Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Sandpipers
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Sandpipers
Upland Sandpiper
Eskimo Curlew
Long-billed Curlew
Hudsonian Godwit
Marbled Godwit
Ruddy Turnstone
Red Knot
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
Stilt Sandpiper
Curlew Sandpiper
Purple Sandpiper
Baird's Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
White-rumped Sandpiper
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Western Sandpiper
[Calidris sandpiper]
Short-billed Dowitcher
Long-billed Dowitcher
[Limnodromus dowitcher]
American Woodcock
Wilson's Snipe
Spotted Sandpiper
Solitary Sandpiper
Lesser Yellowlegs
Greater Yellowlegs
Wilson's Phalarope
Red-necked Phalarope
Red Phalarope

Semipalmated Sandpiper(Calidris pusilla)
1964Summerlast spring dates, 6-5, Minneapolis, MAS; 6-6, Duluth, JCG; 6-6, Rock Co, DP; 6-7, 6-11, Stevens Co, RAG; fall dates, 7-24, Duluth, JPP; 7-2, Duluth, WRP; 7-28, Brown Co, DB; 8/4, Duluth, JCG; 8-22, Duluth, FL; 8-26, Duluth, JCG.
1965Falllatest 9-9 Stearns Co, 6, NMH; 9-22 St. Paul and Washington Co, 2, BL.
1966Springearliest 4-29 Dakota Co, DB; 5-5 Dakota and Washington Co's, BL; 5-10 Carver Co, MHM, VL; latest 5-19 Lyon Co, NMH; 5-21 Ramsey Co, ACR; 5-26 Dakota and Washington Co's, BL.
1966Summer6-7 (100) and 6/1 (1) Duluth, JCG; 7-5 Alberta, Stevens Co, 3, RAG; 7-27 McLeod Co, 20, FN; 7-28 McLeod Co, 12, RDT; 8-1 to 8-9 Anoka Co, 2, TKS; 8-21 Anoka Co, 3, FN; 8-21 Stearns Co, 10, NH; 8-22 Duluth, 25, JCG; 8-27 Little Marais, Lake Co, 8, JCG.
1966Fall8-9 Carver Co., VL; 8-28 Duluth, JCG and Morrison Co., LSR; 9-3 Morrison Co., LSR; 9-10 Lac qui Parle Co., DB, BL, RLH; 9-13 Lac qui Parle Co., JAH; 10-8 Lyon Co., PE; 10-22 Lake Traverse, JAH. WESTEitN SANDPIPER: 9-10 Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co., 1 seen with Least and Semipalmated for comparison; noted dark legs, rusty back, very long bill, small size; DB, BL, RLH.
1967Springearly 4-14 Chippewa Co., RPR; 4-22 Lyon Co., PE; 4-29 Lac qui Parle Co., EHH; late 6-2 Becker Co., RPR; 6-7 Duluth, BB; 6-10 Lyon Co., PE.
1967Summer7-26 Carver Co., 1, FN/MAS; 7-30 Stevens Co., 15, JAH; 8-9, 8-16 Clay Co., 20, LWJ.
1967Fall earliest 8-4 Lyon Co., PE and Hennepin Co., VL; 8-15 Crow Wing Co., MSB; latest 9-17 Fargo-Moorhead, EGA; 9-18 Lyon Co., PE; 10-17 Big Stone Co., JAR.
1968Spring early 4-20 Nobles Co., HSH; 4-28 Carver Co., EMB; 5-7 Wabasha Co., DGM; late 5-28 Big Stone Co., JAH; 5-29 Marshall Co., 100, KE; and Carver Co., RTH; 6-4 Duluth, 20,KE.
1968Summer 6-3 Stearns Co, Dakota Co, VL; 7-22, 8-6, 8-14 Clay Co, fide EGA; 7-28 Carver Co, DB; 8-23 Wright Co, GES.
1968FallEarliest 8-14 Mille Lacs ELC; 8-16 Duluth JCG; 8-19 Grant 25+ JAH; 8-30 Watonwan 30 DMF; latest 9-5 Watonwan DMF; 9-9 Duluth JCG for J. P. Perkins.
1969Spring5-4 Carver Co., VL, and Hennepin Co., EMB; 5-5 Hennepin Co., EIS; 5-24 (50+) Duluth, CLH, PBH; 5-30 Pope Co., WH; 6-1 (500) Duluth, JCG; 6-3 Ramsey Co., JJ; 6-4 Duluth, MMC.
1969Summer6-1 Duluth 500 JJG; 6-2 St. Louis Co. 5 JJG; 6-24 Mille Lacs MI; fall: 7-22 Dakota VL; 8-8 Clay 30 EA.
1969Fall9-13 Duluth 10 BTV; 9-15 Mille Lacs 6 MI; 8-10 Sibley KP; 8-18 Nobles HSH; 10-30 Lyon PE; 8-10 Duluth MC; 10-2 Clay ETS; 10-10 Mille Lacs MI.
1970Springearly south 5-2 Lyon KE, PE, HK; 5-12 Hennepin CH; early north 5-12 Duluth MMC; 5-18 Mille Lacs Ml; late 5-31 Duluth RL; 6-4 Mille Lacs MI.
1970Summer6-6 Mille Lacs 5 Ml· 7-10 Mille Lacs 3 Ml; 7·16 Swift 10 BAH· 6-2 6-8' 6-15, 7-23, 7-25, 7-29 Duluth RL. ' ' '
1970Fallearly 7·1 0 Mille Lacs Ml; 7-18 Duluth KE; late south 10·4 Lyon PE; late north 9·26 Clay LW; 10·11 Duluth )G.
1971Summer6-4 Carver FN, WKE; 6-6 Lyon, L. Paynter; 6-7 Duluth MMC; 6-3 to 6-9 Aitkin TS, JB; 6-12 Roseau RBJ; 6-15 Crow Wing TS.
1971Fallearly 7-5 Mille Lacs; 7·10 Lyon; late south 8-31 Hennepin; 9-6 Stearns; 9?26 Lyon; late north 9·2 Duluth; 10-10 Grant.
1972Summer6-10 Hennepin; 6-28 Aitkin, 7-2 Lyon; peak (flocks 15-25) 7-25 to 31.
1973Summer 6-1 LeSueur; 6-3 and 7-31 Clay; 6-5 St. Louis; 7-9 Hennepin.
1973Fall Fewer reports than usual; Seen in Wabasha, Lyon, Mille Lacs. Early north 8-4 St. Louis (RBJ). Early south 8-4 Hennepin (OLJ). Peak 8-10 Clay (75) (KBZ).
1974Spring Early south 4-21 Benton OJ; 4-26 Lyon HCK; 4-27 Le Sueur GR; early north 5-7 St. Louis UMD, GJN; 5-11 St. Louis JG; late 5-28 Aitkin RBJ; 5-28 St. Louis JG, GJN; 5-28 LeSueur GR.
1974Summer Eight reports in June up to 6-21 in Carver, Goodhue, Yellow Medicine, Stearns, Wright, Lyon, Duluth (6-21, RJ).
1974Fall Early 7-3 Lac qui Parle VL; 7-7 Duluth; 7-11 Lincoln KE; late north 9-27 Marshall AR; late south 9-15 LeSueur GR; 10-6 Freeborn DG; 11-1 Hennepin VL.
1975Spring Early south 4-12 Lyon HCK; 4-19 Murray RBJ, RAG, BL; early north 5-11 St. Louis GJN; 5-17 Otter Tail GLO and St. Louis JJW; late 5-29 Lac qui Parle ETS and St. Louis BDC.
1975Summer Late migrants 6-13 and 14 in Lac qui Parle and Lyon Co's (PE), and 6/4 and 15 Nobles (KE, RJ).
1975Fallearly 8-7 Marshall SV; 8-17 Duluth JG; late 9-12 Mille Lacs MI; 9-20 Duluth JG; 9-28 Yellow Medicine GO.
1976Spring Early south 4-17 Lyon BL; 4-18 Cottonwood ED; 4-20 Lyon HK; early north 5-21 St. Louis DS; late 5-25 Lyon HK and St. Louis GN, JCG.
1976Summerlate migrants 6-2 Marshall (SV), 6-5 Goodhue (DGW) and 6-16 St. Louis (GN).
1976Fall Early north 7-2 Marshall, 7-24 Duluth; early south 7-7 Lyon, 7-15 Rock; late north 9-26 Duluth; late south 9-25 Lincoln, 10-16 Lyon, 10-30 Anoka PKL.
1977Spring Early south 4-3 Lyon HK; 4-8 Lyon GO; 4-22 Lyon DGW; early north 5-7 Otter Tail GEW; 5-11 St. Louis GN; 5-14 Marshall SVA; late 5-30 Lincoln KE.
1977Summer Late migrants 6-13, 14 and 15 Roseau, Lake of the Woods, Marshall and Clay; 6-17 Olmsted; 6-18 Duluth.
1977Fall Early north 7-20 Marshall (SV); early south 7-6 Hennepin (VL).
1978Spring Early north 4-7 Otter Tail GO details?; 4-29 Cook KE; 5-7 Otter Tail SM.
1978Summer Late migrants South (6-10 (RBJ); North 6-6, 6-11. Early migrants North 7-16, 7-17; South 7-9, 7-10.
1978Fall Late south 9-23 Freeborn DG and 10-7 Renville RJ.
1979Spring Earl south 4-21 Lyon HK; early north 4-14 Otter Tail GMO and Grant SM; late south 5-31 Redwood LJF and Nicollet JCF.
1979Summer Late migrants South: 6-10 Faribault, 6-11 Hennepin; North: 6-10 Traverse, 6-15 Lake of the Woods. Early migrants 7-8 Dodge, 7-14 Wilkin.
1979Fall Early north 8-2 Otter Tail GMO, 8-3 St. Louis KE; early south 8-8 Dakota JD, 8-11 Olmsted JSD; late north St. Louis 9-16 LJF, 9-30 JG; late south 9-11 Hennepin OJ, 9-22 Lyon RJ. Western Sa,ndpiper Early north 8-6 Wilkin GMO; early south 8-6 Anoka KL, 8-13 Olmsted JF; late north 9-29, 30 St. Louis JG; late south 10-13 Freeborn BL, RJ.
1980Spring Early south 4-26 Lac qui Parle BDC, FAE, JH, RJ, ES; early north 4-23 Otter Tail SM, 5-6 Marshall ANWR,
1980Summer Late migrants: 6-5 Big Stone, 6-8 Duluth. Early migrants North: 7-3, 7/2; South: 6-29 (MJF), 7-1, 7-10.
1980Fall Early north 8-9 St. Louis KE, Wilkin GW, 8-11 Cook KMH; early south 8-1 Olmsted JEB, 8-5 Hennepin OJ, 8-8 Nicollet JCF; late north 9-13 St. Louis BDC, LW, 9-14 LJF; late south 9-6 Stearns RJ, 9-9 Olmsted JEB, 10-4 Washington BL. Wester·n Sandpiper Only reports: 8-2 Rice RJ, 8-16 DB, 8-5 Hennepin OJ, 8-9 Lyon HK, 8-9, 28 St. Louis KE, 8-29 LW.
1981Spring Early south 4-17 Nobles BL, 4-25 Big Stone FL, 4-30 Olmsted JEB; early north 4-20 Otter Tail SM, 5-2 GMO, 5-3 Marshall FDS; late south 5-30 Olmsted RJ, Lac qui Parle OJ, Hennepin VL; late north 5-31 St. Louis SC, Cook KMH.
1981Summer Late migrants South: 6-1, 6-3; North: 6-9-18 Duluth. Early migrants North: 7-10, 7-16; South: 7-8, 7-14, 7-25.
1981Fall Early north 8-7 Pennington KSS, 824 Polk KL, 8-27 Cook KMH; early south 8-4 Lyon HK, 8-9 Ramsey KL, 8-10 Chisago KL, 8-11 Cottonwood KL, Dakota RA; late north 9-4 Pennington KSS, 9-9 Aitkin WN, 9-13 Lake RJ; late south 9-18 Nicollet JCF, 9-25 BSNWR.
1982Spring Early south 4-24 Lincoln BL, Lac qui Parle 4-24 SC, HK, 5-2 AB, 4-30 Nicollet JCF, 5-4 Olmsted BE; early north 4-30 Otter Tail SDM, 5-8 Red Lake AS, 5-12 Aitkin JB, WN, 5-13 Marshall ANWR; late south 5-19 Lac qui Parle GS, 5-22 Wabasha DGW; late north 5-25 Pennington KSS, St. Louis 5-26 KE, 5-29 MH, 5-31 Otter Tail SDM.
1982Summer Late migrants South: 6/2; North: 6/9, 6/12, 6/24 (JCG). Early migrants North: 7/7, 7/10, 7/21; South: 7/7, 7/8, 7/15.
1982Fall Early north 8/7 Pennington KSS, 8/16 St. Louis LE, 8/21 FL, 8/21 Clearwater AB; early south 8/1 Hennepin AB, OJ, Olmsted JEB, 8/4 Lyon HK, Hennepin VL, 8/5 Hennepin SC, 8/6 Nicollet JCF; late north 9/12 Lake of the Woods KSS, 9/16 St. Louis LE, 9/17 JP; late south 9/10 Steams NH, 9/11 Renville RJ, Hennepin OJ.
1983Spring Early south Lac qui Parle 4/23 AB, BDC, OJ, 4/24 JD; early north 5!14 Clearwater AB, Mahnomen MHa, 5/16 Polk MH, TT, 5/17 Lake of the Woods TW. Late south 5/27 Olmsted RE, Blue Earth JCF; late north 5/31 St. Louis AE. Stragglers into June.
1983Fall Early north 8/1 Roseau AJ, 8/6 Polk AB ; early south 8/2 Dakota JD, Stearns NH, 8/11 Waseca JCF; late north 9/6 Polk AB, 9/7 Becker DB, 9/12 Cook KMH; late south 9/29 Sherburne KL, 9/30 Nicollet JCF, 10/2 Lincoln RJ.
1984Spring Early south 4/28 Lac qui parle KE, Yellow Medicine HK, 5/2 Dodge JEB, Wabasha WDM; early north 5/8 Ottertail GMO, 5/15 Marshall ANWR; late south 5/30 Hennepin ES, 5/31 Olmsted RE, Anoka KL; late north 5/26 Roseau KSS, 5/27 St. Louis DB, Aitkin JB, WN, Lake of the Woods TW; peak 5/26 Nicollet (710) JCF.
1984Summerthrough 6/27 Duluth; first fall date 7/8 Lake of the Woods.
1984Fall Early north 8/4 Lake of the Woods KSS, 8/11 AJ, 8/12 St. Louis MH; early south 8/5 Anoka SC, 8/9 Dakota TT; late north 9/29 Lake of the Woods AJ, 10/27 St. Louis RE; late south 9/17 Olmstead JEB, 10/3 RJ.
1985Spring Early south 4/17 Pipestone JP, 4/19 Olmsted JEB, AP; early north 4/28 Otter Tail SDM, 5/6 Clay TT; late south 5/30 Hennepin SC, Olmsted AP, 5/31 Lyon HK, Hennepin ES; late north 5/26 Marshall AJ, 5/30 Cook RJ, 5/31 KMH.
1985Summer Late migrants: South, 6/15 Wright, Wabasha; North, 6/10 Cook, 6/13 Lake. Early Migrants: North, 7/5 Polk, Norman; South, 7/12 Ramsey, 7/15 Dakota.
1985Fall Early north 8/11 St. Louis DB!, 8/13 Clay LCF; early south 8/2 Lyon HK, 8/4 Dakota TTu; late north 10/19 St. Louis RJ ; late south 9/22 Lyon HK, 9/25 Blue Earth JCF.
1986Spring Early south 4/24 Hennepin SC, ES, 4/26 Watonwan RJ; early north 4/24 Carlton LW, 5/10 St. Louis KE; late south 5/31 Nicollet JCF, Hennepin OJ, Redwood RJ, Fillmore AMP, Wright ES; late north 5/26 Hubbard AB, 5/30 Cook KMH.
1986Summer Late migrants: South, 6/14 Watonwan; North, 6!10-12 Duluth. Also seen 6/26 Duluth (direction? KE). Early migrants: North, 7/9 Marshall, 7/12 Clay; South, 7/6 Faribault, 7/16 Fillmore.
1986Fall Early north 8/26 Polk AB, 9/13 Cook KMH; early south 8/1 Anoka Sc, GP, 8/13 Mower RRK; late north 10/19 Duluth KE, RJ; late south 9/7 Mower AP, 10/20 Lincoln HK.
1987Spring Early south 4/20 Cottonwood JB, 5/5 Freeborn RSE; early north 5/13 Marshall ANWR and Duluth KE; late south 5/30 Steams AB, 5/31 Hennepin SC and Mower RRK; late north 5/17 Clearwater AB, 5/31 St. Louis NH.
1987Summer Late migrants: South, 6/8 Steams, 6/13 Cottonwood and Hennepin; North, 6/3 Cook. Early migrants: North, 7/12 Clay; South, 6/27 Scott (AP), 6/28 Steele (AP), 7/4 Carver.
1987Fall Late north 8/24 Cook KMH, 8/30 Lake SS, SW, 8/31 Polk AB, 9/6 St. Louis TM; late south 9/12 Goodhue RSE, 9/13 McLeod AP, 9/27 Lyon HK, 10/17 Swift RJ.
1988Spring Early south 4/5 Lyon HK, 4/13 Pipestone JP; early north 5/12 Red Lake RJ, 5/18 Marshall ANWR; late south 5/22 Cottonwood BF, Meeker AB andWrightES, 5/23 Stearns NHi; late north 5/26 Lake of the Woods KH, 5/29 Red Lake AB.
1988Summer Seen in 14 counties in all regions except north central and northeast. Late migrants: South, 6/11 Winona; North, 6/1 Todd. Early migrants: North, 7/23 Norman; South, 7/4 Dakota (TT), 7/11 Fillmore.
1988Fall Late north 8/26 Cook KMH, WP, 9/4 Clay LCF, 10/3 Traverse AB; late south 9/26 Waseca AP, 9/28 Blue Earth, Faribault WN, AP, 10/13 Freeborn AP. White-romped Sandpiper One report: 8/13 Hennepin OJ.
1989Spring Early south 4/13 Big Stone SC, 4/24 Pipestone JP; early north 5/19 Lake of the Woods KH, 5/21 Aitkin WN; late south 5/29 Hennepin DZ, 5/30 Mower and Olmsted (100) AP, 5/31 Goodhue JD and Olmsted BSE; late north 5/29 Aitkin WN, 5/31 Wilkin KB.
1989Summer Seen in 14 counties ; late migrant 6/21 Yellow Medicine CMB; early migrants 7/12 Lake of the Woods, 7/15 Stevens.
1989Fall Late north 8/15 Cook KMH, 8/17 Beltrami DJ, 9/30 St. Louis DJ; late south 8/28 Anoka SC, 9/8 Dakota AP, 10/7 Goodhue BL.
1990Spring Early south 4/27 Mower RRK and Olmsted JB, 4/28 Lac qui Parle CMB, Lyon HK and Yellow Medicine RJ; early north 4/29 Otter Tail SDM, 5/9 Polk PS, 5/13 Wilkin MO; late south 5/26 Big Stone GS, 5/27 Goodhue, Rice and Wabasha AP, 5/29 Hennepin SC; late north 5/26 Aitkin WN, 5/27 Clay GS, 5/28 Clearwater AB.
1990Summer Seen in 15 counties in all regions except northeast and southwest; late migrant 6/9 Ramsey, early migrant 7/4 Winona.
1990Fall Late north 9/2 Red Lake AB, 9/12 Cook KMH, 9/23 Otter Tail MO; late south 8/ II Washington WL, 8/25 Hennepin SC, 9/7 Pipestone RJ.
1991Spring Early south 4/10 Cottonwood ED and Winona CS, 4/26 Lincoln KR and Pipestone KR ; early north 4/27 Grant RJ, 51 II Marshall KSS; late south 5/26 Olmsted BSE; late north 5/25 St. Louis AB, 5/27 Clay NO and Norman MO, 5/28 St. Louis DPY.
1991Summer Seen in 11 counties; late migrant 6/16 Winona, early migrant 7/7 in Yellow Medicine.
1991Fall Late north 8/24 Beltrami DJ, 8/25 St. Louis AB, 9/1 Becker (200+) MO; late south 9/30 Pipestone JP, 10/4 Le Sueur PS, 10/11 Chippewa AB.
1992Spring Early south 4/11 Lac qui Parle DN, 4/19 Lyon HK, 5/1 Olmsted JB; early north 5/8 Pennington MCBS, 5/13 Clearwater RJ; late south 5/28 Olmsted AP, 5/30 Stevens RJ, 5/31 Hennepin OJ; late north 5/24 Itasca AB, 5/28 Clearwater PS, 5/31 Marshall MCBS and St. Louis EL.
1992Summer Observed in 16 counties; late migrant 6/14 Pipestone, early migrant 7/4 Winona.
1992Fall Late north 9/6 Beltrami AB, 9/21 Cook KMH; late south 9/27 Le Sueur PS, 9/28 Rice OR, 10/10 Lac qui Parle AB.
1993Spring Early south 5/1 Carver DM, 5/2 Lincoln AB, 5/7 Anoka KB. Early north 5/1 Kanabec CM, 5/14 St. Louis DN, 5/20 Becker DJ. Late south 5/19 Rice TB, 5/31 Hennepin SC. Late north 5/28 Clearwater AB, DJ, 5/29 St. Louis KR, 5/30 Lake of the Woods KB.
1993Summer Migrants seen in 12 counties; late migrant 6/9 Hennepin, early migrants 7/18 Lyon and Carver.
1993Fall Late north 9/5 Polk PS, 9/11 St. Louis CM, 10/8 Roseau PS; late south 9/5 Jackson KB, 9/16 Rice TB, 10/21 Blue Earth OJ.
1994Spring Early south 4/21 Yellow Medicine HK, 4/24 Anoka PKL, 4/30 Martin RG,RJ; early north 5/4 Crow Wing WN, 5/8 Roseau PS, 5/14 Marshall KSS; late south 5/26 Anoka PBu, 5/26 Hennepin SC; late north 5/28 Marshall MH, 5/29 Clearwater AB.
1994Summer Seen in 13 counties; late migrant 6/5 Cottonwood, early migrant 7/16 Rock and Faribault.
1994Fall All reports north: 8/6 St. Louis MH, 8/9 Beltrami DJ, 8/20 Cook FKS, 8/28 Clay CF, 8/29 St. Louis TW and Roseau PS. Late south 8/27 Martin BB, 8/28 Sherburne RJ, 9/16 Chippewa KB.
1995Spring Early south 4/23 Lyon JSt, 4/28 Olmsted CK, 5/6 Hennepin OJ; early north 5/12 Cass SM/CE, 5/21 Clearwater DJ, 5/23 Todd RJ; late south 5/29 Wabasha BL.
1995Summer Observed in 11 counties; late migrant 6/11 Pennington, early migrant 7/2 Ramsey.
1995Fall Late north 8/6 Lake DV, 8/7 St. Louis TW, 8/19 Lake DV. Late south 9/4 Carver DBS and McLeod DBM, 9/5 Le Sueur WM. Peak number >100 on 8/6 McLeod TT. 10/7 McLeod KB.
1996Spring Early south 4/10 Brown CMa, 4/15 Murray RgS, 4/16 Cottonwood ED. Early north 5/15 Cass SCM, 5/18 Clearwater ABo and St. Louis mob.
1996Summer Observed in 16 counties; late migrant 6/8 St. Louis, early migrants 7/6 Big Stone and Watonwan.
1996Fall Late north 9/8 St. Louis TW, 10/19 Polk BBe, 10/25 Carlton CG, BMu. Few south reports; peak migration 8/31–9/15 Big Stone (100s) LE.
1997Spring Early south 4/26 Yellow Medicine DBM, 5/7 Rice TBo. Early north 5/6 Cass SCM, 5/20 Wadena PBi, 5/24 St. Louis DN. Apparently scarce; peak 5/18–25 Big Stone (8) LE.
1997Summer Migrants observed in 11 counties. Late migrant 6/10 Hennepin, early migrant 7/6 Big Stone; fall peak 7/19 Renville (250) KB.
1997Fall Late north 10/25 Carlton BMu, CG. Late south 9/14 Steele FKS. Peak count 8/17 Big Stone (120) LE.
1998Spring Early south 4/10 Lac qui Parle SC, 5/3 Big Stone LE. Early north 5/18 Wilkin PBi, 5/22 St. Louis GS. Peak count 5/25 Big Stone (50) LE.
1998Summer Record number of reports, almost twice the previous ten-year average; spring and fall migrants seen in 21 counties statewide. Late migrants 6/16 Jackson KB, 6/17 St. Louis; early migrant 7/5 Big Stone. Fall peak 7/25 Big Stone (375) KB.
1998Fall Only representative late north date: 10/12 Polk KB. Late south 10/10 Faribault JDa, 10/17 Lyon RgS, 10/28 Dakota DBS. See summer report for peak count.
1999Spring Early south 4/17 Meeker DF, 4/24 Lac qui Parle mob. Few north reports. Peak counts 5/29 Dakota (95) TT, 5/30 Hennepin (115) SC, 5/31 McLeod (200+) RJ.
1999Summer Reported in 13 counties. Mid-summer records include 6/22 Hennepin, 6/24 Big Stone, 7/1 Hennepin, 7/4 Meeker. These may represent late spring migrants — census work in western Minnesota provides good evidence that fall migration did not begin until 7/9 (KB). Peak count 7/26 Big Stone (263) KB.
1999Fall All north reports: 8/14 Douglas CMa, 8/16 Becker PS, 8/20 St. Louis DN. Peaks 8/12 Lac qui Parle (297 at BSNWR) BOl, 8/18 Lac qui Parle (500 at BSNWR) BOl. Late south 10/21–23 Hennepin †SC.
2000Spring Reported from 22 south and 10 north counties in all regions except southeast. Early south 4/1 (ties record early date) Lincoln PJ, DN, 4/8 Lyon RgS, 4/22 Meeker DF. Early north 4/30 Kanabec CM, 5/7 St. Louis NWi. Peak 5/8 Lyon (189) RgS.
2000Summer Reported in 14 counties. Shorebird surveys in west indicate spring migrants 6/7 Big Stone (14) KJB, 6/15 Big Stone (4) PCC, 6/22 Lac qui Parle KJB; then early fall migrants beginning 7/7 Big Stone KJB. Peak count 7/31 Big Stone (592) KJB.
2000Fall Please see summer report for earliest fall migrants. Highest counts 8/3 Lac qui Parle (986 at BSNWR) BEO, and 8/4 Big Stone (1017, record high count) KJB. Mostly undated reports in nine north counties; last seen 10/9 Polk PHS. Reported from five south counties during October, including latest on 10/9 in Big Stone PHS.
2001Spring Reported from 17 south and 9 north counties. Only April report south: 4/30 Wabasha BRL (recent median 4/17). Early north 4/29 Todd JSK, 5/7 Wilkin KJB. No significant counts.
2001Summer Reported from 16 counties statewide; late migrants 6/10 Freeborn and Aitkin, early migrants 7/7 Meeker and Marshall. Peak numbers 7/28 Lac Qui Parle (947) PCC, 7/25 Lac Qui Parle (538) BEO.
2001Fall Please see summer report for first fall migrants. Record high count 8/8 Lac qui Parle (1722 at Big Stone N.W.R.) BEO, DB. Additional high counts at same location 8/12 (1160, PCC), 8/17 (1043, BEO), 8/23 (1368, BEO). First juvenile 8/12 Lac qui Parle PCC. Mostly undated reports from six north counties; last seen 9/12 St. Louis. Observed in 21 south counties, late south 10/23 Watonwan CRM.
2002Spring Seen in 21 south and 13 north counties. Arrived within one day of recent medians south and north. Early south 4/18 Dakota TAT, 4/19 Meeker DMF. Early north 5/5 Todd JSK, SDu, 5/7 Clay RHO. High count 5/29 Traverse (1066 at Mud L., plus 248 on South Dakota side) KJB.
2002Summer Record-high number of reports; spring and fall migrants seen in 25 counties primarily in the west and south. Late migrant 6/20 Dakota ADS, early migrants 7/7 Traverse (4) PHS; peak count 7/28 Lac qui Parle (832) PCC.
2002Fall Please see summer report for early fall migrants. Record-high counts 8/1 Jackson (2000+ at North Heron L.) KJB, 8/6 Lac qui Parle (2512 at Big Stone N.W.R., nearly all adults) KJB. First juvenile 8/1 Jackson KJB. Apparently departed well before recent medians north (9/30) and south (10/11). Observed in 12 north counties, including (late north) 9/22 Traverse PCC. Seen in 20 south counties; late south 9/28 Lac qui Parle NSp and Winona PWP.
2003Spring Seen in 14 south and 8 north counties. Early south 4/26 Winona PWP, 4/27 Big Stone and Lac qui Parle m.ob. Early north 5/2 Traverse KJB et al., 5/3 Marshall ALE. Highest reported count 5/31 Traverse (650 at Mud L., all in Minnesota) KJB.
2003Summer Seen in 22 counties; late migrants 6/15 Polk SAS and Traverse PCC, early migrant 7/1 Lac qui Parle BJU. Peak count 7/24 Grant (332) KJB. First juveniles 7/30 Marshall KJB.
2003Fall Reported from 11 north and 12 south counties in all regions. Please see summer report for early fall migrants and first juveniles. Highest reported count 9/6 Marshall (691 at Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS, JMJ. Late north 10/5 Otter Tail CRM, 10/8–11 Marshall m.obs. Late south 10/9 Brown JEB, 10/11 Waseca JPS.
2004Spring Reported from 24 south and 15 north counties. Early south 4/14 Lac qui Parle BJU, 4/19 Dakota BRL. Early north 5/3 Becker MWy, 5/7 Wilkin GLS. Highest reported count 5/16 Big Stone (587 on survey route) PHS et al. Noteworthy counts 5/6 Lac qui Parle (235 in section 35, Perry Twp.) BJU, 5/31 St. Louis (150+ at Park Pt., Duluth) KJB.
2004Summer Spring migrants 6/16 Lac qui Parle BJU, 6/20 Clay CRM; probably still northbound was one 6/26 Big Stone PCC. Early north 7/3 Traverse PCC; fall migrants from two additional north and seven additional south counties. Highest reported counts 6/1 Lac qui Parle (626) BJU, 7/31 Lac qui Parle (694) and Traverse (701) PCC et al.
2004Fall Reported from 9 north and 15 south counties in all regions. First juvenile 8/6 Traverse KJB. Highest reported count 8/22 Big Stone (1228) PHS. Late north 10/20 St. Louis LAW, 10/21 Polk (2) PHS. Late south 10/19 Yellow Medicine PHS, 10/20 Lac qui Parle (3) PHS, 11/8 Brown (3, latest south date) BTS.
2005Spring Reported from 20 south and 14 north counties in all regions. Early south (median 4/18) 4/5 Stearns LS, 4/9 Meeker DMF, 4/17 Big Stone JWL, PHS. Early north (median 5/4) 4/24 Traverse (2) PCC, PHS, 5/7–9 in four counties. Record-high spring count 5/30 Grant (1,343 at Towner Slough) KJB; 1,190 at same location 5/28 KJB. Noteworthy tally 5/30 Big Stone (624) KJB.
2005Summer Late south 6/9 Meeker and Wright DMF, 6/9–10 Sherburne PCC, HHD, PLJ. Late north 6/5 St. Louis JCG, 6/11 Polk SAS. Southbound migrants: early north dates not representative; early south 7/3 Lac qui Parle PCC, 7/7 Dakota SWe. Fall migrants observed in seven additional south and four additional north counties. First juveniles and high count for season 7/31 Lac qui Parle (1072) PCC, but see fall report.
2005Fall Reported from 8 north and 17 south counties in all regions. Please see summer report for high counts and first juvenile; juveniles also seen 8/6 Big Stone and Traverse PHS. Late north dates not representative: last seen 9/5 St. Louis PHS. Late south 10/9 Lac qui Parle PHS, 10/12 Dakota (8) JPM.
2006Spring Reported from 21 south and 6 north counties in all regions except North-central. Early south 4/9 Dakota LEC, 4/15 Meeker DMF. Early north 5/13 Otter Tail DTT, SMT, 5/20 Lake (2) JWL. High count (but see summer report) 5/28 Big Stone (431) PHS.
2006Summer Reported from 26 counties, 9 north and 17 south. Northbound migrants: late south 6/19 Sherburne ASc, 6/24 Lac qui Parle (3) PCC, PHS; late north 6/24 Marshall (3) PHS and Polk JMJ. Single birds 6/30 Marshall PHS and 7/1 Lac qui Parle PCC, PHS probably represented the beginning of fall migration. Additional fall migrants: early north 7/8 Becker (1) and Marshall (4) JMJ, PHS; early south 7/3 Sherburne ASc, 7/4 Anoka PKL, Benton ASc and Meeker (20+) DMF. First juveniles 7/28 Marshall (1) PHS, 7/29 Lac qui Parle (3) PCC et al. High count (but see fall report) 7/29 Lac qui Parle (1,919 including 1,319 at Big Stone N.W.R.) PCC, PHS.
2006Fall Reported from 11 north and 25 south counties in all regions. High counts (also see summer report) 8/6 Lac qui Parle (1,913 including 1,754 at Big Stone N.W.R.) PCC, PHS, 8/11 Marshall (626 at Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS, JMJ. Late north 9/24 Marshall PHS (median 9/30). Late south 10/14 Brown RBW (median 10/11).
2007Spring531 Early south 4/17 Meeker DMF, 4/22 Winona JWH, 4/24 Lac qui Parle BJU and Dakota JPM (median 4/17). Early north 5/2 Crow Wing JSB, 5/13 Todd JSK, 5/15 Marshall (8) PHS (median 5/4). High count 5/19 Lac qui Parle (166) PHS.
2007Summer1219 Northbound migrants: late south 6/16 Lac qui Parle BJU, 6/19 Sherburne ASc; late north 6/15 Lake of the Woods RBJ and St. Louis PHS, 6/17 Clearwater and Hubbard HHD. Southbound migrants: early north 7/16 St. Louis PHS; early south 7/13 Big Stone PHS and Sherburne ASc. First juveniles 7/27 Big Stone (2) PHS, 7/28 Lac qui Parle (dozens) PHS. High count (but see fall report) 7/28 Lac qui Parle (649) PHS, DAY.
2007Fall1525 See summer report for early southbound migrants. High counts 8/6 Jackson (1,256 on South Heron L.) KJB, 8/31 Marshall (916, Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS. Late north 9/23 St. Louis PHS, 10/14 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS, JMJ. Late south 10/3 Sherburne ASc, 10/13 Yellow Medicine (2) PHS.
2008Spring1128 Early south (median 4/17) 4/6 Rock (8, Hills W.T.P.) DBM, 4/19 Meeker DMF. Early north 5/16 Clay (3) RHO and Wilkin HHD. High count 5/27 Lac qui Parle (905) PHS. See summer report for late migrants south and north.
2008Summer618 Reported from all regions except Southwest. Northbound migrants: late south 6/14 Lac qui Parle (1) PCC; late north 6/10 Cass RBW. Southbound migrants: early south 7/6 Lac qui Parle (1) PCC, 7/10 McLeod DMF. High count 7/26 Lac qui Parle (331) PCC, PHS.
2008Fall1529 First juvenile 8/2 Lac qui Parle PHS. High count 8/24 Marshall (884) PHS, JMJ. Late north 9/7 St. Louis PHS, 9/9 Cass (2) BAW (median 9/27). Late south 10/23 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 10/11).
2009Spring1530 Early south (median 4/17) 4/23 Blue Earth ChH, Dakota (Lake Byllesby) CMB, LS, JPM, Kandiyohi JoS. Early north (median 5/4) 5/9 Douglas JPE and Morrison FGo, 5/10 Polk JMJ. See summer report for late migrants south and north. High count 5/18 Hennepin (200, Long Meadow Lake) MDu.
2009Summer518 Northbound migrants: late south 6/20 Kandiyohi (1), Lac qui Parle (2), Yellow Medicine (1) PCC; late north 6/13 Marshall (9) PHS, JMJ, 6/14 St. Louis (5) PHS. Southbound migrants: north dates not representative; early south 7/5 Lac qui Parle (1), Swift (1) PCC. High counts 6/7 Lac qui Parle (219) PCC, 6/7 Kandiyohi (137) PCC.
2009Fall1220 High count 8/14 Marshall (376, Agassiz N.W.R.) JMJ, PHS. Late north 9/23 Crow Wing (Ironton W.T.P.) JSB (median 9/27). Late south 10/4 Nobles BTS, 10/17 Renville RBW (median 10/12).
2010Spring1624 Early south (median 4/17) 4/17 Lac qui Parle PEJ, DFN, 4/23 Carver SWe. Early north (median 5/4) 5/14 St. Louis (Park Point) PHS. High count 5/31 Lac qui Parle (150) BJU. See summer report for late migrants south and north.
2010Summer516 Reported from all regions except North-central and Southeast. Northbound migrants: late south 6/12 Lac qui Parle BJU, 6/13 Brown BTS; late north 6/5 Cook JEB. Southbound migrants: early north 6/27 Grant PCC; early south 7/7 Sherburne ASc. High counts 6/1 Lac qui Parle (225, northbound) BJU, 7/31 Lac qui Parle (311, southbound) PCC.
2010Fall1422 High count 8/21, 8/28 Lac qui Parle (256) PCC. Late north 9/16 St. Louis (Park Point, Duluth) PHS (median 9/27). Late south 10/18 Dakota (2) JPM (median 10/12).
2011Spring1424 Early south (median 4/17) 4/23 Fillmore (2, Preston Twp.) JWH, 4/25 Redwood DBM. Early north (median 5/4) 5/4 Morrison FGo, 5/19 Becker DBM. See summer report for late migrants.
2011Summer515Reported from scattered locations in all regions except Northwest. Northbound migrants: late south 6/11 Wright PCC; late north 6/11 St. Louis DKW, JLO. Southbound migrants: north dates not representative; early south 7/10, 7/12 Lac qui Parle BJU, 7/16 Dakota BAF, SHF. High count 7/31 Lac qui Parle (115) PCC.
2011Fall1736 See summer report for early southbound migrants. High count 8/27 Big Stone (167) PCC. Late north 9/29 Grant (4, Pelican Lake) and Otter Tail RPR, 10/20 Douglas (injured bird unable to fly) RAE (median 9/27). Late south 10/14 Brown (Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) BTS, 10/21 Yellow Medicine LS (median 10/12).
2012Spring1632 Early south (median 4/17) 4/11–12 Lac qui Parle (Walter Twp.) BJU, 4/17 Blue Earth (Lincoln W.P.A.) AnK, Watonwan (2, Mud Lake) AnK, Winona (Lewiston W.T.P.) ANy. Early north (median 5/4) 4/10 Otter Tail GO, 5/3 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) GAK, 5/12 Otter Tail DST. High count 5/27 Lac qui Parle (~500, Cory Lake) KLn.
2012Summer1525 Reported from throughout state. Northbound migrants: late south 6/15 Blue Earth ChH; late north 6/15 Becker HHD. Southbound migrants (no reports between 6/15 and 6/27): early north 6/28 Kittson (4) TBr, 6/30 Lake (2) ACr; early south 6/27 Sibley (5) SBM, 7/5 Carver (1) JCy. High count 7/28 Grant (1,203, includes 921 in Lawrence Twp. at Denton Slough) PCC.
2012Fall1732 See summer report for early southbound migrants. High counts 8/1 Grant (2,270, Ash Lake, Denton Slough, and Towner Slough) KJB, 8/5 Grant (728, 503 of which were at Ash Lake) PCC. Late north 9/26 and 10/1 Grant DBM (median 9/27). Late south 10/15 Hennepin JLO, 11/6 McLeod PRH (median 10/12).
2013Spring1027 Early south (median 4/17) 4/6 Mower HHD, 4/13 Dakota ASi, PNi. Early north (median 5/4) 5/3 Norman PEB, 5/11 Clay ThM. High count 5/30 St. Louis (35, Park Point) PHS. See summer report for late migrants south (median 6/14) and north (median 6/10).
2013Summer718 Observed in all regions except Southeast. Northbound migrants: late south 6/8 Benton BWF, 6/17 Dakota (2) ADS; late north 6/15 St. Louis (2) CMn. Southbound migrants: no representative north dates; early south 7/7 Sibley BAb, RAE, HHD.
2013Fall2233 See summer report for early southbound migrants, both north and south. High counts 8/30 Goodhue (48, Vermillion Bottoms) GJM, 8/3 Big Stone (40, C.R. 64 northeast of Ortonville Airport) LFr. Late north 9/12 Becker ToL, 9/15 St. Louis (2, Park Point) TRK (median 9/27). Late south 9/15 Freeborn BAb, 9/20–21 Hennepin (Purgatory Creek wetlands) CRM, m.ob., 10/4 Brown BTS (median 10/12).
2014Spring1632Early south (median 4/17) 4/1 Brown (14) BTS, 4/13 McLeod PRH, 4/17 Dakota GJM. Early north (median 5/4) 4/19 Otter Tail LS, 5/13 St. Louis (2) TPW, 5/17 Becker (30) LFr. High counts 5/31 Dakota (295, Lake Byllesby R.P., counted by 5's) BAF. See summer report for late migrants.
2014Summer618Seen in all central and south regions except Southeast, plus Clay, Lake, St. Louis. Northbound migrants: late south 6/8 Faribault WAF; late north 6/9 Grant GHo, KDS. Southbound migrants: early north 7/19 Otter Tail JWH; early south 7/15 Rock DAT, Stearns MJB. High count 7/26 Lac qui Parle (109) PCC. 
2014Fall1936 See summer report for early southbound migrants. High count 8/9 Grant (359, including 3 juveniles, the first of the season; North Ottawa Impoundment) PCC. Late north 9/1 Beltrami JWH, BWF, Hubbard BWF, Lake of the Woods JWH, BWF, Wadena JWH, 9/21 St. Louis RZi (median 9/27). Late south 10/11 Renville DWK, Yellow Medicine DWK, 10/11–13 Hennepin CMB, BAF (median 10/12).
2015Spring1433 Early south (median 4/17) 4/2 Rock (2, Blue Mounds S.P.) BRL, 4/11 Dakota (180th St. Marsh) NSa, 4/12 Dakota (2, Lake Byllesby R.P.) LEC. Early north (median 5/4) 5/14–16 Becker DFe, DMu, m.ob., 5/17 St. Louis (2) KJB, 5/18 Crow Wing (two locations) KCR, EGa, JPR. High count 5/26 Jackson (3,000, more than double the prior record count, Heron Lake area) KJB. See summer report for late migrants, north and south.
2015Summer1119 Found in every region. Northbound migrants: late south 6/15 Carver (1) PRH, Stearns (24) RPR, 6/16 Stearns (6) HHD; late north 6/12 Aitkin (1) CLW, 6/15 Marshall (3) AXH. Early south fall migrants (north dates not representative) 7/3 Rock SBM, 7/8 Big Stone DLP.
2015Fall2129 See summer report for early north and south migrants. High counts 8/22 Grant (60, North Ottawa Impoundment) ToL, 8/10 Yellow Medicine (50, Miedd Lake) GWe, 8/16 Polk (50, Agassiz Valley Impoundment) SAu. Late north 9/19 Marshall (3) SAu, 9/28 Grant (2) DPG, 10/20 Wilkin HHD, RAE (median 9/23). Late south 10/18 Lac qui Parle WCM, Redwood RAE, 10/22–24 Dakota/Goodhue (Lake Byllesby) ALw, BAF, m.ob. (median 10/13).
2016Spring1836 Early south (median 4/17) 4/10 Yellow Medicine (2) GWe, 4/12 Swift DLP. Early north (median 5/4) 4/30–5/1 Polk (2) JPR, 5/11 Traverse ANy, DBz. High counts 5/30 Hennepin (650, counted by 5s, many more likely hidden in vegetation, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Bass Ponds) BAF, 5/25 Yellow Medicine (364, Miedd Lake) GWe. See summer report for late south migrants. Late north 5/30 Wadena PJB, 5/31 St. Louis PNi, (4) PNi, but also see summer report.
2016Summer623 Seen in all regions except Northwest, Southeast. High count 6/4 Lac qui Parle (400, Salt L.) ChA. Nearly complete overlap in dates mid-June to mid-July made it difficult to distinguish spring from fall migration, especially since none were aged or had plumage details. Probable northbound migrants 6/18 Lyon (4) FSh, 6/20 Clearwater (1) ASu, 6/23 Grant (1) HCT; probable southbound migrants 7/3 Douglas JPE, 7/4 Benton HHD, 7/5 Lac qui Parle (6) GWe. Unclassified midsummer report 6/29 Big Stone DLP. Please include counts, ages, and plumage details for all shorebird species during their migratory transition (The Loon 74:65–92).
2016Fall1633 See summer report for early north and south migrants. High count 8/7 Lac qui Parle (250, Salt Lake) KnM. Late north 9/13 Morrison FGo, St. Louis JPR, 9/19 Cook (3) RRe, 10/6 Traverse (5) KeM (median 9/23). Late south 10/16 Blue Earth ChH, Carver (2) JWZ (median 10/14).
2017Spring2135 Early south (median 4/16) 4/16 Carver (19) SKe, CRa, 4/23–25 Scott JEB, (2) BHe, 4/25 Dakota RBW, Stearns (Albany W.T.P.) HHD. Early north (median 5/4) 5/11 Morrison FGo, 5/12 Wilkin HHD, 5/13 Aitkin SC, Polk SAu. High counts 5/14 Murray (264, Murray/Lyon county line) GWe, 5/15 Lyon (100, Lone Tree Lake) GWe. See summer report for late migrants north and south.
2017Summer1224 Seen in all regions with few data distinguishing migration direction. Northbound migrants: late south 6/26 Lyon (3) GWe; late north 6/26 Becker (1) MBH, 6/27 Grant (1) GuN. Southbound migrants: early north 6/30 (1), 7/1 (3) Grant m.ob., 7/3 Stearns (3) AaL.
2017Fall2437 See summer report for early north and south migrants. High counts 8/6 Carver (150, New Germany area) BHe, 8/4 Lyon (95, Lone Tree Lake) GWe. Late north 9/17 St. Louis (2) NCr, 9/23 Polk SAu, 9/29 Grant MO (median 9/29). Late south 9/25 Sibley (2) BHe, 10/13 Redwood KRE, m.ob., 10/14 Redwood BTS (median 10/15).
2018Spring2241 Early south (median 4/16) 4/11 Big Stone DLP, 4/21 Scott (7) BHe, 4/24 Dakota BAb. Early north (median 5/4) reports from North Ottawa Impoundment in Grant starting 4/20 ASu, LiH, m.ob.; first report away from this location 5/5 Traverse KRE, CRM, m.ob. High counts 5/24 Stearns (111, total from Getchell Lake and Albany W.T.P.) PCC, 5/9 Lyon (100, Lone Tree Lake) IsH, EzH. See summer report for late migrants north and south.
2018Summer1119 Reported from every region. Northbound migrants: late south 6/10 Wright (1) RCl; late north 6/19 Grant (2) MGi, 6/21 St. Louis (1) JPR. Southbound migrants: early north 7/4 Grant (1) ebd, 7/8 Traverse (5) LiH; early south 7/4 Carver (4) JCy, 7/5 Blue Earth PEJ.
2018Fall2237  See summer report for early north and south migrants. High count 8/22 Stearns (270, Paynesville W.T.P.) PCC. Late north 9/16 Kanabec SPS, 9/26 Grant (2) REn, 10/13–14 Lake LiH, m.ob. (median 9/29). Late south 10/16 Wabasha LiH, ClB, 10/22 Pipestone (3) RBJ, 10/26 Steele RBW (median 10/15).
2019Summer1318 Seen in every region except Southeast. Northbound migrants: late south 6/13 Faribault (3), Blue Earth (4) WCM; late north 6/16 Kanabec (6) MJB, 6/22 Kanabec (1) SPS. Southbound migrants: early north 6/28, 6/29 (4), 6/30 (7) Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) LS, MaJ, GUn, 7/2–4 Grant (max. 5) m.ob. High count 7/28 Grant (150) EzH, ASu.
 Migrant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.