Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Sandpipers
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Sandpipers
Upland Sandpiper
Eskimo Curlew
Long-billed Curlew
Hudsonian Godwit
Marbled Godwit
Ruddy Turnstone
Red Knot
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
Stilt Sandpiper
Curlew Sandpiper
Purple Sandpiper
Baird's Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
White-rumped Sandpiper
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Western Sandpiper
[Calidris sandpiper]
Short-billed Dowitcher
Long-billed Dowitcher
[Limnodromus dowitcher]
American Woodcock
Wilson's Snipe
Spotted Sandpiper
Solitary Sandpiper
Lesser Yellowlegs
Greater Yellowlegs
Wilson's Phalarope
Red-necked Phalarope
Red Phalarope

Long-billed Dowitcher(Limnodromus scolopaceus)
1951SummerW. J.Breckenridge saw six long-billed dowitchers near Osseo, July 13.
1961FallSame as for Dunlin, except that at least 50 were seen, in fall plumage, near Elbow Lake. On 1 Oct., near Windom, Cottonwood County, 38 were seen by Avifauna! Club.
1962SpringApril 28 Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co., six in spring plumage, call note was keek, Avilfaunal Club )owitcher, species undetedmined: April 29 near Windom, Cottonwood Co., no call-notes heard, Avifauna! Club; May 11 Duluth, Janet C. Green.
1962SummerJuly 11, Swan Lake Nicollet Co., 11 seen and heard ("keek") by Bob Janssen, Brother Theodore.
1963SpringApril 27, Salt Lake, 2 seen and heard, Avifauna! Club; May 17, Graceville, Traverse County, 5 seen and heard, R. Grant.
1963Fallearliest, July 2, Stevens Co., R. Grant; latest, Sept. 22, Stevens Co., R. Grant.
1964Spring5-7 Stevens Co, RAG, 15 identified by call note.
1964Summer5-7, Stevens Co, RAG; 6-28, Stevens Co, RAG; 8-2, Mahnomen Co, DP.
1966Spring5-7 Carver Co, RBJ and 5-11 Washington Co, 2, EMB; both records based on call-notes.
1966Summer7-14 Cottonwood Co, RBJ. Dowitcher, species: 7-8 Agassiz refuge, Marshall Co, 1, DLO; 7-30 Carver Co, 2, VL.
1966Fall10-1 Brown, Nicollet and Lac qui Parle Counties, RBJ; 10-23 Lac qui Parle Co., 4, PE; all records based on call-notes.
1967Spring4-29 Wabasha Co., RBJ; 5-6 Jackson Co., EHH, HFH; since this and the preceding species can only be differentiated by call-note, I have used here only those reports which indicated call-note. Dowitcher, species ?: 5-11 Blue Earth Co., EDK; 5-16 Wilkin Co., fide EGA; 5-20 Winona Co., FGD and Duluth, JGH. 91 September 1967
1967Fall 8-26 Lyon Co. , PE; 9-6 Big Stone Co., JAH; 9-16 Lyon Co., DB; all records based on call-notes.
1968Spring 5-18 Washington Co., 10, BL and Hennepin Co., GES; 5-28 Big Stone Co., 1, JAH; only reports with call-note data.
1968Fall8-20 Wright 8 ETS; 9-28 Houston 5 FL. Dowitcher, species?: 8-19 Grant JAH; 9-29 Aitkin MSB.
1969Spring5-14 Goodhue Co., WKE; 5-17 (21) Wabasha Co., BT; 5-24 (7) Marshall Co., EIS. ·
1969Fall9-29 Hennepin 3 VL; 9-30 Hennepin ETS. Short-bi lied Dowitcher: 9-28 Marshall 50+, 10-24 6, AR; 10-5 Lyon 15 KE; 10-8 Hennepin 13 CH. Dowitcher, species?: 8-18 Nobles HSH; 8-27, 9-19 Mille Lacs MI; 9-6 Carver TH.
1970Spring5-3 Lyon HK; 5-9 Lyon (2) PE; 5-9 Watonwan {25) BL; only reports will call note data.
1970Fall10·4 Lyon (3) PE; 10·10 and 12 Duluth {2) )G; only reports with call note data. Dowitcher, sp.: 9 reports with no call note data from 8·9 to 10·4 in Cottonwood, Nicollet, Wright, Pope, Mille Lacs, and Marshall; peak 1 0·1 Marshall (62) AR.
1971Springonly 2 reports with callnote data: 5-13 Lyon HK; 5-15 Lyon KE, PE, RR. Dowitcher, sp.: 12 reports from 4-29 to 5-25 from Duluth, Marshall, Clay, Morrison, Hennepin, Carver, Sibley, McLeod, Lyon, and Jackson (peak of 60 on 5-15 by TV).
1971Fallearly 7-10 Hennepin; 9-6 Grant; late south Hl-2 Lyon; 10-16 Pope; late north 10-16 Grant. dowitcher, sp.: reported from 7-3 to 10-20 in Lyon, Scott, Pope, Waseca, Grant, Marshall, Mille Lacs, Clay and Duluth.
1972Fallwere identified in Duluth, Lyon, Hennepin, Clay, Pope and Grant Cos.. the latest in Grant Co. on 11-5 (KE). 
1974Spring No reports with call note data. Dowitcher sp. 20 reports from 4-27 to 5-28 from St. Louis, Clay, Aitkin, Olmsted, Lyon, Swift, Cottonwood, Douglas, Le Sueur and Wright.
1974Fall 8-17 Rock KE, RBJ; call-notes heard.
1975Spring 2 reports with call not data: 5-3 Waseca (2) RBJ; Hennepin (1) M. Johnson. Dowitcher Sp. 9 reports from 4-19 to 5-26 from Hennepin, Clay, Goodhue, Wabasha, Lyon, Aitkin Co's.
1975Fallearly 7-7 Hennepin OJ; 7-31 Wright ES; late south 10-18 Lincoln RJ; 11-1 Nicollet PE, KE; 11-8 Yellow Medicine GO.
1976Spring 4-24 Lac qui Parle several observers; 5-10 Wright ETS only ones with call note data. Dowitcher Sp. 22 reports from 4-24 to 5-27 from Lyon, Lincoln, Dakota, Goodhue, Cottonwood, Lac qui Parle, Hennepin, Washington, Marshall.
1976Fall Early north 8-8 Duluth; early south 8-8 Olmsted; late north 9-26 Otter Tail; late south 10-16 Rock, 10-21 Anoka.
1977Spring 4-23 Lac qui Parle (1) RJ only report with call note data.
1977Fall Early north 7-9 Marshall (DGW), 7-10 Otter Tail (GO); peak 9-23 Crow Wing (40) (WL).
1978Spring Early north 4-29, 5-7 Otter Tail GO, SM.
1978Summer Early migrants South 7-6 (OLJ), 7-9.
1978Fall Early north 8-20 Marshall ANWR and 8-28 Duluth KE; late south 10-14 Carver RJ.
1979Summer Early migrants 7-18 Otter Tail (GO), 7-28 Marshall (S&KS).
1979Fall Early north 8-2 Otter Tail GMO; early south 8-4 Waseca RJ, 8-11 Olmsted JF; late north St. Louis 9-29 OJ, 9-30 JG; late south 10-5 Waseca RJ.
1980Spring Early south 5-10 Murray JH, RJ, Winter 1980 5-13 Swift JS, Olmsted JB, JF; early north 5-13 Otter Tail GMO, Pennington KSS.
1980Fall 8-21 Stearns NH. Dowitcher sp? 8-24 Dakota VL, 9-30 Pennington KSS, 10-7 Otter Tail GMO, 10-12, 19 Winona JP, 11-7 Nicollet JCF.
1981Spring Early south 4-15 Stearns NMH, 4-26 Lac qui Parle KE, 5-2 Sherburne RJ; early north 4-29 Grant SM, 5-2 Otter Tail GMO; late south 5-16 Anoka KL, 5-20 Dakota JD; late north 5-17 Marshall KSS, 5-29 St. Louis RR.
1981Summer Early migrants South: 7-30 · (KRE, RBJ), 7-30 (EB-K).
1981Fall Early north 8-2, 8-9 St. Louis KE, 8-8 Pennington KSS, 8-23 Wilkin KL; early south 8-11 Cottonwood KL, 9-4 Nicollet JCF, 9-8 Lac qui Parle CMB; late north 9-9 Aitkin WN, 9-13 Lake RJ, 9-18 Otter Tail KL; late south 10-6 Lyon P. Egeland, 10-7 Blue Earth JCF, 10-19 Hennepin VL, 10-31 Cottonwood RJ. Dowitcher sp.? 8-23 Se Sueur GS, 8-29 Wilkin OJ.
1982Spring Early south Lac qui Parle 4-25 SC, 5-2 AB, Nicollet 4-30 JCF, 5-4 MF, 5-2 Wabasha DWM; early north 4-25 Otter Tail GMO, 4-29 Aitkin WN; late south Yellow Medicine 5-16 CMB, 5-18 HK; late north 5-12 Otter Tail SDM, 4-25 Steele EK sp.? 4-30 Aitkin JB sp.?
1982Fall 8/3 ~t. Louis KE, 8/7 Pennington KSS, 8/.13 Nicollet JCF, 9/12 Clay LCF, 10/15 Nicollet JCF-all reports. Dowitcher sp.? 8/17 Hennepin OJ, 9/12 Lake of the Woods KSS.
1983Spring Early south 4/29 Mower RRK, 5/6 Nicollet JCF, 5/8 Lyon HK, KL, 5/14 Stearns MF; late south 5/25 Blue Earth JCF. Only reports north 5/10 Pennington KSS, 5/22 Mahnomen MHa, Clay TT. Dowitcher sp. ? 5/15 Stearns TBB, 5/18 Marshall ANWR. Stragglers into June.
1983Summer There is a need to document July sightings.
1983Fall Reported from nine counties. Early north 8/6 Polk AB, 9/7 Becker DB ; early south 8/23 Steams NH; late north 10/1 Cass NH, 10/22 Pennington KSS ; late south 10/28 Nicollet JCF, 11/6 Le Sueur RG, 11/11 RJ. 
1984Spring Early south 5/4 Mower RJ, 5/6 Lac qui Parle DGW, 5/7 Olmsted RE; late south 5/18 Dodge JEB, 5/26 Nicollet JCF. Only reports north 5/12 Polk AB, 5/21 Ottertail GMO. Dowitcher sp.? 4/29 Nobles GS, 5/12 Lac qui Parle DZ, 5/25 Anoka KL, 5/27 Aitkin JB.
1984Summerfirst fall date 7/11 Waseca.
1984Fall 8/10 Nicollet JCF, 8/21 and 8/26 Hennepin OJ, 9/15 Cottonwood RJ, 9/16 Anoka RH, RJ, 9/22 Lake of the Woods AJ, 10/20 St. Louis KC -all reports. Dowitcher sp.? 8/15 Marshall FL, 8/24 Lake of the Woods AJ, 9/15 Anoka DZ, 9/18 Lake of the Woods (71) AJ, 9/22 Goodhue DZ, I013 Carver MS, 10/18 Pennington KSS.
1985Spring Early south 4/20 Olmsted AP, 4/27 PP, 5/3 Nicollet JCF; early north 4/29 Polk RJ, 5/8 Clay LCF; late south 5/20 Cottonwood WH, Hennepin OJ, 5/21 Hennepin ES; late north 5/19 Clay LCF, 5/20 Itasca J BITS. Dowitcher sp.? 4/28 Renville AB, 5/5 Cottonwood LAF, 5/19 Stearns GS, 5/21 Aitkin GS.
1985Fall All reports: 8/7-9/16 St. Louis m.ob., 8/25 Wright ES, 8/30 Clearwater AB, 9/17 Cook KMH, 9/21 Hennepin SC, ES, 9/25-10/ 1 Blue Earth JCF, 9/27 Stearns NH, 10/12 Pipestone RJ.
1986Spring Early south 4/24 Hennepin SC, ES, 4/26 Kandiyohi Tiu, 4/28 Mower RRK; late south 5/18 Nicollet JCF, Rice FKS, 5/24 Nicollet JCF, 5/31 RJ. One north report: 5/13 Cook KMH.
1986Summer Early migrants 7/4-5 Faribault (JD, JP/ AM). Only reports.
1986Fall 9/6 Duluth D. Kienholz, 9/27 Nicollet JF.
1987Spring Early south 4/29 Winona AP, 5/2 Cottonwood RG, RJ; late south 5/15 Nicollet JCF, 5/20 Brown KR. No north reports.
1987Summer Early migrants: North, 7/12 Clay; South, 7/17 Hennepin, 7/18 Nicollet.
1987Fall Early south 8/7 Lyon HK, 8/16 Mower RRK; late south 10/19 Anoka GP, 10/31 Winona RSE; two north reports 8/31 Polk AB, 9/6-28 Duluth m.ob.
1988Spring Early south 4/29 Lac qui Parle OJ and Meeker AB, DB, 4/30 Big Stone RJ, KR; early north 4/24 Clay LCF, 5/3 Marshall ANWR; late south 5/15 Lyon HK, 5/18 Wright ES; late north 5/22 Clay TI and Cook TW, 5/27 Marshall KE.
1988Fall All reports: 8/15-19 Nicollet JF, 8/15 Freeborn NHO, 8/30-10/8 Wright ES, RJ, 9/25 Watonwan AB, 10/2 Beltrami AB, 10/13 Freeborn AP, 10/15 Anoka DZ and Fillmore AP.
1989Spring All reports: 5/5 Rock ND, 5/6 Le Sueur LF and Steele AP, 5/13 Blue Earth JCF, 5/1416 Olmsted m.ob. 5/15 Dakota JD, 5/21 Kandiyohi AB and Lac qui Parle SC, GP.
1989Fall Early south 9/24 Ramsey and Scott AB, 9/28 Freeborn and Waseca AP; late south 10/20 Blue Earth AP, 10/25 Rice AP; only north reports 9/16 Duluth KR, PS, 10/9 Duluth KE.
1990Spring All reports: 4/17 Murray ND, 4/24 Rock PG, 4/26 Pennington PS, 4/28 Lac qui Parle CMB and Yellow Medicine RJ, 4/30 Mower AP, 5/1 Hennepin SC, 5/6 Rock PG, 5/10 Steele AP, 5/12 Cottonwood ED, 5/17 Lyon HK, 5/20 Olmsted JB, BSE.
1990Fall Early north 9/4 Lake DPV, 9/9 Clay LCF, 9/20 Grant (100 +) RG; late north 10/14 Otter Tail MO, 10/28 Wilkin MO; all south reports 9/14 Stevens RG, RJ, 10/1 Dakota KB and Olmsted AP, 10/4 Hennepin SC and Mower RRK, 10/6 Winona CS, 10/12 Pipestone JP.
1991Spring Early south 4/16 Rock NO, 4/19 McLeod KR, 4/23 Big Stone DB; late south 5/12 Lac qui Parle DB, 5/14 Dodge and Steele AP; all north reports 5/11 Marshall KSS, 5/13 Carlton RJ, 5/15 Aitkin WN.
1991Summer First summer report since 1987. All records: 7/10 Polk, 7/22 Hennepin, 7/25 Marshall.
1991Fall Early north 8/14 Marshall PS, 9/8 St. Louis KE; early south 9/13 Lyon HK, 9/27 Dodge RJ; late north 10/22 Wilkin RJ, 10/23 Clay KR; late south 10/20 Winona (7) CS, 10/22 Meeker AB.
1992Spring All reports: 4/29 Big Stone and Lac qui Parle SC, 5/1 Olmsted JB, BSE and Rock PS, 5/2 Lac qui Parle DN, 5/3 Cottonwood AB and Mower RRK.
1992Summer Only report: 7/30 Houston.
1992Fall Early north 8/14 Roseau PS, 9/3 Wilkin RJ; early south 9/27 Le Sueur FKS and Rice PS; late north 10/18 Kittson, Koochiching and Roseau RG, RJ; late south 10/2 Carver DM, 10/24 Houston (2) RG, FL.
1993Spring All reports: 5/1 Rock RJ, 5/2 Lyon AB, 5/6 St. Louis TD, 5/8 Houston RJ, 5/19 Olmsted JB, 5/19 LeSueur RJ.
1993Fall All reports 8/1 Murray DSM, 8/7 Lyon HK, 8/8 Washington PC, 8/10 Goodhue SK, 9/18 McLeod KB, 9/15 Rice FKS, 10/8 Roseau PS, 10/9 Chippewa RJ, 10/16 Roseau KB, 10/21 Waseca OJ.
1994Spring All reports: 4/24 Kandiyohi RF and Lyon AB, 5/2 Pipestone JP, 5/10 Nobles RG,RJ and Rice TB, 5/11 Olmsted JSt, JBo; 5/14 Swift TJ, Anoka PKL and Lac qui Parle DN; 5/21 Goodhue AB.
1994Fall All reports north: 10/6 Douglas KB. Late south 10/16 Watonwan RJ, 10/29 Benton Dbr, 11/12 Stevens (1) RG/RJ (record late date).
1995Spring Early south 4/29 Olmsted CK, 4/30 Lincoln AB, 5/6 Big Stone KB; only report north 5/16 Polk SKS.
1995Fall Late north 9/23 St. Louis PBu, 9/27 Douglas RG, RJ, 9/28 St. Louis KB. Late south 9/23 Rice FKS, 10/7 Chippewa ABo, 10/18 Brown BB.
1996Spring Early south 4/17 Pipestone JP, 4/21 Brown RG, 5/4 Yellow Medicine TT. Only north report 5/22 Polk SKS.
1996Fall Only north report 10/19 Polk BBe. Late south 10/25 Winona CS, 10/27 Lincoln and Lyon RgS. Peak numbers 9/21 Waseca (15) JSe, 10/6 Big Stone (11) LE.
1997Spring Early south 4/27 Hennepin ABo, 5/5 Mower RRK and Olmsted DA, BE. No reports north. Peak 5/12 Jackson (14) PS.
1997Fall Late north 9/28 Marshall PS, 9/28–10/5 Polk PS, 10/5 Lake of the Woods PS. Late south 10/23 Hennepin SC, 10/26 Big Stone LE. The dowitcher reported 10/31 McLeod RbS was most likely this species, as Short-billed Dowitchers generally depart the state by mid-September. Peak count 10/16 Carver (67) WM.
1998Spring Early south 4/18 Jackson DBM, 5/15 Olmsted CK, 5/17 Dakota SWe. Only (?) north report 5/13 Marshall PS. Late south 5/23 Lincoln RgS.
1998Summer First summer reports in six years: 7/28 Becker (2) BBe, 7/30 Clay (3) AH, 7/30 Marshall JJ.
1998Fall Late north 10/25 Polk WM, 10/27 St. Louis KE. Late south 10/24 Lyon RgS, 11/1 Faribault (35) JDa. Peak count 10/16 Faribault (158 at Minnesota Lake) KB.
1999Spring Few reports, similar to recent spring migrations. No April records anywhere in the state; first reported 5/8 Big Stone TEB. Late south 5/18 Meeker DF, 5/21 Lyon RgS.
1999Fall Only two north reports, where last seen 9/25 Wilkin (32) AH. Most south reports were in October, but early reports 8/8 Big Stone TT and Carver SWe. Late south 10/25 Jackson CMa and McLeod RbS, 10/29 Dakota DBS. Very few of either these or the Short-billed Dowitcher reports were documented in any way.
2000Spring Observed in 15 south counties but none in southeast. Early south 4/1 (earliest ever by 12 days!) Lincoln (3) †PBu, †TT, 4/6 Dakota (2) NJ, 4/19 McLeod DF. Peak counts 5/8 Dakota (23) DBS, TT, 5/13 Lyon (18) and Yellow Medicine (53) RgS. Last reported in south 5/14 Carver CMa and Freeborn ABa.
2000Summer Only report: 7/31 Big Stone (6) †KJB.
2000Fall Three reports in north: 9/15 Lake KRE, 10/1 Polk PHS, 10/13 Grant RBJ. Early south 8/8 Big Stone (27) SLC, KJB, 8/20 Freeborn AEB, but see summer season. Aside from one late September report, all others south were in October. Late south 10/27 Dakota ADS, 10/28 Kandiyohi ABo. High count 71 on 10/13 in Lac qui Parle (BEO).
2001Spring Very scarce. Early south 4/24 Freeborn AEB and Rice JGL, 4/28 Lac qui Parle CRG. No north reports. Last seen 5/12 Meeker DMF.
2001Summer Only report: 7/28 Marshall (1) PHS.
2001Fall Only north reports: 9/16 St. Louis m.obs., 10/23 Polk EEF. Early south 8/10 Big Stone RJS. High count 10/18 Big Stone (95, Akron Twp.) PHS. Late south 11/4 Wright DFJ, 11/5 Steele (30) NFT.
2002Spring Observed in 12 south and 4 north counties. Early south 4/22 Jackson KJB, 4/29 Dakota ADS. Early north 5/2 Traverse (43 at Mud L.) KJB. Late south 5/10 in three counties, 5/11 Murray (calling) AXH, PHS. Late north 5/18 Carlton (20) and St. Louis (calling) AXH, PHS, 5/19 Polk JMJ. Record high count 5/8 Traverse (203 at Mud L., all in Minnesota) KJB.
2002Summer Only report: 7/25 Meeker JJS.
2002Fall Reported from 19 counties in all regions except the North-central. Early north 8/14 Todd JSK, SDu, 9/3 St. Louis (juvenile) KJB. Early south 8/5 Jackson (17) KJB, but see summer report. High count 9/15 Marshall (54 at Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS. Late north 10/19 Norman and Polk PHS. Late south 10/20 Blue Earth CRM, LBF, 10/22 Olmsted PWP.
2003Spring Observed in ten south counties. Early south 4/24 Redwood fide AXH, 4/27 Fillmore JJS and Olmsted PWP. Only north reports: 4/24 (ties earliest date north) Todd JSK, SID, 5/3 Marshall ALE. Late south 5/15 Lac qui Parle BJU, 5/19 Big Stone (1) KJB. Highest reported count 4/29 Big Stone (34) KJB.
2003Fall Observed in nine north and nine south counties. Early north 8/9 (14), 8/24 (3) Marshall PHS et al. Early south 8/16 Big Stone (39) PCC, 8/26 Carver EO. First juvenile 9/14 Marshall PHS. Record-high counts 10/4 (304), 10/11 (312) Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R., ~90% of these at Tamarack Pool) PHS, SAS, JMJ. Numbers up in Brown (max. 72, 10/8) BTS et al. and Dakota (26–32 birds on three dates 9/27–10/12) ADS, JPM, TAT. Late north 10/18 Polk PHS, 10/20 Marshall (82 at Agassiz) PHS, JMJ. Last reported 10/22 Big Stone BJU, 10/27 Olmsted PWP.
2004Spring Less widespread than the preceding species; reported from 14 south counties, plus (no date) Lake of the Woods and Todd (5/10–13, JSK, SID, BWF) in the north. All reports less than a dozen birds, except for hundreds in Lac qui Parle (none reported as vocalizing). Record-early arrival 3/27–28 Nobles (one associating with three snipe in a partly flooded athletic field in Worthington) KRE et al. Additional early south 4/18 Lac qui Parle (1) BJU, 4/19 Winona JJS. No late south reports of vocalizing birds.
2004Fall Reported from only three north and six south counties. Early north 8/14 Marshall (3 at Agassiz N.W.R.) JMJ, PHS. Early south 9/5 Big Stone (4) PHS. First juveniles 9/18 Yellow Medicine PHS, 9/19 Big Stone PHS and Lac qui Parle PCC. Highest reported count 10/12 Big Stone (97) PHS. Late north 10/21 Polk (5) PHS. Late south 10/20 Big Stone (47) and Lac qui Parle (20) PHS.
2005Spring Late and scarce. Reported from 13 south and 4 north counties, including north birds identified by call 5/8 Traverse (2) PHS, 5/17 St. Louis (1) PHS. Early south 4/30 Dakota SWe and Rock m.obs., 5/1 Big Stone (1) and Lac qui Parle (4) PHS. Late south (vocalized) 5/19 Big Stone (1) and Lac qui Parle (4) PHS. Highest reported count 5/8 Big Stone (30) PHS.
2005Summer Single individual reported 7/31 Lac qui Parle PCC.
2005Fall Reported from 4 north and 11 south counties, none in Northeast. Early north 8/28 Wilkin (4) BJU. Early south (but see summer report) 8/6 Big Stone (one identified by call) PHS. Vocalized 10/2 Hennepin (10) DWK, 10/8 Dakota (1) DWK. First juveniles 10/2 Big Stone and Yellow Medicine PHS. Highest reported counts 10/2 (91), 10/21 (84) Big Stone PHS. Late north 10/13 Clay BJU. Late south 11/6 (4) Yellow Medicine PCC, 11/14 (6 at South Landfill Reservoir, record-late date, no details) Olmsted JWH.
2006Spring Also relatively scarce. Found in 10 south counties beginning 4/14 Lac qui Parle BJU, 4/18 Dakota JLO. No north reports. Late south (vocalized) 5/9 Lac qui Parle (21) BJU. High count (vocalized) 5/5 Big Stone (31) BJU.
2006Summer No reports.
2006Fall Reported from 6 north and 15 south counties, none in East-central. Early north 9/20 St. Louis (juvenile) †SLF, 9/24 Marshall (14) PHS. Early south 8/11 Lac qui Parle (2) BJU, 8/25 Renville BJU; identified by voice 8/26 Big Stone (6) PHS, 9/15 Swift (2) DWK. First juvenile 9/17 Lac qui Parle (1) PCC. High count 10/1 Lac qui Parle (40) BJU. Late north 10/14 Cook AXH, PHS, 10/27 Polk PHS. Late south 10/28 Scott (2) BAF, 10/29 Meeker (8) DMF.
2007Spring37 Early south 4/21 Dakota (Lake Byllesby) CMB, 4/22 Faribault CRM et al., 4/23 Meeker DMF. Early north 4/30 Marshall (calling) JHu, TAN. Very scarce north; all other reports: 5/18 Marshall MHe, 5/18, 5/20 Lake of the Woods MHK, JMo, 5/19 St. Louis (calling) MLH. High count of birds identified by voice 5/8 Brown (28 at Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) BTS. Late south 5/19 Lac qui Parle (calling) BJU.
2007Summer No reports.
2007Fall415 Early north 8/11 Marshall (1) PHS, JMJ, 8/24 Marshall (5, Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS. Early south 9/2 Lac qui Parle (1) PCC, Nobles BTS, 9/3 Big Stone BJU. First juvenile 9/2 Lac qui Parle (1) PCC. Late north 9/16 Marshall JMJ, 9/22 St. Louis MCA. Late south 10/13 Martin RMD, Lac qui Parle (4) and Big Stone (6) PHS, PCC, 10/23 Cottonwood (7) JLO, DWK. No significant counts.
2008Spring410 Early south (median 4/24) 4/5 Steele (Spindler's Pond) JWH, 4/23 Lac qui Parle (13) BJU. All north reports: 5/10 Otter Tail (12) DST, 5/13 St. Louis (3, Grassy Point, Duluth) PHS, 5/16 Aitkin ASc and Clay (8, Sabin W.T.P.) RHO. High count 5/11 Lac qui Parle (20, Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU. Late south 5/17 Mower JEM, Stearns MJB (median 5/19).
2008Summer1 Only report: 7/26 Lac qui Parle (1) PCC, PHS.
2008Fall411 Early north (median 8/28) 8/9 Marshall PHS, 8/31 Marshall m.ob. Early south (median 8/1) 8/2 Yellow Medicine PCC, 8/4 Brown BTS. First juvenile 8/23 Yellow Medicine PCC, RSF. High count 10/18 Lac qui Parle (162) PHS. Late north 9/17 St. Louis PHS, 10/19 Wilkin BWF, RMD (median 10/15). Late south 10/18 Lac qui Parle PHS, 10/23 Lac qui Parle (31) BJU (median 10/26).
2009Spring217 Early south (median 4/24) 4/17 Dakota (4) LEC, 4/23 Dakota LS, CMB and Nicollet RMD. Only north reports: 5/6 Polk (8) RWa, 5/9 Douglas JPE. Late south 5/17 Stearns BWF, DRB, JWH, RMD, 5/18 Sherburne ASc (median 5/19).
2009Fall610 Early north (median 8/14) 8/8 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS, 8/30 St. Louis KRE. Early south (median 8/1) 8/21 Lac qui Parle PLJ, 9/1 Brown BTS. Late north 9/7 Lake (Castle Danger W.T.P.) JEB, JWH and Polk LS, 10/15 Marshall (25, Agassiz N.W.R.) MAn (median 10/15). Late south 9/28 Meeker DMF, 10/4 Hennepin MDu, HCT and Nobles (11) BTS, 10/9 Hennepin SLC (median 10/25).
2010Spring20 Early south 4/24 (median) Lac qui Parle CAB, 4/25 Dakota (Lake Byllesby) BAF. Late south 5/16 Lac qui Parle BJU and Renville (Fairfax W.T.P.) DWK, 5/21 Carver JCy (median 5/19). No north reports and no significant counts.
2010Fall110 Only north report: 9/26 Carlton DBz. Early south (median 8/1) 8/7 Lac qui Parle (2) PCC, 8/9 Lincoln JJS. High count 10/6 Nobles (27) BJU. Late south 10/29 Dakota (1) JPM, 10/31 Dakota (Lake Byllesby) BAF, 11/1 Dakota LEC (median 10/25).
2011Spring114 Early south (median 4/24) 4/17 Lac qui Parle (4) BJU, 4/23 Big Stone (2) BJU, Fillmore (Preston Twp.) DBz, JWH. Only north reports: 5/16 Kittson (5) TrB, 5/19 Kittson RAE. Late south 5/11 Freeborn (5, Newry Twp.) RPR, 5/20 Lac qui Parle (2) BJU (median 5/19).
2011Fall915 Early north (median 8/14) 9/9 Itasca SC, EEO, 9/14 Lake KRE, JWL. Early south (median 8/1) 9/4 Pipestone (2) BJU, 9/18 Big Stone BJU. High count 10/1 Meeker (11) DPG. Late north 10/21 Otter Tail KRE, m.ob., 10/22 Wilkin RZi (median 10/15). Late south 11/6 Carver (New Germany) JCy, 11/8 Hennepin (2, Bass Ponds) CMB (median 10/25).
2012Spring519 Record early south 3/17 Dakota JLO, 3/31 Lac qui Parle (4), followed by many reports before recent median 4/24 beginning 4/9 Jackson (Toe W.M.A.) KSm. Early north (median 5/9) 5/6 Polk RZi, 5/11 Carlton BWF. High count 4/28 Lac qui Parle (30, Cory Lake) MBS, ACr. Late south 5/17 Blue Earth (Lincoln W.P.A.) ChH, 5/20 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 5/19). Late north 5/19 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) JVe, 5/20 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) DBM, REH, ENu (median 5/17).
2012Summer22 Fall migrants are exceptional before late July / early August (The Loon 74:65–82). Documentation including description of calls is requested for all summer reports. Southbound migrants: early north 7/28 Grant PCC; early south 7/25 Lac qui Parle DLP. Also see undocumented reports.
2012Fall118 See summer report for early southbound migrants before recent medians north (8/14) and south (8/1). High count 9/26 Grant (19) DBM. Late north 10/19 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) RBJ, 10/21 Grant DBM (median 10/15). Late south 10/24 Faribault RBJ, RAE, DAC, 10/26 Blue Earth HHD, MGo, SBM, Faribault RAE, Lac qui Parle DLP (median 10/25).
2013Spring315 Early south (median 4/24) 3/30 Cottonwood (3) BRB, 4/26 Houston ANy, RBW, DBz. All north reports: 4/30 Crow Wing JSB, 5/4 Marshall PEB, 5/13 Norman TCL, 5/23 Marshall CCr. High count 5/1 Houston (9) ANy. Late south 5/15 Olmsted JPr, 5/16 Dakota RaM and Rice LEC (median 5/19).
2013Fall211 All north 8/18 Becker DLP, 8/28 Marshall (2) JLK. Early south (median 8/1) 8/7 Big Stone DLP, 9/8 Freeborn DBz. High counts 10/17 Sherburne (20, Sherburne N.W.R.) PLJ, 10/19 Jackson (19) ANy. Late south 10/20 Big Stone DLP, Hennepin PEJ, and then only reports from Sherburne through 11/1 (3, Sherburne N.W.R.) PLJ (median 10/25).
2014Spring311Early south (median 4/24) 4/19 Lac qui Parle PEJ, DFN, 4/20 Dakota JHh, EzH, 4/21 Lyon (Sham Lake) GWe. All north 4/20 Otter Tail LS, 5/9 Itasca SC, 5/17 Morrison MJB, FGo. High counts 5/7 Lac qui Parle (12, Salt Lake, Minnesota side) BMc, 5/11 Wabasha (10, Upper Mississippi River N.W.F.R., Pool 4) LHl. Late south 5/16 Olmsted (6) CRM, m.ob., 5/17 Stearns RZi, 5/25 Goodhue JSP (median 5/19).
2014Fall111 Only north report 9/30 Wadena (4, Thomastown Twp.) PJB. Early south (median 8/1) 8/20 Rice DAT, 9/2 Nobles HHD, 9/14 Yellow Medicine KMS. High counts 9/29 Hennepin (70, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Bass Ponds) CMB, 10/12 Hennepin (40) CMB. Late south 10/23 Dakota RMD, (14, Lake Byllesby) ADS, 10/25 Sibley BAb (median 10/25).
2015Spring413 Early south (median 4/24) 4/17 Dakota (2) DVe, Stearns HHD. Early north 4/18 Marshall BSi, 5/1 Becker HHD, RAE. High count 5/2 Yellow Medicine (max. 81, Miller Lake) SBM, PCC. Late south 5/22 Jackson (2) KJB, Stearns (2) PCC, 5/26 Brown (Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) †KJB (median 5/19). Late north 5/10 Cass (2) ABi, 5/24 Crow Wing ph. EGa.
2015Fall513 Early north 8/21–29 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) KRE, m.ob., 9/3 Lake of the Woods CRM, m.ob. Early south (median 8/7) 8/23–25 Stevens KRE, m.ob., 9/16 Stearns (3) DPG, 9/21 Renville (Bird Island W.T.P.) HHD. High counts 9/24 Dakota (15) LEC, 10/17 Redwood (15) BTS. Late north 9/7 Koochiching HHD, Lake of the Woods KRE, m.ob., 10/1 Becker RAE. Late south 10/21–22 Dodge RBW, m.ob., 10/19–23 Brown (Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) BTS, 10/27 Yellow Medicine (2, Spellman Lake) GWe (median 10/26).
2016Spring224 Early south (median 4/19) 4/1 Scott JLO, 4/15 Yellow Medicine GWe, 4/17 Chippewa WCM, Rice DAT. All north 5/16 St. Louis (9, Meadowlands W.T.P.) TPM, 5/19 Marshall CCr, 5/22 St. Louis (Duluth) ClN, JPR. High counts 4/24 Yellow Medicine (30, Miedd Lake) GWe, 4/24 Lac qui Parle (21, Salt Lake) KeL. Late south from six counties on 5/16, then 5/17 Pipestone HHD, Stearns DOr (median 5/19).
2016Fall414 Early north 8/11 St. Louis RHg, 9/5 Marshall (identified by call) KRE, m.ob. Late north 9/12 Traverse (3) KnM, 9/13 Grant RAE. Early south (median 8/7) 9/7 Stearns HHD, 9/9 Kandiyohi (2) JWd. High count 9/13 Yellow Medicine (73, Miedd Lake, vocalized) GWe. Late south 10/16 Blue Earth APi, ChH, Carver (6) RHe, Yellow Medicine (14) JLf, 10/18 Blue Earth (38) WCM (median 10/27).
2017Spring519 Early south (median 4/18) 4/8, 4/13 Lyon GWe, 4/23 Scott JEB. Early north 4/15 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) DWK, LiH, 4/20 Itasca SC, 4/21 Grant (Herman W.T.P.) †CRM, JMs, NaH. High counts 4/29 Lac qui Parle (12, 2/0th Street just east of C.R. 7) DOr, 5/8 Grant (12, North Ottawa Twp.) WPl. Late north 5/20 Becker FGo, 5/20–22 Koochiching CRM, RAE, HHD. Late south 5/16 Ramsey REH, Scott BHe, RiC, 5/17 Carver (7) DGu, 5/18 Olmsted (6) JoP (median 5/19).
2017Fall612 Early north (median 8/16) 8/5 Grant HHD, 8/10 Marshall HHD, RAE. Early south (median 8/7) 8/10 Carver (New Germany Area; gray-toned bird, sharp juvenile plumage with solid, unmarked tertials) WCM, 9/10 Stearns HHD. High count 10/8 Grant (132, North Ottawa Impoundment; counted individually) HCT. Late north 10/20 Grant MO, 10/24 Polk (4) HCT (median 10/16). Late south 10/14 Redwood BTS, 10/31 Sherburne PLJ, (median 10/27).
2018Spring625 Early south (median 4/18) 4/22 Lyon (2, southwest of Cottonwood) GWe, 4/24 Lyon (2, Black Rush Lake W.P.A.) RJS, 4/30 Lyon (24, Lone Tree Lake) GWe, Waseca RAE. Early north (median 5/6) 4/30 Wadena ANy, 5/1–5 Morrison (max. 4) FGo, m.ob., 5/2 Todd TLu. High counts 5/1 Carver (68, total from two locations along S.R. 25) ANy, JWZ, 5/3 Cottonwood (55, Talcot Lake State W.M.A.) LHl. Late south 5/16 McLeod BHa, 5/19 Kandiyohi (2) JWd, 5/22 Stevens RAE (median 5/19). Late north 5/14–15 Morrison FGo, 5/17 Grant (3) ebd, m.ob.
2018Fall311 Early north (median 8/16) 8/20 Marshall ebd, 9/16 Cook ebd. Early south (median 8/10) 9/2 Lyon IVa, 9/8 Carver (2) FFa, m.ob., 9/29 Murray (3) KEm, JWH. Late north 9/30 Grant (40, season high count, North Ottawa Impoundment) CRa, 10/5 Grant (2) JCJ, SAu. Late south 10/20 Big Stone DLP, Cottonwood NMe, m.ob., 10/21 Nicollet ChH (median 10/27).
2019Summer1 See insufficiently documented reports (The Loon 89:160–161).
 Migrant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.