/7, I I 1/2, I I /21.
1983Spring 3/16 Marshall ANWR, only report.
1983Winter Once again overwintered in the Duluth Harbor area (mob).
1984Spring Wintered Duluth, last seen 4/8 KE.
1984Fall I I /28 Roseau AJ.
1984WinterThis marks the sixth year in a row that at least one has wintered in the Duluth Harbor. This year an adult was present which had been banded the preceeding winter. Immatures were also present through most of January and from February into March for a possible season total of three individuals, (KE) (mob).
1985Spring Four individuals recorded in Duluth last winter; last report 3/7 Duluth KE.
1986Winter One Duluth report: 11/5 (M. Carr [details?])
1987Fall Reported 10/27 Marshall ANWR.
1990Fall Reported 9/24, 10/19, 11/2, all at Hawk Ridge; also 11/4 Mille Lacs KE, 11/10 Cottonwood, Jackson, Nobles (same bird) RG, RJ.
1990Winter 14 individuals reported Oct. to May during this record invasion year; see The Loon 63: 163-167).
1991Spring Late north 5/1 (latest date on record) Clay PS (The Loon 63:201).
1991Fall Reported 11/7-14 St. Louis Bill Teft, SS, TW, 11/14 Duluth Hawk Ridge banded, 11/13 Norman PS (The Loon 64:68), 11/30 Cook KE.
1991Winter Nine individuals reported, two more than last year's record of seven individuals. An imm. gray morph female overwintered in Duluth beginning 12/22 DE for first time since 1984–85, and a white morph was seen on Duluth CBC. Also reported on Hastings (Dakota Co.) and Lac qui Parle (Chippewa Co) CBC's, plus Olmsted 1/11 RF, Anoka 12/25 KB, Roseau 1/5 KB, SSt, Carleton 2/17 SSt, and Kittson late January KL.
1992Spring Reported 3/27 Martin BBo, 3/1–4/12 Duluth mob, 4/13 Kittson MCBS.
1992Fall Hawk Ridge count: three (10/26, 11/15, 11/21). Also reported 10/3 Roseau PS.
1992Winter Only one report (nine l.y.): 12/26 & 1/3 Aitkin WN et al. There were several additional reports without details. Since this species may be only casual in the state, complete details are necessary for all reports.
1993Spring Reported 3/7 Wilkin SDM.
1993Fall Reported 11/10 Hawk Ridge, 11/28 Cook PS.
1993Winter Three immature gray morphs were reported along the North Shore. One overwintered in Duluth, seen sporadically from 12/11 to end of period; another first seen in Grand Marais, Cook Co. in late Nov. was seen there until 12/5; and yet another spent three weeks at the mouth of the Devil Track River, Cook Co. feeding on meat scraps (The Loon 66:70–71). One gray morph adult seen 1/15 Roseau KB, PS.
1994Spring Overwintered in Duluth until 4/2 KE.
1995Winter An imm. gray morph reported 1/8–21 Duluth, St. Louis Co. DEv, mob, and an adult gray morph showed up in the Duluth harbor on 1/17 and remained through March, mob. Also reported 1/3 Lake fide KE.
1996Spring All reports: overwintered through 3/22 in Duluth, St. Louis Co. TEB, DBS, mob.
1997Spring Only documented report: 3/2 Beltrami (Waskish) DJo.
1997Fall Only reports: 11/21–26 Hennepin ABo, mob.
1997Winter No reports.
1998Spring Only report: 3/22 Kittson (Norway Twp.) PS.
1998Winter No reports.
1999Spring No reports.
1999Fall No reports.
1999Winter No reports.
2000Spring No reports.
2000Fall Two observations: 11/6 Lake (Bayside Park near Silver Bay) CRM et al., 11/16 St. Louis (HRNR) FN. Both were gray-morph adults -— same bird?
2000Winter Seven individuals found. Subadult gray morph overwintered at the Port Terminal in Duluth, St. Louis County beginning 12/23 DLE, mob. Immature gray morph also reported from Duluth on 12/18 †PHS. Additional reports on Grand Marias CBC (count week), 1/12 Roseau (adult gray morph) MO, 1/11–13 St. Louis (adult gray morph at Virginia) BKY, 1/19 Kittson (immature gray morph at Donald-son) †CA, and 2/18 Roseau MAG.
2001Spring Three reported in St. Louis County: adult gray morph videotaped 3/9 at Sax-Zim bog fide FJN, subadult gray morph overwintering into early March at Port Terminal in Duluth, and first-year immature observed 3/14 at West Skyline Hawkwatch in Duluth (FJN).
2001Fall Immature gray morph seen 10/28 St. Louis (H.R.N.R. in Duluth) FJN et al., photographed by BKW.
2001Winter Immature gray morphs (same bird?) reported 12/3 (London Rd. and 16th Ave. East in Duluth) FJN, 1/5 (Superior Entry) †PHS, and 2/4 (Peavey elevator) MH, all in St. Louis County.
2002Spring Only report: 3/31 Marshall (Grand Plain Twp.) †JMJ, †SAS.
2002Fall Dark morph documented 10/27 Cook (Grand Portage) †RPR et al., possibly seen again 10/31 Cook (Grand Marais) JCG.
2002Winter Adult male reported 1/19 St. Louis (Duluth) MDE with additional sightings of presumably the same bird 2/5 and 2/28.
2003Spring Adult male overwintering in St. Louis (Port Terminal in Duluth) reported through 3/1 DSC. Also see undocumented reports.
2003Fall Immature gray morph 11/8 St. Louis (H.R.N.R., Duluth) †DSC. Also see undocumented reports.
2003Winter Adult male gray morph overwintered in Duluth–Superior harbor 12/20–2/29+ DLE, †KRE, †PHS, m.ob. Also reported 12/5 Big Stone (Odessa Twp.) †BJU and 1/19 Dakota (Rosemount) †JPM.
2004Spring Overwintering adult male gray morph last reported mid-March Duluth-Superior harbor fide PHS. Also see undocumented reports.
2004Winter Four accepted records; also see undocumented reports. Single adult gray morphs 1/9 Lake (Two Harbors) †BWF, 2/3–4/10 Dakota (Nininger Twp.) CCB, ph. †JPM, †PEB, m.ob., 2/21 Aitkin (CR 5, north of Palisade) †RJS. An unaged gray morph 2/6 Aitkin (CR 18, junction CR 5) †WCM et al. may have been the same individual as 2/21.
2005Spring Adult gray morph in Dakota (Nininger Twp.) last reported 4/10 (The Loon 77:171). Another adult gray morph 3/21 St. Louis (Virginia) †SLF.
2005Winter Accepted records north: 12/29 St. Louis (adult gray morph at Park Point, Duluth) †PHS; 1/21–28 St. Louis (juvenile female gray morph at Park Point, age and sex confirmed 2/4 when banded by DLE in Superior) †KRE et al., †PHS, †BAW; 1/23–3/2 St. Louis (adult male gray morph at Port Terminal, Duluth, probably same bird as 12/29 and reported by DLE as previously banded and wintering for at least the fourth time) ph. †MLH, ph. †PHS, m.ob. Accepted records south: 12/25–3/25 Dakota (adult gray morph, near Hastings) ph. †JPM, ph. DOB, †PEB, ph. LAK, †ADS, m.ob., 2/6 Lac qui Parle (juvenile gray morph, Walter Twp.) ph. †BJU (The Loon 78:176–177).
2006Spring Adult gray morph overwintering in Dakota last reported 3/25 (Nininger Twp.) †ADS. Adult gray morph overwintering in Twin Ports last reported on Minnesota side 3/2 (Duluth) DLE.
2006Winter11 Adult gray morph 1/3–2/16 St. Louis (Port Terminal, Duluth) DLE, †PHS, m.ob. For the third consecutive year, presumably the same adult gray morph (based on behavior) overwintered in the Hastings area 1/19–3/23 Dakota BSe, ph. †JPM, †LEC, †NFT, ph. DAC, m.ob.
2007Spring1 Adult gray morph overwintering in Dakota last reported 3/23 (Nininger Twp.) m.ob.
2009Fall1 One documented report: 10/9 St. Louis (hatch-year dark-morph female caught and banded just east of Hawk Ridge, Duluth) FJN, ph. ABL.
2010Winter11 An adult gray morph was photographed in Lac qui Parle (Hantho Twp.) on 1/5 ph. BJU. An immature gray morph was found away from roads along nordic ski trails in St. Louis (Manganika Creek, near Virginia) on 1/10 †SLF.
2013Spring1 Gray morph 4/14 Dakota †KRo, ph. JCo at the Great Western Industrial Park near Randolph represents the first spring report since 2007.
2015Fall1 The only report was a first record for Kandiyohi, where a gray-morph individual perched on a power pole southeast of Willmar on 11/2 ph. †JWd.
2015Winter1 First report since 2011: an immature gray-morph female was observed from 1/24–2/28+ in Duluth-Port Terminal area, St. Louis TPW, ph. †PHS, ph. JPR, ph. ARy, ph. KvM, m.ob. A second adult male was described from the same area on 2/14 ph. †PHS.
2016Spring1 Two overwintering individuals in the Duluth-Superior harbor area continued through 3/21 St. Louis KRE (median 3/21).
2016Winter1 For second winter in a row (following a four year hiatus), a single report of this infrequent winter visitor: 2/23 Lake of the Woods (Baudette) ph. LBw.
 Migrant and winter visitant, mostly north. Recorded in six of the last ten years, most recently 2017.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.