Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Fulvous Whistling-Duck
Snow Goose
Ross's Goose
Greater White-fronted Goose
[Taiga Bean-Goose]
[Brant (Atlantic)]
[Brant (Black)]
Cackling Goose
Canada Goose
[Greater White-fronted Goose X Canada Goose]
Mute Swan
Trumpeter Swan
Tundra Swan
[Cygnus swan]
Wood Duck
Blue-winged Teal
Cinnamon Teal
[Blue-winged Teal x Cinnamon Teal]
Northern Shoveler
Eurasian Wigeon
American Wigeon
[Gadwall X Mallard]
American Black Duck
[Mallard X American Black Duck]
Mottled Duck
Northern Pintail
[Mallard X Northern Pintail]
Green-winged Teal
[Green-winged Teal (Eurasian)]
[Green-winged Teal (American)]
Ring-necked Duck
Tufted Duck
Greater Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Greater Scaup]
Lesser Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Lesser Scaup]
King Eider
Common Eider
[Somateria eider]
Harlequin Duck
Surf Scoter
White-winged Scoter
Black Scoter
Long-tailed Duck
Common Goldeneye
[Bufflehead X Common Goldeneye]
Barrow's Goldeneye
[Common Goldeneye X Barrow's Goldeneye]
Hooded Merganser
Hooded Merganser
[Common Goldeneye X Hooded Merganser]
Common Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser
Ruddy Duck

Ruddy Duck(Oxyura jamaicensis)
1932SummerOn June 17, as we were walking thru a slough in Polk Ccunty, Charles Evans called me over to see a large nest that he had found. It~s built of coarse reeds, -21 -The Common Flicker, 1932 anq the 7 hugh eggs were completely covered. 3 days later I . revisited the nest, hoping to see the b;i.rd l1eave it. This did not happen, but while I was neasuring the eggs, the female came spla~hing acros's an open space of water, and aminute later appeared in fuU view a few feet in front of' t'le, apparently trying to lure me away fron the nest. It had not-occurred to us that the nest bel~nged to as ~1a duck as the Ruddy on accOUJ:}.tb of the irnr:.1ense eggs. The eggs of a Ruddy DUck are as lo:pge as those. of any other duck th~t nests in Minnesota with the exception of the.Anerican Merganser.
1933Summer Grimes reports tho only Ruddy Duck1 s nest. It was found at Thief Lake end contained 2 eggs on Juno 18th.
1934Summer Woolsey reported two nests of tho Ruddy, both of which were found across tho line in North Dru{oto., ncar Fargo. Tho first, discovered on June 24th, hold 3 eegs, while tho second was found nearly one month later, on July 22nd, when it contained 6 ecgs.
1935Summer Minnesota Bird Club members were especially good at finding duck nests this year. Very few Ruddy Ducks had been seen hero for several yeoxs past, but during the past season they were found quite connonly. Breckenridge found thor:1 resident throughout the breeding season I:tear Minneapolis, and he spent many nn afternoon skirting lnkos in search of their nests. On June 29th, when he had o.lmost given up hope of finding the nest of the saucy little Spike Tail, he cru~c u~on a deserted nest vdth 4 broken eggs at Round Lake. This ccnstitutes the only record of the year.
1938SummerThree nests of the Ruddy, each with 7 eggs, were found by W. ]. Breckenridge in Anoka County on June 29.
1940SummerR. M. Berthel ob­served a hen ruddy duck at Otter Lake, Ramsey Co., on July r8, with 5 downy young.
1943SummerAugust 1, Mp1s., 10 young. F. S. Davidsqn.
1945SummerYoung with parents, July 26, nest with eggs, Aug. 12, Hennepin Co., Don and Eldeen Jacobs.
1945WinterOne, Minneapolis, December 2, 1945, (Swedenborg).
1946Summer6 young, July 17, Kandiyohi Co., Barrett. The ruddy is nesting more commonly in the eastern part of the state. From the LOGBOOK of Dr. Roberts, it is evident that the abundance of this bird, and others, is cyclical; then, this increase may be only temporary.
1947Summer200 birds nesting, June 11; 9 eggs, July 10, Lac qui Parle Co., Willis; nesting, July 6, Hennepin Co., Jacobs.
1961SummerA. C. Rosenwinkel reports 10 males, two females and six half-grown young on 14 July at Goose Lake, Ramsey County.
1961WinterSix were seen at Pleasant Lake on December 2 by A. C. Rosenwinkel.
1962SummerJuly 3, Minneapolis, 4 young, Brother Theodore; July 27, Lac qui Parle Co., 2 broods, 3, 5 young, Richard K. Olson.
1962FallNov. 23, French River, St. Louis Co., winter male, R. Oehlenschlager; Dec. 2, Lake Calhoun, Minneapolis, Bob Janssen saw three.
1963SpringMarch 26, Dakota County, R. Janssen; March 29, Rice County, 0. Rustad; May 20, 2 females, Duluth, Jan Green.
1963SummerHennepin Co., Minneapolis, July 27, ad, 3y, R. B. Janssen. Ramsey Co., Bald Eagle Lake, Aug. 20, ad, 4y, E. Campbell.
1963WinterJan 4, Winona, Avifauna! Club.
1964Spring4-4 Lac qui Parle Co, RBJ; 4-11 St. Peter, BT, FL; 4-20 Marshall Co, DLO; 4-22 Ramsey Co, ELC; 5-4 Duluth, 28, JCG; 5-12 Hennepin Co, 32, MAS; 5-15 Sherburne Co, RPR.
1964Fall10-13 Duluth, 9 JCG; 11-12 Wright Co, EC; 11-15 Stevens Co, ES, RAG; 11-16 Mpls, 2, FN; 12-6 Winona Co, WRP.
1964Winter12-6, Prairie Island, Winona Co, 1 male, WRP, RG, RLH.
1965Springearliest 4-4 Hastings, MIG.
1965FallVL reports 4 downy y in Mpls on 9-16; latest 11-25 Stearns Co, NMH and 12-1 Mpls, RDT.
1966Springearliest 3-10 Dakota Co, RBJ; 3-21 Rice Co, OAR; 4-5 Hennepin Co, MHM.
1966Summernested in Stearns Co; also reported from Carver, Nicollet, Murray, Hennepin, Stevens and Lac qui Parle Co's.
1966FallLatest 11-9 Wright Co., EC; 11-12 Stearns Co., RPR; 11-20 Crow Wing Co., MSB.
1966Winter2-26 Goodhue Co., FN/ MAS.
1967Springearly 3-27 Ramsey Co., BL; 3-29 Rice Co., OAR; 3-21 Olmsted Co., CMJ, JPF and Watonwan Co., EDK.
1967Summernested in Ramsey, Lyon Co's; also reported from McLeod, Grant, Traverse, Hennepin, Swift, Stevens Co's.
1967Fall latest 10-27 Stevens Co., JAH; 11-22 Washington Co., DS; 12-3 Minneapolis, VL,RBJ.
1967Winter 12-3 Minneapolis, 1, VL, 12-9 Rochester, Olmsted Co., DB.
1968Spring early 3-17 Dakota Co., EMB; 3-22 Nobles Co., HSH; 4-1 Minneapolis, VL; 4-4 Houston Co., FL.
1968Summer nested in Lac qui Parle Co; also reported from Hubbard, Carver, McLeod, Lyon, Swift, Anoka, Wright, Hennepin, Clay Co's.
1968Fall9-3 Ramsey 1 female with 5 y ELC; latest 11-12 Hennepin (Grass Lake) VL; 12-5 Crow Wing MSB.
1968WinterLast 12-7 Hennepin (Minneapolis) RG.
1969Spring3-22 Dakota Co., DB, BL; 3-23 Dakota Co., VL; 4-10 Duluth, MMC; 4-25 (25+) Carver Co., RDT; 5-2 (20) Wabasha Co., DWM.
1969Summernested in Pope Co.; also reported from Cottonwood, Pope, Ramsey, Wright, Meeker, Carver, Nicollet (''common") and Watowan Co's. where 16 (14 males) were recorded on 6-10 (EK).
1969Fall8-25 Winona 7 BTV; 11-29 Hennepin ETS; 11-29 Olmsted AFR.
1969Winter12-14 Olmsted KRE; 12-27 Carver KH.
1970Springearly south 3-30 Dakota RG· 4-5 Winona TV and Nobles HH and Sible; DB and Rice OR, JAH; early north 4-18 Morrison LR; 4-25 Marshall AR.
1970Summernested in Swift Co; also reported from Ramsey, Lyon, Mille Lacs, jackson, Hennepin, and Marshall.
1970Falllate south 11-7 Wright PF and Meeker DBC; 11-8 Houston FL; 11-14 Hennepin CH; late north 11-5 Marshall Ar and St. Louis )H; peak 10-1 Marshall (391) AR.
1971Springearly south 3-14 Goodhue and Winona KE, PE; 3-20 Winona RBJ; 3-26 Winona TV; early north 4-11 Clearwater RCD; 4-16 Marshall AR; peak 5-6 Marshall (550) AR.
1971Summernested in Pope, Swift, Kandiyohi, Hennepin. MsLeod, Lyon and Jackson; also reported from Nicollet, Marshall, Clearwater, Stevens, Wright and Kittson.
1971Winter12-12 Wright BAH.
1972Summernested in Cottonwood, (Hennepin); seen also in Mahnomen, Kandivohi, Pope, Swift, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, Nicollet.
1972WinterOne report. Last seen at Weaver Bottoms by FZL on 12-3.
1973Summer Reports from Marshall, Ottertail, Grant, Pope, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, Yellow Medicine, Lincoln, Lyon, Carver, Sherburne, Hennepin, (150 males French Lake OJ), Ramsey, Washington & Nicollet.
1973Fall Reported from 11 counties. Peak 9/9 Marshall (280) (AWR).
1974Spring Early south 3-7 Anoka SC; 3-13 Chippewa CLH; 3-22 Hennepin REH; 3 reports north, 4-25 Marshall AR; 5-18 Marshall MS; 5-19 Lake Superior (2) GJN; peak 5-10 Marshall (730) AR.
1974Summer Nested in Marshall, Lac qui Parle, Ramsey; also reported from Douglas, Big Stone, Swift, Kandiyohi, Yellow Medicine, Lyon, Nicollet, Hennepin, Goodhue, Wright.
1974Fall Late south 10-4 Meeker RBJ; 10-10 Wabasha WDM; 11-3 Hennepin KG, PZ; late north 11-7 Marshall KE; peak 10-10 Marshall (4.000) AR.
1975Spring Early south 3-22 Olmsted JF; 3-28 Olmsted VH, JF; 3-30 Dakota RAG; reports north 4-20 Marshall AR; 4-27 to 5-4 Aitkin JB. TS, LP; 5-8 Otter Tail MS; peak 5-2 Marshall (1340) AR.
1975Summer Nested in Marshall, Murray and Hennepin; also reported from 12 other counties.
1975Falllate north 11-12 Marshall SV; 11-30 Ottertail SM; late south 11-5 Traverse KE; 11-9 Lyon PE.
1975Winterpossibly the first overwintering bird on record was at Sherburn, Martin Co. on 1-24 and again on 2-28 (LR); early spring migrants 2-22 Dakota (ETS) and 2-29 Lac qui Parle (CH).
1976Spring Early south 3-18 Rice OR; 3 reports on 3-19; early north 4-15 and 5-11 Marshall A WR; 4-29 Hubbard HF; 525 Morrison LSR; peak 4-16 Big Stone (400) BS.
1976Summernested in Marshall; also reported from Clearwater, Clay, Grant, Cook, Pope, Yellow Medicine, Lyon, Nobles, Murray and Hennepin.
1976Fall Late north 10-29 Mille Lacs, 10-30 Marshall; late south 11-1 Wabasha, 11-20 Washington, 11-28 Ramsey.
1976Winter 4 reported on the Big Stone Christmas Count.
1977Spring Early south 3-19 Wabasha DM; 3-11 Anoka HCP; 5 reports on 3-12; early north 3-26 Otter Tail SM; 3-28 Otter Tail GO.
1977Summer Nested in Marshall, Lyon and Ramsey; also reported from 14 other counties east to Aitkin and Washington.
1978Spring Early north 3-26, 4-8 Otter Tail SM, GO; peak Marshall (960) SV.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Sherburne, Stearns, Stevens, Big Stone and Marshall; also seen in Roseau, Becker, Clay, Otter Tail, Todd, Swift, Kandiyohi, Lac qui Parle, Martin, Faribault, Nicollet, Wright, Hennepin, Ramsey and Anoka.
1978Fall Peak 9-6 Marshall (2,290) ANWR; late north 10-25 Grant GO, 10-27 Crow Wing TS, 11-22 Duluth KE; late south 11-25 Wabasha RJ, 11-28 Wabasha DGM.
1979Spring Early south 3-17 Sherburne JH, 3-20 Olmsted JB, JSD, JF, Wabasha DWM; early north 4-7 Otter Tail GMO 4-22 Wilkin FKS, 4-28 Marshall ANWR. Peak 5-16 Marshall ANWR (1250).
1979Summer Breeding reported from Anoka, Sherburne, Lyon, Lac qui Parle, Stevens, Pope; also seen in Marshall, Otter Tail, Todd, Big Stone, Swift, Lincoln, Stearns, Meeker, McLeod, Hennepin, Washington, Nicollet, Blue Earth, Faribault.
1979Fall Peak 10-7 Grant SM (3-4000). Late north 10-26 Marshall KSS, 11-21 Otter Tail GMO; late south 11-3 Hennepin OJ, 11-4 Dakota MW, 11-21 Otter Tail GMO.
1980Spring Early south 3-3 Olmsted JB, 3-16 Dakota BDC, RJ, Martin EB, Sherburne JH; early north 3-23 Otter Tail SM, 4-18 Marshall ANWR, 4-19 Pope BSH.
1980Summer Breeding reported from six counties; also seen east to Freeborn, Ramsey and north to Todd, Pennington.
1980Fall Late north 9-29 through 10-2 St. Louis KE, 10-6 Pennington KSS; late south 11-1 Houston JP, 11-15 Wright RJ, 11-19 Faribault JCF.
1981Spring Early south 3-14 Blue Earth JCF, 3-21 Freeborn RJ, Le Sueur EK and Washington DS; early north St. Louis LW, 4-13 Pennington KSS, 3-15 Otter Tail GMO; peak 4-20 Grant SM (800).
1981Summer Breeding data from Stearns. Seen throughout range plus Itasca (6-19, White Oak Lake, TL).
1981Fall Late north 10-17 Duluth KE (32), 10-19 Marshall JP, 11-22 St. Louis TL; late south 11-5 Stearns NH, 11-7 Houston R.J (1000) Renville FKS, 11-30 Houston JPI AM.
1981Winter A late December migrant at Reno, Houston Co. on 12-12 (JPAM).
1982Spring Early south 3-14 Lac qui Parle CMB, 3-21 Olmsted JEB, BE, KL, 3-22 Wabasha DWM; early north 4-4 Otter Tail SDM, 4-15 Marshall ANWR, 4-30 Crow Wing TS. Also 5-11 Duluth KE.
1982Summer Breeding data from Steams, Carlton (Moose Lake sewage ponds, KL). Seen throughout range.
1982Fall Late north 10/14 Polk KSS, 10/22 Beltrami TS, 10/3 1 Otter Tail DS; late south 11!11 Nicollet JCF, 11/14 Houston FL, Ill 25 Dakota MW.
1982Winter Two Olmsted County reports; 12/7 (KE) and 2/22 (BE).
1983Spring Early south 3/1 Olmsted RE, 3/4 Houston KE, 3/11 Rice KJ, KL; early north 4/11 Otter Tail GMO, 4/12 Marshall ANWR, 4/16 Duluth DB.
1983Summer Breeding data from Big Stone, Stearns, CARLTON (Moose Lake, KL). Seen in 14 other counties throughout range.
1983Fall Late north 10/8 Marshall KSS, 10/22 Otter Tail DS, 10/26-31 Cook many obs.; late south II 1/9 Chippewa AB, Freeborn RJ, 11/23 Houston FL.
1983Winter Three reports: GRAND MARAIS CBC, Hennepin, until 12-6 (mob) and the Rochester CBC
1984Spring Early south 3/24 Dakota SSt, SC, Olmsted JPIAM, Rice 0. Rustad; early north 4/1 Otter Tail GMO, 4/8 Grant SDM, 4/15 Clay LCF.
1984Summernested in Marshall, Todd and Stearns; also seen in 20 other counties.
1984Fall Late north 10/4 Duluth mobs., 11/5 Beltrami RJ, IIIII Otter Tail SDM; late south 11/17 Brown JSp, 11/18 Ramsey RH, 11/30 Hennepin SC.
1984Winter Reported in Hennepin until 12-5 (mob) and Ramsey, Lake Como, until 1-9 (KL).
1985Spring Early south 3/12 Hennepin VL, 3/13 Olmsted m.ob., 3/22 Rice FKS; early north 4/10 Otter Tail SMD, 4/18 Marshall ANWR, 4/21 Clay LCF; unusual 5/11 Duluth KE.
1985Summer Nested in Polk, Steams, Brown (JP/AM), Steele (RJ). Also seen in 17 other counties within range.
1985Fall Late north 9/26 Carlton MBW, 10/29 Clay NH, 11/3 Traverse GAM; late south 11/17 Pope JS. 11/19 Houston FL, 11/27 Hennepin SC, ES.
1986Spring Early south 3/9 Olmsted JEB, 3/14 Blue Earth JCF, 3/20 Rice FKS; early north 3/12 ·. OtterTail SDM, 3/28 Marshall ANWR, 4/18 Wilkin GAM.
1986Summer Nested in Steams. Also seen in 12 other counties within range plus Winona (7/26,RJ). Scarce in the north half of its range, and apparently less widespread than normal.
1986Fall Late north lOIII Aitkin SC, WN, 10/25 Grant AB, 10/29 Wilkin GAM; late south 11/10 Olmsted JEB, 11/29 Hennepin AB, SC 11/30 Ramsey DS. Thrkey Vulture Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 249 (1985:780) ; late north lOIII Aitkin SC, 10/14 Cook KMH, 11/16 Duluth ; late south 10/1 Olmsted BE, 10/8 Houston EMF, 10/14 Fillmore AP.
1986Winter Three December reports: Lac qui Parle 12/20 (RGJ) and Hennepin 12/4 (SC) and Ramsey until 12/9 (DS).
1987Spring Early south 3/7 Blue Earth JCF, 3/8 Yellow Medicine KE, 3/21 Olmsted JB; early north 4/9 Marshall ANWR, 4/13 Grant SDM, 4/25 Wilkin GAM. Thrkey Vulture Early south 3/6 Steams NH, 3/16 Mower RRK, 3/20 Wabasha AP; north 4/9 Duluth KE,4/ l8Clay LCF, Cook KMH,AitkinWN.
1987Summer Nested in Clay (MMM); probable nesting in Stevens. Also seen in 16 other counties within range plus Washington, Dodge. Thrkey Vulture Nested in Lake. Seen in 17 other counties eastward of a diagonal connecting Marshall, Becker, Mille Lacs and Mower; also in Nicollet , Brown, Renville, Lyon (6/29, SDM).
1987Fall Late north 8/29 Otter Tail DS, 9/22 Clay LCF; late south 11/7 Brown JS, ll/21 Wabasha AB, 11/27 Waseca RJ. Thrkey Vulture Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 368 ( 1986: 249); late north 10/2 Crow Wing DS, 10/15 Hubbard JL, 10/18 Duluth HR; late south 10/7 Winona AP, 10/8 Anoka RJ( II), 10/ II Goodhue RG.
1987Winter Reported on the St. Paul CBC, Dakota 12/22 (BDC) and Houston 12/12 (FL).
1988Spring Early south 3/18 Lac qui Parle FE, 3/19 Lyon HK, 3/20 Dakota BDC; early north 4/4 Marshall ANWR, 4/11 Clay MMM, 5/3 Becker BK. Thrkey Vulture Early south 3/5 Dakota JD, 3/8 Fillmore AP, 3!17 Mower JM; early north 3/29 Duluth SK, 4/2 Becker BK and Beltrami AB.
1988Summer Nested in Wilkin (AB). Seen in 11 other western counties plus Anoka. Thrkey Vulture More reports than recent years, although no nesting records. Seen in 30 counties east of a diagonal through Marshall, Becker, Todd, Scott, Steele; plus LeSueur, Nicollet, Brown.
1988Fall Late north 11/23 Aitkin BSE; late south 11/11 Ramsey TSo, 11/15 Houston FL, 11/30 Hennepin SC, ES. Thrkey Vulture Hawk Ridge count: 666; late north 10/4 Cook SOL, 10/9 Hubbard HJF, 10/15 Duluth HR; late south 10/2 Goodhue DZ and Olmsted BSE, 10/3 Houston EMF, 10 11/Fillmore NAO.
1988Winter Reported in Hennepin 12/2 BS and Dakota 12/5 DC.
1989Summer Seen in 18 counties as far east as a line through Kittson, Clearwater, Todd, Houston. Thrkey Vulture Nested in St. Louis SS. Seen in 19 other counties as far west as a line from Koochiching to Mahnomen to Fillmore; plus Nicollet , Brown, Blue Earth, Martin, Cottonwood, Yellow Medicine.
1989Fall Late north 9/23 Douglas RJ, 9/24 Clay LCF; late south 11/8 Cottonwood ED, 11/14 Ramsey EL. 11/21 Wabasha DWM. Thrkey Vulture Hawk Ridge count: 869; late north 10/7 Lake DPV, 10/11 Cook OSL, 10/19 Duluth HR; late south 10/9 Olmsted AP, 10/13 Freeborn AP, 10/14 Wabasha BL.
1989Winter Reported on the St. Paul CBC. Thrkey Vulture Early migrants (?) reported from Winona 2/18 GS and Fillmore 2/21 (4), fide AP.
1990Spring Early south 3/12 Lac qui Parle FE, Martin BB, 3/16 Blue Earth BB; early north 4/13 Douglas RJ, 4/22 Pine AB, Polk DJ. Thrkey Vulture Early south 3/13 Rice OR, Wabasha WDM, 3/15 Fillmore NAO; early north 3/20 Becker BK, 4/3 Lake DV, 4/6 Aitkin WN.
1990Summer More reports than usual; nested in Pipestone JP, Rice FKS. Seen in 22 other counties within range plus Winona AP Thrkey Vulture Many reports, especially from south and west of usual range. Seen in 18 Southern counties including 6/2, 3, 10 Lac qui Parle CMB, FE; 7/23 Murray NO; 6/9, 7/14, 21 Rock KE, NO; 6/11 Nobles NO. Also seen in 13 northern counties.
1990Fall Late north 8/12 Clay LCF, 9/2 Red Lake AB, 11/3 Becker MO; late south 11/14 Hennepin SC, 11/17 RiceTB, 11/18 Meeker RJ. Thrkey Vulture Hawk Ridge count: 569; late north 10/4 Lake DPV, 10/8 Norman BK, 10/23 Hawk Ridge; late south 10/2 Wabasha DWM, 10/31 Goodhue HH, 11/5 Houston EMF.
1990Winter BL found three at Lake City, Wabasha 12/8. Only report.
1991Spring Early south 3/18 McLeod RG, 3/20 Martin BB, 3/21 Cottonwood ED, Hennepin KB; early north 4/17 Clay MO, 4/25 Roseau KSS, 5/13 Carlton RJ. Thrkey Vulture Early south 3/21 Houston EMF, 3/25 Goodhue BL, Washington WL; early north 4/2 Pope SDM, 4/3 Cass HJF, St. LouisTW.
1991Summer For second straight year, more reports than usual. Nested in Yellow Medicine GS, Scott AP, Hennepin; seen in 24 other counties as far east as Clearwater in north and Winona CSc in south.
1991Fall Late north 10/13 Clay LCF, 10/26 Norman MO, 10/28 St. Louis AB; late south 11/15 Hennepin SC, 11/16 Goodhue RB, 11/26 Olmsted JB.
1991Winter Only report Otter Tail 12/8 SDM.
1992Spring Early south 3/4 Winona CS, 3/8 Kandiyohi JR and Olmsted JB; early north 4/5 Otter Tail SDM, 4/12 Becker MO, 5/1 Marshall BK.
1992Summer Decrease in reports relative to previous two years. Nested in Marshall, probable nesting in Cottonwood; seen in 18 other counties as far east as St. Louis PS, TD and Winona CSu.
1992Fall Late north 10/24 Douglas DC, 11/6 Cass RH, 11/29 Otter Tail SDM; late south 11/21 Ramsey KB and Winona RJ, 11/27 Carver PB.
1992Winter Late lingering migrants reported 12/5 Hennepin TT, 12/12 Rice TBo, until 12/13 Otter Tail AB et al., 12/18 Olmsted JB, and the Grand Marais CBC (12/19 KMH).
1993Spring Early south 3/22 Scott DB, 3/26 Ramsey RH and Wright KB. Early north 3/25 Otter Tail SDM, 3/27 Wilkin PS, 4/27 Kanabec CM.
1993Summer Many reports, similar to 1990 and 1991. Nested in Le Sueur EK; probable nesting in Hennepin, Cottonwood. Seen in 22 additional counties in all regions except north central and northeast; including Mower, Winona in southeast.
1993Fall Late north 10/21 Becker BBe, 10/23 Wilkin WM, 10/27 Polk KSS. Late south 11/24 Faribault CS, 11/25 Wabasha DWM, 11/30 Hennepin AB, KB.
1993Winter Reported 12/8 Hennepin SC, RG.
1994Spring Early south 3/12 Rice TB, 3/16 Wright KB, 3/19 Olmsted JBo; early north 4/10 Otter Tail SDM, 4/19 Douglas SWa, 4/23 Clay LCF.
1994Summer Fewest reports since 1988. Nested in Otter Tail SDM, Murray; probable nesting in Big Stone, Faribault. Seen in seven additional western counties plus Kandiyohi, Watonwan, Blue Earth, Hennepin, Rice.
1994Fall Late north 10/21 Douglas RH, 10/27 Aitkin DN, 11/5 Otter Tail DS. Late south 11/18 Freeborn RJ, Hennepin SC and Rice TB.
1994Winter Only reports of late migrants until 12/10 Hennepin SC, and on the Fergus Falls CBC.
1995Spring Early south 3/11 Winona BL, 3/12 Dakota RG, PJ and Hennepin RJ; early north 3/22 Otter Tail SDM, 4/22 Becker CF, Clay RO and Todd JSK.
1995Summer Fewest reports since 1988. Nested in Big Stone; observed in nine additional western counties plus McLeod, Hennepin, 6/2–7/18 Winona CS.
1995Fall Peak number of 600 on 10/10 Anoka KB; reported from 7 north & 18 south counties.
1995Winter Overwintered in Otter Tail SDM (only the second overwintering record for the state), and reported until 1/1 in Scott mob and Olmsted JSt. An early migrant noted 2/25 Dakota PJ (second earliest migrant on record).
1996Spring Reported from 47 counties. Early south 3/13 Dakota KB, PJ and Rice TBo.
1996Summer Relatively few reports, similar to last year. Seen in 14 counties as far east as a line through Roseau, Todd, Hennepin, Winona.
1996Fall Reported from 20 counties. Late north 10/28 Todd RJ, 11/10 Clay (25) MRN. Late south (median 12/8) 11/20 Winona CS, 11/24 Hennepin (4) SC, 11/26 Ramsey KB.
1996Winter Only report 12/2 Ramsey KB.
1997Spring Reported from 44 counties. Early south 3/10 Kandiyohi RJF, Cottonwood ED and Anoka KB. Early north 3/27 Clay CN and Grant KKW.
1997Summer Seen in 19 counties as far east as a line through Roseau, Todd, Hennepin, Winona; plus 6/1–2 St. Louis. Probable breeding in Lyon.
1997Fall High count 9/25 Wilkin (572) RJ. Reported from 24 counties. Late south 11/30 Scott DN and Hennepin SC.
1997Winter Unusual number lingered into December in seven counties, with latest 12/12 Clay CN, 12/23 Hennepin SC, 12/27 Rice JL and Dakota KB. Peak 12/11 Hennepin (23) SC. Early migrants noted 2/16 Dakota PJ, 2/23 Rice TBo, 2/27 Anoka KB.
1998Spring Reported from 44 counties. Early south 3/1 Hennepin TT (twelve-year median early date 3/12, but also see winter report). Early north 3/28 Duluth (3) mob. Peak 4/18 Big Stone (1,200) PJ.
1998Summer Seen in 12 western counties plus Hennepin, Waseca, Freeborn, Olmsted; new nesting record in Becker AJ.
1998Fall Peak 10/20 Lyon (110) RgS. Reported from 24 counties. Late north 11/8 Grant SDM, 11/29 Clay RO. See winter report for additional late migrants.
1998Winter Reported from 12 counties. Late north (only report) Fargo CBC (3). Late south 12/19 Carver (Excelsior CBC) and Winona (Winona CBC), and 12/22 Hennepin SC. Early south 2/24 Dakota PJ, 2/28 Lac qui Parle (2) and Chippewa (3) SDM. Peak 12/7 Reno Bottoms, Houston Co. (1,930 includes some Wisconsin birds) KB.
1999Spring See winter report for early south migrants. Early north 3/3 (record early north date) Otter Tail SDM. Peak counts 4/12 Jackson (flock of 1,580 on South Heron L.) KB, 4/18 Big Stone (4,000–5,000) SDM.
1999Summer Seen in 12 southern counties as far east as Anoka, Mower; plus Traverse, Clay, Polk, Marshall, Roseau.
1999Fall Largest concentrations 10/20 Lac qui Parle (455 at BSNWR) BOl, 10/27 Meeker (150) RJ. Among the few north reports was an unusual location: 10/10 St. Louis (2) JN. No north reports after 10/20 Polk PS. See winter report for late migrants.
1999Winter Reported from 11 south counties. One female overwintered at Blue Lake treatment plant, Scott Co.; the reports on 1/8 & 2/22 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) PJ could pertain to this same individual. Late south migrants from eight counties through 12/28 Owatonna CBC. Early south migrants from four counties beginning 2/24 Winona (1) KB.
2000Spring Seen in 32 south and 14 north counties. Early south 3/1 Pipestone RgS, but also see winter report. Early north 4/2 Traverse and Grant DN, 4/18 Kanabec CM. Unusual location 5/20 St. Louis (3 in Biwabik) AE.
2000Summer Record high number of reports (almost double that of the past two years). Observed in 30 counties in all regions except north central and northeast.
2000Fall An estimated 3000 were seen 11/3 Kandiyohi RBJ. Late north 11/9 Polk EEF, 11/18 Otter Tail CMN. Late south 11/25–28 Hennepin PEB, SLC.
2000Winter Late south 12/8 Waseca JJS, 12/16 †Rochester CBC.
2001Spring Reported from 42 south and 17 north counties, including unusual report 5/3 St. Louis (Duluth) †BCM. Early south 3/11 Dakota TAT, 3/19 in four counties. Early north 3/30 Otter Tail CRG, 4/3+ Beltrami DPJ.
2001Summer Seen in 19 counties as far east as a line through Roseau, Benton, Dakota, Olmsted.
2001Fall Reported from only four north counties; late north 11/12 Polk EEF. Observed in 27 south counties; please see winter report for late south migrants.
2001Winter Reported from eight south counties through 1/13 Dakota (Black Dog L.) ADS et al.
2002Spring Reported from 44 south and 15 north counties, and in all regions except the North-central. Early south 3/19 Faribault CRM and Freeborn AEB, 3/22 Cottonwood EPD. Early north 4/20 Kanabec CAM and Polk EEF. High counts 4/22 Jackson (1800 at North Heron Lake) KJB, 5/10 Meeker (2200 at Long L.) DMF.
2002Summer Record number of reports — almost twice the previous ten-year average. Seen in 36 counties as far north and east as a line through Marshall, Pine, Dodge; plus 6/6 and 6/14 Lake (2 at Beaver Bay sewage lagoons) SL, JCG, 6/22–23 Winona DAB, GLS.
2002Fall Reported from 11 north and 32 south counties in all regions except the North-central. Unusual locations 10/25 Cook (Grand Portage) m.obs., 10/31 Cook (Grand Marais) JCG, 11/8 Lake (female at Flood Bay) JWL. High counts 10/15 Traverse (1025) RBJ, 10/21 Jackson (“thousands” at South Heron L.) CRM, LBF. Late north 11/10 Otter Tail DPS. Please see winter report for late south migrants.
2002Winter Only reports: 12/5 Olmsted PWP and 12/14 Excelsior CBC.
2003Spring Seen in 35 south and 10 north counties in all regions. Early south (median 3/11) 3/16 Dakota PEJ, 3/19 Winona JJS. Early north (median 4/5) 4/13 Todd JSK, SID, 4/17 Kanabec CAM and Polk EEF. Unusual locations 5/11–29 St. Louis (Biwabik) ALE, 5/18 St. Louis (Duluth) SWe.
2003Summer Reported in 30 counties as far east as a line through Roseau, Wadena, Sherburne, Dakota, Waseca.
2003Fall Observed in 11 north and 21 south counties in all regions. Unusual location 11/15–16 Lake (female at Silver Bay) m.obs. High count 10/14 Stevens (975) RBJ. Late north 11/27 Otter Tail CRM. Late south 11/26 Hennepin KJB, but also see winter report.
2003Winter All reports: Late south 12/2 Houston KJB, 12/6 Goodhue DWK, 12/12 Dakota KJB.
2004Spring Seen in 35 south and 14 north counties. No reports from North-central, and only St. Louis in Northeast. Early south 3/10 Lac qui Parle BJU, 3/13 Chippewa BJU. Early north (median 4/5) 3/28 Todd JSK, SID, 4/20 Polk EEF. Unusual location 5/8 St. Louis (Biwabik W.T.P.) SLF. Peak concentration 4/21 Lac qui Parle (est. 2000) MSS.
2004Summer Reported in 23 counties in all regions except North-central, Northeast, Southeast.
2004Fall Found in 5 north and 21 south counties, none in North-central or Northeast. High count 10/12 Polk (400) EEF. Late north 11/7 Marshall PHS. Late south 11/21 Winona and Houston DFN, 11/26 Waseca JPS. Also see winter report.
2005Spring Found in 37 south and 12 north counties. No reports from North-central, and only St. Louis in Northeast. Early south 3/6 Dakota PEB and Rice TFB, 3/20 Freeborn AEB (median 3/11). Early north 3/29 Marshall GT, 4/17 Douglas CRM (median 4/5). Unusual location 5/21 St. Louis (Biwabik W.T.P.) ALE.
2005Summer Observed in 25 counties in all regions except North-central and Northeast.
2005Fall Found in 10 north and 25 south counties, none in Northeast. High count 9/28 Marshall (2,000) Agassiz N.W.R. Late north (median 11/11) 10/19 Wilkin JEB, RBJ, 10/30 Pennington JMJ. Late south 11/27 Hennepin PEB, 11/30 Rice TFB. Also see winter report.
2005Winter All reports: 12/1 Meeker DMF, 12/26 Lac qui Parle (2) BJU, plus the Hutchinson (1), Lac qui Parle (6), and St. Paul North (1) CBCs.
2006Spring Seen in 41 south and 10 north counties, none in Northeast. Early south 3/10 Lac qui Parle BJU and Steele NFT, 3/11 (median date) Freeborn AEB. Early north (median 4/5) 4/9 Traverse DFN; peak migration 4/22–30 in six north counties. Unusual location 5/23 Cass (Remer lagoons) BAW.
2006Summer Seen in 34 counties south and west of a line extending from Marshall to Hennepin.
2006Fall Found in 15 north and 38 south counties. Only Northeast report: 10/22 St. Louis (2 at 40th Ave West, Duluth) SLF. High count 10/22 Meeker (1,790 on L. Ripley) DMF. Late north 10/27 Polk (250) PHS, 10/30 Cass BAW and Traverse BJU (median 11/11). Late south 11/26 Washington JWH, 11/27 Chippewa BJU. Also see winter report.
2006Winter1 Only report: 12/16 Benton (Mississippi River, Sartell) HHD.
2007Spring1448 Early south 3/9 in four counties, 3/10 Dakota DFN (median 3/11). Early north 3/11 (second earliest north) Otter Tail SPM, 3/24 Clay BWF (median 4/5). High count 4/26 Big Stone (427, East Toqua L.) BJU. More Northeast reports than usual: 4/28–5/28 St. Louis (max. 6, Duluth) KRE, JCG, m.ob., 5/19 St. Louis (1, Biwabik W.T.P.) ALE, 5/19–21 Lake (1, Beaver Bay W.T.P.) JWL, MWS.
2007Summer825 Observed south and west of a line from Marshall to Hennepin.
2007Fall1437 High counts 10/13 Lac qui Parle (810 on Salt L.) PHS, 9/26 Traverse (352 on St. Mary's L.) BJU. Late north 10/26 Todd RBW, 11/11 Pennington JWH. Late south 11/25 Martin HHD, 11/26 Waseca JPS. Also please see winter report.
2007Winter2 All reports: 12/1 Meeker (Lake Minnie Belle) DMF, 1/5–2/29 Scott (one drake overwintered at Blue Lake W.T.P.) PEJ, CRM, DFN. Also reported on the Winona CBC (Wabasha).
2008Spring2150 Early south away from overwintering areas (median 3/10) 3/11 Brown BTS, 3/12 Chippewa BJU, Dakota PEJ, Lac qui Parle BJU. Early north (median 4/4) 3/29 Itasca SC, EEO, 3/30 Cass BAW.
2008Summer626 Seen in all southern and central regions plus Itasca, St. Louis, Carlton. First county breeding record for Sibley MSw.
2008Fall1128 High counts 10/18 Lac qui Parle (600) PHS, 8/10 Big Stone (380 near Graceville) KRE. Late north 10/31 Beltrami DPJ, 11/1 Grant DPG (median 11/10). Late south 11/23 Wright DPG, 11/26 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 12/14). Also see winter report.
2008Winter2 All reports: 12/15–16 Washington (female, Point Douglas) DWK, JPM, 2/28 Jackson (probable early migrant) PEJ.
2009Spring1749 See winter report for early south migrants. Early north (median 4/3) 3/15 Otter Tail SPM, 3/21 Traverse MO. Unusual northeast reports: 3/25 St. Louis (female in Duluth harbor at Park Point) JWL, 5/5 St. Louis (St. Louis R.) JLK, 5/16 St. Louis (Biwabik W.T.P) JWL, m.ob.
2009Summer718 Found in all regions except Northeast and Southwest. First county breeding record for Meeker DPG.
2009Fall732 High counts 10/26 Carver (140, Lake Waconia) JCy, 10/24 Goodhue (70) LEC. Late north 10/31 Traverse DPG, 11/1 Douglas JPE, 11/24 Crow Wing JSB. Please see winter report for late south migrants.
2009Winter10 On 12/5 still present in six south counties. Late south 12/7 Hennepin CRM, 12/19 LaCrosse-LaCrescent CBC, Lac qui Parle CBC. High count 12/1 Meeker (15+, Lake Ripley) DMF.
2010Spring1143 Early south (median 3/11) 3/7 Dakota PEJ, CMB, DFN, 3/14 Jackson PEJ, DFN, HHD, 3/15 Brown BTS. Early north (median 4/3) 4/4 Crow Wing JSB, 4/8 Traverse BJU, 4/17 Douglas HHD, JPE, Grant and Traverse DFN.
2010Summer1025 Observed in all regions except Northeast. An individual unusually far northeast was reported 6/17 Koochiching DBM. First county breeding record from Redwood WCM.
2010Fall1538 High counts 10/8 Lac qui Parle (1,338, Salt Lake) PCC, 10/10 Polk (350, East Grand Forks W.T.P.) CMK, 10/8 Yellow Medicine (330, Tyson Lake) KRE. Late north 11/8 Aitkin, Crow Wing BJU, 11/10 (median) Douglas ARW. Please see winter report for late south migrants.
2010Winter17 One north report: 12/11 Clay (Crystal Sugar lagoons, Moorhead) PBB. All south reports were from December and February, with high count 12/16 Martin (3) BRB. Last December report 12/22 Ramsey MJI, YK. Earliest February report 2/16 Dakota (2, Black Dog Lake) PEJ.
2011Spring1950 See winter report for early south migrants. Early north (median 4/3) 3/26 Itasca SC, 4/9 Douglas DPG, Grant m.ob., Lake (Burlington Bay, Two Harbors) NAJ, Morrison FGo, Traverse BJU. High count 4/23 Yellow Medicine (200, Spellman Lake) SVo. Additional Northeast reports 4/10 St. Louis (7, Park Point R.A.) PHS, 4/29 Lake (male, Beaver Bay W.T.P.) HHD, RAE, 4/30 Lake (female, Castle Danger W.T.P.) RAE, 5/31 St. Louis (3, Indian Point, Duluth) JLK.
2011Summer419Found in all western regions as well as Central and South-central. High count 7/31 Lac qui Parle (99, Mehurin Twp., Salt Lake) PCC. First county breeding record from Blue Earth ChH.
2011Fall1343 High count 8/20 Lac qui Parle (315, Salt Lake) PCC, PHS. Late north 11/7 Clay RHO, 11/12 Morrison MJB, FGo (median 11/10). Please see winter report for late south migrants.
2011Winter218All north reports: 12/17 Fergus Falls CBC (2), 1/10 Otter Tail RAE, 1/28 Morrison (Little Falls) BWF, RMD, FGo, DBz. Numerous December to early January reports south. Midwinter south reports include 1/14 Washington (female, Point Douglas Park) BAF, 1/15–2/6 Goodhue (up to 5, Lock and Dam 3) BAF, PEJ, m.ob., 2/15 Hennepin (3) RLL. Also overwintered Martin (Fox Lake) PEJ. Probable early migrants 2/27 Steele (2) NFT, 2/28–29 Rice DAB, JLO, TFB.
2012Spring1950 See winter report for early south migrants. Early north (median 4/3) 4/6 Grant ANy, 4/7 Becker ANy, Traverse DFN, 4/14 Kanabec, Pine DBz, m.ob. High counts 4/21 Pope (~1,000, Lake Emily) DPG, 4/15 Sibley (540, Lake Washington) DWK, 4/22 Dakota (estimated 400, Lake Byllesby) ADS. Unusual Northeast reports: 4/28–5/6 Carlton (Moose Lake W.T.P) HHD, JPr, RAE, 5/9–11 St. Louis (Indian Point, Duluth) JLK.
2012Summer1428 Found in all regions.
2012Fall1242 High count 10/26 Faribault (est. 150, Wells W.T.P.) MGo. Late north 11/16 Polk RAE, HHD, 11/18 Becker HHD, RAE, 11/19 Beltrami DPJ (median 11/10). Please see winter report for late south migrants.
2012Winter29 All north reports: 12/2 St. Louis (2, Silver Lake, Virginia) ph. DBF, †SLF, 12/8–16 Clay (Moorhead, American Crystal Sugar lagoons) PBB, 12/15–16 St. Louis (Duluth, 27th Ave. West) KJB, †JLK. Overwintered south Dakota (5, Black Dog Lake) m.ob.
2013Spring2553 Early south (median 3/11) 3/7 Wabasha PEJ, 3/15 Anoka ABo, Jackson, Martin, Nobles PEJ. Early north (median 4/3) 3/30 Douglas JPE, 4/2 Traverse DLP, 4/6 Cass, Morrison BAW, MJB. High counts 4/30 Hennepin (400, Medicine Lake) APe, 4/25 Houston (350) DJa, 4/24 Goodhue (236, Prairie Island GJM.
2013Summer1327 Reported from all regions except North-central and Northeast.
2013Fall1942 High count 10/18 Sherburne (552, Lake Fremont) PLJ. Late north 11/10 Beltrami HHD, Kanabec DWK, JWH, Pine BWF, ANy, St. Louis (3, Indian Point) JLK, Traverse DLP, 11/11 Pine (Pine City W.T.P.) HHD (median 11/10). See winter report for late migrants and overwintering south individuals.
2013Winter16 One north report 12/14 Fergus Falls CBC. Up to 13 lingered through 12/28 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) BAF, and one overwintered Scott (female, Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob. One other report after December: 1/4 Wabasha (Lock and Dam 4) KDS.
2014Spring2149Early south (median 3/11) 3/12 Nobles RMD, 3/14 Dakota CAs, 3/15 Dakota PEJ, Kandiyohi DPG. Early north (median 4/3) 4/12 Clay TCL, 4/13 Traverse HHD, RAE, 4/19 Douglas PEJ, DFN. High counts 4/24 Rice (672, Cannon Lake) DAB, 4/20 Hennepin (630, Lakes Nokomis, Harriet and Calhoun) CMB.
2014Summer1428Reported from all regions except Northeast, but only present in Lake of the Woods in North-central. High counts 7/26 Lac qui Parle (187, Salt Lake) PCC, 7/5 Lac qui Parle (134, Salt Lake) KeL.
2014Fall1444 High count 11/6 Wright (138, Howard Lake) PEB. Late north 11/4 Aitkin (2, Rice Lake N.W.R.) HHD, 11/12 Pine (Pine City W.T.P.) RBJ, 11/13 Douglas BEc (median 11/10). Please see winter report for late south migrants.
2014Winter13 All reports: 12/2 Winona DBz, 12/6 Ramsey ADS, 12/12–20 Dakota (up to 8, Black Dog Lake) m.ob., 12/14 Polk (American Crystal Sugar lagoons) East Grand Forks CBC.
2015Spring1750 Early south (median 3/11) 3/8–13 Dakota PEJ, m.ob., 3/11–13 Hennepin MHu, 3/13 Anoka KMa. Early north (median 4/3) 3/31 Todd ALu, 4/5 Clay PBB. High counts 5/15 Jackson (200, Heron Lake area) KJB, 4/3 Faribault (138, Walnut Lake W.M.A.) ClN.
2015Summer1827 Reported from all regions.
2015Fall1539 High counts 10/7 Freeborn (500, Myre-Big Island S.P.) PSu, 10/31 Benton (500, Watab Twp.) ToL. Late north 11/7 Becker SAu, 11/12 Grant (Hodgson Lake) CNn, 11/20 Becker (Dunton Locks C.P.) MO (median 11/12). Please see winter report for late south migrants.
2015Winter13 Reported from 11 south counties in December, with high count 12/24 Wabasha (17, Mississippi River Pool 5) PEJ. Two midwinter reports: 1/9–11 Washington GJa, PNi, 1/30 Wabasha PEJ.
2016Spring2252 Early south (also see winter report) 3/1 Scott PEJ, 3/6 Blue Earth, JWH, m.ob., Chippewa DLP, Nobles PEJ, DFN. Early north (median 3/30) 3/11–16 Douglas RnB, BEc, 4/16 Crow Wing AaL, followed by reports from 4 other counties. High counts 4/19 Lyon (400, Cottonwood Lake) GWe, 4/15 Martin (360, Pierce Lake) HCT.
2016Summer1433 Found in all regions except North-central, Southeast. High count 6/19 Polk (100, East Grand Forks W.T.P.) SAu. First county breeding record 7/15 Chippewa RBJ.
2016Fall1443 High counts 11/5 Jackson (1,000, Heron Lake Twp.) RBJ, 11/2 Faribault (920, Wells W.T.P.) ClN. Late north 11/6 Traverse DLP, 11/7 Douglas (Lake Christina) KnM, 11/12 Polk (East Grand Forks W.T.P.) SAu (median 11/15). Late south 11/28 Kandiyohi (30, Lake Lillian) JWd, Meeker HHD, 11/29 Hennepin (2, Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) BAF, Wabasha HHD, RAE, 11/30 Big Stone DLP, Meeker HHD (median 12/16). Also see winter report.
2016Winter16 December reports (through 12/12) from 10 south counties, all of 5 or fewer individuals. No others until 2/18, when small numbers (1–5) of presumed early migrants were reported from nine south counties.
2017Spring2253 Early south (also see winter report) 3/4 Dakota PEJ, Scott SC, DAB, JcM, 3/5 Brown (5) BTS, Martin ANy, SC, Nobles DFN, PEJ. Early north (median 3/30) 3/24–27 St. Louis JPR, m.ob., 3/29 Todd RMD, 4/1 Pine (4) LEv. High counts 4/11 Jackson (1,370, Heron Lake W.M.A., counted by 10s) DAk, 4/28 Scott (1,200, Spring Lake, counted by 10s) KvM.
2017Summer1831 Seen in all regions. High count 6/19 Grant (80, North Ottawa Impoundment) ShG, HeH.
2017Fall1747 High counts 11/6 Kandiyohi (500, Lake Lillian) KnM, 10/7 Rice (345, near Warsaw) BHe. Late north 11/7 Cook (Grand Marais Harbor) DAB, 11/11 Todd RAE, 11/20 St. Louis (Silver Lake) DBF (median 11/12). Late south 11/24 Hennepin (8) KeL, 11/24–25 Houston (max. 10) PEJ, ASu, LiH, 11/26 Blue Earth ChH (median 12/16).
2017Winter2 Reported from only two counties, the fewest since winter 2008: 12/8 Hennepin (3, Lake Harriet) IVa, 12/10 Washington (Grey Cloud Island) PNi, BDo.
2018Spring2152 Early south (median 3/8) 3/4 Nobles BAb, 3/10 Blue Earth JWg, Wabasha PEJ, 3/11 Lac qui Parle HHD, RAE. Early north (median 3/29) 4/8 Morrison BWF, 4/12 Grant RAE, m.ob., 4/14 Otter Tail NaH. High count 4/23 Goodhue (900, Lake Byllesby) PEJ.
2018Summer1839 Seen in every region. First county breeding record 7/26 Watonwan CRM, m.ob.
2018Fall1846 High count 10/12 Benton (1,000, Little Rock Lake West) DOr. Late north 10/29–30 Pine (max. 6) DAB, LiH, ClB, 11/5 Grant (3, North Ottawa Impoundment) LiH, ASu (median 11/12). Late south 11/21–22 Hennepin (max. 23, Cedar Lake) MGi, m.ob., 11/21 Lac qui Parle DLP, 11/23 Houston PEJ, Wabasha PEJ (median 12/16).
2018Winter12 One north report: 12/15 Clay (male, Moorhead) PBB. South reports: 12/1 Hennepin (2, Medicine Lake) JBn, 12/24–1/2 Rice (Northfield) GHo, m.ob.
2019Summer1836 Seen in every region.
 Breeds mostly west and central. Migrant throughout, but rare north-central and northeast.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.