Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Finches
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Finches
Evening Grosbeak
Pine Grosbeak
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch
[Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (Hepburn's)]
[Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (Gray-crowned)]
House Finch
Purple Finch
Cassin's Finch
Common Redpoll
Hoary Redpoll
[Hoary Redpoll (exilipes)]
[Hoary Redpoll (hornemanni)]
Red Crossbill
White-winged Crossbill
Pine Siskin
Lesser Goldfinch
American Goldfinch

Purple Finch(Haemorhous purpureus)
1930SummerNo nests of this delightful. songster were found, but Gustav Swanson saw an adult feeding an almost fully developed young bird near Deer River, on June 19th.
1932SummerMr. Swedenborg found the only nest of this species, at Onamia~ It was nearing co~pletion on May 30. Three other observers report young being fed out of' the nest, the ·lntest on August 7 (Huseby). J
1933Summer Two nests wore found. Hiemenz discovered one on June 16th ncar Backus, Cass County. It contained 4 eggs. Hanson reports a nest containing 1 egg, which was founc1 near Ely on July 16th. Risser saw adults of this species feeding youne out of the nest on June 19th at Sturgeon Lake.
1934Summer Two nests of the Purple Finch ·vrero reported. Hanson found one containing 1 fresh egg on June 20th, at Lake Winnibigoshish. The other was found by Mr. and Mrs. Swedenborg nnd Dr. Prosser at Caribou Lake on June 22nd1 when it held 3 eggs. Eisele vratched an e.dult carrying nesting material at Itasca Park on July 1st.
1935Summer Prosser and Swedenborg (they never fail) sought out• a nest of large young being fed at Caribou Lake, June 24th.
1937SummerOn July 9 Dana Struthers saw young awing at Lake Ver­million. Swedenborg saw young awing near Finland on July I9. At Sturgeon Lake. Rysgaard saw one young awing on July 2,4.
1943SummerSt. Louis Comnty, 1 young. 0. Lakela.
1945SummerBuilding nest, Itasca Park, June 23, William Longley.
1945WinterRather common winter visitant in the Twin City region; permanent resident to the north.
1946Summer3 young out, July 26; 2 young out, July 27, St. Louis Co., Lakala.
1947Summer2 young July 26; 2 young, July 27, Duluth, Lakela.
1961WinterApparently much reduced since last winter. Reported only by Dean Honetschlager, a few all season in Washington County, and A. C. Rosenwinkel saw three at Lake Vadnais, on December 30. See also the 1961 Christmas census elsewhere in this issue.
1962SpringScattered sparsely over eastern Minnesota during most of win· ter and spring. Jane Olyphant of Lake Jane, Washington Co., reports a large concentration of them from the last week of March until the first week of May. During the first three weeks of that period, she trapped and banded over 1000 of them.
1963SummerSt. Louis Co.. Parkville, Julv 1, ad feeding 3 y, Mrs. S. N. Erickson.
1964Summerbreeding in St. Louis (AKA), Crow Wing (MSB), Beltrami (MG) and Hubbard (ACR, LWJ) Counties.
1964WinterReported by almost every observer except in western part of state where only recorded on Willmar XC. Wintered in small numbers throught NE diagonal half of state. By mid-Feb they arrived in large numbers in Lake Co (100, MIG). Most observers reported definite increase from 2nd to 3rd weeks in Feb. Peaks noted: Morrison Co, 2-22, CW; Virginia, 2-24, 40, VFB; Kanabec Co, 2-25, 41, RHJ; Hibbing, 2-24, 44, SM; Duluth, 2-28, 32, JcG; Two Harbors, 2-17, 43, RK; Duluth, 2-15, 75, AKA;; Anoka Co, 2-15, 20, LJ; Ramsey Co, 2-8 30, ACR; Washington Co, 2-19, many, JO.
1965WinterNorth: 12/9-15 (50) Polk, CCE; 1/2 (6), Cass, Xmas; 12/22 (2), Clay Xmas; no other reports. South: regularly all winter in small groups (2-15) from Stevens, Stearns and Mille Lacs Counties southward; reported by 25 people.
1966Springlatest in southern Minnesota: 5-5 Winona Co, GD, GG, FV; 5-7 Ramsey Co, TKS; 5-8 Hennepin Co, MHM and Wabasha Co, DGM; 5-10 Washington Co, DS; 5-16 Washington Co, WWL; 5-19 Rochester, JPF; 5-25 St. Paul, MIG.
1966Summernested in Clay Co; also reported from Itasca, Crow Wing, Clearwater, Stearns, Beltrami, St. Louis, Cook, Roseau, Marshall and Lake Co's.
1966Winternumbers apparently down from the past two winters; reported from Anoka, Winona, Hennepin, Ramsey, Cottonwood, Swift, Beltrami, Lyon, Yellow Medicine, Washington, Mille Lacs and Stevens Co's.
1967Summernested Cook, Crow Wing Co's; also reported from Hubbard, Clearwater, Aitkin Co's.
1967Winter obviously widespread because it was reported from 25 counties (compared to 12 counties last winter) all across the state, but everyone commented on the very low numbers this winter.
1968Summer nested in Stearns, Mille Lacs, Kanabec Co's; also reported from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Crow Wing, Hubbard, Pine, Carlton, Beltrami Co's, 7-28 l male singing, Mpls, RBJ.
1968FallFlocks of 30 to 70 reported from Rice, Lake and St. Louis counties; 9-11 Kanabec 1 albino at feeder RHJ.
1968WinterQuite scarce; only reported from the south -small groups, 1-6 usually; NMH, GNR, HSH reported 20-25 occasionally; erratically seen in Kanabec, Olmsted, Hennepin, Washington, Houston, Blue Earth, Freeborn, Swift, Nobles, Cottonwood, Chisago, Wabasha, Rice and Stearns Counties.
1969Spring4-8 (100's) Ramsey Co., EC; Early North: 4-9 Morrison Co., LSR, Cook Co., OP, Roseau Co., PEB, and Mille Lacs Co., MI; Late S. E.: 5-10 Hennepin Co., EIS; 5-21 Ramsey Co., MIG.
1969Summerreported from St. Louis Lake Cook, Carlton, Mille Lacs, Crow' Wing, Beltrami, Isanti, Cass Hubbard, Morrison and BENTON (MC) Co's. Increased reports could be connected with later winter invasion.
1969Fall11-20 Chisago 16 EL; 11-29 Ramsey 12 CO; 9-11 Hennepin WKE; 11-3 Duluth KS; 11-15 Morrison LSR.
1969WinterIn the South wintered in good numbers from Mille Lacs, Morrison, Chisago to Winona, Cottonwood, Nobles Counties. Only report for the North, 2-23 (8) Hubbard RBP.
1970Springlate south RHJ; 5-12 Hennepin PF; early north 3-29 Crow Wing jB; 4-2 Beltrami jM.
1970Summernested in Mille Lacs, Crow Wing, and St. Louis Co's; also reported from Marshall Carlton, Beltrami, Stearns, Cook, and Cass Co's. JCG banded 58 at Duluth on 7-21.
1970Fallreported from Stearns, Duluth, Cook, Morrison, Hennepin, Washington, Swift, Ramsey, Carver, Cottonwood, and Wabasha.
1970Winterless abundant than usual in normal winter range in the South from Anoka, Sherburne, Stearns southward -only 2 reports of more than 6 birds (12 all winter VL; 35 on 12-3 Hennepin PF); more abundant than usual but not an invasion year in the North, reported in Cook (12 on 1-24 JCG), Lake, St. Louis, Clearwater, Clay (1 bird), Mille Lacs (up to 14), Swift (5).
1971Springlate South 5-2 Chisago FS and Hennepin PF; 5-6 Hennepin FN; 5-27 Stearns MLC; early north 3-9 Lake, M.E. Penner; 3-20 Cook JP; peak 5-10 Lake (100) RK.
1971Summernested in Crow Wing; also reportedfrom St. Louis, Cook, Aitkin, Stearns, Hennepin, Marshall, Beltrami, Mille Lacs, Clearwater and Lake of the Woods.
1971Fallreported from 17 counties north to Cook and Aitkin, south to Wabasha and Watonwan.
1972Summernested in S. St. Louis, (Crow Wing), (Mille Lacs);_ seen in Clearwater, Hubbard, Carl ton, Lake, <..;ook, Sherburne (6-22 male at feeder ShNWR staff); migrants -7-26 Ramsey, 7-30 Hen nepin.
1972WinterNORTH Reported from Becker, Grant and Ottertail. SOUTH Reported in small groups one to three from Anoka, Big Slone, He nnepin, Ramsey, Rice, Sherburne, Stearns and Swift. Maximum of twenty-five Big Stone, DP.
1973Summer Nested in St. Louis, Aitkin; seen in Cook, Lake, Itasca, Cass, Hubbard Marshall, <:row Wing, Pine, Mill~ Lacs, Isanti, Stearns.
1973Fall Reported from 13 counties.
1973Winter Reported from 29 counties.
1974Spring Late south 5-16 Stearns NMH; early north 3-1 Clay LCF; 3-3 Aitkin TS.
1974Summer Nested in Ottertail, Aitkin, St. Louis; also reported from 12 other counties.
1974Fall Reported from 14 counties.
1974Winter Reported from 22 counties north and west to St. Louis, Clearwater, Marshall, Polk, Clay, Big Stone and Renville.
1975Spring Late south 5-13 Hennepin VRL, WKE; 5-24 Hennepin FN; early north 3-15 Mille Lacs MI; 3-20 St. Louis HJF.
1975Summer Nested in Marshall and Mille Lacs; also reported from Lake of the Woods, Hubbard, Wadena, Cass, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook and Waba,sha (from 6-18 on; DWM).
1975Fallearly south 9-3 Good- hue CF; 9-13 Pipestone KE.
1975Winterreported from 34 counties north to Cass, Polk, Crow Wing, St. Louis, Cook and Marshall Co's.
1976Spring Late south 5-16 Anoka KL; early north 3-20 Mille Lacs MI; 3-21 Clay LCF; 3-23 Crow Wing JB. Pine Grosbe~k 4 reports: 3-19 Itasca MS; 3-24 St. Louis JCG; 3-27 St. Louis DS and Cook JH. GRAY-CROWNED ROSY FINCH 3-21 Beltrami (Bemidji) JM 5th state record.
1976Summerreported from 11 counties plus 2 possible fall migrants on 7-31 in Winona Co. (JB).
1976Fall Early south 8-7 Olmsted JF, 8-8 Anoka PKL, 8-29 Washington JD.
1976Winter Reported from 23 counties north to Otter Tail and Duluth.
1977Spring Late south 5-22 Olmsted JF; early north 3-19 Crow Wing DK; 3-23 Otter Tail SM; 3-25 Crow Wing JB.
1977Summer Reported from 13 counties south to Anoka (7-1, JH) and Olmsted (6-8, JD).
1977Winter Reported from 29 counties north to Marshall, St. Louis and Cook.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Cass and Anoka (adult feeding fledged young, Cedar Creek NHA, JLH); seen in 9 other counties in the northern regions plus Stearns, Washington (7-30, DMB) and Nicollet (6-21, KG).
1978Fall Early south 9-3 Houston EMF.
1978Winter Reported from 32 counties north to Marshall, Polk, Crow Wing and Aitkin.
1979Spring Late south 5-19 Houston EMF.
1979Summer Seen in nine counties in the Northeast and North Central plus Pennington (Thief River Falls), Becker (Tamarack NWR), Anoka (Cedar Creek).
1979Fall Reported from 18 counties; seven north and 11 south.
1979Winter Reported from 23 counties north to Cook, Lake of the Woods and Marshall.
1980Spring Late south 5-8 Washington DR, 5-31 Sherburne DB singing male, GS.
1980Summer Seen throughout the Northeast and North Central regions plus Roseau, Anoka (JLH).
1980Fall Reported from 11 counties north and 16 counties south.
1980Winter Reported from 25 counties north to Cook, Lake of the Woods, Aitkin, Beltrami and Pennington.
1981Spring Late south 5-7 Anoka GP, Dakota JD, Houston EMF, 5-16 Hennepin OJ, 5-31 Anoka JLH.
1981Summer Breeding data from Cook, Clear water. Anoka (Forest Seen (Cedar Lake). throughout Creek), range Washinplus gton
1981Fall Reported from 14 counties north and 22 counties south.
1981Winter Reported from 21 counties north to Pennington and Duluth.
1982Spring Reported from 38 counties Uiroughout the state.
1982Fall Reported from 14 counties north and 20 counties south.
1982Winter Reported from 37 counties from throughout the state.
1983Spring Reported from twenty-two counties south and nineteen counties north.
1983Summer Seen throughout the Northeast and North Central plus Marshall, Mille Lacs, Pine, Anoka (Cedar Creek). Late migrant: 6/4 Nicollet.
1983Fall Reported from nine counties north and sixteen counties south.
1983Winter Reported from 31 central and south region counties with the largest CBC numbers in the east, 157 at Afton. In the north regions the species was widespread with reports form 10 counties, including the Bemidji (3), Walker (2), Aurora (3) and Grand Marais (I) CBC's. Statewide CBC total of 635.
1984Spring Reported from nineteen counties north and twenty-five counties south.
1984Summernested in Lake and Crow Wing; also seen in Cook, St. Louis, Carlton, Beltrami, Clearwater and Koochiching. Red Crosbill: seen in Cook, Lake, Beltrami , Cass and Hubbard.
1984Fall Reported from 12 counties north and II counties south.
1984Winter Somewhat scarcer this year with a statewide CBC total of 367 (635 last year) and reports from 25 counties in all but the NW and SW regions.
1985Spring Reported from 16 counties north and 13 counties south.
1985Summer Probable nesting in Koochiching, Crow Wing. Also seen in eight other counties throughout the northeast and north central regions plus Roseau, Marshall, Mille Lacs, Kanabec. Early migrants 7/28-8/2 Brown (JSp).
1985Fall Reported from ten counties north and twenty-one counties south.
1985Winter Reported from 40 counties throughout the state and a statewide CBC count of 574 (367 L.y.).
1986Spring Reported from 1 7 counties north and 23 counties south.
1986Summer Probable nesting in Crow Wing. Also seen in all counties in the northeast and north central regions except Wadena, plus Agassiz NWR, Pennington, Clay (all summer, MMo), Mille Lacs, Washington (all summer at Forest Lake, WL), Ramsey (7/31, KB).
1986Fall Reported from fifteen counties north and twenty counties south.
1986Winter Reported from 40 counties throughout the state and a statewide CBC total of 401 (574 L.Y.).
1987Spring Reported from 14 counties north and 22 counties south.
1987Summer Probable nesting in Pennington (North Twp., SKS). Also seen in II counties throughout the northeast and north central regions plus Agassiz NWR, Red Lake, Becker, Mille Lacs, Anoka, Washington (most of the summer at Forest Lake, WL).
1987Fall Reported from II counties north and 16 counties south.
1988Spring Reported from 13 counties north and 18 counties south.
1988Summer Nested in Lake of the Woods (KSS), Pennington (KSS); probable nesting in Crow Wing, Washington. Seen in all north central and northeastern counties plus Roseau, Red Lake, Clay, Becker, Ottertail, Mille Lacs, Steele KY.
1988Fall Reported from 12 counties north and 16 counties south.
1988Winter Fewer than last year with reports from only 24 counties ( 45 I. y.) and a CBC total of 343 (829 l.y.).
1989Spring Reported from 12 counties north and 22 counties south.
1989Summer Probable nesting in Crow Wing. Seen in 14 other northern counties west to Marshall, Pennington, Becker; plus Washington WL.
1989Fall Reported from 16 counties north and 20 counties south.
1989Winter Reported from 35 counties statewide (24 l.y.) but only five north region counties where they were very scarce. Some concentrations noted in St. Croix River valley, in southeast and south-central regions, and Anoka County. CBC total of 547 (343 l.y.).
1990Spring Reported from 17 counties north and 23 counties south.
1990Summer Probable nesting in Crow Wing; seen in 13 other Northern counties plus 6/24,26 Lac qui Parle CMB, 6/14 Ramsey RH, Washington (no date) WL.
1990Fall Reported from 13 counties north and 18 counties south.
1990Winter Reported from 35 counties statewide (35 l.y.) with a CBC total of 498 (547 l.y.). Numbers moderate in northwest but spotty in southeast with some increases noted in Hennepin in February with likely northbound birds.
1991Spring Reponed from 27 counties south and 18 counties north.
1991Summer Probable nesting in Lake of the Woods and Crow Wing counties. Seen in 16 other counties south to a line through Marshall, Becker, Mille Lacs; plus Washington, Hennepin, Kandiyohi JR.
1991Fall Reported from 14 counties north and 19 counties south.
1991Winter Reported from 35 counties (35 l.y.) statewide with a CBC total of 275 (498 l.y.). More widely reported on CBC's, but many counties represented by apparently only a single date.
1992Spring Reported from 18 counties north and 22 counties south.
1992Summer Probable breeding in Crow Wing. Seen in 15 other counties as far south as a line through Marshall, Becker, Mille Lacs, Washington WL.
1992Fall Reported from 13 counties north and 18 counties south.
1992Winter Numbers about average. Reported from 38 counties (35 l.y.) statewide with a CBC total of 365 (275 l.y.). Far north reports included the Duluth, Bemidji, Crookston, and East Grand Forks CBCs, plus 1/16 Lake of the Woods, 2/3 Koochiching, and 2/11 Polk — all PS.
1993Spring Late south 5/8 Yellow Medicine KB, PS, 5/12 Sherburne TBr.
1993Summer Nested in Becker BBk; probable breeding in Crow Wing. Seen in 12 other northern counties as far west as Roseau, Otter Tail; plus Anoka, Carver MB.
1993Fall Early south 9/16 Hennepin KB, 9/18 Hennepin SC.
1993Winter Scarce. Reported from 23 counties (38 l.y.), with only four north reports. 12/16 Pennington, 12/12 St. Louis, Becker, and Douglas.
1994Spring Late south 5/11 Hennepin SC, Nicollet MF.
1994Summer Nested in Becker; probable nesting in Cass, Crow Wing, Kanabec. Seen in eight additional north central and northeastern counties plus Pennington, Todd, Pine, Washington, Olmsted.
1994Fall Early south 9/7 Winona County CS, 9/10 Wabasha County JW.
1994Winter Reported from 36 counties throughout the state, but very scarce in south. A number of CBCs in the south reported considerably more Purple Finches than House Finches: these are probably mostly misidentified House Finches. CBC total an above average 601.
1995Spring Late south 5/10 Anoka CF, 5/12 Wright RJ, 5/13 Goodhue DZ.
1995Summer Nested in Anoka; probable nesting in Becker, Crow Wing, St. Louis. Seen in 14 other northern counties.
1995Fall Early south 8/24 (second earliest south date) Anoka KB, 8/27 Hennepin SC, WM. Recorded in 17 north counties.
1995Winter Numbers down. Reported from 32 counties throughout the state. CBC total 300 (601 l.y.).
1996Spring Late south 5/15 Goodhue DBo and Hennepin SC, 5/18 Fillmore NO and Scott DN. Reported from 20 counties north.
1996Summer Probable nesting in Crow Wing. Seen in 12 additional north central and northeast counties plus Roseau, Becker, Kanabec, Pine, Sherburne, Chisago.
1996Fall Early south 8/2 (second earliest south date) Rice TBo, 9/8 Hennepin SC. Reported from 17 north and 15 south counties.
1996Winter Unprecedented numbers (for winter) found in the Northeast and North-central regions. Peak counts included 150 on 2/9 in Big Falls, Koochiching Co. KB, PS, 170+ at a Cotton, St. Louis Co. feeder fide KE, and an amazing 503 on the Grand Marais CBC. The total CBC count was 1,500, which is over three times the ten year average, and five times last year's count of 300. Also, in a normal year, relatively few are found in northern regions; for example, only 42 of last year's 300 individuals on CBCs were found in the north, compared with 1,398 individuals in the north this season.
1997Spring Reported from 18 counties north. Unusually large numbers were present throughout the season in Beltrami DJo and Lake DV. Late south 5/3 Brown JSp and Olmsted DA, BE, 5/6 Fillmore NO, 5/7 Houston EMF.
1997Summer Seen in 13 northeast and north central counties plus Kittson, Roseau, Marshall, Becker, Anoka; new nesting record in Kanabec CM, late migrant 6/1 Dakota SWe.
1997Fall Early south 8/21 Hennepin SC, 8/22 Brown JSp, and 8/23 McLeod RbS. SC reported more individuals of this species this fall than in the last seven combined. In all reported from 15 north and 17 south counties.
1997Winter Reported from 8 north and 28 south counties. Scarce throughout the state and almost absent in the north after December.
1998Spring Late south 4/30 Houston EMF, 5/3 Dakota TT, 5/6 Hennepin SC.
1998Summer Fewest reports since 1984. Observed in nine northeast and north central counties plus Kittson, Becker, Kanabec.
1998Fall Reported throughout the north. Early south 9/16 Hennepin SC, 9/20 Brown JSp, 10/12 Ramsey TT.
1998Winter Reported from 43 counties throughout the state. CBC total 764.
1999Spring Late south 5/6 Goodhue DBS, 5/8 Fillmore NO, JSt, 5/23 Washington TEB.
1999Summer Observed in 12 north central and northeast counties, plus Roseau, Polk, Becker, Mille Lacs, Pine, Anoka (Boot L. SNA) KB.
1999Fall Reported throughout the north and widespread in the south (24 counties). Early south 8/16 Fillmore NO, 8/22 Brown JSp, 8/24 McLeod RbS.
1999Winter Reported from 42 counties throughout the state.
2000Spring Seen in 41 counties and in all regions, remarkably similar to the winter season. Late south 5/1 Dakota SL, 5/4 Fillmore DZ. Also observed near the periphery of breeding range 5/22 Chisago DZ.
2000Summer Reported in 12 north central and northeast counties plus Polk, Becker, Kanabec, Pine, Anoka.
2000Fall Reported from 19 north and 20 south counties. First south reports began 9/10 in Dakota (TAT), with reports from four more counties over the next three days. High count 10/22 Rice (30, all females or first-year males) JGL.
2000Winter Seen in 48 counties across the state. Maximum counts 45–46 individuals in Fillmore NBO, and on the Rochester and Itasca S.P. CBCs.
2001Spring Observed in 17 south and 23 north counties, and in all regions except Southwest. Late south 5/15 Anoka DCZ, 5/28 Olmsted PWP.
2001Summer Observed in 11 North-central and Northeast counties plus Roseau, Polk, Becker, Benton, Mille Lacs, Kanabec, Pine.
2001Fall Reported from 15 north and 21 south counties. First south reports 8/19 Hennepin SLC, 8/26 Anoka KJB.
2001Winter Scarce in the north (9 counties) with only modest numbers in south (28 counties). Maximum 12/29 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) CBC (58).
2002Spring Observed in 22 south and 22 north counties. Late south 5/13 Fillmore NBO, 5/25 Ramsey NSp.
2002Summer Reported in 12 North-central and Northeast counties plus Red Lake, Mille Lacs, Pine.
2002Fall Early south 9/4 Hennepin SLC, 9/14 Ramsey TAT. Only reported from Mower and Pipestone in the southern third of the state.
2002Winter Reported from 18 north and 18 south counties, but only one each from the South-central and Southwest regions. Maximum reported numbers 12/27 Pine County CBC (263) and 2/27 Koochiching (184 in Big Falls) KJB.
2003Spring Observed in 10 south and 20 north counties. Late south 5/10 Anoka, Goodhue and Winona, 5/16 Anoka DCZ. Highest reported count 4/16 Polk (40) EEF.
2003Summer Reported in 11 North-central and Northeast counties plus Marshall, Becker, Todd, Kanabec, Pine, Anoka.
2003Fall Reported from 18 north and 17 south counties, and in all regions except the Southwest. North reports spanned the season. Early south 8/31 Hennepin SLC, 9/10 Houston FZL.
2003Winter Reported from 44 counties throughout the state. Highest reported count 12/27 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) CBC (105).
2004Spring Observed in 22 south and 21 north counties. Late south (median 5/16) 5/2 Pipestone PHS. Highest reported count 4/6 Dakota (128 at H.P.B.C.) KJB.
2004Summer Reported from 14 north counties.
2004Fall Reported from 18 north and 15 south counties in all regions. North reports throughout the season. Early south 8/27 Dakota TAT, 8/28 Hennepin SLC, 9/5 Freeborn AEB.
2004Winter Reported from 16 counties statewide.
2005Spring Reported from 23 south and 19 north counties. Late south 5/20 Fillmore NBO. Highest reported count 4/28 Fillmore (35 at feeders) NBO.
2005Summer Seen in 12 north counties and 7/4, 7/8 Sherburne ASc, 7/17 Rock DOK.
2005Fall Reported from 24 north and 17 south counties in all regions. Away from Sherburne (see summer report) south reports increased in early September.
2005Winter Reported from 19 north and 20 south counties statewide. A record high 3,765 (previous high 1,744) was recorded on 49 CBCs. Large numbers seen migrating along North Shore of Lake Superior in late December, including 1,309 on the Duluth CBC (previous record 132) and 1,195 on the Two Harbors CBC (12/17 and 12/18, respectively).
2006Spring Reported from 24 south and 22 north counties. Total of 1095 banded between 4/3 and 5/15 Itasca DRM. Late south 5/15 Fillmore NBO, 5/18 Stearns HHD, 5/21 Hennepin TKP.
2006Summer Observed in 17 counties north and east of a line from Kittson to Mille Lacs and Pine.
2006Fall Reported from 21 north and 25 south counties in all regions. Early south 8/29 Steele NFT, 9/6 Rice JEB, 9/10 Meeker DMF.
2006Winter1315 Reports down substantially from the record numbers seen last year, particularly along the North Shore of Lake Superior. Only non-CBC report from the Northeast: 2/14 St. Louis FKB. High count 12/6 Beltrami (30) fide JMJ (last year 1,309!). Widely scattered across the south with no significant counts reported.
2007Spring2419 Late south 5/2 Fillmore NBO and Goodhue FKB, 5/5 Hennepin JLS (median 5/17).
2007Summer18 Reported across the north plus Pine and Kanabec.
2007Fall2733 Reported north throughout the season. Early south (median 8/28) 8/26 Fillmore NBO, 8/28 Chippewa RBJ, DAC, 9/1 Fillmore NBO.
2007Winter1228 Highest number of reports since the 2003–2004 Winter Season. Reports were concentrated throughout the central and southern regions, with these exceptions north 12/15 Kittson LW, the Crookston CBC (11), and 1/24 St. Louis MCA. CBC high count Cook (90), well below the four digit counts from two years ago.
2008Spring2530 Late south 5/14 Hennepin ATF, Sibley WCM, Scott JEB, 5/18 Rice DAB (median 5/16). Season high count 4/26 Clearwater (100) KLa.
2008Summer172 Most reports since 1997. Reported from all regions except West-central, Southwest, South-central.
2008Fall2326 Reported north throughout the season. Early south (median 8/28) 8/1 Sherburne ASc, 8/4 Stearns MDN, 8/29 Hennepin SMC, 9/4 Sherburne ASc. Record fall count 10/16 St. Louis (799, H.R.B.O.) KJB.
2008Winter1626 Highest number of reports since the 2003–2004 Winter Season, beating last year, another high year. Reports were scattered throughout all regions of the state, and spanned the entire reporting period. However, high counts were again far below the four digit numbers reported three years ago, with the best showing 2/28 Fillmore (30) NBO.
2009Spring2428 Late south 5/1 Dakota JPM, Watonwan HHD, 5/9 Lac qui Parle FAE, 5/13 Ramsey EMH, 5/14 Fillmore RTP (median 5/16).
2009Summer193 Reported from all northern and central regions. West of usual summer range 6/15 Norman RMD. South reports from Hennepin, Washington, 7/12 Olmsted OWB.
2009Fall1926 Reported north throughout the season. Early south (median 8/27) 8/2 Dodge LS, 8/27 Chisago MHe, 8/30 Le Sueur JWH, 9/5 Wright HCT. Record high count of 829 in Cook on 4 Oct, followed by 757 in Lake on 5 Oct (most moving northeast), and then a new record of 2,035 in St. Louis 12 October (most southbound) CRu. Also impressive were 845 in St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) 10/19 KJB.
2009Winter2034 Reported throughout the state (except extreme northwest), from more counties both north and south than last year, although numbers were generally modest. High counts were all 25 or fewer. CBC high counts 12/19 Duluth (145), 12/20 Two Harbors (143).
2010Spring2719 Late south 5/2 Isanti JZe, 5/4 Olmsted FPa, 5/13 Anoka DaS, Hennepin MKi, Steele PSu (median 5/17).
2010Summer195 Seen in all northern and eastern regions, plus Scott. First county breeding records for Kittson LW, Morrison RPR, Roseau BJS.
2010Fall2431 Reported north throughout the season. Early south 8/5 Carver GLa, 8/9 Scott GLa then beginning the last week of August reported throughout the remainder of the season. Season high count 10/29 St. Louis (1,244 at Duluth) KJB, CRu, with noteworthy counts of 1,170 on 10/13 and 1,077 on 10/8 at the same location.
2010Winter2238 Reported from throughout the state except extreme southwest, from more counties (60) than in any of the previous 5 years. High count 2/27 St. Louis (100, Ely feeders) PEB; high counts south 2/4 Fillmore (26) NBO, 1/5 Fillmore (24) RTP. CBC high counts 12/26 Ely (186), 12/19 Itasca S.P. (55).
2011Spring2833 Found in every region. Late south 5/22 Anoka DPG, 5/22 Rice JFR. Reported north throughout the season. Season high counts 4/10 St. Louis (60) LSc, 5/1 Goodhue (30) LEC.
2011Summer215Found in all regions except West-central, South-central, Southwest. First county breeding records for Carlton JLK, Itasca fide BBA.
2011Fall2631 Reported throughout the north. South reports began 8/16 Scott KRa, 8/27 Olmsted PSm. High counts well below those of recent years, led by 10/15 St. Louis (326, Hawk Ridge / Lester River Census) KJB.
2011Winter1433Reports from throughout the state (except not northernmost Northwest and North-central counties), from 13 fewer counties than last year. High count north 1/29 Lake (55, Lake) DJa. High counts south 1/17 Fillmore (17) RTP, 1/2 Wabasha (17) KSm. CBC high counts 1/1 Whitewater River (51), 12/19 Tamarac N.W.R. (37).
2012Spring3033 Found in every region. Reported north throughout the season. Late south 5/26 Pipestone TMo.
2012Summer252 Observed in all northern and central regions. High count 7/28 Itasca (15, Dunning Lake) EEO.
2012Fall2832 Reported north throughout the season, though only in Douglas and Wadena during the last half of November. High count 10/10 St. Louis (327, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. Early south reports 8/4, 8/8 Washington JaA, FGo, then none until many reports beginnning in late August 8/26 Dakota KDS. South reports peaked in October, though were frequent through the end of the season.
2012Winter2031Widespread throughout the state, but fewer reports from the Northwest and Southwest regions. High count 12/7 Washington (22) CRM. CBC high counts 12/14 Morris (62), 12/17 Tamarac N.W.R. (56), 12/15 Willmar (54), 12/29 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (46).
2013Spring2835 Found in every region. Several very late south reports 5/28 Brown BTS, 5/31 Brown MiO (median 5/17). See summer report for more south reports including breeding records. Season high count 5/14 Lake (62) JHy.
2013Summer245 Found in all northern and central regions plus Goodhue. First county breeding records from Beltrami PBD, Pine EHl, Washington SLi.
2013Fall2526 Reported north throughout the season. Early south 8/1 Mower RTP, 8/14, 8/19 Kandiyohi GDu, then many reports starting 8/31. Season high counts all from St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB: 9/11 (261), 10/7 (196), 9/12 (173).
2013Winter2038 Widespread throughout the state, but fewer reports in the far northwest, along the western border, and southwest. High count 2/17 Morrison (87) KEm, MEm. CBC high counts 12/14 Willmar (90), 12/14 Fergus Falls (58), 12/29 Battle Lake (56).
2014Spring3034Found in every region, though fewest reports southwest of a line from Big Stone to Mower. Late south 5/18 Anoka SaH, 5/19 Chisago RZi, Hennepin KKb, 5/23 Winona DCZ (median 5/17).
2014Summer182Reported from all northern regions plus Isanti, Mille Lacs, Otter Tail, Pine, Stearns. High count 7/27 Itasca (22, Dunning Lake) EEO.
2014Fall2738 Reported north throughout the season. Record high counts all from the Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census in St. Louis (KJB): 5,122 on 10/24, 2,241 on 10/20, 1,433 on 10/19. Early south (median 8/27) 8/13 Rock DAC, RBJ, 8/23 Isanti JCC, 9/2 Redwood RAE, after which south reports south began in earnest.
2014Winter1930 Widespread throughout state, but fewer reports in the western third of the state. High count 2/3 St. Louis (60, Sax-Zim Bog) CLW. CBC high counts 12/20 Duluth (126), 12/14 Carlton-Cloquet (89), 12/15 Tamarac (58).
2015Spring2831 Found in every region. Fewest reports southwest of a line from Wilkin to Waseca. Late south 5/8 Hennepin RBu, Isanti, 5/9 Goodhue RKe, Rice CWl, 5/11 Washington ASp (median 5/17).
2015Summer265 Found in northern half of state plus Dakota, Isanti, Ramsey, Sherburne.
2015Fall2436 Reported north throughout the season. Noteable high counts all from the Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census (St. Louis, KJB): 1,819 on 10/11, 1,387 on 10/12, 1,190 on 9/7. Presumed first arrivals south 8/26 Blue Earth ChH, Washington SC, 8/30 Dakota DFN then frequent reports south from late September through the rest of the season.
2015Winter1434 Found in all regions of the state in comparable number of counties as last five years. High counts 2/4 Ramsey (50) OGo, 12/20 Carver (20) JCy, 2/8 Washington (20) MyR. CBC high counts 12/26 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (45), 12/19 Willmar (33), 12/19 Northwest McLeod (30).
2016Spring2835 Found in all regions. Most reports north and east of a line from Clay to Fillmore counties. Late south 5/23 Stearns AaL, 5/24 Pipestone LFa (median 5/18).
2016Summer234 Found in northern half of state plus Benton, Isanti, Sherburne.
2016Fall3039 Reported north throughout the season. Noteable high counts all from the Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census (St. Louis, KJB): 1,857 on 10/12, 1,840 on 10/13, 954 on 10/14 and 835 on 10/29. Presumed early south arrivals 8/22 Dakota KDS, 8/30 Ramsey KnM, 8/31 Pipestone DbS, then reports pick up in earnest in mid-September.
2016Winter2538 Reported widely from more counties than any of previous twenty winters. High counts 12/24 Redwood (50) BTS, 1/27 Redwood (50) CRM, 1/3 Itasca (45) TCL, 12/30 Carlton (36) AVa. CBC high counts 12/17 Grand Marais (223), 12/30 Carlton-Cloquet (134), 12/18 Itasca State Park (56).
2017Spring2838 Found in every region, and in almost every county northeast of a line from Mower to Kittson. Late south 5/16 Wright PKl, 5/19 Anoka RZi, Le Sueur ByH, 5/20 Rice KLx (median 5/18).
2017Summer 26 North, 7 South] Reported from all northern and central regions, plus Goodhue, Wabasha.
2017Fall3040 Reported north throughout the season. Notable high counts all from H.R.B.O. in St. Louis: 3/2 on 10/5, 288 on 10/9, and 270 on 10/4. Presumed early south arrivals 8/29 Meeker PKF, 8/29 Olmsted (2) ebd, 9/3 Carver JCy.
2017Winter1339 Fifty-two reporting counties was down from last year's record of 63, but close to 10-year average of 51. No reports from North-central Region. High counts 1/1 Winona (38) JmP, 12/14 Chippewa (30) GWe, JtH, ToL, 1/20 Otter Tail (24) ASu. CBC high counts 12/14 Lac qui Parle (54), 1/1 Whitewater River (53), 12/20 Sherburne N.W.R. (33).
2018Spring3044 Reported from all regions. As is typical, there were fewer reports from the South-central, Southwest and West-central regions. Late south 5/24 Isanti ebd, 5/26 Anoka DPG, 5/28 Stearns STW (median 5/20).
2018Summer225 Reported from all northern and central regions. First county breeding record 7/27 Hubbard REn.
2018Fall3045 Reported statewide throughout the season but note only one report south in August (median 8/24) 8/14 Anoka SRo. In general there were fewer reports from the Southwest and West-Central regions.
2018Winter2546 Observed in all regions of the state from 71 counties, a season-record high (ten-year average 52). Unusual winter records 2/17 Dodge ebd, 2/2 Grant DnS. High counts 12/20 Polk (60) ebd, 1/7 Carver (34) JCy, 12/18 Douglas (32) BEc. CBC high counts 12/29 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (88), 12/17 Granite Falls (86), 12/17 Lac qui Parle (73).
2019Summer232 Found in northern half of state plus Isanti, Sherburne.
 Breeds mostly north. Migrant and winter visitant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.