Long-tailed Duck(Clangula hyemalis) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1961 | Spring | | | seen by R. Janssen at the Blackdog Plant, on the Minnesota River, in Dakota County on 19 March. Seen as late as 5 April at Duluth by Robert Ulvang. |
1961 | Fall | | | First reported 13 Oct. at Two Harbors by Jerry Church. He had last seen them there on 2 Jun. |
1961 | Winter | | | Jan Green reported them between Duluth and Two Harbors, during December and January. |
1962 | Fall | | | Oct. 29 and Nov. 2, Minnesota Point, Duluth, 1 male, Janet C. Green; Nov. 18, four seen along north shore of Lake Superior, Janet C. Green; Nov. 23, near Two Harbors, Lake Co., 1 male, R. Oehlenschlager. White-winged Seater: Oct. 28, Two Harbors, 3 seen by Dr. Gerald Church; Oct. 29, Duluth, Janet C. Green; Nov. 3, Duluth, Janet C. Green and Avifauna! Club members; Nov. 18, Grand Marais harbor, Cook Co., 3 seen by Dr. A. E. Allin; Nov. 17, Two Harbors, 12 seen, Dr. Gerald Church. Surf Seater: Oct. 19, Two Harbors, 5 females or immatures seen by Dr. Gerald Church; Oct. 20, Lake Vermilion, St Louis Co., specimen taken by E. Wolverton. Common Seater: Oct. 15, Two Harbors, 4 females or immatures seen by |
1962 | Winter | | | Like the common Goldeneye, numbers much reduced because of freeze-up. Small groups of 1-9 seen throughout Dec. from Lester River to Two Harbors, Janet Green and Dr. Gerry Church. By January mostly gone; Jan 5, Lester River, Janet Green; Jan 26, Tofte, Janet Green; Feb. 2, Two Harbors, Janet Green and Avifauna! Club; Feb. 17, Grand Marais, Janet Green, Gloria Peleaux. Last date given was group of 5, largest "flock" this year. |
1963 | Spring | | | latest report, May 25, Duluth, pair in summer plumage, Jan Green. White-winged Seater: April 28, Duluth, 8 seen, Jan Green; seen there until May 24, when 20 were seen. |
1963 | Fall | | | earliest Oct. 31, Hovland, Cook Co., R. B. Janssen. |
1963 | Winter | | | Usual flocks reported all winter at various points along North Shore of Lake Superior. |
1964 | Spring | | | latest dates, 3-1 Duluth, 25, JCG; 4-23 Two Harbors, 18, GEC. |
1964 | Fall | | | 10-31 Castle Danger, 4, JCG; 11-14 Grand Marais, Cook Co, 150, AEA; 11-14 Two Harbors, 17, JCG. St. Louis Co, female or imm, JCG. |
1964 | Winter | | | 12-19 to 1-30 from Duluth to Two Harbors; peaks 12-31, Two Harbors, 40, DP; 1-2 Duluth, 30, JCG; 1-3, Two Harbors, 45, RK; 1-25, French River, 100, JGH; 1-30, Lake Co, 60, RPR; In Cook Co, AEA reports 75 on 1-24 and 50 on 2-13. Most unusual record was 1-6, Point Douglas, Washington Co, 3, BL, good details given. |
1965 | Spring | | | latest 5-2 Encampment River, MEP. |
1965 | Fall | | | 11-7 Two Harbors, 2, Ole Fin seth; 11-11 Cook Co, 300, AEA; 11-28 Mille Lacs Lake, MSB; 12-1, 12-2 Mpls, RBJ, FN, et al. |
1966 | Spring | | | 3-17 Two Harbors, 15, RK; 3-31 Hennepin Co, 1, RBJ; 4-14 Duluth, 13, JCG; 4-16 Duluth, 2, JCG; 4-16 Cook Co, 8, MOP; 4-23 Cook Co, 30, MOP; 4-27 Two Harbors, 10, RK; 5-28 Two Harbors, 2 pair, RG, DG. |
1966 | Fall | | | 10-18 Lake Co., RK; 10-29 Cook Co., HFH, RG, EMB, BL; 11-5 Lake Co., J?B; only report away from Lake Supenor was 11-5 Valley City, North Dakota, not far from Fargo fide MGA. ' |
1966 | Winter | | | usual reports from Cook, Lake, and St. Louis Co's.; one record away from Lake Superior 12-3 Wabasha Co., BL. |
1967 | Spring | | | latest 4-24 Cook Co., 10, RLG; 5-28 Cook Co., 7, RBJ. |
1967 | Fall | | | 11-19 Two Harbors, Lake Co., 1, JCG; only report. |
1967 | Winter | | | usual reports from Cook & Lake Co's; peak numbers, 2-4 Hovland, Cook Co., 200, HEP. |
1968 | Spring | | | late 5-10 Duluth, JCG; 5-20 Duluth, JGH; 5-23 Cook Co., 32, JCG; 5-28 Lake Co., 6, EHH. |
1968 | Fall | | | 10-25 Cook 15 JGH; 11-22 Beltrami (Like Bemidji) EHH; 11-30 Lake (Two Harbors) MC. |
1968 | Winter | | | Scarce on Lake Superior Lake (Two Harbors) 5-7 JCG, from 12-1-1-5; small groups Cook 2-1-2 observers MOU Trip, largest, 11 (Hovland) T. Perrons. |
1969 | Spring | | | 4-7 (6) Cook Co., RIG; 5-7 (5) Lake Co., RK. |
1969 | Fall | | | 11-2 Cook 42 DB and KP; 11-13 Cook 2 JGH; 11-16 and 17 WRIGHT (Howard Lake) DA. |
1969 | Winter | | | All winter, Lake Superior. in Olmsted, Dakota, Hennepin, Wabasha, Nobles, Winona, Ramsey, Rice, Blue Earth; North in Lake, Cook. |
1970 | Spring | | | 4-19 and 30 Lake RK· 5-5 16 and 29 Lake JG; 5-24 Cook JJ; 5-29 Duluth MMC; only reports. |
1970 | Fall | | | 11-8 and 28 Lake MMC, PH; 10-26, 11-8, 11-20 Duluth MMC, )G; 3 unusual inland reports: 10-31 Crow Wing EC; 11-3 and 4 Marshall AR; November, Itasca, fide )G. HARLEQUIN DUCK : 11 -1 Duluth (1 imm.) )G; 11-3 Duluth MMC; also 1 unusual inland report: 1 adult male shot in November, Lake Winnibigoshish, Itasca Co., fide )G. |
1970 | Winter | | | all winter on Lake Superior; greatest number 1-23 (13) Grand Marais MMC, 1-24 (20) Beaver Bay MMC, 2-26 (30) Two Harbors JCG. |
1971 | Spring | | | 7 reports Penner; 4-28 and 5-25 Lake RK; 5-l Lake and Cook (50) KE, RR; 3-17 to 6-1 Duluth KE, RR, JG, MMC. |
1971 | Summer | | | 6-1 Duluth MMC; probably a late migrant. |
1971 | Fall | | | onlv 2 reports Minnewaska, Pope Co. (2), BH. |
1971 | Winter | | | a few, Lake Superior; largest number: 1-29 (40) Encampment River, 1-29 (30) Good Harbor Bay. Common Scoter: 1-1 Grand Marais KRE. |
1972 | Winter | | | Reported from Lake Superior by six observers from 12-21 to 1-28 in groups of 6 to 10. |
1973 | Fall | | | More reports than usual. Early 9-30 St. Louis (BDC). Peak 11-10 Cook (50) (KRE). Three reports away from L. Superior, all on Mille Lacs Lake: 11-8 Aitkin, 11-20 and 11-22 Mille Lacs (TS). |
1973 | Winter | | | Reported on L. Superior in good numbers (about 300 on the MOU North Shore trip); also seen 12-15 to 1-18 Big Stone (D. Peterson), 1-13 Ramsey (JB) and on the Bloomington Christmas Count. |
1974 | Fall | | | 11-2 Lake Cook RBJ; 11-8 Beltrami The loon KE; 11-7, 11-11 Marshall AR, KE; 11/0 Cook ES. |
1974 | Winter | | | Reported from Lake and Cook (peak of 80 on M.O.U. winter trip). |
1975 | Fall | | | 10-19 Cook DGW; 10-24. 11-29 Cook RJ; 11-14 Duluth DS; all reports. |
1975 | Winter | | | down in numbers in all three Lake Superior counties; also noted during the Walker Christmas Count period in Cass Co. (H. Hanson). |
1976 | Spring | | | 6 reports all from Lake Superior: early 3-19 Cook (4) ETS; late 5-22 St. Louis RBJ, KE, TS, and Cook (38) LH; peak 5-15 Lake, Cook (45) DS. |
1976 | Fall | | | 4 reports: 10-24 Cook DGW, 10-30 Cook SM, 11-10 Duluth DS, 11-16 Duluth GN. |
1976 | Winter | | | Reported only from Cook Co. on L. Superior (third winter in a row of low numbers); 2 unusual inland reports: 1-1 and 1-3 Ramsey (BJ, DGW); 2-27 Dakota (ES). Ha,rlequin Duck The 2 females or immatures seen by many at Duluth were last seen on 12-6 (BDC). |
1977 | Spring | | | 3 reports: 3-6 Dakota (1) ES (details?); 4-7 St. Louis (1) KE; 4-11 to 4-16 Cook HC. |
1977 | Fall | | | 10-23 Cook (DGW). |
1977 | Winter | | | Reported only from Cook; seems to be decreasing in recent years on L. Superior. |
1978 | Spring | | | 4-25 Hennepin DB; 5-7 Cook KE; 5-20 St. Louis BE, RBJ. |
1978 | Summer | | | 10-21 Cook (30) KE, 10-28 Cook (80) DGW, 11-5 Crow Wing TS 11-11 Mille Lacs RJ, OJ, TS, 11-24 Lake KE, 11-25 Wabasha (2) RJ. |
1978 | Fall | | | 10-21 Cook (30) KE, 10-28 Cook (80) DGW, 11-5 Crow Wing TS 11-11 Mille Lacs RJ, OJ, TS, 11-24 Lake KE, 11-25 Wabasha (2) RJ. |
1979 | Spring | | | 5-2 Sherburne EH; 5-14 Cook MMC, KE. |
1979 | Fall | | | 10-25 Crow Wing EC, 11-29 Becker TNWR, 11-11 Aitkin BL, 11-17 St. Louis KE, JG, 11-24 Cook KE, JG. Only reports. White-winged Seater 10-20 Cook DGW, 11-4 Beltrami SM, 11-10 Crow Wing BL, Otter Tail DS, 11-11 Crow Wing REA, 11-14 Crow Wing RJ, 11-20 Beltrami JM, 11-24 Cook KE, 11-28 Winona Bob and Jean Bilder. Surf Seater 9-25, 26 St. Louis KE, 10-7 St. Louis BDC, 10-20 Cook DGW, 10-24 Marshall ANWR, 10-25 Beltrami JM, Otter Tail |
1979 | Winter | | | Reported only from Cook 1-19 45 (DGW), and St. Louis 1-19 (KE). |
1980 | Spring | | | 4-17 Washington BL, 4-27 Big Stone L. Thielke fide KE. |
1980 | Fall | | | 10-10 St. Louis Dick Green, 10-21 Cook KMH, 10-30 Cook (60) KE, 11-13 Aitkin KE, 11-16 Aitkin LP, Crow Wing WN, Mille Lacs JP, 11-27 St. Louis KE. |
1980 | Winter | | | Six Lake Superior reports. Peaks of 150, 1-4 and Lake (TS) and 120, 1-19 Grand Marais (KMH). |
1981 | Spring | | | 5-26 Cook KMH, only report. |
1981 | Fall | | | 10-8 Becker GMO, TNWR, 10-21 St. Louis TW, 11-19 Ramsey RBA, 11-22 T. Hallett (6), 11-28 Cook KL (300). |
1981 | Winter | | | Three Lake Superior reports: Cook, Good Harbor Bay 12-19 (55) (KMH); Lake, Stewart River 1-11 (3) (SWMS) and Duluth 12-3 (1) (KE). |
1982 | Spring | | | All reports Cook County: 3-17 MKH, 5-26 MKH, 5-27 FL, 5-30 MKH. |
1982 | Fall | | | 10/23 Cook DGW, also 10/28 KMH, 10/30 KE, LE, 11/2 KMH, and 11/27 KL. |
1982 | Winter | | | December and January Lake Superior reports from Cook, Lake and St. Louis. |
1983 | Spring | | | 4/30 Cook KMH, 5/26 Cook KL. |
1983 | Fall | | | 10/22-23 St. Louis KE, 10/27-29 Cook KE, KMH, 11/6--19 Mower RRK, D. Schneider, (The Loon 55:182-183), 11/8 Cook KMH. |
1983 | Winter | | | Lake Superior reports from Cook; 11 on the Grand Marais CBC and 25 near Five Mile Rock on 12-26 (SS) and "a few" on 2-1, B. J. Rose. A St. Louis County report from Stoney Point on 2-5, R. Johnson. |
1984 | Spring | | | 5/15 Duluth J. Green, 5/20 Cook KMH. |
1984 | Fall | | | 10/7-27 St. Louis (Stoney Point) m. obs., 11/2 Cottonwood RJ, 11/6 Todd KL, I 1/9-1 I Dakota m. obs., 11/1 0 Cook KMH (100 plus), 11-17, 20 St. Louis DB, MH. |
1984 | Winter | | | Reported on the Grand Marais CBC and again in Cook County in late December, 300+ (KMH). |
1985 | Spring | | | 4/10 Faribault KW/HLW, 4/12 Wabasha WDM, 4/21 Wabasha JP/AM, 427 Cook WP, 5/18-22 St. Louis KE, 5/23 Cook KMH. |
1985 | Summer | | | Pair, 6/1 Cook (RJ, WP). |
1985 | Fall | | | Reported 11/3 Otter Tail (2) DS, 11/14 St. Louis, Lake, Cook (4) KE, 11/16 Mille Lacs KL, 11/24-26 Lake Calhoun, Hennepin, many observers, 11/26 Cook KMH. |
1985 | Winter | | | Reported on the Grand Marais CBC and additional Cook County reports on 11/5 (15) (KMH) and 2/10 (20) (BDC). |
1986 | Spring | | | Only report 5/10 Cook SSt (40). |
1986 | Fall | | | Reported 10/26 Cook BE, 10/29 Freeborn NHo, 11/10-30 Lake of the Isles and Lake Calhoun Hennepin SC, m.ob., 11/15 Crow Wing, Mille Lacs, BL, 11/20 Ramsey JP/ AM. |
1986 | Winter | | | Several reports from Cook including a high count of 223 on the Grand Marais CBC. Additional Lake Superior reports from St. Louis and Lake 12/6 (AB). One reported in the Twin Cities at Lake Calhoun on 12/1 (SC). |
1987 | Spring | | | 5/16-19 Cook RG, RJ, AP; only report. |
1987 | Fall | | | Reported 11/18 Hennepin SC et al. |
1987 | Winter | | | Reported only in Cook, 12/5 (150, AB) and 102 on the Grand Marais CBC. |
1988 | Spring | | | 4/28 Cook KMH, 5/25 Cook SDM. |
1988 | Fall | | | 10/29 Cook SC and Lake KE, 11/3 Mille Lacs KE; only reports. |
1988 | Winter | | | Reported on the Grand Marais CBC (270). |
1989 | Spring | | | Only reports: 5/13,5/16, 5/27 Cook m.ob. |
1989 | Fall | | | Reported north 10/14-ll/5 Cook mob; south 11/18 Wabasha KE, 11/25 Washington BL, 11/30 Hennepin SC. |
1989 | Winter | | | Overwintered at Good Harbor Bay, Cook Co., peak number of 195 on CBC 12/16, and 1/0 still there 1/15 MS. One at Two Harbors, Lake Co. 1/27. |
1990 | Spring | | | 3/3 Duluth KE, 5/6 Duluth ME, 5/12 Steele KV, 5/12-31 Goodhue BL, mob. 31 May 1990, Sand Point, Frontenac, Goodhue County. Photo by Peder Svingen. |
1990 | Fall | | | Reported 10/20 Roseau SW, 10/27-11111 Cook mob, 11/12-15 Mille Lacs RG, SDM. |
1990 | Winter | | | A bird variously described as a female or first fall male (more convincingly, DC) was found on L. Calhoun, Hennepin 12/5 KB to 12/20 mob; another on White Bear L. on the Ramsey-Washington border KB. The Good Harbor Bay, Cook flock was estimated at Ill on 12/15 KMH. |
1991 | Spring | | | Reported 3/30-4/ I Houston KE, FL, AP, 4/20-5/25 Cook PB, KR mobs. |
1991 | Fall | | | Reported north 10/21-11/24 Cook mob, 10/20 Lake PB, 10/26-11/18 St. Louis mob; south 11/11 Dakota KB, 11/16 Wabasha TEB. |
1991 | Winter | | | Reported as usual on Grand Marais CBC (97). Also overwintered in Ramsey 12/11–2/27 KB, mob (The Loon 64:122/23), and reported Dakota 1/31 KB (same bird). |
1992 | Spring | | | Reported 3/15–5/30 Cook mob; also 3/22, 4/6 Ramsey KB, 4/6 Dakota KB. |
1992 | Fall | | | Reported 10/10–11/7 Cook mob, 10/17 Lake of the Woods, fide PB, 11/14 Lake MH, 11/16–17 Goodhue RG, CS, 11/20?26 Carver RG, RJ, DM, 11/21 Winona RJ, CS, 11/25 Ramsey RG, KB, 11/27 Goodhue DN. |
1992 | Winter | | | Reported on Duluth CBC (2) and again on 1/9 mob. Overwintered in Cook with peak of 282 on Grand Marais CBC (a record for this count). |
1993 | Spring | | | Reported 4/4 Carver DM, 5/7–8 Olmsted JB. |
1993 | Summer | | | First summer report since 1985. Small flock observed on L. Superior (6/2, PS). |
1993 | Fall | | | Reported 9/25 Lake PB, AH, Cook MH, 10/16 Cook mob, Lake WM, also 10/29, 31, 11/20 Cook mob. |
1993 | Winter | | | Reported from North Shore in Cook (dates and number unknown) and 12/4 Lake AB. One individual was seen within a Common Goldeneye roost on the Mississippi River at Monticello, 12/29-30 Wright KB, then again near Elk River, 2/25 Sherburne mob. |
1994 | Spring | | | Reported through 3/11 (overwintered) Sherburne KB, mob, 4/16 Goodhue BL, 5/20 St. Louis TW, 5/20–22 Cook KMH, SDM. |
1994 | Fall | | | Reported 10/22 and 11/6 Cook, TBr, PBu, MH, 10/29 Lake mob, 11/5–6 Scott (1) RG, AH, DM, 11/10 Washington (3) WL, 11/24 Beltrami (1) AB. |
1994 | Winter | | | Lake Superior reports throughout winter in Cook Co. (number unknown), and 12/28 St. Louis fide KE (2). More than usual number of reports away from Lake Superior, with immature/female type bird reported 12/19–1/15 at a small pond in Edina, Hennepin Co. mob; 12/19 at Blue Lake, Scott Co. SC, JD; 12/22–23 at Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. PJ, DN; and 1/23 and 2/1 along the Mississippi River, Wright Co. KB. Overlap in dates suggests at least three birds were seen. |
1995 | Spring | | | Reported 3/14 Sherburne (overwintered?) KB and 3/24 Hennepin (Lake Harriet) AB. |
1995 | Summer | | | Third summer report since 1980. Six late migrants observed on 6/3 at Paradise beach in Cook Co. PS. |
1995 | Fall | | | Two north reports; south reports 11/4 Isanti (1) RG, 11/11–22 Ramsey (up to 4) KB. |
1995 | Winter | | | A remarkable 348 were counted on the Grand Marais CBC. Also reported away from Lake Superior 12/9 Washington BL and 12/12 Ramsey KB. |
1996 | Spring | | | All reports: 3/14–4/19 Dakota (male) JDa et al., 4/5 Washington (1) BSt, 5/26–28 Cook (approximate total 50 among three locations) mob. |
1996 | Fall | | | All reports: 10/26–27 Cook (max. 8) mob; 11/3 Lake Winnibigoshish, Cass Co. (1) AH, PS; 11/12–23 Lake Pepin, Wabasha Co. (1) JPo, BL; 11/17 Mille Lacs Lake, Mille Lacs Co. (1) KB; 11/23 Lake Minnetonka, Hennepin Co. (1) KB. |
1996 | Winter | | | North Shore reports from the Grand Marais (68) and Duluth (2) CBCs, and reported again 1/8 Cook (6) AH, but it's unlikely that any wintered within sight of Minnesota shores due to ice formation. Unusual was the report of seven on 12/12 at Moorhead, Clay Co. RO (The Loon 69:47); this may have been the same flock of seven reported at Garrison Dam, North Dakota in early December. |
1997 | Spring | | | All reports: 4/14 Ramsey (4) KB, 4/19–23 Hennepin SC, mob, late April Cook (60) TD, 5/17 Cook fide KE, 5/25 Cook (10) DN, 5/25 Winona CS. |
1997 | Fall | | | Thirteen reports north, including 10/25 Cook (80) AH, 10/27 Cass (second county record) PS, 11/16 Itasca (1) PS, 11/17 Mille Lacs (1) PS, 11/20–21 Cook (70) KB, plus eight other reports from Lake Superior. Two reports south: 11/25 Wabasha (5) KB, 11/29 Wabasha DS. |
1997 | Winter | | | Only reports: 12/3 Cook (150+) KB and the Grand Marais (68) CBC. Also reported 12/1 Dakota fide AH. |
1998 | Spring | | | All reports: 4/10–11 Cook DBM, WM, 5/24 Cook (2) DN. |
1998 | Fall | | | Six reports from Lake Superior. Only reports south: (no date) Houston FL, 11/28+ Meeker (L. Ripley) DF. |
1998 | Winter | | | Reported from Lake Superior in Cook (overwintered) KMH, Lake (12/5 JLi) and St. Louis (absent 12/25–1/24) mob. Reported away from Lake Superior 12/3 Houston (Reno bottoms) FL (not in Wisconsin?), 12/10 Meeker (Lake Ripley) RJ (found in November), 1/10–16 Wright (Monticello) KB, JD, 2/9–14 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) PJ, KB (same imm. male as seen at Monticello!), and 2/23–28 Anoka and Hennepin (Coon Rapids Dam) KB, mob. |
1999 | Spring | | | All south reports: through 3/24 Anoka/Hennepin (two at Coon Rapids Dam, see winter report) mob, 3/17 Martin (Fox L.) KB, 3/28–4/1 Winona fide AH. Also reported through early May in Cook, and 5/17 St. Louis (1) PS. |
1999 | Summer | | | Late migrant 6/3 Cook (Paradise Beach) KB. |
1999 | Fall | | | Early north 10/16 Lake RgS, 10/22 Cook PS. Several reports of concentrations in excess of 100 birds during the third week of November in Cook County. All south reports: 11/18 Kandiyohi RbS, 11/29–30 Kandiyohi †DF, 11/26 Houston (at Reno Bottoms, not in Wisconsin?) mob. This diver was formerly named the Long-tailed Duck. |
1999 | Winter | | | North Shore reports included a peak count of 452 in Cook Co. from the Cascade River to Hovland on 12/8 KB, and one present beginning 1/9 at Canal Park in Duluth, St. Louis Co. PS, mob. Reports away from Lake Superior included 12/2 Cottonwood Lake, Lyon Co. †RgS, 12/8–13 Birch Lake Dam, St. Louis Co. SSc et al., 12/13 Mille Lacs Lake, Mille Lacs Co. KB, and 2/29 Wells Lake, Rice Co. OR, JL et al. |
2000 | Spring | | | All reports: 3/1–14 Hennepin (male at Bass Ponds) SC, PJ, mob, 3/14 Big Stone (female in Otrey Twp.) DHe, 3/21 Kandiyohi RJF, 5/20 St. Louis (2) DBe et al., plus several reports from Cook through 5/27 (DN). |
2000 | Fall | | | Early north 10/13 St. Louis KRE, 10/22 Cook DRB. High count only 40+ in Cook on 11/7 (CRM). All south reports: 11/18 Rice (Shields L.) DDM, BJM, 11/22 Ramsey DPS, 11/24–29 Houston (2 at Pool #8, one in Minnesota) PEJ, FZL, 11/25 Wabasha mob. |
2000 | Winter | | | Scattered reports from Lake Superior, including 52 on the Grand Marais CBC in Cook County, plus one or two in Lake and St. Louis. Two overwintered along the Mississippi River near Hastings, Dakota County. |
2001 | Spring | | | All south reports: from winter season through 3/24 Dakota (Hastings area) mob, 4/17–18 Hennepin (male at French L.) SLC, †OLJ, 4/28 Lac qui Parle (Salt L.) †WCM. Only north report away from Lake Superior: 5/11 Polk (Crookston) RBJ, JEB. Also reported 4/21 St. Louis (25) fide DRB, 5/16–18 Lake (max. 7) JWL, 5/19 St. Louis KRE et al., 5/25–27 Cook (max. 30) DCZ. |
2001 | Fall | | | Early north 10/13 St. Louis (6) AXH. High counts 11/4 Cook (100 at Croftville) CRM, 11/17 Cook (150 at Five Mile Rock) NAW. Only reports away from L. Superior: 11/11 Cass (L. Winnibigoshish) PHS, 11/29 Olmsted (East Landfill Reservoir) PWP et al. |
2001 | Winter | | | Seen on L. Superior including peak 12/17 Cook (272) PHS, PCC. Many south reports: 12/8 Meeker DMF, 12/15 †Bloomington CBC, 12/15–17 Olmsted (2 at Rochester) RLE, DFJ (including †Rochester CBC), 12/26 Goodhue and Wabasha (3 on L. Pepin) KJB. |
2002 | Spring | | | All reports were from L. Superior in Cook, Lake, St. Louis. One overwintered through 3/11 St. Louis (Duluth) PHS et al. Late north 5/24–26 Cook (36–40 in two locations) DFN. |
2002 | Fall | | | Early north 10/17+ Cook (2 at Good Harbor Bay) AXH, PHS, JPE. High count 10/27 Cook (110 in two flocks near Five Mile Rock) JWL et al. All reports away from L. Superior: one shot by hunter late October Otter Tail (five miles west of Pelican Rapids) fide JMJ, 11/2 Kandiyohi (L. Lillian) DMF, 11/10 Hennepin (4 at Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) BBB. |
2002 | Winter | | | Reported from Cook Co. as usual. All additional reports: 12/14 Duluth CBC, 12/23–1/6 Dakota (adult male on Mississippi River across from Prescott, Wisconsin) KJB, SLC et al., 12/26 St. Paul (NE Suburban) †CBC, and 12/28–1/4 Dakota (immature male at Spring Lake) †SWe, ADS, TAT. |
2003 | Spring | | | All south reports: 3/1–12 Goodhue (male near Prairie Is.) BRL, m.ob., 4/5 Dakota (Spring L.) KJB. Many north reports, all from L. Superior: 3/22–4/14 St. Louis (max. 44 at Stoney Pt.) JWL, 3/22–5/24 Lake (max. 38) DFN, JWL, 4/24 Cook (78) KJB, 5/18 St. Louis (Duluth) CAM, 5/24–29 Cook (max. 66) MCBS, KRE, m.ob. |
2003 | Fall | | | No reports away from L. Superior. Early north 10/14 St Louis (Park Point) MH, 10/17 Cook (Cascade R.) JWL. High count 11/16 Cook (120 at Five Mile Rock) PHS. |
2003 | Winter | | | Overwintered on Lake Superior in Cook and Lake counties; maximum reported numbers 12/30 Cook (85 at Cascade River) JWL and 2/14–15 Lake (11 at Two Harbors) MH et al. Also reported 12/2 Wabasha (Lake City) and Winona (Lock and Dam #7) KJB, 1/1–19 Washington (along St. Croix River from Afton to Point Douglas) m.ob. |
2004 | Spring | | | All south reports: 3/20 Lac qui Parle (male at Lac qui Parle L.) BJU, 3/27 Dakota (male flew south over Mississippi R. at H.P.B.C.) KJB, 4/6 Olmsted (East Landfill Reservoir) m.obs., 4/16 Big Stone (male at Thielke L.) BJU, 4/20–5/3 Dakota (180th St. Marsh) CBr, LM, m.obs. All north reports were from L. Superior: 3/1–7 Lake (3 at Two Harbors) JWL, m.obs., 5/12–24 Lake (max. 14 at Two Harbors) JWL, m.obs., 5/14–30 Cook (max. 14) DJS, m.obs. |
2004 | Fall | | | Early north 10/17 Cook EEO, 10/23 Lake (Two Harbors) JWL. High count 11/1 Cook (35 at Cascade R.) BJM, DDM. Only report away from L. Superior: 11/7 Meeker (one at L. Ripley) DMF. |
2004 | Winter | | | All north reports: 12/11 Cook (Paradise Beach and Hovland) JWL, 12/18 St. Louis (Duluth CBC) PHS, 12/18 Cook (only one bird on Grand Marais CBC) fide RJS, 1/23 Lake PHS, 1/29 Lake (2 at Two Harbors) TAT, 2/6 Cook (Grand Marais) MTA, 2/19 Lake PEB. All south reports: 12/6–7 Dakota (imm. at Black Dog L.) JPM, ADS, 12/11 Scott (Fisher L.) DWK, 12/27–30 Dakota (adult male seen from Freedom Park, Prescott, WI) JPM, LS, DWK, 2/27 Goodhue JJS. |
2005 | Spring | | | Only south report: 3/29 Wabasha (female at L. Pepin) JPM. All north reports from L. Superior: 3/2 Cook (2 at Temperance R.) DCZ, 3/25–4/22 St. Louis (max. 22) JWL, m.obs., 4/16–5/23 Lake (max. 30) JWL, 5/24–28 Cook (max. 15) SPM, DFN. |
2005 | Fall | | | Early north 10/13 Lake JWL, 10/15 Cook AXH, PHS. High count 11/23 Cook (101 from 5-Mile Rock to Paradise Beach) KJB. All other reports: 10/15 Aitkin (female along County Road 18) WEN, WMS, 10/22 Pope (harvested on L. Johanna), 10/30 Cass (female on L. Winnibigoshish) BJU, 11/16 Beltrami (15 on L. Bemidji) BJU. |
2005 | Winter | | | Reported from two north counties. A total of 56 individuals tallied on the Grand Marais CBC, followed by a group of 12 birds 1/4 Cook (Artist's Point, Grand Marais) fide JWL. Presumably the same one or two birds reported 1/7–2/25 St. Louis (Duluth, Canal Park) KRE, PHS, BWF, JWL. All south reports: 12/5 Washington (adult male, Point Douglas) JPM, 12/16 Dakota (South St. Paul) KJB, 1/6 Benton/Stearns (Mississippi River) HHD, 2/7 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) KJB, and 2/20 Wright (Monticello) KJB. |
2006 | Spring | | | All south reports: 3/26 Dakota (3 on Minnesota R.) NAJ, 3/28 Lac qui Parle (adult male at Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU. All north reports from L. Superior: 3/9–4/21 St. Louis (max. 10) JWL, 5/12–20 Lake (6 at Two Harbors) JWL, 5/12 St. Louis (3 at Park Point, Duluth) JCG, 5/19–26 Cook (max. 17) DFN, JWL, SMc. |
2006 | Fall | | | All north reports: 10/19–11/4 St. Louis (three L. Superior locations) JWL, m.ob., 10/27–11/6 Cook (max. 95) JWH, DWK, m.ob., 11/22 Beltrami (3 on L. Bemidji) PJR. All south reports: 10/30–11/16 Big Stone (2 on Big Stone L.) BJU, 11/8 Big Stone (male harvested on Marsh L.) fide C. Vacek, 11/13–18 Pope (imm. on L. Minnewaska) RBW, SPM. |
2006 | Winter | 5 | 1 | Unusual location 1/1 Cass (Pillager CBC) DJS, ph. BAW. High count 2/17 Lake (10, Silver Bay) JWL. Additional north reports 12/14 St. Louis (Gitchi Gammi Park) KRE, 1/17–2/18 St. Louis (Canal Park, Duluth) KRE, CMB, DMF, JCC, m.ob., 2/10 Cook (Grand Marais) fide JWL, 2/16 Lake (Two Harbors) DMF. Only south report: immature/female 1/14–15 Washington (Pt. Douglas Park) m.ob. |
2007 | Spring | 3 | 6 | All south reports: 3/13–14 Winona/Wabasha (Mississippi R.) JJS, CHo, 4/8 Meeker (L. Ripley) DMF, 4/13 Rice TFB, 4/14–17 Goodhue (Red Wing) m.ob., 4/22 Fari-bault (2 on Pilot Grove L.) WAF, CRM. All north reports from L. Superior: 3/17–4/22 Lake/St. Louis (max. 25 between Two Harbors and Stoney Pt.) JPE, m.ob., 5/17–26 Cook (max. 31) PEJ, DFN, 5/19 Lake (2, Silver Bay) JWL, SLL, 5/27 Lake (8, Castle Danger) JWL. |
2007 | Summer | 1 | | Reported 6/1 Cook JEB, 6/2 Cook JWH. |
2007 | Fall | 4 | 3 | All north reports: 10/13–20 Cass (2 on Leech L.) †ALB, BJU, 10/16 Todd (L. Osakis) JSK, 10/17–11/9 St. Louis (max. 2 at Park Point, Duluth.) PHS, KRE, m.ob., BJU, 10/27 Cook (8 at Good Harbor Bay) fide JWL, 10/27–11/13 Cook (2 at Taconite Harbor) m.ob., 11/2–17 Cook (max. 10 between Hovland and Paradise Beach) DWK, m.ob. All south reports: 11/7 Big Stone (5 on Big Stone L.) BJU, 11/16 Meeker (1 on L. Ripley) DMF, 11/27 Wabasha (1 on Mississippi R.) fide DBz. |
2007 | Winter | 3 | 1 | Reports of 2–3 birds 12/30–1/12 St. Louis (Brighton Beach and Lester River, Duluth) fide JWL, KRE, PHS. Other reports: 2/5 Cook (20, Paradise Beach, Grand Marais) fide JWL, 2/17 St. Louis (4, Knife River) DMF, 2/18 Lake (near Silver Creek) DMF. Only south report 12/31 Dakota (female-type, Hastings Lock and Dam 2) JPM. |
2008 | Spring | 3 | | All reports from Lake Superior: 3/22–5/9 Lake (max. 20 at Two Harbors) CVK, JWL, 4/5 St. Louis (Duluth) PHS, 5/5 St. Louis (Duluth) MSS, 5/9 Lake (3 at Castle Danger) JWL, 5/23–31 Cook (max. 68 on 5/24) DFN, m.ob. |
2008 | Summer | 2 | | Found 6/1 Marshall (female-plumaged individual at Farmes Pool, Agassiz N.W.R.) ph. BSt, BrS, 6/1 Cook (2, Good Harbor Bay) WCM. |
2008 | Fall | 5 | 4 | All north reports: 9/28–11/14 St. Louis (Park Point) KRE, 10/25–10/26 Cook (Taconite Harbor) LS, BAF, 10/31–11/2 Cass (2 on Lake Winnibigoshish) BAW, BJU, 11/2–8 Cook (max. 50 between Hovland and Grand Marais) KRE, m.ob., 11/6–23 Lake (6 at Two Harbors) DWK, JWL, 11/8 Pennington (5 at Thief River Falls W.T.P.) JMJ. All south reports: 11/9 Meeker (female on Lake Ripley) DMF, Stearns (adult male at Albany W.T.P.) PCC, 11/18 Ramsey (2 on Lake Vadnais) GW, 11/26–28 Hennepin (female on Lake Calhoun) PEB, m.ob. |
2008 | Winter | 2 | | An impressive high count of 57 reported 2/23 St. Louis (Duluth Twp) PHS. All other reports: 12/13 Morrison FGo, MJB, 12/18 St. Louis KRE, 12/20 St. Louis (11) KRE. |
2009 | Spring | 3 | | All reports from Lake Superior: 3/6 St. Louis (total of 232 at Stoney Point, most in St. Louis County since 1960) PHS, 3/18–5/20 Lake (max. 15, Two Harbors) JWL, 4/4 Lake (20 near Gooseberry S.P.) MWS, 4/24 Cook CJT, 5/23–24 Cook (max. 49 between Paradise Beach and Grand Marais) DFN, 5/24 St. Louis (10 near McQuade Road) FKB, 5/25 Cook (5, Lutsen) SSt. |
2009 | Fall | 4 | 2 | All north reports: 10/15–11/17 St. Louis (male, Park Point, Duluth) MHe, m.ob., 10/19–11/7 Lake DBM, m.ob., 10/25 Cass (female, Lake Winnibigoshish) BAW, 10/31–11/8 Cook (max. 77 between Good Harbor Bay and Paradise Beach) KRE, m.ob. All south reports: 11/19 Dakota (female, Lake Byllesby) ADS, JPM, 11/27 Meeker (female, Lake Ripley) DMF. |
2009 | Winter | 2 | 6 | All south: 12/11–12 Ramsey (BAF), 12/13 Washington m.ob., Goodhue (CH, JWH), 12/18 – 2/19 Dakota and Washington (2, Point Douglas area) m.ob, 1/17, 1/23 Stearns (Le Sauk Twp. (PCC, m.ob.). Presumably this same individual was also found down river in Benton 1/24 MJB and 2/12 Stearns (Sartell) RBJ. High count 2/27 Lake (23, Agate Bay) JG. CBC high count 12/19 Grand Marais CBC (48). |
2010 | Spring | 3 | 1 | All reports: 3/3 Stearns (Mississippi River, also see winter report) JnS, 3/10 Lake (22, Two Harbors) MLH, 3/19 St. Louis (5, Brighton Beach, Duluth) AMo, 3/27 St. Louis (12, Stoney Point) NAJ, 4/19 Lake ChH, 4/20–22 Cass ABi, 5/9 St. Louis (Park Point) PHS, 5/16 Lake (15, Two Harbors) JWL, 5/19 Lake (2, Iona's Beach S.N.A.) RBJ, DAC, 5/22 St. Louis (13, Duluth Twp.) MJB. |
2010 | Fall | 3 | 2 | All north reports: 10/13–11/13 St. Louis (max 11., Duluth) KRE, m.ob., 10/14 Lake (Knife River) KRE, JWL, 10/24–11/10 Cook (max. 53 between Colvill and Grand Portage) JEB, m.ob., 10/27–11/9 Lake (3, Two Harbors) JWL, m.ob. All south reports: 10/28 – 11/21 Ramsey (adult male, Lake Vadnais and nearby lakes) BRL, m.ob., 11/28 Wabasha (Lake Pepin) JWH. |
2010 | Winter | 2 | | All reports: 12/1 Lake SC, 2/17 St. Louis (4, Stoney Point) JCG fide JWL, 2/25 Lake (12, Two Harbors) LKn. |
2011 | Spring | 4 | 3 | All south 4/18 Lac qui Parle (Madrena W.M.A.) ph. BJU, 4/30–5/2 Yellow Medicine (Clarkfield W.T.P.) DWK, BWF, HCT, ph. BJU, 5/21 Wright (Swartout Lake) DWK, PEB. All north 3/5–4/29 Lake (max. 72, Agate Bay, Two Harbors) JWL, m.ob., 5/7 Roseau (S.R.310) BSm, 5/16 St. Louis (8, Duluth) MH, 5/28 Cook (9, Grand Marais and Paradise Beach) DFN. |
2011 | Summer | | | |
2011 | Fall | 4 | 4 | All north reports 10/30 Cook (20, Paradise Beach) ARW, DBz, JWH, 11/15 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge / Lester River Census) KJB, 11/18 Mille Lacs (Isle) RBJ, 11/27 Aitkin (Wealthwood, Mille Lacs Lake) DBM. All south reports 11/12 Houston (Pool 8), Wabasha (Pool 5) PEJ, 11/13 Le Sueur (Lake Henry) †DAB, JWH, 11/21–29+ Hennepin (Lake Calhoun) ChM, †RSA, ph. CMB, m.ob., 11/29+ Houston (near Brownsville) DBz. |
2011 | Winter | 2 | 7 | All north: 12/1 Aitkin (adult male, Mille Lacs Lake, Wealthwood access) RAE, 2/25 Lake (mouth of Stewart River) JWL. Numerous south reports of what were probably about 8–10 different individuals, including 12/4 Carver (female, north shore Lake Waconia) †ACr, HHD, Houston KJB, 12/5–31 Wabasha and Winona (at least 4 individuals from Lake Pepin to Minneiska) PEJ, KJB, m.ob., 12/7–21 Hennepin (female, Lake Calhoun, different from female at this location late November) ph. CMB, m.ob., 12/10–2/19 Washington (2 birds, male early December then female from late December, Point Douglas) ELC, JFR, †RTe, ph. NMa, m.ob., 12/16 Hennepin (Lake Minnetonka) PEJ. |
2012 | Spring | 3 | 1 | All reports: 3/16 Lake (2, Two Harbors) ANy, 3/18 Freeborn (Geneva Lake) PEJ. 4/17 Cook (20, Grand Marais) JaJ, 4/23–5/13 Lake (max. 15, Two Harbors) JWL, 5/6 Carlton (Moose Lake W.T.P.) †ACr, 5/19 Cook (32, Cascade River/Taconite Harbor) JCG, 5/25–26 Cook (max. 8, Paradise Beach) DFN, 5/25 Lake (5, Beaver Bay) DFN, 5/26 Cook (Tofte) KRo. |
2012 | Fall | 4 | 3 | Early north (median 10/18) 10/16 St. Louis (4) FKB, 10/22 Lake (Two Harbors, Burlington Bay) PHS. New county record for Pine 11/8 (Pine City) RBJ. All south 11/17 Lac qui Parle (Lac qui Parle Lake) ph. BJU, 11/21 Houston (35, Brownsville Overlook) SSp, 11/25 Wright DWK, RAE. High count 11/5 Cook (295) DBM. |
2012 | Winter | 3 | | Numerous north reports from all 3 Lake Superior counties, with high counts by county: 12/18 Cook (67, Paradise Beach) KJB, 2/24 Lake (110, Two Harbors) DWK, HCT, 2/23 St. Louis (145, near McQuade Harbor) KJB; other late February reports of somewhat lesser numbers from Lake and St. Louis m.ob. These numbers are much higher than in any of the winter seasons of the previous five years. However, unlike last year there were no south reports. |
2013 | Spring | 4 | 1 | Only reports away from Lake Superior: 4/24 Lac qui Parle (8, Marsh Lake) CV, 5/19 Pennington (Thief River Falls W.T.P.) AFo, CAs. All Lake Superior reports: 3/3–5/12 Lake (max. 166 on 3/3, Two Harbors) AnG, RoC, PCa, m.ob., 3/29 Lake (Silver Bay) BMy, 4/21–5/22 St. Louis (max. 4, Duluth) EBr, JLK, m.ob, 5/24 Cook (48, Good Harbor Bay to Paradise Beach) DFN. |
2013 | Summer | 2 | | All reports: 6/1 Cook (2, Cutface Creek Wayside) SRu, RBJ, WCM, 6/2 Cook (19, Cutface Creek Wayside) DAB, 6/12 Cook (3, Paradise Beach) ELC, Pennington (female at Thief River Falls W.T.P.) ANy. |
2013 | Fall | 3 | 1 | Early north (median 10/17) 10/5 St. Louis KMS, 10/6–8 St. Louis (Superior Entry) KRE, m.ob., 10/16 St. Louis (Bear Island Lake) SLF, 10/17 Lake RDC. Only south report 11/22 Hennepin (French R.P.) ALD. High count 11/1 Cook (20, S.R. 61 from Grand Marais to Paradise Beach) SuB, |
2013 | Winter | 4 | 9 | Few north reports compared with last winter: 12/2 Cass BAW, 12/14 Grand Marais CBC, St. Louis KRE, 12/21 Two Harbors CBC (4), 1/2 Lake (2, Two Harbors) JWL, 2/2 Lake (2) SkH, 2/22 St. Louis (3) PHS. Numerous south reports of as many as seven individuals (compared to none last winter): 12/1 Ramsey (Vadnais Lake) RAE, RZi, ELC, Wabasha (Minneiska) PEJ, Washington (Pt. Douglas Park) HCT, DWK, 12/5 Hennepin (Lake Calhoun) CMB, JmM, 12/19–1/25 Dakota and Washington (near Prescott WI) ALw, m.ob., 1/2 Goodhue JMs, 1/29–2/18 Benton, Stearns, and Sherburne (Sartell and downriver) HHD, m.ob. |
2014 | Spring | 3 | 2 | Reported north from Lake Superior throughout the season. High counts were undoubtedly due to almost all of the lake being frozen: 3/16 Lake (829) KJB, 4/2 St. Louis (96, Brighton Beach) KJB. All reports away from Lake Superior: 3/13 Stearns (Sartell, Mississippi River) HHD, 3/15 Winona PEJ, DFN. One leucistic individual found 4/17 St. Louis ph. JLK. |
2014 | Summer | 3 | | Found 6/3 Lake (6, near Castle Haven Cabins) ph. RSA, 6/6 Cook (3, Temperance River) ClN, 6/29 St. Louis KMS. |
2014 | Fall | 3 | 3 | All north reports: 10/23 Lake (Two Harbors) ClN, 10/25–11/3 Cook (Paradise Beach, Good Harbor Bay, and high count of 40 at Cascade River mouth) ALo, DWK, m.ob., 11/20–24 St. Louis DAB, KJB. All south reports: 11/9 Stearns (3, Lake Koronis) RPR, 11/14 Winona (Prairie Island) ClN, 11/19 Kandiyohi (Green Lake) HHD, ph. ANy, m.ob. |
2014 | Winter | 2 | 2 | North reports include 12/5 Cook (11, Good Harbor Bay) MLH, 2/3–16 Lake (Two Harbors) m.ob. with high count 2/7 (35) JWL, 2/9 Cook (several hundred, Good Harbor Bay) DMB, 2/28 Lake (50, Castle Danger) RSA. Two south reports: 1/3 Wright DFe, HHD, 1/5 Washington PNi. |
2015 | Spring | 3 | 3 | Two south reports: 3/18–29 Anoka/Hennepin (male, Coon Rapids Dam) KMa, ph.WFe, ph. JuW, m.ob., 4/18, 4/27 Rock (juvenile, Schoneman C.P.) ph. LDw, TKa. North reports through 5/20 in Lake, 5/23 in St. Louis, and 5/28 in Cook. High counts 3/1 Cook (122, Tofte Town Park, confirmed count with photographs) JWL, 3/1 Cook (73, Good Harbor Bay) JWL, 3/1 Cook (47, Cascade River Wayside) JWL, |
2015 | Fall | 5 | 2 | Early north (median 10/17) 10/24 St. Louis (Park Point) JPR, 10/27 Cook ClN, m.ob., 10/31 Lake DAB, m.ob. Two north reports away from Lake Superior: 11/5–16 Becker (male, slough near Stakke Lake) HeH, ShG, m.ob., 11/15–17 Cass (Lake Winnibigoshish) DAY, m.ob. Two south reports: 11/14 Scott (Fisher Lake) JuW; 11/18 Dakota (female, Orchard Lake) ADS. High count 11/1 Cook (59 near Paradise beach) WCM. |
2015 | Winter | 3 | 6 | Numerous north reports from all three Lake Superior counties, with high counts by county: 1/22 Cook (104, Good Harbor Bay) KeL, 2/18 Lake (12, Two Harbors) JWL, 1/7–8 St. Louis (7, Stoney Point) PRo, JJu. All south reports (at least 7 different individuals, including at least 4 in Wabasha/Winona): 12/3 Wabasha and 12/12 Winona (Mississippi River Pool 5, immature male) PEJ, 12/19 La Crosse-La Crescent CBC, 12/20 Wabasha (2, Pool 5 near Minneiska) PEJ, 12/24 Wabasha (Lake City Marina) PEJ, 1/5–7 Dakota (Schaar's Bluff) ph. †ALw, †AlF, 1/15–16 Wabasha DBz, PEJ, 2/6–7 Anoka and Hennepin (Coon Rapids Dam) †TLo, ph. ToL, ph. SOa, m.ob. |
2016 | Spring | 3 | 1 | One south report 3/15–4/1 Hennepin (male, Long Meadow Lake) ANy, m.ob. North reports through 5/27 in Cook, 5/20 in Lake and 5/21 in St. Louis. High counts 4/16 Lake (26, Two Harbors) JWL, 3/12 St. Louis (25, Lakewood Pumping Station) JWL. |
2016 | Summer | 1 | | Reported 6/22 (male and female, Good Harbor Bay) Cook ClN. |
2016 | Fall | 6 | 4 | First north reports from Lake Superior were 10/18 Lake JWL, 10/19 Cook SNe, 10/21 St. Louis JPR. Additional north reports 10/24 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) fide JMJ, 11/10–12 Crow Wing (female, Lake Emily) HHD, RAE, m.ob., 11/24–25 Otter Tail (3, Otter Tail Lake) KnM, AaL. All south 11/1–16 Hennepin (Lake Calhoun) CMB, BHe, m.ob., 11/2 Carver (Tiger Lake) WCM, 11/3 Meeker (Lake Ripley) BNn, 11/26 Washington (3, Lakeside Park) PNi, BDo, 11/27–30 Hennepin (7, Medicine Lake, Plymouth) DAh, SMC, m.ob. High count 10/29 Cook (33, Good Harbor Bay) JPR, JWL. |
2016 | Winter | 4 | 4 | Many reports from all three North Shore counties, with high counts by county: 2/18 Cook (180, Good Harbor Bay) ClN, m.ob., 2/11 Lake (42, Two Harbors, Agate Bay) AOr, 2/17 St. Louis (30) KCR. One north report away from Lake Superior: 12/10 Hubbard (Kabekona Lake) AxB, ph. REn. All south: 12/1–7 Hennepin (7, Medicine Lake, continuing from November) m.ob., 12/5–8 Carver (Lake Waconia) WCM, m.ob., 12/6 Meeker (Lake Ripley) HHD, 1/14–18 Goodhue (Lock and Dam 3) JuW, m.ob. CBC high count 12/17 Grand Marais (12). |
2017 | Spring | 7 | 1 | One south report 4/25–29 Hennepin (adult male, Lake Harriet) ph. CMB, m.ob. Three north reports away from Lake Superior 3/21–29 Beltrami (2, Bemidji) DPJ, m.ob., 4/29–5/2 Douglas (1, Lake Osakis and Brandon W.T.P.) ph. HLi, REn, 5/3–5 Red Lake (female, Red Lake Falls W.T.P.) RAE, HHD, ph. REn, m.ob. Also reported through 5/28 in Cook, 5/21 in Lake and 5/22 in St. Louis. High counts 4/15 St. Louis (65, Brighton Beach) JPR, 4/1 Lake (55, Two Harbors) SLL, JWL. |
2017 | Summer | 1 | | Found 6/2 Cook (6, Paradise Beach) RBJ, LMk. |
2017 | Fall | 7 | 5 | Early north (median 10/17) 10/6–15 Cook (Grand Marais) JBs, DdJ, 10/21–22 St. Louis ASu, m.ob. Additional north reports 10/28 Kanabec (male, Knife Lake) †SPS, 10/28 – 11/2 Cass (max. 2, Lake Winnibigoshish) REn, m.ob., 11/8 Todd (Lake Osakis) DOr, LKo, 11/19 Mille Lacs (Wigwam Bay) MJB, DOr. All south 10/28 Faribault WAF, 11/7 Scott (Spring Lake) BAb, m.ob., 11/12–13 Washington (max. 2, Big Marine Lake) BDo, m.ob., 11/20 Le Sueur (Volney Lake) RAE, m.ob., 11/24 Houston (1, Pool #8) PEJ. |
2017 | Winter | 4 | 6 | Numerous reports from all three Lake Superior counties, with high counts by county: 1/29 Cook (330, Grand Marais) FJN, 2/8 Lake (28, Two Harbors) REn, 2/27 St. Louis (19) JWL. One north report away from Lake Superior: 12/2 Cass (3, Leech Lake) DAY. South reports: 12/3 Kandiyohi (Green Lake, Spicer) JoS, m.ob., 12/7–11 Hennepin (Bde Maka Ska, Lake Harriet) IWe, m.ob., 12/14–1/1 Sherburne and Stearns (Mississippi River, St. Cloud) HHD, m.ob., 12/15–24 Dakota and Washington (Pt. Douglas area) m.ob. |
2018 | Spring | 3 | 1 | One south report 3/15 Anoka BLc. All north reports 3/3–5/22 St. Louis (max. 80 on 3/16, Duluth, EEO), 3/3–5/26 Lake (max. 55 on 3/30 Two Harbors JCa), 3/11–5/28 Cook (max. 174 on 4/29 Grand Marais LGr). |
2018 | Summer | 1 | | Observed 7/18 Cook (Artist’s Point, Grand Marais) REn, AxB. |
2018 | Fall | 5 | 4 | Record early north (median 10/17) 9/7 Cook (Grand Marais) TGy, PAs, also 9/15 MWS and 9/26 (3) ebd. Additional north reports 10/12 Douglas (2, Lake Osakis) AaL, 10/25–11/25 (max. 5, Spithand Lake) SC, m.ob. All south 10/14 Lyon (1, juvenile/female Cottonwood W.T.P.), 11/3 Washington (1, female) RMD, ELC, 11/12 Dakota (1, female, Crystal Lake) ADS, 11/19 Chisago (1, Green Lake) ELC, m.ob. High count 11/10 Cook (139, Good Harbor Bay) TCL, JfD, ClN. |
2018 | Winter | 3 | 1 | Many reports from two of the three North Shore counties, with high counts by county: 1/4 Cook (34, Grand Marais) m.ob., 2/5 Lake (178, Two Harbors) m.ob. Only a few reports from St. Louis, with high count 1/21 (6, Bluebird Landing) JLK. One south report: 12/11 Wabasha (immature female, Lake Pepin) PEJ |
2019 | Summer | | | No reports. |
  | Migrant and winter visitant, primarily on Lake Superior. |