Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Fulvous Whistling-Duck
Snow Goose
Ross's Goose
Greater White-fronted Goose
[Taiga Bean-Goose]
[Brant (Atlantic)]
[Brant (Black)]
Cackling Goose
Canada Goose
[Greater White-fronted Goose X Canada Goose]
Mute Swan
Trumpeter Swan
Tundra Swan
[Cygnus swan]
Wood Duck
Blue-winged Teal
Cinnamon Teal
[Blue-winged Teal x Cinnamon Teal]
Northern Shoveler
Eurasian Wigeon
American Wigeon
[Gadwall X Mallard]
American Black Duck
[Mallard X American Black Duck]
Mottled Duck
Northern Pintail
[Mallard X Northern Pintail]
Green-winged Teal
[Green-winged Teal (Eurasian)]
[Green-winged Teal (American)]
Ring-necked Duck
Tufted Duck
Greater Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Greater Scaup]
Lesser Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Lesser Scaup]
King Eider
Common Eider
[Somateria eider]
Harlequin Duck
Surf Scoter
White-winged Scoter
Black Scoter
Long-tailed Duck
Common Goldeneye
[Bufflehead X Common Goldeneye]
Barrow's Goldeneye
[Common Goldeneye X Barrow's Goldeneye]
Hooded Merganser
Hooded Merganser
[Common Goldeneye X Hooded Merganser]
Common Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser
Ruddy Duck

Lesser Scaup(Aythya affinis)
1945WinterPresent every winter into December.
1963SummerClearwater Co., June 28, pr with 7y, R. Grant. Mahnomen Co., July 7, several pr with y, Avifauna! Club.
1964Spring3-8 Wabasha Co, JO; 3-14 Dakota Co, RBJ; 3-16 Wright Oo, EC; 3-20 Washington Co, DH; 3-21 Ramsey Co, BL; 3-27 Ramsey Co, ACR; 4-2 Ramsey Co, ELC; 4-2 Stearns Co, RPR; 4-11 Lac qui Parle Refuge, RKO; 4-11 Marshall Oo, DLO; 4-12 Duluth, JCG; the 2nd week in April, Winona Co, KK reported fantastic total of 126,700 of this species.
1964Winter2-13, Rochester, a pair, RG, RLH.
1965Springearliest 3-27 Olmsted Co, RBJ.
1965Falllatest 11-28 Stearns Co, NMH and 11-30 Hennepin Co, RDT, FN.
1965WinterLast, South: 12/18, Hennepin, WL. 1/5, Ramsey, DAB. 1/8 (RG) 2/12(RBJ), (1-2), "Black Dog," Dakota Co.
1966Springearliest 3-3 Nobles Co, HSH and St. Paul, RLH; 3-5 Wabasha, DGM; on 3-31 HSH reports 1000 in Nobles Co.
1966Summer6-4 Split Rock Lake, Pipestone Co, 1 male, BL; 6-5 Dakota Co, RBJ; 6-27 Minnesota Point, St. Louis Co, PBH; 7-8 Lyon Co, 3 pair, PE; 7-14 Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co, RBJ.
1966FallLatest 11-25 Washington Co., WHL; 11-26 Ramsey Co., ACR and Wabasha Co., DGM; 11-30 Hennepin Co. FN/MAS.
1966Winterreported from Ramsey, Wabasha, Olmsted, Dakota and St. Louis Co's.
1967Springearly 3-4 Nobles Co., HSH; 3-8 Dakota Co., EMB; 3-10 Wabasha Co., DGM.
1967Summer6-6 Ramsey Co., ELC; 6/2 Anoka Co., ELC; 6-14, St. Louis Co., JCG; 6-16 Hennepin Co., VL; all late migrants?
1967Fall latest 11-19 Beltrami Co., JAH; 11-26 Lyon Co., PE; 11-29 Lake Co., JCG.
1967Winter 12-13(JJ), 12-9(ACR), 12-23(BL) St. Paul, Ramsey Co.; 12-4 Wacouta, Goodhue Co., MH; 12-12 Minneapolis, VL; 1-5 Grand Marais, Cook Co., MIG.
1968Spring early 3-7 Nobles Co., HSH; 3-14 Rice Co., OAR; 3-16 Watonwan Co., EDK and Dakota Co., RBJ; 3-17 Dakota Co., EMB, Wright Co., EHD, Morrison Co., DF and Wabasha Co., DGM.
1968FallNorth 10-26 Cook BL; 11-11 Duluth MC; South 11-21 Hennepin (Grass Lake) VL; 11-24 Ramsey JJ. Large concentrations reported 11-3 Winona 400+ BT; 11-3 Steams (Grand Lake) 500 NMH; 10-30 Itasca (Lake Winnibigoshish) 25,000 MC.
1968Winter12-3 Ramsey (White Bear Lake) WHL; 12-21-1-5 Lake (Two Harbors) JCG; 2-1 St. Louis (Virginia) DB.
1969Spring3-17 Nobles Co., HSH; 3-22 Winona Co., BT, Wabasha Co., DWM, Dakota Co., DB & RBJ, and Hennepin Co., DMB; 4-5 (300) Waseca Co., WF; 4-12 St. Louis Co., RL, and Aitkin Co., JCG; 4-25 (500) Wabasha Co., DWM; late E., 5-27 Ramsey Co., EC; 6-9 Duluth, MMC.
1969Summerreported from Duluth in June and July, Marshall Co., Clearwater Co., 6-9 Crow Wing, and 8-1, Winona Co. (BT).
1969Fall11-4 Winona 100 BTV; 9-28 Houston 300+ FL; (nothing like last year's report of a concentration of 25,000 on Lake Winnibigoshish!); 11-1 Aitkin RHJ; 11-30 Lake MC; 11- 30 Hennepin VL and CH; 11-30 Wabasha DGM.
1969WinterLast South 12-13 Goodhue KRE; 12-14 (2) Olmsted KRE. Last North 12-11 Lake JCG; 12-20 (10) Morrison LSR. Wintered 12-13 - 1-3 Winona FZL; 1-1 Olmsted RG; 1-24 Virginia, St. Louis Co. KRE, PE; 2-24 Cass MHM; 2-28 Ramsey JJ.
1970Springearly south 3-1 Rice OR; 3-7 Houston FL; 3-22 Wabasha KE, PE, WDM and Goodhue RG; early north 4-7 Marshall AR; 4-8 Duluth MMC, JG; peak 4-5 Winona (1000} TV; 4-11 Wabasha (4000} KE, PE; late 5-31 jackson HH and Duluth RL.
1970Summerreported from Duluth {8-8 KE ; and 6-29, 12, MMC) and Swift Co., 3 on 6-13, BAH.
1970Falllate south 11-15 Wright ES and Lyon PE; 11-30 Winona TV; late north 11-20 Cook )G; 11-28 Lake MMC; peak 10-28 Duluth (3000) )G.
1970Winter12-2 (100) Wabasha BTV; 12-5 Hennepin HFH; 1-2 Ramsey RG; 1-3 Olmsted ETS.
1971Springearly south 3-11 Nobles HH; 3-14 Winona KE, PE and Dakota KJG; early north 4-8 Duluth KE and Marshall AR and Crow Wing JB; peak 4-3 and 4-4 Chippewa, Nicollet, Sibley (20,0001KE, PE; 4-11 Sherburne (20,000) RLD; 4-30 Marshall (14,360) AR. Common Goldeneve: late south 4-25 Carver KH and Stearns NMH; peak 4-9 Marshall (2460) AR.
1971Summer6 reports (reported as scaup, sp. and may have been Greaters); 6-3 to 7-18 Hennepin OJ; 6-4 Aitkin TS; "common" Marshall JBMH; 6-12 Roseau RBJ; 7-3, 7-19 Duluth JAB.
1971Fallearly 8-31 Grant; 9-5 Duluth; late south 11-26 Lyon: 11-27 Waseca; ll-28 Wri'l"ht; late north ll-4 M~rshall; 11-26 Ottertail; peak 10..21 Marshall (7130) AR.
1971Winter12-5 Wright BAH; 12-9 Hennepin CLH; 12-18 Fergus Falls KRE; 1-2 Ramsey JAB; 1-19 Scott RBJ.
1972Summerseen in St. Louis, Cass, Pope, Winona, Lyon, Wright, Hennepin.
1972Winter12-1 (2) Ramsey JAB; 12-16 Otter Tail KRE; 12-21 (6) Rochester JAB; 2-3 Hennepin CLH.
1973Summer Seen in St. Louis, Marshall, Aitkin, Grant, Pope, Lac qui Parle, Lyon, & Hennepin.
1973Fall Reported from Becker, St. Louis, Pope, Ramsey, Stearns, Cook, Itasca, Sherburne. Late north 11-18 Aitkin, Crow Wing, Mille Lacs (RBJ); 11-30 Crow Wing (15) and Mille Lacs (10) (TS). Late south 11-25 Wright (15) (BAH); 11-28 LeSueur (3) (GR). Peak 11-1 Marshall (4950) (AWR).
1973Winter Seen on the Grand Marais, St. Paul Northeast and Hastings Christmas Counts; also on 12-2 Mille Lacs (MI) and 12-20 Stearns (NH).
1974Spring Early south 3-1 Olmsted JF; 3-2 Da- kota RBJ; 3-3 Rock KE; 3-3 Houston FL; early north 4-11 Morrison LSR; 4-17 St. Louis JG; 4-17 Mille Lacs MI; peak 4-25 Marshall (25,300) AR.
1974Summer "Broods noted" at Agassiz N. W. R. in Marshall Co. (SV) (very few breeding records exist for this species); late migrants noted up to 6-20 in Mahnomen, Douglas, Big Stone; Lac qui Parle, Pope, Swift, Kandiyohi, Lyon, Jackson, Hennepin, Dakota; early fall migrant 7-22 Rock (KE).
1974Fall Late south 11-24 Wright BH; 11-25 Wabasha WDM; 11-30 Le Sueur GR; late north 11-24 Duluth JG; 11-24 St. Louis RBJ; peak 11-7 Marshall (14,000) AR.
1974Winter Reported from the Fergus Falls, Grand Marais, Minneapolis, Bloomington, St. Paul and Winona Christmas Counts; also 12-31 Houston (KE), 1-1 and 1-5 Hennepin (PZ, KE), 1-4 Lac qui Parle (PF), and 1-8 Ramsey (RG).
1975Spring Early south 3-1 Goodhue CF; 3-5 Hennepin PG; 3-17 Olmsted FKS; early north 3-31 Crow Wing TS; 4-11 St. Louis MMC; 4-15 Becker TRS; peak 5-2 Marshall (19,950) AR.
1975Summer Non-breeding birds noted in Cook, Marshall, Pope, Lac qui Parle, Lyon, Lincoln, Nobles, Dakota, Wabasha and Rock.
1975Falllate north 11-17 Duluth DS; 11-30 Ottertail SM; early south 8-24 Lyon KE; late south 11-1"0 Wabasha RB; 11-13 Goodhue CF; 11/5 Hennepin OJ; peak 11-9 Mille Lacs (5000).
1975Winterlate migrants through Christmas Count time seen in Ramsey, Hennepin, Scott, Anoka, Dakota, Washington, Olmstead, Otter Tail {12-13, SM), Cook (12-16, JH) and Duluth (12-7, JJ, SS); also a possible early migrant on 2-15 in Wabasha Co. (JG).
1976Spring Early south 3-6 Washington JD; 3/4 Stearns NMH; several reports on 3-18; early north 3-23 Crow Wing DK; 4-3 Otter Tail GW; 4 reports on 4-4; peak 4-30 Marshall (10,400) A WR.
1976Summernon-breeding wanderers noted in Clearwater, Duluth, Hennepin, Pope, Yellow Medicine and Lyon.
1976Fall Late north 11-27 Cook, 11-28 Duluth; late south 11-27 Ramsey, 11-28 Big Stone; peak 10-14 Marshall (8600) ANWR.
1976Winter Reported on the Big Stone (also 1227, KE) and Afton Christmas Counts; also 12-4 Olmsted (KL).
1977Spring Early south 3-6 Dakota DGW; 3 reports on 3-9; early north 3-7 Hubbard HF; 3-11 Otter Tail SM; 3-25 Crow Wing DK; 3-26 Otter Tail GO; peak 4-15 Marshall (25,000) SVA.
1977Summer Nested in Marshall (broods seen at Agassiz N.W.R., SV); also reportedfrom Lake of the Woods, Duluth, Clay, Big Stone, Lyon, Anoka, Hennepin and Dakota.
1977Fall Late north 11-28 Duluth (KE).
1977Winter Late migrants 12-4 Stearns (NH), 12-5 Duluth (KE) and until 12-28 Otter Tail (MO).
1978Spring Peak 4-26 Marshall (12,064) SV.
1978Summer Late migrant 6-15 Lake Superior, St. Louis (KRE); also seen in Aitkin, Wadena, Marshall, American Crow Wing, Roseau, Jackson, Lyon, Lincoln, Anoka, Becker, Hennepin and Lac qui Parle.
1978Fall Peak 10-11 Becker (12,900) TA and 10-18 Marshall (11,310) ANWR; late north 11-12 Becker TA; late south 11-25 Wabasha RJ, 11-29 Wabasha WDM.
1978Winter Migrants as late as 1-1 in Houston, Dakota, Scott, Lac qui Parle and Otter Tail; also 2-4 Wabasha (JSD).
1979Spring Early south 3-3 Wabasha DWM, 3-6 Olmsted JF, 3-10 Olmsted VH; early north 3-21 St. Louis KE, 4-7 Otter Tail GMO, 4-13 Itasca TOS. Peak 4-30 Marshall ANWR (16750).
1979Summer Seen _in Marshall (6-20), Cook (6-2), Hennepm (up to 5 males, June & July), McLeod (6-24), Lac qui Parle (pair June), Winona (6-4, male). '
1979Fall Peak 11-1 Marshall ANWR (14,560). Late north 11-24 Cook KE and Otter Tail RJ, GMO, 11-26 Cook KMH; late south 11-24 Wabasha OJ and Washing ton DGW, 11-30 Hennepin JCF.
1979Winter Late migrants in Beltrami 12-15 (NB), Big Stone 1-1 (BJ) and Hennepin 12-29 (DB); early migrants (?) Big Stone 2-10 (CMB) and Olmsted 2-24 (JB).
1980Spring Early south 3-3 Olmsted JB, 3-16 Houston FL, Martin EB, Wabasha WDM; early north 3-30 Otter Tail GMO, 4-3 St. Louis KE, 4-5 Marshall ANWR.
1980Summer Breeding reported Anoki) (7y at Carlos Avery WMA, BH); scattered observations throughout the state including Cook (7-21, Grand Marais, KH).
1980Fall Late north 11-6 Pennington KSS, 11-27 Cook KE, 11-28 Beltrami RJ; late south 11-23 Houston JP, 11-29 Wabasha OJ, 11-30 Le Sueur JCF.
1980Winter Reports from Ramsey 12-26 until 1-20 (mob), Dakota 1-1 (JD), 2-23 (GP) and 2-25 (SC); Nicollet until 12-19 (JCF); Olmsted 1-31 JB). An early migrant in Sherburne 2-18 (EH).
1981Spring Early south 3-1 Dakota SC, KE, RJ, 3-2 Olmsted JEB, JSD, 3-7 Wabasha WDM; early north 3-18 Otter Tail GMO and Becker TNWR, 3-28 St. Louis TW, 4-2 Cook KMH.
1981Summer No breeding evidence. Seen in Marshall, Pennington, Clay, Murray, Itasca, Duluth.
1981Fall Late north 11-28 Itasca TL, Crow Wing WN, 11-29 Otter Tail SDM, 11-30 Cook KMH; late south 11-25 Houston FL, 11-28 Olmsted JEB, Wabasha WDM, Wright ES.
1981Winter The preceding five winters have produced an average of about four reports of this species. This year there were 14. December migrants were recorded in the north from Lower Red Lake, Clearwater 12-4 (KL), Itasca 12/6 fide (TL), Cook until 12-19 (KMH), Duluth until 12-30 (KE) and Mille Lacs 12-2 (RBJ). Late south migrants were noted in Dakota 12-6 (KE), Nicollet 12-4 (JCF) and Wabasha 12-21 (3) (WDM). Three individuals overwintered at Bemidji, Beltrami Co. (AS) (SY) and two Scaup Sp? overwintering at Fergus Falls, Otter Tail were probably of this species. A south report from Olmsted 1-26 (DE) is hard to categorize. Returning migrants were recorded in the southeast and east central in Winona 2-28 (FL), Olmsted (overwintered?)
1982Spring Early south 3-1 Olmsted JEB, 3-13 Wright AB, 3-14 Dakota ES, Lac qui Parle CMB, Hennepin OJ; early north 3-14 Otter Tail GMO, 3-31 Marshall ANWR, 4-3 St. Louis KE.
1982Summer Scattered reports from Cook, Carlton, Anoka, Hennepin, Ottertail, Clay, Becker, Mahnomen, Pennington, Marshall, Lake of the Woods.
1982Fall Late north 11/25 Marshall KSS, I I 126 Cook KMH, 1/130 Beltrami AS; late south 1/123 Ramsey KL, 11/29 Hennepin ES and Wabasha WDM.
1982Winter Six reports this year. Cook 121l8 (KMH) in the NE, Otter Tail 2/6 (SDM) in the west central, Hennepin, until 1/3 (mob) and Wabasha, Olmsted and Mower in the SE.
1983Spring Early south 3/1 Olmsted RE, 3/2 Lac qui Parle GMO, 3/4 Houston FL, Le Sueur KL, Lyon HK, Nicollet JCF, Wabasha KE; early north 3/2 Otter Tail SDM, 4/1 Wadena AB, 4/2 Aitkin
1983Summer Nesting reported from Agassiz NWR, Marshall Co. Also seen in 8 other counties scattered throughout the state.
1983Fall Late north 11/21 Cook KMH, Roseau AJ, 11/29 Beltrami JSP; late south 11/23 Houston FL, Olmsted JEB, 11/28 Wabasha WDM, 11/30 Hennepin DB, SC; peak !Ill Houston 200,000 RJ.
1983Winter Late north migrants in Hubbard; 37 on 12-1 (HJF) and Cook, 12-2 (KMH). South reports from the Willmar and Excelsior CBC's and Sherburne, Ramsey, Dakota, Scott, Rice and Olmsted counties.
1984Spring Early south 3/14 Olmsted RE, 3/15 Dakota RJ, 3/16 Goodhue OJ; early north 3/3 Otter Tail GMO, 3/9 Mille Lacs MLWMA, 3/26 Marshall ANWR.
1984Summernested in Marshall; also seen in lake of the Woods, Pennington, Polk, Pine, Steams, Hennepin, Scott, Lyon and Murray.
1984Fall Late north 1II 15 Marshall ANWR, II I 20 Cook LMH, 11/24 Koochiching KL; late south 11/28 Ramsey DS, 11/29 Mower PP, 11/30 Hennepin SC.
1984Winter Late north migrants at International Falls, 12-1 (12) (KL) and December reports from seven Twin Cities and SE Region counties. Four individuals overwintered in Scott County at the Blue Lake Sewage Ponds.
1985Spring Early south 3/2 Dakota ES, 3/7 Olmsted RE, JEB, Rice FKS: early north 3/21 Otter Tail KE, 3/24 Marshall ANWR, 3/26 Clay TT.
1985Summer Seen in Lake, Carlton, Clearwater, Marshall, Polk, Todd, Meeker, Hennepin, Chisago.
1985Fall Late north 11/13 Aitkin WN, 11/8 Marshall ANWR, 11/14 S. Louis KE; late south 11/27 Hennepin SC, Olmsted JEB, 11/28 Dakota TTu.
1985Winter Reported on the Fergus Falls, Excelsior and Rochester CBCs. Scott County reports continued until 2/9 (MRBA) and in Rochester they were reported until 1/18 (JB).
1986Spring Early south 3/1 DakotaJD, Olmsted AMP, Scott RH; early north 3/11 Grant KL, 3/28 Otter Tail SDM, 3/29 Marshall ANWR.
1986Summer Seen in Agassiz NWR, Aitkin, Stevens, Kandiyohi, Chippewa, Yellow Medicine, Jackson.
1986Fall Late north 11/15 Crow Wing WN, 11/19 Harlequin Duck, October 18, 1986, Grand Marais, Cook County. Photo by Chuck Buer. Cook KMH, 11/30 OtterTail SDM; late south 11/28 Lac qui Parle FE, 11/30 Hennepin m.ob., Ramsev ns
1986Winter North reports from the Aurora CBC and Cook 12/8 (KMH). South reports from the Excelsior and Rochester CBC's and Ramsy until 12/9 (DS) and Scott until 2/15 (TT).
1987Spring 3/ I Cottonwood LAF, 3/2 Brown RG, 3/4 Blue Earth, Waseca JCF, Mower RRK; early north 3/20 OtterTail SDM, 3/21 Aitkin WN, 3/22 Clay LCF.
1987Summer Seen in Agassiz NWR, Polk, Clearwater, Mahnomen, Douglas, Lyon, Scott, Ramsey.
1987Fall Late north 11/26 Beltrami AB and Cook KMH, 11/29 Becker BK; late south 11/29 Wabasha DWM, 11/30 Ramsey RH and Sherburne DO.
1987Winter December migrants remained in the far north for the Grand Marais and Bemidji CBC's. Also reported from 10 Twin Cities and south region counties.
1988Spring Early south 3/l Olmsted JEB, BSE, 3/4 Wright DO, 3/5 Blue Earth JF and Dakota AP, SC, TI; early north 3/27 OtterTail SDM, 3/28 Pennington SKS, 4/l Clay LCF.
1988Summer Seen in Kittson, Roseau, Marshall, Norman, Clay, Hubbard, Scott, Martin.
1988Fall Late north 11/23 Otter Tail SDM, 11/25 Lake of the Woods AB, 11/30 Cook KMH; late south 11/19 Washington DS, 11/27 Ramsey RH, 11/30 Hennepin SC, ES.
1988Winter Reported on the St. Paul and Excelsior CBCs and in Anoka 12/8 KL and Wabasha 12/7 WDM. January reports from Scott 1/5 AB and 1/31 ES. One February report, Ramsey 2/19 RJ.
1989Spring Early south 3/8 Wabasha DWM, 3/9 Nicol let JCF, Olmsted m.ob.; early north 3/23 Otter Tail SDM, 3/26 Clay LCF, 4/7 Norman BK.
1989Summer Seen in Kittson, Polk, Becker, Wilkin, Stevens, Kandiyohi, Hennepin.
1989Fall Late north 10/28 Clay DJ, ll/1 Cook OSL, 11/27 Lake DPV; late south 11/23 Winona CS, 11/30 Hennepin SC and Ramsey DS.
1989Winter CBC reports from Dakota, Beltrami (Bemidji), Ramsey, Carver, and Polk (Crookston). Overwintered in Otter Tail (4) MO. Also found in Hennepin 12/3, Scott 1/7 AB, Wabasha 1/7 JD, with early migrants in Cottonwood (4) 2/28 ED.
1990Spring Early south 3/1 Dakota JDM, Scott RH, 3/2 Nicollet JCF; early north 3/17 St. Louis AE, 4/1 Clay LCF, 4/6 Todd PH.
1990Summer More reports than usual; seen in 13 scattered counties in all regions except southwest.
1990Fall Late north 11/26 St. Louis KE, 11/28 Cook KMH, 11/29 Hubbard HJF; late south 11/30 Hennepin SC, Winona CS.
1990Winter Widely reported. Noted on the Fergus Falls (10), Excelsior and Lac qui Parle CBCs and in Winona Co. on the LaCrosse, WI CBCs. Also found Wabasha, Ramsey Ill RH, Cook 12/15 KMH, Scott (1 /1-2 RG, AB, injured bird, hopefully different from above species!), Martin, Mille Lacs 12/1 (6) PKL, Sibley, Winona and Washington. One scaup sp. seen on the Fairmont CBC.
1991Spring Early south 3/5 DakotaAB, Cottonwood ED, 3/8 Hennepin KB, Pipestone ND, JP; early north 3/10 OtterTail SDM, 3/29 Becker DEB, St. Louis KB.
1991Summer Seen in seven western counties plus Hennepin, Blue Earth.
1991Fall Late north 11/23 Aitkin WN, St. Louis TW, 11/29 Cook KMH, 11/30 Otter Tail SDM, MO; late south 11/22 Washington KB, 11/29 Hennepin SC, Olmsted JB.
1991Winter Late lingering migrants reported Otter Tail 12/1 & 1/5 SDM, Winona 12/9 CS and Ramsey 12/12–1/1 KB, DZ Early migrants in Rice 2/17 OR, Wabasha 2/19 DM, Kandiyohi 2/20 CJ, and Le Sueur 2/29 CK.
1992Spring Early south 3/1, Dakota RH, TT and Rice TB, 3/2 Winona CS; early north 3/8 Otter Tail SDM, 3/29 Clay LCF, 4/3 Roseau NJ.
1992Summer More reports than usual; seen in 17 counties in all regions except west central and southeast.
1992Fall Late north 11/7 Aitkin WN and Becker BBe, 11/24 St. Louis KE, 11/26 Otter Tail SDM; late south 11/30 Hennepin KB, SC, Wabasha DWM, Washington DS and Winona CS.
1992Winter Overwintered in Otter Tail. Lingering individuals noted through early Jan., including 12/3 Ramsey KB, 12/3 Wabasha WDM, 12/4 Le Sueur PS, until 12/19 Hennepin SC et al., the Bloomington, La Crosse, Mankato and St. Paul CBCs, and 1/8 Rice TBo. Although this species regularly returns in late Feb., the only possible returning migrants noted were 2/9 Sherburne/Wright (6) KB.
1993Spring Early south 3/1 Winona CS, 3/3 Nicollet LF, 3/6 Olmsted JB. Early north 3/21 Itasca DZ, 3/28 Grant AB, 3/30 Douglas KKW.
1993Summer More reports than usual, for second consecutive year. Seen in 16 counties in all regions except north central and southeast.
1993Fall Late north 11/11 Cook KMH, 11/17 Pennington KSS, 11/30 Beltrami DJ. Late south 11/25 Wabasha DWM, 11/26 Winona CS, 11/30 Hennepin KB, SC.
1993Winter Late migrants noted 12/1 Winona CS, 12/2 Anoka KB, 12/4 Beltrami DJo, 12/11 Hennepin SC, 12/18 Olmsted JBo, 12/19 Wright KB. No overwintering noted. Possible returning migrant noted 2/19 Sherburne KB.
1994Spring Early south 3/5 Dakota TT, Rice TB, RJ and Winona DN; early north 3/19 Becker BK, 3/22 Clay LCF, Grant KKW and Kanabec CM.
1994Summer Reported in Roseau, Marshall, Pennington, Mahnomen, Koochiching, Lake, Lyon, Hennepin, Dakota.
1994Fall Late north 11/19 Becker BK, 11/27 Kanabec CM, 11/30 Beltrami DJ. Late south 11/26 Hennepin SC, 11/30 Ramsey DS and Wabasha CS.
1994Winter Most reports since 1982. Reported from 17 counties with overwintering noted in Beltrami. Other possible wintering birds include until 1/14 Otter Tail mob, until 1/27 Scott mob, until 1/29 Dakota mob, 2/5 Olmsted CK, and 2/5 St. Louis (Virginia Power Plant) KB. Other reports were of late migrants in December and early January, and early migrants in February with the earliest 2/18–20 Winona mob. High count of 67 on 12/2 Hubbard HJF.
1995Spring Early south 3/1 Rice FKS and Winona CS, 3/2 Sherburne KB; early north 3/8 St. Louis KB, 3/13 Becker BBe, 3/15 Otter Tail SDM.
1995Summer Many reports; seen in 15 counties in all regions except southwest.
1995Fall Reported from 16 north and 16 south counties.
1995Winter Reported from 13 south counties, but only two north reports where reported overwintering in Otter Tail and seen 12/30 St. Louis (Virginia) KB. Numerous reports of returning migrants beginning 2/23 Cottonwood ED.
1996Spring Reported from 66 counties. Peak 4/10 (average peak 3/30–31) Winona CS.
1996Summer Observed in 14 counties in all regions except northeast and southeast.
1996Fall Reported from 11 north and 11 south counties. During the week of 10/28, cooperative DNR/USFWS surveys tallied 68,002 (fide CS). No late dates can be given this season (median departures 12/15 north, 12/18 south).
1996Winter Male and female overwintered at the Blue Lake treatment plant, Scott Co. mob. Late migrants reported 12/11 Otter Tail SDM and Ramsey KB. Early migrants reported 2/18 Dakota (12) PJ, 2/26 Goodhue (12) CS, and 2/27 Cottonwood ED.
1997Spring Reported from 65 counties. Several reports of 100+ birds from 3/26–4/20, including 4/11 Nicollet (2,000) DS.
1997Summer Seen in 12 counties scattered in all regions except northeast.
1997Fall Peak 11/6 Mahnomen (250) MRN. Reported from 30 counties. Late north 11/30 Otter Tail SDM. Late south 11/30 Scott, Hennepin DN, SC.
1997Winter Five overwintered at Blue Lake treatment plant, Scott Co. mob. The bird reported 2/8 Big Stone LE probably overwintered nearby in South Dakota. December migrants noted in eleven counties including a CBC total of 76. Potential (and exceptional) early migrants 1/31 Dakota (11) PJ. Additional migrants 2/23 St. Louis (18 scaup, sp.) JN and Wright (7) KB, 2/24 Hennepin (7) SC and Rice JL, 2/25 Olmsted DA, BE. Peak 2/28 Houston (25) FL. CBC total 76.
1998Spring Reported from 62 counties across the state. See Winter report for early migrant dates.
1998Summer Seen in five northwestern counties plus Beltrami, Koochiching; also June sightings in Hennepin, Cottonwood, Freeborn, Olmsted.
1998Fall Reported from 26 counties. See winter report for late dates north and south.
1998Winter Reported from 21 counties in all regions except the southeast. Overwintered in Otter Tail (7) SDM. Late north 12/16 Crow Wing and Cass KB, 12/18 Todd JSK, SD, and 12/19 St. Louis (Duluth CBC). Late south: seven counties through 12/24 including CBC total of 42. Potential extreme early south: 1/30–2/28 Dakota (Lake Rebecca) DBS, mob, and 1/28 Ramsey KB. Additional early south 2/22 Freeborn ABa, 2/27 Anoka SC and Scott (4) PJ.
1999Spring See winter report for early migrants and overwintering. Peak count 3/22 Houston (2,000 at Reno, most were in Wisconsin) KB.
1999Summer Reported in 13 counties scattered in all regions except east central and southeast.
1999Fall Peak 11/2 Becker (1,000 at TNWR) BBe. See winter report for late migrants.
1999Winter Reported from 6 north and 24 south counties. One female may have overwintered in Dakota, where reported 1/10 Black Dog Lake KB and 1/22 TT. Only other mid-winter report 1/16 McLeod RbS. Late north (all reports) 12/4 Wadena PBi, 12/11 Beltrami (8) DJo, 12/13 St. Louis JSt, SL, 12/18 Fergus Falls and Grand Rapids CBCs. Late south migrants from 13 counties through 1/1 Wabasha KB. Early south migrants from 15 counties beginning 2/24 Cottonwood ED and Winona (38) KB, with peak movement 2/29 Dakota (300+ at Lake Byllesby) DBS and Goodhue (312 at Frontenac) KB.
2000Spring Seen in 38 south and 22 north counties throughout the state. See winter report for early south migrants. Early north 3/3 Grant KKW, 3/5 Otter Tail SDM and Clay RO, 3/7 Kanabec CM.
2000Summer Reported in 12 counties representing all regions except southwest and southeast.
2000Fall Reported from 12 north and 19 south counties in all regions. See winter summary for late migrants.
2000Winter Two overwintered in Otter Tail (Fergus Falls) SPM, DKM, and four overwintered in Scott (Blue Lake treatment plant) mob. Additional mid-winter reports from Dakota KJB, TAT and 1/2–19 Fillmore NBO. Late south 12/8 Waseca JJS, 1/1 Olmsted CRM.
2001Spring Seen in 45 south and 22 north counties. Early south 3/1 Fillmore JJS, 3/7 Olmsted PWP, but also see winter report. Overwintered in Otter Tail; first migrants north 3/20 Douglas KKW, 3/28 Crow Wing PSP. Peak 4/17 Hennepin (4000 at French L.) KJB.
2001Summer Observed in five Northwest counties plus Douglas, Meeker, Hennepin, Sibley, Rice, Waseca.
2001Fall Reported from 10 north and 18 south counties, and in all regions. No significant high counts. See winter summary for late migrants.
2001Winter Reported from 26 counties. Overwintered in Beltrami DPJ. Only additional mid-winter report 1/27 Wright DFJ. Late north (all reports) 12/15 Fargo-Moorhead CBC (6), 12/16 Fergus Falls CBC (3), 12/25 St. Louis (one at Duluth) PHS. Late south 1/6 Winona JDa and Hennepin SLC. Early south 2/18 Big Stone SPM, 2/18 Wabasha (46), Hennepin (3), and Dakota (8) PEJ.
2002Spring Seen in 45 south and 25 north counties. See winter report for early south migrants. Early north (median 3/18) 3/16 Grant SPM, DKM, only March report north except Beltrami (where overwintered). High counts 4/12 Ramsey (4000 at Pigs Eye L.) KJB, 4/12 Lac qui Parle (3252 at Big Stone N.W.R.) BEO.
2002Summer Reported from a total of 14 counties in all regions of the state except the Northwest, Southwest and Southeast.
2002Fall Reported from 13 north and 25 south counties. No significant high counts.
2002Winter Reported from eight south counties but only Otter Tail in the north. Overwintered in Scott; the only additional reports after early January were 2/1–8 Blue Earth (Lake Crystal) RBJ and 2/23–26 Winona JBD.
2003Spring Seen in 38 south and 20 north counties. Please see winter report for overwintering birds and early south migrants. Early north 3/15 Traverse SPM, DKM, 3/17 St. Louis PHS. Highest reported count 3/26 Houston (3000 on Pool 8) KJB.
2003Summer Most reports since 1992. Observed in 17 counties in all regions except Southeast; majority of dates (when reported) were in early June.
2003Fall Observed in 16 north and 20 south counties. No significant high counts. Please see winter report for late migrants.
2003Winter Late north (only reports) 12/6 Beltrami (2) DPJ, 12/20 Fargo-Moorhead CBC. Reported from 11 south counties. Still 500 present 12/2 Houston (pool 8, Upper Mississippi River N.W.F.R., includes Wisconsin) KJB. Late south 12/20 from four CBCs. Overwintered in Scott (Shakopee); additional mid-winter reports 1/17 Waseca JPS, 1/30 Big Stone BJU, 2/6 Wright KJB. Apparent early south migrants 2/21 Goodhue (3) BRL, 2/26 Dakota (1) PEJ and Freeborn AEB.
2004Spring Seen in 44 south and 23 north counties. Please see winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north 3/13 Otter Tail DTT, SMT, 3/28 in four counties. High count 4/2 Houston (est. 10,000 at Reno, includes birds in Wisconsin) KJB.
2004Summer Lowest number of reports since 1989; seen in St. Louis, Roseau, Marshall, Sherburne, Brown, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle.
2004Fall Seen in 12 north and 13 south counties. High count 10/26 Aitkin (1,251) Rice Lake N.W.R. Please see winter report for late migrants.
2004Winter Late north (only report) 12/17–18 St. Louis (Duluth) PHS. Reported from nine south counties. Still 5000 present 12/11 Houston (Pool 8, U.M.R.N.W.F.R.) PEJ. Late south (overwintering birds?) 1/1 Dakota (8 near Hastings) JPM, 1/7 Washington JJS. Overwintered Washington (1), Scott (6 at Shakopee) PEJ. Early migrants 2/13 Hennepin (Bass Ponds — 5 males) SLC, 2/28 Olmsted PWP.
2005Spring Seen in 46 south and 25 north counties. Please see winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north 3/23 Clay BWF, 3/30 Kanabec CAM (median 3/16). High count 5/10 St. Louis (250 at Park Point, Duluth) PHS.
2005Summer Fewest reports since 1994: observed in Marshall, St. Louis, Lac qui Parle, Meeker, Sherburne, Hennepin, Anoka, Watonwan, Le Sueur, and Olmsted.
2005Fall Reported from 18 north and 15 south counties. Please see winter report for late migrants.
2005Winter Four reports from Otter Tail through 1/25 (4, overwintered?) BJU. Additional north reports on the Detroit Lakes (1), Fergus Falls (2), and Grand Marais (2) CBCs. Observed in 11 south counties. Overwintered Scott (5, Blue Lake W.T.P.) PEJ. Other reports suggested overwintering: 1/7 Wabasha (10) BAF, 1/28 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) ADS, 1/29 Washington (Pt. Douglas) BAF, 2/2 Lac qui Parle BJU. Early migrants 2/26 Wabasha BAF.
2006Spring Found in 48 south and 31 north counties. Please see winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north 3/4 Wilkin BWF, 3/18 Grant HHD (median 3/16). High count 3/29 Houston (2,000) PBB.
2006Summer Observed in 20 counties statewide.
2006Fall Seen in 18 north and 26 south counties. Late north 11/22 Beltrami DPJ, 11/24 Mille Lacs ASc and St. Louis SLF. Please see winter report for late south migrants.
2006Winter12 All counts were <3 birds and most reports were from the Twin Cities area or Southeast. Observed as late as 1/5 Lac qui Parle (BSNWR) BJU. All February reports: 2/5 Benton HHD, 2/19 Olmsted (Silver Lake, Rochester) RWM, 2/22 Dakota (2, Hastings) DWK.
2007Spring2852 Please see winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north 3/10 St. Louis CHo, 3/21 Clay RHO (median 3/16).
2007Summer611 All reports from either St. Louis or the western half of the state.
2007Fall1523 Late north 11/11 Pennington JWH, 11/18 St. Louis PHS, but also see winter report. More than 3,000 found dead on L. Winnibigoshish in early November, possibly due to exotic snails infested with trematodes (Minnesota D.N.R.).
2007Winter18 Only north report 12/16 Clay (2 at Crystal Sugar ponds, Moorhead) PBB. Adult male present 12/29–1/5 Washington (Point Douglas Park) PEJ, BAF, BRL. Also overwintered in Scott (4, Blue Lake W.T.P.) PEJ.
2008Spring3052 Early south away from overwintering areas (median 2/23) 3/2 Dakota BAF, PEJ, 3/4 Lac qui Parle BJU, Olmsted LAV. Early north (median 3/16) 3/15 Itasca SC, 3/22 Otter Tail SPM, 3/29–30 in six counties. High count 4/22 St. Louis (1,975 at Park Point, Duluth) PHS.
2008Summer68 Seen in all regions except Northwest, East-central.
2008Fall1320 Late north 11/25 Hubbard MAW, but also see winter report. Approximately 1,200 found dead on Lake Winnibigoshish in early November (6,000-7,000 found dead in 2007), possibly due to exotic faucet snails infested with the trematode Sphaeridiotrema globulus (MN D.N.R.).
2008Winter44 All north 12/1 Cass BAW, Todd MSK, 12/27 St. Louis SLF, 1/1 Beltrami DPJ. Male present 12/16 – 1/11 Dakota/Washington (Prescott area) m.ob.
2009Spring3353 See winter report for over-wintering and early south migrants. Early north (median 3/15) 3/11 St. Louis SLF, 3/22 Douglas JPE. See the previous species for details on high counts.
2009Summer29 Reported from Central and South-central plus Lake of the Woods, Cook, Swift, Olmsted.
2009Fall1928 Late north 11/24 Mille Lacs DBM, 11/29 Aitkin MJB, Cass BAW, 11/30 Crow Wing JSB (median 12/17), but also see winter report.
2009Winter314 All north 12/1 Cass (2, Walker W.T.P.) BAW, Crow Wing (4, Ironton W.T.P.) JSB, 12/1–8 St. Louis (Silver Lake, Virginia) SLF, 1/15–27 St. Louis (Duluth) KJB, PHS, m.ob. February reports south from Wabasha, Goodhue, Hennepin, and Scott (3 over-wintered, PEJ). High count 12/5 Houston (10,000, Reno Bottoms includes birds in MN and WI) KJB.
2010Spring2951 See winter report for over-wintering and early south migrants. Early north (median 3/15) 3/18 Mille Lacs ASc, 3/19 Douglas JPE, 3/21 Kanabec CAM, Traverse HHD, Wadena PJB. High counts 3/27 Dakota (1,500) JPM, 4/2 Chippewa (685, Shakopee Lake) WCM.
2010Summer55 Reported primarily from Northwest, North-central, South-central, but also Lac qui Parle, Sibley.
2010Fall2030 High counts 11/12 Nobles (750, Lake Okabena) BTS, 10/28 Aitkin (500, Twenty Lake) RBJ, DAC. Late north 11/14 Morrison FGo, 11/20 St. Louis SLF, but also see winter report.
2010Winter47 Two north reports after December: 1/2 Itasca SC, 2/26 St. Louis RZi. Overwintered south Scott (Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob., including post-December high count 1/14 (7) ALD. Other January–February south reports (single birds except as noted) included: 1/9 Lac qui Parle RBW, 1/17 Goodhue (Colville Park) SKS, 2/14 Ramsey TAT, 2/28 Lac qui Parle (2) BJU. CBC high count 12/31 Hastings-Etter (8).
2011Spring3351 See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north (median 3/15) 3/12 St. Louis RZi, 3/24 Cass BAW, 4/1 Itasca EEO, SC. High counts 4/9 Grant (2,300, North Ottawa Impoundment) BJU, 4/25 St. Louis (1,450, Park Point, Duluth) PHS.
2011Summer115Found in northern regions plus West-central and Central. First county breeding record from Lac qui Parle JF.
2011Fall2131 Late north 11/22 St. Louis PHS, 11/27 Aitkin DBM (median 12/17), but also see winter report.
2011Winter421All north reports: male through 12/27 St. Louis (Duluth) m.ob., 12/18 Clay (Moorhead) PBB, Grand Forks-East Grand Forks CBC. Overwintered Scott (1, Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob., Wabasha m.ob., peak 1/15 (13) PEJ. Other midwinter records include 1/15 Goodhue (2, Lock and Dam 3) BAF, SHF, 1/22 Washington (Point Douglas) ACr, MBS, 2/5 Goodhue (Red Wing) DAB, JWH, 2/9–19 Hennepin (2, JFR, ACr, RDa). High counts 2/27 Winona (45, probable early migrants) PEJ, 12/26 Wabasha (30) PEJ.
2012Spring3453 See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north (median 3/15) 3/9 Traverse MO, 3/16 Polk SC, 3/17 Becker, Clay, Wilkin HHD, RAE, Mahnomen SC, Morrison MJB, St. Louis GHo. High counts 3/24 Houston (~5,000, Reno Bottoms) SPu, 3/30 St. Louis (936, Duluth Harbor) PHS.
2012Summer119 Seen in all regions except Northeast and Southeast.
2012Fall2135 High count 11/18 Houston (75, Upper Mississippi N.W.R.) TPr. Late north 11/16 Becker, Polk HHD, RAE, St. Louis JLK, 11/19 St. Louis KSt, 11/22 Hubbard PBB, but see also winter report.
2012Winter321 All north reports: 12/2 St. Louis (male, Virginia, Silver Lake) SLF, 12/4 Cass (2) BAW, 12/8–16 Clay (up to 5, Moorhead, American Crystal Sugar lagoons) PBB, 12/25–1/13 St. Louis (Superior Entry) KJB, LME. Numerous December reports south. Overwintered Scott (2, Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob., Winona (up to 7) m.ob., Goodhue m.ob., and possibly Steele (2, 2/17–18) NFT. Reports and numbers increased in late February, of probable early migrants, including 2/26 Scott (8) PEJ, CAs, 2/27 Wabasha (20), 2/28 Martin (13) PEJ. High counts 12/2 Houston (203, Upper Mississippi River N.W.F.R.; only a small fraction of the 5,000 scaup were identified to species) KJB, 12/23 Wabasha (60) PEJ. CBC high counts 12/15 Rochester (41), 12/30 Red Wing (29).
2013Spring3353 See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north (median 3/15) 3/24 Morrison ANy, 3/25 St. Louis SLF, 3/26 Itasca SC. High counts 4/28 St. Louis (2,574, Park Point) KJB, 3/29 Goodhue (1,200, Prairie Island) GJM.
2013Summer1716 Found in all regions of state.
2013Fall2330 High counts 10/31 St. Louis (1,813, Park Point) KJB, 11/15 Wabasha (750, Altura) KLi, 10/31 St. Louis (669, Park Point) JLK. Late north 11/23 Beltrami MJB, KEm, MEm, 11/26 Itasca SC, 11/29 St. Louis EPe (median 12/17); see winter report for south individuals.
2013Winter49 All north reports: 12/2 Cass (4) BAW, 12/14 Grand Marais CBC, Fergus Falls CBC (2), 12/15 Grand Forks-East Grand Forks CBC. Midwinter south reports include 1–2 individuals each from Dakota, Goodhue, Scott, Wabasha, and up to 4 Washington (Point Douglas Park).
2014Spring3153See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north reports all well after the median arrival date (3/15): 3/28 Traverse CRM, JMs, 4/2 Traverse DLP, 4/3 Beltrami SVo. High count 3/28 Goodhue (700, Prairie Island) GJM.
2014Summer1413Observed in scattered locations in all regions except Southeast.
2014Fall2027 High count 11/14 Winona (2,000, Prairie Island) ClN. Late north 11/5 Polk (10, East Grand Forks W.T.P.) SAu, 11/13 Douglas BEc, 11/15 Lake DWK, BAb (median 12/17); but also see winter report.
2014Winter38 All north: 12/20 Fergus Falls CBC (3), Clay (2, American Crystal Sugar lagoons, Moorhead) PBB, 1/2 St. Louis (female, Canal Park) ALD. Overwintered Scott (up to 3, Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob. Other midwinter reports 2/16 Hennepin (3, Bass Ponds) RTu, 2/19 Goodhue (2, Colville Park) KvM. High count 12/7 Scott (5) PEJ.
2015Spring3353 See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north (median 3/15) 3/12 Becker (Hamden Slough N.W.R.) ShG, 3/15 Clay (8, Moorhead W.T.P.) BPa, 3/19 Morrison (6) KEm. High count 4/16 Hennepin (total of 1,110 on lakes Harriet, Calhoun and Nokomis) CMB.
2015Summer189 Seen in all regions except Southwest, Southeast. High counts 6/7 Pennington (15, Thief River Falls W.T.P.) JLK, 6/8 Polk (14, East Grand Forks W.T.P.) JLK.
2015Fall2430 High count 11/18 Polk (250, East Grand Forks W.T.P.) DaL. Late north 11/18 Polk DaL, 11/21 Hubbard, Wadena RAE, HHD, 11/29 Beltrami SC (median 12/18); but also see winter report.
2015Winter327 December reports from three north counties (Clay, Douglas, St. Louis), with high count 12/9 Douglas (10) ToR. Two north reports after December: 1/1 Douglas (5) RBW, 2/20 Douglas JPE. December reports from 16 south counties. South high counts from Mississippi River Pools 5 and 8 (includes birds in Wisconsin waters): 12/3 Houston (15,750), Wabasha (2,700), 12/12 Wabasha (2,700) PEJ. Midwinter reports from 15 south counties, with multiple individuals in several including up to 6 each in Anoka, Goodhue, and Hennepin, Scott (2), Wabasha (up to 20), Winona (10). Influx of early migrants in late February, including 2/28 Goodhue (300), Wabasha (176), Winona (264) PEJ.
2016Spring3452 See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north (also see winter report) 3/6 Todd MJB, 3/11 Becker TCL. High counts 3/19 Hou-ston (1,001, Blue Lake) SPu, 4/1 Winona (1,000, Prairie Island Park) DSt.
2016Summer1417 Reported from all regions.
2016Fall2034 High counts 10/31 Big Stone (300, Riverside Park, Ortonville) KnM, 11/5 Houston (300, Brownsville Lookout) JnC. Late north 11/11 Koochiching HHD, RAE, 11/20–21 St. Louis (2, Park Point) JLK, 11/24 Itasca (2) SC (median 12/18); but also see winter report.
2016Winter734 December north reports from five counties; one continued through 1/12 Douglas BEc, ToR. Late February north reports from four counties starting 2/20 Lake RiC with peak 2/23 Douglas (13) BEc. December south reports from 19 counties, with peak 12/10 Wabasha (100) PEJ. Overwintered Scott (male, female, Shakopee Mill Pond and Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob.; no other midwinter reports. Presumed early spring migrants starting 2/16 to end of month from 28 south counties, with high counts 2/27 Winona (550), 2/21 Rice (250) PEJ. CBC high count 12/17 Excelsior (12).
2017Spring3453 See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north (median 3/13) 3/1 Douglas (overwintered) BEc, Pine KrM, 3/13 Itasca TCL, 3/16 St. Louis JPR. High counts 3/25 Lyon (3,500, Lone Tree Lake) GWe, 3/22 Scott (2,000, Dewitt) BHe, 4/15 St. Louis (1,500, Duluth Harbor) PHS.
2017Summer1213 Seen in all western region, plus Central, South-central, Northeast. High count 6/9 Marshall (32, Agassiz N.W.R.) ebd.
2017Fall2038 High counts 11/7 Washington (500, Lee & Rose Warner N.C.) PSm, 11/6 Kandiyohi (300, Lake Lillian) KnM. Late north 11/20 Mille Lacs (3) PSP, 11/21–27 Beltrami (max.14, Diamond Point Park) AxB, DPJ, 11/26 Cass HCT (median 12/18), but also see winter report.
2017Winter519 December reports (1–5 birds) from five north counties; last north report 1/1 St. Louis (Virginia, Silver Lake) SLF. Reported from 17 south counties in December, with high counts 12/3 (500), 12/23 (103) Wabasha PEJ, 12/1 Carver (39, Lake Waconia) WCM. Overwintered Goodhue (up to 5, Red Wing to Frontenac S.P.) m.ob., Scott (up to 8, Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob., Wabasha (up to 5, Lake City, Reads Landing) m.ob. Early spring migrants reported from four south counties starting late February, with high count 2/28 Wabasha (180) PEJ.
2018Spring3353 See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north (median 3/13) 3/4 Otter Tail (6) WPl, 3/13 Douglas (3) AaL, 3/17 St. Louis ebd. High count 4/29 St. Louis (2,200, Park Point) NWn.
2018Summer1415 Seen in all regions except Southeast.
2018Fall2943 High count 10/24 Wabasha (1,000, Pool #5) PEJ. Late north 11/21–24 Otter Tail (3) ShG, HeH, 11/22 Cook (3) JBs (median 12/18). Please see winter report for late migrants and overwintering birds.
2018Winter39 All north: 12/6–15 Beltrami (Lake Irving) REn, m.ob., 12/15, 1/13 Clay (Moorhead) PBB, 2/8 Otter Tail (2, Fergus Falls) KEm, JWH, 2/15 (3) Fergus Falls CBC. Reported from eight south counties in December, with high count 12/3 Wabasha (10) PEJ. Overwintered Goodhue (2, Colville Park) m.ob., and Scott (1, Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob. Also reported 1/10 Wabasha PEJ.
2019Summer1719 Reported from all regions.
 Breeds locally, mostly northwest. Migrant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.