Red-winged Blackbird(Agelaius phoeniceus) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1930 | Summer | | | As usual every elough held its quote ot Red-winged nests. The earliest finished nest was seen by the Wl'iter on May 8th; the first nest with eggs, two, by Marius ·. Morse on May 12th; the first young by the same observer, on May 28th; _ the first complete set of eggs by Alden Risser, on May 16th; the latest nest, with large young, also by Risser on July 1Stb. |
1931 | Summer | | | The first of 17 nests reported was found May 18th when it contained three eggs (Alden Risser); the last nest contained young on July 21st (Marius Monre). Some of the nests found by Marius Morse were in full-sized trees. |
1932 | Summer | | | A nest with 4 eggs on May 1.3 is the earliest reported (Swedenborg). The latest record is of a nest with 2 young ~n June 21 (Breckenridge). -.31 I\ , |
1933 | Summer | | | A set of 4 eggs was seen by Morse near Minneapolis on May 18th. No dates for eggs later than June 18th were reported. Young out of the nest were seen by Hiemcnz at St. Cloud on June 5th. |
1934 | Summer | | | Prosser found the earliest nest of this species on May 12th, when it held 1 egg each of the ower: and of the Brown-headed Cowbird. Two nests with 3 small young and 4 large young respectively were found on July 5th near Pierz by HiEillenz. This observer and his friend Hanson hnd a rather good season with tho Red-wings, finding n good number of nests, of which they reported 89. |
1935 | Summer | | | On Hay 22nd the University bird class saw Rod-wings building., Under tho date May 28th, Breckenridge writes, 01 egg, 2 eggs, 2 eggs, 4, eggs,.3 eggs, 3 eggs, 4 oggs, 2 eggs, 5 eggs, ad infinitum. 11 On May.3oth, Swanson saw 1 and 4 eggs in 2.,. nests a.t Annandale, Rysgaard saw 4 eggs, and Swodenborg saw 4 eggs. The latest and queerest is a nest looked into by Risser and Upson June 16th at Linwood. Both saw the nest at tho same time, but from different angles. Risser was dis.-"·,_ appointed to find nothing better tha.n another blackbird nest, but Upson was howling with glee because he thought he must be looking at a Willet nest~ Each thought the other balmy. The nest was investigated more closely then and found to contain 3 typical Red-wing eggs and 1 much larger egg. The nest and its contents were taken to the Minnesota University Mlseum whore the large egg wa.s identified as a. Virginia Ruil'sl · 30 -The Flicker, 1935 |
1936 | Summer | | | Robert Upson found a nest of three eggs on May 2nd. Robert Upson 1found another nest on May 12th which held one egg. Oarlander foWld a nest c;>f five eggs at Snail Lake on May 19th. On July 8th Rysgaard observed young just out of nest at Sturgeon Lake. |
1937 | Summer | | | Up-son found several nests that held from one to four eggs each. On June 23 Upson and R. M. Berthel found several nests; a few held small young, but most of them held four eggs each. Afton, Minn. |
1938 | Summer | | | On May IO Upson found a nest and 2 eggs. On May 26 Upson saw a Redwing's nest that was built about 4 feet up in a thorny bush about thirty yards from a small slough; there were 5 cowbird e_ggs and one Redwing's egg in the nest. Two other Redwings had built their grass nests in similar locations near this slough; one nest was empty, the other inaccessible. Upson saw all of the above nests near Minneapolis. On May 23, in Cottonwood County, Voth and Hiebert found I4 nests; they held one to 4 eggs; one contained a cowbird egg and 4 Redwing's eggs. On May 30 G. Swanson found many nests containing both eggs and >·oung at Heron Lake. Near Rock Creek, Pine County, A. Erickson found a nest of 4 eggs on June 27. |
1940 | Summer | | | As is usual with this species many nests were observed. Members reporting were: T. S. Roberts Club, D. S. T. C. Ornitholo~w class, A. D. DuBois, C. Hero, A. Erickson, D. Struthers, Rhoda Green, Mrs. Olin, and H. Engstrom. |
1943 | Summer | | | Ramsey County, 17 nests, May 31 to June 15. Bros. Lewis and Pius. Leech Lake, 1 nest, June 24. K. Carlander. |
1944 | Summer | | | 70. May 13, two nests with three eggs each, St. Paul, Olson. July 1, three eggs, Minneapolis, Hamilton. July 1, three nests with eggs, two nests with young, Duluth, Lakela. Others were found by Aler, Hamilton, Blanch, Eastman, Hofstead, Olson, Brother Hubert and Brother Pius. |
1945 | Summer | | | 20 nests with eggs, Ramsey Co., May 25. 2 nests with eggs, Washington Co. May 19, Brother Hubert; 2 nestS with young, June 25, Duluth, nest with young, July 8, Duluth, Olga Lakela, 27 nests with eggs, May 19 to 27, Hennepin Co., Don and Eldeen Jacobs; 6 nests with eggs, May 23 to June 2, Hennepin Co., Fred Blanch, Larry Flahavan. |
1945 | Winter | | | Present in the Minnesota River valley, south of Minneapolis, every winter, flocks numbering a few hundred individuals sometimes seen. |
1946 | Summer | | | 1 egg, May 13, Ramsey Co., Bro. Hubert; 3 eggs, May 19, Hennepin Co., llickert; 50 nests (18 building, 25 with e~gs, 6 with young, 1 with young out), May 30, Ramsey Co., flarrell and Longley. |
1963 | Summer | | | Numerous nestings reported from Clay, Ramsey, Winona, St. Louis and Lake Counties. |
1964 | Summer | | | breeding St. Louis (HM, DM, SM), Ramsey (ACR, MAS), Winona (GG), Hubbard (LWJ) and Becker (RLH) Counties. |
1964 | Winter | | | Scarce. 12-3 Stevens Co, 1, 12-26, Mpls, 12, XC; 12-26, Washington Co, 6, DH; 12-30, Wabasha Co, 30, DGM; 1-2, Fargo-Moorhead, 1, XC; 1-3, Winona Co, 10, XC; 1-5, Wabasha Co, 42, XC; 1-17, Stevens Co, 25, John Scharf fide ES; 1-23, Mpls, 2, MEH; 2-5, Mpls, 1, VS; 2-9, Hennepin Co, 1, MAS; 2-9, Washington Co, 8, BL; 2-11, Mpls, 2, MEH; 2-20, Wabasha Co, 1, DGM; 2-26, Hennepin Co, 150, MAS; 2-27, Kanabec Co, fide RHJ. |
1965 | Spring | | | six reports in March from southern Minnesota; some may have been of wintering birds. |
1966 | Spring | | | earliest 3-2 Washington Co, BL and Northfield, GNR; 3-5 Rice Co, OAR; 3-6 Nobles Co, HSH. |
1966 | Summer | | | nested in Stearns, Sherburne, Clay, Mahnomen, Becker, Hennepin, Beltrami and Washington Co's; also reported from 17 other counties. |
1966 | Winter | | | usual reports from southern part of state, Lyon, Goodhue, Wabasha, Winona, Rice, Ramsey, Pope, Big Stone, Hennepin, Olmsted and Cottonwood Co's.; two northerly records, 12-7 Crow Wing Co., MSB; 12-6 to 12/3 Roseau Co., female at feeder, PEB. |
1967 | Spring | | | early 3-5 Hennepin Co., RBJ; 3-8 Washington Co., 60, WWL; 3-9 Nobles Co., 12, HSH. |
1967 | Summer | | | nested Washington, Beltrami, Cass, Hennepin, Crow Wing Co's. and Fargo-Moorhead; also reported from Cottonwood, Aitkin, Wabasha, Morrison, Nobles, Pope, Hubbard, Lake, Clearwater, Stevens, Traverse, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, St. Louis Co's. |
1967 | Fall | | | latest 11-23 Lac qui Parle Co., WHL; 11-24 Washington Co., DS; 12-2 Stevens Co., JAH; 12-3 Anoka Co., ACR. |
1967 | Winter | | | scarce, reported only from Goodhue, Houston, Hennepin, Rice, Stearns, Stevens and Ramsey Co's. |
1968 | Summer | | | nested in Mille Lacs, Anoka, "Polk, Cass, Hennepin, Grant, Hubbard, Lyon, Stearns Co's; also reported from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Cottonwood, Beltrami, Crow Wing, Blue Earth, Pine, Morrison, Stevens, Pope, Sherburne, Carlton, Carver, Rice, Washington, Nobles, Wabasha, Wright, Winona Co's. |
1968 | Fall | | | 11-3 Cottonwood 500 LAF; 11-25 Nobles 200+ HSH; 11-28 Anoka 4,000 WHL. |
1968 | Winter | | | Singles during winter from Winona, Cottonwood, Hennepin, Wabasha, Sibley, Dakota Counties; groups-1-20 Houston (Reno) 5 FZL; all winter, 6-10, fewer in Feb. Watonwan DMF; first-2-1724 Hennepin 400 VL; 2-22 Hennepin 200 DB. |
1969 | Spring | | | 3-4 Minneapolis, VL; 3-11 Hennepin Co., FN / MAS; 3-22 (250) Winona Co., BT; 3-30 (250) Freeborn Co., RJ; 4-7 Beltrami Co., JAM, and Lake Co., RK. |
1969 | Summer | | | nested in Wabasha, Ramsey, Hennepin, Carver and Chippewa Co's; also reported by most observers throughout the state. |
1969 | Fall | | | 9-7 Wright 600+ ETS; 11-9 Cottonwood 3000+ LAF; 11-12 Duluth JCG; 11-22 Duluth MC; 11-30 Goodhue KE; 11-30 Winona BTV. |
1970 | Spring | | | early south 3-1 Olmsted HW; 3-3 Hennepin JGM; 3-7 Winona TV and Wabasha WDM; peak 3-22 Winona (5,000) TV; early north 3-19 Mill e Lacs Ml; 4-3 Duluth MMC. |
1970 | Fall | | | reported from Wright, Anoka, Hennepin, Goodhue, Wabasha, Winona, Watonwan; 1-2 birds except for flock Wabasha in Dec. |
1970 | Winter | | | reported from Wright, Anoka, Hennepin, Goodhue, Wabasha, Winona, Watonwan; 1-2 birds except for flock Wabasha in Dec. |
1971 | Summer | | | nested in Wabasha, Carver, Wright, Hennepin and Douglas; also reported from 27 other counties. |
1971 | Fall | | | late south 11-22 Waseca: 11-?.7 SherburnP: 11-29 Winona; late north 11-26 Ottertail; 12-1 Mille Lacs. |
1972 | Summer | | | breeding cards from Wright and Pope, nesting reported in 6 others; seen in 32 other counties. |
1972 | Winter | | | NORTH one report 12-16 Otter Tail KRE. SOUTH One to fifteen birds reported from Wright, Rice, Houston, Dakota, Sherburne, Hennepin. Scott, and Murray. Flocks from Ramsey (79), Big Stone (5), Hennepin (28), Dakota (60) and Houston (100). |
1973 | Spring | | | 48 REPORTERS REP0RTllll6• P£AX 3-lil:l WABAIKA Eastern Meadowlark |
1973 | Fall | | | Seen in 17 counties. |
1973 | Winter | | | Reported from 20 counties north to Crow Wing, Otter Tail and Clay. |
1974 | Spring | | | Early south 3-2 Cottonwood LR; 4 reports on 3-3; early north 3-8 Pine ML; 3-19 Mille Lacs MI; 3-26 Aitkin GJN. |
1974 | Fall | | | Late north 11-6 Polk KBZ; 11-11 Marshall AR; late south 11-20 Cottonwood LF; 11-23 Ramsey GC; 11-28 Wabasha WDM. |
1974 | Winter | | | Reported from 23 counties north to Marshall, Pennington, Clearwater and St. Louis; peaks of 5/1 on La Crosse Christmas Count and 1/38 on Wabasha Christmas Count. |
1975 | Spring | | | Early south 3-1 Goodhue CF; 3-6 Hennepin PF; early north 4-10 Mille Lacs MI and St. Louis P. Lukens; 4-11 St. Louis MMC. |
1975 | Summer | | | Nested in Marshall, Hubbard, Mille Lacs, Wright, Hennepin and Ramsey; also reported from 38 other counties. |
1975 | Fall | | | late north 11-12 Marshall SV; 11-28 Ottertail SM. |
1975 | Winter | | | reported from 27 counties north to Cass, Otter Tail, Hubbard, Crow Wing and Cook Co's. |
1976 | Spring | | | Early north 3-8 Pine ML; 3-19 Crow Wing DK; 3-20 Wadena JB; 3 reports on 3-23. |
1976 | Summer | | | nested in Cass, Mille Lacs, Pine, Lake, Lac qui Parle, Stearns, Wright, Anoka. Washington and Blue Earth; also reported from 34 other counties. |
1976 | Winter | | | Reported from 19 counties north to Otter Tail, Crow Wing and Duluth. |
1977 | Spring | | | Early north 3-11, 14 Otter Tail SM; 3-15 Hubbard HF; 3-16 Morrison PM and Crow Wing JB. |
1977 | Summer | | | Nested in Marshall, St. Louis, Lac qui Parle and Anoka; also reported from 35 other counties throughout the state. |
1977 | Winter | | | Reported into Jan. in Otter Tail, Clay, Lac qui Parle, Cottonwood, Scott and Anoka; Dec. migrants also reported in ten other counties (peak of 4598 on the La Crescent CBC); migrants seen in Carver and Sibley. |
1978 | Summer | | | Breeding reported from Stearns, Olmsted, Anoka and Beltrami; also seen throughout the state. |
1978 | Fall | | | Late north 11-26 Becker NJ 11-30 Otter Tail GW. |
1978 | Winter | | | Migrants reported into early January from 19 counties; wintered in Murray, Olmsted, Lyon, Hennepin, Aitkin (WN) and Duluth (DGW); late February migrants seen in Houston and Otter Tail. |
1979 | Spring | | | Early south 3-2 Anoka KL, 3-3 Carver TD; early north 3-1 Otter Tail GMO, 3-19 Aitkin TS. |
1979 | Summer | | | Breeding reported from St. Louis, Marshall, Morrison, Stearns, Anoka, Olmsted, Houston; also seen throughout the state in all regions. Red-winged Blackbird nest, June 6, 1980, Gilman, Benton County. |
1979 | Fall | | | 10-20 peak of 100,000 Anoka KL, late north 11-22 St. Louis DA. |
1979 | Winter | | | Reported from 13 counties north to Clay, Otter Tail and Pine. |
1980 | Spring | | | Early south 3-1 Le Sueur HC, EK, 3-7 Nicollet JCF; early north 3-1 Clay LCF, 3-9 Aitkin WN. |
1980 | Summer | | | Breeding reported from Lake, Pennington, Clay, Lac qui Parle, Stearns, Benton, Anoka, LeSueur; also seen throughout the state. Orchard Oriole· Breeding reported from Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, Rock; also seen throughout the Southwest and West Central Regions plus Clay, Nicollet, Blue Earth, LeSueur, Wabasha, Winona, Houston. |
1980 | Fall | | | Late north 11-10 Otter Tail Nancy Jackson, 11-27 Kanabec OJ. |
1980 | Winter | | | Reported from 16 counties north to Cook, overwintered (MLS), Crow Wing and Otter Tail. Peak of 25,000 on the LaCrosse CBC. Early south migrants include Scott 2-14, Redwood 2-19, Nicollet (1500) 2-20 and Pipestone 2-28. |
1981 | Spring | | | Early south 3-1 Blue Earth JCF, Cottonwood LAF, Pipestone R.J, Scott BDC, 3-2 Fil~more GEE, Houston EMF, 3-3 Hennepm RA; early north 3-11 Aitkin WN, 3-12 Otter Tail SM 3-14 Otter Tail GW. ' |
1981 | Summer | | | Breeding data from Winona, Le Sueur, Stearns, Big Stone, Itasca, Clearwater. Seen throughout the state. |
1981 | Fall | | | Late north 11-15 Clay LCF, 11-24 Mahnomen KSS. |
1981 | Winter | | | Reported from 13 south counties including 1,552 in Houston on 12-19 (JPAM). One December report in the north, Crow Wing 12-2 (RBJ) and three north February reports; Becker 2-2 (TNWR), Hubbard 2-23 (HJF) and Beltrami 2-18 (JP). |
1982 | Spring | | | Early south 3-6 Le Sueur EK, 3-7 Pipestone KE, RJ, Wabasha DB, OJ, 3-9 Le Sueur HK; early north 3-14 Otter Tail GMO, Wilkin SDM, 3-23 St. Louis TW, 3-27 Aitkin WN. |
1982 | Summer | | | Breeding data from Lake, Marshall, Pope, Stearns, Hennepin, LeSueur, Martin, Olmsted, Houston. Seen throughout the state. |
1982 | Fall | | | Late north 11/26 Marshall KSS, 11/27 Clearwater AB, 11/30 Beltrami AS. |
1982 | Winter | | | Reported from eight north and 14 south counties. Overwintered in Marshall (KSS) in the NW and numerous reports of returning migrants in the south and central regions in mid to late February. Meadowlark (sp) In the west regions an overwintering report from Marshall (KSS), a Becker Co. report on 2/11 (KSS) and a Chippewa Co. report on 1/6 (AFE) probably represent the Western Meadowlark. North central reports from Hubbard, 2/17 fide (DJ) and Aitkin Ill (WN) are both unusual as to time and location. A south central report from Martin 12/22 (EBK) is more expected and SE reports from Goodhue 2/20 (SDM) and |
1983 | Spring | | | Early north 31 I Aitkin WN, 3/5 Otter Tail GMO, 3/16 Becker DJ, Beltrami JP. |
1983 | Summer | | | Breeding data from Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Polk, Big Stone, Stearns, Houston, LeSueur, Brown. Seen throughout the state. |
1983 | Fall | | | Late north 11/21 Roseau AJ, 11/26 Clearwater RJ, 11/27 Mahnomen JSP, Ill 29 St. Louis KE. |
1983 | Winter | | | Reported from six north and 16 south counties including the Fergus Falls, Warren and Hibbing CBC's. Overwintered in Aitkin (at a feeder-WN), Lyon and Nicollet. Returning migrants in several south locations in late February and a Marshall report on 2-18 (KSS) may be a very early migrant in the northwest. A statewide CBC total of 566 with a peak of 190 at Mankato. Meadowlark ( sp.?) Three reports: Polk 12-8 (KSS) is undoubtedly a western while Sherburne 12-31 (RJB) and Hennepin 12-31 (VL) may be easterns. |
1984 | Spring | | | Early north 3/3 Aitkin WN, 3/25 Otter Tail SDM, GMO, 3/26 St. Louis YR. |
1984 | Summer | | | nested in Cook, Lake of the Woods, Clay, Stearns, Anoka, Ramsey, Big Stone, Le Sueur and Olmsted; also seen in 46 other counties. |
1984 | Fall | | | Late north III 18 Becker KSS, I I /20 Cook KMH, 11/30 Todd KL. |
1984 | Winter | | | Reported from six north, six central and 13 south region counties. A statewide CBC total of 70 16 of which 6829 were on the La Crosse-La Crescent count. Meadowlark (sp?) Reported in Cook 12-9 (SL), Pennington 12-10 (KSS), Clay 12-8 (LCF) and on the Cedar Lake, Austin and Duluth CBCs. The Duluth individual was identified as a Western and remained until 1-5 (KE). |
1985 | Spring | | | Early north 3/10 Otter Tail SDM, 3/14 Koochiching DJS, 3/17 Aitkin WN, Clay TT, Wilkin GAM. |
1985 | Summer | | | Nested in Crow Wing, Big Stone, Pope, Steams, Ramsey, Olmsted, Rice, Murray; probable nesting in Clay, Anoka, Dakota. Seen in 45 other counties throughout the state. Second most widely reported species in the state. |
1985 | Fall | | | Late north 11/24 Aitkin WN, ll/27 Cook KMH. |
1985 | Winter | | | Reported from two north, seven central and nine south region counties. A statewide CBC count of 163 (7016 L.y.). Meadowlark (sp-?) Two reports: Marshall CBC and Houston, 12/8 (EMF). |
1986 | Spring | | | Early north 3/8 Aitkin WN, 3/17 Otter Tail SDM, 3/23 Carlton LW. |
1986 | Summer | | | Nested in Pennington, Pope, Anoka, Ramsey, Olmsted, Jackson (NH); probable nesting in Crow Wing, Hennepin, Rice, Freeborn. Also seen in 56 other counties throughout the state. |
1986 | Fall | | | Late north 11/29 Duluth KE, 11/30 Aitkin WN and Cook KMH, SL and OtterTail SDM. |
1986 | Winter | | | Reports from 20 counties throughout the state and a statewide CBC total of 407 (163 L.Y.). High count of 351 on the St. Paul NE c t. Mead-o-w--la-r-k- (-s-p-.--?-) -------------~ Reported on the Wild River and Owaton CBC's and in Chippewa on 12/29. February reports from Hennepin 2/2-17, Rice 2/21 Murray 2/25, Cottonwood 2/26 and Wilkin 2/27. |
1987 | Spring | | | Overwintered in Aitkin and Lake Counties. Early north 3/5 Wilkin GAM, 3/6 Marshall ANWR and Mille Lacs SC, 3/7 Otter Tail SDM, St. Louis fide KE. |
1987 | Summer | | | Nested in St. Louis, Lake of the Woods, Stearns, LeSueur. Also seen in 65 other counties throughout the state. |
1987 | Fall | | | Late north 11!2 Cook SOL, 11/8 Aitkin WN. |
1987 | Winter | | | Reported from 26 counties throughout the state (20 L. Y.). Statewide CBC total of 150 (407 L.Y.). Meadowlark (Sp. ?) Reported on the Lac qui Parle, Marshall and Mountain Lake-Windom CBC's. A December report from Houston 12/22 (EMF) and February reports from Fillmore 2/11 (NAO), Mower 2/19 (JM); and Cottonwood 2/20 (fide BD) and 2/29 (BF). |
1988 | Spring | | | Early north 3/1 Otter Tail SDM, 3/11 Todd PH, 3/12 Aitkin WN. |
1988 | Summer | | | Nested in ten counties including Wilkin (AR) and seen in 57 other counties statewide. |
1988 | Fall | | | Late north 11/13 Aitkin WN, 11/24 Otter Tail SDM, 11/25 Roseau AB. |
1988 | Winter | | | Reported from Kittson and Lake of the Woods in the north and 15 south counties. Statewide CBC total of 272 (150 l.y.). |
1989 | Spring | | | Early north 3/4 Beltrami KH, 3/26 Clay LCF, OtterTail SDM, Todd PH, 3/27 Duluth DG. |
1989 | Summer | | | The most commonly reported species in the state. Nested in six counties; probable nesting in three. Seen in 62 other counties statewide. |
1989 | Fall | | | Late north 11/13 Cook OSL, ll!l6 Clay LCF, 11/19 Aitkin WN. |
1989 | Winter | | | Reported on the Crosby and Baudette CBCs and at Grand Marais, Cook 1/15 KMH. Also reported in 24 south counties including 731 on the Winona CBC. Birds seen 2/28 in Todd PH and Murray (36) 2/6 ND likely early migrants. Statewide CBC total of 857 (272 l.y.). |
1990 | Spring | | | Early north 3/1 St. Louis AE, 3/12 Otter Tail SDM, 3/13 Todd PH. |
1990 | Summer | | | Relatively few reports. Nested in Anoka, Washington, Brown, LeSueur; probable nesting in Becker, Crow Wing, Fillmore. Seen in 50 other counties statewide. |
1990 | Fall | | | Late north II/18 Clay LCF, 11/19 Cook SOL, 11/23 OtterTail MO, Polk KSS. |
1990 | Winter | | | Reported from 21 counties statewide (27 l.y.) with northern reports from Otter Tail (overwintered with 25 on 1/20 SDM); December records from Mille Lacs, Aitkin, Becker, Polk, Itasca, and Marshall. A few overwintered in Houston EMF. |
1991 | Spring | | | Early north 3/16 Clay MO, 3/17 Aitkin WN, Clay LCF, OtterTail SDM, 3/19 St. Louis TW. |
1991 | Summer | | | Relatively few reports for second straight year. Nested in five counties including Kittson KB, Kandiyohi JR; probable nesting in three others. Seen in 50 other counties statewide. |
1991 | Fall | | | Late north 11/24 St. Louis AB, 11/26 Clay LCF. |
1991 | Winter | | | Reported from 17 counties (21 l.y.) including reports north from Roseau 12/10, Crookston CBC, and Otter Tail 2/23, but only overwintered in Houston. Many reports of migrant flocks in late February, and two reports of flocks in early February, Kandiyohi 2/4 (15+) and Winona 2/3 (45), suggesting an even earlier movement. Statewide CBC total 99. |
1992 | Spring | | | Early north 3/7 Aitkin WN and Todd OJ. |
1992 | Summer | | | Nested in six counties including Red Lake MCBS; probable breeding in four. Seen in 49 additional counties throughout state. |
1992 | Fall | | | Late north 11/27 Cook KMH, 11/30 Cook SOL. |
1992 | Winter | | | Reported from 22 counties (17 l.y.) statewide, with north reports from Grand Marais, Crosby, Tamarac NWR and Fargo/Moorhead CBCs, plus 1/18 Lake of the Woods SDM. Large numbers were reported on the Marshall CBC (342), 2/1 Dakota (300) fide PB, and 2/28 Scott (250) RG (early migrants). CBC total 566 (99 l.y.). |
1993 | Spring | | | Early north 3/24 Wilkin SDM, 3/26 Kanabec CM. |
1993 | Summer | | | Nested in Stevens BBo, Dakota RHf, St. Louis, Le Sueur, Winona; probable nesting in Crow Wing, Hennepin, Ramsey, Cottonwood, Olmsted. Seen in 57 additional counties statewide. |
1993 | Fall | | | Late north 11/9 Lake DPV, 11/28 Aitkin WN. |
1993 | Winter | | | Scarce. Reported from 11 counties (22 l.y.) in south, with no large flocks reported. |
1994 | Spring | | | Early north 3/15 Kanabec CM, 3/18 Clay CS/KC. |
1994 | Summer | | | Many fewer reports than the previous ten-year average. Nested in Kanabec CM, Crow Wing, Mille Lacs, and Winona counties; probable nesting in Cass, St. Louis, Kandiyohi, Ramsey, and Nicollet counties. Seen in 40 additional counties statewide. |
1994 | Fall | | | Late north 11/6 Cook MH, 11/19 Cook AH, PS. |
1994 | Winter | | | Reported from 19 counties as far north as Clay, Becker and Aitkin, with overwintering noted in Otter Tail (60–70 individuals), Kandiyohi, and Dakota. The majority of other reports were in December and early January with only one additional mid-January report (1/13 Murray ND), and one additional February report (2/18–22 Hennepin mob). CBC total a below average 104. |
1995 | Spring | | | Early north 3/13 Otter Tail County SDM, 3/14 Becker BBe and Kanabec CM. |
1995 | Summer | | | Nested in seven counties including Mahnomen MCBS; probable nesting in six. Observed in 44 other counties statewide. |
1995 | Fall | | | Late north 11/24 Aitkin CMG, 11/28 St. Louis NJ. Reported from 23 counties south. |
1995 | Winter | | | Reported from 14 south counties plus 1/3 Wilkin County (3) SDM and the Hibbing CBC in the north. Three February reports of flocks from 8 to more than 50 birds suggesting an early influx. CBC total 133. |
1996 | Spring | | | Early north 3/15 Douglas SWa and Otter Tail SDM, 3/16 Douglas and Grant KKW. Reported from 44 counties south. |
1996 | Summer | | | Nested in Anoka, Rice, Martin; probable nesting in five counties. Observed in 61 other counties throughout state. |
1996 | Fall | | | Late north 11/10 Clay MRN, 11/26 Aitkin WN. Reported from 33 south counties. |
1996 | Winter | | | Reported from 5 north and 14 south counties. Overwintering noted only in Becker BBe and Hennepin SC, and the only other reports after early January were 1/19 Clay CF, 1/20 McLeod BS, and 2/25–28 St. Louis JN. CBC total 167. |
1997 | Spring | | | Reported from 40 counties south. Early north 3/4 (second earliest date north) St. Louis JN, 3/8 Aitkin WN, 3/21 Crow Wing PP. |
1997 | Summer | | | Observed in 68 counties throughout state. New nesting record in Steele CH; probable nesting in Crow Wing, Olmsted. |
1997 | Fall | | | Reported throughout the period, north and south. |
1997 | Winter | | | Reported from 3 north and 25 south counties. Extent of overwintering unknown, with mid-winter peaks 1/9 Rice (30) TBo and 1/24 Renville (65) KB, and the CBC total was 5/3 (167 l.y.). There were 20 reports of migrants 2/24–28 (many observers noted hundreds of birds). |
1998 | Spring | | | Reported throughout the state. Early north 3/9 Aitkin fide CB, 3/15 Otter Tail GB, 3/18 Kanabec BA. |
1998 | Summer | | | Largest number of reports in more than 16 years; observed in 72 counties statewide. New nesting record in Norman GN; probable nesting in Otter Tail, Lincoln, Lyon, Ramsey, and Freeborn. |
1998 | Fall | | | See winter report for overwintering north. Reported throughout the south. An estimated 100,000 were in a single flock 10/30 Steele RJ. |
1998 | Winter | | | Reported from 17 counties as far north as Otter Tail and St. Louis (Duluth). CBC total 448. |
1999 | Spring | | | Reported throughout the state. Early north 3/14 Aitkin CMG, 3/16 Itasca BN, then many arrivals 3/19–21. |
1999 | Summer | | | Seen in 65 counties statewide; new nesting record in McLeod RbS. |
1999 | Fall | | | Reported throughout the state, but only two north reports later than 11/6. Peak number 10/3 Dakota (10,000+) SWe. |
1999 | Winter | | | Reported from 35 counties as far north as Aitkin and Polk, with overwintering noted in at least 6 counties as far north as Wilkin and Polk. Large numbers (many reports of 200–500+ individuals) moved into at least 17 south counties beginning 2/24 Winona (75) KB, and peaking 2/29 Yellow Medicine (1150) RgS. Possible early north migrant 2/29 Aitkin CB. |
2000 | Spring | | | Seen in 31 south and 22 north counties. See winter report for early migrants. |
2000 | Summer | | | Record high number of reports; observed in 74 counties statewide. |
2000 | Fall | | | Reported throughout the season. |
2000 | Winter | | | Reported from 19 counties in all regions except the North-central. Overwintered in Otter Tail and Cook, plus reports after early January in Kandiyohi, Meeker, Wright, and Brown. Maximum count 12/16 Winona CBC (138). |
2001 | Spring | | | Seen in 45 south and 29 north counties. See winter report for early south migrants and overwintering birds. Probable migrant 3/21 Todd JSK; peak influx 3/28 – 4/4 when first reported from 13 north counties. |
2001 | Summer | | | Observed in 59 counties throughout the state.
2001 | Fall | | | Reported throughout the season, though few north observations after early November. |
2001 | Winter | | | Reported from 4 north and 22 south counties in all regions except the North-central. Only reported overwintering was in Otter Tail and Dakota, though still 30–40 on 1/17 Pipestone. All other north reports: 12/7 St. Louis JRN, 12/16 Polk DRu, 2/3 Wilkin SPM, 2/18 Otter Tail SPM. Maximum count 12/15 Mankato CBC (1508). |
2002 | Spring | | | Observed in 71 counties. Overwintered in Otter Tail; presumed migrants 3/26 Todd JSK, SDu, 3/27 Otter Tail DTT, SMT and St. Louis JRN. No significant high counts. |
2002 | Summer | | | Reported in 73 counties statewide; new nesting records in Lyon RJS, Sherburne PLJ. |
2002 | Fall | | | Many north reports through the end of October, then 11/6 St. Louis NAJ, 11/10 Lake JWL, but also see winter report. A mixed flock containing 100,000s of Red-winged Blackbirds and Common Grackles was observed entering a marsh roost 10/17 Houston FZL. |
2002 | Winter | | | Reported from 4 north and 21 south counties with ovewintering in St. Louis ALE and Jackson BRB. Maximum reported numbers 12/14 Mankato CBC (683) and 1/9 Jackson (400) BRB. |
2003 | Spring | | | Observed in 51 counties (71 last spring). Many winter reports south (please see winter report). Overwintered north in St. Louis; presumed migrants 3/15 Aitkin WEN, 3/17 Otter Tail, Pine, Todd. |
2003 | Summer | | | Reported in 70 counties throughout state. |
2003 | Fall | | | Only two November reports north: 11/2 Red Lake JMJ, 11/9 Wadena PJB. Found throughout the season and in every region south. |
2003 | Winter | | | Reported from 5 north and 16 south counties in all regions except the North-central. Only north reports later than 1/2 Cook BWF et al. were 1/21 Wilkin SPM, 2/21 Wilkin BWF, 2/22 Polk fide JMJ. Although reported throughout the season south, overwintering was not noted at any particular site. Reports of early south migrants began approximately 2/26–2/28. |
2004 | Spring | | | Reported from 71 counties. Please see winter report for early south migrants and February reports north in Polk and Wilkin. Probable early north migrants 3/8 Clay RHO, 3/10 Otter Tail DTT, SMT. Highest reported counts 3/1 Houston (2000+ at Mound Prairie) ph. FZL, 3/15 Southwest region (6000) KJB. |
2004 | Summer | | | Observed in 57 counties throughout state. |
2004 | Fall | | | Reported from all regions. Four November reports north: 11/4 Hubbard MAW and Otter Tail DTT, SMT, 11/6 Wadena PJB, 11/9 Beltrami RBJ, JEB. Also see winter report. |
2004 | Winter | | | Except for a total of 1669 on 17 CBCs, reported from only four north and nine south counties. High count of 566 on the Willmar CBC. |
2005 | Spring | | | Reported from 75 counties. Please see winter report for early south migrants. Probable early north migrants 3/6 Otter Tail SPM, 3/10 Traverse and Otter Tail DTT, SMT, 3/13 Todd BWF. Highest reported count 3/29 Cottonwood (600) BRB. |
2005 | Summer | | | Reported from 73 counties statewide. |
2005 | Fall | | | Reported in all regions. No significant high counts. |
2005 | Winter | | | Reported from 6 north and 11 south counties in all regions except North-central. All north reports after December: 1/1 Otter Tail (Battle Lake CBC) and Todd (Long Prairie CBC), 2/20 Polk fide JMJ. High count 12/16 Willmar CBC (203) fide RSF. |
2006 | Spring | | | Observed in 83 counties. Please see winter report for numerous south records and possible overwintering north (e.g., 2/20 Polk fide JMJ). Presumed early north migrants 3/8 St. Louis (mixed flock of Common Grackles and Red-wingeds) DOK, 3/10 Mille Lacs, Otter Tail, and Wadena. Season high count 3/5 Brown (7200) MLB. |
2006 | Summer | | | Found in all 87 counties. |
2006 | Fall | | | Observed in all regions. Highest reported count 10/16 Morrison (5,000–7,500) MRN. |
2006 | Winter | 6 | 20 | Reported sparingly in a broad arc across the north from Wilkin to Kanabec and northeast to Cook. Noteworthy high counts north in Wilkin: 12/26 (100) PBB, 1/12 (20) MO. Absent from the far Northwest and North-central. Far more numerous south along a line from Big Stone to Winona counties with only one report from the most southern tier of counties: 12/13 Jackson RBW. High counts west from Lac qui Parle 12/31 (700) and 2/11 (520) BJU. High count east 1/20 Winona (500) SWe. |
2007 | Spring | 33 | 52 | Please see winter report for numerous overwintering records. Presumed early north migrants 3/8 Todd JSK, 3/11 Wadena PJB, 3/12 Polk fide JMJ. High count 3/15 Lac qui Parle (5,500) BJU. |
2007 | Summer | 33 | 49 | Reported from all counties except Pennington, Mahnomen, Nobles, Dodge, Mower. |
2007 | Fall | 28 | 45 | Observed in all regions. Noteworthy high counts: 9/12 Kandiyohi (100,000) MRN, 9/3 Jackson (9,250) PHS, 10/23 Meeker (3,000) DPG. |
2007 | Winter | 4 | 23 | All reports north 12/1–2 St. Louis (Virginia, continuing from fall, an injured bird that likely perished after a heavy snowfall) SLF, and 12/27 Otter Tail fide JMJ. Perhaps this same bird was from one of the three Otter Tail County CBCs reporting this species, Battle Lake (10), Detroit Lakes, or Fergus Falls (40). Other north CBCs reporting were Long Prairie and Little Falls. Widespread across the south in all regions. High count 1/9 Blue Earth (2,000) RMD, higher than the combined total of all the CBCs statewide. |
2008 | Spring | 35 | 52 | Please see winter report for overwintering records. Presumed early north migrants (median 3/9) 3/14 Mille Lacs NSc, 3/18 Otter Tail fide JMJ, 3/19 Morrison MJB. Season high counts 3/15 Le Sueur (3,000) ALD, 3/26 Scott (2,300) DWK. |
2008 | Summer | 26 | 45 | Reported throughout state. First county breeding record for Chisago AXH. |
2008 | Fall | 34 | 44 | Reported throughout state and into the winter (mainly south, see winter report). Late north 11/13 Polk fide JMJ.
2008 | Winter | 2 | 14 | Fewer reports than the last two years. All north 1/1 Todd MSK, 2/8 Morrison (5) MJB. High count 12/13 Brown (25) BTS. CBC high count 600 (New Ulm). |
2009 | Spring | 34 | 53 | Reported from every county. See winter report for over-wintering records. Presumed early north migrants (median 3/9) 3/14 Becker ClS, 3/15 Mille Lacs ASc, 3/16 Kanabec CAM, Otter Tail DST, Todd MSK. |
2009 | Summer | 33 | 46 | Found statewide. First county breeding records from Freeborn fide BBA, Mower fide BBA, Roseau fide BBA, Wadena fide BBA, Scott JEB. |
2009 | Fall | 29 | 47 | Seen throughout the state and into the winter (mainly south, see winter report). Late north 11/28 Douglas JPE. |
2009 | Winter | 11 | 31 | Reported from more than twice as many counties as last year, and more total counties than in any of the previous five years. In the north, one over-wintered in Roseau through 2/27 JTi; another at a feeder 2/4 St. Louis fide JWL suggests over-wintering. All other north reports were from December or early January. Widespread south in all regions, but only two reports from February. High counts were 12 or fewer. CBC high count 12/19 Lac qui Parle (281). |
2010 | Spring | 34 | 53 | Please see winter report for over-wintering reports. Presumed early migrants north (median 3/10) 3/8 Otter Tail BDe, 3/15 Mille Lacs ASc, 3/17 Otter Tail DST, 3/18 St. Louis LiM. |
2010 | Summer | 32 | 53 | Seen in all but five counties. First county breeding records for Carlton fide BBA, Grant DPG, Meeker fide BBA. |
2010 | Fall | 29 | 51 | Seen throughout the state and into the winter (see winter report). Notable high counts for the season 8/24 St. Louis (1,327) CRu, 10/12 Anoka (1,000) MDu, 10/23 Carver (1,000) JCy. |
2010 | Winter | 7 | 28 | Reported from fewer counties than last year. All north reports were from December except 1/8 Wilkin DBM, 1/28 Otter Tail ARW. South reports after December were relatively few but included high counts 1/9 Swift (110, west of Appleton near Marsh Lake) WCM, 2/24 Waseca (75, Goose Lake Park) DCu. CBC high counts 12/14 Cottonwood (91), 12/28 Albert Lea (35). |
2011 | Spring | 34 | 53 | Found in every county. Please see winter report for overwintering records. Presumed early south migrants 3/5 Rock DBM, JPr. Early north (median 3/10) 3/16 Otter Tail TJa, 3/17 Douglas JPE, Otter Tail RBJ, 3/19 Morrison FGo, Otter Tail DST, St. Louis BNW. High count 4/2 Meeker (3,000) MJB. |
2011 | Summer | 34 | 53 | Found in every county in the state. First county breeding records for Nobles ANy, Swift RZi, Traverse RPR, Yellow Medicine LPf. High count 7/2 Marshall (200, Agassiz N.W.R.) VNi. |
2011 | Fall | 31 | 52 | Reported statewide. Late north 11/19 Crow Wing, Morrison FGo, St. Louis KJB, 11/20 Otter Tail DST, 11/26 Mille Lacs ASc (median 12/14), but also see winter report for birds north and south. High count 11/4 Houston (10,000 in continuous wave for 30 minutes at junction state highways 16 & 26) DSt. |
2011 | Winter | 9 | 28 | Number of reports up slightly from last year (35 counties), and continuing an upward trend over the past three years. Scattered reports from all regions statewide, but absent from the northernmost counties in the Northwest and North-central regions. Overwintering north likely, as indicated by reports 2/7 Otter Tail GO, 2/9–2/11 Polk (Audubon Center of the Red River Valley) HHu, m.ob., 2/22 Todd JeM, DTM. Individual high count 12/11 Winona (150, Whitewater WMA) JWH. CBC high counts 12/17 Northwest McLeod (Hutchinson) (158), 12/16 Cottonwood (100). |
2012 | Spring | 34 | 53 | Found in every county. Overwintered widely south. Also see winter report for early north migrants. Additional north migrants 3/1 Todd JeM, DTM, 3/10 Douglas, Grant DBM. |
2012 | Summer | 34 | 53 | Found in all counties. High counts 7/31 Sibley (300, along 200th Street) JCy, 7/16 Roseau (200, Roseau River W.M.A.) TBr. First county breeding records for Pipestone SWe, Sibley PRH, Waseca PAl, Watonwan AnK. |
2012 | Fall | 30 | 52 | Seen throughout the state and into the winter, both north and south. |
2012 | Winter | 9 | 25 | Widely scattered statewide and reported from all regions. All north 12/2 Lake of the Woods (2) DBM, 12/9 Todd DTM, 12/12 JeM, 12/15 Detroit Lakes CBC, Little Falls CBC, Fergus Falls CBC (3), 12/17 St. Louis (2) EBr, 12/20 Marshall LyK, 12/22 Morrison RAE, HHD, 1/2 Mahnomen KMy, 2/11 Otter Tail (14) BDE, 2/17 Douglas JPE. High counts 1/6 Le Sueur (800) DAB, 1/6 Le Sueur (700) ANy, 2/13 Goodhue (200) DVe. CBC high count 1/1 Whitewater River (150). Winter reports of this species are increasing. |
2013 | Spring | 34 | 53 | Found in all counties. Wintered throughout south. Presumed north migrants 3/28 Otter Tail DST, Hubbard WDe, 3/29 Douglas JPE. |
2013 | Summer | 34 | 53 | Found in all counties. First county breeding records from Faribault JSc, Renville fide BBA. |
2013 | Fall | 32 | 53 | No significant high counts. Seen throughout the state and into the winter, both north and south. |
2013 | Winter | 9 | 30 | The second highest number of winter reporting counties ever, only surpassed by 42 in 2009–2010. Unusual reports north include 12/8 Lake (female in Two Harbors) JWL, 1/13 Traverse (200) DLP. A single bird with a deformed bill, first observed in December continued through 1/9 in St. Louis ph. SGW, and was sporadically seen through February to confirm overwintering. (Also see the Spring Report.) Widespread in the south. CBC high counts 12/14 Northwest McLeod (Hutchinson) (352), 12/21 Lamberton (205), 1/4 Wabasha (162). Winter reports of this species continue to increase. |
2014 | Spring | 34 | 53 | Found in all counties. Overwintered both north and south. Presumed first north migrants 3/21 Otter Tail WVE, JVE, 3/22–23 Otter Tail fide JMJ, JsS, 3/28 Douglas JTa, Traverse JMs, CRM. High counts 4/1 Wright (5,000) ToL, 3/23 Meeker (3,000) MJB, 4/13 Becker (2,500) ToL. |
2014 | Summer | 34 | 52 | Reported from every county except Watonwan. |
2014 | Fall | 33 | 53 | Notable high counts 10/23 Wright (2,500) ToL, 8/11 Dakota (1,800) DVe, 11/9 Murray (1,700) GWe. Seen throughout the state and into the winter both north and south. |
2014 | Winter | 6 | 22 | Reported from the fewest counties in past five years widely scattered statewide. High count 1/11 Clay (52) PBB. CBC high counts 12/20 Marshall (251), 12/22 Lac qui Parle (232). |
2015 | Spring | 34 | 53 | Found in all counties. Overwintered both north and south. Presumed first north migrants 3/10 Otter Tail AaH, Polk fide JMJ, 3/13 Douglas BEc. High counts 3/21 Faribault (8,000, Charlotte Hynes W.M.A.) ClN, 3/18 Faribault (6,000, Prescott W.P.A.) ClN, 3/27 Wabasha (4,000) LHl. |
2015 | Summer | 34 | 53 | Reported from all counties. High count 7/30 Wabasha (483) CRM. |
2015 | Fall | 34 | 53 | Notable high counts 10/27 Yellow Medicine (12,000) GWe, 10/31 Yellow Medicine (10,000) GWe, 10/18 Meeker (6,059) RMa. Otherwise reported throughout the state and into the winter both north and south |
2015 | Winter | 8 | 35 | Reported widely in south and from eight counties in north, the highest number of counties in past ten years. Unusual winter records: 12/17 Aitkin (McGregor) CLR. High counts 2/27 Cottonwood (600, Talcot Lake State W.M.A.) TKa, 12/19 Blue Earth (300) ChH, 2/28 Brown (200) BTS. CBC high counts 12/19 Mankato (301), 12/26 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (80), 1/1 Mountain Lake-Windom (74). |
2016 | Spring | 34 | 53 | Reported from all counties. Overwintered both north and south. Presumed first north migrants (median 3/14) 3/6 Douglas BEc, Todd MJB, plu five more counties on 3/7. High counts 3/14 Lyon (2,700) GWe, JtH, 3/20 Swift (2,000) JPR, ClN, 3/5 Cottonwood (1,000) KEm. |
2016 | Summer | 34 | 53 | Reported from all counties. High count 7/30 Dakota (400, 180th St. Marsh) DVe. |
2016 | Fall | 33 | 53 | Notable high estimated totals: 10/21 Yellow Medicine (45,000, Myhre Slough W.M.A.) GWe, 11/2 Yellow Medicine (12,000) GWe, 9/15 Lyon (8,000, Black Rush Lake W.P.A.) GWe; otherwise, reported throughout the state. |
2016 | Winter | 15 | 45 | Reported from more than 17 counties over 2015 winter total, which was also a record, with sightings occurring throughout the season. Notable north reports: 12/28 Red Lake (Plummer) PCt, 1/29 Kittson LW. High counts 2/25 Lyon (7,500, Amiret W.M.A.) GWe, 2/26 Meeker (4,000) DPG, 2/24 Yellow Medicine (3,500, Miedd Lake) GWe. CBC high counts 12/29 Granite Falls (186), 12/27 Hendricks (108). |
2017 | Spring | 34 | 53 | Reported from all counties and overwintered throughout the state. Migrants likely returned with the warm February weather, otherwise exact date of returning migrants impossible to determine. High counts 3/20 Lincoln (18,000, Herschberger Slough) GWe, 3/28 Redwood (4,500) JtH, 3/9 Big Stone (3,500) AAz, 3/9 Cottonwood (3,000, Wolf Lake W.P.A.) KEm, 3/20 Lyon (3,000 Coon Creek W.M.A.) GWe. |
2017 | Summer | 34 | 53 | Reported from all counties. High count 7/24 Becker (420, Hamden Slough N.W.R.) LCl. |
2017 | Fall | 32 | 52 | Seen throughout the state and into the winter both north and south. Notable high counts 9/25 Lyon (6,000) NMe, 10/31 Lyon (4,500, Black Rush Lake W.P.A.) NMe, 9/4 Yellow Medicine (4,300, Lyon/Yellow Medicine Conservation Easement) GWe, 11/3 Carver (4,200, Carver P.R.) JCy. |
2017 | Winter | 11 | 41 | Continuing a trend of increasing winter sightings, reported from 52 counties, well above the 10-year average of 36, but somewhat less than last winter's record of 60 counties. Unusual winter records: 12/30 Fillmore JWH, 12/18 Itasca S.P. CBC, 2/18 Traverse DLP. High counts 12/18 Yellow Medicine (700, Swedes Forest S.N.A.) GWe, 12/14 Lac qui Parle (425) JSc. CBC high counts 12/14 Lac qui Parle (1,003), 12/16 Winona (256), 12/16 Northwest McLeod (Hutchinson) (226). |
2018 | Spring | 33 | 53 | Reported from all but one county. Overwintered both north and south. Presumed first north migrants (median 3/14) 3/3 Douglas BEc, 3/13 Douglas AaL, 3/17 Traverse DLP, 3/18 Otter Tail WPl, Pine KrM, Todd DLP. High counts 4/1 Jackson (10,000) LiH, 4/12 Yellow Medicine (8,100, Big Rock W.M.A.) GWe. |
2018 | Summer | 34 | 53 | Found in every county. High counts 6/26 Lyon (682, Coon Creek W.M.A.) GWe, 7/9 Grant (500, North Ottawa Impoundment) AxB, REn. |
2018 | Fall | 34 | 53 | Â Seen throughout the state and into the winter both north and south. High counts 10/15 Ramsey (3,500, Vadnais Lake) EzH, 9/30 Grant (3,000, North Ottawa Impoundment) CRa, 8/6 Dakota (2,500, 180th St. Marsh) KDS. |
2018 | Winter | 11 | 31 | Reported from 42 widely scattered counties in all regions of state, similar to ten-year average of 39. Unusual reports: 12/4–2/20 Roseau BSi, 1/6 Pine KrM, 1/27 Mahnomen HeH. High counts 12/9 Swift (210) MJB, 12/14 Le Sueur (200) RSA. CBC high counts 1/5 Pelican Rapids (260), 12/22 Bluestem Prairie/Buffalo River SP (219), 12/15 Marshall (40). |
2019 | Summer | 34 | 53 |  Reported from all counties. High count 7/13 Dakota (est. 5,000, 180th St. Marsh) EzH. |
  | Breeds throughout. Overwinters south. |