Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Plovers
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Plovers
Black-bellied Plover
American Golden-Plover
Semipalmated Plover
Piping Plover
Wilson's Plover
Snowy Plover

Piping Plover(Charadrius melodus)
1932SummerGustav Swanson established the first Minnesota breeding record or this bird when he found a nesting colony on Curry Island, Luke of the Wocds, on Ju.l.y 21. There were mru.1y yolUlg birds and a nest with 2 eggs, one of which · h~tched the following day.
1934Summer I John Dobie's record of'.3 nests of this unusual spoi::dcs, each 'With 4 eggs, found June 15th on Oak Point, Lclte of tho 1:·Toqds, is one of our most interesting records. Club t1er.1bers will r1ei:1onber that the first Mix.u1esota breeding record of this species was es~ablished by Gust~v Swanson in 19.32 at Lake of the Woods.
1935Summer Tho Lake of' the Woods colony of Piping Plover,.,as visited again in 1935, this time by Ralph Woolsey, who found n nest of 4 eggs on Curry Island July 20th. He comments that tho season was apparently late. Upon visiting the area again Aut;ust 10th he fo\ll'ld the water level so high ·that any nGsts built later than the first visit were flooded~
1936Summer Charles DuToit reports the only record tor this species. Four small young were seen by Charles at Lake Ida on July 17th. Two days later he saw another small young at LeJ.{e Carlos.
1937SummerLawrence Pittel­kow, George Rysgaard, and Dr. A. F. Risser found four nests of this species that held four eggs each, at Lake of the Woods, June I6. On June 26 C. DuToit found a nest of four eggs near Lake Alexander, Douglas County.
1938SummerDr. Olga Lakela, Casimir Hero, and other members uf the Duluth Bird Club made extensive ob­servations on the Piping Plovers of Min­nesota Point, Duluth. Between May I5 and July 23 they followed the history of 6 nests. All of ~hese but one held 4 eggs. In nest number 2 one egg was deposited on May 22, the second on May 23, the third on May 25, and the fourth on May 28. All four eggs hatched on June 23. The last nest at Minnesota Pount was found by C. Hero on Ju:y 23; it held 4 eggs. On July 5 at Lake of the Woods (Pine and Curry Islands) Gustav Swan­son found I5 nests; all held 4 eggs each.
1940SummerMinnesota Point and Lake of the Woods were again the only reported nesting sites of the species. All nests reported contained 4 eggs. The Duluth reports came from C. Hero, 8 nests; Ornithology class of Du­luth State Teachers, 4 nests; Mrs. Olin, 3 nests. The dates ranged from May 23 to June 7· K. Carlander and Mrs. Carlander were responsible for the reports from Pine Island, Lake of the Woods. They found 5 nests on June 23, and reported all eggs hatched by July I I.
1944SummerJuly 16, two young (which may have been in migration), Duluth, Lakela.
1945Summer14 young, Duluth, July 25, Olga Lakela, Mary I. Elwell; 2 nests with eggs, Duluth, July 8, Olga Lakela.
1946Summer3 nests (3, 3, and 2 eggs), June 26, Harbor Island, Duluth, Lakela. This bird was little known in Minnesota until recently when it has been found rather regularly nesting near Duluth.
1947Summer2 nests with 3 eggs, June 26; 1 nest, 2 eggs, June 26; 2 nests, 7 eggs, July 7, Duluth, Lakela.
1961SpringSix were seen at Salt Lake by Avifauna! Club members on 6 May. Jan Green saw them in Duluth from 9 to 29 May.
1961SummerTwo distinct pairs were seen at Salt Lake on 17 June by Avifauna} Club. Nesting very likely. This species used to nest on Minnesota Point, but in recent years it has apparently been displaced by Common Terns.
1962SpringApril 28 Gaylord, Sibley Co., Bob Janssen; May 6 Duluth, first arrival there, seen by Janet C. Green; last seen at Duluth on May 27, Janet C. Green.
1962FallAug. 30, Duluth, one seen, Janet C. Green.
1963SummerSt. Louis Co., Duluth, Minnesota Point, presumed breeding, since they were present from May thru Sept.; just across the harbor, on Wisconsin Point, Dennis Meyer found a nest with 4 eggs on June 21.
1963FallJuly 2, Stevens Co., R. Grant; latest, Sept. 3, Duluth, Avifauna! Club and Sept. 28, Traverse Co., R. Grant, exceptionally late. Are these the first September records for Minnesota?
1964Spring5-7 Duluth, PBH; 5-10 Salt Lake, RLH.
1964Summer6-16, Duluth, RBJ; 8-14, Duluth, JCG; 8-18, Duluth, DM; 8-22, Duluth, DP, FL.
1965Spring5-14 Fargo, LWJ; 5-29 Duluth, PBH.
1966Spring5-5 (2, JCG) and 5-28 (1, DB) Duluth, St. Louis Co.
1966Summer6-4 Duluth, St. Louis Co, RG; 6-8 Agassiz Refuge, Marshall Co, 1, DLO; 7-9 Duluth, St. Louis Co, RG, BL.
1967Spring5-4 Lac qui Parle Co., 10, JAH; 5-16 Carver Co., 1, RDT; 5-17 (EHH), 5-18 (FN/ MAS), 5-19 (DB), 5-20 (HFH) Carver Co.; 5-27 Duluth, ME; 5-27 Wilkin Co., JAH; 5-23 FargoMoorhead, fide EGA; 6-7 Duluth, BB.
1967Fall 7-29 Duluth, 1, BL; only report.
1968Spring 5-10 Moorhead, Clay Co., 1, TEM; 5-12 Frontenac, Goodhue Co., EMB and Duluth, 2, KE, JPP; 5-25 (10) Duluth, CLH; 6-3 (2), 6-4 (1) Duluth, KE.
1968Summer 6-1 Duluth, St. Louis Co, DB, EHH; 6-2 Lake Auburn, Carver Co, RBJ.
1969Spring5-24 Duluth, CLH; 6-4 Duluth, MMC.
1969Summernested at Park Point, Duluth and recorded in June and July by RR, RL, and MMC.
1969FallReported Duluth only,
1970Spring5-2 Lyon KE, PE; 5-3 Rice KE, PE; Duluth: 4-30 RL, 5-20 MMC, 5-23 BL, 5-24 CH.
1970Summer7·2 Duluth (ad and 3 y) J.P. Perkins; 6·2 to 7·29 Duluth (1-2} RL.
1970Fall8-8 and 9 Duluth (6) KE, PE, CH, RL; only reports.
1971Spring11 reports; 6 in Duluth from 5-11 to 5-30; 1 from Lac qui Parle (5-12 RR); 4 from Lyon 5-2, 5-8, 5-15, 5-16. as many as 3, HK, PE, KE, RR).
1971Summernested at Duluth (J. P. Perkins counted 5 adults with "many" young on 7-9).
1971Fall8-10 and 11 Mille Lacs MI, only report.
1972Summernested in Duluth.
1973Fall Only one report! 8-25 St. Louis (2) (RBJ).
1974Spring 18 reports: 9 in Duluth from 4-24 to 5-26, up to 5 in number; 1 from Yellow Medicine 5-11 (2) BDC; 1 from Olmsted 5-11 (8) JF; 1 from Lac qui Parle 4-2 (2) JS; 6 from Lyon 5-3, 5-9, 5-11, 5-12, highest number 2, RD, KE, PF, HCK.
1974Summer Nested as usual at Duluth's harbor area; no other reports.
1974Fall 4 reports from Duluth 8-6 to 8-14 JG, MMC, ES, KE.
1975Spring 9 reports: 8 in St. Louis from 4-25 to 5-29, up to 4 in number; 1 from Hennepin 4-27 PG.
1975Summer Nested as usual at Duluth; no other reports.
1975Fall7-27 Mille Lacs MI; only report.
1976Spring 16 reports: 4-22, 5-1 Lyon HK; 7 reports on 4-24 Lac qui Parle; 4-25 Lac qui Parle ETS, CB; 5-5 Lyon BDC; 6 reports from St. Louis from 5-21 to 5-29 up to 6 in number.
1976Summeronly report was of the usual nesting birds at Duluth.
1976Fall 2 reports: 8-10 Anoka B. Bratlie and 8-20 Duluth RJ, KE.
1977Spring 9 reports: 4-10 Nobles KE earliest date on record; 4-17 Anoka (1) KLF; 4-23 Lyon (4) DGW; 5-7 to 5-25 St. Louis up to 19.
1977Summer Nested in Duluth; 3 also seen on Pine I., Lake of the Woods on 6-13, 2 of which appeared to be in territorial conflict (KE, T. Savaloja); there have been no breeding records away from Duluth since 1941, when breeding was last recorded on Lake of the Woods.
1977Fall Only report 8-6 Duluth (3) (KE).
1978Summer Breeding reported from St. Louis (Port Terminal at Duluth, 6 pair, GN); not seen elsewhere.
1978Fall 9-11 Duluth KE; only report.
1979Spring 5-5 Hennepin BDC, ES; 5-6 Hennepin RJ, 5-12 St. Louis KE, 5-31 St. Louis BB.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Duluth (3 pair) and Lake of the Woods (7-5, 20-30 pair, Pine and Curry Islands).
1979Fall All reports St. Louis County, 8-7 OJ, 9-5 KL, 9-6 KMH.
1980Spring 4-21 Otter Tail GMO, 5-3 Big Stone SC, Lac qui Parle GP, St. Louis KE, 5-11 Dakota KG, 5-21 Pennington KSS.
1980Summer Breeding in St. Louis (Duluth Port Terminal, 3 nests), Marshall (Agassiz NWR, 4 nests), Lake of the Woods (Pine and Curry Islands, 12 nests). Early migrant North: 7-26.
1980Fall 8-9 Wilkin GMO, 8-27 Stearns NH.
1981Spring South 4-17 Nobles BL, 5-9 Pipestone RJ, 5-27 Hennepin SE; north all from Duluth 5-6 JG, TL, 5-27 KE, 5-31 SC.
1981Summer Breeding data from Duluth, Lake of the Woods (Loon, this issue). Early migrants North: 7-26, five, Kittson.
1981Fall 8-28 Duluth KE, only report.
1982Spring 4-24 Lake of the Woods TW, Lincoln BL, HK, 4-25 Lac qui Parle BL, 5-8 St. Louis JG, TL and 5-22 St. Louis LW.
1982Summer Breeding data from Lake of the Woods, Duluth.
1982Fall 8/27 Steams NH.
1983Spring Reproted 4/24 Lake of the Woods TW (35 +), 5/15 Otter Tail AM/JP, 5/20 Duluth SDM, others.
1983Summer Nested at Duluth (3 nests) and Lake of the Woods (45 adults, 20 + successful nests, TW).
1983Fall 8/4 Roseau AJ, 8/10 St. Louis (2) MH.
1984Spring 4/28 Big Stone KE, SWIMS, 5/5 Mille Lacs, 5/10 St. Louis KE, 5/1 Lake (2) SWIMS, 5/16 Dakota JD, 5/19 Polk KSS, 5/19 St. Louis KC, 5/22 SC, 5/26 FL, SDM, 5/27 DB, 5/27 Aitkin (2) JB, WN, Lake of the Woods (total of 47) TW -all reports.
1984Summernested in Lake of the Woods (Pine-Curry I., only 13 young from 27 nests -TW) and Duluth (2 successful, 6 unsuccessful, nests -L. Hanson).
1984Fall 8/14 St. Louis (1) KE.
1985Spring All reports from St. Louis Co.: 4/30 M. Stock, 5/18 SSt, 5/19 AB, 5/22 (I) TTu, 5/27 (I) JPIAM, 5/28 (2) JB/TS, 5/30 (nest) NH, 5/30 (2) FL.
1985Summer Reported only from Duluth (nest with four eggs, NH).
1986Spring All reports: 5/2 St. Louis fide KE, 5/7 Hennepin C. Hom (The Loon 58:94). Winter 1986
1986Summer Nested at Pine-Curry Is. and Morris Pt., Lake of the Woods Co. (only nine young from II breeding pairs, fewest in five years of monitoring); no breeding pairs in Duluth for first time in at least fourteen years (fide L. Pfannmuller).
1987Spring All reports: 5/9 Steams NH, 5/17 Clay LCF, 5/22 Washington TBB. None for the first time ever in Duluth.
1987Summer Nested at Pine and Curry Is. and Morris Pt., Lake of the Woods Co. (The Loon 59: 1/3-117). No Duluth report again.
1988Spring Only report: 5/26-29 Lake of the Woods (nesting) KH, RG.
1988Summer Eight pairs on Pine/Curry Island, Lake of the Woods; absent from Duluth for third consecutive year.
1989Spring All reports: 5/10 Nobles (1) RG, 5/18-19 Duluth (2, first record in three years) KE et Winter 1989 a!., 5/19 Pine and Curry Islands, Lake of the Woods Co. (8 pairs) KH.
1989Summer Only report from Lake of the Woods.
1990Spring All reports : 5/3 Duluth PS, 5/12 Frontenac, Goodhue Co. BL, DZ, 5/15-5119 Duluth mob. (Second consecutive year in Duluth after a three-year absence.)
1990Fall All reports: 8/18 Lake of the Woods (2) KE, 8/25 Stevens (2) RG, RJ, 8/28 Blue Earth MF.
1991Spring Only report: 5/21 Morris Point, Lake of the Woods Co. PS.
1992Spring Only report: 5/21–22 Park Point, Duluth NJ, PS.
1993Spring Only report 5/29 Lake of the Woods PS.
1993Summer First summer report since 1989; nested in Lake of the Woods (nine adults fledged nine chicks on Pine & Curry Island).
1994Spring All reports: 4/30 Yellow Medicine mob, 5/5 St. Louis (3) mob, 5/13 St. Louis (2) TD, 5/15 Olmsted JBo,JSt.
1994Summer Probable nesting at traditional site in Lake of the Woods.
1995Spring Only report 5/6 Lac qui Parle KB. Nine reports last year.
1995Summer Observed at traditional breeding site in Lake of the Woods Co.; plus early migrant 7/22 McLeod DBM.
1996Spring Only report: 5/26 Lake of the Woods (2) AnH, AH, PS.
1996Fall All reports: 8/5 Yellow Medicine (2) TT, 8/22 Goodhue (1) BL.
1997Spring Five reports of migrants (all singles): 5/10 Renville (beet ponds) BL, TT, 5/11 Rock (Vienna Twp.) PS, 5/12–13 Olmsted mob, 5/17 Dakota (Lake Byllesby) mob, 5/18 Big Stone (Almond Twp.) LE. Also reported 5/25 Lake of the Woods (two on Pine-Curry Island) mob.
1997Summer Observed at traditional Pine/Curry Island site in Lake of the Woods Co. mob.
1997Fall No reports.
1998Spring Only report: 5/18 Lake of the Woods (2) AH, PS.
1998Summer Only report: nested in Lake of the Woods.
1998Fall Only report: 9/7 Faribault (Minnesota Lake) LE.
1999Spring All reports: 5/17 St. Louis (one near the airport on Park Point in Duluth) PS, 5/29+ St. Louis (pair on Hearding Island in Duluth) PS. One of the latter was observed making and sitting in a scrape, but there was no additional evidence of breeding and neither bird was seen after 6/1 when lake levels were higher.
1999Summer Observed on 6/5 and 7/18 at traditional breeding site in Lake of the Woods Co. (maximum of three) NWi et al. Unusual were several records away from breeding site: 6/1 St. Louis (pair since 5/29 in Duluth) PS; 7/19,20 Becker (Hamden Slough NWR) PS, BBe, MW; 7/21 Lac qui Parle KB.
1999Fall No reports.
2000Spring All reports were from Duluth, St. Louis County. One was at Hearding Island 5/7–8 (PS), followed by a different individual at the 40th Ave. West/Erie Pier area 5/9 (†CB et al.).
2000Summer Only report: five pairs at traditional nesting site in Lake of the Woods Co.
2000Fall No reports.
2001Spring Only two reports: 4/24 Dakota (2 at L. Byllesby) †ADS, 5/20+ Lake of the Woods (2 at Morris Pt.) mob.
2001Summer Reported in Lake of the Woods County (where high water levels may have precluded breeding); plus apparent migrants 7/28 Big Stone (3) †PCC.
2001Fall Possibly one of three birds at same location 7/28 (see summer report) found 8/12–27 Big Stone (Toqua Twp.) †PCC, †PHS et al.
2002Spring Best spring migration since 1984. All reports: 4/27–29, 5/9 Swift (Marsh L. dam) BSe et al., KJB, 5/2 St. Louis (2 at Duluth) DRB, RPR, 5/4 Grant (near Herman) JEB, RBJ, 5/6–10 Dakota (max. 3 at L. Byllesby) CRG, FTM et al., 5/7 Murray (Slayton) †CRM et al., 5/7–8 Clay (Sabin) RHO, 5/16 Washington (location?) DPS.
2002Summer Only report 6/7 St. Louis (Park Point, Duluth) DFJ. At traditional site in Lake of the Woods Co., water levels reported to be way above normal; none were observed 6/21 JPE.
2002Fall All reports: singles 8/1 Jackson (South Heron L.) KJB, 8/4 Roseau (near Sprague Creek) PHS, 8/10 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) KRE et al., 9/2 Lincoln (Tyler W.M.A.) fide RJS.
2003Spring Relatively good showing for second consecutive spring. All reports: 4/27–29 Big Stone (near Ortonville) PCC, PHS, KJB, 5/1 Le Sueur (St. Peter lagoons) KJB, 5/2 Traverse (Mud L.) KJB, JEB, RBJ, 5/10 Dakota (L. Byllesby) ADS, JPM, 5/16 St. Louis (Hearding Is., Duluth) DAG, 5/24–25 St. Louis (Park Pt., Duluth) m.ob.
2003Summer Only report from Lake of the Woods.
2003Fall No reports.
2004Spring All reports: 4/27–5/2 Lac qui Parle (max. 3 at Salt L.) †BJU, 5/6 Lac qui Parle (section 35, Perry Twp.) †BJU, 5/14–16 Hennepin SWe, m.obs., 5/18 Aitkin (rice paddies near Aitkin) MMc et al., 5/22–23 (2), 5/27 (1) St. Louis (Park Point, Duluth) m.obs.
2004Fall No reports.
2005Spring All reports: 5/4 Jackson (CR 2) ET, 5/5–6 Winona (Mud L.) DBz, m.obs., 5/6, 5/16, 5/19 Dakota (2 or 3 different birds at L. Byllesby) m.ob, 5/15 Kandiyohi (section 21, T117N R33W) RSF.
2005Summer Observed nesting on Pine Island, Lake of the Woods Bill Berg fide JMJ.
2005Fall No reports.
2006Spring No reports.
2006Summer Only north report: nest-ing pair 6/15 Lake of the Woods (female incubating 4 eggs at Garden Island) JEB, RBJ. All south reports from Lac qui Parle: 6/11–26 Big Stone N.W.R. BJU, †PCC, m.ob., 7/16–21 Salt Lake (both sides of state line) PCC, BJU, NSc, 7/19–22 Big Stone N.W.R. BWF et al.
2006Fall Only report: 8/29 Lac qui Parle (2 at Perry W.M.A.) †BJU.
2007Spring12 All south reports: 4/22–23 Dakota (Lake Byllesby) †JLO et al., 5/25 Lac qui Parle (section 29, Perry Twp.) †BJU. All north reports: 5/21 St. Louis (Hearding Island, Duluth) KRE, 5/30–31 St. Louis (banded bird seen with Snowy Plover at Park Point) SCZ, m.ob.
2007Summer11 All reports: 6/1–2 St. Louis (Park Point, Duluth) PHS, 6/10–13 Brown (Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) ph. †BTS.
2008Spring21 All reports: 4/28 Brown (2, Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) ph. BTS, 5/4–17 St. Louis (Park Point, Duluth) †PHS, MSS, WCM, m.ob., 5/8 Polk (Crookston W.T.P.) ph. †DLT.
2008Summer No reports.
2008Fall1 Only documented report: 9/7 Brown †BTS.
2009Spring23 All south reports: 4/25 Lac qui Parle MJB, 5/3–4 Kandiyohi (near Pennock) LS, m.ob., 5/3–19 Kandiyohi (at least 3, Olson Lake W.P.A.) HHD, m.ob., 5/17 Cottonwood (Talcot Lake W.M.A.) DPG. All north reports: 5/1 Becker (Detroit Lakes City Beach) BDS, 5/14–16 St. Louis (Park Point, Duluth) m.ob.
2009Summer1 Only report: 7/31 Rice TFB.
2009Fall11 Two reports: 8/1 Rice TFB, 9/29 (record late) St. Louis (2, Park Point, Duluth) PLJ.
2010Spring11 All reports: 5/2 St. Louis (2, Park Point) ph. PHS, ph. MLH, 5/3 St. Louis (Twin Lakes, Aurora) NAJ, 5/15 Lac qui Parle (Arena Twp.) ph. BJU, 5/16 St. Louis (Minnesota Point) ph. SCZ.
2010Summer1 Nested in Lake of the Woods (Pine-Curry Island) KVH.
2010Fall No reports.
2011Spring2 Two reports: 4/24 Lac qui Parle (Augusta Twp.) ph. BJU, 5/13 Wright (Smith Lake) PCC.
2011Summer1Found 6/2 Lake of the Woods (nest with 4 eggs on Pine/Curry Island S.N.A.) KVH.
2011Fall12 First county records 9/7 Itasca (Side Lake) PLe, 9/22 Sherburne (Sherburne N.W.R.) RBJ. Also reported south 8/12 Nobles (Round Lake) RBJ.
2012Spring2 Two reports, both before recent early south median 5/4: 4/20 Swift (ad. male, Lubenow W.P.A.) DLP, 4/26 Lyon RJS.
2012Summer1 Observed 6/4 Lake of the Woods (nest with four eggs) KVH, 6/28 BLe, BWa., ph. ErR.
2012Fall1 Only report: 8/22 St. Louis (Minnesota Point) JLK.
2013Spring1 Only report: 5/20 Sherburne (Princeton W.T.P.) PLJ.
2013Summer1 Reported 6/1 St. Louis (Park Point) ph. MTA, ph. ALo, MLH, JMJ, PHS. This individual hatched from an egg laid on North Manitou Island in Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore in Michigan in 2012.
2013Fall No reports.
2014Spring1One found at Park Point in St. Louis by local residents on 5/18 was first reported 5/19 PAs and documented 5/20 ph. JLK, ph. KRE, ph. PHS. It had been banded as a chick in July 2013 on the Missouri River north of Bismarck, North Dakota.
2014SummerNo reports.
2014Fall No reports.
2015Spring1 Single individuals reported at Park Point in St. Louis 5/5–7 ph. JPR, ph. TRK, ph. RZi, m.ob., and 5/15–17 KJB, BMu, m.ob.
2015Summer No reports.
2015Fall1 Only report 8/29 St. Louis (Park Point R.A.) ph. JLK.
2016Spring12 All reports: 5/7 Stearns (one at Lake Maria and up to 2 at Getchell Lake) ph. AaL, ph. ABm, ph. JlB, ph. MJB, ph. ToL,, 5/21–23 St. Louis (Minnesota Point) FJN, ph. JLK, ph. BeA, 5/22 Kandiyohi (Robbins Island Park) ph. JWd, ph. BAb
2016Summer No reports.
2016Fall1 Only report 8/11–14 Laq qui Parle (1, Salt Lake) ph. ToL, ph. GWe, ph. BDo.
2017Spring No reports.
2017Summer1 Observed 6/27 Lake of the Woods (Lake of the Woods) MBS.
2017Fall11 One north report 8/27 Lake of the Woods (Zippel Bay S.P.) LiH, ASu. One south report 8/20 Lac qui Parle (Salt Lake) ToL.
2018Spring No reports.
2018Summer1 Pair at nest, 6/15 and 6/18 Lake of the Woods (Morris Point) REn, AxB.
2018Fall  No reports.
2019Summer  No reports.
 Rare breeder north. Rare migrant throughout. State designation: Endangered. Federal designations: Great Lakes population, Endangered; Northern Great Plains population, Threatened.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.