Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Blackbirds, Orioles
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Blackbirds, Orioles
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Eastern Meadowlark
Western Meadowlark
[Sturnella meadowlark]
Orchard Oriole
Bullock's Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
Scott's Oriole
Red-winged Blackbird
Brown-headed Cowbird
Rusty Blackbird
Brewer's Blackbird
Common Grackle
Great-tailed Grackle
[Quiscalus grackle]

Rusty Blackbird(Euphagus carolinus)
1945WinterA few found almost every winter with the redwings in the Minnesota River valley, several other records.
1962WinterJan. 5, Eden Prairie, Hennepin Co., several with Redwings, Avifauna! Club; all winter, 8 in May Twnshp, Washington Co., D. Honetschlager; considerably less common this winter than usual.
1963Fallfirst, Oct. 5, St. Peter, Nicollet Co., Avifauna! Club.
1964Fall9-27 (500), 11-15 (200) and 11-22 (5) Stevens Co, RAG; 9-27 Isanti Co, ACR; 10-2 Todd Co, RBJ; 10-4 N. Shore L. Superior, 300, JCG; 10-15 to 11-18 Fargo-Moorhead, EGA; 10-20 Hennepin Co, 60, fide FN; 10-26 Two Harbors, RK.
1964Winter1-1, Afton, 2, XC; 1-6, Washington Co, 1, BL; 1-23, Mpls, 2, MEH; 2-13, Mpls, 6, EMB; 2-21, Mpls, 2, MEH. Brewer's Blackbird. 12-26, Washington Co, 4, DH; 1-17 and 2-13, Mpls, 2, EMB.
1965Springearliest 4-1 Minneapolis, MEH; latest 4-30 Ramsey Co, ACR and Schroeder, MOP; two May dates: 5-3 Hennepin Co, RDT (details?) and 5-18 Moorhead, LWJ (exceptional; details?).
1965Fallearliest 9-2 Duluth, PBH and 9-12 Washington Co, DS, latest 11-14 Knife River, JCG and 11-25 Stearns Co, NMH; a few overwinter in southeastern part of state.
1966Springlatest 5-12 St. Paul, MIG; 5-16 Polk Co, CCE; 5-18 Sauk Centre, RPR.
1966FallLatest in north 10-4 Cook Co., MOP; 10-10 Lake Co., RK.
1966Winterlate northern record 128 to 12-15 Cook Co., LS; scattered reports throughout period from Ramsey, Big Stone, Hennepin, Blue Earth, Winona, Washington, Dakota, Scott Co's.; also Fargo.
1967Springearly 3-13 Lac qui Parle Co., 45, JAH; 3-15 Nobles Co., hundreds, HSH; 3-21 Hennepin Co., 6, VL; late 5-12 St. Louis Co., MMP; 5-13 St. Paul, RJC; 5-20 Beltrami Co., MG; 5-31 Lake Co., VF.
1967Fall earliest 9-23 Duluth, RBJ, JCG; 9-27 Ramsey Co., RJC; 10-11 Becker Co., JAH; latest 11-19 Lake Co., JCG and Beltrami Co., JAH; 11-23 Lac qui Parle Co., 80, WHL; 11-24 Lyon Co., PE; 11-26 Stevens Co., JAH.
1967Winter reported from Lake, Big Stone, Fillmore, Aitkin, Benton, Lyon, Rice, Hennepin, Pope, Stearns, Scott Co's.; also Fargo-Moorhead.
1968Spring late 4-24 Lake Co., 50, RK; 4-25 Duluth, 60, JCG; 5-3 Stevens Co., 200, JAH; 5-5 Cook Co., 4, MOP; exceptional 5-30 Clearwater Co., 1, KE.
1968Fall10-28 Anoka 2,000 WHL; 10-28 Cook MOP, 11-19 Hennepin (Minnesota Valley) MEH.
1968Winter12-21-3-16 Otter Tail (Fergus Falls) 2 fide EGA; 1-4 Winona (Beaver) BL; 2-9 Olmsted 15 AFR; 2-26 Hennepin (Bloomington) RG.
1969Spring3-22 Winona Co., BT, and Sibley Co., DB, and Dakota Co., EIS; 3-26 (100+) Nicollet Co., HBT; 4-15 (40) Cook Co., OP; 4-26 Duluth, KS; 5-10 Whitewater, JJ.
1969Fall9-27 Wright 500+ Duluth 1000s KS; 11-4 Duluth MC; 11-30 Mille Lacs WJH. ETS; 9-19 Mille Lacs 100 MI; 11-30 Lyon 100 PE; 11-13 Lake JCG; 11-18, 11-26 Ramsey CO, EC. American Goldfinch: 8-30 Cass 100
1969WinterAll winter in Olmstead, Hennepin; Dec. in Rice, Yellow Medicine.
1970Springearly south 3-17 Dakota RG and Houston FL; 3-22 Wabasha KE, PE; early north 4-8 Lake RK; 4-12 Crow Wing J B; late 5-7 Carver MM; 5-24 Clearwater KE, PE.
1970Falllate north 10-24 Marshall JG; 11-4 Duluth )G; early south 8-31 Wright ES; 9-7 Stearns MC; late south 10-31 Pope WH; 11-25 Washington WL; peak 11-9 Washington (3000) WL.
1970Winter12-16 Hennepin Mrs. EWJ; 1-9 (3) Winona FZL; 1-23 Dakota RG; 1-23 Cook C. Christensen; 2-13 ·Pine River, Cass Co. RG; 12 all winter Pope WH.
1971Springearly south 3-8 Nobles HI-I; 3-13 Rice OR and Lyon 1-IK; early north 4-8 Itasca MS; 4-11 Crow Wing JB; late 5-2 Carver CH.
1971Fallearly 9-29 Wrl£ht: 10-11 Stearns: 1/1te south 11-7 Hennepin; 11-11 Wabasha; 11-13 Pope; late north 11-7 Cook; 11-9 Duluth. 
1973Summer 6-30 Cook (Mineral Center) MMC.
1973Fall Seen in St. Louis, Crow Wing, Wright, Hennepin. Early 9-6 Mahnomen (6) (RBJ).
1973Winter Reported from 11 counties north to Cook (12-19, Grand Marais Christmas Count) and Big Stone (12-15, D. Peterson).
1974Spring Early south 4 reports on 3-3; 3-9 Cottonwood LR; only reports north 4-10 Crow Wing TS; 4-28 Morrison DCF.
1974Fall Early south 9-16 Stearns MC; 9-28 Hennepin VL; late north 11-10 Ottertail LCF; Crow Wing JB; late south 11-3 Hennepin KG; 11-16 Rock KE.
1974Winter Reported from 14 counties north to Ottertail and Itasca (12-6, MS).
1975Spring Early south 3-1 Goodhue; 3-15 Swift HH; 3-20 Rock KE and Rice OAR; early north 4-20 Aitkin JB; 4-21 and 5-3 Marshall SV; 4-21 and 5-14 St. Louis MMC; late south 5-3 Lyon HCK.
1975Summer 7-2, Saganaga L., Cook Co. (GN); only the third summer report on record.
1975Fallearly south 10-3 Goodhue CF; 10-9 Hennepin OJ; early north 9-11 Itasca MS; 9-21 Duluth JG; late north 11-1 Aitkin JG; 11-13 Marshall SV; late south 11-23 Yellow Med· icine GO, Wright BSH; 11-30 Goodhue CF.
1975Winterreported from 15 counties north to Clearwater and Otter Tail Co's; peak of 162 on the La Crosse Christmas Count.
1976Spring Early south 3-6. Dodge RBJ; 3-13 Lyon HK; 3-15 Rice OR; early north 4-8 Aitkin JB and Marshall SV; 4-16 Cook JH; 4-20 St. Louis GN; late south 5-20 Stearns MC.
1976Summerreported from Cook Co. for the second summer in a row (7-3, Grand Portage, W. Pieper).
1976Fall Early north 8-21 St. Louis, 9-15 Itasca; early south 9-9 Stearns, 9-26 Houston; late north 11-6 Koochiching, 11-11 Duluth.
1976Winter Reported from 15 counties north to Wilkin, Otter Tail, Grant, Todd and Crow Wing.
1977Spring Early south 3-10 Lyon HK; 3-12 Pipestone KE; 3-15 Dakota VL; early north 3-6 St. Louis DA; 3-8 Otter Tail GO; 3-19 Wilkin GEW, SM; late south 4-15 Lyon HK; late north 5-7 Lake KE.
1977Fall Early south Anoka (KL); late north 11-19 Carlton (DGW).
1977Winter Dec. reports in Big Stone, Lyon, Washington, Steele, Houston and Freeborn; seen until mid-Jan. in Otter Tail, Swift, Le Sueur and Sibley; Feb. migrants 2-18 and 19 Sibley (RJ, DGW).
1978Spring Early north 3-25 Wilkin SM; 3-27 Otter Tail GO.
1978Summer Early north 9-15 Itasca MS; early south 9-29 Freeborn DG and 10-3 Hennepin GS; late north 11-25 Otter Tail GW and 11-26 Morrison PM.
1978Fall Early north 9-15 Itasca MS; early south 9-29 Freeborn DG and 10-3 Hennepin GS; late north 11-25 Otter Tail GW and 11-26 Morrison PM.
1978Winter Migrants as late as early January in 10 counties; wintered in Hennepin, Aitkin (until 2-1, WN) and St. Louis (1-21, TS); February migrants 2-28 Anoka.
1979Spring Early south 3-19 Hennepin RE, 3-23 Washington DS; early north 4-1 Wilkin GMO; late south 4-21 Sherburne JH; late north 5-9 Cass HH, 5-28 Lake SW (details submitted), 5-29 Douglas RH.
1979Summer Seen on 6-1 (1) Fiddle Creek Rd., Cook Co. (KRE). Brewer's Bla.ckbird Breeding reported from Lake (Isabella), Mille Lacs, Morrison, Todd, Stearns, Benton; also seen in 12 other counties in the North plus Pope, Meeker, McLeod, Hennepin, Anoka, Washington, Wabasha in the South.
1979Fall Early north 9-15 St. Louis LJF; early south 9-22 Lyon RJ; late north 11-11 St. Louis JG.
1979Winter Reported from six counties in the south and Douglas 1-4, Evansville in the north.
1980Spring Early south Le Sueur HC, Olmsted JB, 3-15 Redwood LJF; early north 330 Otter Tail GMO, 4-5 St. Louis AE; late south 5-9 Washington DR, 5-19 Ramsey FKB; late north 4-28 St. Louis DA, 5-5 Morrison BSH. Brewer,s Blackbird Early south 3-18 Olmsted JB, 3-24 Mower RRK; early north 3-31 Koochiching JHMN, 4-4 Wadena KSS.
1980Fall Early north 9-12 St. Louis LJF, 9-14 St. Louis KE, OJ; early south 10-12 Washington DS, 9-13 Wabasha WDM; late north 9-21 St. Louis KE, JG, 9-25 Otter Tail GW, 9-27 St. Louis LLH, 11-15 Agassiz NWR, Marshall Co.; late south 11-15 Meeker and Wright RJ, 11-21 Nicollet JCF.
1980Winter Overwintered in Redwood. December report from Houston 12-12. February reports from Pipestone 2-28, Le Sueur 2-22, Nicollet 2-28, Houston 2-23 and Otter Tail 2-5. Early migrants in Pipestone on 2-28 (BJ).
1981Spring Early north 3-22 Otter Tail GW 4-11 St. Louis KE, 4-13 Cook KMH, 'Marshall KSS; late south 4-20 Stearns NMH, 4-24 Nicollet JCF; late north 5-1 Douglas SM, 5-9 Itasca MS.
1981Summer Breeding data from Cook (Loon 53: 223).
1981Fall Early north 9-20 St. Louis KE, 9-26 Cook RJ; 9-30 Lake SW/ MS; early south 10-21 Dakota SC, 11-5 Anoka SC; late north 11-5 Clay LCF, Cook KMH, 11-6 Pennington KSS.
1981Winter December reports from Swift, Lyon and Redwood. February reports from Houston, Mower, Nicollet and Pennington 2-27 (SKS).
1982Spring Early north 4-15 St. Louis KE, 5-17 Otter Tail SDM, 4-24 Beltrami JSP; late south 4-22 Olmsted BE, 4-23 Nicollet JCF; late north 5-1 Polk RJ, 5-19 CookMKH.
1982Summer Nesting in Cook (The Loon 54:141143), Lake (The Loon 54:246-247).
1982Fall Early north 10/14 Lake SWIMS, 10/30 St. Louis LE; early south 9/23 Mower RRK, 9/23 Cottonwood JEB, WH, 10/24 Hennepin RA; late north 11/13 St. Louis KE, 11/14 Clay LCF, Lake SWIMS, 11/27 Beltrami AS.
1982Winter Two SW reports; Lyon, a flock of 36 on 12/18 (HK) and Murray 2/1 until 2/15 (AK).
1983Spring Early north 4/6 Clay TT, 4/10 Otter Tail SDM, 4/17 Cook AB, DB; late south 5/22 Rice KJ; north 4/21 Cook KMH.
1983Summer Seen in Lake (Perent Lake; carrying food, Hog Creek), Cook (carrying food, S. Brule River).
1983Fall Early north 9/24 Lake RJ, 9/25 Roseau KSS, 9/26 St. Louis HRNR; early south 10/7 Nicollet JCF, 10/13 Wright TBB, 10/16 Houston FL; late north 11/7 Roseau AJ, 11/17 Cook KMH; late south 11/10 Murray AD, 11/11 Nicollet JCF.
1983Winter Reported on the Grand Marias, Cedar Creek, Bloomington, Afton, Wabasha and Albert Lea CBC's. In Duluth one overwintered along an open creek (KE). Also re ported from Mower, 12-1 (RRK); Anoka, 12-18 (EC); Renville, 1-14 (RJB) and Houston 2-25 (30) (KL).
1984Spring Early south 31 I Rock KE, 3/5 Houston EMF, 3/24 Houston FL; early north 4/1 Otter Tail GMO, 4/7 Clay AB, 4/10 Cook EH, Lake SNP; late south 5/8 Hennepin PL, 5/9 Hennepin OJ; late north 4/24 Cook EH, 4/25 Marshall ANWR, 4/28 Clay LCF.
1984Summerseen in Cook (2 locations).
1984Fall Early north 9/17 Itasca WL, 9/19 St. Louis HR, 9/22 Wadena RJ ; early south 10/26 Dakota SC, 10/28 Lyon HK, ll /4 Murray AD; late north ll/22 Clay LCF, Cook KMH, Wadena AB, ll /23 Polk AB; late south 11/10 Murray AD, IIIli Hennepin AB, 11/12 Nicollet JCF.
1984Winter Reported on the Grand Marais and Fargo CBCs and from nine additional CBCs/ counties in the south and central regions.
1985Spring Early south 3/2 Houston FL, 3/3 Cottonwood LAF, Dakota TTu; early north 3/20 Wilkin KE, SDM, 3/21 St. Louis KE, 3/27 Lake SWIMS; late south 4/14 Washington TBB, Hennepin SC, 4/16 Hennepin RJ, 4/21 Olmsted RE; late north 4/19 St. Louis AE, 4/21 St. Louis SS, 4/28 Cook WP.
1985Summer Seen in Cook (6/24, female; KE, KMH), St. Louis (no date, Tower, MH/JS).
1985Fall Early north 9/15 Lake JPIAM, 9/20 St. Louis fide KE, 10/1 Cook WP; early south 10/11 Chippewa AB, 10/12 Hennepin TTu; late north 11/11 Hubbard HJF, 11/19 St. Louis SWIMS, 11/24 Cook KMH; late south 11/22 Houston EMF, 11/24 Hennepin TTu.
1985Winter Reported on the Fergus Falls, Marshall, Lamberton, Mankato, Owatonna and Afton CBCs. Also reported in Hennepin on 12/5 (SC) and 12/28 (TI). ·
1986Spring Early south 3/16 Fillmore AMP, 3/17 Fillmore RJ, Olmsted AMP, 3/21 Dakota TTu; early north 3/29 Cook EH, 3/30 Otter Tail SDM, 4/1 Clay MM.
1986Summer Nested in Cook (McDonald Lake, T. Webb; third state nesting record).
1986Fall Early north 10/4 Cook SL and Kanabec RJ, 10/5 Itasca DB and Otter Tail RG; early south 8/26 Fillmore AP, 10/5 Ramsey DZ, 10/16 Houston FL and Ramsey KB; late north 11/30 Cook KMH and Hubbard HJF and Otter Tail SDM; late south 11/20 Anoka GP, 11/21 Houston EMF, 11/23 Mower RRK.
1986Winter Reported from 15 counties throughout the state. Fall1987
1987Spring Early south 3/2 Dakota TT, 3/5 Wabasha KR, 3/6 Brown JS and Ramsey KB ; early north 3/7 Otter Tail SDM, 3/24 Cook SOL, 3/27 Cook EH; late south 4/5 Anoka JH, Dakota DZ, 41 II Anoka SC and Lincoln AB, 4/14 Ramsey KB; late north 4/11 Cook KMH and Douglas RJ, 4/13 Marshall ANWR, 5/1 Wilkin GAM.
1987Summer Seen in St. Louis (Tower, MH/JS).
1987Fall Early north 9/17 St. Louis KE, 9/19 St. Louis RSE, 9/20 Lake of the Woods IT; early south 9/11 Hennepin DBC, 9/23 Hennepin SC, 9/26 Dodge RSE; late north 11/15 Cook EH/RB, 11/23 Cook fide KE; late south 11!1 Fillmore AB, AP, 11/6 Murray ND, 11/11 Houston EMF.
1987Winter Reported from 13 counties throughout the state.
1988Spring Early south 3/1 Mower RRK and Nicollet LW, 3/2 Lac qui Parle FE; early north 3/U Clay LCF, 4/1 Duluth KE; late south 4/27 Hennepin SC, 4/30 Washington TBB; late north 4/9 Cook WP, 4/21 Duluth KE.
1988Summer Only report from Cook.
1988Fall Early north 10/1 Clearwater AB, 10/8 Itasca AB ; early south 9/15 Hennepin DB, 9/25 Hennepin SC, 9/29 Blue Earth AP; late north 10/28 Wilkin SDM, 10/29 Hubbard HJF, 11/11 Clay LCF; late south 11/11 Anoka OS, 11/12 Olmsted BSE, 11/17 Dakota JD.
1988Winter Reported from seven counties in all but the NW region.
1989Spring Early south 3/4 Lac qui Parle CMB, 3/11 Lac qui Parle FE, Mower RRK, Olmsted JB; early north 4/9 Clay LCF, 4/13 Duluth KE; late south 4/21 Goodhue APr, 5/2 Ramsey KB; late north 5/7 Cook WP.
1989Fall Early north 9/4 Aitkin WN, 9!16 Cook AP, Kanabec RJ, 9/22 Duluth PS, Lake DPV; early south 9/10 Murray ND, 9/25 Sherburne SWR; late north 11/11 Hubbard HJF, Ill 14 Duluth TW, 11/23 Clay LCF; late south 11/6 Dakota JD, 11/10 Dodge AB, ll/19 Brown JS.
1989Winter Recorded from 15 south and central region counties with 52 on the Albert Lea and 36 on the Cottonwood CBCs. Reported as far north as Grand Marais 12/19 KMH and the Bemidji CBC. Numerous January records but only one February record 2/6 in Murray, (24), JP.
1990Spring Early south 3/ lO Cottonwood RJ, 3/ II Blue Earth JCF, Brown JSp, Lyon HK, Murray AP, 3/12 Sherburne SNWR; early north 3/4-7 Wilkin MO, SDM, 3/17 Cook KMH, St. Louis KE, Duluth DS; late south 4/17 Blue Earth MF, Houston EMF, 4/21 Hennepin SC, DZ, 4/23 LeSueur EK; late north 4/15 Mahnomen AB, 4/20 Duluth MSt, 4/29 Clay LCF.
1990Fall Early north 9/15 Becker MO, 9/23 Aitkin WN, St. Louis PS, 9/28 Lake DPV; early south 10/9 Sherburne SWR, 10/10 Rice TB, 10/15 Ramsey KB; late north 11/17 Aitkin WN, 11/21 Wilkin SDM, 11/23 Aitkin SC, Otter Tail MO; late south ll/3 Hennepin SC, GP, Nicollet LF, 11/18 Martin BB, 11/24 Cottonwood RJ.
1990Winter Reported from five north, four central, and seven south region counties ( 17 I. y.). Overwintering occurred in Olmsted, probably Martin, and perhaps Koochiching where RJ and RG found a single bird 1/12 in a cattle yard.
1991Spring Early south 3/6 Murray ND, 3/15 Lac qui Parle CMB, 3/18 Faribault AP; early north 3/3 Clay LCF, 3/9 Otter Tail MO; late south 4/26 Winona CS, 51 I Hennepin SC; late north 5/1 Beltrami DJ, 5/25 Lake AB.
1991Fall Early north 9/13 Roseau MO, 9/18 Lake DPV; early south 9/25 Sherburne N.W.R., 10/5 Hennepin TT; late north 11/28 Cook KMH, 11/30 Otter Tail SDM; late south 11/10 Olmsted AP, 11/23 Houston EMF.
1991Winter Reported from nine counties (16 l.y.) with overwintering records from Marshall KSS, Otter Tail SDM, and Clay MO, LCF. More widely reported on CBC's including Duluth, Crosby, Sherburne NWR, Faribault, and Rochester CBC's.
1992Spring Early south 3/1 Hennepin TT, 3/2 Murray ND; early north 4/10 Otter Tail CS/KC, 4/12 Clay MO; late south 4/26 Wright AB, 5/4 Hennepin SC; late north 5/16 Cook AB.
1992Fall Early north 10/17 Aitkin RJ, 10/19 Pennington SSt; early south 10/11 Olmsted JB, 10/24 Goodhue AB; late north 11/9 Cook KMH, 11/29 Otter Tail SDM; late south 11/18 Ramsey KB, 11/22 Hennepin TT.
1992Winter Reported from 15 counties (nine l.y.). Overwintered in Otter Tail SDM, and probably Hennepin mob. More widely reported on CBCs but the only north reports were from Baudette and Duluth.
1993Spring Early south 3/4 Ramsey KB, 3/6 Martin BBo. Early north 3/30 Grant KKW, 4/18 Aitkin WN and Cook KMH. Late south 4/21 Olmsted JB, 4/25 Dakota TT and Hennepin SC. Late north 4/26 Kanabec CM, 5/4 Becker BK and St. Louis AE.
1993Fall Early north 10/8 Cook KMH, 10/10 St. Louis TW. Early south 9/8 Hennepin KB, 10/11 Washington SK. Late north 11/8 Becker BK, 11/26 St. Louis TW. Late south 11/10 Cottonwood ED, Hennepin KB, 11/13 Freeborn RJ.
1993Winter Reported from only three counties (15 l.y.) including 12/21 Brown JS (1), 1/9 Clay LCF (4), and 1/23 and 2/13 Otter Tail SDM.
1994Spring Early south 3/17 Lyon HK, 3/18 Rice TB; early north 3/18 Aitkin WN, 3/26 Grant SDM; late south 5/1 Hennepin SC, 5/7 Hennepin OJ, TT; late north 4/30 St. Louis ME/SK, 5/2 St. Louis SS.
1994Summer Only report from Cook.
1994Fall Early north 9/17 Roseau PS, 9/18 St. Louis TEB. Early south 10/9 Hennepin TT, 10/14 Sherburne KB. Late north 10/29 Beltrami DJ, 11/6 Aitkin CMG and Cook MH. Late south 11/29 Murray ND, 11/30 Winona CS.
1994Winter Reported 12/7 Dakota RJ and 1/21 Dakota TT. All additional reports were on CBCs, including Aurora, Detroit Lakes, Faribault, Marshall, Morris, St. Paul (21), and St. Paul NE (75), but the latter numbers are not credible without details.
1995Spring Early south 3/12 Anoka PKL and Dakota KB; early north 3/15 Otter Tail SDM, 4/2 Red Lake SKS; late south 5/5 Winona CS, 5/7 Cottonwood ED; late north 5/10 Carlton LW, 5/15 St. Louis NJ.
1995Fall Early north 9/23 Koochiching PS and St. Louis TW, 10/12 Carlton LW. Early south 10/2 Rice JL, 10/4 Anoka KB. Late north 11/29 Wilkin SDM, 11/30 Becker BK. Late south 10/28 Martin BBo, 11/6 Ramsey RH.
1995Winter Reported from 11 counties throughout all parts of the state. All reports were in December.
1996Spring Early south 3/8 Winona CS, 3/12 Dakota DBS, 3/13 Renville CMa. Early north 3/15 Grant SWa, 4/10 Kittson KB, 4/11 Aitkin CB and Clay (200) DBM. Late south 5/5 Kandiyohi PP, 5/7 Hennepin SC. Late north 4/29 Aitkin CB, 5/5 Wilkin SDM.
1996Fall Early north 8/26 (second earliest north date) Aitkin (3) CB, 9/29 Kittson PS, 9/30 Itasca ABo and Marshall PS. Early south 8/20 (ties earliest date in the state) Carver RH, 8/31 Sibley (10) KHe, JoW, 10/4 Dakota DBS, 10/5 Anoka JH. Late north 11/30 Aitkin CB. Late south 11/30 Lac qui Parle FE.
1996Winter Reported from ten south counties, plus 12/1–6 Aitkin CB in the north. The only reports after early January were 1/1–20 Hennepin SC and 2/17 Cottonwood ED.
1997Spring Early south 3/8 Blue Earth BBo, 3/23 Dakota TT, 3/27 Brown JSp and Olmsted DA, BE. Early north 3/6 St. Louis JN, 3/9 Clay RO, DWi, 4/1 Crow Wing CB. Late south 4/26 Lac qui Parle TBr, 4/29 Fillmore NO, 5/2 Hennepin TT. Late north 4/20 Aitkin CB and Wilkin SDM, 4/21 St. Louis TW, 4/28 Kanabec CM.
1997Fall Early north 9/9 St. Louis FN, 9/20 Lake DV and St. Louis RH, 9/21 Lake of the Woods PS. Early south 9/21 Hennepin SC, 10/1 Washington RJ, 10/10 Dakota TT and Sherburne (100) DJe. Late north 10/29 Cass RJ, 11/15 St. Louis JN. Late south 11/5 Renville (100) CMa and Rice TBo, 11/15 Ramsey RH, 11/18 Waseca JZ.
1997Winter Reported from eight south and three north counties. The non-CBC reports were 12/2 St. Louis PKL, 1/4–24 Otter Tail DST, 1/24 Renville KB, 2/1 Washington TT, and 2/26 Anoka PKL. CBC total 22.
1998Spring Early south 3/2 Carver RJ and Rice TBo, 3/11 Lac qui Parle FE. Early north 3/29 St. Louis DN, DS, 4/5 Becker BK and Otter Tail SDM. Late south 4/5 Big Stone LE, 4/8 Rice JL. Late north 4/8 Wadena PBi.
1998Fall Early north 9/18 Itasca ABo, 9/27 St. Louis FN, and 9/28 Aitkin CB. Early south 9/17 Scott RJ, 9/21 Hennepin LE and Olmsted DA/BE. Late north 11/13 St. Louis JN, 11/19 Aitkin CMG. Late south 11/11 Freeborn ABa, and 11/14 Hennepin OJ.
1998Winter Reported from the Faribault, Winona, and Lamberton CBCs, plus 1/16 Freeborn (20) ABa, 1/23 & 2/17 Lac qui Parle FE, 2/15 Yellow Medicine BBe, 2/28 Swift (6–8) SDM, and 2/28 Freeborn ABa.
1999Spring Apparently arrived south later than usual; first reported 3/15 Dakota KB, but see winter report. Early north 3/27 Becker DJo, 3/30 Todd JSK, SDu. Peak count 4/4 Wright (400 at Elk R.) KB. Only May report south: 5/15 Goodhue JSt. Only significant late north date: 5/18 Roseau AH, PS.
1999Summer Second summer record in eleven years; 6/19 Lake (near Gabbro L.) MH.
1999Fall Early north 9/19 St. Louis (west Duluth) DJe and St. Louis (HRNR) FN, 9/25 St. Louis TW. Early south 9/15 Stearns SWi, 9/18 Hennepin CMa, TT. Late north 11/14 Pine CM, 11/15 St. Louis JN. See winter report for additional migrants.
1999Winter Reported from 3 north and 19 south counties. Overwintered in Otter Tail and Winona, with additional mid-winter reports from Wright, Renville, and Ramsey. Flocks of early migrants (max. flock size 16) reported from 9 south counties beginning 2/25 Rice (5) TBo.
2000Spring See winter report for early south migrants. Overwintered north in Otter Tail; apparent migrant 3/5 Grant SDM, then no reports until 4/1 Clearwater DJo. Partial albino seen 4/9 McLeod DF. Departed before recent medians south and north. Late south 4/29 Hennepin PBu. Late north 4/28 Beltrami DJo.
2000Fall First reported north 9/24 Itasca ABo, 9/25 Mille Lacs PHS. Only two pre-October reports south: 9/16 Dakota SEL, 9/23 Lac qui Parle FAE. Late north 11/12 Lake SS, 11/14 St. Louis JRN, but also see winter report.
2000Winter Decreased numbers. Reported from five south counties, plus 12/5–11 Pennington SAS in the north. Only reports after December were 1/12 Dakota (5) ADS and 2/11 Dakota (1) TAT.
2001Spring Reported from 22 south and 9 north counties. Early south 3/17 Dakota ADS, TAT, but see winter report. Early north (median 3/17) 4/12 Todd JSK, 4/14–15 in four counties. Late south 4/26 Hennepin PEB, 4/27 Wabasha JJS. Last reported 5/8 Roseau PHS, 5/19 Roseau AXH, PHS.
2001Fall Arrived north along North Shore of Lake Superior, beginning 9/15 St. Louis CAM. Observations away from Northeast began 9/30 Red Lake JMJ. High count 10/20 Douglas (200–250) REH. Early south 9/19 Lyon RJS, 9/25 Rice TFB. See winter report for lingering birds north and south.
2001Winter Reported from 12 south counties plus the following north reports: 12/23 Otter Tail SPM, 2/18 Grant SPM, 2/20 Polk (12) EEF. Latter two dates may represent early migants. Only south report between 12/29 and 2/18 was 1/20 Hennepin DWK.
2002Spring Reported from 14 south and 7 north counties. Arrived south 3/22 Meeker DMF, 3/26 Dakota ADS. Early north (but see winter report) 4/7 St. Louis PHS, 4/13–14 in three counties. Late south 5/11 Le Sueur SWe, 5/16 Sherburne PLJ. Late north 5/14 St. Louis DCZ, only May report.
2002Fall Early north 9/22 Beltrami JMJ, 9/23 Lake RBJ. Early south 9/24 Carver RMD, 9/28 Winona PWP. High counts: estimated 1000 at Stoney Point, St. Louis (10/2, KWR, MCA), 220 at a feeder 10/30 St. Louis KRE. Late north 11/3 Carlton LAW and Cook CRM, 11/28+ Lake JWL, but also see winter report. Late south 11/12 Hennepin SLC, 11/18 Sibley CRM, 11/25 Dakota TAT.
2002Winter Reported from 2 north and 12 south counties including overwintering as far north as Otter Tail SPM and Lake (Two Harbors) †JWL, ph. PHS, m.ob.
2003Spring Reported from 14 south and 7 north counties. Overwintered in three north counties including previously unreported bird in St. Louis JRN. Late south 4/21 Meeker BWF, 4/26 Sherburne REH. Late north (median 5/4) 4/14 Pine RBJ and St. Louis PHS.
2003Fall Found in 18 north and 14 south counties. Early north 9/24 St. Louis KRE, 9/28 Pennington PHS. Early south 9/21 Carver RMD, 9/29 Rice TFB. Highest reported count 11/10 Cottonwood (100+) SSM. See winter report for late migrants north and south.
2003Winter Reported from 4 north and 12 south counties. Late north 12/14 Two Harbors CBC, 12/15 Itasca DRM, 12/20 Duluth CBC, 1/18 Wilkin SPM. South reports through 12/27 St. Paul Northeast Suburban CBC, then only the following mid-winter reports from Hennepin: 12/20–1/24 Coleman Lake and 1/12–2/28 Mound Springs SLC. Early south 2/28 Houston SPM, 2/28 Lac qui Parle BJU, 2/29 Olmsted JWH fide CBe.
2004Spring Reported from 22 south and 9 north counties. See winter report for early south migrants. Early north (recent median 3/17) 3/25 Otter Tail DTT, SMT. Late south 4/24 Hennepin DCZ, 4/30 Chisago CLB. Late north (median 5/3) 4/24 Clay JJS.
2004Fall Seen in 13 north and 11 south counties. Early north 9/22 Cook EEO, 9/30 St. Louis NAJ, 10/1 Lake JWL. Early south 9/28 Anoka REH, 10/4 Meeker DMF, 10/9 Hennepin OLJ, SLC. See winter report for late migrants.
2004Winter All reports: 12/20 Grant EJE, 1/2 Otter Tail (2 on Battle Lake CBC) †EJE, 1/4 Hennepin (Bloomington, male) SLC. Also found on Lamberton (9), Sherburne N.W.R. (67) and Tamarack N.W.R. (1) CBCs.
2005Fall Seen in 18 north and 14 south counties. Early north 9/13 Lake JWL, 9/24 Cass MRN. Early south 9/25 Dakota JPM, 9/27 Dakota TEB and Ramsey EEO. Late north 11/6 Cook KRE, 11/21 Norman BJU; also see winter report.
2005Winter CBC total of 13 birds on 7 counts. All other reports: 12/26 Le Sueur HHD, 1/10 Lac qui Parle (3) BJU, 1/16 Steele FVS, 2/2 Lac qui Parle BJU, 2/25 Yellow Medicine WCM.
2006Spring Observed in 28 south and 11 north counties in all regions except Northeast and East-central. Presumed early south migrants (but see winter report) 3/4 & 3/10 Lac qui Parle BJU, 3/10 Swift BJU, 3/11 Meeker DMF (recent median 3/6). Early north 3/23 Wilkin PBB, ChM, 3/28 Red Lake SAS (median 3/18). Late south 4/22 Hennepin MCA, 4/28 Scott RBW, 5/1 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 4/30). Late north 4/22 Aitkin ASc, 4/22 Clearwater DPJ, PJR, 5/8 Marshall SBr (median 5/2). Season high count 3/30 Lac qui Parle (800) BJU.
2006Summer Reported 6/23 Cook (2 individuals) DWK.
2006Fall Seen in 21 north and 30 south counties. Early north 9/7 Cass DAY, 9/16 Lake of the Woods RJS, 9/17 Lake EEO. Early south 9/21 Big Stone BJU, 9/30 Big Stone PHS, 10/2 Meeker DMF. Amazing in light of this species' decline in North America were thousands of Rustys among an estimated 23,000 blackbirds initially counted by tens, then quickly by hundreds during a 45 minute flyby 10/28 Anoka AXH. Please see winter report for late north migrants and probable overwintering south.
2006Winter46 Reported sparingly across the north with only one observation after December: 1/25 Cass (Remer) BAW. In the south, reports were concentrated in a line from Lac qui Parle to Freeborn counties. High count 1/6 Blue Earth (60) RMD.
2007Spring1233 Presumed early south migrants (see winter report) 3/9 Rice TFB, 3/13 Lac qui Parle BJU, 3/14 Dodge KRV (median 3/6). Early north 3/10 Cass BAW, 3/11 Todd JSK, 3/25 Crow Wing EEO (median 3/20). Late south 4/27 Steele DAB (median 5/1). Late north 4/22 Beltrami DPJ, 4/25 Kittson RBJ, DAC (median 5/3).
2007Fall2115 Early north reports all from St. Louis (median 9/18): 9/12 PHS, 9/14 ABL, 9/15 PHS, LS, JCC, 9/19 SLF. Early south (median 9/21) 9/24 Sherburne PLJ, 9/29 Sherburne DWK, 10/2 Olmsted JWH. Season high counts 11/6 Dakota (1,500) JPM, 10/20 St. Louis (879 at H.R.B.O., where 3,471 reported for the season) EMG, KJB. Late north 11/10 Lake PEB, 11/11 Morrison RBW, 11/20 Lake JWL (median 12/6). Also see winter report.
2007Winter19 Only north report 2/2 Mille Lacs ASc. All south reports: 1/2 Lac qui Parle BJU, 1/10 Freeborn AEB, 1/11, 2/2 Blue Earth ChH, 1/27 Nicollet (7 Mile Creek County Park) WCM, 2/16 Blue Earth RMD, 1/20 McLeod (12) and Sibley (35) JCC, and 2/23 Lincoln (2) DBM, probably representing early migrants. Also recorded on the Henderson (2), Lac qui Parle, Lamberton (6), and Winona (6) CBCs.
2008Spring1332 Early south (median 3/6) 3/21 Faribault WAF, Lac qui Parle BJU, Nobles BTS, 3/26 Dakota JPM. Early north (median 3/19) 4/3 St. Louis MLH, 4/13 Morrison MJB, 4/16 Mille Lacs ASc. Late south 4/24 Stevens DBM, 5/3 Sherburne MCA, MJB, Stearns LS, (median 4/30). High count 4/26 Lake (250 in one yard, Two Harbors) JWL.
2008Fall2019 Early north (median 9/18) 9/14 Aitkin KCR, 9/20 Cook EEO, St. Louis JWL, 9/23 St. Louis SLF. Early south (median 9/21) 9/20 Chisago MHe, 9/26 Big Stone PHS, 9/27 Lac qui Parle PCC, PHS, 9/28 Waseca DAB. Late north 11/13 Polk DLT, 11/14 Otter Tail DST, 11/23 St. Louis PHS (median 12/6). Late south 11/11 Dakota JPM, 11/12 Chisago MHe, 11/26 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 12/16). New record fall count 9/27 St. Louis (5,574 H.R.B.O.) KJB. Also see winter report.
2008Winter11 Fewer reports than in the previous several years. All reports: 1/2 Douglas JPE, 2/7 Nobles (2) DAB, RMD. Also reported on 7 CBCs, with high counts of 2 (Cottonwood, Fairmont).
2009Spring1337 Early south (median 3/6) 3/5 Freeborn AEB, Rice TFB, 3/14 Freeborn JCC, 3/15 Dakota SWe, Rice DAB, 3/16 Lac qui Parle BJU. Early north (median 3/19) 3/21 Traverse MO, 3/22 Otter Tail ARo, 3/26 Lake JWL, 3/30 Mille Lacs ASc. High count 3/22 Carver (90) DWK. Late south 4/18 Anoka DWK, PEB, Stearns DPG, Wabasha DBz, 4/19 Renville DAB, 4/22 Cottonwood DHr, 5/5 Hennepin FKB (median 4/30). Late north 5/1 St. Louis EEO, 5/2 Cook EEO, 5/9 Aitkin CAM, Morrison FGo (median 5/3).
2009Fall1224 Early north (median 9/17) 9/26 Mille Lacs ASc, St. Louis ABL, 10/5 Cook RBW. Early south (median 9/21) 9/27 Sherburne MHe, 10/3 Dakota BAF, 10/8 Nicollet RMD, Ramsey EEO. Season high counts 10/19 St. Louis (1,447, H.R.B.O.) KJB, 10/16 Chisago (500) MJB, 10/8 Ramsey (200) EEO. Late north 11/20 Cass EEO, 11/25 Otter Tail DST, 11/28 Douglas JPE, Todd JPE (median 12/6). Late south 11/23 Waseca CRM, 11/25 Blue Earth ChH, 11/26 Hennepin ABL (median 12/15), but see winter report for over-wintering records.
2009Winter58 All reports were from December and early January, with the latest (and also high count) 1/9 Lac qui Parle (3) FAE. CBC high count 12/19 Fairmont (5).
2010Spring1244 Early south 3/6 (median) Hennepin MDu, 3/11 Sherburne ASc, 3/13 Fillmore DBM, Martin DPG, Mower DBM. Early north (median 3/20) 4/3 Douglas JPE, Hubbard MAW, 4/4 Clay RHO, 4/9 Polk JMJ. Season high count 4/5 Dakota (250) JPM. Late south 4/24 Lac qui Parle BJU, 4/29 Dakota Rte (median 5/1). Also see Undocumented Reports.
2010Fall1626 Early north (median 9/17) 9/7 Lake DaE, 9/13 Morrison JEB, 9/19 Lake JWL. Early south (median 9/21) 9/25 Lac qui Parle BJU, 9/29 Steele PSu. Season high count 9/30 St. Louis (exact count of 5,100 at Duluth) KJB, CRu, with noteworthy counts of 2,101 on 9/28 and 2,144 on 10/1 at the same location. Late north 11/11 Carlton BJU, 11/14 St. Louis PHS (median 12/6). Late south 11/21 Chippewa, Lac qui Parle BJU, 11/26 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 12/15), but also see winter report.
2010Winter311 Found in more counties (14) than in any of the previous 5 years. All north reports: 12/18 Fargo-Moorhead CBC, 12/28 Bluestem Prairie/Buffalo River S.P. CBC (3), 1/22–24 Mahnomen (Tulaby Lake) ph. CSo, 1/28 Becker (Tamarac N.W.R) fide JMJ. All south reports after CBC period 1/4–2/15 Lac qui Parle (2–3 overwintered section 25, Walter Twp.) BJU, 1/5–2/18 Dakota (overwintered near Hastings) KSm, †PEB, 1/6 Freeborn AEB, 1/16 Olmsted (section 3, Dover Twp.) JWH, 2/13 Blue Earth ChH. CBC high count 12/17 Lac qui Parle (21).
2011Spring1646 Found throughout the south. Few reports from the Northwest and North-central regions. Early south (same as median) 3/6 Winona ANy, 3/13 Pipestone HHD, RAE, 3/16 Big Stone (5) and Lac qui Parle (3) BJU. Early north (median 3/20) 3/31 Mille Lacs ASc, 4/7 Douglas (8) ARW, Otter Tail SC. High count 4/2 Murray (60, Lake Shetek S. P.) RTe. Late south 5/1 Blue Earth AnK, Hennepin CMB, 5/3 Stearns FGo (median 5/1). Late north 5/15 Marshall SAS, 5/21–22 Otter Tail DvS (median 5/3).
2011Fall2636 More widespread than usual. Early north (median 9/17) 9/10 St. Louis (H.R.N.R.) SSp, 9/14 Lake (2) KRE, JWL, St. Louis GLa, (3, Hawk Ridge / Lester River Census) KJB. Early south (median 9/21) 9/24 Rice TFB, 10/1 Hennepin (2) DWK, (2) CMB, Meeker DPG, 10/2 Carver RZi, McLeod CMB. High counts all from the Hawk Ridge / Lester River Census in St. Louis (KJB): 9/29 (13,540, record high), 10/9 (2,207). Late north 11/20 St. Louis (2) BeH, 11/21 Morrison MJB, 11/29 Cass (4) DAY (median 12/6). Late south 11/26 Lac qui Parle BJU, Ramsey (4) JFR, 11/27 Blue Earth (2) ASm, 11/30 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 12/15). Also see winter report.
2011Winter17Reports down from last year, and slightly below the five-year average. One north report: 12/3 St. Louis (Duluth) AM. All south: 12/3 Rice DAB, 12/11 Freeborn AEB, 12/16 Cottonwood CBC (50), Marshall CBC (20), 12/17 Jackson (50, Sioux Valley) KSm, 12/22 Freeborn AEB, 12/28 Lac qui Parle (Walter Twp.) BJU, 12/31 Albert Lea CBC (3), St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) CBC (30), 1/4 Dakota (5, Vermillion Highlands Research Recreation and W.M.A.) RaM, 1/31 Lac qui Parle (4, Dawson.) BJU.
2012Spring1945 Early south (median 3/6) 3/4 Houston (12) JCC, 3/6 Blue Earth ChH, AnK, Carver JCy, Watonwan AnK, 3/7 Rice DAB. Early north (median 3/20) 3/17 Becker HHD, (2) RAE, Clay (12) MO, Douglas JPE, Mille Lacs ASc, 3/18 Carlton (3) JCC, Douglas HHD. High count 3/8 Carver (92, Minnesota Valley N.W.R. visitor's center feeders) JCy. Late south 4/29 Benton (Gilman) MJB, 4/30 Winona ANy, NSg, 5/30 Sherburne JSP (median 5/1). Late north 5/3 Kittson (2, Joe River S.W.A.) TrB, 5/5 Douglas JPE, 5/28 St. Louis (Big Lake, Ely) ACr (median 5/3).
2012Fall2639 Early north (median 9/17) 9/9 Hubbard MaH, 9/13 St. Louis (3) KJB, 9/17 St. Louis (303, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. Early south (median 9/21) 9/21 Dakota (2) †SBM, Redwood HHD, RAE, 9/22 Sherburne GJa. High counts all from the Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census in St. Louis (KJB): 10/6 (4,645), 10/1 (3,213), average season total of 10,647. Late north 11/18 Kittson (3) RAE, 11/30 Itasca SC (median 12/6). Late south 11/29 Kandiyohi RAE, Washington MJM (median 12/15), but also see winter report.
2012Winter27 Widely scattered reports. All north 12/15 Crookston CBC, 1/29 Becker LiS. All south 12/8 Houston ANy, JWH, 12/15 Houston (4) DKa, Marshall CBC, Rochester CBC, 12/16 Cottonwood CBC (3), Lamberton CBC (3), 12/20 and 2/5 Steele NFT, 12/22 Chisago †RMa (with excellent documentation), 2/8 Steele (Hope, MN; 1.25 miles from other Steele location) ph. LTA, 2/22 Brown (9) BTS.
2013Spring2346 Early south (median 3/6) 3/21 Rock CRM, 3/25 Scott JEB, 3/28 Chippewa DLP, 3/29 Fillmore DWK, Swift DBM. South sightings peaked 4/1–20. Early north (median 3/20) 4/5 Morrison MRN, 4/13 Traverse RAE, HHD, 4/19 Morrison FGo, 4/20 Marshall CCr. North sightings peaked mid-April to the first week of May. High counts 4/18 Washington (400) LMS, 4/28 Itasca (400) EEO. Late south 5/5 Sherburne SBM, 5/7 Lac qui Parle FGo, 5/8 Ramsey RZi. (median 5/1). Late north 5/22 Pine ToL, 5/27 Clearwater DPJ, 5/30 St. Louis EBr (median 5/3).
2013Fall1627 Early north (median 9/17) 9/1 Douglas JPE, 9/12–20 St. Louis (all from the Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, JLK. Early south (median 9/21) 9/16 Sherburne PLJ, 9/21 Rice TFB, 9/22 Hennepin CRM, SuB. High counts all from the Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census in St. Louis (KJB): 10/13 (5,246), 10/16 (2,591), 10/4 St. Louis (2,402), 10/18 (1,879), 10/7 St. Louis (1,059). Late north 11/10 Beltrami HHD, Kanabec MJB, Lake of the Woods RMD, 11/13 St. Louis ABL, 11/22 St. Louis KJB (median 12/6). Late south 11/16 Pipestone HHD, Yellow Medicine HHD, 11/22 Big Stone DLP, 11/30 Wright KWi (median 12/15). Also see winter report.
2013Winter411 More reporting counties than in any of the five previous winters. All reports north: 12/14 Fergus Falls CBC (8), Crookston CBC (3), 12/15 Carlton-Cloquet CBC, 12/21 Bluestem Prairie/Buffalo River S.P. CBC, 1/1–1/19 Clay KaS. Unusual south reports 12/12 Jackson HHD, RAE, CRM, and 12/14 Jackson (2) KDS (same birds?). High counts 2/28 Dakota (24) DVe, most likely early migrants, and 12/20 Faribault (15) CoN.
2014Spring2145Overwintered south. Presumed first south migrants (median 3/6) 3/15 Martin HHD, 3/18 Meeker PKF, 3/19 Cottonwood DHr. Early north (median 3/20) 3/23 Otter Tail ARo, 4/1 Becker ShG, HeH, 4/2 Clay PBB, KaS. High counts 5/5 St. Louis (210) SGW, NLM, 4/18 Wabasha (160) LHl, 4/19 Houston (100) MHn. Late south 5/4 Dakota RZi, Hennepin CMB, JWl, ToL, 5/14 Hennepin KvB (median 5/1). Late north 5/17 Hubbard MaH, 5/19 Marshall CCr (median 5/3).
2014SummerNo reports.
2014Fall2532 Early north (median 9/17) 9/15–18 St. Louis KJB, 9/19 Carlton RBW, 9/20 St. Louis KJB. Early south (median 9/21) 9/29 Hennepin CMB, 9/30 Hennepin BAF, 10/1 Rice TFB. High counts 10/4 St. Louis (4,956, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 10/3 (1,832, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. Late north 11/15 Polk SAu, 11/25 Becker KHa, St. Louis KJB (median 12/6). Late south 11/26 Faribault ClN, Lyon GWe, 11/29 Hennepin SBM (median 12/15), but also see winter report.
2014Winter111 Only north report 12/14 Itasca S.P. CBC. Widely scattered south reports including 12/20 Jackson CBC, 1/23 Murray (4) DHr. CBC high counts 12/17 Morris (5), 12/19 Lamberton (5), 12/20 Wilmar (3).
2015Spring2744 Overwintered south. Presumed early migrants south (median 3/5) 3/1 Big Stone DLP, 3/9 Cottonwood DHr, 3/11 Lyon GWe. Early north (median 3/20) 3/17 Polk fide JMJ, 3/21 Clay PBB, 3/28 Grant WCM, Otter Tail ALD. High counts 4/22 Lake (360) JWL, 4/4 Houston (200) SHo, AlJ, 4/6 Becker (189) ShG, HeH. Late south 5/2 Dakota DAd, Stevens JVa, 5/3 Wright JCn, 5/23 Scott (Louisville Swamp) ph. BAb (median 5/1). Late north 4/28 Crow Wing JPR, Wadena PJB, 5/1 Marshall SAu (median 5/3).
2015Summer1 Observed 6/18 Roseau BSi.
2015Fall2336 More reports than usual starting with a potential nesting record 8/26 Lake (Stony River, Superior N.F.) SPn. Presumed early north migrants (median 9/15) 9/10 Lake and St. Louis JWL, Otter Tail fide JMJ. Early south (median 9/24) 9/24 Hennepin SOa, 9/30 Washington BDo, 10/3 Hennepin JWf. High counts all from St. Louis, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census, KJB: 4,841 on 10/13, 4,537 on 10/7. Late north 11/14 Becker JPE, 11/30 Otter Tail DST (median 11/28). Late south 11/15 Lyon GWe, 11/25 Hennepin TTh (median 11/16).
2015Winter44 Reported from fewest counties in past five years. All north reports 12/19 Fergus Falls CBC, 12/22 Mahnomen (Tulaby Lake) CSo, 12/26 St. Louis ph. JuG. High count 12/1 Winona (17, Lake Winona) MSd.
2016Spring2047 A few individuals overwintered south. Presumed early migrants south (median 3/6) 3/6 Carver JCy, 3/7 Hennepin CMB, Houston SHo, KCa, SHo, Washington VWe. Early north (median 3/23) 3/10 Douglas JPE, 3/12 Becker SAu, Morrison FGo. High counts 3/10 Houston (150) SHo, 3/30 Faribault (150) BAy, 3/19 Carver (100) TJo. Late south 5/5 Hennepin KeL, JLl, 5/14 Stearns DCZ (median 5/3). Late north 5/2 Morrison JBi, 5/17 Polk PEB, 5/19 Marshall CCr (median 5/8).
2016Summer No reports.
2016Fall2335 Early north (median 9/15) 9/10, 9/13 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB. Early south (median 9/24) 9/18 Stearns AaL, 10/2 Hennepin JWl, Lyon GWe. High counts all from St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB: 4,650 on 10/12, 3,740 on 10/16. Late north 11/10–16 Grant CNn, 11/27 Pennington fide JMJ (median 11/28). Late south 11/25 Fillmore NBO, Hennepin TAT, 11/27 Lyon GWe (median 11/16).
2016Winter424 Reported from 28 counties, far exceeding winter-season high of 15 counties in 2013 and ten-year average of 10 counties. Numerous reports from midwinter. Possible spring arrivals beginning 2/18 Clay KaS, 2/19 Carver JCy. High counts 2/25 Lyon (35, Amiret W.M.A.) GWe, 2/26 Winona (15) JmP, 2/24 Yellow Medicine (11) GWe. CBC high count 12/31 New Ulm (50).
2017Spring2645 Many overwintering reports south made earliest arrivals difficult to distinguish. Apparent early north migrant in February (median 3/23), followed by 3/10 Becker ShG, HeH, 3/11 Wilkin AaL, 3/24 Morrison FGo. High counts 4/28 Cook (300, Grand Marais) KJB, 4/26 Lake (180) JWL, SLL, 4/16 Washington (160) ERH. Late south 5/5 Sherburne JlB, 5/6 Yellow Medicine FGo, 5/7 Stearns FGo (median 5/3). Late north 5/16 Pine TJo, 5/20 Becker JNe, 5/31 Becker LMS (median 5/9).
2017Summer1 Seen 6/25 Otter Tail LS.
2017Fall2634 Early north (median 9/14) 9/4 Roseau NWi, 9/15 St. Louis LME, 9/17 St. Louis JDx. Early south (median 9/24) 9/23 Sherburne SDz, 9/28 Isanti DPG then many reports beginning 9/29. Highest tallies by H.R.B.O. in St. Louis: 10/5 (1,280), 10/19 (651), 9/28 (479). Late north 11/19 Beltrami (2) ASu, LiH, 11/20 Hubbard MAW, 11/28 St. Louis TRd (median 11/28). Late south 11/18 Lyon GWe, 11/19 Le Sueur DWK, 11/26 Faribault WAF, but also see winter report.
2017Winter318 Reported from 21 counties, the second highest total of reporting counties following last winter's record of 28. Unusual reports:12/16 Nicollet MWT, 12/18 Granite Falls CBC, 12/27 Meeker MJB. High counts 1/24 Blue Earth (33) WCM, 12/18 Clay (25) CMk, 1/20 Yellow Medicine (18) GWe. CBC high counts 12/18 Bluestem Prairie/Buffalo River S.P. (26), 12/16 New Ulm (20).
2018Spring1648 Earliest south migrants arrived in February (median 3/5) followed by 3/1 Hennepin IsH, EzH, 3/3 Wabasha ebd, 3/4 Freeborn DBz. Early north (median 3/22) 3/23 Becker HeH, ShG, 4/21 Morrison FGo, Polk HHu, 4/22 Clay TCL, PBB, Morrison DLP. High counts 4/16 Houston (300, Reno Ponds) SHo, 4/26 St. Louis (300, Park Point R.A.) StK, 4/12 Houston (250, Crooked Creek Twp.) EzH, IsH. Late south 5/3 Wright ToL, 5/4 Ramsey ebd, 5/5 Redwood MiO (median 5/4). Late north 5/5 Beltrami FGo, Clay PBB, Morrison FGo, HHD, St. Louis NLM, 5/15 Morrison FGo, 5/27 Cook ANy (median 5/9).
2018Summer No reports.
2018Fall2942 Presumed first migrants north (median 9/14) 9/12 Hubbard REn, 9/14 Douglas ToR, 9/17 St. Louis JuG. Early south (median 9/23) 9/16 Benton LKo, 9/18 Hennepin RBW, 9/21 Lyon GWe. High counts 10/11 St. Louis (1,311) H.R.B.O., 9/28 St. Louis (877) H.R.B.O., 9/29 St. Louis (500, Stoney Point) NWn, StK. Late north 11/17 Clay PBB, St. Louis KSz, Todd AaL, TLu, 11/22 Aitkin JLK (median 12/7). Late south 11/23 Kandiyohi RAE, 11/30 Lyon NMe, but also see winter report.
2018Winter59 Reported from 14 counties, nearly identical to ten-year average of 13 but significantly fewer than prior two winters when seen in over 20 counties. Unusual winter records: 12/6 Murray TAT, 12/9 Swift MJB, 12/21 Pipestone LiH. High counts 12/24 Otter Tail (25) JsS, 12/15 Lyon (12) NMe. No CBC reports of more than two individuals.
2019Summer  No reports.
 Rare summer resident and rare breeder northeast. Migrant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.