Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Caracaras, Falcons
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Caracaras, Falcons
Crested Caracara
American Kestrel
[Merlin (Taiga)]
[Merlin (Prairie)]
[Merlin (Black)]
Peregrine Falcon
Prairie Falcon

Peregrine Falcon(Falco peregrinus)
1940SummerJames and Dana Struthers saw 2 young in a nest in Hous­ton Co. on June I.
1945WinterOne, St. Paul, December 13, 1941, (Harrell 'l.nd Longley).
1961Springreported by Ray Naddy on 31 March at Duluth. R. Grant saw two near Frontenac on 20 April and one at Salt Lake on 5 May. 
1961SummerWilliam Pieper observed this species stoop and take a Yellowlegs on 21 August near Redwing, Goodhue County. t
1961FallLast report was 25 Sep. at Duluth by Jan Green. 
1962SpringApril 7 Minneapolis, Bob Janssen; April 28 Lake Benton, Lincoln Co., Avifauna! Club; April 29 Heron Lake, Jackson Co., Avifauna! Club; May 24 Duluth, Janet C. Green. 
1962SummerAug., Whitewater State Park, 2 young banded, Marius Morse. 
1962FallSept. 14-26, Duluth, to Two Harbors, total of 6 seen, P. B. Hofslund, Janet C. Green and Dr. Gerald Church.
1963SpringMarch 23, Washington County, A. C. Rosenwinkel; April 28, La Crescent, Houston County, Avifaunal Club; May 7, Mud Lake, Traverse County, R Grant; June 7, Minneapolis, R. Janssen. 
1963SummerHennepin Co., Minneapolis, June 7, 1 ad seen, R. B. Janssen; could have been breeding on ledge of tall building in city? 
1963Falllatest Nov. 2, Nicollet Co., Avifauna! Club; Nov. 19, Hennepin Co., Mpls. Audubon Society. 
1964Spring3-17 Marshall Co, 1, and 2 on 5-18, DLO; 4-3 Ramsey Co, ELC; 4-11 Stearns Co, RPR; 4-16 Big Stone Co, ELC; 4-27 Warroad, JR; 5-31 Wright Co, EC.
1964Summerlatest spring dates, 5-2, Stevens Co, RAG; 5-31, Lac qui Parle Co, RAG; first fall date, 8-31, Ramsey Co, RLH.
1964Fall9-10 Duluth, PBH; 9-13 Schroeder, Cook Co, 6, MAF; 9-15 Glenwood, Pope Co, RAG; 9-25 Roseau Co, JLR, PEB; 10-3 St. Louis Co, JWG; in view of this bird's recent disappearance in the east, these reports are encouraging. 
1965Fall9-8 Schroeder, Cook Co, 1, JCG; 9-11 (1), 10-3 (1) and 10-11 (1), Warroad, JLR, PEE; 9-22 Hennepin Co, RDT; 9-22(1), 9-23(2), 9-25(1) and 10-22 (1), Collegeville, RPR; 9-24 Little Marais, 2 and Carlton Peak, 1, JCG; 10-3 Duluth, 1, HFH, RLH; 10-24 Sherburne Co, 1, NMH. Number of reports is encouraging. 
1966Spring3-20 Hennepin Co, TEM; 4-5 Hennepin Co, 1, MHM; 5-6 Agassiz Refuge, 1, DLO; 5-7 Dakota Co, 1, BL, and Washington Co, EMB; 5-15 Hennepin Co, EMB.
1966Fall9-4 Stevens Co., 1, JAH; 9-4 Washington Co., 1, RBJ; 9-5 Cook Co., AEA.
1967Spring5-2 Sterns Co., 1, RPR; 5-6 Watonwan Co., 1, DB, EHH; 5-9 Marshall Co., 1, A WR; 5-12 Marsha!J Co., 2, AWR; 5-20 Aitkin Co., 1, RHJ; 5-20 Marshall Co., 2, A WR. 
1967Fall 8-30 Duluth, 1, PBH; 9-11 Stearns Co., 1, KE; 9-16 Big Stone Co., 1, JAH; 10-8 Stearns Co., 1, KE.
1968Spring 3-17 Ft. Snelling, Hennepin Co., 1 photographed, EMB; 3-27 Stearns Co., KE; 4-9 Traverse Co., 1 imm, JAH; 5-18 St.Paul, 1, BL.
1968Fall9-24 and 9-26 Duluth MC.
1969Spring4-15 Duluth, J. Brandenberg, fide JCG; 5-2 Winona Co., BT.
1969Fall8-25 Duluth MC and PBH; 9-9 Duluth 5 MC and PBH; 9-20 Duluth BL and DB; 10-5, 10-9, 10-19 Duluth JCG, PBH, and MC; 10- 26 St. Louis JCG; 11-21 Duluth 2 seen by J. Brandenberg; 10-6 Lyon KE and PE; 10-30 Hennepin WKE.
1969Winter12-23 Duluth MMC. 
1970Springnot a very encouraging year for this vanishing species; only report 5-28 Duluth MMC. 
1970Fall9-11 to 9-27 Duluth (8) MMC, PH; only other report 9-26 Crow Wing ]B. 
1971Spring5 reports this year as compared to only one last spring: 3-28 Hennepin KJG, 4-24 WDM; 4-27 Marshall AR; 5-l Marshall (3) AR; 5-2 Sherburne RLD. 
1971Summer7-1 Dakota FN, only report. 
1971Fall4 report<: 8-11 Sherburne BD; 9-21 Dul•tth MMC, JG; 9-23 Marshall AR; 10-2 Crow Wing TS. 
1972Winter2-15 Sherburne SRS; 2-24 Dakota WHL.
1973Fall Fewer reports than last year; for example, only one was seen at Hawk Ridge in Duluth, where 11 were seen last year. Seen on 9-23 St. Louis (JAB); 9-30 Rock (KRE); 10-1 Becker (BDC).
1974Spring Only 4 reports this year: 4-10 (2), 5-7 (1) Marshall AR; 5-7 St. Louis (1) UMD, GJN; 5-19 Stearns (1) RBJ. Winter 1974
1974Fall 9-21 Le Sueur GR; 9-18 Hennepin ES; 9-28 Clay KBZ; 10-5 Clay, Mary Wyatt; 11-6 Clay KBZ; 11-8 Clearwater KE; 9-14 to 10-11 Duluth, Hawk Ridge (8).
1975Spring Only 2 reports this year: 4-7 Carver (1) EPRD, JJW; 4-13 Hennepin (1) CLH.
1975Fall9-21 Duluth WL; 10-23 Marshall Joe Kotok; 9·8 to 10-8 Duluth Hawk Ridge (12) with an amazing (5) on 9-29; 10-1 Crow Wing NMH.
1976Spring 7 reports 4-3 Goodhue BL; 4-8 Hennepin Karol Gresser; 4-16 Aitkin JB; 5-1, 5-2, 5-8, 5-11 Marshall AWR.
1976Fall 5 reports: from 9-12 to 10-10 Duluth (25) MK, 9-25 Hennepin OJ, 10-22 St. Louis ES, 10-23 Aitkin N. Jackson, 11-13 Duluth P. Hofslund.
1977Spring 5 reports: 4-23 Lac qui Parle CB, LH; 5-5 Marshall SVA; 5-6 Goodhue DB and Dakota JG; 5-28 Mahnomen BE.
1977Fall 8-13 Duluth (JG), 8-17 Lake of the Woods (BE), plus five sightings at Hawk Ridge.
1978Spring 4-5, 6 & 7; 5-5, 8 Marshall SV; 4-22 Hennepin ES; 5-11 Morrison NH.
1978SummerDuluth Hawk Ridge total 8; also 10-2 Anoka KL and 10-8 Marshall ANWR.
1978FallDuluth Hawk Ridge total 8; also 10-2 Anoka KL and 10-8 Marshall ANWR.
1979Spring Early March St. Louis fide KE, 4-2 Ramsey DNR, 4-19 Ramsey FKB, 4-26 Marshall ANWR, 5-6 Otter Tail GMO, SM, 5-21 St. Louis KE.
1979Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge total 14. 8-26 Lac qui Parle CMB, 8-29 Marshall JM, 9-1 Otter Tail SM, 9-7 Lake SW, 9-16 Becker TNWR, 9-18 Lac qui Parle CMB, 9-20 Winona John and Ann Peterson fide FL, 9-29 Stearns NH, 10-14 Lyon HK.
1980Spring 3-22 Sherburne JH, 4-11 St. Louis DA, 4-21 Itasca TL, 4-22 Otter Tail SM, 4-26 Lac qui Parle ES, 5-5 Marshall ANWR, 5-9 Otter Tail GMO, 5-11 Anoka RBA, 5-28 St. Louis DA.
1980Fall Hawk Ridge total 15 (last year 14); 8-22 Lyon HK, 8-30 St. Louis JG, 9-5 Cook KMH, 9-9 Lake of the Woods D. Struthers, 9-19 Nicollet JCF, 9-24 Otter Tail REA, 9-25 Hennepin REA, Duluth KE, 9-26 Polk KSS, 9-27 Anoka REA, Duluth KJ, 9-30 Anoka GP, 11-11 Anoka REA, 10-14 Anoka, one found dead, probably shot, J. Wolfe.
1981Spring 3-30 Hennepin RJ, 4-11 Otter Tail GMO, 5-12 Itasca TL, only reports.
1981Summer Single birds on 6-3 Minn. Pt., Duluth (JPI AM) and 6-25 Nobles (Loon 53:219).
1981Fall Hawk Ridge total12 (1980:15); early south 8-7 Hennepin Dana Struthers, 8-14 Ramsey RBA, 9-7 Dakota MW; late north 9-29 Cook KMH, 10-11 St. Louis KE, 11-6 Clay LCF; late south 11-28 Dakota JD, 11-29 Wabasha OJ. Other reports from Anoka KL, Crow Wing JB, Itasca RG, RJ, Kandiyohi RBA.
1982Spring Early south 4-5 Ramsey KL; early north 4-28 Crow Wing fide KE, 4-29 Marshall ANWR, 5-3 Otter Tail SDM; late south 5-25 Washington BL.
1982Summer One adult on 6/6 Dakota (JD).
1982Fall Hawk Ridge count: 23 (1982: 12). Late north 10/15 Hawk Ridge, 10/17 Wilkin JB, LC, BL, GS; south 9/10, 25, 10/2 Fillmore FL. Other reports 9/24 Marshall JM and 9/29 Marshall KSS.
1983Spring South 4/8 Ramsey AM/JP, 5/4 Dakota JD, 5/14 Steams EC; early north 4/27 Marshall ANWR, Lake of the Woods TW, 4/30 Cook KMH; also reported returning to hacking site in Wabasha County where released last year.
1983Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count 28, second highest total (1982: 23); late north I018 Cook RG, I0114 Duluth JSP; late south I01 15 Chippewa AB, 1/15 Washington RH; peak 10/2 Hawk Ridge.
1983Winter Reported from Dakota County, 1-19 (JPAM).
1984Spring Early south 4/2 Washington JP/AM, 4/18 Dakota JD, 5!5 Hennepin OJ, Steams PL; early north 4/29 Aitkin JB, WN, 4/30 Marshall ANWR, 5/6 Morrison DB; now reported from six counties south, eight counties north.
1984Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 33, second highest total ( 1983: 28); late north 9/27 Marshall ANWR, 10/20 Pine TI, 11/3-4 Duluth KE; late south 10/23 Anoka SC.
1984Winter A banded immature, possibly from the Tofte Release Site, overwintered in Duluth (mob). 
1985Spring Overwintered in Duluth, last report 5/15 fide KE; early south 4/18 Goodhue JD, SIS Sherburne KB; early north 4/21 Carlton AB, DB, 4/22 Marshall ANWR, 4/29 Clearwater, Polk RJ.
1985Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 27 (1984: 33), 10 counted 9/21. Late north 10/1 Cook KMH, 10/4 Hawk Ridge, 10/6 Clay LCF; late south 10/9 Sherburne RJ, 10/15 Wabasha WDM, 10/18 Ramsey KB.
1985Winter One overwintered in the Duluth Harbor (mob). A Dakota report 1/1 (VL) needs de tails.
1986Spring Early south 4/25 Dakota JD, 4/26 Lac qui Parle DB, TBB, Washington SSt; early north 5/1 Marshall ANWR, 5/11 St. Louis SSt, 5/18 Otter Tail RJ; reported from 14 counties.
1986Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 21 ( 1985: 27); late north 10/19 Cook TM, late south 10/6 Sherburne 00/SS, 10/13 HennepinSC, 11/22 Ramsey TTu.
1986Winter Reported without details from Mpls. on 2/3 (KB).
1987Spring Early south 3/22 Scott KR, 4/6 Dakota JD, 4/7 Ramsey TI; early north 4/18 Clearwater AB, 4/29 Lake of the Woods GS, 4/30 Marshall ANWR; reported from 11 counties, 14 locations, with successful nesting atop Multifoods Building, downtown Minneapolis.
1987Summer Two previously released birds nested in Hennepin, successfully fledging one young from the Multifoods Tower in Minneapolis.
1987Fall Duluth Hawk Ridge count: 11 (1986:27), lowest in 10 years; late north 10/1 Duluth PP, KE, 10/4 Cook WP, 10/25 Clay LCF; late south 9/27 Anoka RH, 10/17 Chippewa RG,RJ, 11/6 Ramsey TI.
1987Winter Two reports: St. Paul on 12/3 (TT) and Hennepin l/10 (ETS).
1988Spring Early south 3/17 WabashaAP, 3/18 Ramsey DZ, 3/23 Olmsted RC; early north 4/17 Lake AP, 5/2 Marshall ANWR, 5/8 OtterTail SDM; 23 sightings reported from 15 counties.
1988Summer Reintroductions are succeeding; nested in Hennepin (Minneapolis), and at Palisade Head, Lake Co. (two young successfully fledged, m.ob.). Also seen regularly at NSP King Plant, Washington Co. (The Loon 60:138).
1988Fall Hawk Ridge count: 29, including 18 on 9/30; late north 10/13 Cook KMH, 10/15 Duluth HR, 10/23 Clay LCF; late south 9/25 Watonwan AB, 11/6 Dakota JD, 11/18 Hennepin SC.
1988Winter Reported in Duluth 11/4 fide KE, downtown Minneapolis 12/2-2/20 m.ob., Olmsted 12/27 JB and Winona 1/7, 22 JD.
1989Spring Early south 3/27 Dakota JD, Goodhue/ Dakota AP; 4/8 Lac qui Parle RG, 4/16 Washington JD; early north 4/19 Duluth KC, 4/26 Otter Tail SDM, 4/30 Aitkin WN.
1989Summer Report from Midwest Peregrine Falcon Restoration Project, P. Redig, H. Tordoff, is exhilarating. Successful breeding in Hennepin, Multifoods Tower, Minneapolis, four fledged ; Ramsey, North Central Life Tower, St. Paul, four fledged; Lake, Palisade Head, one fledged; probable breeding success near Mt. LeVeaux, Cook Co., one or more believed fledged. Non-breeding territorial pairs at Control Data Headquarters, Bloomington, Hennepin Co.; near Finland, Lake Co; and at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Olmsted Co., Also single territorial males at the King Power Plant at Bayport, Washington Co.; a St. Paul apartment tower, Ramsey Co.; and Hill Annex Mine, Itasca Co.
1989Fall Hawk Ridge count: 53, a new record high; late north 101 I 0 Cook fide OSL, 10/11 Duluth HR, 10/24 Marshall RJ; late south 10/16 Sherburne SWR, 11/11 Ramsey RH.
1989Winter One overwintered in Duluth. Also found in Hennepin and on the St. Paul CBC.
1990Spring Early south 4/12 Sherburne SNWR, 4/16 Olmsted AP, 51 I Chisago JD; early north 4/8 Clay LCF, 4/13 Becker RJ, 4/22 Marshall DJ. (See The Loon 62:117 for spring records in Otter Tail County).
1990Summer Once again, good news; report from Midwest Peregrine Falcon Restoration Project (P. Redig, H. Tordoff) indicates increased breeding activity throughout Midwest. Successful nesting in Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington, Lake; probable breeding in Cook. Non-breeding territorial pair in Duluth, single territorial birds in Itasca, Olmsted. Also seen in Anoka WL, Aitkin WN.
1990Fall Hawk Ridge count: 18; late north 10/13 Polk DS, 10/22 Cook AB, 11/3 St. Louis mob.; late south 9/27 Ramsey RJ, 10/6 Winona CS, 11/19 Hennepin SC.
1990Winter Overwintered in Duluth and Hennepin. Also found on the Rochester CBC and in Ramsey 12/15 (fide SC).
1991Summer Egg-producing pairs in Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington, Lake, Cook, St. Louis; additional non-breeding pairs in Hennepin, St. Louis, Olmsted (see The Loon 63:191-193 for nesting summary). Also seen in Dakota, Stearns.
1991Fall Hawk Ridge count: 28; late north 9/27 Cook KMH, 9/28 Wilkin PB, 10/27 Hawk Ridge; late south 10/10 Olmsted AP, 10/12 Hennepin DZ, 10/30 Sherburne DO.
1991Winter Probably overwintered in the Twin Cities area with reports from Hennepin 1/7 TT & 2/3 KB, Ramsey 12/8, 14, &17 mob, and Dakota 12/17 RJ & 12/19 DC. Also reported from the Fairmont and Rochester CBC's.
1992Spring Early south 3/13 Olmsted JB, 3/25 Sherburne DO, 4/25 Lac qui Parle DB; early north 3/29 St. Louis BBo, 4/2 Clearwater DJ, 5/14 Becker BBe; reported from 10 additional counties.
1992Summer Report from Midwest Peregrine Falcon Restoration Project (P. Redig, H. Tordoff) indicates continued increases in breeding activity, and a sharp rise in fledging success (18 young were fledged from the Twin Cities metro area alone!). Successful nesting in Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington, Olmsted, Sherburne, St. Louis, Lake; single territorial adults seen in Dakota, Itasca.
1992Fall Hawk Ridge count: 71, a new high. Late north 9/25 Lake DPV, 9/27 Becker BBe, 9/30 Duluth PS; late south 9/27 Houston FL, 9/29 Le Sueur RJ, 11/6 Hennepin JF.
1992Winter Overwintered in the Twin Cities in Hennepin mob, plus observations in Ramsey mob and 1/4 Dakota KB. Also reported on the Rochester (2) CBC, and in Duluth harbor in Jan. and Feb. fide KE.
1993Spring Early south 3/1 Ramsey KB, 3/3 Hennepin TBr, 4/24 Carver DM. Early north 3/29 Duluth mob, 4/25 Aitkin WN. Reported from a total of 20 counties!
1993Summer Nested in Ramsey; also observed in Rice, Hennepin, St. Louis.
1993Fall Hawk Ridge count: 67. Late north 10/2 Otter Tail SDM, 10/8 Roseau PS, 10/9 Duluth PB. Late south 9/22 Hennepin SK, Winona CS, 9/24 Watonwan RJ, 10/5 Ramsey RH.
1993Winter Reported from the Twin Cities area in Hennepin and Ramsey, plus an unusual report 2/19 Becker fide BBe, the first report in northern MN in winter.
1994Spring Early south 3/3 Ramsey KB, 3/10 Hennepin RB, 3/14 Wright DO; early north 3/3 Becker BBe, 3/15 Duluth KE, 3/27 Lake MH; reported from 16 south and ten north counties.
1994Summer Nested in St. Louis; also observed in Hennepin, Ramsey, Dakota, Rice, Brown, 6/12 Marshall SKS.
1994Fall Hawk Ridge count: 50, down 30%. Late north 9/25 Aitkin AB and Pennington KB, 9/26 Lake of the Woods KB, 10/18 Hawk Ridge. Late south 10/3 Dakota RG, 11/4 Ramsey RH, 11/30 Hennepin SC.
1994Winter Birds from the reintroduction program reported as usual from the Twin Cities area in Hennepin, Ramsey and Washington (Bayport), and in Rochester, Olmsted Co. CK where overwintered.
1995Spring Overwintered Ramsey KB and Hennepin TT; early south 3/10 Olmsted CK, 3/15 Dakota PJ, 3/19 Martin BB; early north 4/16 Traverse PJ, 4/19 St. Louis TW, 4/30 Clearwater DJ. Minimum total of 23 birds from 17 counties.
1995Summer Report from Midwest Peregrine Falcon Restoration Project (P. Redig, H. Tordoff) indicates increased breeding in state. Nested in Itasca, Wright DO, Dakota, Winona, Lake, Cook, Sherburne, Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington, Olmsted; plus observations in Becker, Otter Tail, McLeod.
1995Fall Reported from Becker (2), Beltrami, Carlton, Carver (2–3), Chisago, Dakota (2), Hennepin, Otter Tail, Rice, and St. Louis counties.
1995Winter Reintroduced birds overwintered at population centers in Ramsey, Hennepin, Washington and Olmsted.
1996Spring Overwintered and reported in 17 counties.
1996Summer Report from Midwest Peregrine Restoration Project indicates continued breeding success. Nested in Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Sherburne, Wright, Hennepin, Washington, Ramsey, Dakota, Olmsted; probable nesting in Stearns, Goodhue. Also seen in Anoka, Rice.
1996Fall Reported from these non-metro counties: Aitkin (2), Brown, Clay (2), Clearwater, Kanabec, Lac qui Parle, Martin, McLeod, Otter Tail (2–3), Pennington, Rice, Roseau, Wilkin, Winona, Yellow Medicine. One was observed taking a Bonaparte's Gull, 9/30 Roseau PS.
1996Winter Reintroduced birds overwintered at population centers in Ramsey, Hennepin, and Olmsted. Also reported 12/2 Duluth (?), St. Louis Co. fide KE. The report in February from Becker Co. needs details.
1997Spring Some birds overwintered. Reported from 16 counties. Early north 3/14 St. Louis ME, 3/17 St. Louis TW, 3/23 Morrison MJ/DT.
1997Summer Many reports, similar to previous two years. Observed in 13 counties; new nesting records in Stearns and Goodhue (Midwest Peregrine Restoration Project).
1997Fall Twenty-five reports from scattered locations; plus record season at HRNR (111) including a record daily count on 9/29 (21) FN et al.
1997Winter Reported from Dakota, Hennepin, Olmsted, Ramsey and Washington.
1998Spring Reported from 16 counties. Early north 3/23 St. Louis mob (twelve-year median early date north 4/17).
1998Summer Similar breeding distribution as in previous few years. Confirmed nesting in 12 counties, probable nesting in Olmsted (Midwest Peregrine Restoration Project); also observed in Aitkin.
1998Fall Reported from 14 counties. All north reports: Marshall, Becker, Pine, St. Louis.
1998Winter Overwintered in St. Louis (Duluth), Hennepin, Ramsey and Dakota.
1999Spring Reported from 18 counties (16 last spring). Most reports were from the Twin Cities area, but the northwest region had Peregrines in four counties: Clay, Polk, Marshall, Roseau. One was hunting at a Sharp-tailed Grouse lek 4/29 Aitkin CB, WN.
1999Summer Breeding evidence reported in 11 counties (Midwest Peregrine Restoration Project); also observed in St. Louis, Olmsted.
1999Fall Reported from six north and six south counties. Early migrants north and south: 8/30 Marshall JJ and 8/29 Big Stone fide KE, respectively. Late north 11/15 Becker BBe. Late south 10/3 Lincoln RgS, but see winter report.
1999Winter Reported from Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, St. Louis, Wabasha, and Washington. Most unusual was the report of overwintering at Duluth.
2000Spring Seen in 14 south but only 5 north counties. Early south migrant (away from Twin Cities area) 3/8 Freeborn ABa. Early north (excluding city of Duluth, St. Louis Co.) 4/17 Traverse RJ; also seen in Otter Tail, Becker, Marshall, and St. Louis. At least 10 reports 5/9–17 in southwest and central regions suggest timing for migration in the south.
2000Summer The breeding population continues to expand, producing a record high number of reports. In addition to the nesting records shown in the map, observed in Marshall, Otter Tail, Big Stone, Anoka, Scott.
2000Fall Observed in 7 north and 10 south counties. Early north migrants 8/26 St. Louis HRNR, 8/28 Clay GEN. Early south 9/8 Lac qui Parle BEO. Late north 10/5 Cook KMH, 10/14 Cook PHS. Late south 10/29 Kandiyohi ABo, 11/8 Rice JGL. See winter report for over-wintering birds.
2000Winter Seen in Dakota, Hennepin, Olmsted, Ramsey, St. Louis, and Wabasha.
2001Spring Seen in 16 south and 14 north counties statewide. Seasonal totals six at Hastings-Prescott Bird Count (KJB) and seven at West Skyline Hawkwatch in Duluth (FJN); also see Table 1. Early north (excluding Duluth, where overwintered) 4/13 Otter Tail SPM, DKM, 4/17 Cass MRN. Peak influx 5/4–12 in six north counties.
2001Summer Reported in 11 eastern counties. Note that a pair nested in Fargo, North Dakota fide BAB.
2001Fall Reported from only four north and seven south counties. Early north (away from known breeding locations) 9/18–19 Becker fide BAB; all other north reports from Northeast. Early south (away from Twin Cities area) 8/7 Houston FZL, 9/2 Swift PHS. Late north 10/13 Lake RJS. Late south 11/23 Waseca JEZ, also see winter report.
2001Winter Seen in St. Louis, Stearns, Hennepin, Ramsey and Dakota.
2002Spring Seen in 17 south and 14 north counties in all regions. Early south (away from Twin Cities) 4/3 Freeborn AEB, 4/9 Sherburne PLJ. Early north 3/18 St. Louis FJN, DSC, 3/29 Lake of the Woods GMM, JMF. Probable migrants still present 5/25 Kandiyohi RSF, 5/28 Meeker DMF. Twelve reports in May from Northwest and West-central regions; late north (away from North Shore of L. Superior) 5/19 Pennington JMJ, 5/26 Marshall m.ob. and Roseau MSS.
2002Summer Midwest Peregrine Restoration Project reports 32 territorial pairs in Minnesota fledged 60 young — population may be approaching stability in the Midwest (144 pairs, 284 young fledged). Breeding evidence found in 13 counties (see map), plus observations in Marshall, Stearns; new nesting record in Wabasha (Midwest Peregrine Restoration Project).
2002Fall Reported from 5 north and 14 south counties. Early north (away from known nesting locations) 8/4 Roseau (adult) PHS, 9/7 Mahnomen JJS, also see Table 1. Early south (away from Twin Cities area) 8/10 Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) KRE et al., 8/18 Nicollet MJF. Late north 10/26 Wilkin PHS, 11/3 Lake JWL, but also see winter report.
2002Winter Reported from St. Louis, Hennepin, Ramsey and Dakota counties.
2003Spring Seen in 13 south and 8 north counties in all regions. Early south (away from Twin Cities area) 3/16 Stearns DRu, 3/20 Houston FZL. Early north 3/31 Becker SAS, 4/2 Cook fide DRB. Probable late south migrants 5/11 Cottonwood BSm, 5/12 Meeker (2) DMF. Late north (away from known breeding areas) 5/11 Otter Tail SPM, DKM, 5/31 Traverse (Mud L.) KJB.
2003Summer Midwest Peregrine Falcon Restoration Project reports 36 territorial pairs and 67 young fledged; nested in 13 counties (see map) plus observations in Stearns, Olmsted.
2003Fall Reported from 9 north and 16 south counties. Numbers down at H.R.N.R., Duluth (Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve 2003 Annual Report). Early north 9/11 Clay (presumably not from nesting location at Fargo, North Dakota) RHO, 9/14 Crow Wing MRN. Early south (away from Twin Cities area) 8/2 Lac qui Parle PCC, 8/5 Sherburne PLJ. Late north 11/2 St. Louis (Duluth) FJN, DSC, but also see winter report.
2003Winter Reported from typical overwintering locations in St. Louis, Olmsted, Hennepin, Ramsey and Dakota, plus 12/28 Steele fide NFT.
2004Spring Reported from 22 south and 11 north counties. Numbers up in western regions, including a dozen or more individuals in Big Stone/Lac qui Parle counties between 4/24 SWe and 5/24 BJU, plus multiple reports in Otter Tail County and at Agassiz N.W.R., reflecting this species' continuing success as a result of the Midwest Peregrine Restoration Program. Early south (away from known breeding areas) 3/30 Rice TFB; 3/10 Steele NFT probably overwintered. Early north 3/6 St. Louis (Virginia, overwintered?) †SLF, 3/13 Pine JMP. More reports than usual in Lake, including adult eating American Wigeon 3/31 JWL. One caught a Pectoral Sandpiper at L. Byllesby 4/17 Dakota JPM. Please see Table 1 for data from W.S.H.C. Late south 5/20 Rock JJS and Yellow Medicine WCM, 5/22 (2) & 5/24 Lac qui Parle BJU.
2004Summer Observed in 5 north and 12 south counties.
2004Fall Reported from only 5 north and 11 south counties, but above-average total of 100 at H.R.B.O.. Early north 8/13 Koochiching EEO, 8/17 St. Louis (Embarrass) ALE; also reported from Clay, Itasca, Mahnomen. Probable early south migrants 8/19 Anoka BRL, 8/29 Big Stone JMJ and Carver RMD.
2004Winter Reported from usual sites in St. Louis, Dakota, Hennepin and Ramsey, plus 12/1 Benton HHD, 2/26 Goodhue JEB.
2005Spring Reported from 16 south and 15 north counties in all regions, but only Jackson in Southwest. Early south (away from known breeding areas) 3/14 Benton HHD. Early north 3/18 Lake JWL, 3/19 Crow Wing MRN. First county occurrence 5/8 Norman JEB, RBJ. Late south (away from known breeding areas) 5/10 Nicollet RMD, 5/15 Brown BTS. Also see Table 1.
2005Summer Record-high number of reports: observed in 18 counties in all regions except Northwest, Southwest. First nesting record for Houston (Midwest Peregrine Report).
2005Fall Reported from 11 north and 15 south counties in all regions. Probable early south migrant 8/13 Lac qui Parle BJU.
2005Winter Overwintered St. Louis (adult, Duluth) PHS. Reported from usual sites in Dakota, Hennepin, Houston, Olmsted, Ramsey, Winona. Also seen perched on rollercoaster at Valley Fair amusement park 12/10 Scott DWK.
2006Spring Reported from 25 south counties beginning 3/1 Benton HHD, 3/2 Dakota (probably overwintered) ADS, 3/4 Nicollet RMD and Winona DBz. All north reports away from Duluth and the North Shore: 3/24 St. Louis (Virginia) SLF, 4/27 Polk (Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) TWi, 5/5, 5/17–22 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) m.ob. Late south (away from known nesting locations) 5/18 Renville BJU, 5/23 Faribault BWF. Also see Table 1.
2006Summer Seen in 23 coun-ties, mostly in eastern and central regions, plus Grant.
2006Fall Reported from 7 north and 26 south counties. Early north (away from known breeding locations) 8/19 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) JMJ, 8/22 Crow Wing (Ironton W.T.P.) JSB. Early south (away from known breeding locations) 8/20 Carver DWK, 8/24 Brown BTS.
2006Winter16 Overwintered St. Louis (Duluth, 2 birds 2/12 DSC). Reported 12/16 Winona (Hiawatha Valley CBC) fide WEC. Additional south report away from usual metro area and river sites 12/9 Lac qui Parle (Marietta) BJU.
2007Spring719 All north reports away from North Shore: 4/2 Crow Wing (Brainerd) MRN, 4/23 Cass (10 miles south of Longville) BAW, 4/25, 5/19 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) GT, 5/9 Otter Tail SPM, 5/15 Cass (Walker W.T.P.) BAW. Late south (away from known nesting locations) 5/16 Big Stone BJU and Lac qui Parle SLF, BJU, 5/19 Lac qui Parle and Yellow Medicine BJU.
2007Summer312 Reported from Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Pope, Lac qui Parle, Stearns, Sherburne, Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington, Dakota, Goodhue, Wabasha, Olmsted, Blue Earth. First county breeding record for Blue Earth MPS.
2007Fall519 Last reported north 11/5 Lake CRM, 11/10 St. Louis PEB, but see winter report. Observed south throughout the season.
2007Winter29 Reports away from usual Duluth and Twin Cities sites include: 12/9 Scott (Valleyfair Amusement Park) DWK, 12/15 Fillmore CWG, 1/7 Lac qui Parle (immature, Bellingham) BJU, 2/10 Itasca (large female, Grand Rapids) DAY, 2/24 Wabasha (Read's Landing) DWK. Found also on six CBCs.
2008Spring827 Observed in all regions of the state.
2008Summer415 Reported from all regions except West-central, Southwest.
2008Fall814 High count 9/10 St. Louis (10 at H.R.B.O.) KJB; high count away from Hawk Ridge 9/24 Blue Earth (5) ChH. Last reported north 11/14 St. Louis PHS, but also see winter report.
2008Winter15 All north were from Duluth, St. Louis: 12/18 (2, Port Terminal) PHS, 12/20 (2, Duluth CBC) PHS, 1/1 (Port Terminal) PHS. South reports away from traditional sites 1/29 Hennepin (I-494 and Xerxes Avenue S.), 1/26 Dakota (adult female, 220th St., Farmington) JPM.
2009Spring1326 Early north (median 4/8) 3/6 St. Louis ABL, 3/15 St. Louis SLF, 3/28 Lake (Two Harbors) JWL. High counts 5/18 Olmsted (5, new spring record) CWG, 5/6 St. Louis (3 at W.S.H.C.) KJB.
2009Summer46 Found in all regions except West-central, Southwest. Late spring migrant (non-breeding bird?) 6/2 Lake of the Woods MHK. Potential early fall migrants 7/26 Marshall JMJ, 7/27 Meeker DMF.
2009Fall1115 Record seasonal total of 1/6 at H.R.B.O. KJB. Last reported north 11/22 Marshall JoB. Reported south throughout the season.
2009Winter16 All north reports from Duluth, St. Louis (same bird?): 12/14 (downtown), 12/18 (Duluth harbor) KRE, (Port Terminal) PHS, 12/19 (adult) PHS, 12/28 (Canal Park) KJB, 2/4 (Canal Park) JoC, 2/17 FKB. Only non-metro report south: 1/18–19 MDN Stearns (Frogtown Park, Cold Spring). High counts 12/19 St. Paul (North) CBC (4), Dakota (2, Lilydale Park) SKS.
2010Spring916 Reported south throughout the season. Early north (median 4/8) 3/6 St. Louis (W.S.H.C.) KJB, 4/10 St. Louis ABL, 4/21 Cook SGW.
2010Summer412 Seen in all eastern and central regions, plus Chippewa.
2010Fall923 Last reported north 11/24 Hubbard PBB. Observed south throughout the season.
2010Winter16 All north reports from Duluth in St. Louis: 12/26 Canal Park EGy, 1/8 Duluth harbor KRE, LS. South reports from usual sites in the Twin Cities and Olmsted, and one 1/13 Rice RTe.
2011Spring1524 Early north (median 4/8) 3/27 Clay MM, 4/7 St. Louis (Duluth harbor) JWL. No significant counts.
2011Summer616Found in all eastern and central regions.
2011Fall923 Unusual north report 11/13 St. Louis (Indian Point) JPr. Observed south throughout the season. High count 10/5 St. Louis (11 at H.R.B.O.) KJB.
2011Winter36In addition to north reports from St. Louis where this species frequently overwinters were reports 1/7 Lake ASh and 12/23 Lake of the Woods (Baudette) THe. South reports from the Twin Cities metropolitan area, Olmsted and Winona.
2012Spring1228 Reported south throughout the season. Overwintered in St. Louis (Duluth), early north migrants (median 4/8) 3/18 Lake ANy, 4/7 Grant PEJ, DFN, Traverse PEJ, DFN, 4/21 Marshall SC.
2012Summer414 Found in scattered locations in all regions except Southwest.
2012Fall1324 High count 9/24 St. Louis (6, H.R.N.R.) KJB. Late north (median 10/26) 10/24 St. Louis KJB, 10/31 Aitkin KCR.
2012Winter26 Reports away from the usual Duluth and Twin Cities sites include the following new winter reports: 12/14 Carver JTe, 12/23 Douglas DBM, 2/9 Sherburne DPG, 2/17 Steele SWr.
2013Spring1625 Present south throughout the season. Early north (median 4/8) 3/29 St. Louis (W.S.H.C.) KJB, 3/30 St. Louis (W.S.H.C.) KJB, 4/2 St. Louis (Virginia.) SLF, 4/3 Polk SAu, 4/7 Lake JWL.
2013Summer411 Observed in all eastern and central regions.
2013Fall1021 Record high count 9/30 St. Louis (33, H.R.N.R.) KJB; additional notable tallies 9/26 St. Louis (15, H.R.N.R.) KJB, 9/29 St. Louis (11, H.R.N.R.) KJB. Late north 11/2 St. Louis DWK, 11/15 St. Louis TRK, but also see winter report. Away from St. Louis, last north reports 10/15 Douglas BEc, 10/17 Itasca SC.
2013Winter17 Number of reports consistent with the previous five winters. All north: 12/28 St. Louis SSp, 1/4 St. Louis SC. South reports from Dakota, Hennepin, Meeker (12/13 PRH), Olmsted, Ramsey, Washington, Winona. CBC high count 12/14 St. Paul (North) (5).
2014Spring1832Reported south throughout the season. Early north (median 4/8) 3/23 St. Louis TPW, 3/29 St. Louis ABL, 4/6 Clay PBB, 4/7 Lake JWL.
2014Summer1115Seen in all regions except Southwest. First county breeding record from Carlton MPS.
2014Fall1021 High count 9/28 St. Louis (16, H.R.B.O.) KJB. Very few north records away from the North Shore; in fact, after 9/4 Mille Lacs JnP, KMa, all north reports were from the Northeast region. Last north report 10/15 St. Louis (H.R.B.O.) KJB. All south reports after mid October were from Hennepin, likely from non-migratory birds.
2014Winter16 Found only in St. Louis (1 in Duluth Harbor area), the Twin Cities (reported from multiple locations in each of Hennepin, Ramsey and Dakota), and the Southeast (1 report from each of Olmsted, Winona and Fillmore).
2015Spring1330 Early south migrants (median 3/20) 3/4 Winona CBe, 3/7 Winona JEd, DTr. Early north (median 4/8) 3/23 St. Louis (2) LME, 3/28 St. Louis ClN, AM, 4/8 Lake JWL, 4/10 Itasca SC, EEO.
2015Summer711 Reported from every region except Southwest.
2015Fall921 Highest tallies all from H.R.B.O. in St. Louis (KJB): 17 on 9/27, 11 on 9/20. Continued into the winter season in St. Louis, latest north report elsewhere 11/3 Cook CIN. Seasonal total of 149 at Hawk Ridge (KJB) was the second highest ever.
2015Winter111 Reported from highest number of counties in past ten years with all reports from St. Louis or southern counties. Unusual sightings: 12/5 Benton BWF, CRM, GLa, 12/16 Blue Earth ChH, 12/29 Sherburne PLJ, ToL, 1/13 Stearns DOr. High count 1/29 Ramsey (3, US Bank Building) JLl.
2016Spring1730 Overwintered south, and Duluth in the north. Early south migrants/returnees 3/6 Blue Earth KnM, Dakota BAF, SHF, Washington BAF, SHF (median 3/14). Early north 3/25 Crow Wing JPR, PSP, 3/31 Lake JWL (median 3/23). High counts 3/21 Ramsey (4, US Bank Building) JLl, 4/5 St. Louis (4, W.S.H.C.) ClN.
2016Summer79 Reported from every region except West-central, Southwest. First county breeding record 6/25 Crow Wing MPS.
2016Fall1330 Well represented, seen in 40 counties, a new high for the fall season. High counts 9/22 St. Louis (13) H.R.B.O.
2016Winter19 Observed in about the same number of counties as last year and in typical winter distribution of St. Louis and counties near Mississippi River in the south. Unusual midwinter report: 12/27 Goodhue BAr, 1/18 Scott JEB. High count 2/22 Hennepin (3) REh. CBC high count 12/31 St. Paul (North) (3).
2017Spring1731 Overwintered in the southeast, and Duluth in the north. Early south migrants (median 3/12) 3/11 Houston RBW, 3/16 Blue Earth BHW, 3/17 Nicollet ChH. Early north (median 3/23) 3/20 Lake NCr, 3/23 Cook DFe, 3/25 Lake GSk. High count 5/8 Winona (4, Whitewater S.P.) MBd.
2017Summer1112 Observed in all regions. First county breeding record 6/17 Clay NKu.
2017Fall1633 Reported from 51 counties, a new high for the fall season. New fall records: 10/14 Norman BoA, 10/6 Todd JLK. High counts 9/14 St. Louis (13) H.R.B.O., 9/23 St. Louis (12) H.R.B.O., 9/26 Blue Earth (11) BHW.
2017Winter112 Highest number of reporting counties in past ten years, all from South except regular overwintering birds reported from St. Louis. Notable reports: 12/2 Stearns (Beaver Island Trail) JuW, 12/16 Mankato CBC, 12/23 Goodhue (Red Wing) †LEC, 1/2 Chisago (Interstate S.P.) ClB, 1/19 Yellow Medicine (Posen) †GWe. CBC high counts 12/16 St. Paul (North) (4), 12/16 Duluth (3).
2018Spring1737 Overwintered south, and Duluth in the north. Early south migrants (median 3/12) 3/2 Winona HHD, RAE, 3/3 Goodhue PEJ, 3/4 Nicollet ChH. Early north away from Duluth (median 3/23) 3/5 Itasca MKo, LKo, 3/25 Crow Wing PSP, 3/29 Lake JLK. High counts 3/27 St. Louis (5, W.S.H.C.) FJN, 5/14, 5/16 Sherburne (5) PLJ.
2018Summer717 Observed in scattered locations in all regions except Southwest.
2018Fall1526 High count 9/13 St. Louis (19) H.R.B.O. Late north away from Duluth 11/10 Lake AaL, DFe (median 11/12).
2018Winter110 Similar distribution as previous five years with ten south reporting counties along or near Mississippi River plus regular overwintering birds in St. Louis. Unusual report 12/31 Fillmore (Rushford) ToM. CBC high count 12/15 St. Paul (North) (3).
2019Summer516 Observed in every region except West-central. First county breeding record: 6/28 Nicollet ChH.
 Breeds mostly east. Migrant throughout. State designation: Special Concern.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.