Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Thrushes
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Thrushes
Eastern Bluebird
Mountain Bluebird
Townsend's Solitaire
Gray-cheeked Thrush
Swainson's Thrush
Hermit Thrush
Wood Thrush
American Robin
Varied Thrush

Hermit Thrush(Catharus guttatus)
1930SummerA Hermit Thrush was observed carrying food near Deer River on June 14th, by Gustav Sw.nson.
1932SummerFour nests of this musiCFl bird were found, the first on June 16th at Itc.scn. Park. Four eggs were being incubated (Morse). The last was found at Sturgeon Lake July 19th, with 2 eggs which hntched on the 29th (the writer)_.·
1934Summer This caroler of the sylvan solitudes was found nesting at Cloquet by Feeney who, on June 8th, located a nest with 2 eggs and a Brown-headed Cowbirdt s egg. The last nest, found on July 21st a.t Itasca Po.rk by s~. •·.• ]asele, contained 3 eggs. The Flicker, 193/+'!'·46 OLIVE-BACKED THRUSH This elusive thrush yielded to the ornithological zeal of Dr. Prosser nnd Nr. and Mrs. Swodenborg this year. Tho former reported their find as fellows: "Caribou Lake, Cook County, Juno 21st nnd 2~1d --Three nests of this thrush wore found along the west shore of one arm of the lake. They were nll in small Bnlsruns 8 to 10 feet from the ground. The first one had been robbed, the shell of one egg on the ground telling the tale. The second \olD.S complete but empty, nnd the third, to change our luck, disclosed four eggs."
1935Summer Near Park Rapids Dobie found 4 eggs of this bird liJ8.y 22nd. Morse, tra'Tlping about in the Cloquet Valley Forest, came across a Hermit Thrush nest with 4 eggs at the base of a hazel clump May 22nd, and at Grand Portage Breckenridge sm.; 4 young June 9th. OLIVE-BACKED THRUSH Prosser and Swedcnborg saw 3 nests in Cook County last smnmer. The first was 2t feet above the ground in a balsam. There were 2 recently-hatched young and 2 eggs in the nest. In the second nest, wh~ch was 7 or 8 feet up in a balsam, they found 4 eggs. This nest with its contents is now in the University of Minnesota Museum of Natural History. The third nest, like the second, was 7 or 8 feet above the ground in a balsam, and, like the second, it held 4 eggs. The first nest was seen at Lake Caribou Juno 23rd, the second at the Brule River J~ie 25th, m1d the third at tho Poplar River June 26th.
1936Summer Narius Morse wns the sole reporter of this species. At the Cloquet Valley State Forest he found two nests. That found on May 18th held four eggsI milo tho other found No.;r 22nd held two eggs. OLIVE-BACKED THRUSH E •. ·n. Swedenborg found c. nest of one egg June 25th nt Caribou Lake. This is the only reported record for this species.
1937SummerOn June I5, June 25 and July 26 Marius Morse found nests of this species that held four eggs each. He found them in the Cloquet Valley Forest.
1938SummerDr. Prosser and Mr. Swedenborg found a nest that contained one egg at Lake Vermillion on June 6. Dana Struthers, also at Lake Vermillion, found a nes~ situated in the middle of a sand bank, on August 3·
1946Summer3 eggs, June 6, St. Louis Co., Bro. Hubert.
1961SpringSeen 15 April by Dr. Rysgaard at Northfield.
1961FallLast reported on 13 Oct. at Duluth, P. B. Hofslund.
1962SpringApril 12 Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel; April 20 Cloquet Forest Research Station, Gordon Gullion; May 15 Duluth, Janet C. Green.
1962Falllatest report, Nov. 10, Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel.
1963SpringMarch 24, Morris, Stevens Co., R. Grant; April 4, Minneapolis, R. Janssen.
1963Falllatest, Oct. 21, Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel; Nov. 11, Stoney Point Road, St. Louis Co., Avifauna! Club, exceptionally late, bird flew feebly, may have been injured or unhealthy.
1964Spring4·11 Stearns Co, RPR; 4-9 Hennepin Co, "very limited numbers!" MAS; 4-20 Warroad, JR; 4-14 Duluth, PBH; 4-23 Ramsey, ELC; 4-15 Wright Co, EC; 4-11 Sibley Co, RBJ.
1964Fall10-10 Goodhue Co, RBJ; 10-11 Crow Wing Co, TEM; 10-13 Two Harbors, RK; 10-17 Mpls, FN; 10-20 Ramsey Co, ACR.
1965Springearliest 4-5 Willmar, Cloud fide NH.
1965Falllatest 10-9 Eyota, FGD and 10-10 Ramsey Co, ACR.
1966Springearliest 3-17 Morris, RAG (ties earliest date on record for state); 4-10 Minneapolis, EMB; 4-11 Morris, JAH.
1966Summer7-3 St. Louis Co, JCG.
1966FallLatest 10-24 Cook Co., MAF; 11-7 Nobles Co., HSH.
1967Springearly 3-30 Clay Co., LWJ; 3-31 Washington Co., 3, WHL; 4-1 Hennepin Co., VL, EMB.
1967Summerreported from Lake, Cook Co's.
1967Fall latest 10-11 Hennepin Co., VL; 10-13 Fargo-Moorhead, EGA; 10-14 Washington Co., ACR; 10-15 Hennepin Co., FN/ MAS and Lake Co., RK; one exceptional record, 12-11 White Bear Lake, Ramsey Co., 1, good details, LJM; only December record for state.
1968Spring early 3-31 Minneapolis, FN/ MAS; 4-2 Minneapolis, VL; 4-4 Minneapolis, DB; 4-6 Minneapolis, KP and Mille Lacs Co., MIV.
1968Summer reported from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Carlton, Pine, Clearwater, Beltrami Co's.
1968Fall10-10 St. Louis JCG for Anne K. Arndt; 10 -13 Nobles HSH; 10-1 8 Cottonwood LAF; 10-19 Olmsted AFR; 10-23 Lake RK; 10-26 Hennepin KP.
1969Spring4-5 Hennepin Co., CKS; 4-6 Mille Lacs Co., MI; 4-7 Freeborn Co., RJ; 4-13 Mille Lacs Co., JAJ; 4-15 (9) Hennepin Co., FN j MAS; Late S. 4-24 Morrison Co., LSR; 5-22 Ramsey Co., JJ.
1969Summerreported from Beltrami, St. Louis, Lake, and Cook Co's.
1969Fall10-14 Hennepin 4 RGL; 10-15 Mille Lacs MI; 10-27 Carver TH; 10-28 Ramsey MIG.
1970Springearly south 4-6 Rice JAH; 4-8 Dakota PE and Carver KH; early north 4-16 Lake R K and Morrison L R; peak 4-28 Duluth (50} MMC.
1970Falllate north 10-18 Duluth KS; 10-27 Duluth, ).K. Bronoel; late south 10-26 Hennepin ES; 10-27 Hennepin VL; 11-4 Hennepin WKE.
1971Springearly south 4-2 Hennepin DB; 4-3 Hennepin CH; 4-6 Hennepin WKE; early north 4-24 Crow Wing JB; 5-l Marshall AR; late south 5-16 Stearns MLC; 5-17 Olmsted HW.
1971Summernested in Crow Wing; also reported from St. Louis, Cook, Aitkin, Roseau, Lake of the Woods and Carlton.
1971Fallearly south 9-29 Stearns; 9-30 Chisago; late south 10-14 Winona; 10-23 Hennepin: 10-24 Cottonwood; late north 11-6 St. Louis; 11-7 Duluth.
1972Summerseen in Clearwater, Hubbard, Aitkin, Carlton, N. St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1972Winter12-17 thru 2-24 Duluth reported by JCG, KG, RBJ, FN and DR. First winter record.
1973Summer Nested in Crow Wing, Aitkin (TS); seen in St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1973Fall Seen only in Hennepin, with one report from the north: 9-4 Lake (RBJ).
1974Spring Early south 4-2 Hennepin BDC; 4-2 Freeborn DG; 4-4 Hennepin DB; 4-4 Murray AD; early north 4-9 Crow Wing TS; 3 reports 4-11; late south 5-19 Stearns NMH.
1974Summer Reported from Lake of the Woods, Itasca, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Carlton.
1974Fall Late north 10-6 Marshall AR; 10-10 Duluth JG; late south 10-16 Murray AD; 10-30 Hennepin ES.
1975Spring Early south 4-1 Hennepin RAG; 4-5 Mower RK; 4-6 Murray ADK; early north 4-7 Aitkin JB; 4-8 Clay SC and Crow Wing TS; 4-12 Mille Lacs MI; late south 5-13 Hennepin DB.
1975Summer Reported from Cass, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake and Cook.
1975Falllate north 10-18 Becker GO; 11-30 Ottertail SM; late south 11-5 Washington WL; 11-8 Jackson LR; 11-15, 16 Rock AD, KE.
1975Winterno less than 3 reports: from 11-23 to 1-6 in Fergus Falls, Otter Tail Co. (SM); from 12-20 to 12-22 in Mower Co. (RKJ); from 12-7 to 12-23 in Hennepin Co. (H. Merriman).
1976Spring Early south 3-27 Freeborn DG; 3-31 Mower RKJ; 4-3 Olmsted JF; early north 4-6 Mille Lacs MI; 4-8 Crow Wing DK; 4-16 St. Louis DS; late south 5-24 Anoka BB.
1976Summernested in St. Louis; also reported from Roseau, Itasca, Lake and Cook.
1976Fall Early south 9-1 Olmsted WE; late north 10-23 Koochiching, 10-27 Otter Tail; late south 10-24 Goodhue and Winona, 10-27 Hennepin.
1977Spring Early south 4-2 Stearns MC; 3 reports on 4-9; early north 4-9 St. Louis DA; 3 reports on 4-14.
1977Summer Reported from Lake of the Woods, Aitkin, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake and Cook.
1977Fall Late south 11-24 Ramsey (LH), 1/30 Olmsted (M. Snyder).
1977Winter At a feeder in Duluth Twp. from 12-30 to 1-1 (KE); only the second winter report on record.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Beltrami; also seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis and Aitkin.
1978Fall Early south 8-29 Hennepin WKE; late north 10-7 Crow Wing JB, 10-9 Roseau SV; late south 11-21 Hennepin VL.
1979Spring Early south 4-7 Brown RJ, Mower RRK, Cottonwood RG, Redwood LJF; early north 4-8 Otter Tail SM, 4-10 Marshall ANWR.
1979Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Carlton, Pine (Bruno, Elison), Itasca, Beltrami.
1979Fall Late north 10-7 St. Louis JG, 10-13 Pennington KSS; late south 10-23 Redwood LJF, Sherburne EH, 11-15 MowerRRK.
1979Winter One overwintered at a feeder in Mountain Lake, Cottonwood Co. from 12-21 on (LAF).
1980Spring Early south 4-10 Olmsted JB, Hennepin ES, BDC, 4-13 TL, 4-11 Sherburne EH, 4-13 Ramsey FKB; early north 4-7 Becker RG, 4-20 St. Louis KMH, TH, 5-1 Wilkin SM. One in yard from Dec. 21, '79 to Apr. 17, '80 Cottonwood LF.
1980Summer Breeding reported from Koochiching; also seen in Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Carlton, Pine (Kettle River NA, St. Croix NA).
1980Fall Early south 8-29 Stearns RH, 9-6 Houston EMF; late north 10-17 Otter Tail SM, 10-18 Cook KMH, 10-19 St. Louis KE; late south 10-12 Hennepin ES, 10-13 Houston EMF, 10-15 Olmsted JF, Cottonwood LF, 10-19 Anoka KL. Swa·inson's Thrush Early south 8-10 Washington DMB, 8-18 Hennepin SC, 8-27 DB; late north 9-28 St. Louis KE, 10-3 Clay TL, 10-6 Cook KMH; late south 10-6 Wabasha WDM, 10-11 Houston EMF, 10-21 Ramsey BL.
1980Winter Three reports: Ramsey, Sucker Creek 1-1 (REH), Martin 1-23 (EBK) and Olmsted 1-8 until 2-28 (JF), (JSD).
1981Spring Early south 4-1 Ramsey BL, Lyon HK, 4-2 Hennepin ES, 4-4 Ramsey JSD, Dakota JD, Olmsted JEB; early north 4-8 Aitkin JB, 4-12 St. Louis LW, 4-15 Mahnomen RJ; late south 5-6 Washington DMB, 5-29 Hennepin BDC.
1981Summer Seen throughout range.
1981Fall Early south 9-1 Mower RRK, 9-20 Nicollet MF, 10-4 Isanti KL; late north 10-18 Lake DB, 10-20 Cook KE, 10-24 KMH, 11-7 Otter Tail GMO; late south 10-19 Washington BL, 10-19 Hennepin PF, 10-27 ES, 11-4 SC, 10-31 Jackson RJ, 11-4 Martin EB/ K.
1982Spring Early south 4-4 Anoka KL, Hennepin ES, 4-9 Olmsted JEB, 4-10 Goodhue BL, Washington TBB, 4-11 Houston JPI AM, 4-12 LeSueur EK; early north 3-31 Otter Tail SDM, 4-2 Crow Wing JB, Beltrami JSP, 4-4 Marshall ANWR, St. Louis D. Green, 4-16 St. Louis JG; late south 5-6 Blue Earth MF, 5-9 Houston JPI AM, 5-14 Olmsted BE.
1982Summer Breeding data from Lake. Seen in Cook, St. Louis, Koochiching, Itasca, Hubbard, Clearwater, Beltrami.
1982Fall Early south 10/2 Brown JSp, 10/3 Hennepin SC, Cottonwood WH, 10/10 Goodhue SWIMS; late north 10/14 Cook KMH, 10/24 St. Louis DGW, 11/7 LW; late south 10/24 Lac qui Parle FAE, 10/30 Brown JSp, 11/7 LeSueur EK.
1982Winter Overwintered in Sherburne (EH/SS) and a report from Hennepin County 12/15 until 12/27 (mob).
1983Spring Early south 4/3 Stearns NH, 4/13 Mower RRK, Olmsted JEB, Hennepin DB; early north 4/18 Mille Lacs MLWMA, 4/19 Itasca MSc, St. Louis TL. Late south 5/12 Rice KJ, 5/18 Olmsted JEB.
1983Summer Breeding data from Hubbard, Itasca. also seen in Cook, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Clearwater.
1983Fall Early south 9/2 Hennepin SC, 9/25 Brown JSp; late north 10/20 Lake SWIMS, 10/31 Roseau AJ, 11/21 Cook KMH; late south 10/22 Brown JSp, 1/18 Anoka KL, 11/25 Houston EMF.
1983Winter Reported on the St. Paul CBC and in Nicollet, 12-10 (RBJ) and Houston, until 12-19 (EMF).
1984Spring Early south 4/6 Pipestone PJa, 4/7 Nicollet JCF, Renville FKS, 4/8 Hennepin ES, SC, Anoka JH, 4/9 Murray AD, Brown JSp; early north 4/14 St. Louis fide KE, 4/15 Otter Tail SDM, 4/20 Cook EH, Otter Tail GMO, Pennington KSS, 4/21 Aitkin WN; late south 5/12 Freeborn RJ, Brown JSp, 5/23 Lac qui Parle PL.
1984Summernested in Lake; also seen in 10 other counties.
1984Fall Early south, 9/20 SC, 9/29 Hennepin ES; late north 10/23 Cook KMH, 10/27 St. Louis RE; late south Ill I Hennepin RJ, SC, 11 Ill Brown JSp.
1984Winter One reported from Roberts Sanctuary, Minneapolis from 1-1 until 1-12 (mob).
1985Spring Early south 3/26 Hennepin SC, GP, 3/31 Chippewa RGJ, 4/2 Olmsted AP; early north 4/13 Aitkin WN, 4/14 Kanabec SSt, St. Louis fide KE, 4/18 Cook KMH; late south 4/26 Olmsted PP, 5/5 Lyon HK.
1985Summer Seen in eight counties throughout range west to Clearwater and south to Mille Lacs.
1985Fall Early south 9/3 Houston EMF, 9/26 Rice FKS, 9/26 Hennepin TTu, 9/28 OlmstedJEB; late north 10/9 St. Louis AB, 10/10 Clay LCF, 10/20 Kanabec SSt, 11/24 Cook KMH ; late south 10/16 Hennepin SC, 10/16 Steams RH, 10/18 Brown JS, 10/24 Ramsey KB, 11/21 Lac qui Parle WL (found nearly frozen, died later).
1985Winter Reported in Washington, 1/31 (RG), Mower, 1/1 (RG) (AMP) and Houston 12/6 (EMF).
1986Spring Early south 3/19 Mower JM, 3/22 RRK, 3/28 Fillmore AMP; early north 3/22 Mahnomen JL, 4/1 St. Louis D. Benson, 4/6 Kanabec SSt; late south 5/2 Ramsey KB, Hennepin 5/2 SC, 5/3 OJ, 5/12 Olmsted PP.
1986Summer Seen in St. Louis, Itasca. Also seen in nine other counties throughout the northeast and north central regions plus Mille Lacs, Pine.
1986Fall Early south 9/20 Ramsey KB, 9/28 Anoka SC, 9/30 Houston EMF; late north 10/26 Kanabec AB, 11/22 Duluth J. Newman; late south 10/25 Ramsey KB, 10/26 Chippewa RGJ, 1/17 Brown JS.
1986Winter Reported in Stearns 2/8 (RG) and Hennepin 1/1-2115 (m.ob.).
1987Spring Early south 3/24 Stearns NH, 3/27 Hennepin TT, 3/28 Cottonwod LAF, Yellow Medicine RJ and Anoka DZ; early north 3/28 Clay LCF, 4/2 Roseau GS, 4/13 Cook KMH; Winter 1987 late south 5/3 Hennepin AB, 51 II Wabasha pp
1987Fall Early south 9/12 Olmsted RSE, 9/22 Hennepin SC, 9/27 Houston EMF; late north 10/ I 0 Crow Wing WN, 10/11 Clay LCF, 10/27 Duluth WE; late south 10/23 Steele RJ, 10/25 Houston EMF and Brown JS, 10/31 Fillmore ANO.
1987Winter Reported in Cook 12/28 (KMH); Hennepin at Theodore Wirth Park, 1/29 until 2/26 (SC, ETS); and on the Wild River CBC.
1988Spring Early south 3/31 Hennepin SC, TI, 4/1 Cottonwood BF, 4/3 Mower RRK and Washington DS; early north 4/4 Marshall SKS, 4/11 Duluth DK, 4/15 Carlton LW; late south 5/3 Houston EMF, 5/5 Hennepin DZ.
1988Summer Nested in Lake; seen in seven other north central and northeastern counties plus Roseau, Becker (7/18, BK-probable early migrant).
1988Fall Early south 8/6 Anoka GP, 9/1 Houston EMF, 9/25 Olmsted BSE; late north 10/6 Clay LCF, 10/8 Itasca AB, 10/13 Cook KMH; late south 10/13 Brown JS, 10/15 Houston EMF, 10/18 Hennepin SC.
1989Spring Early south 3/28 Mower RRK, 4/5 Hennepin SC, 4/6 Brown JS and Ramsey KB; early north 4/16 Duluth KE and TW, 4/17 Cook WP, 4/18 Marshall SKS; late south 5/17 Goodhue APr, 5/20 Ramsey KB.
1989Summer Seen in eight north central and northeast counties plus Mille Lacs, Pine.
1989Fall Early south 9/23 Hennepin SC and Olmsted AP, 9/30 Anoka GP and Mower RJ, AP; late north 10/10 Clay LCF, 10/11 Beltrami DJ, 10/17 Cook KMH; late south 10/28 Ramsey EL, 11/10 Mower AB.
1989Winter One on the Austin CBC was only report.
1990Spring Early south 3/18 Hennepin AB, 4/8 Dakota JD, Fillmore GMD, Mower RRK and Washington EL; early north 4/10 Clay LCF, 4/18 Beltrami DJ, 4/20 St. Louis GN, PS; late south 5/7 Fillmore NAO, 5/15 Blue Earth LF, MF.
1990Summer Seen in Beltrami, Koochiching, Clearwater, Itasca, Hubbard, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1990Fall Early south 9/6 Houston EMF, 9/26 Hennepin SC, 9/29 Ramsey KB; late north 10/16 Cook SOL, 10/21 Itasca AB, 10/22 Lake DPV; late south 10/22 Hennepin SC, 10/28 Brown JS, 11/12 Anoka JH.
1991Spring Early south 4/2 Cottonwood ED, Olmsted AP and Washington WL, DS, 4/5 Rice RG, 4/6 Yellow Medicine RJ; early north 4/13 Douglas RJ, 4/14 Wilkin MO, 4/15 Clay LCF and Pennington KSS; late south 5/7 Hennepin SC, 5/18 Ramsey AB.
1991Summer Seen in ten north central and northeastern counties plus Roseau, Becker.
1991Fall Early south 9/2 Houston EMF, 9/25 Brown JS; late north 11/4 St. Louis KE, 11/11 Cook AB, 11/13 Becker BB; late south 11/6 Ramsey KB, 11/8 Martin BBo.
1991Winter Reported in Hennepin 12/7 SC, plus two addtional reports in January fide RJ.
1992Spring Early south 4/5 Lyon HK, 4/6 Houston EMF and Rice TB, 4/7 Hennepin mob; early north 4/12 Otter Tail SDM, 4/16 Kanabec CM, 4/17 Clay LCF; late south 5/8 Nicollet LF, 5/11 Anoka JH.
1992Summer Nested in Roseau County MCBS; seen in ten other counties as far south as Becker and Aitkin.
1992Fall Early south 9/8 Hennepin SC, 9/29 Ramsey KB; late north 10/11 Lake DPV, 10/18 Itasca AB and St. Louis PS, 10/23 Becker BBe; late south 10/23 Brown JS, 11/9 Cottonwood ED.
1992Winter Five reports (one l.y.): Rochester CBC, 12/27–28 Brown JS, 1/16 Yellow Medicine RJ, RG, 1/22 Rice TBo, and 1/21 Hennepin BF.
1993Spring Early south 3/29 Steele RG, 4/1 Rice OR, FKS. Early north 4/18 Aitkin WN, 4/19 Becker BBe, 4/20 St. Louis DBe. Late south 5/5 Hennepin SC, DZ, 5/6 Washington PC.
1993Summer A few more reports than usual. Probable nesting in Aitkin; seen in 11 other north central and northeast counties plus Roseau, Becker, Pine.
1993Fall Early south 9/3 Winona CS, 9/23 Anoka CF and Ramsey KB. Late north 10/15 St. Louis PS, 10/16 Aitkin WN, 10/17 Kanabec CM. Late south 11/6 Nicollet LF, 11/26 Hennepin JoB, CF.
1993Winter Only report was 12/4–3/7 Richardson's Nature Center, Hennepin County, mob (The Loon 66:153).
1994Spring Early south 3/23 Houston County EMF, 3/30 Ramsey County fide KB; early north 4/11 Douglas County JB/TS, 4/13 Wilkin SDM, 4/14 Kanabec CM; late south 5/8 Chippewa AB and Scott DN, 5/12 Hennepin SC.
1994Summer Observed in ten north central and northeastern counties plus Roseau, Becker, and Pine counties.
1994Fall Early south 9/17 Hennepin RB, 9/24 Brown JS. Late north 9/22 Carlton LW, Itasca JB/TS and St. Louis JBe, 9/23 Becker BBe. Late south 10/28 Brown JS, 11/7 Dakota TT.
1994Winter Overwintered at the Bass Ponds, Hennepin Co. TT, RG. Another was reported on the St. Paul CBC.
1995Spring Early south 3/25 Kandiyohi RF/JC, 3/29 Lincoln RG, RJ; early north 4/15 Clay RO, 4/16 Carlton LW and Otter Tail SDM, 4/18 St. Louis AE; late south 5/11 Hennepin SC, 5/15 Nicollet LF.
1995Summer Nested in St. Louis, Aitkin. Observed in eight north central and northeast counties plus Roseau, Mahnomen, Becker; also 6/9 Dakota (singing at Murphy-Hanrahan Park) BF.
1995Fall Early south 9/15 Brown JSp, 9/20 Hennepin SC. Late north 10/28 Carlton LW, 11/12 St. Louis PS. Late south 11/1 Hennepin SC, 11/16 Houston EMF.
1995Winter Reported 12/7 Rice TBo, 1/16 Hennepin fide AH and 1/10–25 Ramsey fide AH.
1996Spring Early south 4/3 Freeborn ABa, 4/4 Hennepin SC and Rice JL. Early north 4/16 Clay CN, 4/18 Carlton LW. Late south 5/14 Hennepin SC, 5/21 Blue Earth MF.
1996Summer Probable nesting in Becker; seen in seven other north central and northeast counties plus Roseau, Pine.
1996Fall Early south 9/29 Hennepin SC and Anoka KB, 10/4 Brown JSp. Late north 10/18 St. Louis TW, 10/28 Kanabec CM, 11/16 Clay CF. Late south 10/23 Brown JSp, 10/25 Washington TEB, 10/26 Ramsey RH.
1996Winter Reported 12/1 Freeborn ABa, through 1/1 Hennepin TT, 1/19 Olmsted TT and on the St. Paul (northeast suburban) CBC.
1997Spring Early south 3/4 (possibly an overwintering bird) Anoka TBr, 3/29 Hennepin SWe/MBr, 4/1 Hennepin HT, 4/4 Brown JSp. Early north 3/29 Clay RO/DWi,
1997Summer New nesting record in Cass KD, MSc, TR; also reported in Beltrami, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Aitkin, Carlton, and Kanabec.
1997Fall Early south 9/25 Hennepin (3) SC, 9/30 Brown JSp, 10/2 Hennepin OJ. Late north 10/27 St. Louis JBe, 11/20 Cook KB, RJ. Late south 11/12 Hennepin TT, 11/18 Hennepin SC, 11/23 Stevens MJ/DT.
1997Winter At least twelve individuals reported from eight south counties (a record number); many of these were noted in January and February, suggesting overwintering.
1998Spring Early south 3/27 Brown JSp, 3/30 Rice TBo, 4/2 Hennepin SC. Early north 4/4 Beltrami DJo, 4/5 Otter Tail SDM, 4/6 Morrison WB. Late south 5/2 Hennepin TT, 5/6 Hennepin SC, 5/8 Brown JSp. Unusual report: 3/1 (overwintered) Dakota TT.
1998Summer Observed in Roseau, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Clearwater, Aitkin, Hubbard, Koochiching, St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1998Fall Early south 9/9 Hennepin SC, 9/12 Jackson MJC and Hennepin OJ, 9/16 Brown JSp. Late north 10/10 Aitkin CB, 10/18 Lake LW and St. Louis JN, 10/19 Cook KMH. Late south 11/1 Hennepin SC and Olmsted CH, 11/7 Hennepin TT, 11/17 Rice TBo.
1998Winter Reported in Hennepin JD, and the St. Paul NE CBC (2).
1999Spring Early south 3/30 Rice TBo, 3/31 Dakota DBS. Early north 4/6 Todd JSK, SDu, 4/8 Grant SDM (recent median north arrival date is 4/11). No south reports after 5/18 Hennepin OJ.
1999Summer Recorded within range from 11 north central and northeast counties, plus Mille Lacs, Kanabec, Pine.
1999Fall Migration similar to Swainson's Thrush: one arrived south almost a week earlier than expected, then no reports for over two weeks. Early south 9/4 Hennepin ChM, 9/6 Houston MFo, 9/23 Hennepin TT. Late north 10/9 Cass MRN and Itasca ABo, 10/12 Todd JSK, 10/13 Carlton LW. Reported south frequently through end of October, then only 11/6 Winona AH, PH.
1999Winter Only reports on the †St. Paul (northeast suburban) CBC, late Dec.–1/18 Kandiyohi RJF, and 1/31 Ramsey (Fish Creek) †EP.
2000Spring Reported from 24 south and 14 north counties. Arrivals and departure (from south) were within one day of recent medians. Early south 3/28 Washington RJ. Early north 4/10 Clay RO. Late south 5/14 Sherburne ABo.
2000Summer Reported in seven north central and northeast counties plus Morrison, Mille Lacs, Kanabec.
2000Fall Late migration into southern regions, where first seen 9/26 Hennepin SLC; compare to recent median arrival date (9/9). It was the second latest south arrival in 15 years. The bulk of migration occurred during October. North reports widespread until 10/15, then only 10/31 Kanabec CM, 11/22 St. Louis KRE. Four south reports in November, latest of these 11/24 Rice TFB, 11/26 Carver WCM.
2000Winter Seven individuals seen in seven south counties: 12/2 Brown †JSS, 12/26 Ramsey (St. Paul) fide AXH, 1/3 Fillmore NBO, 2/2 Ramsey (St. Paul) fide AXH, and the †Excelsior, Faribault, and Winona CBCs.
2001Spring Reported from 23 south and 12 north counties, but none in West-central. Arrived after recent median dates south (3/28) and north (4/11). Early south 4/3 Rice TFB, 4/5 in Freeborn and Meeker. Early north 4/14 Kanabec CAM, 4/15 Carlton LAW. Late south 5/13 Houston MHF, 5/23 Jackson MJC.
2001Summer Seen in ten North-central and Northeast counties plus Roseau, Mille Lacs, Kanabec, Pine.
2001Fall Many north reports through mid-October, then only 10/27–28 Cook PHS, JJS. Early south 9/12 Houston MHF, 9/23 Anoka JLH. Late south 10/31 Hennepin TAT, 11/1 Ramsey AXH.
2001Winter Only report: 2/18 Renville †WCM.
2002Spring Reported from 23 south and 16 north counties. Early south 3/29 Anoka SLC, 4/5 Rice TFB. Early north 4/8 Beltrami DPJ, 4/12 St. Louis JRN, FJN. Late south 5/17 Stearns JJS, but territorial bird 5/26–27+ Washington (Falls Creek S.N.A.) KJB, PEB. High count 4/21 Anoka (28 at Pioneer Park) KJB.
2002Summer Observed in 10 North-central and Northeast counties plus Pine, Mille Lacs; also 6/15 and 7/17 Washington (max. 3 singing at Falls Creek S.N.A.) DCZ, KJB.
2002Fall Early south 9/17 Anoka KJB, 9/20 Mower RCK, RDK. Late north 10/24 Carlton LAW, Lake JWL, 10/25 Cook REH. Two November reports south: 11/25 Hennepin †SLC, 11/26 Olmsted OWB, but also see winter report.
2002Winter About 12 individuals reported from seven south counties, plus 2/1 Grant SPM in the north (only three previous north winter reports). Overwintered in Hennepin SLC and Rice TFB.
2003Spring Early south (but also see winter report) 4/1 Fillmore NBO, 4/3 Mower RDK, RCK. Early north 4/13 Todd JSK, SID, 4/14 Pine JEB, RBJ and St. Louis JRN. Late south 5/10 Goodhue, Hennepin, Mower.
2003Summer Seen in 11 North-central and Northeast counties plus Mille Lacs, Kanabec, Pine.
2003Fall Statewide total of 50 reports from 26 counties in all regions. Early south 9/24 Big Stone BJU, 9/28 Hennepin TAT. Late north 10/23 St. Louis SLF, 10/26, 10/31 Cook RBJ et al. Late south 11/16 Rice TFB, but also see winter report.
2003Winter All reports: 12/11 Carver (Chaska) fide AXH, 12/20 Ramsey †CCh, 12/20 Bloomington (†BrN) and Winona CBCs, late December Hennepin (Lake of the Isles) fide AXH (bird present for several weeks), 1/31–2/20 Hennepin (Lake of the Isles) ChM (same as preceding?), 2/16 Hennepin (Cedar Lake) TAT.
2004Spring Found in every region. Early south 3/28 Steele HCT, 3/30 Rice TFB, 3/31 Winona JJS (median 3/29). Early north 4/10 Aitkin WEN and Otter Tail EJE (median 4/11). Late south 5/15 Jackson MJC, Lac qui Parle BJU, and then only 5/26 Scott RMD (median 5/13).
2004Summer Observed in 12 north counties.
2004Fall Early south 9/20 Freeborn AEB, 9/27 Hennepin SLC and Sherburne PLJ. Late north 10/24 Lake TAT, 11/13 St. Louis JWL. Numerous south reports through the end of October, including highest reported count 10/23 Waseca (15) JPS. Late south 11/2 Brown JSS, Hennepin SLC.
2004Winter All reports: 1/2 Mower (Austin CBC) fide TD, 1/8 Dakota (Resurrection Cemetery) TAT, 1/24, 1/25, 1/30 Rice TFB, 1/25 Hennepin (2 at Wirth Park) TAT.
2005Spring Seen in all regions. Record early (overwintered?) 3/14 Hennepin CRM. More typical early south reports 4/1 Rice TFB, 4/3 Carver WCM (median 3/29). Early north 4/4 Otter Tail fide JMJ, 4/7 Mille Lacs ASc, 4/8 Morrison and St. Louis. Late south 5/22 Hennepin CRM and Washington (Falls Creek S.N.A.) DFN (median 5/14).
2005Summer Most reports since 1993: observed in 15 northern counties.
2005Fall Found in every region but the Southwest. Early south 9/6 Brown BTS, 9/7 Fillmore NBO. One with aberrant plumage (all white primary P10) in Ramsey AXH. Plenty of late north reports through 10/18, then 10/26 Cook RBJ, 10/29 Lake JWL. Late south 11/14 Hennepin DWK, 11/17 Steele NFT, but also see winter report.
2005Winter All reports: 12/17 Hennepin (Bloomington CBC) fide MOc, 12/17 Kandiyohi (Willmar CBC) fide RSF, 2/11 Hennepin (Old Cedar Avenue) DWK, 2/13 Rice TFB.
2006Spring Observed in all regions. See winter report for mid-February records in Hennepin and Rice; 3/18 Hennepin DWK and 3/20 Rice TFB may have overwintered. Next reported 3/27 Carver WCM (median 3/29). Early north 4/6 Pine JMP, 4/8 Hubbard (15) PBB, Mille Lacs ASc and Otter Tail MO. Notable high count 4/8 Meeker (50 found in a single woodland park in Dassel Twp.) DMF. Late south 5/20 Le Sueur and Nicollet ChH, 5/22 Scott DOB (median 5/14).
2006Summer Reported from 13 counties in northeastern third of state.
2006Fall Reported from 16 north and 33 south counties. Early south 8/26 (second earliest) Anoka RBJ, 9/9 Fillmore (5) NBO. High counts 10/8 Scott (15) BAF, 10/14 Mower (21 at Lake Louise S.P., record-high fall count) RBJ. Late north identical with recent median: 10/23 Norman PHS, 10/28 Cook JEB, JWH, RBJ. Late south (but see winter report) 11/4 Hennepin DWK, 11/5 Hennepin PEJ.
2006Winter1 Only non-CBC report: 12/5 Ramsey AXH.
2007Spring2337 Early south 3/6 (probably overwintered) Hennepin OLJ, 3/26 Waseca (4) JPS, 3/27 Meeker DMF (median 3/29). Early north 4/6 Todd JSK, 4/14 Aitkin WEN and Mille Lacs ASc, NSc (median 4/10). High count 4/11 Meeker (30) DMF. Late south 5/11 Scott BAF, 5/12 Hennepin DWK, 5/25 Anoka EEO (median 5/15).
2007Summer16 Record high number of reports, as far south as Pine, Aitkin, Cass and Wadena.
2007Fall1229 Early south (median 9/12) 9/27 Dakota JEB, 9/28 Jackson BJU, 10/1 Hennepin PEB, Sherburne PLJ. Record high count 10/7 Scott (22, at Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) BAF. Late north 10/19 Morrison CAM, 10/22 Lake SLF, St. Louis PHS, 11/3 St. Louis SLF (median 10/28). Late south 10/31 Hennepin DWK, 11/4 Scott RBW, but see winter report.
2007Winter1 Only report 12/28 Hennepin (feeding station in Golden Valley) ALD.
2008Spring2530 Possibly overwintering bird 3/3 Hennepin (Bass ponds) PEJ. Early south migrants (median 3/29) 3/25 Faribault WAF, 3/30 Hennepin DWK, Rice (2) DAB, TFB. Early north (median 4/10) 3/29 Becker ABL, 4/8 Mille Lacs ASc. High counts 4/27 St. Louis (274) PHS, 4/11 Faribault (49) WAF, 4/12 Le Sueur (45) DAB. Late south 5/16 Anoka CKB, Scott JEB, 5/17 Stearns MJB (median 5/16).
2008Summer15 Reported from all northern regions plus Pine, Kanabec.
2008Fall1318 Early south (median 9/12) 9/27 Stearns MJB, 9/28 Steele JWH, 9/29 Anoka DWK. High count 10/3 Scott (23, Murphy-Hanrehan P.R., south trails) BAF. Late north 10/24 Clay (4) RBJ, DAC, 10/25 St. Louis (Duluth) DDo (median 10/28). Late south 11/9 Anoka (banded at Springbrook N.C. in Fridley) RLR, 11/16 Hennepin ( Lake Rebecca) DWK, 11/30 Hennepin (3, Pond Dakota Park, Bloomington) DWK, but see winter report.
2008Winter6 A total of 12 birds, at least one of which over-wintered. Two in Blue Earth: 12/22 Minneopa S.P. ChH., 1/10 near Indian Lake C. P. ph. RMD, ChH. One in Dakota 12/13 Ritter Farm Park SLP. Seven in Hennepin: 12/13 – 1/3 Big Willow Park, Minnetonka ALD; 12/6 – 2/21 in the Minnesota River Valley west of Pond Dakota Mission Park, Bloomington DWK (2 on 12/13 DWK, 3 on 12/19 DWK, 2 on 12/20 †MAO, DWK, DAC); 1/17 Old Cedar Avenue Bluff Trail DWK, 1/17 Bass Ponds DWK, 1/17 Richard T. Anderson Park, Eden Prairie DWK. One in Rice 12/6–1/7 TFB. One in Washington 12/27 Warner N.C. fide JLH. One in Wright 1/3 near Lake Maria S.P. †JCC.
2009Spring2234 See winter report for numerous over-wintering individuals. Early south migrants (median 3/29) 3/23 Rice TFB, 3/29 Fillmore DAB, RMD, JWH, 3/31 Cottonwood DHr. Early north (median 4/10) 3/31 St. Louis fide JWL, 4/13 Cass BAW, 4/14 Beltrami DPJ, Mille Lacs ASc. High count 4/17 Hennepin (20) RLW. Late south 5/8 Stearns (2) MJB, 5/15 Ramsey MDu, 5/18 Ramsey EMH (median 5/16).
2009Summer19 Found in all northern regions plus Central and East-central. First county breeding record for Pine JCy.
2009Fall1821 Early south (median 9/12) 9/19 Anoka DWK, 9/24 Hennepin SLC, 9/26 Anoka DWK, 10/2 Meeker DMF. High count 10/10 St. Louis (37, S.F. roads 208 and 1551, foraging on roadsides due to snow) SLF. Late north 10/22 St. Louis SLF, 10/24 Polk fide JMJ (median 10/28). Late south 11/6 Hennepin SLC, 11/7 Rice DAT, 11/27 Carver (3) WCM (median 12/12).
2009Winter3 All reports: 12/28 Ramsey JZ, 1/1 Washington (Afton S.P.) ph. †SLP, DDo, Whitewater River CBC, 2/2 Wabasha NFT.
2010Spring2430 Early south (median 3/28) 3/27 Rice HHD, Steele HHD, 3/28 Hennepin (Bass Ponds) MDu. Early north (median 4/10) 3/31 Cass ABi, 4/8 Mille Lacs RBJ, DAC, 4/9 Beltrami DPJ. High count 4/12 Cass (8) ABi. Late south 5/19 Fillmore RTP, 5/23 Sherburne SMC (median 5/16).
2010Summer192 Found in all northern regions plus Mille Lacs, Morrison.
2010Fall1831 Early south (median 9/14) 9/6 Hennepin JLO, (2) RTe, 9/19 Anoka DWK. High count 10/5 Hennepin (9, T.S. Roberts Bird Sanctuary) TAT. Late north 10/23 Polk fide JMJ, 10/24 Polk HHD (median 10/28). Late south 11/26 Hennepin SLC, 11/27 Winona (2, Whitewater W.M.A.) BAF, but see winter report.
2010Winter17 Only north report 12/5 St. Louis (Ely) †SES. South reports 12/5 Winona (near Elba) JWH, 12/8 Scott RBW, 12/9–2/24 Rice (overwintered at River Bend N.C.) †TFB, 12/10 Hennepin (Pond Dakota Mission Park) SLC, 12/18 Dakota (Apple Valley) TCB, Ramsey (Lake Owasso) ph. Ben Wilson, †CCh, 12/19 Hennepin (Minnetonka) ChP, 1/5–10 Ramsey (St. Paul) DCZ, 1/10 Yellow Medicine (Granite Falls) fide AXH, 2/7 Hennepin (Izaak Walton League, Bloomington) SLC, DWK.
2011Spring2642 Probably overwintering was one 3/1 Hennepin LS. Early south migrants (median 3/28) 3/27 Fillmore DBz, JWH, 3/30 Hennepin SLC, 4/2 Lac qui Parle BJU. Early north (median 4/10) 4/4 Otter Tail BDE, 4/7 Douglas ARW. High count 4/16 Hennepin (21) CMB. Late south 5/16 Hennepin TAT, 5/24 Washington RMa (median 5/16).
2011Summer201Found in all northern regions plus Mille Lacs, Pine. Late south migrant 6/1 Freeborn RTP. First county breeding record from Lake of the Woods BWa. High count 6/16 St. Louis (30, Superior National Forest Road 200) AJo, BWi.
2011Fall1625 Early south (median 9/14) 9/22 Jackson, Murray JEB, 9/25 Anoka DWK. Record-high fall count 10/9 St. Louis (55, Enger Park) JLK. Late north 10/22 Clay RHO, 10/23 Mille Lacs DWK, St. Louis JLK (median 10/28). Late south 11/9 Scott BeS, 11/11 Sherburne PLJ, 11/20 Hennepin (Old Cedar Ave. bridge) DWK, but see winter report (median 12/12).
2011Winter23Second year in a row with north reports. All north: 1/25 St. Louis (Leif Erikson Park) fide JWL, 2/2 Cook fide JWL. All south: 12/17 Bloomington CBC, 1/17 Hennepin (Lake Rebecca P.R.) DWK, 1/23 Rice TFB, 2/16 Hennepin (Cedar Lake) JSI, 2/25 Stearns (Warner C.P.) DBM.
2012Spring2937 Early south (median 3/28) 3/24 Rice DAB, 3/25 Hennepin BAF, 3/26 Swift DLP. North arrivals very early (median 4/10) 3/11 Polk (4, Wetlands, Pines, and Prairie Audubon Sanctuary) HHu, 3/15 St. Louis (overwintered?) BCM, 3/30 Pine RBJ. High counts 4/19 Hennepin (24) CMB, 4/20 Beltrami (23) DPJ. Late south 5/14 Olmsted SWs, Ramsey SeH, 5/15 Ramsey SeH, Scott RZi (median 5/16).
2012Summer241 Reported from all northern and central regions. High count 6/18 St. Louis (11, Sax-Zim Bog) EBr. First county breeding record from Clearwater MaH.
2012Fall1835 Early south (median 9/14) 9/10 Hennepin JLO, 9/13 Olmsted (4) MHn. Late north 10/17 St. Louis (2) JLK, 10/19 St. Louis (2) JLK, 11/27 Lake (Gooseberry Falls S.P.) BeH (median 10/28). Late south 11/21 Hennepin (Minneapolis) DWK, 11/24 Stearns REr (median 12/12).
2012Winter14 Third year in a row with a north sighting: 12/23–25 Otter Tail (near Pelican Rapids) ph. HJS. Reported south 12/3 Hennepin (Government Center, downtown Minneapolis) DWK, 12/7 Dakota (Kenwood Trail School, Lakeville) SLP, 1/1 Afton CBC, 1/7 and 2/15 Hennepin (Bloomington, overwintering) CMB, 2/21 Houston CRM.
2013Spring3050 Overwintering bird continued through 3/6 Hennepin CMB. Early south migrants 3/23 Winona HHD, RAE, 3/30 Carver JCy, Dakota KDS, Hennepin CMB, MaP. Early north (median 4/10) 4/4 Morrison FGo, 4/5 Clay SHe, 4/6 Morrison MJB. Record high count 4/17 Lyon (357, Camden S.P.) RJS, also 5/8 St. Louis (46, Park Point) KJB. Late south 5/24 Dakota DVe, 5/29 Lyon GWe (median 5/16).
2013Summer20 Reported from all northern regions and Central, plus Pine.
2013Fall1420 Early south (median 9/14) 9/14 Hennepin BBy, 9/15 Hennepin JKo. High counts 10/10, 10/11, 10/13, 10/18 Hennepin (12) CMB. Late north 10/22 Pine ToL, 10/24 St. Louis JAn, JLK, 10/26 St. Louis ABL, KJB (median 10/28). Late south 11/27 Lac qui Parle FAE, Rice TFB, 11/28 Washington TPW, but see winter report (median 12/12).
2013Winter8 More reports than usual. All reports: 12/1 Lac qui Parle FAE, 12/7 Scott BAb, GLa, 12/10 Rice TFB, 12/14 Excelsior CBC and Rice TFB (presumably same individual as 12/10), 12/21 Olmsted (Quarry Hill N.C.) WmH, 12/29–1/7 Goodhue PRK, 12/31 and 1/25 Hennepin (Nine Mile Creek) DWK, 1/1 Dakota (Orlando Trail) KDS, RTe, 1/19 Rice (Carleton College Cowling Arboretum) LEC, 2/16–19 Wabasha JWH, PEB.
2014Spring2745Probable overwintering bird reported 3/8 Wabasha BRL. Early south migrants (median 3/28) 3/27 Ramsey IJo, 3/30 Carver JCy, 3/31 Rice JBk, Washington PNi. Early north (median 4/10) 4/1 Crow Wing JPR, 4/12 Clay KMn, Crow Wing KeM, Otter Tail JsS. High counts 4/21 Cass (37) BAW, 5/2 Hennepin (23) CMB. Late south 5/21 Jackson DHr, 5/25 Stearns CPK, 5/26 Ramsey JSP (median 5/16).
2014Summer142Reported from North-central, Northeast plus Mahnomen. Late spring migrant 6/10 Hennepin †MNe.
2014Fall1927 Early south (median 9/14) 8/6 Renville PRH, 9/11 Hennepin (2) CYi, SCo, MCo, JCm. High counts 10/4 St. Louis (34, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 10/5 St. Louis (26, Everett Woods) JLK, 10/8 St. Louis (26, Hartley Park) JLK, 10/4 St. Louis (25, Park Point) SBM. Late north 10/24 Norman HHD, St. Louis (2) JLK, 10/30 St. Louis RAE, LMS, HHD, CRM, 11/5 St. Louis JLK (median 10/28). Late south 11/15 Dakota RPR, Ramsey ELC, 11/18 Hennepin ADr (median 12/12).
2014Winter18 Reported from highest number of counties in past ten years, mostly in Twin Cities metro area. Unusual reports: 12/13 Wright (Collinwood R.P.) DWK, 12/19 Carver (Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Rapids Lake Unit) JCy, 12/23 Crow Wing (Crosslake) ph. JDB, 2/7 Sherburne ADB, 2/15 Washington ErB.
2015Spring3044 Probable overwintering bird reported 3/1 Hennepin RCo. Early south (median 3/28) 3/29 Carver JCy, 4/1 Hennepin TAT, CMB, 4/2 Hennepin CSc. Early north (median 4/10) 4/3 Becker DFN, Beltrami DPJ, 4/5 Crow Wing PSP, 4/6 Morrison KEm, JEm. High counts 4/28 Fillmore (26, Forestville S.P.) NBO, 4/22, 4/23 Hennepin (22) CMB. Late south 5/17 Dakota DEv, 5/18 Olmsted KDy, 5/19 Washington KvM (median 5/16).
2015Summer21 Reported from all northern regions plus Kanabec, Morrison, Pine.
2015Fall2135 Early south (median 9/14) 9/20 Isanti MHe, Olmsted SHk, 9/21 Hennepin MCo, SCo, JCm, 9/24 Anoka REH, DWK. Several high counts of 12 individuals. Late north 10/22 St. Louis NKr, 10/23 Lake JWL, 10/25 Itasca DMu (median 10/26). Late south 11/11 Anoka JWl, 11/14 Sibley JCC, but see winter report (median 12/11).
2015Winter15 Reported from fewer counties than past two years. Only north report 12/19 Grand Marais CBC. Unusual report 1/2 Wright HHD. Only February report 2/11 Olmsted LAV.
2016Spring2942 Early south (median 3/28) 3/20 Washington DCZ, 3/26 Meeker JAn, 3/27 Dakota KDS. Early north (median 4/6) 4/1 Clay MO, Crow Wing DMu, Todd ALu, 4/2 Morrison MJB, St. Louis JWL. High count 4/21 Hennepin (24) CMB. Late south 5/20 Hennepin TAT, 5/23 Stearn AaL (median 5/18).
2016Summer211 Reported from all northern regions plus Mille Lacs, Morrison, Otter Tail, Pine, Stearns.
2016Fall2435 Early south (median 9/15) 9/10 Stearns MSk, 9/11 Olmsted JoP, 9/14 Fillmore HHD. High counts 10/12 Hennepin (19) CMB, 10/14 Hennepin (16) CMB. Late north 10/28 Polk SAu, 11/26 Lake ph. JWL (median 10/28). Late south 11/26 Redwood (2) BTS, 11/30 Hennepin DWK (median 12/17). See winter report for late migrants and overwintering birds both north and south.
2016Winter34 Recent trend of more winter reports continued with December reports from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Hennepin, Redwood, Rice, followed by 1/18, 2/17 Scott JEB, 1/27 Redwood CRM, SSC, KMS.
2017Spring3048 Probable overwintering bird reported 3/4 Houston ph. SHo. Early south migrants (median 3/27) 3/29 Carver WCM, Hennepin DCZ, CWB, GrS, Ramsey LiH, 3/30 Hennepin ADr. Early north (median 4/4) 3/29 Crow Wing (3) EGa, 4/6 Wadena PJB, 4/8 Cass DAY, DoH, St. Louis ClN. Notable high counts following fallout conditions on the North Shore: 4/28 Cook (361, Grand Marais) KJB, 4/27 Cook (100, Cascade River S.P.) JfD, 4/27 St. Louis (70, Park Point, ball fields) LME.
2017Summer193 Reported from all northern regions plus Chisago, Pine, Sherburne, Stearns, Todd.
2017Fall1935 Early south (median 9/15) 9/23 Ramsey MiS, MWS, 9/26 Hennepin JWl, Washington PNi, High counts 10/17 Hennepin (12, Veterans Memorial Park) SBM, 10/4 Hennepin (11) CMB. Late south 10/26 St. Louis JLK, 10/27 Cass SC, 10/28 Roseau (3) BoA (median 10/28). Late south 11/5 Hennepin MPi, 11/23 Scott IVa, but see winter report (median 12/23).
2017Winter14 Fewest reports since 2012 when also observed in five counties. January observations from Dakota, Hennepin and Washington. All reports of single individuals. Notable reports: 12/18 Bluestem Prairie/Buffalo River S.P. CBC, 12/23 Goodhue DAB, 12/25 Washington TBu.
2018Spring2750 Early south (median 3/27) 3/30 Faribault WAF, 3/31 Hennepin CAs, Lac qui Parle KeL, Olmsted MiD, Rice TFB, Washington GJa. Early north (median 4/4) 4/13 Morrison SEm, 4/16 Crow Wing DMz, Douglas BEc, 4/17 Cass PSP, Grant HHD. High count 4/23 Hennepin (30, Lake Harriet) CWB. Late south 5/20 Hennepin PPe, 5/21 Sherburne ebd (median 5/21).
2018Summer232 Found in northern half of state plus Sherburne, Stearns.
2018Fall2836 Early south (median 9/17) 9/7 Chisago ebd, 9/9 Stearns MtS, 9/16 Chisago ebd, Hennepin SDz, Ramsey REH. High count 10/14 Ramsey (29, Grove Park) NMr. Several very late north reports, 11/18 St. Louis (Silver Lake) DBF, SLF, 11/21 St. Louis (Lake Place Park) DOK (median 10/29). Late south 11/25 Ramsey ebd, 11/28 Dakota ebd, 11/30 Carver JCy, but see winter report (median 12/21).
2018Winter8 Scattered reports of one or two birds from eight South counties, slightly above ten-year average of six. Unusual reports 12/9 Redwood BTS, 12/14 Wright LiH, 12/17 Lac qui Parle WCM, 12/22 Mankato CBC. Overwintering birds in Hennepin, Rice.
2019Summer231 Found in all northern regions plus Kanabec, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Otter Tail, Pine, Sherburne. Unusual report 7/4 Norman (Agassiz Recreation Trail) BDo.
 Breeds north-central and northeast. Migrant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.