Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Fulvous Whistling-Duck
Snow Goose
Ross's Goose
Greater White-fronted Goose
[Taiga Bean-Goose]
[Brant (Atlantic)]
[Brant (Black)]
Cackling Goose
Canada Goose
[Greater White-fronted Goose X Canada Goose]
Mute Swan
Trumpeter Swan
Tundra Swan
[Cygnus swan]
Wood Duck
Blue-winged Teal
Cinnamon Teal
[Blue-winged Teal x Cinnamon Teal]
Northern Shoveler
Eurasian Wigeon
American Wigeon
[Gadwall X Mallard]
American Black Duck
[Mallard X American Black Duck]
Mottled Duck
Northern Pintail
[Mallard X Northern Pintail]
Green-winged Teal
[Green-winged Teal (Eurasian)]
[Green-winged Teal (American)]
Ring-necked Duck
Tufted Duck
Greater Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Greater Scaup]
Lesser Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Lesser Scaup]
King Eider
Common Eider
[Somateria eider]
Harlequin Duck
Surf Scoter
White-winged Scoter
Black Scoter
Long-tailed Duck
Common Goldeneye
[Bufflehead X Common Goldeneye]
Barrow's Goldeneye
[Common Goldeneye X Barrow's Goldeneye]
Hooded Merganser
Hooded Merganser
[Common Goldeneye X Hooded Merganser]
Common Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser
Ruddy Duck

Hooded Merganser(Lophodytes cucullatus)
1932SummerSwanson fcupd a female with\ a brood of ~ downy young at 1Mcs1)urg, June 16. ·
1934Summer Morse and Feeney found n brood of 11 full-gro\.n1 Hooded Mergansers in Itascn Perk on August 1st, and also saw "many more" after that date.
1940SummerA female of this species, with 6 downy young, was observed by the T. S. Roberts Club on July 20, near St. Cloud. K. Carlander witnessed an unusual sight in that he saw 3 5 young following one parent on Lake Vermillion, July 3 r.
1945WinterFive, Minneapolis, December 17, 1939, (Swedenborg).
1947SummerJuly 3, five small young, Itasca Park, Longley.
1961WinterJan Green saw one at Duluth on December 1.
1963SpringMarch 15, Dakota County, R. Janssen; March 24, Washington County, D. Honetschlager; April 6, Henderson, Sibley County, R. Janssen; April 16, Shotley, Beltrami County, Ben Goranson.
1963SummerHouston Co., La Crescent, May 26, 2 broods, 9y, 17y, Avifauna! Club. Lake Co., Langley River dam, June 22, 8y, Ruth Kuchta.
1963Falllatest Dec. 8, Minneapolis, Avifauna! Club.
1963WinterDec 11, Minneapolis, Mpls Audubon Society; several wintering at Rochester, John Feehan.
1964Spring3-27 Dakota Co, ACR; 3-28 Washington Co, BL; 4-4 Duluth, PBH; 4-6 Washington Co, DH; 4-11 Warroad, JR; 4-12 Beltrami Co, MG; 4-14 Marshall Co, DLO.
1964Summerbreeding in St. Louis Co, JCG.
1964Fall9-6 Stevens Co, RAG, RLH; 11-7 Swift Co, RBJ; 11-15 Duluth, AKA; 12-6 Rochester, 1 male, WRP, RG, RLH.
1964Winter12-5 to 12-9, Hennepin Co, 1, RDT and 12-9, Ramsey Co, 1, EWJ; all winter in Dakota Co, 1 male, EMB, RLH and Olmsted Co, 1 male, RG, RLH.
1965Springearliest 3-31 Howard Lake, EC.
1965Falllatest 11-12 Mpls, VL and 11-24 St. Paul, 16, VL. June, 1966
1965WinterLast, South: 12/8, Hennepin, RDT. 1/8 (female), 1/30 (male), "Black Dog," Dakota Co., RG.
1966Springearliest 3-5 Wabasha, DGM; 3-15 Rice Co, OAR.
1966Summerreported from Lac qui Parle, Carver and St. Louis Co's.
1966FallLatest 11-18 Wabasha Co., FL; 11-20 Hennepin Co., DB and Crow Wing Co., MSB; 11-27 Hennepin Co., VL.
1967Springearly 3-18 Hennepin Co., RBJ; 3-21 Wabasha Co., DGM; 3-23 Rice Co., OAR.
1967Fall latest 11-20 Wabasha Co., DGM; 11-30(VL), 12-9(RBJ) Minneapolis.
1967Winter 12-2(CLH), 12-5 (FN/MAS), 12-19(VL) Minneapolis.
1968Spring early 3-16 Dakota Co., RBJ; 3-17 Lac qui Parle Co., JAH; 3-18 Rice Co., OAR and Wabasha Co., DGM; 3-19 Hennepin Co., VL, Wabasha Co., FN/ MAS and Aitkin Co., CEP.
1968Summer nested in Hubbard Co ; also reported from Anoka, Cook, Lyon (PE) Co's.
1968Fall10-21 Hennepin (Silver Lake) 11 RDT; 10-25 Cook (Grand Marais) 11 MC; 11-16 Houston FL.
1968Winter1-1 Dakota RBJ.
1969Spring3-17 (7) Nobles Co., HSH; 3-21 (7) Wabasha Co., DWM; 3-22 (8) Rice Co., OAR; 4-6 Bemidji, JAM; 4-9 Duluth, MMC.
1969Summernested in Morrison (4 nests-lOy, lOy, 7y, & 1 nest destroyed), and Itasca Co's.; reported in Marshall, Clearwater, and Winona Co's. also.
1969Fall11-4 Hennepin 50+ ETS; 11-4 Carver 200 VL; 10-24 Marshall AR; 11-13 St. Louis JCG and MC; 11-22 Ramsey DB and KP.
1969Winter12-5 Hennepin CLH; 12-14 (KRE) - 1-24 (RG Olmsted; all winter, Dakota EMB.
1970Springearly south 3-4 Hennepin WL; 3-21 Houston FL; 3-22 Wabasha KE, PE; early north 4-6 Duluth MMC; 4-7 Duluth RL.
1970Summernested in Crow Wing and St. Loui s Co's; also reported from Winona, Marshall, and Mille Lacs Co's.
1970Falllate south 10-6 Carver (75) KH ; 11-8 Houston FL; 11-10 Carver MM; late north 11-8 Crow Wing )B; 11-10 Duluth )G; peak 11-15 Lyon (85) PE.
1970Winter12-5 Hennepin HFH; 12-26 Hennepin DAB.
1971Springearly south 3-14 Dakota KJG; 3-20 Goodhue RBJ and Wabasha DB; early north 4-5 Duluth MMC; 3-30 Duluth, fide JG; peak 4-16 Marshall (50) AR.
1971Summernested in Crow Wing; also reported from Carver, Cook, Aitkin, Marshall and Hennepin.
1971Winter12-7 Hennepin CLH; 12-18 Fergus Falls KRE; 1-10 (RG), 1-12 (RBJ) Ramsey; 1-23 (DB), 2-13 (RG) Pine River, Crow Wing Co.
1972Summernested in Houston, Winona, (Crow Wing), (Aitkin), (Clearwater); seen also in Lyon (HCK). Common Merqanser: nested in N. St. Louis; seen also in Clearwater, Lake, Cook.
1972Winter12-30 Hennepin RBJ; 12-31 Olmsted JAB; 2-25 Houston FZL. Three to five all winter in Dakota DR.
1973Summer Reports from Marshall, St. Louis, Hubbard, Aitkin, Crow Wing, Sherburne, Hennepin, & Houston.
1973Fall Reported from Wright, St. Louis, Houston, Sherburne. Late north 11-18 Aitkin (RBJ); 11-30 Crow Wing (2) (TS). Late south 11-12 Le Sueur (2) GR; 1/22 Hennepin (6) (OLJ). Peak 10-15 Marshall (580) (AWR).
1973Winter Seen on the Bloomington Christmas Count and on 12-15 in Crow Wing (TS).
1974Spring Early south 3-3 Dakota DR; 3-7 Anoka SC; 3-8 Wabasha DWM; early north 3-24 Crow Wing TS; 4-6 Marshall AR; 4-11 Morrison LR; peak 4-19 Marshall (270) AR.
1974Summer Nested in Stearns, Wabasha, Houston; also reported from Marshall, Aitkin, St. Louis, Cook.
1974Fall Late south 11-13 Hennepin FM; 1/23 Hennepin OJ; late north 11-10 Duluth JG, Crow Wing JB; 11-13 Marshall AR.
1974Winter 1-2 Olmsted (JF); 12-3 Dakota (VRL); 1-23 Hennepin (VRL).
1975Spring Early south 3-18 Scott VRL; 3-19 Scott RAG; 3-28 Wright DAF; early north 4-7 St. Louis MMC; 4-11 Becker TRS· 4-13 Marshall AR and St. Louis ' GJN.
1975Summer Nested in Marshall, St. Louis, Ramsey and Houston; also reported from Hennepin, Goodhue and Rice.
1975Falllate south 11-15 Hennepin EM, Carver PVK; 11-23 Washington WL; 11-30 Ramsey GC; late north 10·24 Cook JG; 11-16 Otter tail LCF.
1975Winterseen on the Wa· basha Christmas Count and from 1-1 to 1-5 at Black Dog L., Dakota Co. (BB, RG, DGW).
1976Spring Early south 3-2 Wabasha WM; 3-14 Dakota SG, PS; 3-19 Rice OR; early north 3-20 Crow Wing DK; 3 reports on 3-29.
1976Summernested in St. Louis, Hennepin and Houston; also reported from Marshall, Clearwater, Mahnomen and Wright.
1976Fall Late north 10-24 Marshall, 11-28 Duluth KE; late south 11-21 Hennepin and Ramsey, 11-26 Washington; peak 10-14 Marshall (640) ANWR.
1976Winter Reported from Black Dog L. Dakota Co. on 12-27, 1-23 and 2-13 (KG, DGW, ES).
1977Spring Early south 3-9 Wabasha DM and Dakota RJ; 3-11 Hennepin SH, OJ; early north 3-4 St. Louis GN; 3-25 Otter Tail SM; 2 reports 3-26.
1977Summer Nested in Marshall, Clay, St. Louis, Lake, Morrison and Houston; also reported from Cook, Crow Wing, Big Stone and Hennepin.
1977Fall Late north 11-16 Crow Wing (DGW).
1977Winter Three reports: 12-5 Duluth (KE); 1-14 Scott (RJ); three overwintered at Rochester (VH).
1978Spring Early north 3-24 Crow Wing DK.
1978Summer Seen only in Cook, Becker, Wright, Nicollet and Houston.
1978Fall Late north 11-1 Grant GO, Marshall ANWR, Mille Lacs TS, Otter Tail SM; late south 11-15 Olmsted VH, 11-20 Olmsted JEB.
1978Winter Late migrant 12-10 Lac qui Parle (CMB).
1979Spring Early south 3-2 Nicollet JCF, 3-11 Wabasha DWM, 3-17 Houston RJ; early north 3-11 Otter Tail GMO, 3-28 Itasca TOS, 4-4 Wadena JM.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Lake, St. Louis, Lake of the Woods, Lac qui Parle (Big Stone NWR); also seen in Beltrami, Becker, Crow Wing, Kanabec, Sherburne, Nicollet. Common Mer.ganser Breeding reported from Lake, Lake of the Woods; also seen in Cook, St. Louis, Itasca, Beltrami, Dakota (7-8, injured? male, RBJ). Red-breasted Merg·anser Seen in Lake, Marshall (Thief Lake); very scarce.
1979Fall Late north 11-2 Becker TNWR, 1/20 Otter Tail GMO, 11-26 Itasca TL; late south 11-11 Hennepin OJ, 11-25 Anoka KL, 11-30 Scott JCF. Common Merganse.r Late north 11-2 Becker TNWR and St. Louis DGW, 11-3 St. Louis RJ, 11-24 Otter Tail RJ, GMO, 11-29 Hubbard HF. Peak 11-24 Wabasha DB, OJ (1000+ ).
1979Winter Three reports: Dakota 1-5 (RSA) in the south and Otter Tail1-13 until2-27 (GMO) and Beltrami 12-15 and 1-31 (NB) in the north.
1980Spring Early south 3-2 Dakota JD, KG, 3-15 Mower RRK, 3-16 Martin EB; early north 4-3 St. Louis KE, KMH, Otter Tail GMO, 4-6 Aitkin WN.
1980Summer Breeding reported from Cook, Lake, Clearwater, Stearns, Ramsey, Rice; also seen scattered throughout the eastern and central regions plus Lac qui Parle (D&GW).
1980Fall Late north 11-1 Mille Lacs OJ, DB, 11-3 Itasca TL, 11-27 St. Louis KE; late south 11-19 Stearns NH, 11-21 Anoka KL, 11-30 Le Sueur JCF.
1980Winter Overwintered in Dakota 12-29 until 3-1 (mob). A straggler in Itasca 12-5 (TCS) and an early migrant in Nobles 2-28 (BJ).
1981Spring Early south 3-8 Houston FL, 3-15 Anoka KL, 3-17 Wabasha WDM; early north 3-21 Beltrami JP, 3-24 Itasca TL, 3-28 Aitkin KE, Becker DJ and Duluth Dick Green.
1981Summer Breeding data from Lake, Mahnomen. Seen throughout the Northeast, North Central plus Lac qui Parle, Murray.
1981Fall Late north 11-25 Itasca TL, 11-26 Crow Wing WN, 11-30 Beltrami JP; late south 11-15 Carver R.J (200), 11-28 Wabasha WDM, 11-30 Houston JPI AM.
1981Winter Four December reports: Beltrami 12-5 (JP), 12-6 (AS) in the north and Dakota 12-6 (ETS), Wabasha 12-23 (WOM) and Houston 12-12 (JPAM) in the south.
1982Spring Early south 3-18 Houston EMF and Washington BL, 3-21 Dakota ES; early north 3-27 St. Louis TL, 3-28 Otter Tail SDM, 3-30 Marshall KSS.
1982Summer Breeding data from Cook, Wright, Hubbard, Clearwater. Seen throughout the northern regions plus Big Stone.
1982Fall Late north I 1/7 Cook KMH and Otter Tail NH, 11/15 Beltrami JP, 11/17 Mille Lacs JB; late south 11/20 Goodhue BL, 11/22 Ramsey KL, 11-30 Houston FL and Wabasha WDM.
1982Winter December migrants in the north at Cass 12/2 (DZ) and the south at Hennepin 12/3 (DB). A January report from Lake, 1/21 (FL) and returning migrants at Duluth 2/25, (Duluth RBA).
1983Spring Early south 3/2 Dakota RJ, 3/3 Sherburne EH/SS, Wabasha WDM; early north 3/28 Otter Tail SDM, 3/29 Beltrami JP, 4/1 Marshall ANWR.
1983Summer Breeding data from Lake, Aitkin, Roseau. Seen throughout the North Central and Northeast plus Marshall, Anoka, Nicollet, Goodhue, Houston.
1983Fall Late north 11/12 Otter Tai I NH, 11/14 Crow Wing JB, 11/30 Beltrami JSP; late south 11/24 Dakota MW, 11/28 Wabasha DWM.
1983Winter Reported on the Rochester CBC and apparently remained throughout the period (mob). In the Twin Cities area reported from Scott, 12-10 (RBJ); Hennepin until 17 (ETS) and again on 2-11 (BL) and Dakota, 2-25 (MRBA).
1984Spring 3/2 Dakota PL, 3/12 Washington TBB, 3/16 Mower RRK; early north 3/25 Duluth KC, MH, 3/26 Marshall ANWR, 41I Otter Tail SDM.
1984Summernested in Roseau, Pennington, Polk, Clearwater, Lake, Carlton and Meeker; also seen in Cook, Marshall, Lake of the Woods, Anoka, Isanti, Hennepin, Wright and Dakota.
1984Fall Late north 11/12 Lake SWIMS, 11/14 Cook KMH, 11/25 Hubbard AB; late south 11/23 Hennepin PP, 11/25 Dakota SC, 11/29 Mower PP.
1984Winter Reported from five Twin Cities and SE Region counties. All were in December except Scott 1-26 (AB), Dakota 2-9 (TT) and Winona 2-15 (PP).
1985Summer Nested in Clearwater. Also seen in seven other counties in the northern regions plus Anoka, Hennepin, Ramsey, Dakota, Scott, Redwood (6/29, RJ).
1985Fall Late north 11/3 Otter Tail DS, 11/7 Cook WP, 11/28 Hubbard AB; late south 11/25 Dakota TTu, 11/27 Hennepin DB, SC, Olmsted JEB.
1985Winter Reported on the Bemidji, Excelsior and Rochester CBCs. Black Dog reports until 2/9 (mob). Also reported in Ramsey 12/11 and Winona 12/26 (KL).
1986Spring Early south 3/8 Nicollet JCF, 3/9 Dakota TTu, 3/11 Chippewa RGJ; early north 3/27 Winter 1986 Marshall ANWR, 3/28 Morrison AB, 3/29 Duluth M Stock, Otter Tail SDM.
1986Summer Nested in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Clearwater, Nicollet, Hubbard; probable nesting in Meeker. Also seen in Agassiz NWR, Aitkin, Olmsted, Houston, Fillmore, Jackson (6/1, AB).
1986Fall Late north 11/fl Becker BK, 11/16 Otter Tail SDM, 11/22 Beltrami TK; late south 11/30 Houston FL, Olmsted JEB, Ramsey DS.
1986Winter One on the Mississippi River in Benton on 1/27 (KL) and in Washington 12/13 (KL) and at Black Dog, Dakota County untill /10 (TT). Seven in Houston Co. 12/1 (FL).
1987Spring Early south 3/1 Dakota TI, 3/2 Hennepin SC, 3/4 Mower RRK; early north 3/22 St. Louis AE, 3/23 Marshall ANWR, 3/28 Mille Lacs AB, DB.
1987Summer Nested in Cook, Washington, Carver, Mille Lacs (RJ); probable nesting in Kanabec. Seen in six other counties within range plus Murray (6/ 10 AP).
1987Fall Reported north 10/18 St. Louis RSE, 11/3 Cook KMH, 11/26 Beltrami AB; south 11/5 LeSueur EK, llll8 Waseca JF, 11/25 Hennepin DB, SC, 11/28 Houston FL.
1988Spring Early south 3/3 Dakota ES and Wabasha WDM, 3/10 Blue Earth JF; early north 3/28 St. Louis fide AE, 3/29 Aitkin WN, 3/30 Otter Tail SDM.
1988Summer Nested in Roseau, Pennington, Lake, Norman (AB), Swift(JSc). Seen in 8 other northem counties plus Isanti and Wright.
1988Fall Late north 10/28 Otter Tail SDM, 11/12 Cook KMH, 11/25 Lake of the Woods AB; late south 11/19 Hennepin SC, OJ and Meeker RJ (1000 +), 11/27 Houston FL, 11/30 Dakota SC, ES.
1988Winter One remained in Cook until 12/21 KMH. Reported near Ely, St. Louis Co. on the Shagawa River on 1/3 SWMS and 2/11 SS. Two possibly overwintered in Dakota m.ob. Also reported in Winona, Wabasha, Martin and Nicollet 2/24 JF.
1989Spring Early south 3/10 Goodhue AP, 3/12 Wabasha APr, 3/18 Olmsted PP; early north 3/26 Clay LCF, 4/1 OtterTail SDM, 4/5 Aitkin WN.
1989Summer More reports than usual. Nested in St. Louis, Lac qui Parle; probable nesting in Becker, Cook, Hennepin. Seen in 16 other counties statewide except southwest.
1989Fall Late north ll/3 Mille Lacs AB, 11/8 Cook KMH, 11/15 Beltrami DJ; late south 11/9 Dakota ELand Goodhue AB, 11/28 Hennepin sc.
1989Winter Late migrants in Hennepin until 12/12 SC and Olmsted 12/11 JB. Seen on the St. Paul and St. Paul NE CBCs. Also reported in Goodhue 11/4, Dakota 1/1, Ramsey 12/28 and 1/24, and Wright/Sherburne 1/7. Early migrants appeared in Cottonwood 2/26 ED, Olmsted 2/26 JB, Dakota 2/27 JD, and Washington 2/27.
1990Spring Early south 3/2 Olmsted JB, 3/4 Watonwan AB, 3/9 Cottonwood ED; early north 3/31 St. Louis AE, DE, Aitkin WN, 4/1 Cook OSL, Otter Tail SDM.
1990Summer Many reports, similar to last year. Nested in Hubbard, Aitkin, Nicollet; probable breeding in Clearwater, Becker, St. Louis, Cook. Seen in 14 other counties in all regions except west-central and southwest.
1990Fall Late north 11/15 Cook SOL, 11/23 Mille Lacs SC (70 +), 11/24 Beltrami AB ; late south 11/26 Wabasha DWM, II /29 Hennepin SC, 11/30 Dakota DC, RG.
1990Winter Numerous late migrants found in Dakota 12/10 (23) RG; Hennepin 12/17 (4) SC; Winona 12/8 RJ; Olmsted 12/17 JB; Washington 12/31 RJ; Goodhue Il l AB ; Ramsey 12/2 PKL and Anoka 12/1 (3). Overwintered in Dakota where found 1/28 (2) RG.
1991Spring Early south 3/1 Lac qui Parle FE, 3/8 Cottonwood ED, Dakota RG; early north 3/17 OtterTail SDM, 3/25 Beltrami DJ, 3/26 Cook KMH.
1991Summer Nested in Roseau, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Le Sueur EK; probable nesting in five counties. Seen in nine other counties in all regions except central and southwest.
1991Fall Late north 11/17 Otter Tail SDM, MO, 11/22 Becker BK, 11/27 Douglas SDM; late south 11/25 Hennepin SC, 11/29 Dakota SC, 11/30 Washington TEB.
1991Winter Overwintered in Twin Cities region in Ramsey, Dakota and Anoka, in Goodhue, and in Otter Tail, plus reports from St. Louis (Virginia) 1/27 & 2/12 SW/MS, St. Paul NE CBC, Olmsted 2/3 JB, and Wright 2/24 KB.
1992Spring Early south 3/1 Dakota RJ, TT, 3/2 Rice TB, OR, FKS and Winona CS; early north 3/21 Aitkin WN, 3/27 Becker BBe, 3/28 Norman MO.
1992Summer Increased number of reports. Nested in Crow Wing, Meeker, Washington, Le Sueur; probable breeding in Becker. Seen in 19 additional counties statewide including Lincoln, Lyon, Rock.
1992Fall Late north 11/7 Aitkin WN and Becker BBe, 11/22 Beltrami DJ, 11/29 Otter Tail SDM; late south 11/22 Ramsey AB, 11/23 Olmsted JB, 11/30 Hennepin KB, SC.
1992Winter Overwintered at Fergus Falls, Otter Tail Co. SDM; possible overwintering birds reported until 1/13 Ramsey mob, until 1/21 Anoka PKL, and until 1/30 Dakota mob. Late lingering migrants included 12/1 Ramsey (60) KB, 12/3 Beltrami (2) DJo, and the Aurora and Winona CBCs.
1993Spring Early south 3/3 Wright KB, 3/4 Olmsted JB, 3/11 Washington TEB. Early north 3/28 Kanabec CM, 3/30 Itasca JB/TS, 4/1 Aitkin WN.
1993Summer Most reports in ten+ years; double the number reported in the mid-1980s. Nested in six counties including Dakota RHf; probable nesting in seven. Seen in 14 additional counties in all regions including Nobles in southwest.
1993Fall Late north 11/21 Otter Tail SDM, St. Louis TW, 11/24 Mille Lacs PKL. Late south 11/20 Anoka CF, 11/28 Rice TB, 11/30 Hennepin AB, KB, SC.
1993Winter An imm. male overwintered at Virginia power plant, St. Louis KB. Late migrant noted at Lake Calhoun until 12/14 Hennepin SC. Individuals noted along Mississippi River in Wright and Sherburne Counties on 12/19, 2/3 and 2/19, but no January sightings there (KB). Also reported from Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. on 12/11 DN and 2/18 KB and from Pigs Eye Lake, 1/1 Ramsey fide KB (overwintering?).
1994Spring Early south 3/3 Sherburne KB, 3/6 Hennepin TT and Houston FL; early north 3/15 Becker BBe, 3/16 St. Louis ME/SK, 3/20 Aitkin WN, Grant KKW, Kanabec CM, and Otter Tail SDM.
1994Summer Nested in Pope SDM, Kanabec CM, Aitkin, Dakota, Winona; probable nesting in Roseau, St. Louis, Becker, Anoka. Seen in ten other counties in all regions except southwest.
1994Fall Late north 11/20 St. Louis TW, 11/26 Beltrami AB, 11/30 Aitkin CMG. Late south 11/26 Hennepin RH and Martin BB, 11/30 Olmsted JB and Rice FKS.
1994Winter Number overwintering continues to increase. Reported from 12 counties with overwintering noted in Mower, Dakota, Wright and Beltrami. One mid-winter report 1/19 St. Louis (Virginia Power Plant) SWMS. Other reports were of lingering migrants in December (seven reports), and one possible early migrant in February (2/23 Cottonwood ED).
1995Spring Early south 3/3 Dakota (overwintered?) PJ and Winona CS, 3/10 Cottonwood ED; early north 3/8 St. Louis KB, 3/12 Aitkin CB, 3/18 Pine CM, AH.
1995Summer Nested in ten counties including Becker; probable breeding in five. Seen in seven other northern counties plus Hennepin, Ramsey.
1995Fall Peak of 1,800, highest reported by far from one roost, 11/4 Ramsey KB. Also reported from 13 north and 14 south counties.
1995Winter Over ten reports including overwintering in Ramsey, Scott, Dakota, Wright and Mower, plus north reports on the Tamarac NWR and Fergus Falls CBCs, and 12/30 St. Louis (Virginia) KB.
1996Spring Reported from 61 counties; overwintered in the south. Early north 3/11 St. Louis AE, and 3/14 Grant KKW. Peak 3/22 Wright (75) KB.
1996Summer Nested in six counties including Sherburne PJo; probable nesting in Becker, Otter Tail. Seen in 18 additional counties in all regions except southwest.
1996Fall Peak counts 11/2 Pleasant Lake, Ramsey Co. (1420) KB; 11/11 Sucker Lake, Ramsey Co. (400+) DZ; 11/12 Forest Lake, Washington Co. (200) WL. Reported in 26 counties statewide. Only late north report 11/10 Cass (4) PS.
1996Winter At least ten individuals reported from six counties within the Twin Cities area, five of which overwintered in Scott and Dakota counties PJ. Also overwintered in Mower RRK and Olmsted CH. Additional south reports were two birds on 2/6 Goodhue RJ and one on the Winona CBC. The only north reports were 12/11 Otter Tail (2) SDM, the Fergus Falls (1) CBC, 12/21 Lake (Birch Lake Dam) SS, and 2/15 St. Louis (Virginia) KB.
1997Spring Reported from 59 counties. Overwintered south. Early north 3/21 Becker KKW (ten-year median early date 3/22).
1997Summer Observed in 22 counties in all regions except southwest. New nesting record in McLeod RbS; probable breeding in Lake, St. Louis, Aitkin, Wright, Dakota.
1997Fall Reported from 37 counties. Peak count 11/8 Chippewa (50) ABo. Late north 11/29 Wadena PBi. Late south 11/29 Wabasha DS, 11/30 Anoka KB and Hennepin SC.
1997Winter Overwintered in St. Louis, Otter Tail, Wadena, Scott and Dakota counties. Also reported mid-winter 1/11 Mower RRK,
1998Spring Reported from 51 counties. See winter report for early migrants.
1998Summer Record high number of reports; seen in 33 counties statewide. New nesting record in Cass DZ; Probable nesting in Becker, Todd, Chisago, Washington, Lincoln, Lyon.
1998Fall Peak count 11/21 Ramsey (450) KB. Reported from 21 counties. See winter report for late migrants.
1998Winter Reported from 13 counties. Overwintered in St. Louis (Virginia, fourth consecutive winter) NJ, Otter Tail (5), the Twin Cities (Scott, Dakota, Ramsey, Hennepin), possibly Goodhue, and perhaps even Wadena (12/31 & 1/24 PBi). Additional late north (all reports) 12/8 Crow Wing KB, 12/12 Beltrami DJo, 12/13 Todd JSK, SD, and 12/17 St. Louis (Duluth) JN. Early south 2/26 Dakota (12) PJ. CBC total 279 with a peak of 241 at Excelsior. Additional peak 12/8 Ramsey (328) KB.
1999Spring Overwintered south and north, also see winter report for early migrants. Peak count 3/20 Washington (67 at Point Douglas) KB.
1999Summer Seen in 25 counties in all regions; new nesting record in Waseca JSe.
1999Fall Reported from 11 north and 18 south counties. Peak counts 10/28 Ramsey (100 on L. Vadnais) DJe, 11/10 Becker (97) BBe, 11/26 Ramsey (~250) RH. See winter report for late migrants.
1999Winter Reported from 8 north and 17 south counties. Overwintered in Otter Tail (two pair), St. Louis (Virginia, 5th year), Dakota, and Scott, plus mid-winter reports from Wadena, Sherburne, and Mower counties. Late north 12/6 Crow Wing KB, 12/11 Hubbard RSm, 1/1 Beltrami DJo. Late south from seven counties through 1/3 Hennepin SC. Early south from ten counties beginning 2/22 McLeod DF and 2/24 Winona (9) KB, with a peak 2/27 Dakota (24) KB. Early north 2/29 Morrison WB.
2000Spring Seen in 36 south and 16 north counties. See winter report for migrants and overwintering. Also seen early north 3/4 Aitkin WN and Kanabec CM, 3/6 St. Louis AE, followed by 3/10, 3/11, 3/12, 3/13 in various locales, all earlier than recent median north (3/21).
2000Summer Record high number of reports; observed in 37 counties statewide.
2000Fall Reported from 14 north and 18 south counties. Late north 11/29 Otter Tail SDM; see winter report for additional migrants.
2000Winter Reported from four north and eight south counties, most of which appeared to be overwintering.
2001Spring Seen in 42 south and 24 north counties, and in all regions. Overwintered south and north. Probable migrants 3/19 St. Louis PHS, 3/20–24 in four north counties.
2001Summer Reported in 20 counties statewide; new nesting record in Beltrami DPJ.
2001Fall Reported from 13 north and 22 south counties. High counts 10/30 Hennepin (178) SLC, 11/30 Olmsted (150) PWP.
2001Winter Reported from 4 north and 18 south counties. Large numbers still present in December including peaks 12/3 Dakota (311 at Black Dog L.) TAT in the south and 12/8 Beltrami (50) DPJ in the north. Overwintered in St. Louis (8th year at Virginia), Otter Tail (Fergus Falls), and the Twin Cities area (10+ in Ramsey, Scott, Dakota, Washington counties). Reports of early migrants included 2/18 Dakota (#?) PEJ, Wabasha (1) DFN and Winona (6) DFN; 2/23 Goodhue (#?) RBJ, and 2/27 (#?) Rice TFB, but without more data on flock sizes, these are difficult to distinguish from wintering birds (e.g., a flock of 4–5 overwintered at Black Dog L.).
2002Spring Observed in 42 south and 23 north counties. See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north (away from known overwintering locations) 3/17 Crow Wing (7) PSP, St. Louis (2) PHS and Wadena PJB. High counts 4/6 Anoka (261 at Coon Rapids Dam) KJB, 4/11 St. Louis (75 at Duluth) JRN.
2002Summer Observed in 31 counties statewide.
2002Fall Reported from 24 north and 27 south counties in all regions except the Southwest. High counts 11/4 Big Stone (100+) RBJ, 11/8 Carlton (100+) RBJ.
2002Winter Reported from 5 north and 11 south counties with overwintering in Wadena, St. Louis, Otter Tail, Hennepin, Dakota and Scott.
2003Spring Seen in 36 south and 24 north counties. Overwintered south and north. Probable migrants 3/13 Freeborn AEB, 3/14–16 in nine south counties, 3/15 in three north counties.
2003Summer More reports than usual; observed in 36 counties in all regions except Southeast (only Yellow Medicine in Southwest). New nesting record in Pine JMP.
2003Fall Reported from 22 north and 19 south counties. High counts 11/7 Rice (204) FVS, 11/8 Dakota (288) PEJ.
2003Winter Reported from 23 counties in all regions of the state except the Northwest. Overwintered in St. Louis (Virginia) SLF, Wadena PJB, Steele m.ob., and Dakota (including a flock of 14–16 in the vicinity of Black Dog Lake 1/1–25) m.ob. Late north 12/27 Lake (Birch Lake dam) SES, 1/17 Mille Lacs (Isle) fide KRE. Still 100 present 12/2 Houston (pool 8, Upper Mississippi River N.W.F.R., includes Wisconsin) KJB. Potential early south 2/26 Freeborn AEB, 2/28 Lac qui Parle, Murray, Martin.
2004Spring Seen in 36 south and 26 north counties. Please see winter report for early south migrants. Early north 3/7 Wadena PJB, 3/21 Todd JSK, SID. Peak concentration 4/19 Washington (600) DPS.
2004Summer Seen in 26 counties in all regions except Southeast. New nesting records in Big Stone BJU and Otter Tail DTT, SMT.
2004Fall Reported from 14 north and 18 south counties, none in the Southwest. High counts 11/27 Meeker (1,335 at L. Ripley) DMF, 10/20 Beltrami (100 at L. Bemidji) PJR.
2004Winter Reported from five north and eight south counties. No west reports except 12/18 Otter Tail (Fergus Falls CBC) fide SPM. Overwintered again at Silver L. in Virginia, St. Louis County NAJ, ALE; late north migrant 1/2 Beltrami (2) DPJ. Overwintered south in Dakota (Black Dog L.) and Hennepin SLC. High count 1/22 Dakota (10) PEB. Also recorded on Duluth CBC 12/18 St. Louis PHS.
2005Spring Seen in 40 south and 26 north counties. Early south (away from overwintering locations) 3/1 Scott JEB and Washington BRL, 3/6 in four counties. Early north 3/20 Wadena PJB, 3/21 Clay BWF. Peak concentration 3/21 Dakota (159 at Black Dog L.) KJB.
2005Summer Matches 2000 for most reports: observed in 37 counties in all regions except Southeast. New nesting record from Brown (female with three young across county road 27 from Flandreau S.P.) JSS.
2005Fall Seen in 24 north and 27 south counties. High counts 11/2 Marshall (800) Agassiz N.W.R., 11/24 Meeker (260 at L. Ripley) DMF.
2005Winter Reported from 4 north and 14 south counties. Overwintered north in Otter Tail (Fergus Falls) SPM and St. Louis (Duluth harbor) PHS; also seen through 12/27 St. Louis (2, Silver Lake) SLF. Overwintered south in Dakota (10, Black Dog Lake), Scott (2) PEJ, and Wright (2, Monticello) BAF, KJB. West-central reports 12/20 Lac qui Parle CBC (2) fide PME, 2/2 Lac qui Parle (male, Lac qui Parle Lake) BJU.
2006Spring Seen in 47 south and 28 north counties. Early south (away from overwintering locations) 3/1 Olmsted JWH, LAV and Rice TFB, 3/4 Chippewa BJU. Early north (away from overwintering locations in Duluth and Fergus Falls) 3/5 Wadena PJB, 3/14 St. Louis (Virginia) SLF. High count 3/15 Dakota (344 at Black Dog L.) KJB.
2006Summer Reported from 53 counties throughout state. First nesting record for Blue Earth ChH.
2006Fall Found in 25 north and 30 south counties. High count 11/24 Hubbard (400 at Long L.) PBB.
2006Winter39 Male overwintered through 2/20 St. Louis (Silver Lake, Virginia) SLF. Mid-winter report 1/17–23 St. Louis (Canal Park, Duluth) KRE. Numerous south reports spanned the season with probable overwintering in Dakota, Hennepin, Scott.
2007Spring3249 Early north (away from known overwintering locations, ties earliest north) 3/4 Wadena PJB, 3/13 St. Louis SLF (median 3/19). High count 4/12 Cass (100 on Sylvan Reservoir) MRN.
2007Summer1832 Seen in all regions of the state.
2007Fall2527 Late north 11/23 Hubbard PBB, 11/24 Mille Lacs JLO, St. Louis LS, but also see winter report.
2007Winter19 Overwintered in St. Louis from 12/2 into March (male and female at Silver Lake in Virginia) SLF, and 1/8–24 (W.L.S.S.D. treatment plant, Duluth) fide JWL, PHS. Numerous south reports spanned the season with a few birds overwintering in Dakota, Ramsey, and Scott.
2008Spring2852 See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north (median 3/18) 3/15 Wadena PJB, 3/19 Cass BAW. High count 4/9 St. Louis (238 in Duluth harbor) PHS.
2008Summer1525 Reported from all regions except Northwest. First county breeding record for Grant LS.
2008Fall2232 High count 10/31 St. Louis (650 on Bear Island Lake) SLF. Late north 11/19–20 Cass MRN, 11/23 St. Louis PHS, Wadena PJB, but also see winter report.
2008Winter38 All north: 12/1 St. Louis (male over-wintered on Silver Lake in Virginia through 2/8) SLF; 12/2 Cass (female, Gull Lake) BAW; 1/19 Polk fide JMJ, 2/16 St. Louis (male, near WLSSD W.T.P., Duluth.) PHS. Found during January in five metro area counties at usual open water sites.
2009Spring3248 See winter report for over-wintering and early south migrants. Early north (median 3/17) 3/15 Cass BAW, Otter Tail SPM, 3/16 Aitkin KCR. High count 3/27 Carver (101, Rapids Lake) WCM.
2009Summer2126 Seen in all regions except Southwest. First county breeding records from Chisago MJB, Douglas fide BBA, Freeborn MCBS, Stevens MKu.
2009Fall2631 High count 11/14 Todd (110, Lake Osakis) MJB. Late north 11/24 Mille Lacs DBM, 11/25 St. Louis NAJ, 11/28 Douglas, Todd JPE, 11/29 Aitkin MJB, but also see winter report.
2009Winter315 May have wintered in St. Louis where seen as late as 2/4 PHS. High counts 12/2 Cass (22, Sylvan Lake, Sylvan Twp.) BAW. CBC high count 12/19 St. Paul (North) CBC (75).
2010Spring3151 Early north (median 3/17) 3/7 St. Louis PHS, 3/14 Kanabec CAM, Wadena PJB, 3/16 Marshall GT.
2010Summer2835 Reported from all regions of the state. First county breeding records for Benton MRN, Isanti DPG, Kittson LW, Sibley LS.
2010Fall2331 High counts 11/6 Ramsey (record high count of 3,500, Pleasant Lake) KJB, 11/12 St. Louis (400, Bear Island Lake) SLF. Late north 11/25 Hubbard PBB, 11/28 Mille Lacs HHD, but also see winter report.
2010Winter512 All north reports 12/1 Cass BAW, 12/18 Otter Tail (3) BDE fide JMJ, 12/23 St. Louis (Duluth, Canal Park) JLK, PHS, 2/23 Douglas ARW, St. Louis (3, Duluth Port Terminal) LKn, 2/25 Lake (6, Two Harbors) LKn. Apparently overwintered (reports in January to mid-February) in small numbers (up to 4) south in Blue Earth, Dakota, Goodhue, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, Washington. High count 12/9 Ramsey (12) CMB. CBC high count 12/18 St. Paul (North) (11).
2011Spring3251 See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north (median 3/17) 3/5 Morrison FGo, 3/10 St. Louis KRE, 3/19 Otter Tail BDE, 3/20 Wadena PJB. High count 3/19 Dakota (100, Vermillion River Bottoms) LPf.
2011Summer2726Found in all regions of state.
2011Fall2539 High counts 11/29 Ramsey (2,120 at Pleasant Lake, second highest count for state) KJB, 11/25 Ramsey (300, Vadnais Lake) BNW, 11/14 Houston (150, Brownsville) DSt, 11/28 Crow Wing (150, Agate Lake) JSB. Please see winter report for late migrants and overwintering birds.
2011Winter619Post-December records north include 1/1 Itasca SC, 2/3–17 St. Louis (1–2, Duluth W.L.S.S.D.) m.ob. Reported from more counties both north and south than in any of the previous 5 years. Numerous midwinter records south of 1–8 birds including Benton, Hennepin, Goodhue, Olmsted, Ramsey, Scott, Stearns, Wabasha, Washington, Winona, Yellow Medicine (1/29 SVo). High counts 12/4 Hennepin (18, Long Meadow Lake) RTe, 2/29 Winona (18) ANy.
2012Spring3453 Overwintered widely south and in St. Louis (pair). Early north migrants (median 3/17) 3/9 Morrison MJB, St. Louis (migrant?) KRE, Traverse MO, 3/15 Hubbard MaH, MAW, Pine ANy, 3/16 Clearwater KVH, Itasca SC, EEO. High count 3/24 Houston (~500, Reno Bottoms) SPu.
2012Summer2936 Reported throughout state. First county breeding records for Jackson JSc, Murray SWe, Watonwan JSc.
2012Fall2735 High counts 11/14 Ramsey (est. 2,400, Pleasant Lake, second highest recorded state count) KJB, 11/23 Ramsey (540, Vadnais Lake) MJM. Please see winter report for late migrants and overwintering birds.
2012Winter621 Reported from about the same number of counties north and south as last year. Overwintered north St. Louis (up to 4, at Canal Park and other Duluth locations) m.ob. Multiple individuals overwintered at several Twin Cities sites, including Dakota (up to 28 on 2/8, Black Dog Lake) PEJ, m.ob., Scott (up to 45 on 2/20, Blue Lake W.T.P.) KDS, GHo, m.ob. One to two were reported midwinter elsewhere, including Benton, Chippewa (2/15, Minnesota River) DLP, Dakota, Goodhue, Hennepin, Fillmore, Ramsey, Rice, Wabasha, Washington. High count 12/1 Ramsey (600, Pleasant Lake) KJB. CBC high counts 12/15 St. Paul (North) (19), 12/15 Excelsior (7).
2013Spring3453 Overwintered widely south and in St. Louis (Duluth). Early north (median 3/17) 3/24 Wadena PJB, 3/28 Pine DAC, RBJ, ToL, 3/29 Clearwater KLa, Douglas JPE, Hubbard MAW, Itasca SC. High counts 4/13 Ramsey (300, Red Rock Road Lake) MJM, 4/2 Dakota (246, Black Dog Lake) PEJ, 4/9 Anoka (150, Coon Rapids Dam) SaH.
2013Summer3240 Observed in all regions of state. First county breeding record for Renville JSc.
2013Fall2938 High counts 11/14 Ramsey (1,200, Pleasant Lake) KJB, 11/17 Ramsey (500, Vadnais Lake) PNi. Late north 11/14, 11/20 St. Louis (2, Indian Point) JLK, 11/20 Beltrami (2) KCo. Also see winter report.
2013Fall A possible female/immature hybrid of this parentage was documented at French R.P. in Hennepin including distant photos 11/21 ph. †ALD.
2013Winter412 All north: 12/14 Otter Tail CBC, Duluth CBC (2), 12/15 Grand Rapids CBC, 1/1 Long Prairie CBC. Multiple individuals overwintered at several Twin Cities locations, including Dakota (up to 30 on 1/11, Black Dog Lake), Scott (up to 15 on 1/10, Blue Lake W.T.P.), Hennepin (up to 10, Minnesota Valley N.W.R. Bass Ponds) PEJ, m.ob. Elsewhere, 1–4 individuals reported midwinter from Benton, Goodhue, Olmsted, Sherburne, Stearns, Washington, Wright. CBC high counts 12/14 Bloomington (20), 12/14 Excelsior (11).
2013Winter1 Hybrid male reported St. Louis (Duluth) 12/14 TLK, PHS, and 12/25 ph. JLK, thought to be the same bird returning for the third consecutive winter.
2014Spring3252See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north (median 3/17) 3/28 Clearwater SC, EEO, Traverse CRM, JMs, 3/30 Beltrami SVo, followed by reports from ten other counties. High counts 4/5 Scott (89, Cleary Lake) DWK, 4/2 Hennepin (74, Hyland Lake P.R.) JRg.
2014Summer2436Seen in all regions of state. First county breeding record from Steele PSu.
2014Fall2841 Reported statewide. High count 11/14 Ramsey (900) ELC. Also see winter report.
2014Winter414 December reports north from Douglas, Lake, Otter Tail, St. Louis. Two north reports after December: 1/17 Otter Tail HHD, 2/8 Lake MHe. Numerous post-December records south include Benton, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, Stearns, Washington, Winona, Wright. High count 2/6 Dakota (25, Black Dog Lake) PEJ. CBC high count 12/20 Excelsior (7).
2015Spring3353 See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north (median 3/17) 3/2–14 Otter Tail JWd, m.ob., 3/14 Wadena PJB, 3/15 Morrison KEm. High count 3/29 Morrison (48, Crane Meadows N.W.R.) KEm.
2015Summer2938 Observed statewide. First county breeding record for Koochiching AXH.
2015Fall3141 Reported statewide. High counts 11/9 Douglas (200, Stockhaven Lake) MRo, 10/23 Hennepin (135) CMB. Also see winter report.
2015Winter517 December reports from four north counties (1–3 birds). Only north report after December was 1/2 Uppgaard WMA CBC. December reports from 15 south counties, with high count 12/10 Ramsey (400, North Pleasant Lake) MRe, WRe. January–February reports from 12 south counties with high count 2/29 Scott (20) BHe. CBC high counts 12/19 Excelsior (20), Fergus Falls (5).
2016Spring3452 See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north (median 3/15) 3/6 Douglas BEc, 3/7–8 Cass PSP, 3/7 Crow Wing LMS, Pine KrM, Todd ALu. High counts 3/17 Goodhue (63, Mississippi River Lock and Dam #3) KDS, 3/24 Mille Lacs (54, Lake Onamia) RBJ.
2016Summer2937 Seen in all regions.
2016Fall3142 Reported statewide. High count 11/12 Ramsey (465, Vadnais Lake, counted by fives) BAF. Also see winter report.
2016Winter634 December reports from seven north counties (all 1–7 birds). Overwintered Otter Tail (2, Fergus Falls; increasing to 4 on 2/19) m.ob. Other post-December reports north: 1/26 Itasca SC, 2/19 Itasca TCL. December reports from 23 south counties, with high count 12/8 Ramsey (520, Pleasant Lake) KJB. Midwinter south reports from eight counties, with peak counts 1/14 Scott (18, Blue Lake W.T.P.) SOa, 1/18 Dakota (15, Black Dog Lake) PEJ. Increase of reports starting mid February to end of month, from 28 south counties. CBC high counts 12/17 Excelsior (9).
2017Spring3353 See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north (median 3/15) 3/1 Douglas (2) BEc, 3/5 Crow Wing (2) PSP, 3/8 Otter Tail (12) JsS, 3/8–9 St. Louis JLK, DOr. High counts 3/25 Goodhue (154, Frontenac) KLi, 3/18 Carver (125, Lake Waconia) BHe.
2017Summer3038 Observed in all regions. High count 6/16 Grant (23, North Ottawa Impoundment) PCC.
2017Fall3447 Reported statewide. High counts 11/15 Ramsey (540, Pleasant Lake) WRe, MRe. Also see winter report.
2017Winter618 December reports from six north counties, with high count 12/12 (25) Douglas ToR. Overwintered Otter Tail (up to 3), and singles in Douglas, St. Louis (Virginia, Silver Lake). December reports from 15 south counties, with high count 12/5 Ramsey (400, Pleasant Lake) MRe, WRe. Multiple individuals overwintered Scott (up to 45, Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob., Hennepin (up to 20, Bass Ponds) m.ob. Other midwinter reports (1–3 individuals) from Chippewa, Dakota, Goodhue, Washington. CBC high counts 12/16 Bloomington (16), Excelsior (10).
2018Spring3353 See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north (median 3/11) 3/4 Otter Tail (2) WPl, 3/14 Crow Wing (2) DMz, 3/17 St. Louis (max. 3) FJN, RCl, JLK. High count 3/27 Washington (200, Hazen P. Mooers Park) EzH, JHh.
2018Summer3141 Seen statewide. First county breeding record 6/16 Traverse RCl.
2018Fall3345  Reported statewide. High count 11/20 Ramsey (750, Vadnais Lake) DnS, MWS. Also see winter report.
2018Winter816 December reports from six north counties, all of 1–3 individuals. Overwintered Beltrami (Lake Irving) m.ob., Otter Tail (up to 3, Fergus Falls) m.ob., St. Louis (1–2, Virginia, Silver Lake) m.ob. Other midwinter north reports include 1/13 Clay (3, Moorhead) PBB, 1/16 Douglas (Lake Carlos S.P.) BEc, 2/3 Lake (2, C.R.2, Sand River) FFa. December reports from 15 south counties, with high count 12/4 Houston (75, Brownsville south overlook) LiH. Multiple individuals overwintered Scott (up to 10, Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob., Hennepin (up to 6, Bass Ponds, Old Cedar Ave. bridge) m.ob., Goodhue (up to 4, Lock and Dam 3) PEJ, LiH. Also reported 1/28 Hennepin (11, Lake Rebecca P.R.) SDz. Other south reports (1–2 birds) after December from 11 additional counties. CBC high counts 12/15 Bloomington (9), Excelsior (8).
2019Summer3048 Found in every region. First county breeding record: 6/1 Nobles BTS.
 Breeds and migrates throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.