Pine Siskin(Spinus pinus) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1938 | Summer | | | Voth and Hiebert discovered a nearly finished nest near the Veterans Hospital, St. Cloud on Apdl I2. A Pine Linnet's nest, that held 2 fresh eggs, was found on the Tea~hers College Campus, St. Cloud, on Apnl 25 by the T. S. Roberts Ornithology Club; Voth found that the eggs were gonl! from this nest on April 27. |
1945 | Winter | | | Several records from the Duluth region and a few from other northern state sections; also four at St. Paul, December 27, 1945, (Rosenwinkel). |
1947 | Summer | | | June 28, 4 young, Itasca Park, Longley. |
1961 | Spring | | | abundant in all areas reported from. A nest was reported on or about 13 April at the T. S. Roberts' Sanctuary in Minneapolis reported by E. D. Swedenborg. Another report of nest building came from Mrs. Andrews of the Lake Minnetonka area on 8 May. See Notes of Interest. |
1961 | Summer | | | On 15 April a female was incubating at Lake Harriet, in Minneapolis, Hennepin County; seen by many observers. See Flicker, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 55-56, June 1961. |
1962 | Winter | | | Abundant in northern parts of state, with only a few records for southern Minn: Dec. 30, small flock, Mpls, R. Huber; all winter at feeder of V. E. Janssen, in south Mpls; Feb. 5 Hennepin Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel. |
1963 | Summer | | | St. Louis Co., Duluth, June 20, 1 y being fed by parents at feeder and again on June 27. Also 7 dates from Aug. 7-Aug. 22 when 1 y being fed, A. K. Arndt. |
1963 | Winter | | | Scattered singles and small groups reported from St. Louis, Washington, Ramsey, Hennepin, Olmsted, Stearns, Cass, Clay and Kandiyohi Counties. Rufous-sided To1whee: Feb 21, Bass Ponds, Hennepin Co., 1 adult male seen by Bill Litkey; very few winter records for Minnesota. |
1964 | Spring | | | At Anoka feeder until 2nd week of May, LJ; two peaks in Stearns Co, 2nd week April and 5-l, 75-100 each time, RPR; 5-10 Hennepin Co, 8, MAS; 1st northward migrants at Duluth, 4-12, JCG; 5-8 Ramsey Co, ELC; 3-29 Washington Co, DH; 4-20 Washington Co, DH. |
1964 | Summer | | | 6-14, Hennepin Co, pair visiting feeder, MED; Fargo-Moorhead, June until 7-9, EGA; breeding St. Louis (DM, AKA) and Lake (JCG) Counties. |
1964 | Winter | | | Erratic, restricted mostly to NE corner of state except a very few in Stearns (XC, RPR), Winona (12-3, 1, Emil Liers) and Hennepin (RDT, EMB) Co's. Most NE observers reported 5 to 25 birds, a few 30 to 50. Only peaks, 194 on Duluth XC (new state high) and thousands in Carlton Co, 12-22, JCR. |
1965 | Winter | | | North: reported only in Cook (1/ 15, 12, HH), Aitkin (2/ 10, 15, CEP), Clay (12/22, 4, Xmas), Duluth (1/2, 2, Xmas). Central: reported by 13 people, usually only 1-4 but a few flocks of 20 present in Twin Cities (Ramsey, Hennepin); also seen in Anoka, Washington, Stearns. South: reported in Goodhue (12/ 5, MHM), Winona (1/ 2, 9, Xmas), Olmsted (1/ 2 20, Xmas). |
1966 | Spring | | | except for one Duluth record on 3-4 (AKA), confined to southern part of state in March; slight movement northward to Mille Lacs Lake and Duluth in April; good movement northward in late May to Polk Co (5-24, GSM), Beltrami Co (5-20, MG), St. Louis Co, Virginia (5-22, NJH) and Cook Co (5-22, MOP)); still present in Rochester and the Twin Cities at the end of May. . Red Crossbill: 3-5 Washington Co, BL; 5-5 Bemidji, EBH; only reports. |
1966 | Summer | | | 5-18 Hennepin Co, apparent nesting, see Notes of Interest in previous issue; also reported from Stearns, Cook, Hubbard, Pope, Itasca, Lake, St. Louis, Roseau and Morrison Co's. |
1966 | Fall | | | Scattered movements across northern half of state plus Twin Cities during Sept. and Oct.; by Nov. all reports confined to extreme NE part of state- apparently species withdrew from western part of Minnesota? |
1966 | Winter | | | reported from Beltrami, Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Crow Wing, Ramsey and Hennepin Co's. |
1967 | Summer | | | 6-1 Hennepin Co., VL; 6-10 Cook Co., JCG; 6-23 Hennepin Co., VL; 7-21 Hubbard Co., LWJ; June/ July St. Louis Co., JCG. |
1967 | Fall | | | reported from Stevens, Becker, Crow Wing, St. Louis and Cook Co's.; only southern records were Washington Co. (9-26, DS; 9-15, 10-20 WWL) and Hennepin Co. (11-11, 11-18 VL); also reported from Fargo-Moorhead. |
1967 | Winter | | | 21 observers report them from Cass, Hennepin, Rice, Lake (12-26, 800+, RK), St. Louis, Carver, Beltrami, Lake-of-the-woods, Koochiching, Stearns, Cook (12-21 , 650), LS, 12-18, 1500, LTM), also Fargo-Moorhead; largest total, Cloquet Valley State Forest on 12-23, 6000 seen on 16 mile stretch of road, J. C. Ryan fide JCG!! |
1968 | Spring | | | reported in March from Carver, Stearns, Morrison, Aitkin, Beltrami, Cook and Lake-of-the-Woods Co's; in April from Lake-of-the-Woods, Beltrami and Cook Co's; in May only from Cook Co. and Fargo-Moorhead. |
1968 | Summer | | | reported from St. Louis, Cook, Crow Wing, Beltrami Co's; 4-24 Grand Rapids, Itasca Co, nested, Mrs. E.M. .fide EGA (4y seen). |
1968 | Fall | | | Several records for Twin City area in November, including 1/30 Hennepin 30+ VL. |
1968 | Winter | | | A few flocks, 15-30, overwintered in Stearns (St. Cloud) NMH, and Hennepin (Minneapolis) VL, Counties. A few other sporadic observations of usually 1-10 birds in Washington, Blue Earth, Swift, Ramsey, and Washington Counties. |
1969 | Spring | | | 3-2 Morrison Co., LSR; 4-10 St. Louis Co., W. Arndt fide JCG; 5-6 (15) Blue Earth Co., HBT, and (12) Washington Co., WWL; Late South: 5-26 Minneapolis, EWJ; 5-31 Minne- THE LOON 80 a polis, FN j MAS. |
1969 | Summer | | | major invasion from the south as follows: 7-9 Goodhue Co., 25-30, MHI; 7-22 Vasa, Goodhue Co. VL; 7-28 Winona Co., female with brood patch banded, TV; 7-21 to 8-19 Hennepin Co. RT; 7-16 Anoka Co. WHL; 7-30 Ramsey Co., 6, JJ; north reports: Hubbard Co., 20 in July and 50 in August, RP; 7-30 Duluth 100, MMC; also reported from C~dto,n, Crow Wing, Cook and Beltrami Co s. Unprecedented summer numbers. |
1969 | Fall | | | 10-1 Cottonwood 40 LAF; 10-9 and 10-17 St. Louis 1000 JCG; 8-3 Ramsey JJ; 8-6 Chisago EL; 8-16 29 ~arch 1970 |
1969 | Winter | | | Erratic but common especially in the South where reported from Hennepin, Wabasha, Ramsey, Lyon, Swift, Anoka, Chisago, Washington, Wright, Winona, Goodhue, Blue Earth, Stearns, Rice, Carver; in the North from Lake, St. Louis, Morrison, Mille Lacs, Clearwater. American Goldfinch Wintered in good numbers throughout the eastern part of the South as far as Jackson and Blue Earth Counties; in the North only reported from Morrison (1-2 all winter). |
1970 | Spring | | | late south 5-28 Carver MM; 5-31 Hennepin DB, CH, GES, RG; peak 5-26 Duluth (200) jG. |
1970 | Summer | | | last year's invasion repeated; nested at Fairbault, RICE Co., 6·22 (2 ad, 2 y) Mrs. Paul Weaver; HENNEPIN Co. 8·10 (1 y) Mrs. E.W. Joul; 5·8 (1 y) RT; 6·14 {ad feeding 2 y) EH and reported as very common by other Twin Cities observers; 6·10 Carver {5) MM; 6-15 Stearns (6) MC; 6-3 Duluth { 1 00) MMC; 7-17 Duluth 29 banded JCG; small flocks all summer KE; also reported from Crow Wing Co. American Goldfinch : nested in Mille Lacs and Wright Co's. and reported from 20 other counties. |
1970 | Fall | | | only 2 reports south VL and Carver MM. |
1970 | Winter | | | two reports of singles from South, 12-6 Carver MHM, 2-13 Wabasha JAB ; in the North flocks reported by 5 observers in Clearwater, Crow Wing, St. Louis (30 in Duluth), Lake (50 Encampment Forest 2-27, J. Olyphant). |
1971 | Spring | | | only 2 reports south MHM; 5-13 Ramsey, Liz Campbell; only 5 reportsnorth with the highest peak of only 10. |
1971 | Summer | | | nested in Crow Wing (8-2 Deerwood, 2 ad and 5 Y, M. Carlson); also reported from St. Louis, Cook, Lake, Aitkin and Clearwater. |
1971 | Fall | | | early south 10-1 Ramsey; 10-12 Stearns; 11·1 Hennepin; peak 10-28 Duluth (2000) MMC, JG. |
1972 | Summer | | | nested in S. St. Louis, HENNEPIN (VL); seen in Clearwater, Hubbard, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Lake, Cook. |
1972 | Winter | | | NORTH Reported from thirteen counties, with a maximum of 300 birds from Morrison County. SOUTH Reported from twelve counties. Maximums of 150 birds reported from Nicollet and Sherburne. |
1973 | Summer | | | Nesting reports from St. Louis Aitkin, Ramsey; seen in 13 other counties including Lyon (7-14), Lac qui Parle (7-1), Ottertail (6-21), Clay (6-15). |
1973 | Fall | | | Abundant this year; Seen in 17 counties as far south and west as Carver and Rock. Peak 10-25 St. Louis (600) (JCG) (very high). |
1973 | Winter | | | Reported from 33 counties; also more common than usual. |
1974 | Spring | | | Late south 5-31 Hennepin VL, CH; 5-31 Stearns NMH; peak 3-2 Wabasha (150) DWM. |
1974 | Summer | | | Nested in St. Louis and Stearns; also reported from Ottertail, Itasca, Mille Lacs, Lake, Cook, Stearns (6-1 to 7-9, NH), Hennepin (6-15, P. Fuller; all summer, VL; 6-1 and 7-3, WKE), Ramsey (7-20, EC). |
1974 | Fall | | | Early south 10-16 Hennepin VL; 10/7 Lac qui Parle AFE; 11-21 Wabasha WDM; few reports south this fall. |
1974 | Winter | | | Also down in numbers: reported from only 13 counties south to Olmsted, Mower, Steele, Swift and Big Stone. |
1975 | Spring | | | Late south 5-10 Stearns NMH; 5-18 Hennepin VRL. |
1975 | Summer | | | Nested in St. Louis; also reported from Hubbard, Cass, Crow Wing, Itasca and Lake. |
1975 | Fall | | | early south 9-3 Goodhue CF; 9-13 Pipestone KE; 9-26 Lyon GO; peak 10-25 Duluth (1000) JG. |
1975 | Winter | | | reported from 30 counties northwest to Clay, Clearwater and Cass Co's. |
1976 | Spring | | | Late south 5-31 Olmsted JF; early north 3-10 Hubbard HF and Morrison LSR. |
1976 | Summer | | | reported from Marshall, Crow Wing, St. Louis, Lake, Cook and Hennepin (all summer, VL). |
1976 | Fall | | | Early south 10-12 Hennepin, 10-16 Rock and Anoka. · |
1976 | Winter | | | Reported from 17 counties north to Hubbard and St. Louis; fewer reports than usual. |
1977 | Spring | | | Late south 5-31 Olmsted JF; early north 3-1, 3-30 Hubbard HF; 4-11 Itasca MS. |
1977 | Summer | | | Reported from Lake of the Woods, Marshall, St. Louis, Lake and Cook. America,n Goldfinch Reported from 36 counties throughout the state. |
1977 | Fall | | | Peak 10-10 St. Louis (1500) (JG). |
1977 | Winter | | | Reported from 30 counties; only about an average winter in spite of the big flocks seen in Nov. (which apparently moved on to the south and east before winter). |
1978 | Summer | | | Breeding reported from Stearns; seen also in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Otter Tail, Clay (Moorhead) and Hennepin (thru 6-15). |
1978 | Fall | | | Early south 11-2 Stearns NH, 11-5 Hennepin PF and 11-6 Swift WDM. |
1978 | Winter | | | Reported from 29 counties, which is about average, but once again actual numbers of individuals seemed low. |
1979 | Spring | | | Present south and north throughout the entire period. |
1979 | Summer | | | Seen in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Beltrami, Clay (Moorhead), Stearns, Anoka, Hennepin, Nicollet (Mankato), Olmsted (Rochester). |
1979 | Fall | | | Eight reports north 9-2 through 1/25; three reports south 10-6 Anoka JH, 11-29 Washington EC and Ramsey DGW. |
1979 | Winter | | | Although this species was reported as abundant in Cook Co., it was apparently down in numbers in the balance of the state with reports from only 15 additional counties. |
1980 | Spring | | | Reported from the following counties: south Lac qui Parle and Stearns; north Becker, Clay, Cook, Hubbard, Otter Tail, Pennington, Red Lake and St. Louis. |
1980 | Summer | | | Widely scattered reports from Cook, Beltrami, Clearwater (7-3), Clay (6-25) Otter Tail (6-2), Houston (6-20, FZL). |
1980 | Fall | | | Reported from ten counties north and 15 counties south. |
1980 | Winter | | | Also about normal numbers with reports from 29 counties. |
1981 | Spring | | | Reported throughout the period from 16 counties south and nine counties north. |
1981 | Summer | | | Breeding data from Cook, STEARNS (NMH). Seen throughout range plus Clay (Moorhead), Anoka, Washington, Hennepin (nesting reported). America,n Goldfinch Breeding data from Stearns, Ramsey, Le Sueur. Seen throughout the state. Red Crossbi II Widely scattered reports in June and early July: Cook, St. Louis (Duluth Twp.), Lake of the Woods, Hubbard, Mahnomen. |
1981 | Fall | | | Reported from 16 counties north and 14 counties south. |
1981 | Winter | | | About average with reports from 29 counties throughout the state. |
1982 | Spring | | | Reported from 19 counties south and 18 counties north. |
1982 | Summer | | | Breeding data from Hennepin, Houston, Seen in ten counties scattered across the Mower, Big Stone. Seen throughout the northern regions plus Lincoln, Lyon, Mur western regions as far north as Red Lake ray, Mower, Hennepin. Co. plus Renville, Freeborn, Goodhue, Dakota, Washington (May Twp.). American Goldfinch Breeding data from Lake, Clearwater, |
1982 | Fall | | | Reported from eight counties north and three counties south. |
1982 | Winter | | | Widespread throughout the north half of the state (18 counties) and south reports from Lac qui Parle, Lyon, Cottonwood, Hennepin and Wabasha. |
1983 | Spring | | | Reported from six counties south and thirteen counties north. |
1983 | Summer | | | Seen in Cook, Lake, Koochiching, Clearwater, Pennington. |
1983 | Fall | | | Reported from fifteen counties north and twelve counties south. |
1983 | Winter | | | Reported from 46 counties throughout the state. Apparently most numerous in the central regions. Peak CBC count of 363 on the St. Paul NE count and a statewide total of 1373. |
1984 | Spring | | | Reported from 22 counties north, 21 counties south. American Goldfmch Reported from 17 counties north, 29 counties south. |
1984 | Summer | | | nested in Lake, Stearns (nest with 2 young -NH) and Ramsey (St. Paul, 2 nests -R. Eliason); also seen in I 0 other counties including Hennepin (7118 Mineapolis -VL) and Brown (6/ 20 New Ulm, 3 birds -JS). |
1984 | Fall | | | Reported from 13 counties north and 15 counties south. |
1984 | Winter | | | Widespread and common. Reported from 58 counties throughout the state. High counts of 387 on the Grand Marais CBC and 265 at Fargo. A statewide CBC total of 1846. |
1985 | Spring | | | Reported from 17 counties north and 22 counties south (See The Loon 57: 141). |
1985 | Summer | | | Numbers way up, with reports from 20 counties including nesting in Cook, Lake, Stearns, Sherburne (NH), Washington (JH), Dakota (TTu), Winona (The Loon 57: 141), Blue Earth (MF). Also seen throughout the northern regions plus Wilkin, Swift, Chippewa. |
1985 | Fall | | | Reported from fourteen counties north and twenty counties south. |
1985 | Winter | | | Down somewhat from last year with reports from 39 counties (58 L.y.) and a statewide CBC total of 1202 (1846 L.y.). |
1986 | Spring | | | Reported from 14 counties north and 19 counties south. |
1986 | Summer | | | More widespread than ever with reports from 25 counties including nesting in Stearns, Hennepin, Rice (FKS; The Loon 58: 190); probable nesting in Olmsted, Mower. Also seen throughout the northern regions plus Todd, Chippewa, Ramsey, Dakota, Houston. |
1986 | Fall | | | Reported from eleven counties north and nineteen counties south. |
1986 | Winter | | | Reported from 42 counties (39 L. Y.) throughout the state. A statewide CBC total of 1/53 (1202 L.Y.). |
1987 | Spring | | | Reported from 15 counties north and 21 counties south. |
1987 | Summer | | | Nested in Koochiching (FS), Ramsey; probable nesting in Lake of the Woods, Clay. Also seen in ten other counties throughout the northern regions plus Wilkin (all summer, GAM), Hennepin, Washington, Dakota, Brown (Fiandrau State Park, JSp). |
1987 | Fall | | | Reported from 11 counties north and l7 counties south. |
1987 | Winter | | | Widespread and abundant throughout most of the state with reports from 53 counties (42 L. Y.) and a statewide CBC total of 4933 ( 1/53 L. Y.). Most abundant in the north central and north east regions. |
1988 | Spring | | | Reported from 15 counties north and 23 counties south. |
1988 | Summer | | | Nested in Steams. Also seen in 13 northern counties plus Hennepin, Washington, OJ Oscar Johnson Dakota, Rice. RJo RichardJorgenson DK Don Kienholz American Goldfinch BK Byron Kinkade Nested in Benton (NHi), Brown; probable RRK Ron & Rose Knees kern nesting in Crow Wing, Todd. Seen in 60 other TK TomKogut counties statewide. EK Erlys Krueger DK David Lambeth Evening Grosbeak EL Ellen Lawler Seen in Lake of the Woods, Hubbard, Crow JL Jean Leckner Wing, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook. AL *Andy Levar BL Bill Litkey House Sparrow WL William Longley |
1988 | Fall | | | Reported from 13 counties north and nine counties south. TBB DBe AB DB JB KC DC sc HJC ND JD ED KE |
1988 | Winter | | | Fewer than last year with reports from 24 counties (54 l.y.) throughout the state. CBC total of 586 (4,933 I.y.). |
1989 | Spring | | | Reported from nine counties north and 14 counties south. |
1989 | Summer | | | Many fewer reports than in previous four years; seen in seven northeast and north cental counties plus Wilkin, Hennepin. |
1989 | Fall | | | Reported from 15 counties north and 24 counties south. |
1989 | Winter | | | Reported from 62 counties throughout the state with a CBC total of 3,548 (586 l. y.). |
1990 | Spring | | | Reported from 15 counties north and 30 counties south. |
1990 | Summer | | | Many more reports than in 1989. Nested in Hennepin; also seen in 16 Northern counties plus Isanti, Ramsey, Lyon, Rice, Olmsted, Mower. |
1990 | Fall | | | Reported from 13 counties north and 17 counties south. |
1990 | Winter | | | Reported from 39 counties (62 l.y.) with a statewide CBC total of 1,141 (3,548 l.y.). Some increases noted in February with probable northbound birds. |
1991 | Spring | | | Reported from 15 counties north and 22 counties south. |
1991 | Summer | | | Seen in 11 northern counties plus Hennepin, Washington, Rice TB. |
1991 | Fall | | | Reported from 13 counties north and 13 counties south. |
1991 | Winter | | | Reported from only 29 counties (39 l.y. and 62 two years ago) but in all regions. Many counties represented by only a single date or on CBC. Statewide CBC total only 652 (1,141 l.y. and 3,548 two years ago). |
1992 | Spring | | | Reported from 15 counties north and 16 counties south. |
1992 | Summer | | | Relatively few reports. Seen in nine northern counties plus Washington, Brown. |
1992 | Fall | | | Reported from 16 counties north and 11 counties south. |
1992 | Winter | | | Numbers up. Reported from 40 counties (29 l.y.) statewide with high numbers noted in the north. Many feeders in far north had 100–200+ individuals, and 1500 were seen 1/16 Roseau SDM in an unharvested sunflower field. CBC total 3,577 (652 l.y.). |
1993 | Spring | | | Reported from 21 counties north, 20 south. |
1993 | Summer | | | Seen in 11 northern counties plus Stearns, Meeker, Anoka, Hennepin, Lyon (no date) HK, 6/1–19 Winona JPo. |
1993 | Fall | | | Reported from 15 counties north and 22 counties south. |
1993 | Winter | | | Reported from only 25 counties (40 l.y.). Numbers much reduced compared to l.y., but reported very numerous in Lake. |
1994 | Spring | | | Reported from 17 north and 21 south counties. |
1994 | Summer | | | Probable nesting in Becker. Seen in 12 additional northern counties plus Anoka, Hennepin, Ramsey, Dakota; also 7/5 Brown. |
1994 | Fall | | | Reported from 13 north and nine south counties. |
1994 | Winter | | | Reported from 36 counties throughout the state. Abundant in north where flocks of 100–200+ individuals often reported. Very scarce in south with most counties represented by only a single date or observation. CBC total 3,689 with a record 1,066 on the Duluth CBC. |
1995 | Spring | | | Reported from ten south and 22 north counties. |
1995 | Summer | | | Probable nesting in Becker; seen in 15 additional northern counties. |
1995 | Fall | | | Reported from 19 north and 13 south counties. |
1995 | Winter | | | Reported from 50 counties throughout the state. CBC total 3,844. |
1996 | Spring | | | Reported from 31 south counties, where birds lingered later and in greater numbers than in past few years, plus 19 north counties. |
1996 | Summer | | | Nested in Rice, Cass NRRI, MRN. Seen in 14 additional northern counties plus Hennepin, Ramsey; seen through 6/23 Brown JSp. |
1996 | Fall | | | Reported from 18 north and 11 south counties. Though numbers were down throughout the state, FN counted 1000 on 10/9 at HRNR, St. Louis Co. |
1996 | Winter | | | Reported from 21 north and 15 south counties (50 total counties l.y.). Exceptionally scarce in the south regions with most counties represented by only a single observation. Locally common in north (e.g., Beltrami and Lake). CBC total 756, of which only 84 were in the south (3,844 total individuals l.y.). |
1997 | Spring | | | Reported from 7 south and 18 north counties. Large numbers were found in St. Louis (AE), but siskins were scarce in the southern part of the state (mob). |
1997 | Summer | | | Probable nesting in Crow Wing; seen in ten additional north central and northeast counties plus Roseau, Becker. |
1997 | Fall | | | Reported from 17 north and 18 south counties. |
1997 | Winter | | | Reported from 46 counties throughout the state (36 l.y.). CBC total 967. |
1998 | Spring | | | Reported from 14 south and 18 north counties. |
1998 | Summer | | | Probable nesting in Polk, Clay, St. Louis; seen in seven additional northern counties plus 6/6 Rice, 6/16 Brown, 6/18–7/3 Olmsted. |
1998 | Fall | | | Reported throughout the north. Early south 9/7 Hennepin SC, 10/3 Rock WM, 10/4 Dakota DBS. |
1998 | Winter | | | Reported from 24 north and 13 south counties. CBC total 1,001. |
1999 | Spring | | | Reported throughout the state. |
1999 | Summer | | | Observed in 15 northern counties plus Washington, Dakota. |
1999 | Fall | | | Reported throughout the north. Many south reports beginning 9/21, but one was much earlier: 8/3 Ramsey SL. |
1999 | Winter | | | Reported from 40 counties, but absent from most of the southwest and west central. |
2000 | Spring | | | Reported from total of 27 counties statewide including Lyon, otherwise unrecorded in southwest or west-central regions (see winter report). No south reports after mid-May except 5/22 Lyon CMa. |
2000 | Summer | | | Seen in ten north central and northeast counties plus Roseau, Becker, Otter Tail; also 6/3, 6/11 Hennepin DCZ. |
2000 | Fall | | | Reported throughout the season in the north, except in the northwest. One early report from Stearns (8/13 MAJ, DCT) may not have been a migrant. The next south report was in mid-September (9/17 Hennepin SLC). |
2000 | Winter | | | Reported from 23 north and 17 south counties. Excellent numbers in Northeast region with maximum on Duluth CBC (1621). |
2001 | Spring | | | Reported from 11 south and 20 north counties. Most of those in south were from Twin Cities metro area or extreme Southeast; one report from Southwest (3/20 Murray CRM). No south observations after mid-May except 5/19 Winona GLS. |
2001 | Summer | | | Reported from nine North-central and Northeast counties plus Kittson and Polk; possible breeding in Blue Earth (nest-building in mid-April) ChH.
2001 | Fall | | | Found in all regions of the state. North reports throughout the period; south observations began 9/12 Washington DPS, 10/9 Lac qui Parle FAE, 10/11 Rice TFB. |
2001 | Winter | | | Reported from 17 north and 21 south counties. Low to modest numbers throughout state; very scarce in Northeast region compared to last year. Maximum 12/29 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) CBC (120). |
2002 | Spring | | | Reported from 19 south and 16 north counties in all regions, but only Murray in the Southwest. |
2002 | Summer | | | Seen in nine northern counties plus 6/4 Ramsey NSp, 6/28 Rice TFB. |
2002 | Fall | | | Reported from Itasca, Wadena, Cook, Lake and St. Louis in the north. Only south reports: 10/20 Freeborn AEB, 11/1 Jackson MJC. |
2002 | Winter | | | Reported from ten north and five south counties. Absent from a large portion of the state in the West-central, Central, and Southwest regions. Maximum reported numbers 12/18 Bemdji CBC (60) and 1/12 Aitkin (60) WN. |
2003 | Spring | | | Only south report: 3/3 Big Stone NSp. Observed in ten counties in the north. |
2003 | Summer | | | Fewest reports ever — less than one-third the previous ten-year average! Observed in Becker, St. Louis, Lake, and Cook. |
2003 | Fall | | | Found in 12 north and 5 south counties. Two August reports: 8/21 Cook RBJ, 8/22 Lake of the Woods MHK. Early south 10/18 Hennepin SLC, 10/29 Lac qui Parle FAE. Did not arrive in the southern third of the state until late November. |
2003 | Winter | | | Small numbers reported from 38 counties throughout the state. Highest reported count 12/20 Duluth CBC (87). |
2004 | Spring | | | Reported from ten south counties (only one report Spring 2003), including 5/15 Hennepin SLC, late May Kandiyohi RSF, 5/27+ Ramsey NSp. Observed in 11 north counties. |
2004 | Summer | | | Seen in four north counties and 6/1 Ramsey NSp, Anoka (late July) KJB. |
2004 | Fall | | | Reported from 16 north and 16 south counties in all regions. Six August reports north. Early south 9/22 Nicollet RMD, 9/27 Hennepin SLC, 10/9 Jackson WCM. |
2004 | Winter | | | Reported from 21 north and 17 south counties in small to moderate numbers throughout period. Maxima north 675 on Duluth CBC and south 266 on St. Paul (North) CBC. |
2005 | Spring | | | An excellent year with numbers up significantly south and north, including reports from 28 south counties and 23 north counties. Late south 5/27 Dodge KV, 5/30 Hennepin SMC. |
2005 | Summer | | | Most reports since 1996: seen in nine north counties plus 6/2 Lac qui Parle BJU, 6/2, 6/6 Blue Earth ChH, 6/2, 6/9 Rice TFB, 6/11 Stearns HHD, 6/12 Hennepin SMC, 6/20 Brown BTS, 6/26 Swift BJU, 7/16–17 Le Sueur BJU. |
2005 | Fall | | | Reported from 19 north and nine south counties. Early south (but see summer report) 8/13 Lac qui Parle BJU, 10/21 Rice TFB. All other south reports in November. |
2005 | Winter | | | Reported from 18 north and 13 south counties in all regions of the state. A record-high 6,999 (previous high of 4,884) recorded on 43 CBCs, including 2,669 on the 12/17 Duluth CBC (previous high of 1,621). Several north reports of 50–75 daily at feeders throughout period. Non-CBC reports south mostly single digits. |
2006 | Spring | | | Reported from 16 north and 11 south counties in all regions except West-central. Late south 5/3 Dakota ADS, JPM, 5/7 Rice DAB. |
2006 | Summer | | | Observed in Pennington, Polk, Itasca, Hubbard, Cass, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Carlton. |
2006 | Fall | | | Observed in 18 north and 9 south counties. Three north reports in August; otherwise seen throughout September–November. Early south 8/14 Lac qui Parle FAE, 9/23 Wabasha HHD, 9/25 Blue Earth ChH. Majority of south reports in November. |
2006 | Winter | 15 | 11 | Moderate numbers reported in the Northeast and North-central regions with a high count 12/16 Aitkin (50) CKR. Apparently absent from the Northwest. Much smaller numbers reported across the central regions with no reports from the southern tier of counties. |
2007 | Spring | 23 | 13 | Late south 5/4 Rice TFB, 5/8 Blue Earth ChH (median 5/21). |
2007 | Summer | 7 | 3 | Seen in Koochiching, Itasca, Cass, Crow Wing, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, plus 6/19 Cottonwood MCBS, 7/6 Washington LMS, 7/9 Dakota RLW. |
2007 | Fall | 23 | 24 | Seven reports in August; also reported througout Sept–Nov. Early south 8/12 Ramsey RTB, 9/15 Le Sueur ChH. |
2007 | Winter | 24 | 28 | Reports were up significantly over the past five years, and siskins were seen accross the state except for the Southwest. However, overall numbers were fairly low as the CBC total was 828 compared to the 2005–2006 Winter Season when the CBC total was 6,999! CBC high count was Duluth (113). |
2008 | Spring | 25 | 22 | Reported throughout in all regions. Evidence of nest building in Saint Louis, Anoka, Blue Earth, and Beltrami. |
2008 | Summer | 13 | 5 | Most reports since 1996. Found in all regions except Southwest and Southeast. |
2008 | Fall | 28 | 27 | Reported throughout the season north. August reports from Sherburne and Anoka; otherwise throughout the season south. Season high count 10/17 St. Louis (847, H.R.B.O.). |
2008 | Winter | 28 | 45 | A major invasion by this species, with reports throughout the season and from all regions in the state. High count was 1/31 Pennington (150) JMJ. Also see the Spring and Summer Seasonal Reports. |
2009 | Spring | 31 | 47 | Noticeable increase in reports from previous spring seasons. Reported throughout the season in all regions. Evidence of nest building in Blue Earth, Cass, Hennepin, Isanti, Morrison, Nicollet, Ramsey, St. Louis. Late south 5/24 Lac qui Parle FAE, 5/28 SMC Hennepin, 5/29 BAF Hennepin, 5/31 DPG Anoka, but also see summer report for many other records that continued south into July. Season high counts 3/17 Mille Lacs (100) ASc, 5/13 Pennington (100) JMJ, 5/14 Itasca (52) EEO. |
2009 | Summer | 15 | 13 | Found in all regions except West-central, Southwest. First county breeding record for Nicollet RMD. |
2009 | Fall | 13 | 13 | Reported throughout the season north. Early south reports 8/5 Rice TFB, 8/21 Stearns DAC, RBJ, 9/26 Meeker PRH. South reports more frequent beginning in mid-October, though high count was only a paltry 5. |
2009 | Winter | 25 | 22 | Reported throughout the state in about the same number of north counties but fewer than half the number of south counties than last year, which was a major invasion year. High count 2/26 St. Louis (200) SFr; all other north counts were 75 or fewer. All south reports, including CBC totals, were of 21 or fewer individuals and most were fewer than 10. CBC high count 12/19 Duluth (190). |
2010 | Spring | 24 | 16 | Late south 5/9 Lincoln DBM, 5/18 Steele BNo, 5/19 Olmsted LAV. Reported throughout the season north. Evidence of breeding activity in Lake, St. Louis, Itasca and Crow Wing counties. |
2010 | Summer | 13 | | Seen in all northern regions. |
2010 | Fall | 23 | 25 | Reported throughout the season north. Early south (median 9/10) 9/4 Big Stone BJU, 9/10 Blue Earth ChH, 9/14 Lac qui Parle BJU, Nicollet RMD then reported throughout the remainder of the season. Notable high counts 10/8 St. Louis (835 at Duluth) KJB, CRu, 11/11 Polk (110) SAu. |
2010 | Winter | 24 | 32 | North reports from about the same number of counties as the previous three years. South reports from ten more counties than last year, but still well below the 2008 invasion year total. High count 2/27 St. Louis (1,000, Ely feeders, with one feeder alone hosting at least 600) PEB, MAO; this represents the highest count since 1993. Other north high counts were much more modest (48 or fewer). South high count 1/19 Hennepin (27, Minnehaha Creek east of Lake Hiawatha) DDo; this flock continued throughout the season and some apparently remained to nest in early spring (see Spring report). CBC high counts 12/31 Cook Area (252), 12/26 Ely (135), St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (131). |
2011 | Spring | 27 | 34 | Late south 5/21 Martin HHD, 5/24 Hennepin SLC, 5/27 Rice TFB, 5/30-31 Hennepin ABL (median 5/21). Reported throughout the season north. |
2011 | Summer | 15 | 5 | Found in all regions except Southwest. |
2011 | Fall | 17 | 16 | Only scattered north reports until mid-September, then reported frequently. Early south (median 9/10) 9/9 Anoka DvS, 9/18 Lyon (2) GWe, 9/22 Blue Earth ChH. Highest counts of migrants were in October, including 10/23 St. Louis (821, Hawk Ridge / Lester River Census) KJB. |
2011 | Winter | 22 | 32 | Reported from about the same number of counties both north and south as last year. High count north 2/25 St. Louis (125, Sax-Zim Bog) WMu. South high count 12/21 Steele (60) NFT. CBC high counts 1/1 Battle Lake (50), 12/30 Beltrami Island (47), 12/17 Rochester (46). |
2012 | Spring | 29 | 29 | Found statewide, with fewest reports from the Southwest. Late south reports in Fillmore through 5/26 (NBO) and in Lyon into June. |
2012 | Summer | 15 | 4 | Observed in all regions except West-central. |
2012 | Fall | 29 | 34 | Reported more widely than in any of the five prior autumns. Early south (median 9/10) 8/14 Carver (2) JOJ, 8/21 Anoka DvS, 8/31 Anoka CKB. High counts 10/14 St. Louis (4,050, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 10/16 St. Louis (2,797, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. |
2012 | Winter | 24 | 37 | A major invasion year, with the most reports since the last significant invasion in 2008 (73 counties). Reported from all regions statewide, but reports more scattered in the western third of the State. High count 12/1 Ramsey (100) CMu. CBC high counts 12/15 Faribault (277), 12/29 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (215). |
2013 | Spring | 27 | 44 | Found statewide. Late south 5/27 Carver WCM, Steele PSu, 5/28 Hennepin DCZ, 5/29 Dakota ADS, 5/30 Dodge JWH, Goodhue LEC (median 5/21) but see summer report for records into June. High count 5/17 Polk (100) SAu. |
2013 | Summer | 10 | 9 | Observed in scattered locations in all regions except West-central, Southwest. |
2013 | Fall | 10 | 5 | Reported throughout the season north. All south 9/16 Hennepin DAk, 10/12 Ramsey ACr, 11/3 Lyon GWe, 11/6–7 Anoka DPG, 11/17 Murray GWe. |
2013 | Winter | 13 | 17 | The total of 30 reporting counties was far smaller than the same totals from the previous five winters, which ranged from 47 to 73. CBC high counts 12/28 Cook Area (70), 12/28 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (56). |
2014 | Spring | 11 | 9 | Almost all reports from the North-central and Northeast regions. Late south 5/11 Blue Earth WCM, 5/16 Sherburne MWi, 5/18 Scott GLa, 5/22 Hennepin SMC (median 5/21). See summer report for records into June. |
2014 | Summer | 9 | | Found in Becker, Cook, Crow Wing, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Pine, Polk, St. Louis. |
2014 | Fall | 22 | 31 | Reported throughout the season north especially Northeast and North-central. Early south (median 9/9) 9/3 McLeod BHa, 9/7 Chippewa RMD, 9/11 Blue Earth ChH. Highest counts all from Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census in St. Louis (KJB): 4,762 on 10/19; 4,708 on 11/1; 4,389 on 10/23; 2,856 on 10/17; 2,795 on 10/20. |
2014 | Winter | 21 | 25 | Reported statewide with fewer reports from Southwest and West-central regions. Highest tallies from Sax-Zim Bog in St. Louis where counts of 200 or more from mid January through late February peaked with 344 on 2/1 ABu, MMo, DMe. CBC high counts 12/27 Cook Area (738), 12/14 Carlton-Cloquet (537), 1/2 Sax-Zim Bog (495). |
2015 | Spring | 32 | 32 | Found statewide with most reports northeast of a line from Traverse to Waseca counties. High counts 5/7 Hubbard (250) MAW, 3/6 St. Louis (210) LME. Late south 5/27 Lyon GWe, Sherburne ABm, 5/28 Chisago RAE, Sherburne JlB, 5/31 Ramsey JEl. See summer report for records into June and July. |
2015 | Summer | 21 | 5 | Found in northern half of state plus Chisago, Hennepin, Jackson, Olmsted, Sherburne. |
2015 | Fall | 25 | 32 | Reported throughout the season north and south and in all regions. South reports begin in earnest the third week of September. High counts all from Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census (St. Louis, KJB): 653 on 10/10, 625 on 10/13. |
2015 | Winter | 20 | 26 | Reported statewide from same number of counties as last year with few reports from Southwest. High counts 1/22 St. Louis (40, Duluth) GJa, 2/6 St. Louis (40, Sax-Zim Bog) GAW, ASA. CBC high counts 1/3 Eagle's Nest Lakes (169), 12/19 Fargo-Moorhead (94), 12/26 Cook Area (82). |
2016 | Spring | 34 | 42 | Found statewide with most reports from the northern half of the state. High counts 5/15 Benton (100) SWu, 5/12 St. Louis (63) AM, 5/10 Polk (50) SAu. Late south 5/29 Benton SWu, Steele PSu, 5/30 Yellow Medicine GWe (median 5/22). See summer report for more records in June and July, especially south. |
2016 | Summer | 15 | 7 | Found in scattered locations in all regions except East-central, Southwest. High count 6/2 Cook (25, Tofte Heights) JaJ. |
2016 | Fall | 13 | 9 | Reported north throughout the season, but most reports were in October and November. High counts 10/18 (279, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 11/12 St. Louis (160, Park Point, Pine Forest S.N.A.) PSk. All south reports prior to mid-Oct (median 9/8): 8/10 Washington JMJ, 10/8 Carver (20) JCy, Hennepin (6) SMC. |
2016 | Winter | 20 | 17 | Lowest number of reporting counties since 2013 with few reports from Southwest and South-central regions. High counts 2/14 Hubbard (350, Kabekona Lake) AxB, 2/16 Cook (250) RLm, 2/17 St. Louis (250) PBk. CBC high counts 12/17 Grand Marais (56), 12/23 Ely (42). |
2017 | Spring | 25 | 13 | Found mostly northeast of a line from Washington to Polk counties. High counts 3/5 St. Louis (200, Sax-Zim Bog, Kelsey-Whiteface Rd. feeding station) m.ob., 3/8 Hubbard (150, Kabekona Lake) AxB, 4/27 Cook (125, Cascade River S.P.) JfD. Late south 5/23 Chisago JSa, 5/27 Lyon GWe (median 5/22), but note summer report for continuing records. |
2017 | Summer | 18 | 4 | Found in all northern regions plus Lyon, McLeod, Otter Tail, Ramsey, Washington. Very early high counts 7/19 (288), 7/20 (288), 7/27 (1230), 7/28 (1,445) St. Louis (Stoney Point) StK. First county breeding record 5/18 Hubbard REn. |
2017 | Fall | 34 | 46 | Reported north, continuously, throughout the season. Early south 8/1 Meeker PKF, 8/6 Hennepin ebd, 8/7 Washington ebd, 8/12 Washington DFN, then reports begin in earnest mid-August. High counts all from St. Louis, Stoney Point: 10/5 (1,448) TRd, StK, 10/22 (1,073) KJB, 10/18 (983) TRd, 10/10 (937) StK, TRd. |
2017 | Winter | 17 | 38 | Reported statewide from the most counties since 2012. Unusual record: 12/24 Lincoln ABL. High counts 2/17 St. Louis (65) ebd, 2/8 Wabasha (27) ebd, 1/2 St. Louis (25) RiC. CBC high counts 12/16 Faribault (68), 12/16 Grand Marais (50), 12/30 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (47). |
2018 | Spring | 31 | 44 | Found in all regions mostly northeast from a line from Faribault to Big Stone counties. High counts 5/19 St. Louis (235, Stoney Point) StK, 5/1 St. Louis (135, W.S.H.C.) JPR, FJN. Late south 5/28 Rock GWe, ASu, 5/30 Olmsted LAV, 5/31 Rice TFB (median 5/22). |
2018 | Summer | 19 | 7 | Reported from every region except Southwest. |
2018 | Fall | 28 | 45 | Reported north throughout the season. First south reports (median 9/8) 9/10 Hennepin ebd, 9/14 Ramsey ebd, 9/23 Lyon GWe, 9/27 Sibley ABL with reports continuing throughout the season. |
2018 | Winter | 31 | 48 | Found in season-record number of reporting counties (79) with fewer reports from Southwest, as expected. Unusual winter record: 12/20 Lincoln HHD. High counts 1/26–2/17 Morrison (500) KEm, SEm, 12/24 Hubbard (125) REn, 12/7 Scott (120) BHe. CBC high counts 12/22 Ely (844), 12/14 Walker (359), 1/1 Philbrook (359). |
2019 | Summer | 19 | 23 | Found in every region. First county breeding records: 7/3 Beltrami RMz, 5/30 Carlton HTr, 5/28 Wright (fledged young) ToL. |
  | Breeds mostly north, irruptive breeder mostly east-central. Migrant and winter visitant throughout. |