Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Caracaras, Falcons
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Caracaras, Falcons
Crested Caracara
American Kestrel
[Merlin (Taiga)]
[Merlin (Prairie)]
[Merlin (Black)]
Peregrine Falcon
Prairie Falcon

Prairie Falcon(Falco mexicanus)
1962FallDec. 2, White Rock, on Minnesota-South Dakota line, north of Lake Traverse, one studied for 10 minutes at close range, black axillars dearly seen when bird flushed, R. and L. Grant.
1962WinterFeb. 15, in South Dakota near Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co., Minn, one seen on hay stack by Lowry Elliott; another reported on Manitoba Christmas Count at Winnipeg, just north of Kittson Co., Minn.
1974Spring 1 report of this accidental species: 4-12 Blue Mounds State Park, Rock Co. (1) KE.
1974Fall 8-6 Duluth MMC; 9-4 Carlos Avery Game Refuge W. Shively.
1974Winter This casual visitant was reported on 12-14 on the Cottonwood (Lyon Co.) Christmas Count. (P. Egeland).
1975Spring 1 report: 3-21 Clay (1) M. Kohlbry, Dave Evans.
1975Fall10-8 Clay LCF.
1977Fall 8-14 Aitkin (RJ), 9-20 Brownton, McLeod Co. (D. Lindeman), 11-7 Wilkin Rothsay WMA (KE, JG). Large Falcon sp. 8-18 Chippewa (KE, PE); 11-13 Big Stone (CMB).
1978Spring 5-14 Clay (1) GO.
1978Summer Three reports: 9-15 Lac qui Parle CMB, 10-1 Wilkin RJ, 10-21 Otter Tail SM. 
1978Fall Three reports: 9-15 Lac qui Parle CMB, 10-1 Wilkin RJ, 10-21 Otter Tail SM. 
1979Fall 9-2 Roseau Ray Glassel, 9-30 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge) KE, 10-7 Traverse SM, 10-21 Wilkin SM.
1980Spring 4-19 Lake Bill Pieper, Dick Ruhme, 4-27 Washington DS.
1980Fall 8-17 Wilkin SM, 9-3 Clay SM, 9-16 Traverse SM, 10-19 and 29 Wilkin SM.
1980Winter Overwintered (3-4) in the FargoMoorhead area, Clay Co. (D. Evans). Also see the article by Steve Millard, The Loon 53:104-107.
1981Fall 8-29 Willkin, Grant SDM, only report.
1981Winter Reported from Rothsay, Wilkin Co. 12-9 (SDM).
1982Spring 3-14 Wilkin SDM, 5-16 Cottonwood HK.
1982Fall 8/28 Duluth S. Kohlbry, 10/3 Wilkin SDM (2), 10/17 Wilkin JP/AM, 10/22 Traverse KL, I0123 Norman TS, I 0128 Wilkin SDM, !'0/30 Lac qui Parle AM.
1982Winter Three reports from the western regions; Wilkin, 1/5 through 2/22 (SDM, RBJ), Cottonwood 2/6 (L. Rupp) and Rock 2/19 (PKL).
1983Spring 4/20 Clay SDM, 5/3 Lyon HK.
1983Fall 8/11 Otter Tail SDM, 10/1 Pipestone RG, RJ, 10/14 Wilkin JB, 1/16 Wilkin SDM.
1983Winter Overwintered near Lawndale, Wilkin County (SDM).
1984Summer6/23 Felton prairie, Clay Co. (BE).
1984Fall All reports from Otter Tail County; 9/2 SDM, 9/30 SDM, 10/18 DB, OJ.
1984WinterAn individual again overwintered at the
1985Fall All reports from Wilkin County 8/18, 9-8 11/27 SDM, many obs.
1985Winter Again overwintered in Wilkin and reports from Clay on 12/22 and 2/1 (LCF) and Cottonwood 1/28 and 2/8, E. Duerkson.
1986Spring Reported 3/3 Wilkin SDM (4th winter).
1986Fall Reported 10/16-11/16 Wilkin SDM, TTU, 11/6 Grant SDM.
1986Winter Again overwintered at Rothsay in Wilkin County and one in Moorhead, Clay County until 11/1 (LCF).
1987Fall Reported from Wilkin County for the sixth consecutive year, 11/6 KE, 11/22 AB.
1987Winter Again overwintered at the Rothsay WMA, Wilkin County (SDM).
1988Fall 9/4 Clay LCF, 9/6 Hennepin OJ, 9/21-10/23 Otter Tail and Wilkin (7th consecutive year) SDM, also 10/21 Big Stone SDM, 10/26 Olmsted JB ; more reports than usual.
1988Winter One in Hennepin near the International Airport 12/28-31 m.ob. (The Loon 61 :42-43) and in Moorhead, Clay Co. 12/25 SDM.
1989Spring Only reports: 3/18 Clay SDM, 5/5 Olmsted JB. (The Loon 61:153-154).
1989Fall Widespread reports: 8/6 Duluth TW, PE, 8/13 Pennington RJ, AP 8/23 Polk PS, 10/1- 25 Wilkin mob, 10/15 and 29 OtterTail SDM, 10/20 Cottonwood JB, 10/21 Clay KR, 10/4- 18 Hennepin SC, mob.
1989Winter Six reports ; Moorhead, Clay Co. 2/10 LCF; Jackson 2/23 RJ, AP; Fergus Falls, OtterTail Co. 12/16 SDM; Minneapolis, Hennepin Co. 2/25 EL et al. Rock (2) 2/19 ND at Blue Mounds State Park; and in Murray 12/4 & 5 ND.
1990Spring Reported 4/22 Polk DJ, 5/13 Clay MM, 5/20 Clay LCF.
1990Fall Reported 9/20, 10/8, 11/21 Clay PS, SDM, 9/30 OtterTail SDM, 10/23, 28 Wilkin SDM, MO.
1991Spring Reported 4/5 Douglas RB.
1991Summer Only second summer record for state; one bird on 7/24 in Marshall MH/AJ (early migrant?).
1991Fall More reports than usual (The Loon 64:64). Late north 10/12 Norman MO, Kanabec RJ, 10/21 Otter Tail RJ, 10/23 Clay KR; late south 9/8 Pipestone ND, 9/27 Olmsted AP.
1991Winter Three reports in Twin Cities: Hennepin 12/8 AB, Hennepin 12/14 EL (The Loon 64:69), and Dakota 12/21 RH (The Loon 64:70). Also reported from Nobles 12/26 ND and Renville 12/8 HK (The Loon 64:69).
1992Spring Reported 3/3 Clay MM, 4/11 Polk mob, 4/19 Clay LCF.
1992Fall Reported 8/28–10/6 Clay LCF, 9/6 Grant SDM, 10/8–12 Polk PS, 10/14 Wilkin SDM, 10/28 Meeker RG, 11/3 Hennepin AH, 11/22 Clay LCF.
1992Winter Only report 1/1 & 2/7 Clay LCF.
1993Spring Reported 3/21 Wilkin SDM.
1993Fall Reported north: 9/22 Clay SDM, 10/9 Polk MO, 11/6 Hawk Ridge, 11/14 Clay LCF, 11/17 Wilkin SDM. South 8/29 Dakota SK, 10/11–11/30 Hennepin mob.
1993Winter Only reports 12/12 and 2/9 Wilkin SDM.
1994Spring Reported 4/20 Red Lake KSS.
1994Fall Reported 8/6 Roseau AH, PS, 8/13 Cass RG, 10/19 Wilkin AH, 10/23–11/6 Hennepin mob.
1994Winter One noted overwintering at grain elevators near the University of MN campus in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co. BF (The Loon 67:114). Also reported on the Fargo/Moorhead CBC (although the four individuals reported seem unlikely and undoubtedly not all were in MN).
1995Spring Overwintered Hennepin through 3/13 fide AH; also reported 3/23 Norman DM, 4/22 Traverse TBr.
1995Fall Only report 9/28 through November at the Minneapolis Airport, Hennepin Co. ABo, mob.
1995Winter Overwintered at the Minneapolis International Airport, Hennepin Co. mob.
1996Spring Overwintered in Hennepin mob. Only migrant 4/17 Clay CN.
1996Summer Single bird observed 6/18 Norman BBe; plus single bird seen 6/10 Lac qui Parle RJ. These represent the third and fourth summer records for the state.
1996Fall All reports: 8/8 Otter Tail SDM, 8/20 Roseau BSi (found injured, later died), 11/10 St. Louis DEd (The Loon 69:45), 11/29 Ramsey JSe (The Loon 69:44–45).
1996Winter Only report 1/19 Moorhead, Clay Co. CF.
1997Spring Only reports: 3/22 Marshall (Agassiz NWR) JJ, SKS, 4/26 Lac qui Parle mob, 5/20 (ties latest date north) Marshall (Warren lagoons) CMa.
1997Summer Single bird observed 6/8 Clay GK.
1997Fall Only reports: 9/18 Otter Tail SDM, 11/25 Hennepin mob (at least two individuals).
1997Winter Overwintered in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co. mob.
1998Spring No reports.
1998Fall Only reports: 8/16 Clay (Felton Prairie) RO, 10/15+ Hennepin (airport and along Hiawatha Ave.) LE, mob.
1998Winter Reported in February at the Hiawatha Ave. grain elevators, Minneapolis, Hennepin Co. for the second consecutive winter.
1999Spring Overwintered through 3/4 Hennepin mob. Documented reports: 5/5 Lyon RgS, 5/15 Marshall JJ, SKS.
1999Fall All reports 8/2 (second earliest north) Clay (Felton Prairie) PS and St. Louis (Duluth Twp.) JG, 11/13+ Hennepin BF, mob.
1999Winter Overwintered at Hiawatha Avenue grain elevators, Minneapolis, Hennepin Co. for third consecutive winter. Also reported 12/31 Otter Tail SDM and 2/13 Wilkin SDM.
2000Spring No reports.
2000Summer Reported 7/25 Big Stone (near Ortonville) †MT, †MD.
2000Fall No reports.
2000Winter None documented.
2001Spring No reports.
2001Summer Reported 6/9 Wilkin (near Rothsay WMA) †CRG, †SDo et al., 6/23 Wilkin (no location) †CAK.
2001Fall Only reports: 8/26 Rock (Mound Twp.) AXH, PHS, 9/15 Wilkin (Rothsay W.M.A.) MO.
2001Winter Reported without details 12/1 Polk (near Wetland, Pines, and Prairie Audubon Sanctuary) fide BAB.
2002Spring Reported 3/30 Murray (Belfast Twp.) †PEJ, †DFN.
2002Fall Singles were carefully identified 8/22 Roseau (Roseau lakebed) KJB, 10/19 Polk (Tilden Junction) PHS.
2002Winter Only report 2/25 Wilkin (county roads 3 & 30) CRM.
2003Spring No reports.
2003Fall Three reports from the Northwest: 8/31 Kittson (juvenile 10 mi. east of Lake Bronson) †KRE et al., ph. JJS, 10/25 Red Lake (by Plummer) SAS, 11/2 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) JMJ, PHS.
2003Winter Reported 12/11 Lac qui Parle (Yellowbank Twp.) †BJU.
2004Spring All reports: 3/20 Chippewa/Lac qui Parle (Lac qui Parle Lake) †BJU, 4/11 Meeker (Litchfield) †DMF, 5/2 Pennington (Pembina Trail) †JMJ, SAS.
2004Fall No reports.
2004Winter One report: 12/27 Meeker †DMF.
2005Spring One at Western Prairie S.N.A., 4/3 Wilkin †JPE was likely the same individual seen nearby on 4/5 †DTT, SMT. Also see undocumented reports.
2005Summer Unusual report: 7/24 St. Louis (hatching-year male found injured near Duluth and transported to The Raptor Center) fide DAG.
2005Fall Documented 9/17 Cass (near Cass Lake) †BJU, 10/8 Becker (Spring Creek Twp.) †BJU. Also observed (no details) from banding station at H.R.B.O.
2005Winter One north report: 12/31 Roseau CBC †JMJ, †SAS. Only documented south report: 2/8 Lac qui Parle †BJU.
2006Spring Documented 3/19 Wilkin (Rothsay W.M.A.) †PBB, 5/15 Lac qui Parle (near Rosen) †BJU.
2006Fall Only documented report: 8/17 Becker (Hamden Slough N.W.R.) †PBB.
2006Winter1 Seen through binoculars at close range 12/31 Steele (dark “wingpits” noted, east side of Owatonna) †CCB.
2007Spring1 Documented 3/25 Meeker (Harvey Twp., black “arm-pits” visible) DMF. Two additional reports lacked details.
2007Fall11 Two reports: 9/16 Stearns (near Greenwald) †JPE, 10/20 Clay (near Buffalo River S.P.) PBB.
2008Spring1 One report: 4/30 Chippewa (east of Clara City, dark axillaries seen) DMF.
2008Summer1 Juvenile found 7/29 Cass (Longville W.T.P.) ph. †BAW.
2008Fall3 Three reports: 8/10 Yellow Medicine RBJ, 9/27 Pipestone (Pipestone N.M.) RJS, 11/7 Lyon †RJS.
2009Spring1 The only report was one at Hamden Slough N.W.R. in Becker on 4/15 fide JMJ.
2009Fall4 Three reports: 9/19 Pipestone (adult at Woodstock W.M.A.; no details) DBM, 10/5 Kandiyohi/Meeker DMF, 10/11 Yellow Medicine (Mound Springs S.N.A.; good details) RBJ.
2010Spring2 Only report with adequate details: 4/22 Meeker (Litchfield) DMF.
2010Fall1 Two individuals banded in St. Louis 8/25 and 9/12 by FJN at Moose Valley in Lakewood Twp. (The Loon 83:89–91).
2011Spring1 One photographed near Dawson in Lac qui Parle 5/9 ph. †BJU.
2011Fall21 One bird discovered 8/30 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) RLE was subsequently observed 8/31 and 9/6 at the same location ARW. Also observed north 8/31 Clay (Felton Prairie) DBM. One south report: 11/22 Lac qui Parle (Bellingham) ph. BJU.
2012Spring No documented reports.
2012Summer1 New county record 7/27 Hubbard (Todd Twp. east of Park Rapids) RBW, †RMD.
2012Fall1 Two reports: 8/10 Big Stone (Big Stone N.W.R. Auto Tour) †PLJ, and 8/28 Big Stone (Graceville W.T.P.) ph. BJU.
2013Spring No documented reports.
2013Fall1 Two sufficiently documented reports: 9/7 Clay (Felton Prairie) ph. GTa, CMg, 11/11 Clay (C.R. 1/3) †PBB.
2014Spring2Two north reports, though neither with details: 4/10 Roseau (near Greenbush) DBM, 4/19 Polk JMJ.
2014Fall2 Two reports: 8/26 St. Louis (banded at H.R.B.O.) FJN, ph. KNi, 11/1 Clay (Bluestem Prairie S.N.A.) †PBB.
2015Spring Two reports, but neither with any identification details.
2015Summer Injured juvenile female picked up 7/20 St. Louis (downtown Duluth) fide PHS. Successfully rehabilitated at the Raptor Center and released ~45 days later at Big Stone N.W.R.
2015Fall1 One report 8/21 Traverse (Wheaton W.T.P.) KRE, m.ob.
2016Spring One West-central report, but without sufficient documentation.
2016Fall2 Two reports, 8/25 Lyon (Camden S.P.) †GWe, 10/29 Pipestone DAk.
2016Winter1 First winter report since 2006 and new county record 1/16 Lincoln (Lake Benton) ph. TCz.
2017Spring No reports.
2017Fall2 Two late-August reports south: 8/23 Stearns (C.R. 10 and 240th Street NW) ph. †DOr, 8/27 Yellow Medicine (Hanley Falls) †PEB.
2018Spring1 Only report 3/23 Lyon †GWe.
2018Summer11 Found 7/24 Stevens (near Alberta Marsh W.M.A.) †ASu, 7/25 Traverse (juvenile, Metz W.M.A.) ph. GHo, KDS.
2018Fall21 All north 10/6 Clay (Sabin W.T.P.) ShG, HeH, 10/13 Douglas (Osakis W.T.P.) †HHD. One south report 10/23 Redwood (5.7 miles S. of Milroy) TAT.
2018Winter1 A sighting 12/13 Murray DAk was only the second winter report since 2006.
 Rare migrant mostly west.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.