Snowy Plover(Charadrius nivosus) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1976 | Spring | | | 5-1 Lyon HK, first state record. |
1982 | Summer | | | One at Lake of the Woods 7/11-18 (The Loon 54:242). |
1983 | Summer | | | One, 7/28 Lake of the Woods (NMH). (Loon 55: 177). |
1986 | Summer | | | One seen 6/30 in Clay (KE, The Loon 58:142-143; fifth state record.) |
1987 | Spring | | | 5/15 Agassiz NWR, J. Matts son (The Loon 59:155). |
1997 | Fall | | | Seventh state record 8/16 Polk (Crookston lagoons) AH. |
2004 | Summer | | | Eighth state record 6/4–5 Stearns (Albany) ph. †KJB; †CBr, †PCC, ph. †PHS, ph. †DTT, †SMT, m.ob (The Loon 77:48–49). |
2006 | Summer | | | Discovery of an adult male Snowy Plover at Big Stone N.W.R., 7/1 Lac qui Parle †PCC, ph. †PHS, led to an adult female with the male 7/3 (ph. DWK, JLO) and two recently hatched chicks on the 8th (DBz, CCB, ph. RLE). The female was last observed 7/9. The chicks were faithfully attended by the male through at least 7/29, when both apparently fledged; at least one bird lingered through 8/27. Ninth state record, second refuge record, and first state nesting record. |
2006 | Fall | | | Last seen at Big Stone N.W.R. 8/27 Lac qui Parle (1) PCC, PHS (please see summer report). |
2007 | Spring | 1 | | Tenth state record 5/30–31 St. Louis (Park Point, Duluth) ph. SCZ, ph. †KRE, ph. †PHS, ph. CLW, m.ob. (The Loon 79:240). |
2009 | Spring | 1 | | One bird observed 5/30 Marshall (Parker Pool, Agassiz N.W.R., second refuge and 11th state record) ph. †DBW, JMJ. |
2017 | Summer | 1 | | Seen 6/8–9 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) ph. †GHo, †SAu, †RAE, †REn, m.ob. |
  | Twelve records: five spring, six summer, and one fall. One breeding record (2006). Recorded in two (2009, 2017) of the last ten years, Formerly Casual. |