Scott's Oriole(Icterus parisorum) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1974 | Spring | | | 5-23 to first week of June, St. Louis Co. (Duluth) imm. male, KS, PBH, JG, MMC, TS. |
2002 | Spring | | | Single males at feeders 3/20 – 4/23 Wright (Monticello) ph. BAL, 4/17–21 Olmsted (Oronoco) †GE, ph. †AXH, †PCC, †PHS, m.ob. Second and third state records, respectively (The Loon 74:189–191). |
2011 | Fall | 1 | | Immature male found in Cook 10/30 ph. JWL, ph. †KRE, ph. †RMD. Fourth state record (The Loon 84:101). |
  | Four records: 2 spring, 1 spring-summer, and 1 fall. Recorded in one (2011) of the last 10 years. |