Families |
Species: Caracaras, Falcons |
Crested Caracara American Kestrel Merlin |
[Merlin (Taiga)] [Merlin (Prairie)] [Merlin (Black)] |
Gyrfalcon Peregrine Falcon Prairie Falcon |
Merlin(Falco columbarius) | ||||
Year | Season | N | S | |
1937 | Summer | D. Struthers re· ported a nest with young found, June 29, at Canadian Trout Lake. | ||
1962 | Spring | April 9 Duluth, Anne K. Arndt; May 5 Goodhue Co., Avifauna! Club. | ||
1963 | Spring | March 31, Duluth (early), R Huber; April 6, Duluth, R Huber, Bill Litkey; May 16, Ramsey County, A. C. RosenwinkeL | ||
1963 | Summer | St. Louis Co., Duluth, Minnesota Point, presumed nesting since adults present all summer April 1 thru Sept. (seen monthly). Dennis Meyer, Avifauna! Club. Kittson-Roseau Co's., July 4, several pairs seen along Aspen-Jackpine edges, R. L. Huber. | ||
1963 | Fall | latest Nov. 3, Hennepin Co., W. R. Pieper; Nov. 26, Hibbing, St. Louis Co., Harriet Micensky. | ||
1963 | Winter | Dec 28, Hibbing, St. Louis Co., Harriet Micensky. | ||
1964 | Spring | 4-11 Duluth, MAS; 4-11 Wadena Co, RO; 4-18 Warroad, JR. | ||
1964 | Fall | 9-10 Two Harbors, 5, RK; 9-13 Schroeder, Cook Co, 5, MAF; 10-2 Roseau Co, 2, JLR, PEB; 10-17 Duluth, PBH; 10-24 Hennepin Co, FN. | ||
1965 | Spring | earliest 3-11 Twig, JCG and 3-22 Minneapolis, RBJ; both quite early. | ||
1965 | Fall | latest 10-2 Dakota Co RBJ and 10-13 Collegeville, RPR. ' | ||
1966 | Spring | earliest 4-12 Crow Wing Co, MSB; 4-27 Two Harbors, RK; 4-29 Stearns Co, NMH and Cook Co, MOP. | ||
1966 | Summer | 7-6 Becker Co, RG; only report. | ||
1966 | Fall | Latest 10-6 Duluth, JCG, 10-10 Stearns Co., RPR. | ||
1967 | Spring | early 3-15 Nobles Co., HSH; 3-25 Hennepin Co., RBJ; 4-5 Kanabec Co., RHJ; 4-7 Wabasha Co., DGM. | ||
1967 | Fall | latest 9-13 Cook Co., JCG; 9-16 Lyon Co., BL. | ||
1968 | Spring | 3-21 Nobles Co., HSH; 4-9 Traverse Co., JAH; 4-10 Pope Co., JAH; 4-20 Beltrami Co., JAH and Stearns Co., KE; only reports. | ||
1968 | Summer | 7-23 Grand Portage, Cook Co,JCG. | ||
1968 | Fall | Reported in September from Cook MIG; St. Louis MC, WKE, FN/ MAS; Mille Lacs MIV. | ||
1969 | Spring | 5-3 Chippewa Co., FN j MAS; 5-27 Washington Co., WFE. | ||
1969 | Summer | 6-11, DULUTH (MMC); 7-10, Lac La Croix, St. Louis Co. (MMC); and 6-12, BELTRAMI Co. (ME). | ||
1969 | Fall | 8-14 Duluth MC; 8-17, 8-5 through 9-13 by BL, BTV, MC, 10-6 Duluth PBH; 9-20 Lake BL; 10- RBJ, TH, and DB. 14 Hennepin RGL. | ||
1969 | Winter | 12-6 Fillmore AFR; 1-3 Lake DAB, RG, BL. | ||
1970 | Spring | 4-11 Dakota JAH; 4-23 Duluth (2) MMC; 4-28 Mille Lacs (2) Ml; only reports. | ||
1970 | Fall | 8-19 to 10-10 Duluth (20) PH; only other reports 9-26 Crow Wing ]B; 10-3 Lyon PE. | ||
1971 | Spring | only 5 reports: 4-6 Washington, Liz Campbell; 4-9 Ramsey DM; 4-11 Duluth JG, MMC; 4-24 Carver HK; 5-15 Duluth MMC. | ||
1971 | Summer | 8-20 Clearwater RD, only report. | ||
1971 | Fall | 9-5 Douglas KE; 9-?1\ Sherburne BD; 9-18, 9-19, 10-2, 10-4 Duluth (4) MMC, JG, KE; only reports. | ||
1972 | Summer | 7-31 Minn. Point, Duluth JAB. | ||
1972 | Winter | 12-16 Big Stone DP; 1-23 Crow Wing TS. | ||
1973 | Summer | Carlton Co. (6-7 JAB). | ||
1973 | Fall | Fewer reports than last year (only six seen in Duluth). Other sightings 10 31 Mille Lacs (MI); 8-16 (early) Nicollet (GN). Late 11-10 Hennepin (OLJ). | ||
1973 | Winter | 12-2 Washington (JB) and 12-19 Cook (Grand Marais Christmas Count); very few winter records for the state. | ||
1974 | Spring | Only 6 reports: 3-4 Freeborn (1) DG; 4-14 Itasca (1 pr?) MS; 5-11 Crow Wing {1) TS; 5-16 (1), 5-23 (1) St. Louis GJN. | ||
1974 | Summer | Reported from St. Louis (GN) and Cook (MMC). | ||
1974 | Fall | 8-21 Itasca MS; 9-7 Rock KE; 9-8 Hennepin OJ; 10-4 Crow Wing JB; 1028 Stearns MC; 8-31 to 9-22 Duluth for reports by RBJ, CH, JC, and KE. | ||
1974 | Winter | Reported on the St. Paul N.E. Christmas Count (details?), and on 12-12 and 2-15 in Cook Co. (BJ.) American Kestrel: Reported from 22 counties north to Marshall (Warren Christmas Count) and Duluth (1-24 and 1-26, KE, E. Campbell). | ||
1975 | Spring | 14 reports: 3-15 to 5-2 from Winona, Hennepin, Cottonwood, Lyon, Freeborn, Goodhue, Washington, Dakota, Stearns, Yellow Medicine, Mille Lacs Co's. | ||
1975 | Summer | Only one report on 6-23 in Lake Co. (JG). | ||
1975 | Fall | 14 birds reported from St. Louis county from 8-5 to 10-25; also 8-27 Mille Lacs MI; 10-18 Itasca DB; 9-13 Lac qui Parle AFE; 10-2 Yellow Medicine (3) GO; 10-10 Anoka OJ. | ||
1975 | Winter | 2-29 Stearns (NMH); possibly a very early spring migrant. | ||
1976 | Spring | 4 reports 3-25 Stearns NMH (wintering?); 4-4 Lac qui Parle CB; 5-1 Aitkin JB; 5-5 Hennepin OJ; 5-7 Beltrami MS. | ||
1976 | Summer | only reported from Itasca (all summer, MS). | ||
1976 | Fall | Late north 10-8 Cook, 10-28 Roseau, 11-2 Duluth GN; only report south 8-13 LeSueur HC. | ||
1976 | Winter | One was shot on 2-12 near Crookston, Polk Co. (J. Tri and J. Griswold). | ||
1977 | Spring | 7 reports: 3-22 Hennepin HCP; 3-23 Cottonwood ED; 4-9 Dakota, 4-16 Hen nepin ES; 4/9 Chisago RJ; 5-8 Lac qui Parle CB; 5-19 Cook NH. | ||
1977 | Summer | 2 reports: 7-17, Bloomington, Hennepin Co. (G. Carpentier); 7-25, Burntside L., St. Louis Co., 5 (B. and D. Campbell). | ||
1977 | Fall | Reported from Anoka, St. Louis, Lake and Otter Tail Counties. | ||
1977 | Winter | Reported 1-2 Sherburne (SM) and 12-31 to 2-5 St. Cloud, Stearns Co. (NH); this casual winter visitant seems to be almost regular in recent winters. | ||
1978 | Spring | 3-21 Morrison PM; possible nesting pair Cook Co. R. Thompson. | ||
1978 | Summer | Seen in Cook, St. Louis (Ely) and Otter Tail (7-15, GLO). | ||
1978 | Fall | Duluth Hawk Ridge total 32; late north 9-30 Marshall ANWR, 11-11 Carlton KL; late south 10-31 Hennepin OJ, 11-16 Stearns NH. | ||
1978 | Winter | Again appears to be rare but regular in winter: 12-13 to 1-2 Austin, Mower Co. (T. Dorsey); late Jan. in Duluth (2, D. Evans); 2-21 Lac qui Parle (CMB). | ||
1979 | Spring | 7 reports. Early south 3-21 Martin EB, 3-25 Olmste~ RH, 3-31 Olmsted Winter 1979 JSD, 4-7 Hennepin TD, 4-12 Clay LCF, 4-22 Anoka KL, 5-13 Otter Tail GMO. | ||
1979 | Summer | Breeding reported from St. Louis (Burntside Lake); also seen in Lake. | ||
1979 | Fall | Duluth Hawk Ridge total 23. Late north 10-2 Marshall NH; late south 10-20 Hennepin DB, OJ, Pine RJ. | ||
1979 | Winter | Four reports: Roseau 2-21 (KE), one adult St. Louis (DB), Big Stone 12-15 (CMB) and Ramsey 12-31 (OJ) and 1-5 (BJ). | ||
1980 | Spring | 3-9 Stearns Robert Chapel, Jeanine Polk, 3-22 Sherburne JH, 3-30 Otter Tail GMO, 4-2 Grant SM, 4-10 Marshall ANWR, 5-7 Lake NH. | ||
1980 | Summer | Seen in Cook, Marshall (AgassizNWR}. | ||
1980 | Fall | Hawk Ridge 46 (highest recorded); late north 9-26 Cook KMH, Polk KSS, 11-1 St. Louis KE, 11-30 Clay LCF; late south 8-24 KL, 10-1 Stearns NH. | ||
1980 | Winter | Appears now to be regular in winter. Four reports: Clay 12-2 (LCF) from the north and Hennepin 12-20 (ES), Dakota 2-14 (JD) and Mower 12-15 (RJ) in the south. | ||
1981 | Spring | Early south 3-21 Houston FL, 3-28 Anoka KL, 4-2 Lyon HK and Stearns NH; early north 3-26 Aitkin JB, 4-8 Beltrami AS, 4-14 Otter Tail GMO. | ||
1981 | Summer | Breeding data from St. Louis (White Iron Lake); also seen in Itasca, Cook. | ||
1981 | Fall | Hawk Ridge total 30 (1980:46); late north 10-8 Clay LCF, 10-27 Cook KMH, 11-5 St. Louis TL; south 9-23 Murray JMP, 10-3 Goodhue BL, 11-8 Mower RRK. | ||
1981 | Winter | Three northwest and one northeast reports this season: Marshall 2-13 D. Warner; Pennington 2-6 (SKS); Clay 1-27, 2-7 (LCF) and Duluth until 12-10, M. Kohlbry, D. Evans. | ||
1982 | Spring | Early south 3-28 Stearns NH, 3-31 Hennepin RH; early north 3-28 Crow Wing JB, 4-16 Clay LCF, 4-23 Lake KL. | ||
1982 | Summer | Seen in Cook, Lake. | ||
1982 | Fall | Hawk Ridge count: 31 ( 1982: 30). Late north 11/6 Cook BL, 11/23 Duluth KE, II /28 Clay LCF; south 9/13 Anoka KL, 9/28 Watonwan EB/K, 10/3 Goodhue BL, 11/7 Anoka OJ, KL. | ||
1982 | Winter | Seven reports this year. Marshall, Jan. (JM) and Pennington 2/4 (KSS) in the NW, Duluth 2/5, (TL, Terry Wiens) in the NE, Pine, 1/29 (mob), Anoka, (Mpls. North CBC) and Dakota two weeks in mid Dec. at a Mendota Heights feeder (RBA) in the east central. also, a SE report from Wabasha 12/29 (JP/AM). GRYFALCON Two reports; a grey phase individual at Agassiz NWR, Marshall County 12/21 (JM) and in early Jan. (C. Steinhauer). A Duluth report in late January (L. Erickson, D. Evans). | ||
1983 | Spring | South 4/7 Goodhue KL, 4/17 Ramsey RH, 4/10 Dakota AM/JP; early north 3/27 Otter Tail GMO, 4/15 Polk KSS, 4/16 Cook, Lake AB, DB. | ||
1983 | Summer | Seen tn Cook, St. Louis, Itasca (T&BB). | ||
1983 | Fall | Duluth Hawk Ridge count 57, another record high (1982: 31); late north 10/23 Clay LCF, 11/27 Hawk Ridge, 11/26 Polk RG, RJ; late south 10/1 Goodhue BL, 11/5 Benton RJ. | ||
1983 | Winter | South reports from Blue Earth, 12-10 (RBJ) and the Winona CBC. Three northwest reports; Crookston CBC; Pennington 12-29 until 2-8 (KSS) and Kittson, 2-8 (KSS). | ||
1984 | Spring | Early south 3/26 Houston EMF, 4/17 Cottonwood WH, 4/25 Hennepin AB; Early north 3/15 St. Louis D. Evans, 4/11 Cook KMH, 4/16 Marshall ANWR. | ||
1984 | Fall | Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 62, a record high ( 1983: 57); early south I017 Houston FL, I0/14 Chisago RH; late north 11/6 Cook KMH, 11/16 Marshall ANWR, 11/25 St. Louis M. Stock; late south 11/8 Pope KL, IIIII Lyon HK, 11/14 Hennepin SC. | ||
1984 | Winter | Three reports: Wilkin 2-27 (SDM), Duluth from mid-Dec. into March at three locations (mob) and Brown, 2-9 (RBJ). | ||
1985 | Spring | Early south 3/2 Stearns NH, 4/4 Faribault KWBIHLW, 4/22 Hennepin AB ; early north 3/10 St. Louis AB, KE (wintering), 3/15 Marshall ANWR, 4/6 Cook KMH. | ||
1985 | Summer | Probable nesting in Cook. Seen in Lake, Duluth, Marshall (Agassiz NWR). | ||
1985 | Fall | Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 122 (1984: 62), nearly double the previous record. Early south 8/8 Hennepin OJ, 9/13 Houston FL, 9/14 Chippewa HK, late north 10/25 Cook KMH, 11/1 Hawk Ridge, 11/2 Clay RJ; late south 10/5 Goodhue BL, 10/24 Olmsted JEB. | ||
1985 | Winter | Reported on the Duluth and St. Paul northeastern CBCs. An additional Duluth report on 1/22 (mob) and reports from Marshall1217 (ANWR), Wadena, 2/8 (RBJ) and Brown, one found dead in New Ulm in early January, fide (JS). | ||
1986 | Spring | Early south 3/20 Olmsted AMP, 3/23 Jackson KE; early north 3/29 Cook TW, 3/31 Clay LCF; late south 5/2 Dakota JD, 5/19 Rice FKS. | ||
1986 | Summer | Nested in Cook (North Shore), Lake (Bald Eagle Lake); probable nesting in Fredenburg Twp., Duluth. Also seen at Agassiz NWR. [Peregrine Falcon Pair seen defending a cliff at John Latsch State Park, Winona Co.; both birds earlier releases of the Peregrine Falcon restoration program (H. Tordoff).] | ||
1986 | Fall | Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 1/5, secondhighest total (1985: 122); early south 8/13 Wright ES, 9/13 Blue Earth RRK; late north 11/9 Cook KMH, 11/21 OtterTail SDM; late south I0/170lmstedAP, I0/19HennepinGP. | ||
1986 | Winter | Reported from Pennington 2/21 (KSS); Wilkin-one chasing a crow on 12/4 (SDM); Duluth CBC; Kanebec 11/1 (RG) and Ramsey, 12/31 (J. Gislason). | ||
1987 | Spring | Early south 3/15 Pope DR, 3/24 Winona AP, 4/14 Faribault KWB; early north 3/1 Duluth, T. Wiens (wintering bird?) 4/9 Cook KMH, 4/12 Clay LCF and Wilkin GAM. | ||
1987 | Summer | Seen in Cook, St. Louis, Agassiz NWR. | ||
1987 | Fall | Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 141 (1986: 1/5), a record high; early south 8/28 Big Stone EL, 9/6 Dodge AP, 9/7 Fillmore ANO; late north 10/26 Cook RJ, 11/27 Clearwater AB and Lake fide KE. | ||
1987 | Winter | Reported on the Crookston, Duluth, Mankato and Rochester CBC's. Additional Duluth reports on 2/2, 2/12 (JN), 2/23 (KC) and 2/27 (DZ). Also reported in Wilkin 12/17 (KL) and Hennepin 1/21 (BDC). | ||
1988 | Spring | Early south 3/7 Wabasha AP, 3/8 Dodge AP (both record early dates), 3/16 Mower RJ; early north 2/28 (record early date north, overwintered?), Duluth KE, 3/17 Cook KMH, WP, 4/4 Pennington SKS. | ||
1988 | Summer | Probable nesting in Cook; also seen in Lake, St. Louis. | ||
1988 | Fall | Hawk Ridge count: 178, a new high; early south 8/25 Cottonwood ED, 9/6 Dakota JD and Hennepin OJ, late north 11/1 Wilkin SDM, 11/3 Duluth HR; late south 11/11 Hennepin SC, ES, 11/20 Wabasha KE. | ||
1988 | Winter | Reported on the Baudette and Winona CBCs, Duluth 12/27-2/23 m.ob. and in Norman 11/4 RJ. | ||
1989 | Spring | Early south 3/18 Renville RJ, 3/24 Hennepin AB, 3/29 Freeborn RJ, AP; early north 3/25 Cook WP, 3/27 Duluth MH, Marshall SKS. | ||
1989 | Summer | Numbers apparently increasing in northeast; several reports from St. Louis, Lake, Cook. | ||
1989 | Fall | Hawk Ridge count: 208, a new record high; early south 9/1 Steele AP, 9/4 Fillmore NAO; late north 11/15 Duluth HR, 11/26 Wilkin SDM; late south 11/24 Lyon TG, 11/29 Hennepin DB. | ||
1989 | Winter | 11 individuals reported, a new seasonal high! Recorded on the Duluth (2), FargoMoorhead, Crookston, Roseau (2), and Rochester CBC's and from Dakota JD, Otter Tail 2/10 PKL, Cottonwood 1/23 and 2/21 ED, and overwintered in Pennington OW. | ||
1990 | Spring | Only reports: 3/17 Waseca AP, 4/22 Rock PG. | ||
1990 | Summer | Many reports from St. Louis (probable breeding), Lake, Cook, Itasca. | ||
1990 | Fall | Hawk Ridge count: 188; early south 9/6 Hennepin OJ, 9/19 Winona CS, 10/13 Sherburne SWR; late north 11/9 Hawk Ridge, ll/10 Clay MO, 11/16 Pennington KSS. No late south dates. | ||
1990 | Winter | A phenomenal 19 birds (II I. y.) reported from 15 counties throughout the state, eight of which were northwestern counties. Post CBC records included Pennington 2/12 KSS (2); St. Louis 2/1 TW; Norman 1/22 PS and Renville 2/28 RG. February records during mild late winters may represent early migrants? | ||
1991 | Spring | Early south 3/14 Hennepin GP, 3/24 Rice TB, 4/2 Dakota KB ; early north 3/2 Beltrami MO; 3/17 Pennington KSS, 4/5 Cook KMH. | ||
1991 | Summer | Nested in St. Louis; also seen in Clay, Cook, 6/8 Lyon HK. | ||
1991 | Fall | Hawk Ridge count: 339, a new high; late north 11/20 Marshall, Roseau SDM, 11/24 Clay MO, 11/25 Hawk Ridge; late south 11/12 Rice TB, 11/18 Blue Earth BBo, 11/30 Kandiyohi CJ. | ||
1991 | Winter | Twelve reports of probably 13 individuals (19 individuals from 15 counties l.y.), with birds again overwintering in northwest in Polk KSS, plus reports from Roseau 12/28 (CBC) & 1/4 KB, SSt. Additional reports on St. Paul NE and New Ulm CBC's, Kandiyohi 12/1 CJ, St Louis 12/13 fide KE, Ramsey/Dakota 12/21 SC, RH, TT, Hennepin 1/1 PS & 1/4 PB, Ramsey 1/2 KB, and Clay 2/22 MO. | ||
1992 | Spring | Early south 3/28 Sherburne SNWR, 4/12 Washington DS, 4/16 Fillmore GMD; early north 3/17 Pennington KSS, 3/22 St. Louis TW, 4/17 Lake DPV. | ||
1992 | Summer | Observed in Kittson, Koochiching, St. Louis, Lake, Cook. | ||
1992 | Fall | Hawk Ridge count: 236. Late north 10/28 Wilkin SDM, 11/14 St. Louis TW, 11/29 Pennington SSt; late south 10/27 Martin BBo, 11/13 Hennepin OJ, 11/23 Carver PS. | ||
1992 | Winter | Fourteen reports from twelve counties (twelve l.y.). Overwintered in Otter Tail SDM, Pennington KSS, St. Louis mob, and possibly Roseau SDM, NJ, and Hennepin TT, PB. Additional reports 12/8 & 25 Anoka KL, 12/15 Rice TBo, 12/23 Ramsey fide PB, 12/26 Marshall KSS, and the East Grand Forks, Rochester, St. Cloud and Warren CBCs. | ||
1993 | Spring | Early south 3/20 Dakota OJ, 4/4 Swift BBo, 4/17 Ramsey RH. Early north 3/14 Wilkin SDM, 3/27 Otter Tail RJ, 3/30 Cook KMH and St. Louis TEB. | ||
1993 | Summer | Nested in Lake of the Woods JM. Also reported in Beltrami, Koochiching, St. Louis, Lake, Cook; plus 7/18 Clay LCF. | ||
1993 | Fall | Hawk Ridge count: 3/1, up 30%. Late north 10/13 Lake PBu, 11/23 Otter Tail SDM, 11/24 Duluth SDM. | ||
1993 | Winter | Thirteen reports from seven counties (fourteen reports from twelve counties l.y.). Overwintered in Pennington. Also reported from Clay, Becker, Otter Tail, Todd, St. Louis, Hennepin and Dakota. | ||
1994 | Spring | Early south 4/3 Jackson KB, 4/6 Hennepin RH, 4/23 Carver TBr; early north 3/16 St. Louis (overwintered?) ME/SK, 4/4 Becker BBe, 4/9 Aitkin WN. | ||
1994 | Summer | Nested in St. Louis County, probable nesting in Lake; also seen in Koochiching, Cook. | ||
1994 | Fall | Hawk Ridge count: 453, a record high. Late north 11/5 Lake KMH, KE, and Wilkin CF, 11/24 Pennington AB. Late south 10/17 Hennepin TBr, 10/25 Ramsey TT, 11/2 Goodhue OR. | ||
1994 | Winter | Eight reports from seven counties, less than in the past five years. Overwintered in Otter Tail SDM. Also reported on the Duluth (3), Grand Forks, Crosby, and St. Paul CBCs, plus 1/8 Wilkin SDM (Richardson's race), 2/2 St. Louis fide KE, and 2/20 Rice TBo. | ||
1995 | Spring | Early south 3/17 Chisago RG, 3/24 Pipestone EG, 3/29 Hennepin RH; early north 3/13 Carlton LW, 3/15 St. Louis DBe, 3/19 Cook KMH. | ||
1995 | Summer | Nested in St. Louis; also seen in Koochiching, Itasca, Lake, Cook. Early migrant(?) 7/18 Douglas RHl. | ||
1995 | Fall | Reported from 15 north and 11 south counties plus 303 from Hawk Ridge. | ||
1995 | Winter | Eight individuals reported from five north and two south counties. | ||
1996 | Spring | Reported from 25 counties including a male richardsonii 3/17 Grant SDM. | ||
1996 | Summer | Nested in St. Louis; also observed in Koochiching, Cook, Pine. | ||
1996 | Fall | Unusual report 9/25 Wilkin (richardsoni) SDM. Reported in 15 north and 8 south counties. Early south 9/8 Hennepin, 9/13 Ramsey TT, 9/19 Dakota DBS. | ||
1996 | Winter | Nine individuals (eight l.y.) reported from scattered locations and dates: the Excelsior, Grand Forks, Hastings and Mountain Lake-Windom CBCs, 1/1 Hennepin TT, 1/2 St. Louis JN, 2/8 Clay GN, 2/14 Wilkin CF and 2/25 Dakota ABo. | ||
1997 | Spring | Reported from 17 counties. Overwintered in Duluth. Early north 3/1 (overwintered?) Clay RK. Late south 5/12 Houston RJ, 5/24 Hennepin DBM. Noteworthy reports 3/9 Clay SDM and 3/30 Wilkin SDM both of adult male richardsonii. | ||
1997 | Summer | Reported in Becker, Beltrami, St. Louis, Lake, Cook; plus an adult male “Richardson's” Merlin observed on 7/11 in Kittson Co. KB. | ||
1997 | Fall | Reported from 13 north and 6 south counties. Unusual report 9/18 Otter Tail (male richardsonii) SDM. Peak 10/9 HRNR (73). Record season at HRNR (460). | ||
1997 | Winter | Eighteen reports from fifteen counties in all regions except the Southwest and North Central. Richardson's race overwintered in Otter Tail SDM and another seen 1/24 Renville KB. | ||
1998 | Spring | Reported from 19 counties. Early south 3/29 Hennepin SC. Early north 3/25 Lake DV. | ||
1998 | Summer | More reports than usual. New nesting record in Kittson (PS, JJ) involving at least one “Richardson's” Merlin; probable nesting in St. Louis. Also observed in Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Aitkin, Lake, and Cook counties; plus 7/19 Grant BSe. | ||
1998 | Fall | Reported from 13 north and 11 south counties. Eight reports of richardsonii including an early migrant 8/15 Chippewa KE et al. and a female/immature at HRNR on 10/13 (FN). Other “Prairie Merlins” away from their usual western Minnesota range were 9/29 Houston FL, 10/12 Hennepin TT. | ||
1998 | Winter | Approximately 21 individuals reported from 15 counties throughout the state. CBC total 7. | ||
1999 | Spring | Late south 5/15 Carver AH, PH, PS, 5/28 Rice SL. A territorial pair of “Prairie” Merlins (Falco columbarius richardsonii) was found 5/19 at the Kittson Co. location where nesting was documented in 1998, but subsequent visits failed to relocate either adult (PS et al.). | ||
1999 | Summer | Reported in Beltrami, Itasca, St. Louis, Cook. Adult female F. c. richardsonii with three juveniles discovered in early June and seen as late as 7/18 in Roseau BSi, PS; male richardsonii also observed on 7/18 in Roseau 26 km away from location of female and juveniles PS. | ||
1999 | Fall | Reported from 10 north and 12 south counties. Five reports (eight last fall) of richardsonii from four west-central counties and 11/23 Dakota DBS. The first such migrant, 8/15 Big Stone AH, PS, was on the same early date as in 1998. Merlins were reported from every region but the southeast. | ||
1999 | Winter | As many as 23 individuals reported from 15 counties throughout the state, including overwintering in Duluth. Richardson's race (F. c. richardsonii) reported 12/18 Otter Tail SDM, 1/10 Wilkin and Otter Tail PS, 1/14 Roseau SDM, and 2/18 Meeker DF. | ||
2000 | Spring | Reported from eleven south and six north counties in all nine regions except southeast. One report of richardsonii away from its expected occurrence in western regions, on 3/11 Dakota TT. Late south 5/12 Rice TBo, 5/14 Washington JL, 5/16 Kandiyohi RJ, but also see The Loon 72:72–75. | ||
2000 | Summer | New nesting records in Itasca DRM, Cass MRN, Hennepin (documented by staff from The Raptor Center; see The Loon 72:72–75). Not only are these the first nesting records away from the northernmost tier of counties in the state — the latter occurred in the Twin Cities! One of the adults in Hennepin was confirmed as F. c. richardsonii. Additional records include Kittson, Roseau, Pennington, Beltrami, St. Louis; plus 7/27 Ramsey †JPS. Two adults (male and female) in Kittson Co. on 7/3 were both carefully identified as Richardson's Merlin (†PHS); this race has been recorded for three consecutive summers in northwestern Minnesota. | ||
2000 | Fall | Reported from 12 north and 17 south counties, and in all regions but southeast (as in 1999). Most reports were September through mid-October, yet still five south reports during November. Late north 11/11 Todd RBJ. First county record 10/21 Lincoln JJS. “Richardson's” (F. c. richardsonii) reported 8/26 Becker KRE, 10/1 Clay PHS, 11/1 Wilkin SDM. | ||
2000 | Winter | About 13 individuals from 9 counties scattered throughout the state and season. | ||
2001 | Spring | Reported from 16 south and 15 north counties, and in all regions except Southeast. First county occurrence 3/28 Stevens SPM. Seasonal totals 8 at Hastings-Prescott Bird Count (KJB) and 17 at West Skyline Hawkwatch in Duluth (FJN); also see Table 1. Late south 5/4 Dakota SWe, but see summer report. “Richardson's” Merlin 3/15 Beltrami †DPJ, 3/25 Otter Tail SPM, DKM, 3/31 Dakota TAT, 4/1 Meeker DMF, 4/30 – 5/5 St. Louis (West Skyline Hawkwatch, Duluth) FJN, 5/8+ Kittson (pair) †PHS. | ||
2001 | Summer | An amazing four nesting pairs were found in the Twin Cities metro area, three in Hennepin County and one in Anoka MJS. A total of eight young were successfully fledged from these nests. Additional reports from Kittson (fourth consecutive year at this location) PHS and Polk, Red Lake, Lake of the Woods, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook; presumed migrants 7/28 Douglas JEl, 7/29 Big Stone PHS. | ||
2001 | Fall | Reported from 14 north and 18 south counties. No reports from Southeast. Early south 8/18 Renville PHS, 8/26 Nobles AXH, PHS; numerous reports early September through mid-October. See Table 1 and winter report for late north migrants. “Richardson's” Merlin (F. c. richardsonii) seen 8/18 Renville †PHS, 10/14 St. Louis (adult male at H.R.N.R. in Duluth) FJN, 11/3 Dakota TAT. | ||
2001 | Winter | Approximately 21 individuals from 13 counties scattered throughout the state and season. “Richardson's” Merlins reported 1/11 & 2/7 Wilkin SPM, 2/4 Meeker DMF, 12/6 & 2/19 Winona CBe. | ||
2002 | Spring | Observed in 11 south and 18 north counties. Eight reports from Dakota County, but none in South-central region and only Yellow Medicine in Southwest, Goodhue in Southeast. “Richardson's” Merlins began courtship 3/10 Pennington (Thief River Falls) SAS and observed for the 5th consecutive year 5/5+ Kittson JMJ. Late south (away from nesting locations in Twin Cities) 5/13 Renville WCM, 5/27 Dakota (Randolph) BRL. | ||
2002 | Summer | Reported in Pennington, Beltrami, Cass, St. Louis, Lake; plus new nesting record in Marshall SAS. Also, five nesting pairs in Twin Cities area (Hennepin, Anoka, Ramsey) fledged 16 young MJS; new nesting record in Ramsey MJS. | ||
2002 | Fall | Reported from 18 north and 14 south counties. Early north (away from known breeding range) 8/13 Traverse CRM. Seasonal total at H.R.N.R. (253) below the average of 321 (based on data since 1991). Early south (away from Twin Cities nests, see summer report) 8/28 Sherburne PLJ. Observed capturing a Least Sandpiper 9/11 Lincoln RBJ. | ||
2002 | Winter | maximum 30 individuals reported from 3 north and 13 south counties in all regions except the West-central and North-central. Five reports of Richardson's race, all in the south. | ||
2003 | Spring | Observed in 13 south and 15 north counties, and in all regions except the Southwest. Seasonal totals 9 at H.P.B.C., Dakota County (KJB) and 16 at W.S.H.C. in Duluth (FJN, DSC); also see Table 1. Potential late migrant south 5/29 Chisago, but see summer report. “Richardson's” Merlin 5/15 Wilkin RPR. | ||
2003 | Summer | Record-high number of reports. Observed in Roseau, Marshall, Pennington, Lake of the Woods, Koochiching, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook; plus nesting in Hennepin and Ramsey, 6/4 Wadena JJS, 6/4 Stearns BWF, 6/23 Cass N.R.R.I., 7/29 Lac qui Parle (“Richardson's” at Salt L.) KJB. New nesting record in Koochiching AXH. | ||
2003 | Fall | Reported from 15 north and 15 south counties in all regions except Southwest. Numbers down at H.R.N.R., Duluth (Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve 2003 Annual Report). Early south 8/30 Swift BJU, 9/1 Anoka DWK. “Richardson's” Merlin (F. c. richardsonii) reported 8/24 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS, JMJ, 10/4 Wilkin (female at Rothsay W.M.A.) KRE, 10/12 Wilkin SPM. | ||
2003 | Winter | As many as 26 individuals reported from 20 counties throughout the state. “Richardson's” reported 1/17 & 2/24 Dakota (South St. Paul) MJS, 1/18 Wilkin SPM, 2/17 Lac qui Parle BJU. | ||
2004 | Spring | Reported from 11 south and 15 north counties, primarily in western and northern regions; none in the South-central or Southeast. Territorial birds noted in Pennington, Polk, and Red Lake in early March. Several reports of “Richardson's” Merlin (F. c. richardsonii) from western regions, including 3/15 Jackson CRM et al. Late south (away from breeding areas in Twin Cities) 5/20 Yellow Medicine (Upper Sioux Agency S.P.) WCM. Also see Table 1. | ||
2004 | Summer | Seen in Cook, St. Louis, Itasca, Cass, Beltrami, Roseau, Marshall, Pennington, Polk. | ||
2004 | Fall | Reported from 13 north and 12 south counties in all regions. Downward trend continues at H.R.B.O. Probable early north migrant 8/14 Traverse BWF. Early south (away from known breeding locations in Twin Cities) 8/8 Sherburne PLJ, 8/30 Freeborn AEB. Only report from Southwest: 9/25 Cottonwood BTS. | ||
2004 | Winter | Only 11 individuals reported from 4 north and 4 south counties statewide. Male “Richardson's” 2/23 Dakota (Rosemount) ph. JPM. | ||
2005 | Spring | Reported from 11 south and 17 north counties, primarily in western and northern regions. Territorial birds noted in Polk (Crookston) and Red Lake (Red Lake Falls) in early March. Late south (away from the Twin Cities) 5/7 Stevens JEB, 5/10 Waseca JPS. Also see Table 1. | ||
2005 | Summer | Many more reports than usual: seen in 13 north counties, plus 6/15 Dakota JPM, 7/15 Lac qui Parle BJU. | ||
2005 | Fall | Reported from 21 north and 12 south counties in all regions except the Southwest and Southeast. Numbers up at H.R.B.O. (219 last fall), but overall trend downward. Early south (away from known breeding locations in Twin Cities) 8/11 Lac qui Parle BJU, 8/20 Sherburne PLJ. One was observed foraging on mudflats along the edge of a pothole and wading in water 10/9 Lac qui Parle PHS. | ||
2005 | Winter | At least 23 individuals reported from 5 north and 11 south counties, including the Duluth (5), Two Harbors, and Pillager CBCs. Probably overwintered in Lake (Two Harbors) JWL. | ||
2006 | Spring | Seen in 17 south and 16 north counties in all regions. Early north (away from the North Shore) 3/12 Mille Lacs HHD, 3/15 St. Louis (Virginia) SLF, 3/18 Clay PBB and Polk MC; also see Table 1. Late south (away from the Twin Cities) 5/17 Meeker DMF, 5/21 Lac qui Parle BJU. March reports of “Richardson's” Merlin in Dakota and Lac qui Parle. Highest reported count 3/21 Lac qui Parle (4) BJU. | ||
2006 | Summer | Reported from nine counties in northern regions of state, plus early south migrant 7/27 Swift BJU. | ||
2006 | Fall | Reported from 21 north and 23 south counties in all regions. Early north (away from known breeding areas) 8/21 Clearwater (Bagley W.T.P.) PJR. Early south (away from the Twin Cities, where breeding documented in the past) 8/21 Sherburne PLJ, 9/4 Big Stone and Lac qui Parle BJU. “Richardson's” Merlin reported 9/21, 10/1 Lac qui Parle BJU, 10/7 Hennepin BAF. High count 10/14 Cook (8) AXH, PHS. Late north 11/30 Carlton HHD; also see winter report. | ||
2006 | Winter | 2 | 11 | Two non-CBC reports north: 12/9 Aitkin JSB, WEN, 12/9 Beltrami JMJ. Approximately 20 individuals including 3 Richardson's subspecies reported south. |
2007 | Spring | 22 | 15 | Record early north (away from the North Shore) 3/4 Kittson LW, 3/9 Mille Lacs NSc, 3/14 St. Louis (Virginia) SLF. Late south (away from the Twin Cities) 5/7 Lac qui Parle BJU, 5/15 Chippewa BJU. |
2007 | Summer | 6 | 2 | All reports: 6/1 Lake of the Woods MHK, Cook JEB, JWH, RBJ, 6/9 Cook LS, 6/15 St. Louis TPW, 6/16–22 and 7/13–18 Hennepin BAF, PEB, DWK, 6/25 Big Stone BJU, 7/1 Itasca JJS, 7/4 Lake JWL, 7/8 St. Louis SLF, 7/22 Hubbard DMF. |
2007 | Fall | 19 | 20 | Juvenile seen 8/7 near L. Hiawatha in Minneapolis (Hennepin County) where probable breeding occurred (BAF, HCT). Early south (median 8/21) 8/22 Brown BTS. Late north 11/10 Beltrami DPJ and Lake PEB, 11/17 St. Louis (Park Point) LAV, but also see winter report. |
2007 | Winter | 5 | 11 | A total 24 individuals reported. |
2008 | Spring | 20 | 15 | Early north (median 3/15) 3/10 St. Louis FKB, 3/14 Kittson LW. Late south 5/2 Sherburne JJS, 5/7 Dakota JPM (median 5/20). |
2008 | Summer | 9 | 3 | Seen in North-central and Northeast, plus Pope, Hennepin, Ramsey. |
2008 | Fall | 20 | 20 | Reports 8/3, 8/10 Hennepin (Lake Hiawatha) BAF were likely over-summering (breeding?) birds. Early south (median 8/21) 8/17 Freeborn (3) RTP. Last reported north 11/30 St. Louis, but also see winter report. |
2008 | Winter | 1 | 12 | A total of 25 individuals reported. Only north report 12/31 Wilkin (Rothsay W.M.A.) JWH. |
2009 | Spring | 23 | 13 | Early north (median 3/14) 3/7 Lake JWL, 3/15 Red Lake JMJ. Late south 5/13 Stearns FGo, 5/31 Hennepin TAT (median 5/18). |
2009 | Summer | 9 | 2 | Reported from all northern regions plus 7/11 Hennepin LS, 7/25 Hennepin BAF and new summer record 6/14 Chisago (near Stark) DAB. First county breeding record from Roseau fide BBA. |
2009 | Fall | 21 | 23 | Reported north throughout the season and well-represented at H.R.B.O., where totals were 25% above normal KJB. Early south (median 8/18) 8/1 Hennepin (south Minneapolis, where possibly over-summered) BAF, 8/9 Dakota KRo, Hennepin (Old Cedar Ave. Bridge, Bloomington) BAF. |
2009 | Winter | 4 | 12 | Approximately 30 (10 north, 20 south) individuals. Reported on 8 CBCs, 3 north and 5 south. Only report of prairie subspecies F.c. richardsonii 1/2 Wright JFR. |
2010 | Spring | 20 | 12 | Early north (median 3/14) 3/12 Kittson LW. Male on territory in Hennepin 4/21 – 5/15 failed to find a mate (PEB). See summer report for breeding birds south. |
2010 | Summer | 16 | 3 | Found in all northern regions as well as Central and East-central. First county breeding record from Dakota (male F. c. richardsonii and female F. c. columbarius produced four young, The Loon 83:44–46) JPM, ADS, m.ob.. |
2010 | Fall | 24 | 24 | Early south (median 8/18) 8/7 Dakota (breeding birds from summer season) ADS, 8/8 Lac qui Parle (Cory Lake) RBJ, 8/10 Hennepin (Bloomington) SLC, 8/11 Lac qui Parle (Walter Twp.) BJU. High count 9/24 Lake (20, non-migrants along the North Shore) KRE. Last reported north 11/26 Clay (Moorhead) RHO and Polk SAu. |
2010 | Winter | 5 | 14 | Approximately 24 (8 north, 16 south) individuals. Found on 7 CBCs, with only Duluth producing multiple birds (2). Prairie subspecies reported 12/28 Big Stone (Odessa) BJU, 1/23 Hennepin (Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) ph. BWN. |
2011 | Spring | 22 | 17 | Early north (median 3/14) 3/8 Kittson TrB, 3/10 Lake JWL. Late south 5/14 Anoka REH, 5/23 Hennepin (Minnehaha Creek) DDo (median 5/18); reports in Dakota in late May probably refer to breeding birds (see summer report). |
2011 | Summer | 21 | 2 | Observed in all northern and central regions. First county breeding records for Crow Wing MRN, Morrison RPR, Polk SAu. |
2011 | Fall | 23 | 28 | Probable breeding bird from summer season 8/1 Hennepin (Powderhorn Park) JJo. Early south (median 8/18) 8/8 Washington PNi, 8/14 Jackson (Central Park) KSm. Last reported north 11/27 Red Lake RAE. |
2011 | Winter | 10 | 23 | Widely reported and overwintered north and south. North reports from 10 counties far exceeded the average of 3 over the prior five winters, while south reports were about double those of an average winter. |
2012 | Spring | 21 | 21 | Present north in Polk (SaU's yard) as the season commenced. Early north migrants (median 3/14) 3/10 Grant DBM, Lake JWL. Late south 5/10 Stearns FGo, 5/11 Goodhue (Prairie Island) GJM, plus probable breeders lingering through season's end in Dakota (Acacia Cemetery) CMB, JFR (median 5/18). |
2012 | Summer | 20 | 6 | Seen in all regions except West-central, Southwest, Southeast. First county breeding records for Beltrami DPJ, Clearwater fide BBA. |
2012 | Fall | 25 | 26 | Several early August reports from the Twin Cities metro were likely breeding/summering individuals. Early south outside the metro (median 8/18) 8/15 Cottonwood RMD, 8/19 Blue Earth ChH. High counts 9/3 St. Louis (17, H.R.N.R.) KJB, 9/30 St. Louis (11, H.R.N.R.) KJB. Late north St. Louis KJB, ABL, 11/24 Douglas JPE, but also see winter report. |
2012 | Winter | 8 | 10 | Reports down from last winter, yet higher than totals for the prior four winters. Widely scattered across the state, but missing from the North-central and Southwest regions. Prairie subspecies reported only from Winona: 1/25 (Bartlett Lake) ph. ANy, 2/16 (Gilmore Creek) ph. DSt (different locations, but possibly same bird?). Only CBCs with multiple counts: 12/15 Crookston (3), 12/15 St. Paul (North) (2), 12/15 Duluth (2). |
2013 | Spring | 27 | 29 | Present north and south as the season commenced. Probable early north migrants 3/6 Pennington ZL, 3/10 Pine JMP, 3/11 Aitkin m.ob. (median 3/17). Late south migrants 5/24 Goodhue RSA, 5/27 Benton JEB, Winona RZi (median 5/18). |
2013 | Summer | 17 | 5 | Reported north and east of a line from Clay to Le Sueur. First county breeding record for Hubbard MaH. |
2013 | Fall | 22 | 20 | Early August reports form the Twin Cities metro likely represent breeding birds. Possible early south migrants (median 8/18) 8/3 Dakota (Jirik Sod Farms) DAT, JHl, 8/8 Washington BRL, JoF, 8/27 Blue Earth ChH. High count 10/1 St. Louis (21, H.R.N.R.) KJB. |
2013 | Winter | 4 | 17 | Reported north from Morrison in mid December, from Polk and St. Louis through January, and throughout the season in Clay, including a “very dark individual” 12/20 Polk (S. Moorhead) RHO. South reports from Carver, Hennepin, Rice, Wabasha, and Winona in February suggest widespread overwintering. |
2014 | Spring | 19 | 34 | Early north migrants (median 3/14) 3/13 Crow Wing JPR, Pennington fide JMJ, 3/14 Cass SC, Crow Wing ToL, 3/15 Wilkin RAE. High count 4/20 St. Louis (6, W.S.H.C., Thompson Hill) FJN. Probably late south migrants 5/20 Anoka KSk, 5/21 Blue Earth ChH (median 5/18). |
2014 | Summer | 15 | 7 | Found in all northern and central regions. |
2014 | Fall | 23 | 27 | Likely early south migrants 8/5 Meeker BNn, 8/11 Sherburne ToL, 8/12 Pipestone JEB (median 8/18). High count 10/5 St. Louis (15, H.R.B.O.) KJB. |
2014 | Winter | 6 | 14 | All north reports after early January: 1/13 Lake KCR, 1/24 St. Louis DAB, 1/26 Becker ASM, 2/16–17 Polk SAu. Frequent south reports through February from Dakota, Hennepin, Wabasha, Washington. |
2015 | Spring | 22 | 25 | Present south and in Polk as the season commenced. Probable early north migrants (median 3/14) 3/13 Marshall HHD, RAE, JMJ, 3/14 Crow Wing JPR. High count 3/17 Ramsey (4, two pairs) JEl. See summer report for breeding birds south. |
2015 | Summer | 17 | 7 | Found in all regions except West-central, Southwest, South-central. |
2015 | Fall | 26 | 34 | The total of 34 south counties represents a new high for the fall season. High counts both from the H.R.B.O. in St. Louis (KJB), 41 on 9/8 and 22 on 9/28. Probable early south migrants 8/3 Pope HHD, RAE, 8/20 Sibley RAE (median 8/18). Seasonal total of 374 at Hawk Ridge (KJB) was the highest ever. |
2015 | Winter | 10 | 25 | Widespread and scattered throughout state and season with highest number of counties reporting in past ten years, only rivaled by 2011 when observed in 33 counties. Unusual winter records: 12/11 Mille Lacs HHD, 12/14 Morris CBC, 2/25 Pipestone HHD. No reports of more than two individuals. |
2016 | Spring | 27 | 34 | Early north (median 3/13) 3/6 Polk SAu, St. Louis JPR, ClN, FJN, 3/7 Polk SAu, 3/12 Pennington ZL. Numerous high counts of 3 individuals. Probable late south migrants 5/20 Mower JEB, 5/24 Nicollet JEB, 5/27 Nobles DOK (median 5/18). |
2016 | Summer | 23 | 9 | Found in all northern and central regions. |
2016 | Fall | 28 | 40 | Reported from 68 counties statewide, a new high for this species. Possible early south migrants 8/14 LiH, 8/22 Faribault WAF. High counts 9/19 St. Louis (40) H.R.B.O., 10/1 St. Louis (34) H.R.B.O. |
2016 | Winter | 10 | 24 | Widespread and scattered across the state with nearly the same number of reporting counties as last year. Unusual north reports: 1/14 Crow Wing EGa, 1/31 Aitkin DCK, 2/15 Todd MJB, 2/20 Kittson DWK, SBM, HCT, 2/23 Red Lake PCt. No individual or CBC counts of more than two individuals. |
2017 | Spring | 29 | 37 | Likely early north migrants (median 3/13) 3/4 Douglas BEc, 3/8 Polk HHu, 3/14 Polk SAu. High counts 4/15 St. Louis (4, Park Point) JCa, 4/16 St. Louis (4, Park Point) PSk. Probable late south migrants 5/16 Mower SWm, 5/18 Stearns AaL, Olmsted LAV (median 5/18). |
2017 | Summer | 24 | 7 | Found primarily in northern half of state, but also in Anoka, Dakota, Hennepin, Pope, Ramsey, Rice, Washington. |
2017 | Fall | 29 | 37 | High counts 9/14 St. Louis (37) H.R.B.O., 10/8 St. Louis (21) H.R.B.O. Possible early south migrants 8/24 Renville MiO, Stearns ToL, 8/26 Stearns AaL (median 8/17). |
2017 | Winter | 13 | 21 | Reported widely from 34 counties in all regions of state in the same number of counties as past year and well above 10-year average of 23. Notable records: 12/1 Yellow Medicine GWe, 1/6 Traverse BPa, 2/13 Murray ANy. Prairie subspecies (richardsonii) reported from Kensington CBC on 12/17. No individual or CBC observations of more than two birds. |
2018 | Spring | 27 | 40 | Early north (median 3/13) 3/6 Polk SAu, 3/8 St. Louis (W.S.H.C.) FJN. High counts 4/20 St. Louis (15, W.S.H.C.) FJN, JPR, 4/21 St. Louis (7, W.S.H.C.) FJN, JPR, 4/29 St. Louis (7, W.S.H.C.) FJN, JPR. Probable late south migrants 5/13 Cottonwood JSc, BTS, MiO, 5/20 Faribault WAF (median 5/18). |
2018 | Summer | 20 | 10 | Seen in all regions except Southwest, South-central, but most common in northern half of state. First county breeding record 7/13 Olmsted MiD. |
2018 | Fall | 32 | 38 | Â High counts 10/11 St. Louis (17) H.R.B.O., 9/14 St. Louis (14) H.R.B.O. Possible early south migrants 8/5 Watonwan LiH, ASu, 8/6 Carver JCy. |
2018 | Winter | 11 | 29 | A banner year for this species that was seen in 40 counties, well above the ten-year average of 24 and the highest winter-season total. Numerous unusual reports include new season records from 12/26 Carlton JSa, 12/31 Faribault DAk, 1/5 Dodge DBz, 1/13 Grant LiH. Overwintering birds found throughout state. No reports of more than two birds. |
2019 | Summer | 29 | 9 | Â Seen in all northern and central regions plus Fillmore, Mower. |
  | ||||
  | Breeds mostly north. Migrant and winter visitant throughout. |
Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird. | |
Column N | Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North. |
Column S | Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South. |