Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Fulvous Whistling-Duck
Snow Goose
Ross's Goose
Greater White-fronted Goose
[Taiga Bean-Goose]
[Brant (Atlantic)]
[Brant (Black)]
Cackling Goose
Canada Goose
[Greater White-fronted Goose X Canada Goose]
Mute Swan
Trumpeter Swan
Tundra Swan
[Cygnus swan]
Wood Duck
Blue-winged Teal
Cinnamon Teal
[Blue-winged Teal x Cinnamon Teal]
Northern Shoveler
Eurasian Wigeon
American Wigeon
[Gadwall X Mallard]
American Black Duck
[Mallard X American Black Duck]
Mottled Duck
Northern Pintail
[Mallard X Northern Pintail]
Green-winged Teal
[Green-winged Teal (Eurasian)]
[Green-winged Teal (American)]
Ring-necked Duck
Tufted Duck
Greater Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Greater Scaup]
Lesser Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Lesser Scaup]
King Eider
Common Eider
[Somateria eider]
Harlequin Duck
Surf Scoter
White-winged Scoter
Black Scoter
Long-tailed Duck
Common Goldeneye
[Bufflehead X Common Goldeneye]
Barrow's Goldeneye
[Common Goldeneye X Barrow's Goldeneye]
Hooded Merganser
Hooded Merganser
[Common Goldeneye X Hooded Merganser]
Common Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser
Ruddy Duck

Tundra Swan(Cygnus columbianus)
1961Springfirst seen by the Huber brothers on 31 March at Fisher Lake, Scott County, sitting on the ice. Some open water was nearby. That same day there were several seen flying over Belle Plaine, Sibley County by the same observers. We also saw about ten at Artichoke Lake, Big Stone County on 23 April. Other reports were 8 April, Washington County, by Dean Honetschlager, 10 April at Rochester by Dr. Rysgaard, 6 April at Duluth by Jan Green and the latest report of the season, 1 May, at Duluth by Joel Bronoel.
1961FallOne seen 5 Nov. at Fisher Lake, Scott County by R. Huber. Another was reported shot at Duluth during first week of Nov., reported by Mrs. Putnam. W kite-fronted Goose: Three were seen with a large flock of Blue, Snow and Blue X Snow hybrids on Lake Traverse, 11 Nov. by Avifauna! Club.
1961WinterP. B. Hofslund received a report that one swan (which could fly) was seen during the first week of January at Sand Lake, near Isabella, Lake County.
1962SpringApril 1 Weaver, Wabasha Co., Mrs. J. M. Dahm saw about 1200; April4 near Clara City, Chippewa Co., Mrs. Paul G. Kief say 12; April 4 Dakota Co., A.C. Rosenwinkel saw 40; April 7 Washington Co., Dean Honetschlager saw 20; April 10 Duluth, Janet Green; April 15 near Big Stone Lake, Lowry Elliott saw at least 520; April 23 near Mankato, Blue Earth Co., Mrs. Allan saw 65.
1962FallLast seen in Duluth, Nov. 7, P. B. Hofslund; last week of Nov., Marsh Lake, Lac qui Parle Co., Arlin C. Anderson; Nov. 18, Bass Pond, Hennepin Co., 1/9 seen by Bob Janssen.
1963SpringMarch 19, Washington County, D. Honetschlager; March 22, Dakota County, H. Huber; March 28, Cokato, Wright County, Erma Christopher; March 29, Swift County, E. D. Strand; March 30, Rice County, 0. Rustad; March 30, Lac qui Parle County, Avifauna! Club; March 28, Winona, several observers; April 6, Duluth, Jan Green.
1963SummerCook Co., Schroeder, June 28, 1 dingy immature seen by Marie Aftreith.
1963Fallearliest Nov. 3, Traverse Co., R. Grant; latest Dec. 1, Winona Co., Avifauna! Club.
1963WinterFeb 9, Reads Landing, Wabasha Co., 1 photographed by the Goldbergs; Feb 16, near Wabasha 1 seen by Ken Krumm, same bird?
1964Spring4-4 Washington Co, 10, ACR; 4-4 Salt Lake, 18 and 4-9, 200, RKO; 4-2 Ramsey Co, ELC; 4-4 Marshall Co, DLO; 4-5 Wabasha Co, 1200, GD; 4-6 Hennepin Co, 70, photo in Mpls newspaper; 4-11 Wadena Co, 3 flocks of 300 each, RO; 4-11 Hibbing, HM; 4-11 Warroad, JR; 4-11 Duluth, 700, most ever recorded there, PBH; 4-12 Washington Co, DH; 4-17 Stearns Co, 14, RPR, EAR.
1964Fall11-11 Duluth, 9, JCG; 11-15 Stevens Co, 47 ad, 25 imm, KH, ES RAG; 11-16 Becker Co, 1/0, RLW; 11-16 Mt. Iron, St. Louis Co, 800, WJM; 11-19 Wright Co, EC.
1965Springearliest 4-4 Dakota Co, EMB and Willmar, CR; latest 5-29 Wisconsin Point, PBH. See also the Summer Season and Notes of Interest for Summer record in Virginia-Hibbing area (and also Fort William, on the Lakehead).
1965Fallearliest 10-2 Marshall THE LOON Co, DLO and 10-12 Aitkin Co, CEP; latest 11-25 Stearns Co, NMH and 11-30 Rochester, JPF. Snow-Snow Goose (blue phase): earliest 9-2 Wright Co, fide ACR; next record 9-23 Marshall Co, DLO; latest 11-13 Cokato, EC and 11-28 Rochester, JPF.
1965Winter 12/3, Hennepin, RDT.
1966Springearliest 3-15 Wright Co, EGC, Carver Co, EWJ and Stevens Co, RAG; 3-18 Winona Co, 450, KK; 3-20 Nobles Co, HSH; Don Gray, manager of the Upper Mississippi Wildlife Refuge, reports some 3500 swans at Weaver on 4-8; latest 5-3 St. Louis Co, NJH; 5-7 Hennepin Co, BL and 5-8 Stevens Co., JAH.
1966Summer6-17 and all summer, Agassiz Refuge, Marshall Co, 1, DLO; 7-8 Lyon Co, near Florence, 1, apparently had injured wing, PE; still there one week later; can any of these summer records in recent years be Trumpeter Swans? (See Notes of Interest)
1966FallEarliest 10-8 Ramsey Co., MIG; 10-12 Roseau Co., PEB; 11-3 Crow Wing Co., MSB; latest 11-18 Weaver, 200+, FL; 11-20 Wabasha, 500, DGM; 11-27 Wabasha Co., 700, FN/ MAS; 11-29 Wacouta, MHL.
1966Winter12-21 Wabasha Co., 1, DGM; 12-8 Sartell, Stearns Co., 1, RPR; same bird still there on 2-26, DB; probably first state record for an overwintering bird that made it into February.
1967Springearly 3-5 Stearns Co., 1, EMB (almost certainly the same bird that overwintered there); 3-19 Wabasha Co., RJC; 3-27 St. Cloud area, 2, fide BOT; 3-29 Wabasha Co., 50, DGM; 3-30 Stevens Co., JAH; late 5-6 Marshall Co., AWR, St. Louis Co., VFB, NJH, Cook Co., MOP; 5-13 Reservation River, Cook Co., LC.
1967Fall earliest 10-20 Wabasha Co., 3, MIG; 11-1 Roseau Co., 43, PEB; late 11-18 Houston Co., 12, FL; 11-22 McLeod Co., 39, PE and Fargo-Moorhead, 1, EGA; 11-28 Washington Co., 75, WWL.
1967Winter 12-3 Minneiska, Goodhue Co., 2, MH; all winter, Rochester, Olmsted Co., 1 at Silver Lake with Canada Geese, AFR; very few winter records for this species in Minnesota.
1968Spring earliest 3-24 Wabasha Co., GES, BT; 3-31 Hennepin Co., FN/ MAS; 4-1 Wabasha Co., DGM and Aitkin Co., CEP; 4-3 Hennepin Co., VL, Pope Co., WH, Anoka Co., WHL; latest 4-21 Aitkin Co., MSB; 5-5 Aitkin Co., CEP; 5-10 Marshall Co., AWR; 5-29 (exceptional) Clearwater Co., 1, KE (late date suggests possible Trumpeter Swan?).
1968FallNorth 10-19 Duluth J. K. Bronoel; 10-19 Mille Lacs (Onamia) MIV; 11-8 Duluth MC, HM: 11-10 Beltrami 46 HBW; South 11-23 Wabasha 600+ FL; 11-29 Hennepin VL; 12-6 Wabasha 300+ FL.
1968WinterLast-12-6 Wabasha (Minneiska) 300 FZL; 12-21 Morrison (Mississippi River) LSR; one throughout winter with captive Trumpeters at Hennepin Co. Park Reserve, Carver Co. TAH, RBJ.
1969Spring3-20 Wabasha Co., DWM; 3-30 Hennepin Co., EIS; 4-8 (800) Wabasha Co., BT; 4-10 Duluth, MMC; 4-11 Mille Lacs Co., MI; 4-12 (500) Duluth, Mrs. H. R. Sims, fide JCG; 4-25 Nicollet Co., DMF; 5-17 Mille Lacs Co., MI; 5-18 Sherburne Co., KP; 5-24 Cook Co., MMC.
1969Fall11-29, 11-30 Wabasha 500 AFR, DGM; 11-30 Winona 500 BTV; 9-9 Ramsey JJ; 9-18 Marshall AR; 11-19 Morrison LSR; 11-25 Mille Lacs MI; 11-30 Ramsey EC.
1969Winter12-3 (400, DGM), 12-7 (200, BTV), 12-29 - 1-2 (DGM) Wabasha; 12-13 (4) Winona FZL.
1970Springearly south 3-10 Olmsted HW; 3-14 Winona TV; 3-22 Wabasha KE, PE; early north 4-7 Duluth RL; 4-8 Duluth MMC, JG; peak 4-2 Wabasha (1170} TV; 4-4 Lac qui Parle (400} KE, PE; late 5-16 Lac qui Parle KE, PE and Wabasha BL.
1970Summer6-29 Wabasha, Wabasha Co. DWM (possibly the above species?).
1970Fallearly 10-17 Wabash a TV; 10-22 Wabasha WDM; late south 11-20 Wabasha (720) TV; 10-29 Dakota VL; late north 11-16 Carlton (95) )H; 11-16 Pine KS ; 11-21 Morrison LR.
1970Winterfall (BTV) Wabasha.
1971Springearly south 3-28 Houston FL and Hennepin VL; 4-3 Wabasha TV and Scott, Lac qui Parle, Chippewa KE, PE; early north 3-31 Duluth, R. Kohlbry; 4-3 Mille Lacs Ml; late 5-18 Marshall AR; 5-29 Duluth MMC; peak 4-11 (2000) and 4-22 (800) Wabasha TV, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bradford.
1971Fallearly 9-22 Marshall; late south 11-6 Ponf>; ll-24 Cottonwood 11-30 Houston late north 11-7 Duluth; 11-15 Mille Lacs.
1971Winter12-12 (50) Winona FZL; all winter, cripple, Rochester.
1972Winter12-1 Duluth J. Avilar; 12-3 Departure date (600) Weaver Bottoms, Wabasha FZL; 12-31 Olmsted JAB.
1973Fall Reported from Olmsted, Houston, Le Sueur, Sherburne, St. Louis. Early 9-15 Clearwater (RCD) (possible Trumpeter Swan?) Late north 11-4 Clay (54) (LCF); 11-18 Crow Wing (10) (TS), and (5) (RBJ). Late south 11-27 Murray (16) (EKB); 12-2 Wabasha (700) (FL). Peak 11-8 Hennepin (1000) (FN); 11-11 Wabasha (1000) (VL, DWM).
1973Winter Noted on the Excelsior, Rochester and La Crosse Christmas Counts.
1974Spring Early south 3-11 Houston FL; 3-14 Chippewa CLH; 3-19 Freeborn DG; early north 4-8 Clearwater RCD; 4-9 St. Louis MMC; 4-14 Mille Lacs MI; late 5-28 Lake Superior GJN; peak 4-9 Wabasha (520) DWM. Swan sp? 3-17 to 3-20 St. Louis M. Borey(fide MMC)
1974Summer Late migrants noted in Duluth from 6-2 to 6-17 (D. Olson, H. Roberts, JG) and in Cook Co. on 6-24 (H. Chamberlain).
1974FallEarly 9-27 Marshall AR; late south 11-15 Olmsted JF; 11-17 Hennepin ES; 11-30 Wabasha WDM; late north 11-18 St. Louis fide JG; 11-23 Mille Lacs Ml; Peak 11-2 Wabasha (4000) WDM.
1975Spring Early south 3-1 Wabasha WDM; 3-31 Yellow Medicine OLE; 4-5 Big Stone DWS; early north 4-14 St. Louis MMC; 4-15 Aitkin JB; 4-16 Crow Wing S. Blanich; peak 4-13 Wabasha (5000) WDM.
1975Fallearly north 9-28 Marshall SV; early south 10-5 Murray KE; 10-26 Big Stone BSR; late north 11-17 Mille Lacs MI; 11-29 Ottertail SM; late south 11-30 Stearns NH; Goodhue CF, Wabasha DWM.
1975Winterseen on the Fergus Falls, Big Stone and La Crosse (25) Christmas Counts; 100 still at Weaver, Wabasha Co. on 12-2 (WDM) and one overwintered at St. Cloud from 12-2 on (NMH).
1976Spring Early south 3-19 Stearns NMH; 3-20 Wabasha GE; 3-22 Wabasha KE; early north 3-29 Crow Wing DK; 4-2 Pine ML; 4-4 Marshall A WR, SV; late 5-20 Big Stone BS.
1976Summer3 reports 6-15 at Rice Lake N. W. R., Aitkin Co. (T. Savaloja); 6-27 Duluth (JG); 1 ~d. and 1 imm. at Agassiz N. W. R., Marshall Co. all summer (SV).
1976Fall Early north 10-3 Mille Lacs, 10-23 Marshall and Otter Tail; early south 9-12 Wabasha WDM, 9-25 Dakota JD; late north 11-22 Becker, 11-25 Duluth KE; late south 11-24 Chippewa, 11-27 Houston, 11-28 Big Stone.
1976Winter 4 reports: Big Stone Christmas Count (last seen 12-26, CMB); Winona Christmas Count; 2-22 Sauk Rapids, Stearns Co. (NMH); overwintered at Brainerd, Crow Wing Co. (TS).
1977Spring Early south 3-13 Murray HK; 3-16 Wabasha RL; 3 reports on 3-19; early north 3-26 Otter Tail GO, SM; late 5-29 Anoka (120) KLF late date south.
1977Summer Late migrant on 6-18 in Duluth (RJ).
1977Fall Early north 9-29 Marsha;l.l (SV); early south 10-6 Anoka (JH); late north 11-16 Marshall (SV), 11-20 Becker (TA, DGW); peak Wabasha 2000.
1977Winter A possibly injured bird at Fergus Falls, Otter Tail Co. until 12-28 (MO, GO); late migrants until 12-26 Wabasha and early migrants 2-20 Wabasha (DWM).
1978Spring Early south 3-5 Olmsted BE, wintering?
1978Summer Seen in Morrison (5-24 to 6-6, Buckman, PM), Clay (6-4 to 6-20, Felton, KJL) and St. Louis (July, pair, Evelyn Baker).
1978Fall Early north 8-10 Wilkin GO, 8-13 Wilkin CMB; late north 11-24 Crow Wing TS, 11-25 Otter Tail GW; late south 11-25 Wabasha (2,000) OJ, RJ, 11-29 Wabasha (100) WDM.
1978Winter Overwintered at Fergus Falls, Otter Tail Co. (injured bird, GW); late migrants on the Excelsior and Winona CBCs; December and February migrants in Wabasha (JSD).
1979SpringEarly south 3-1 Wabasha JSD, 3-8 Dakota KG, 3-11 Olmsted RE; early north 3-14 Otter Tail SM, 4-4 St. Louis KE, 4-17 Itasca MS. Peak 4-7 Wabasha DGM (3000).
1979Summer One crippled, 7-12, McCarthy Lake WMA, Wabasha. Canadta Goose Breeding reported from Lac qui Parle, Sherburne, Anoka, Hennepin, Ramsey; also seen in Houstoo, Olmsted, Dakota, Martin, Cottonwood, Stearns, Grant, Otter Tail, Becker, Pennington, Beltrami, Itasca, Pine, St. Louis (Duluth).
1979Fall Early north 8-28 Marshall KE, 9-29 Crow Wing REA; late north 11-10 Beltrami SL, MV and Itasca TL, 11-24 Otter Tail RJ, GMO; late south 11-24 Olmsted JF and Wabasha DB, OJ (5000+), 11-27 Wabasha WDM.
1979Winter Late migrants in Wabasha, 12-9 1500 (KE) and Washington 1-1 (DGW). Overwintered in Otter Tail (GMO) and Wabasha; two individuals from 12-22 until 2-6 (DWM). Early migrants (?) in Big Stone 2-10 (CMB).
1980Spring Early south 3-28 Le Sueur HC, 3-29 Houston FL (85), EMF, Kandiyohi AT, Olmsted JB, JSD; early north 3-30 Wilkin FKS, Otter Tail SM; peak 3-30 Wabasha (5000+) ES.
1980Summer One bird at Paynesville, Stearns Co., 7-20 (RBJ).
1980Fall Early north 9-16 Marshall ANWR, 10-18 St. Louis LW; early south 10-18 Houston JP, 10-26 Wabasha WDM; late north 11-13 Crow Wing EC, 11-17 Cass, Itasca KE; late south 11-30 JD, WDM, Houston FL; peak 11-29 Wabasha (6,000) OJ.
1980Winter Late migrants in Lake of the Woods 12-1, 12-3 (TD) and Wabasha 12-2 (250) and 12-4 (12) (WDM). Also a possible overwintering individual on the Mississippi River, Sherburne 2-18 (EH).
1981Spring Early south 3-13 Winona JP1AM, 3-25 Houston FL (75) and Sherburne EH; early north 3-26 Clay SM and Otter Tail GMO; peak 4-11 Duluth KE (1500); late north 5-21 Lake of the Woods RJ, 5-31 Wilkin JPI AM, SM.
1981Summer Late migrants: 6-2 (4) Marshall. Singles seen in Duluth area (6-12 -15, Grand Lake; 7-2 St. Louis River).
1981Fall Early north 10-19 Pennington JP, 10-20 Cook KMH; early south 10-21 Washington DMB, 10-27 Wabasha WDM; late north 11-29 Beltrami AS, Polk Terry Wolfe; peak south 11-29 Wabasha (6000) OJ.
1981Winter Late north migrants in Bemidji on 12-5 (30) (JP) and 12-6 (AS). In the south migrants were present on the river in Wabasha, Winona and Houston until 12-16 (Mob).
1982SpringEarly south 3-26 Wabasha DGW, 3-27 Dakota JD; early north 3-28 Otter Tail SDM, 4-1 Pine LW; late south 4-6 Faribault JCF, 4-11 Murray LJF; late north 4-16 Aitkin JB and Mille Lacs CF/ KB, 4-19 Marshall ANWR. 
1982Summer Adult near St. Cloud all summer (NMH).
1982Fall Early north 9/15 Cook KMH, 10/8 Marshall AB; early south 11/6 Carver and Sibley RJ, 11/7 Hennepin BH; late north 11/19 Pine TP, 11/25 Beltrami JC; late south 11/30 Houston FL and Wabasha WDM; peak 11/16-20 Wabasha (7000) RJ.
1982Winter At the Weaver Marshes, Winona Co., late migrants numbered 5,000 on 12/7 (KE). January and early February reports indicate at least a few individuals overwintered in the same area (WDM). More surprisingly, an individual also overwintered in the north central region, Aitkin Co., 1/7 until 2/27 (WN).
1983Spring 3/4 Wabasha KE, (overwintering -?) 3/5 Houston FL, Washington WL; !"eak 3/22 Wabasha ( 1000) WDM; early north 3/30 Otter Tail SDM, 4/2 Aitkin WM, Duluth KE, late south 5/2 Lyon HK, 5/16 Winona RE; late north 5/15 Clearwater AB, 5/22 Mahnomen KE.
1983Fall Early north 9/24 Lake of the Woods AJ, 10/22 Beltrami JSP; early south 10/15 Chippewa AB, 11/12 Hennepin DZ/MC; late north II 125 Aitkin AJ, Becker RJ; peak 1/124 Wabasha (8000+); late south 1/130 Houston FL, Wabasha WDM.
1983Winter Late migrants in Hennepin on I 2-3 (mob). Southeast reports from Wabasha, 12-6 (19) and 2-9 (I) (WDM); Houston, 12-2 (500) (FL) and Olmsted, 2-22 (I) (JBK) (BE). A SW report of two flying south of Windom in Jackson Co. on 2-23 (KL) is very difficult to explain.
1984Spring Early south 3/2 Wabasha RRK (overwintered?) , 3/19 Sherburne SSa, 3/27 Dakota JD; early north 3/25 St. Louis R. Johnson fide KE, 4/1 Aitkin WN, Otter Tail SMD, GMO, Todd KL.
1984Summer6/8 Duluth (J. McKeaman); 6/20 Grand Marais, Cook Co. (2 -fide KE).
1984Fall Late north 11/10 Aitkin KL, WN, 11/17 St. Louis AB DB, 11/20 Hubbard HJF; peak 8000 11/11-26 Wabasha; late south 11/20 Goodhue TT, ll/21 Houston FL, 11/30 Wabasha JD, KE (6500).
1984Winter Reported in Ramsey 12-6 (EC), Wabasha, 12-3 (150) (WDM) and Winona, 12-1 (PP). The 12-3 MRBA reported 6500 at the Weaver Marshes.
1985Spring Early south 3/2 Olmsted RE, 3/17 Dakota JD, Rice AB ; early north 3/23 Aitkin WN, 3/24 Otter Tail SDM; late south 4/21 Cottonwood WH, 5/5 Olmsted JEB ; late north 5/26 Aitkin SC, 5/29 Polk AB.
1985Summer Only report, 7/21 Clay (LCF).
1985Fall Late north 11/17 Aitkin AB, Crow Wing and Mille Lacs DB; peak 11/13 Wabasha 10,000 + EMF, WDM; late south 11/23 Wabasha TBB, DBL, 11/-27 Goodhue JD, 11/28 Houston JP/AM.
1986Spring Early south 3/14 Wabasha KL, 3/22 Washington TBB; early north 3/30 Clay MM, Otter Tail SDM, Wilkin GAM; late south 4/14 Nicollet JCF, 4/19 Hennepin OJ; late north 5/26 Aitkin WN, 5/28 Cook EH.
1986Summer Seen in Houston (617, AP; most southerly record for summer season). Single birds seen at Agassiz NWR (fide MJ), and Sartell Lagoons, Stearns Co. (7/20-8/ 11, NH). [Trumpeter Swan Nested in Itasca and Hennepin (The Loon 58:194, 197-198). Also seen in Sherburne (SS/DO). All birds apparently releases from Hennepin Park's Trumpeter Swan restoration project.]
1986FallEarly north 8/29 Marshall ANWR; early south 8/20-9/5 Steams NH; late north 11/9 OtterTail SDM, 11/10 Hubbard JL; late south 11/25 Chippewa RG, RJ, 11/30 Wabasha, Winona AB; peak 11/15 Wabasha, Winona, Houston KE (10,000 + ).
1987SpringEarly south 3/13 Wabasha WL, 3/16 Ramsey KB; early north 3/20 Beltrami KH, 3/21 Aitkin WN; late south 4/5 Hennepin ES, Washington WL; late north 5/9 Marshall TK, 5/24 Duluth AE.
1987FallEarly north 11/6 Mille LaesAE ; early south 11/14 Wabasha DZ (5000 + ); late north 11/20 Roseau MG, 11/25 Itasca TS; late south ll/28 Lac qui Parle EL and Washington SC, GP, 11/30 Houston EMF, RJ.
1987Winter Late migrants in Washington on 12-3 (AB); Hennepin on 12-10 (SC) and on the Lac qui Parle CBC. Nearly 10,000 remained on the lower Mississippi River on 12/10 (KL) and the thousands still present on 12/19 (RJ, AP) were mostly gone by 12/28 (WDM). A more unusual record is of one on Silver Lake, Rochester on 1/28 (KL, JB) and again on 2/1 (JB).
1988SpringEarly south 3/12 Dakota JD and Rice FKS; early north 3/27 Otter Tail SDM, 3/30 Marshall ANWR; late south 5/11 Polk RJ, 5/11 Steams IT; late north 5/27 Lake of the Woods KE, 5/28 Marshall BSE, KE.
1988Summer One adult photographed at Agassiz NWR, Marshall Co. (6/24, JM).
1989SpringEarly south 3/11 Rice MTS, 3/22 Washington DS; early north 3/26 Clay LCF, 3/28 Todd PH; late south 4/23 Wabasha JD, 5/13 Houston AB.
1989WinterLate migrants in Wabasha (50) 12/1 DWM. One overwintered in Otter Tail SDM. One to three birds on Mississippi River in Dakota and Washington from January through end of period JD, EL et al. were probably this species. One on the Wild River CBC could have been a Trumpeter Swan. Trumpeters from Crex Meadows have occasionally been radio-tracked in eastern Minnesota on their way to southern wintering areas and may be even more likely than Tundra Swans in St. Croix River counties . One at Little Falls , Morrison Co. 2/10 PKL was identified as a Tundra. Identification of the immatures of all three species of swans is very difficult.
1990SpringEarly south 3/20 Dakota JD, Washington TEB; early north 3/21 Grant SDM, 3/29 Clay MM, Beltrami fide DJ; late south 5/6 Big Stone AB, 5/10 Sibley RJ.
1990SummerTwo reports: 6/16 Pennington RJ, 6/9 Polk (four) DJ
1990FallEarly north 9/23 Aitkin WN, 10/11 Marshall DJ; early south 10/15 Lac qui Parle AB, 10/26 Goodhue HH; late north ll/23 Otter Tail MO, 11/24 Itasca AB; late south 11/30 Dakota RG, Wabasha DWM.
1991SpringEarly south 3/1 Wabasha KR, 3/8 Winona CS; early north 3/17 Otter Tail SDM, 3/21 Grant AB; late south 4/27 Big Stone AB, DB, KR, 5/10 Washington DS; late north 5/26 Kittson KB, 5/27 Marshall KB.
1991Fall Early north 10/2 Wilkin SDM, 10/19 Aitkin PS; early south 10/16 Wabasha TEB (1,000), 10/18 Hennepin KB; late north 11/1 Becker BB, 11/23 Beltrami DJ; late south 11/25 Wabasha DWM, 11/30 Olmsted JB.
1991Winter Reported in Winona 1/4 ASM & 2/5 CS (1 imm.), and in Wabasha 2/5 & 29 DWM (3). Four also reported on Fergus Falls CBC, and two on the St. Paul NE CBC. None of these reports have details; observers are reminded that swans in winter are just as likely or more likely Trumpeters.
1992Spring Early south 3/10 Wabasha WDM, 3/13 Nicollet DB, OJ; early north 4/1 Otter Tail SDM, 4/4 Aitkin WN; late south 4/30 Hennepin DC and Stevens GS, 5/28 Houston FL; late north 5/19 Clay LCF, 5/22 Lake of the Woods GS.
1992Summer Single bird carefully identified on 6/25 in Wright MSt.
1992Fall Early north 10/14 Wilkin SDM, 10/18 Lake of the Woods and Roseau RJ; early south 10/18 Hennepin SC, 10/22 Wabasha JB; late north 11/22 Mille Lacs fide PB, late south 11/30 Houston EMF and Winona CS.
1992Winter Still 200–400 on 12/4 Houston EMF and 500 on 12/4 Wabasha KB. Last seen 12/19 Wabasha WDM, 12/19 Goodhue (160) CS, and 12/21 Winona CS. One imm. reported 1/18 & 19 Winona CS (no details).
1993Spring Early south 3/20 Winona AM, 3/29 Wabasha WDM. Early north 3/28 Otter Tail SDM, 4/5 Aitkin WN and Clay LCF. Late south 4/21 Cottonwood ED, 4/26 Washington WL. Late north 5/15 Aitkin WN, 5/28 Clearwater AB.
1993Fall Early north 10/1 Becker BK, 10/4 Red Lake KSS. Early south 10/2 Washington WL, 10/6 Ramsey RH. Late north 11/14 Otter Tail SDM, 11/20 Aitkin WN. Late south 11/30 Wabasha DWM, Winona AM.
1993Winter Large numbers lingered unusually long in the southeast, where 1200 counted on 12/2 Houston PKL, and 100s still present there on 12/18 EMF. Still 800 at Prairie Island, 12/13 Winona fide CS, and a flock of 50 were seen over Homer, 1/1 Winona CS. One adult overwintered with the Trumpeter Swans at Monticello, Sherburne and Wright Counties KB et al.
1994Spring Early south 3/11 Wright KB, 3/13 Steele AB; early north 3/31 Grant KKW, 4/3 Becker BBe and Otter Tail SDM; late south 4/10 Carver RJ, 5/16 Hennepin OJ; late north 5/14 Marshall KSS, 5/29 Clearwater AB.
1994Fall Early north 9/17 Roseau PS, 9/23 St. Louis SS. Early south 10/1 Chippewa AB, 10/19 Houston EMF. Late north 11/25 Aitkin CMG and Kanabec CM. Late south 11/30 Houston FL and Winona CS.
1994Winter Reported on the Mississippi River in the southeast region on the LaCrosse CBC and until 12/28 Winona CS, but no large concentrations reported here despite mild weather. One possibly overwintered in Otter Tail where reported 12/17 SDM and 2/19 SKS. Reports on the Lac qui Parle, Faribault and Rochester CBCs lacked details and are more likely Trumpeter Swans.
1995Spring Early south 3/2 Wright (overwintered?) KB, 3/11 Wabasha CK, JSt; early north 3/16 Todd JSK, 3/18 Aitkin WN, Douglas and Grant KKW; late south 4/25 Washington WL, 4/29 Hennepin SK; late north 5/6 Aitkin WN, 5/28 Clearwater AB.
1995Fall Peak of 9,000 on 11/19 Reno Bottoms, Houston Co. KB. Seen in 10 north and 11 south counties.
1995Winter One adult overwintered with Trumpeter Swans at Monticello, Wright County KB. Late migrants reported 12/1 from Dakota County DBS and 12/1–6 Winona County CS. Many additional swans were reported as Tundras but no details were submitted, including 1/7 Winona County FL, 2/10 Wabasha County EMF, 2/26 Wabasha County OR, and the Lac qui Parle and Rochester (2) CBCs. Reports of Tundra Swans in mid-winter should include details to preclude the more likely Trumpeter Swan.
1996Spring Reported from 44 counties. Peak 5/7–13 Clearwater (1200+) MN.
1996Fall Peak of 11,740 swans counted by U.S.F.W.S. during the week of 11/14 on the Upper Mississippi Wildlife Refuge from Wabasha to Reno (pools 4-8). Early north 10/4 Pennington KB, 10/19 Polk (100) BBe. Early south 10/13 Cottonwood ED, 10/24 Murray RgS, 10/27 Stearns MJ/DT. Late north 11/9 Aitkin WN, 11/11 Crow Wing SDM and Pennington SKS. Late south (median 12/12) 11/30 Winona (250) CS. Reported from 7 north and 16 south counties. Note: Singles or small groups of swans at any season and all reports outside of usual migration dates need documentation as these could be Trumpeters.
1996Winter One adult overwintered with the Trumpeter Swans at Monticello, Wright Co. KB.
1997Spring Reported from 41 counties. Peak 4/2 Aitkin (1,000) WN.
1997Summer First summer reports since 1992: 6/1 Polk (pair) and Pennington (different pair) ABo, 6/4 Otter Tail (3) SDM.
1997Fall Peak of only 2,435 on the Mississippi River from Wabasha to Reno counted by USFWS, week of 11/4. Reported from 34 counties. Early north 9/21 Roseau (3) PS, 9/22 Marshall (2) PS. Late north 11/23 Aitkin WN. Note: Single swans or small groups of swans in any season, and all reports outside of usual migration dates, need documentation as these may be Trumpeter Swans.
1997Winter Apparent overwintering birds were reported with the Trumpeter Swans at Monticello, Wright Co. on 1/14 (two birds) KB and 1/24 (three birds) RJ. Over 500 lingered 12/20 Houston PKL and 330 were on the Winona CBC. Five apparent early migrants reported 2/28 Olmsted DA, BE, CH. Additional reports 1/11 Olmsted, 2/14 Becker, and Rice (no date) were more likely Trumpeter Swans (see above).
1998Spring Reported from 40 counties. Early south 3/1 Freeborn ABa. Early north 3/29 Wadena PBi and Aitkin WN. Peak counts 4/7 Wilkin (5,200) KB, 4/21 (total 8,000+ in four northwest counties) RJ.
1998Summer Immature observed on 6/7 at Warren sewage ponds in Marshall Co. KB.
1998Fall Early north 10/3 Clay RO, 10/10 Wadena PBi, 10/11 Beltrami KB. No representative early south dates. Reported from 28 counties statewide. No Minnesota peak counts greater than 1,000. Numbers were up at the Upper Mississippi River Wildlife and Fish Refuge (FL) but most of these were in Wisconsin waters. Note: Single swans or small groups of swans in any season, and all reports outside of usual migration dates, need documentation in order to minimize confusion with Trumpeter Swans.
1998Winter Reported 2/20 Monticello, Wright Co. KB, where probably overwintered. Late north 12/16 Aitkin (Mille Lacs Lake) KB. Peak of 10,000 on 12/7 along Mississippi River from Weaver to Reno, but most individuals in Wisconsin. CBC total 2,353, including 19 at Excelsior, 909 at Winona, and 1,425 at LaCrosse. Also reported 12/16 Scott (12) PJ.
1999Spring Arrived south about one week later than usual; first migrants 3/19 Houston DN, 3/20 Hennepin SC. Early north 3/18 Carlton LW, 3/27 Douglas SWa. Unusual numbers lingered in the Duluth area during late March and April. Peak count 4/19 Aitkin (4,000) WN. Late north 5/22 Clay SDM, 5/30 Polk ABo.
1999Summer Seen (injured) on 6/24 at Crookston Sewage Ponds, Polk Co. ABo.
1999Fall Early north 8/22 Polk ABo (see summer report), 10/9 Cass (5) MRN and Polk (10) PS. Early south 9/27 Houston (50) MFo, 10/2 Dakota †SL, 10/15 McLeod DF. Peak numbers 10/17 Aitkin (4,000+) WN, 11/26 Houston (13,000 includes Wisconsin birds) PJ. See winter report for latest north and south.
1999Winter Reported from 3 north and 14 south counties. Two overwintered at Monticello, Wright Co. KB, one of which was also seen 2/1 Elk River, Sherburne Co. Late south migrants reported from 16 counties through 12/31 Houston MF. Late north (all reports) 12/9 Beltrami DJo, 12/6 Mille Lacs (186 on Mille Lacs Lake) KB, AH, PS, 12/13 Mille Lacs (12) KB. Peak 12/16 Reno Bottoms, Houston Co. (3500) KB (includes Wisconsin birds). Early migrants 2/28 Reno Bottoms, Houston Co. (14) JDa.
2000Spring See winter report for early migrants and overwintering south. Early north 3/11 Otter Tail SDM, 3/18 Aitkin WN. Late south 4/8 Isanti DMP, 4/9 Sherburne LC/RN. Late north 5/19 Aitkin CB, 5/29 Marshall JJ. Peak count 4/9 Polk (3169 along CR 2) EF.
2000Fall Found in all regions of the state. Early north 9/21 St. Louis JRN, 10/5 Polk EEF. Early south 10/18 Dakota ADS, 10/22 Scott PEJ. Peak counts 11/18 Houston (6000) PEJ, 11/11 Scott (1500) PEJ, Meeker (1300 on L. Evenson) DMF. Late north 11/25 Aitkin WEN. See winter summary for late south birds.
2000Winter Two overwintered at Monticello, Wright County KJB (sixth consecutive winter). One overwintered on Mississippi River near Point Douglas, Dakota and Washington counties mob.
2001Spring See winter report for overwintering. Apparent migrants arrived later than recent medians south (3/11) and north (3/26). Reported from 33 south counties beginning 3/16–17 Dakota mob, and 15 north counties beginning 4/1 Kanabec CAM. Total 1956 for season at Hastings-Prescott Count, including 776 on 4/3 (KJB). Late south 5/2 Olmsted PWP, 5/5 Meeker DMF. Late north 5/20 Roseau CRM, 5/28 Polk KRE et al., but also see summer report!
2001Summer Late migrants 6/15 Marshall †EEF, 6/17 Wabasha (near Kellogg) †DFN, 6/5 and 6/23 Carlton MCBS.
2001Fall Reported in all regions. Early north 8/27 Pennington JMJ, 9/3 Polk DRu. Early south 9/28 Ramsey JJS. High count 11/15 Houston (4000+ at Pool #8, includes birds in Wisconsin) FZL, but see winter report for peak concentration at this location, and also for late migrants north and south.
2001Winter Two or three overwintered in Wright (Monticello) RBJ, DFJ, KJB et al. Late north (only reports) 12/1 Becker (84) fide BAB, 12/1 Cass (100) MRN, early December St. Louis (Duluth) fide KRE, 12/22 Aitkin WEN. Late south migrants in 14 counties through 12/26 Winona (200) KJB. Early south migrants (only reports) 2/18 Wabasha (10) PEJ, DFN (earliest date on record), 2/23 Olmsted (17) RLE, 2/24 Waseca (8) JEZ. Peak 12/22 Houston (12,100 at Reno) KJB. An additional 4896 were counted the same day on the Winona CBC, for a grand total of nearly 17,000!
2002Spring See winter report for early south. Early north 3/17 Grant and Otter Tail SPM, DKM, 3/25 Becker BRK. Late south 5/3 Pope JEB, 5/13 Meeker (injured) DMF. Late north 5/18 Clay RBJ and St. Louis m.ob., 5/26 Marshall AXH, PHS. Numbers up at H.P.B.C. (10,168 for season) including high count 4/9 (4577) KJB. Noteworthy concentration 4/6 Houston (3000–4000) DFN.
2002Fall Reported from 13 north and 16 south counties. Early north 10/10 Polk CMN, 10/19–26 in six counties. Early south 10/5 Winona (12) PWP, 10/13 Olmsted (3) PWP. An unspecified number of Tundra Swans 9/15 Ramsey were probably Trumpeters (Tundra Swan's 17-year median south arrival date 10/13). High count 11/2 Houston (12,000+ on Pool #8, includes birds in Wisconsin) PEJ, remarkably consistent with U.S.F.W.S. aerial survey 11/12 (11,175 on Pool #8) fide RPR. Please see winter report for late migrants.
2002Winter Reported from six south counties Overwintered at Monticello, Sherburne and Wright counties (maximum 5) m.ob. An injured bird also overwintered at Gun Club Lake, Dakota Co. PEJ, DFN. Only additional report after early January was 1/26–2/8 Blue Earth (Lake Crystal) DDM, RBJ, ChH.
2003Spring Reported from 25 south and 18 north counties. Early south 3/20 Houston FZL, 3/22 in four counties. Early north 3/13 Becker BRK, 3/17 Hubbard RCS and St. Louis JRN. Late south 5/4 Stevens RMD. Late north 5/13 Aitkin WEN. Seasonal total of 7288 at H.P.B.C. (peak 3503 on 3/31) KJB. Notable concentration 4/12 Clearwater (2500+) DPJ.
2003Summer Observed 7/19–20 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R) †PCC, ph. PHS; plus Dakota (injured bird oversummered at Gun Club L.) PEJ.
2003Fall Reported from 19 north and 21 south counties. One documented in July probably oversummered and was still present early August in Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) fide JMJ. Early north 9/14 Otter Tail JMP, 9/17 Pine JMP. Early south 10/11 Anoka JLH, 10/12 Sherburne OLJ. High count 11/7 Houston (8000+ at Pool #8, includes birds in Wisconsin) FZL. Late north 11/18 Cass MRN, 11/22 Polk EEF. Please see winter report for late south migrants.
2003Winter Overwintered at Shakopee, Scott County (1) and Monticello, Wright County (2) m.ob. Injured bird present since last winter at Gun Club Lake, Dakota County last seen mid-January PEJ. Still 6800 present 12/2 Houston (pool 8, Upper Mississippi River N.W.F.R., includes Wisconsin) KJB, where last seen 12/28 Houston (4) FZL.
2004Spring Seen in 28 south and 17 north counties. Early south 3/14 Rice DAB, 3/17 Freeborn AEB and Washington (100) DPS. Early north 3/28 St. Louis MH, 3/30 Todd JSK, SID. Late south 4/22 Anoka REH. Late north 5/15 Lake of the Woods (50) MHK. Seasonal total of 7593 at H.P.B.C (peak 2847 on 3/29) KJB. Notable concentration 4/3 Polk (1500) DPJ.
2004Summer Observed 6/13 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) JMJ.
2004Fall Seen in 11 north and 13 south counties. Oversummering birds in Polk 8/31 (3) EEF. Early north 10/2 Lake JWL, 10/17 St. Louis FJN and Polk (61) JMJ. Early south 10/18 Freeborn AEB, 10/31 Mower RCK, RDK, Houston FZL. High count 11/30 Houston (8,000 at Pool #8, includes birds in Wisconsin) FZL. Late north 11/20 Cass DPJ, PJR, 11/28 Todd JSK, SID. Please see winter report for late south migrants.
2004Winter All reports away from Southeast: 12/4, 12/11 Scott (Fisher L.) DWK, 2/26 Dakota ChH. Good numbers still present 12/5 (11000), 12/11 (8000) Houston (Pool 8, U.M.R.N.W.F.R.) PEJ. Total of 921 on Winona CBC fide WC.
2005Spring Reported from 21 south and 23 north counties, none in Southwest. Early south 3/19 Houston FZL, 3/24 Swift RBJ. Early north 3/29 Clay DPJ and Marshall fide JMJ. Late south 5/1 Big Stone PHS (median 5/5). Late north 5/1 Polk EEF (median 5/28). Peak concentrations 3/27 Houston (2,000+) FZL, 4/9 Polk (1,200) JMJ.
2005Summer Only documented report: 7/17 Roseau †JMJ.
2005Fall Reported from 11 north and 13 south counties. Early north 9/3 Roseau (possibly injured) KRE, CRM, 10/1 Koochiching BJU. Early south 10/14 Anoka JLH, 10/15 Lac qui Parle BJU. Peak counts 11/4 Beltrami (est. 2,000–3,000 near Waskish) JEB, RBJ, 11/22 Houston (9,480 at Pool #8, includes birds in Wisconsin) Upper Mississippi River N.W.F.R. Late north 11/23 Mille Lacs AXH, 11/30 Marshall GT. Please see winter report for late south migrants.
2005Winter Ice conditions early in the period prevented the normal build-up in the Southeast. All reports: 12/20–31 Wright (Monticello, Northern Wright CBC) †SL, DSa fide RJS, 1/22 Wright (3) DSa, 1/26 Washington (immature) RBJ, 2/21 Houston (1) FZL.
2006Spring Seen in 26 south and 21 north counties, none in Southwest. Early south 3/3 Rice FVS, 3/5 Lac qui Parle BJU. Early north 3/27 St. Louis JWL, JRN, LAW, 3/28 Red Lake SAS. Late south 5/18 Sherburne ASc (only May report south; recent median 5/5). Late north 5/17 Beltrami and Lake of the Woods JEB, RBJ, 5/28 Marshall †PHS (median 5/28). Record-high spring counts 4/12 Clay/Norman (12,500 between Halstad and Kragnes) BWF, 4/12 Clearwater (10,000 at rice paddies near Gonvick) KLa; notable counts 3/26 Dakota (3,072 at H.P.B.C) KJB, 4/2 Traverse (5,400) KJB.
2006Summer Two reports: 6/1 Marshall (same bird seen in May at Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS, 7/16 Big Stone (individual with injured left wing) †BJU.
2006Fall Found in 14 north and 17 south counties. Early north 8/30 Traverse (possibly injured) BJU, 9/24 Marshall PHS. Early south 9/30 Big Stone PHS, 10/15 Houston NBO. Largest concentration away from Southeast: 11/2 Cass (2,500 on L. Winnibigoshish) BAW. Record-high count 11/20 Houston (32,380 on Pool #8, includes birds in Wisconsin) Upper Mississippi River N.W.F.R. Late north 11/18 St. Louis JLO, 11/24 Mille Lacs ASc. Please see winter report for late south migrants.
2006Winter5 Few reports and no large concentrations. All reports: 12/1 Meeker (Lake Ripley) DMF, 12/3 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU, 12/11 Olmsted PWP, 12/14 Dakota SWe, 12/16 Northwest McLeod CBC (2, Pipenberg Park near Hutchinson) DMF, 1/13 Washington (Pt. Douglas) SWe, 1/19 Washington RBJ.
2007Spring2226 Early south 3/17 Wabasha JWH, 3/18 Rice DAB (median 3/11). Early north 3/18 Hubbard DLB, 3/23–24 in six counties (median 3/27). High counts 3/23 Goodhue (1,500) PEJ, 3/31 Traverse (1,200) JCC, 4/1 Aitkin (2,000, CR 1 rice paddies) WEN. Late south 4/28 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 5/5). Late north 4/28 Red Lake JMJ, 5/12 St. Louis SES (median 5/28).
2007Fall919 Early north 9/27 Pennington JMJ, 10/14 Marshall PHS, JMJ. Early south 10/17 Houston NBO, 10/23 Lac qui Parle BJU. High counts 11/26 Houston (10,150 at Pool #8, includes birds in Wisconsin) Upper Mississippi River N.W.F.R., 11/21 Meeker (800 at L. Evenson) DMF. Late north 11/23 Hubbard PBB, 11/24 Mille Lacs JLO. Please see winter report for late south migrants.
2007Winter12 North report 12/18 Cass (3 below Sylvan Dam on the Crow Wing River; 2 adults and a juvenile) †BAW. All south 12/1 Meeker DMF, 12/3 Hennepin MCA.
2008Spring1727 Early south (median 3/11) 3/6 Olmsted JWH, 3/26 Rice DAB. Early north (median 3/27) 3/15 Morrison DTM, 4/3 Kanabec CAM, Polk GT. Late south 4/15 Lac qui Parle BJU, 4/19 Hennepin MCA (median 5/5). Late north 5/13 Lake of the Woods MHK, Marshall fide JMJ, 5/22 Pennington and Polk PHS (median 5/28). High counts 4/6 Hennepin (500 at Lake Hiawatha) DDo, 4/5 Sherburne (445) ASc, NSc.
2008Fall1423 Early north (median 10/2) 9/27 Pennington JMJ, 10/4 Roseau JMJ. Early south (median 10/12) 9/27 Carver JCy, 10/14 Nicollet RMD. High counts 11/26 Houston (15,335 at Pool #8, includes birds in Wisconsin) Upper Mississippi River N.W.F.R., 11/2 Beltrami (949 at Upper Red Lake) BJU, 11/16 McLeod (800 at Whitney Lake) DPG. Late north 11/23 Wadena PJB, 11/28 Hubbard PBB (median 11/27). Please see winter report for late south migrants and overwintering birds.
2008Winter4 The recent trend of low numbers for the winter period continued. All reports: 12/2 Sherburne (2) DPG, 12/6 Hennepin (40) DWK, 12/12 Hennepin (5) DDo, 12/13 Sherburne (8) DDo, 1/1 Winona (3) RNe, 1/6 Scott PEJ, 2/28 Scott PEJ.
2009Spring1535 Early south (median 3/11) 3/14 Rice DAB, 3/15 Goodhue and Wabasha PEJ, Meeker DMF. Early north (median 3/26) 3/17 St. Louis TPW, 3/20 Otter Tail SPM. High counts 4/12 Wilkin (3,000, Bradford Twp.) KRE, 3/29 Sibley (2,050, Silver Lake, Swan Lake, Sand Lake) WCM, 3/30 Carver (1,435, Carver P. R.) WCM. Late south 4/19 Renville RMD, DAB, 4/22 Stearns PCC (median 5/4). Late north 5/24 Red Lake RBJ, DAC, 5/28 (median) Lake of the Woods DBW.
2009Fall1421 Early north (median 10/1) 10/11 Pennington JMJ, St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) KJB, ABL, 10/14 Marshall fide JMJ. Early south (median 10/12) 10/17 Houston NBO, 10/19 Dakota JLO. High counts 11/27 Houston (6,000, Pool #8, includes birds in Wisconsin) BAF, Aitkin (1,500) ASc, 11/14 Wabasha (500, Weaver Marsh) BAF, 11/30 Carver/Hennepin (450, Rice Lake) DWK. Late north 11/28 Todd MDN, 11/29 Aitkin MJB (median 11/28). Please see winter report for late south migrants and over-wintering birds.
2009Winter11 High counts in Houston from the swan viewing platform at Reno Bottoms, all in Minnesota: 19,790 (counted by 5s) on 12/4 and 21,000 (counted by 100s) on 12/5 KJB. Late south 12/12 Ramsey REH, Washington (Pt. Douglas) †PEB, 12/19 LaCrosse-LaCrescent CBC, Winona CBC (22). No over-wintering this year.
2010Spring2037 Early south (median 3/11) 3/6 Dakota GLa, 3/14 Carver WCM, 3/15 Olmsted JWH. Early north (median 3/26) 3/13 Marshall GT, 3/16 Kanabec CAM, 3/17 Cass ABi. High counts 3/21 Dakota (1,590, Minnesota side of Mississippi River at Prescott, WI) DWK, 3/17 Carver (650, Rapids Lake, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) JCy. Late south 4/11 Lincoln BJU, 4/17 Big Stone PEJ, DFN, 4/24 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 5/4). Late north 5/5 St. Louis PEJ, PHS, 5/6 Lake DaD (median 5/28).
2010Fall1520 Early north (median 10/1) 9/20 Lake of the Woods BSi, 9/24 Lake KRE. Early south (median 10/12) 9/30 Lac qui Parle BJU, 10/17 Houston JWH. High count 11/13 Houston (5,000, Browns Island) RTe. Late north 11/14 Beltrami KVH, 11/15 Hubbard MAW, Pine SC (median 11/28). Please see winter report for late south migrants and overwintering birds.
2010Winter1 All reports 12/17–2/27 Scott (overwintered Shakopee, Mill Pond) †DWK, †RSA, †PEB, m.ob.
2011Spring2146 Early south (median 3/11) 3/15 Hennepin TAT, 3/16 Big Stone BJU, Dakota BAF, ADS, Goodhue PEJ, Lac qui Parle BJU, Rice DAB, Winona PEJ. Early north (median 3/26) 3/23 Kanabec CAM, 3/27 Clay MM, 3/29 Morrison MJB. High counts 3/30 Carver (1,341) JCy. Late south 4/25 Benton JEB, 5/6 Chisago FKB, 5/7 Nicollet ChH (median 5/4). Late north 5/15 Clearwater, Mahnomen JPr, 5/16 Kittson TrB (median 5/28), but also see summer report.
2011Fall1522 Early north (median 10/1) 9/29 Marshall MA, 9/30 Itasca EEO, 10/3 Kittson TrB, Todd DTM. Early south (median 10/12) 10/20 Lac qui Parle PEJ, 10/21 Houston NBO, 10/23 Wabasha DBz, ANy. High counts 11/18 Houston (5,000 at Pool 8, Brownsville-Reno) SHF. Late north 11/16 St. Louis KJB, 11/27 Aitkin DBM (median 11/28), but also see winter report.
2011Winter15One north record 12/3 Mille Lacs ASc. At least 5 overwintered Wabasha (Mississippi River, Camp Lacupolis to Minneiska) PEJ, DAB, including undetermined number (calls) in mixed flock with Trumpeter Swans (1/15, Minneiska) BAF, SHF, PEJ. High count 12/4 Houston (3,300, Brownsville) KJB.
2012Spring2530 See winter report for overwintering and early south migrants. Early north (median 3/26) 3/15 Marshall LeG, 3/16 Clearwater KVH, Otter Tail fide JMJ, Polk SC, 3/17 Becker, Clay, Wilkin HHD, RAE, RGj, Douglas JPE, Hubbard MAW, Mahnomen, Norman SC, Mille Lacs ASc, Morrison MJB, St. Louis KRE, m.ob. High counts 3/18 Sibley (~450, Washington Lake) DWK, 3/25 St. Louis (~400, St. Louis River, Mud Lake) AM, 3/15 Goodhue (~350, Lake Byllesby) SBM. Late south 4/14 Winona SSh, 5/6 Hennepin GLa (median 5/4). Late north 5/17 St. Louis (Duluth) JLK, 5/31 Polk fide JMJ (median 5/28).
2012Summer2 Reported 6/1 Lake of the Woods RAE, 6/3 Lake of the Woods (16, Brown's Lake) MHK, 6/9 Grant (Ash Lake) PCC.
2012Fall1825 Early north (median 10/1) 9/27 Marshall GAK, 10/6 Clearwater VLa, 10/11 Aitkin PEJ, Marshall LyK. Early south (median 10/12) 10/10 Lac qui Parle BJU 10/12 Anoka ThM, 10/25 Big Stone BJU, Rice TFB. High count 11/18 Houston (est. 15,000, Upper Mississippi N.W.R., near Brownsville, some birds probably in Wisconsin waters) TPr. Late north 11/18 Clay RAE, 11/19 Itasca SC, 11/23 Aitkin ACr, 11/25 St. Louis EBr, KJB, ACr (median 11/28). Please see winter report for late south migrants and overwintering birds.
2012Winter11 Large numbers lingered in Wabasha into late December, with 276 still present 12/23 (includes birds in Wisconsin waters) and one on 1/7 (Reads Landing) PEJ. Mid-January reports (1/11–17) Olmsted (Silver Lake) ANy, JWH, JPr suggest overwintering, as does one on 2/20 Scott (Shakopee Mill Pond) ph. †KDS. High count 12/2 Houston (9,212, Pool 8, Upper Mississippi River N.W.F.R.) KJB.
2013Spring2138 Early south (median 3/11) 3/9 Winona MGo, 3/17 Chisago AMa, Wabasha ACr, 3/20 Dakota PEJ. Early north (median 3/26) 3/13 Clearwater PRR, 4/4 Mille Lacs ToL, 4/9 Morrison MJB. High counts 4/6 Swift (710, near Danvers) WCM, 4/6 Carver (682, Rapids Lake, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) JCy. Late south 5/4 Dakota MJM, Swift DLP, 5/9 Sherburne JGb (median 5/4).
2013Summer2 Late migrants reported 6/3 Pine (Clover Twp.) RPR, 6/5, 6/8 Itasca SC.
2013Fall1821 Early north (median 10/1) 10/12 Becker, Clay fide JMJ, 10/22 Hubbard MAW, Polk SAu, 10/26 Itasca SC. Early south (median 10/12) 10/13 Houston NBO, 10/18 Lac qui Parle JSP, 10/20 Big Stone DLP. High counts 11/15 Houston (20,000, Upper Mississippi River N.W.F.R., Brownsville) JaL, 11/23 Houston (6,000, Brownsville Overlook) SHF, BAF. Late north 11/14 Pine RBJ, ToL, Wadena PJB, 11/19 Mille Lacs ToL, 11/22 Itasca SC (median 11/28), but also see winter report.
2013Winter26 Two north reports: 12/1 Mille Lacs (4) DPG, 12/3 Cass BAW. One south report after December: 1/1 Wright (Monticello) ToL. High counts 12/1 Houston (200, Brownsville) SSp, Wabasha (32) PEJ.
2014Spring2838Early south (median 3/11) 3/13 Kandiyohi KSl, 3/21 Rice TFB, 3/23 Winona JJS. Early north (median 3/26) 4/2 Traverse DLP, 4/3 Kanabec ALo, 4/5 Clay TCL. High counts 5/3 Clearwater (2,000) SVo, 4/7 Chisago (1,000) JSa, 4/19 Aitkin (1,000, 1000+ in rice paddies north of Aitkin) PSP. Late south 5/12 McLeod KLz, 5/27 Chippewa SQu (median 5/4). Late north 5/25 Roseau KRE, m.ob., 5/26 Marshall CCr, 5/27 Itasca SC (median 5/28).
2014SummerNo reports.
2014Fall1622 Early north (median 10/1) 10/8 Itasca (2) JBi, 10/10 Itasca SC, (4) EEO, 10/12 Douglas (3) JEl, Itasca SC. Early south (median 10/12) 10/9 Hennepin (2) DWK, PEJ, SBM, 10/13 Stearns (4) HHD, 10/14 Big Stone HHD. High count 11/13 Houston (6,000, Upper Mississippi River N.W.R., Brownsville) JnC. Late north 11/12 Carlton (9) RBJ, 11/13 Douglas BEc, 11/14 Becker KHa (median 11/28). Please see winter report for late south migrants and overwintering birds.
2014Winter4 All reports: 12/20 St. Paul (North) CBC (2), Wabasha (2, Pool 5) PEJ, 12/27 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) PEB, 1/3 Goodhue (Lock & Dam #3) PEJ.
2015Spring2732 Early south (median 3/11) 3/2 Wright (18) SSt, 3/15 Rice (8) DAB, Washington (12) ASi, PNi, 3/16 Olmsted (13) MiD. Early north (median 3/26) 3/14 Traverse (16) DLP, 3/15 Itasca (4) BMi, 3/23 Polk (8) MSp. High counts 4/10 Aitkin (5,000, rice paddies along Little Willow River) JPR, 4/11 Polk (1,400, Brandt-Angus Impoundment) SAu, 3/28 Wabasha (1,350) LHl. Late south 4/28 Lac qui Parle (5) RAE, HHD, 5/4 Lyon (16) RJS, 5/8 Fillmore JTo (median 5/4). Late north 5/23 Beltrami (5) MSp, 5/23–24 Otter Tail (max. 3) DvS, Roseau (20) DaG (median 5/28).
2015Summer2 Reported 6/11 Roseau BSi, 7/26 Todd JeM, SwM, 7/28 (2) SwM.
2015Fall1122 Early north (median 9/30) 10/9–11 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 10/16 Norman KRE, m.ob., Otter Tail, AAz. Early south (median 10/12) 10/16 Houston (20, Brownsville Overlook) DSt, 10/22 Hennepin VWe, Sherburne JGb. High count 11/27 Houston (3,500, Brownsville Overlook) BAF. Late north 11/20 St. Louis JWL, KJB, 11/20–22 Polk (East Grand Forks W.T.P.) DaL, SAu, 11/22 Todd CSh, 11/30 Hubbard REn, m.ob. (median 11/28), but also see winter report.
2015Winter311 One midwinter north report: 1/25–29 Hubbard JPr, m.ob. Large numbers were reported well into December in Houston (Mississippi River Pool 8; includes birds in Wisconsin waters): 12/2 (14,000, U.S.F.W.S. count) fide RPR, 12/4 (4,800) SRo, JRo, 12/11 (4,000) GHo, 12/20 (3,000) SOa. Smaller numbers lingered into early January in Wabasha, including 1/2 (166) SWe. Other January–February reports: 1/10 Nicollet (5, Spring Lake Park) DKr, 2/26–27 Goodhue (2, Lake Byllesby) PNi, BDo. CBC high count 12/19 La Crosse-La Crescent (420).
2016Spring3037 Early south (but also see winter report) 3/2 Rice (15) DAB, 3/3–7 Goodhue (max. 8, Lake Byllesby) NSc, BAF, 3/7 Carver (3) JCy, Dakota ADS, Olmsted (6) LAV. Early north (median 3/20) 3/13 Morrison (95, Crane Meadows N.W.R.) SEm, m.ob., Pine (68) TJo, 3/16 Becker (4) ShG, HeH, Pine (35) JFR, (40) KrM. High counts 3/24 Mille Lacs (1,800, Lake Onamia) RBJ, 3/20 Grant (1,560, North Ottawa Impoundment) KnM. Late south 4/22–23 Lac qui Parle (max. 24, Salt Lake) KvM, m.ob., 5/5–7 Le Sueur RAE, HHD (median 5/4). Late north 5/28 Becker (2) DBa, Clay DBa, m.ob., Norman RBJ (median 5/28).
2016Summer1 Seen 6/24 Norman RZi, SSc, KMS, LS.
2016Fall1219 Early north (median 10/1) 9/3 Kittson BMu, 9/29 Aitkin KCR, 10/10 St. Louis AWe, ALx. Early south (median 10/12) 8/13–10/14 Stearns (Albany W.T.P., presumably same individual present throughout season) ClN, m.ob., 9/21 Carver DAC. High counts 11/24 and 11/127 Houston (2,000, Brownsville Overlook) SOa. Late north 11/27 Carlton JHa, 11/30 Cass (12) DoH, Polk (28, East Grand Forks W.T.P.) DaL (median 11/28).
2016Winter1422 Numerous north reports of late southbound migrants from early December from 14 counties, with high count 12/5 Polk (600, East Grand Forks W.T.P.) SAu. Last north reports 12/9 Hubbard (4) REn, Otter Tail (2) WPl. Many south reports from the first half of December from 19 counties, with high counts 12/10 Houston (1,100, Brownsville overlook) GHo, 12/7 Hennepin (130) MZa. The last December report was 12/17 Rice (12) DAB. No overwintering reports. Early spring migrants first reported 2/22 Scott (3) BAb, with additional reports through the end of the month from six south counties.
2017Spring2642 Early south (but also see winter report for early spring migrants) 3/2 Houston (29, Brownsville Overlook) BRe, 3/3 Blue Earth (11) STa, Olmsted LAV. Early north (median 3/18) 3/17 Morrison RBW, FGo, 3/19 Grant (5) KnM, 3/21 Grant DFe, Polk (10) SAu, Wilkin HHD. High counts 3/31, 4/10 Aitkin (1,300) PSP, KCR, 3/27 Carver (1,089, 150th St. pond) WCM. Late south 5/13 Carver COg, 5/14 Le Sueur (3) BSm, 5/22 Washington FGo (median 5/4). Late north 5/13 Pine LEv, Polk (2) MZa, 5/19 Becker (3) DFr, 5/25 St. Louis (Floodwood) ALu (median 5/28).
2017Summer No reports.
2017Fall1630 Early north (median 9/30) 10/8 St. Louis (5) HHD, 10/12–22 Polk (4, East Grand Forks W.T.P.) DaL, SAu, KuE, 10/22 Cass (2, Lake Winnibigoshish) DAY. Early south (median 10/11) 10/20 Houston (4) DSt, Ramsey (2) CMu, 10/22 Winona JJS, 10/24 Lac qui Parle (5) DLP. High count 11/15 Houston (15,000, Brownsville Overlook) ebd. New county record: 11/10 Pipestone (Split Rock Lake) HHD. Late north 11/21 Crow Wing (6, Mille Lacs Lake) JLA, Polk SAu, 11/25–27 Beltrami (max. 10) DPJ, 11/30 Morrison (10) SEm (median 11/29).
2017Winter18 Two north reports: 12/1 Beltrami DPJ, 12/16 Morrison (4) SEm. December south reports of small numbers from 6 counties; no reports of lingering large flocks, unlike last winter. Up to 3 birds overwintered Scott (Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob. There were also early January reports of 1–2 birds from Wabasha, Winona, Wright. Presumed early migrants 2/28 Wabasha (12) PEJ.
2018Spring3047 Early south (but also see winter report for early spring migrants) 3/4 Chippewa (3) DLP, 3/6 Houston (50) SHo, 3/7 Washington JLe. Early north (median 3/18) 3/17 St. Louis (Duluth) RCl, 3/18 Otter Tail (2) WPl, 3/27 Traverse ANy. High count 4/7 Dakota (1800, Lake Byllesby, counted by fives) SHF, BAF. Late south 5/5 Hennepin (4) ebd, 5/5–6 Wright (max. 14) ebd, 5/10 Anoka ebd, Meeker (15) BNn (median 5/4). Late north 5/26–28 Koochiching JMJ, 5/27 Cook (8) ANy, BWF, 5/28 Lake of the Woods ABL (median 5/28).
2018Summer1 Seen 7/27 Lake (apparently injured bird continuing from spring season, Harbor Hills pond, Two Harbors) JWL.
2018Fall1830 One summered in Lake (Two Harbors) through 8/20 JWL. Early north migrants (median 9/30) 10/7 Becker (30) LSl, 10/12 Lake (27, Tettegouche S.P.) RyS, EFC. Early south (median 10/11) 10/6 Sherburne (2, Sherburne N.W.R.) RCl, 10/13 Meeker JAn, 10/16 Houston (16) SHo. High counts 11/16 Houston (10,000, Upper Mississippi N.W.R.) ebd. Late north 11/12 Mille Lacs MJB, DOr, 11/13 St. Louis (20, H.R.N.R.) JPR, 11/17 Todd (5, Horseshoe Lake) AaL, TLu (median 11/29).
2018Winter29 December north reports from Otter Tail, Morrison. One midwinter north report 1/31 Otter Tail (Fergus Falls) RMD, BAb, ph. MWS. December south reports from seven counties, with high counts 12/3 Wabasha (97) PEJ, 12/5 Houston (53) KDS. Midwinter reports from Dakota, Goodhue, Hennepin, Scott, Wabasha, Winona, all of 1–2 individuals except 1/10 Wabasha (10) PEJ. Two overwintered Scott (Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob. CBC high counts 12/15 LaCrosse-LaCrescent (7), 12/16 Little Falls (7), 12/30 Wabasha (5).
2019Summer  No reports.
 Migrant throughout, but rare southwest. Two breeding records (1932, 1956), both involving an injured bird.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.