Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Blackbirds, Orioles
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Blackbirds, Orioles
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Eastern Meadowlark
Western Meadowlark
[Sturnella meadowlark]
Orchard Oriole
Bullock's Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
Scott's Oriole
Red-winged Blackbird
Brown-headed Cowbird
Rusty Blackbird
Brewer's Blackbird
Common Grackle
Great-tailed Grackle
[Quiscalus grackle]

Western Meadowlark(Sturnella neglecta)
1930SummerGustav Swanson found a nest of the western Meadowlark at Madison on May 24th, which contained 6 eggs.
1931Summer~a. c. E. Peterson reports finding two nests at liadison on July 15th, which contained four and five eggs respectively.
1932SummerA nest of this species with 4 eggs was found on 1-ia.y 23 by Downey & Eisele, nncl nnothor with 5 eggs at :&icsburg,.June 28 (Sl-rnnson). The earliest and latest Meadowlarks' nest were not identified as to species. They were on Mo.y 1.3 (6 eggs, Dobie), and July 4 (3 eggs, E.'vans).
1933Summer Six reported, the first being found by Swanson, in Dnkota. County, on May 7th, when it held 5 eggs. Grimes reports the last, which wa.s found in Pennington County on June 12th a.nd contained 6 eggs. Young well able... to fly were seen at st. Cloud on June 19th by Hiemenz. YELLOW-HFADED BLACKBIRD The customary number of nests were seen, the first being reported by Cummings, who found it at Fort Snelling on Nay 24th, when it contained 2 eggs. No dates for eggs later than June 15th were reported. Young out of the nest were seen by Grimes at Thief La.ko on June 18th.
1934Summer Eisele found the first nest of this species on l~y 2oth, when it held 4 eggs. A young l'Testern Meadowlark just out of the nest was seen by Mrs. Wilson on July 10th at Montevideo.
1937SummerOn May r6 E. D. Swedenborg found a nest of four eggs.
1938SummerVoth and Hiebert found a nest of 5 eggs and 2 cowbird eggs near Maiden Lake, Cot­tonwood County on May 23. On June 24. Dr. Mahle found a nest of 6 eggs near Warren.
1940SummerL. Carlander and K. Carlander found a nest with 5 young and r fertile egg at Nine Mile Creek, Hennepin Co., on June 2. A nest with 2 young and cowbirds was found near Grand Lake on June 12 by the T. S. Roberts Club.
1943Summer2 nests with 4 eggs, Fort Snelling, June 19. Ems. Lewis and Pius.
1945SummerNest with eggs, May 19, Hennepin Co., Don and Eldeen Jacobs. Y.EILLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRD. 25 nests with eggs, May 19 to 27, Hennepin Co., Don and Eldeen Jacobs; 17 nests with eggs, May 23 to 30, Hennepin Co., Fred Blanch and Larry Flahavan.
1945WinterTwo near Stewartville, December 23, 1939, (Minnesota Bird Club members); one at St. Cloud, January 2, 1941, (T. S. Roberts Ornithological Club).
1946Summer3 eggs, May 5, Anoka Co.; 4 eggs, May 18, Hennepin Co., Barrett.
1947Summer2 young, nest destroyed, June 16, Behrens; 2 young, June 27, Lac qui Parle Co., Willis. YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRD. 20 nests with from 1 to 4 eggs, May 24, Lac qui Parle Co., Willis. RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD. 3 eggs, 2 young, May 29, Hennepin Co., Barrett; 5 nests, 20 eggs, June 1, Lac qui Parle Co., Willis; 4 eggs, June 1; destroyed, June 10, Hennepin Co., Pratt; 14 eggs and 1 young, June 12, Hennepin Co., Pratt; 2 eggs, June 21, Minneapolis, Futcher. BALTIMORE 0 R I 0 L E. Carrying food to young, July 5 and 7, Lac qui Parle Co., Willis; 2 young, July 17, Duluth, Lakela.
1962WinterDec. 18, Carver Co., N. of Shakopee, R. Huber; Feb. 22, Cokato, Wright Co., Mrs. Erma Christopher.
1963SummerWinona Co., Goodview, July 2, 2 y out of nest, Grace Gordon. Yellow-headed Blacl~bird: Ramsey Co., June 1, ad feeding nestlings, A. C. Rosenwinkel.
1963WinterJan 1, Eden Pra· irie, Hennepin Co., Brother Theodore; Jan 14·20, Minneapolis, 4·5 seen, Mpls Audubon Society; Mar 1, Twin Cities, common, singing, many observers.
1964Fall11-7 Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co, 6, RBJ.
1964Winter1-2, Dakota Co, 1, ACR, MIG; Hennepin Co, 4, RG, RBJ, RLH. J Meadowlark, species? 12-23, Rice Co, 1, OAR; 1-20, Rice Co, 1, OAR; 2-6, Hennepin Co, 2, MAS; 2-25, Nobles Co, 7, EHW; 2-27, Hennepin Co, 3, MAS; Wabasha Co, 1, DGM; all winter, at feeding station, St. Paul, Mrs. Leslie Hodum.
1965Springearliest 3-7 Rice Co, OAR; 3-16 Sauk Rapids, DHG; two records for late March and many by 4-4.
1965Falllatest 11-10 Cyrus, WH and 11-16 Cokato, EC.
1966Springearliest 3-3 Nobles Co, HSH; 3-3 Wabasha Co, DGM; 3-5 Ramsey Co, ACR; 3-6 Wright Co, EGC.
1966Summernested in Wabasha, Pope, Wright, Washington and Hubbard Co's; also reported from Cottonwood, Dakota, St. Louis, Stevens, Nobles, Lac qui Parle, Dakota, Hennepin, Rice, Crow Wing, Sherburne, Morrison, Stearns, Ramsey, and Goodhue Co's.
1966FallLatest 10-20 Traverse Co., JAH; 10-27 Wright Co., EC; 11-29 Pope Co., WH.
1967Springearly 3-4 Npbles Co., HSH; 3-12 Wright Co., EC; 3-16 Stevens Co., JAH. ' THE LOON 96
1967Summernested Hubbard; also reported from Hennepin, Ramsey, Anoka, Washington, Wabasha, Morrison, Nobles, Pope, Crow Wing, Lac qui Parle, Big Stone, Traverse, Stevens, St. Louis Co's.
1967Fall latest 10-22 FargoMoorhead, EGA and Stearns Co., KE; 10-24 Stevens Co., JAH; 11-1 Nobles Co., HSH; very late, 11-23 Lac qui Parle Co., WHL.
1967Winter 12-23 FargoMoorhead, 1, fide EGA; probably late migrant?
1968Spring early 3-2 FargoMoorhead, fide EGA; 3-5 Dakota Co., DB; 3-8 Rice Co., OAR; 3-9 Olmsted Co., AFR, Nobles Co., HSH and Minneapolis, FN/MAS.
1968Summer nested in Nobles, Lyon Co's; also reported from Stearns, Hubbard, Pine, Morrison, Sherburne, Carver, Rice, Winona, Wright, Beltrami, Clay, Hennepin, Pope, Washington, Wabasha, Anoka Co's.
1968FallLate 11-6 Itasca ACR; 11-9 Lac quie Parle BL; 1/22 Nobles HSH.
1968Winter1-20 Nobles HSH. Meadowlark, species?: 12-5 Dodge 5 RG; 12-23 Watonwan DMF; 1-25 Goodhue RG.
1969Spring3-8 Winona Co., BT; 3-16 Sibley Co., VL; 3-19 (100+) Nicollet Co., HBT; 3-22 (41) Winona Co., BT; 4-1 Cook Co., OP; 5-13 Beltrami Co., JAM.
1969Summernested in Rock Co.; also reported from Winona, Wabasha, Dakota, Ramsey, Hennepin, Rice, Cottonwood, Stearns, Morrison, and Beltrami Co's.
1969Fall11-1 Lac qui Parle RBJ; 11-1 Pope WH.
1969Winter12-28 Winona BTV. Redwinged Blackbird: Wintered in Hennepin, Dakota, Goodhue, Lyon, Wabasha, Morrison (Dec.) Ramsey, Watonwan, Carver, Winona, Houston.
1970Springearly south 3-6 Nobles HH and Cottonwood LF; 3-8 Lyon HK; early north 3-29 Morrison LR; 4-5 Clearwater RD.
1970Summerreported east to Wabasha, Winona, Wright, and St. Louis Co's. (6-8 Duluth MMC).
1970Fallonly report north 10-25 Crow Wing )B; late south 11-7 Hennepin VL; 11-22 Winona TV; 11-25 Nobles HH.
1971Summernested in Carver and Hennepin; also reported from 24 other counties.
1971Falllate south 11-21 Pope; 11-30 Nobles and Murray; late north 11-18 Clearwater; 11-27 Douglas. 
1972Summernested in (Crow Wing), (Ait kin); seen in 17 other counties as far east as Duluth, Ramsey.
1973Summer Breeding cards from Lac qui Parle Wabasha; seen in 24 other counties.'
1973Fall Seen in 12 counties.
1974Spring Early south 3-6 Anoka SC; 3-6 Wabasha DWM; 3-8 Le Sueur GR; early north 3-11 Marshall AR; 3-29 Hubbard HJF; 4-8 Clay LCF. Yellow-headed. Blackbird Early south 3-24 Le Sueur GR; 3-30 Stearns NMH; 4-12 Hennepin DR; early north 4-17 Marshall AR; 4-27 Crow Wing TS; 5-4 St. Louis DE.
1974Summer Nested in Clay, Stearns, Rock; also reported from 36 other counties; more reports than usual.
1974Fall Late north 11-6 Polk KBZ; 11-7 Marshall AR; late south 10-20 Hennepin OJ; 10-26 Rock KE.
1975Spring Early south 3-1 Yellow Medicine CF; 3-10 Yellow Medicine GLO; 3-11 Murray ADK; early north 3-17 Becker TRS; 3-28 Clay LCF; 4-10 Marshall SV.
1975Summer Nested in Chippewa; also reported from 31 other counties.
1975Falllate north 11-5 Marshall SV; Wilkin KE; 11-16 Ottertail SM; late south 11-22 Cottonwood LR; 11-27 Yellow Medicine GO.
1976Spring Early south 3-1 Lincoln LK; 3-6 Dodge RBJ; 3-8 Stearns MNH; early north 3-6 Otter Tail NJ· 3-23 Otter Tail GW; 3-26 Clay LCF. '
1976Summernested in Le Sueur; also reported from 34 other counties.
1976Winter Reported on the Warren Christmas Count.
1977Spring Early south 3-8 Cottonwood ED and Lyon HK; 3-9 Cottonwood LAF; 3 reports on 3-12; early north 3-10 Wilkin, Otter Tail SM, GEW; 3-24 Clay LCF.
1977Summer Reported from 32 counties northeast to Itasca and Aitkin.
1977Fall Late north 11-11 (Douglas N. Jackson).
1977Winter 12-5 Kandiyohi (HH) and 2-18 Le Sueur (singing, RJ). Meadowlark, sp. Reported from Stearns, Hennepin, Dakota, Olmsted, Fillmore and Mower.
1978Spring Early north 3-18 Wilkin GO, Marshall SV.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Clay, McLeod and Anoka; seen also in 25 other counties as far northeast as Mille Lacs, Cass and Lake of the Woods.
1978Fall Late north 11-30 Otter Tail NJ; late south 12-18 Fillmore RJ.
1979Spring Early south 3-16 Cotonwood LF, 3-17 Kandiyohi BS, Sherburne JH; early north 3-26 Wilkin FKS, 3-30 Marshall ANWR.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Stearns, Sherburne, Anoka; also seen in 32 other counties in the southern and central regions, the Northwest plus Beltrami, Clearwater in the North Central and St. Louis (Cedar Valley Twp.) in the Northeast.
1979Fall Late north 10-31 Clay LCF, 11-3 Pennington KSS and St. Louis RJ; late south 11-23 Cottonwood LF.
1980Spring Early south 3-14 Nicollet MF, 3-15 Fillmore GBE; early north 3-2 Marshall ANWR, 3-16 Wilkin SM.
1980Summer Breeding reported from Clay, Otter Tail, Stearns, Hennepin, Olmsted; also seen throughout most of the state except Koochiching, Itasca, N. St. Louis, Lake, Cook.
1980Fall Late north 10-6 Pennington KSS, 10-26 Clay LCF.
1981Spring Early north 3-14 Otter Tail GW 3-15 Otter Tail SM, Wilkin FKS, 3-20 Becker DJ.
1981Summer Breeding data from Stearns. Seen throughout the state except the Northeast.
1981Fall Late north 11-1 Clay LCF, 11-29 Otter Tail SDM.
1981Winter Individuals that undoubtedly represent this species were reported in Red Lake 12-18 (SKS), Polk 12-17, D. Svdarsky, and Swift 12-19 (RBJ). Unidentified meadowlarks also reported in December from Wabasha, Faribault, Mower and Houston. Also, a Houston report from 1-6 (EMF).
1982Spring Early north 3-17 Clay SDM, 3-18 Becker DJ, 3-22 Otter Tail GMO.
1982Summer Breeding data from Pennington, Becker, Clay, Douglas, Morrison, Sherburne, Rock. Seen in 45 other counties throughout most of the state except the Northeast where seen only in Carlton.
1982Fall Late north 10/14 Clay LCF, 10/28 Mahnomen KSS, 10/30 Mille Lacs RJ.
1983Spring Early north 3/13 Otter Tail GMO, 3/15 Clay TT, 3/27 Otter Tail SDM.
1983Summer Seen in 35 counties as far east as Lake of the Woods, Wadena, Anoka, Wabasha.
1983Fall Late north 10/24 Clay LCF, 11/20 Clay TT.
1984Spring Early north 3/31 Otter Tail GMO, 4/1 Clay LCF, Otter Tail SDM, 4/5 Marshall ANWR.
1984Summerno nesting records; seen in 37 counties including Itasca and Aitkin.
1984Fall Late north 11/5 Pennington RJ, 11/6 Clary LCF, 11/9 Marshall KSS.
1985Spring Early north 3/10 Wilkin SDM, 3/17 Wilkin GAM, 3/18 Marshall ANWR.
1985Summer Nested in Steams, Olmsted (JB, JGu); probable nesting in Morrison, Murray. Also seen in 33 other counties in all regions except the northeast.
1985Fall Late north 10/13 Mille Lacs ES, 10/27 Clay LCF.
1986Spring Early north 3/17 Wilkin GAM, 3/22 Pennington KSS, 3/23 Clay LCF, MM, Otter Tail SDM.
1986Summer Probable nesting in Olmsted. Also seen in 53 other counties as far as east as Koochiching, Crow Wing, Isanti, Dakota, Houston.
1986Fall Late north 11/6 OtterTail SDM, 11/9 Cook KMH, 11/23 Clay LCF.
1987Spring Early north 3/1 OtterTail SDM, 3/11 Marshall ANWR, 3/13 Norman BK.
1987Summer Seen in 56 counties throughout the state except the northeast and adjacent counties.
1987Fall Late north 10/2 Mille Lacs AB, 10/20 Clay LCF.
1988Spring Early north 3/6 OtterTail SDM, 3/24 Clay MMM, 3/25 Marshall ANWR.
1988Summer Nested in Norman; seen in 62 other counties statewide including St. Louis and Cook (6/6, WP) in northeast.
1988Fall Late north 10/14 Wilkin SC, 10/18 Clay LCF, 10/23 Aitkin WN.
1989Spring Early north 3/17 Pennington SKS, 3/19 Clay LCF, 3/26 Otter Tail SDM.
1989Summer Nested in Wilkin KB, JH; probable nesting in Todd. Seen in 55 other counties as far northeast as Koochiching, Aitkin, Kanabec, plus 6/1 Lake SWIMS.
1989Fall Late north 10/13 Beltrami OJ, 10/29 Clay LCF, 10/31 Cook KMH.
1989Winter One on the Cottonwood CBC. Meadowlark, sp. Reported on the Roseau and Wabasha (8) CBCs. Probable early migrants found in Cass 2/17 MS, DE and Nicollet 2/10 JF.
1990Spring Early north 3/7 Wilkin SDM, 3/14 Clay MM, Pennington KSS, 3/17 Otter Tail MO.
1990Summer Observed in 52 counties throughout the state, although only Duluth in northeast.
1990Fall Late north 10/22 Norman DB, 10/27 Wilkin MO, 10/28 Clay LCF.
1990Winter Two found in Houston 1/1 RJ, RG. Meadowlark, sp. Two on the Austin CBC.
1991Spring Early north 3/11 Clay MM, 3/14 Pennington KSS, 3/16 Clay MO.
1991Summer Fewer reports than in previous five years. Seen in 40 counties in all regions including Lake DPV in northeast.
1991Fall Late north 11/15 Clay MO, 11/19 Marshall KSS.
1992Spring Early north 3/11 Pennington KSS, 3/18 Clay MM and Otter Tail SDM.
1992Summer Reported in 47 counties in all regions, including 6/6 Cook PB in northeast.
1992Fall Late north 11/29 Norman MO, 11/30 Otter Tail SDM.
1993Spring Early north 3/21 Kanabec CM, 3/24 Wilkin SDM.
1993Summer Probable nesting in Stevens; seen in 46 additional counties in all regions except northeast.
1993Fall Late north 10/25 Red Lake RJ, 11/14 Wilkin SDM.
1994Spring Early north 3/17 Becker BBe, 3/20 Clay LCF and Otter Tail SDM.
1994Summer Fewest reports since 1983. Observed in 36 counties in all regions, including St. Louis in northeast.
1994Fall Late north 10/20 Polk KSS, 11/2 Douglas DN.
1995Spring Early north 3/15 Otter Tail SDM, 3/17 Clay CF, 3/18 Pennington SKS.
1995Summer Fewer reports than usual, similar to previous year. Observed in 38 counties in all regions except northeast.
1995Fall Late north 11/18 Roseau SKS, 11/29 Wilkin SDM. Reported from 12 counties south.
1996Spring Early north 3/20 Otter Tail SDM, 3/23 Becker BBe, 3/27 Pennington SKS. Reported from 30 counties south.
1996Summer Reported in 46 counties in all regions except northeast.
1996Fall Late north 10/12 Wilkin DBS, 10/22 Clay MRN, 10/28 Todd JSK. Reported from 16 south counties.
1997Spring Early south 3/8 Murray ND, 3/10 Blue Earth MF and Jackson MJC. Early north 3/26 Todd JSK/SDu, 3/27 Clay CN and Norman BK. Reported from 32 counties south. Numbers were down in the southern and southwestern parts of the state (KB, RJ).
1997Summer Observed in 41 counties in all regions except northeast; probable nesting in Olmsted.
1997Fall Late north 10/5 Lake of the Woods PS, 11/11 Becker and Mahnomen MRN. Late south 10/27 Lyon RgS, 11/4 Hennepin SC, 11/5 Renville CMa.
1998Spring Early south 3/7 (overwintering?) Murray ND; migrants began showing up on 3/25 in McLeod MRN, and in eight other counties over the next three days.
1998Summer Seen in 42 counties statewide, including St. Louis in the northeast; probable nesting in Lyon County.
1998Fall Late north 11/11 Becker BBe, 11/29 Wilkin SDM. Late south 10/24 Lyon RgS and Hennepin SC, 11/21 Watonwan ED. Late silent meadowlarks not identified as to species included 11/1 Cass PS, 11/27 Lyon TBr, PBu, TT.
1999Spring First migrants (?) 3/17 Cottonwood KB, 3/19 Lyon RgS. Early north 3/20 Wadena PBi, 4/2 Red Lake JJ.
1999Summer Fewest reports ever for this species; seen in 33 counties from all regions except the northeast and southeast.
1999Fall Peak number 8/2 Wilkin (58) PS. Late north 10/10 Wadena PBi, 10/16 Todd JSK, 11/6 Lake NWi. Late south 10/18 Chippewa ABo, 10/23 Jackson SL, 11/4 Lyon RgS
1999Winter Possible early migrant heard and seen 2/29 Nicollet RJ.
2000Spring Reported from 27 south and 17 north counties, and in all regions, but only St. Louis in northeast. See winter report for possible early south migrant 2/29; probable migrants in eightcounties during the first week of March, including 3/1 Pipestone and Lincoln RgS. Observations on 3/4 Clay and 3/5 Wilkin may refer to birds from winter season. Early north (where median 3/17) 3/18 Cass WB, MRN and Wadena PBi.
2000Summer Reported in 41 counties in all regions except southeast and northeast (see The Loon 72:127–132 for a recent update on the status of this species).
2000Fall Only reports north after mid-October: 11/4 Lake (2) TAT, 11/9 Cook JJS, 11/13 Cook (3 birds identified by call note) KMH. Late south 11/26 Rock (5) ND, 11/30 Cottonwood (8) BRB, 11/30 Jackson BRB.
2000Winter One of eleven found on the Marshall CBC, 12/16 Lyon †RJS, was visually identified as a Western.
2001Spring Reported from 31 south and 17 north counties, but none in Northeast and only Dakota in East-central. Presumed migrants 3/18 Murray NED, 3/21 Nicollet MJF. Peak migration 3/23 – 4/2 in ten south counties. Early north 3/26 Otter Tail and Wilkin CRM.
2001Summer Fewest reports in 20+ years; seen in 27 counties in all regions except Northeast.
2001Fall Lingered north 10/19 Clay RHO, 11/2 Polk EEF. Late south 11/1 Brown JSS, 11/2 Big Stone BEO.
2002Spring Reported from 30 south and 17 north counties, including St. Louis in Northeast region. Early south 3/19 Freeborn AEB, 3/22 Cottonwood (flock of 16) EPD and Jackson KJB. Early north 3/17 Otter Tail SPM, DKM, 3/20 Todd JSK, SDu.
2002Summer Observed in 38 counties in all regions except Northeast and Southeast; new nesting record in Pope MSS.
2002Fall Late north 10/28 Clay RHO and Polk EEF, 11/2 Pennington JMJ. Late south 9/9 Renville CRM, 10/17 Jackson PEB and Wabasha LJU.
2003Spring Reported from 30 south and 11 north counties, and in all regions except the Northeast. Early south 3/14 Lac qui Parle BJU, 3/15 Jackson PEJ, DFN. Early north 3/14 Traverse FVS, 3/17 Clay m.ob.
2003Summer Found in 37 counties as far east as a line through Roseau, Aitkin, Dakota, Freeborn; plus Wabasha.
2003Fall Found in 23 counties. North reports through 10/12 in the Northwest and through 10/26 along L. Superior's North Shore, but then only 11/8 Polk (2) fide JMJ. Only south reports after September: 10/6 Olmsted OWB, 10/29 Lac qui Parle RBJ, 11/25 Lac qui Parle BJU.
2003Winter Two vocalizing birds reported 2/27 Lac qui Parle (Walter Twp.) BJU (same location as meadowlark, sp. noted 12/4–8).
2004Spring Reported from 26 south and 19 north counties in all regions, but only St. Louis in Northeast. Early south 3/2 Brown BTS, 3/8 Big Stone BJU. Early north 3/8 Todd JSK, SID, 3/12 Polk EEF. Highest reported count 4/20 Polk (26 at Glacial Ridge) EEF.
2004Summer Reported from 40 counties in all regions of the state except Northeast.
2004Fall Found in five north and eight south counties. North reports through 10/24, then 10/31 St. Louis PHS and Polk EEF, 11/1 Polk DLT. South reports through August, but none in September; late south 10/14 Sherburne JMP, 10/20 Lac qui Parle PHS.
2005Spring Reported from 39 south and 21 north counties, and in all regions except the Northeast. Early south 3/15 Freeborn AEB, 3/24 Chippewa RBJ. Early north 3/20 Clay DPJ and Wadena PJB. Highest reported count 4/10 Polk (55) EEF.
2005Summer Reported from 38 counties throughout state.
2005Fall Found in 12 north counties including 10/15–16 Lake (Two Harbors, identified by call) AXH, †PHS, †JWL. Late north 10/18 Norman JEB, RBJ, 10/19 Wilkin JEB. Reported from 18 south counties in western and central regions until mid-October. High count 9/17 Swift (20) DWK. Late south 10/23 Cottonwood WCM.
2006Spring Found in 34 south and 21 north counties in all regions except Northeast and East-central. Early south 3/8 Big Stone BJU, 3/9 Cottonwood BRB, then many observations starting 3/10. Early north 3/10 Pennington SAS, 3/12 Red Lake JMJ, Wadena PJB and Wilkin BDS. All counts single digits.
2006Summer Found in 62 counties throughout state. First nesting record for Blue Earth ChH.
2006Fall Found in 12 north and 23 south counties. Late north 10/21 Mahnomen RMD, 10/24 Polk PHS, 10/30 Traverse BJU. Reported south throughout Aug–Oct. Late south 11/3 Lac qui Parle BJU.
2007Spring2035 Early south 3/9 Lac qui Parle FAE, 3/11 Brown BTS and Stevens HHD. Early north 3/15 Todd JSK, 3/21 Clay RHO, 3/24 Otter Tail DTT. Season high count 5/12 Clay (45) RHO.
2007Summer1532 Reported from all regions except Northeast.
2007Fall1419 All north reports were from the western part of state except for birds in Cook. Late north 10/20 Wilkin JLO, RPR, Otter Tail JMJ, Todd RBW, 10/22 Wilkin BJU, 10/21–26 Cook RPR, RBJ, 10/28 Otter Tail AJD, 11/7 Marshall GT (median 11/5). Late south 10/16 Cottonwood RBJ, 10/19 Lac qui Parle BJU, 10/23 Cottonwood DWK.
2008Spring1738 Early south 3/13 Meeker DMF, 3/15 Jackson PEJ, DFN, 3/19 Lac qui Parle BJU. Early north (median 3/16) 3/16 Otter Tail SPM, 3/28 Otter Tail MRN, DST, 3/29 Mille Lacs ASc, Wadena PJB.
2008Summer1324 Statewide.
2008Fall1515 Late north 10/19 Cook WCM, LS, 11/3 Lake of the Woods BJU, 11/15 Marshall GT (median 11/5). Late south 10/18 Lac qui Parle PHS, 10/25 Renville DWK, 11/4, 11/26 Lac qui Parle BJU.
2009Spring2140 Early south 3/15 Brown BTS, Rock JCC, 3/16 Fillmore CWG, Meeker DMF. Early north (median 3/16) 3/10 Becker SKa, 3/15 Pennington JMJ, 3/16 Marshall GT, 3/21 Traverse MO. Season high counts 5/9 Clay (46) RHO and 3/21 Lac qui Parle (19) BJU.
2009Summer1427 Found in all regions of state. Only report from Northeast: 6/13 Carlton JFR. High count 6/7 Le Sueur (10, CR 36 and Kasota Prairie) DWK.
2009Fall718 Late north 10/10 Wilkin CRM, 10/19 Otter Tail DST, 11/1 Otter Tail TSS, 11/12 St. Louis SLF (median 11/8). Late south 10/16 Mower RBJ, Yellow Medicine LS, 10/17 Jackson JEB, 10/18 Lac qui Parle and Swift LS (median 11/3).
2010Spring1934 Early south 3/18 Fillmore DBM, 3/19 Dakota CMB, Mower RBJ, 3/20 Dakota KRo, ADS, 3/21 Steele RBW. Early north (median 3/16) 3/23 Red Lake SAS, 3/26 Marshall MA, 3/27 Norman JMJ.
2010Summer1930 Reported throughout the state. First county breeding records for the counties of Benton MJB, Marshall fide BBA, Pipestone BRB, Yellow Medicine SWe.
2010Fall1221 Late north 10/23 Polk HHD, LS, 10/24 Kittson TBr, 11/14 Morrison FGo (median 11/8). Late south 10/30 Pope and Stevens DPG, 10/31 Yellow Medicine DWK, 11/12 Lac qui Parle PEJ, 11/17 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 11/3). Notable season high count 10/10 Kittson (25) TBr.
2011Spring1636 Early south 3/6 Houston SWe, 3/11 Lac qui Parle BJU, 3/18 Dakota JLO, CMB. Early north (median 3/16) 3/19 Marshall MA, 3/20 Otter Tail GO, 3/27 Clay MM. Season high count 3/26 Lac qui Parle (60) DPG.
2011Summer1530Found in all regions except Northeast.
2011Fall1322 Reported predominantly from the western half of the state, west of a line from Roseau through Hubbard and Blue Earth. Only reports east of this line were from Carver and Dakota. Late north 10/31 Marshall HHu. Late south 11/22 Lac qui Parle BJU.
2012Spring2736 Early south 3/6 Jackson (4, Skunk Lake W.M.A.) JnS, Watonwan ChH, AnK, 3/7 Chippewa (4) BJU, Lac qui Parle (7) BJU, FAE. Early north (median 3/16) 3/12 Traverse BJU, 3/13 Becker ASM, 3/15 Kittson LeG, then four more counties on 3/17. High counts 5/12 Clay (44) RHO, 4/2 Polk (35, Pankratz Prairie, Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) AFo.
2012Summer2732 Found in all regions. High count 7/17 Kittson (22, C.R. 55) TrB. First county breeding records for Goodhue JFR, Kittson fide BBA, Washington PAl.
2012Fall1122 High counts 10/4 Lac qui Parle (9, Plover Prairie, East Unit) SBM, 10/6 Jackson (9, Sangl W.M.A.) KDS. Late north 10/19 Grant RBJ, Traverse RBJ, 10/20 Polk (2) SRo, 10/28 Cook (Taconite Harbor, calling) ANy, JWH (median 11/8). Late south 11/14 Lac qui Parle (2) BJU, 11/22 Murray GWe, 11/25 Lyon (2, Cottonwood W.T.P.) GWe (median 11/3).
2013Spring2041 Early south (median 3/15) 3/28 Rock CRM, 3/29 Brown BTS, Lac qui Parle DBM, DLP, Lyon GWe, Rock CRM, ALo, plus seven other counties on 3/30. Early north (median 3/16) 3/29 Polk VLa, CCr, 4/1 Clay RHO, 4/2 Otter Tail GO, 4/9 Becker ASM. High counts 4/17 Lyon (22) RJS, 4/7 Faribault (19) WAF. Out-of-range reports 5/18 St. Louis (near Tower) NLM, 5/7 Lake (Two Harbors) ANy.
2013Summer2234 Found in all regions of state.
2013Fall1020 Reported predominantly from the western half of the state. High counts 10/11 Yellow Medicine (12) MJM, 9/4 Polk (10, Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) GTa, CMg. Late north 10/13 Douglas JPE (median 11/8). Late south 10/27 Cottonwood BTS, 11/3 Lyon GWe, 11/17 Murray GWe (median 11/3).
2014Spring2237Early south (median 3/15) 3/9 Lac qui Parle BJU, 3/20 Chippewa LHl, Lyon GWe, Pipestone TKa. Early north (median 3/16) 3/26 Douglas BEc, 3/29 Clay PBB, Polk JMJ. High counts 4/2 Polk (42) KJB, 3/29 Yellow Medicine (40) DPG.
2014Summer1822Reported from all regions, but primarily in western portion of state. High count 6/9 Clay (17, Felton Prairie) DBi. 
2014Fall1517 As to be expected, most reports from the western tier of counties. High counts 9/20 Clay (10) HeH, ShG, 9/1 Marshall (6) JLK. Late north 11/1 Cook JMs, Lake RZi, 11/8 Cook BAb, ClN, 11/9 Lake BAb (median 11/8). Late south 10/17 Murray RZi, 10/18 Nobles BTS, Rock GLa, m.ob., 10/24 Dakota ADS (median 11/3).
2014Winter1 First winter report since 2012: 1/18 Kandiyohi (Atwater) ph. †JWd.
2015Spring2137 Early south (median 3/15) 3/10 Lyon GWe, 3/12 Jackson PEJ, 3/14 Brown BTS, MiO, Nobles DWK, SBM, Rock JWH, CMK, Sherburne JlB. Early north (median 3/16) 3/12–13 Clay PBB, 3/15 Becker ShG, HeH.
2015Summer2129 Found in all western and central regions plus Dakota, Fillmore, Mower, Olmsted, St. Louis. High count 6/17 Clay (Felton Prairie) DAd, PNi.
2015Fall1524 As usual, most reports from the western tier of counties. High counts 10/3 Brown (15) JAn, 10/7 Rock (7) KEm, 9/30 Wilkin (6) ToR, Late north 10/31 Lake HHD, 11/3 Polk SAu, 11/5–9 St. Louis (Park Point R.A. identified by call note) JLK, m.ob., (median 11/2). Late south 10/31 Rock PSP, 11/7 Watonwan JAn (median 11/4).
2015Winter11 One report for second consecutive year: 1/4 Steele ph. HCT.
2016Spring2644 Early south (median 3/15) 3/6 Nobles PEJ, DFN, 3/7 Lyon and Yellow Medicine GWe, 3/8 Dakota SBE, Watonwan JPr, JmP. Early north (median 3/17) 3/12 Polk SAu, St. Louis LAt, Traverse MO, 3/13 Clay MO, PBB. High counts 4/23 Lac qui Parle (24) SEm, KEm, MEm, 3/29 Clay (22, Felton Prairie S.N.A.) YGo.
2016Summer2436 Found in all regions. First county breeding record 6/23 Red Lake HCT.
2016Fall1528 High counts 10/16 Lyon (26, Sham Lake) GWe, 9/19 Grant (25, North Ottawa Impoundment) CNn, 10/9 Marshall (17) SAu. Late north 11/5 Lake JWL, CRM, m.ob., 11/7 Lake (Castle Danger W.T.P.) JLf, ALx (median 11/2). Late south 11/1 Stevens DPG, 11/2 Hennepin MJM, 11/5 Lac qui Parle DLP (median 11/4).
2016Winter3 Reported from a winter season high three counties, all in Southwest. All reports from December and then late February, likely representing late and early migrants: 12/7 Rock KEm, 12/18 Lyon GWe, 12/26 Rock (Blue Mounds S.P.) GWe, 2/20 Lyon GWe, 2/25 Jackson (Sioux Valley W.M.A.) KEm, 2/25 Lyon GWe.
2017Spring2545 Early south (median 3/14) 3/5 Jackson DFN, DWK, PEJ, 3/9 Pipestone HHD, 3/14 Nobles KDS, Steele NFT. Early north (median 3/17) 3/13 Marshall CSt, 3/18 Clay PBB, 3/20 Becker ASM, Marshall (Agassiz Valley Impoundment) HHu. High counts 4/20 Pipestone (30) TCz, 4/5 Lincoln (25) TCz.
2017Summer2629 Reported from all regions. High counts 6/1 Pipestone (20, Lake Benton area) TCz, 6/11 Clay (20, Felton Prairie) CEl, ToL. First county breeding record 8/12 St. Louis SGW.
2017Fall1823 High counts 10/10 Lyon (29, Lone Tree Lake) GWe, 10/10 Grant (12, North Ottawa Impoundment) DOr, 10/8 Polk (11, East Grand Forks W.T.P.) SAu. Late north 11/5 Cook KRE, m.ob., Lake TPM, 11/11 Cook ClN, JMr, 11/12 Becker HeH, ShG (median 11/5). Late south 10/25 Lyon NMe, 10/28 Carver JCy, 11/15 Pipestone KEm (median 11/4).
2017Winter12 Reported from the same number of counties as last year, a winter-season high. All reports: 12/30, 1/27 Red Lake ph. PCt, 2/18 Lyon RJS, 2/27 Blue Earth ChH. The latter reports likely represent early migrants.
2018Spring2349 Early south (median 3/13) 3/2 Jackson KEm, 3/3 Yellow Medicine BAb, 3/4 Chippewa DWK, Lac qui Parle DLP. Early north (median 3/17) 3/18 Grant WPl, 3/23 Clay ShG, HeH, Douglas BEc, 3/25 Wilkin ACr. High counts 4/19 Pipestone (45, Pipestone Indian State W.M.A.) VKl, 4/4 Lyon (33, Vallers Twp.) GWe, 4/18 Lyon (31, Green Valley W.M.A.) GWe, 5/20 Clay (30, Felton Prairie) LiH.
2018Summer2232 Found in every region. First county breeding record 8/8 Lincoln JWZ.
2018Fall1825  High counts 8/2 Clay (15, Felton Prairie) ebd, 8/3 Grant (14) SHo. Late north 10/24 Clay TCL, 10/28 Cook KEm, 11/3 Douglas BAb, BWF, AaL (median 11/5). Late south 11/8 Cottonwood KEm, 11/17 Olmsted JPr, JmP, 11/18 Lyon GWe (median 11/16).
2018Winter37 Reported from a winter-season high ten counties (previous high three) with all reports from counties west of a line from Polk to Fillmore. All reports with details distinguishing from Eastern Meadowlark: 12/30 Pipestone VKl, 12/30 Faribault DAk, 1/3 Fillmore ASu, 1/10 Todd TLu, 1/20 Meeker BNn.
2019Summer2336 Found in every region. High count 6/29 Clay (23, Felton Prairie) SFg.
 Breeds mostly west and south. Migrant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.