Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Finches
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Finches
Evening Grosbeak
Pine Grosbeak
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch
[Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (Hepburn's)]
[Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (Gray-crowned)]
House Finch
Purple Finch
Cassin's Finch
Common Redpoll
Hoary Redpoll
[Hoary Redpoll (exilipes)]
[Hoary Redpoll (hornemanni)]
Red Crossbill
White-winged Crossbill
Pine Siskin
Lesser Goldfinch
American Goldfinch

Red Crossbill(Loxia curvirostra)
1961Springalso reported everywhere; this is probably one of the largest invasions in years. They oould breed in the state this year, since John T. Pratt reports that they seem to be paired off already in his area. There is thus far only one published record of their nesting in Minnesota that I know of. Dean Honetschlager reports Red Crossbills oommon at Marine-on-the-St. Croix from 20 March until 12 May. A. C. Rosenwinkel reports them for 29 April and 13 May (20 birds in the Twin City area. Dr. Rysgaard reports that on 18 April several flocks took up temporary residence in evergreens at Northfield. Dr. Horace Scott saw a small flock at Frontenac as late as 10 May. R. Grant saw a small flock on Minnesota Point, Duluth on 27 May. Dr. Ward
1961SummerSmall flock heard on 20 August at Minnesota Point, Duluth by Huber brothers.
1962SpringApril 5 thru 20, Encampment F'orest, Lake Co., Myrtle E. Penner.
1962SummerJuly 21, about 4 miles north of Virginia, one seen and heard, Avifauna! Club.
1962FallAug. 9-13, Duluth, P. B. Hofslund; Aug. 31, Virginia, St. Loui:; Co., Vera F. Barrows; Sept. 11, Dululh, P. B. Hofslund; Oct. 31, Encampment Forest, Lake Co., Bob Janssen; Nov. 10, Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel.
1963SpringSeven observations by Duluth Bird Club during April; May 2, Duluth, 7 seen, Dennis Meyer; May 27, Duluth, 3 seen, Dennis Meyer.
1963SummerAnoka Co., Bunker Lake area, July 10, flock of 17, R. B. Janssen. Clay Co., Moorhead, July 15, 3 seen, D. Meyer St Louis Co., Duluth, July 10-29, flocks of 3 to 40 seen by D. Meyer, P. B. Hofslund, except on July 14, when 84 seen by D Meyer. Although there are numerous summer records for this species in Minnesota, there are only one or two instances where actual breeding was suggested. The actual nest with eggs, to the best of my knowledge, has not yet been found in our state.
1963FallAug. 10, Itasca Park, Avifauna! Club; Oct. 13, Lake Co., Avifauna! Club; Oct. 30, Wadena Co., R. Oehlenschalger; Oct. 30, Cloquet, G. W. Gullion; Nov. 7, Winona Co., specimen found dead, Leo Brom; Nov. 9, Ramsey Co., A. C Rosenwinkel.
1963WinterMore widely scattered over state than usual, but in small numbers. Reported from Cook, St. Louis, Ramsey, Hennepin, Anoka, Kandiyohi and Clay Counties; singles scatt ered along North Shore of Lake Superior in Feb, fide Jan Green.
1964Spring5-25 still at feeder in Anoka, LJ; last week in March, Ramsey Co, ELC; 3-7 Ramsey Co, EWJ; 4-1 Washington Co, DH; 4-11 Stevens Co, SH; 3-21 Washington Co, 6 at feeder, JO; 5-30 Fargo, EGA; 3-13 Rochester, 8, JPF; 4-17 to 6-1 Crow Wing Co, MSB; 4-26 and 5-13 to 5-18 Wadena Co, RO, specimens collected were of two races, minor and benti.
1964SummerCrow Wing Co, throughout summer, visiting feeder, MSB; 6-20, Lake Co, DP; 7-18, St. Louis Co, DM; Fargo-Moorhead, young seen early June, last adult 7-9, EGA.
1964Fall9-16 Cloquet Forest, 20, GWG; 9-25 St. Louis Co, JNG; 10-6 to 10/5 Cloquet Forest, GWG.
1964WinterScarce this winter. 12-7 "--_ (14) and 1-30 (10), Gunflint Trail, Cook Co, HH; 2-20, N. shore of Lake Superior, 2, EMB.
1965Springonly reports JGH; 4-18 Hibbing, SM and 4-28 Cook Co, HH.
1965Fallusual nomadic self; 10-10 Minneapolis, 11, VS; 10-24 Hennepin Co, 6, RPR; 10-26 Minneapolis, 1, VL; 10-31 Crosby, 3, MSB; 11-6 Cass Co, 6, RPR; 11/0 Ramsey Co, 12, VL; 11-14 Wadena Co, RO; 11-30 Washington Co, 1, DH.
1966Summer6-27 Minnesota Point, St. Louis Co, 4, PBH; 7-6 Kellogg, Wabasha Co, 1 female, DGM; 7-26 Hennepin Co, Minneapolis, VH; 8-19 Hennepin Co, 1, Sam Robbins; 8-10 and 8-19, 5 and 2 seen, Duluth, PBH; 8-20 Lake Co, 30, RG; 8-24 Winona, Winona Co, TST; 8-28 Cook Co, RG; Sam Robbins of Roberts, Wisconsin reports that this species was common in northwestern Wisconsin all summer; this species is noted for its erratic wanderings.
1966FallIn direct contrast with the scattered summer records which extended down into Winona during Aug., the species seemed to withdraw into the more northern portions of the state this fall; by Oct. had retreated to NE part of state extending southwestward only to Crow Wing (MSB) and Stearns (RPR) Co's.; by Nov. it was reported only from Cook, Lake and St. Louis Co's.
1966Winterbehaving in its usually erratic manner, reported from Cook, St. Louis, Beltrami and Hennepin (12-2, RDT) Co's. in Dec.; none reported anywhere in the state during Jan.; reported from Lake, Ramsey (2-7, 2-15, WWL) Co's. in Feb.; also at Fargo from 2-1 thru remainder of period, EGA.
1967Springreported in March from Hennepin, Stearns, Clay, Marshall, Cass, St. Louis, Beltrami and Kanabec Co's.; reported in April from Hennepin, Cass and Stearns Co's.; reported in May from Pine, Cass, St. Louis and Cook Co's.(See Notes of Interest)
1967Summernested at Moorhead, Clay Co., 3-31 to 4-20, LWJ (see Notes of Interest in previous issue), first documented nesting for state; still in general area until 6-9 fide EGA; other reports 6-17 Bemidji, Beltrami Co., JAM; 6-22 Grand Marais, Cook Co., LAC.
1967Fall 8-20 St. Louis Co., 1, JAH; 10-15 Cook Co., BL; 10-27 Stearns Co., KE; 10-28 Cook Co., BL; 11-12 St. Louis Co., 40, JCG; 11-13 Stearns Co., KE; 11-18 Beltrami Co., 20, JAH; 12-3 Anoka Co., 2, ACR.
1967Winter usual reports from Cook Lake-of-the-woods, Beltrami Co's; unusual reports, 1-29, 2-8 Morris, Stevens Co. , 7, JAH and 1-9(1) , 1-23(10) Collegeville, Stearns Co., KE.
1968Spring reported in March from Beltrami, St. Louis, Crow Wing, Stearns and Hennepin Co's; in April from Cook, St. Louis, Beltrami and Steams Co's; last report was 5-9 Collegeville, Stearns Co., 2, KE.
1968Fall10-6 Itasca ACR; 1/22 Swift HSH; 11-28 Wabasha DGM.
1969Summer7-11 Lac La Croix, St. Louis Co., 4 young, MMC, second nesting record for state; two unusual southern records: Pope Co. WH (no details); 6-30, one adult and one young, Mountain Lake, Cottonwood Co. (nested? LF; 7-(23-28), 30+ seen at same location; small flocks reported from Cook Co. (early July, Grand Portage and Lucille Island), Duluth (first seen 6-10, PH, and again in late June and 1/5 December 1969 July, 20-30); also reported from Beltrami Co.
1969Fall8-10 Pope WH; 8-19 Hennepin VL; 10-1 Mille Lacs MI; 10- 8 St. Louis JCG; also reported in Chisago, Cottonwood, Goodhue, Lyon, Pine, Ramsey, Wabasha, Watonwan, Winona.
1969WinterErratic but common especially in the South where reported by 28 observers from Lyon, Hennepin (20), Stearns, Wabasha, Olmsted, Swift, Ramsey, Cottonwood, Chisago (22), Winona Sherburne, Rice, Washington, Goodhue (15); in the North reported by 8 observers from St. Louis (20), Clearwater (25), Beltrami, Mille Lacs, Crow Wing, Morrison.
1970Springlingered much later than usual : 5-2 to 6-2 Goodhue (5) KE; 5-18 to 6-14 Hennepin (12) WL; into mid-june in Beltrami J M; also at least 4 nesting reports which will be reported on in the summer issue; only 2 previous nesting reports for the state!
1970Summernested in Crow Wing Co. (5-31 Emily, 4 y JB); WASHINGTON Co (3 y left by 6-11, R. Jackson); St. Louis Co. (Virginia 5-2, 2 y, Nels Hervl); 6-15 Duluth (25) MMC; 6-14 Minnehaha Creek, Hennepin Co. (12) VL.
1970Fallonly one report Clearwater (2) RL.
1970Winter12-30-31 (10) Itasca State Park JAH; 1-3 Duluth John Green.
1971Springonly 3 reports JB; 5-31 Clearwater RCD; in April in Wadena Co., R. Oehlenschlager collected a female with a fresh brood patch; he also reported nomerous small flocks of this species from this area during winter and spring.
1971Summer7-24 and 7-28 Duluth (1 imm. and 1 female) MMC; 6-6, 7-26 and 7-29 Crow Wing (5) TS; "sporatic individuals" reported in Clearwater, RD.
1971Fallreported from Carver, St. Louis, Beltrami, Duluth, Lake, Grant, Clearwater, Crow Wing; only 1 report last year.
1972SummerNorth half -6-30 Cass, 7-5 Duluth, 7-8 Clearwater, 7-11 Crow Wing, also seen in Hubbard, Cook; South half -7-8 Anoka, 7-15 Hen nepin, 7-19 Cottonwood, also seen in Chlsa~o, Rice; birds usually seen in flocks of 4-12 which included immatures.
1972WinterNORTH Reported from Becker, Clay, Clearwater, Cook, Crow Wing, Grant, Mille Lacs. Otter Tail and St. Louis (up to 30 present at feeder daily MMC). SOUTH Reported from Anoka, Big Stone, Carver, Cottonwood, Hennepin, Lac qui Parle, Ramsey, Rice, Sherburne, Stearns, Swift and Winona. Maximums of twer>ty at Ramsey 2-10 BAH and Swift all winter HSH.
1973Summer Nested in Ramsey; seen in Cook Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Aitkin, 6-2i Grant, 6-18 Stearns, 6-1 Lac qui Parle, 6-13 Cottonwood, also Isanti Anoka & Chisago. ' '
1973Fall Fewer reports than last year; Seen in 16 counties as far south and west as Wabasha and Lyon. Peak 10-27 Anoka (65) (SC).
1974Spring Late south 5-26 Hennepin VL; 5-30 Hennepin ETS.
1974Fall 8-13 Hubbard FL; 9-3 Stearns MC; 9-1 Cook DB; 9-22 Duluth JAB; 10-28 Duluth (50-H MMC; all reports.
1975Spring 4 reports: 3-1 and 3-3 Goodhue CF; 4-21 Cass AES; 5-3 St. Louis NJH.
1975Fallearly south 8-16 Lyon NH; 8-23 Renville KE, PE; also reported from Mower, Wabasha, Goodhue, Becker, Pine, Lake, Marshall, and Duluth.
1975Winterreported from 12 counties west to Otter Tail, Clearwater and Freeborn Co's.
1976Summernested in Duluth (623 to 6-26, 2 young, B. Hojnacki); also reported from Lake (6-26, JG) and Washington (J. Fitzpatrick).
1976Winter Only 3 reports: Itasca and Big Stone Christmas Counts; 12-8 Hubbard (HF); far fewer reports than normal.
1977Summer Reported from Marshall, Clear water, Lake, Cook and Hennepin (7-4, RJ).
1977Winter Continues scarce with reports only from Koochiching, Duluth, Clay, Pine, Ramsey, Washington and Le Sueur.
1978Spring Reports south 3-3 LeSueur HC; 5-17 Hennepin VL. White-winged Cro.ssbill Reported from St. Louis, Hubbard Aitkin, Anoka and Hennepin.
1978Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, Beltrami.
1978Fall Three reports: 10-7 Crow Wing JB, 10-15 Beltrami Lloyd Paynter and 10/6 Hubbard HF.
1978Winter Once again very scarce; reported only from Fergus Falls, Otter Tail Co. in December.
1979Summer Seen in Lake, St. Louis (7-9 Alden), Otter Tail (6-2, 30), Ramsey (6-29 TS).
1979Fall Six reports north 8-26 St. Louis DA, 10-1 St. Louis KE, 10-14 St. Louis JG, 10-28 St. Louis JG, 11-13 St. Louis DA, 11-21 Lake SW; one report south 1/26 Ramsey, Manley Olson.
1980Summer Widely scattered reports mostly of flocks (15-50) from Cook, Lake, Roseau (6-6), Beltrami (7-3), Itasca (6-16), Cass (6-14), Otter Tail (6-19-21).
1980Fall Thirteen reports north; two reports south 11-10 Hennepin OJ, 11-21 Anoka JLH.
1980Winter Reported only from St. Louis, Aitkin, Crow Wing, Sherburne, Anoka and Dakota.
1981Fall Reported from six counties north and six counties south.
1982Spring One report south 5-9 Dakota JD; three reports north 3-28 Polk MH, 4-15 Hubbard HJF, 5-20 Beltrami JSP.
1982Fall Five reports: 8/20 Hubbard FL, 11/6 Lake SWIMS, 11/25 Marshall KSS, 11/27 St. Louis KE, throughout period Cook KMH.
1982Winter A south report from Lyon 12/18 (HK) and reports from eight northern counties.
1983Spring Nine reports 3/1 Lake SWIMS, 3/19 Beltrami JP, 4/2 Crow Wing JB, 4/10 Cass WN, Clay JB, 4/20 Cook KMH, 5/1 Becker AB, 5/15 Hubbard AB.
1983Summer Seen in Cook, Lake, Carlton, Clearwater.
1983Fall Reported from eight counties across northern part of state.
1983Winter Reported only from Lake, St. Louis, Aitkin, Crow Wing, Hubbard, Beltrami and Lake-of-the-Woods counties. A statewide CBC total of 152 with 100 of them at Baudette.
1984Spring 3/16 Itasca KE, 3/24 Hubbard RJ, 5/2 Lake SWIMS.
1984Fall Reported from II counties north and from eight counties south as far as Martin, Olmsted and Yellow Medicine.
1984Winter A major invasion year with reports from 33 counties throughout the state. A statewide CBC total of 3/4 with a peak of 152 at Duluth.
1985Spring Late south 5/20 Washington WL, 5/22 Hennepin SC, 5/30 Hennepin VL.
1985Summer Seen in Cook, Lake (6/15, 7/19), Duluth (7/26), Koochiching, Otter Tail (6/5, 6/15), Hennepin (6/10, DB).
1985Fall All reports 8/5-11/11 Lake SW/MS, 8/18 St. Louis KE, 11/9 Itasca ABN, 11/24 Todd KL.
1985Winter The statewide CBC total of 18 compared to last year's 3/4 tells the story-no invasion this year. Reported only from three northeast, two east central and two southeast region counties.
1986Spring Two reports 3/7 Lake SWIMS, 3/24 St. Louis AE.
1986Summer Seen in Cook (scarce, KMH), Lake (first seen 6/20, gradually increasing until end of season, SWIMS), Duluth (one, 7/31, KE), Lake of the Woods, Hubbard (7/5, AB), Olmsted (7/13, JB; 7/24, BE), Hennepin (7/21, T. Guntzel). l•\ 1 Red Crossbills, County, July 21, Guntzel. Crystal, Hennepin 1986. Photo by Tom
1986Fall Early north 8/2 Duluth KE, 9/4 Polk RJ; early south 8/17 Washington KB, 10/19 Dakota TT.
1986Winter Reported from five north, six central and one south region counties. A statewide CBC total of 103 (18 L. Y.)
1987Spring All reports 3/3-10 Anoka ES, 3/19 Lake SWIMS, 4/1 and 5/28 DakotaJD, 4/16Anoka SC, 5/11 Beltrami DZ.
1987Summer Seen in Lake (6114), Clearwater, OtterTail (6/3).
1987Fall Early north 8/15 St. Louis SS, 9/9 St. Louis KE, 9/13 CarltonAB; early south 8/12 Dakota TT, 9/6 Brown JP.
1987Winter December reports from the Aurora, Bemidji and Beltrami Island CBC's; January reports from Duluth, Aitkin and Clay and late February reports from Hennepin, Dakota and Brown.
1988Spring See Notes oflnterest this issue, page 178.
1988Summer Scarce; only report from Lake.
1988Fall Early north 8/14 Lake SW&MS, 9/17 Duluth KE, 11/6 Itasca AB; one report south 8/21 Rice FKS.
1988Winter Reported in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Aitkin and on the St. Paul NE and Marshall CBCs.
1989Spring Three reports: 4/9 Lake m.ob., 4/17 St. Louis KE, 5/3 Olmsted AP.
1989Summer Seen in Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, 7/11-14 Mower DT, JC.
1989Fall Early north 8/4 Lake SWIMS, 8/5 Duluth KE, 8/22 Becker DZ; early south 10/18 Dakota JD, 11/4 Anoka GP, 11/22 Hennepin OJ.
1989Winter Reported from six north, three central, and two south (Lyon and Goodhue) region counties with a statewide CBC total of 57.
1990Spring Two reports 3/19 Hennepin DZ, 4/8 Anoka GP, PS.
1990Summer A few more reports than the previous three years. Seen in Itasca, St. Louis, Cook, Lac qui Parle CMB, Steams BR, Anoka GP, KB.
1990Fall Reported from eight counties north. One report south 11/17 Wabasha BL.
1990Winter About 100 total birds reported from St. Louis, Lake, Becker, Beltrami, Hubbard, and Crow Wing with a statewide CBC total of 34 (57 l.y.).
1991Spring Four reports 3/ I Clearwater PS, 3/10 Beltrami DJ, 3/15 Beltrami DJ, 4/20 Lake KR.
1991Summer Nested in St. Louis; also seen in Lake, Clearwater, Becker, Crow Wing, Kanabec, McLeod.
1991Fall Reported form Aitkin, Anoka, Lake and St. Louis Counties.
1991Winter Only reports from Itasca AB (no date), St. Louis 12/2 SW/MS & 2/29 KB, Lake of the Woods 1/4 KB, SSt, and Pine 1/12 KB. Also reported on Beltrami Island and Fergus Falls CBC's for a dismal total of 3 (34 l.y.). Only report south in Hennepin 12/8 DZ.
1992Fall Early north 10/24 Roseau PS, 10/27 Duluth KE.
1992Winter Only reports from 12/12 & 1/30 Lake SW/MS & fide KE, 12/22 & 2/27 St. Louis KE & SSc, the Beltrami Island CBC, and 1/27 Hennepin (4) SC (only south report). CBC total one (three l.y.).
1993Spring Late south 4/29 Dakota TT.
1993Summer Observed 6/6,24 Otter Tail SDM; plus St. Louis, Cook.
1993Fall Early south 8/19 Anoka KB, 9/19 Hennepin SC.
1993Winter Only reports from Lake and St. Louis mob.
1994Spring Late south 3/5 Dakota TT.
1994Summer Only reports from Hubbard, St. Louis.
1994Fall Reported from five counties in the north and one (Anoka) county in the south. Peak 10/12 Duluth, St. Louis County (205) mob.
1994Winter Reports up from past few years. Twelve reports of small numbers (flocks of 5–16) from six counties north: Otter Tail, Becker, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, St. Louis, and Lake. Only south report in December in Olmsted mob. CBC total 122, highest number since 1984–85 invasion.
1995Spring Only report on 3/4 from St. Louis County fide AH.
1995Summer All records: 6/24 and 7/9 St. Louis; 6/25 Lake; 6/29 Mahnomen.
1995Fall Only south reports were 11/25 Ramsey RH, 11/26 Anoka JBe. Reported from five north counties.
1995Winter Reported from eight counties in the north plus Anoka County in the south. CBC total 55.
1996Spring All reports: 3/2 Anoka JBe, 3/3 Anoka PKL, 3/12 Lake FL, 3/12–5/31 Fillmore NO, 3/23–25 Hennepin DZ, 3/27 Wadena PBi, 4/9 Ramsey TT, 5/24 Otter Tail SDM.
1996Summer Probable nesting in Becker. Unusual number of southern reports: 6/30 – 7/6 Cottonwood (3+ males and one immature) ED; 7/15 Winona (immature) CS et al.; 7/20 Rock (Blue Mounds S.P.) KE et al.; 7/25–26 Brown (pair) JSp; 7/28 Dakota TT.
1996Fall There were 20 different reports of this species from 11 north counties, with most reports in August and September, then again at the end of November. Only two south reports: 8/20 Jackson JCBC, 11/2 Lincoln RgS, JA.
1996Winter Invasion noted in the coniferous forest. Locally common in northern regions where reported from 17 counties (8 l.y.), the most since 1984–85. Reported south from the Faribault CBC and Olmsted fide AH. CBC total 286 (55 l.y.).
1997Spring All south reports: 3/28 Scott (12) WM, 4/12 Jackson (2) KE. North reports from Aitkin, Beltrami, Carlton, Cass, Cook, Itasca, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Morrison, Roseau, St. Louis and Wadena counties, evenly spread throughout the spring season.
1997Summer Over twice the usual number of reports. Observed in Beltrami, Cass, Aitkin, St. Louis, Lake; plus 6/22 Otter Tail SDM, 6/21 Anoka KB, 7/5 Jackson (Kilen Woods S.P.) KB.
1997Fall Reported from Aitkin, Becker, Carlton, Lake, and St. Louis counties north, with one report at the end of August (8/21–29 St. Louis fide KE) and the remainder in late October and November. All south reports: 11/4 Washington (8) WL, 11/6 Hennepin SC, 11/12 Hennepin (2) RJ, 11/30 Dakota JL.
1997Winter Reported from 11 north counties within the coniferous forest. Only south reports were the Mankato (3) and Wabasha (count week) CBCs. CBC total 66 (286 l.y.).
1998Spring All reports: 3/1 Lake DV, 3/19 Hubbard DJo, 3/29 and 4/4 Aitkin WN, 4/13 Wadena ABo, 5/15 Becker AH, PS.
1998Summer Only report: 7/29 St. Louis (near Ely) SS.
1998Fall Reported from Aitkin, Clearwater, Cook, Hubbard, Lake, and St. Louis in the north. High count at Hawk Ridge on 10/22 of 2/5, with a seasonal total of 1,095 (FN). One south report: 11/23 Anoka KB.
1998Winter Reported from ten north counties, plus Anoka mob and 12/31 Rice TBo in the south. Largest flock reported 1/28 St. Louis (19) JN. CBC total 139.
1999Spring Late south 5/15 Goodhue JSt, 5/18 Anoka OJ. Reported during March in Dakota, LeSueur. Reported north into late May in Otter Tail, Kanabec, St. Louis. More reports than usual from Duluth, where seen daily through mid-April (PS) and regularly through 5/20 (ME) and 5/22 (TW).
1999Summer Recorded in Beltrami, St. Louis, Aitkin, Todd, Pine.
1999Fall Reported from Beltrami, Cook and Lake, all between 10/21 and 11/6.
1999Winter Reported in reduced numbers from nine counties within the coniferous zone. Only south report: 2/24 Whitewater WMA, Winona (14) KB.
2000Spring Only reports: 4/8 Lake of the Woods DS, 5/28 Clearwater ABo.
2000Summer Reported in St. Louis, Cass; plus 6/28 Sherburne (10–15) HPe.
2000Fall Reported from Cass, Cook, Itasca, Lake, and St. Louis counties with all but one report from late October through November. High count only four birds!
2000Winter Modest numbers in 13 north counties. Only south reports: 1/3 Big Stone N.W.R. CBC (2), 2/2 Freeborn AEB. Maximum count 12/23 on Itasca S.P. CBC (73).
2001Spring One observation south: 3/18–19 Benton HHD, DDM. Reported in March from Aitkin, Itasca, and Lake. Also seen 5/27 Lake of the Woods WCM, 5/28 Aitkin CLB.
2001Summer Many reports: mid-summer observations in Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, and Cass plus 6/7 Stearns (8 at Collegeville) RPR, 6/29 Wilkin SPM, 7/2 Otter Tail SPM.
2001Fall Only five north reports, all in October: Cass, Cook, Itasca, Lake, and St. Louis. Reported south 10/24 Wright HHD, 11/3 Hennepin (4) SLC.
2001Winter Relatively scarce. Only reported from nine north counties, plus two south reports: 12/17 Steele (2) NFT, 12/29 Albert Lea CBC (4).
2002Spring Only reports: 4/18–20 Olmsted (max. 5) m.ob., 4/24 St. Louis PHS.
2002Summer All reports: 6/13–21 Becker (3 at Tamarac N.W.R.) BAB, 6/21 Lake (Spruce Road) CBe; plus June observations (no specific date) in Marshall (Old Mill S.P.) fide BAB and Cook DSp.
2002Fall Reported from Marshall, St. Louis, and Kanabec, but few in number.
2002Winter Reported from seven north counties. Maximum reported number 1/4 Isabella CBC (106).
2003Spring Reported in March from Carlton, Lake, St. Louis. No reports away from Northeast.
2003Summer Reported in St. Louis, Lake, and Cook counties; plus 7/7 Otter Tail SPM.
2003Fall All north reports: Beltrami, Pennington, St. Louis. One south report: 8/27 Lyon (Camden S.P.) fide AXH.
2003Winter Eleven reports from six north counties. Maximum 1/3 Isabella CBC (61), 1/11 Lake (25) JWL. All south reports: 12/19 Lamberton CBC, 1/21 Lac qui Parle (1, Yellowbank Twp.) BJU, 2/4 Big Stone (12, Ortonville) BJU.
2004Spring Only reports: 3/16 Polk JEc, 5/22 Lac qui Parle (2) BJU.
2004Summer Seen 6/19 Lake NRRI, 6/24 St. Louis SLF, 6/30 Cass NRRI, 7/16 Beltrami BJU.
2004Fall Seven reports from Northeast. High counts 10/17 St. Louis (11) FJN, 11/14 St. Louis (25) JWL. All other reports: 8/22 Crow Wing RBJ, JEB, 10/9 Otter Tail SPM, 11/1 Nicollet (only south report) RMD.
2004Winter Reported from 10 north counties. Maximum count 1/16 St. Louis (30 at Sax-Zim) KRE, plus 25 on the Beltrami Island CBC.
2005Spring Nine reports from six north counties. All reports outside of the Northeast region: 3/12 Becker and Clay BJU, 3/20 Wadena (11) PJB.
2005Summer Reported 6/11–12 Roseau JPS, 6/16, 7/28 St. Louis NRRI, fide JWL, Itasca 6/26 NRRI.
2005Fall Only eight reports from five northern counties. Early north 9/18 Cook EEO. High count 11/4 St. Louis (25) RBJ. Only south reports: 10/14 Big Stone and 11/23 Chippewa BJU.
2005Winter Reported from 12 north counties with a non-CBC maximum 1/1 Cass (24) MRN; highest count 1/1 Lake (106, Isabella CBC) fide SGW. Also reported south 12/30 (5, Walter Twp.), 1/9 (Madison) Lac qui Parle BJU.
2006Spring Nine reports from five north counties. All south reports: 3/19 Redwood (Redwood Falls) BJU, 3/25 Lac qui Parle (Prospect W.M.A.) BJU. Season high count 3/30 Cass (40) PJR.
2006Summer NRRI reported a total of 56 individuals found on June surveys in St. Louis, Lake, Itasca, and Cass, the most in 16 years. All reports: 6/4 Cook JMJ, JWH, 6/7, 6/20, 6/24 Lake KRE, NRRI, JOt, 6/17 St. Louis NRRI, 6/24 Itasca NRRI, 6/28 Cass NRRI.
2006Fall Following the highest number of June reports in 16 years (see summer report), it was not surprising that this species was found in 10 north counties. Reportedly representing two different call types were flocks of 14 and 10 at Collegeville 11/10–12 Stearns †RPR, HHD. One call type was described as a “high-pitched, rather soft & short kif kif kif” given by dull, brownish-red, small-billed birds feeding in small-coned spruce; the second call type was a louder “cleep, cleep” given by brick red, heavier-bodied birds also feeding in small-coned spruce trees. All other south reports: 10/29 Hennepin BAF, 10/30 Nicollet RMD.
2006Winter73 Relatively scarce statewide; most of the season's observations were from Aitkin where coverage was better than ususal due to observer interest in northern owls and woodpeckers. High counts in Aitkin 1/2 (57) CKR and 1/5 (40) MCA, both along Hedbom Forest Road. All reports south: 12/16 Stearns (5) RPR, 12/27 Meeker (6) DMF, and 1/8, 1/25, 2/4, 2/5 (2 locations) Lac qui Parle BJU.
2007Spring31 Only south report: 5/12 Stearns RPR. North reports from Aitkin, Douglas, St. Louis.
2007Summer5 All reports: 6/3 Cass (24) BAW, 6/9 Lake SGW, 6/13 Cook NRRI, 6/16 Lake NRRI, 6/20 St. Louis (17) NRRI, 6/23 Itasca NRRI, 7/2 Cass NRRI, 7/30 St. Louis SGW.
2007Fall61 All north reports 8/2 St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) DAG, 10/14 St. Louis ABL, 10/22 Beltrami BJU, 10/27 St. Louis LS, 11/2 Cook DWK, Lake and St. Louis HHD, 11/3 St. Louis LS, KRE, JJS, 11/11 Lake SES, 11/12 Cass BAW, 11/16 Itasca DRM, St. Louis ERo, 11/17 Cook JLO, 11/19 Cass ALB. High count of 31 on 10/23 at H.R.B.O., where 150 reported for the season (EMG, KJB). Only south report 11/4 Olmsted JWH.
2007Winter102 Reports up only slightly over last year, and overall still relatively scarce. Reports north were concentrated in the North-central and Northeast regions, with only the Roseau CBC (7) reporting in the Northwest. All reports south were from the western region 12/2 Lac qui Parle (13, Walter Twp.) BJU, and 2/22 Murray (12) DBz. CBC high counts were Aurora (43) and Pine (43, of which 17 were noted as being of the “large-billed race”).
2008Spring8 Reported throughout March and April in Aitkin, Carlton, Cass, Hubbard, Itasca, St. Louis, and Wadena counties. Also reported 5/5 Carlton DBM.
2008Summer31 Seen 6/6, 6/9, 6/10, 6/15, 6/30 Itasca MCBS, 6/15 Lake (5) JWL, 6/22 Dakota ph. LKr, 7/27 Aitkin (2) ASc.
2008Fall61 All north reports 8/2 Carlton DBM, 9/9 Cass BAW, 9/25 St. Louis DMF, 10/21 Douglas fide JMJ, 10/31 St. Louis ABL, SLF, 11/1 Aitkin KCR, 11/3 Lake of the Woods BJU, 11/26 St. Louis DPG. Only south report 11/26 Sherburne NSc.
2008Winter101 Reports were nearly the same as last year, and once again this species remained relatively scarce overall. High count (an estimated total) 1/30 Lake (40) KRE. The only south report was 12/13 Sherburne ASc. There hasn't been a significant invasion of this species in the state for nearly 25 years. Perhaps we're due for another?
2009Spring41 All reports 3/4 Cass MRN, 3/7 Aitkin, Koochiching MJB, FGo, 3/8 Beltrami DBM, 5/11 Stearns (3, St. John's Preparatory School) MJB.
2009Summer41 North reports from Hubbard, St. Louis, Lake, Cook. Two south reports: 6/7 Benton (12) JCC, 6/25–7/1 Faribault (visiting feeder near Lura L., one eye damaged) JCN.
2009Fall71 North reports starting 8/19 St. Louis MLH, 8/27 Mille Lacs RBJ, DAC, 9/12 Carlton DPG, then reports increase starting in late October. Only south report 11/29 Sherburne †NAW. Season high count 11/7 Lake (40) KRE.
2009Winter81 Reported from about the same number of counties as last year, and remains relatively scarce. All south reports were from Sherburne (Sand Dunes S.F.) of from 1 to 6 individuals 1/16 – 2/13 m.ob. High count 1/1 Lake of the Woods (32) JMJ. CBC high count 12/20 Itasca S.P. (41).
2010Spring3 Reported from Hubbard and Lake in March, and then a family group of three 5/31 Cass KRE, m.ob.
2010Summer5 Observed 6/4, 6/10, 6/20 Lake MCBS, 6/5 Cass (3) BAW, Cook JEB, JWH, 6/13 Roseau KMo, 6/24 Cook fide BBA, 6/25 Cook (different location) fide BBA, 7/6, 7/7 St. Louis MDN.
2010Fall9 Early north 9/27 Clearwater PLJ, then remainder of north reports start in mid-October and continue sporadically through mid-November. No south reports this season.
2010Winter104 All south reports 12/7 Benton DBM, 12/18 Faribault CBC, 1/17 Lac qui Parle BJU, 12/18–2/19 Sherburne (1–2 birds, Sand Dunes S.F.) ASc, KRo. Reported from about the same number of north counties as the previous five years, with high counts 1/13 St. Louis (23) KJB, 1/25 St. Louis (19) KJB, 2/5 Roseau (10) SAu. Reported on only 3 CBCs, with high count 1/2 Pillager (6).
2011Spring6 All north 3/1 Itasca SC, 3/27 Itasca SC, 4/5 Roseau WBa, 4/9 Douglas ARW, m.ob., 4/18 Lake of the Woods WBa, 4/27–28 Hubbard (15) MaH, 5/23 Becker DBM, 5/25 Lake of the Woods JEB.
2011Summer3Found 6/10, 6/13, 6/14 St. Louis MCBS. 6/11 Itasca SC, 6/19 Beltrami fide BBA.
2011Fall31 Two August reports from the Northeast: 8/7 Cook TAT, 8/26 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge / Lester River Census) KJB. No additional reports until recorded almost daily as part of the Hawk Ridge / Lester River Census in St. Louis County beginning 10/16 (33) with a peak of 56 on 2 November KJB. Only other north reports were from Itasca (10/21—11/21, SC). One south report 11/17 Lac qui Parle (1 male, Hantho Beach) ph. BJU.
2011Winter44Scarce; reported from fewer north counties (Aitkin, Carlton, Lake, St. Louis) than in any of the past 5 years, and recorded on only 3 CBCs, with high count 12/18 Carlton-Cloquet (9). All south reports: 12/11 Wabasha ANy, JWH, 1/3 Sherburne ASc, 1/24–28 and 2/29 Brown (up to 3, New Ulm) BTS, m.ob., 2/20 Meeker (Litchfield) HHD.
2012Spring61 Up to 2 reported in Brown (New Ulm Catholic Cemetery) were last last seen 3/27 (JSc). North reports from Cass and Lake in March, Roseau and Lake of the Woods in April, and Clearwater and St. Louis in May.
2012Summer61 Seen in Beltrami, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis, and 7/20 Dakota (4, Spring Lake P.R., Schaar's Bluff) DAT. High count 7/17 St. Louis (8, Duluth) fide JWL.
2012Fall2417 Far more reports than usual for the fall, when county counts have been in the single digits for the previous five seasons. Distribution of reports was statewide and throughout the season, though south reports exhibited a bimodal pattern: many south reports (11 counties) between early August and early September, then a lone report 9/30 Benton JEB, followed by frequent reports from 8 counties from mid-October through the end of the season. North reports were more uniformly spread throughout the season, in part due to the Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census in St. Louis which found this species on 56 days and reported the following high counts (KJB): 8/24 (1,252, record high state count), 8/25 (705), 8/23 (603), and a season total of 4,517.
2012Winter127 More reports than any of the previous five years. While an invasion of Type 3 birds was noted nationally since summer, this did not manifest into a significant invasion in Minnesota and overall the number of individuals was somewhat low. The pattern of dispersal was unusual. In the north, from Becker and Otter Tail, north to Lake of the Woods, and southeast to Morrison, then northeast into the Arrowhead. There were no reports from from the western border counties, nor Koochiching, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Carlton, Mille Lacs, Kanabec and Pine. High counts: 12/30 Lake of the Woods (41) JMJ, 1/17 Cook (25, Grand Marais). All reports south (where the birds were still very scarce): 12/3 Ramsey REH, 12/14 Ramsey RMD, 12/16 Cedar Creek Bog CBC (8), 12/22 Wild River CBC, 12/27 Chisago (12) JSa, 12/28 Hennepin ALD. There were no reports in January, but then 2/1 Dakota (2) DVe, 2/9, 2/16–17, 2/23 Wright (max. 8) DPG, m.ob., 2/15 Jackson (2) TPe. CBC high counts 12/30 Beltrami Island (66), 12/30 Isabella (51), 12/30 Battle Lake (36).
2013Spring138 All south reports 3/8 Hennepin ACr, 4/11 Cottonwood TrF, 4/15 Jackson TPe, 4/17 Mower BPl, 4/18 Washington JLM, 5/23 Dakota BSe, 5/26 Freeborn DBM, 5/28 Dodge (Blooming Prairie) JPr. Reported sporadically north throughout the season. Late north 4/28 Hubbard (10) MaH, 5/9 Wadena RAE, 5/19 Red Lake fide PEB, 5/29 Pine EBr.
2013Summer2 Observed 6/20 Beltrami and Clearwater MBS.
2013Fall3 All north 11/2 Cook GLa, KRE, ThM, St. Louis (6) KJB, 11/7 St. Louis (12) KJB, 11/10–30 Itasca SC.
2013Winter4 Fewest reporting counties in winter since 1993. All reports: 12/5 Cass (3) BAW, 12/16 Cass (8, Woodrow Twp.) DAY, 12/20 St. Louis (2, Sax-Zim CBC) AXH, 12/29 Lake of the Woods (8) JMJ, 2/7 Itasca SC, 2/8 Itasca (Lost 40 S.N.A.) RMD.
2014Spring3This sporadic and unpredictable species was only reported three times: 3/25 Itasca SC, 4/5 Roseau m.ob., 5/29 Crow Wing PSP.
2014Summer12Found 6/13, 6/17, 6/18, 6/25 St. Louis MBS, GLi, 6/21 Lac qui Parle ph. SSt, 7/20 McLeod BHa.
2014Fall62 High counts 10/26 and 10/29 St. Louis (80, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 11/29 Lake (50) PNi. Two south reports: 9/16 Freeborn (Alden) DaS, 11/9 Stearns (Waite Park) HHD.
2014Winter9 Relatively scarce, but reported from more counties than last year (only 4 counties in 2013). All reports northeast of a line from Carlton to Hubbard to Roseau. High counts 12/11 Lake (34) GeH, KCR, 12/21 St. Louis (30) BHo. CBC high counts 1/2 Baudette (19), 12/27 Aurora (16), 1/1 Beltrami Island (15).
2015Spring62 All south 4/20 Olmsted (Rochester) MiD, 5/3 Washington ECl. Reported from North-central and Northeast regions throughout the season. See summer report for continuing individuals.
2015Summer6 Observed in Beltrami, 6/11 Carlton (25, Cloquet S.F.) CLW, Itasca, Lake of the Woods, Roseau, St. Louis.
2015Fall101 After sporadic reports in August and early September, north observations were fairly regular from the third week of September through the end of the season. All south 11/15 Stearns (Warner Lake C.P.) DBz, MJB, JWH, 11/21 Stearns MJB. High counts 10/16 St. Louis (67, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 10/22 St. Louis (31, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB.
2015Winter133 Reported from highest number of counties since 2012. Up to three Type 3 individuals, confirmed by Matt Young of Cornell, were found 12/10–24 Polk a.t., ph. SAu. All south reports: 12/11 Dakota (Whitetail Woods R.P.) DVe, 12/21 Benton (Bend in the River R.P.) HHD, 1/2 Olmsted (Oxbow Park) SHk. High counts 2/24 Beltrami (45, Lake Bemidji S.P.) KCo, 1/28 Beltrami (27) RAE.
2016Spring33 Only a handful of reports this season of this unpredictable species. All north 3/4 Mille Lacs AlF, 3/10 Hubbard MaH, 3/29 Polk TuL. All south 4/9 Chisago JSa, 4/10 Washington (east of Hugo) ECl, 4/12 Washington (Woodbury) LWg, 5/10 Olmsted JWH, 5/18 Chisago JSa.
2016Summer4 Observed in Beltrami, Itasca, Lake of the Woods, St. Louis.
2016Fall103 North reports were fairly regular throughout the season, particularly due to the Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census (KJB) in St. Louis County which recorded this species on 40 days and tallied the season's highest counts: 62 on 11/5, 48 on 10/19, 47 on 11/10. All south reports 9/14 Lyon (Southwest Minnesota State University) GWe, 9/29 Benton HHD, 10/24 Benton (Englund Ecotone S.N.A.) DOr, 11/24 Sherburne (Sand Dunes S.F.) ToL.
2016Winter164 Reported from highest number of counties in past twenty winters. All north reports were east of a line from Roseau to Todd, where found in all but three counties. All south reports: 12/17 Fairmont CBC, Stearns (2) MJB, 1/19 Stearns (3) DOr, 1/27 Washington (4, Carpenter N.C.) CNC, and found in multiple locations in Benton 12/28–2/27, most frequently at the Englund Ecotone S.N.A. HHD, m.ob. High counts 12/22, 1/8 St. Louis (35, Sax-Zim Bog) ClN, 1/1 Benton (31, Englund Ecotone S.N.A.) CRM. CBC high counts 12/17 Walker (35), 12/31 Uppgaard W.M.A. (25).
2017Spring92 Reported in small numbers from North-central and Northeast regions in March, then reappearing in late May and continuing into the summer (see summer report). Reported south 3/4–5/18 Benton (Englund Econotone S.N.A.) HHD, m.ob. and 4/5 Hennepin DCz. High counts 4/12 Benton (39) DBz, EGa, 5/6 Crow Wing (30) RKu.
2017Summer83 Observed in North-central, Northeast plus Carver, Meeker, Pine, Renville. Harbingers of major irruption 7/19 (47), 7/20 (16), 7/26 (26), 7/27 (38) St. Louis (Stoney Point) StK, JLK.
2017Fall2533 Minnesota was no exception to this species’ continent-wide dispersal throughout the summer and into the fall season. For the entire season there were only 11 days where this species was not recorded in the state. Reports came from all regions except the Southeast. High counts 10/22 St. Louis (max. 1,269, Stoney Point) KJB, StK, JuW, 10/25 St. Louis (max. 560, Stoney Point) StK, KJB, 10/25 St. Louis (255) H.R.B.O. New county record 8/17 Yellow Medicine (3, Hanley Falls west cemetery) WCM. Crossbill Type 2 (“Ponderosa Pine Crossbill”, found continentwide), Type 3 (“Western Hemlock Crossbill”, found principally in the Pacific Northwest but frequently irruptive to the Great Lakes), and Type 4 (“Douglas-fir Crossbill”, also found in the Pacific Northwest and rarely irruptive east of the Intermontane West) were well-represented, both north and south.
2017Winter1715 Reported from the highest number of counties in past 20 years, including a remarkable 15 south counties. Unusual reports: 12/7 Pipestone (Pipestone N.M.) RAE, 12/10 Kandiyohi (Willmar) JoS, 12/15 Cottonwood CBC, 12/18 Bluestem Prairie/Buffalo River S.P. CBC, 12/19 Morris CBC, 12/23 Carver (Carver P.R.) DWK, 2/11 Chippewa (Montevideo) RAE. High counts 1/25 Carlton/Pine (37) RAE, 1/1 Lake (30) ebd. CBC high counts 12/29 Carlton-Cloquet (30), 12/17 Virginia (29), 12/27 Aurora (27).
2018Spring1412 Reported throughout the season south from mainly West-central and East-central counties. Reported from North-central and Northeast regions throughout the season. See summer report for continuing individuals. High counts 3/4 Lake (25) LiH, ASu, 5/14 Washington (21) JLe, 5/30 St. Louis (21, Sax-Zim Bog) ALo.
2018Summer181 Found in all northern regions plus Isanti, Pine.
2018Fall104 Seen throughout the season in North-central and Northeast regions. All south 11/10–30 Winona (Great River Bluffs S.P.) WCM, m.ob., 11/12 Benton (Englund Ecotone S.N.A.) JOs, 11/27 Dakota (Acacia Park Cemetery) ebd, Ramsey (Vadnais Lake) ebd. High counts 10/21 St. Louis (67, Stoney Point) RyS, StK, 10/20 St. Louis (58) H.R.B.O., 10/19 St. Louis (48) H.R.B.O.
2018Winter171 Found in 19 counties, above the ten-year average of 14, but well below last year’s major invasion when reported from 32 counties. Unusual north report 1/26 Norman (Gary) ShG. All south reports: 1/25,1/27 Ramsey (Vadnais Lake) ASu, TsH. High counts 1/15 Lake (45) JHn, 1/10 St. Louis (30) KRE, 1/13 Lake (30) ebd, 1/21 Lake (30) FJN, m.ob. CBC high counts 12/30 Beltrami Island (43), 12/19 Tamarac N.W.R. (36), 12/16 Two Harbors (30).
2019Summer83 Found in North-central, Northeast plus 7/18 Lyon (Type 2, Marshall) a.t. GWe, Sherburne, 7/30 Steele (juvenile) ph. PSu, Todd. First county breeding record: 8/11 Todd SDi.
 Rare breeder. Irruptive migrant mostly north-central and northeast.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.