Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Sandpipers
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Chickadees, Titmice
Old World Flycatchers
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Sparrows
Snow Buntings and Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Sandpipers
Upland Sandpiper
Eskimo Curlew
Long-billed Curlew
Hudsonian Godwit
Marbled Godwit
Ruddy Turnstone
Red Knot
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
Stilt Sandpiper
Curlew Sandpiper
Purple Sandpiper
Baird's Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
White-rumped Sandpiper
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Western Sandpiper
[Calidris sandpiper]
Short-billed Dowitcher
Long-billed Dowitcher
[Limnodromus dowitcher]
American Woodcock
Wilson's Snipe
Spotted Sandpiper
Solitary Sandpiper
Lesser Yellowlegs
Greater Yellowlegs
Wilson's Phalarope
Red-necked Phalarope
Red Phalarope

Wilson's Snipe(Gallinago delicata)
1936Summer Dr. Breckenridge discovered two downy yo\Ulg on June 7th nt Birch Lake, Fk~soy County.
1945WinterPresent every winter along the small streams that flow into the Minnesota River near Minneapolis; most unusual record, 24 individuals seen along Nine Mile Creek, January 7, 1939, (Dana Struthers).
1964Winter12-26, Washington Co, 9, XC; 1-2, Dakota Co, 1, ACR; several wintered at Prairie Island, Winona Co seen by many observers and on 2-13 they numbered 12 or 13, RG, RLH; 2-23, St. Paul, 3, BL.
1966Summer7-27 McLeod Co, 3y, FN; also reported from Jackson, Polk, Ramsey, Hennepin, Wright, Morrison, Aitkin, Anoka and Stevens Co's.
1966Winterreported from Washington, Anoka, Ramsey, Dakota, Hennepin, Winona Co's.
1967Springearly 3-25 Ramsey Co., ACR; 3-29 Rice Co., OAR; 3-31 Washington Co., WHL, Blue Earth Co., EDK and Hennepin Co., FN/ MAS.
1967Summerreported from Washington, Aitkin, Crow Wing, Clay, Morrison, Nobles, Ramsey Co's. Upland Plover: reported from Stevens, Rock, Pope, McLeod, Anoka, Clay Co's.
1967Fall latest in north 10-21 Beltrami Co., DS; 11-1 Roseau Co., PEB.
1967Winter 1-13, 1-20, 2-24 Fillmore Co., AFR; 1-13 Dakota Co., 2, DB. GULL, SPECIES?: a large, dark-backed gull, intermediate in plumage between the Great Black-backed Gull and the SLATY- BACKED GULL was discovered at Knife River, Lake Co .. , on 1-4 by JCG; seen there again on 1-24 by FN/MAS; 1-27(RPR) and 1-28(JCG) it was seen at Two Harbors, Lake Co.; most observers called it a Great Black-backed Gull, but the coupious notes taken by JCG leave the identity open to question.
1968Spring early in north, 3-26 Duluth, RN; 4-7 Chisago Co., FVS; 4-9 Marshall Co., AWR.
1968Summer reported from Morrison, Lake, Clearwater, Chisago, Carlton, Pine, Hubbard, Mille Lacs Co's.
1968Fall9-2 Nicollet (Middle Lake) 30 + DB; also 9 other counties.
1968Winter12-5 Wabasha W& 45 June 1969 DM; 12-28 Hennepin (Eden Prairie) TAH; 12-28 Hennepin 2 RBJ; 1-4 Hennepin MEWJ; 1-10 Scott 2 RG; 1-20 Houston FZL; 2-23 Winona RG.
1969Spring3-22 Blue Earth Co., HBT, Scott Co., RBJ, and Dakota Co., EMB; 4-8 Kanabec Co., RHJ; 4-13 (17) McLeod Co., FNj MAS, Mille Lacs Co., MI, and Duluth, MMC; 4-14 (15) Roseau Co., PEE.
1969Summernested in Mille Lacs Co.; reported from Swift, Nobles, Wilkin, Clearwater, Beltrami, Crow Wing, Cass, Isanti, Scott, Marshall, Mahnomen, and Pennington. Records from the prairie counties are significant.
1969Fall10-2 Ottertail 50+ ETS; 10-11 Watonwan 100+ EDK; 11- 8 St. Louis JCG; 11-9 Morrison KE; 11-14 Lyon PE; 11-17 Ramsey JJ.
1969WinterWintered in Winona, Olmsted, Ramsey, Scott, Houston, Hennepin (2-27, five, VL), Sherburne (2-15, two, KP).
1970Springearly sot•th 3-17 Hennepin GES, WL; 4-7 Nobles HH; early north 3-26 Mille Lacs Ml; 4-8 Duluth MMC, JG; 4-15 .Crow Wing j B; peak 5-2 Swift (32} KH.
1970Summernested in Mille Lacs and Nicollet Co's; also reported from Benton, Morrison, Lake, Marshall, and Carver Co's, and Duluth. _ Upland Plover: nested in Anoka and Hennepin Co's (Met. Airport); also reported from Clay, Felton, Beltrami, and Benton Co's.
1970Falllate south 11-3 Carver KH; 11-5 Watonwan DB; 11-10 Winona TV; late north 11-5 Marshall AR; 11-19 Morrison LR; peak 9-10 Marshall (83) A R. Upland Plover: 2 very late reports: 9-7 7 Hennepin W. ]iracek; 70-4 Wright BH; no details on eithe; report.
1970Winterwintered in Carver, Ramsey, Henne pin (3 \o 4), Winona (4 to 5)
1971Springearly south 3-10 Hennepin VL; 3-20 Winona RBJ, TV; 3-25 Hennepin ES; early north 4-8 Duluth MMC; 4-10 St. Louis KE, JG.
1971Summerno nests found but reported from 18 counties throughout the state, north to Kittson and St. Louis, south to Stevens and Scott; also on 6-6 OJ reported seeing one sitting on telephone wires!? Upland Plover: nested in St. Louis, Aitkin, Clearwater and Scott; also reported from Marshall, Sherburne, Anoka, Washington, Red Lake, Roseau and Clay.
1971Falllate south 11-8 Blue Earth; 11-20 Nobles and Houston; late north 10-17 Ottertail; 11-6 Crow Wing; 9-26 Grant and Ottertail (80) KE. Upland Plover: 3 reports: 7-1 Hennenin, F. Nubel; 8-3 and 10 Aitkin TS, JB; 8-10 Lyon PE. Spotted Sandoiper: late south 9-7 Sherburne; J0-4 Dakota;, late north 9-12 Douglas and Mille Lacs; 9-22 ~,;row Wing; 10-16 Grant.
1971Winter12-26, 2-7 Hennepin VL; 1-2 (3) Hennepin RG; 1-8 (4) Winona RBJ; 1-15 Winona FZL.
1972Winter12-16 Ramsey JAB; 12-31 Rochester JAB; 1-1 Hennepin RBJ; 1-7 (1) Winona, (2) Hous ton FZL; 1-23 Sherburne SRS; 2-18 Ramsey JAB.
1973Summer Nested in Aitkin & Crow Wing; seen in 15 other counties.
1973Fall Reported from 13 counties. Peak 829 Marshall (110) (AWR).
1973Winter Reported on the Bloomington, St. Paul Northeast, Hastings and La Crosse Christmas Counts; also seen in Stearns, Ramsey, Blue Earth, Le Sueur and Winona.
1974Spring Early south 3-13 Le Sueur GR; 4-5 Mower DS; 4-5 Stearns MNH; early north 4-14 Mille Lacs Ml; 4-15 Marshall AR; 4-16 Crow Wing TS.
1974Summer Nested in St. Louis and Stearns; also reported from 19 other counties.
1974Fall Late south 10-25 Wabasha WDM; 1030 Hennepin VL; 11-23 Ramsey GC; late north 10-29 Mille Lacs MI, Duluth JG.
1974Winter Reported from St. Louis (12-21, JG), Sibley, Hennepin, Ramsey, Dakota, Winona, Houston and Mower Co's.
1975Spring Early south 3-29 Hennepin ETS; 4-8 Goodhue CF; 4-9 Big Stone DWS; early north 4-5 Morrison LSR; 4-15 Becker TRS; 4-17 Cass AES.
1975Summer Reported from 20 counties south to Ramsey, Rice, Lyon and Big Stone.
1975Falllate north 11-8 Crow Wing PVK; 11-8 Hubbard DM; and 11-11 Mille Lacs MI.
1975Winterreported from Houston, Winona, Mower, Dakota, Ramsey, and Washington.
1976Spring Early south 3-22 Fillmore GE; 3-24 Goodhue RBJ; 4-3 Wabasha and Hennepin PCHS; early north 4-1 Crow Wing DK; 3 reports on 4-6. LONG-BILLED CURLEW: 1 report: 4-24 Swift RBJ, KE, Paul Egland, Chuck Bergman.
1976Summerreported from 15 counties: fewer reports than usual.
1976Fall Late north 11-5 Otter Tail, 11-6 Mille Lacs, 11-20 Duluth RJ.
1976Winter Reported from 13 counties north Otter Tail (12-1, SM); more reports than usual.
1977Spring Early south 3-17 Carver JRG; 3-25 Mower RK; 5 reports on 3-26; early north 3-26 Otter Tail SM, GO; 4-9 Crow Wing DK; 4-10 Marshall SVA, Itasca MS.
1977Summer Reported from 22 counties south to Lyon and Hennepin.
1977Winter Seen on the St. Paul N.E. and Winona CBCs; also 12-18 Hennepin (RJ).
1978Summer Breeding reported from Marshall and Beltrami; also seen in 14 other counties in the North plus Stearns, Meeker, Hennepin, Anoka and Chisago in the South.
1978Fall Late north 10-30 Marshall ANWR; late south 11-25 Houston OJ, RJ, FL.
1978Winter Reported on the La Crescent, Winona and St. Paul N. E. CBCs, and 12-4 Hennepin (CMB).
1979Spring Early south 4-6 Nicollet JCF, 4-8 Mower RRK, 4-9 Wabasha DWM; early north 4-8 Otter Tail GMO, 4-14 Marshall ANWR, Otter Tail DGW.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Wadena, Goodhue; also seen in 25 other counties throughout the northern and central regions and Lyon in the southern regions.
1979Fall Late north 10-13 Beltrami SL, MV, 11-2 Otter Tail GMO, 11-4 Marshall KSS; late south 11-5 Nicollet JCF, 11-6 Olmsted JB, 11-12 Hennepin SC. Whim brei 8-22 to 9-3 St. Louis KE, KMH, BL. Also reported 9-30 St. Louis RBA.
1979Winter Southeast reports from Mower and Sibley. Also, what is apparently the first north record from eight miles south of Walker, Cass Co. on 1-29 and 1-30 (SY).
1980Spring Early south 3-8 Winona JB, JSD, 3-28 Hennepin ES, 3-30 Washington RJ; early north 4-3 Mahnomen JM, 4-5 Cook TB, 4-6 Otter Tail SM, GMO, St. Louis KMH.
1980Summer Seen throughout the state north of the Minnesota River Valley plus Houston, Freeborn.
1980Fall Late north 10-12 Mahnomen JC, 1024 Otter Tail GMO, GW, and St. Louis LLH; late south 11-9 Winona JP, 11-11 Mower RRK, 11-20 Nicollet JCF.
1980Winter Reported from Mower 12-15 (RJ), 12-22, 2-24 (RRK), Houston 12-21, 4 (JM) and 1-17 (FZL). Also on the St. Paul CBC.
1981Spring Early south 3-3 Mower RRK, 3-26 Olmsted JEB, JSD, 3-27 Mower MW; early north 3-28 Otter Tail GMO, 3-29 Grant SM and St. Louis TH; peak 4-4 Isanti RJ (25). Whim brei 5-23 Duluth RR (2), only report.
1981Summer Seen throughout the state.
1981Fall Late north peak 8-28 St. Louis KE (60), 10-24 Aitkin WN, 10-25 Otter Tail GW, 10-26 Cook KMH; late south 11-10 Hennepin VL, peak 11-12 Houston FL (50+), 11-14 Dakota MW, 11-25 Houston FL.
1981Winter December reports from Dakota 1221 (MW) and Le Sueur 12-4 (HFO). A January report from Houston 1-11 (EMF).
1982Spring Early south 3-28 Redwood LJF, 4-1 Dakota JC, 4-2 Nicollet JCF and Wright RH; early north 4-2 Douglas KL, 4-12 Pennington KSS, 4-13 Otter Tail SDM. Whim brei 5-20 Duluth (8) KE.
1982Summer Breeding data from Polk. Also seen in 28 other counties south and west to Olmsted , Kandiyohi, Wilkin.
1982Fall Late north 10/8 Clearwater and Marshall AB, 10/13 Beltrami JP, 10/23 Cook KMH; late south I0/31 Sherburne DB, 11/7 Scott DZ/MC, 11/20 Houston EMF.
1982Winter Two January reports; Otter Tail 1/3 (GMO) in the west central and Dakota 1/23 (MW), in the east central.
1983Spring Early south 4/9 Le Sueur EK, 4/10 Anoka KL, DZ/MC, 4/11 Mower RRK, 4/12 Ramsey BDC, Blue Earth MF; early north 4/4 Mille Lacs MLWMA, 4/8 Clay TT, 4/9 Mahnomen MHa.
1983Summer Breeding data from Stearns, Mille Lacs. Seen in 27 other counties east of a diagonal from Freeborn to Clay.
1983Fall Late north 10/18 Cook KMH, 10/23 Ottertail DS, 1l/4 Beltrami JSP; late south 11/12 Washington TBB, Houston FL, 1r; 18 Dakota SC, 11/23 Houston FL.
1983Winter Reported on the Afton, Bloomington, Excelsior and St. Paul CBC's.
1984Spring Early south 4/4 Dodge RJ, Hennepin RMR, 4/5 Olmsted JEB, 4/7 Brown JSp; early north 4/7 Mahnomen MHa, Kanabec KL, 4/8 Ottertail GMO, Marshall ANWR, 4/13 St. Louis J. Newman.
1984Summernested in Lake and Stearns; also seen in 28 other counties.
1984Fall Late north 10/15 Roseau AJ, I 0122 Cook KMH, 10/26 Mille Lacs MLWMA< Lake SWIMS; late south 11/15 Washington DS, 11/18 Wabasha DZ, 11/21 Houston FL, 11/25 Dakota TT.
1984Winter December reports from Anoka 12-16 (SC) and Le Sueur 12-2 (HS). A January report from Sartell (1), Stearns Co. 1-13 (R. Cohbert) and an overwintering report from Purgatory Creek, Hennepin Co. Also reported on the St. Paul, St. Paul NE and La Crosse-La Crescent CBCs.
1985Spring Early south 3/2 Houston FL, 3/22 Cottonwood LAF, 3/23 Dakota JP/AM; early north 4/10 Otter Tail SDM, Pennington TT, 4/13 Aitkin WN, 4/14 Roseau AJ.
1985Summer Nested in Marshall, Polk; probable nesting in Cook. Also seen in 23 other counties north of the Minnesota River Valley.
1985Fall Late north 10/10 Aitkin WN, 10/23 Clay NH, 11/4 Roseau AJ; late south 11/10 Ramsey KB, 11/23 Wabasha DBI, TBB, 11/24 Hennepin TTu.
1985Winter Two on the St. Paul northeastern CBC and additional reports from Hennepin, Dakota, Winona, Houston and Mower Counties.
1986Spring Early south 3/1 Hennepin (overwintered) SC, GP, 3/8 Tiu, 3/22 Brown JS ; early north 4/2 Clay MM, Otter Tail SDM, 4/5 Aitkin WN, 4/6 Clay LCF, 4/9 StLouis KE.
1986Summer Seen in 23 counties throughout the northern and east central regions plus Otter Tail, Pope, Stearns, Mille Lacs, Houston.
1986Fall Late north 10/26 Hubbard RJ, II/I Aitkin WN and Lake SWIMS, 11/9 Duluth K. Camburn ; late south II II Stearns DO ISS, II 12 Chippewa AB, 1/14 LeSueur EK.
1986Winter Reported on the St. Paul and St. Paul NE CBC's. Also reported from the Bass Ponds along the Minnesota River in Dakota County, 2/15-16 (TT). Southeast region reports from Houston 12/1 (FL) and Winona 1/19 (AP).
1987Spring Early south 3/2 Hennepin TT, 3/21 Anoka SC, GP, 3/23 Wabasha KR; early north 3/20 Hubbard JL, 3/26 Clay MMM, 3/29 Aitkin WN.
1987Summer Seen in 19 counties througout the northern and west central regions plus Stearns, Mille Lacs, Anoka, Lyon, Redwood, Mower.
1987Fall Late north 10/16 Cook SOL, 10/29 Becker BK, 10/31 St. Louis SS; late south 11/19 Houston EMF, 11/10 Wabasha ES, 11/11 Hennepin DZ and Steams DO.
1987Winter Reported in Duluth 12/3 (JN), Hennepin, near the old Cedar Avenue Bridge, 1/2 through 2/28 (TT, DZ) and on the St. Paul, Faribault and Fillmore CBC's.
1988Spring Early south 3/22 Dakota TI and Hennepin ES, 3/26 Stearns NHi and Wabasha KR, 3/31 Mower JM; early north 3/27 Clay MMM, 4/2 Aitkin WN, 4/5 St. Louis AE.
1988Summer Nested in Wilkin (LP); seen in 16 other counties as far south as Steams, Wright, Washington, Freeborn, Olmsted.
1988Fall Late north 10/22 Mille Lacs BSE, 11/4 Aitkin AB, DB, 11/6 Otter Tail SDM; late south 11/13 Hennepin ES, 11/19 Pipestone JP, 11/20 Benton AB.
1988Winter Reported at two locations in Hennepin 1/15-21 SC and on the St. Paul NE, St. Paul, Winona, La Crosse-La Crescent and Fillmore County CBCs.
1989Spring Early south 3/25 Watonwan RJ, 3/27 Olm- sted BSE, 4/1 Fillmore and Mower AP; early north 4/16 Clay LCF, 4/17 Otter Tail SDM, 4/19 Aitkin WN.
1989Summer Nested in Wilkin ; seen in 26 other counties statewide although scarce in southwest and south central.
1989Fall Late north 11/3 Becker BK, 11/4 Aitkin WN, 11/5 Itasca AB; late south 11/1 Washington TEB, 11/4 Anoka DS, ll/25 Hennepin SC, GP.
1989Winter Reported on the Crosby (2), Faribault, Fillmore, and St. Paul CBCs. Also found in Otter Tail 12/2 MO, at the Bass Ponds in Bloomington, Hennepin Co. 2/10 GP, SC (migrant?); Mower 12/14 RRK; Canton, Fillmore 2/8 (migrant?) NAO; Washington.
1990Spring Early south 3/24 Houston RJ, 3/27 Olmsted AP, 4/3 Hennepin RM; early north 3/30 Aitkin WN, 3/31 St. LouisAR, 4/ IOTodd PH.
1990Summer Nested in Morrison AB; seen in 19 other counties as far south as Brown, Le Sueur.
1990Fall Late north 10/30 Beltrami DJ, 11/3 Hubbard RJ, 11/11 OtterTail MO; late south 11/14 Houston EMF, 11!18 Martin BB, 11/28 Olmsted AP.
1990Winter Recorded on the Duluth, Excelsior, Owatonna, St. Paul, and Wild River CBCs. Also found in December in Mower, Washington, and Goodhue, and January in Hennepin Ill AB, Washington 1/1 BL, and Sherburne l/28 (SNWR). No February reports.
1991Spring Early south 3/17 (earliest date on record) Fillmore AB, 3/31 Mower KM, 4/2 Wabasha DWM and Winona CS; early north 3/26 Aitkin WN, 4/4 Cook SOL, 4/5 Clay MO.
1991Summer Seen in 19 counties in all regions except southwest and south central.
1991Fall Late north 10/26 Norman MO, 11/4 Meeker BB, 11/13 Cook SOL; late south 11/6 Mower RRK, 11/9 Hennepin KB, 11/13 Rice TB, FKS.
1991Winter Overwintered in Hennepin at the Bass Ponds mob, up to three seen, TT. Also reported on the Crosby, Excelsior, and St. Paul NE CBC's.
1992Spring Early south 3/4 Hennepin DZ, TT (probably wintering bird), 3/24 Brown MF and Meeker MSc, 4/6 Chippewa RJ and SNWR; early north 3/28 Lake TW, 4/1 Aitkin WN, 4/3 Becker BBe.
1992Summer Nested in Marshall; seen in 22 other counties in all regions except west central, southwest and southeast.
1992Fall Late north 10/18 Kittson RJ, 10/19 Mille Lacs AB, 11/1 Clay LCF; late south 10/31 Meeker AB, 11/10 Winona CS, 11/22 Hennepin KB.
1992Winter Eight reports (four l.y.). Unusual north report 1/16 Cook DN, SSt. Also reported in the north from Crosby CBC and again on 1/24 Crow Wing WN (same bird?). South reports included Hennepin (overwintering) JD, 12/26 Washington PC, 1/17 Le Sueur AB (overwintering?), and the St. Paul, St. Paul NE and Excelsior CBCs.
1993Spring Early south 3/2 Hennepin SC, 3/2 Rock PS, 3/4 Washington DS (are these overwintering birds?). Early north 3/28 Aitkin WN, 4/6 Kanabec CM, 4/15 Otter Tail SDM.
1993Summer Seen in 12 northern counties plus Chisago, Anoka, Hennepin, Washington, Rice.
1993Fall Late north 10/3 Itasca AB, 10/6 Lake DPV, 11/6 Aitkin WN; late south 11/6 Anoka DSm, 11/14 Winona CS, 11/30 Hennepin AB.
1993Winter Reported 12/26 Hennepin TT, 1/2 Hennepin RG, 1/23 Houston FL, and 2/7 Goodhue (5) fide Pba.
1994Spring Early south 3/18 Hennepin RH, 3/19 Lincoln RG, 3/23 Rice TB: early north 3/30 Aitkin WN, 4/3 St. Louis SW/MS, 4/9 Clearwater DJ.
1994Summer Nested in Pennington MM; seen in 18 additional counties as far south as Lac qui Parle, Kandiyohi, Hennepin.
1994Fall All reports from the north: 10/15 Carlton LW, 10/16 Aitkin TT. Late south 11/3 Chippewa AB, 11/9 Lac qui Parle DN, 11/11 Rock ND.
1994Winter Overwintered at Mound Springs Park, Hennepin Co. SC, JD. Other reports were from December: 12/3 Hennepin (Bass Ponds) SC, 12/10 Houston FL (2), and the St. Paul and Morris CBCs.
1995Spring Early south 3/18 Hennepin SC and Houston PJ, 3/25 Nobles JSt; early north 4/8 Pine SD, 4/9 Aitkin WN and Douglas SW.
1995Summer Nested in Polk. Observed in 21 additional counties as far south as a line through Lac qui Parle, Washington; plus 6/1 Blue Earth.
1995Fall Late north 10/10 Clay MN, 10/16 Marshall SKS, 11/5 Cook PBu. Late south 10/31 Lac qui Parle ABo, 11/12 Anoka KB and Winona CS.
1995Winter Probably overwintered in Rice. Also reported 12/17 Hennepin SC, and on the St. Paul (northeast suburban), Austin and La Crosse CBCs.
1996Spring Early south 3/13 Rice TBo, 3/16 Martin BBo, and 4/2 Rock ND. Early north 4/9 Todd JSK, 4/13 Wilkin WM, and 4/17 Polk SCM.
1996Summer Nested in Otter Tail SDM; seen in 23 additional counties as far south as Big Stone, Kandiyohi, Hennepin.
1996Fall Late north 10/19 Clay BBo and Wilkin BBa, 10/24 Beltrami DJo, 11/17 Mille Lacs KB. Late south 10/20 Dakota PBu, 10/27 Hennepin SC, 11/20 Winona CS. Peak count 9/1 Anoka (300) SD.
1996Winter Approximately ten individuals reported in five counties. Apparent overwintering birds seen through late January and early February include four at the Bass Ponds, Hennepin Co. mob, one at Nicol's Fen, Eagan, Dakota Co. SWe et al., plus 1/1–28 Todd JSK and 12/13–2/6 Rice TBo. Also reported from two additional Hennepin locations in December, and on the LaCrosse CBC.
1997Spring Early south 3/26 Hennepin SC, 3/30 Murray ND. Early north 4/13 St. Louis JN and Wadena PBi. Peak counts 4/12–19 Olmsted (max. 70) mob, 4/22 St. Louis (43) JN.
1997Summer Observed in 16 northern counties plus Kandiyohi, Anoka, Rice.
1997Fall Late north 11/3 Todd JSK/SDu, 11/12 St. Louis JN. Late south 11/7 Washington DS, 11/23 Hennepin SC. Peak count 10/9 Carver (62) AH.
1997Winter All reports: 1/1–28 Hennepin mob, 1/17 Rice TBo, 2/21 St. Louis JN, 2/28 Houston FL, and the Excelsior and St. Paul NE CBCs.
1998Spring Early south (exceptional dates, probably overwintered) 3/1 Dakota TT, 3/7 Hennepin DN. Early north 3/26 St. Louis JN, 4/5 Aitkin WN, 4/6 Kanabec CM.
1998Summer Most reports since 1989. Observed in 26 counties as far south as a line through Traverse, Stearns, Rice, Washington.
1998Fall Late north 10/24 Lake TEB, 11/1 Aitkin CB, 11/7 (subsequently overwintered) St. Louis JN.
1998Winter Overwintered in St. Louis JN. Also reported from seven counties south, and most were probably overwintering birds. Unusually large numbers noted from Houston Co. including 12/7 Brownsville (32) KB, 12/12 Brownsville (12) FL, and 2/25 Winnebago Valley (11) PKL.
1999Spring Overwintered in several south counties, plus St. Louis in the north; see winter report. Early north 3/31 Aitkin WN and Wadena PBi, followed by several early April reports. No significant counts.
1999Summer Observed in 25 counties in all regions except the southeast.
1999Fall Largest concentration 10/20 Lac qui Parle (51 at Big Stone NWR) BOl. Many November reports throughout state. See winter report for overwintering north and south.
1999Winter Overwintered in Hennepin (where reported from at least 4 locations), Houston (Wildcat and Winnebago Creeks), and probably Dakota (where reported 2/4 DBS and 2/7 SWe). Also reported 12/21 Rice TBo, plus the Austin, Long Prairie, Wild River (3), and Winona CBCs. Peak 12/16 Houston (16 at Wildcat Creek) KB.
2000Spring Seen in 33 south and 18 north counties. Overwintered south. Early north (median 3/26) 3/24 Otter Tail DST, 3/26 Aitkin WN. Peak counts 4/8 Lyon (43) RgS, 4/16 Dakota (50) SWe.
2000Summer Seen in total of 20 counties in all regions except southwest and southeast (and only Waseca in south central).
2000Fall Reported from 12 north and 26 south counties, including 5 north reports during November. Highest count 71 in Anoka at Carlos Avery WMA on 8/23 (KJB). Late north 11/27 St. Louis JRN. Also see winter report.
2000Winter Reported from eight south and two north counties. Overwintered in Hennepin (Mound Springs and Bass Ponds) SLC, TAT, Ramsey (Pigs Eye Lake) TAT, and Otter Tail SPM, DKM. Late north 12/4 Duluth MH fide KRE. Other south reports as late as 1/2 Houston JJS.
2001Spring Seen in 28 south and 23 north counties. Overwintered south, and also in Otter Tail (see winter report), yet presumed migrants later than usual. Early north 4/13 Cass MRN, 4/14–20 in nine counties.
2001Summer Reported in 19 counties as far south as a line through Wilkin, Meeker, Anoka.
2001Fall Seen in 9 north and 27 south counties. High count 8/31 Lac qui Parle (34) BEO. See winter report for overwintering birds north and south.
2001Winter Two overwintered in St. Louis (Duluth) JRN. Also found 12/29St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) CBC, 1/1 Austin CBC, 1/2–23 Hennepin SLC, 2/18 & 2/27 Dakota TAT, ADS.
2002Spring Observed in 25 south and 15 north counties, and in all regions except Southeast. Early south (away from Dakota County, see winter report) 4/2 Freeborn AEB, 4/4 Waseca JEZ. Early north (away from Duluth where 2 overwintered) 4/7 Cass WLB, 4/9 Todd JSK, SDu. High counts 4/12 Lac qui Parle (58 at Big Stone N.W.R.) BEO, 4/14 Dakota (69 in Castle Rock Twp.) SWe.
2002Summer Most reports since 1986; seen in 28 counties in all regions except Southwest and Southeast.
2002Fall Seen in 19 north and 21 south counties. High counts 9/1 Stearns (100) KJB, 10/12 Becker (74) PHS. Late north 11/6 Todd JSK, SDu, 11/8 Lake JWL, but also see winter report.
2002Winter Reported from one north and five south counties with overwintering in St. Louis JRN and Houston m.ob. Other reports were only through 1/1.
2003Spring Reported from 25 south and 18 north counties statewide. Early south (away from Houston County, see winter report) 3/24 Dakota fide AXH, 3/25 Rice FVS, DAB and Stearns PCC. Early north (away from Duluth) 4/2 Todd JSK, SID, 4/9 Polk EEF. High count 4/13 Todd (50–60) JSK, SID.
2003Summer Seen in 26 counties as far south as a line through Pipestone, Meeker, Anoka; peak count 7/30 Marshall (31) KJB.
2003Fall Seen in 23 north and 26 south counties. Highest reported count 8/9 Marshall (118 at Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS, SAS. Late north 11/1–3 in four counties. Late south 11/30 Hennepin (2) SLC, also see winter report.
2003Winter Overwintered in Hennepin with a maximum of seven on 2/24 SLC. Additional reports: 12/20 Willmar and Winona CBCs, 12/27 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) CBC, 12/27 Dakota JPM, 1/20 Fillmore NBO, 2/29 Freeborn AEB and Olmsted JWH fide CBe. The latter do not represent early migrants since this species does not normally arrive until early April.
2004Spring Seen in 33 south and 22 north counties. Overwintered in Hennepin (see winter report) and probably Freeborn, where reported 2/29 & 3/2 AEB. Probable early south migrants 3/24 Winona JJS, 3/26 Rice DAB and Wright KTP, 3/27–28 in six counties. Overwintered north through 3/15 St. Louis (Duluth) JRN; early north migrants 4/1 Cook fide DRB, 4/5 Pine JMP, 4/6–10 in seven counties including early concentration 4/8 Traverse (69 at Mud L.) KJB. Highest reported count 4/15 Lac qui Parle (108) BJU.
2004Summer Seen in 23 counties throughout the state except South-central, Southeast; new nesting record for Lac qui Parle BJU.
2004Fall Seen in 16 north and 19 south counties. Highest reported count 10/20 Lac qui Parle (37) PHS. Late north (away from Duluth, where overwintered) 10/23 Lake PHS, 10/25 Mille Lacs NAJ. Late south 11/27 Scott DWK, 11/30+ Houston FZL, also see winter report.
2004Winter Possibly overwintered through 2/13 St. Louis JRN. Additional reports: 12/4, 12/18 Hennepin (Excelsior CBC), 1/1, 2/12 Scott (Fisher L.) DWK, 1/10, 1/29 Hennepin (Old Cedar Avenue bridge) SLC. Also recorded on the Bloomington and St. Paul (North) CBCs.
2005Spring Possibly overwintered in Hennepin, Scott and St. Louis (please see winter report). Reported from 30 south counties, including probable migrants 3/29 Meeker DMF, 4/1 Ramsey REH and Steele NFT. Observed in 23 north counties beginning 3/31 Otter Tail SPM and Wadena PJB, 4/5 Otter Tail LS and Pine JMP. Highest reported count 4/13 Kanabec (37) JMP.
2005Summer Reported from 29 counties in all regions of state except Southeast. New nesting record for Itasca DRM.
2005Fall Seen in 17 north and 25 south counties. High count 8/28 Wilkin (86) BJU. Overwintered north (Duluth) and south.
2005Winter Overwintered north: St. Louis (1) JRN. South reports of six birds on five CBCs. All other reports: 12/4–2/18 Scott (2, Wilkie Unit, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) DWK, 1/30 Winona (2, Whitewater W.M.A.) JWH.
2006Spring Overwintered through 4/4 St. Louis (1) JRN. Reported from 30 south and 29 north counties. Probable early south migrants 3/19 Freeborn AEB, 3/25 Houston LS and Scott HHD. Early north 3/30 Otter Tail SPM, 4/2 Traverse KJB, 4/4 Kittson RRz and Pine JMP. All counts <12.
2006Summer Reported from 38 counties, 16 south and 22 north. No reports from Southeast. High count 7/22 Marshall (137 at Agassiz N.W.R.) JMJ, SAS, PHS.
2006Fall Seen in 25 north and 47 south counties. High counts 9/4 Lyon (54) DWK, 10/26 Rice (60) RBW. Late north 11/10 Mille Lacs ASc, 11/16 Otter Tail DTT, SMT, 11/17 St. Louis (6) JRN, but also see winter report.
2006Winter5 All reports: 12/7–30 Rice DAB, 12/30 Washington (3) SMC, 1/6 Nicollet RMD, 1/15, 2/17 Olmsted (2, Mill Creek, overwintered?) JWH, 2/11 Nicollet (Seven Mile Creek) RMD, 2/18 Hennepin (Mound Spring Park) DWK.
2007Spring2535 Early south (away from Twin Cities, where probably overwintered) 3/18 Yellow Medicine BJU, 3/22 Meeker DMF (median 3/22). Early north 3/24 Aitkin WEN, 3/26 Pine JMP, 3/29 St. Louis SES (median 3/31). High counts 4/13 Steele (25) DAB, 4/18 Lac qui Parle (49, Mount Wickham area) BJU.
2007Summer2211 No reports from Southeast. All counts ?15 birds.
2007Fall2125 High count 10/30 Steele (50, Bixby) NFT. Late north 10/20 Todd and 10/22 Mahnomen BJU. Late south 11/12 Houston (41, Wildcat Landing) DFN, Lac qui Parle BJU.
2007Winter3 All reports 12/31 Washington SMC, 1/19 Winona (Whitewater W.M.A.) JWH, 2/11 Steele NFT.
2008Spring2533 Early south (median 3/22) 3/15 Le Sueur and Sibley REH, 3/28 Hennepin CMB and Waseca DAB. Early north (median 3/31) 4/8 Crow Wing SMA, 4/16 Clearwater KLa, Mille Lacs ASc, and Polk NGE. High count 4/19 Anoka (45, Carlos Avery W.M.A.) MHe.
2008Summer1813 Found in all regions except South-central, Southeast. First county breeding record for Rock ph. JSc.
2008Fall1730 High count 8/9 Marshall (112, third highest count for Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS, JMJ. Late north 11/4 Mille Lacs ASc, 11/8 St. Louis fide JWL (median 11/11). Last reported south 11/23 Houston (30, Wildcat Landing) NBO.
2008Winter2 All south 1/20 Scott (Wilkie Unit, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) CMB, 2/19 Nicollet (Seven Mile Creek C.P.) RMD.
2009Spring2833 Early south (median 3/22) 3/16 Lac qui Parle BJU, 3/22 Redwood RJS. Early north (median 3/31) 4/10 Douglas JPE, 4/11 Wilkin LS. High count 4/3 Carver (8) CMB.
2009Summer2610 Reported from all regions except Southwest, Southeast. High count 7/31 Marshall (136 at Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS, JMJ.
2009Fall1725 High count 8/8 Marshall (90, Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS. Late north 11/20 Otter Tail DST, 11/23 Aitkin KCR (median 11/9). Late south 11/6 Pope RBJ, 11/7 Houston RTP (median 1/19).
2009Winter4 Over-wintered 12/28 – 2/28 Olmsted JWH (3–4, near Dover). High count 12/3 Houston (37, Wildcat Landing) KJB. Also reported in Houston (12/19 LaCrosse-LaCrescent CBC, 2/14 DBz), Winona (1/16 New Hartford Twp. JWH), and Hennepin (2/15 TAT, 2/21 Old Cedar Ave. Bridge JoJ).
2010Spring2940 Early south (median 3/22) 3/23 Rice DAB, 3/28 Swift CRM. Early north (median 3/31) 3/22 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) GT, 3/26 Cass (Wabedo Twp.) DAY, 3/30 Aitkin (Swamp Lake) RBJ. High count 4/7 Dakota (50, Black Dog Lake) ADS.
2010Summer2417 Reported from all regions except Southeast.
2010Fall1528 High count 10/24 Blue Earth (45) ChH. Late north 11/8 Aitkin BJU (median 11/9). Last reported south 11/7 Blue Earth (4) ChH, but see winter report for over-wintering birds.
2010Winter2 Reported from the Bass Ponds in Hennepin 12/9 SLC, 12/27 TAT. Also found in Olmsted 12/5 Dover Twp. JWH, 1/2 JPr, 1/16 Dover Twp. JWH.
2011Spring3237 Early south (median 3/22) 3/27 Wabasha DBM, 3/31 Lincoln CRM. Early north (median 3/31) 4/7 Douglas ARW, Kittson TrB, Morrison SC, Wadena RBJ, DAC, 4/8 Hubbard MAW, Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) MA, Wilkin DBz, RMD, DAB, JWH. High count 4/16 Rice (55) DAB.
2011Summer2814Found in all regions except South-central.
2011Fall1737 High count 11/23 Houston (84) DBz. Late north 11/5 Itasca SC, 11/14 St. Louis JLK (median 11/9). Late south 11/28 Houston DBz, but see winter report for late migrants and potential overwintering birds.
2011Winter14All reports: 12/13 and 12/18 St. Louis (Manganika Creek, Virginia) †SLF, 12/31 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) CBC, 1/16 Olmsted (5, Section 10, Dover Twp.) JWH, 1/24 (2) and 2/14 Winona (C.R. 4 east of Hart) ANy, 1/28 Hennepin (Bass Ponds) TAT.
2012Spring2945 Individual observed 3/7 Winona (Prairie Island) ANy probably represents overwintering bird. South reports 3/12 Lac qui Parle (2) BJU, 3/13 Sherburne ASc, 3/14 Big Stone DLP, Lac qui Parle DLP, Olmsted (2) JWH followed by many reports before recent median 3/22. North reports 3/17 Douglas JPE and Mille Lacs ASc, 3/20 Morrison (7) MJB followed by several reports before recent median 3/31. High count 4/6 Lac qui Parle (40) PCC.
2012Summer3015 Reported from all regions except Southeast. First county breeding record from Koochiching fide BBA.
2012Fall2244 High count 9/6 Sherburne (46, Sherburne N.W.R.) PLJ. Late north 10/28 Cook WCM, 11/4 Aitkin JeB (median 11/9). Last reported south 11/17 Anoka RZi, but see winter report for late migrants and possibly overwintering birds.
2012Winter27 Reported from more counties than in any of the past five winters. All north 12/13–16 St. Louis (Manganika Creek south of Virginia) SLF, 12/17 Becker (Round Lake outlet) JDB. Overwintered Olmsted (3, through 2/24, Dover Twp.) CH, JWH, and Rice (1/23–2/24) TFB. CBC high count 12/15 Winona (12).
2013Spring2745 Individual observed 3/9 Houston (Crooked Creek) RSA was likely an overwintering individual; all other south reports after recent median 3/22 beginning with 3/30 Winona DBz. Early north (median 3/31) 3/28 Morrison FGo, 4/17 Becker ASM. High count 4/13 Houston (16) ASz.
2013Summer3015 Found in all regions of state.
2013Fall2029 High count 8/31 Sherburne (70) HHD. Late north 10/25 Carlton DBM, 10/26 Lake (2, Two Harbors) ANy, BWF, 10/27 Todd HHD, 11/11 Cook (flushed from swamp near Lutsen) JWL (median 11/9).
2013Winter17 One north report 12/2 St. Louis (Manganika Creek south of Virginia) †SLF. All south reports after December: 1/1 Hennepin JHh, DWK, EzH, Olmsted DBM, Afton CBC, Whitewater River CBC, 1/9 Chisago (2, Wild River S.P.) JSa, Olmsted ANy, SC, JWH.
2014Spring2939Early south (median 3/22) 4/5 Lac qui Parle BJU, Scott BAb, and in Blue Earth, Dakota (2 locations), and Goodhue on 4/6. Early north (median 3/31) 4/11 Itasca EEO, 4/12 Becker WCM, Cass ABi, Clay (3) TCL, ToL, Crow Wing ABi, Wadena PJB. High count 4/25 McLeod (30, Winsted) SBE.
2014Summer2913Reported from all northern and central regions plus Rock. No significant counts. 
2014Fall2239 Highest counts were from Sham Lake in Lyon County where numbers peaked at 47 on 9/27 GWe; also notable was 11/1 Lac qui Parle (29) PCC. Late north 10/28 Crow Wing PSP, 10/29 Lake MBo, 11/12 St. Louis MSS (median 11/9). Last reported south 11/15, 11/20 Houston DFN, RTP, but see winter report for late migrants and possibly overwintering birds.
2014Winter4 All reports: 12/20 Winona CBC (5), 12/27 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) CBC (2), 1/3, 2/7–8 Hennepin (Pond Dakota Mission) CAs, DWK, JBu, 1/24 Nicollet (Seven Mile Creek C.P.) GJa.
2015Spring3042 One detected 3/10 in Hennepin (Pond Dakota Mission Park) by CMB was possibly overwintering. Early south migrants (median 3/22) 3/22 Sherburne JlB, 3/29 Dakota SKg, Rock RSA. Early north (median 3/31) 3/30 St. Louis JMa, 4/1 Crow Wing JPR, 4/2 Morrison (3) KEm, 4/3 Todd RAE. High count 4/19 Yellow Medicine (87, Spellman Lake; partial count over a portion of the shoreline, probably many more) GWe.
2015Summer2715 Reported in all regions except South-central but most commonly found in northern two-thirds of state.
2015Fall2441 High counts 9/6 Roseau (60, Greenbush W.T.P.) KRE, LS, 10/24 Yellow Medicine (35, Miedd Lake) GWe. Late north 10/20 Wilkin HHD, RAE, 10/25 Beltrami DPJ, and one in Lake from mid-Oct through 11/3 Lake (Two Harbors) JWL, RDC (median 11/13). Late south 11/26 Winona (3) BwR, 11/27 Hennepin (2, Coon Rapids Dam) NWa, 11/29 Hennepin (3, Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) BCM.
2015Winter4 All reports:12/24 Washington (2, Little Carnelian Lake) JuW, 12/26 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) CBC, 1/1 Afton CBC, Olmsted JPr, JJS, 1/15 Olmsted DBz, 2/4 Chisago RSg, 2/5 Olmsted DBz, MJB.
2016Spring3143 Early south (no winter reports from these counties) 3/5 Hennepin MPi, 3/8 Yellow Medicine (2) GWe, 3/10 Carver MJB. Early north (median 3/31) 3/29 Aitkin (2) SNe, 3/31 Crow Wing PSP, 4/3 Crow Wing (2, Ray Cook W.M.A.) JPR, 4/5 Traverse and Wilkin HHD. High counts 4/7 Dodge (60, Ripley Twp.) JnS, 4/18 Stearns (51, Getchell Lake) MJB.
2016Summer2620 Reported from all regions except South-central.
2016Fall2134 High counts 10/23 Yellow Medicine (65, Miedd Lake) GWe, 10/24 Carver (27, Tacoma Ave.) WCM. Late north 11/3 Lake (Beaver Bay W.T.P.) CRM, m.ob., 11/5 Lake (Two Harbors, Paul Van Hoven Park) JWL, 11/26 Lake (Two Harbors, Lake Walk) JWL (median 11/12). Overwintered south.
2016Winter9 December reports from Hennepin, Rice, Scott, Winona. Overwintered Chisago (up to 6, Wild River S.P.) ELC, MTe, RSg, Hennepin (Old Cedar Avenue Bridge) m.ob., Olmsted (up to 6, near Dover) DBz, SFg, m.ob. Other post-December reports: 1/8 Houston (9, near Reno) SHo, JuT, 1/17 Lincoln GWe, 2/20 Dakota (Lake Byllesby) LiH.
2017Spring3248 Early south (median 3/22) 3/5 Chisago (2) MTe, 3/25–26 Dakota (max. 8) JuW, GHo, PNi, 3/26 Olmsted (5) JmP. Early north (median 3/31) 3/24 Morrison FGo, 3/31 Aitkin KCR, Todd MJB. High count 4/10 Carver (41, Tacoma Ave.) WCM.
2017Summer3116 Observed in all regions except Southeast. First county breeding records 5/26 Isanti MHe, 6/18 Benton AXH.
2017Fall2843 High counts 10/18 Wilkin (39, C.R. 9) HeH, ShG, 8/11 Grant (36, North Ottawa Impoundment) KnM, LiH, ASu. Late north 11/4 Douglas (2) TLu, Todd TLu, 11/10 St. Louis AMs, RyS, 11/11 Mille Lacs MPi (median 11/10).
2017Winter7 December reports from Dakota, Hennepin, Rice. Reports after December: 1/2 Winona ANy, DBz, 1/7 Chisago (up to 3) m.ob., Hennepin CMB, 1/17 Dakota (2, Etter Bottoms) KDS, DVe, 2/14 Scott (Blue Lake W.T.P.), 2/18 Scott (Shakopee Mill Pond) ebd, 2/28 Winona MJM. Overwintered Olmsted (1–2, near Dover) m.ob., then 2/28 Olmsted (7, near Dover, additional early migrants?) LAV.
2018Spring3351 Probably overwintering were individuals 3/3–5 Hennepin ASu, LiH, m.ob., 3/4 Scott KvM, CAs. Early south migrants (median 3/22) 3/23 Olmsted (7) LiH, KnM, ASu. Early north (median 3/31) 4/21 Morrison SEm, St. Louis (2) ebd, 4/22 Clay TCL. High count 4/11 Houston (53, Reno Twp.) ASu.
2018Summer2921 Reported from all regions except Southeast.
2018Fall2643 High count 10/21 Dakota (51, Whitetail Woods R.P.) KDS. Late north 10/29 Cook (4) KRE, Itasca ANy, 11/2 Lake GHo, KDS, 11/2–4 Kanabec SPS (median 11/12). Overwintered south.
2018Winter19 First north report since winter 2013: 12/19 St. Louis (Manganika Creek near Virginia) SLF. December reports from 6 south counties. Reports after December include: 1/1 Olmsted (3, near Dover) m.ob., 1/1–2/19 Scott (1–2, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Wilkie Unit) m.ob., 1/4–13 Chisago (up to 10, Wild River S.P.) AJF, MTe, BDo, 1/7–19 Winona (C.R. 4) DBz, 1/15 Winona (Trout Run Creek) MJM, 1/17–2/10 Dakota (1–2, Miesville Ravine P.R.) KDS, m.ob., 1/29–2/20 Dakota (1–2, Etter Bottoms) KDS, DVe, AJF, 1/31–2/8 Hennepin (Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) MSw, 2/10–23 Hennepin (Pond Dakota Mission) DWK. High count 1/5 Chisago (10, Wild River S.P.) MTe. CBC high count 12/29 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (3).
2019Summer3234 Found in every region.
 Breeds throughout except far south. Migrant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.