Yellow-headed Blackbird(Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1930 | Summer | | | Several nests ot this beautifUl blackbird were found in different localities by •nrious members, The earliest reported was one found b7 Stanley Stein and Ralph Woolsey • near Shakopee, which held three eggs on May 18th. The latest, three, found by Alden Rissel' at Heron Lake on June 29th, contained young birds of various ages. Tpe Flicker, 1930 "" 31 |
1931 | Summer | | | First nest reported eontained th;'ee eggs on May 26th (swedenborg). Several nests found on June 6th contained from one to five eggs (E. D. Swedenborg). The last nest reported contained one egg on June 14th (R. Woolsey) •. " ' -21 The F1icker, 1931 |
1932 | Summer | | | The.first nests were seen at Swan Lake, Ma.y 28 with 4 eggs (Dobie). On June 17, many nests were seen with eggs and young in all stages of development at Polk County (Evans & Risser) • |
1934 | Summer | | | The earliest nests were found on June.3rd, when Risser and Du.Toit came upon a nest with 4 eggs and another 'dth 3 young. On the same date Woolsey discovered several nests, each with 3 eggs, ncar Vergas. A nest with 4 eggs found by Hanson on J~e 23rd at Lake Winnibigoshish constitutes the latest record. |
1935 | Summer | | | At Round Lake, Breckenridge, found nests "lith 1, 5, 4, 4, and.3 eggs, and.3, 4, and 4, young June 13th. Upson writes an interesting sidelight on Yellow-heads in telling of his July 4th hike, "About one third of the deserted nests Evans and I found contained at least 2 dead young in the pinfeather stage. They had not been,d by other birds, or by insects. Did th~~ suffer from somo epidemic?" |
1936 | Summer | | | At Lake Traverse on May 23rd Robert Upson found a nest wbioh held one egg. Nine nests were foWld by E. D. Swedenborg on May 30th. Four of the nests held eggs: the remainder contained small young. Three nests holding four eggs, three yo\Ulg and one egg, and t'\m nearly fledged young respectively were found on May 31st by Robert Upson. I |
1937 | Summer | | | On May 2I Upson found two nests of three eggs each and on May 30, two nests tha~ held three eggs and four eggs. |
1938 | Summer | | | Twelve saffron-headed maize birds' nests were found in Maiden Lake, Cottonwood County, on May 23 by Voth and Hiebert; they held from I to 5 eggs. On May 30, at Heron Lake, G. Swanson found manv nests that held I to 5 eggs; small young were in some nests. On June I2 0. Owre and Upson saw several adult Yellowheads and found 2 or 3 empty nests, which evidently had been robbed. Someone had been killing birds and destroying nests in this slough near Lake Andrusia, Beltrami County. |
1940 | Summer | | | Several nests were reported. The T. S. Roberts Club investigated 129 nests at Clear Lake on May 22, which gave the following results: 45 nests with 4 eggs each; 9 nests with 3 eggs each; 5 nests with 2 eggs each; 20 nests with I egg each; and 50 nests either empty or in process of construction. Arnold Erickson and Dana Struthers saw 4 nests with eggs or young on June 2, at Minneapolis. |
1943 | Summer | | | Ramsey Co'unty, 4 tnests, May 31. Bros. Lewis and Pius. Leech Lake, 1 nest, June 26. K. Carlander. |
1944 | Summer | | | 5. May 13, five nests, one with one egg, Ramsey, Olson. |
1945 | Winter | | | One in the same section, December 1938, (Mrs. Davidson). |
1961 | Spring | | | Seen 27 May at Duluth by R. Grant on Minnesota Point. Seen in the exact same spot two days later by Jan Green. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Everett had one in their back yard at Duluth from 18 to 20 May. |
1961 | Summer | | | H. Huber reports three young being fed by adults at Sugar Lake, Wright County on 19 June. On 24 June, a nest with three eggs was found at Swan Lake by the A vifaunal Club. A. C. Rosenwinkel found three nests on 30 May in north St. Paul. Adults feeding young. Redwinged Blackbird: On 30 May, A. C. Rosenwinkel found adults feed- ing young in four nests, St. Paul. The Huber brothers found nests on 21 May, Lac qui Parle County, 3 June Ramsey County, and 17 June, 4 July in Mahnomen County. |
1962 | Summer | | | June 10, Minneapolis, 4 eggs, 4 young, Brother Theodore. Redwinged Blackbird: Goodview, no ; date given, 4 nests, 2 destroyd, Grace Gordon; June 3, Minneapolis, 3 nests, 3, 4, 4, young, Brother Theodore; May 20, Minneapolis, 5 eggs, H. Huber; June 9, Becker-Mahnomen Co. line, 6 nests, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, eggs, Avifauna! Club. |
1963 | Spring | | | March 25, Rice Co., 0. Rustad; March 29, one dead on highway near Delano, Wright Co.,R. Huber; April 4, Kandiyohi Co., Gladys Payne; April 6, Morris, Stevens Co., R. Grant; April 6, Swan Lake, Nicollet Co., R. Janssen; April 14, Wright Co., Erma Christopher; April 20, Winona, F. Voelker; May 2, Cass Co., the Mathisens. |
1963 | Fall | | | latest, Nov 2, Swan Lake, Nicollet Co., two adult males in breeding plumage, R. L. Hu ber. Both this species and the Bobolink should normally resemble the dingy looking females of their respective species this late in the season. |
1964 | Spring | | | 4-10 Henne pin Co, RBJ; 4-17 Stevens Co, RPR; 4-21 Hennepin Co, MAS; 4-26 Duluth, DM; 4-11 Marshall Co, DLO; 4-26 Wi nona, GD; 4-19 Wright Oo, EC; 4-19 Douglas Co, MVS; 4-11 St. Peter, RG. |
1964 | Summer | | | breeding Ramsey (ACR, ELC, MAS), Clay (DM), Hennepin (MAS), Wright (MAS) and Winona (FVJ Counties; 6-6, Duluth, JCG. |
1964 | Fall | | | 9-3 Roseau Co. PEB, JLR; 9-10 Ramsey Co, ACR; 9-15 Stevens Co, RAG. |
1965 | Spring | | | earliest 4-10 Big Stone Co, RAG; one unusual record, 5-30 Two Harbors, fide RK. |
1965 | Fall | | | latest 9-10 Washington Co, ACR and 9-24 Holt, Marshall Co, DLO. |
1966 | Spring | | | earliest 4-13 Stevens Co, ES, JAR; 4-13 Douglas Co, MVS; 4-14 Agassiz Refuge, DLO; northerly records: 5-11 Two Harbors, RK; 5-22 Cook Co, MAF; May, male and female, Taconite Harbor, Cook Co, MOP. |
1966 | Summer | | | reported from Carver, Hennepin, Wright, Ramsey, Cottonwood, Stevens, Nobles, Lac qui Parle, Rice, Goodhue, Clearwater, Cass, Watonwan, Dakota, Mille Lacs, Faribault, Waseca, Wabasha, Ramsey, Morrison, Beltrami and Roseau Co's; one northeasterly record : 6-13 Two Harbors, Lake Co, 1 male, RK. |
1966 | Fall | | | Latest 10-1 Lac qui Parle Co., RBJ; 10-9 Washington Co., DS; 10-11 Grant Co., JAH. |
1967 | Spring | | | early 4-1 Nicollet Co., DB; 4-5 Wabasha Co., DGM; 4-8 Hennepin Co., FN/ MAS, Lac qui Parle Co., JAH and Marshall Co., A WR. |
1967 | Summer | | | nested Ramsey Co.; also reported from Cottonwood, Wright, Hennepin, Houston, Nobles, Morrison (LSR), Pope, Washington (DS), Becker, Stevens, Lac qui Parle, Big Stone, Cass (JAM), Crow Wing (MSB), Traverse Co's. |
1967 | Fall | | | latest 9-24 Washington Co., DS and Lac qui Parle Co., JAH; 9-30 Washington Co., DS; 10-24 Fargo-Moorhead, EGA. |
1968 | Spring | | | early 4-7 Rice Co., OAR; 4-10 Lincoln Co., BL; 4-12 McLeod Co., FN/MAS and Swift Co., HSH; 4-14 Nicollet Co., EMB. |
1968 | Summer | | | nested in Todd, Lyon Co's; also reported from Hubbard, Morrison, Anoka, Sherburne, Hennepin, Rice, Cass (JAM), Washington, Jackson, Nobles, Swift, Wabasha, Blue Earth, Cottonwood, Mille Lacs, Wright, Winona Co's. |
1968 | Fall | | | 8-13 Cass JGH; 8-20 Waseca MO; 10-5 Lyon PE; 10-30 Nobles HSH. |
1969 | Spring | | | 4-2 Winona Co., BT; 4-10 Minneapolis, FN j MAS; 4-19 (100+) Jackson Co., HSH, 4-22 (30) McLeod Co., MHM; 4-27 Mille Lacs Co., MI; 5-4 (1-m) Cook Co., OP; 5-6 (fe) Lake Co., RK; 5-13 Beltrami Co., JAM; 5-15 (2-fe) Cook Co., OP, and (fe) Lake Co., RK; 5-16 (1-fe) Cook Co., OP, and Lake Co., RK. |
1969 | Summer | | | nested in Watonwan, Wabasha Co's., also reported from 24 counties east to Mille Lacs and Wabasha Co's. |
1969 | Fall | | | 8-25 Pope 100 WH; 9-13 Cottonwood 75 LAF· 10-18 Lac qui Parle BL; 11-29 Lyon PE. |
1970 | Spring | | | 4-8 Dakota PE; 4-9 Henn epin JGM ; 4-12 Chippewa DB; early north 4-16 Lake RK; 4-25 Marshall AR. |
1970 | Summer | | | nested in Mille Lacs, Morrison, Ramsey, and Anoka Co's; also reported from Washington, Wabasha, Carver, Winona, Hennepin, Pope, Nobles, Marshall, Cass (Wolf Lake )GH). St. Louis (7-5 Virginia, BAH) Co's. One old but worthwhile record: one male, summer 1968, Vaseux Lake, COOK Co, Raymond L. Nelson, formerly with the National Park Service at Grand Portage National Monument. This is the farthest northeast record for Minnesota. The lake is located on the Canadian border! National Parks magazine, December 1970. Red-winged Blackbird : nested in Mille Lacs, Hennepin, Anoka, Ramsey, and Wright Co's. 0 rch ard Oriole: reported from Winona, Wabasha, Lyon, and Traverse Co's (6-18 EC, BL). Baltimore Oriole : nested in Wright, Hennepin, Carver, Mille Lacs, Cass, Wabasha, Ramsey, Crow Wing, and Anoka Co's. |
1970 | Fall | | | only report north 8-23 Mille Lacs Ml; late south 9-13 Hennepin RL. 9-27 Lyon PE; 10-4 Nicollet LF. Red winged Blackbird: late north 10-30 Mille Lacs Ml; 11-12 Marshall AR; late south 11-25 Winona TV; 11-26 Wabasha WDM; 11-30 Washington WL. |
1971 | Summer | | | nested in Hennepin, Lyon and Scott; also reported from 26 other counties. |
1971 | Fall | | | late south 10-1 Scott:10-10 Wabasha; 10-23 Hennepin; late north 10-11 Cook; 11-6 Grant KE; peak 9-12 Wright (2000) ES. |
1972 | Summer | | | nested in Wright, Hen nepin, Houston, (Mille Lacs), (Aitkin), (Nobles), (Cottonwood>;_ seen in 17 other counties as far NE as Pine <..;ity, Pine Co. |
1973 | Spring | | | 36 RV'OitT£RS R!:PORTING. !:AIU.Y SOUTH 4-81 HDNEPIN R.tJ •-14 HI!NNI£PIN RBJJ •·IS HIENNU"IN CLHJ bltl.Y NOftTK 3•8:1 MARSHALL AWRJ 4•15 GRANT KRIU 4~211 - Wil.KIN MSJ PqK !1·11 LYON (4•t•J) IIIQ(J S•l2 LYON ("1!18•S) HCKo |
1973 | Summer | | | Nesting reports from Aitkin Ramsey, Wright, Jackson; seen in 26 other counties as far NE as St. Louis (JCG). Red-winged Blackbird. Reported from 31 counties. |
1973 | Fall | | | Reported from eight counties. Peak 8-17 Lac qui Parle (400) (AFE). One very exceptional late report: 11-25 Kandiyohi (30) (LAF). |
1973 | Winter | | | Late migrant on 12-15 in Big Stone Co. (D. Peterson). |
1974 | Summer | | | Nested in Marshall, Stearns, Hennepin, Ramsey, Jackson; also reported from 31 other counties. Red-winged Blackbird. Nested in Clearwater, Clay, St. Louis, Lake, Stearns, Hennepin, Ramsey, Winona, Rock; also reported from 35 other counties. |
1974 | Fall | | | Late north 9-9 Cook W. Breckenridge; 11-5 Marshall AR; late south 9-15 Hennepin VL 9-29 Cottonwood LF. |
1975 | Spring | | | Early south 4-2 McLeod DB; 4-12 Chippewa RAG; 4-16 Murray ADK; early north 4-10 Marshall SV; 4-20 Clay ABNGP. |
1975 | Summer | | | Nested in Clay, Mille Lacs, Wright, Hennepin, Scott, Lyon and Pipestone; also reported from 24 other counties northeast to Crow Wing, Cass and Itasca. |
1975 | Fall | | | late north 10-28 Marshall SV; 10·18 Clay fide E. Anderson; late south 10-1 Yellow Medicine GO; 11-10 Swift HH. |
1975 | Winter | | | seen until 1-2 in Bloomington, Hennepin Co. (RG); the second latest date on record. |
1976 | Spring | | | Early south 4-8 Hennepin LH' 4-9 Hennepin BE; 4-11 Lyon HK and Hennepin SG, PS; early north 4-13 Marshall SV; 4-17 Otter Tail GW; 4-20 Mah.nomen MS; also reported midApnl Cook (Gunflint Trail) Justine Kerfoot. |
1976 | Summer | | | nested in Lac qui Parle, Stearns, Wright, Anoka and Hennepin; also reported from 22 other counties including Itasca and St. Louis (Hoyt Lakes and Duluth). |
1976 | Fall | | | Late north 9-4 Marshall; late south 9-25 Lincoln, 9-26 Lac qui Parle and Hennepin. Red~winged Blackbird Late north 11-8 Duluth, 11-16 Otter Tail, 11-18 Hubbard. |
1976 | Winter | | | Lingered until 12-19 for the Cottonwood (Lyon Co.) Christmas Count; good details by P. Egeland. |
1977 | Spring | | | Early south 3-14 Blue Earth (1) VR (wintering?); 4-7 Hennepin BE; 4-10 Hennepin HCP; early north 4-7 Cass MS; 4-9 Otter Tail GO; 4-15 Otter Tail SM and Wilkin GEW. |
1977 | Summer | | | Nested in Itasca, Aitkin, Lac qui Parle, Anoka, Washington and Wabasha; also reported from 31 other counties northeast to Duluth. |
1978 | Spring | | | Early south 3-19 Meeker BSH; also reported from St. Louis Co. |
1978 | Summer | | | Breeding reported from Ramsey, Anoka, Stearns and St. Louis (Duluth, GN). Seen also in 30 other counties throughout most of the state except the north-central (only in Lake of the Woods, Beltrami and Wadena) and northeast (only in Lake at Rice Lake, T62, R8W). |
1978 | Fall | | | Only report north 8-4 Otter Tail GO; late south 9-17 Lac qui Parle CMB. |
1978 | Winter | | | Again reported on the Cottonwood CBC, Lyon Co. (P. Egeland). |
1979 | Spring | | | Early south 3-17 Sherburne JH, 3-28 Redwood LJF; early north 4-15 Otter Tail GMO, 4-17 Marshall ANWR. |
1979 | Summer | | | Breeding reported from Todd, Stearns, Anoka, Goodhue, Lyon, Lincoln; also seen throughout the southern and central regions, the Northwest plus Crow Wing, Itasca (Lake Winnibigoshish), St. Louis (Alden, Duluth harbor). |
1979 | Fall | | | Late north 9-28 Cass CMB; late south 11-11 Lyon HK, 11-17 Cottonwood. |
1979 | Winter | | | Two reports this winter: Big Stone 1-1 (BJ) and 1-5 (DB) and Nicollet 1-25 (JCF). |
1980 | Spring | | | Early south 4-7 Redwood LJF, 4-11 Nicollet JCF; early north 3-29 Otter Tail GMO (male seen with a flock of Red-winged Blackbirds), 4-13 Otter Tail SM. Two reports from Northeast 5-22 Lake JG, 5-23 Cook TB. |
1980 | Summer | | | Breeding reported from Todd, Stevens, Stearns, Anoka, LeSueur; also seen throughout most of the state except Koochiching, St. Louis (present at Duluth only), Lake, Cook. |
1980 | Fall | | | Late north 9-5 Douglas SW, 9-6 Beltrami JC; late south 10-22 Jackson LJF, 11-21 Nicollet JCF. |
1980 | Winter | | | Present for the third year in a row. Three reports: La Crosse CBC (20), Otter Tail (2) 12-20 (GW) and Nicollet, Swan Lake (4) on 12-5 and 12-12 and (2) on 1-2 and 2-20 (JCF). |
1981 | Spring | | | Early south 3-30 Dakota TC 4-3 Nicollet JCF, 4-11 Anoka KL; ~arly north 4-12 Otter Tail SM, 4-16 Morrison DCF, 4-18 Becker TNWR Otter Tail EH. ' |
1981 | Summer | | | Breeding data from Le Sueur, Big Stone, Stevens, Todd, Itasca (White Oak Lake, TL); nesting reported from Aitkin, Anoka. Seen throughout the state except the Northeast. Late migrants North Shore: 6-5, 6-10, 6-11. |
1981 | Fall | | | Late north 9-27 St. Louis KE, 10-18 St. Louis TL; late south 10-2 Nicollet JCF, 10-17 Swift BL, RJ. |
1981 | Winter | | | A Dakota REA report and an individual overwintered at a HennepinCounty feeder, details in the Loon 54:135. |
1982 | Spring | | | Early south 3-31 Murray HK, 4-4 Scott AB, 4-14 Redwood LJF; early north 4-12 Polk KSS, 4-14 Marshall ANWR, 4-15 Otter Tail SDM. |
1982 | Summer | | | Breeding data from Todd, Stearns, Martin. Seen throughout the state except the Northeast. |
1982 | Fall | | | Late north 9/13 Cook KMH; late south 10/22 Nicollet JCF, 10/23 Cottonwood WH. |
1982 | Winter | | | Very early migrants in Cottonwood, 2/24 (WH) |
1983 | Spring | | | Early south 3/25 Cottonwood WH, 3/29 Sherburne EHISS, 4/7 Yellow Medicine JS; early north 3/24 Clay TT, 4/17 Otter Tail SDM, 4/20 Otter Tail GMO, 4/20 Otter Tail GMO, 4/22 Marshall KSS. |
1983 | Summer | | | Breeding data from Steams, Brown, Roseau. Seen throughout the state but not in Koochiching, Itasca, St. Louis (excepting Duluth), Lake. Strays in Cook: 6/18 Tofte, 6/23 Grand Marais. |
1983 | Fall | | | Late north 9/20 Cook KMH, Roseau AJ, 9/25 Roseau KSS; late south 10/1 Lyon RJ, 10/15 Nicollet JCF. |
1984 | Spring | | | Early south 3/27 Sherburne SSa, 4/7 Nicollet JCF, 4/15 Washington DS; early north 4/11 Mahnomen JD, JP/AM, 4/14 Otter Tail GMO, 4/19 Otter Tail SDM. |
1984 | Summer | | | nested in Lake of the Woods, Todd and Le Sueur; also seen in 31 other counties. |
1984 | Fall | | | Late north 10/26 Roseau AJ; late south 9/15 Murray RJ, 10/5 Nicollet JCF, 10/28 Lyon HK. |
1985 | Spring | | | Early south 3/17 Olmsted JEB, 3/29 Faribault KL, 4/2 Fillmore AP: early north 4/10 Koochiching RJ, 4/17 Otter Tail SDM, 4/20 Otter Tail KC. |
1985 | Summer | | | Nested in Todd, Pope (NH), Lincoln; probable nesting in Clay, Hennepin. Also seen in 36 other counties throughout the state including St. Louis (25 at Embarrass rice paddies, 6/1 ;SS), Cook (617 KMH). |
1985 | Fall | | | Late north 10/5 Cook KMH, 10/6 Clay LCF, 11/2 Norman RJ, late south 9/7 Blue Earth MF, 10/23 Hennepin SC. |
1986 | Spring | | | Early south 3/29 Rice FKS, 4/5 Nicollet RJ, 4/8 Hennepin SC; early north 3/30 Otter Tail SDM, 4/1 Beltrami ANWR, 4/17 Wilkin GAM. |
1986 | Summer | | | Needed in Pope, Lac qui Parle, Rice (GR); probable nest ing in Todd, Anoka, Hennepin, Freeborn. Also seen in 44 other counties in all regions except the northeast. |
1986 | Fall | | | Late north 9/7 Clay LCF, 10/26 Grant TT; late south 10/31 Nicollet JF, 11/1 Lyon HK, ll /4 Chippewa RGJ. |
1986 | Winter | | | Reported in Nicollet on 1/14 by DNR personnel (fide J. Schladweiler). |
1987 | Spring | | | Early south 4/11 Lincoln AB and Stevens DO, 4/24 Jackson AP; early north, 4/18 Otter Tail SC, 4/19 Marshall ANWR. |
1987 | Summer | | | Nested in Todd, Pope, Stevens. Also seen in 46 other counties throughout range. |
1987 | Fall | | | Late north 10/6 St. Louis fide KE; late south 9/26 Dodge RSE, 9/29 Freeborn NHO, 10/4 Cottonwood BF. |
1988 | Spring | | | Early south 4/5 Stevens EL, 4/9 Hennepin TI, 4/10 Lyon HK and Meeker GS; early north 4/11 Clay MMM, 4/24 Clay LCF, 4/25 Todd PH. |
1988 | Summer | | | Nested in Todd, Washington; probable nesting in Mower. Seen in 52 other counties statewide including Cook (6/6-19, WP, MS, KE). |
1988 | Fall | | | Late north 8/8 Itasca RJ, 8/9 Marshall AB, 8/14 Clay LCF; late south 9/6 Hennepin SC, 10/3 Traverse AB, 10/15 Cottonwood BF. |
1989 | Spring | | | Early south 4/5 Lac qui Parle FE, 4/14 Hennepin AB, 4/15 Pipestone JP; early north 4/2 (earliest date on record) Clay LCF, 4/24 Aitkin WN, 4/25 Duluth DK. |
1989 | Summer | | | Nested in Pennington SS, Todd; probable nesting in Hennepin. Seen in 53 other counties as far northeast as Lake of the Woods, Itasca, Duluth. |
1989 | Fall | | | Late north 9/ I 0 Clay LCF, 9/12 Cook KMH, 10/13 Norman RJ ; late south IO!l5 Big Stone AB, 10/19 Washington TBB, 10/27 Anoka DS. |
1990 | Spring | | | Early south 3/13 Washington JD, 3/29 Lac qui Parle FE, 4/8 Anoka GP, Rock AB, Waseca AP; early north 4/8 Wilkin MD, 4/14 Mahnomen RJ, 4/19 Marshall KE, St. Louis AE. |
1990 | Summer | | | Nested in Morrison PDD, Anoka; probable nesting in Aitkin. Seen in 50 other counties statewide including Ely, St. Louis Co. SW/ MS and 6/6 Cook OSL. |
1990 | Fall | | | Late north 9/4 Cook KMH, 10/12 Marshall RJ, 11/11 Otter Tail MO; late south 9/8 Blue Earth MF, 9/25 Waseca LF, 10/1 Winona CS. |
1990 | Winter | | | An adult male found at Fergus Falls, Otter Tail 1/20 SDM; not seen later. |
1991 | Spring | | | Early south 3/31 Big Stone SDM, 4/2 Rice OR, 4/3 Rock ND; early north 4/13 Becker DJ, 4/17 Clay MO, Mahnomen RJ, 4/19 St. Louis KR. |
1991 | Summer | | | Relatively few reports. Nested in Kittson KB; probable nesting in Clearwater, Kandiyohi. Seen in 39 other counties statewide including Lake (fide KE). |
1991 | Fall | | | Late north 11/3 Beltrami KH, 11/4 Becker BK; late south 10/25 Martin BBo, 10/27 Meeker RB. |
1992 | Spring | | | Early south 3/5 Olmsted BSE (earliest date on record—overwintered?) 4/3 Rock PS; early north 4/5 Otter Tail SDM, 4/8 Pennington MCBS. |
1992 | Summer | | | Nested in Marshall, Red Lake MCBS, Le Sueur; probable nesting in Wright, Cottonwood. Seen in 40 additional counties in all regions except northeast. |
1992 | Fall | | | Late north 9/13 Otter Tail MO, 10/19 Pennington SSt; late south 9/5 Hennepin SC, 9/12 Cottonwood RJ. |
1992 | Winter | | | Reported 12/2 Otter Tail RG (no details), and 1/21 Rice FKS. |
1993 | Spring | | | Early south 3/27 Martin BBo, 4/10 Brown JS, LeSueur PS and Pipestone RJ. Early north 3/28 Clay LCF, 4/13 Otter Tail SDM. |
1993 | Summer | | | Nested in Washington; probable nesting in Cottonwood, Watonwan. Seen in 44 other counties in all regions but only St. Louis in northeast. |
1993 | Fall | | | Late north 8/22 Clay LCF, 9/12 Aitkin WN. Late south 9/11 Martin RJ, 9/12 Hennepin SC. |
1994 | Spring | | | Early south 3/17 Cottonwood ED, 4/9 Swift DO; early north 4/1 Grant AB, 4/14 Otter Tail KKW. |
1994 | Summer | | | Very few reports; less than half the number of counties recorded in 1989. Nested in Ramsey; seen in 26 other counties in all regions, including St. Louis in northeast. |
1994 | Fall | | | Late north 8/27 Wilkin CF, 8/31 Aitkin CMG and Otter Tail County CSc. Late south 8/7 Hennepin SC, 8/27 Meeker County RH. |
1995 | Spring | | | Early south 3/29 Martin DBM, 4/1 Sibley AH, 4/6 Kandiyohi RF/JC; early north 4/22 Clay RO and Wilkin KB, CF. |
1995 | Summer | | | Nested in Becker MN, Jackson; probable nesting in Todd, Anoka, Rice. Seen in 33 additional counties statewide, including 6/20 Cook KE. |
1995 | Fall | | | Late north 9/19 Hawk Ridge, St. Louis FN. Late south 9/9 Blue Earth MF, 9/24 Rice JL. JL reported numbers low all fall. Yellow-headed Blackbirds apparently left the state much earlier than usual this year. These late dates are at least a month earlier than the average late dates, north and south, for this species. |
1996 | Spring | | | Early south 4/5 Freeborn ABa, 4/13 Big Stone LE, Cottonwood (18) TT and Stevens WM. Early north 4/10 Otter Tail SDM, 4/15 Clay CN, CSp, 4/20 Two Harbors, Lake Co. fide KE, Douglas KKW and Traverse DN. |
1996 | Summer | | | Nested in Anoka, Ramsey; probable nesting in five counties. Seen in 39 additional counties in all regions except northeast. |
1996 | Fall | | | Late north 9/21 Aitkin WN, 10/4 Todd KB, 10/8 St. Louis DBe. Late south 10/12 Anoka KB, 11/2 Murray (15) ND. Largest flocks were noted between the end of August and mid-September. |
1997 | Spring | | | Early south 3/29 Hennepin OJ, 4/5 Waseca JZ, 4/10 Murray ND. Early north 4/25 Otter Tail KKW, 4/26 Aitkin WN, Douglas SWa and Wadena PBi. |
1997 | Summer | | | Seen in 47 counties in all regions, including St. Louis in northeast; probable breeding in Crow Wing, Big Stone, Olmsted. |
1997 | Fall | | | Very few reports after August, all of which are included here. Late north 9/21 Aitkin WN, 10/9 St. Louis JN. Late south 9/1 Big Stone LE, 9/3 Renville CMa, 10/4 Sherburne KO. |
1998 | Spring | | | Early south 3/30 Lincoln and Lyon RgS, 4/11 Big Stone LE. Early north 4/5 Grant SWa, GrK, 4/17 Douglas SWa, GrK, 4/18 Wadena PBi. |
1998 | Summer | | | Observed in 47 counties statewide, including St. Louis in northeast. New nesting record in Dakota DBS; probable nesting in Wilkin, McLeod, Hennepin. |
1998 | Fall | | | Late north 9/12 Wadena PBi. Late south 8/29 Waseca JSe, 9/8 Big Stone and Faribault LE, 10/8 Lyon RgS. |
1998 | Winter | | | Reported 12/19 on the Fergus Falls CBC. |
1999 | Spring | | | Arrived within four days of the recent median arrival dates south and north. Early south 3/28 Scott KO, 4/2 Jackson FL. Early north 4/12 Otter Tail SDM, 4/20 Norman RJ. |
1999 | Summer | | | Reported in 36 counties in all regions except in the northeast and southeast. |
1999 | Fall | | | Late north 8/22 Clay FKS, 8/28 Traverse JSt, 9/6 Wadena PBi. Only south reports after 10/9 were 10/21 Houston SL, 10/23 Jackson SL, 11/26 Jackson BBo. |
1999 | Winter | | | Injured adult male reported 12/4–15 Renville †RbS, †DF, RgS (same bird also erroneously reported as Meeker Co.). |
2000 | Spring | | | Observed in 26 south and 17 north counties in all regions, including unusual location 5/18 Lake JLi. Early south 3/12 (record early) Freeborn ABa, 3/13 Sherburne LC/RN, then 3/23; most arrivals 4/20–30. Early north (recent median 4/9) 4/13 Otter Tail SDM, then 4/14. |
2000 | Summer | | | Reported in 45 counties in all regions (but only St. Louis in northeast); new nesting record in Crow Wing JS, MN. |
2000 | Fall | | | All north reports after early August: 8/21 Wadena PJB, 8/26 Aitkin WEN and Becker CRM. South reports after August: 9/9 Blue Earth MJF, 9/28 Lac qui Parle BEO. |
2000 | Winter | | | Reported on the Northwest McLeod CBC. |
2001 | Spring | | | Observed in 38 south and 22 north counties statewide. Unusual reports 4/16, 5/1, 5/17 (2) Lake (Two Harbors) JWL. Early south 4/5 Yellow Medicine RBJ, 4/7–8 in three counties. Early north (median 4/10) 4/9 Douglas REH. |
2001 | Summer | | | New nesting record in Otter Tail DTT; seen in 40 counties in all regions (but only St. Louis in Northeast).
2001 | Fall | | | Late north 8/12 Polk DRu, 9/2 Wadena PJB. Late south 9/22 Nicollet ChH, LWF, 10/4 Lyon RJS, 10/6 Meeker DMF. |
2001 | Winter | | | Reported 12/29 †Hastings CBC (immature male) and 1/7 Grant (adult male, Herman) DM. |
2002 | Spring | | | Seen in 37 south and 23 north counties. Arrived after medians south (3/29) and north (4/10). Early south 4/2 Carver RBJ and Jackson MJC, 4/10–14 in seven counties. Early north 4/14 Grant DTT, SMT, 4/17–21 in five counties. Three reports from Lake, including 5/19 (female at Beaver Bay) JWL. Albino seen 5/11 Murray (section 16, Murray Twp.) NED. |
2002 | Summer | | | Most reports since 1989; seen in 55 counties in all regions, including St. Louis and Lake in Northeast. New nesting record in Carver RMD. |
2002 | Fall | | | September reports north were from Kittson, Todd, and Clearwater counties (9/6, JJS), followed only by the discovery of a partial albino individual 10/18 Traverse RBJ (median north departure 10/9). Late south 9/20 Big Stone N.W.R. (5) BEO, 10/17 Jackson PEB, 11/18 Sibley CRM (median 10/8). |
2002 | Winter | | | Only report 1/20 Beltrami (male at Waskish) †DPJ. |
2003 | Spring | | | Seen in 28 south and 15 north counties and in all regions, but only St. Louis in Northeast. Early south (median 3/30) 4/3 Big Stone KJB; peak migration 4/13–19 in nine counties. Early north (median 4/10) 4/12 Otter Tail HCT; peak migration 4/22–28 in five counties. Highest reported count 4/23 Nicollet (100) LWF. |
2003 | Summer | | | Reported in 45 counties in all regions (including St. Louis and Lake in Northeast). |
2003 | Fall | | | All north reports: 8/23 Red Lake PHS, 8/31 Wadena PJB, 10/14 St. Louis PHS. Late south 9/15 Brown CRM, 9/20 Le Sueur ChH, then none until 11/10 Cottonwood (5) SSM. |
2004 | Spring | | | Seen in 34 south and 19 north counties. More reports than usual in Northeast, including Grand Portage (5/21, DRB) and Schroeder (5/16, DJS) in Cook, Two Harbors (5/20, JWL) in Lake, and as far north as Ely (5/17, SPM) and Embarrass (5/15+, ALE, NAJ, KRS) in St. Louis. Early south 3/27 Sibley LBF, 4/5 Martin JEB and Nicollet RBJ. Early north 4/11 Clay RHO, 4/19 Otter Tail DTT, SMT. |
2004 | Summer | | | Seen in 37 counties statewide. |
2004 | Fall | | | Five north reports: 8/7 Marshall JMJ, 8/9 Polk EEF, 8/11 Otter Tail DTT, SMT, 8/21 Wadena PJB, 9/28 Lake JWL. All south reports after August: 9/11 Lac qui Parle JMJ, 9/18 Nicollet RMD, 10/20 Big Stone PHS. |
2005 | Spring | | | Observed in 38 south and 19 north counties. Early south 3/25 Lac qui Parle FAE, 4/8 Nicollet BTS. Early north 4/9 Grant SPM. Three Northeast reports: 5/13 Lake JWL, 5/14 St. Louis ALE, 5/21 St. Louis m.obs. |
2005 | Summer | | | Seen in 42 counties in all regions. |
2005 | Fall | | | Only 11 north reports from 8 counties. Late north 10/8 Norman BJU. Reported from 12 south counties through mid-September. Late south 11/18 Steele NFT. |
2006 | Spring | | | Reported from 37 south and 18 north counties in all regions except East-central. Early south 3/28 Lac qui Parle BJU, 4/5–9 in five counties (recent median 3/30). Early north 4/9 Traverse DFN and Wilkin SPM, 4/14 Wadena PJB (median 4/11). |
2006 | Summer | | | Seen in 60 counties in all regions except Northeast. |
2006 | Fall | | | Reported from 7 north and 18 south counties. Only a handful of north reports in August, followed by 10/14 Cook (Sprague Creek ponds) AXH, PHS. South reports mostly from western and central regions. Late south 10/16 Lac qui Parle BJU, 10/25 Big Stone PHS. |
2006 | Winter | | 1 | An apparent very late migrant 12/12 Nicollet RMD. Also see undocumented mid-winter reports of this species. |
2007 | Spring | 19 | 43 | Record early south 3/10 Big Stone HHD. Also, 4/8 Hennepin JCC, 4/9 McLeod RBW (median 3/29). Early north 3/31 Norman RBW (median 4/10). Season high count 4/14 Hennepin (160) DCZ. |
2007 | Summer | 17 | 33 | Observed in all regions except Southeast. High count 6/8 Dakota (140, 140th and Highview) JPM. First county breeding record for Cass AXH. |
2007 | Fall | 5 | 20 | All north reports 8/6 Traverse BJU, 8/24 Marshall PHS, 8/25 Pennington PHS, 9/2 Cass ALB, Roseau CRM, LS, 9/4 Traverse BJU. Most south reports from Southwest and West-central regions. Season high count 9/3 Jackson (375) PHS. Late south 9/21 Jackson JLO, DAB, 9/26 Big Stone BJU, 10/3 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 10/22). |
2007 | Winter | | 1 | Very rare in winter was a male at a feeder 12/31 Hennepin ph. †SMo. |
2008 | Spring | 27 | 42 | Early south (median 3/29) 4/5 Lincoln DBM, 4/11 Lac qui Parle BJU, 4/12 Redwood RBJ, DAC. Early north (median 4/10) 3/31 Otter Tail fide JMJ, 4/4 Marshall GT, 4/16 St. Louis UK, 4/17 Cook JRi. |
2008 | Summer | 18 | 30 | Seen in all regions except Northeast. First county breeding records for Douglas ph. MRN, Swift RPR, Sibley MSw. |
2008 | Fall | 8 | 22 | All north reports from the western half of the state. All south reports from the Southwest and South-central regions. Late north 9/1 Marshall HHD CRM, high count 9/5 Big Stone (482) PHS, 9/18 Wilkin RBJ, DAC, 9/26 Traverse PHS (median 10/9). Late south 9/13 Lac qui Parle PCC, PHS, SWe, Yellow Medicine WCM, 9/27 Lac qui Parle PCC, PHS (median 10/22). |
2008 | Winter | | 1 | Only report 1/3 Kandiyohi (adult male in flock of Red-winged Blackbirds) RSF. |
2009 | Spring | 24 | 42 | Early south (median 3/29) 3/15 Redwood ANy, 4/3 Nicollet RMD, 4/10 Yellow Medicine DPG, 4/11 Meeker DMF. Early north (median 4/10) 4/11 Wilkin LS, 4/12 Otter Tail LS, 4/18 Polk KLa, 4/21 Marshall GT. |
2009 | Summer | 21 | 30 | Observed statewide. Unusual location 6/5 Lake (Two Harbors) JWL. First county breeding records from Blue Earth ChH, Faribault MCBS. |
2009 | Fall | 6 | 14 | Late north 10/5 Traverse CRM, 10/14 St. Louis KRE (median 10/8). Late south 9/6 Sibley WCM, 9/10 Sherburne DPG, 9/12 Big Stone and Lac qui Parle PHS (median 10/25). Almost all reports were from the western half of the state. |
2010 | Spring | 16 | 43 | Early south (median 3/29) 3/24 Lac qui Parle BJU, 3/27 Brown WCM, 3/28 Brown BTS, 4/2 Goodhue LS. Early north (median 4/10) 4/17 Grant, Traverse DFN, 4/19 Koochiching DGr, 4/21 Marshall MA, 4/23 Otter Tail DST. |
2010 | Summer | 17 | 36 | Observed in all regions except Northeast. First county breeding records for Cottonwood BSa, McLeod DAB, Nicollet MJF. |
2010 | Fall | 5 | 19 | No reports north after 8/26 Douglas RBJ, DAC (median late north 10/8). Late south 10/6 Jackson, Murray, Nobles BJU, 10/24 Blue Earth ChH, 11/21 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 10/25). |
2010 | Winter | | 1 | Only report 12/10 Chippewa HHD. |
2011 | Spring | 24 | 46 | Early south (median 3/29) 3/26 Lac qui Parle BJU, 4/2 Wright HCT, 4/8 Lac qui Parle HHD, four more counties on 4/9. Early north (median 4/10) 4/8 Otter Tail DAB, JWH, 4/9 Mille Lacs DBM, Traverse BJU. Season high counts 4/30 Lac qui Parle (80, Kibler W.M.A.) KeS, 4/9 Traverse (45) BJU. |
2011 | Summer | 17 | 40 | Seen in all regions except Northeast. High count 7/5 Marshall (26, Agassiz N.W.R.) SBa. |
2011 | Fall | 4 | 25 | High count 8/20 Big Stone (62, David H. Steen W.M.A.) PCC. All north after August: 9/18 Grant, Traverse BJU, 10/23 Otter Tail GLa, LS. Late south 10/22 Steele HCT, 11/1 Winona ANy, 11/4 Lac qui Parle BJU, 11/11 Dakota (10) JFR (median 10/25). |
2011 | Winter | | 1 | One report: 12/3 Lac qui Parle (Walter Twp.) ph. BJU. Winter reports of this species are increasing and have been noted in each of the last five years. |
2012 | Spring | 24 | 42 | Early south (median 3/29) 3/12 Lyon (Sham Lake) GWe, 3/20+ Lac qui Parle (4) BJU, 3/29 Cottonwood CRM. Early north (median 4/10) 4/7 Douglas PJK, Wadena PJB, 4/9 Morrison FGo, 4/22 Clay (3) RHO, Douglas DFN, Grant DFN. High count 4/22 Sibley (~70, Indian Lake) DWK, SBM. |
2012 | Summer | 27 | 45 | Seen in all regions of state. High counts 6/19 Polk (30, East Grand Forks) SAu, 6/29 Kandiyohi (30, Wubben's Slough) SSy. First county breeding records for Polk fide BBA, Watonwan DBM. |
2012 | Fall | 9 | 23 | High counts 8/29 Lyon (est. 150, Cottonwood City Park) GWe, 8/4 Lyon (est. 50, Cottonwood W.T.P.) KLi, 8/26 Grant (est. 50, Mustinka State W.M.A.) SBM. Late north 9/3 Polk RAE, CRM, ALo, 9/14 Grant HHD, RAE, 9/17 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 10/12 Grant RAE (median 10/8). Late south 10/13 Lyon (6, Sham Lake) GWe, 10/19 Lac qui Parle (2) BJU, 11/3 Swift DLP, 11/22 Houston ANy (median 10/25). |
2012 | Winter | | 1 | One report: 1/6 Le Sueur (near St. Peter W.T.P.) DAB, ANy, DBz, JWH. Winter reports of this species are averaging nearly one per year recently. |
2013 | Spring | 28 | 51 | Early south (median 3/29) 4/3 Rice DAT, 4/6 Murray JCC, 4/16 Blue Earth ChH, Brown BTS, Dakota SLP, BDo, GJM. Early north (median 4/10) 4/13 Traverse RAE, HHD, 4/26 Itasca SC, EEO, 4/27 six more counties. High counts 5/29 Becker (117, Hamden Slough N.W.R.) ASM, 5/7 Redwood (37, Benedict's Slough) SVo, 5/27 Lyon (37, Lone Tree Lake) GWe. |
2013 | Summer | 26 | 47 | Observed in every region. First county breeding records from Freeborn EHl, Traverse SWe. |
2013 | Fall | 10 | 32 | Reported almost exclusively southwest of a line from Marshall to Fillmore counties. High counts 8/16 Stevens (63) CRM, 8/4 Lac qui Parle (45) PCa. Late north 9/1 Marshall CRM, Polk ALo, 9/2 Pennington GLa, 9/4 Becker ASM, 9/22 Wadena PJB (median 10/8). Late south 9/22 Big Stone DLP, 9/28 Lyon GWe, 10/12 McLeod HHD (median 10/25). Few reports after the third week of September. |
2014 | Spring | 25 | 50 | Early south (median 3/29) 3/30 Lyon GWe, 4/1 Lac qui Parle BJU, 4/2 Lyon GWe. Early north (median 4/10) 4/8 Otter Tail fide JMJ, 4/12 Grant DPG, 4/19 Clay PBB. High counts 5/30 Grant (97), 5/16 Dakota (75) SFi, 4/26 Big Stone (60) SBE. |
2014 | Summer | 16 | 42 | Seen in every region except Northeast. |
2014 | Fall | 11 | 27 | High counts 8/16 Grant (250, North Ottawa Impoundment) MHo, 8/1 Lyon (185, Cottonwood W.T.P.) GWe. Late north 8/31 Carlton DBz, 9/1 Marshall (33, Agassiz Valley Impoundment) JLK, 9/2 Marshall (2, Agassiz N.W.R.) JLK (median 10/8). Late south 9/17 Brown JSP, 9/27 Lyon (14, Sham Lake) GWe, 9/28 Lyon (6, Sham Lake) GWe, 10/11 Stevens (100) JFl (median 10/25). |
2014 | Winter | | 1 | Fourth year in past five with a single report: 12/13 Brown BTS. |
2015 | Spring | 26 | 47 | Early south (median 3/29) 3/13 Lyon GWe, 3/14 Nobles DWK, SBM, 4/4 Lyon GWe. Early north (median 4/10) 4/4 Polk SAu, 4/11 Traverse DWK, SBM, 4/16 Crow Wing CRM, m.ob. High counts 4/21 Yellow Medicine (95, Spellman Lake) GHo, KDS, 5/23 Pope (85) DvK, 4/29 Lincoln (75) TKa. |
2015 | Summer | 25 | 44 | Seen in all regions. High counts 6/6 Yellow Medicine (130, Spellman L.) GWe, 6/12 Becker (125, Hamden Slough N.W.R.) CLW. |
2015 | Fall | 8 | 22 | High count 9/5 Yellow Medicine (250, Miedd Lake) GWe. Late north CNn, 8/23 Grant HCT, HHD, 8/26 Grant DFe, 11/7 Becker CRM (median 9/27). Late south 10/9 Chippewa GWe, 10/18 Lyon GWe, 11/5 Lyon GWe, JtH (median 10/14). |
2015 | Winter | | | No reports for first winter since 2009. |
2016 | Spring | 28 | 48 | Early south (median 3/28) 3/7 Pope RAE, 3/19 Yellow Medicine GWe, 3/27 Lac qui Parle JJS, DFe, JMs. Early north (median 4/9) 4/5 Wilkin HHD, 4/9 Otter Tail DST, Polk SAu. High counts 5/23 Polk (120) KnM, 5/8 Yellow Medicine (114) GWe. |
2016 | Summer | 28 | 45 | Seen throughout state. High counts 6/4 Marshall (200, Agassiz N.W.R.) MFi, JMz, 6/11 Nicollet (200, Swan Lake W.M.A.) JDv. |
2016 | Fall | 10 | 30 | High counts 9/15 Lyon (300, Black Rush Lake W.P.A.) GWe, 8/30 Yellow Medicine (200, Miedd Lake) GWe, 8/14 Lac qui Parle (150, Salt Lake) LiH. Late north 9/6 Marshall SAu, 9/13 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB (median 9/27). Late south 11/3 Faribault ClN, 11/22 Yellow Medicine GWe (median 10/24). |
2016 | Winter | | 1 | One report of a single individual: 12/18 Lyon (first-year male) GWe. |
2017 | Spring | 30 | 50 | Early south (median 3/28) 3/19 Lyon GWe, 3/28 Wright RBd, 3/29 Big Stone DLP. Early north (median 4/9) 4/15 Becker SAu, Grant DWK, ToL, CEl, LiH. High counts 5/18 Lac qui Parle (200, Big Stone N.W.R.) ODa, 5/5 Big Stone (115) GWe. |
2017 | Summer | 26 | 43 | Seen in all regions. High count 7/24 Grant (758, North Ottawa Impoundment) ebd, ASu, JSu. First county breeding record 6/20 Grant ToL. |
2017 | Fall | 14 | 33 | High counts all from North Ottawa Impoundment in Grant: 8/20 (1,500) ClN, 8/11 (500) LiH, KnM, 8/12 (500) JDv. Late north 9/26 Cook JaJ, Lake ALx, AxM, JPR, 10/5 Todd JLK, 10/9 Morrison DPG (median 9/26). Late south 10/11 Murray GWe, 11/21 Lac qui Parle DLP (median 11/2). |
2017 | Winter | | | No reports for this species that has been observed in seven of the last ten winters. |
2018 | Spring | 31 | 52 | Early south (median 3/27) 3/22 Lyon GWe, 4/1 Freeborn ebd, Jackson ASu, LiH, 4/3 Cottonwood LHl. Early north (median 4/9) 4/19 Grant REn, Otter Tail REn then many obseervations beginning 4/20. High counts 5/27 Lac qui Parle (200, Big Stone N.W.R.) StK, 4/23 Grant (120, North Ottawa Impoundment) ebd. |
2018 | Summer | 26 | 45 | Seen in every region though scarce in Northeast. High counts 6/26 Lyon (587, Coon Creek W.M.A.) GWe, 7/16 Grant (500, North Ottawa Impoundment) ASu. |
2018 | Fall | 9 | 37 | Â High counts 8/16 Grant (470, North Ottawa Impoundment) DBi, 9/3 Lyon (385, Sham Lake) GWe. Late north 9/30 Douglas JPE, 10/2 St. Louis JLK, 11/30 Becker NaH (median 9/28). Late south 10/18 Hennepin IVa, 10/19 Yellow Medicine LiH, 11/1 Lac qui Parle DLP (median 11/10). |
2018 | Winter | | 1 | A single report for this species that is observed in about 70% of winter seasons: 1/27 Blue Earth (visiting feeder near Mountain Lake since early January) ph. MJz. |
2019 | Summer | 29 | 48 |  Found in all regions. First county breeding records: 6/26 Beltrami ETs, 7/8 Steele PSu. High count 6/4 Lac qui Parle (275, Nassau Twp.) SFg. |
  | Breeds throughout, but rare northeast. Migrant throughout. |